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2a99df  No.14464827[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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2a99df  No.14464832


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- Lin Wood: https://fightback.law/

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2a99df  No.14464844

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>14464107 #NEW Pres Biden’s meeting with new Israeli PM has been delayed

>>14464181 Canadian Feds drop court proceedings to keep virus lab documents secret

>>14464184 Hello Anons Its time to get to work

>>14464215 Breakthrough: Quantum computers will soon fit in your phone

>>14464226 Judge Linda Parker wouldn’t let Lin Wood respond after attorney David Fink dragged his name through the mud.

>>14464243 French citizens boycott vaccine passports by eating right in front of nearly empty, vaxx-only bars and restaurants.

>>14464256, >>14464321, >>14464374 Justin Trudeau’s brother arrested on charges of sexual conduct with a minor?

>>14464293 Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has banned vaccine mandates of any kind in a new executive order

>>14464354 50+ casualties and 120+ injuries confirmed in #KabulAirport explosions

>>14464360 YouTube Cracks Down on Prayer: Videos Removed if People 'Pray' for Covid Healing in Place of Medical Treatment

>>14464363 U.S. Capitol Police officers attacked and beaten during the Capitol riot are suing former President Trump, his allies and members of far-right extremist groups. The suit accuses them of intentionally sending in a violent mob on Jan. 6.

>>14464380 Liz Harrington: "We do not have a president"

>>14464411 Call for Meme makers

>>14464419, >>14464427, >>14464535 #USSSanJuan (SSN 751), operating under Submarine Squadron (SUBRON) TWELVE, returned to its homeport in Groton, Connecticut,

>>14464429 At least 40 dead Kabul Explosion

>>14464524 TBC #18294 >>14461710

>>14464534 2 killed, more injured in shooting outside Kankakee courthouse

>>14464557 Qclock fag chimes in

>>14464565 Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug?

>>14464591 The Trudeau family's love of tyrants

>>14464593 Dominion Got Me Elected (Memes)

>>14464669 Anon opines When information is released by outside hacking groups

>>14464688 Live: Roof collapse at shopping center in Chandler, Arizona…looks like explosion of some kind.

>>14464766 National Association Of Secretaries Of State Aim To “Prevent A Maricopa-Style Forensic Audit From EVER Happening AGAIN.”

>>14464781 Hundreds of ISIS Militants Surround Kabul Airport, More Attacks Imminent

>>14464797 Russia fines US tech giants Facebook, Twitter & WhatsApp nearly half million dollars over refusal to stop sending user data abroad

>>14464800 AG Brnovich: Maricopa County Must Comply with Senate’s Legislative Subpoena or Forfeit State Funds

>>14464811 Anons Pins Running

>>14464814 Nurses Warn of Staff Shortages Due to COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

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2a99df  No.14464855


>>14463921, >>14463875, >>14463867, >>14463656, >>14463612, >>14463609, >>14463272, >>14463329, >>14463332, >>14463350, >>14463356, >>14463357, >>14463364, >>14463365, >>14463400, >>14463815 Kabul Explosion

>>14463607, >>14463428, >>14463431, >>14463434, >>14463451, >>14463467, >>14463521 Possible second explosion

>>14463358 Roberts told Zenger Wednesday night that the shooter was "Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd."

>>14463370 Erik prince live now

>>14463379 #18296 Notables

>>14463407 New Zealand to introduce Covid ID Passports.

>>14463421 Anti lockdown protest by truck drivers in Australia coming soon

>>14463408 Fresh vax regret story

>>14463446 Facebook considering formation of election advisory group:

>>14463465 BANNON WAR ROOM LIVE: https://warroom.org/listen-live/

>>14463590 The moar they beat us down the stronger we rise and fight harder

>>14463559 Collection of Public Statements

>>14463453 QmapFagging - Hands UP McCain memorial visit 3 year delta

>>14463763 @USNavy Welcome back to the surface, Shipmates Anchor Flag of United States (Arg m8s)

>>14463778 Is HRC privately organizing charter flights to help evacuate Afghan women and children at risk?

>>14463788 Swine Flu Pandemic 11 Years Ago: Vaccines, Fauci, Masks, Variants, Second Wave And More!

>>14463805 Anon ivermectin Bun

>>14463932 I've got Kamala Harris and the two govt. 757's heading East

>>14463960 Arizona attorney general to Maricopa: Give up election information or lose state's $700M

>>14464043 #18297


>>14462716 Possible ID of Ashlii Babbit killer

>>14462740 Planefags

>>14462758 Aus reporter suffers common Pfizer side-effect

>>14462773 Grenell misses Trump

>>14463076 Pfizer Vaccine approved by FDA

>>14463077 U.S Strategic Command asks for Eagle eyes

>>14463170 , >>14463174 , >>14463194 Explosion Kabul Aeroport

>>14463379 #18296

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2a99df  No.14464857


>>14461763 Taliban Filmed Flying Blackhawk

>>14461767 Fauci and Big Pharma mask and psy-op from a decade back

>>14461770, >>14461775, >>14461809 Reminder - Joe Biden received $900,000 for lobbying activities from Burisma Group

>>14461812 Israeli Defense Minister says Iran is close to getting Nukes

>>14461841, >>14461846 Circle Back Psaki said "Plandemic"

>>14461860 Re: FDA's ivermectin response

>>14461866 French prime minister says France will no longer be able to evacuate people from Kabul airport after Friday night.

>>14461874, >>14461912 Wisconsin bill on Liquafying Dead Vax Victims

>>14461891 Dig on the Pfizer-BioNTech injection known as COMIRNATY

>>14461895 Staggering Costs – U.S. Military Equipment Left Behind In Afghanistan

>>14461933 Connecticut man convicted in $19M stock fraud scheme dies in car crash

>>14461957 Dig on David Geffen

>>14461994 Study Finds Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray Reduces C-19 Viral Load by 95% in 24 hrs

>>14462016 Aussie Journo Diagnosed with Pericarditis after Pfizer Shot

>>14462035, >>14462217 Japan suspends 1.63M doses of Moderna over contamination

>>14462038 VP Harris lays flowers at Hanoi memorial for No Name

>>14462041, >>14462056,>>14462057,>>14462059,>>14462065 Collection of Songs Posted By Q

>>14462079 French citizens boycott vaccine passports by eating right in front of nearly empty, vaxx-only bars and restaurants.

