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 No.12719 [Open thread]

What do you eat/cook after a day where shit got fucked up/to unrustle your jimmies?

I usually just go for bananas and tea. Must be the potassium or something.

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Oh you're broscientautist from /fit/. Looks like they drove you out and you're now trying to dive into a small pond.

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I have no idea who that is.

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Alcohol, starting with 2 road beers in rush hour traffic.

Otherwise 2 Jimmy John's at lunch. I hate myself so much Everytime I do that.

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>Guess which one of the above causes that?

BOTH. Excessive insulin downgrades the receptors whether or not there is actually glucose there to be taken up. The only reason insulin without glucose is worse than insulin with glucose, is because it can make you hungry to force you to raise your now low blood glucose. When you eat, your body has to raise insulin again. If you didn't give in, the beetus factor would be the same. It's the amount of insulin secreted that matters, not whether or not there is actually sugar there for it to take up.

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hot chiles like habanero peppers, they distract me from stress

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 No.14919 [Open thread]


>normyz still eat meat, eggs, and dairy like they're a staple part of the diet

either go flexitarian, vegetarian, or vegan; any other diet is for lazy normyz with no sense of self-control

but seriously, why do people still gourge on garbage like McDonalds and Red Lobster to this day? if you're going to support an industry that kills animals for your own self-satisfaction and convenience when it's utterly unnecessary and only bad for your health and the environment, at least don't have such shit tastes in food. a living creature didn't die to be turned into garbage, at least give the creature's corpse some dignity and don't let it become shitty McDonalds food or make it a staple part of your diet. flexitarians are cool too but people who are completely oblivious to veganism and just eat meat constantly deserve what's coming to them

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normalnigger exposed

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 No.14915 [Open thread]

I've got my perfect soup steaming away in front of me, quick to make and very delicious so I wanted to share the recipe with you anons

1. buy several of pic related in several varieties. here are some examples:

>chicken and lee

>cream of mushroom

>beef and tomato

2. buy some cheddar, my preference is matured

3. grate the cheese

4. mix together a packet of each with some of your grated cheese

5. add hot water and continue to stir

It doesn't cost much to buy all the ingredients at all, in addition some canned sardines in tomato sauce on the side tops it all off.

anyone want to share their own meals?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This and look up 'batch-cooking' on YouTube. Worth the time to spend an hour to make a giant pot of split pea or hummus or coleslaw that you can easily spoon out in seconds onto a plate.

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 No.14914 [Open thread]

What are some foods specific to your country or part of the country, what are they, and how good are they?

>Cincinnati Chili

>It's just spaghetti with spiced ground beef on top

>Pretty good

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 No.14910 [Open thread]

What would be some unusual western dishes to make that don't require a bunch of work? I've been living off of homemade bread for over a week now, and it's getting really boring. I can't imagine eating worse than a futile peasants is doing me any good either. Shortly, I'm going to build myself a screen box to cure meat in, but curing the meat will take some time.

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Have you tried adding peanut butter to your bread?

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How about smoking stuff? Fish especially. I build a smoker with my father and eating some trout warm out of the smoker is just the best.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.14609 [Open thread]

From the old one:

>Hey folks. I enjoy watching cooking videos. Got any you want to share?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Whichever of you beautiful disparaging names posted this, thank you


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Make this, freeze it and you'll always have a great sauce ready.

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Coastline lengths are arbitrary.

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Just like mental illness diagnoses.

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Actually he's right. Coastlines are fractal. They can be any length you want depending how you measure.

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 No.9225 [Open thread]

Rate reddit's cookbook


You have to let the download restart to view.

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r/askcullinary/ is actually decent. Lot's of real cooks and chefs there.

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They're really into cannibalism if Metokur's video is anything to go by.

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>shrimp upboats

>rick and morty mortadella sandwich

>the /r/bacon burger

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>Eternal Anglo bumps over 2 year old thread to invoke more disgust.

Thanks John.

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>Eternal Anglo bumps old thread with no actual content

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 No.14712 [Open thread]

(I apologize if there is already a thread. Thw search option isn't working.)

So what are the best brands of olive oil? Bonus points for organic. Must be authentic, and not shitty blends.

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I meant the whole reason you ca Trust California Olive Ranch is because their oil is 199% USA. European oil, especially Italian, is usually fake or cut with fake olive oil these days. It's a real problem.

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lol typo. 100%

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Probably the best brand I know, most certainly the best place of origin.

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Thread cleaned up, this isn't /pol/ or /int/ for that matter.

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Back in Mani, we remove people for lesser demonstrations of sympathizing with commies, Ceaușescu.

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 No.14732 [Open thread]

Hey /ck/, foreignfag here. I'm going to be visiting the US for the first time for some business in September. I'm going to be about a week in Baltimore, about a day in DC, and about a week in NY. Can anyone recommend some must-visit restaurants and general food experiences?

