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/cyoa/ - Choose Your Own Adventure

minmax wishfufillment

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File: 57fcfaae4a9b5f6⋯.jpg (3.92 MB,1200x10000,3:25,Super Prison page 1 of 4.jpg)

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File: 86810a950ed0500⋯.jpg (3.6 MB,1200x9483,400:3161,Super Prison page 4 of 4.jpg)

 No.7843 [Open thread]

A thread for anons that like doing CYOAs as dominants and others that can post about themselfes to provide them targets.

Drop those pre-written slaves and torment real human beans!

For victims: Post a CYOA if you want a specific one, provide info about yourself that will help the other make thought-out choices.

For tormenters: You're in charge, do what you will. Preferably explain to the victim your reasoning and scenes, maybe exchange a few points with them to know how to treat them further. Additional pics are always nice.

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OP here.


Sure as hell that this cyoa was posted before, it's Tok, and popular one at that. This is a themed thread, not super prison thread.

If this doesn't take off, I'll rethink the format. Now gtfo.

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Ah, so it was reddit.

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Bio engineered 10 for the super powers, but my slaves will never rape the prisioners. The prisioners are exclusively mine, the drones will be bred another way.

Medium 15. because the other options are too dangerous.

Female 5. Including workers.

Hilda 10. I will enjoy breaking those (((super heroines))).

Nude 10, so they can't hide stuff or use the clothes. Good prisioners will be given clothes.

Power Supression Collar 10. The safest option and with a useful bonus.



Elite Guards 10

Custom rooms 15. I will make a resort for me, and a reeducation camps for my untermensch slaves.

I don't need a safe room, I don't intent to ever loose control.

Surveillance 10. I won't allow the movies, that is degeneracy.

Clone factory 15: I will clone myself

Elite Bodyguard 15: is their loyalty assure? If yes: Victor Sarrano and Mikaboshi to be my bodyguards. If not: disregard this option.


Ah what the fuck, Hold It In! 10 Word of the Day 10 and Bullying 20 to turn them against each other.

The worst the offense the worst the punishment.

Spanking 10, Milking 10, Slave Training 10, upgraded Nightmares 20

And that's enough disgusting normalshit i'm going to read. Dissapointed there is no more customization for guards and other cool stuff, there is only retarded degeneration.

The super heroines will be trained into loyal slaves who will worship me, as well fashy white supremacists. This will be done by propaganda, I will put TVs in their places where the few channels are all about redpill, documentary, memes and music.

Obviously, I will impregnate the onesPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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warden (300)

prison design: hight-tech, bioengineered, medieval, magical (260)

prison size: small

prison type: mixed prison

vice warden: T.A.Y. 7W3375 (250) + olivia archibald

uniform: standard->nude, good behavior->skimpy uniform, extra good behavior->bodysuit (225)

power negation option (215)

prison upgrades: armory, medica facility, a-lister only, surveillance room, safe room, assistant, additional vice warden, D.T.F, elite bodyguard (wonder woman + scarlet witch) (115)

special rules: greetings, bullying, no orgasm, word of the day(60)

punishment: gender bending upgrated (for male), impregnation treatment upgrade , toture, public use treatment


Riots points : 115-10x3-(8+9)x2-5x2-10x2-10x2-10x3 = 115-30-34-10-20-20-30 = 115-144 = -19

my riots points are negative so i bet it mean my prison is perfectly securised.

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<Prisoner (300)


High Tech Prison (290)

>Prison Size

Medium (275)

>Prison Type

Female Prison (270)


Olivia Archibald (260)

>Prison Uniform

Bodysuit (250)

>Power Negation Option

Power Disabling Field (250)

>Prison Upgrades

Medical Facility (245)

Prison Gym (240)

A-Listers Only! (220)

Surveillance Room (210)

Additional Vice Warden (Moira) (190)

Clone Factory (175)

Favorite Pet (160)

Mind Reader (150)

Special Request (Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy and Cat Woman) (170)

D-Rank Villain (190)

Elite Bodyguard (195)

>Special Rules

Orgasm Limit (11) (185)

Minimum Orgasm (10) (175)

Word of the Day (165)

Hold it in! (155)

Bullying (135)

>Punishments and Treatments

Heightened Libido (T) (115)

Milking (P) (105)

Spanking (P) (95)

Rape (P) (85)

