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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26b4b57bab151cc⋯.jpg (144.9 KB,1191x670,1191:670,IMG_20171202_183040_463.jpg)


>certain omnivorous people get butthurt when I tell them their diet fucking sucks, they behave like fatasses that only care about taste rather than health or morality or care for our ecosystem, are too lazy to research vegan nutrition, too lazy to research vegan eating on a budget, are helping kill animals and waste resources using all these farm animals, and are helping contribute to global warming (I tell them all this in a nice, supportive way rather than an insulting or guilt tripping tone because insults and guilt tripping are even worse than not being vegan)

>"u vegans are so pushy, mean, and stoopid!!1 i hate vegans because they criticize me and i'm a special snowflake!!1 i luv cramming my face with MUH bacon and MUH eggs and MUH cheese and MUH steak and MUH salmon and MUH hotdogs and MUH cheetohs and MUH mountain dee and MUH dairy milk!!1 vegan diets are too expensive because I need muh 1500 dollar gaming PC, muh 200 dollars of steam games a month, muh 500 dollar dildos, and all my other overpriced normie possessions!!1 vegans are so stoopid because humans were designed to eat meat and it is impossible for me to get Vitamin B12 or Protein from vegan foods, even though I drink a ton of whiskey and shit anyways so I'll just die 20 years earlier than others anyways!!1 i can't cook or learn vegan recipes or go to vegan buffets or get vegan frozen food because I need muh full 24 hours to play Overwatch and CS:GO and jerk off to hentai!!1 ur all stoopid hippies anyways, and animals don't have feelings u dumbass, survival of the fittest, get outta here you beta cuck!!1"

Of course this is an exaggerations, but omnivores always tend to say this shit whenever I try to persuade them into going vegan. Remember: omnivores help produce even more Co2. I only attack WHINEY omnivores… don't whine - you're fine.

Provide vegan substitutes for baking, cheese, and all that stuff as well. Remember: only normalfags and plebs eat food primarily for its taste and/or texture.

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why did you even bother with this thread?

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> omnivores help produce even more Co2

which the plants use to grow taller and produce oxygen you're wasting.


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>Anchored thread

Based mods.

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Based BO you mean? There's only one mod and that's me.

Let this be a warning though: keep /ck/'s lawn free of stupid shit!

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Somewhat unrelated question:

Is your flag accurate?

Cause mine isn't.

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>it's a vegan bait thread

Glad this shit's staying on half/ck/, thanks boss

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No it isn't, i'm a Dutchfag. Some sites report that i'm from NL, others report me from RO. Dunno why though.

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I'm actually a ROfag. It's weird.

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Veganism is in no way good for the environment.


When you buy vegan food, you pay for chemical pesticides, which will be used to massacre countless wild animals. On huge vegetable farms.

When I buy grass fed beef, I pay the property tax for ranchers so they can put their cows out eating grass on huge acres of beautiful pasture and these cows get a good, fulfilling outdoor life.

You kill animals, I feed animals. (with our $$$and choices)

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