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Art, Animation, Agony

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Moved to 8chan.moe/loomis

We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: 1453437534908.jpg (507.45 KB,1280x720,16:9,godzilla-final-wars-1280jp….jpg)

 No.2111 [Open thread]

I want to get good at drawing Kaiju and other such monsters

Are there any guides out there for drawing reptiles?

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File: 1453510474857.jpeg (1.46 MB,3264x2448,4:3,image.jpeg)

First attempt at giving anything a spine. I think I'm still stuck in the animu aesthetic because his head is retardedly big

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Them feets.

Maybe try and use the bodybuilding model from posemaniacs as a base/reference and add lizard and bug heads/features to it, might be a laugh and help you learn something in the process too.


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Huh, thanks for this.

On an unrelated note, GMK is fantastic.

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Give it a huge dick.

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Seconding the third leg.

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File: db3de852032efad⋯.jpg (90.82 KB,1024x724,256:181,arms-grouped.jpg)

 No.3684 [Open thread]

How do you "use" the whole arm to draw?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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>How do you "use" the whole arm to draw?

Keep your wrist perfectly still and draw.

You will end up using your arm automatically.

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A good "training wheel" method is to hold your pen or pencil in a way that limits the range of motion you can use with your wrist.

For example, have your first finger out straight, the pencil right under it, and the other fingers holding it in place. This will force you to use the full arm to do a lot of things.

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File: 3072c386f00d5db⋯.png (1.2 MB,982x720,491:360,1478563383263.png)

 No.4147 [Open thread]

Could you use an extra $400-$600 a month? I know I could, nigga.

I'm a shitty artist looking for a marginally less shitty artist to help me realize a game project in both a timely manner and in a quality I otherwise could never achieve on my own. Character designs, splash art, animation frame tie-downs and cleanup, effects, environments et cetera. Nothing's off the table, G.

Send me your portfolios, your hourly rates, examples and estimates; let's do business.

I want someone who's motivated, versatile, willing to learn and is of course able to set aside time each week to help me push my ill-conceived project forward. At this time I'm looking for a character artist and designer in particular. I don't care what your rate is, but considering my own limited resources, I'm naturally going to gravitate towards whoever can get me the best work at the biggest volume relative to what I'm able to spend.

I'm looking for an anime/'toon' aesthetic. If you have an animation-friendly style already I'll definitely take a close look at you, but even if you've never animated or drawn a cartoon in your life I'm willing to give you a shot if you're willing to try.

Look at Shane Glines, Bruce Timm, Alex Ahad, XA-XA-XA, and Chris Battle over the next week or two, put some topical OC in your portfolio and hit me up.



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File: 66074236037d675⋯.jpg (159.06 KB,600x600,1:1,1462958656237.jpg)

 No.4112 [Open thread]

One thing with anatomy is that it takes a lot of practice, but with coloring, it takes a lot of techniques to do correctly. I want to learn how to color. How do I succeed in coloring? Shading, lights, that stuff.

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Check out ctrlpaint.com/library, there are some good tutorials on there on a variety of subjects including color

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Thanks anon!

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Coloring is hard. It is one of the things which there are no shortcut of learning it. If you don't follow proper steps on doing it, the end result would be horrible, or a fucking nightmare if you try to fix it.

Imho, it is twice harder than drawing especially when you do it in order to achieve into a certain level of quality. One thing that you need to concern about coloring is color balance. You have to color it so that it looks natural, and lively.

It is a tedious work and you have to make sure that you're doing it right the right way.

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File: 1471845726224.jpg (304.62 KB,900x1379,900:1379,1351065570240.jpg)

 No.3619 [Open thread]

What videos, books, or tutorials really helped painting click with you?

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Now I really want to download this, but the link seems to be dead.

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on the right hand side of the deviantart page click download, save it then extract the rar

Should have a video in there

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Is anyone else getting a e0001 error when they visit the /loomis/ resource page? http://www.8ch.net/loomis/hub.html

After seeing the e0001 thread in /co/, I'm curious to see if any admins could fix it or get a backup page/post of the links from it. http://8ch.net/co/res/705452.html

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Yeah, a random slew of pages are e0001 erroring, believe it or not, the "append-the-'sys.'-subdomain" solution also fixes this:


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Thanks, mate. I must be fucking retarded.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.2746 [Open thread]

Post music to make art-making easier/more fun.

You may post slower music, but I prefer a bit faster music like what I provided in the YouTube embed, so feel free to post that.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh boy, Mario Paint. Very nice.

