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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

File: 396be2a7c512e5a⋯.png (9 KB,310x326,155:163,yy.PNG)

 No.15633 [Open thread]

rate my archive

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That's really the inverse of the anonymous spirit, really. How can you tell if someone is an expert and at what? So-called experts are not necessarily better than other people just because they have a PhD or are successful in one area of life. Another problem with that is what does their expertise bring to literature? Reading books only for knowledge leaves in my opinion one deprived of something fundamental and which I can't seem to name at the moment.

I was joking in my last post, though.

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File: 1e9e5a54d01c039⋯.jpg (15.55 KB,236x279,236:279,FB_IMG_1546316034467.jpg)



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Oh look it's mr. Knowitall

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Technically a 'Mr. Know-It-All' would read books all the way through just to brag about it.

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File: dafc54d62be5114⋯.jpg (308.14 KB,900x559,900:559,METABARON-ARSENAL-metabunk….jpg)

 No.14389 [Open thread]

What esoteric sci-fi novels would you recommend? Like The Incal, Dune, The Metabarons… you know, that kind of style? (I'd prefer they weren't graphic novels tho)

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File: 4c27dfc99d069e8⋯.jpg (146.32 KB,280x475,56:95,quest of the three worlds.jpg)

I think this one made Cordwainer Smith my favorite scifi author. The rest of his Instrumentality stories are worth reading too, though I think only pic related really qualifies as "esoteric".

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File: f08bd68c7cec1c7⋯.jpg (56.31 KB,318x463,318:463,60211.jpg)

Book of the New Sun.

It doesn't get more esoteric.

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File: d9cdbfc0cd7f577⋯.png (52.66 KB,879x281,879:281,d9cdbfc0cd7f5775b4b16b0ee9….png)

I wouldn't call them esoteric per se, but I highly recommend the novels of Greg Egan as science fiction stories that are about dealing with different questions of the nature of reality.

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File: f505613ae4c511d⋯.jpg (24.01 KB,251x397,251:397,TheUrthOfTheNewSun(1stEd).jpg)

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File: 1fe66ca1f0ef396⋯.jpg (302.7 KB,598x714,299:357,1fe66ca1f0ef39671aee24d2f0….jpg)


>It doesn't get more esoteric.

Oh yeah?

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File: 472b0cea72bc142⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,390.54 KB,1024x768,4:3,.jpg)

 No.15812 [Open thread]

Is this board /lgbt/ friendly?

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fuck off faggot

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No fags to the oven

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File: 732367a5a3b0653⋯.jpeg (31.31 KB,500x375,4:3,13234256363.jpeg)

 No.15797 [Open thread]

join my discord book club motherfuckers, pseuds and fags can fuck off

epub for monthly reading provided


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mayhaps you have a better alternative in mind? I was thinking mumble but nobody uses it and I don't want to pay for a server.

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Pretty much this. Why don't you share your books on /lit/ instead of gating them behind a ~private community~ for a botnet program?

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10ips a day, and you shill your shit here. You're amazing incompetent, so it no surprise that you're also an anime nigger.

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well, I wanted something a bit more community-esque than the anon culture on /lit/. something a tad more structural.


hey friend, I just googled the picture, I don't watch the cartoons. also, amazingly* :L

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>well, I wanted something a bit more community-esque than the anon culture on /lit/. something a tad more structural.

Go back to reddit.

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File: 3e90341b6c5033e⋯.jpg (267.48 KB,695x1041,695:1041,photostudio_1548862593058.jpg)

 No.15761 [Open thread]

Did any of note beyond Plato exist? This includes people of the Orient as well. Jewgle isn't any turning up anything.

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Well, your OP post doesn't suggest it.

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Well I apologize I just wanted to get some info. As far as I know essentials was only really popular until the renaissance.

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You know all this play-dough crap is made to distract retards?

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I didn't think anything was wrong being retarded YOU URBANITE FAGGOT

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This is a pro-Jew board.

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File: 6bcc879632a441c⋯.jpg (98.18 KB,353x500,353:500,Tolstoy.jpg)

 No.15575 [Open thread]

As soon as the art of the upper classes became separated from the art of the whole people, there arose the conviction that art can be art and yet be incomprehensible to the masses. As soon as this thesis was allowed, it inevitably became necessary to allow that art may be comprehensible only to a small number of the elect, and, finally, only for two, or one – a best friend, one’s own self. This is what modern artists say straight out: ‘I create and I understand myself; if others do not understand me, so much the worse for them.’

The assertion that art can be good art and yet be incomprehensible to a large number of people is so wrong, its consequences are so pernicious for art, and it is at the same time so widespread, so embedded in our notions, that no explanation of its utter incongruity can suffice.

