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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

File: e2cf71be8be6aa4⋯.png (4.5 MB,1422x3232,711:1616,JRS.png)


People are reading "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit"

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It's kind of surreal seeing E Michael Jones getting so popular. I always figured his appeal was limited to a small handful of old school Catholics.

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The current generation is desperate for a father figure.

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Has anyone here read it?

Is it accurate?

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I personally don't like these books. They seem pretty boring to me. I recently discovered hamlet, found https://supremestudy.com/essay-examples/hamlet/ for this. I was so immersed in the story of the author that I just could not tear myself away. This rarely happens to me. Now I'm looking for something new, but so far it's not something that I like.

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