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The Friday 13 update is causing the blue screen of death. I figured why this is happening. The hard drive gets too busy. If you can get your computer started first thing you do is uninstall the update. Uninstalling the update forces the hard drive to work at 50 percent.

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Does no one know you can delay updates for up to a month? Or that you can just disable updates with some programs.

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>he doesn't use windows server datacenter 2019

I honestly can't relate to unstablefags. Windows or Linux.

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>windows 10

Found the REAL problem.

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I uninstalled the update and it reinstalled. Now windows is trying to install a bigger update on top of it. I expect the new update to crash before it installs.

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How about you use linux and use the webapp version of wagecuck software you need instead of pajeeting it up with your bullshit blue screens?

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