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There's no discharge in the war!

File: d1ac5eca0b769ff⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,761x723,761:723,sa enemies.jpg)

547325 No.681521 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

this was somewhat popular quite a while ago so i figure well have another go.

its simple enough, i throw out a scenario and the most common enemy loadout and you /k/unts respond with your loadout and tactics using innawoods of course, for new fags here you go


mission one: southern roundup

A south african community has hired you and fifteen associates (with the same loadout ass you) to deffend their town from attacks by blacks. Attacks come mainly at night and the assailants are typically armed with cheap old slavshit gear.


what are you taking and why streloks?

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e4f27d No.688904


>also good to see that flags are fixed.

I still don't see them

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1fb168 No.688906

File: b72bb6e7285a9cb⋯.jpg (158.16 KB,680x650,68:65,result.jpg)


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1fb168 No.688907

File: 1af8ccea8c0c2d2⋯.jpg (159.23 KB,680x650,68:65,result.jpg)

in all seriousness, this would probably be my chosen S. Africa, and southern USA loadout. the menthols are there for niggerbait, by the way

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cb5dcb No.689100

>shockwave discontinued

I haven't used the internet in two years, shit has changed

fuck this computer has "apps".

fucking kill me, I'm getting on an XP the first chance I get

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5cf602 No.689164

File: 1c6a1ed160d943b⋯.png (681.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2020-03-01-13-4….png)

Come on, boiz. It's easy: NO SURVIVORS, CHUVAK. The ride never ends!

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File: b3a7ec081b27533⋯.png (456.79 KB,381x520,381:520,doc.png)

File: f6e35bcfec10db6⋯.jpg (261.03 KB,1280x1053,1280:1053,us medic.jpg)

383b82 No.637768 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Hello /k/ ive noticed that we dont have a medic thread. So post anything relating to medical stuff here.

(pdfs, images, history, etc)

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256032 No.685161


Honestly, there isn't such issues with offgassing or scarring, the leaf is a fucking imbecile and knows literally nothing. The main issue with superglue is most injuries need to be disinfected, and usually for bigger ones, need to be cleaned out somewhat regularly (which your body naturally does, so it's not needed to reopen and reclean unless it becomes infected). As >>685044 points out, superglueing a wound means you can't reaccess it without removing the glue. You're also blocking the surrounding area from receiving oxygen, which will cause the surrounding area to die, and is a great way to promote bacterial growth ie: isn't very sterile.

What I recommend to anyone who plans on backpacking or going innawoods, is to get a small botte of providone iodine, and keep it in a medical pack. iodine can be used to disinfect when diluted in clean clear water, can be used for dressing wounds, as it's a germicide in a 10% concentration, and can be used to purify drinking water (one drop per quart of clear water, 10 drops for cloudy water according to my bottle).

Pair the iodine up with a small syringe to flush any deep wounds out with. You'll have to flush it multiple times to ensure it's been properly disinfected, and make sure you check the wound cavity for any foreign objects and remove them with tweezers. Most of the time a bandaid or gauze pad is recommended for cuts. Superglue really only shines when your cut is smaller, and in an area without much flexion. It's handy, but really only in a way that allows you to save your better first aid supplies for more serious injuries. It also peels off easy enough in a few hours after applying, so it's not like it's necessarily hard to remove once it's on.

Stitching is pretty easy to learn, and something I recommend if you plan on being a woodsman. Fishing line and a needle take up no space, and can be used for multiple things. Just make sure you disinfect them first if doing sutures.

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e8dccf No.686138


>IIRC CPR is 40% as effective as regular heartbeats though

I don't know about exact numbers, but if the choice is between 40% and 0%, I know which one most people would prefer. CPR doesn't fix anything, it just prevents damage until you can zap them.

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72b1fd No.689088


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fb7419 No.689099

I am deeply concerned with the information in this thread

this shit is just straight up wrong.

Medical care is given IN CONTEXT, there is no single procedure for an injury

For example if someone comes in with an infected cut.

A. Assess the patients general state, is what they tell you going to be reliable?

B. Is this the only injury? fucking ask. If the answer to A is "no" you may have to manually asses the casualty for secondary injury, this is why doctors are always doing blood pressure checks etc.

