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Why is Half & Half superior to Vitamin D milk and why isn't it sold by the gallon?

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File: 8a2909a2de57c0f⋯.jpg (963.05 KB,1944x3456,9:16,2017-11-14 14.25.42.jpg)

>half & half

>not heavy whipping cream

>not ever hearing of Costco or Sam's Club

come on you half broke site let me post

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Where's the best place to purchase an entire spice cabinet's supply for cheap? I'm getting into Curry again, and I want to do it true Indian style, mixing my own spice blends.

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look at dollar stores and buyout stores (big lots, ollie's, etc) i usually get cheaper spices like garlic/onion powder, paprika, cayenne, dry herb blends, for like a dollar a piece. you won't be able to find boutique whole spices like for indian/middle eastern unless you go to an ethnic store, and they won't necessarily be cheap.

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