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/cyoa/ - Choose Your Own Adventure

minmax wishfufillment

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 No.8454 [Last50 Posts]

A weapon who you'll grow to love, or at least use in battle.

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>Type: Bow and arrow (Dere-dere, 25-70)

>Boobs: Huge (+16 weight)

>Butt: Girly (+4 weight)

>Hips: Child Bearing (+16 weight)

>Build: Curvy (+16 weight)

52 weight total

>Material: Kemonium, Major -1, (anthro, weight multiplier 1)

52 weight total

>Relationship: Sub

>Runes: Telekinesis (puffy/inverted nipps), Recall (hyper cute), Homing (no periods)

>Burst Ability: Soul Regalia

>Quest: T1, slice of life

So, four years in school with a curvy, busty, submissive, little teen puppy-girl who is completely devoted to me; and at the end we can head out, continue improving our skills and link while I find a well paying sinecure and she happily keeps house. May be short on adventure, but it's comfy as fuck. Oh, and as a weapon she's a mid weight bow that corrects for my aim, can be in my hands the moment I need it, armours me at the start of each fight, and lets me throw things with my brain.

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Fuck, this is so close to what I was planning. The only difference is that I went with a raifu.

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>Type: Gun

>Specification: Assault Rifle

Reliable in pretty much every way with no obvious downsides. Very versatile, useful at almost any range, requires very little natural skill to take advantage of.

>Personality: Kuudere



Average across the board. (16 Weight)

>Material: Kemonium

Enhanced senses is the most useful ability because situational awareness is the most important thing someone can have if they want to fight from a distance. The first hit decides a fight.

>Appearance: Major

She's a furry dog girl now. Whatever.

>Weight: 2* + 1*

48 weight total. Sounds about right for an assault rifle.

>Relationship: Equals

Dom and sub sound annoying as hell. One of the reasons I picked a gun in the first place is that they're easy to use, so I'm confident enough in my own abilities.



Extra offense and area control. Invaluable.

She has long hair now. Whatever.


Because extra mobility and playing keepaway is necessary for a ranged build.

Being hairless is invalidated by Kemonium.


Too versatile to pass up, considering everything so far has served to provide me with a versatile weapon.

Puffy nipples are shit but whatever.


Photokineisis was tempting for free flash bombs, but I went with Nyctokinesis because invisibility is more useful for keeping myself safe and being able to poison targets or areas from a distance is too useful to pass up.



Fucking duh.

No periods is great, too.


For the real Transistor experience. Really though, being able to relay information and get more of a field advantage by seeing out of expended ammunition is incredibly useful.

The eyes showing off her emotions thing is whatever.

<Regarding other runes:

Recall is mostly useless for bullets since I assume they don't come back with their casings, and having more vision makes them surprisingly useful when just left on the field.

Spirit Graft EXTRA was tempting just to counteract all these shitty personalities and appearance quirks she's picking up.


>All or Nothing

She's infertile. Big whoop. I wasn't planning on having babies.

>Attached at the Hip

We chillin'.

>Sheath -> Sword

Yes, hahaha. YES.

Now I have an arcanine hasubando that'll knot me tight and cuddle with me every night.


Soul Meld

I'd rather just plant my foot on the ground and fire one strong clip into the enemy and take them out like that than try to rely on gimmicks to get me out of a sticky situation.


The Arena

Seems like the perfect option for me because I actually know what I'm doing (kinda). Slice of Life doesn't give me a good enough reward. The Beast and King of Harems need a specific plan in order for me to have a chance of taking them out, but my build is mostly reactive rather than proactive. The Arena gives me the opportunity to make the most out of my reactivity and versatility, so I'm confident I can get in there, fuck 'em up, then hang out in the pocket dimension for the rest of my life.

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File: a5da8683aa05b97⋯.png (14.58 KB,160x160,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Weapon: Sniper Rifle

Material: Cyberylliium

Runes: Dual Wield, Telepathy, Chessmaster

Throw one rifle into the air and have the girl control it autonomously as an Option. Telepathically work as a spotter-sniper pair and take targets out from a distance. Chessmaster is used to make the most out of having a spotter by planning on the fly, but Homing is another obvious choice.

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>Weapon: Lance

>Body Type: Boobs: Medium Butt: Cushioned Hips: Feminine Build: Average(W:20)

>Material: Slickslime, Minor(W:100)

At 100 weight, my weapon becomes a halberd, giving me some much needed versality on the field. Slickslime gives me both mobility and defense, though blocking blows with a polearm may be a bit stuff, I can probably at least spin it in front of me to reflect projectiles.

>Relationship: Sub

Though having someone else's input would be highly appreciated, having her not follow my orders in the heat of the battle would be one of the worst things that could happen, so I'll gladly take the burden and do all the work, I know I can do it right.

