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File: 7e1bd8f67ecb53e⋯.jpg (15.81 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 44bffc3b36bf01ebfb19ce13f3….jpg)

1bb22a  No.14490310[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

>>14089443 Dedicated LARP Bread

No Images Work Around/Fix

>>14482607, >>14482624, >>14479266, >>14484205, >>14484264, >>14484293, >>14484328 Update Hosts File

Also at: https://controlc.com/4fc1629b

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1bb22a  No.14490311

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>14489700, >>14489585 Editing Host File In Windows 10 To See Images On 8kun - What Worked For Me

>>14484364 pb, Reminder: Jim Watkins We have a work a round, some choose to use, some do not. The war continues either way.

>>14490001 Jim Watkins telegram account

>>14489614 Candace Owens: The Biden regime are terrorists

>>14489598, >>14489612, >>14489616, >>14489632, >>14489667, >>14489623, >>14489630 "Operation Skyfall"

>>14489618, >>14489752, >>14489815 PF Report Laurene Powell Jobs Gulfstream on approach to Norman Mineta San Jose Int'l

>>14489620 Banned video Dr. Peter Breggin Warns the World: COVID-19 Vaccines are a Bioweapon (44:11)

>>14489631 Lafitte Mayor Tim Kerner pleads for help

>>14489635 Scottsdale Unified School Board President Greenburg Caught In “Mask-For-Thee-Not-For-Me” Moment

>>14489656, >>14489679, >>14489807, >>14489997 QClock August 29, 2021 Epstein & Prince Andrew

>>14489707, >>14490045, >>14490053, >>14490115 Hurricane IDA (Cap 0:23)

>>14489725, >>14489756 Taliban Offered Biden Control of Kabul, but He Declined

>>14489762, >>14489775 5 Rockets Fired at Kabul Airport U.S. Military Engaged C-Ram Missile (0:19)

>>14489869 Kamala Harris reminder

>>14489724, >>14489842, >>14489883 Marine Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller

>>14489914 Afghan TV Show Host Surrounded By Taliban With Guns Tells Public Not To Be Afraid And Cooperate

>>14489926, >>14489907 Gavin Newsom recall election? Counties have back-up plans: keep people from voting his ass out?

>>14489948 Large smoke spotted after explosion reported in a power utility building (Con Edison) in New York

>>14489954 Lendlease warns federal government not to miss net zero carbon emissions 'opportunity' at UN climate conference in October

>>14490029, >>14490074 'Vaccines' are lobotomizing people and going to turn them into zombies by Encephalopathy

>>14490059 Thousands of Patriots on Las Vegas strip Protest against masks, shots and government tyranny

>>14490087, >>14490197 Prostasia Foundation, a 501(3)(c) nonprofit foundation that focuses on MAP(Minor Attracted Person)

>>14490092 USAFA Colorado are forcing vaccines on cadets or dismissing them

>>14490108 Australia just passed a Bill where it can not only spy on its citizens….but impersonate them online for more “info” as well

>>14490112 NY trains evacuated after power outage, read the comments

>>14490205, GFAP Monoclonal Antibody (2.2B10)

>>14490218, >>14490288 Australian 'Official' Claims We'll Have To Take Covid Vaccines Forever (Cap 1:18)

>>14490238 The Australia Project Latest

>>14490301 #18330

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1bb22a  No.14490312


>>14488864 this could be you

>>14488866 All of New Orleans is without power due to "catastrophic damage" to Entergy's transmission system.

>>14488876 Is Yates (Gates) the Y-family?

>>14488881 (Camera is underwater)

>>14488903 The number of power outages continues to rapidly increase across SE LA

>>14488931 She’s allowing people to print ballots at home, too.

>>14489043 Also has anyone dug on The Bellwether Alliance Stuart Scheller called out at the 9:00 mark?

>>14489374 Confirmed: the main transmission tower that feeds New Orleans has collapsed into the Mississippi River. – WAPT

>>14489405 Socialite and artist Elisabeth Kieselstein Cord Hamm dies suddenly at 41

>>14489430 Truck drivers begin protest action over vaccines, borders, lockdown on Gold Coast highway

>>14488963 Lawyers In Michigan Kidnapping Case Are Seeking Information About An FBI Agent’s Internet Intelligence Company


>>14489514 Gates genocide evidence bundle

>>14489526 #18329


>>14488210 Marine Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller announces his resignation.

>>14488204 Kanye West finally drops 'Donda' and fans hail long-awaited album as 'masterpiece'

>>14488218 Turkey (a NATO country) will recognize the Taliban as the official government of Afghanistan and will operate the airport in Kabul with assistance from Qatar.

>>14488243, >>14488328 anon says make this viral

>>14486950 Man poses with Justin Trudeau for a selfie and calls him a commie fuck

>>14488256 2020 SCOTUS Decision States Can Yank Their Electors

>>14488302 The CIA program to create, train and fund ISIS

>>14488406 There were at least 15 million ballots that were mailed out and were unaccounted for.

>>14488409 Jovan Pulitzer: Arizona Audit Results What To Expect In The Coming Weeks

>>14488458 Security guard who shot man 3 times acted in 'self defense' because customer was unmasked: lawyer

>>14488489 Louisiana storm stream downtown somewhere. Debris is flying all over the place.

>>14488491, >>14488495, >>14488497, >>14488502, >>14488506, >>14488507 Presidency for Sale: How Corrupt Officials, Corporations, and China Now Own the Country

>>14488515 How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare

>>14488652 What do you think Washington told these men?

>>14488664 Stuart Scheller's actual upload and it would be where to follow for moar.

>>14488683 Manitoba Premier to step down Wednesday

>>14488697 PF: Gulfstream IV N30DJ up from Sheboygan and appears headed for Seattle.

>>14488719 100% power outage reported in New Orleans due to Hurricane Ida

>>14488721 May they Rest In Peace and May God hold them in the palm of His hand.

>>14488771 #18328

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1bb22a  No.14490314


>>14488067, >>14488051, >>14488046 “The irony,” Joy posted online, captioning a photo of her detainment. “I was arrested for wearing my mask improperly. By a barefaced police officer and another with the mask under her chin. How is this America?”

>>14487949 Chase Bank has gone full blown woke!

>>14487943 Robert Steele Death – Obituary News : Former Marine, CIA case officer Robert David Steele has died .

>>14487940 Tens of Thousands Protest in Germany, France Against COVID-19 Vaccine Passports

>>14487934 The current Pfizer vaccine was NOT given full approval by the FDA. This trick shows exactly how Pfizer and fda continue to screw the American people…

>>14487889 Bill Gates Military Tribunal to Resume Tuesday, Aug 31

>>14488610 #18327


>>14487257 Over 300k electric customers are without power in #Lousiana due to #HurricaneIda.

>>14487217 Want Images back? WATCH and LEARN

>>14487209 Skagit County, Washington State: Public Hearing On Election Integrity – Dr. Douglas Frank PhD and Draza Smith M.S. (LIVE)

>>14487074 Dr. Avery Jackson: Neurosurgeon Says Early Treatment Works And Vaccine Is Killing People

>>14487052 I am glad it works but there is risk


>>14487025 Experts warn of dangers from breach of voter system software

>>14487018 When Do Noble Lies Just Become Blatant Lies? Anthony Fauci

>>14486981 Special investigation into the origins of COVID-19 to premiere on Sky News Australia

>>14486978 @JosephJFlynn1 Chase Bank cancelled General Flynn’s personal credit card over “reputation risk”

>>14486950 Man poses with Justin Trudeau for a selfie and calls him a commie fuck

>>14486913 Moving forward I will be locking/deleting any bread directing anons away from QR

>>14486904 Stop being scared and speak up.

>>14486849 Marco Polo: Report on the Hunter Biden Laptop

>>14486846 ANNOUNCEMENT FROM ERIC CLAPTON: I will not perform on any stage where there is a discriminated audience present.

>>14486727 VAXXED have higher hospitalization rates… LANCET STUDY

>>14485726, >>14485766, >>14485835 Planefag Reports

>>14485735 @MrAndyNgo: Re Oregon The county that requested the mobile morgue truck has a funeral home that can only hold nine bodies

>>14485910 Active Duty, Retired Naval Intelligence Members Told They Cannot ‘Disrespect’ Biden Over Afghanistan Debacle

>>14485894, >>14485919, >>14485960, >>14485969 Anon @ Jim Watkins: I love you, I love your determination and patriotism…

>>14485981, >>14486199, >>14486454 Clockfag Reports Fishing with POTUS. Fishing is fun. RE >>14485311, >>14485120 Both (PB)

>>14488447 #18326

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1bb22a  No.14490315


>>14486953 Dr. Robert Young Finds Graphene Oxide in All Four Vaccines and Other Disturbing Ingredients

>>14486473 Bidan apparently present at "dignified transfer"


>>14486376 Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination In the United States (need more sauce?)

>>14486310 wildfire livestream for anyone interested.

>>14486296 The VaxControlGroup is a community cooperative, for the people.

>>14486241 Feels like the entire host file editing debate is just more fog of war.

>>14486217 I have never heard 81 MILLION people be so quiet…

>>14486171 September 6th? Ya don't say.

>>14486126 State Dept. Order ‘Blocks’ Private Flights for Americans Conducting Unauthorized Rescue Missions to Afghanistan: Report

>>14486112 Live CAM in New Orleans

>>14486047 POMPEO TWEET “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” - Matthew 11:28

>>14485938 Dr. Peter McCullough lays it all out there for you lurkers.

>>14485928 The commercial failure of THX 1138 delayed production plans for Apocalypse Now.

>>14485860, >>14485811 anons call sXs notable: MARINES TWEET, see Q pots #4059

>>14485767 The Federal Reserve Is the Monetary Equivalent of the Kabul Airport (from 8/27)

>>14486953 Dr. Robert Young Finds Graphene Oxide in All Four Vaccines and Other Disturbing Ingredients

>>14488199 #18325

Previously Collected

>>14488199 #18325,

>>14484731 #18322, >>14484863 #18323, >>14485663 #18324

>>14482183 #18319, >>14482332 #18320, >>14483104 #18321

>>14479045 #18316, >>14479798 #18317, >>14481742 #18318

>>14485268 #18313, >>14477400 #18314, >>14478151 #18315

>>14474286 #18310, >>14475051 #18311, >>14475876 #18312

>>14471893 #18307, >>14472866 #18308, >>14473522 #18309

>>14469529 #18304, >>14470346 #18305, >>14471121 #18306

>>14467216 #18301, >>14468001 #18302, >>14468768 #18303

>>14464844 #18298, >>14465653 #18299, >>14466443 #18300

>>14462282 #18295, >>14463379 #18296, >>14464043 #18297

>>14460188 #18292, >>14464052 #18293, >>14465749 #18294

>>14457924 #18289, >>14458680 #18290, >>14459436 #18291

>>14455548 #18286, >>14456354 #18287, >>14457131 #18288

>>14453008 #18283, >>14453757 #18284, >>14455752 #18285

>>14450622 #18280, >>14451361 #18281, >>14452124 #18282

>>14448350 #18277, >>14449111 #18278, >>14449849 #18279

>>14445987 #18274, >>14446750 #18275, >>14447526 #18276

>>14443659 #18271, >>14445129 #18272, >>14445210 #18273

>>14441323 #18268, >>14442089 #18269, >>14442837 #18270

>>14439023 #18265, >>14439802 #18266, >>14440567 #18267

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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1bb22a  No.14490317

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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>>14357399 ————————————–——– Germany #86

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>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

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>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41

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1bb22a  No.14490318

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1bb22a  No.14490323


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1bb22a  No.14490334

File: 0dd0c8b937f9ed7⋯.png (202.69 KB, 437x505, 437:505, ClipboardImage.png)

QSR decodes, [30.08.21 02:29]

[Forwarded from Donald J. Trump Team]

[ Video ]

President Trump called out Pfizer & the FDA this morning 👀

“I do think that Pfizer, I will say this, the FDA is bureaucratically run, would have taken five years to get it approved, would have never even had it if it weren’t for me. And I learned things. The FDA is virtually controlled by Pfizer. Pfizer has control, not Johnson and Johnson, not Moderna, but Pfizer has control over the FDA. It’s not a good thing.”


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1bb22a  No.14490341

File: 74364640f80b679⋯.png (1.58 MB, 924x1125, 308:375, ClipboardImage.png)

Mindy Robinson, [30.08.21 02:31]

[ Photo ]

She gets the shot…..gets covid 3 days later……and her “lesson from all this” is that more people should get vaccinated, and not that the shot got her sick?

Are people this fucking stupid?


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c77135  No.14490345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


After taking the JEW KILL SHOT, TWICE, and knowing that he is going to DIE from it, he is now ANTI-JEWISH-VACCINE.

A day late and a dollar short, idiot!

Suck the dirty assholes and mutilated cocks of your JEWISH MASTERS in HELL, CLAPTON!

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31951f  No.14490356

Image servers down (Ron fucking shit up again)

No moar memes

Mr Pig is powerless

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1bb22a  No.14490363

File: 4ca617d2a9a7098⋯.jpg (21.03 KB, 252x380, 63:95, 4ca617d2a9a7098910fc565a03….jpg)

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763652  No.14490368

File: c67ae0540166662⋯.png (906.26 KB, 1574x1685, 1574:1685, obama_shitter.png)

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4a3b83  No.14490369

File: 8bc85f58924ca30⋯.png (951.48 KB, 1067x825, 97:75, b710ac3a911b55fa62e4e02248….png)

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3d2fb5  No.14490370

File: 54d25af2664a4b7⋯.png (558.02 KB, 560x768, 35:48, 3517682ed09d60fc9c23481822….png)

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986900  No.14490371

File: 99ed75476815a84⋯.mp4 (6.42 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 99ed75476815a84352a2a31c58….mp4)

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b53936  No.14490372

>>14490360 pb

NO. I think you're great.

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9e4c0a  No.14490373


check out the pfizer stock 2morrow.

fuk you


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b53936  No.14490374


Fuck Pfizer.

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7469b4  No.14490375


Fuck Eric Crapton.

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3d2fb5  No.14490376

File: 18ecb4f454027ad⋯.png (480.41 KB, 638x635, 638:635, 70d695577fddfc3e2d81c705ac….png)


>check out the pfizer stock 2morrow.

Gotta love the rebbitards. They're making a run at the castle even if their battering ram is a giant dildo.

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c77135  No.14490377


After the JEWISH KILL-SHOT, he is as good as dead.

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1bb22a  No.14490379

File: 0155a35a16c5440⋯.mp4 (5.33 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 0155a35a16c544014d07aa00b0….mp4)

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986900  No.14490380

File: 227802a335c9d19⋯.mp4 (3.66 MB, 640x360, 16:9, CoupDance.mp4)

Time to get the cardio in

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1bb22a  No.14490381

File: be6b2b946099565⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB, 512x640, 4:5, VID_20210321_072205_249.mp4)

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31951f  No.14490382

Do you think Bidan is in the White House raping little kids right now?

