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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

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 No.17154 [Open thread]

World War 3 WW3 Is Going To Occur Because I The Savior Is In Bad Mood

The only person that can prevent World War 3 is me, the real Savior Messiah Buddha.

But now I am in extremely bad mood (over the last several months already).

And I have decide this month May 2023 will be my last patience and waiting month for this society/civilization.

I have showed and given many proof such as unique ideas, books, courses, humanity projects that will great benefit this civilization.

But no any groups/entities want to collaborate at all either for money, wealth, good karma or just for their jobs.

My personal situation is terrible, I cannot open new international business from my low tier country which have too many restrictions.

Thus, it is better for me to give up, to stay silence and let this civilization sink and collapse.

If you know any beings, entities who truly want world peace and better society for all, then you should tell them to contact me or make big donation to me before too late.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source: www . ascensionjoy . com/05/2023/world-war-3-ww3-is-going-to-occur-because-i-the-savior-is-in-bad-mood/

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 No.17152 [Open thread]

Official Announce The Digital Cyber Company “Ascension Joy Group”

I The Savior Legend, The Founder is now official announce the new digital cyber company call as “Ascension Joy Group”.

The official website at www . ascensionjoy . com.

The “Ascension Joy Group” will unlike any other company that already exist in all countries at the moment but will have it own unique rules set my me (The Savior Legend) the founder.

This new company will serve and have 2 purposes: help people become millionaires and help people increase their health with natural methods, extend their longevity.

Shares Structure Of “Ascension Joy Group”:

There will be total 1,000,000 (1 million) of shares in total. And this number will never ever increased but stay that forever until the company disband (when me the founder no longer have interested in).

Each shareholders will receive either money or asset after certain period of 1 years or 2 years or 3 years….to 10 years after their purchase/obtain.

1 shares will equal 1 million USD/Euro at the time shareholders exchange.

After the next 10 years (maximum), all shareholders will able to redeem their shares for real money.

If I the founder won’t able to give you money with the rates of 1 shares = 1 million USD/Euro like the promise, then I will give you the much more valuable the asset: the secret of human body, how to cure any diseases in natural way, how to become younger, increase longevity for many years (which you can easily sell it for many millions if you need money).

How to obtain the shares of company “Ascension Joy Group”?

You can only able to receive it via invitation sent by only me the founder (The Savior Legend).

If you want to know how to obtain the shares, you better contact the founder directly.

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 No.17149 [Open thread]

There's this book, and its driving me insane that I cant find it. I can't even recall the name, except that it involved perhaps 8-10 dimensions.

From what I can recall, it was written by a younger man, but the book itself was incredibly complex and complicated. The cover was somewhat colorful and had at least a couple spheres/circles on it.

I've been looking for this book for years, and each time it's escaped my mental grasp. It's the only book I've ever truly wanted to read for its own sake, and I'm going to go insane if I don't find it soon.

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 No.17148 [Open thread]

There's this book, and its driving me insane that I cant find it. I can't even recall the name, except that it involved perhaps 8-10 dimensions.

From what I can recall, it was written by a younger man, but the book itself was incredibly complex and complicated. The cover was somewhat colorful and had at least a couple spheres/circles on it.

I've been looking for this book for years, and each time it's escaped my mental grasp. It's the only book I've ever truly wanted to read for its own sake, and I'm going to go insane if I don't find it soon.

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File: 190027c6f28444c⋯.png (66.23 KB,225x225,1:1,earth.png)

 No.17142 [Open thread]

Special Courses: Become Immortal Beings To Join The Eternal Realm

Official Page: www . ascensionjoy . com/special-courses-become-immortal-beings-to-join-the-eternal-realm/

This is a special limited time courses designed for who are seeking information for real human ascension evolution, meaning purpose of life, the secret of life on Earth and the Universe, how to become immortal beings to join the eternal realm.

Who is the teacher of this special sacred courses?

Me the Savior legend that have been predicted in many ancient prophecies textbook.

