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How does I feathery wings?

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I'm thinking about buying a drawing tabled to get into drawing, what would be a good one for a beginner?

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Don't buy a tablet if you haven't started with traditional yet. There's a whole slew of reasons why you shouldn't - Ctrl Paint has an entire series that covers this issue.

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/ic/. If you're shit at drawing, don't expect to be asspatted like how people are on this website.

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Are these guides from the same author? If so, is there a big compilation of his guides? They're pretty informative and easy to comprehend and I'm not just saying that because it has a qt animu grill

H-Honest, I swear!

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File: 1469728225025.jpg (109.86 KB,497x374,497:374,Everything's fine.jpg)


Nevermind, just found the author's name after some basic inspection

Here's the link if anyone else wanted it : http://nsio.deviantart.com/gallery/45894768/Tutorials

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File: 1469861012598.jpg (114.15 KB,1300x866,650:433,716194-An-old-happy-busine….jpg)


Those mastery tiers crack me up every time.

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So, I can't draw a circle or line.

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Peter Han, Dynamic Sketching, Youtube

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File: 1470026233457.jpg (3.04 MB,3620x2498,1810:1249,1468819500973-0.jpg)

What are the best books, videos or websites to learn about color theory? I want to mix colors like this (we can see green, brown, black and blue on these dinosaurs) but I still don't know how make them blend with harmony.

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File: 1470206531427.gif (428.84 KB,206x196,103:98,idk lol.gif)


Sure wish I knew

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File: 1470251655998-1.png (111.15 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot from 2016-08-03….png)

Does anyone know how to set up margins in Krita?

As of writing I was about to start doing the cover page of my comic, but apparently as much as Krita touts being a great grahpic design tool, you can't fucking drag out guidelines from the margins.

Nor will the lines in it even follow your cursor on the canvas.

This is honestly incredible that they have all these features, but have yet to implement the most rudimentary measuring tool out there.

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You should check the layers from their 'comic page' preset to see how they did it. It might help.

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What are the best tools to use to colour sketches traditionally, without scanning and using software? Magic markers are too messy and uncontrollable, coloured pencils are too dull, paint is out of the question.

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Copic markers are pretty good in the right hands. You could also try pastels I guess.

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I always hear and have noticed it myself that good artists are either weird or a bit fucked in the head.

Would you guys say it's true? Are you like this?

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The Giano and Intuos 4 Large are close, the other ones aren't worth mentioning.

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Just started learning today. I drew lots of circles and did that thing where you draw lots of lines horizontally from a vertical one.

When I draw circles, do I draw lots of circles in different sizes or should I be trying to draw the same circle over and over for a page, then change the size and shape next page and draw that new circle over and over?

The horizontal lines he says to do one then draw over it 8 times. Do I do the first time with a ruler to make sure it is straight? Or all free hand? What if the first time I do a line it's not straight?

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I think the ruler method is probably the right way to do it even if it's not how I went about it personally. Having a baseline for what straight "is" seems logical. That said, if I remember why I didn't do that it's probably because it will be covered by shitty lines pretty quickly regardless.

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How long is it before your drawings start to not suck? I've been at this constantly for over a year and I can't look at my garbage art without wanting to toss it all into a fire.

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File: 500b1dc5d32286a⋯.jpg (31.13 KB,653x693,653:693,Untitled-2.jpg)


We all learn at different speeds, however, you also can't do the same thing and expect a different result either. This is something I'm struggling with, myself as I've plateaued and I'm very sheepish about moving forward. Be open to criticism and practice your ass off every day, but also be open to trying new things.

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At least you seem to have plateaued somewhere that actually looks good, skill-level I'm stuck in the garbage dump and I think I've already plateaued

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I suspect we're both afraid to take risks, of trying something new. I know I am, anyway. We need to stop being pussies fam. Wading in the comfort zone (which does not necessarily entail there's good art being made, lol) indefinitely doesn't get anyone anywhere.

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Depends how often you torture yourself to draw harder and harder shit, you can make leaps with just one challenging drawing or you can spend 10 years drawing the same shit.

I always had a different problem, I would always think that my art is just beyond awesome but when I look at it after a year I would realize that it was shit and that it is in fact my most recent art that is cool, only for the same thing to repeat later on.

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I'd like to upgrade my monitor, this one's from the early 00's, so it's 4:3. I'd like a 16:10 monitor to match my tablet, but they're so much more expensive.

So does this 16:1 difference in aspect ratios bother experienced artists (of which I definitely am not one)? The Krita page has explains how to use xinput-calibration to change the aspect ratio of the tablet, but that would get rid of a bit of usable space on it. Does anybody have experience with that?

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File: f2e68a7f41074cc⋯.jpg (420.27 KB,850x1454,425:727,1472557802651.jpg)

would it be wise to do Drawabox or Dynamic Sketching befores Keys to Drawing?

And how many times should I be doing the Keys to Drawing exercises?

pic unrelated

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File: efee595947d4526⋯.jpg (90.9 KB,800x547,800:547,800px-Compton_Knorrhütte.jpg)

How do I into landscape drawing?

And in particular, landscape drawing from imagination? And possibly with traditional media? I'm learning, and I don't want to get lazy and end up drawing grass, trees and foliage with them cheating convenient photoshop pattern brushes.

Does anyone know of any good book or resource about landscapes?

For now I'm just copying pictures, but I'd like to read something about it.

