Advanced Technology Machines Are Empowering & Spreading The NCOV COVID19 Faster
I am not speculating or guessing, I am using the feeling immortals sense and giving you guys the truth of this epidemic event so you guys can prevent it.
Science cannot measure Nature, that is for sure. The smaller entity cannot judge the bigger one.
Can you answer the following questions about the NCOV COVID19:
1. What is the source and the birth of the virus?
2. Why the virus are spreading so fast?
3. But why some nations spreading fast, why some nations are not?
My statement still do not change, the advanced technology especially the 5G network are empowering the NCOV and have a huge contribution into the birth of this virus.
The only reason explain why some nations next to China like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia but do not get that virus spreading fast is they are “out-date” technology. Why the farer nations with advanced technology are record many more cases everyday.
In Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos: There are no high-end trains, no commercial 5G network, no fingerprint/face regconical at border airport.
What about China, Korea, Singapore, Japan? Too many public advanced technology sharing devices like bullet train, 5G network, fingerprint biometrics, etc.
I remind all of you that, there are 70% SARS in the NCOV COVID19, which mean air condition will only help spreading the virus, including public trains, airport.
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