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File: 26b4b57bab151cc⋯.jpg (144.9 KB,1191x670,1191:670,IMG_20171202_183040_463.jpg)

 No.12579 [Open thread]

>certain omnivorous people get butthurt when I tell them their diet fucking sucks, they behave like fatasses that only care about taste rather than health or morality or care for our ecosystem, are too lazy to research vegan nutrition, too lazy to research vegan eating on a budget, are helping kill animals and waste resources using all these farm animals, and are helping contribute to global warming (I tell them all this in a nice, supportive way rather than an insulting or guilt tripping tone because insults and guilt tripping are even worse than not being vegan)

>"u vegans are so pushy, mean, and stoopid!!1 i hate vegans because they criticize me and i'm a special snowflake!!1 i luv cramming my face with MUH bacon and MUH eggs and MUH cheese and MUH steak and MUH salmon and MUH hotdogs and MUH cheetohs and MUH mountain dee and MUH dairy milk!!1 vegan diets are too expensive because I need muh 1500 dollar gaming PC, muh 200 dollars of steam games a month, muh 500 dollar dildos, and all my other overpriced normie possessions!!1 vegans are so stoopid because humans were designed to eat meat and it is impossible for me to get Vitamin B12 or Protein from vegan foods, even though I drink a ton of whiskey and shit anyways so I'll just die 20 years earlier than others anyways!!1 i can't cook or learn vegan recipes or go to vegan buffets or get vegan frozen food because I need muh full 24 hours to play Overwatch and CS:GO and jerk off to hentai!!1 ur all stoopid hippies anyways, and animals don't have feelings u dumbass, survival of the fittest, get outta here you beta cuck!!1"

Of course this is an exaggerations, but omnivores always tend to say this shit whenever I try to persuade them into going vegan. Remember: omnivores help produce even more Co2. I only attack WHINEY omnivores… don't whine - you're fine.

Provide vegan substitutes for baking, cheese, and all that stuff as well. Remember: only normalfags and plebs eat food primarily for its taste and/or texture.

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Somewhat unrelated question:

Is your flag accurate?

Cause mine isn't.

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>it's a vegan bait thread

Glad this shit's staying on half/ck/, thanks boss

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No it isn't, i'm a Dutchfag. Some sites report that i'm from NL, others report me from RO. Dunno why though.

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I'm actually a ROfag. It's weird.

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File: abbc5a8f334680e⋯.jpg (100.46 KB,750x498,125:83,Swiss Pastures.jpg)


Veganism is in no way good for the environment.


When you buy vegan food, you pay for chemical pesticides, which will be used to massacre countless wild animals. On huge vegetable farms.

When I buy grass fed beef, I pay the property tax for ranchers so they can put their cows out eating grass on huge acres of beautiful pasture and these cows get a good, fulfilling outdoor life.

You kill animals, I feed animals. (with our $$$and choices)

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 No.12455 [Open thread]

The only way I can eat meat,, fish, cheese, pasta, whathaveyou, is when I put McD's mustard sauce or Heinz's curry ketchup on it. That shit is gold

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Jesus Christ this is the most American post I've seen made by someone outside of America.

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>those ingredients

Stop being a faggot, OP.

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it's a good sauce tbh

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you need to eat some churrasco to turn into a man

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fucking this

eat it the argentinian/south brazilian way slowsly roast a chunk of meat and slice off the outside pieces that are to your prefered well-ness (ala gyro , but horizontally)

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 No.12516 [Open thread]

Can you prepare deserts with eggplants? They are fairly neutral in taste after all.

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They are rather bitter though. Then again so is orange peel, coffee or chocolate. Chocolate goes well with almost everything, even chicken or cauliflower, so that's something you could try.

I don't like their texture for a dessert. You could turn them into whipped cream, espuma, ice cream, granita or sorbet. Works for basil. Not sure what you'd pair the eggplant with though.

