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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

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 No.16113 [Open thread]

Any good book recommendations?

Politics, philosophy, science (specifically space), and religion.


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No harm in asking; however, open ended general request threads tend to go nowhere.

There are a variety of /lit/ image-board mosaics detailing various topics and genera for suggestions. The best we have here is "the last book you read" threads, which invite people to state why they found a given book worth pursuing.

Still, I'll throw a few out there.

1. Politics:

How to Stop a War: The Lessons of Two Hundred Years of War and Peace by James F. Dunnigan. Conflict is always a popular political topic. The nature of conflict resolution less so, but no less full of geeky, fun detail.

Cracks in the Constitution by Ferdinand Lundberg. Enlightening survey against common misconceptions about the attributes, scope, and history of the American constitution.

The Washington Pay-off by Robert N. Winter-Berger. Somewhat dated as an expose of how things get done behind the headlines. The technical details of lobbying differ today, but the general system as Winter-Berger describes it remains in full force.

>>>/pdfs/ for suggestions, obviously.

2. Philosophy:

I have a 1960s era general guide to various philosophers. The title escapes me at the moment. For more modern philosophy, online resources are sufficient. Anyway, the idea here is you'll go farther, faster with solid professional/academic guides. Hardcore types don't bother asking, they go right to the source. See >>>/philosophy/ for a few suggestions.

3. Science (specifically space):

Megastructures: Science and Speculation by Paul Lucas. Although, this comes at you from the idea of writing SciFi.

In that regard, pretty much any modern hard SciFi role playing game.

The Orion's Arm website.

There are some interesting (if dated) general guides by Feynman, Asimov, etc. You'd do better by asking the respective boards for whaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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The Analects

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I would recommend a whole list of books to you, but I see no reason to do this. I chose a couple of the best of those that I read. For example Calling for a Blanket Dance by Oscar Hokeah. The best of 2022 for me. I also started reading about biography, I use https://happyessays.com/free-essays/biography/ for that. I can refer Anna: The Biography by Amy Odell to such topics. I also read about all the famous people. really learned a lot and took it out for myself. Many people do not find time for this, but you just need to properly distribute your time for the day. I also encountered this, with the right schedule - there will always be time for a book.

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 No.15428 [Open thread]

Ty in advance

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Fuck yeah it is, Straight up just mixes kim kardashian with kierkegaard. Honestly i need this book. He's got twitter aswell where he posts some quotes but thats about it

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File: e48fc67e01fc4ef⋯.jpg (19.38 KB,512x384,4:3,whyyyy.jpg)


well done. I got sucked in thinking this was something r…-

why is this an actual book?

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That cartoon blows

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I don't know

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I don't know why you need this particular book. if you like reading this kind of stuff, it's very strange. In any case, google will help you. I recently found an essay grader, used https://edubirdie.com/essay-grader for this. You can find everything, you just have to want to. You just waste your time here, it's easier to find it yourself.

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 No.17111 [Open thread]

Stop using this garbage site, friends, and come bookpost with us

https://8 chan.moe/lit/ (REMOVE THE SPACE)

Board creation is available, they can also transfer the entirety of the board (pictures/replies) on their servers.

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 No.17057 [Open thread]

George is a lazy hack writer with no new ideas.

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In relation to the new books that are outside of the SOIAF or just in general.

He is lazy alright. How long do we have to wait for WoW…

Money and fame has gone to his head.

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I can't believe what you wrote, it's nonsense. If you call him that, then you should understand who this person is! I just recently wrote autobiography essays, he used https://studymoose.com/essay-types/autobiography-essays for this. What is the book Game of Thrones worth! This is a world book and a series that has beaten all the ratings. He's definitely not lazy.

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File: 6788a40415033af⋯.jpg (25.43 KB,364x372,91:93,Si_maqian.jpg)

 No.17074 [Open thread]








Zhuang Zi is like Helter Skelter

Lets read 史記 by Sima Qian

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What does analects mean?

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File: db13df93e5a9467⋯.jpg (68.34 KB,960x960,1:1,db13df93e5a9467108d198d188….jpg)

 No.11999 [Open thread]

It's the 444th day of a Trump presidency. All day every day, members of the Trump Youth League in their khaki uniforms knock on doors, looking for illegal aliens. Armed with assault weapons and wearing red armbands emblazoned with a black "T" in a white circle, non-whites cower away in fear whenever they approach. After dark, roving bands of less official but even angrier white supremacists patrol the streets, enforcing the curfew for anyone who looks "un-American". People of color hide fearfully in their homes, their neighborhoods destroyed by white racist violence. Art deco-style statues of Donald Trump have been erected in every town square, with a live ticker screen beneath each one that reads off his tweets.