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dbfbc1  No.14490384


you lie, slut

learn to hosts file

learn to networking. i'm retarded and i figured a lil bit out.

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e8248c  No.14490385


























tippy top o7

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31951f  No.14490386

Do you think Bidan is in the White House raping little kids right now?

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e8248c  No.14490387


give it a break gary, you always made, go and wank off to gay porn.

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c77135  No.14490388


It is the responsibility of the INCOMPETENT MORONS that run theIMAGE BOARDto make sure that theIMAGESare being posted YOU STUPID LOWLIFE MORONIC CUNT.


Grow a brain you dimwitted ASSHOLE APOLOGIST for STUPIDITY, CUNT!

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b53936  No.14490389


Logic wins.

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986900  No.14490390

Can Aussies make a claim that they seek help from "America"?

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dbfbc1  No.14490391

File: 06b2d79d397b3e7⋯.png (789.21 KB, 1062x1080, 59:60, 06b2d79d397b3e71a6e7d2690e….png)


you're not wrong. but smart anons find a way, despite mismanagement.

case in point, see my excellent frog. nigger.

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c77135  No.14490392


No one asked you for your STUPID, LOW IQ, JEW OPINION.

Go cry to your rabbi, STUPID.

Perhaps he will suck your little mutilated cock for old-time's sake, if you ask nicely.

Dumb fuck, jew.

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5b9d52  No.14490393

File: cdd0b6084c514c8⋯.png (3.59 MB, 1678x11337, 1678:11337, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14486354 (pb)




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c77135  No.14490394


I know I am not wrong.

Have you ever heard of this little thing called a HONEY POT?



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b53936  No.14490395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4a3b83  No.14490396

File: f1eab7a58b5d6f7⋯.gif (2.77 MB, 268x135, 268:135, 88a067e41a242a28276e1ec738….gif)

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30f92c  No.14490397

Lithium batteries are obsolete!

Why do you think we gave Afgany stan

to the chinks? KEK dumbass CCP, Killery

gave you our old shitty tech, You got a Harbor Freight army of junk.

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986900  No.14490398


And specify the Corporation or the Republic

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c77135  No.14490399


OK… That is very funny. You get 50 points for that no matter what the image is.


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7469b4  No.14490400


Yes, people are this fucking stupid. They have always been this fucking stupid. Don't be like them.God created retards for our amusement. God has a sense of humor.

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e8248c  No.14490401


well will you look at that,

not even a puzzle anymore.

thank you for confirming what a retarded troll you are. are you missing your gay porn on here.

waa waaa waa

you are retarded

that is all.

resident moron of 8kun,

if you reply you confirm.

next reply gets you filtered

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d26f36  No.14490402

Why didn't Trump mention Pfizer owns the FDA earlier? He was fully invested in the vaccines for a long time - multiple billions dollars later with potential office run, he revereses course. Reminds me of Trump's BS about bringing in a special prosecutor to lock up Hillary. He is full of shit and needs to prove himself to regain any respect.

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fb038c  No.14490403

Global Vaccine Action Plan

The Global Vaccine Action plan (GVAP) was developed to help realize the vision of the Decade of Vaccines, that all individuals and communities enjoy lives free from vaccine preventable diseases.

As the decade is drawing to a close, the SAGE Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) 2011-2020 review and lessons learned report, provides an overall assessment of plan’s successes and challenges. It also proposes 15 recommendations for the development, content and implementation of the next decade’s global immunization strategy.

The Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) ― endorsed by the 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly in May 2012 ― is a framework to prevent millions of deaths by 2020 through more equitable access to existing vaccines for people in all communities.


WHO plan for GAVP back in May of 2012

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986900  No.14490404

File: cd0ca112882d458⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB, 638x360, 319:180, informative.mp4)

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3d2fb5  No.14490405

File: ca1e0700a0e9d0c⋯.jpg (155.23 KB, 657x710, 657:710, ca1e0700a0e9d0cabd8c4c1317….jpg)


>God created retards for our amusement.

Anon isn't sure if they're punishment or amusement.

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ff265f  No.14490406


>No moar memes

███╗░░██╗░█████╗░  ███╗░░░███╗░█████╗░░█████╗░██████╗░  ███╗░░░███╗███████╗███╗░░░███╗███████╗░██████╗

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c77135  No.14490407


Well… Will you look at that…

Not even a puzzle anymore…

Thank you for confirming what a retarded LOW IQ JEW MORON with a MUTILATED LITTLE DICK you are.

Waa waaa waa

You are a retarded, LOW IQ JEW, with a MUTILATED LITTLE DICK.

That is all.



Next reply gets your little mutilated dick sucked by your Satan worshiping rabbi!

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1bb22a  No.14490408

File: e2641367ad4eb4c⋯.png (202.45 KB, 510x474, 85:79, 38187ee181729f732f5d68db25….png)


Good to see you big head.


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d26f36  No.14490410


I see people getting less and less vaccines in the future - Big Pharma are satanic motherfuckers and have zero interest in helping you. I will do everything in my power to kill these fuckers profits.

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4ac11c  No.14490412


Keep that rona psyop alive, ladies. smdh

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7469b4  No.14490414


Remember when the cytokine storm hits hisi fall and millions die from another COVID "variant" it was the TRUMP VACCINE that did it. He owns it.

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d26f36  No.14490417


Normies are retards?

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e8248c  No.14490419






































where there is a will there is a way

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4ac11c  No.14490421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12 Descendants of Famous People

You might want to know who and where these people are now and then check the link in my next post.

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3d2fb5  No.14490422

File: 6928044fc6f6c7c⋯.jpg (18.87 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 6928044fc6f6c7cfe37fc8cc97….jpg)


>Normies are retards?

Have you ever driven though Iowa?

They don't even comprehend moving over to let people pass, and God forbid they should zoom through a corner at faster than walking speed.

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b53936  No.14490423


I recall Q talking about the cure for cancer, I think. Maybe there will be a cure for that once Trump is installed. I can only hope.

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30f92c  No.14490424


That is possibly the best art I have ever seen

world class really, very, very good art.

I can't really say it, but Is probably the best portrait ever made and be sure it is American made which is the best. You should always be BEST

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1bb22a  No.14490425

File: 794f89431a84644⋯.png (966.05 KB, 930x817, 930:817, 74501c9976e2c79f85caa293d0….png)

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dbfbc1  No.14490426

File: 6a4fae541cbbbf0⋯.jpg (75.12 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


>wew this ip is so comped

>not having good opsec to begin with

>not understanding dns

>not caring either way because fear is the mind killer


you and your families are safe.

cope harder, faggot.

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986900  No.14490427

File: 3d788ed293db52a⋯.png (541.81 KB, 622x626, 311:313, 184b25e46fc113fb34f1fcaeed….png)

File: 799970885584802⋯.jpg (92.45 KB, 478x500, 239:250, stolen_election.jpg)

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d26f36  No.14490428


Trump was elected for that first time and instead we got vaccine poisons - I would not hold my breath for cancer cures in round 2. What really annoyed my about Trump was when he did a 180 after he won the election on prosecuting the Clintons - he said in his own voice, it was all just for the election and nothing more… He is full of shit on many fronts… Q is worse.

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4ac11c  No.14490429



Each photo has a link. Check Em.


Cause-related communications has been in our DNA for 35 years.

What began with Live Aid and Comic Relief, led to Make Poverty History, Live 8 and the launch of (RED). We’ve supported Refugees, the Environment and Sustainability, Maternal Health, Gender Equality, Education, Healthcare and Behaviour Change.

In 2015, our mission was redefined, with the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals alongside Richard Curtis, Project Everyone and the United Nations. A cause that became a part of who we are and highlights where we want to go.

freuds is on a mission. Let’s reshape the world together.

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d26f36  No.14490431


People wearing rags on their face for corrupt Big Pharma fuckers is the ultimate statement of a civilization that is ready to collapse.

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ff265f  No.14490433

Daily Mail Online




Biden 'checks his WATCH' during ceremony for 13 US troops killed by ISIS-K in Kabul

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: abced6 No.38330📁

Dec 5 2017 15:43:47 (EST)

Bye Bye Johnny.

Update the list.

Watch the news.



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c77135  No.14490434


My hob here is done..


My sincere apologies to the JEWISH, MUTILATED, TINY DICK Anon, for making fun of his tiny little dick that his SATANIC rabbi HUMILIATED in by TEARING OFF THE FORESKIN of his tiny little SCHMECKEL, with his bare TEETH, and then proceeded to SUCK the TINY, MUTILATED LITTLE DICK in front of a gaggle of GAWKING JEWS, leaving him with no dignity, that has haunted his STUPID, LOW IQ JEW ASS to this day.

Please accept my apology.

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b53936  No.14490435


I can not blame you.

Trump just walked away and did nothing when he knows he won. I remember all what he said as well. I am just going to wait and see what happens.

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cfdef5  No.14490436

Louisiana governor admits search and rescue teams can't be deployed until the sun comes up because Hurricane Ida is 'just too dangerous'

Gov. John Bel Edwards said conditions were too dangerous Sunday evening for first responders to get to stranded residents

Edwards said he was aware of calls from residents in the southeast portion of the state, but noted that they would likely have to wait until morning for rescue

The announcement came after New Orleans slammed with sustained winds of more than 150mph, knocking out power for the entire city

In as of around 10.00pm Ida was downgraded to a Category 2, but 911 calls were pouring in from St. John the Baptist Parish, due to flooding


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3d2fb5  No.14490437


>People wearing rags on their face for corrupt Big Pharma fuckers is the ultimate statement of a civilization that is ready to collapse.

You could add in "while texting and driving".

The stupidity truly knows no ends, anon. Sauce: Anon used to write product instructions, and kept constantly busy re-writing foolproof instrucitons as fools evolved.

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e96d90  No.14490438



This anon is a liar.

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c77135  No.14490439


Admit it…

You were just making better fools!

Come on…

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327a6d  No.14490440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Check out Bidens motorcade Stopped at red light no police escort looks feel fishy

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d80761  No.14490441

3 year delta

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9b8574 No.2811253📁

Aug 30 2018 22:20:12 (EST)



“The whole world is watching.”


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ab7c31  No.14490442






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c77135  No.14490443


I miss TOOTS!

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e8248c  No.14490444


cannot take credit stolen meme.

just copy and paste into word document as text meme file.

not to difficult to make now days,

you can get image converters to text and do any image within 1/2 hour.

adapt and improvise.


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e96d90  No.14490445


Did you see it make an announcement and claim to filter someone and not do it. What motive does it have?

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c77135  No.14490446

Good nite, FAGGOTS!

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8a2490  No.14490447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ab7c31  No.14490448


Damn I fucked up the red text lol

I think you mean Freddy anon.

We all miss Freddy Benson.

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4ac11c  No.14490449


Matthew Freud is the great grandson of Sigmund Freud (aka Stigmund Fraud).


Film, Media & Entertainment

The UK’s communication consultancy for the global entertainment industry, with an unrivalled breadth of strategic brand expertise, creative sector connectivity and brilliant campaigns spanning all platforms and genres.

Harnessing decades of agency and in-house experience building and protecting reputation for broadcasters, film studios and global content platforms, the team supercharges clients’ creative and commercial ambitions.

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d26f36  No.14490450


Sweet dreams - don't let the Bill Gates bite.

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1a7a39  No.14490451

File: 207180a661fe0d0⋯.jpg (126.03 KB, 502x575, 502:575, MAKES_A_KILLING.jpg)

File: 210ec2da9cea1a2⋯.jpg (157.66 KB, 828x676, 207:169, WHY.jpg)

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8a2490  No.14490452


Jan 13, 2018 10:09:38 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo

BIG news week?

Future proves past.

What news was unlocked?

Do you believe in coincidences?


What public disclosure occurred re: U1?

>DEFCON 1 [non-nuke FALSE]





Where did POTUS stop [post] ASIA?





:[AGAIN] direct pre-knowledge.

:[AGAIN] warning ALERT.

Think BDT.

>Shall we play a game?

>How about a nice game of CHESS?










Why is this relevant?

What comes next?




>"…Because of the Democrats not being interested in life and safety, DACA has now taken a big step backwards. The Dems will threaten “shutdown,” but what they are really doing is shutting down our military, at a time we need it most. Get smart, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


FOCUS on POTUS' Tweet above.

If D's shutdown the gov't - what happens to the US MILITARY?

What specifically occurs?

Think budget.

Why is this relevant?

[CLAS_EO_ ][2]

>Missing 1

>Missing 2

>Missing 3

FIND missing [3].

Future proves past.

NOTHING is a coincidence.

The MAP is the KEY.

PLANNED for [3] years.


















[CLAS_GITMO_ J z9-A][89]




3y, 7m, 2w, 2d, 4h, 10m ago

8chan greatawakening

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8a2490  No.14490453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b53936  No.14490454


Why are these people messing with something they know nothing about?

COVID vaccine package insert is blank because up-to-date information is online

Read this before any of you want to get vaxxed.

The J&J vaccine package insert instructs providers to go online to view the FDA-authorized fact sheet, which was most recently revised on April 23, for dosage and other information.

Serious adverse events are defined as:


• A life-threatening adverse event;

• Inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization;



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8a2490  No.14490455


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e8248c  No.14490456


here is the deal, if it has a insert directing you to a site, why?

because printed text which should be available with the product cannot be edited while a online guide can be ?

the guidelines are clear.

the printed text is valuable as it is a physical copy of their terms and side effects and is required by law.

do you see it now?

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8a2490  No.14490457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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47808d  No.14490458

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



First published at 19:30 UTC on August 28th, 2021.


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1bb22a  No.14490459


I miss Freddy.

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b53936  No.14490460


Either way, you should think twice about getting vaxxed.

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b53936  No.14490461


I don't

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3aef7d  No.14490462

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3d2fb5  No.14490464

File: 846c01b0190e953⋯.png (797.67 KB, 960x720, 4:3, FREDDY_WILL_BAKER.png)



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e8248c  No.14490467


that is the line when fists start flying, not happening of my own accord.

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a6380e  No.14490468

%%#&&&&##%. @ @ / ( # . @ * @ &@ @ & ( . @@ @ @ @ @ @ %**(((%#%%
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1bb22a  No.14490471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4a3b83  No.14490472

File: f869e3bebfffd8a⋯.jpeg (34.13 KB, 474x363, 158:121, 5a96cfd1fbbffb22de13824ca….jpeg)

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1bb22a  No.14490474

File: ace6c4fa3e267fd⋯.jpg (12.38 KB, 255x192, 85:64, ace6c4fa3e267fdcc20fc301de….jpg)


Shut up


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3d2fb5  No.14490478

File: bc7d0e6fbb24c55⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1320x996, 110:83, bc7d0e6fbb24c55a9449534e1e….png)

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ab7c31  No.14490479

File: d3983983849746d⋯.png (529.79 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20210830_033252.png)


Remember when Q replied to Freddy?