What you will learn in this courses?

The sacred unreal knowledge wisdom of human ascension evolution that cannot be found in any school, university or even in all kind of secret societies, groups, organizations that you already knew so far.

Here is the list of modules, lessons:

Lesson Week 1: Understand the game of life in a correct way.

Lesson Week 2: The real human identification.

Lesson Week 3: Super Gods, Deities.

Lesson Week 4: The secret truth of spiritual, occult, supernatural.

Lesson Week 5: Become a normal immortal beings or a powerful mortal beings?

Lesson Week 6: What is a real immortal beings be like.

Lesson Week 7: Human body complex.

Lesson Week 8: Wake up your human common sense.

Lesson Week 9: The powerful mindset.

Lesson Week 10: Difference between animals vs humans, memorize vs creative.

Lesson Week 11: How to cultivate intelligent, increase brain power in a safe way.

Lesson Week 12: Heal cure any diseases with natural methods.

Lesson Week 13: Fair, honest, lie in society on Earth.

Lesson Week 14: Life, other worlds in the Universe.

Lesson Week 15: Be your own unique Gods beings.

Lesson Week 16Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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In a world filled with ekittens and barely any daddies going around– they are lost, untouched (virgins) and horny. They are desperate and submissive, they are looking for someone to tame their wild nature and YOU could be their daddy. Please come join our server with a shortage of daddies for our ekittens.


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 No.17143 [Open thread]

The Best Public Way To End The COVID Pandemic Is Using Climate Change Reason

Source, More Info: www . ascensionjoy . com/04/2023/the-best-public-way-to-end-the-covid-pandemic-is-using-climate-change-reason/

This idea belongs to me, no any entities/organizations allowed to use without receiving my special permission for this crazy good idea.

The real reason COVID pandemic is still a mystery to all.

In my opinion, they are come from a combination of difference factors such as the eco system (climate change), the society system, the technology machine, etc. with that direct result to the human development issue.

How the COVID pandemic should be ended in the public way?

The official public organization such as the UN or WTO or national government can declare from the official statement but then it does not bring any benefit into the society at all, especially in term of human development evolution.

So what is the best official public way to end the COVID Pandemic event?

My answer my idea is using climate change as the main reason.

Because climate change or eco system affect all beings in this planet in either direct or indirect way.

Example: when the weather rainy or sunny, people will have different mood different decision.

If I was the decision maker, then here is the plan I will use:

1. Declare COVID pandemic event started from a combination of difference factors and one of them is the Climate Change.

2. People can gain natural “COVID vaccine” by study learning about Climate Change topic, and the most effective way is reading Climate Change subject book or any type of material.

3. Force all technology company remove their algorithm of suggestion on the main website of celebrities or favorite habit of users, change it to Climate Change related video only.

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File: d9f06e183aad8e7⋯.png (116.18 KB,1600x2560,5:8,1_ebook_cover_newcreation.png)

 No.17127 [Open thread]

The Book That Will Bring World Peace: New Creation New Society New World By Bodhi Udumbara

Please send/share to all world leaders, politicians, secret/public societies/groups/organization you know to save the world from total collapse.

Available at:

Google Play Book, Amazon KDP, Kobo Book and author personal page


Use search button to find the link.


We as a human race always want to live in peace, always want a fair life to compete, to live in this planet Earth.

But we are facing tough challenges, conflicts between many groups, nations at the present moment.

In order to find the “passing key” to remove the troubles, we must to think more, we must to create something new that not yet exist.

Because that is all the parties that involved in the current silent World War are needed.

This book “New Creation New Society New World” will educate, give important “tool” to all beings, entities, nations to help them have better chance to overcome the challenges they may have, not only now but also in the future.

We must try something new to see whether it is worked or not, there is no other choice.

We cannot “invest” in “destruction”, we must “invest” in “creation” if want to build something new no matter whether it is big or small.