>Runes: Double Team, Chessmaster, Electrokinesis Extra Runes: Alloy(Cyberllium), Weapon Shift: Shuriken.

Chessmaster gives me a clear advantage against The Beast, and would make me skilled enough to handle Electrokinesis's downside a bit better. My main strategy is to use Double Team to bypass how unwieldy the lightning powers are, by producing a soul weapon nearby and pointing it at where I want my magic to strike, I can just channel the electricty through it and it'll go exactly like I plan. It's a bit slow, though, that's for sure. At least the beast will never be able to figure it out.

Cyberllium gives me some extra dexterity, mobility and even range, what's not to love? Being able to change my weapon into shurikens would give me some much needed medium range capabilities, and if make it shift after a shuriken's embbed itself on my opponent, I'm sure it'd cause some massive damage by transforming into a halberd inside of it.

>Quirks: Exposed, All or Nothing(Infertile) Attached at the Hip.

Not being able to conceal my weapon would ruin my stealth possibilities, but then again, crazy cultists are probably more than used to walking around with weapons so I could maybe fit in just fine. Being infertile is whatever, I don't want to have spear babies. Attached at the hip is the final piece that makes my transform into shuriken > throw > transform into halberd again combo work, as I can just use Cyberllium's boost to throw myself 100 meters away and get my weapon back.

>Burst: Soul Regalia

I'm a (mostly) melee fighter, I need all the defense I can get.

>Quest: The Beast(Extra bonuses: Good with money, freckles, no restroom, no need to eat, smells nice)

My strategies are a bit too slow on the side, and extremely predictable, but I don't have to worry about The Beast figuring me out, so I'd be able to cause some massive damage at the very least. The extra bonuses I've picked are mostly for preference, though not having to either sleep or shit will make sure it's ready for battle 100% of the times.(It also doesn't have to sleep due to electro's bonus, so the uptime really is 100%)

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>weapon type

knife. think like a Bowie knife, good for slashing and stabbing


medium, girly, feminine, average


ectosilk, minor







skeleton key


attatched at the hip


the arena

i'll be the best assasin there ever was. Ezio ain't got shit on me.

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File: fb3e7ef5e66c452⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image,512.14 KB,728x546,4:3,carry on.mp4)


Apparently to get a cool hammer I also have to be permanently bonded to some chick.

<Tits, ass, hips, all ludicrously thick>

Fuck's sake, I can't be on and about with a flimsy hammer.

64 Weight

Wyrmscale for maximum fuck mages, apperance minor so I can go about with my weapon without people accusing her of being some kind of gut-chewing reptile subterranean.

64x5= 320 - Perfect


Having a weapon with a mind of it's own is pretty much useless. I'm not going to willfully handicap myself.

<Aero, Electro, Homing>

Massive spikes of highly unpredictable damage sweeping around the battlefield with impossible agility. Constant nigh-unavoidable powerstrikes followed by magical knockback from nowhere. Aerokinesis literally means that I can force-push, and with enough practice hopefully it can become lethal. Oh, by the way, you can't use magic for five minutes, and I'm /still/ blasting everything with lightning whilst moving the air around you and sweeping into tight range to break your spine.

I'd go with 'Bone of my sword' but that means that I'd be transformed into a woman and I'd have no reason to live

>Tier 4<

Kill the shithead, burn the rune. If I lose to him he won't even kill me, he'll just steal my neat new hammer, and then I'm back where I started, living a pretty great life- albeit with no more Thor powers.

Otherwise I become immortal and get to spend the rest of time partying it up, perfecting new inhuman abilities and perhaps accruing new ones.

Speed of lightning - Strength of thunder - Fighting all who steal or plunder

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Oh. And uh, I'll take Soul Meld. Skipped over the last of that page because of all the gross lewd shit.

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All these fantasy/medieval weapons and no staff option?

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>Wanting a stick instead of a viable weapon

Go home, Donnie.

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why have a stick if you're not going to put something sharp on the end of it. a spear I could respect but have some standards, man.

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>dragon metal + powerful gun

>disable girugamesh's runes and shoot him in the head

ez immortality

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>he has thousands of indestructible slaves, all of which can be forced to bodyblock for him

>Runes are affected in a limited fashion by the Wyrm power

ez new dragon metal gun for shithead wizard

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I was tempted to build the perfect raifu, but couldn't pass up on her being double-dere in human(oid) form.

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Gauntlets, heavy punching type, pointy thumbs for eye stabbing





-Fit, the 'curvy' is actually chubby


-Newtoniate, major


Equals, since her personality isn't there to cloud her judgement, this is a safe option



-Double team

-You're a squid

-dual wield, i block low blows with my legs to i'd have the boots extend to my knees



-Highly lubricated


Soul regalia



>staff girl

she'd automatically be a futa

>need to waste 2 rune slots to carry a shield and some other weapon

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>-Double team

But why? For the ORAORAORA?