Everyone but Trump's rabid supporters fears "The Knock," when in the middle of the night people are taken from their homes and sent away to "#MakeAmericaGreatAgain Re-Education Camps", never to be heard from again.

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Over two years later and this is still pure gold

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File: db13df93e5a9467⋯.jpg (68.34 KB,960x960,1:1,resisting_the_trumpocaust.jpg)



Let me see if this fixes the broken link.

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File: 3c46fe0863dd04a⋯.jpg (92.43 KB,1280x720,16:9,nubians.jpg)

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It seems to me that you have understated the topic of gun violence in relation to others. I think there could have been more pressure on this and also why not break the pentagon right away, why these middlemen. Regarding the first you can take a couple of ideas from https://gradesfixer.com/free-essay-examples/gun-violence/, there is a lot written about it. And the second does not even need to explain, you could say it would be a Hollywood scale bizzler. So we are waiting for the continuation of this blockbuster with a view of the past five years.

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File: 962d1206e56497c⋯.jpg (606.09 KB,728x2680,91:335,1612561289744.jpg)

 No.16984 [Open thread]

Hi. Does anybody has pics like this one, but for introduction to philosophy or a link to download these kinds of illustrations? I have also seen drawings with several possibilities depending on whether you have more or less appreciated a book/author. Thanks in advance, guys.

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you'll want to start with the Greeks

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I was very impressed by these books and authors. I think need to be very talented to write a book. I would not be able to cope with such a things, because my writing skills are very modest. So I decided to ask for help in writing. And plagiarism checkers helped me in this https://writinguniverse.com/best-plagiarism-checkers/ The reviews help me choose the option that suits me. It was the right decision because it not only simplified my task but also gave a better result.

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I like studying philosophy. I have been interested in philosophical literature since I was in high school. Later, when I was at university, I started to write essays on philosophy. Now I am a professional writer for uk essay writing service https://www.brillassignment.co.uk/essay-writing-services/ and I am always ready to help guys who have difficulties with such assignments. Even now I continue to study the laws of philosophy.

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Philosophy is my favorite subject. I even got into the Philosophy Department. And I am the best student in the stream and can qualify for a scholarship. With the help of https://www.fellowshippersonalstatement.com/ I write the scholarship application. This opportunity is only given to really successful students.

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 No.17026 [Open thread]

Thinking about giving this book a read, but before I do, I'd like to know if people here have read this book themselves and what they thought of it and what their favourite parts were?

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I read a lot of different books and genres. It was this one that I liked 7 out of 10. I just realized that it was not quite for me. I started reading short versions. For example about juvenile delinquency, I use https://phdessay.com/free-essays-on/juvenile-delinquency/ for that. So I get complete information in a short period. I also read literary reviews, try it, maybe you will like it too.

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File: cecd98823e9623a⋯.jpg (3.52 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20220621_110129.jpg)

 No.17098 [Open thread]

What is the best kind of bookmark? What do you use for bookmarks?

I've been using random things like business cards, and drawing arrows on both sides to denote what line I am on. Sometimes the bookmark gets moved accidentally between readings, though.

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 No.14227 [Open thread]

How do you make sure your writing doesn't come off as pretentious?

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avoid overuse of alliteration, don't force rhymes in poems, use abstract nouns in moderation.

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Only use big words when you need them, meditate regularly to keep the ego on the back burner, prioritize fun.

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Don't lecture the reader. If you want to present your opinions, let them leak out through the characters or be part of the story.

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>Scared of composing one. I'm documenting a story that came from my subconscious. It has a weird, dream-like rate, but some regions I don't fully comprehend can come off as attempting to be profound for the sake of living in-depth.

- Why not use some essay grader service for such types of writings like https://edubirdie.com/essay-grader or give some relative to look at your work and give feedback?

>I'm afraid of drawing them because I don't enjoy messing with the story's innocence and having it lose that dream-like rate forming in the subconscious.

- Yeah, you are right; sometimes, original stories have weird taste, so to be sure, better to validate writing on real readers.

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 No.16775 [Open thread]

I thought it could be easy to just write some crap on a couple hundred pages and make easy money, but holy shit its actually much harder than it looks.

Its been 3 momths, I rewritten my first chapter like 17 times already, and I still can't write something I would be proud seeing on a bookshelf.

Any writers feel the same way?

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And so the time had come to pass.

The man stood before the towering palaedian, struck with fear. Not fear of harm, but of unknown. Unknown of what is to come of him and his family. Fear of no future for his children. Fear of the void.

