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/cyoa/ - Choose Your Own Adventure

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File: c1a9d03a2e28018⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,2893x4092,263:372,Kaban.jpg)

 No.4416 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Accepting banners for the board


1. Make a thread for any specific CYOA or a themed thread if you're going to dump several.

2. NSFW cyoas should be noted as such or be self-evident from it's title. But don't necessarily have to be spoilered if the thumbnail doesn't show anything.

3. Other NSFW content should be spoilered though.

4. No spamming, flooding, or flaming. i.e. Don't be a nuisance

5. Shitposting :^) is fine within reason.

You can roll dice under the post options; # of dice, # of sides it has, and modifiers. When rolling multiple dice, it'll list individual dice and a sum at the end.

Alternatively, use an RNG such as https://random.org/

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File: 182b2183271769f⋯.jpg (3.12 MB,1200x9915,80:661,Dungeons and Deviants page….jpg)

 No.6497 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

New lewd fantasy CYOA from Tok

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Стильные заметки по подбору модных видов на любой день.

Мнения стилистов, события, все коллекции и мероприятия.


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File: f581b68f5802c05⋯.jpg (3.26 MB,1200x10000,3:25,Super_Slut_page_1_of_10_D.jpg)

File: 5efd703443b4f36⋯.jpg (2.97 MB,1200x10000,3:25,Super_Slut_page_2_of_10_D.jpg)

File: ad86139e4d7dfc2⋯.jpg (3.18 MB,1200x10000,3:25,Super_Slut_page_3_of_10_D.jpg)

File: 4507ab00926c6cc⋯.jpg (3.26 MB,1200x10000,3:25,Super_Slut_page_4_of_10_D.jpg)

File: f064f8b992a8bc5⋯.jpg (3.28 MB,1200x9567,400:3189,Super_Slut_page_5_of_10_D.jpg)

 No.16603 [Open thread]

Become a Super Slut or not!

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File: 5d0453bbba2f574⋯.jpg (3.29 MB,1200x9578,600:4789,Super_Slut_page_6_of_10_D.jpg)

File: 85f9aa35b67622e⋯.jpg (3.22 MB,1200x9919,1200:9919,Super_Slut_page_7_of_10_D.jpg)

File: 325c970fa944989⋯.jpg (3.33 MB,1200x9937,1200:9937,Super_Slut_page_8_of_10_D.jpg)

File: 15a6f4d70a29b89⋯.jpg (3.39 MB,1200x9616,75:601,Super_Slut_page_9_of_10_D.jpg)

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File: 6a1f8468c60f6f5⋯.jpg (3.43 MB,1200x9559,1200:9559,Super_Slut_page_10_of_10_D.jpg)

last page

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File: 712bc7559cf933f⋯.jpg (2.73 MB,1280x8000,4:25,1 - cBy2I2I.jpg)

File: bc9795206677638⋯.jpg (3.35 MB,1280x8000,4:25,2 - 6PpBdWC.jpg)

File: 6cea4f38c9db100⋯.jpg (2.53 MB,1280x8000,4:25,3 - 4Ocd2qt.jpg)

File: 26d836ed27b59db⋯.jpg (2.39 MB,1280x8000,4:25,4 - Z4uR4Vw.jpg)

File: b34c7d8b32037f3⋯.jpg (3.06 MB,1280x8000,4:25,5 - mzXTtpL.jpg)

 No.7004 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Ahhh… lovely. It's about time you showed up. Now, shall we get to it? I'm busy and have other things to do today.

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Fair enough, but the downside of Challenge run is that you cannot take any power that are magical in nature.

And Aegis is not fuel by energy but your mana reserves. The more sauce you give the more physical and magical resistance you get.

The problem with challenge run is that any magic that is worked on you or that you cast fizzle out. So any spell that work through you, like most spellcasting school, eastern art, gateway, imbue, true sight and such will fizzle out because they are Imbued on you.

THe only grey area is chackra and cultivation, because its a snowflake magic thingy.