Here's another obligatory one.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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>>3700 (noise)

Plantasia is fucking god-tier, anon.

Also, Thank you for sharing Haruomi Hosono.

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File: 62b98223079e010⋯.jpeg (1.88 MB,4032x3024,4:3,ABA00BBD-2D8B-494A-B493-6….jpeg)

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File: 3641094ad7c25ce⋯.png (308.17 KB,1129x911,1129:911,god.png)

 No.3981 [Open thread]

We've talked about this before but the idea died out eventually, so I'm kick starting this shit.

Unlike the Inktober challenge, this is more of an inside thing, posting it here and critiquing each other's works.

This thread's theme:

A God there is


Draw a picture related to the theme and post it in this thread.

It can be in any form, from digital art to an actual painting.


Practice, :^)

Here's the thread I stole based the theme on, use it if you need some inspiration.


Suggestions for the next theme are accepted, since I'm an uncreative fuck

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I think all he ever wanted to do is draw.

Just like I do, and my stuff is equally lifeless.

I don't have much creativity, but I am getting better at the actual drawing thing.

Nothing to express, just a craftsman.

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File: 88ce9cfa4fd5602⋯.png (2.73 MB,912x1774,456:887,ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck, my greatest goal is to draw religious art.

Too bad I'm a beginner and I can't do shit.

Pls anons draw some Madonnae and angels for me, ok?

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File: 69da79bedc7d610⋯.jpg (441.74 KB,620x917,620:917,barlowe_succubus.jpg)


No way. Improve and draw them yourself.

I'm more interested in demons anyway.

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Assuming Lucifer and whatnot isn't complete bullshit, selling your soul is a small price to pay for making it.

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File: 7e19a99779d4fcb⋯.jpg (296.35 KB,1440x919,1440:919,98183e9e1902e4b14fb1cd5f07….jpg)



I draw demons and religious art, for me it's the same thing. Stuff like demons trying to get out of hell or trying to make it a good place where there is no suffering and similar themes, that kinda stuff really resonates within me. I think I art like that carries some kind of spiritual weight beyond just aesthetics and besides, I think having a contrast is good too, like ying and yang and for there to be light there must be darkness too and all that jazz.


Assuming Lucifer isn't bullshit then God isn't bullshit either. Personally I make it a point to draw my art with some religious undertones whenever possible, kinda like how all those satanic celebrities include satanic symbolism into their works, I just add Christianity instead and always try to make God the good guy in my art.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.800 [Open thread]

Post some of your favorite animations whether from an independent artist or a big studio. Post anything you might be working on or try doing some of the exercises here!



Gesture Drawing for Animation (Walt Stanchfield) - http://tinyurl.com/2bz28kv

the Animator's Survival Kit (Richard Williams) - http://tinyurl.com/m8e4wqg

Setting Up Your Shots (N/A) - http://tinyurl.com/l88fjzy
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File: 1459722824694.png (77.65 KB,412x351,412:351,Happy-Sad-Frog-08.png)


Fuck, wrong page.

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It's all good fambo

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File: 1459737663880.jpg (18.86 KB,500x449,500:449,22224.jpg)


Thanks, fam. I will do it rite now.

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How the f*ck do I use OpenToonz lmoa

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First download it


And then because all of the documentation is in Japanese you simply smash your dick on the keyboard until an animation comes out

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File: 1460003119975.png (310.01 KB,800x390,80:39,artist feels.png)

 No.2845 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Share your daily struggle with art related stuff here.

>tfw poorfag, can't buy a tablet and have to use a mouse for lineart

>i can't understand light, shadow and color for shit. trying many books

>my character poses are too stiff

>i want to draw lewds for a living but i don't want my SFW art being associated with them. have to create two different drawing styles for no one notice me

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I think I hate the human body. It has too many parts, it comes in too many different shapes and none of it seems to have consistency and it's all impossible to get right. I really should have offed myself years ago, drawing is fucking bullshit and it always brings out the worst in me.

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>looking over the stuff I made in 2015 and 2016

>see improvements here and there but it's still colorless characters in a white void

Anyone have any pointers to fix these problems?

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Bumping because I'm a piece of shit.