Good times.

I used to talk to him when I would see him on the board.

I actully sent him travis views email adress because I thought it would be "good content"

That's when he told his backstory and how he got the name from the movie "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels"

He always made me laugh

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1bb22a  No.14490480

File: cfe058e84a77fe5⋯.jpg (14.14 KB, 255x192, 85:64, cfe058e84a77fe57a22bbc81fc….jpg)


Hey Freddy, where have you been?

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1bb22a  No.14490481

File: 5d1e24ef6e12469⋯.jpg (12.94 KB, 255x203, 255:203, 5d1e24ef6e124694fcb2fc5fd6….jpg)


Yeah, I laughed the rest of the day. Then Freddy gloated for a week about it.

Good times…

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a6380e  No.14490482









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47808d  No.14490483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


: God always makes a way

For the SOLUTIONS. >>14314479



>[Pre]miered-~ Jun-~15-~2020

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1a7a39  No.14490484

File: aa70bab8f93cf1e⋯.jpg (79.2 KB, 576x350, 288:175, Truth_will_hurt.jpg)

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a6380e  No.14490485


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3d2fb5  No.14490486

File: 9c6b5d70a7016a1⋯.png (441.2 KB, 607x781, 607:781, Screen_Shot_2021_08_30_at_….png)

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a6380e  No.14490487



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eb2265  No.14490488

Just send all the faxed people to know the articles about faxes causing brain loss and damage , and with remark that this could explain their memory loss.

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a6380e  No.14490489

40000FT VIEW


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eb2265  No.14490490


Vaxed* people you* know

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1bb22a  No.14490491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lockdowns ‘need to end’ in Australia: Morrison

3 hours ago


Prime Minister Scott Morrison says lockdowns “need to end” in Australia, and future lockdowns “need to be avoided”.

“We know that because we know those lockdowns are taking a terrible toll on our country,” Mr Morrison said.

“On the mental health of our citizens, and particularly of our young people … On our children and their education, on our families and on the jobs of Australians.

“All of these lockdowns and our response is taking a heavy toll.

“We can also not remain locked out of a global economy that is opening up again – with trade, and students and travel, tourists and essential workers and others who are needed to drive our economy forward.”


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1bb22a  No.14490492


Bullshit words from a bullshit person

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3d2fb5  No.14490493

File: ab95eb2ad23a2b3⋯.mp4 (239.46 KB, 360x450, 4:5, science_of_wearing_masks.mp4)



Vaxxed vs faxed.

Both are NPC.

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ab7c31  No.14490494


Still to this day I have no clue what [CA_ J] means

But that adorable cat Toots capured the hearts and minds of a generation



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eb2265  No.14490495



Was wondering if I should bother to correct it

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1a7a39  No.14490496

File: e88f47237f2badf⋯.jpg (173.54 KB, 1000x546, 500:273, PLAYING_STUPID_is_stupid.jpg)

File: 5755382437c3b02⋯.jpg (181.6 KB, 1196x594, 598:297, VESTED_INTERESTS.jpg)

File: c0c71515c8f8adf⋯.jpg (132.2 KB, 768x558, 128:93, ODDS_ARE_WORSE.jpg)

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1a7a39  No.14490497

File: 8291e72c6dc3799⋯.jpg (89.13 KB, 600x466, 300:233, Was_always_retarded.jpg)


Brain damage is brain damage… prayers aren't going to help…lol.

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4a3b83  No.14490498

File: a69fd15cb56c5f0⋯.jpg (78.01 KB, 407x775, 407:775, 8ah5171802k2e4.jpg)

>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear

Is it possible that this will be the voices of the vaxxed vs unvaxxed?

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1bb22a  No.14490499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We will see, Markson talks about herself a lot. pfft

‘What Really Happened in Wuhan’: Donald Trump among the insiders interviewed in new COVID-19 investigation

In an exclusive special report including interviews with then-President Donald Trump, top-ranking US and British officials and Chinese whistleblowers, Sky News Australia explores the truth behind what really happened in Wuhan when the deadly COVID-19 virus began its trail of devastation.

Award-winning journalist Sharri Markson uncovers explosive claims and new details about how the deadly COVID-19 pandemic began after spending more than a year investigating the potential leak of the virus from a top-secret laboratory in Wuhan.

COVID-19 has taken over four million lives worldwide and has inflicted worldwide economic destruction, but after more than 18 months the virus’ origins are still unknown.

Former US President Donald Trump first raised the possibility that the prevailing theory around the origins of COVID-19 may be false – that it naturally occurred and spread between animals before reaching humans – in April last year.

Mr. Trump was swiftly shut down by media organizations across the globe including the ABC and the Guardian who were among those accusing him of peddling “unsubstantiated theories”.

The former President came under fire from all corners of mainstream and social media outlets around the world.

In the early stages of the pandemic, tech giant Facebook instituted a broad-scale unprecedented ban on any posts with “false claims or conspiracy theories” including any mention of the virus leaking from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

While unprecedented, the move had the implicit backing of the World Health Organization who called on the world not to spread “fear and panic” by enforcing travel bans on China at the outset of the pandemic.

The WHO consistently praised China for its efforts in the aftermath of the initial outbreak of the coronavirus thanking the Asian superpower for a supposed speedy response.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom said Beijing’s transparency around the virus was “very impressive and beyond words”.

Early this year, the WHO publicly declared COVID-19 was derived from animal sources following a highly anticipated and subsequently criticized joint investigation with Chinese researchers.

But both Facebook and the WHO changed their tune when reports emerged that lab workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology presented with COVID-like symptoms back in November 2019.

Read further here.



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ab7c31  No.14490501



Is a meme anon.. Its not literal.

But does Q know "Toots" ?

>perhaps ;)

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17dc1c  No.14490502

Israel no longer considers people who have received 2 Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines "vaccinated."


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1a7a39  No.14490503


It's sad anon… and that is literal.

But does Q give 2 fucks about toots?

Doubt it.

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e34179  No.14490504

Anywhere left to buy siler?

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1a7a39  No.14490505

File: ab4c22d24d5e724⋯.jpg (135.73 KB, 599x600, 599:600, DISTRACTION_from_AUDIT.jpg)

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e8248c  No.14490506

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I used to love horse racing, betting on it, the stats and everything, even worked in the gambling industry for decades.

A video of a horse race with the names changed to the big pharma and all things of those not wanting it.

bitchute link embedded, hit small pic icon in top left to play video.



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1bb22a  No.14490507

File: 53a172437af991d⋯.png (447.93 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Found out today, more people I know got the shot. They found out too late and know they will die from it. One is spending the rest of his days warning people not to take any needle offered.

There are some very angry people organizing and taking back control.

That is encouraging because they have nothing left to lose.

Wanting to fight, so I told them my thoughts, groups they can form or join and actions to take.

People are waking up other lions.

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d26f36  No.14490509

Pfizer products to avoid to hurt the fuckers financially… Viagra and Advil.

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80df9f  No.14490510

File: ded995da3ebe4c7⋯.png (61.11 KB, 679x482, 679:482, ClipboardImage.png)

North Korea 'resumes main nuclear reactor operation' near Pyongyang, UN report says


North Korea's main nuclear complex in Yongbyon is being used to produce nuclear weapon fuels again, the International Atomic Energy Agency annual report says.

The report reads: "Since early July 2021, there have been indications, including the discharge of cooling water, consistent with the operation of the reactor."

It said there were also indications of the operation of Yonbyon's radiochemical laboratory from mid-February to early July.

The IAEA has not had direct access to North Korea since its inspectors were kicked out of the country in 2009.


incoming narrative news scare tactic in 3….2….

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e34179  No.14490511

So much Positive Energy

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1bb22a  No.14490512

File: 0a3aafc86fe90b9⋯.png (712.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

New pre-print from Stanford's Dr. John Ioannidis:

Age Infection Survival Rate

0-19 99.9973%

20-29 99.986%

30-39 99.969%

40-49 99.918%

50-59 99.73%

60-69 99.41%

70+ 97.6% (non-inst.)

70+ 94.5% (all)

Dr. John Ioannidis is a Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology and Population Health, and Biomedical Data Science at Stanford University.

He was labeled "one of the most influential scientists alive" by The Atlantic and is one of the top cited scientist in the world averaging >6,000 new citations per month.

Since COVID-19 began, Dr. Ioannidis has argued that lockdowns cause more deaths and do not save lives.




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d26f36  No.14490513


Positive my ass.

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80df9f  No.14490514

File: ae1f2e16a40c2a9⋯.png (344.66 KB, 474x317, 474:317, ClipboardImage.png)

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389b59  No.14490515


If by White House you mean Tyler Perry's 3/4 scale replica White House then yes.

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1bb22a  No.14490516

File: 3e045a72d114caa⋯.png (454.15 KB, 1018x570, 509:285, ClipboardImage.png)


Stanford's Dr. John Ioannidis Destroys The Covid Lockdown Narrative



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d26f36  No.14490517


Pandemic my ass.

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47808d  No.14490518

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



First published at 13:39 UTC on August 25th, 2021.



(You)Tube finally got around to banning her vids.

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eb2265  No.14490519


Better survival than most surgeries.

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ab7c31  No.14490520


You might be shocked ;)

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bda301  No.14490521

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

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\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o
























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eb2265  No.14490522


The survival rate should be 99.99 % for all if docs were permitted to use all treatments like HCQ Ivermectine, steroids, inhalers,

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4a3b83  No.14490523

File: ef1a5e8b2abec7c⋯.jpeg (65.61 KB, 562x612, 281:306, ef1a5e8b2abec7ca4fd74883b….jpeg)

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ac0bd6  No.14490524


It's no longer our job to wake up the sheep

It's time to eat the Hyenas

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1bb22a  No.14490525

File: a9f96f0f17a4969⋯.png (712.95 KB, 1039x769, 1039:769, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43b088287ef4b34⋯.png (498.71 KB, 1019x836, 1019:836, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f877d8953463dd⋯.png (731.39 KB, 1031x660, 1031:660, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a869a4d8accedae⋯.png (485.86 KB, 1015x748, 1015:748, ClipboardImage.png)


None of this adds up, I want every talking head pushing poison investigated and exposed.

Quick trial.


: Concur

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eb2265  No.14490526

Why didnt Bidan salute fallen soldiers' bodies? Is he not CiC?

Are there any accounts aboutv how his meeting with families went?

Pics ?

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1bb22a  No.14490527

File: feaffb132e1836c⋯.png (46.18 KB, 520x332, 130:83, feaffb132e1836c821b2b0ae00….png)


Baker requests Handoff

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3d2fb5  No.14490528

File: 96b6fc28c224378⋯.png (167.8 KB, 729x638, 729:638, 96b6fc28c224378394801fc200….png)


>Baker requests Handoff

Suppose it's better than when he requested hand lotion.

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1a7a39  No.14490529

File: 00d8056d871a1a1⋯.jpg (18.25 KB, 192x230, 96:115, IDIOTS_EVERYWHERE.jpg)

File: e1f68eeb29d3edb⋯.jpg (160.87 KB, 810x540, 3:2, WAKE_UP_TO_TYRANNY.jpg)


I live in Australia… I'm surrounded by brainwashed zombies…. Didn't matter what I told them… as a snapshot of the community I live in.

It got to the point where I had to stop or lose contacts…. they're all vaccinated now at least with 1 shot.

Most of them will vaccinate their kids too…. willingly.

The Media grip on Australia is tight… very well censored.

I mean, out of alllllll the countries in the world to ban 8 chan before it became 8kun…. Australia and New Zealand were to only ones.

Yup… primed for the Chinese takeover…. we already have the surveillance state with no liberties… got the chinese speaking classes as standard in schools….. have totally cucked a generation with fucked values through the education system…. half of them don't even know if they're male or female….. not a lot of breeding expected in the near future(for a lot of reasons)….. but thankkkkkkk fullly china has lifted it's one child policy and is breeding like rabbits…. just to fill that void…. aren't we lucky.

Zombies every where…. is sad to see but that's the world we live in.

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e34179  No.14490530

It's going to be one of those days





Trust only in the Source

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58acb0  No.14490531

Any other anon digs on this?

US trucker protest scheduled for 8/31/2021…tomorrow.


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bda301  No.14490532

File: dca436f7f7f11c7⋯.jpg (45.1 KB, 739x493, 739:493, cb4bb21faed3c2f28a072a727f….jpg)

File: 44a20ac0173340c⋯.jpg (65.14 KB, 643x887, 643:887, f2760be622481aab0bf67e7f82….jpg)

File: 640a08979de4ad5⋯.jpg (59.32 KB, 643x511, 643:511, 640a08979de4ad552701cc0ff9….jpg)

File: 67bea5f372fbe79⋯.jpg (69.37 KB, 606x500, 303:250, 67bea5f372fbe7996572787891….jpg)

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ac0bd6  No.14490533


Aus anon, I got a question:

Is it reasonable to conclude that China will be the benefactor of these totalitarian measures? Are you about to lose your country (or parts of it) to the CCP?

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1bb22a  No.14490535




could be your name or your index number or 31_10

many things…

multiple meanings

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1bb22a  No.14490538


only one mention… must be personal in nature due to the fore and aft words…

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1a7a39  No.14490539


>Is it reasonable to conclude that China will be the benefactor of these totalitarian measures

In such a weakened state… let's be honest….anyone could.

>Are you about to lose your country (or parts of it) to the CCP

See answer above.

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6ca83e  No.14490540

This "reaching the precipice" shit will take decades. There will be hundreds of millions of dead jabbed retards in a few years and even that won't be enough to wake these stupid fucks up.

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553b3a  No.14490541


We call beer piss for a reason anon.

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1a7a39  No.14490542



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1bb22a  No.14490544

File: 3c16f049349ba14⋯.png (243.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 3c16f049349ba147d91a00fbec….png)


I'm sure it was spinach…

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17dc1c  No.14490545


>Anthony Karam was found in his home after a daring early morning raid by police. The 27 year old fugitive came to the attention of authorities when he was caught on camera sneezing inside an elevator and was arrested in his apartment where he lives alone.

>A police spokeswoman described him as "public health enemy number one". Karam was refused bail and moved to an isolation cell until his court date on September 23. Residents cheered police as he was arrested.



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ac0bd6  No.14490546


That's really frightening anon. We always like to believe red blooded patriots are going to go Berzerker when the shit hits the fan. But maybe not.

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4a3b83  No.14490547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I believe aus has already been infiltrated by the ccp for awhile now, same with many other countries around the world.

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ac0bd6  No.14490549


Needs nerd guy meme:

"Yeah there was a nationwide manhunt after I sneezed.."

"I guess you could say I'm a Covid Fugitive"

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1a7a39  No.14490550


Berzerker huh… unarmed against a wall of flying lead….. yeah …. I'm all about being a hero….. dying for no outcome sucks.

