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File: df8399d26b0bdb3⋯.jpg (18.86 KB,300x300,1:1,1339874098_Lizard_Man.jpg)

 No.12519 [Open thread]

be me, 20 college kid failing classes unable to deal with living in campus dorm. Assuming I have a basic understanding of tech and find interest in things like smart homes and helping software companies focusing on virtual assistants and shit. is there any place I can turn to in order to get myself into my own house and not have to go to college? I didnt realize how hard of a scamaz tertiary school is and at this point I am just trying to get away from my parents who have no interest in supporting me financially despite owning 3 homes and being actual cucks saying i should just go to a therapy place. what can i do to be my own person and have my own shit and finances and everything. I am tired of dealing with other people and their wants, i just want to deal with myself as I am already enough of a handful for myself............................//\\

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take a leave of absense and get a part-time job and go to therapy.

you are an adult, you can return when you want to.

you have been robbed of agency.

I convinced myself things would get better and blew any chances of going back.

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File: e9d25c5a2191bb4⋯.png (179.96 KB,625x944,625:944,2020-02-17-221034_625x944_….png)

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 No.12008 [Open thread]

Paper from Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Jorrit N. Herder, and Herbert Bos.


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Something like Gentoo is best. Something with little bloat to no bloat, little hardware usage, and open sourced.

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To make them as reliable and secure as reasonably possible you have to go with something like openBSD that sacrifices a lot for that security. Most OSes try to be secure but rarely will actually compromise important user friendly/feature rich sections for it

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You have to start with CPUs not made of dog shit first. Microkernels are fundamentally retarded. Virtualization is the only realworld application that remotely resembles a microkernel concept, but you can run an OS that actually does things on top of it.

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test test

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kek. seems i cant post here from tor w/o premoderation. Blacklisted then.

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File: a6d512fd461770e⋯.jpg (69.12 KB,960x540,16:9,8nzsdkubqjf21.jpg)

 No.12455 [Open thread]

(No matter _WHAT_ I say, the programmers say I'm wrong)


>No case citations.

Keep shilling your bullshit. Grsecurity is violating the copyright on the linux kernel and GCC.

>Your whole premise is based on this one weak point. In reality, no additional terms are added to the GPL, as access agreement is separate from the program and covers only access to the paid download page, which is allowed by the GPL.

You are a stupid fuck. The Copyright license governs all use of the copyrighted work. The Copyright license doesn't ban "adding terms to the Copyright license text", it bans adding terms BETWEEN the licensing parties.

Which Grsecurity is doing.

It bans that forum selection clause too.

When Grsecurity proffered all of those terms in the access agreement: the "Redistribution" term, the Forum Selection term, etc: EACH of those violates the Copyright license of the parent work. It is simply not allowed.

You are not allowed to say "I am distributing and modifying this Work, which is subject to the copyright of Parent Work, but for you, dear distributee, if you have a problem related to my Derivative Work of the Parent Work, You can only sue me in PA"

The Copyright license bans such an additional term between subject licensee and further-distributee. You can't add such a forum selection clause when modifying or distributing the derivative.

The Redistribution terms also add additional terms between the subject licensee and the further distributee. Both these terms violate section 4.

The Redistribution additional term violates section 6 of the Copyright license aswell.



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based Mike doing god's work

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They won't accept it, no matter what. They just say "you're not a lawyer" "redhat does it too, so obviously it's ok", "RMS and the FSF support and agree with Grsecurity" etc.


I really hope they get killed by coronachan.

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Can you and others assist in the /qa/ thread. I can't explain it any other way. The guy just won't accept it nomatter what; But I must respond or else "whoever has the last word wins". I hate this fucking piece of shit whoever he is.

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>No matter _WHAT_ I say, the programmers say I'm wrong

Yeah, because with programmers there are two mindsets: They'll either try to be smarter than you or they'll try to dodge additional work.

Try coding an AI lawyer. Once your code has been reviewed I'm sure everyone will trust in its opinion.

