Treatment resistant schizophrenic here (trauma-induced, and not what Twitter calls "trauma"), with a 143 IQ (since for we've all lost our minds here & decided to start IQ-posting in a recent thread even though IQ is literally a nonsense metric) who is currently in a precarious housing situation w/ my family that has been abusive in the past, but my best friend is getting me up to his state to live with him and rebuild my life. I've been hospitalized 20+ times, countless meds, even got electroshock 16 times. I wrote a book of poetry about my mythologized history, and I got it accepted for publication. It comes out in July. I say all this to prove, maybe just to myself, that there is hope for me.
It is my goal to become a PhD. Clinical Psychologist (which I've had since before my illness, and every doctor & clinician I've had highly encouraged me to do so), and get postdoctoral training in Lacanian psychoanalysis. I am currently undergoing Lacanian psychoanalysis for an extremely reduced fee as part of a scholarship with a postdoctoral psychoanalytic school. (But right now I have never even completed a semester of university.) The analysis is, very slowly, transforming myself and my life.
Despite my capacities, I am unable to sleep or eat really. I take meds, minimally & as needed at the lowest dose, but I am finding it very difficult to literally just SLEEP or EAT because of my overactive mind. It's like I'm naturally high on methamphetamine.
Besides establishing a safe living situation in an apartment with my best friend, WHAT BOOKS can I read---fiction, non-fiction, or poetry—to guide me in my journey toward that second chance, the Gestalt??? Mainstream behavioral indoctrinating industrial complex, and family, has terribly failed me (and I sort of failed myself) — so /lit/ you truly are my only hope.