Nothing is more common than to hear said of alleged works of art that they are very good but very difficult to understand. We are used to the assertion, and yet to say that a work of art is good but incomprehensible is the same as saying of some kind of food that it is very good but people cannot eat it. People may not like rotten cheese, putrid grouse and other such dishes appreciated by gastronomes with perverted taste, but bread and fruit are only good when people like them. It is the same with art: perverted art may be incomprehensible to people, but good art is always understood by everyone.

It is said that the best works of art are such that they cannot be understood by the majority and are accessible only to the elect, who are prepared to understand these great works. But if the majority do not understand, they must be given an explanation, the knowledge necessary for understanding. But it turns out that this knowledge does not exist, that the works cannot be explained, and therefore those who say that the majority do not understand good works of art give no explanations, but say that in order to understand one must read, look at, or listen to the same work over and over again. But this is not to explain, it is to make accustomed. And one can get accustomed to anything, even the worst. As it is possible to get people accustomed to rotten food, vodka, tobacco, opium, so it is possible to get them accustomed to bad aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I don’t get it

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Thanks Leo, you're a cool guy. Proving once again that /lit/ can't read:





and doesn't read:


His personal religious views aside, as everything in that time was framed in Christianity, he is just saying that good art will have universal appeal. That isn't to say that it's simple or aimed at the lowest common denominator, but that it has something for everyone (e.g. a novel with romance, action, and intrigue like The Count of Monte Cristo), does not purposely offend the sensibilities of the common man (e.g. isn't draw in menstrual blood) and also doesn't sacrifice quality to be 2deep4u (hitler_jews_artschool_denied.jpg).

He is really just talking about kiked, "elitist" modern art and literature; you guys should recognize this. Some key take-aways:

>As soon as the art of the upper classes became separated from the art of the whole people, there arose the conviction that art can be art and yet be incomprehensible to the masses. As soon as this thesis was allowed, it inevitably became necessary to allow that art may be comprehensible only to a small number of the elect, and, finally, only for two, or one – a best friend, one’s own self. This is what modern artists say straight out: ‘I create and I understand myself; if others do not understand me, so much the worse for them.’

Slippery slope to modern art hell

> But it turns out that this knowledge does not exist, that the works cannot be explained, and therefore those who say that the majority do not understand good works of art give no explanations, but say that in order to understand one mustPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>That isn't to say that it's simple or aimed at the lowest common denominator

Yes, he is. Because something that's incomprehensible to one person may not be incomprehensible to another; for example, reading and understanding Moby Dick is an undertaking that most regular people would find strenuous. That's what I mean by him idealizing the masses: he presumes that all great literature can immediately be understood by them by the mere fact that it may have universal qualities, like love, war, etc.

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All great literature can be understood because it doesn't have those things.

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No, it doesn't. Vocabulary and style can change whether something is comprehensible to the masses or not in spite of the universal qualities it may possess. Moby Dick is great literature and is difficult in comprehensibility.

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File: d88565281a0a86e⋯.jpg (446.63 KB,1200x1500,4:5,richard_dawkins.jpg)

 No.12574 [Open thread]

>shits on philosophy, yet constantly engages in it at the same time

What did he mean by this?

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I am now argueing with a libtard who is such a defeatist that he speaks solely in sarcasm, ain' I?

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he made a comment about continental philosophy and considering most scientism is based off analytic it would figure.

>since when is philosophy based on continents

because, Dawkins you daft fuck, morality isn't universal, no matter how much you try to force it. the west is falling because unlike the east we threw Plato out to pasture and took Aristotle to his final conclusion, whereas the east always had a Zen balance between the two. science was the homewrecker that destroyed the relationship between philosophy and religion/culture. fin.

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that's a nice a meme a faggot

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File: 3fb8e878889fab8⋯.png (6.9 KB,1150x50,23:1,Richard Dawkins.png)

>shits on the X-Files, yet doesn't know it's a work of fiction

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Dirty Dawkins only watches nonfictional programming.

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File: 75cf02a96817263⋯.jpg (18.77 KB,300x360,5:6,segal_erich.jpg)

 No.15653 [Open thread]

how come you never discuss erich segal, /lit/? I thought you had taste?

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File: e25633de3ddef6c⋯.png (132.96 KB,279x303,93:101,mokou-shrug.png)

>be anonymous

>thinking I care about my tastes being validated as "good taste"

Where do you think you are?

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He looks like a gay vampire.

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File: 0bc101985f1a159⋯.jpg (53.42 KB,530x368,265:184,cheever and updike.jpg)

 No.15738 [Open thread]

Who is chief among the "midcentury misogynists?" I've read a little of Cheever, Updike, Roth, and Bellow. Now I'm wondering who to pursue, or if I should be spending my time with Yates, or someone else altogether.

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Schmitt if you really wanna go there, from what I've heard.

Yockey if further.

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Halfway through a collection of Cheever’s fiction and I’m finding most of it to be enjoyable, but rather slow.

