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/islam/ - 8kun Masjid

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cf4e2b No.44668

This board is really slow, I'd prefer if we had other ways to communicate outside of 8kun. Drop Muslim Discord links if you got 'em.

Trans/Nonbinary Muslim Discord server: g3QA7QTw

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b7e613 No.44695

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b33fbd No.45234


>Trans/Nonbinary Muslim Discord server: g3QA7QTw

you 🤬ing kidding me?

Are mods asleep? How do they allow such child groomers here?

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b7e613 No.45238


We recognize Trans as a legit medical condition because we believe in science.

>child groomers

gb2 /iamasadtrumptardedqanon/

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2f399e No.45241


>Drop Muslim Discord links

>Trans/Nonbinary Muslim Discord server





>we believe in science

How reddit of you! Fellow /r/progressive!

I'm pretty sure your trans femme muslim e-gf will appreciate you putting western ideals and views above your own religion.

With that being said, gender dysphoria is a mental illness, not a valid identity factor.


>gb2 /iamasadtrumptardedqanon/

Trump? QAnon?



Really. How Americanized can you be my friend? Your entire beliefs seem to be just a regurgitating of reactionary mainstream US leftism masquerading as "standard" Islamic views. Do I need to remind you that Islam is for the entire world population, and came before the US?

>inb4 le /pol/tard right winger

I'm a Saudi Shia Muslim, and I actually do support Ukraine.

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b7e613 No.45242


>How reddit of you!

Believing in science makes one "reddit"? HA!

>your trans femme muslim e-gf

Nice assumption.

>gender dysphoria is a mental illness

I said "medical condition", but I guess reading isn't for you.

>How Americanized can you be

I'm not responsible for the board settings.

>I'm a Saudi Shia

That doesn't make you any more or less qualified to speak about Islam. You have a lot of studying to do. Go and do it.

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fd9f3c No.45243


And boom goes the delete post and ban for wrong think. Wrong think isn't allowed on this board don't you know that?

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b7e613 No.45244


… except the post is obviously still there. What the hell are you talking about?

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fd9f3c No.45245


The fact that posts are routinely deleted for no apparent reason other than disagreeing with the consensus of this board's group think.

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b7e613 No.45246


Oh, so you're a pearl clutching snowflake inventing a problem that clearly doesn't exist because your crybaby post is obviously false?


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11b87c No.45305


{ إِنَّكُمۡ لَتَأۡتُونَ ٱلرِّجَالَ شَهۡوَةࣰ مِّن دُونِ ٱلنِّسَاۤءِۚ بَلۡ أَنتُمۡ قَوۡمࣱ مُّسۡرِفُونَ }

[سُورَةُ الأَعۡرَافِ: ٨١]

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b7e613 No.45307


"Trans" is not a sexual condition. Being Trans has nothing to do with sex or lusts.

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