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b22cd5  No.14490551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

want to post this because the video of LtCol Stuart Scheller USMC is not in QResea.ch


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ac0bd6  No.14490552


We say stuff like that but I never got close to believing it until lately. We have an invasion at the southern US border too.

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1bb22a  No.14490553

File: 4e9d74eb3b6e0b6⋯.png (97.92 KB, 756x815, 756:815, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a5742167e76af3⋯.png (221.72 KB, 1014x914, 507:457, ClipboardImage.png)


Q could have been suggesting cancer….?


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b22cd5  No.14490554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This cartoon video "Bill Gates - Hello Useless Eaters" is brilliant, on point, and deserves the widest distribution before it is eventually deleted.


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1bb22a  No.14490555

File: b59180a0a8593ed⋯.jpeg (28.18 KB, 255x211, 255:211, b59180a0a8593ed73feec0725….jpeg)


New Baker self confirm

Ghost in 5 posts

bbl after a meal and a walk

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c5034e  No.14490559

( . )( .)


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57efeb  No.14490560

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fdfd2c  No.14490561

File: dd7e1d8d05783ff⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 980x551, 980:551, Delta_Variant.jpg)


Delta Variant

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5b8990  No.14490563

Jim still hasn't fixed his shit?


<still comfy though. (comfy-pepe-sipping-covfefe.jpg)

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6fb09e  No.14490564

New Mexico prepares for Afghan refugees

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - New Mexico's Human Services Department has partnered with agencies that can provide basic needs like SNAP benefits, transportation, and even housing as soon as Afghan refugees land in the state.

Leaders said they're ready to assist as families fight to leave Afghanistan, and departments and organizations in New Mexico plan to welcome them with open arms.

"I can't imagine how frightened some of them may be, being in a new country,” said Angela Medrano, deputy secretary of the state's Human Services Department.

NMHSD gets federal grant money from the Office of Refugee Resettlement each year to help with situations like the current one in Afghanistan.

"Those monies are utilized by our department to contract with a community agency to provide the necessary services to refugees that are received in New Mexico,” said Medrano.

The department got more than $1.2 million dollars last year, and is on track to get about the same this year.

They provide refugees with SNAP benefits, medicaid coverage and cash assistance.

Part of the funds also go to the Department of Health to assist with health screenings.

Those partners are standing by as they wait to hear when and how many refugees could land in New Mexico.

"We will be able to create a structure that will be able to provide services expeditiously to the refugees so we're working together to make it happen,” said Medrano.

The White House made the announcement last week that Holloman Air Force Base will be one of seven in our country to receive refugees.

Once the refugees land, partners like Lutheran Family Services will move in to provide transportation, and help with HSD's application process.

"I would encourage New Mexicans to welcome our refugees that come to New Mexico and if they're able to provide assistance in any way in the form of volunteering,” said Medrano.

Medrano believes it's possible to make them feel welcome on day one.

"I'm hoping that we can welcome them and make them feel as comfortable as possible and hopefully provide them the benefits that will help to ease that fear and make that transition as smooth as possible,” she said.

Lutheran Family Services is the Department Of Human Services' direct partner, based here in Albuquerque.

The Lutheran Family Services website is where volunteers can apply. They are in need of monetary donations, and any old smartphones or laptops for refugees that could make their way here.


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b22cd5  No.14490565

File: de8c21aebf8500a⋯.mp4 (15.26 MB, 640x360, 16:9, J_HC_HH_Predictive_Program….mp4)

This video on the fraud of the Holocaust has been deleted/scrubbed from Youtube.

Broken into 7 posts as the orginal is bigger than the 16MB limit on 8kun.

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e34179  No.14490566

It's all Falling apart, Crumbling to peices.

Major Distractions are in Pre-production

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b22cd5  No.14490567

File: e02a2428d92d147⋯.mp4 (15.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, J_HC_HH_Predictive_Program….mp4)

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cca696  No.14490568

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5b8990  No.14490569



>This video on the fraud of the Holocaust has been deleted/scrubbed from Youtube.

Don't you have a dedicated bread for that?

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b22cd5  No.14490570

File: 8c1a11b83bdd662⋯.mp4 (15.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, J_HC_HH_Predictive_Program….mp4)

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bda301  No.14490571

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4a3b83  No.14490572


>We say stuff like that but I never got close to believing it until lately.

It's why we are all here.

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b22cd5  No.14490573

File: a4055d4ec03c792⋯.mp4 (15.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, J_HC_HH_Predictive_Program….mp4)

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4ac11c  No.14490574

Nice tuck, bois.

It's been WONDERFUL these last few days.

Thank you and good night.

Love you. No homo.

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b22cd5  No.14490575

File: 8eb44dd97939f7f⋯.mp4 (15.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, J_HC_HH_Predictive_Program….mp4)

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b22cd5  No.14490576

File: 6233c943a56e368⋯.mp4 (15.28 MB, 640x360, 16:9, J_HC_HH_Predictive_Program….mp4)

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5b8990  No.14490577


Maybe we are too many to wake up?

Maybe we can only reach the precipice if we are fewer?

Have you considered that the 4-6% might those that still refuse to wake up after the vaxx deaths?

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e34179  No.14490578


No, it's the….




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b22cd5  No.14490579

File: c847f7ba33f435b⋯.mp4 (9.51 MB, 640x360, 16:9, J_HC_HH_Predictive_Program….mp4)


7/7 finished.

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3d2fb5  No.14490580

File: 0d9003724a5e095⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1531x1595, 1531:1595, 84db49c9b627d906192539f290….png)


That shit's worth a click.

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c14a60  No.14490581

File: e630466de343101⋯.png (272.96 KB, 508x343, 508:343, Riselikelions.png)

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3d2fb5  No.14490582


>Jim still hasn't fixed his shit?

If you were an oldfag, you'd realize that sometimes board fuggery is a feature rather than aproblem.

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47808d  No.14490583

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


First published at 18:31 UTC on August 22nd, 2021.



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b22cd5  No.14490584

File: 755d0c5bceacc71⋯.jpg (348.91 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, sunrise_over_a_field_of_po….jpg)


the world needs to wake up.

the world is here.

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e34179  No.14490585


Chair Force, Approves of this message.

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ac0bd6  No.14490586


What's the rule there on home-made guns? 80% lowers, 3D printed, etc.

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b22cd5  No.14490587

File: 85a5684f54e094f⋯.png (174.62 KB, 1280x1574, 640:787, Super_Elites_smile.png)

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be32a7  No.14490589


Israel widens 3rd COVID booster shot to those aged 12 and over

Those who’ve had 3rd dose, or 2nd dose within past half-year, will be exempt from full 7-day quarantine when returning from abroad; ‘Green Pass’ to expire 6 months after last dose

Additionally, the “Green Pass” system, a document that allows entry into certain gatherings and public places for those who are vaccinated or have recovered from the coronavirus will expire six months after the holder received their second or third dose, the Health Ministry said. The move enters effect on October 1.

How to 2 shots -> unlimited shots

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b22cd5  No.14490590



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5b8990  No.14490591


>If you were an oldfag

Calling my credentials into question?

hOw dArE yOu?


>you'd realize that sometimes board fuggery is a feature rather than a problem.

<fixed your typo so the cat won't get angry.

How is me not being able to view images a feature?

How is it a feature that my browser keeps endlessly trying to download said images?

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4a3b83  No.14490592

File: 2d7b60ab4bbe16e⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 709x1024, 709:1024, 2d7b60ab4bbe16eccac0c646c2….jpg)


>feature rather than a problem.

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bda301  No.14490593

File: d12a33bd2e4f784⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB, 576x848, 36:53, vtzhtt.mp4)


No, it's the fucking spawn of Jew bastards.

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47808d  No.14490594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Your move

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456bbe  No.14490595


>realize that sometimes board fuggery is a feature rather than aproblem.

yup. now i don't have to clear my cache every time the CPfag shows up and spams the board with kiddie pron.

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be32a7  No.14490596


>How is me not being able to view images a feature?

You can.

Just fix your DNS.

IF there is a DNS blackout in the near future (HINT HINT), you will not be able to access this place UNLESS you fix your DNS.

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ff265f  No.14490597

How do i see images on android and iOS

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5b8990  No.14490598


>You can.

Sure if I change the settings on my machine to allow this page to perform its main function. Ain't gonna happen.

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47808d  No.14490599

File: 968b1ea1c9e1f63⋯.jpg (64.98 KB, 889x534, 889:534, Screen_Shot_2021_08_29_at_….jpg)



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be32a7  No.14490600


>clear my cache

There is no reason to keep the cache on disc when you close your browser. Set it up like that and you won't have to clean it.

Same for cookies unless it's a site you like. Put the latter in an exception list, set "session only" for the rest. Bingo private mode.

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b22cd5  No.14490601

File: 0c9d5a761fa36c6⋯.png (166.83 KB, 620x526, 310:263, Super_Elite.png)


ty anon, ty LtCol Scheller.

Obviously he is going to stand for Congress or the Senate.

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be32a7  No.14490602


>Ain't gonna happen

If there is a DNS blackout, you will not be able to access this place anymore. Your choice.

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ff265f  No.14490603

File: 7d90488aa99b3be⋯.png (249.16 KB, 444x960, 37:80, ClipboardImage.png)

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5b8990  No.14490604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



If the power goes down WW i can't either… does my DNS fix solve that?

If the WW internet is shutdown I can't either… does my DNS fix solve that?

If, if, if, if…

I'll cross that bridge when and if I get there…

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1a7a39  No.14490605

File: 5f3de7957e22e3b⋯.jpg (68.49 KB, 446x437, 446:437, jayne_s_a_hunter.jpg)

File: 844f8cc0f42323b⋯.jpg (55.03 KB, 598x351, 46:27, stupid.jpg)

File: 2a1b001778a8be1⋯.jpg (122.26 KB, 640x438, 320:219, guns.jpg)


lmao… did you mention the word "gun"….. ffs…. you god damn terrorist.

A rubber slingshot is a firearm…. does that give you some perspective….. O… and here's another to really set it home.

If you have a firearms license… from that moment on….. NEVER EVER make the mistake of mentioning that you would kill someone for blah blah…. no matter what got dribbled or whether you were joking……. if those words come out of your mouth….. "assault with a deadly weapon".

If you have done martial arts and beat someone up for what ever reason….."assault with a deadly weapon"

Nope….. not cucked at all.

Soooo…. that's a NO OR GO TO JAIL kinda answer.

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e7d429  No.14490606


The difference between us and them is we want everyone to be free! China wants to rule over the world! Good vs Evil

Covid could be the push by chyna to get that ball rolling.

Chyna: “We’ve been paying you off for 20 yrs, to do as we say! Now it’s time for the final solution. Total control over society”

Traitors/Lackeyes: “But muh freedoms, you said that we’d still be free, you lied to us!”

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bda301  No.14490607

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be32a7  No.14490608


>If the WW internet is shutdown

That's what I'm talking about.

It's way easier to shut down DNS than to shutdown the whole internet.

DNS shut down will make basically everything unreachable.

You should ask yourself why Jim would not be able to fix this in a second. DNS is incorrect. Why is that?

Maybe Jim wants to educate you on DNS and fixing it.

btw. DNS is not in full control of Jim. It is a way to shut this place down as well (and it's used by ISPs for censorship purposes, again because DPI is way more complicated)

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5b8990  No.14490609


>DNS shut down will make basically everything unreachable.

Unless they fix their DNS…

Why use an attack that can be circumvented?

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17636a  No.14490610


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6ca83e  No.14490611


>Maybe we are too many to wake up?

>Maybe we can only reach the precipice if we are fewer?

Who will do the culling, white hats? Why would black hats do it if it doesn't serve them?

>Have you considered that the 4-6% might those that still refuse to wake up after the vaxx deaths?

These people are herd followers, they follow the majority so there won't be any 5%

The extent of how deeply brainwashed the average person is is absolutely insane. I can't come up with any scenario that would make them question obvious reality, it's like they lost the ability to do so

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456bbe  No.14490612


>Why use an attack that can be circumvented?

good question. maybe they hope only IT nerds will apply the fix? still, seems like a lame tactic. indicative of the level of desperation? IDK.

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47808d  No.14490613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Video is up on Bitchute due to Censorship -& Link to Backup Channel in Desc Box, Subscribe!

1,659 views*Aug 29, 2021

My channel just received a strike. I have to upload this topic to Bitchute. It is regarding what is going on in the world and what has been revealed about the time we are living in.

Rose Hannah


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bda301  No.14490614


>Why use an attack that can be circumvented?

An attack of the jewish bastards of 8 kun to collect the ip of the users?
























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5b9d52  No.14490615

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

swordy meets SHEILD

based on a true story

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be32a7  No.14490616


>Why use an attack that can be circumvented?

ISPs do that because it's a cheap and easy thing to do AND MOST PEOPLE ARE INCAPABLE/UNWILLING OF FIXING IT. Censorship works because of that.

Just take a look at yourself, you insult me and use president nigger video on me, although I was just telling you how it is. You can educate yourself. If you know what you are doing there is also no security issue with it, but you reject it all and call me stupid.

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b22cd5  No.14490617


good vid, worth the listen to Scheller

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5b8990  No.14490618


>Who will do the culling

Isn't that what we are fighting about right now?

>Why would black hats do it if it doesn't serve them?

Maybe it's not about the culling but who controls the outcome?

>there won't be any 5%

>These people are herd followers

>The extent of how deeply brainwashed the average person is is absolutely insane

Exactly. Might some be so entrenched in their old beliefs as to no longer follow the herd if it diverges too much?

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b22cd5  No.14490619

File: 728a97c84bc2a9f⋯.png (494.82 KB, 670x674, 335:337, CV_19_Experimental_drugs.png)


see >>14490554 on Bill Gates (download it)

that video is a good wake up for the brainwashed

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4a3b83  No.14490621

File: 1800764a75db8d5⋯.jpeg (70.14 KB, 759x422, 759:422, alice_in_wonderland_main_….jpeg)


>Logic no longer makes any sense in the current world

We are officially living in Wonderland.

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5b8990  No.14490622


>you insult me

Grow a fucking spine faggot ←- that was my first insult to you.

>and use president nigger video on me

Stupid hypotheticals deserves stupid replies.

>ISPs do that because it's a cheap and easy thing to do

Agreed. Though if the point is to do an actual shut down, Not just an image crippling maneuver. On a larger scale than an ISP. Wouldn't you use something less prone to circumvention?

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8343c3  No.14490623

File: 20028619d8af2e8⋯.mp4 (619.22 KB, 720x584, 90:73, dan21.mp4)

Timestamp 12:05 12+5 = 17

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


8/29/2021 | New York Airshow @AFThunderbirds


12:05 AM · Aug 30, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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b22cd5  No.14490624

File: 43247d1f055dc23⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1096x1600, 137:200, J_HC_HH_Scan_New_York_Time….jpg)


multiple times "6 million Jews" was used before 1939 and Adolf Hitler.