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double team with gauntlets gives you boots

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double wield with gauntlets gives you boots

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shit, 8chan's glitching up againg

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Double Team is the "summon a bunch of weapons that do joke damage" rune.

You're thinking of Dual Wield, which is the "two weapons for the price of one" rune.

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oh right mixed it up, anyways it didn't state that they have to be perfect copies so i can just place a bunch of them on top of each other until the joke damage becomes significant

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Guantlets, heavy.


Medium, Cushioned, Feminine, Fit


Major Newtoniate (dwarf star gravity before the moment of impact)


Equal, sub isn't appealing, dom looks overall weak, but equal gives me that sweet sweet soul resonance.




-Time Out


-The Legend


-Attached at the hip.

-Remote Detonation

-Highly Lubricated


Soul Meld

If I get a beard its becoming a fist. My dick will turn into a fist. I will obtain 100 fists and I will time stop to plant each one of them inside the asshole of my enemy.

>Quest 4

Wouldn't The Legend + Attached At The Hip equal a easy win? Even if he 'adds her to his harem', when shota me is reborn she'll just teleport to me, and the skill description says we're given a eventual guaranteed win upon restore of the abilities. In addition his weakness states that he can't actually have a true connection with his weapons, which means its not like it's impossible to break a weapon out of his control. Speaking of 'adding her to his harem', the ability seals her sentience and most abilities (making it barely usable.) anyway, so he won't be even able to use the weapon effectively, in addition to being destined to lose it anyway.

So my future reincarnation will get immortality. You're welcome, me.

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>giving yourself a heart attack

I've got $500 on you killing yourself by accident.

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A nice rifle with attachment options. It pays to be open-minded and flexible, after all.

>Medium, Feminine, Girl, Average

I don't particularly care about any of these. She might even though I think she's perfect however, so I'll just play it safe and go middle of the road and avoid any extremes she might end up disliking about herself.


Nice perk with no weird side effects. Being a fast learner and having a skill boost is never unwelcome. She'll fit in with your average humans this way, too, which is useful.


Having her autonomous and not completely reliant on me will be good. I'll have her back and I'd like her to have mine and trust me to watch out for her. She has a good head on her shoulders and good sights on her barrel, I'll trust her to use them.


No pesky unco-operative winds fucking up my shots. Maybe I can use it to remove air friction for fun… and I guess on its own offensively, too. She gets the bonus of not having to shave constantly. Lucky her.


Too good to pass up. Knowing how to use your terrain and resources to their utmost is extremely valuable, especially if I'm in a situation with limited shots. I like games, too, so I'm okay with the "bonus". Fuck knows I could stand to step up my card playing.


Seems like it'll be great in a pinch for an unexpected last ditch "fuckyou", like if someone gets too close for comfort. There's more ways to abuse this in and out of a fight, though, and I wanna explore nearly all of them. As for the bonus, all I do is read so having a reading buddy will be no problem. We can just hang out reading in our downtime, trading books and taking turns using one another as a pillow or something. Seems comfy.

>Recall (Quirk Rune)

Bring your weapon to you regardless of circumstance? Get her (and also you) out of danger in an instant? Being able to teleport ammo to you wherever you are? Sign me the fuck up. And I guess she's cuter now, or something. I'm wondering if she'll care at all, or if it'll combine with Chessmaster and we'll see her using it to her advantage in bad situations.

>Quirk: All or Nothing (+1 Rune)

We'll go infertile. We won't have time for kids, I'm not too fussed about having any, and dealing with hybrids seems to be a bother in this world. She doesn't seem the type to be interested in it, anyway. Plus, now if we ever actually become a couple and/or do anything lewd we don't have to worry about long term consequences.

>Soul Regalia

Never, ever, EVER underestimate the value of some kind of physical protection in any fight. The fact that it's also magical just makes it better. I don't want her dying because I fucked up and got my stupid ass stabbed through an important organ. Keeping each other alive and well is paramount, and they're the same thing in this case.

>Tier 2 - The Arena

I think we can handle it. Looking at the choices I've made, we're pretty compatible and in sync, able to cover each other's weaknesses and know what the other is capable of. Having that apartment for the rest of our lives if we win would be fantastic, especially with the stipend. We'd never run out of shit to do. The only downside is that our shared lifespan would remain the same but eh.

I'm pretty happy with my battle partner and think that we would get along well for a very long time. I'm not opposed to staying partners or becoming an item, and I don't mind either way as long as we can still shoot stuff together. If you need us to join in on some group living for a big multi-person opponent we're pretty low maintenance; just give us some quiet space and reading material and we'll keep out of your hair until fighting time.