Casualties may and often do have injuries unrelated to the one they are seeking treatment for which may also be significant or complicate primary care.

C. how best to approach treatment?

Often the answer is "take them somewhere else where it can be done better".

So you took out a bullet out in the field, where is the patient going to recover where treatment is still available if there are complications?

D. search for other casualties. Don't send one casualty to hospital and have a second casualty appear.

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d55fe7 No.689109


This. CPR is a stop gap measure because people start dying very quickly if they don't have oxygen to the brain. Just keep in mind that if you have to start pumping, you'll probably have to manually fill their lungs. They make special disposable masks for this that are dirt cheap, and you're going to want one when the vomiting occurs.

The vomiting ALWAYS occurs. Be prepared for cracking/breaking rib sounds as well.

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File: 9759c275352b089⋯.jpg (36.51 KB,1024x800,32:25,Szabla-Cold-Steel-Polish-S….jpg)

5e4e79 No.676122 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Sabers, saber fencing, sharpening, storage.

>Which fencing school is superior, and why it is Polish-Hungarian,

>Why (((they))) killed Laszlo Borsody in 1939 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/László_Borsody,

>Is gamey sports fencing actual fencing,

>Why Potop has the best fencing scene (you're swinging it like a flail), and why the fuck is movie so long holy shit,

>Is Cold Steel polish saber worth it, or a piece of 1.15kg 1055 trash,

>What to buy then, and why everything but chink shit is so expensive,

>Why moulinets are no good unless you are mounted, and is parry-repost a valid overpowering tactic,

>Is it better to have a sharpened saber (ready to go, can easily slaughter bottles, rolled mats and chalk zombie heads) or dull (good and safe for training, only need to invest in 350+N power mask for you and your sparring buddy), or two different ones,

and other interesting questions in this time's


Feel free to swing by.

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98cb49 No.689018


It's a polish sabre. Looks like custom-made shit.

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b1e7de No.689049


>the hilt guard looks fully connected

no it doesn't

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2dcec7 No.689053


Cannot stop laughing

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2dcec7 No.689054


Fat faggot fencing. #nailedIt

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cb4c4c No.689863


Is English not your first language?

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File: c431202f4752e06⋯.png (30.05 KB,256x256,1:1,1a36148518863d00843b086b7f….png)

0790b3 No.688350 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

My god, were back.

And its all together too, fantastic. How are you all? Hope you all had an eventful year.

Im very sorry about me not being here, i literally didnt know 8chan (or kun as it is now known) was even alive, when 8ch went i simply stopped using imageboards and spent the time and instead went back to normie stuff like helping NSW gun laws and helping with the shooting ranges.

One of the big changes here in NSW and the biggest shooting club SSAA NSW/Sydney Branch is that the Fudds are slowly leaving and becoming a minority as thanks to so many young people and returning older people (The ones who had to hand back old guns and are still angry about it) coming back and forcing changes here in the state and club is good, not to mention Sydney Branch may have a huge new proper Hunting club attached to it to get the thousands of people who want to try hunting out into the bush, myself and loads of others have since offered to volunteer with the club, not to mention nearly all the proper range officers wanna help out too. Big things happening which is fantastic.

From the looks of things, so far everything seems to be working as well as .pdfs survived the transfer which is a feat itself. i missed you gay cunts, seriously.

Other then that, hows your life going friends?

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d10a69 No.689009


I'm not planning on staying here either, I just came here to see if anyone else was as fed up with julay/k/ as me. Not that it matters, there's nowhere else to go for /k/ shit anymore that isn't either lorded over by autistic shitstirring retards that dodge bans, or just a straight up honeypot.

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b9f492 No.689010

File: 4a9ae756ff3e1d5⋯.gif (92.52 KB,205x234,205:234,4a9ae756ff3e1d5e3f3015a2d0….gif)


Well, Godspeed swissanon.

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9876d0 No.689012

>go check julay/k/ to see what's up

>that demographics thread

>recognize the way that faggot posts

Oh for fucks sake guys, it's spergkraut, you all should be able to immediately spot that raging cuckold and be aware of how much of an autistic nuisance he is for vols by now.

