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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

The tastiest and most filling board on 8chan!

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File: d668254b7bec219⋯.jpg (598.44 KB,1504x2016,47:63,ribeye1.jpg)

 No.16346 [Open thread]

Post all your best meat-based ideas and recipes. They have to contain 90% (no mashed potatoes on the side faggot). The 10% is for non-meat seasonings, toppings, and sauces. Pic related is a grilled ribeye with lemon, rosemary, butter, and bell pepper

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I just sear my steak in a pan or on the grill, and then sear some sliced fat. I salt it well and enjoy. I eat that almost every day. Every once in a while I will mix it up and make pork belly curry, or enjoy a tin of cod liver in its own juices.

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>tin of cod liver in its own juices

Amazing with some bread and maybe a bit of lemon juice/horseradish to offset and highlight the fat.

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Meatloaf sandwich.

>Make a big ol' meatloaf.

>Cut two thick slices of said meatloaf.

>Put some deli meat and sauce between the slices.

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What, a sandwich on untoasted meatloaf?

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Can oven ribs be good?

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File: 2e44fa9d5b42442⋯.jpg (54.58 KB,900x900,1:1,hortler.jpg)

 No.16351 [Open thread]

how the fuck do you make cinnamon rolls without the pastry becoming disgusting and dense

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Anon.. don't tell me you've been using pure puff pastry for cinnamon rolls? You're supposed to add a raising agent to them as well.

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You should be using a basic yeast dough for cinnamon rolls, not pastry.

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Use yeast or baking soda. Use baking soda only if you are not patient and do not mind getting inferior flavor.

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 No.16309 [Open thread]

This is the best fucking meal of all time. I will eat this for the rest of my life.

Cost: so fucking cheap it doesn’t matter. Don’t over complicate it.

>ZERO fat

>as many kcals carbohydrates as you want

>add beans for protein

Season with lime or lemon juice to taste. Also remember to heap on the salsa.

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>white rice

Is this a troll thread?

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>No fat all carbs

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>not knowing you're suppose to choose either fats or carbs to burn as your main source but not neglecting the other completely and just getting the right amount of protein

Anyways, an easy way to cook healthy and/or cheap is to just make it yourself and/or buy in bulk (or grow it yourself).

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You are not the first to discover this.


(Original source : http://www.paulgraham.com/ramenprofitable.html - Read more, scroll to end / Notes)

Seriously, add an egg or two into the mix every few days.

Carrots work nicely to add some veg.

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File: e9bbff8cde6db53⋯.jpg (213.17 KB,1280x720,16:9,Party_of_10_adults_dips_ou….jpg)

 No.16234 [Open thread]

This restaurant is in my home town of Warren MI which used to be listed as the “Whitest city in America over 100K in population” but is now roughly 15% niggers and as expected, they brought their nigger culture with them from Detroit.


May 17 2019

Party of 10 dips out on $500 bill at Japanese steakhouse in Warren Michigan

Another dine and dash in metro Detroit has left a Japanese steakhouse and bistro out more than $500 after a large group decided they weren't interested in paying for their food on Mother's Day. And make no mistake, this was no accident.

That's what a Warren police corporal said while assessing the surveillance footage of the group eating. The owner of the steakhouse agrees.

"They know they didn't pay," said manager Yukio Oki.

Oki runs the Sagano Japanese Steak House & Bistro, located on Dequindre Street. He said party came in around 8 p.m. and included three small kids and a baby. Despite the connotation of a "Dine and Dash," the video surveillance is anything but.

The group is casual about their exit, meandering around their seats as they begin to leave. As kids twirl around, a couple even hugs. The group had asked the $530 bill be split among five tabs. The waitress never had a chance to deliver those bills though as the family had already walked out.

"It's Mother's Day, it sets a bad example," said Oki.

Police aren't just leaning on intuition in their suspicion that the group never intended to pay. They didn't make a reservation or call in - so pPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>Allowing niggers into restaurants

I wouldn't allow a nigger into a convenience store.