>>14462135 School Board PRESIDENT: Whispers “Jesus F– Christ, These People” After Parent Makes Comment

>>14462139 MI RESIDENTS FIGHT BACK: Estimated 1,000 Protest After Officials Make Last Minute Decision To Mandate Masks For Kids

>>14462152 American Thinker - Sometimes there really is a conspiracy to theorize about

>>14462201 New Orleans Saints Are Selling Tickets for Less than $1 After Team Requires Fans to be Vaccinated or Tested before Games

>>14462202 Bill Gates: How The Vaccine Billionaire Monopolized Global Health

>>14462210 Australia builds its first "quarantine facility" to "keep the community safe,"

>>14462216 Dr. Robert Malone Tells Bannon 'FDA-approved' Pfizer shot is NOT what people have been getting'

>>14462233 Mexico could refuse to take back migrant families despite Supreme Court order

>>14462258 Air Canada to require COVID-19 vaccine for employees

>>14462282 #18295

TBC #18294 >>14461710

Previously Collected Notables

>>14460188 #18292, >>14464052 #18293

>>14457924 #18289, >>14458680 #18290, >>14459436 #18291

>>14455548 #18286, >>14456354 #18287, >>14457131 #18288

>>14453008 #18283, >>14453757 #18284,>>14455752 #18285

>>14450622 #18280, >>14451361 #18281, >>14452124 #18282

>>14448350 #18277, >>14449111 #18278, >>14449849 #18279

>>14445987 #18274, >>14446750 #18275, >>14447526 #18276

>>14443659 #18271, >>14445129 #18272, >>14445210 #18273

>>14441323 #18268, >>14442089 #18269, >>14442837 #18270

>>14439023 #18265, >>14439802 #18266, >>14440567 #18267

>>14436765 #18262, >>14437511 #18263, >>14438265 #18264

>>14434427 #18259, >>14435214 #18260, >>14435981 #18261

>>14431973 #18256, >>14432837 #18257, >>14433811 #18258

>>14429786 #18253, >>14430554 #18254, >>14431249 #18255

>>14427442 #18250, >>14428209 #18251, >>14428962 #18252

>>14425636 #18247, >>14425891 #18248, >>14426666 #18249

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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2a99df  No.14464859

Information Warfare Tools & Services


Gather Everyone In the AM and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got in the PM! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from https://botsentinel.com and use them to help get your #HASH out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Try to Post Meme/Cap/Vid/Article (Not just plain text)

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts and ask question instead of making statement.

[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots (New account, no followers, lots of RT's)

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information Warfare https://controlc.com/06508634 [ARCHIVE OFFLINE]


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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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Standard Hashes #MAGA #KAG #FGNC #WWG1WGA #Q #Trump #Qresearch #45 #GreatAwakening #Anonymous

>Suggested Follow

Standard ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/wWofT

Military ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/Wp16g

FBI ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/cXW3i

Civilian ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/lYWIE

Telegram ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/0mHXn


Psyop Link Dump https://ghostbin.com/paste/xZsDo

Basic Course https://ghostbin.com/paste/NkQu8

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2a99df  No.14464863


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

>>14110921 ————————————–——– Jew Research General #1

International Q Research Threads

>>14019901 ————————————–——– Australia #17

>>13323637 ————————————–——– Balkan #8

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>>14317266 ————————————–——– Canada #23

>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>14357399 ————————————–——– Germany #86

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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2a99df  No.14464874

File: 45226c598c53dc6⋯.png (276.35 KB, 620x419, 620:419, trust_dominion.png)


#18299 https://controlc.com/9658adc2

Ammo Request: (Meme/Articles/Vids/Graphics…)








Domion Voting

Governor Seniorcide

Lyndsey Graham Judges


Counter Media Narrators

No Vaccine: Child, Passports, Military



GOP Back The Blue

Save The Filibuster


2020 Riots and timelines

Counter Fact Checkers

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2a99df  No.14464879



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0d3465  No.14464897

File: 39bbe373431d428⋯.png (141.27 KB, 503x581, 503:581, ClipboardImage.png)

Texas Gov Issues New Ban On Vaccine Mandates As FDA Fully Approves Pfizer Jab

President Biden isn't going to like this.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order on Wednesday barring any state or local mandates requiring people to be vaccinated against COVID, before calling on Texas legislators to vote it into law during the ongoing special legislative session.

The order was intended to fill a loophole, since he previously banned vaccination requirements for jabs under emergency use authorization. He also banned state and local mask mandates.

"Vaccine requirements and exemptions have historically been determined by the Legislature, and their involvement is particularly important to avoid a patchwork of vaccine mandates across Texas," Abbott said in a statement released along with his executive order.

Nine counties, dozens of school districts and the city of El Paso have already defied Gov. Abbott's mask mandate ban, and some of the state's most populous counties have asked for court orders to overturn or block its enforcement. On Wednesday, Dallas County became the latest to obtain a court order blocking enforcement of the mask mandate ban.

"Although this is an important victory, it's really not a victory against a person or an entity," Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, the county’s leading elected official, said at a news conference. "It's a victory for humans who live in Dallas County against the virus."

As COVID hospitalizations across the US top 100,000 for the first time since the winter, meanwhile, the number of new cases reported daily in Texas appears to be peaking, while deaths and hospitalizations have continued to climb. COVID-19 hospitalizations reached a record 14,255 on Wednesday, beating the Jan. 11 record of 14,218 reported by the Texas Department of State Health Services.

The Texas Supreme Court has declined to block restraining orders against Abbott's mask mandate ban. Also, the Texas Education Agency has, for now, suspended enforcement of the mask mandate ban in the state's public school systems.


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145fd5  No.14464899

>Activision Blizzard HR accused of shredding documents relating to abuse allegations

Sauce: https://www.pcgamer.com/activision-blizzard-hr-accused-of-shredding-documents-relating-to-abuse-allegations/

In case you didn't know, a video game company Blizzard is going through Armageddon right now. Accusations of condoning a sexist workplace, or something.

How does this relate to our Q thing?

Part of Q drop 4002 mentions George Soros investing heavily Blizzard.

We know that Deep State uses game chat to communicate, and who knows what else.

We know that sexual allegations is way for bad actors to escape.

Of course, there's the question of "Why not just destroy Blizzard docs without bringing sexual allegations upon themselves" Idk. Don't ruin my fun.

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a0f09b  No.14464901

Everyone needs to listen to this WHOLE thing.


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0d3465  No.14464907

File: 60c1d8033e4f7bc⋯.png (22.18 KB, 832x187, 832:187, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9a69e00d96f760⋯.png (34.42 KB, 860x394, 430:197, ClipboardImage.png)

German Media Giant Buys Politico For $1 Billion In Latest Blockbuster Deal

Update (1005ET): Axel Springer has just confirmed that it's no longer in talks to buy Axios.