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b514a0 No.689013


>Jim's hard-on for the Qfags

They pay the bills and stay on their board, i don't get what's the problem with them.

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ce6293 No.689020


>i don't get what's the problem with them

Attracting the wrong type of crowd. With our current traffic don't be surprised if the board soon gets dominated by fuds.

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File: 1415c0f52ef17ac⋯.gif (723.37 KB,450x360,5:4,42643263_1579428015492483_….gif)

File: 17c90556eedf173⋯.jpg (4.48 MB,3020x3276,755:819,pyk3hgiw7cm11.jpg)

941a11 No.688172 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

>Dems want to introduce the most draconian gun laws in the entire US

>Bill would ban not only magazines over 10 rounds, but any firearm that can accept anything over 10 rounds, basically banning literally every firearm with a detachable box-magazine, including handguns, and even tube-fed rifles as well. My SMLE would technically be illegal, and so will my Marlin Model 60

>Also banning any firearm that can accept the following:

<a folding or telescoping stock

<pistol grip

<thumbhole stock

<second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand

<bayonet mount

<grenade/flare launcher

<a suppressor

<flash suppressor

<muzzle break


<threaded barrels

<any characteristic of like kind, which is left open to the individual to determine if they’re in violation of the proposed law.

>This includes handguns

>Shotguns with the ability to accept detachable magazines or having a fixed capacity of over seven rounds would also become illegal to own.

>Proposed Senate Bill 18 makes it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to buy any firearm, as well as making it illegal under this age to own a handgun. This bill would also require background checks for gun sales between two private citizens, with an exemption for immediate family members.

>SB 18 makes it a felony to leave a loaded gun in such a manner as to endanger the life of any person under the age of 18. This bill would also make it a crime for any person to authorize a child under the age of 18 to use a firearm without the direct supervision of an adult.

>Senate Bill 64 states that a person is guilty of a felonious paramilitary activity if that person teaches or demonstrates the use or applicatiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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dc4a72 No.688933


Nite Strelok.

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ca9636 No.688974

It's been delayed for one year https://archive.is/3hou1

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d4440d No.688984


Just saw that. Looks like we're clear for a year, anons. Gun grab is on hold

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eba3f9 No.688993


It ain't over yet. It's nice to have a breath of relief, but we need to make sure those that went against their part lines stay where they are.

As weird as it sounds, maybe sending thank you letters?

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941a11 No.688994


Those faggots would've voted for HB961 if there wasn't a serious threat of "civil disobedience". Kick them out.

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File: 449f504cd8009e8⋯.jpg (88.31 KB,768x960,4:5,6edac2882673efbfcb46e7c50e….jpg)

a7b492 No.668884 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]



Why did these fucking cucks lay down their weapons? Would you be allowed to shoot them in this situation?

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67b5bf No.680695

File: 2db0b4d69e610ad⋯.jpg (73.83 KB,354x423,118:141,975bbadd1b14ab0810d52403bd….jpg)


>200k+ likes per halfnaked post


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a4774e No.680696


Women are born with a pre-determined number of eggs, men continually produce sperm from puberty till near death. Also women can only be impregnated by one man at a time; a man can impregnate dozens of women simultaneously. Women have far more sexual value than men. It's that simple.

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9d94bd No.680708

File: 061ed5a89674874⋯.jpg (41.28 KB,409x389,409:389,061ed5a8967487426c4b7861eb….jpg)






>all these amerifats wanting to race mix

And you wonder why people keep posting the 56% meme.

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c2c10c No.688938


Because of thirsty betaniggers like you, nigger

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18ff0d No.688992

File: 1302926d7ba2c17⋯.png (115.32 KB,500x391,500:391,lada-is-like-ant-strong-bu….png)



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File: 8fc94f04c73cf64⋯.webm (3.72 MB,854x480,427:240,Cry 'Havoc' and let slip ….webm)

653b1c No.688529 [Open thread]


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2aa3d0 No.688987

File: f18ee546e3cd530⋯.webm (3.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,2S19.webm)

File: 432cdc58280409f⋯.webm (3.84 MB,640x480,4:3,Russo-Afgan War Mu.webm)

File: 6c855e74b913a26⋯.webm (2.68 MB,480x320,3:2,Boat Tracers.webm)

