I dunno dude. I wish you the best, but either I did not GET what I was looking at, or it just isn't my thing. Or … y'know … the third alternative. Sorry, too, that my drivel is also the only feedback you've thus received. Slow board.
>Rule #1 of Cyberpunk: Cyberpunk must have everything in both English and Japanese
How fucking bound by 1980s literary tropes must we still be?
E - V - E - R - Y - B - O - D - Y knows we'll be writing in a Chinese-English fusion.
It's the only thing about Firefly that completely engaged me as being true to form.
>but Chinese characters aren't as elegant as Hiragana/Katakana
>mfw in a thousand years our technonovels will still be relying on the long-dead Japanese language for "authenticity".
A digital "coffee-table book"?! Dafug!?!
Also, I think you've missed the point of a "coffee table book". They're meant to be light and intensely VISUAL. Yours is just a collection of vapid quotes in western and techno-novel fonts perhaps attempting to imply a story or theme. Strikes me as more of a three-inch wide flipbook.
Alright, fine, I was buried in only the first 100 pages
There's a quote in there somewhere about "House of Leaves". Ugh. Aren't we all past that meme now?
There's indications this might pretend to be a hypernovel, but I haven't found anything to suggest that is actually true. At least none of the "GoTo" references seem tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.