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8343c3  No.14490625


Vid Length :14

Q Drop# 14


Military Intelligence.

What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?

What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?

What must occur to allow for civilian trials?

Why is this relevant?

What was Flynn's background?

Why is this relevant?

Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?

Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?

Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?

Was TRUMP asked to run for President?


By Who?

Was HRC next in line?

Was the election suppose to be rigged?

Did good people prevent the rigging?

Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?

Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?

What is POTUS in control of?

What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?

Why does the military play such a vital role?

Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?

Who guards former Presidents?

Why is that relevant?

Who guards HRC?

Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?

Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?

What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?

What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?

What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

Why is this important?

What is Mueller's background? Military?

Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?

How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?

Who is helping POTUS?

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ab6a00  No.14490626

anon, anon

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bda301  No.14490627

File: 671f9ddb96d36fc⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1279x1278, 1279:1278, The_New_York_Times_3.png)

File: 1a9d458ce101e03⋯.png (998.75 KB, 693x895, 693:895, The_New_York_Times_2.png)

File: fd4cc4515e9af77⋯.png (442.49 KB, 474x692, 237:346, The_New_York_Times_1.png)


>multiple times "6 million Jews" was used before 1939 and Adolf Hitler.

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4a3b83  No.14490628

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be32a7  No.14490629

Also maybe educate yourself how the internet works. It's not an easy thing to really shut down the internet as a whole.

Shutting down DNS is simple compared to that, and it will basically shut down the internet, but not on the lower levels. For the average user it will be dead and that's what matters and there is no way even for sys admins to do anything about that.


>Stupid hypotheticals

Hey retard, there is a reason why Jim is doing that. He claims that the media host would be gone or whatever, BUT IT ISNT GONE. It works just fine. Anyone that fixed DNS can see that.

>Though if the point is to do an actual shut down

Educate yourself on the internet.

Shutting down physically would mean shutting down (destroying) all routers, which is ridiculous and will not happen.

>Not just an image crippling maneuver

That's one host modified/changed.

I'm talking about DNS being gone as a whole. No 8kun.top for you anymore, which was my whole point, dumbass.

This here is ONE host not working via DNS.

The point of mine is either to shut down all 8kun hosts (which means no 8kun for you anymore), or shut down all hosts of the internet. This would mean internet being DARK.

>Wouldn't you use something less prone to circumvention?

Educate yourself on DNS and how it works.

ISPs won't be able to do much about it when this happens, because their DNS servers get updates from upstream and also forward requests. Send them garbage and the internet as people know it is gone for good.

What was that Q post?

Twatter down

Facebook down.



There is also the possibility of bad actors shutting down 8kun that way when shit hits the fan, because they can.

Bad actors can't easily shut down IP addresses, but they can force ISPs to modify DNS.

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682a15  No.14490630

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, 5DB746B1_BE40_4F51_AC79_54….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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b22cd5  No.14490631

File: 19ab1616c610b0e⋯.jpg (13.21 KB, 300x232, 75:58, Fuckery.jpg)


anyone else having problems having pictures 1. resolve or 2. download, this morning?

might re-log on to see if that fixes it

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66ec15  No.14490632

File: a6e34937a3c8960⋯.jpg (125.95 KB, 723x1080, 241:360, Red_Haired_Beauty.jpg)


Freddy is another that is always lurking.

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ab6a00  No.14490633


Up to organizing a revolution anon ?

*am really sorry, you'll understand one day, quiet retirement isnt an option for you mon petite, you signed up to serve

this is why



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1bb22a  No.14490634


>>14110921 ————————————–——– Jew Research General #1

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1a7a39  No.14490635

File: af35bb5355411ca⋯.jpg (58.22 KB, 552x364, 138:91, lets_slow_this_right_down.jpg)


Now lets just take this ONE STEP FURTHER.

Seeing as Australia has just changed it's entrapment laws and given itself free range to fuck with peoples account etc.

This could put me at risk… but it doesn't.

But serves a beautiful example at where we sit, on that FUCKING SLIPPERY SLOPE of freedoms lost.

In many ways Australia is WORSE than many countries.

I'm here posting on an American website.

Now if I were to post this meme in Australia with these comments…. I could be ARRESTED FOR ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON.

Here it goes…. waiting for me to go to jail here in Aussie land.

>>>>>>>>>>>>> " if I were to sit here and demand you be honest with me… and the penalty for lying to me…. is that I get to shoot you dead with the first lie….. I'd kill you before the night was out"

and having said that….. the police do a search and find out I have a firearms license…. guess what?

Assault with a deadly weapon and off I'm carted.

Me saying hang the bastards…wellll…. that's ok, just…. but kill them… well that might imply I'll use a gun…… get himmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !!!!!!

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5b8990  No.14490636


>It's not an easy thing to really shut down the internet as a whole.

And because it is not easy, it is completely out of the realm of possibilities?

>Shutting down DNS is simple compared to that

Why are you so dead-set on it having to be easy? Why is that per-requisite?

>For the average user it will be dead

But, and that is what I've asked now twice, what if the target is not just the average user? i.e. us here for example.

>Hey retard,

It doesn't change the fact that you are using a hypothetical to justify a change in my machine.

>Educate yourself on the internet.

Ok. Kek.

>I'm talking about DNS being gone as a whole. No 8kun.top for you anymore, which was my whole point, dumbass.

And how would your DNS fix solve that? Wasn't your entire point that we were being trained to circumvent the shut down?

>That's one host modified/changed.

Kek. Speak like a normal person and nerds thinks you don't understand what they are talking about…

>Educate yourself on DNS and how it works.

Kek. Ok.


Fuck the ISPs, were beyond them in this context.

All I'm saying is. You are talking about one hypothetical. I'm not saying it won't happen. I'm not even saying it won't happen as you predict it.

I'm just saying that your hypothetical is only one of many options.

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4a3b83  No.14490637

File: 9a7519b211dde7a⋯.png (217.84 KB, 611x608, 611:608, 9a7519b211dde7a5ddfb48fc82….png)


meh I'd rather just shitpost on the internet. Seems to be way more effective.

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1bb22a  No.14490638


It is. #18331

>>14489724, >>14489842, >>14489883 Marine Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller

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5b8990  No.14490639

>>14490636 (me)



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bda301  No.14490640


>Jew Research General #1

There are neither normies nor Jews, so what the fuck, idiot.

The brainwashed and dumbed down are here in general.

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1bb22a  No.14490641

File: 7063c3b9d916f0e⋯.png (19.34 KB, 450x244, 225:122, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [30.08.21 04:39]

[Forwarded from TPV Reports 🇺🇸🚨 (QAnon John)]

Thank you all SO much for helping us to reach our first 2k subscribers!!

Please share this channel with as many as you can and help us GROW! @TPVReports

This is gonna be YUGE!!! 🇺🇸💥🇺🇸


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47808d  No.14490642

File: bffbb7ce5172dad⋯.png (459.35 KB, 469x555, 469:555, Screen_Shot_2021_02_04_at_….png)


>Who will do the culling

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ab6a00  No.14490643


insurance companies have circumnavigated decency for years with a simple ACT OF GOD cause

Shoot if you have to


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1bb22a  No.14490644

File: 1df46549849887f⋯.png (26.68 KB, 633x231, 211:77, ClipboardImage.png)





I’m well aware of the regime’s claim that there were two drone strikes. One totally killed two “ISIS-K” leaders just don’t ask for proof. It happened, the Pentagon said so, the end. The second is what killed the kids.

Stop being parrots and ask for proof. Be better than CNN.


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e09edb  No.14490645

Always there for the last

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47808d  No.14490646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>insurance companies have circumnavigated decency

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ab6a00  No.14490647


Gadget needs rechargiing

back in 45

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1bb22a  No.14490648


Was being helpful, because it looks boring and badly presented.

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1bb22a  No.14490649

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bda301  No.14490650

File: d360c69567c971c⋯.jpg (862.67 KB, 2356x2156, 589:539, d360c69567c971ce383fa92047….jpg)


>Shoot if you have to

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be32a7  No.14490651


>And because it is not easy, it is completely out of the realm of possibilities?

Educate yourself on the internet and how it works. DARPAnet was made so that it would survive disruptions. You would have destroy every single router.

>Why are you so dead-set on it having to be easy?

Doing that with DNS isn't easy.

It's simple COMPARED to destroying all routers.

>i.e. us here for example.

It works on you already.

And it would work on tons of people because they do not know, that's why people like me try to educate other anons on this matter.

>It doesn't change the fact that you are using a hypothetical to justify a change in my machine.

media.8kun.top is faulty atm, that's not a hypothetical, it's reality, and you complained about it even.

I don't give a shit about what you do with your PC. If you knew what DNS actually is and how it works, you would understand that having IPs at least locally in a file is better than relying on DNS, that neither you or Jim controls.

>And how would your DNS fix solve that?

Educate yourself on DNS and what the hosts file is for.

>Fuck the ISPs, were beyond them in this context.

I'm pretty certain that in your case you are using your ISP's DNS servers.

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be32a7  No.14490652


>The extent of how deeply brainwashed the average person is is absolutely insane. I can't come up with any scenario that would make them question obvious reality, it's like they lost the ability to do so

Maybe 4-6% have to die from the vaxx for the rest to wake up and figure out that they have been lied to.

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bda301  No.14490653

File: 5ddaf892d6c91e2⋯.png (20.2 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 5ddaf892d6c91e2960f08bfa04….png)


>Was being helpful, because it looks boring and badly presented.

How are you going to present the shit of the Kikes nicely?

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017c0f  No.14490654


>>In many ways Australia is WORSE than many countries.

I arrived in your country in the late 70s and loved its laid back lifestyle and friendly people, but over the next two decades I watched it slowly spiral down into total fascism. And that is why I left its sunburnt shores for the last time in the early noughties.

It seemed obvious to me that Australia had become the proving ground the evil plans of the NWO as I termed it then. Let's just call it the Deep State now.

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31951f  No.14490655

Modern day George Washington

Says to follow him (last minute of video)


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ac0bd6  No.14490656



I've opined on this before, but for humanity to get around this problem we need to accelerate the development of DIY coil guns. Capacitors and batteries is what makes 'em work. Yeah the power levels are kind of low right now, but I expect that to improve.

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017c0f  No.14490657


>the evil plans

*for the evil plans

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1bb22a  No.14490658


>>14110921 ————————————–——– Jew Research General #1

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5b8990  No.14490659


>and you complained about it even

No I did not… I just stated it… I even said I was comfy despite of it

Holy fuck you are retarded.

I said I would cross that bridge when I got to it. The images are not a big enough deal for me to do anything about it. So I'll let Jim fix it when and if he gets around to it.

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e34179  No.14490660

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e34179  No.14490661



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09ac46  No.14490662


Q is a psyop.

Everything that Q posted is part of the psyop.

Everything that Q posted was to throw "them" off course.

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47808d  No.14490663

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


First published at 07:53 UTC on August 30th, 2021.


EUMELs Media Library

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1a7a39  No.14490664

File: 2b29ed876fdf016⋯.jpg (86.59 KB, 601x368, 601:368, GET_TO_WORK_ASSHOLES_you_r….jpg)



Post meme with I kill you comment… with shooters license in Australia.


I made this meme without even thinking…. it's actually correct if it is here….and we swap out FBI for the fed police…lmao.


Guns have never been the problem…. anything is a weapon…. it's the delusional mindset of the few…. that don't want pitchforks pointed in there direction, when they're squeezing their slaves too hard.

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8081c9  No.14490665

File: 241cdf904700170⋯.jpg (41.39 KB, 300x400, 3:4, Weirdos_libtard_2.jpg)


certainly a limited hangout.

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31951f  No.14490666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here’s the YouTube video

Marine LT Col Says "Follow Me And We Will Bring The Whole F** System Down"

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be32a7  No.14490667


>still doesn't listen

>itttts totally hypothetical

>yes, images broken, but there is no need for me to educate myself on anything

I don't give a shit, asshole.

But don't complain that you can't access this place in the future.

Jim has a reason to have this borken DNS record. I think it's about education. You don't want to listen.

Keep on trusting your ISP, I don't.

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bda301  No.14490668

File: ab2ab751e3a3f1c⋯.png (615.32 KB, 568x786, 284:393, wetfvdhfd.png)


>Jew Research General #1

Don't you realize that on this site you don't wake up brainwashed Jews and normies, they are all here in general.


STFU braindead Kike!

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31951f  No.14490669


>Here’s the YouTube video

>Marine LT Col Says "Follow Me And We Will Bring The Whole F** System Down"

Did he just activate all the Patriots..?

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bda301  No.14490670

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5b8990  No.14490671


>But don't complain that you can't access this place in the future.

>>still doesn't listen


>I think it's about education

Keep thinking that… What part of "you might be right, but I see more options" don't you get?

Why so hostile all of a sudden? First you accuse me of insulting you and when I do because of it you begin to pepper your posts with insults left and right.


Go cry into a pillow or something.

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8081c9  No.14490672



he wants to >>activate all the Patriots<<

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47808d  No.14490673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>In many ways Australia is WORSE than many countries.

Free as you want to be.. >>14314479 (QSG)

For the choice to know is yours.

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31951f  No.14490674


>Did he just activate all the Patriots..?


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051de1  No.14490675


>We are officially living in Wonderland.

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be32a7  No.14490676


>Why so hostile all of a sudden?

Because I don't like wasting time on assholes like (you).

>First you accuse me of insulting you

You replied using a king nigger video.

Just shut the fuck up with your lies.

>no, that wasn't an insult, haah, it was just a joke

Fuck off.

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b13521  No.14490677

Q is a useless riddlenigger that accomplished pretty much fuck all in four years. No big name arrests. Deep state still stronger than ever. No posts in nine months.

Big name arrests and REAL change or gtfo. Anyone who blindly believes Q is legit is just part of the psyop to further divide the country. Greatest divisionfag psyop in history.

Useless riddlenigger.

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5b8990  No.14490678


>Because I don't like wasting time on assholes like you.

Then don't. I'm not forcing you.

>You replied using a king nigger video.

Oh my!

>Just shut the fuck up with your lies.

So now I'm a liar too?

>Fuck off.

You first. Kek

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3432cb  No.14490679

File: 80d3bbb34d7b400⋯.jpg (14.05 KB, 300x400, 3:4, dems.jpg)

File: 53689cbd57dda1b⋯.png (191.27 KB, 720x584, 90:73, Dan1.png)


Let me make a strech! Just a strech… The maneuver was awsome-insane-crazy!

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e34179  No.14490680

File: 809f36dd2cf6f7b⋯.gif (126.23 KB, 220x285, 44:57, 1621209556_Copy.gif)

Stay Green Frens

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e34179  No.14490681


Threading the Needle

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8343c3  No.14490682

When is the Qanon Congress hearing?

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051de1  No.14490683


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4292d5  No.14490684


I laugh and agree

time to put up or shut up was 3 years ago

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b13521  No.14490685



You guys are absolutely fucking retarded. Four years of this shit. Always a boom right around the corner. You guys really TRUST the military or the self-serving cowards at the higher ranks?