File: a7a4eee6a764c13⋯.webm (4.82 MB,640x360,16:9,C-300.webm)



NoSo is no sound

Mu is with music

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2aa3d0 No.688988

File: 6602cd616969360⋯.webm (3.24 MB,620x348,155:87,Dance Dance Incursion.webm)

File: 5d5e1df933c1781⋯.webm (3.82 MB,720x580,36:29,Ceasar.webm)

File: e5c8311fc5a1382⋯.webm (671.64 KB,960x720,4:3,Chechnya MuGo.webm)

File: f6622e3d1599db0⋯.webm (1.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,FLYING PIG.webm)

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2aa3d0 No.688989

File: 56328dcd90b72ba⋯.webm (3.88 MB,640x360,16:9,Flyby.webm)

File: 64ef2d6b92c2a14⋯.webm (3.73 MB,550x270,55:27,Glorious Motherland MuGo.webm)

File: f03ac7d28779b0d⋯.webm (1.94 MB,1280x720,16:9,Highimpactsexualviolence.webm)

File: 30162b931ded07f⋯.webm (3.82 MB,854x480,427:240,Houthi Ambush.webm)

Fucking flood detection

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2aa3d0 No.688990

File: d13ef9854d2372d⋯.webm (1.03 MB,800x450,16:9,Little M1 that could.webm)

File: 8c9e30ec60e4928⋯.webm (4.91 MB,480x360,4:3,Inside SPG.webm)

File: e072a109c220b96⋯.webm (2.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,Lada stronk.webm)

File: 79b6192a157fddc⋯.webm (2.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,Massed Tank Charge NoSo.webm)

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2aa3d0 No.688991

File: ddb230865e1a5bf⋯.webm (4.01 MB,640x480,4:3,No sound SPG.webm)

File: daaaa9bab98aecf⋯.webm (3.82 MB,720x405,16:9,shellshock.webm)

File: 76d9e2ed895c4b7⋯.webm (4.73 MB,640x480,4:3,Just Another Day In Afgha….webm)

File: f632b8d0c4f6cbc⋯.webm (3.41 MB,640x360,16:9,Howl.webm)


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File: a1b93b63a93d22d⋯.jpg (82.77 KB,1200x662,600:331,Cht2YIoWUAEeWxt.jpg)

a10923 No.688421 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I don't wanna say it's happening, but it might be happening.


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532b52 No.688593


>Yes, Russia will engage in a nuclear war with the United States over Iran. Definitely.

World wars have been started over shitholes like Serbia, Belgium and Poland and they don't even had oil or any other valuable resources.

The fighting just has to start and become so heated, that both sides think they have to win or they will ultimately l start the beginning of their end and things will cascade from there.

What would happen, if the USA/Israel tries to invade Iran and Russia sends troops to help defend it? Will the fighting remain in Iran or will they try to hit Russia? Once they hit Russia directly, the Russians will answer, not automatically with nukes but with a sizable act to save their face. Once this has been done, a stand off between the two will start just like during the Cold War and then just one side needs to lose their cool somewhere and the whole shitshow starts.

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0c4e14 No.688651


>shitholes like Belgium and Poland


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420425 No.688963


The second of the two links, since it concerns successful insurgent operations, may be of special interest to >>>/k/.

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420425 No.688964


Let me try that again:


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420425 No.688965



Ok, I see that we can't crosslink between boards here. The links are:

Soleimani's Last Will and Testament:


Untold Facts About the Hezbollah-Israeli War, an interview with Qassem Soleimani:


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File: 0a48e43c77814ab⋯.jpeg (26.67 KB,450x450,1:1,walmart-pistol-brace.jpeg)

72b03c No.636927 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I didn't see any kind of AR General thread so I figured I'd make one. Also wasn't aware of a copypasta info either.

I'm making this thread to discuss configuration, accessories, paint, ballistics, brands and whatever else relates to the assembly, use, and culture of Stoner's magnificent rifle.

AR-10 discussion also welcome.

>Pic from a YouTube video

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334887 No.688865

File: bcfa0c0a703b5a7⋯.jpg (143.89 KB,1500x1500,1:1,1484139979_1309183.jpg)

Anyone have experience with holographic sights? I've been thinking of getting a Vortex UH-1 whenever they go on sale for $300.