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>Turn them away

>Get sued for being rayciss and have business closed down

No, they have to accept them because the US doesn't believe in freedom of association.

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I read some nigs tried to get their kids into a good jewish school but they weren't allowed in. Guess it's rules for thee not for me

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Because you have to choose the correct reason for not allowing them into your store, and whatever standard you apply has to be applied to everyone. Jews are just good at skirting the rules.

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and just to show it doesn't affect only niggers because of niggerstank give 10 bucks to a non-black hobo to walk in and be escorted out.

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File: 8329efeb80c685f⋯.jpg (193.95 KB,1024x792,128:99,presidentwithshotgun.jpg)

 No.12630 [Open thread]

>For me there was fruit and about one-half cup of coffee, with a home-made cereal made from boiling together two parts of unground wheat with one part of rye. To this was added a roll and a strip of bacon which went mostly to our dogs.

What is this thing our greatest President had for dinner each day?

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Over easy eggs should be prepared in a pan, not directly on the flatiron. This facilitates the turning of the eggs. The size of the pan should be just large enough to keep the eggs together without forming the combined whites into an unnatural perfect circle. If you are cooking directly on the flat top, sunny side up is the way to go. If the diner prefers a more thorough set to the yolk, steam it under a cloche… but it should still be an "up" egg, not an "over".

I am a fan of toast being fried in just butter, personally… but I think it would be safe to use a mix of butter and rendered beef fat. It would change the characteristic of the toast. The toast would adopt some of the fond and seasoning from the steak; this would be appropriate for a workingman's breakfast, but not for a king's breakfast.

If you're going to scoop baked beans onto the plate, none of these concerns matter, and SPAM may be readily substituted for the ribeye.

Since you may in fact be a SPAM eating type, remember to slice it square for sandwiches (the can's instructions may mention a "SPAMburger"), rectangular for non-sandwich breakfast applications (like served in lieu of bacon or sausage). When frying SPAM, it should be fried until a golden crust forms, but not so long that the crust becomes crisp. Frequent flipping can aid this goal.

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cuck foods for soyboys


manly, goes to the dog. lel.

get cucked.

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>le baycon is le mainly!!!!!!!

>food that doesnt contain soy is muh soyboy

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Poor impoverished hue. Saturated fats are needed to produce testosterone and helps with brain function. I know in your 3rd world shithole they feed you grains because it's cheap and filling but you should eat more meat even if it's stray dog because your post is fucking retarded.

I sincerely hope you get raped to death by a gang of angry mongrels from the favelas.

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What about onions?

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File: e802a875dc98447⋯.jpg (2.38 MB,2816x2112,4:3,OriginalPoutineLaBanquise[….jpg)

 No.14764 [Open thread]




Why is this mocked? It sounds pretty good.

Any tips for making it?

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Canada isn't really known for having a wide variety of vegetables given it's fucking cold most of the year for them.

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Fucking cold or fucking swampy, lemme rephrase that.*

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File: 8c687f2ab7269b6⋯.jpg (75.83 KB,500x375,4:3,The lys.jpg)



Poutine is a Lys creation, the eternal leaf had nothing to do with it except appropriate it and call it "canadian"

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Cheese curd is actually cheddar.

Just use break cheddar in little chunks if you can't find cheap cheese curds

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File: 620a6f51d48dd4d⋯.jpg (225.9 KB,1280x800,8:5,poutine.jpg)


> It sounds pretty good.

I’ve only had it once and it was good. There was a nearby brewpub (Falling Down Brewery in Warren MI) that had poutine with shredded BBQ pork on their menu that was really good but the place went out of business after the owner had a stroke.

I find it surprising and annoying that despite being right next door to Canada, I can’t get poutine here in metro Detroit.

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File: 4d7723722c0e657⋯.png (226.83 KB,1101x547,1101:547,569df77cfdf58f97b97cf0c730….png)

 No.16100 [Open thread]


What is it?

