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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

 No.16174 [Open thread]

I just got together my fucked up social life and put all my focus into it, neglecting education, at school and at home through reading and other media, while doing so. Now feel like I missed too much, so what are the best/essential books I should start with?

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I'd recommend Thucydides' Peloponnesian War, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, maybe the Aeneid. I can't make—in good conscience at least because of my focus on the ancients so far—many recommendations after that.

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How to Win Friends and Influence People

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 No.15953 [Open thread]

I've always been interested in understanding why some people are attracted to things like pain, particular parts of the body (feet, hands, armpits and so on), being dominated etc.

However I only know three authors that could help me understand paraphilia: Frued, De Sade and Bataille.

I haven't read any of their books yet.

Are there other authors who talk about sex and paraphilia?

What are the best books about these topics? Where should I start?

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I havent read it yet- partly because I like reading paper books and my library is too cucked to have it in hand- but there is Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov and I hear its really good;

Humbert Humbert - scholar, aesthete and romantic - has fallen completely and utterly in love with Lolita Haze, his landlady's gum-snapping, silky skinned twelve-year-old daughter. Reluctantly agreeing to marry Mrs Haze just to be close to Lolita, Humbert suffers greatly in the pursuit of romance; but when Lo herself starts looking for attention elsewhere, he will carry her off on a desperate cross-country misadventure, all in the name of Love. Hilarious, flamboyant, heart-breaking and full of ingenious word play, Lolita is an immaculate, unforgettable masterpiece of obsession, delusion and lust.

perhaps check it out, I am planning on just buying it because everyone is too scared to share or sell it around where I live

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File: 251adbf92834d7a⋯.jpg (12.95 KB,300x398,150:199,sade.jpg)

Interesting thread idea, OP

Lolita is an absolutely marvelous book which couldn't be more highly recommended as a novel, but I don't know that it explores the wherefore of unorthodox sexual attraction.

In my view the ultimate place to find your answer is in de Sade's Juliette or Vice Amply Rewarded. There's gazillions of translations but most are crappy hard/soft core porn and there's only one decent English translation readily available by Austryn Wainhouse Grove Press NY 1968.

Juliette is a tale of degradation - it starts of relatively mildly and then descends by degree to depths of depravity unsurpassed. It's a big volume, but perhaps one third is "eyes out on stalks" sex scenes interleaved with "philosophy", the why what's going on is happening. It's about the process of addiction and what it does to its host, and addictions require ever higher dose levels to achieve the needed satiation. No one having read this book will ever see the world the same again.

Freud - I haven't read much other than The Interpretation of Dreams when I was a highschool boy but my memory is that it was very dry and not really for the general reader. I consider his significance to be in the way his ideas influenced sociologists, like Bernays. And I've never read Bataille. Sorry.

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 No.15694 [Open thread]

share pdf copy's of your favorite books

(pic unrelated)

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hmmmm…I'll bite. depends on whether you want fiction or non-fiction

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 No.15940 [Open thread]

What are some unique, creative or impactful ways suicide has been presented/revealed to us in novels?

For example, In Huxley's Brave New World, where his dangling legs represented compass needles going different directions:-)

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thats quite the interesting topic. Im not sure I fully understand your question but I'll try. I havent read BNW beyond the beginning when I was really young- I remember it was cool, about the tour through the factory where they made kids- but something that might be tangential to your initial inquiry is when Clayton from the Tarazan movie was shown to be hanged by the jungle shrubbery, and a flash of lightening projected onto a tree his lifeless corpse hanging by a few tree branches. I never really picked up on it as a kid, but years later I laughed at how apparent it was. I loved that movie as a child. Again, I hope I wasnt way off your original topic.


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 No.8610 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post the best writing you've ever read.

But at the same time I seemed to hear more than a teacher's switch as it came down upon a pupil's body. Sounds more serious and more strange intruded upon the hush of the classroom. They were faraway sounds lost in the hissing of rainy afternoon: great blades sweeping over great distances, expansive wings cutting through cold winds, long whips lashing in darkness. I heard other sounds, too, other things that were stinging the air in other places, sounds of things I heard but never give explanation. These sounds grew increasingly louder. Finally, Miss Plarr dropped her pointer and put her hands over her ears.

Miss Plarr, Thomas Ligotti

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Yet it all-but invented an entire genre

Also, how in your mind does creating a mythology qualify it as "literature"?

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>Yet it all-but invented an entire genre

The people who came afterwards did not have an understanding of Tolkien's motive in creating what he created. They were shallow imitators flashy light shows and tricks. And I'm skeptical of "he created it" as you can trace stories about supernatural people, events, what have, to before then.

I should point out that this should qualify it as a reason for its achievement.

Another point is everything (written work) falls into some genre or another as it is simply a way of classifying written works.

>Also, how in your mind does creating a mythology qualify it as "literature"?