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f99c65 No.688873

File: cee72b1ec727722⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1134x2016,9:16,6996946E-2E77-4735-8D66-E….jpeg)

This is a follow up from a few days ago discussion on slings. Ended up going with the option from akoptionsllc.com on the advice of replier, I was wrong he was right, despite the weird domain name it is legit. I am extremely pleased with my order. $11 and arrived within 48 hours. Can’t wait to test this puppy out on the farm.

Just wanted to follow up I think I posted in wrong area last time but this thread i imagine suffices yeah?

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a8d5d0 No.688925

So I'm trying to make a list of AR manufacturers/companies to research buying from should I decide to buy/build a couple more rifles. What are some of your guys' thoughts on a sample of my considerations?

>Aero Precision

Always hear great things about them and their ARs being not only affordable for budget-minded people, but also having quality parts compared to PSA or Anderson.

>Palmetto State Armory

Constant sales and deals being offered are how their ARs are able to be built for $500 or under but I hear their QC is a lil lacking and their customer service can be an absolute nightmare to walk through.

>Anderson Manufacturing

Similar to PSA's price-points but I hear about 50% good things & "just as good" talk with 50% of out-of-spec nightmares or simple blemishes/machine marks.

>Bravo Company Mod

Absolutely a great brand to also get quality parts just more expensive past Aero Precision stuff.

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9cc6a3 No.688936


PSA custserv isn't a nightmare anymore, it's just slow.

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9d6808 No.688953


If you're looking to build one from scratch and are willing to invest in the tools to assemble it yourself just know that it's pretty damn hard to build a bad rifle from a good barrel and a good BCG. If you're going to spend too much money on any parts, make it those. I usually recommend the SOLGW BCG to frands building new ARs.

>Aero Precision

I've never handled one of their full rifles before, but their blem lowers are the best deal in well-made stripped lowers imo.

>Palmetto State Armory

80% shot you're getting a great rifle that will last tens of thousands of rounds, but they still don't understand how deep they're supposed to stake castle nuts and gas keys, plus they like putting carbine buffers in their rifles when the only reason to do that over an 'H' is to save $10 on the manufacturer's end. That being said they will replace most shit that breaks prematurely.

>Anderson Manufacturing

I've seen some goddamn nightmares out of Anderson manufacturing with out-of-spec trigger pins on their lowers. No reason to get them when better options are only slightly more expensive.


I get all my ARs from them thanks to their punctilious QC and barrel profiles. They understand that the primary advantage of the AR-15 over other modern rifle designs is its light weight and soft recoil so they optimize the hell out of their barrel/handguards and drill the gas port properly relative to buffer weight/spring weight. Their 16" ELW rifle comes in at 5.8lbs and handles beautifully. My 11.5" ELW pistol despite having a red dot and a 1000 lumen scout light hanging off the end still balances at the magwell and is only a few ounces over 6lbs. Plus little details like using sprinco extractor springs and how soft the machining on their handguards are, whereas some of the cheaper ones like palmetto's can be a bit sharp.

You might want to look at ALG as well, I get my LPKs from them when they go on sale and they're all super super slick and positive. You'd think trigger pins aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 1fc52c86d0bd720⋯.jpg (15.72 KB,474x355,474:355,tW36wFz.jpg)

dfd9fe No.685971 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

*Inspired by the 'Rebuilding modern Germany' thread.

You have the 2019 budget of the Polish military at your disposal(45.38 billion PLN/$11.971 billion USD).

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to rebuild the Polish military into a world-class combat force capable of going toe to toe with any other military in the world and winning. How do you go about this?

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0b87c0 No.688891

File: 782349da3a603bb⋯.png (2.02 MB,1508x944,377:236,1511417467301.png)

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303cd0 No.688892

File: 083b3e944c42cbc⋯.jpg (27.52 KB,377x351,29:27,083.jpg)

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7dc207 No.688894


Quints of truth.