Slave Training (P) (75)

Cum Container (P+) (60)

Shameful Outfit (P, Nude) (50)

Bimbofication (P) (40)

Orgasm Denial (P) (30)

Cum Diet (P) (20)

Reeducation (T) (0)

>Prison Riots (97)

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File: f1bef6310cec5f0⋯.jpg (6.42 MB,1200x5900,12:59,volatileValentine.jpg)

 No.6985 [Open thread]

Real nice of him to kill your other selves but the other said he would fix them if you did not pick the girls with the alternate yous in them. Vee can apparently beat him up so…

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*isn't a good thing

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So basically, Rose is best girl

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Careful sticking your dick in crazy, anon. There's rules about not doing that sort of thing for a reason.

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crazy, intellectually disabled, probably infertile, excludes you from society


if a robot can be crazy, she is

Mika and Taylor are the only sane options.

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they are all great to me i don't know who to pick and i don't want to make one sad. if i Don't choose Rose, Midori, Taylor or Mika, they will get back their version of me will be fixed but vee and Franky would still be alone.

My plan is to pick mika and learn magic. Then, thank to my magic, i will send a clone of myself to Franky and one to vee

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File: 33aebf8ce7e23f2⋯.jpg (10.83 MB,1400x10000,7:50,Golden Desires pg1 CYOA (n….jpg)

 No.10648 [Open thread]

Lewd transformation CYOA

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>Skills are also +2 stigma base before drawbacks.

Meant to say powers


+1 stigma, minimum 0 with drawbacks


+2 stigma


Free, -1 stigma with drawback


Cost determined per item


+2 stigma, minimum cost 0 stigma with drawbacks

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Sorry about that, I'm kind of sleepy. Maybe I will adjust my build tomorrow.

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>No, I don't do [null]

Do you want to get Jean Paul Sartre'd? Because this is how you get Jean Paul Sartre'd.

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Honestly because I kinda wanted to max out Stigma for the fun at the end.

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>only page 1

Are you an retard?



Gender swap. I want to be a dickgirl, since I don't want a vag I don't count it as a hermaphrodite +1

Long tongue, not forked +1

Body change, change my height to about 5' +1

Fluid production, larger balls, relatively larger breasts. About the size of a watermelon, don't want to go too overboard. +1

Contortionist +1

- Stigma: obsessed with performing oral sex on yourself -1

Hair control +1

>Racial transformations

Monster, red-skinned demon with long horns and bat-wings (not sure if demons cont as monsters, but they're hawt so I don't care about the rules) +2

1. Immortal

2. average speed flight, however it's good for long distances

3. excels at deception of any kind and can create illusions in the weak-minded

Weakness: crosses, duh.

-Stigma: must obey Lucifer and do whatever he says -1

>Skills, abilities, and knowledge

Sexual master, anal my own or my partner's ass, anything to do with butts

- you can't help but have an orgasm when your partner does. Should make things more fun. -1

Science, physics because it encompasses nearly every other branch of science


none look appealing to me


Psychic domain +2

- subject doesn't need to be willing +1Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 1461544643140.jpg (4.78 MB,1500x9500,3:19,00001.jpg)

 No.1778 [Open thread]

I know there's a Mon Hun thread up but I can't find it because the OP didn't put it in the title. Here you go.

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>Class: Hunter

This is Monster Hunter, why would I obviously not choose to be a hunter?

Str 2

Def 2

Agi 4

Int 1

Skl 3

Gift: Monster Soul(Dragon) Did someone say free defense stats? I heard free defenses. Also I'm assuming this counts as you having it equipped at all times without Monster Within.


Toughness -1

Living longer is nice.

Willpower -1

So is destroying my limitations

Tempered -1

Guaranteed recovery at the end of a fight is fantastic.

Overdrive -3

AND THIS IS TO GO FURTHER BEYOND. Okay, DBZ jokes aside, I fucking love Kaio-Ken-esqe techniques. The stat boosts while active and the written ones are fantastic.

Bloodlust -1

Gonna need this to maintain OD effectively.

Monster Within -1

Extra soul for more power? Sign me up.

Hybrid -1

Even more souls? Give me.

Soul Spirit -1

I can't use Incarnation all the time for travel, so this will do as a method of hiding my culling's trump card.