Oh, I don't know, perhaps, the fact that a lot of mythologies are classified as literature, e.g., Epic of Gilgamesh, Prose Edda, Poetic Edda, Mahabharata, etc., and mythologies tending to express/display the culture of the people from which it came. That is important.

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Literature and myth are completely unrelated to one another, and any mythical accounts in those works are completely unrelated to their status as literature. Else, any contrived fantasy schlock, no matter how pedestrian, would automately be "literature". If you can't understand this, there's no help for you.

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>Literature and myth are completely unrelated to one another

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 No.12678 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Why is this board so dead?

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Why would aliens give someone's cat a beard?

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File: c78e16cc2edaf20⋯.jpg (10.12 KB,500x375,4:3,Or giant DEATH BALOONS WIT….jpg)


based cat beadin aliens them's who

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maybe new posters will come on in

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 No.14134 [Open thread]

I recently started reading this after finishing Muay Thai: The Art of Fighting

Are there any books about this subject that you've read and liked? Any particular style should you enjoy reading about?

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sorry /lit/ is not normally /fit/ OP

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File: cd964e8cba1fdc9⋯.pdf (13.84 MB,Bruce Lee - The Art Of Exp….pdf)

I haven't read this one but it's on my list. Seems interesting.

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 No.14908 [Open thread]

>buy book

>never read it

who else /devilish/ here

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>get drunk and buy books online

>don't read any of them

>still get a smile when they arrive in the mail

>do it again

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Isn't this exactly like when /v/ buys a game they never play, so they're essentially giving money for technically little return?

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The return is you get to post in this thread and be /devilish/. That's good enough.

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Isn't it more angelic that you gave someone a sale without actually putting what you bought to use?

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Not if we're talking about being fiscally responsible.

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 No.16023 [Open thread]

Has anyone read this trilogy of novels by Cronin? Just watched the 10 episode season but I found out that Amy Bellafonte isn't a 14 year old black girl, she's a 10 year old white girl, so I'd like to get to know that Amy too.

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Is it a cancelled show or is this one of those affirmative action things that'll keep on chugging despite all odds.

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>14yo black girl instead of 10yo white girl


dropped before even picking up

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 No.16110 [Open thread]

this bad boy got a legion d'honneur today

what did u do?

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 No.16026 [Open thread]

Did a relevant philosophical background is necessary to consider a fiction as a good piece of literature?

Russian author's example for affirmative answer: Dostoevsky, his novels are full of existentialism interrogations judiciously incarnated by his characters.

Another Russian author's example for negative answer: Nabokov, his novels have an excellent style of prose and many appealing themes, but they are not particularly challenging on a philosophical level.

On the French side, it's kind of the same thing that differenciates Sarte from Celine, for example.

So, what's your opinion on that question?

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Fuck, sorry for the grammar error in the subject, severe insomnia is the cause.

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if someone has a genuine attitude to the really important question like death, love, family, it doesnt matter if he outlines in idealistic concepts or writes spontaneously. both approaches can have degenerate outcomes if the author has only superficially cultivated his philosophic side. a weak idealist will look too allegorical and stilted. and a weak genre artist might end up with an apotheosis of banalities, instead of a warm, lively picture.

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Philosophy is essential to fiction. Author’s philosophical impulses is very important part for writing in general. Very often I have come across such situations where the analysis of the idea of the author of a work is necessary in order to understand his true philosophical intentions. PapersOwl was also important part for custom essay writing, especially for me and for my essay on the topic of "author’s philosophical impulses"

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On some level philosophy is needed to make a clever piece of art and understand how to make it.

However a story does not need philosophy.

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fiction is born of philosophy

great art is created through either expression of insight or exploration of concepts, and is magnified by technical skill

this is why modern art appears so vacuous; hubris defines it, just as it defines modern philosophy

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 No.16079 [Open thread]

Which books of Agatha Christie that do not belong to any particular series, would you consider a detective story? I am asking because after finishing Poirot and Miss Marple series I moved on to "independent" books and I already disliked the first two books (chronologically), The Man in the Brown Suit and The Secret of Chimneys (although the latter was decidedly better).

I would consider those two as more of an adventure/light thriller stories. They are way too "action"-packed and I don't believe that these books are Christie's forte.

Are any of the books outside of any particular series a detective story instead of thriller? By "detective story" I mean a story like the books from Poirot or Miss Marple series.

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 No.13178 [Open thread]

Hello /lit/.

I am not a very well read man, i've barely read a couple of books; so you could say I'm very ignorant. I'm smart in that I can pick up on things easily but that's about it.

I'm 20something and I feel "insufficient" in the intellectual department. I know I should have read stuff like Plato, kant, Smith, heidegger and shit like that by now, but the problem is that I don't know where to begin.