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Shield, a large dueling shield that doubles as a pogo stick








-Skyglass (alloy)


Sub, my fighting style is mostly dependent on my own skill, she can still give suggestions tho



-Dual Wield

-Weapon Shift, Taurus Judge .45/.410

-Homing In


-Attached at the hip


Soul meld, gun fingers, pogo stick legs, shield skin, too good to pass up


.King of harems, shouldn't be too difficult

-The Arena, this one's child's play

-Slice of Life

Jumping around with the shield while firing lightning empowered bullets from my judge, i'm practically unbeatable in a 1v1 match and i can always use soul meld if shit hits the fan

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Time to beat people to death with my magic dildo

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Taking some artistic liberties with Soul Eater, are we? Sure, why not

<No katar option

Lame. I guess I could take Knife and fluff it as a katar but meh.


Originally I was going to go with a sword (specifically a rapier) after getting over no katars, but then I read that swords are tsunderes and I absolutely cannot stand tsunderes. So instead I guess I'll try for a kinda holy spear type of thing? My favorite personality type is attached to the gun weapon type, but I'm cool with a genki tomboy

>Flat chest (1 weight so far)


>Cushioned butt (9)


>Feminine hips (13)

To support the booty

>Fit build (15)

Kinda pear shaped in human form. In weapon form the result is that the tip of the spear is relatively light, which makes it more maneuverable

>Wyrmscale (5x multiplier for a total of 75. The minimum for a halberd)

Pic related is her human form. Well, I guess the picture's hips and ass aren't quite as big as my choices, but it's close enough. The weapon material's traits sound really useful too


I'm sure I can teach her about as much as she can teach me


She IS a dragon, after all. She keeps her long hair tied back in a ponytail to make sure it stays out of the way


Healing is always good to have. The fact that she doesn't need to eat or drink manifests in that she mainly just eats a lot of sweets



<All or nothing (infertile)

My weapon is already a kid, I don't need any more

<Lie Detector

I have no intention of hiding anything from my dragonpuppy


Three times a day might be a bit troublesome at times, but I wanted that second rune and I don't trust her with remote detonation

>The Legend

New game+ mode, and she stays a loli forever

>Golden tiger claws

Portals are awesome. Even if I can't just poke the enemy through the portal, Jumping through to ambush is still rad as hell. My weapon wants to travel the world to see what kinds of weapons people use in different parts of the world, and if there are any other methods of making them

>Soul Regalia

My own set of badass dragon armor sounds cool. The weight is decently negated by air magic

>T2 Quest: The Arena

I don't really care about the T3 reward, and though immortality would be amazing, there's no way in hell I'm fighting gilgamesh. That's just asking to get torn a thousand new assholes. The arena isn't quite the quest I was imagining, but it's still probably going to be fun, and that pocket dimension sounds really nice. And of course I'm getting my education finished somewhere during that time with the slice of life quest. No reason not to

All in all, I rate this cyoa a 7/10

The lewd aspect feels really shoehorned in to the point where if the nsfw bits were replaced with more standard, universe-appropriate content I'd probably be happier. Instead it's just "Hey, wanna gimp yourself and fight with a dildo for the lulz?" and also the materials look like lady parts ha ha. Maybe if there was some T0 lewd quest it would make the lewd things somewhat more fitting? I don't know. I'm also kinda disappointed in myself for not having a good image for her weapon form. Oh well

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>Weapon Type

Shield. Unbreakable weapon is cool, but unbreakable shield is even better. Personality is also super helpful here.


Huge, Cushioned, Wide, Average. 36 wt


Kemonium. 10x senses + advanced reflexes = nothing getting past the Obscurant Wall of Chalk. Also kitsune makes for a great assistant and/or lover. Minor: 2*36 = 72 wt


Equal. Two brains are better than one!





Chessmaster and Kemonium makes it so I'm always being two steps and one leap ahead. Not only will I be able to read every opponents' move and reply to it, but also opens up so many more strategies with Hammerspace (having a whole arsenal of whatever I need; a big shield means PLENTY of things can fit through it; weapons, first aid, grenades, etc.). Wonder if swinging it can cause things to fly out…

And Investment, cause even if I fail my mission, I still have a partner who can make a living for us through business dealings (maybe through making Mahjong mainstream in the West, knowing her). But if I succeed:

Telekinesis (even MORE versatility; tailing enemies with grenades, having a couple of support-fire from suspended guns, maybe a few floating swords)

Bestow (make my Hammerspace arsenal even more potent)

Legend (because quixoticism; big sister/mother fox will tutor reincarnations well; gotta pass on those good deeds!)

Skeleton Key (for anything "locked"; also mischief)


Lie Detector. Ensures I (and others to inherit it from Legend) won't get used to lying. Honesty's a good policy.