Incarnation -3

THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM. But yeah, pop this and gain maximum power. Plus I can use this and my servant to fill my bestiality fetish.

Bladed Arms -1

Gunlances count right?

Ancient Weapon -1

I really want a Gunlance.

Ancient Armor -1

Exoskeletons are cool too. The adaptability reminds me of the Crysis suit, though I imagine the defenses are a lot better on this thing.

Primal Power -1

Now when I go into Kaio-ken, my magic dramatically boosts to ludicrous levePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>Plus I can use this and my servant to fill my bestiality fetish.

Nice build. You can be my nigga any time.

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Dragon Soul


One with Nature

Monster Within












Sixth Sense



















I'm a fucking dragon, or at least that's my approach to combat. Coupled with Siphon even were I to fight another dragon I would be effectively a threat 6 while they would be reduced to a 4, though my zones are level 3 only which is reduced to 2. It's not really clear what stats or abilities transfer to my monstrous form. I figure my natural toughness and strength are both irrelevant and skill doesn't apply, so my best bet is to focus on intelligence. Not for spellpower, but for the simple ability to outsmart my foe in battle, That and as much planning as possible to support my draconic might using foresight based abilities and traps that I can set while still in human form.

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class: warrior

blessing: +20 tribute points

skills (20)

physical: thoughness, martial arts, willpower, overdrive (14)

magical: catalyst, arcane, combine (11)

spiritual: poison, soul spirit (9)

weaponry: blade arms, ancient weapons, ancient armors (6)

elemental: primal power, affinity(4)

etheral: pocketing, blessed, cloaking,Healing (0)

licence: ruins, cave

tribute points: (80)

inn(-10), forge(-10), market(-10), healing(-5), training(-5), scavening(-5), campsite(-5), underground(-5), teleport(-5), bar(-5), servant(-10), personality(-5)


physical 5(+5)

defense 7

agility 3(+5)

intelligence 4

skills 6

threat 4

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Back to facebook, retard.

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 No.9305 [Open thread]

New OC, pick a superpowered girl (or two) and get lewd with her.

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My first girls are porn stars for super hero nerds


It hurts my soul not to include Raven in my list but i'm confident that I can can buy her contract later.

Black Cat

Black Widow


home studio

im not sharing

my perks

>cloning device

I chose the cloning device over a huge dick so I can clone myself and my whores for more than just one camshow at a time. More variety shows = more money that I can spend on getting pills for a bigger dick later. I also save money on production by using my clones instead of an expensive filming crew! The clones aren't just good for sex either, having an extra pair of hands around the house is too great to pass up!

Her changes

>puffy holes


>Bimbo lips


we can get that freshly shaved look with clones


>Always wet

>ahegao prone

>thick nips

other choices

We can get piercings later. I don't want a tramp stamp of my logo now. Sweaty sounds nice but we can only choose up to 7.

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Wonder Woman and Miss Marvel


Both Maid


Pick Two and Handsome Devil


1. Complexion Change

2. Lactation

3. Puffier Holes

4. Ahegeo Prone

5. Cos/Roleplay

All in all a pretty nice Waifu CYOA, could use more Fluff and more options though.

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Squirrel Girl


Clone Ability

Alter Their Costume - Mostly touch ups on the design, as well as making the whole costume 'tear away'


Tramp Stamp - Squirrel Slut

Futanari - Regular sized dick

Thicker Ass

Puffier Holes

Thicker Nipples

Always Wet



Entertainment - A super slut to spice things up in the bedroom.

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>Squirrel Girl


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File: 53da7f962d1e068⋯.jpg (720.3 KB,1186x1800,593:900,Raven_Daughter_of_Darkness….jpg)

File: 8a9f0d3f4560ada⋯.jpg (134.65 KB,600x745,120:149,1724075.jpg)


>Pick a hero

Raven, Other (Spider-girl May Parker)

>Two perks

Huge dick, Pick two

>Customize 'em

Raven: futanari (huge veiny demon dick), thicker ass, cock drunk, puffier holes, cum addict, exhibitionism

Spider-girl: thicker ass, cock drunk, hyper fertile, cum addict, always wet

>Pick one job

Raven: stripper

Spider-girl: still a hero

My ultimate plan is to have Ravan impregnate Spider-girl and create the perfect demon-spider hybrid.


>squirrel girl

You'd better mean cute squirrel girl, not the one in the current comic.