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Lots of things could be interpreted as magic depending on how strict you want to be. In fact, basically EVERYTHING in the CYOA is effectively magic, including the "physical" boons. Since there's no clear distinction anywhere on the CYOA for what does and doesn't count against Challenge Run, I take it to explicitly mean Evelyn's power section only. Everything between Evelyn's blue box and Ashe's pink box is forbidden, but nothing else.

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No, the AI will just not be able to consciously calculate. Being unable to CONSCIOUSLY use numbers does not mean mean that subconscious processes involving numbers also fail. Our brains use huge amounts of calculation to deal with images and analysis but struggle with 3 digit multiplication. We are programmed as much as an AI is, with softer, looser but still mathematical rules. Merely imposing a mental block would make the AI a lot less useful, though not unusable.

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Gotta love the art of cyoas

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File: de5a2dec506f917⋯.png (Spoiler Image,4.41 MB,1200x7364,300:1841,Bimbo Conversion.png)

 No.14310 [Open thread]

Redesign the human race and turn all women into bimbos in the process.

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File: 14297f10df5749d⋯.jpg (2.16 MB,1200x7364,300:1841,Bimbo World.jpg)


Updated version.

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File: 1f910d2de6b69c7⋯.jpg (12.05 KB,222x222,1:1,Blank _bb7bc29cb6097000207….jpg)


> get points forcing drawbacks on others

> reap the benefits of their turmoil

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Women as livestock build with as few picks as possible, rather than just adding everything. The goal is to reduce women to the level of pets with minimal changes.

Sensitive 2 - Prevent women from wearing much clothing. When was the last time you saw livestock wearing clothes.

Oral 4 - Needing a specific diet sets them apart from men. Also makes surviving on their own harder. Not really needed, but the dehumanisation factor makes it worth it.

ADHD 3 - Keeping women from concentrating on complex tasks is a good way of keeping them down.

Dyslexic 3 - Again, no reading means limited options.

Dumb 4 - No need to do much thinking either.

Gives me 16 points to play with.

Ratios -6 - Even less status for women if they're more easily replaced.

Intellect-5 - Even greater difference in intelligence means even greater social disparity.

Drive -4 - Men being more driven means they're more likely to bullrush past women's views on things.

Costs 15 points. I'd like to get bear mode for added physical disparity, but I'm a point short. Guess I'll go into stasis and hope crypto takes off in the meantime. If Oral is taking it to far on the minimalist approach, Drive would be the one I'd drop.

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File: 4a151cd7b551c97⋯.jpg (138.04 KB,728x1092,2:3,enji_night_women_brunette_….jpg)

women are already stupid enough making them dumber or giving them all adhd would just be too fucking annoying not to mention it would interfere with their proper place as wives and mothers. Physically I'm not really into balloon boobs or heavy makeup and giving every woman on earth toothless mouths and broken feet is just plain cruel.

This build would make women more attractive and easier to keep under control without making them even more of a burden than they are now. Meanwhile universal health and longevity helps everyone while smarter males means more advances which also helps everyone.

2 build

1 face

1 skin

2 sensitive

3 piercings

2 obedient

1 horny

2 nurturing

2 o control

2 gg

3 dyslexic

-2 perfection

-5 intellect

-9 longevity

-5 healing

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File: 8ab1a9ca39d59fd⋯.png (378.99 KB,900x600,3:2,IMG_7483.png)

 No.16769 [Open thread]


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File: 2901bbb3f273909⋯.jpg (2.11 MB,1707x8939,1707:8939,1.jpg)

File: a7e6d2e613a827f⋯.jpg (2.39 MB,1707x9372,569:3124,2.jpg)

File: 74feae092d4d096⋯.jpg (1.94 MB,1707x8112,569:2704,3.jpg)

File: 5898764fd9744d9⋯.jpg (2.64 MB,1707x10667,1707:10667,4.jpg)

 No.16136 [Open thread]

Basically a reskin of 'Become a Catgirl'.