You are sheep. Nothing is ever going to happen to the DS, and you'll be right there chanting the whole time while nothing continues to happen. Fuck all these niggers and their fake patriotism hype.

Big name arrests or GTFO.

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be32a7  No.14490686


>We are officially living in Wonderland.

*have been since forever

HIV is basically the same hoax as the corona flu.

asymptomatic use a faulty PCR-test to determine if they are sick or not

PCR-test states to "verify positive result with more testing" (meanwhile there is no other test)

People take treatment despite having no symptoms

People get killed by treatment (ventilators), the ones doing that aren't punished for murder

Fauci involved in both scams

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8081c9  No.14490687


gotta start somewhere

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e34179  No.14490688

File: 1f76d14a37d7439⋯.png (856.75 KB, 1003x690, 1003:690, ClipboardImage.png)


First Day?

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017c0f  No.14490689

File: 9aaeb434fff3cb1⋯.png (112.61 KB, 475x315, 95:63, despairfagging.png)

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8081c9  No.14490690

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4a3b83  No.14490691

File: ddad5916666e6f7⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 250x251, 250:251, 1604469468569.gif)


>Stay Green Frens

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b13521  No.14490692


Pictures don't work you idiot. I guess anyone who thinks this marine brass is any different than milley or mattis wouldn't get that though.

Big name arrests or GTFO.

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051de1  No.14490693

UPDATE - Kamala Harris' flight from Singapore was delayed by three hours because of an "anomalous health incident" (Havana Syndrome) in Hanoi, Vietnam.

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be32a7  No.14490694


>while nothing continues to happe

Ton is happening.

Nothing can stop what is coming goes both ways.

Mass awake == game over

together you are strong == truth

Everyone needs to wake up == truth

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051de1  No.14490695


JUST IN - Kamala Harris’s departure from #Singapore indefinitely delayed for unknown reason. Unclear how long she will remain in the country. Reporters traveling with the VP were abruptly sent back to the Shangri-La (Bloomberg)

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09ac46  No.14490696


The fact that someone is paying shills to post here is what keeps my faith alive.

Why would a winning side pay shills to post derogatory comments?

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307356  No.14490697

Good morning anons.

Chatter needs to go good quiet.

Zips in the wire.

Maintain proper opsec.

Reconnoiter on night shift.

Chan. Out.

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f4b4f3  No.14490698


That ain't real.

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4a3b83  No.14490699


Well that's just like….your opinion man…

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be32a7  No.14490700



mass media doing PR for the hoax

fear based mind control (don't have sex because FEAR, use protection - rubber/masks)

gets big pharma tons of bucks for either useless or mass extermination "treatment"

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8343c3  No.14490701


Just read Bennie gave the agencies a 2 week deadline to produce the records he is requesting…so it's going to be awhile…

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051de1  No.14490702

The Left is going to explode with slander and garbage.

There will be no army to save America, the army is us.

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b13521  No.14490703


Soros = comfy and free

Clinton's = comfy and free

Roths = comfy and free

Biden crime family = comfy and free

Seth Rich murderers = comfy and free

Banker cartel families = comfy and free

Rockefellers = comfy and free

Obama = comfy and free

Fuck its hard to stand all this winning


No one pays me shit. For years I believed all this shit and was sucked in waiting and waiting for something to happen.



Trump has always been Israel first.

There is no good and evil.

There is only China and Israel.

There are only globalists and zionists.

Trump = Israel > Biden = China.

You were just too naive and distracted by Q to see it.

Billions of dollars sent to Israel while Q says they're saving Israel for last?

Saving every last American taxpayers dollar for them.

Why do you think Trump surrounded himself with zionists?

Why do you think Trump made it illegal to say anything antisemitic?

Do you really think after all this that Trump was humanity's savior?

No, he just protected Israel like a good little puppet.

The cognitive dissonance will be difficult for most of you to see through after being brainwashed by Q.

Just remember Trump and Q had four years to deliver something, anything.

All they delivered was more money to the zionists.

Whether you know it or not, you were programmed for four years into an Israel first psyop.

🐇 meet 🎩

Trump and Q are the greatest kayfabe to ever deceive the American pop in all history.

There never was a resistance to the cabal.

For thousands of years the illuminati modus operandi is to fool the public into thinking there are two sides battling.

They have been evolving.

Same dragon different head.

There is no good and evil.

The planned insurrection, "the plan", planned decades ago.

Greatest deception in history.

No big names have been arrested as promised.

No one ever will be.

Illuminati puts all their plans in plain sight years ahead of time.

"Enough is enough" was planned years ago, and no one better to execute it for his zionist masters than old Don boy.

You did well Don, country is more divided than ever.

Trump lead all his sheep directly into the slaughterhouse and they praised him every step of the way.

If Patriots were "in control" the deep state would all be rotting in prison.

No, instead Trump is playing golf with his zionist friends while the country burns.

Gen.Flynn is grifting Q t-shirts to make ends meet.

Adm. Rogers is working directly for Israeli intelligence now and denies election fraud.

Gen Mattis is swamp.

Gen Milley is swamp.

Rudy the pedophile Giuliani lost his right to practice law.

The wall is left unfinished after wasting billions and exhausting the military.

The country is more polarized and divided than ever.

Almost as if it was always planned that way.

Patriots are not in control.

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be32a7  No.14490704


>Four years of this shit

Hey, we now KNOW the CURE for the FLU.

That is something.

It's not nothing.

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e09edb  No.14490705


checkt and


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be32a7  No.14490706


>Fuck its hard to stand all this winning

We were told when arrests would (could) happen and it makes logical sense.

You had all this time and didn't read?

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47808d  No.14490707

File: 70e7a889ccb9f8d⋯.png (314.21 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 4dabb1235444d591f1a17377b1….png)


anon see dis one?

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8081c9  No.14490708


Look there is truth there in what you have written, but we can't give up, and neither should you.

It's ultimately up to all of us.

We don't know what is going on behind the scenes.

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051de1  No.14490709


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051de1  No.14490710

Last year they insisted that our parents & grandparents should be sacrificed for “the economy.” This year they are sacrificing our children for their notion of “freedom.” If we are unwilling to protect our elders or our children we are lost. Vaccinate and mask-up. No matter what.

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b13521  No.14490711


Didnt need to waste four years and reading thousands of posts for that my nigger fren. Q delivered nothing, just riddles. Riddles don't solve the country's problems. Decodes and riddles are kids games, and purely a psyop in this case to keep people busy and distracting while the NWO agenda moves forward without a hitch. All laws being passed to take away our freedoms all in the name of COVID. if the military was the "only way" forward then we're totally fucked. These self serving cowards can barely fight anxiety let alone a real war. China and Israel have already won.

Maybe 🇨🇳 and 🇮🇱 can be blended to make the new American flag.

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1a7a39  No.14490712

File: 2aeb3de260ad24b⋯.jpg (317.47 KB, 768x480, 8:5, heard_it.jpg)

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be32a7  No.14490713

File: 028eb67dba159ae⋯.jpg (30.83 KB, 271x378, 271:378, 722115698_2160520203_1.jpg)


>Patriots are not in control.

>I didn't read the POTUS posts mid 2019

You disappoint me.

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017c0f  No.14490714

File: f5b3d0915e2dc51⋯.jpg (188.77 KB, 699x662, 699:662, fuck_off.jpg)

This image is for you



I can see it and agree.

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f4b4f3  No.14490715

File: da7d9ba2ac255da⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 178.82 KB, 584x510, 292:255, ClipboardImage.png)


>Pictures don't work you idiot

Then you won't mind if I do this?

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051de1  No.14490716


@POTUS hands a Presidential Challenge coin to a member of the Dignified transfer team at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware.

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e34179  No.14490717

File: a0908b3d6144f79⋯.png (845.24 KB, 1133x592, 1133:592, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b195a  No.14490718

File: 25c185861c4cc05⋯.jpg (114.17 KB, 1010x800, 101:80, f16e_1010x800.jpg)


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b1600c  No.14490719


ty baker

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8081c9  No.14490720


time to rebel against the "mandates"

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20cae1  No.14490721

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

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\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

























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051de1  No.14490722

The United States has a complex relationship with Vietnam due to the war that lasted for years in the 1960s and 1970s. Diplomatic relations with the Asian nation were restored in 1995 under the administration of former President Bill Clinton.

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e34179  No.14490723

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b13521  No.14490724


At the pace the "plan" is unfolding the stage has nowhere near been set for that. Maybe after Kamala finishes Biden term and then maybe four years after that we may see an intern get arrested.

Not enough. Its never been enough results to convince me. Once again for thousands of years the Modus Operandi of the cabal is to FOOL the public to make you think there are multiple sides, and that they are against each other. Thousands of years of evidence to prove otherwise. As all Patriots on the right are now being grouped as domestic terrorists, all because of Q. It makes far more sense with the total lack of results that this is the case

Big name arrests will change my mind, but until then logic dictates its a divisionary psyop.

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b1600c  No.14490725

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210530_234323_101.jpg)

For new eyes 👀 :

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


You are very loved and blessed


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051de1  No.14490727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>time to rebel

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20cae1  No.14490728

File: 00c12b11d0dc78d⋯.jpg (148.89 KB, 947x1200, 947:1200, 00c12b11d0dc78d278f7b6d41f….jpg)

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be32a7  No.14490729


>Q delivered nothing

>if the military was the "only way" forward then we're totally fucked.

It seems to me that you are not red pilled.

Wow, you finally figured out that the US corporation military should not be TRUSTed.

It took you how long to figure this out?

Why would you TRUST a military that has been killing millions of civilians for centuries now?

Did Q say which military the drop was about and what that drop was about?

"The only way is the military" for mass vaxxinations?

Double meanings exist.

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e09edb  No.14490730


Do you just pick them off all night?


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b13521  No.14490731


Read every Q post and Drumpf twat since 2017. Simple question, who is running the country right now? Look at all the laws being passed to dissolve freedom?

Patriots are not in control, and if they are then they are downs syndrome level retards.

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8081c9  No.14490732


You could be right but ultimately it pays to have more than one plan. We'll see.

Meanwhile let's wake people up via the internet and then rebel against the Masters

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4a3b83  No.14490733

File: 8435c8c85fe7b51⋯.png (187.52 KB, 471x465, 157:155, 8435c8c85fe7b510b108b07645….png)

You know what will really piss the shills off now? When we reply to them with just memes, no text. KEK!

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e34179  No.14490734


During Certian Energentic Moments

When Positive Energy is Flowing though me at the Highest of levels


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b13521  No.14490735


Q has stated US military is our savior and also in another post stated Trump is our savior. Re read Q drops.

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8081c9  No.14490736


>Look at all the laws being passed to dissolve freedom?

…and it's waking citizens and patriots up, domestically and worldwide.

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ab7c79  No.14490737

File: 666f5788f467b6f⋯.jpeg (393.73 KB, 828x1019, 828:1019, B6B65F40_42C5_4B70_B008_4….jpeg)

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09ac46  No.14490738


>No one pays me shit. For years I believed all this shit and was sucked in waiting and waiting for something to happen.

see >>14490662

Q is a psyop.

Everything that Q posted is part of the psyop.

Everything that Q posted was to throw "them" off course.

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47808d  No.14490739


just watch the video faggot. >>14490673

and do something besides being a cry-baby

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e09edb  No.14490740


Its getting difficult to even concern myself with the human aspect anymore.

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8081c9  No.14490741


can you see pictures?

I don't think they are working, not today for me anyway

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051de1  No.14490742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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be32a7  No.14490743


>Maybe after Kamala finishes Biden term

I see, so you think Biden is actually POTUS atm.

And you probably still believe that POTUS is a position of real power?

Educate yourself on the deep state.

It's all actors and it's all a play.

"You are watching a movie" isn't about Q, but about the show as a whole.

>Modus Operandi of the cabal is to FOOL the public to make you think there are multiple sides, and that they are against each other.

Now you are thinking.

RED MAGA caps.

Why RED?

Coincidence with history?

Q is about breaking out of the circle.

It goes way deeper than you think.

>As all Patriots on the right are now being grouped as domestic terrorists, all because of Q.

"on the right", why aren't you thinking?

"because of Q"? No, because of lies and the fake news.

Remove Q, and what do you get?

Trump and his RED MAGA caps.





What do you think should be done about the Marxists?

How do you get Marxists to reject their ideology?

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1bb22a  No.14490744

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e34179  No.14490745


Remember the Children.

The Only Reason to Exists for some.

Is to Stand between Them and the little ones.

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4a3b83  No.14490746


Did you not do the whole DNS thing? Haven't had any issues with the board since I did the thingy.

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051de1  No.14490747


>“I do think that Pfizer, I will say this, the FDA is bureaucratically run, would have taken five years to get it approved, would have never even had it if it weren’t for me. And I learned things. The FDA is virtually controlled by Pfizer. Pfizer has control, not Johnson and Johnson, not Moderna, but Pfizer has control over the FDA. It’s not a good thing.”

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ab7c79  No.14490748


What thingy?

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be32a7  No.14490749


>Q has stated US military is our savior

US Military = SAVIOR of mankind.

We will never forget.

Fantasy land.

God save us all.

Re-read drops.

Youare the SAVIORs of mankind.

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8081c9  No.14490750


sorry, am ashamed to say that I don't know what the DNS thingy is

please educate me :)

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5b8990  No.14490751




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47808d  No.14490752


>You are the SAVIORs of mankind.

it starts here. >>14490673

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8081c9  No.14490753



Individually, all anons have a solemn responsibility to wake as many of our fellow slaves/goyim up as we can, as soon as we can

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20cae1  No.14490754

File: 53b021f5c555cda⋯.png (213.98 KB, 370x637, 370:637, us_domination_tour.png)

File: 8a32d2405be13d6⋯.jpg (88.89 KB, 600x395, 120:79, 8a32d2405be13d6020259f55dc….jpg)


>US Military = SAVIOR of mankind.

muhahahah fucking braindead american douchebag!

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5b8990  No.14490755

Meme'ing is a lot easier when you just type the filename of the meme you want to post. Kek

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4a3b83  No.14490756




>>14477967 video on how to edit 'hosts' file in Windows

WINDOWS o()xxxx({:::::::::::::::::::>


>Step 1

- locate the Hosts file


Paste the following IPs at the bottom of the file: media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top

(admin privileges or cannot save)

>Step 2

- Open a command window and run ipconfig /flushdns

Images restored!

LINUX/MAC o()xxxx({:::::::::::::::::::>


>Step 1

Open a terminal

Type: sudo nano /etc/hosts

Paste the following IPs at the bottom of the file: media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top

>Step 2

Press: CTRL+X then Y

Refresh the page

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e09edb  No.14490757

File: eb1bc156b86a5f8⋯.jpeg (214.84 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, R_48_.jpeg)



Sometimes realignment of focus is necessary

Paratus Comitatus


They think Q was a prophet?

