There is one use in this, which is practicing to receive messages word for word fluently when talking to another person. As in someone wants to talk to say Athena and you call her up and let her possess you to speak. You can't give up control completely but must allow her to speak using your mouth and your language and available concepts within your context. This may take some practice as it's a bit like real time interpreting between two languages.
Once you get the hang of it, there's not much more to say about this topic.
Channellers are looked down on for a reason, any new ager on drugs can open up to external beings and let them speak, but who are they letting in? Make a distinction here and don't do what they do, you have to maintain control.
This stuff is better suited for discord voice chats and those aiming to be e-celeb wizards. Most participants on sunflower won't be using this more than the occasional sentence quoted for clarity on some difficult topics.