ascension: deity
vessel: superorganism
gender look: androgynous
face type: anthropomorphic
body look: mixed -50% (intimidating and soothing)
eye number: 3
mouth number: one mouthed
dentition: teeth
skin: smooth, fur (legs, forearms, head),
physiology: biped
limbs: handA, pawA o(n lower body as legs), spear A, wingA
extras: longue tongue, retractable (spear A, armor, spike), multiple tails
synthesis: material synthesis (digestion, thermal, nuclear, omnivore), energetic synthesis (photosynthesis)
gender: hermaphrodite
birth type: viviparous
compatibility: omniprocreant, intermetric
birth dev: altricial
maturation: average growing
birth size: small newborn
detection: emr vision, sound hearing, chemical detection
communication: physical voice, magical voice, universal language, omniglot
contact: perfect dexterity
sens enhancement: wide range,
special abilities: ageless, inner awareness, avatar, chromatomorph,lucky
physical skills: st lv2+1, sp lv2, int lv2, reg lv3+1, magic lv3, focus lv3, range lv3, weaponry lv3
resistances: acid, radiation
natural weapon: mystic eye
fluids effects: soporific, aphrodisiac, therapeuthic,nutricious
magical powers: kinesis (levitation, density manip), alchemy (momecular manip, atomic manip, nucleon manip), space time (space manip, time manip, gravity manip), ether (anti-magic, barrier, divination), miracle (healPost too long. Click here to view the full text.