You could make a liquor with them. Just dice and let them soak in a sterilized jar for 2 weeks, covered with a neutral distillate like vodka, grappa or gin. Zabaglione, tiramisu and "flamber" all become an option that way.

Also have a look at http://blog.foodpairing.com/2011/08/chocolate-eggplant/ and http://blog.foodpairing.com/2015/10/aubergine-burger-with-coffee-tamarind-pea-pesto-mint/. All this guy ever does is talk about weird food combinations simply because their aromatic profiles match. Most of the site is for pay, but the freebies are enough to give you an idea, like the mango-eggplant combo.

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Honey or sugar glazed grilled Eggplant slices sounds interesting.

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Not a dessert but you can make eggplant bacon. Basically make a smokey marinade and then bake them til they are crispy.

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>Also have a look at http://blog.foodpairing.com/2011/08/chocolate-eggplant/ and http://blog.foodpairing.com/2015/10/aubergine-burger-with-coffee-tamarind-pea-pesto-mint/. All this guy ever does is talk about weird food combinations simply because their aromatic profiles match. Most of the site is for pay, but the freebies are enough to give you an idea, like the mango-eggplant combo.

This is rather interesting

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Roast sliced eggplants with sugar and butter, use as biscuits in tiramisu

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File: c6de1a927615a22⋯.jpg (68.97 KB,566x635,566:635,heh.jpg)

 No.12427 [Open thread]

is the sip meme viral marketing?

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Idk If it is marketing but I am 100% not a shill and I drink about 2 large white sips per day. Helps me make my sales.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2 sips of meme water a day, keeps the jew away

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only pleb sippers still drink monster. esoteric sippers go to big blogs and try out discontinued sipps

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how do I get euro shopper energy in burgerland?

this is urgent

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It's a meme as artificial as the flavorings.

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 No.10870 [Open thread]

Like I seriously do not get the appeal of spending $400 on a goddamn blender.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And finally found another one.

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totally worth it.

Got a vitamix and it actually BLENDS kale otherwise you get long stringy bits from using a cheeper brand.

also there designed to blend for a long time so I can make pumpkin soup warm just by blending it for a long time.

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oh so the swing top is convenient for getting the bowl out where the lift let's you do more and probably better to use in general.

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File: 6169d896e0565ea⋯.webm (1.58 MB,1280x720,16:9,aimores meets frozen bana….webm)


Here's what my new $220 blender did with kale and cauliflower, then some frozen bananas.

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Still little bits after tossing in frozen blackberries though. Maybe that extra $180 would've gotten me that much further.

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 No.12459 [Open thread]

Why is Half & Half superior to Vitamin D milk and why isn't it sold by the gallon?

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File: 8a2909a2de57c0f⋯.jpg (963.05 KB,1944x3456,9:16,2017-11-14 14.25.42.jpg)

>half & half

>not heavy whipping cream

>not ever hearing of Costco or Sam's Club

come on you half broke site let me post

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Where's the best place to purchase an entire spice cabinet's supply for cheap? I'm getting into Curry again, and I want to do it true Indian style, mixing my own spice blends.

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look at dollar stores and buyout stores (big lots, ollie's, etc) i usually get cheaper spices like garlic/onion powder, paprika, cayenne, dry herb blends, for like a dollar a piece. you won't be able to find boutique whole spices like for indian/middle eastern unless you go to an ethnic store, and they won't necessarily be cheap.

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 No.12402 [Open thread]

So I recently got handed down a rather nice food processor from my mother in law. It didn't come with a dough blade, but it has this.

Now I'm not entirely sure what this is, but it seems like it could be a dough mixer of sorts.

It has gears inside to slow the rotation a bit, can take pics of it disassembled if need be.

Does anyone know what the flying fuck this thing is?

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i could be wrong, but it may be a batter paddle, like for pancakes and muffins and the like. basically turns a foodpro into a stand mixer.