Don't worry - there are plenty of SPACs out there looking to close a deal and collect that juicy promote.

* * *

Politico, the left-leaning Washington news powerhouse which has built its reputation by publishing thinly sourced "scoops" and other Washington gossip (while instituting ultra-left-leaning policies like banning the use of the word "crisis" in reports about the border) has officially been sold to Axel Springer, the German media conglomerate that already owns Business Insider.


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0d3465  No.14464922

File: 50c856fd8a1f45d⋯.png (39.02 KB, 854x465, 854:465, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0040cef6d6a630e⋯.png (60.21 KB, 886x694, 443:347, ClipboardImage.png)

Capitol Police Officers Sue Trump For Allegedly 'Masterminding' Jan. 6 "Attack"

A group of seven Capitol Police officers filed a lawsuit Thursday accusing President Trump and nearly 20 members of various (allegedly) "far-right" groups (including the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, of course) of being part of a plot to disrupt the peaceful transition of power on Jan 6, when the officers were injured during the unrest on Capitol Hill.

According to the NYT, this latest lawsuit is the "most expansive civil effort to date seeking to hold Mr. Trump and his allies legally accountable for the storming of the Capitol."

Three other similar lawsuits have been filed in recent months, including one filed by two Capitol Police officers back in March which accused President Trump of being directly responsible for unleashing his followers on the officers for a violent confrontation. But Thursday's lawsuit is the first to allege that Trump worked in concert with the "far-right extremists", something the FBI has already shot down, as we noted last week.

"This is probably the most comprehensive account of Jan. 6 in terms of civil cases," said Edward Caspar, a lawyer who is leading the suit for the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. "It spans from the former president to militants around him to his campaign supporters."

So far, the most public venue available for the Capitol Police officers who were injured on Jan. 6 has been a Congressional Hearing in July where several officers testified about their injuries.

According to the lawsuit, one of the officer-plaintiffs, Governor Latson, was trying to secure the Senate chamber when a mob of rioters broke in and shoved him, beat him and hurled racial slurs at him, the lawsuit says

Another, Jason DeRoche, was beaten after being surrounded on the west front steps where rioters pelted him with batteries and doused him with mace and bear spray, causing his eyes to swell shut.

The suit also accuses Trump and the co-defendants of violating the Ku Klux Klan Act, an 1871 statute that includes protections against violent conspiracies that interfere with Congress’s constitutional duties. It also accuses the defendants of committing "bias-motivated acts of terrorism" in violation of District of Columbia law.


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3e5432  No.14464926

File: 19d6cb3592ed47a⋯.png (596.28 KB, 641x768, 641:768, 1543104516807.png)

File: f72e82dbfd1a0bb⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 1668x1052, 417:263, 1577915931358.jpg)

File: c4814721a0ccfad⋯.jpg (368.97 KB, 834x526, 417:263, 1577915931367.jpg)

File: cf3b9cbe8e7f5c4⋯.png (394.14 KB, 758x569, 758:569, 1578104785777.png)

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ce8879  No.14464929

File: eae42237b844fc0⋯.png (224.6 KB, 586x623, 586:623, 3a952b36c7cecc5a4b15b9cb44….png)



Very nice

Clean-cut dough

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0d3465  No.14464933

File: 61202681df5c0a7⋯.png (415.13 KB, 589x402, 589:402, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4ff8c58b6e38d2⋯.png (351.47 KB, 575x482, 575:482, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71b7fcd68db62fd⋯.png (429.55 KB, 559x465, 559:465, ClipboardImage.png)

WATCH security escort Connecticut Governor Lamont from angry protesters after he defends school mask mandate

A back-to-school meeting at a Connecticut elementary school went awry after a group of parents vocally protested the student mask mandate, forcing the event to be cut short before confronting the governor directly.

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont had to be escorted away by security after he was surrounded by a group of protesters, fuming at his support for school mask mandates.

The heated standoff between the governor and the parents took place outside Highland Elementary School in Cheshire on Wednesday after he emerged from a mask roundtable, which had to be wrapped up early after protesters raised hell over the potential extension of a school mask mandate past September 30.

Footage from the meeting shows protesters chanting, “You are all criminals,” and waving anti-mask signs at the governor.


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3e5432  No.14464936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


These are the Capitol Police crying about the fake riot on jan 6.

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0d3465  No.14464937

Coroner confirms 44-year-old BBC presenter died from AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine side effect

A coroner’s report has confirmed that late BBC Radio presenter Lisa Shaw died from “complications” related to AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine.

Shaw died on May 21 at the age of 44 roughly three weeks after she received her first dose of AstraZeneca’s vaccine. She did not have any known underlying health problems but developed blood clots after receiving the jab.

On Thursday – over three months after her death – a coroner finally confirmed that Shaw died from complications that were suffered as a result of vaccination.

Coroner Karen Dilks declared that Shaw “died due to complications of an AstraZeneca Covid vaccination,” or specifically, “vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia” which caused the blood clots in her brain.

In the weeks after the vaccine, Shaw had complained about severe headaches.

Some 332 similar cases and 58 deaths have been recorded in relation to the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Many countries have suspended or completely stopped the use of AstraZeneca’s vaccine, with some limiting its use for those over the age of 60. In the UK, however, the age restriction is significantly lower.

On May 7, just over a week after Shaw received her dose, the UK government announced that those under the age of 40 should be offered an alternative to AstraZeneca “if available and if it does not cause delays in having the vaccine.”

The government currently warns that AstraZeneca’s side effects can include rare blood clots, capillary leak syndrome and Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and that those who experience “a severe headache that is not relieved with simple painkillers or is getting worse or feels worse” should “seek medical advice urgently.”


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c990b7  No.14464938

File: c7222e993820333⋯.jpg (130.52 KB, 716x631, 716:631, Screenshot_20210826_122346….jpg)

File: 6aa8295ca9ba51d⋯.jpg (116.91 KB, 718x718, 1:1, 20210826_122728.jpg)

File: 2c4a4394a49ac91⋯.jpg (138.67 KB, 718x736, 359:368, Screenshot_20210826_123037….jpg)

File: 5849603aadef6e5⋯.jpg (180.8 KB, 720x791, 720:791, 20210826_123210.jpg)

Anon hasnt been this angry since I released trump was gonna hand us over to biden.

Look anons.

(Continuing with anti-parasitical drugs namely Ivermectin, treating cancer)


Parasites that Can Lead to Cancer

Certain parasitic worms that can live inside the human body can also raise the risk of developing some kinds of cancer. These organisms are not found in the United States, but they can be a concern for people who live in or travel to other parts of the world.

Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis are liver flukes (a type of flatworm) that have been linked to increased risk of developing cancer of the bile ducts. The bile ducts are tubes that connect the liver to the intestines. These infections come from eating raw or undercooked freshwater fish. They occur mostly in East Asia and are rare in other parts of the world.

Schistosoma haematobium is a parasite found in the water of some countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Infection with this parasite (an illness called schistosomiasis) has been linked to bladder cancer. Possible links to other types of cancer are now being studied as well.




Did a parasite cause your cancer?


Parasite-Associated Cancers (Blood Flukes/Liver Flukes)


Parasites and Cancer – the Connection


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54e9c2  No.14464939

==JUST IN - U.S. State Department goes into hiding and cancels today’s briefing.


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446b59  No.14464940

File: 7e3e92c10a8fa5c⋯.png (1.1 MB, 2676x3540, 223:295, DemPlaybook2021C.png)

File: 78b624ea4797b26⋯.png (308.63 KB, 832x785, 832:785, ComeOnClown.PNG)

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e62c86  No.14464941

File: ae5806fe5f09ca3⋯.jpg (92.45 KB, 960x953, 960:953, Ef9IqObXoAEcThu.jpg)


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77d478  No.14464942


We the people are standing up! WWG1WGA!

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4cdcd3  No.14464943

File: a85e9a7b21392d9⋯.png (242.23 KB, 444x600, 37:50, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e578c3c40088d2⋯.jpg (143.16 KB, 500x512, 125:128, chand_nad.jpg)

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2544ee  No.14464944

>>14464902 lb

Chandler AZ is a clown town, Steinbart is from Chandler


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e59e06  No.14464945

How are you Gentlemen ?

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e22c37  No.14464946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14462391 -few breads ago-

Kerry Cassidy's interview.

Looking glass.

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3e5432  No.14464947

File: ed8d0e7116917fc⋯.gif (142.53 KB, 112x112, 1:1, 1618884432443.gif)

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12dcfe  No.14464948


>>14464839 PB

Walking through the darkness isn't painless but is necessary.

Onward toward the Light of a new dawn.

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0d3465  No.14464949

File: 29ef5e98d89088e⋯.png (32.66 KB, 556x247, 556:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 415a4b248af32cb⋯.png (22.71 KB, 560x213, 560:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3349d13c7854184⋯.png (50.49 KB, 835x361, 835:361, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a43fe20cd39b742⋯.png (28.18 KB, 568x211, 568:211, ClipboardImage.png)

NHS plans Covid-19 vaccination for 12-year-olds that would NOT require parental permission – reports

The UK National Health Service (NHS) has reportedly made plans to vaccinate children as young as 12 without the need for their parents’ permission – a plan that government advisers have not yet supported.

Under the NHS’ plan, children between the ages of 12 and 15 would start being vaccinated in less than two weeks’ time after returning to school following the summer holidays, according to The Telegraph, which obtained emails sent by the NHS’ regional offices. The newspaper also reported on Thursday that the children “would not need parental consent” to get vaccinated.

Though Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine has been approved in the UK for children aged 12 and over, the Department of Health said on Wednesday that a decision on the vaccination of young children had not yet been made.

Government advisers on the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) have been reviewing whether to approve widespread vaccination of children, but had earlier said only children with certain health conditions would receive jabs.

Earlier this month, England’s deputy chief medical officer, Jonathan Van-Tam, expressed his support for the vaccination of under 18s, claiming to be “very much in favour” of 16- and 17-year-olds getting jabbed.

Vam-Tam also said that it was “more likely rather than less likely” that the number of children between the ages of 12 and 15 who were eligible to get vaccinated would soon expand.

News of the NHS’ plan angered many people on social media who pointed out that the risk vs reward conclusion for vaccinating young children was still uncertain.

Some supported the idea, with one Welsh social media user stating that she agreed 12- to 15-year-olds “can consent” and are “mature enough to make that call,” but thought it should be “done near to medical care like mine was, not in school.”

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises all Americans aged 12 and over to get vaccinated against Covid-19. Roughly 600,000 children between the ages of 12 and 15 were vaccinated in less than a week after Pfizer’s vaccine was approved for under 16s in May.

Many European Union countries have also started vaccinating children, with the EU approving Pfizer for 12- to 15-year-olds in May and Moderna in July.


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77d478  No.14464950


I wonder how many cases there are around the world??

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ce177a  No.14464951


It’s spreading. All it takes is a few to make others brave.

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2544ee  No.14464952


fek, are we keeping track of all journalists dying of the spike?

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81aa95  No.14464953

File: c61b05c75115f47⋯.jpg (701.16 KB, 1600x1020, 80:51, JOEgot4marinesKILLEDtoday.jpg)







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36c604  No.14464954


Counter sue and let Discovery begin. These fucking people are moar than stupid.

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a0f09b  No.14464955


Guy is full of bullshit and a pedo.

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7239aa  No.14464956

File: 2556db390ab033f⋯.png (414.24 KB, 535x660, 107:132, Screenshot_2021_08_26_at_1….png)



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ed9951  No.14464957

File: e91698c48b21e20⋯.png (103.37 KB, 652x511, 652:511, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14464902 lb

>>14464903 lb

Rachel Chandler

Explosion habbened atRayand Rural cross streets.

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e8ed60  No.14464958

File: e8d90f07e242b42⋯.jpg (408.29 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, TrumpWonHouse.jpg)

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0e96ea  No.14464959

A family member told me what she went thru when she was charged with having a DUI.

It seemed rather excessive for the crime.

But what do I know.

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db9da6  No.14464960

File: acb484c99542048⋯.png (745.09 KB, 1801x711, 1801:711, Screenshot_2021_08_26_at_1….png)

lb/ repost re chandler explosion

Platinum printing

Serving the Phoenix Metro area for 10+ years under family ownership. Meet the Business Owner: Dillon and Andrew R. Andrew & Dillon Ryan are brothers and joint owners of Platinum Printing. Andrew graduated at Arizona State University, and started Platinum Printing in 2007.

this does not seem like a distraction to the audits or to Afghanistan, this seems like a cover up of evidence. If the audits were able to prove where something was printed using microdots, could this be a destruction of evidence.

