DC85: Department of Commerce, federal economics agent; "85", year of birth, not conception.
1/13: License renewel date, confirmation of participation in oversight.
1/15: Birthday, confirmation of American citizenship, from library reference in Dewey Decimel.
Silver Print: Active soldier, not gold, veteran.
Hawk: CIA assassin's license, to be hired out of municipal State Department, through shell company liaison.
Star: Concealed weapons permit, and gun shop out of strip mall Man Mar nearby, for CRASH certification to hunt paramilitaries and INTERPOL.
Lancaster York: American psion gene, communication in comic book dialogue, indicating anti-British Gypsy, not Rom, European.
1: Informed tip on RIAA, Armenian Mafia and Boris Yeltsin, for hording caches of automatic weapons for school shootings in event of student being high IQ and refusing socialist unions of Europe and Slavic countries.
2: Informed tip on DRE, transgender removals of penis for road officers performing drugs and alcohol inspections, replaced by nursing training for police officers instead; suits filed, against Barack Obama, by Fraternal Order of the Police; indicted out of Kenya, India, and North Korea, Obama's support base, for genital mutilation of police unions.
8: Masonic Guild, through Office of Naval Intelligence; informed on George W. Bush, 2004, for stealing semen of college students, undercover officers, and military cadets, through Rabbinical Imams, the Confederate Southern Army (gay rights).