>Bonus Rune


Not sure which I want.

Vanilliron for more potential.

Skyglass for 1.5x movement speed.

Or Evertimber for 10x planning time.


>Burst Ability

Soul Regalia. Armor allows for mistakes to happen (if ever). Since material is made of Kemonium (and an alloy of medium to light weight), moving around will be easy, but I'll have to remain in motion to ensure it stays tough.


Arena. Hands-down can beat that.

Maybe The Beast, but the rewards mean nothing to me. Only thing would be using a Spirit Graft C to switch Hammerspace's glasses with Shared Benefits; pretty sure she'd like to finally be able to see without aid. Only would be bragging rights.

If I had more confidence in my abilities, I would face Garugamesh, as I would know everything he does, and maybe he would as well, so it'd just boil down to skill and strength. It'll just be outlasting him by blocking everything until I finally bait him into using his ultimate weapon, only to "absorb" it with the shield's Hammerspace. After that, maybe the Rune's connection will break, and then all his power lost? Who knows.


A smart, busty, overprotective kitsune milf that can transform into Aegis, has unlimited pocketspace for her klepto needs, and likes to share everything between you and her. Don't play her at Go. Don't let her near your clothes.

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Pick the dildo and swing away

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Lance Dane Axe with a spiked haft 20-45

Boobs Small

Butt Girly

Hips Feminine

Build Skinny

DemonSteel Minor

Final Weight 44

Nothing much to say here, just personal preference apart from demonsteel, which I chose for its' ability. I'll be going for Harem King anyway so the drawback doesn't even come into play.


At the hip

Lie Detector

Remote Det

At the hip might be limiting, but it will prevent her or me from being captured at the least. Lie Detector is a non-issue, since when I do lie it's either facetious, sarcastic or ironic. Remote det could be annoying but, eh. Whatever.




Time Capsule

Alloy - Wyrmscale

Burst - Soul Meld

King of Harems

The plan for Gil is pretty simple, use chessmaster, telekinesis and capsule to keep myself alive until I'm in a good position. Activate Time-out to position myself, then activate everything else and destroy him before he has a chance to react. This mostly relies on keeping time-out a secret, though. If I manage that I feel like I'll have a good chance at beating him.

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Hey I'm already wolfing down big macs like tic-tacs, so I mean a increased chance of heart failure doesn't really bother me at this point. In fact, with my wasted life it might be better for my ass to reincarnate so I can be taught precisely how not to fuck up and eat hamburgers.

t. american

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cute (+2)


feminine (+4)


slim (+1)

8 total so far


Vanilliron makes the most sense. She'll be blond haired blue eyed and around 6 feet tall. All her features will be angular and will lean towards more of a "cute" look than being "hot".

24 "weight" now.


Sub, I'm gonna be training my ass off all day every day anyway to get the most out of my vinilliron pick, so it's not really a big deal that I'll hold more responsibility mid-fight.


Physiokinesis to heal myself and others on the battlefield.

Bestow because having my allies at least mostly well armed is a good ides.

Investment because money, also it's good to think long-term

>Burst Ability

Soul Regalia.


If I have plot armor I'm going tier 3, but since I probably don't I'm going tier 1. I don't wanna fucking die!

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*weapon: shield (40-90)/sword(40-70) she have onee-chan/tsundere personality

*body: big boobs + cushioned butt + feminine hips + average build ->weight = 20

*material: kemonium -> weight = 20 x 2 = 40

she have black hair, yellow right eye and red left eye




-all (+1)

-highly lubricated + attached at the hip (+1)



-physiokinesis (-1 = 4) she doesn't need to eat or drink

-rewind (-1 = 3) useful if well used. She like movies

-time-out (-1 = 2) useful if well used. She like to take pics

-metallokinesis (-1 = 1) free armor and weapons. She have four piercing on each human ears but not on catears

-Investment (-1 =0) 4 new runes + she is good with money

-dual wield (-1 = 3) the sis have white hair and yellow right eye and purple left eye

-weapon shift (-1 = 2)

-aerokinesis (-1 = 1) i will be a swift attacker. No body hair for her

-telekinesis (-1 = 0) useful. Puffy nipples for her

*burst: soul meld

*quest: the arena because i want the Pocket dimension

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Not posting a full build, but how about a good solid sniper raifu? If power of shot is inversely proportional to rate of fire, and you're taking slow, strategic shots, you could fuck some shit up. Evertimber gives you plenty of time to take that shot. Dual-type to also become a spear if needed, in case your cover's blown. Nyctokinesis to be BORN IN THE DARK, MOLDED BY IT, you can wrap yourself in the shadows and also poison your bullets, a nick or graze is all you'll need. Finish it with Chessmaster and basically you control the battlefield.

