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File: de5a2dec506f917⋯.png (Spoiler Image,4.41 MB,1200x7364,300:1841,Bimbo Conversion.png)


Redesign the human race and turn all women into bimbos in the process.

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File: d66e39e7926073c⋯.jpg (426.35 KB,577x716,577:716,nazi spitting on you.jpg)

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body: build +2, voluptuous +1, face +1, skin +1, sensitive +1, piercing +3

personality: obedient +2, horny +1, nurturing +2

advantages: bear mode -2, perfection -2, intellect -5, Healing -5

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ALL OF THEM. Minus Stasis as there's one too few points.

I put my new-found leadership skills to the test and carve out a powerbase with my followers and oversized harem of bimbos. I should live long enough to see space travel fully mature and maybe real immortality be invented. Then it's off to the stars.

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File: 722f8e8bec5f4e8⋯.gif (1.09 MB,200x270,20:27,disgusted dogger.gif)

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My sister and mother are exempt from this new change.












Orgasm Control

Girly girl





Natural Leader


Bear Mode

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File: 14297f10df5749d⋯.jpg (2.16 MB,1200x7364,300:1841,Bimbo World.jpg)


Updated version.

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File: 1f910d2de6b69c7⋯.jpg (12.05 KB,222x222,1:1,Blank _bb7bc29cb6097000207….jpg)


> get points forcing drawbacks on others

> reap the benefits of their turmoil

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Women as livestock build with as few picks as possible, rather than just adding everything. The goal is to reduce women to the level of pets with minimal changes.

Sensitive 2 - Prevent women from wearing much clothing. When was the last time you saw livestock wearing clothes.

Oral 4 - Needing a specific diet sets them apart from men. Also makes surviving on their own harder. Not really needed, but the dehumanisation factor makes it worth it.

ADHD 3 - Keeping women from concentrating on complex tasks is a good way of keeping them down.

Dyslexic 3 - Again, no reading means limited options.

Dumb 4 - No need to do much thinking either.

Gives me 16 points to play with.

Ratios -6 - Even less status for women if they're more easily replaced.

Intellect-5 - Even greater difference in intelligence means even greater social disparity.

Drive -4 - Men being more driven means they're more likely to bullrush past women's views on things.

Costs 15 points. I'd like to get bear mode for added physical disparity, but I'm a point short. Guess I'll go into stasis and hope crypto takes off in the meantime. If Oral is taking it to far on the minimalist approach, Drive would be the one I'd drop.

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File: 4a151cd7b551c97⋯.jpg (138.04 KB,728x1092,2:3,enji_night_women_brunette_….jpg)

women are already stupid enough making them dumber or giving them all adhd would just be too fucking annoying not to mention it would interfere with their proper place as wives and mothers. Physically I'm not really into balloon boobs or heavy makeup and giving every woman on earth toothless mouths and broken feet is just plain cruel.

This build would make women more attractive and easier to keep under control without making them even more of a burden than they are now. Meanwhile universal health and longevity helps everyone while smarter males means more advances which also helps everyone.

2 build

1 face

1 skin

2 sensitive

3 piercings

2 obedient

1 horny

2 nurturing

2 o control

2 gg

3 dyslexic

-2 perfection

-5 intellect

-9 longevity

-5 healing

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