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File: 0973107045e4bc6⋯.jpg (2.72 MB,1707x10667,1707:10667,5.jpg)

File: bfd329492a1ade2⋯.jpg (2.71 MB,1707x10317,569:3439,6.jpg)

File: ab8648eef3582cd⋯.jpg (2.23 MB,1707x9863,1707:9863,7.jpg)

File: 0f4e22bd1158671⋯.jpg (2.13 MB,1707x7743,569:2581,8.jpg)

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File: 28c7c6fa80ad7f0⋯.jpg (188 KB,802x464,401:232,the.endless.summer.detail.jpg)

File: ef9b5e26318aae6⋯.jpg (43.59 KB,761x566,761:566,werefemmeweb.jpg)

Eh, I have worse things I could be doing.

Hi! I'm here to pick up that piece of talking meat I ordered? Do I feed the onahole people food or dog food? Oh just scraps like it was a pig work too, huh? cool.

Here's my itemized receipt:

Curvy, E

blue coat, AS

extra fur, breasts; AAAACE

Forget AES

obedient, ESS

Loss of inhibitions, Open minded, bottom-bitch; ACEEESSSS

Nude, AAE

exhibitionist, AAE

housekeeping, CSS

Always Available, AE

At heel, ASS

E, 10

S, 12

C, 3

A, 13

If I play as either Waseem or Devi, it results in an A/S tied knot.


slave/slut BONUS ENDING:

Bondage slave in heat, lacking only "woof" to be a full-time furry.

A cute game, for sure.

There are a couple choices I might make different for another build. Color-changing coat, a more average build, larger breasts.

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Hee hee haw

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File: 3900323ae3507a3⋯.png (4.86 MB,2664x5832,37:81,1552508899016.png)

File: f46f29c7638fb90⋯.png (4.14 MB,1199x8692,1199:8692,1551736553109.png)

File: 86567364861e5d8⋯.png (1.94 MB,1199x5664,1199:5664,1551736617040.png)

 No.14201 [Open thread]

I don't know. It seems to be based on folkore/realism.

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VC ckcjckcjxjxvzgxjcjxbxbxb

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File: 9b49838e424055a⋯.jpg (1.75 MB,1396x8130,698:4065,Hard Choices CYOA.jpg)

 No.13688 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Remember when CYOAs were about feeling bad, not good? Well now you can

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Catacombs CYOA

Going full combat here. I will shake the Catacombs to their very foundation.



<Warrior Spirit

I get the impression that combat prowess will be very useful in the trials to come.


>The Wall

<Combat Training

To further increase combat ability. In addition, knowing how to get in and out of the city unnoticed is sure to come in handy.


>Glowing Eyes

Increase ability to see underground, and even illuminate areas for others. Only drawback is increased visibility, but with my combat prowess I should be able to handle any attention I draw. Wasn't planning on being stealthy anyway.

>Enhanced Senses

>Sensitive Ears

Underground, sound carries a long way. Plus the increased spatial awareness may be useful in combt, allowing me to hear and dodge strikes without even seeing them.


>Canvas Backpack

For obvious reasons.

>Tough Suit

For combat.


Also for combat.


>Ragged Mantle

Leadership and Visibility are useful down here.



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File: fc5f8442719583e⋯.png (25.06 KB,200x130,20:13,1378881681546.png)


>hard choices

>Nazi or Commie

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>Serious Business

I will matter.

You will not.

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I'm going with the predator. It's basically just a vampire, except you can shapeshift as well. Most of the time I'll sate my hunger by drinking only small quantities of blood, so as not to kill anybody.

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This that good shit

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File: 9e3d8de6637588c⋯.png (2.92 MB,1280x3838,640:1919,HomunculCorp CYOA 1.png)

File: 447368f9d080296⋯.png (3.87 MB,1280x3583,1280:3583,HomunculCorp CYOA 2.png)

File: 405b2a7f3a53ecf⋯.png (2.19 MB,1280x2465,256:493,HomunculCorp CYOA 3.png)

File: 949532293d40152⋯.png (5.49 MB,1280x4406,640:2203,HomunculCorp CYOA 4.png)

 No.16006 [Open thread]

You received a girl. What does she look like?

