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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

The tastiest and most filling board on 8chan!

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File: a5b1442b0610e9e⋯.jpg (128.29 KB,1200x1400,6:7,8chan cup streams.jpg)

 No.14293 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Hey guys you were nominated for 8chan cup.

If you will do the following:

Figure out an emblem

Decide your team members

Give me your goal horn

Give me your Anthem

When you've got some stuff deicded post your emblem in a thread for /ck/ on >>>/8cup/ before wednesday. Doesn't have to be your final emblem, just one that represents your board.

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File: 97d5d004ca8d7e5⋯.png (185.31 KB,492x554,246:277,index.php.png)

Does 8/ck/ use the same old board-tan, or did you guys create your own? I need it for research purposes.

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/ck/ doesn't have a mascot, as far I know.

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Whoever she may be, she better be fat. Never trust a skinny chef.

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As long as she's fat in all the right places.

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So our mascot finna be T H I C C ? / I like your thinking.

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File: 403f216e896354f⋯.jpg (79.8 KB,1200x800,3:2,basic-tomato-sauce-horiz-a….jpg)

 No.13428 [Open thread]

quick question to any italians out there:

how much sugar do y'all put in your tomato sauce? i tried to make some homemade tomato sauce the other night but it tasted sour and i didnt like it. i put about 4 table spoons of white sugar in it and then it tasted okay. what did i do wrong?

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>sour tomato sauce

Nigger what the fuck? Just what manner of garbage tomatoes are you using for your sauce?

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I'm in late, yes you can, but not too much

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File: fbb109f6b546b83⋯.jpg (3.47 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20180708_204432.jpg)

File: 3cee9a1437aaeba⋯.jpg (3.85 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20180722_235104.jpg)

I hope it isn't too late for you op;

If you're making a reasonable amount of sauce (probably more than 2 servings), let that boi simmer on low for a good 45 minutes at least. Don't listen to the others, sometimes sugar is necessary to cut acidity when you don't have time to simmer for longer or for when you use 2 whole cans of tomato paste.

I have a 3 gallon sauce pot that I use for bolognese sauce when making a week's worth of meals, and I'll probably only put maybe a teaspoon of sugar in there. Granted I like to simmer it for 3 hours, but you can make the same thing in 45 minutes if you use maybe 2 tsp of sugar.

Too much sugar won't make the sauce taste bad, but you start killing your other flavors that you can preserve by letting the sauce cook longer instead. The longer tomatoes are exposed to sustained heat, the less less acidic they become, probably because of enzymes denaturing or some shit.

Don't forget to stir your sauce FREQUENTLY: shit burns on the bottom.

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>how much sugar do y'all put in your tomato sauce?

Mama mia

Caramelising onion ought to sweeten the sauce enough. If you're finding that it's too bitter it's because you're not stirring it enough you lazy nigger, make sure you keep that meathook on the spoon and stir that shit so it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan.

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> but it tasted sour and i didnt like it.

What the fuck.

Did you use real tomatoes or plastic ones?

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File: bc1fb0084402197⋯.png (150.4 KB,300x224,75:56,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.11470 [Open thread]

5 portions of the last food you ate come into your house and try to kill you, how fucked are you?

>inb4 food can't move

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>5 grains of rice

I'm fine.

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Chicken Nuggers can't kill.

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Arr rook same

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Are you an expert because of living in Hongcouver?

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File: e23580c6a52cacf⋯.jpg (93.88 KB,500x349,500:349,boigahz.jpg)

>5 cheesburgers

I'll be fine.

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File: 1c5e5dc6cb0a235⋯.jpg (92.16 KB,800x533,800:533,IHOP_Slide1.jpg)

File: a363e05dd6af252⋯.jpg (46.39 KB,640x480,4:3,ihop-cinn-a-stack-pancakes.jpg)

File: daf80de18212297⋯.jpg (47.08 KB,640x479,640:479,IHOP-Paradise-Pancakes.jpg)

 No.14548 [Open thread]


International Pancakes

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Is it just me or is it largely niggers who dislike maple syrup?