I am such a goddamned failure. The time to have started on this half-baked "goal" of being an artist should have started decades ago and here I am, mentally torturing myself with hours of ill-conceived practice every day, churning out garbage piece after garbage piece, lying to myself repeatedly about how I'll somehow make it one day in an attempt to keep myself semi-sane and not completely depressed. I'm like a man in a sinking ship without any lifeboats, who knows that the ship is going to sink and he's going to die, but the very thought of it frightens him so much that he keeps bailing out water with a tiny bucket, even as the water is reaching up past his ankles.

It's all crap, all of it. What a fucking waste.

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Heh, looks like it wasn't a bump after all. Can't even express my utter failure properly.

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File: 74694ac5af72055⋯.jpg (324.53 KB,1161x837,43:31,1377518483945.jpg)

 No.3982 [Open thread]

Any recommended reading/resources for how to improve comic page/panel composition?

Pic not related.

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Check out some of the suggestions on /ic/'s restructured, new "sticky" here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VfDTpLLVl5bWUGWguswKpPFml533luI8-NBd1EGYHnA/edit#heading=h.ma104g7bje21 (I think it's good to reuse resources and the new sticky is getting pretty decent)

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File: 1459462064620.png (150.16 KB,473x475,473:475,tumblr_ntpgkbl99x1ubxs94o1….png)

 No.2739 [Open thread]

Where should I learn to draw animals from?

I realize what I've been doing wrong: starting from human anatomy. I work better with animal anatomy better, and if I master that, perhaps I could move on to human anatomy, then combine it with human anatomy to reach my "dream" of becoming a really great furfag artist.

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Humans and animals nearly share the same muscles and bones. They are just proportioned differently.

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Just image search an animal and start gesturing. Make sure you study the skeleton and muscle groups while you're at it, since it will give you a better understanding of both structure and kinesiology of the animal in question.

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File: 1ce00250bf13d2a⋯.jpg (55.16 KB,1022x452,511:226,owlfootdia0.jpg)

File: ce91c1bddcd2ade⋯.jpg (57.69 KB,736x808,92:101,owlfootschema2.jpg)

File: 5f1bfb9a30c1069⋯.jpg (55.59 KB,1022x452,511:226,owlfootdia1.jpg)

File: 68ed5370a9fc8af⋯.gif (1.14 MB,488x412,122:103,owlfoot2.gif)


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The skeleton is the foundation of anything you want to draw well.

It should be the first place you go to for reference.

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File: 1462304345747.png (2.49 KB,144x49,144:49,core.png)

 No.3028 [Open thread]

Any of you got a CORE account on DA?

What is it?

What does it do?

Is it at the point where you need CORE to get popular on DA?

Would you recommend it?

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File: e73e32b23dd1cd3⋯.png (30.06 KB,1280x977,1280:977,loomison8chan.png)


Cool, post your username when you're all set up.

I guess a way to attract more people would be to mention it when you draw on other boards. Maybe put a tiny logo on the corner of the drawfag'd image or something.

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>put a tiny logo on the corner of the drawfag'd image or something.

Even on degenerate porn?

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File: 34cbfcc6562e679⋯.jpeg (64.91 KB,500x422,250:211,tilde.jpeg)



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I don't like the idea of splitting the community, but it might be a means of promoting the board at any rate

>implying our shit art would do anything but serve as a warning to avoid this place


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.1464 [Open thread]

Have the skills

Now I need the tools?

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>Just get a sketchbook at your local art shop. It's cheaper and it's meant for drawing unlike printer paper.

There is no sketchbook paper that is anywhere near as cheap as printer paper. However I agree a sketchbook should be on there anyway.

>The better and cheaper option would be a small metal sharpener that you use by hand.

I don't know, I've had bad luck with them, my electric sharpener never fails.


While I have an Intuos 5 large that I enjoy very much, I've used a Huion and they are actually quite good considering they're 1/3rd of the price.

>>No eraser

This is mostly a suggestion for a very very beginner whose work will not be worth salvaging in most cases.

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OP here.

I use school-tier notebooks, palomino manual sharpener, palomino blackwing and papermate mirado classics, and I did have paint tool sai.

Anything else, besides the book and tablet?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>school-tier notebooks

Don't use lined paper fam, printer paper is cheap.

>palomino manual sharpener

Nothing wrong with that but maybe try sharpening a pencil manually with a knife or something. I just started doing that myself-it's actually pretty comfy and you can shape it to your liking (I usually leave the lead a cylinder shape and begin to draw with that, it eventually turns into a point on its own).

>palomino blackwing and papermate mirado classics

Blackwings are overpriced meme-pencils; I'd just use USA Gold or whatever low-cost brand you can find and invest in real charcoal pencils.