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 No.11284 [Open thread]

can you love the universe?

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I really enjoy this. Overall this reads like it was written by a teenage girl. This gives it an undeniable charm but despite that the quality is brought down by continuous misspelling (mostly mixing "ei" and "ie" in words such as shield) and far too much expository "conversations" between the characters, specifically the last two pages are pretty much just rambling between two characters that is fairly inconsequential. It's also worth pointing out that although all the companions have accompanying images, none of the abilities do.

So, in short to fix this piece:

Do a typo fixing pass.

Cut down on the unnecessary exposition.

Add images to the powers section.

Clean up the last few pages.

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Agreed, nice concept, substandard execution.

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It's not a bad idea, could be better though. Spelling errors need to be fixed of course, but I think the powers/abilities could be fleshed out a bit, maybe add a few based on class.

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My Lord Satan, has whoever made this heard of spellcheck? Shit's TERRIBLE. It actually made it unreadable for me. Absolutely disgusting/10.

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Actually not just spellcheck. The writing comprehension, the grammar, holy fuck. I read some of it and my IQ figuratively dropped reading it. This is atrocious. Downright disgusting. Terrible. Blasphemous.

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File: b229501eb8dd560⋯.png (9.96 MB,2000x3954,1000:1977,Choice Game 29.png)

 No.11353 [Open thread]

Options are kinda wordy, but there's good variety and the detail is interesting.

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File: 27392b8ebf143d2⋯.jpg (41.95 KB,625x415,125:83,b4e3df7f32c42b88aa92f384a2….jpg)

>Martian Knight

Destroy Israel and exterminate the Marxist forces of Judaism

Cleanse Africa and use it as a utopian farming expanse for the world

Revitalize European culture and reconstruct the family circle

Mankind thrives, future-cops don't try to stop me because I'm remembered as an real hero

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Given that all we know is they attack you if you influence history too badly, I'd imagine that destroying any country would definitely entail a bunch of future forces being sent against you.

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let me dream

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File: dc55dabebc32acd⋯.jpg (3.55 MB,5912x7432,739:929,24 Girlfriends.jpg)

 No.11296 [Open thread]

In honor of /tg/ renewing this old gem, here it is.

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I remember when none of these girls were jewish except maybe one. You faggots have been making this progressively worse.

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The very first version (back when there were only 9 girls) had 2. Shani and Ariel. So either your memory's faulty or you're remembering a different CYOA.

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Yeah, now you faggots made Courtney a jew.

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That was two years ago, anon. The most recent update was just giving her photoshop tits.

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>doesn't look literally subhuman and disgusting and actually looks Gentile and human


>most of the cunts are Xians


1/10 CYOA would hate again.

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File: 1412361142027.jpg (2.6 MB,3200x4000,4:5,scheming_princessv2p1.jpg)

 No.275 [Open thread]

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Liberal -10 [160]

Callanrod -10 [150]





Magic Fundamentals

Inspiring -20 [130]

Holy Magic (-20) Free

Enchanting -20 [110]

The People's Princess -20 [90]

Loyal Guards -10 [80]

Ancient Laws -10 [70]

Hero's Sword -10 [60]

Auspicious Birth -10 [50]

Tom Chaser -10 [40]

Sir Caelan Redstone -20 [20]

Sir Richard Haverford -10 [10]

Margret Spencer -10 [0]

Ditzy +10

Agnatic Succession +40

Unstable Magic +20

A seemingly ditzy princess who was chosen by God to play a role of balance (and to play a cruel joke on her brother and those who support him.). Occasionally possessed by God which causes her holy magic to go berserk and protecting, healing people in a large area, to even resurrecting the dead [unstable magic]. When possessed she speaks with a powerful voice [Inspiring] and once the possession wears off she returns to the ditzy state; unable to remember what she said other then the things that God stated that she will be doing. She won't remember her speeches other then that and only those parts while feeling compelled to follow through with them. She is a caring person who might not be the sharpest but she cares about her people and serving God. She don't even care about taking the throne and ruling but God has other plans…

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Kingdom: Highlands

Mountainous, less tamable terrain means my powers will be very useful and escape will be easier if it comes to that.