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It's just you.

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File: 345f2c7fc1ada88⋯.jpg (195.82 KB,1910x1000,191:100,104940431-Diet-Coke-portfo….jpg)

 No.12943 [Open thread]

new diet coke flavors.

what one would you try?

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I haven't seen any for years, even in large stores.

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File: 4aaeb2b81a2757c⋯.gif (6.31 MB,960x540,16:9,communityalisonbrie.gif)


>what one would you try?

None. Every time I see Brita aggressively tell me what to do, I remind myself to:

A) Never buy diet coke

B) Punch Brita in the face if I ever see her IRL

>Annie is best gril

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It's better to make your own coke with natural Kola nut syrup and water from organic hydrogen.

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none of them, fuck carbonated drinks

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Just Curious

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File: f2c7ede0f48b0ec⋯.jpg (42.25 KB,600x450,4:3,1235836422520.jpg)

 No.13845 [Open thread]

Accidental discovery: 1/4-cup peanuts. Coffee bean grinder until powder. 1 tsp honey. Grind more. Thick, sweet peanut butter.

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Peanut butter is already sweet enough, don't america it up.

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American peanut butter is more savory than Brazilian peanut butter and on top of that for the Brazilian candy Paçoca sugar is added.

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Depends on the brand. The one shown is sweet, others are gross from what I've tasted.

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The board owner should delete all the threads that are 404. Hopefully he sees this.

Oh and you can pan fry molasses sugar cookie dough and it will come out okayish.

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Or, link them so I can unfuck them.

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File: 79f07635ab62e65⋯.png (556.57 KB,712x480,89:60,science.png)

 No.14470 [Open thread]

Any good resources for food chemistry education? Volume 3 of the Cooking in Russia book was useful, but I need more.

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Just learn chemistry. The applications will be obvious.

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File: 9ffd7751d7f7712⋯.png (152.36 KB,360x360,1:1,9ffd7751d7f77122d9b2f72c96….png)


You have a PDF of this book?

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File: 18e15386028943e⋯.png (25.49 KB,759x551,759:551,fwdfwbw.png)

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File: 0f271d372b94627⋯.png (235.57 KB,1280x846,640:423,Knife-Free-PNG-Image.png)

 No.11993 [Open thread]

Can we get an educational thread? YouTube videos and sites for people who want to build their skills?

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American cheese provides an ideal texture for cheeseburgers.

(Goo is desired; stretchy chew is not.)

Parmesan crisps are right out.

Short of making a cheese sauce and then broiling it until it begins to brown, I'm not seeing an improvement over Murrican for cheeseburger purposes.

(Didn't Heston basically make his own American cheese for his ultimate cheeseburger, anyway?)

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File: a1fd5db3c070841⋯.png (54.58 KB,388x402,194:201,a1fd5db3c0708417906d88f1aa….png)



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All have superior flavor, and if sliced thinly will still melt to achieve a similar consistency. I will give you that American "cheese" does have better texture overall, but it doesn't taste nearly as good as any variety of real cheese.

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Some good advice like using a big cutting board.

This is a bad video that recommends buying lots of expensive shit as "essential".

>Cooking is attractive like playing guitar it demonstrates your prowess with your hands your sophisticated knowledge of an

art form and is a demonstrate value to look for a partner.

WTF, his reason for why you should cook is how it looks to others.

>These bowls are by oxo good grips and they might be the oldest thing that I have in the kitchen they've given me ten years of reliable service.

10 years old is the oldest he has in his kitchen!

>Shilling Square Space crap

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American cheese can be made from any other cheddar, retaining a good portion of its flavor. If you think Krap singles are the only game in town, give the Boar's Head white american a whirl. You may be surprised

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File: 92572ca3381f8e1⋯.jpg (44.26 KB,720x738,40:41,1531160397507[1].jpg)

 No.14435 [Open thread]


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File: 1c757626956023a⋯.jpg (122.04 KB,1280x550,128:55,wide_25336.jpg)

I prefer roast beef.

