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File: 97d0c4c94f0228d⋯.png (503.88 KB,1155x623,165:89,linus.png)

File: 0ffa43aadaf8293⋯.png (437.7 KB,429x582,143:194,linus_2.png)


Linus Tech Tips is without dispute one of the most popular mainstream TechTubers. He covers an entire industry of gaming electronics and related technologies. In my video, I tape together an edit that gives the /g/tard insight on how it's like to watch Linus Tech Tips with no understanding of gaming products. The video is fairly entertaining and features enough content from the channel to get a general understanding of LinusTechTips. What our video is ultimately calling for is more representation of GNU/Linus distros and ThinkPads. I love hearing about the newest ASUS ROG RYUJIN and Gigabyte Aurora. But, the Lenovo ThinkPad T480 is getting such a lack of attention and Linus has only made "10 Reasons Why Linux is Better" featuring HARDCORE GNU/Linux distros like Tiny and Ubuntu.

Ontop of a entertaining video I ask /g/ this, should Linus's portrayal and presentation of GNU/Linux shift from "muh Opin Sorce Firefox SJW team using Ubuntu and Mint" to "Chad Gentooman loads up FOSS on his T450P,"?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.



Linux Sex Tits, who else is he talking about?


Doubt he will OP, because the avg person can't use Linux for shit and don't care about FOSS.

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>kek or cringe


ur gay fag, just like linus is

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I haven't watched his videos but they look cringey as fuck

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Sure. That's exactly how Luke memed susceptible retards into adopting his style of computing. If you seriously want to drive up market share, you should play into the fantasy that hardcore hackers and programmers use GNU/Linux. Don't show them fucking stock Ubuntu or some other shit derivative.

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Linus has 30+ employees to feed. Unless he can make it exciting and draw in a decent crowd, it isn't worth the effort to focus on more niche subjects. That being said, I don't get the impression he wouldn't be interested personally, but things change when it's company time.

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>Gigabyte Aurora

Did people forget the mighty and once all-powerful Alienware Aurora? 3930k and GTX 690, couldn't do more stupidly overpowered and overpriced.

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>hates consuming

>ends up promoting consuming even harder

the duality of this man

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