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25d878  No.14464961

File: 8a9c31cc08e5cf5⋯.jpg (148.94 KB, 580x464, 5:4, Comfy_Bateman.jpg)



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4cdcd3  No.14464962

File: 167612c7ff329a6⋯.png (1.1 KB, 252x45, 28:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ef001  No.14464963

File: edaede1edd83305⋯.jpg (70.89 KB, 680x476, 10:7, streets.jpg)


this might make people made enough to unite

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9b0f57  No.14464964

File: 09bc12e358244fd⋯.png (906.64 KB, 560x746, 280:373, ClipboardImage.png)




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77d478  No.14464965


Gosh, all that money for cancer research and it’s finally paying off. (sarc)

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62d13c  No.14464966

File: ea3031a50b14b99⋯.jpg (419.17 KB, 1920x876, 160:73, 4YearElection.jpg)


Someone should send him this… Maybe he can use his time and go fishing…

The FBI Finally Proves That Donald Trump Had Nothing to Do with Jan. 6 ‘Insurrection’

The Federal Bureau of Investigation did not set out to prove Donald Trump had nothing to do with the January 6 events that have been characterized as an “insurrection” and a “coup.” But a new exclusive report from Reuters obliterates the essential claims that Donald Trump directed extremists to attack the Capitol building and urged protesters to thwart a peaceful transfer of power.

“The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials,” Reuters reported.

“Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations,” the report continued.


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54e9c2  No.14464967

To the shills, fuck your MUH AUDITS when 4 U.S Marines have been killed in Afghanistan

Go shill your MUH AUDITS somewhere else

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e22c37  No.14464968


b/c he had a relationship w/ a girl that was 17, w/ her accord, when he had 25.

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e59e06  No.14464969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tick tock tick tock

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8b7e77  No.14464970

4AM Talking point 1:41pm

American soldiers dying tragically should not be politicized at this volatile fluid situation and we should wait until its all over and we can look back and criticize then…

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6bbe42  No.14464971

Is qagg.news working for you guys?

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33747b  No.14464972

File: aa844d7c5e6e820⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 889x500, 889:500, kjhgfdsmnnj.jpg)

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125256  No.14464973

File: 48917fdb58f7e99⋯.png (131.58 KB, 605x657, 605:657, BRN.png)

>>14464912 LB

>>14464912 LB

30 days


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49bbc4  No.14464974

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, whoa.png)

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e22c37  No.14464975



Right, in this case I am a paedo too.

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410232  No.14464976

File: 452ab8b3d2fb651⋯.jpg (44.03 KB, 750x422, 375:211, 6127c920e3e99_image.jpg)


>Chandler AZ

4 people hurt after print shop explodes in Chandler


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d8c3a2  No.14464977



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7239aa  No.14464978

File: a06a807b2e5fad9⋯.png (189.55 KB, 535x565, 107:113, Screenshot_2021_08_26_at_1….png)

Tunnels bombed by US in #Afghanistan were built by the CIA | via New York Times


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524dd5  No.14464979

File: f26da6cf2cf7436⋯.png (570.87 KB, 493x495, 493:495, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b18648d8ec4b9b⋯.png (251.67 KB, 606x334, 303:167, ClipboardImage.png)

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e59e06  No.14464980

File: f9902bb847fd471⋯.png (118.39 KB, 510x332, 255:166, ClipboardImage.png)

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60e684  No.14464981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


4's chekt

Keeping a close eye on this one.


Veritas Aequitas


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1da83c  No.14464982

Hey Joe, do you smell something???

Joe: No I don't, why do you say that???

Because Joe, You have your HEAD UP YOUR ASS!!!

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145fd5  No.14464983

The vaccine is safe.

It's available because of Trump; Operation Warpspeed

Trump took the vaccine.

Trump encourages us to take the vaccine.

inb4 think for yourself. Says the guys who quote Q drops like bible verses.

inb4 do your own research. Cherry-picking news headlines that support your political beliefs isn't research.

half-chan shills keep 60+ vaccine-related threads up 24/7.

shill bakers here pack the notables with vaccine headlines.

Why is Trump telling us it's safe and we should take it, while shills are FLOODING all free speech forums with anti-vaccine headlines?

Stop doing mental acrobatics. The vaccine's safe. No, you don't have to get it. But it's safe. You've taken a shitload of vaccines when you were kids too, you retards.

Watch the echo-chamber kick in.

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410232  No.14464984

File: c7b9fa957f60bad⋯.jpg (86.05 KB, 500x371, 500:371, Klzuc.jpg)

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62d13c  No.14464985

File: 3ead681544f2eba⋯.jpg (229.59 KB, 666x333, 2:1, choise.jpg)

File: 93a2eae878fb38c⋯.png (958.98 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, ChoiseWise.png)

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e62c86  No.14464986


Clown funded ISIS killed them, to distract from the audits

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73b34f  No.14464987


if there is one light or two lights in the tower of maralago. Is this where we are supposed to look and see?

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e59e06  No.14464988


With every filter we only grow Stronger.

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744ca8  No.14464989

File: 571f8eadf069c85⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1308x815, 1308:815, ClipboardImage.png)

Hacking the software of Life

Nanoparticles in Pfizer vaccine are fully programmable

Whistleblower on Lindell TV showing recipes right now.


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361013  No.14464990

File: 8f1a3a6ce867dfb⋯.png (596.96 KB, 1232x614, 616:307, ClipboardImage.png)


Actually mention vaccine in these headlines.

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6bbe42  No.14464991



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d456de  No.14464992

File: 210ec2da9cea1a2⋯.jpg (157.66 KB, 828x676, 207:169, WHY.jpg)


Such a shame, when reporters die from the stories they are actively covering up.

Huge shame…. how will I sleep tonight.

Like a fucking baby.

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77d478  No.14464993


Do not let this happen! We are already stepping towards the Australian way of governing!

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db9da6  No.14464994


anons can focus on multiple stories retard.

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627a7e  No.14464995



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2c9476  No.14464996


Nice music to garden to!

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54e9c2  No.14464997


filtered faggot

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ed9951  No.14464998

File: a63a1a914e5be70⋯.png (581.28 KB, 1366x654, 683:327, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f76b29a7d3423ed⋯.png (177.38 KB, 408x545, 408:545, ClipboardImage.png)




>print shop

this is the only "print shop" around this intersection.

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e59e06  No.14464999


What is Propaganda?

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a0f09b  No.14465000


He wasn't a Seal either.

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5ad3c8  No.14465001


Their need for SYMBOLISM will be their downfall.


they think they can conjure a solution

Hopping from one distraction to another is only exposing theemselves to sheeple

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49bbc4  No.14465002


>Explosion habbened atRayand Rural cross streets.