I hope the wars will stop, the society will become better to live, to enjoy, the life will be more fair for all people, nations.

Book Content:

Book Using Rule, Permission

Author Bodhi Udumbara


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Very interesting, thanks

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 No.13773 [Open thread]

Are speed reading techniques legit or a waste of time/money?

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I remember my teachers either reading in diagonal or only the beginning or the end.

Speed reading is dumb, unless you want to seem smart because you read lots of books.

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>listen to someone talk

>only pick up keywords since they use a lot of filler words

>any time a concept is interesting, converse internally to fully understand the concept

>playing out situations, dialogue, and finding previous concepts to build upon this one/that this one builds upon

>whoops, it's been 3 minutes since I heard a word they said

Am I eternally damned to never benefiting from audiobooks?

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They are legit but it also depends on what you read.

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oh no don't think so

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Speed reading can be helpful, but they are not always reasonable. I learned these techniques in college, hoping they would make studying literature easier for me as an English major. However, I often missed important details and nuances in the texts I read, ultimately hindering my understanding and assignment performance. I was fortunate to have discovered https://studymoose.com/literature which provided me with in-depth analysis and summaries of the works I was studying. StudyMoose allowed me to comprehend the material more thoroughly and perform better on assignments than relying on my speed reading abilities. While I still believe that speed reading techniques can benefit specific contexts, it is essential to recognize their limitations and understand when it is more appropriate to focus on in-depth analysis and comprehension.

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 No.17072 [Open thread]

Axial Age


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I dont know precisely but it's like Gutenberg Galaxy?

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Very interesting to think about, I think that the school system is not as old as we all perceive it to be, but the concept of teaching people something may be even older than that. I was looking at similar ideas for myself only related to the philosophy of the time and it's the same school that tells how things happen in our world. I needed to write a paper on this and contacted https://edusson.com/write-my-philosophy-paper-for-me which was as a philosophy essay writer who complemented my work and better structured it. Now it has become obvious that the figure of the philosopher and their schools are the same modern teachers and educational programs to which we have come in the circles of evolution.

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To get the https://topthesis.com/write-my-research-proposal.html you should first identify your research question or problem and review the existing literature on the topic. Then, develop a hypothesis or research objective, choose a methodology and research design, define your sample and data collection methods, and analyze and interpret your results. Finally, draw conclusions and make recommendations, write a clear and concise proposal with an abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, expected results, and references, revise and proofread your proposal, and submit it to the appropriate research institution or funding agency.

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 No.14917 [Open thread]

Realized that I'm not interested in business and I'll just fail my classes if I continue that route, so I'm going english, which I enjoy. I read a lot of smaller things like articles, poetry, and press releases. However I enjoy reporting and romance novels and other things. I'm not into retarded philosophy because its for incels and numales. I know english degrees suck for job prospects but I plan on moving to asia and being a teacher anyways and living extremely frugally in public housing. Thoughts?

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>relegated to the world of landed gentry

It'll be coming back soon so I'm feeling ahead of the curve

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>what am I in for?


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Interesting how his life going now

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I think he's doing great, I hope so

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I hope so because I remember my university time when I realized all I learned isn't what I wanted. I decided to change the faculty and it was so hard way for me. I needed to end the year and haven't time for all this preparing stuff. Fortunately, such sources as this one https://eduzaurus.com/free-essay-samples/cosmetology-and-a-career-as-a-cosmetologist-pros-and-cons/ exists, and it helped me a lot to keep balance and succeed in the end. Such decisions are one of the hardest, but it's better than staying on faculty/job/in a family which you hate.

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 No.16667 [Open thread]

And then they wonder why most students never read a single book the rest of their entire lives after getting out of school.

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Also, just the difference between reading for pleasure and reading to gain something. Even if what is gained is the willpower and patience to slow your mind down enough to let let something like Glass Bead Game or Magic Mountain pass through it. Internet addiciton makes that much harder for kids today…

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He writes fantasy which is considered low brow literature marketed specifically for kids, so of course he’s right, kids are going to prefer his work over ‘classics’

Like certain genres of music require you live a little before you can appreciate it, so does certain works of literature

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Wat are all those namedrops in second-to-last tweet?