Liberal Regent, Sexy Dress, Beautiful Trait

Education: Courtly Behavior, Seduction, Riding and Scouting, Magic Fundamentals

If I'm going to be a girl, I'm going to be hot. A few lovers can go a long way. There is no need to overplay seduction and remaining hard to access may allow manipulating many allies at the mere possibility of a reward.

Magic: Nature (Legendary), Alchemy, Evocation

Allies: Tom Chaser, Gonbar Barkskin

I can make an awesome court mage, either officially or not depending on sexism. Alchemy allows more than sex to gain allies, fixing problems from sex, and possibly much more. On escape I could easily disappear inna woods and build a nice life elsewhere.

Agnatic Succession

I don't need to rule and even if I am a great ruler the precedent could be damaging later. It will be easier to avoid succession problems and reduce suspicion since I will not go for the throne myself.

Reputation: Commoners -1, Mages +1, Seduction +2

Commoners don't need to love or know much about me. Nobles and other mages are more important. I would accept unofficial rule if the opportunity presents itself, but will not pursue this actively. Unofficial rule could allow a golden age of stability with my long lifespan.


My goal is not to rule, but to prevent my brother from doing so or at least save myself. I will use my powers/connections kill him when he is outside. Legendary nature magic can trap him and his guards, evocation and other means can kill them, and alchemy can make everything disappear. Plan B is to go inna woods and disappear. Tom Chaser will allow going outside unobserved in either case. My primary risk is that my eccentricity will raise suspicions and cause unwarranted accusations leading to arrest.

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I am aware killing him without an obvious successor could be worse than his rule. I am hoping there will be someone else that can take the throne with minimal conflict. If there is no good successor or it all goes wrong I can abort my mission and go Plan B, fleeing without saving them.

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On second thought this is perfect and there is no problem if he disappears with no trace. The regent and his named successors will rule with my full support until by brother returns. There will be no reason to have a succession conflict whatsoever.

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If you have the points to spend, you could get the "Noble Suitor" perk to shore up your scheme. It'd work perfectly with the intent behind your build.

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File: 5fb07a5aa771cf9⋯.png (57.64 KB,2218x1158,1109:579,Layout.png)

 No.4046 [Open thread]

Thread for authors to post WIPs and get feedback/ask for help.

Pic related, an anon's WIP from 4chan/d/ that might never get finished now but hopefully they'll find it here and continue…

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looks good so far, keep it up.

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File: 8a846809dff1827⋯.png (553.75 KB,600x900,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Ooh, Elizabeth Bathory is the cyoa guide? I like it

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File: 0753ed49f559202⋯.jpg (51.01 KB,1024x576,16:9,Culture.jpg)

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I'm digging it, please keep it up. Needs a pocket dimension though.

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I wasn't going to add a pocket plane to this one, but I ended up doing it because of your post. I tacked it onto space magic. Enjoy.

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File: 561f12080aa19c3⋯.jpg (998.38 KB,1064x6538,76:467,1.jpg)

File: 9f6590c5607988e⋯.jpg (958.89 KB,958x6975,958:6975,2.jpg)

 No.11100 [Open thread]

All good girls.

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File: 7cced7b331a4ffa⋯.png (102.17 KB,299x299,1:1,kobayashi.png)


>the only dominants are a weak godlet and a stupid bitch that only cares about shoes

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File: 584446b4c8580be⋯.jpg (91.65 KB,331x500,331:500,tmp_1478095871311437324435.jpg)


Serves you right. Dominant grills a shit.

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Fulla, Snotra and Thrud. Or did you actually think you could beat her?

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fulla is a bitch that cares more about shoes than you

snotra is not really a dom

thrud may be okay, but she may just be a valkyrie not even a god

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File: 0457fdf0b47ab7d⋯.png (251.71 KB,429x593,429:593,chef Pacman gives the a-ok.png)


Shoes are important.

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File: b4022c68c36edb6⋯.png (1.85 MB,1200x4920,10:41,Fictionland CYOA v3.png)

 No.10869 [Open thread]

When imagination just isn't enough

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Same as the other one you just posted

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> Entry: Standard

> Role level: 3

> World management: Casual

< I never want to go home

> Tone change

> Unity of Babel

> Unlimited memory

> Fast forward

Fuck the real world. I can visit any world I want and edit things top my liking.

Would be nice to mix and match but it's not necessary at all.

