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91f4cd No.45355 [Open thread]

tribal people Pakistan try American mashed potatoes for first time

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c7af3f No.45354 [Open thread]

tribal people Pakistan try America Texas beef tacos for first time

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e80a97 No.45351 [Open thread]

tribal people Pakistan try fried chicken American first time

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f85d51 No.45352

Those are fun, but couldn't you have kept 'em to one thread?

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806f72 No.45350 [Open thread]

tribal people Pakistan try biscuit with chocolate stick first time

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8a1f0f No.45349 [Open thread]

tribal people Pakistan try Mash cheese potatoes first time

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a1c90a No.44922 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I'm from Minneapolis, and the vast majority of Muslims I interact with here are Somali and there's a big language barrier, so it's tough to discuss more sensitive and nuanced topics. I'd love to know if anyone from the chans here has an idea, do Muslims like her? Are they just glad to have a nominal Muslim in Congress, or do they genuinely like her? Are they actually aware of what the Democratic platform is, let alone The Squad's? I honestly have no idea.

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7fd282 No.45221


There was no such thing as voting in the Rashidun caliphate. The closest thing was when 6 men were appointed to decide who the Khalifa was going to be among those 6 men. Those 6 got to vote, no one else. Uthman was chosen. I never said "voting is shirk". I said democracy doesn't work and is uniIsamic.

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0deaf8 No.45233


Muslims that know of her policy and views dislike her. She does not represent the Islamic view and panders to the non muslims.

from her foreign policy to women's issue to the LGB views. vids of her dancing with drag queen. Disgusting.

Not compatible. Anyone that says otherwise is uneducated on her activities

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33b147 No.45270


working in restaurants made me realize how i should never eat at such disgusting horrid places haha one of my places of employment we literally threw dirty silverware into a water bucket for hours before give it to the disher

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c14a43 No.45345


I've been on this website 15 minutes. too many liberals already XD

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003f3f No.45347


Islam disregards politics. Rightists, Leftists, Conservatives, Liberals … all meaningless to Islam.

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941efe No.45277 [Open thread]


i stopped going to the masjid because of negative experiences and i hope to avoid toxic people for a long time can't stand being around negative people!

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c74324 No.45322


You're pretty dismissive of this brother's plea when he clearly has been doing efforts for more than a decade (according to him) not just in the USA, but in the worst, most degenerate state of the USA.

The Prophet of God went to great lengths to bring the message of Islam to people, and he took great care not to chase people away from the masjids (hence the prohibition of onion/garlic for example)

It is most unfortunate that muslims from muslim (ie third world) countries bring with them the lack of civism inherent to underdevelopped countries, especially when it goes against islamic etiquette

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0e4f9b No.45338


>according to him

Starting to see the problem now? He's a chaos agent trying to divide the ummah by making up stories that never happened. You feel free to believe him, though. Let us know how that works out for you.

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c1c8da No.45341


Of course I do believe him, since I witnessed the behaviours he mentionned with my own eyes

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0e4f9b No.45343


The only people on the planet who try to gatekeep Islam like he's claiming are white people who converted recently and think they're suddenly a prophet.

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fbcf03 No.45344

Video in OP's post is deleted from YT. Not even sure what it's about.

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fd2bee No.43323 [Open thread]

Title kinda says it all, what do you think about it?

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f65d0a No.44513


What an asinine claim, from someone who lives in neither Kabul nor Brooklyn.

Does the Kabul city fly a gay pride flag on their city hall? Is Zina popular there? What percentage of women wear the hijab?

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329784 No.44590


I've lived in both. Don't confuse anecdote with reality.

Prostitution, cocaine, and auto theft are all illegal in Brooklyn, but to say that these things are not in Brooklyn is completely false.

Homosexuality, indecency, zina etc. may be forbidden in Kabul but don't think git one minute that it wasn't all openly accepted tight up until the Taliban took over.

Many people have this errant belief that the cities in "Muslim countries" are somehow free from standard urban filth.

I specifically stated that Kabul was more westernised than Brooklyn because Brooklyn is actually changing due to the massive influx of immigrants, and it's a good change.

Again, a quick look at the exchange makes it clear that I was referring to pre-Taliban Kabul.

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13b405 No.45326


i'm more worried about muslims in muslim countries stealing, being unjust, cheating and conning than anything else


Your strawman is laughable. Apply yourself.

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13b405 No.45327


Quranist moment

Quranists are kuffar.

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3fb7d9 No.45342

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but they literally do tho

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384834 No.45332 [Open thread]

i hate how a lote of muslims celebrate chrismas like why

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da34d9 No.45334


Santa is Muslim.

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da34d9 No.45336


Also, frogposting is haram. Repent.

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e2a03b No.43617 [Open thread]

How to find and convert a non-Muslim woman to marry?

Looking for genuine advice. Basically I don't see myself happily marrying born Muslim women, due to cultural attitudes of the vast majority of Muslim cultures they come from. Theres almost always high standards (non deen related), like needing high status, high income, high mahr, needing to be fluent with their culture, all the while ignoring the aspects of piety and even where its not uncommon for some to outright reject you for being too religious. On top of that theres the issue of racism in many of these Muslim cultures, where they won't accept you if you're a different race, unless you're "marrying down" the racial hierarchy, usually meaning if you're lighter skin than them, and even then thats not always the case.

It just seems much easier to find a respectable non Muslim woman and show her the way to Islam, and then marry her. Its not about a fetish for non Muslim women for me, and I don't want to marry a Christian or Jewish woman, she has to revert to Islam.

So I need some advice on how to go about doing this.