Behind the man, at the other end of the living room, stood the wife soothing their children, assuring them all will be well.

He spoke, "I fear you."

… "You needn't fear, we are love."


… "As it is, you have a choice." The options were shown to the man.

His mind was not ready for the download, immediately his cranium felt on the verge of exploding. He could feel his temples pulsing, his pupils dilated. Simultaneously he began to silently weep, he saw the spider web of the future unfold of each choice, of the many only 1 can be chosen, but of the many the choice was obvious.

The man "how can I know you will keep your word?"

More thoughts, nay memories, were transferred, then it became clear.

The man looked back at his family, with tears streaming down his face, looked at each in their eyes, looked back at the towering mirror, "lets go."

The man's body crumpled to the floor and the figure stepped over the figure sprawled upon the floor, striding to the fractured family amidst the throes of agony, the palaedian spoke "we must leave now."

Despite the woman's agony, despite her knowing what her husband had said, despite knowing these "beings" were not the emotional creatures humans were, at least not in the same sense that she could understand, she could hear the tones of pain and agony in "it's" voice, similar to her, now dead, husband.




It was not until many decades later, when she too was faced with the same decision, the same history was shown her, by a similar towering mirror, did she understand why his voice was inside "it's" mouth.

After she too made the same choice did she realise that there more than two palaedian's in their family room that night, not in shadows, or behind walls, but onPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Recently, because of work, I often have problems with studying, I did not know how to cope with this, because I did not have time for homework. I decided that I would contact the professionals from the site https://8kun.top/lit/, because many of my friends are very happy with their work.

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Greetings students! I wish you successful completion of the session, but before that you need to pass all debts, it is very important to do this quickly and efficiently, writing experts from the company https://www.writing-expert.com will help you with this. These guys have been helping students for a long time and it seems to me that they do it at the highest level.

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just put it on amazon

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So it works with everything, even if you need to write something small, you still rewrite it several times. I once wrote an essay on Hamlet and rewrote it more than ten times. Although there are only 1000 words, I'm scared of what will happen if I want to write my book. At some point, I even started to take finished works from https://eduzaurus.com/free-essay-samples/hamlet/, but I still decided that I would write it myself. So I think it's normal when you rewrite a lot and have a lot of doubts about your work. It shows how much you care about it and its importance to you.

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 No.17094 [Open thread]

Mmmm woof

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File: 7c12ff9e94afa6a⋯.jpg (248.99 KB,800x1085,160:217,800px_Nietzsche187a.jpg)

 No.17092 [Open thread]

Schizophrenia is defined at 19th century. But there was schizophrenia before. In each nation. At that time, nation tops have relation each other. At 19th the world become global. Schizophrenia is like Nietzsche.


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>chingchong bingbong

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 No.14066 [Open thread]

Hey, I’m wondering if any of you remember the info graphic showing the goals of the lower, middle, and patrician class’ relationships to food, furniture, and entertainment. If you’ve seen it, what’s you’re judgement of it. Is it correct?

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File: dd9cca91020d1f6⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB,480x360,4:3,a game of darts.mp4)

non-drunk self bump

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I haven't come across this informational graphic too often, although I'm also curious about it. Though my activity is a little connected with it. Although, I come up with some ideas on my own and also look for information on the Internet. This source helps me with pattern graphic bundles https://masterbundles.com/graphics/patterns/black-and-white/ It's great that there are similar sources where you can get inspired and get fresh ideas.

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File: de87ffd337ade9f⋯.jpg (70.92 KB,1300x866,650:433,3945843-open-old-blank-boo….jpg)

 No.16270 [Open thread]

There is a book that I read when I was 13 (26 now)… I can't remember the name of it, but I do remember the basic plot. IIRC, seemingly everybody in the world save for a single class of college students vanished. One of the characters had a twin sister who she had an empathic link with, and she felt her sister just disapear. Meanwhile, even animals vanished, and the students begin vanishing unless they have someone to love - One of the main characters vanished suddenly as well. It ends with the class essentially splitting into two groups, the degenerates who just want to fuck all day, and the main characters who fuck off in a private plane to some other location, trying to meet up with people who contacted them via radio signal.

Really bad synopsis, but its all I can remember, save for one part where one of the main characters says he hates acid jazz because you can't dance to it.

Anyone happen to know what book I'm talking about? I know it was the first part in a series, but other than that, I can't remember. I'd like to try and read it again, just to see if the parts I didn't understand when I was a kid would make sense now.

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Friends, I sometimes have difficulties while studying and I understand that I need to react to them and solve them. At https://papersbattle.com/best-essay-writing-services/ I often get a qualified help from professional writers.

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