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Entry: Standard

Role: Level 3 [-4]

World Management: Ironman [-2]


Unlimited Memory [-1]

Digital Transfer [-1]

Real world Communication [-2]

Tone Change [-2]

Mix And Match [-3]

I never want to go home [+5]


I assume this implies the universe resets on a "re-role" so I can try again. Having save-states sounds kinda cheap and unimmersive since I'd just save scum. Since can't "die for real" I'd rather just start over. I also assume worlds with death alternative mechanics will function as normal instead of outright killing me.

>Unity of Babel

Could be handy short term but is useless considering I can learn any language given enough time. Hell, I could role some random young side character and just learn that way.

>Fast Forward

Could also be handy but is kinda unimmersive. May as well make the most out of eternity.

>Real world Communication

Worth it for getting access to new works of fiction / spoilers / or just fucking with people in the real world.


> Mix And Match not necessary

idk anon. Creating the crossovers of all crossovers sounds like a good idea to me. How else are you suppose to create the perfect multi-media harem?

Real talk though, tone change can only do so much. With Mix And Match you could effectively combine the people and mechanics of different settings to effectively create a new and unique experience. If anything, it's a stronger boon than tone change.

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File: a346dd4862f5d51⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,999x3183,333:1061,Part 1.jpg)

 No.5674 [Open thread]

A couple classics, and the ones that got me into CYOAs in the first place.

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File: 8b40aa47e98ffb0⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1000x3192,125:399,Alien Parasite Part 1 CYOA.jpg)

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File: 9728a2ffd0e0699⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,999x3306,333:1102,Alien Parasite Part 2 CYOA.jpg)

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man, this is just a compressed version of the original power suit cyoa

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ultra light.

Scout. 200.

Telepathy/mindprobe 180

Telekinese 170.

Brain Upgrade, Echolocation, Night Vison and Radio Senstivity. 145.

gullet 140

progen worm 120.

organ redun 90.

regen 65.

adhesion 55.

burrowing 40

flight 20.

Hyrdo Jet. 10.

hm thermal or better nose? I think I shall take thermal vision.

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File: 76225543cf8a1c4⋯.jpg (87.29 KB,328x328,1:1,crysis-special-edition-key….jpg)




-Controls and Nerve Suit

-All HUD except Internal Sensors because Leader already have External Sensors

-All Communications except Voice because Leader already have Communicator

-Hydra Nanites

-Collapsible, Storage, Dummy AI and Self-Repair

-Non-Lethal Set, Cutting Blades, Kinetic Strike Module and Combat Drone

-Temperature Resistance_2 and Invisibility


This is kinda like Crysis suit, except there's not enough points for a full functional suit.

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File: 26278e5d42163e6⋯.png (1.52 MB,1000x3500,2:7,Simulated Universe v4.png)

 No.10870 [Open thread]

Your world is just a simulation. Have fun.

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No limit, no explanation, no story, no challenge,no points, no enemies. Pointless.

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Kind of bare choices given the premise, but I'll take Level 3 Society Manipulation and Level 3 Mind Diver.

I just wish there was a way to get some more points so I could pick up a few levels of Flesh Artist too, or level 4 in one of my current choices.

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very short and bare bones. feels like theres to few points or there should at least be a way to earn points.

Fictionland - lvl 3

why would i want to live as anyone els? i'm making my own perfect being.

Flesh artist - lvl 3

time to make a harem of all kinds of races and sizes

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>turns off the computer

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File: f15a2e8d492a2f4⋯.png (948.32 KB,1100x5120,55:256,Mother's Blessing.png)

 No.9471 [Open thread]

Some comfy OC. Pick three, or try your luck with the mystery box.

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Fantasy, because I'm an artfag

Discipline, because procrastination will be the death of me

Purity, becuase death will be the death of me

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I'll go with the mystery box.

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File: 911dc5e0cf8e258⋯.png (954.61 KB,1100x5220,55:261,Mother's Blessing.png)


A small update. Touched up a couple pieces of flavor text, and made a slight change to Love (it no longer requires Youth to have an effect, though the combination is still available). The mystery box >>9472 is unchanged.

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I love how comfy this is. I want to take every boon! Feels like the blessings need something more - not a downside per se, but some kind of turn that makes living with them more… interesting? to make the chooses you make more substantial

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Needs a "be the little girl" option, but other than that good CYOA anon.

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