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61bffe No.43647


Nobody is born Muslim, smooth brain. Muslim is not an ethnicity.

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9e92e3 No.43651


>Nobody is born Muslim

False. We have sharia evidence which prove that everyone is born muslim. YOU were born muslim.

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c9b3cb No.43981


>its not uncommon for some to outright reject you for being too religious

Islam has always been about being as religious as you can, just because it's not uncommon doesn't mean it's okay

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85d3ab No.44656


innate Tawhid does not equate knowledge and acceptance of the Qur'an, at some point everyone makes the decision to either not read out of ignorance, or to accept or deny islam, this is where muslims differ from kuffar and jahils

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7fb1f7 No.45324


NTA but although you may be right about a nuance existing between being born on the Fitra and being a Muslim, it is clear that OP meant to be born in a muslim family/country. You're free to disagree with anything he says but insulting him is unislamic of you, let's try to keep these discussions as cordial as Islam teaches if you please.

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0fcf4d No.45230 [Open thread]

In my town and province of Canada. Where can I find a mosque worldwide at this point that hates Jews and hates zionism. I don't want to be a member of any mosque anywhere that doesn't hate the Yahoudi.

This occurred on /r/newfoundland

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f91354 No.45231


Then you don't actually want to be Muslim. Racism and ethnic superiority are not part of Islam. We don't hate the Jewish people and Islam is globalist.

We can't deny you conversion because the only gatekeeper is Allah. All you have to do is declare shahadah, but no mosque in the world will permit antisemitic behavior.

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448438 No.45232


Do you assign creative force to Satan? If you do, Islam is not the religion for you. You would be closer to Zoroastrianism, because they believe good and evil to be 2 separate creative forces.

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14ac16 No.45323

>zog liberalism is so rampant in leafs that they think they can gatekeep islam

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5dc15a No.45285 [Open thread]


I'm currently pursuing a bachelor in computer applications and plan on getting a masters in australia as I wish to specialize in a subject(maybe computer security) which isn't possible in my country since people teaching those subjects in most uni's have no idea what they're talking about. Coming from a desi country my parents are kind of unapproving of me living among westerners for obvious reasons. If anyone here lives/knows about australia please let me know in which parts there are mosques and muslims serving halal food. Even if you've been to similar countries then please do share any advice you deem relevant.


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5dc15a No.45286

I am also not sure if this is a good idea since people seem discriminative towards outsiders, what makes things worse is me being diagnosed with social anxiety, I usually come off as a very suspicious person in public for some reason, even though I have never broken any law and even got a chance to be an apprentice for a indian defence company. I know this is stupid but cant stop worrying about getting shot for no reason since guns are very common in western nations.

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ecddcf No.45288


Outside of the Vatican, there really aren't any Christian countries. You are free to practice Islam in all developed/western nations.

There are some good mosque finders. Just google "mosque finder" and a bunch of sites come up.

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34f8ab No.45321


>I know this is stupid but cant stop worrying about getting shot for no reason since guns are very common in western nations.

I would get rid of this worry unless you're planning to live in the USA or some (not all) South American countries.

I don't know about Australia personally, but in general if you can find mosques on Google Maps in a city, you can also look for halal restaurants to assesst the Muslim presence.

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22dff9 No.45311 [Open thread]

So, me and my friend had a huge argument over wether gay people can be good Muslims. I said that being gay is part of a test, and that even though it hurts to be in the closet forever, they will be rewarded in heaven for putting God over everything else.

She said that being gay means that you will be damned forever, and that even if you hide it and abstain that will not make it any better.

What is your opinion on this?

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22dff9 No.45312


Oops… i meant whether. The definition of whatever i said in the post is very amusing.

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d858ff No.45313

We're not accountable for our thoughts/etc.


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22dff9 No.45317



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37076d No.45320

Just saw the thread, and the first thought that came t my mind is to give you the following advice:

Do not claim anything about God/Islam that you were not taught/did not learn. Do not say X is halal/haram based on your feelings, you should systematically seek answers from imams.

Fill your mouth with the words

>Allahu a3lam (God knows best)

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cf4e2b No.44668 [Open thread]

This board is really slow, I'd prefer if we had other ways to communicate outside of 8kun. Drop Muslim Discord links if you got 'em.

Trans/Nonbinary Muslim Discord server: g3QA7QTw

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b7e613 No.45244


… except the post is obviously still there. What the hell are you talking about?

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fd9f3c No.45245


The fact that posts are routinely deleted for no apparent reason other than disagreeing with the consensus of this board's group think.

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b7e613 No.45246


Oh, so you're a pearl clutching snowflake inventing a problem that clearly doesn't exist because your crybaby post is obviously false?


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11b87c No.45305


{ إِنَّكُمۡ لَتَأۡتُونَ ٱلرِّجَالَ شَهۡوَةࣰ مِّن دُونِ ٱلنِّسَاۤءِۚ بَلۡ أَنتُمۡ قَوۡمࣱ مُّسۡرِفُونَ }

[سُورَةُ الأَعۡرَافِ: ٨١]

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b7e613 No.45307


"Trans" is not a sexual condition. Being Trans has nothing to do with sex or lusts.

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45ee12 No.45274 [Open thread]

Question: Some people interpret the signs of the Mahdi into different things and say:

1. The word Medina refers to any city. That "The Mahdi will be born in Medina" means he will be born in a city, not in a village. As I was born in a city, you understand what I mean.

wtf what kind of explaination is that?

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4ade6a No.45303


That is some serious simplification. You can't boil down the entire end of days into a single word.

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