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File: 90bd16b7aa6813f⋯.jpg (109.04 KB,600x387,200:129,Henry-Darger.jpg)

 No.15164 [Open thread]

The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion

I want to be the first person to read this 15,000 page novel in its entirety. Where can I find this book? Has anyone read bits or pieces of it?

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>I want to be the first person to read this 15,000 page novel in its entirety

Are you telling me it hasn't been read?

Anyway, why? It's essentially CWC-tier, and the guy was clearly mental. When I was a young boy, I used to fantasize about battles as well, in which the enemy often fought nude. I grew out of it, though, which he did not, likely as a result of being raped.

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>When I was a young boy, I used to fantasize about battles in which the enemy often fought nude.

Anon I hate to tell you this, but

you might be kinda gay.

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To answer your question you can't read the book in its entirety. Most of the books are so badly damaged that you can barely touch it without it coming apart. The pages haven't been scanned, but there are summaries of it online.

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You’re telling me you didn’t think about jiggling war-tits?

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File: b92bc0e047ee138⋯.jpg (106.84 KB,514x720,257:360,b92bc0e047ee138be241cdfc1f….jpg)

 No.15022 [Open thread]

Daily reminder to diligently study (not simply read) the Greeks.

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Speaking of the Greeks, has there been a Christian apologetics for Epicurus?

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I have and it wasn't worth it. Greeks are just a way for mundanes to feel mystical learning shit like "it's not good to be mean" (woah much profound mind = blown)

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There are plenty of historical guides to the old greeks which are more useful than just getting head over shoulders into reading the original texts. I saw one of those extensive "start with the greeks" charts from cuckchan and couldn't shake the feeling that the person putting them together was just flexing their meme muscle on newfriends.

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>historical guides to the old greeks

To ancient greek philosophy i mean.

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look out we got ourselves a Machiavelli here

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File: 3997d96ffef5420⋯.jpg (412.53 KB,1920x960,2:1,450026-cyberpunk-city-nigh….jpg)

 No.15740 [Open thread]

Do you know any decent novels about a farmer or group of farmers moving to a techno-futurist metropolis?

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sounds like a Nick Land masturbation fantasy perhaps…

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File: ef93bd010c78136⋯.png (83.84 KB,220x326,110:163,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.15696 [Open thread]

can you guys rec me some books similar to slaughterhouse five by kurt vonnegut.

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File: 45b071c85b6ac7b⋯.jpg (28.41 KB,316x475,316:475,Duluth_G_V.jpg)

Space aliens? Postmodern weidness? A bit of a riddle as to the title? Popular book review synopises tend to miss the point ("A parody of Dallas!" … wat?) ?


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File: bbf41d7f8782b95⋯.jpg (26.26 KB,220x318,110:159,three-body-problem-book.jpg)

 No.15710 [Open thread]

Has anyone read The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin that won the 2015 Hugo award?

general spoilers for anyone who hasn't but plans to

If so, can you explain to me what is so amazingly awe-inspiring about a story in which the protag' invites aliens to destroy the earth, murders her colleagues, and then human efforts to counter the invasion are thwarted by human stupidity and alien technobabble about eleven dimensional, proton-sized computers?

No, really. Why is this book?

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File: 3b991b26f1e64f4⋯.jpg (76.87 KB,361x500,361:500,too-many-books.jpg)

 No.14494 [Open thread]

I was wondering if this is something common people do or if you prefer reading one book at a time.

I usually just read one at a time and move on to the next or take a break from reading, but at the moment I want to try and clear my backlog of books I have but reading one at a time is not really working out for me and was wondering how people manage multiple books at a time.

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I keep three books going at a time. Two are almost always different genera, or fiction vs nonfiction. The last is low priority stuff. The exceptions are where one work really grabs my complete attention, or something that requires intense close study.

My impression of "common people" readers is they fall into one of two patterns. Either uncomplicated novelette sized works, or an uncompromising obsession with a single genera trash series.

>how people manage multiple books at a time?

As harried undergraduates are forced to do, so can you. Unless you are willing to adopt a nineteenth century lifestyle, the greatest issue readers face today is competition for our attention span. Modern trends favoring an attention deficit lifestyle can be combated by bouncing between two books featuring different themes, styles, authors.

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I like to read two at a time, something shorter than 200 pages and something longer. This lets me work through longer works while maintaining some variety.

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File: 1cb8d1df71d59ed⋯.jpg (18.03 KB,504x319,504:319,d5184b9189fd3421380a002fab….jpg)



In theory I'm reading about 63 at the moment

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Lately I’ve had a habit of getting through a third or half of a book, then I end up putting it down, and starting another book for some reason. I’m working on finishing one book at a time so I can better appreciate the book.

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I do this. I read mainly nonfiction books, with one or two fiction books on the side. I read a chapter a day of a book (usually 3-5 books) to better absorb the information.

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