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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

The tastiest and most filling board on 8chan!

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File: a0714c75a1922cf⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,800x3000,4:15,yummy potato sausage eggs.jpg)

 No.16795 [Open thread]

coolest food

food that makes you a cool guy

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File: 56a024ebb9ef5d0⋯.jpg (144.36 KB,800x800,1:1,1503868385085.jpg)

 No.12012 [Open thread]




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File: 43f337cd71691c3⋯.jpg (11.76 KB,255x234,85:78,reaction6.jpg)

Every time i'm a little short on time and don't have enough time to cook i decide to grab some fast food. So i think to myself hmm where to go? I could go for a classic breakfast sandwich right about now how about mcdonalds? I shit you not without fail the mcdonalds by me fucks up my order every fucking time, at first i just attributed this to the stupid beaner who barely speaks english taking my order but even people who can fucking understand me find a way to fuck it up. I literally can't get fast food so i just cook or go hungry.

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As a kid I wanted to do that at some point but then as I grew older I realized that fast-food chains are a tool of globohomo and stopped eating them entirely.


Stop going to Japanese McD, i think it's the only one on the world where the food looks like on photographs and tastes like rootless garbage available anywhere else.

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Why do people like fast food to the point of feeling the need to review, defend, eat, get exited over, research and argue over it?

I just never cared about it but seeing so manny people devoted to it feels strange

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It's because many people make food they like and grew up with part of their identity. When you criticize overpriced, sub-par burgers or pizza that someone has eaten for years and loved, that person will tend to feel insulted and think that you not only call the food bad, but also imply that people who eat that have shit taste as they usually do.

It is not limited to fast food either. Telling mainland Japs that white rice is a mediocre starch and Okinawans live longer because they replace it with potatoes will start a shitstorm.

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>I'd like a fish sandwich with cheese on the side

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File: 791b34c56d05bb3⋯.png (601.21 KB,962x2580,481:1290,Banana Bread Recipe.png)

 No.16636 [Open thread]

Made my first banana bread today. I didn't burn it, but the crust seemed a bit thick and hard, and the taste was a bit bland. Moistness was fine I think. I only had 1 overripened banana and the other 3 were regular. Is this the reason the banana flavor wasn't more prominent?

How can I make this better?

Anyone have a fav recipe they wanna share?

Also, other loaf recipes: Pumpkin etc

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If you want a highly developed banana flavour, the bananas have to be just about rotten. Black skinned and oozing oily juice, just about bursting at the slightest touch… that's going to taste like bananas.

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Little bit of vanilla can make almost anything taste better, as can other flavor extracts and acids. Same with mixing in a bit of other flours or powdered peanut butter. Some people like to add chocolate or cocoa powder into banana bread dough.

Adding diary like milk or yogurt can improve texture and make it more moist.

Recipe in >>16642 is more or less what I arrived at myself after some trial and error starting from Chiquita's old recipe. Only difference is less baking soda (3/4 of the listed amount) and a tablespoon of lemon juice.

If you are sensitive to baking soda flavor, you can experiment with cutting down on it or find a recipe using yeast instead.

>crust seemed a bit thick and hard

You might have baked it for a bit too long or it is oven/temp display issue on your or recipe creator's side. Ovens are not perfect, and there will always bee a bit of a temperature variation - especially in consumer grade products. Mess around with with temperature, pan placements, or get an oven thermometer/temperature probes.


Pretty much. You can always 'ripen' them in the oven if you really need to. Some grocery stores sell overripe bananas at a discount, so that's also an option if you are lucky to have one like that nearby.

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File: 8b7f5bb4312ebda⋯.jpg (3.58 MB,3648x2736,4:3,banana bread w choc chip 2.jpg)


made this


i didnt wait till quite that point, but i did wait until they where blackening and the fragrance was in the room


used vanilla this time and choc chips.

thanks for all the tips, this one was much better. i read that banana bread is really the best the next day because the flavors had time to settle and i think that's true. i followed said recipe (choosing sour cream and walnuts) and added some choc chips. much better this morning (made last night)

thanks again /ck/

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Replace baking soda with bakers yeast.