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8081c9  No.14490758


certainly at the moment


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8081c9  No.14490759


thank you, I'll try it

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c14a60  No.14490760

File: d82f994d5399bb1⋯.png (1022.55 KB, 1879x5929, 1879:5929, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c802c35da133b12⋯.png (201.51 KB, 1818x781, 1818:781, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7c48e916bcebc2⋯.png (304.34 KB, 1928x841, 1928:841, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be3223fdf1abac1⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1936x2798, 968:1399, ClipboardImage.png)

One thing leads to another…..

Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and the "Decade of Vaccines" collaboration.

"Decade of Vaccines" Leads to Tailoring Immunization Programmes "TIP" And FAUCI

"TIP" leads to CDC

"Decade of Vaccines" also Leads to members - Sandra Wrobel and Anthony Lake (238 DoS FOIA hits on Anthony Lake)

Sandra Wrobel leads to "Applied Strategies" and GAVI

Applied Strategies leads to "Strategic Decisions Group"

Strategic Decisions Group leads to Pharma Billions







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5b8990  No.14490761


I'm on TempleOS. Got a guide for me too?

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576280  No.14490762


I can't find it now, but someone made a social media post, pointing out that the Chess Board setup he has there is a message, declaring he was going to win, as it was a certain strategic play…not a chess guy so I can't remember what it was.

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e34179  No.14490763

Symbolism will be thier downfall


The People Awakened will never sleep Again

God wants [y]ou to know something

They that are with us are more than they that are with [y]ou or (T.H.E.M)

We are Growing in Numbers and Strenght

Make [y]our time

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1a7a39  No.14490764


Is there a reason you just wasted 1.38 mins of my life?

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47808d  No.14490765


you shouldn't be here

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4a3b83  No.14490766

File: f61035784a017b3⋯.jpeg (29.82 KB, 597x559, 597:559, 1627957957913.jpeg)

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20cae1  No.14490767

File: 6e7b1ee551a97f8⋯.jpg (67.25 KB, 421x656, 421:656, XaAlpgB.jpg)


STFU braindead Kike!

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4a3b83  No.14490768

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576280  No.14490769

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pfizervaccine now allows man to charge his cell phone with his own electrical current…


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e34179  No.14490770

File: 78776963c769bc6⋯.png (744.77 KB, 1038x714, 173:119, ClipboardImage.png)


Tick Tock Tick Tock

Getting closer and Closer to Harvest Time.

Are [y]ou ready?

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9f3529  No.14490771



Remember when we'd try to type "little" but the spelling came out "liddle"

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1a7a39  No.14490772


Do tell my why?

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8081c9  No.14490773

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80df9f  No.14490774

File: ba00021ca8b7119⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 512x512, 1:1, 6730_pepe_laugh.gif)

File: 9bf2dffe4dba479⋯.png (130.14 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

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7d04bf  No.14490775


Face diapers, agreement to ‘practice social distancing’, not removing one’s children from schools teaching them to hate their own parents, letting one’s child out of sight (arena in Australia), to be administered some mystery injection…

The level of self destructive stupidity is hard to comprehend. I’ve defended such people for a long time, seeing as i’m of the opinion they have been psychologically abused and largely MADE stupid. Yet, they have been made stupid, by people even more stupid but also devious. For that, the monster-makers deserve to be consumed by their own monsters. (I am as certain as anything, that [TheY] have made a zombie-like hoard that [TheY] will not be able to control.)

My only remaining, and reduced to a seemingly selfish concern… is can i make and maintain some distance and insulation from both Highend and Lowend Zombie-Stupids… and myself survive this epidemic of crazy that needs to burn through like a cleansing wildfire clears deadfall?

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5b8990  No.14490776


Fucking KEK!

Sure… don't thing about how air charging works, he got a video to prove it. Kek.

Anyone believing this is legit is retarded by definition. Kek

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be32a7  No.14490777


Was the corn ripe for harvesting?

It is now.

[ 93 dk]

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47808d  No.14490778


For the failure to comprehend "This isn't about a 4 year election" in relation to said video. >>14490673

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b1600c  No.14490779



🟢⚪ ⚪🟢



🟢 🔺 🔺 🟢

🟢 🟢🟢🟢 🟢

🟦 🟦🟦 🟦

🟦 🟦🟦🟦 🟦

🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦


Pepe cheers




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4292d5  No.14490780


who gives a fuck about that shittard with all the errors and lies it spread

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09ac46  No.14490781

The MSM are "mean girls" spreading rumors and lies.

Making up stories to make people who aren't in their clique look bad.

And covering up true stories that make people who are in their clique look bad.

Freedom of the press has been used against us.

They are free to lie to us. Free to deceive us. Free to ignore and cover up the truth.

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e09edb  No.14490782

File: bc06040c538268d⋯.jpg (10.96 KB, 255x134, 255:134, df6509e7f1391629f7268ceef4….jpg)

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20cae1  No.14490783

File: 6b4e5923f9d7822⋯.jpeg (1005.79 KB, 800x1157, 800:1157, memed_io_output.jpeg)


>Getting closer and Closer to Harvest Time.

>Are [y]ou ready?

I am ready to kill every damn kike and traitor that comes under my eyes on the spot!

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b09252  No.14490784



Locate the hosts file?

which fucing button is that!?

WTF is a IP?

How about you smart computer guys just fix the fucing thing, so us lower level not so "geeky" crowd can see to?

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6325d4  No.14490785



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5b8990  No.14490786


>How about you smart computer guys just fix the fucing thing

Didn't you get the memo?

This place is only for a select crowd of "geeky" computer guys

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be32a7  No.14490787


>so us lower level not so "geeky" crowd can see to?

Education is free.

You only have to LISTEN.

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e34179  No.14490788


[y]our Projection is Glowing.

IO is waiting to Hear from you.

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8081c9  No.14490789

>>14490784 >>14490786

nah, images just down for now


that >>14490554 gates video was fantastic

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1bb22a  No.14490790

File: dba753d86aed46a⋯.png (329.33 KB, 919x781, 919:781, ClipboardImage.png)

China restricts online gaming for minors

China strictly restricts the time minors spend on online games. All online games can only be accessible to minors for 1 hour from 20:00 to 21:00 on Friday, weekends, and holidays.

Online games in China require real-name registration with an ID number.


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e27219  No.14490791

What they're doing to Flynn, they'll be looking to do to all of us very soon.

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576280  No.14490792

File: eafd95a651b3091⋯.jpg (128.2 KB, 727x792, 727:792, Doomed.jpg)

When did we become this stupid as a species, really?! I mean I would have thought Commie brainwashing could only go so far…

Image related…

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20cae1  No.14490793

File: e1a0f89c6558e46⋯.png (456.44 KB, 500x566, 250:283, lifeforce_too_strong.png)


>[y]our Projection is Glowing.

Of course I shine.

I have a soul, unlike you filthy Jews!

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6a2153  No.14490794


<comes under my eyes

>cums under my eyes

FIFY, violence shill.

Now KYS.

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b1600c  No.14490795


I'm phonefaggin only - on Android.

I know it's similar (same?!?) as Linux, but not messing with any settings.

It will be over by coming sunday, one day before the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

Then EVERYTHING will become visible.


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9d1ec7  No.14490796

File: 232ec2e2650da7e⋯.png (594.8 KB, 661x570, 661:570, ClipboardImage.png)

We admittedly pay Billions of dollars for the Afghan army. How many other armies are the US taxpayers paying for WW?


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5b8990  No.14490797


10 days of dankness?

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3432cb  No.14490798

File: b8cb7c70e9fd9b4⋯.jpg (106.76 KB, 568x698, 284:349, Insane.jpg)

File: 7f22439ac4fcc9f⋯.png (560.74 KB, 545x676, 545:676, WaterBallsNot.png)

File: 238e4d541a47468⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1100x1095, 220:219, ItHurts.png)

File: 20abd837a94222b⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1170x775, 234:155, Wonderful.png)

File: 6be8514bb9bedb8⋯.png (1.26 MB, 900x875, 36:35, WoodStalker.png)

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20cae1  No.14490799

File: 4fbd692ec7314fc⋯.png (204.43 KB, 450x345, 30:23, ee3edc06424964d9d57fd9d6e9….png)


>FIFY, violence shill.

>Now KYS.

STFU filthy KIKE!

Death to all of your kind!

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20cae1  No.14490800

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

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\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

























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1a7a39  No.14490801

File: 3e8eacfcf77ddfa⋯.png (261.07 KB, 473x473, 1:1, wtf_idiot.png)


You mean the blah blah dribbled….lol.

Yeah…. I'm all about hearing some flaky mystical thoughts about "surrounding yourself" with an illusion of freedom…..lol…… I live in the real world…… I'd love to hear her views on gender equivalency….not…lol.

It all works…. until the door gets kicked in…or… you stand in court and have the judge laugh at you….lol.

Then those mystical illusions are replaced with some harsh realities.

It's like that douche bag in Aussie…Mark Passio or what ever….. such a fucking trail blazer…. the courts love him…..it's like…. Oh.. you believe that shit….. then you deserve this…

Just for all you sucked in Aussies…. if that piece of shit was so right in his understanding of law….. then he would represent you ALL…. and make a KILLING from his fee's…… but nope….. full of shit and hides.

Represents no one but himself.

O… that's right….. you were dribbling shit….. was there a point to your dribble?

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6a2153  No.14490802


>How about you smart computer guys just fix the fucing thing, so us lower level not so "geeky" crowd can see to?

We've already told you how to fix it.

Not our fault you can't follow directions when it's spelled out for you.

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80df9f  No.14490803

File: 9a8df25936e08f7⋯.png (659.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb4e4bbf80a6ab5⋯.png (397.21 KB, 496x366, 248:183, ClipboardImage.png)


Funny how a research board all of the sudden has several with broke internet and research capabilities?

How will you evolve and learn, anon?

Repeatedly the video, IPS have been in notables and laced through out breads.

Step up YOUR game play. Learn.

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4a3b83  No.14490804


No current fix available for mobile/tablet users yet though. Only desktops. As far as I know.

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017c0f  No.14490805

File: 5400b1569e8915e⋯.jpg (11.52 KB, 242x255, 242:255, whos_the_retard.jpg)


If a tech retard like me can do it, anyone can.

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6a2153  No.14490806



Got root?

The fix is the same.

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1bb22a  No.14490807

File: 2dece52cc645268⋯.jpg (40.73 KB, 972x542, 486:271, 2dece52cc6452681cd81556654….jpg)


Its not about color, creed or race.

Who instructed you to carry on with this shit?

Never been interested in what you're banging on about, never will be.

Filtered for being a dull diversionist.

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09ac46  No.14490808


Who own & operates MSM? What group of people?

If you want to know who your enemy is, figure out who is trying to fool you. Who is lying to you.

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be32a7  No.14490809


>No current fix available for mobile/tablet users yet though. Only desktops. As far as I know.

You can set up your own DNS server at home, apply fix and then use it for mobile/tablet while connected to your WLAN (DNS server change).

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1bb22a  No.14490810

File: d508b99ebbce6ab⋯.png (846.94 KB, 626x626, 1:1, d508b99ebbce6ab28240a17a7f….png)

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5b8990  No.14490811


>Its not about color, creed or race.

Fuck the reptilians though.

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b09252  No.14490812


If the Cabal/NWO/Black arts/ has been in control for THOUSANDS of yrs why are they taking so long to crush us? Why all the drama? Why even show anything on TV? Just go town to town and city to city and BOMB the shit out of it.

Why all the dragging it out?

If they are and have been in control?


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e26b25  No.14490813

Lockdowns were all unconstitutional and unlawful. ?Governors willingly that stupid to fall for it?

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80df9f  No.14490814

File: ff6e2b743351854⋯.png (220.77 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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47808d  No.14490815

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, 1x1_9_Grammar_Flag.png)


Sigh… again for the SIMPLE-SOLUTIONS. >>14490483

Everything is so absurd in order to wake us up.

If you don't chose to govern yourself then you'll continue to be subjected to this and moar. Watch the 1:39 min video and take action.

>This cartoon video "Bill Gates - Hello Useless Eaters" is brilliant, on point, and deserves the widest distribution before it is eventually deleted.

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c4bb25  No.14490816

File: 7af1957694dbcd9⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 340x184, 85:46, ralph1.gif)


>Morning, Frenz

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20cae1  No.14490817


>We've already told you how to fix it.

It's not fixed you clown, you can't use vpn tools.

How convenient for the Jews, don't you think.

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b1600c  No.14490818


Yes, imho.

And I'm wrong about the 20th anniversary, that is a nother 6 days later. Sunday is the fifth.

But I feel confident about these two things (10 days no images / 20th ani 9/11) beeing connected somehow.

blessings and love anon

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a6c19d  No.14490819


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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307356  No.14490820


Wow. You give me hope some anons actually get it.

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4a3b83  No.14490821



Thanks for that. Gonna tinker with that when I can.

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20cae1  No.14490822


>Its not about color, creed or race.

>Who instructed you to carry on with this shit?

>Never been interested in what you're banging on about, never will be.

>Filtered for being a dull diversionist.


4-6% …










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80df9f  No.14490823


What if it was not willingly?

What if this was their role and path to follow on purpose in order to show the people their crimes?

I do think that many are 'that' Stupid, sold their souls in the process.

Traitors swing.

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be32a7  No.14490824

File: 4b308f613f4d0a3⋯.jpg (32.52 KB, 932x582, 466:291, 4b308f613f4d0a388f2f060972….jpg)


9/11 would make a great suicide weekend.

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47808d  No.14490825


>you stand in court and have the judge laugh at you

In the Quantum-Venue your paper-work is the court.

The 'Judge' can laugh all he wants but thats all he has left. They only have what you give them.

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1a7a39  No.14490826


>If a tech retard like me can do it, anyone can.

X 2…… watch the win 10 demo…. it works for older versions too

Like Jim… not recommending it… but here we are, and I have.

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8081c9  No.14490827


I think total control is now dangling before their eyes and they didn't have it before, so couldn't do that.

Also, there are factions within the DS that fight each other, always have.

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be32a7  No.14490828

File: 3bb16f770f83181⋯.jpg (39.2 KB, 640x392, 80:49, 18f6bd7cfb8615023f1ee6b800….jpg)


>What if it was not willingly?

How do you capture a very dangerous ANIMAL?

Do you attack it from the front?

Do you walk through the front door?

Do you signal ahead of time you will be attacking?

How do you distinguish between good and bad?

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1bb22a  No.14490829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14490756, >>14490748, >>14490750,

>>14490759, >>14490761, >>14490784, >>14490795,

>>14489700 , >>14489585 Editing Host File In Windows 10 To See Images On 8kun - What Worked For Me


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20cae1  No.14490830

File: 503b0e353ac6e07⋯.png (588.01 KB, 1279x733, 1279:733, dr45cf25z.png)


>Fuck the reptilians though.