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c535cc No.688895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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35d63e No.688912

File: 06fac08ade6cdf2⋯.jpg (32.19 KB,560x375,112:75,91fa452c27fc8a4e4c0cb1bca0….jpg)

File: 9eddde7c2fb2a4f⋯.jpg (2.55 MB,3264x2448,4:3,PZL-230F_Skorpion_WAT.jpg)

File: df7058c743e13b3⋯.jpg (60.24 KB,1280x720,16:9,3754df62d15329fff51e7d565b….jpg)


Working on it…

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File: f61f62403c8c285⋯.png (56.41 KB,400x320,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

de33dc No.688769 [Open thread]

Industry stuff is starting to filter in from these two shows.

Brownells announces new lower for the BRN-180.


PSA is bringing their long awaited MP5 Clone. People are saying the welds look like shit in detail photos


PSA is also bringing a new upper that . Basicly the BRN180 for cheaper without the AR18 ascetics.


And a Glock 19 clone. That would be meh, but the price is $300. If PSA sells the slide and lower parts kit separately, that's a huge boon to the 80% market.


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50e3d8 No.688823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Century drops their 74 just one year PSA announces their own

>PSL and other imports will likely get rarer and more expensive

>Will make more American AKs to compensate

I wonder how long it will take for Century to bring out their own American made SVD/PSL.

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9bc9c0 No.688824


I wonder how long it will take for american citizens to stop accepting retarded gun bans

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509390 No.688825


I wonder how long century will remain in business at this rate

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3a6ab6 No.688898

I was surprised at how much pistol braces and "PDW" type weapons have proliferated in the market at shot show. It seems like every manufacturer has realized you can just sell short-barreled stuff with no repercussions now.

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de33dc No.688900


Got to profit off it before Trump's ATF reverse it.

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File: ca994866eb739f0⋯.jpg (173.38 KB,680x650,68:65,All Ghilled Up.jpg)

File: 3d7659cf55125b4⋯.jpg (187.49 KB,680x650,68:65,Average Grunt.jpg)

File: 22fd9a577f7826b⋯.jpg (129.25 KB,680x650,68:65,Big Iron.jpg)

File: 0bfea7cf01efe4f⋯.jpg (170.29 KB,680x650,68:65,Blyat.jpg)

File: 421d8d41f72174d⋯.jpg (149.16 KB,680x650,68:65,Cawadoody Sniper.jpg)

ffb796 No.688671 [Open thread]

I made one of these threads back on the old 8ch before the site shut down

Guess i'll post it again and have it slowly get one reply every 9 months

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10319d No.688733

File: de52b1fdb47e9ff⋯.jpg (165.82 KB,680x650,68:65,NBC.jpg)

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a5026c No.688774

File: 5168854e7ec8b2e⋯.jpg (150.93 KB,680x650,68:65,Snek Eater.jpg)

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84c939 No.688814

File: c6ac853c2405c32⋯.jpg (140.07 KB,680x650,68:65,Commander.jpg)

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d47e26 No.688817

File: add403ea21c6f2a⋯.png (729.84 KB,684x648,19:18,ClipboardImage.png)

do people still like terrorwave?

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1bdb0b No.688828

File: 8355903429a383d⋯.png (708.41 KB,972x929,972:929,1.png)

File: 627272920c7e59e⋯.png (710.75 KB,972x929,972:929,2.png)

File: dc2e6b90df60d09⋯.png (715.64 KB,972x929,972:929,3.png)

File: 45402e9f86c781f⋯.png (709 KB,972x929,972:929,4.png)

File: 68e4199c943ae60⋯.png (710.83 KB,972x929,972:929,5.png)

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File: 0f8ec88a1e68fe3⋯.png (104.97 KB,984x468,82:39,TheAtfAreGay.png)

80f2dc No.688745 [Open thread]

Hey dudes.

Pardon me if this is a stupid and/or noob question. I was wondering about the viability of getting a handgun at age 18. According to the ATF, it is possible to acquire such a weapon before the age of 21, provided you buy it from an unlicensed vendor (at least that is how I read it). How would one go about getting one though? Are the guys at Gun Shows for example considered unlicensed?

I live in Georgia, so I don't think there should be any cucked state laws to get in my way. I do not plan on carrying or anything, I just want to be able to take it to the range and such. Any input here would be helpful.

(It may seem like I am just too lazy to do real research, but in reality I am incredibly stupid and don't want to fuck myself over.)