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OP, don't believe the bad rap that Baltimore gets. the food scene there is great, lots of soul food with influence from the Maryland-New Englandesque-maritime-seafood scene. take a stroll around and pop into a hole in the wall that catches your eye; walking around night is perfectly safe too. it's not the 90s anymore.

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>recommending him Baltimore

>the poor man's Detroit.

Not only you can get there THE BEST soul food, but also it's safer than Tel-Aviv, especially at night, locals are very friendly and helpful.

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Just ask a local what restaurants they like and give it a try. Most local restaurants in the US are decent enough.

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You forgot to mention that he should OC his wallet and inquire loudly about potential farmequipment for the plantation back home.

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 No.14610 [Open thread]

You have exactly 5 seconds to tell me why I shouldn't buy this haggis.

>never had before

>want to try

>$50 bucks shipped but it's kind of a once in a lifetime thing as an amerifat

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<no lungs

<no hearth

americans never fail to dissapoint



Not the same kind. Jelly in like it's soft, a bit chewy, and melts in your mount . Closes thing I've eaten to lungs in texture was chanterelle mushrooms with sour cream (tough mudrooms aren't as meaty in taste).


Good luck.

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>going for lungs

>not going for raw milk

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><hur dur muricanize it.

You're trying too hard to fit in, gaiafag.

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Smuggle some in from Canada. Canadians do it for Burn's Night, so plastic jocks in the states can wank over Braveheart.

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>$50 bucks shipped


I almost eat it every day for breakfast.

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 No.14493 [Open thread]

Do you have an opinion on cilantro?

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>is it /mu/ or /ck/?

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It's /lit/

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Coriander is a *** pain to prepare. Used to put it in my rice tortillas but stopped because I kept munching stems

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That's where all the flavor is.

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Would it help to feed them through a food processor or a coffee bean grinder?

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 No.14759 [Open thread]

Ayy /ck/ i have never liked cooking. I don't know if its a disorder or something but i don't like much of the cooked stuff. My favourite foods are like olives, tomatoes, cheese and i can eat em all day. Sure i cook some veggies and ots not like im vegan or something i just eat the shit out of raw fruits and vegetables 24/7.

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cool story, bro

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 No.14554 [Open thread]

Besides soy, I know you guys can't live without it.

Pic related, I'm not a Med, but I fucking love garlic, I put that shit in everything. When I need to snack on something, I eat it raw with a piece of cheese or something. I don't really notice or care about the smell, but I'm a NEET so it practically doesn't matter.

I also really like olive oil and use it instead of other kinds of oil or butter whenever possible.

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Onion / powder

Red pepper flakes and cayenne powder


Enjoy hypertension and breathing problems


More like >using oil at all

Fat Americans need lard on everything. Just cook like your ancestors did with water, retard.

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Ancestors cooked with the lard from the meat they cooked. They spit-roasted the pig and the lamb whole, and used the leftover bones and hooves for stews and jelly.

They didn't go to the local k-mart to buy skinless chicken breast.

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onions especially red

olive oil

kerry gold garlic butter

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File: 2d2636d28e67fbd⋯.jpg (23.58 KB,266x315,38:45,absolutely barbaric.jpg)


>Just cook like your ancestors did with water, retard

This is the flug sent to the moon everyone.

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 No.14706 [Open thread]

Share stories

>years ago I asked dad to get me chicken wings

>he has no idea what chicken wings are

>asks me if I mean breasts or thighs

>no chicken wings retard

>he comes back an hour later from KFC

>literally deepfried bones without any sauce

<story 2

>ask mom to pick up some bread from bakery

>she comes home and announces she got me a “long bread”

>doesn’t even know it’s a baguette…

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It's only tangentially related, but last year I caught hell from my older family members because I wanted to cook the turkey different from their traditional fashion. I butterflied it and roasted on a rack; it cooked much faster and much more evenly than the traditional oven-bake. They eventually admitted my way was just as good as theirs, which was fine enough for me (even though my way is objectively easier and better).

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>boomer bullshit

No. Keep that shit on cuckchan, not here. Bumplocked.

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Thank you, I love you Romania-anon

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File: b56a2ddcd22dcbb⋯.jpg (33.98 KB,500x332,125:83,500_F_91827431_FHPN2JWzCL4….jpg)

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Traditions are a tradition for a reason kiddo.

Don't ever try this shit again.

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 No.13728 [Open thread]

Hey /ck/. I am going to try my first Texas style bbq tomorrow. I was inspired by Robert Rodriguez: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGOQ_npS4pI

My plan is to use a gas grill and hickory wood chips to provide the smokey flavor. I don't have a charocal bbq or wood fire smoker. Any tips, tricks, or recommendations for getting good results from a gas bbq? Thanks.

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It has water in it but I think you know that.

Someone on another website told me to use apple juice instead so that's what I have been using.

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try dark rum

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Fuck St. Louis style pork ribs.

Kansas City style beef "burnt ends" for life.

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Fixed that typo for you OP.

Anyway, why does the pic in the OP look like someone sprinkled seasoned sawdust over it?

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Deep-fried JPG

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