Corona del sol plaza

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fd99ca  No.14465003

File: 3b781314891d6d5⋯.png (19.3 KB, 612x220, 153:55, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_08….png)

Kamala now on a layover in Guam as she prepares to leave for Hawaii - WH says she was on the morning Situation Room call with Biden


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3774f4  No.14465004

File: cb5bf3032bec856⋯.png (604.75 KB, 751x499, 751:499, ClipboardImage.png)


>anyone who disagrees with my feelings today is a shill

>my feelings outweigh the fate of the nation


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a2a168  No.14465005

File: 45c99e00d963fb7⋯.jpeg (711.75 KB, 1080x1661, 1080:1661, 5B35D20D_5BB3_4A89_BB2A_7….jpeg)

Semper Fidelis

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db9da6  No.14465006

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a0f09b  No.14465007


Did you intend to switch accounts?

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54e9c2  No.14465009

* URGENT * — New threat of VBIED at North Gate of Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) in Kabul, US official inside the airport complex tells @ABC following complex IED attack at Abbey gate earlier today.


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0d3465  No.14465010

File: bae112841fb13d7⋯.png (607.21 KB, 678x861, 226:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fb1ea05a73dcbf⋯.png (35.94 KB, 689x315, 689:315, ClipboardImage.png)

Top NYPD Police Union Promises Legal Action If City Imposes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

The largest police union in New York City is planning to file a lawsuit if the city tries forcing police officers to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

“If the City attempts to impose a vaccine mandate on PBA members, we will take legal action to defend our members’ right to make such personal medical decisions,” Police Benevolent Association (PBA) President Patrick Lynch said in an email obtained by the New York Post.

So far, the city has not indicated whether it will impose a vaccine mandate on police officers, he added.

City workers in New York must either get a COVID-19 shot or submit to weekly testing, Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat, announced last month.

More recently, de Blasio announced that teachers and other school staffers must get a vaccine or face termination.

New York Police Department (NYPD) Commissioner Dermot Shea said on NY1 last last year that officers would not be required to get a COVID-19 vaccine.


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fd99ca  No.14465011


Comms saying that Corona/covid is blown

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ab483d  No.14465013


>Parasites that Can Lead to Cancer


I remember long time ago an [I think it was] Twilight Zone (original) episode that showed cancer as some big-ass bugs that would come in at night and stick their proboscisis (proboscii?) into sleeping victims.

any other old old-timers recollect?

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0d3465  No.14465014

PENNSYLVANIA: Democrat Governor Tom Wolf Wants Last Minute School Mask Mandate After Initially Saying He Wouldn’t

Wolf is calling for an emergency session just as most PA schools are starting the school year.

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf is urging state lawmakers to return to Harrisburg in order to pass legislation mandating masks in K-12 schools and child-care centers. “For most of the past 18 months, the legislature has asked for my administration to defer to local governments and local organizations when making mitigation decisions,” Wolf wrote in a letter addressed to both legislative chambers. “It is clear that action is needed to ensure children are safe as they return to the classroom.”

Wolf claimed that schools already in session have urged him to implement a mask mandate. According to Penn Live, 474 PA districts have submitted health and safety plans to the Department of Education. Of the 474, just 59 have instituted mask mandates.

In early August, Wolf stated that he would not mandate masks in K-12 schools. “I think the school districts in Pennsylvania have to decide what they want to do. I think the CDC guidelines say ‘strongly recommend’ that schools do that. They’re not mandating it, and neither am I,” said Wolf just weeks ago. Now, at the last minute, with almost all PA school districts set to be in session after Labor Day, the governor is calling for a mask mandate. “With school having already started in many areas of the state, the time to act is now,” Wolf said.

The Wolf administration implemented a school mask mandate with limited exemptions last year. He did this without the legislature, as he was operating with emergency powers granted due to the pandemic. This was ultimately stripped, however, when Pennsylvania voted to remove the governor’s emergency powers last May.

Jason Gottesman, a spokesman for House Republicans, said that the chamber has no plans to return before they’re scheduled to be back in September. “We’ve been for local decision-making since the beginning of the pandemic,” said Gottesman. He also cited the vote to curtail Wolf’s powers.

The president of the state’s largest teachers union backed Wolf’s call for an emergency session. “In the meantime, we continue to urge school district leaders to follow CDC guidance and adopt universal masking policies as students return to school,” said Rich Askey, a Harrisburg music teacher and president of the Pennsylvania State Education Association.

On August 20, Wolf re-instated a mask mandate for all state employees.


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5ad3c8  No.14465015

God bless the killed and injured, their families and the innocent

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ed9951  No.14465017

File: a69170a21ca379e⋯.png (166.62 KB, 934x405, 934:405, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4582c6f7f0758b⋯.png (426.55 KB, 610x343, 610:343, ClipboardImage.png)

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33499a  No.14465018


I am so sick and tired of these endless weak-ass threats and their "time" allotments. Then nothing happens. Just more threats and time allotments. Jeez.

What the hell is wrong with "Ya got 24 hours to comply, or BOOM mf'ers."

Am I asking too much?

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524dd5  No.14465019

File: 7a771165be397ea⋯.png (125.28 KB, 397x357, 397:357, ClipboardImage.png)


you still at it shill, we know you clown.

Manufactured crisis with real collateral damage, stay focused anons, only a idiot or someone with an agenda would pull out the troops leading to this clown show

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5e58dd  No.14465020

File: 135ad7574a0eb65⋯.jpeg (260.08 KB, 1440x1450, 144:145, 1527873666.jpeg)


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96d060  No.14465021


But guess what you fucker Wolf!?! Your “executive orders” will only last for 21 days because Pennsylvanians said so!!! Now what you gonna do you POS?

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486804  No.14465022

File: c3d0bf04ad794b2⋯.png (14.1 KB, 225x224, 225:224, ClipboardImage.png)

Platinum Printing website.


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125256  No.14465023


Did they print the ballots?