Personally, I like to use coconut butter (in conjunction with butter, use less of the later) , coconut sugar, vanilla, chocolat chips, and you can add a bit of dark rhum.

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File: 3ff18a406b1ff13⋯.jpg (85.74 KB,931x931,1:1,8dfgykK.jpg)

 No.12248 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

tried making pancakes for the first time today

one cup white flour, two cups water one egg, it was enough for around 4 pancakes

put a tablespoon of sunflower oil on the pan before each pancake

but each of them still kept sticking and if i tried to flip them they'd end up falling apart. only the last one didn't fall apart, but the only part of it that got cooked was still sticking to the bottom

wat do

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The soy isn't bad as long as you are not allergic and don't eat too much, and as long as it's organic (the pesticides are very bad) but I would never use soybean oil in my food, or really any processed oils. I like coconut oil though, but almost never use it.

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>Non stick is fucking cancerous shit. Don't use them, get a cast iron

TRUE. Also Just skip the bullshit and go straight to BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES. the RICHEST DEEPEST MOST INTENSE FLAVORS, with a bit of nutritional content too!

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mushi mushi pancake cat meow moew Yey

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fukken PEINKIEK!

takes NEIN minutes to cook!

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this is a joke

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File: 1422778984319.jpg (253.43 KB,576x433,576:433,tjoa1wdod4grzrq8affz[1].jpg)

 No.2455 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Pineapple pizza: Blasphemy or delicious?
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As long as you live in a place that has fresh pineapple, tuna, avocado… it's perfectly ok.

Everywhere else: I can make you a better tasting, cheaper pizza.

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Chicken, cream cheese, Bacon and/or pepperoni, maybe some olives. Perfect pizza.

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Perfect pizza is made first in the dough, and the sauce. And then making sure the cheese is good, goes well with the sauce.

And then, personally, it is some sort of chili pepper, and good meat, whether it is chicken, beef, or something of a hard sausage.


Is correct.

>Everywhere else: I can make you a better tasting, cheaper pizza.

It's all about what you can get locally, or even grow/make yourself.

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File: 71823cd4f3fa325⋯.png (247.18 KB,392x201,392:201,put the pineapple on the p….png)

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He was probably referring to pizzas made with cream instead of tomato sauce; flammenkueches use a different dough, they're closer to a pie than a pizza.

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File: e985aa0f2721d49⋯.jpg (12.16 KB,115x186,115:186,hallo.jpg)

 No.16713 [Open thread]

Claims restored my board so we're back!

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Very cool

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File: 333e9ef161d520f⋯.jpg (44.96 KB,600x600,1:1,ztfgh68.jpg)

Fuck yeah. Let's cook!

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File: 2bf100464423f31⋯.jpg (215.63 KB,1560x928,195:116,num-numms!.jpg)

 No.15440 [Open thread]

In this thread:

>country (or just enable flag if not VPN/Tor)

>best dish you can think of using only ingredients that were native to your country before written history

For example, Italy would NOT be able to use tomatoes, Ireland would NOT be able to use potatoes, Europe would hunger for all their favorite spices and Thailand would NOT be able to make Pad Thai, among other things.

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Those look exactly like the corn, cheese, and jalapeno that my grandmother makes. Is that what they are?

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*Tamales ffs.

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It's similar but this is just the corn

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Don't be retarded you monkey, the tamal/hallaca/humita/pamoña is a classic pre-hispanic recipe.

Also we have things wrapped similar than the humita, they are just small tubes in a single husk and are mainly the nixtamal with some fresh cheese.