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File: ac33d82625168a6⋯.jpg (12.16 KB,300x300,1:1,earth.jpg)

 No.12300 [Open thread]

Advanced Technology Machines Are Empowering & Spreading The NCOV COVID19 Faster

Source: https://theworld.data.blog/2020/02/25/advanced-technology-machines-are-empowering-spreading-the-ncov-covid19-faster/

I am not speculating or guessing, I am using the feeling immortals sense and giving you guys the truth of this epidemic event so you guys can prevent it.

Science cannot measure Nature, that is for sure. The smaller entity cannot judge the bigger one.

Can you answer the following questions about the NCOV COVID19:

1. What is the source and the birth of the virus?

2. Why the virus are spreading so fast?

3. But why some nations spreading fast, why some nations are not?

My statement still do not change, the advanced technology especially the 5G network are empowering the NCOV and have a huge contribution into the birth of this virus.

The only reason explain why some nations next to China like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia but do not get that virus spreading fast is they are “out-date” technology. Why the farer nations with advanced technology are record many more cases everyday.

In Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos: There are no high-end trains, no commercial 5G network, no fingerprint/face regconical at border airport.

What about China, Korea, Singapore, Japan? Too many public advanced technology sharing devices like bullet train, 5G network, fingerprint biometrics, etc.

I remind all of you that, there are 70% SARS in the NCOV COVID19, which mean air condition will only help spreading the virus, including public trains, airport.

I highly recommend all thePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 773a082f8208216⋯.jpg (50.85 KB,680x961,680:961,42f.jpg)

<What is the source of the virus?

>Either from the bat soup or a accidental release from a bio weapon plant

<Why is the virus spreading so fast?

>It is, only if it's not quarantined. India already got it and despite being a worse state than China it and all people who had it were put in quarantine and recovered. No other cases have been reported yet.

<Why is it spreading fast in some nations?

>Because people are stuck in mass quarantine zones with those sick and people don't show symptoms while infected till later in the infection. Iran is a 2nd world country and it has the 3rd most reported cases of COVID 19. Doesn't have all that fancy tech the west does and it's getting fucked over.

Also Namefag, stop using Reddit spacing and learn better grammar.

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why did you sage the response?

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It's just Pneumonia.

>Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia but do not get that virus spreading fast is they are “out-date” technology.

Weather conditions, it's warmer there.

Also this is more like a seasonal flu, the colder the worse it gets.



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>I am a prophet

>all my unverified claims are true

>my source is that 2 years ago i said the world would collapse and as you can see, my diaper is still unchanged. Hence I am proven to be undeniably correct.

See you in 54 days when Israel is still thriving off their host nation as per the usual. Am prophet myself btw

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File: f068efde9f7f594⋯.jpg (6.63 KB,300x300,1:1,da0c1e0c-e27c-4977-8ca1-8c….jpg)

 No.12408 [Open thread]

I found these and installed them on my laptop. The first thing that happened is the regular speaker and earphones stopped working. Uninstalling the Merkury didn't work. I had to uninstall the AMD and Realtek software and restart the laptop. HP will reinstall software automatically on reboot. The Merkury also reinstalled and I can't get rid of it. The speakers and earphone work fine as long as I don't use the Merkury again. Also the Merkury will some times refuse to pair with the laptop. This is nothing but malware from China that disables your computer and allows third parties to listen in on what you are doing.

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File: deb04d14f254521⋯.jpeg (470.71 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Rebecca Black.jpeg)

 No.12147 [Open thread]

I have a few interesting webpages I saved using the 'save page as' in Firefox, because I knew they wouldn't last long. Now when I try and open the html file for a particular page, none of the images load. What gives? I know for sure the images exist in folders corresponding to the html file, they just aren't showing up.

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Thank you for being the only one to actually understand what I'm asking.

It looks like the broken images are pointing to

img src="../../example.jpg"

which, in practice, leads to my home/[name] folder, instead of the corresponding folder containing the images.

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Install Waterfox portable. Then right click on your saved pages and open in Waterfox. Waterfox also works with the scrapbook addon which you can save web pages in a sidebar.

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Try running sed on the HTML pages to replace the broken links with the correct ones.

