>The audience find themselves trapped in a body not their own, too strong for even the more physically gifted adventurers amongst them to break free. They can see through the doll's eyeslits, and what they see isn't the same featureless stage, but a stony catacomb
>In their ears, different voices start narrating, and their doll-suits start moving them to do their parts in the play
>[Me] "Our guild started with a party, made of brave"
>[Kyrie] "Dragged meek"
>[Billy] "Dreamer"
>[Riula] "A heart (not weak~)"
>[Shuzi] "And common sense to guide 'em all"
>[All] "We decided, "Hey! Let's check out that wizard's tower, magic loot sounds swell"
>Party enters stage right. Overselling the "wide-eyed youths" bit, but the kids need to dream according to Riula
>Some of the dolls jump above the praty and hang in the air
>[Adahn] "Room by room, chest by chest, the party explored with little rest"
>[Me] "Might we find a hideout to start-"
>[Billy] *Hurriedly* "-making our flintlocks part by part"
>[Me] *Confused* "But that wasn't really what we-"
>[Riula] "-thought we'd find, aieeeeeee!"
>The dolls that were above the party drop down, their manner and form menacing and creepy
>The party takes formation perfectly, though their voices still shook ever so slightly
>They charged the dolls bravely and swiftly… if the dolls were in the opposite direction
>[And so on, and so forth, imagine each tale I told, and quite a few I yet hold, delivered in more flowery prose, rhyming and a little on the nose. Seriously, I really have work to do.]
>Finally, the cast took a bow. Not me, I signal the doll with the crossbow
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