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I was gonna say this too. I cant imagine that being used for anything that would provide too much resistance.

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File: 05a52a52cd2fa4d⋯.png (934.91 KB,650x977,650:977,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.12177 [Open thread]

I just got a bunch of oranges. What are some interesting things I can do with them?

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The oxtail broth should have been cooking for at least 3-4 hours- I put the orange peel at the end because every time I cook with orange peel the orange flavor becomes less potent after an hour or two.

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the thing with the orange peel is that the outer colored part, while being very thin has a lot of flavor, but all the white stuff underneath it is bitter garbage. You must be delicate with your peeler or preferably a microplane to get this off without taking bitter white with it.

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Op have you decided what you're going to do with the oranges?

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File: 243d307c9fdeced⋯.png (145.58 KB,320x240,4:3,chicky breekis.png)

I just bought 5 damn chickens and I need some advice on what to do with em'. I've got 5 days to get em all cooked. I'm thinking I'll start with brining one for 24 hours and cooking it the day after I cook the first one, which I'll bake in my little cast iron skillet.

I really want to spatchcock one of them on a grill but I didn't bring my damn grill with me to college.

Any advice though? I've got most baking ingredients besides cane sugar. I have a couple of onions, some mushrooms, a package of frozen carrots/beans/broccoli, and I have broccoli and celery. Then I have some teriyaki and orange sauce. I'm thinking about slicing up a couple of apple slices and coating em in browns sugar then stuffin' em in a chicky or two. Should I try beer canning one in the oven? or does that go against the grill gods?

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You bought five chickens to eat in five consecutive days and are playing music to one of them like those articles of gardeners playing Mozart to growing vegetables. Hm.

If I were you I'd freeze all of them except one, consume that one over the course of two or three days. The first day using a chicken breast with a side of salad and fries or hash browns, the second day fried and put into a curry, the third day, if not all consumed in yesterday's curry, as a sandwich for lunch. You could then if you wanted put the carcass in a pan with water and vegetables and boil it to make chicken soup, which might last two more days. That's one chicken eliminated. I'd repeat that for four more weeks.

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 No.10929 [Open thread]

My sister is a vegetarian. I thought of buying some spices and shit as a christmas present for her.

Are there some mildly unusual spices that go well with soybeans, algae, pinecones and whatever the hell vegetarians eat these days?

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Cumin preferably ground, Greek seasoning, cajun, sichuan/szechuan, not shit hot sauces, Old Bay, Grub Rub, cayenne, ground thyme, wasabi paste, ma po doufu sauce

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Took me a second to get the joke. When I did, I must admit, I had myself a good chuckle. I typically don't find 'internet humor' especially amusing or relatable, in fact it took me years to figure out what an 'youtube' was. Nonetheless, in today's bitter political climate, I find solace in a little bit of an injection of humor into this crazy world. Anyways, good job, hope to see more of this in the future.

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Your semen

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Trash thread. Not gonna bother cleaning this up, OP can make a new one if he wants.

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File: 0590d653baad293⋯.jpg (60.32 KB,1021x572,1021:572,Manic Skeletal Vegan.JPG)


>My sister is a vegetarian.

I'm sorry OP.

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 No.12110 [Open thread]


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Eh, it's better than nothing.

Plus, la cum merge acu economia … :))

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>eating bugs

>eating cockroaches among all bugs

For fuck's sake, at least eat something relatively half-decent, like a grasshopper or something.

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Those aren't roaches, they're boiled/steamed silkworm pupae.

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I've eaten one on a dare

If i could compare wat they tasted like, then the closest i could come up with is that they tasted like shriveled-up, old, crunchy meat and left a sour / salty aftertaste in your mouth, bear in mind that the thing that i ate was just crudely boiled and it was 'prepared' or sorts in a textile facility. it was a field trip

So, they tasted pretty horrible, and i hate eating bugs. On another note, chicken / bovine innards are delicious if you could prepare them well. The chicken's intestines are quite long (around 60 inches) but not all of it is good eats.