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>crossbows are weaker than regular bows

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That's cool and all but how many times do I need to take Weapon Fusion to create a gun shaped like a bullet that shoots bullets shaped like guns?

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>Weapon Type

Gauntlet. Heavy punches and kicks with adaptable fighting styles. The manliest way to fight.

Fused:Gun. Either a shotgun blast out of my fists or a single piercing round to increase the power of punches and kicks, when the force of them alone is not enough.

Personality is hard to determine since Analytical and Kuudere are so similar. Part of me wonders if Ishould fuse a crossbow on instead to get a more interesting personality combo. But shotgun/rocket punches are to cool to pass up.


Flat, Cushioned, Wide, Slim. 18wt

Big booty loli.


Slickslime. Attacks I block bounce back granting me enough time to counter. Also can bounce and slide around the battlefield increasing my mobility. Corrected weight: 18*5= 90wt

As for odd color of skin and hair, maybe make them a deep red colored skin and bright green hair. Tomato mode, fuck I dunno.


Equal. Better for relations building, and I would enjoy training with them more.


Dual Wield - Need them kicks to go with my punches. Plus, cute twins.

Weapon Fusion - Gun: I power up my punches and kicks with point blank shotgun blasts or piercing rounds. Hell, if possible make it so I can rocket punch.

Physiokinesis - So that I can keep fighting until my limbs get ripped off, or I can play a support role for the team and keep them alive and fighting.


Sheath -> Sword - Only for one of my weapons. I will have the best of both worlds, a cute girl and her trap twin.

Lie Detector - Taking this because the rules say having one boy and one girl actually costs a quirk. So fuck it, I have to be honest with them.

>Burst Ability

Soul Regalia - Henshin! Having armor means I can transform into kamen rider mode, and take more damage up close and personal. Plus with slickslime, it makes me able to be even more mobile by bouncing and sliding aroung.


Having to go from the most difficult quest before even attending classes is kinda fucked up. I'd love to go to the school and train before having to try and defeat Ultra-fucker for my immortality. I guess put this one on the table, tough choice.

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It means repeating crossbows. Those are fairly weak because they effectively have to split the mechanical energy from a single draw or cranking over multiple bolts.

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Type: Gun

Body Type: Medium Breasts, Cute Butt, Feminine Hips, Slim Build. +11 Weight total.

Material: Evertimber (Minor) with SkyGlass as an Alloy, x2.

Final Weight: 22

>Figure this will give me a heavy revolver, which is pretty much what I want here. Besides having the classic gunslinger aesthetic, it packs quite a punch while still being small enough to easily transport and conceal if necessary. Not crazy about druid girl as a base appearance, but being able to slow my perception of time down will really come in handy given the runes I plan to use. The SkyGlass alloy will also give me heightened speed and mobility, as well as a mild feather fall, which should make positioning easier. Plus, I can constantly fight at a slightly heightened perception of time without feeling the effects, effectively putting my enemies in slow motion for the entire fight.

Relationship: Equals

>Really, the other two options aren't that good for combat. As much as I like subby girls, if we're going into a fight together I want a partner I can count on to pull her weight.

Runes: Alloy (Skyglass), Chessmaster, RPGlasses, Homing In, Telepathy

>Chessmaster + RPGlasses give me the perfect combination to assess a situation and come up with a plan of attack, with Evertimber's natural effect giving me even more time to set up what I want to do. Homing In will narrow my chance of missing, especially when combined with the 'skill gain' and HUD abilities of RPGlasses, All of these combined will effectively give me Super VATS. Finally, Telepathy allows me to use my bullets as additional viewpoints and allows me to discuss plans with my weapon without being overheard.

Quirks: Quota, All or Nothing (Infertile), Attached at the Hip

>Having to get her off three times a day isn't so bad, and is great for trust-building. The other two quirks aren't even really downsides. I was tempted to take a few more to get Spirit Graft B and choose a more personally appealing base appearance for my girl, but I don't want to push it, and I'm sure given time I'll grow to love her looking like a wood nymph decorated with bird feathers.

Burst Ability: Soul Schism

>And here's where everything comes together. The majority of my abilities will be a big boon even at slightly weakened effectiveness, and in exchange I'll be able to get a partner in the field. Since we can both slow down our perception of time and communicate telepathically, we can take full advantage of Chessmaster and make battle plans on the fly, as well as execute coordinated attacks from multiple angles. Once we truly bond with one another, we'll hopefully so in sync that we'll be in complete control of the fight no matter what's thrown our way.

Quest: Tier 2 - The Arena

>With what I have going, my weapon and I should be able to easily take anyone in a one-on-one match, or even a two-on-two if they also have Soul Schism, and win ourselves a nice pocket dimension to spend the rest of our lives together playing video games. And if our Chessmaster minds calculate our odds to be too slim as we approach the grand finals, we can always back out and go to the school to get that sweet sweet super diploma.