How do I gain the philosophical foundation and 20th-21st century knowledge I need to be an above-average wise man who has a better understanding of the world around him? Which books and in what order should I read them? How can I stick to a reading plan that doesn't disrupt vydia+work time too much and is considered consistent and effective?

Which magazines or sites you read to stay up to date with geopolitics in a way beyond basic bitch pundit opinions? what should I read to understand Oil markets and gay jewish banker witchcraft?

Don't recomend me any fiction gay stuff, I'm not interested in reading some fantasy about the world through the eyes of some bleeding heart drunkard, I want more real stuff so that I can debate politics and philosophy like a real sexual tyrannosaurus. I'm currently reading crime and punishment but I find the descriptions of flowers on wallpaper and strange textile elements to be droll.

I've been memed into reading the following at some point in my life:

>The Ego and Its own

>Mein Kampf

>Harry potter 1,2 &3

>A bunch of Short Stories by Borges

>Promethus Rising

Other than that and a couple of mangas and Comics, that's pretty much it, as you can see i'm in a terrible position.

Thanks for your help.

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Honest advice: you're too old to start and maybe you simply don't like reading. Maybe it isn't for you. "Plato, Kant, Smith" you're just spouting memes, boi. Most importantly, the idea that reading books makes you smarter is the dumbest memes. I know a lot of idiotic bookworms. They rip through books and come out dumber.

Read Nietzsche's Zarathustra or Beyond Good and Evil like some anon said, and if it doesn't make you feel like your blood is boiling, forget about books, they're not meant from you. Get your wisdom elsewere.

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This is a good idea. Russell's work is known to be unfairly critical in philosophers who hold ideas contrary to his own. I would say begin with Plato, and then figure out which issues Plato discussed that interest you specifically. Then read Aristotle's treatment of the topic. From there you can try to follow the issue by school of thought(Platonism is a rich history, commentators on Aristotle generally arrive later but are no less influential) or by topic. You could also go back to the pre-Socratics if Plato's and Aristotle's treatment of their ideas wasn't to your likingThough IIRC there isn't such a great amount of their works still available. Lots of stuff is learned by Plato's and Aristotle's accounts of them

There is generally a decisive split in philosophy centered around the time of Galileo and the scientific revolution. It is possible to view this as a return to a certain pre-socratic view of the world and in some cases this assessment is accurate. Certainly it builds up differently, but the core ideas that motivated modern philosophy can be glimpsed in the thoughts of the pre-socratics. Anyways, If after you read Plato and Aristotle, and decide you really disagree with what they are saying, then you could look for the moderns and contemporaries on the same topics and see if that more aligns with you.


>"Plato, Kant, Smith" you're just spouting memes, boi.

Obviously that is what he is doing, he doesn't know where to begin so what else can he do? A person new to carpentry will obviously say "I need a hammer, nails and a saw right?", why should a person new to philosophy not say the same?

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It took you two fucking years to reply to that, OP. If you haven't read the entirety of western philosophy by now then you were never really serious about this.

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>I suggest just skipping all of the Greek philosophers, they are memes

Ignore this retard

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>greek philosophers are memes

<ebola is totally legit and high iq though

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 No.12978 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Old thread >>5000 is at the bump limit, so I'm making a new one.

"A /lit/ board without a writing thread is worse than useless."

Aspirant authors, tell me of your work.

Feel free to post excerpts or general ideas and don't hesitate to critique someone (especially if you want a critique of your own work in return).

To start it off, here's my post about what I'm working on from the previous thread: >>12848

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Is there a rule against writing fiction in 2nd person?

Personally I find it far easier to get across what I want to convey by writing the main character in 2nd person, then side characters as 3rd. Any recommendations, should I rewrite what I have so far into 3rd person or stick to my guns?

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There's no rule as such. It's usually considered a usual error of a neophyte writer, one struggling with the whole idea of POV and how to deploy it. For commercial fiction it's discouraged as being unpleasant for the common reader.

Reasons in favor of using it include: attempting a specific effect on the reader where it would serve such, as a form of high literary technique for where nothing less than avant-garde would do, and purely as an exercise.

If you are looking for common readers to view your work you have to be careful, and fairly well experienced as a writer, to accomplish this.

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>Am I a dope for making an extensive history to my world that'll never get used in full?

Take it as a challenge to get more creative with how you think through and write the details of your story. Whatever bits of the history you're coming up with you don't think you can find an organic place for in your story - find an organic place for each of them anyway.

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In addition, you want to be sure that character is engagingly sympathetic, or intensely interesting (or better, both!) to your readership.

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No, but maybe give an example of what you mean so we can judge better.

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 No.16039 [Open thread]

What are some good story magazines currently running that I should be reading?

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Does internet magazines count? I like Abyss & Apex.

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>Does internet magazines count?

It honestly seems like that's about all that there is these days. Is Clarkesworld any good?

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