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File: f14c198865040dc⋯.jpg (27.31 KB,338x419,338:419,face.jpg)


Drwaing Scenery: Landscapes and Seascapes by Jack Hamm is something I've found about it. The book is kind of all over the place, but it's pretty good.


I've been trying to get better at drawing faces lately, and I can't quite put my finger on what's wrong with the lips in this thing I've drawn. Is it the lack of detail compared to the eyes? The line thickness? I know the nose is pretty bad too but for some reason it doesn't stick out as much as the lips. If there's any other criticism it'd be appreciated too. The neck I fucked up on purpose because it's funny to me

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File: 3b2550cf933bb3c⋯.png (112.83 KB,297x369,33:41,skull.png)


Thanks for the book man.

I'm no great artist, but I've made this thingy.

I laid your drawing on top on a 3D model of a skull.

I tried to angle it to match the perspective of your drawing by making the zygomatic bone and mastoid process fit with your picture (more or less).

Well, you can see for yourself. The perspective is off.

I think it would be very good for you to study skulls. And then try drawing a face on top of them. Anatomy, son.

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File: 4e96b8de3721652⋯.png (502.01 KB,651x689,651:689,Screenshot from 2016-09-20….png)



You can see from this shitty screenshot how the lips are supposed to fit over the teeth and how the nose is positioned in relation to the nasal bones and nasal cavity.

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Here are some screenshot of the nasal cartilage, and how it fits in the skull, in different angles.

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Here are some pictures that show how the eyeball fits in the socket, from different angles.

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File: 5c74b4c62402d2a⋯.jpg (10.22 KB,184x184,1:1,download.jpg)



Oh, and sorry for the spooks.

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File: 2645ea4af20c8fe⋯.png (257.14 KB,640x480,4:3,1473898256108.png)

What's the order for reading the loomis books?

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>tfw trying to learn how to draw for the third time in two years

Alright, so do I go about learning how to draw?

I already know perspective, and I'm able to do it well enough when my lines work and I'm already doing line control stuff.

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I'd say you should learn about gesture, figure drawing and anatomy, and try to use your perspective skills to draw the human body as a bunch of three-dimensional shapes.

Loomis' Figure Drawing for All it's Worth might be a good start.

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I'll do that, thanks.

By the way, what's the bump limit? I think the thread is autosaging already.

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How do you faggots go about using pressure sensitivity?

Mine's currently at the default of brush size and opacity. I want to change it, but I don't know what to.

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>You don't have to do it step by step, you can take things from all of them, return to them later on for further consultation, what have you. You're guaranteed to not "get" it all the first or second or the third time!

>Loomis' two essential books are Figure Drawing and Creative Illustration, the rest are introductory courses and supplements. Read these two if you don't plan to read them all.

>The five can be read in any order or out of order, but Loomis had different reader's skill levels in mind in different books. The order is more or less like this, beginner to advanced:

>Fun with the Pencil / Successful Drawing - the basics of structural drawing; the former more informal with a focus on cartooning, the latter more technical with a focus on perspective.

>Figure Drawing for All It's Worth - what it says, also a lot of general drawing topics. Overlaps with SD somewhat. You'll need a good visual anatomy atlas or several to complement it. You can begin with this one and skip FWaP / SD, using SD for more in-depth perspective and structure tips.

>Drawing Head and Hands - can be considered an advanced supplement to FDAIW, with a focus on, well, head and hands.

>Creative Illustration - the Big Book, deals with everything about making an impact with representational art. Covers composition, expression, line, tone, color, etc., lots of technical issues. Somewhat dated where it concerns illustration industry and business, but very good otherwise. I think it's the sum of Loomis' experience as picture maker.

>Eye of the Painter is the ugly duckling of the bunch, it's more of a philosophy of art. More or less the "why" of what Loomis did, rather than the "how" in the other four. Optional reading.

>Mind that Loomis' "beginner" level can be already pretty advanced, so even his beginner texts are worth returning to.

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I'm thinkng about buying some wooden toy blocks to practice my prespective and shape drawings. any advice on what kind of blocks that I should buy?

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File: e78f6d8e14e7dcf⋯.png (352.34 KB,1590x670,159:67,jhg.png)

Finally trying into anatomy. I'll go by Loomis' way first before going into muscles and bones though, how's this for a start?

I tried copying the simplified base.

The version on the left I made with the page open and using measures, the one on the right was a blind run, only using dots for guidance and mostly doing the X square thing to find the middle point, but without drawing it.

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Tried drawing a harpy from scratch, only used references for the wings.

The body doesn't look that bad once you draw around it, but I still feel the legs might be a bit too long on the original, not that I could confirm since I just half assed the perspective instead of making a proper grid.

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got drawing ont he right side of the brain from the hub

was about go get started then it said i should get a viewfinder and some other crap

do i need that shit or am i good with just a pencil and paper?

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Thanks a lot, dear anon.

You're gonna make it

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Haven't stuck to it, so I can't say if the book's advice was good for me. Though I had to get inventive to make a viewfinder. It's harder than you'd think to just get a flat panel of plastic from a store. What I did was buy a clear plastic 8x10 photo frame.

Some of the advice and exercises certainly seem like they'd help beginners at least. Haven't read all of it yet though.

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So I can't seem to finish a single fucking render. I look at my drawings from years ago and think they're kind of passable, but when I try now I end up hating the whole thing or a critical part before I'm anywhere near done and want to start over.

So is there a way to put off self criticism for long enough to actually finish a thing?

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