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>firefox never managed to save pages

Is that true or did he fuck up clicking the drop down menu and selecting "website, complete"

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File: 6e401a84b7910d1⋯.jpg (50.87 KB,400x286,200:143,IMG_0124.JPG)

 No.12395 [Open thread]

Hello. I am curious on how one would even begin making malware (such as virus embedded within an email).

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Op is defiantly not a fed.

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File: 7c1e03266c54a85⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,960x540,16:9,1578641744564.mp4)

 No.12379 [Open thread]

I have an old smartphone (Sony) that I am not using anymore but I would like to use it as a wi-fi repeater. Using android settings to make it so it would tether it just disconnects from the wifi (apparently needing the connection of the sim card to work), but I would like to use the wi-fi coming from a router in my house.

All the poo in the loos online keep telling me to install third party software on it to do so, but is there any other way to achieve it?

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Go back to julay it's better there

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no, android doesn't have repeater functionality built in. You need VPN Hotspot. It's a free/open source app. Needs root to make a repeater.

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File: 43ba3b369cbe9cf⋯.jpeg (85.6 KB,457x657,457:657,83C425CA-D33A-4070-B5FB-9….jpeg)

 No.12211 [Open thread]

Anyone here know how to create a vpn Server and have it set up so I can sell the service? I want to put a few inside data centers. Any information will be helpful.

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Search how to online. Plenty of documentation

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You'll have a hard time making any profit.

This is literally what 99% of vpn sellers do, they just resell amazon / google servers for a tiny amount of profit, but they have just enough customers to stay afloat

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File: d559a089093c496⋯.jpg (20.87 KB,900x506,450:253,Ubuntu-Snap-Store.jpg)

 No.8251 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I haven't used Ubuntu for years, ever since they started selling their souls to Amazon and bundling literal actual botnet malware in their distro, but for some reason I decided to give it an honest go today. Forget the Amazon shit. Forget the systemd. SNAP is the worst thing in the fucking world. Snap is pure absolute cancer.

How in the hell do people use Ubuntu? WHY do people still use Ubuntu? Jesus christ what the fuck happened to Ubuntu.

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Today Ubuntu gave me the middle finger so I nuked it from my laptop

>Update Ubuntu

>Wifi Driver breaks

>Spends 6hr working on it, nothing works

>Formats HDD and installs W10

Idgaf about using W10, it does 'just work' and I only use a laptop for school, like Microdick will care about what I do at school.

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Is there any info on installing cloverOS onto an SSD? it wont boot from bios or mount

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why would you use ubuntu when manjaro is the better distro for normies that dont want to actually do work? it actually has somewhat up to date software preinstalled on it at least. ubuntu shit is from like 2014

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Don't forget whoopsie-preferences

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File: 8f19a6e212beb94⋯.png (21.8 KB,338x368,169:184,rs.png)

 No.12275 [Open thread]

RMS on grsecurity, fsf:

>I am no longer president of the FSF. I don't decide what it does.

>Please stop harassing me with useless pressure.

RMS isn't going to do anything.

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I agree with you, but could you please keep your shit to one thread?

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You know very well that that is not my repository.

Infact it was made by a user of this website: along with 2 other repositorys on gitlab and bitbucket. I informed the anon user that I had rescinded his license to GPC-Slots2, and was not granting him any new ones (license comes from the copyright owner, not a writing: the wrighting is simply the memorandum of the permissions given by the copyright owner, or (in the case of a copyright-license-contract) the terms and conditions of a contract). I sent DMCA take-down requests to bitbucket, gitlab, and github. Bitbucket and gitlab respected the requests, github said "Tell us your real name" and would not take it down. I informed them that the relevant law does not require a real name and that a psudonym or pen name is good enough.

But you know all this, infact you are probably that anon.



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The whole point of the endeavor, as I stated on 8chan at the beginning, was to edify the linux copyright holders as to their rights vs free-takers; so that they would have leverage vs. people trying to kick them out. The first people rescinded from were the "geek feminists".

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After much claiming that free-takers have some contractual rights vs the grantor (they don't: there is no contract), about a year later some opensource proponents started to realize that a court would have a hard time finding any contractual rights regarding those who gained a license for nothing. I guess they did more legal research by them.

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