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/lit/ - Literature

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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

File: f21bfce1c0719dc⋯.jpg (517.08 KB,756x744,63:62,1584560112841.jpg)


What does your Coronavirus reading list consist of?

I'm finally going to finish For Whom the Bell Tolls, Difficult Loves by Calvino, a couple of books by Denis Johnson, Speak Memory by Nabokov, I might reread House of Leaves if I'm really bored.

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Finished Tales of Mystery and Imagination by Poe already, and I have the Complete Fiction of Lovecraft next. Also looking to check out some decadent literature, in particular Against Nature by Joris-Karl Huysmans.

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It's good, I have a couple of copies. One is an amazing limited edition run. Beautiful book

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File: d3feb73f6f4e2e9⋯.png (381.67 KB,361x550,361:550,Against_Nature_by_Joris_Ka….png)



Any idea which translation/version is the best? Not sure if I should go for the English translation, or one in my native language.

After finishing reading Poe it seems like a natural book to follow up with; the protagonist in Against Nature reminds me of Roderick Usher – the last male heir of an ancient family locked away in his time-eaten, crumbling ancestral home…

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anglos can't understand Huysmans

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Didn't half chan put together the "Coronameron" or some shit?

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File: 17cf5927a844a9f⋯.png (638.46 KB,1920x1080,16:9,3dde0bdf705f2047ad26a8da64….png)

still haven't finished that Sailor of Austria series I started two years ago

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File: 5586e9e64e10107⋯.jpg (83.2 KB,960x960,1:1,1600810408718.jpg)


>We're all going to die

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Just looked this up, looks comfy

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