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File: 43fb315b037e2c4⋯.png (4.44 MB,1280x3434,640:1717,HomunculCorp CYOA 5.png)

File: f7898909b641ff2⋯.png (3.2 MB,1280x3770,128:377,HomunculCorp CYOA 6.png)

File: 2e77e4a642fcfc7⋯.png (2.89 MB,1280x2734,640:1367,HomunculCorp CYOA 7.png)

File: 5876d783d83ae54⋯.png (2.16 MB,1280x1802,640:901,HomunculCorp CYOA 8.png)

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File: 1894397165807d4⋯.png (3.44 MB,1280x2716,320:679,HomunculCorp CYOA 9.png)

File: b786b6e433137b1⋯.png (3.45 MB,1280x2901,1280:2901,HomunculCorp CYOA 10.png)

File: 7e6069c3122620b⋯.png (2.16 MB,1280x2004,320:501,HomunculCorp CYOA 11.png)

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>Species: Human (+25 credits)

>Sex: Female

>Age: Teenager, ageless

>Height: Short (5'0")

>Skin colour: Fair

>Hair colour: Ginger, light

>Eye colour: Green

>Body type: Chubby

>Face type: Cute

>Bust size: Massive

>Butt/hips size: Massive

>Crafting process: Infuse Sentience (-75 credits, take 10 personality traits/fetishes)

>Personality traits: Cheerful (cranked up), affectionate (cranked up)

>Memories: No memories (free)

>Intelligence: Bimbo (-25 credits)

>Romance: Romantic love (-25 credits)

>Sex preference: Men

>Lewdness: Open

>Libido: High

>Dominance: Sub

>Fetishes: Lactation (high), bondage, something else (breeding, high), something else (cuddling)

>Enchantments: White magic (-25 credits), Eromancy (-25 credits)

>Perks: Fertility (hyper) (-25 credits), Agelessness (-50 credits), Obedience (-25 credits), Skilled x10 (cooking, childcare, housekeeping, singing, painting, writing, massage, dancing, sex, hostess skills - non lewd) (-250 for all skills)

I'll grant that it's a little basic, but this looks like a good build for keeping long term.

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Time to go for the ultimate tryhard build

Species: Human (525)

Gender: Female

Age: Child (unaging)

Height: Short

Skin Color: Fair

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Body Type: Thin

Face Type: Cute

Bust Size: Flat

Butt/Hips Size: Flat

Crafting Process: Infuse Sentience (450)












Memories: Vague Memories (425)







Inventing (400)

Life Events: Well Educated

Intelligence: Genius (325)


Platonic Love (300)

Familial Love (275)

Gender Preference: None

Lewdness: Prudish

Libido: Asexual

Dominance: Switch

Fetishes: None


White Magic (225)

Fundamental Magic (150)

Speed Infusion (125)


New You (100)

Agelessness (50)

Impossible Beauty (25)

SkiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 9e18db88386cd49⋯.jpg (69.76 KB,500x500,1:1,Traverse_DigiCard_0_1c_500….jpg)

 No.16721 [Open thread]

a CYOA with pocket dimensions, road trips, waifus, stories, and hijinks

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File: 8447f6a6192ce4b⋯.jpg (3.71 MB,1200x12300,4:41,Traverse_0_1c_pg1.jpg)

This is a Work In Progress (WIP)

but Page 1 is, for the most part, ready for review.

I am very interested in comments and feedback.

Currency balancing will be an ongoing thing.

Thank you for reading

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For access to high-resolution pages in PNG and the text-only version,


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An update has been made, correcting some minor things to pg1. These changes will reflect in both the PNG and JPG uploads on my stash

Page 2/Year 2 is now underway

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File: 4124d38bcb918e8⋯.jpg (3.79 MB,1200x12300,4:41,Traverse_0_2c_pg1.jpg)

File: c8e296781d71d4a⋯.jpg (3.66 MB,1200x10000,3:25,Traverse_0_2c_pg2.jpg)

Page/Year 1 is updated, and Page/Year 2 is complete!

I have updated my Stash as well.

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To hell with this place.

Every other week it seems the images get dumped. You can't do that to an IMAGE BOARD

I will be using 8chan.moe until this period of chaos blows over. I assume because the Q people are attracting the wrong attention, that is the cause.