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3774f4  No.14465024

o()xxxx({:::::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx({:::::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx({:::::::::::::::::::>


>>14464874, >>14464879

>>14464897 Texas Gov Issues New Ban On Vaccine Mandates

>>14464899 Blizzard is going through Armageddon right now

>>14464907 German Media Giant Buys Politico For $1 Billion In Latest Blockbuster Deal

>>14464922 Capitol Police Officers Sue Trump For Allegedly 'Masterminding' Jan. 6 "Attack"

>>14464933 Angry protesters after Governor Lamont defends school mask mandate

>>14464937 Coroner confirms 44-year-old BBC presenter died from AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine side effect


>>14464940 Dems continue their playbook on QR

>>14464973 MARICOPIUM: 30 Days to change course or cut state-shared funds

>>14464976 4 people hurt after print shop explodes in Chandler AZ

>>14464978 Tunnels bombed by US in #Afghanistan were built by the CIA

>>14464957 Explosion habbened atRayand Rural cross streets

>>14465003 Kamala now on a layover in Guam as she prepares to leave for Hawaii

>>14465009 Alledged New threat of VBIED at North Gate of Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA)

>>14465010 Top NYPD Police Union Promises Legal Action If City Imposes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

>>14465014 Tom Wolf flip flops last second for school mask mandates

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0d3465  No.14465025

U.S. Amb. to Afghanistan: We Warned Americans to Leave Afghanistan and ‘People Chose Not to Leave’

During a portion of an interview aired on Tuesday’s “CBS Evening News,” acting U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Ross Wilson stated that despite warnings months ago for Americans to leave Afghanistan, “People chose not to leave. That’s their business. That’s their right. We regret now that many may find themselves in a position that they would rather not be in. And we are determined to try to help them.”

Host Norah O’Donnell asked, “Why didn’t the U.S. get out Americans and our Afghani friends before the Taliban were able to take control of Kabul? You warned about this in a cable. Were you ignored?”

Wilson answered, “We put out repeated warnings, every three weeks, to Americans, going back to, I think, March or April, each one in stronger terms, leave now, leave immediately. Never in my 40 years of working — since I began working at the State Department have I seen such strong language used. People chose not to leave. That’s their business. That’s their right. We regret now that many may find themselves in a position that they would rather not be in. And we are determined to try to help them.”


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7239aa  No.14465026

File: dbe6472a78d8ce3⋯.png (443.35 KB, 535x567, 535:567, Screenshot_2021_08_26_at_1….png)





3 Injured

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77d478  No.14465027


Works for me but nothing new.

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4cdcd3  No.14465028

File: 88ba2792d33baf7⋯.png (938.58 KB, 895x500, 179:100, ClipboardImage.png)

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21e27f  No.14465029


Jews don't like talking about parasites.

They also don't like HCQ or Ivermectin or other anti-parasites.

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db9da6  No.14465030


that is what i am thinking. I am willing to bet the microdots would say that.

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4bc55c  No.14465031

File: 3f2f04f3d13b68a⋯.png (5.15 KB, 439x154, 439:154, 32AD2463_91DD_4330_BA6A_09….png)

Where is the State Department?!

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33747b  No.14465032


>CIA financed complex

>bin Laden would drive one of the bulldozers himself…constructing defensive tunnels and storage depots

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524dd5  No.14465034

File: e98df14ae553cce⋯.png (605.05 KB, 484x487, 484:487, ClipboardImage.png)

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4bc55c  No.14465035

File: a8903300df451f6⋯.jpeg (119.42 KB, 560x706, 280:353, B113EC22_B1E9_4A27_B9EB_8….jpeg)

tee hehe

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0d3465  No.14465036

File: d534c84f789778d⋯.png (544.9 KB, 688x887, 688:887, ClipboardImage.png)

Uyghurs in Afghanistan ‘Terrified’ of Taliban-China Collaboration

Ethnic Uyghurs from China’s Western Xinjiang region currently residing in Afghanistan told Radio Free Asia (RFA) on Tuesday they fear the Taliban terror group may deport them to China now that the group has seized control of the country.

“The Chinese identification documents held by many Uyghurs in Afghanistan have expired, though they still say ‘Chinese Turkestani migrant’ on them,” a Turkey-based Uyghur with relatives in Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan’s fourth-largest city, told RFA on August 24.

“If this information were to fall into their hands in the coming days, China might say that there are such and such Uyghurs who have left Xinjiang and that they want them to turn us over,” the man, identified only as “Abdulaziz,” speculated.

Abdulaziz said some China-origin Uyghurs residing in Afghanistan held identification documents that “have expired,” indicating that the out-of-date papers may serve as the initial impetus for the Taliban to seek out members of the minority ethnic group for deportation.

A Uyghur woman who has resided in Kabul for more than ten years told RFA on Tuesday she is “terrified” the Taliban may try to deport her because, according to her official identification documents, she “belong[s] to China.”

The woman said she had been married to an Afghan national during her entire decade-plus in Afghanistan, though she did not indicate that this union had afforded her any protection from deportation. She chose not to reveal her identity to RFA, a U.S. government-funded broadcaster.

Afghanistan is a majority Sunni Muslim country bordering Xinjiang, China’s westernmost region. Xinjiang is home to most of the world’s Uyghur people. The group is predominantly Sunni Muslim and Turkic-speaking. The Taliban is a radical Islamist terrorist organization that identifies as Sunni but has established “friendly” ties with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

During a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on July 28, Taliban spokesman Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar said, “The Afghan Taliban will never allow any force to use the Afghan territory to engage in acts detrimental to China.” He referred to the “East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM),” which Beijing claims is a Uyghur-backed terrorist organization that has allegedly perpetrated attacks in Xinjiang. The CCP further claims that ETIM remains “active in Afghanistan in areas including the northeastern province of Badakshan, where China and Afghanistan share a remote 76 km [47-mile-long] border.”


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a5a24b  No.14465037

File: c3b40035e38037c⋯.png (26.88 KB, 654x406, 327:203, fedex.png)

FedEx tracking is down


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ed9951  No.14465038

File: ae0ec26d1924f21⋯.png (2.5 KB, 327x33, 109:11, ClipboardImage.png)


>4940 W Ray rd


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4bc55c  No.14465039

File: 1a388905804b81e⋯.mp4 (798.96 KB, 576x708, 48:59, IMG_0246.mp4)

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e4d04f  No.14465040


We must save that child. She is a prisoner

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43c9a0  No.14465041

File: 51d148708fa764f⋯.jpg (60.18 KB, 725x400, 29:16, We_trusted_Dominion_voting….jpg)

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446b59  No.14465042

I think there is a way to crack the NWO's code.

It boils down to refusing to get tricked into believing that someone else's mental disorder is your own flaw.

All the code that divides, all the code that pits 'groups' against 'groups', it's all the mental psychosis of people suffering from a severe mental disorder.

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e62c86  No.14465043

File: dddb2c99e463a82⋯.jpg (127.91 KB, 828x1033, 828:1033, E9u01tjVgAQMYDU.jpg)

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54e9c2  No.14465044


Audits are a distraction

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49bbc4  No.14465045

File: 7e29743761a8f45⋯.png (78.46 KB, 238x282, 119:141, Screenshot_from_2021_08_26….png)

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3dfbf4  No.14465046

File: ce91b63082e9e51⋯.jpg (22.01 KB, 344x278, 172:139, Screenshot_20210810_132107….jpg)

File: f5451e7a169ca7d⋯.jpg (15.42 KB, 367x362, 367:362, Screenshot_20210813_172149….jpg)

I been watching, l will watch again, watching right now.