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File: 7ca926723f975b3⋯.jpg (109.46 KB,514x445,514:445,bread.jpg)

 No.14420 [Open thread]

>"Many basic breads, containing only flour, water, and yeast, are baked at high temperatures, usually 400ºF and above, while breads containing enrichments, such as eggs, milk, or butter, are baked at lower temperatures"

Why tough? I've read the same thing in like 10 different places.

Say I put my butter-enriched bread dough in a high-temperature oven going at full throttle. What's gonna happen?

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Sounds like the butter could burn.

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>butter could burn.

Basically this. Oil has a lot higher smoke point than butter.

Expand the realm of human knowledge, OP. Make some bread with butter and divide it into two loaves. Bake one at 200C and the other at 180 and see what the taste difference is. Be the hero we need.

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M8, you may bake bread at 1000°C and the temperature inside the loaf will still be around 100°C as long as there's water left. That's why when you even bake with EVOO it didn't turn bitter.


Frankly, you shouldn't be worrying about these advices. Maillard reaction occurs at approx 160°C so that's the minimal baking temperature, and max baking temperature depends of the loaf's thickness, mold material and thickness etc etc. Most ovens cannot even precisely control temperature all the time, take it easier.

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it doesn't*

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>M8, you may bake bread at 1000°C and the temperature inside the loaf will still be around 100°C

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. There has to be a difference between putting a stick of butter in a high-temperature oven, and putting a butter-mixed dough.

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File: 83e690147222133⋯.jpg (3.66 MB,2894x4093,2894:4093,1506131716599.jpg)

 No.12201 [Open thread]

If you store dairy, meats and veggies in the same fridge, you are a fucking retard.

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File: 275539c3ea333fa⋯.jpg (18.26 KB,325x326,325:326,Bait_645a43_5973862[1].jpg)


There's this thing called separate compartments.

You put different categories of food at pre-selected separated compartments in space-time that nonetheless are located in the same fridge, thus avoiding the need for three different fridges for each category of food, saving both space of extra fridges and power-consumption. Amazing concept, right?

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File: 6676174ed669ea3⋯.gif (996.38 KB,150x148,75:74,OP is a dick sucker.gif)


>Retarded post


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>9 months old post

He could be dead by now.

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Because this post is so retarded that it shouldn't be ignored.

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>not even saging the post

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File: 721f3226837e63b⋯.jpg (60.2 KB,750x742,375:371,IMG_20180630_160931.jpg)

 No.14426 [Open thread]

What are some nice and inexpensive places to eat at in Portland, OR?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.12406 [Open thread]

press F to pay respect you motherfuckers

: - (

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 3e1f9fcf918a9b4⋯.jpg (10.2 KB,200x240,5:6,41779_135737356458675_6724….jpg)


this episode is so sad

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I miss him :(

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File: 7f2717863dedf92⋯.jpg (465.57 KB,1173x841,1173:841,anthony-bourdain-parts-unk….jpg)

 No.14249 [Open thread]

Rip in piss

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some dedboi

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A famous guy from NAMBLA. Dunno how it's even /ck/.

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>Dunno how it's even /ck/.

He's a "bad boy chef" and writer with an (((award-winning))) travel show but no real contributions of note in the culinary industry. He also popularized the muh tattooed high-end chefs meme.

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gone but not forgotten

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File: 2718879909203c5⋯.jpg (13.78 KB,210x240,7:8,frollo-the-hunchback-of-no….jpg)

 No.14362 [Open thread]

Bought some of this shit today, by itself it tastes really good, but i wanna eat it with something for dinner

/ck/ucks can help a nigga out?

pic unrelated

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Probably food you lack access to.

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File: 22ee23231509b79⋯.png (559.77 KB,960x441,320:147,starbarians[1].png)

Meat . The answer is always meat.

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like pidgeons?

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>having food

Didn't they outlaw that for the plebians?

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whatever you have actually available. I doubt you'd readily find anything fancy you get recommended here (or afford it, for that matter)

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