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c30f7a No.688756

Private purchase, 80%s, putting a conversion cylinder in a cap and ball revolver (not a firearm till it accepts fixed cartridges) and being given them by ATF agents.

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729266 No.688759

Use the god damn QTDDTOT, Jesus. Why is it so difficult for newfags to follow this simple rule? If we let every retard make an entire thread just to ask a question, the catalog will be cancer.

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9b482a No.688760


My mistake. I will go to QTDDTOT next time. I wouldn't want to dirty your 1pph board.

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729266 No.688761


>low pph is an excuse to ignore the rules and create entire threads for 1-line questions

We were sitting around 200-270 ISPs and dozens of posts per hour before retardmonkey decided to change the site name and become assbuddies with the feds. If you want to blame someone for low activity, blame him and his mongoloid father

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351c54 No.688767


Yeah you have a good point. I agree that I should not have done it in hindsight. I am just saying that you are overreacting just a touch, given nobody is here.

And okay I will blame retardmonkey.

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File: 9fe2931569f5150⋯.png (748.17 KB,1277x717,1277:717,ClipboardImage.png)

fd0084 No.614259 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

you've been organizing the operation for months, now its time for shit to go down. what song plays in the background?

>music thread


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532be7 No.688683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It doesn't matter who we are.

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532be7 No.688684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


with embed related as honorable mention.

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22810b No.688691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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44eff8 No.688692

File: b741eb69b1796ec⋯.webm (15.35 MB,1280x720,16:9,danberu_the_holocaust.webm)

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9bd2b5 No.688695

File: 465518e5308a7f2⋯.png (164.77 KB,320x373,320:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 40b7a89785c72ff⋯.jpg (41.6 KB,480x480,1:1,34884621_452055501884906_3….jpg)

File: 832d751a796e7a4⋯.jpg (9.99 KB,236x280,59:70,7476ae6300ea566fbe53eea2ac….jpg)

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File: f66be5acf9fd870⋯.jpg (805.62 KB,1300x1950,2:3,su-34-20160524_gaf_rs66_03….jpg)

File: 1726f0b3f38d3de⋯.jpg (381.81 KB,939x1200,313:400,PEL-Sukhoi-Su-34-Fullback-….jpg)

14345b No.643359 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post your planefu.

Mine pic related


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16f4cd No.687425


Please use all relevant info to bump my shit thread.


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3e489e No.687553


The replacement for the tornado hasn't been announced yet, and von der Leiden didn't "get the boot", she was promoted into an important position in the EU with a salary three to four times higher than her current one.

Her replacement is the woman who was recently voted as leader of Merkel's party. The position she got is known as the ejection seat of politics, because there is barely a politician who got it and managed to retire without a scandal or two.

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4b1a01 No.687563


Privet, eta enjineer.

I haven't read it yet but you might find it interesting.


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e8c44a No.687609


>she was promoted into an important position in the EU with a salary three to four times higher than her current one.

And that's exactly the only way you can get rid of US shills in EU countries.

You can't actually fire them (let alone prosecute them for "intelligence with a foreign power" AKA treason), the only they can go is up and sideways, outside any actual decision process.

All EU presidents have always been US shills one more isn't hurting anyone (more than usual) and defense are still in hands of national countries and it's a job she couldn't say no to.

Now of course her presidency will focus on removing defense purview from EU nations, but they've been trying for decades and no general anywhere in the EU wants to hear about it, actually elected politicians know it's a terribly unpopular idea and the US generals too as all those cushy jobs in NATO would become largely irrelevant so they're using they're clout to say "EU defense means less NATO cooperation" every opportunity they get.

Again when I'm telling you it's the only smart decision Merkel ever took, I mean it. It's clearly calculated.

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f13f59 No.688678

File: ecab6473d4ff524⋯.jpg (56.01 KB,750x525,10:7,Kurfürst2.jpg)

File: 2914a61f5def951⋯.jpg (42.41 KB,640x414,320:207,kurfürst.jpg)

File: dccc987273e0a6c⋯.jpg (39.87 KB,400x290,40:29,Beule.jpg)

Old love doesnt rust. Cant wait for the good old times to return.

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