Well, I see that this scene is the nothing but the asshole burning running shits. Instead of discussing that which may be productive, the bitching, clawing, hair-pulling, biting, and gawd-damned whimpering and fucking whining indicated something quite the opposite of productive. I learned quite a few years ago that I could determine much more quickly whether a board was worth reading by scrolling roughly half way down the comments. When I see signs of cat fighting, I immediately leave and do something that is productive, which may be mowing the lawn, cleaning the house, taking the chance of wasting more time by seeing if another board is possibly discussing something of worth, or I may just need to go pinch off a few loafs of shit. As I was leaving this board I saw the picture of this critter, which someone commented is annul or maybe asshole, or, oh my mistake, as I see now that he bears the surname Appul. As I said, when I see cat-fighting I just leave and I do so quickly, but given that I am already in a sour and pissy mood I decided to address this and I do so with a type of righteous fucking rage. Does the asshole Appul look white to you? Let me define what because apparently we are so fucked up in the head these days by the shit-stirring jews, you know the jews that have damn near destroyed the last great bastion of freedom, the USA, yes, that group of hooked nosed, puffy lipped, elephant earred, and sleepy-eyed little slithering mongrel bastards that we have all but handed our very lives to so that the snotty and bossy little vicious motherfucking jew pricks can viciously attack and murder. You are apparently not worried about that, shit no, you would rather bitch, blubber, pinch, and claw like a bunch of hysterical acting bitches. You silly little jerkoffs are gawd-damned spending your time hissing and venom spitting at one another over the moral worth of a snotty, warthy skinned, mongrelized, bolshevik, and lying little treacherous shit. This is one of the main reasons that the jews are about to drive the final nail in our coffin. Fuck, I would not be surprised if your little friend, Appul, was not a jew himself given his ugly fugly jewish looking facial features and non-blushing skin. You jerkoffs need to learn some self-discilpine and stop acting like a bunch of silly little useless dumbshits because the jews desire our extinction and they damn near have the means at their disposal to make it happen. Be ready.