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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]


Hey, I’m wondering if any of you remember the info graphic showing the goals of the lower, middle, and patrician class’ relationships to food, furniture, and entertainment. If you’ve seen it, what’s you’re judgement of it. Is it correct?

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File: dd9cca91020d1f6⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB,480x360,4:3,a game of darts.mp4)

non-drunk self bump

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I haven't come across this informational graphic too often, although I'm also curious about it. Though my activity is a little connected with it. Although, I come up with some ideas on my own and also look for information on the Internet. This source helps me with pattern graphic bundles https://masterbundles.com/graphics/patterns/black-and-white/ It's great that there are similar sources where you can get inspired and get fresh ideas.

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