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File: 4e51a2e5ebaff57⋯.jpg (50.72 KB,640x360,16:9,margoog.jpg)


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File: e55ba3ab7fbb512⋯.png (71.12 KB,700x700,1:1,CUP LOGO 2.png)

 No.16369 [Open thread]


The Infinity Cup is returning once again, and 8chan's boards will be fighting it out on the pitch to claim divegrass supremacy. As a board that has participated in the Cup at one point or another in its history, you are invited to the reveal stream for 2019 Summer edition of the Cup. On Saturday June 22nd, at 3 PM EDT/7 PM UTC, on cytu.be/r/8cup I'll be giving you guys an early look at the Cup's 5th edition, which will include revamped aesthetics, team stadiums and other quality of life improvements I've figured out how to do in PES 17. Hopefully this will get anons back on board with the Cup, considering it has struggled mightily since its 2nd incarnation.

So how is it going to go down? I'll be staging a couple of exhibition matches between teams using their rosters from the last Cup, and we'll shitpost our merry way through the stream. Once the stream ends, entries will be open for the Cup, and boards can start putting together/editing their rosters and kits. Entries will close in early July, the field will be determined, and the Group Draw will take place approximately a week before the Cup kicks off in August. I'm also hoping to possibly introduce managers for the Cup, although I'm still working out the details to keep this from devolving into a namefag dick measuring contest. I hope you all will tune in, and in case you aren't caught up on your board's history, I've provided some links below to get you caught up:




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File: 0ae4e658a98414a⋯.png (120.33 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ck_logo.png)

Any changes are due tomorrow. Heads up.

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Forgot my fucking trip so this'll do:

I don't think we need to change anything for this year. Good luck everyone!

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3 Eastern, 7 UTC tomorrow. Draw stream: https://cytu.be/r/8cup

For a quick explanation of the draw: >>>/8cup/3406

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File: c446e0236e76e18⋯.jpg (355.19 KB,960x540,16:9,Group B.jpg)

The Group Draw is now complete. If you joined us for the stream, I hope you enjoyed the dumb autism. If you missed it, here's what happened. You've been placed into Group B with /b/, /a/, and /pone/ and your schedule is listed in pic related. With kickoff under a week away, now's the time for any trash talk, hype, and whatever else you want to do before everything starts. If the board vols could please sticky the thread to keep visibility up for the event, I would appreciate it.

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Unfucking thread.

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File: 74ede512fefc103⋯.jpg (104.86 KB,1152x864,4:3,patrickhand.JPG)

 No.16641 [Open thread]

Is the idea that Americans love cheese and put it on everything just one of Jeremy Clarkson's recurring jokes or is it an actual stereotype of Americans? I'd assume it is, but can't find anything on it.

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File: 9ecb5ef616dbbd0⋯.jpg (310.88 KB,617x380,617:380,7cd3384579ecaff1b74cc0eac5….jpg)


Haven't done it since I was a child. I also did peanut butter and pepperoni.


Think that was necessary. Never had store bought peanut butter, always homemade.

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It's ironic, or appropriate, that all those heavy flaws also apply to the United States.

Regarding cheese i think the same, >>16651 is right about the joke used by minorities in the U.S. too but to be fair everyone heavily uses cheese in the entire continent other than caribbean negroes and andean indigenous groups, the former because they are highly intolerant to lactose (also don't know to do anything other than pick fruit) and the latter because there's no cows around there so they conform to their local crops and its plenty of variations.


This is true at least in central america and the latin part of north america, it's not uncommon for a family of 4 to eat a kg/2lbs of maize products a day. But the use of corn syrup is frowned upon unlike in America, and the inclusion of it in products like soda was heavily criticized a couple of years ago when the U.S. lifted the embargo on Cuba and made all the cane sugar go there as a condition, thus destroying the soda market in half of latin america.

Also there's a new stereotype for americans in recent years here if you want to know, their use of avocado has become infamous as hell because they bought the entire export market along with half of the internal one, the price of it skyrocketed to 500% and nowadays it's rare to consume it as we did 5 years ago. The jokes come when talking about their contemporary cuisine and how they put avocado in toast, eat artificial tacos with nothing but avocado, avocado milkshakes, fried avocado, make guacamole with cheddar cheese and cold tomato and other assorted recipes that are considered ultimate kitchen sins. Some people when doing the shopping in border cities buy all the netted avocado they find and sell it back to their neighbors due to the absence of it in small towns.