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File: 3122f39e8bc1d64⋯.png (420.33 KB,500x500,1:1,MyGuWaifu_DigiCard_500x500.png)

File: f04f22005cd76d9⋯.jpg (5.58 MB,1200x10000,3:25,My_Gu_Waifu_2_0.jpg)

 No.16728 [Open thread]

An overly-elaborated Slime-Girl Choose Your Own Waifu

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File: 8db437cbd42ecd4⋯.jpg (92.15 KB,500x500,1:1,mgw_st.jpg)

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File: 016040c648eaa90⋯.jpg (5.42 MB,1200x3800,6:19,My_Gu_Waifu_The_Spaceman.jpg)

Full-quality PNG, etc. https://sta.sh/2245tcwm26df

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File: 64447390244fbd2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,223.7 KB,1250x500,5:2,MGW_Spaceman_Lineup.jpg)

Spaceman - The Lineup. NSFW

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What's wrong with 8kun lately? All the images are missing and it seems nobody's posting anything.

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Something happened to the image host. I am not sure.

Are you able to see my uploads? Because I can see them.

My other uploads from a month ago aren't working, but I think whatever happened was fixed before I uploaded My Gu Waifu

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File: 9dd61ab310d6e49⋯.png (4.92 MB,1039x8929,1039:8929,Forced Solitary Simulation….png)

File: 393119700b1f0e0⋯.png (4.34 MB,1039x7465,1039:7465,Forced Solitary Simulation….png)

 No.15361 [Open thread]

Spend several years inside a simulation.

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The problem is that this is a simulation. If the ones running the simulation want you solitary, you are going to stay solitary no matter what. Anything that might be possible won't be, and anything that is possible will simply be taken away.

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File: 579c3f14f20b924⋯.png (295.08 KB,700x480,35:24,magic.png)


Here's mine, might be something wrong cause I wrote this up buzzed



Magic World +7 [Dragons and glowy shit and you're giving me 7 points? I'll take it]


Transportation -7 [Hummer]


Transportation: Second Vehicle -4 [Cig Boat]


Daypack -2 [This is useful, and I'll look like I know what I'm doing]


Conjure Meal -3 [I can't cook but food is pretty great]


Music -4 [Music is good]


Art Supplies -3 [I suck at drawing and should fix that]


GPS -2 [Useful]


Luxury Toiletries -2 [Gotta stay clean]


More Points Reward +40


House -10 [Certainly better than the hut I'd build]


Gaming Setup -4


Internet Access -5


Interdimensonal Media and Technology -10 [There's gotta be some good stuff on there]


Physical Perfection -4 [I am not healthy]


Extreme Parkour -5 [This would be funny and could get me unstuck]


I'll donate my last 2 points to this anon cause they seem cool

>>15507 enjoy



+10 Years [x2] +2 [real life sucks anyway]


Reset w/ Extra Time bonPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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500,000 years of an Emotionless Sex Simulation:

Magical World (+7 points)


Forced Sleep

Strong Smell

More Time x2

Reset (I get an extra reward from this because I also have More Time x2)

Forgo Rewards

Rewards: 8 total


7x More Points

Points: 97 total (20 default +7 magical world +70 More Points reward)

House -10 (87) Base of operation

Conjure Tools -5 (82) Sex toys are a type of tool

Conjure Meals -3 (79) Sustenance

Luxury Toiletries -2 (77) Got to stay clean

Designer Drugs -4 (73) Obvious reasons

Physical Perfection -4 (69) Peak performance is nice but mainly for the healthiness

Healing Factor -4 (65) Safety Measure

Extensive Wardrobe -2 (63) Sexy/Fetish clothing for myself and companions

Infinite Stamina -5 (58) Infinite Stamina

Teleport I -2 (56) Had 2 extra points from picking magical world instead of lonely earth, no other interesting things to buy with 2 points.

With the 56 remaining points I buy the first companion for 8 points (48) and buy 16 other companions for 3 points each with the remaining points (0).