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Oh I’m happy someone said it. My literature teacher was annoying and after the school I didn’t take a book in my hands for 5 years

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I agree with you guys. My teacher was mentally ill and I even don't shame her now, I'm confident in it. I hated to visit her lessons, always skipped them, and did my homework thanks to materials on this page https://writingbros.com/essay-examples/fahrenheit-451/ , because even small contact with literature made me mad and anxious. Then I joined the university and took a book in my hands (if we talk about non-educational related books) only after a few years. It unfortunates me a lot…

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 No.15901 [Open thread]

So i'm a total newcomer to /lit/ and i want to to start reading by beginning with Crime and punishment by Dostoevsky because it's a strong recommendation by Jordan Peterson, i'm interested in psychology and philosophy but most importantly i want to read something at night that isn't harry potter.

Now my question is, is crime and punishment a good entry lever book for beginners?

As to my reading career, i really wasn't that big of a reader throughout my childhood as i spent most of my time on vidyu , i've only read the first two Hp books when i was like 12 and a few dutch books


My mom is Russian and she's a quite literary person who mostly read alot history books about the slavic culture and origin, she even used to write her poems a and also read me Germanic and Slavic tales before bedtime when i was a child.

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Literature, published writing, and their readerbase is full of eloquent idiots.

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Lel, my first Dostoevsky was the Brothers Karamazov, off a reccommendation by Brother Nathanael some 7 years ago when I was in high school. I suspect now that I missed some of the "deeper" elements, but purely as a story it was perfectly comprehensible and enjoyable. Crime and Punishment is a lot like the Brothers K but shorter and easier to read. Go for it. Don't worry about over-analyzing it for "symbols" or "deeper meanings" like Juden Penison would do; just focus on comprehending and enjoying the story. Insights into the "meaning" may come to you naturally as you think about the story after you've finished reading it. Once you start reading serious literature, e-celebs like Peterstein won't seem so smart to you anymore; you won't regret getting into it.

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I think, your occupation can be considered a full-fledged career, but the main thing is that it brings not only pleasure but also income. In career matters, I'm grateful for any advice that might help. Now I'm just starting my career, and I'm considering options for a job. I decided to start by writing a high-quality resume because success in employment depends on it. This is a source that helped me with this https://uk.careersbooster.com/cv-editing/ It made to highlight my strengths and look more professional in the eyes of the employer.

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It's quite an interesting and extremely complex piece of work, if you ask me.

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I don't think that as a first book it will do. I went through it in college and it was hard to understand everything, in addition, when I did research on it I tried to check for plagiarism more often at https://fixgerald.com/ because I took a lot of things from the book itself. It's a great work, but I think you have to read it more than once.

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 No.16524 [Open thread]

Books on love? Literally anything and everything relating to it. I'm starting The Sorrows of Young Werther tomorrow for context.

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You may read some poetry. Rilke's come to mind.

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 No.15444 [Open thread]

What book will make me stop hating women?

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File: 59f4a9c29084d1e⋯.jpg (67.1 KB,332x500,83:125,excavating.jpg)

try this

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If you want to stop hating women and start hating everyone read any books on anatomy. I had to strudite all that literature when I was in college. I also had to write papers on them, but I often ordered them from https://ca.edubirdie.com/nursing-help as I had little time and opportunity to do them myself. But it was after I read them that I hated everyone and everything.

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well “female chauvinist pigs” (a feminist book) has been on my reading list for quite some time. i actually agree with the premise of the book, but it will lose me if it starts talking about fags or abortion.

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oops old thread

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 No.17121 [Open thread]

Profit Business Portal</a> Profitbusinessportal is one of the best platform to share news and information about Business, Finance, Transaction and Technics Entertainment.

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