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Body: Big, Girly, Wide, Fit.

Material: Ectosilk: appearance minor


Runes:Recall, Homing In, Time Out, Telepathy

Quirk:Attatched at the Hip

Quest:The Arena

Well, I put too much thought into a Hol Horse build. But if the Arcanine fag can have a post in this thread nothing’s stopping me.

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=I am heavy weapons guy, and this is my Weapon!=

Weapon type: Gun. A mini Gun.

Boobs: Huge 16

Butt: Enormous 16

Hips: Wide 8

Build: Amazon 8

48 Weight

Material: Skyglass(Major) *** x 48 = 144(Too heavy for the recommendation, but Skyglass negates the problems, and a Minigun is heavier than Shotguns and MG's so I assume it works fine. She will be 2 Well-Endowed Harpy Waifus that are Miniguns with quick Manuevering. Also, I'm pretty sure this allows me Recoilfloating. If I can't houserule and take the standard limits I just do 2-Star Skyglass and be well withinin the limit.)

Relationship: Equals.(Kuudere is good at keeping pokerface, so it should be helpful in battle, rather than detrimental, also "dancing" works great above)


Attached to Hip: 100 meters is still ample of Freedom, I'd say. Also is pretty much free, if less good, recall.

Lie detector: I can't really think of a reason to really lie to your weapon. I can inform trusted others of this too, if they eventual plan a surprise party for her.

Exposed: Getting Harpy-clothes in that size would be a nightmare anyhow. Also I'm not sure how to conceal a gatling.

3 Q= +2 = 5 Runes


1: Homing in, this is particularly evil on a minigun.

2: Chessmaster, this is too good to not be taken.

3: Dual Wield, what is better than one Minigun? Two Miniguns that can be duel weld. XAXAXAXAXAXAXAXA

4: Aerokinesis, works good in synthesis with my Skyglass Miniguns.

5: RPGlasses, having a HUD is also pretty indespensible.


Soul Regalia: I'm an Attack Helicopter now.


I try to do every Quest, from top to bottom. If one doesn't work, I do escape plans beforehand.

4. King of Harems.

Phase 1: I first throw a Flashbang to really fuck with him, especially effective if he has a Kemonite active, if not, it will likely dissuade him from using it, activating phase two.

Phase 2: Throw a Sarin bomb near him. Pretend to have failed and evade him until he dies. He is unlikely to notice unless he uses the HUD and Physiokinesis doesn't help against chemical weapons. If he escapes using Angelslate(or doesn't, I do it anyways), I will take everything valuable from him and dispose of his body in the nearest Anaerobic digestion plant. He can remain an user of a shitty weapon while being searched for internationally and hunted by others. Sucks to be him.

The Rune will be taken back to the acadamy asap, the real plundering of his goods comes later.

If the Plan fails for some unexpected event(Which I probably will account for AFTER I get the bonus from Chessmaster), I will escape using Flight&Recoilglide, flashbangs, smoke grenades and general bullethailing on him to get the hell out of there.

3. I guess I shoot up Cultists so long until they give me the location of the spacetime rip and bring an antimatter bomb over.

I can't beat this thing with my weapon, so conventional weaponry it is again. Antimatter should destroy it, after I activate it once I'm save.

If the Antimatter explosion DOESN'T WORK, I either try new Chessmaster Stratagems or report the fact that I can't beat it to the academy.

2. The Arena is where I'm actually going to use my weapons.

I employ aerial Combat strategy, and mostly use barrages of bullets that propel me upwards and home on my enemies.

During the breaktimes, I watch her and other opponents matches and do optimizing plans via chessmaster.

Well, I'm pretty certain that I will be able to counter her maybe cheating, after all. You may be able to outsmart me, maybe. But I've yet to see someone outsmart a bullet.

1.Slice of Life

Just some highschool life, so that I can get actual qualifications that aren't technically war crimes. After having a chill time and some minor adventures I fulfill the school and become a retired badass, always ready to train some chosen ones that eventually come around and help out with world-threathening stuff.

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by sarin bomb i assume you mean a gas grenade modified to release sarin gas instead

if you wanted this to be an effective strategy you would have to make sure he's in a small enclosed space and not somewhere open enough for the gas to spread too thin like the picture suggests

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Ye, that.

Sarin is deadly enough that it only needs to have some miniscule amounts enter his body to off him.

As long as the container has enough inside that it spreads to him, it won't matter if he is inside or outside.

Altough, thinking about it, I could just airdrop large containers of Sarin with a leased Heli and pretend that I plan to squish him with them.

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alright but how are you going such large containers of sarin let alone a leased heli?