>in salPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Huh. Never heard of all that regarding avocado. Only heard of avocado toast and even then I think it's a silly meme. I mainly just wait for decent deals so that I can get avocado to make guacamole with.

Any good tips for guac by the way? I usually just finely chop up avocado, sweet onion, jalapeño, and roma tomato. Then mix it all up and add some chopped cilantro, garlic powder, and a bit of lime juice.

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Except the store and on restaurant sandwichs, only use of avocado I've seen with any frequency is avocado sauce.

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Salt water is there to rehydrate the husk and season the kernels.

Not trying to change the texture; I like the texture.

Cooking it this way is not about energy efficiency; it's about convenience because stupid Americans have excessively sized campfires anyway, may as well use it.

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File: d6a8445ccac3672⋯.png (213.57 KB,327x772,327:772,auchentoshan 12.png)

 No.14948 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Let's have a thread about the good ol' brown liquid. What whiskies do you guys enjoy and how far down the rabbit hole are you?

Ever since I got introduced to scotch with pic related ive spiraled down into the brinks of whisky and 2 years later ive found myself only buying expensive cask strength independently bottled juice over quantities outside of the occasional Weller or Wild Turkey.

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File: 7eed4438964fed7⋯.pdf (157.88 KB,157798054-The-Art-of-Makin….pdf)

Just had me a glass of Glenlivet, actually.

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It can no longer be called a "straight" whiskey if they add coloring. As for Scotch, it's basically free game as far as I know.

That said, I really do not care if they add coloring or not so long as the taste is good.

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File: c6206b3075bb6e9⋯.jpg (72.07 KB,362x277,362:277,1240134474292.jpg)


Now imagine for a second if that Booth faggot hadn't murdered Lincoln and he went through with his desire to repatriate all niggers.

>yfw you realize yes, we could have had nice things

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File: 0cd1f9360794bab⋯.jpg (100.38 KB,720x960,3:4,Larceny1870.jpg)


try this.

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Just grabbed a bottle (Evan Williams BIB/White Label).

At $18/L, yeah… I'm definitely down. I think that works out at like 55 cents a shot.

As for the tasting…. nothing life changing, just darn fine bourbon at a good price. Smells like bourbon, tastes like bourbon, finishes a bit sweet (nothing wrong with that).

Baby girl is teething, and she likes a drop rubbed on her gums now and then. She doesn't like some of the more interesting stuff.

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File: 78ee8f6ca3bf7bf⋯.png (392.34 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.15677 [Open thread]

I'm visiting Dublin next week. What good fast food places are there in Ireland?

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got any good recipes for Irish bread? Is Irish Soda bread a murrican thing or is it really from the old country?

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File: 86ed7d575e4e6f9⋯.jpg (231.76 KB,600x600,1:1,5099630002237_3.JPG)


> Is Irish Soda bread a murrican thing or is it really from the old country?

It's very much a real thing, quite popular as well.

People usually buy it from bakeries or make it. You can buy brand-name soda bread as well, but it's usually sold in tiny square loafs.

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Oh, I forgot to post a recipe.

From memory, here's one I use. It could be horribly wrong because I don't really measure things

>1 1/2 cup buttermilk or 1 cup milk and half cup yogurt

>1 teaspoon baking powder

>400 grams plain flour

>300 grams wholemeal flour

>pinch of salt

>oats or extra flour to sprinkle on top

Mix dry ingredients and add in milk/yogurt and combine.

Knead for maybe 1 or 2 minutes, just to get it all mixed together. Get it to a firm dough, then roll into a ball and place onto a tray. Cut a cross into the top and sprinkle oats/flour on top.

Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 40-50 minutes.

Optional things

>soaked raisins

>chopped nuts


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By the way, if the dough is too wet just add more flour. Soda bread dough doesn't need to be kneaded much, so if it can't hold its own shape it's too wet.

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Thanks I'll have to try.