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Thanks for the advice

I was going to get more palominos but now I'm getting USA Gold

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File: bfe4e1aca32c940⋯.jpg (28.62 KB,600x600,1:1,20601-0000-1-3ww-l.jpg)


I will second >>1744 in that Palomino Blackwings are waste of money. Replacable eraser is just a stupid gimmick, and kneaded+poleyster combo is far superior. Any decent B pencil has better graphite than Palomino Blackwing, at least ones that are being made now.

Personally, I use lead holders, because I like to work with sharp tip and thicker graphite lets me get it sharper than normal pencils with less risk of breaking. There is also less mess made during sharpening. Staedtler makes very good leads, which cost about as much as their pencils, but last longer.

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File: 1416074824022.jpeg (73.01 KB,1023x1600,1023:1600,question.jpeg)

 No.11 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Ask a question, get an answer
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File: ea3cbed5bcb8d34⋯.png (Spoiler Image,18.17 KB,220x660,1:3,1.png)

File: 13e6096ff05c63b⋯.png (Spoiler Image,18.46 KB,268x440,67:110,2.png)

File: 71420c3b5d6864b⋯.png (Spoiler Image,107.01 KB,538x604,269:302,3.png)

File: 083e115487d4ebf⋯.png (Spoiler Image,98.37 KB,594x622,297:311,4.png)


Tried drawing a harpy from scratch, only used references for the wings.

The body doesn't look that bad once you draw around it, but I still feel the legs might be a bit too long on the original, not that I could confirm since I just half assed the perspective instead of making a proper grid.

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got drawing ont he right side of the brain from the hub

was about go get started then it said i should get a viewfinder and some other crap

do i need that shit or am i good with just a pencil and paper?

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Thanks a lot, dear anon.

You're gonna make it

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Haven't stuck to it, so I can't say if the book's advice was good for me. Though I had to get inventive to make a viewfinder. It's harder than you'd think to just get a flat panel of plastic from a store. What I did was buy a clear plastic 8x10 photo frame.

Some of the advice and exercises certainly seem like they'd help beginners at least. Haven't read all of it yet though.

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So I can't seem to finish a single fucking render. I look at my drawings from years ago and think they're kind of passable, but when I try now I end up hating the whole thing or a critical part before I'm anywhere near done and want to start over.

So is there a way to put off self criticism for long enough to actually finish a thing?

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File: 1468528082199.jpg (880.33 KB,1500x1004,375:251,make_your_personalized_wor….jpg)

 No.3400 [Open thread]

A thread for advice and experiences with making schedules.

Trying to work my way up to 12 hours a day, but so far can only do 9 hours in a 12 hour period.

Seems overwhelming tryng to figure out how to fit in repetitive and reinforcing Photoshop training, Watercolor Training, Ink Training, Portraits, Figures, Animal Anatomy, Master Studies, Perspective, etc. into a regular thing. How to keep so many plates spinning while also making time for friends and life and not becoming a hollowed out robot. Not to metion school is going to start again in the Fall, and I'm going to be looking for a part-time job, so I've got to squeeze those in as well.

Any thoughts/advice?

Pic related - it's an art schedule from an artist on DeviantArt that I've been modifying and trying to adapt to.

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File: 1469243745868.png (1016.72 KB,1200x880,15:11,Shiro Bako - Japanese Anim….png)


I bet he isn't paid shit either. Which is sad because Japan's cost of living isn't even much lower than that of the U.S.

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Thank you once again for such thorough and enlightening feedback.

I'm going to put your schedule suggestion into practice and see how it goes.

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>You pay the actual animator less than the CG animator

>When CG looks so much more terrible

Why do they do this, I do not understand

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I think at least considering their relationship alone, it's because there's more competition for 2D animators so it drives the wages down. It's pretty ridiculous how little animation staff is paid overall, though. The fact a series director doesn't even make the median u.s. wage is silly enough, but the animators getting paid less than a cashier or something like that is criminal. It makes me feel pretty good about my job. I work at a used video game store and make as much as a CG animator.

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in japan, traditional animators are usually paid per frame, doing that w/ cg obviously makes no sense. 3d also used to be a really specialized field w/o many people in it, that probably helped.

no name inbetweeners working on bobs burgers & rick and morty probably get paid more than your favorite japanese key animator

studios are starting to move production to malaysia, so wages are only going to get worse

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