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going to get*

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The Academy wants this guy dead, so I'm going to assume that they are going to support me with the nessecary materials.

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>Weapon: Gun (anti-material rifle)

>Body: 4/4/8/4 (20x3)

>Material: Cyberillium (Major)

>Relationship: Equals

>Runes: Pyrokinesis, Chessmaster, Reverse Time Capsule, Telepathy

>Quirks: Lie Detector

>Burst: Soul Meld

>Quest: The Kind of Harems

The fight will be months of practice, research, and observation, and will feature precisely one shot. This is appropriate because it is a gun which can blow regular people in half if you hit them right, further boosted by soul weapon power. I freely admit that this is minmaxed for a single shot from miles away after months or years of preparation, but with immortality on the line, I'm willing to overlook that it won't be a fair fight, and that it won't be a fast road to victory.

That said, immortality is such a great reward that I had to make some changes. The body of the human form is heavier than I planned, but regular Assault Rifle weights would not have been able to make an AMR, I assumed. This also assumes that I won't be getting into fights besides the final shot, since this is a gun which can hold five rounds and will knock you over if you fire it standing. I hope that the weapon girl can use other perfectly regular weapons while in human form, since just about anything would be more useful than her weapon form if the enemy is within 150 meters. In fact, she should get used to being in human form, since the gun is potentially as long as she is.

Mr. King isn't going to know what hit him, though. No chance to use one of his captured weapons to go back in time if his clue that he's under attack is his head exploding.

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I made two


Axe / himedere (A two-handed, single-edge axe with a broad beard) [180 in 140-200 range]


(my hands were tied)

Huge, Cushioned, Wide, Average [36]


wyrmscale minor [x5]


Flip a coin for me, anon. Equal or Dom.


(using quirks for +2)

hydrokinesis, metallokinesis, meteokinesis, recall, elemental embodiment


Exposed, All or Nothing, Remote Detonation


Soul Meld. Regalia is unusable with Wyrmscale.


The Beast

In sum:

A cushy, big ol' axe himedere with scales on arms on legs and a tail, magically nudist with piercings (tell me what her piercings are, anon), and so kawaii it's criminal. She likes to dance and is skilled and flexible at it, and is supernaturally comfortable regardless of the condition of the elements.

In my mind, she's a shortstack.

Also holey moley is it hard to get a material multiplier of 2.

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>Circular with bladed edges

<Huge Boobs

<Enormous Butt

<Child-bearing Hips



<Angelslate Major -1 star

>Middle of the weight range for a shield





>All my battles take place during Lightning Storms, and I can control & create water & lightning. Powers are all synergistic. General strategy is to keep my distance and use AOE strategies to eliminate my enemies. If enemies get close then I can Melee charge them.


<Highly Lubricated

<All or Nothing (All)

<Attached at the Hip

<Remote Detonation

<Lie Detector




>AOE synergy is further amplified, and I can heal from damage.

<Soul Regalia


>Do them in order.

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> Gauntlets (weight: 50-95)

> Huge Boobs + 16

> Enormous Ass +16

> Wide Hips +8

> Curvy +16

Material: Skyglass (weight x1) - Harpy

Total Weight : 56 Light Gauntlets

Relationship: Sub

Runes: Aerokinesis, Physiokinesis, Voice of the King

Quirk : Quota Extra Rune: Hydrokinesis

Burst Ability: Regalia

Quest: T1, Slice of Life

Going for a speed and charisma character here with regen skill

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bow, med/girly/fem/fit (14 base), kemonium (2-star / major {horse})

equals / recall, investment, physi (allorNOTHING,quota,exposed), skquid!, ele-nesis

quest:3 (skipping 2 if I quit & don't die) // meteo,pyrk,chessmst,geas

My Little Pony, shot straight through the heart!

//and you're to blame//

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Come on now flood detection, I'm just trying to fin find out if this board works or not.

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>Weapon Type



6-cylinder, comes with 6 bullets



>Body Type

Flat Boobs (+1 Weight)

Cute Butt (+2 Weight)

Boyish Hips (+1 Weight)

Slim Build (+1 Weight)


Vanilliron (x3 Weight)

Ablity: Increased Skill, Increased Skill Growth, Increased Skill Ceiling

Final Weight: 15


Submissive Weapon



Voice of the King


Alloy (Evertimber grip)


Bone of My Sword


Sheath Into Sword

Attached at the Hip

Remote Detonation

Lie Detector

>Extra Runes

Spirit Graft: Type C (Replaces Chessmaster Bonus with Physiokinesis Bonus)

The Legend


>Burst Ability

Soul Schism


Tier I - Slice of Life

>Investment Runes

Dual Wield

Weapon Shift (Knife)

Skeleton Key

Navigator (Each twin wears eyepatch over different eyesocket)

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