/v/ Nominates 32 fighters to fight for the Champion's Belt and a chance to fight in the 33rd Mania and win the season championship

This week we're having a site wide event and we want YOU to nominate a fighter, so please pick who you think represents the board the most, and then come join us at https://cytu.be/r/8chanmania on Sunday May 12th at 2pm EST to watch your fighters win!

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I like this man aswell. He could kill a man with his amazing fasion and food choices alike.

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Tbh hes only normie because he's a decent choice, or at least outstanding from your average softer/innofensive chef.

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Reviewbrah lost to /nothingness/' well, Nothing, in the quarter finals.

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Review Brah did a pretty good job out there. Not bad.

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He's too kind for wrestling ;_;

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 No.16185 [Open thread]

Let's share photos of

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…let's share photos of monster-sized tools that they use in professional settings. To get the ball rolling, from my place of employment is this thing that I can only describe as an immersion blender meant to mix >20-liters at a time, that looks like it's meant to be wielded like a weed whacker.

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File: c46e79d76b7c482⋯.jpg (24.7 KB,640x640,1:1,1417530755-12126.jpg)

I've used one of these industrial grade potato peelers myself. There is a large rortating rod in the middle with spokes sticking out and the walls are lined with what pretty much is sandpaper.

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File: 7143821a285b4c6⋯.jpeg (6.96 KB,264x191,264:191,download (1).jpeg)

 No.12544 [Open thread]

It's entirely too dead around here, let's shake things up a bit by having a bit of an experiment.

Go to your local McDonald's, or whatever your equivalent is of a cheap, shitty American burger joint, and buy yourself a Mcburger, plain, with or without cheese, or as many as you want.

Now, take that Shit home and do whatever you can to make it edible, whether that's perfecting a Burger, or making a Burger casserole of it.

Have to use the entirety of the burger in the dish, meaning Meat, Bun, and the processed cheese.

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>Pay for extra patty

>Don't get it

Why the fuck didn't you return it as soon as you noticed?

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>buy yourself a Mcburger

Too expensive.

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>Too expensive.

Even if you meant that as a joke, it isn't. People nowadays pay up to $6 for 1/4 lb (~115g) of fast food pig shit. The audacity. The temerity. I could probably make at least a dozen equivalents with trash-tier burger buns and ground beef from the local Save-A-Lot with the same price. Subhuman shitstains. Disgusting degenerates. Filthy fart-huffing faglords.

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Standard terror of fighting back thanks to authority figures stomping on any form of non-normalfaggotry into yet another spergy robot?

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It is expensive in Brazil

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File: a60a76dcc0efef1⋯.jpg (36.01 KB,800x534,400:267,tomate-cherry2.jpg)

 No.15850 [Open thread]

So… I'm starting to grow my own cherry tomatoes from a little "Do it yourself" kit, and now I have my little plants growing in a proper pot. Still, I had been thinking how to crossbreed tomatoes with another vegetable to make a delicious abomination like tomapeppers or something like that.

Also I was thinking about putting some white clover all over my pot's soil to keep fertilizing it while my tomato plants grow.

Any advice/tricks/whatever?

Food growing general thread?

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Splicing is surgical and gay. I would try cross-pollination first.

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File: 64896131dbe120d⋯.jpg (2.29 MB,3264x1836,16:9,068.jpg)

 No.16119 [Open thread]

This is my swamp. Seriously though I got a ten pound box of award winning Vidalia onions and I'm trying to figure out what to cook with them before they eventually go bad. Three of them went into the fridge for slicing. Probably going on sandwiches. Eight of them went into sous vide bags with garlic, coconut oil, and lager. Now I have about nine left. So what do you usually do with Vidalias. I guess I could eat them like apples but I'd rather cook them. Any ideas? Also that smell sweet Vidalias leave on your hands after slicing them is really pleasant.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Make pasta alla genovese. You can also fire roast some and pickly them.

