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File: de269a467b37998⋯.png (68.53 KB,572x391,572:391,1.png)


Why cant i post on half chan using Tor? it bans my ip all the time.

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its called cuckchan for a reason

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Because it is a CIA-nigger honeypot.

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4chan staff knows their moderation is reddit, so they can't afford the users' trust in having what's essentially a ban evasion feature, because it'd just be used to criticize said bad moderation and censorship issues. 8chon never had that problem, which is why Tor is possible here.

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They make money via passes, so they have arbitrary and capricious IP range bans and terrible captchas to push more users into buying passes, so they ban VPN/tor posting and require javascript to stop people from bypassing the bans and the captcha.

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File: 1a378ef151ad184⋯.png (4.67 KB,262x131,2:1,putain.PNG)


A tale as old as humanity itself ; mods are fags

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in the early days of 4chan, it was literally a CP haven. Disabling Tor and VPN usage has mitigated this problem quite a bit. What also is true?

• Tor usage even if it did work over 4chan is pointless. You have to enable javascript in order to post meaning your real ip address will be easy to capture

• Hiro has been selling user data ever since the 2chan days. You can't fatten the money pot if you can't dox the exact location of where the posts are coming from.

• 4chan has very real connections to three letter agencies, or more specifically the CIA

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>very real connections to the CIA


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Out of curiosity, why don't certain boards allow posting via Tor?

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Because mods are fags, first and foremost, then because a significant portion of the userbase is stormniggers and they dislike anonymity.

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And this isn't? lol

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File: 361b06a5506c547⋯.gif (323.49 KB,350x188,175:94,THIS.gif)

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I cannot post there at all without using the 4chan X browser extension CAPTCHA fixes, and it's still most often not worth the effort (used to use the non-Javascript version, but 4chan disabled it recently); I will never pass the CAPTCHA otherwise.

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Why can't I post on (4*3-10+6)chan over its .onion? It tells me I didn't post all the time.

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>old halfshan banned every hour, sometimes for a reason

ipconfig iprenew

newfags just turned off their modem for a while

>later on halfchan

>banned weekly for ancient dynamic IP ban log

>mods no longer gods

no fucks given


>can't post shit anymore, no teen porn, no gun plans, no racism, no fun

>actually tries to stop you browsing via nodes and tunnels

>banned yesterday for calling someone on /gif/ a niggerfaggot

plug computer into smartphone and use it as a satelite dongle

cap the ban, wait till mods are sleeping

call mods faggots

Man fuck the deepweb,

We're all pretending to be crawlers and doing drops in the filespaces of poorly secured offline websites

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they banned nations

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Ever since 2008.


Not stormfags, but reddit faggots.

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>You have to enable javascript in order to post meaning your real ip address will be easy to capture

And how exactly would JS allow for that? You got an exploit?

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>ipconfig iprenew

>changing private IP to dodge a public IP ban

I wasn't expecting actual cuckchanners to give a shit about 8kun

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There are still a lot of good boards, it's just the more "general interest" boards that are full of newfags.

The more intelligent users of the internet tend to reach more widely and refugees of dead imageboards usually just lurk.

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File: 94c8a28fa57f0e3⋯.jpg (56.88 KB,960x960,1:1,1573547366015.jpg)


>4chan has very real connections to three letter agencies, or more specifically the CIA

couldn't this be said about pretty much every major chan site?

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File: 8ca4a70ad694ab2⋯.jpg (659.55 KB,1434x1800,239:300,4chan_is_a_honeypot.jpg)


4chan is a whole different league of honeypot. Also this >>11569

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File: 777867a97c38101⋯.jpg (31.07 KB,474x355,474:355,777867a97c381015424bdd01d1….jpg)


can't you read faggot?

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