Each of the 17 female companions would be 17 different body types/shapes and appearances. Things like having a bimbo, a milf, a thicc woman, a petite woman, etc

The strategy is to keep killing myself every now and again so the simulation resets so I can stay in the simulation until my real body dies. Therefore more time x2 and forgo rewards don't have any downsides and reset becomes the best thing I can use. Strong smell doesn't matter since I'll be inside the house for almost all of the time, and comfy alongside things like physical perfection and healing factor mean I'll only be in trouble or diPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Lonely Earth


Forced Sleep



More Time x2


House (5)

Conjure Food (3)

Internet Access (5)

Interdimensional Cable (10)

Healing Factor (4)

Shapeshifting (8)

Companions x7 (26)


Extra Points x4


One Way Ticket

"Create food" "Healing Factor" are pretty much for emergencies. LITERALLY everything else you need can be found in the world, or referenced through the free laptop and "Interdimensional Media." Guns, vehicles, materials, structures, etc, can be gathered, built, and maintained by the waifubots. Shapeshifting for shits and giggles.

Forced Sleep mitigates a bunch of the More Time drawback, as well as Illness, if you can choose to sleep through it at will.

The general plan is to set up shop somewhere in the Midwest, and direct the bots in beefing up the house into a mansion or compound. Others gather food, gas, vehicles, etc an mothball them at a nearby airfield. Then have a few maintain some nearby services and clear up roads. Meanwhile, I'll spend my time travelling the world and studying Interdimensional Alien tech through the internet, maybe see if I can hack the bots to expand on their personalities.

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File: 623343137b3fd5a⋯.png (6.59 MB,1920x4780,96:239,Forced_Solitary_Simulation….png)

Image builds>Text builds

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File: 1400276963541.jpg (328.74 KB,1000x1200,5:6,1377050169003.jpg)

 No.86 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

new content I found on 4chan's /b/
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This is actually a good question. In terms of selection, the question is whether the two buttons are using "AND" or "OR" to select.

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Because pol is always right

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File: 4f3b5e88c5c804b⋯.png (1.15 MB,1440x1504,45:47,bobaba.png)


>nobody dies

>except 7.7 billion people out of 7.8 billion

Besides, greedy basically encapsulates Jews Blacks, and most Chinese, so, you'd be very /lowiq/ to not pick that along with either evil or dumb.

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Dumb and Evil.

Just fixed at least 50% of the problems of every group, or 100% of Washington, Reddit, and Socialism.

You're welcome, Europe.

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Dumb since that covers evil, greed, muslim, and pretty much every negative trait, then Male to raise my social value to astronomical proportions.

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File: e48ce617507d559⋯.png (4.58 MB,1200x5400,2:9,Time Stop Chill Zone CYOA.png)

 No.3407 [Open thread]

Always nice to have a pocket dimension.

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File: dc0bb40ab10f5bb⋯.jpg (741.51 KB,899x1356,899:1356,char izoard.jpg)


>What's with all the fags wanting to be the little girl?

Because it is comfy and cute!

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It's more likely they want those of us who want to have a little girl to take possession of them. Care for them, murder them, whatever.

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Freebies are free, nigga. You get them whether you want them or not. You can just turn them off if you don't like 'em.

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With all along and last resort if you go back in time say… 10 times, how does zonebook works ? Time in the zone continues forever and doesnt rewind but are all zone tethered to a single time stream ?

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All free

>[Infinite Life]

>[Infinite Stamina]

>[Forever Clean]

>[Time Has Stopped in the zone]

>[Room Essentials]

>[Existential Sentinel]

Room Type:

>[Ethnic] -> Ethnic chinese round building acts as primary building


>[Log cabin] -> outside the Chinese one, acts as bedroom/bathroom.

Entrance Method:

Choose 1

>[Power gem]

Physical Items:

Pick 15

>[Gaymen Piisii]

>[Fully loaded]

>[/o/ Hell Yeah]


>[/diy/ zone]



>[Kill Confirmed]


>[Stronk Gear]


>[/lit/ as Heck]





Sacrifice 3 more item choices =17 total

>[True Love] - Kurisu

>[Another One] - Scions of Seventh Dawn

>[Custom Character] - Secret


17 points

>-1 [Very Own Soul] ->give to Kurisu

>-2 [Reality Convert]

>-2 [All Along]

>-2 [Last Resort]

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