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It seems like a super cultural thing. I've eaten those meal worms, and candied crickets before. I feel like too many people are trying to push it too hard. It would take a large scale scare before normal people would start to actually take it seriously. Even then, I think it's ganna be a hard sell on the whole bug rather then the ground versions.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.7972 [Open thread]

Hi there, /ck/

I just wanted to inform you about a youtube chef that actually makes good food from kind of a discount perspective. He's a single white male from aussieland so he fits in here.

I present to you Greg from Gregs Kitchen. He's worth a watch.

Also, post other good recipes and the like from youtube.

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Australians work in mysterious ways

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Thanks for making this

Going to make a dish of his for dinner tonight

Seems easy enough even I can cook it

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

like his newest recipe, always makes it really simple

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>about to make thread

>wait, wat if i bump a good thread off

>check last thread on last page

>2 years ago

wewwww bump

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File: 77877052640677a⋯.png (448.34 KB,1000x1815,200:363,Chef_Skinner.png)


>cuts off "excess" bacon fat

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 No.12345 [Open thread]



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Fags from LA got their shit pushed in, nothing new.

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check 'em

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check 'em

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w00t I can time travel!

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File: 1444594212124.jpg (6.41 MB,5184x3456,3:2,IMG_8888.JPG)

 No.7213 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Let's see what /ck/ has been cooking this autumn!

Pictured is a pumpkin spätzle dish with roasted pumpkin pieces and parmesan cheese. It was terrible. I think I'll use sour cream instead of cheese next time. I'm up for advice on spices + presentation ideas if I ever cook it again.

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fuck you fuckers OP is cool. it's cool when OP does it.

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you people always trick me into thinking this is pumpkin pie and I always regret eating it. why would you do this

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File: 749e5923a971b39⋯.png (1.26 KB,20x20,1:1,roastbeef.png)

did someone say, bumpkin season?

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God damn it Carlos, get the fuck back in the Bus.

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This is a great bread-

There are plenty of pumpkin themed recipes yet to be explored here:

Pumpkin brownies

Pumpkin butter pecan pancakes

Pumpkin clam chowda

Pumpkin cream cheese spread on toast

Boiled miso pumpkin cubes with rice

Pumpkin spätzel is a great idea but I think I would rather the pumpkin be blended into a creamy sauce, add some chopped up roasted Brussel sprouts, cashews and slightly burn onions. Maybe add some smoked gruyere and heavy cream to the pumpkin sauce.

But you know what, pumpkin is overrated— where it’s really at is the delicate squash and kabocha squash.

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 No.9547 [Open thread]

Hey /ck/ - I've recently discovered the glorious slav memes and Boris

He has introduced me to many a glorious slav foodstuff

we're talking slav cake


slav soup




borsch soup


Slavic hamburger




Russian Pelmini


Condensed Milk Pancakse




Homemade mayonez

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Pelmeni without vinegar are shit. Add some EVOO and apple vinegar to them.

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What, as in just drizzle a bit on top?

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After boiling add a bit of EVOO and shake in order to prevent their sticking to each other. It's far tastier than any "traditional" fat like butter or sunflower oil. After that you can add as much apple vinegar as you want. I prefer to pour it in another plate and dip pelmeni in a vinegar with my fork one by one, in this case less vinegar will be wasted.

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You can't fool me, Boris

I've already seen those vids, comrade.

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>0 results found

>mfw no coleslav

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 No.12210 [Open thread]

Can we get a thread about fasting?

When was your last fast, how long?

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making yourself die faster is a dumb idea, to be quite honest.

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Isn't this more a thread about not eating or cooking? Why not the food you eat before and after a fast? I don't fast but I'd think meat or potatoes would be good to eat before a fast.

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This is religious tradition for me, and it lasts around 14 hours for my country atleast.

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