Entry: Standard
Role: Level 3 [-4]
World Management: Ironman [-2]
Unlimited Memory [-1]
Digital Transfer [-1]
Real world Communication [-2]
Tone Change [-2]
Mix And Match [-3]
I never want to go home [+5]
I assume this implies the universe resets on a "re-role" so I can try again. Having save-states sounds kinda cheap and unimmersive since I'd just save scum. Since can't "die for real" I'd rather just start over. I also assume worlds with death alternative mechanics will function as normal instead of outright killing me.
>Unity of Babel
Could be handy short term but is useless considering I can learn any language given enough time. Hell, I could role some random young side character and just learn that way.
>Fast Forward
Could also be handy but is kinda unimmersive. May as well make the most out of eternity.
>Real world Communication
Worth it for getting access to new works of fiction / spoilers / or just fucking with people in the real world.
> Mix And Match not necessary
idk anon. Creating the crossovers of all crossovers sounds like a good idea to me. How else are you suppose to create the perfect multi-media harem?
Real talk though, tone change can only do so much. With Mix And Match you could effectively combine the people and mechanics of different settings to effectively create a new and unique experience. If anything, it's a stronger boon than tone change.