Build for the upgrade
>Origin: Chemicals in the water
For once, the government was doing good.
>Transition: Orchestrated
No need to let the population know before all arrangements were finalized. Reactionaries can't react to established facts as well.
>Reproduction: Pubertal Split
"I WANT TO BE THE LITTLE GIRL/RAWDOGGED BY A FUTA/SUCK DICK" and other faggy thoughts and actions.
>Population: A Minority
Just as faggots and trannies are.
>Distribution: Uneven
Places that don't raise their kids right, mostly.
>Reproduction: No Testicles
Can't propagate their filth. Effective sterilization.
>Height: Short
Incapable of contributing in any manner to society. No change, really.
>Muscles: Low
Can barely move themselves.
>Boobs and Butt: Small
Can't even arouse each other.
>Dick: Small
Or dick each other.
>Sex Drive: Extreme
They still try, ineffectively.
>>Biological Traits
>Special Fluids [men and women, nutritious, delicious, and accentuating of masculine/feminine features]
>Extreme Dimorphism [amazon women, titan men]
>Lasting Youth [men and women]
>Sturdy [men and women]
Not all changes were bad. Those that rose above degeneracy found themselves blessed with proto-human abilities.
>Social Status: Second Class
More like no class.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.