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Most of the time I sear with a kitchen blow torch. When searing sous vide meats you want the temperature as high as possible and to cook the outside for as little time as possible so you don't cook the inside of the meat. I guess I could split the meat up from the marinade with the onions in it so I torch the meat but pan fry the marinade. That could work. I'll look up recipes for french onion soup as I've never tried to make that.

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I may have to pickle some if I don't use them in time.

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Eat them raw. Vidalia onions are a really tasty snack.

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make a nice stir fry or two, then make a stew in a dutch oven with chopped onions in the fond to sweeten.


you can also make Jaeger sauce for schnitzel or spaetzle and that could be nice.

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File: 9334a6046ca02cb⋯.jpg (59.93 KB,700x700,1:1,wojack crying angry red ey….jpg)

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 No.11333 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

>homemade Greek yogurt

>drop crock pot

>it shatters


Could’ve been worse. Could have been full, instead of only <2 cups left, so the mess wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been. And I only got a small cut on my foot from a flying shard. And I got the pot for like $6 from Goodwill. And I still have my second one; making two gallons at a time is too much for one guy anyway, especially regarding fridge space.

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>making an omelet

>chop up meat and cheese for filling, beat eggs, and get butter out while waiting for pan to heat up

>add eggs to pan

>realize I forgot to add butter to the pan

>it sticks

>have to scrape it off the pan

>eat my scrambled omelet

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I accidentally knocked over the glass pitcher of my coffeemaker, it hit the floor and shattered. There is still another coffeemaker shared by the people in my apartment, so I can still get myself some coffee.

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That could tide you over until you get a new one from a thrift shop if you have those in the frigid north?

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I burnt soup. The day after I cooked it:

>just moved to new apartment

>previous place had a gas stove, this one electric

>after finishing soup, instead of putting the almost empty pan in the sink, put it on the other burner out of the way

>next day I go to boil water

>walk off

>start to smell something burning

<that does not smell like water, what the fuck

>back to the kitchen, and my water was not even boiling

>look over, and what's left of the soup is burnt

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 No.16057 [Open thread]

What are you making/did you make for Easter Sunday? Or just for holidays/family gatherings in general.

>inb4 Julianfags shilling their calendar

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I also decided to throw in god-tier aesthetic decorated eggs as a bonus.

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Goddamn that's pretty.

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Wouldn't it be better to braise rabbit? I've never had rabbit before so I don't know, but I've heard that it's too tough for dry cooking.

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File: 2a5645c1b42daaa⋯.webm (521.4 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Breakfast in bed.webm)

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 No.16066 [Open thread]

What is /ck/ reading? Any suggestions? I really enjoy Addicted to Curry. It provides a recipe for every dish created in the manga so I am going to try out some of the simple recipes it provides.

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Dungeon Meshi ofc

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I’m happy that this exists. Japan is awesome.

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Go back to cuckchan or leddit if it pisses you off so much, faggot.

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File: 6866102fa46c13c⋯.jpg (444.16 KB,1836x3264,9:16,vXJF6.jpg)

 No.15833 [Open thread]

How does one go about making a truly homemade yogurt? Every single tutorial or guide I find requires one that already has a starter, or uses a store-bought yogurt, except for this: http://archive.fo/KCQz6

From what information I've gathered, the biggest factor seems to be the milk itself, in that it has to be either raw, or pasteurizes. The things it cannot be are homogenized and ultra-pasteurized.

Would I really be able to use sourdough starter to make a yogurt starter? My sourdough starter makes a really sour bread, so I've been wondering, but I'm hesitant.

I figure that if push comes to shove, I'd settle for buying a mesophilic starter, since I'm used to doing fermented foods that take time vs attention.

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>making Greek yogurt

>right before fermenting, add secret ingredient: break open probiotic pill and mix in

>24hr later end up with thiccest, smoothest yogurt known to man

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Your shit post has nothing to do with my thread. Howabout you fuck off to the proper thread or better yet kill yourself you retarded assburger?

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I threw up everywhere. Thanks bro.

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That's all it takes to make yogurt? I'm buying culture and whole milk next time I'm at the store.

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