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File: 28bd20a8a5cf4b8⋯.jpg (139.05 KB,581x389,581:389,meyerlemons.jpg)

 No.16153 [Open thread]

meyer lemons to be exact

i baked several batches of lemon bars but after a month and a half of far more sugar than i usually allow, the weight gain was noticeable

which is the crux of it - not sure what to do with lemons that doesn't involve sugar

i packed a few quart jars as per the salt-fermentation method but I really see that as a great option

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File: 396125b47c813bc⋯.jpeg (144.66 KB,2000x2500,4:5,bcbceed90d40c95acd29cf829….jpeg)




You know, it might not sound very intuitive, but add a bit of salt to the lemon-water instead of sugar. Makes a nice, refreshing drink on hot days. Works even better with lime. Salt and lime go great together.

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make cherry lemonade home made

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H&S soup is made with vinegar. Not lemons.


It's time-consuming but you shave off the rinds and keep a stock of the dried lemon zest for flavoring. As for the lemons themselves, they have a lot of uses. You can make preserves using the standard method, do lemonade, make a bunch of lemon and garlic sauce and store that shit, make a lemon syrup for frozen treats, or you could even just use the liquid as a cleaning agent.

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File: e3f3d11710ddca5⋯.jpg (29.8 KB,750x573,250:191,1502206789003.jpg)

Go for limoncello anon. It keeps.

Throw an Italian party

keep your meatballs in your pockets

go dip that spaghetti

I saw a woman with a lemon up her butt once on xhamster.

>o tempora

>o mores

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Lemon is nice with fish, if you have fish daily you can easily go through dozens of lemons a month.

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File: 1422823287055.jpg (558.08 KB,940x350,94:35,dream breakfast.jpg)

 No.2467 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

It's the most important meal of the day, /ck/. So amazing it can be eaten at any time of the day, because fuck time frames.

What makes up your dream breakfast?
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File: 11c6c2a6d357131⋯.jpg (297.87 KB,2048x1536,4:3,irrvMhI.jpg)


oh there is so much amazing food in this world but eggs and bacon can be OK in the mornings - only drawback is my conflicted sentiment towards eating meat :|

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Never feel bad about eating meat. Meat is good for you and tastes great.

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File: 3a25c48059f0d77⋯.jpg (258.07 KB,740x1005,148:201,hero_huevos_article--740x1….jpg)

For me, it's heuvos rancheros. Less greasy than a full English but still very filling and delicious.

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File: 9b0e9c69335d19f⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,2836x2168,709:542,best steak.jpg)

 No.13001 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post your best bait pics

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File: 8062df07113db81⋯.jpg (93.04 KB,605x995,121:199,2345675653423.jpg)

File: 8c78a2021597c12⋯.jpg (59.17 KB,605x605,1:1,934543456.jpg)

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>second pic

american cuisine in a nutshell

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First pic is just BBQ

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>tfw have done pic 1 before with nachos

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File: 1dd1565bff3f522⋯.jpg (39.11 KB,500x377,500:377,hFMt0QV.jpg)

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File: 1446175633478.jpeg (10.6 KB,350x220,35:22,386938147_kids_hate_healt….jpeg)

 No.7579 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

What are foods that you absolutely hate?

For me its raw onions. I hate their texture, flavor, and they overpower everything else that is with them. I have absolutely no problems with onions if they are cooked in some way. In fact I think fried, grilled, and sauteed onions are fantastic and onions mixed into a salsa are fine.

Raw onions for some reason though are absolutely disgusting to me and if I cant pick them out of a meal then I will refuse to eat it.

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File: 070d3fd9776fe55⋯.jpg (46.4 KB,550x413,550:413,noix-decortiquees-lesidees….jpg)


I like them but they completely destroy my mouth and tongue unless cooked, that's such a shame.

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zucchini. cauliflower. raw tomatoes.

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Corn and peas, but only when they are mixed in with other foods, on their own they're nice. Also brean sprouts, way to fuck up my chow mein you overly crunchy fuckers.

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green peas. as a Briton, I don't understand people eating so much of that shit. disgusting.

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Garbanzo beans.

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