You fucking soulless Kikes are the reptilians/Shapeshifters.

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c4bb25  No.14490831

File: 714aaf41ef72135⋯.jpg (79.04 KB, 720x641, 720:641, fullCorneymoon1.jpg)

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1a7a39  No.14490832


Sooo…. right now…. that's working…. people are going to court and "winning".

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3432cb  No.14490833

Yongbyon: UN says North Korea appears to restart nuclear reactor

North Korea appears to have restarted its Yongbyon nuclear reactor, the UN atomic agency has said in a report.

Plutonium, which is used for nuclear weapons, is believed to be produced at the reactor's complex.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was expelled by Pyongyang in 2009 but relies on satellite imagery to carry out assessments.

The watchdog said the reactor has been discharging cooling water since July, suggesting it is operational.

Yongbyon, a nuclear complex with a 5-megawatt reactor, is at the heart of North Korea's nuclear programme.

This was the first sign of operational activity at the reactor since December 2018, months after US President Donald Trump met Kim Jong-un in Singapore, according to the IAEA.

Yongbyon has long been monitored from afar by experts trying to get an idea of how many weapons the regime is capable of producing.


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5b8990  No.14490835



What did I do to you?

Oh I get it. We are all kikes.

No worries my fellow kike.

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4a3b83  No.14490836

File: ba1d3bdae0deb91⋯.jpeg (65.22 KB, 577x433, 577:433, ba1d3bdae0deb91c5edc2258d….jpeg)

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09ac46  No.14490837


Who's going to do anything about it?

The governors were all elected via voter fraud anyways.

Mayors - corrupt

Police Depts. - corrupt

FBI (all 3 letter agencies) - corrupt

Members of Congress - corrupt

State's Attys/DAs - corrupt

Judges - corrupt

Governors - corrupt

MSM -corrupt

Military Generals - corrupt

Who is going to arrest them?

Who is going to prosecuted them?

Who is going to convict them?

They have it all wrapped up in their own favor.

Who will bell the cat?

Our only hope is Divine Intervention.

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9f3529  No.14490838

File: f992215aaf110b3⋯.jpg (348.91 KB, 1383x1113, 461:371, Screenshot_20210830_071528….jpg)

Going thru Q posts again &…..damn. Reading posts from 2018 seems like a decade ago. All those posts about SESSIONS & RR. Seems like a lifetime. The moment I read post 2344, I told spouseanon, "We are nowhere near arrests. This is going to take years & years before we see any kind plan play out. We may not see it in our lifetime." What's playing out in Afghanistan is noting short of surreal.

Are you ready to see arrests?

Are you ready to see PAIN?

Are you ready to be part of history?


(^^^^^this Q post leads me to believe it was meant for Jan 6th)

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c4bb25  No.14490839

File: 826b2983f8049a8⋯.png (392.33 KB, 1074x500, 537:250, shillsmad.png)

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a1022e  No.14490840

Any sauce found concerning the CME hitting china rumors?

Causing grid outages?

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b1600c  No.14490841


For the traitors that really did it in 2001.

Not inciting anything, but it would be divine if they jumped of skyscrapers like the people fleeing the explosions in 2001. Maybe bluescreens/ greenscreens faking it while they actually face human rights tribunals.

Smt like that.

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47808d  No.14490842


You won't end up in court once you have a life claim. They won't want you in their courts because they have no authority over you and won't want you educating others in the courtroom about their fraud. They would be admitting to TREASON.

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be32a7  No.14490843


>Mayors - corrupt

>Police Depts. - corrupt

>FBI (all 3 letter agencies) - corrupt

>Members of Congress - corrupt

>State's Attys/DAs - corrupt

>Judges - corrupt

>Governors - corrupt

>MSM -corrupt

>Military Generals - corrupt

Thebottom halfwas instructed (99%good).

The first will send a shock wave.


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80df9f  No.14490844

File: cc4cdd9566654b4⋯.png (204.75 KB, 400x236, 100:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46ce8bb22c8f50c⋯.png (264.58 KB, 337x362, 337:362, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1af977bf08eb3c2⋯.png (119.74 KB, 476x265, 476:265, ClipboardImage.png)



Prayers for you!

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6a2153  No.14490845


Muh "What do you want for Christmas"!!!!

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4a3b83  No.14490846

File: db9e641742c6afe⋯.gif (3.01 MB, 350x193, 350:193, db9e641742c6afefc274497437….gif)

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1bb22a  No.14490847

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a1022e  No.14490848


Can’t arrest them if they already died from old age

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47808d  No.14490849



You will have to learn how to syntax their fraudulent grammar and its really not that hard to do… >>14407315 (QSG)

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20cae1  No.14490850

File: 28c6b6d7a9e8de1⋯.png (924.99 KB, 875x471, 875:471, vom_Dunkel_ins_Licht.png)


>What did I do to you?

>Oh I get it. We are all kikes.

You talked shit like a dirty Jew so I call you a Jew.

Most of you idiots here are obviously brainwashed!

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be32a7  No.14490851


>Are you ready to see PAIN?

Vaccination ideology going boom?

>(^^^^^this Q post leads me to believe it was meant for Jan 6th)


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09ac46  No.14490852


But the 99% who are good are debt slaves who will do whatever it takes to keep surviving.

They are trying to support their families and will compromise their morals to keep getting a pay check. They blind themselves to the truth.

Sometimes all they have to do is look the other way and not say anything. Do your job and keep your mouth shut and keep getting a pay check. Don't ask too many questions. Don't be a "trouble maker"

Trouble makers get fired. And get branded as crazy.

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5b8990  No.14490853


>You talked shit like a dirty Jew so I call you a Jew

Kek. As I said, we're all jews.

How do you do my fellow jew?

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53590c  No.14490854






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80df9f  No.14490855

File: 6cefeba754af105⋯.png (536.02 KB, 474x472, 237:236, ClipboardImage.png)

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be32a7  No.14490856


>who will do whatever it takes to keep surviving.


Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].

>Sometimes all they have to do is look the other way and not say anything. Do your job and keep your mouth shut and keep getting a pay check.

Depending on the job they do and did, these won't be let off the hook. KnowinglY.

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1bb22a  No.14490857

File: 3861b38e38133c8⋯.jpg (154.54 KB, 895x895, 1:1, 3861b38e38133c8f97136d0b28….jpg)

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e26b25  No.14490858


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8081c9  No.14490859


Better to be a trouble-maker or crazy.

Let's wake up the world via the internet and meatspace

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1bb22a  No.14490860

File: 8e132484b6b3aee⋯.png (64.16 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 66cf5083180dfa030063c29be8….png)


2017 good times

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20cae1  No.14490861


>>You talked shit like a dirty Jew so I call you a Jew

>Kek. As I said, we're all jews.

You are too stupid to read.

Little wannabe rabulist!


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09ac46  No.14490862


People are stupid.

They don't want to wake up.

They like believing the lies.

They think that if they take a covid vaccine that they can still become infected by people who haven't gotten the vaccine.

These people can't be reasoned with because they have no sense of logic.

They are totally brainwashed.

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1a7a39  No.14490863

File: 7dfc7696a6545a0⋯.jpg (807.17 KB, 1616x2168, 202:271, wolf_in_sheeps_meme.jpg)

File: d1363c6f43c067e⋯.jpg (64.26 KB, 400x364, 100:91, REAL_LEARNING.jpg)


So it doesn't exist, hasn't been proven and is the flaky mindset of a "new ager"


Seeing as I'm on this topic…..Airy fairy new age babel bullshit.

THERE IS NO NEW AGE… there is only OLD AGE being rediscovered…. reprinted with a bullshitty label….. and for a small price….. you toooooo can gain enlightenment….. hows that purse feel?…. enlightened enough yet?

Truth is truth…. nothing is left to be discovered because we knew EVERYTHING in the past.

Not saying there isn't truth buried among the piles of shit out there…. look hard enough and you'll find a diamond anywhere.

But for me watching so many being railroaded on a journey that has no end, financially you will pay for ever….. or a dead end.

The world is full of trickery….lol…. I like that t Max Erman quote getting around lately….. wise words.

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9f3529  No.14490864

File: e3e80d1880d5d3c⋯.jpg (411.79 KB, 1088x2152, 136:269, SmartSelect_20210830_07321….jpg)




>>Remember when we'd try to type "little" but the spelling came out "liddle"

I take it you weren't on the boards back in the day.

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5b8990  No.14490865


>You are too stupid to read.

Kek. No. It seems you are.

>Little wannabe rabulist!

*the kike cried in pain as he struck*

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8081c9  No.14490866


Who said it was going to be easy?

There's no challenge and you don't get to be a hero if there's no challenge, do you?

We will all know what you have gone/ will go through because we went through it too.

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9f3529  No.14490868

File: 6377087b57a68b6⋯.jpg (115.81 KB, 1044x566, 522:283, SmartSelect_20210830_07340….jpg)



Little , Liddle

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47808d  No.14490869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


4:35 min-mark

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c4bb25  No.14490870


"served with me for 17 years"

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9bb365  No.14490871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Mon petite, do you remember Lou askin' me if i'd ever played chess when i joined up …


This is what ACT OF GOD …

you would know me as Jack now, i am sorry , i need to do this

please dont shoot me


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7d04bf  No.14490872


Infiltration into the “Intelligence Community”, to do the stupidest shit ever done to humanity.

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20cae1  No.14490873

File: 1c93b65139c3b2a⋯.png (133.61 KB, 392x426, 196:213, Judenkasper.png)


>You are too stupid to read.

>Little wannabe rabulist!


Typical Kike!

As i said, wannabe rabulist!

You are a Kike 100%!

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d48e28  No.14490874

File: a72df5e1f8801a0⋯.png (537.4 KB, 1106x888, 553:444, The_Movement_manifesto_oct….png)

File: f886bb7cc480b48⋯.jpg (42.18 KB, 391x238, 23:14, coup_consequences.jpg)

In time for the 20th anniversary of the massacre at the World trade center Sept 9 2001…






finally someone explains how US Federal branches of Government, the 'For_The_People_By_The_People_Of_The_People' core premise of legal authority in DC has been end-run by the Intel Community..

Now this article is deep and needs at least an hour of your time.. but you must read it understand the last 20 years of American federal political corruption (eg how did General Flynn and Assange get bagged and tagged by Team Obama and cover it up), fully demonstrated by references to documents etc, and I would suggest leaders of the People (eg Lt Col Stuart Scheller) wanting to restore the Republic have to understand what Sundance explains.

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701de8  No.14490875

Antichrist - "The Assyrian"

People call many prominent figures 'The Antichrist' when in fact it is clearly stated there are many Antichrists'.

One will be the main character in the future end.

Also many attribute the mark of the beast to anything that appears so. There are parameters and specifics however.

Studying assists in erasing the fear and hype. It's all tucked neatly in the pages. Discernment on the journey is paramount.

How does it play out?

It's up to you to discover.

One of many examples)


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09ac46  No.14490876


I have no intention of being a hero.

I want no recognition.

I just want to be left alone.

But they keep poking the bear and they will find out that the bear pokes back.

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20cae1  No.14490877

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5b8990  No.14490878


Replying to yourself now I see. Kek.

>You are a Kike 100%!

Good, acknowledgement is the first step.

Next step is KYS

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ac4eca  No.14490879

File: 5db02531520c55f⋯.png (902.25 KB, 840x539, 120:77, Surrounded.png)

File: d50f7813ccafc8b⋯.jpg (38.48 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Surrounded_Puller.jpg)

File: 4b8022c407496fb⋯.png (241.47 KB, 500x648, 125:162, Surrounded.png)

On Jim's telegram, someone alluded to the Puller quote.

Be Best, Anons!

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80df9f  No.14490880

File: 500ecc97f25142e⋯.png (56.46 KB, 515x498, 515:498, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f777cfc58509794⋯.png (36.51 KB, 537x322, 537:322, ClipboardImage.png)

Ida weakens as rescues begin and damage checked in Louisiana


Hurricane Ida became a tropical storm as its top winds slowed over Mississippi on Monday, while across southeast Louisiana residents waited for daylight to be rescued from floodwaters and see how much damage was caused by one of the most powerful hurricanes ever to strike the U.S. mainland.

All of New Orleans lost power right around sunset Sunday, leading to an uneasy night of pouring rain and howling winds. The weather died down shortly before dawn and people began carefully walking around neighborhoods with flashlights, dodging downed light poles, pieces of roofs and branches.

Levees failed or were overtopped in the maze of rivers and bayous south of New Orleans, threatening hundreds of homes. On social media, people posted their addresses and locations — directing search and rescue teams to their attics or rooftops.


Who is next…Julian… Kate?

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966afa  No.14490881

File: d9bce9a3cda6332⋯.jpg (46.79 KB, 480x480, 1:1, d9bce9a3cda63329c0dbec9922….jpg)

Old, old, old, anon here. I used to meme for us, now just lurk. Don't like the movie one bit.

However, Q talked of consciousness. The whole back-channel of information scheme.

I have to admit, I am seeing it. There is indeed an awakening of the blind and deaf and sleeping. It is slow, it is painful, and it may seem like it is taking forever, but more and more (even among those close to me), I am seeing people who were steadfast asleep beginning to question.

I don't know when this movie is going to end. I have nothing left but God and that's all that really matters anyway. Is the Plan all intact and active as the hints are suggesting?

I think so.

I hope so.

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a1022e  No.14490882


My response to being called crazy…

Why Thank You

To me being called crazy is a compliment. I don’t want to be normal. Just another pleeb cog doing wats been trained of you.

Be different be bold and know who has your back. Karma transcends multiple lifetimes no matter wat timeline you choose to incarnate.

Death is merely a transition. Imagine the conversations you will have that start out with

Once when I was on earth(fill in the blank)

Wat story do want to be able to tell others some lives from now?

Be bold fear nothing or go home shamed at wat you could have done

should have done

This is your chance to shine

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8081c9  No.14490883


who said heroes get recognized?

most heroes are unsung, especially on the battlefield.

just be grateful that you get a choice to help or sit on your hands in despair.

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5b8990  No.14490884


>To me being called crazy is a compliment.

Take your meds, so you can be like the rest of us. Kek.

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6bd6dc  No.14490885

Tomorrow at this time Bruce and the boys down under will be truck striking.

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09ac46  No.14490886


I'm here, ain't I?

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8081c9  No.14490887


same here.

me too.

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8081c9  No.14490888


o7, anon, :)

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20cae1  No.14490889

File: f435ab4a1300820⋯.png (116.57 KB, 507x359, 507:359, oy_vey.png)


>Replying to yourself now I see. Kek.

ups kek.

>Next step is KYS

No, i will kill every fucking Kike and Traitor when the party starts!

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774fe3  No.14490890

Why aren't the images loading?

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5323d0  No.14490891

File: 8b605cd5a9ba8f0⋯.jpg (33.24 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 643673.jpg)

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603b00  No.14490892


Trying that again?

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