Quick disclaimer: In all my years of browsing imageboards, this is the first time I've ever actually created a thread. Though this is technically related to lucid dreaming, it seems in-depth and different enough to warrant its own thread. My apologies if this is not the case.
I've had this idea for awhile, and now that /fringe/ appears to be back, after all, I was wondering what fellow anons thought about it:
>Use lucid dreaming to create incrementally more-and-more vivid scenarios, always populating the same "place" with increasing levels of detail and sophistication
In other words, create a memory palace, but instead of just using it to remember things, create your own ideal paradise.
>Ceaselessly return there every time you lucid dream, ultimately making it so real you can taste, smell, see, feel, and hear things semi-emergently
In other words, use lucid dreaming to create the basic laws of your universe, and ultimately said universe will act autonomously, though always in accordance with your Will.
>In so doing, all others whom you create to populate your realm will essentially be highly-sophisticated tulpas, yet they cannot enter into the material plane, and do not communicate with you outside of your lucid dreams
This makes sense because they only came into being by means of your dreams, and were consciously willed into existence by this very method. In other words, they exist in a part of your subconscious, but only really actualize in your particular corner of the astral realm. They cannot penetrate into this plane. Or can they?
>Eventually, this realm will become so sophisticated that, upon death, your soul will be able to transmigrate there for the rest of time.
In other words, you can sort of create a self-indulgent form of Pure Land, a pocket universe which becomes immortal and everlasting through sheer force of Will. This makes sense due to the immortality of one's mind; if one can indeed imprint one's will upon the astral realm, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.