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54e9c2  No.14465047


It's because the Audits were a distraction you moron, something for [them] to waste their ammo on.

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627a7e  No.14465048


Maybe a hot dog stand or crazy shirt store?

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96d060  No.14465049

File: d2abb25c9426c10⋯.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, BBCFDA37_727F_4B4F_A555_53….png)

File: 75bfd9af0f5e2a4⋯.png (786.92 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 8C7C8BEB_8332_48BB_A6BC_44….png)



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12dcfe  No.14465050


SWC drop [Dec 16] to closure - coincidence?

Can I get a reminder. SWC?

Covfefe is just kickin in.

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0d3465  No.14465051

China: U.S., UK, Australia Must Be ‘Held Accountable’ for ‘Great Suffering’ in Afghanistan

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has said that America, Britain, and Australia, among others, “must be held accountable” for the “suffering” caused by their “military interventions in sovereign states”, particularly Afghanistan.

“The U.S., UK, Australia and other countries must be held accountable for the violation of human rights committed by their military in Afghanistan and the evolution of this current session should cover this issue,” declared Chen Xu, ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations office in Geneva, Switzerland, at a special session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (OHCHR) on the Taliban takeover of the South Asian country.

“Under the banner of democracy and human rights the U.S. and other countries carry out military interventions in other sovereign states and impose their own model on countries with vastly different history and culture,” admonished the dignitary for the left-wing dictatorship, accusing Western nations of causing “great suffering” through such interventions.

China, which has a had a more fractious relationship with the previously sycophantic Western democracies since the onset of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, has been gloating over the botched Joe Biden-led withdrawal from Afghanistan, with the country’s state-run Global Times going so far as to publish an editorial declaring that “The real winner of this disaster is China” — penned by Italy’s Under-Secretary of State for Economic Development, no less.

The CCP has also been pushing hard for the international community to go easy on the Taliban — which will now for the first time control the small but important Afghan frontier with China’s Xinjiang, held by the Western-aligned Northern Alliance even before the 2001 invasion of the country — possibly with an eye to taking the lead in exploiting the Islamic Emirate’s valuable lithium reserves.

“The Taliban have repeatedly expressed their hope to develop good relations with China, and that they look forward to China’s participation in the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan,” said a spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry on August 16th.

Indeed, the Global Times is already bragging that state-owned Chinese businesses are already receiving special treatment from the Taliban regime, despite China’s well-documental mistreatment of Uyghur Muslims in neighbouring Xinjiang.


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e4d04f  No.14465052


Only point of entry? Reminiscent of old posts

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60e684  No.14465053

File: 0da971eac64f426⋯.jpeg (24.49 KB, 474x311, 474:311, OIP_47_.jpeg)


Elliot Kerwin

Fountain Hills, Maricopa County

IT Expert


Apologies, this is the story I was thinking of last bread.


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e8ed60  No.14465054

File: 55791c8b606cb00⋯.jpg (21.03 KB, 354x167, 354:167, PA_FuckWolf.JPG)



yes he is

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6dad6f  No.14465055

File: 90dc52f9b6cb764⋯.jpg (26.86 KB, 625x434, 625:434, IMG_20210822_225229.jpg)

File: ced24a2a26b1673⋯.jpg (101.6 KB, 818x1024, 409:512, IMG_20210824_214552.jpg)

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77d478  No.14465056


People are dying from the vax, and the vaccinated are infecting everyone. You still say it’s safe? Trump isn’t encouraging. He saying take it if you want to. Those of us smart enough, haven’t.

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3e5432  No.14465057

File: 566a0e11261b143⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 250x250, 1:1, 1621568390648.gif)

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055a16  No.14465058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14464813 pb

I find his angle so interesting and it makes sense.

we are all complaining about how apathetic the people are, that they can't be moved by anything.

He tells us why.

They are drugged by Big Pharma,

brainwashed by MSM

and fattened up by Big Food.

It would make real sense to do a detox first,

before you'd have any chance to reach these people.

All these people, who are trained to take a pill for everything that ails them

never learned, what it takes to find "cures" for the problems everybody encounters in their lives.

Pills/ drugs won't heal your depression, your diabetes, your problems at the job.

Pills don't heal "problematic" children.

People were made dependent on pills and never learned how to find solutions to their problems and how to create their own successful lives.

Hollywood shows them that only the rich have a chance of being happy and this makes people believe that they can never have a good life themselves.

They believe that nothing can be really done about it and start drugging themselves, instead of becoming active.

"Sanity for Sweden" asks why people are acting like sheep and he talks about the drugging of the sheep.

About the time needed for a drug detox.

That you cannot achieve anything with drugged people.

Maybe this is what Q was talking about.

You need to awaken the drugged through a cold and serious detox.

Unfortunately that means also that

we have to live through this as well.

"WWG1WGA" has definitely more than meaning than we thought…

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a5a24b  No.14465059

File: 0f4d2db559218ef⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1082, 540:541, 54acd7c43970a81df61db9b4c3….png)

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712285  No.14465060

File: 1d82a3828fd6337⋯.mp4 (703.34 KB, 480x566, 240:283, military_warehouse_explosi….mp4)

Massive explosion rocks military warehouse near Taraz, Kazakhstan

A massive explosion has taken place at a military warehouse near Taraz in southern Kazakhstan, local officials and witnesses say. There was no immediate word on possible casualties.

The incident began at about 7 p.m. local time on Thursday when a fire broke out at or near a warehouse of a military unit in the Bayzak district, which is near the city of Taraz and the border with Kyrgyzstan.



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8b7e77  No.14465061

circle back woke broke - exclusive

biden announcing and speaking on the most urgent matter of this time:CLIMATE CHANGE LOCKDOWNS

it is now or never folks, no really, its not a joke…, my uncle lost his job and we gathereed around the kitchen …., you knowthe ting

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3dfbf4  No.14465062

File: 09e231d0104b249⋯.jpg (49.12 KB, 385x392, 55:56, Screenshot_20210826_060556….jpg)

File: 27d4ddedd9eaa95⋯.jpg (61.41 KB, 385x381, 385:381, Screenshot_20210826_060611….jpg)

The vinegar of apple cider produces its self when the fermentation process takes place. Rife w/ enzymes, proteins and friendly bacteria.

 Diabetes or prediabetes can be a serious problem that apple cider vinegar can help regulate.

1 in 10—have diabetes. 88 million Americans.

Apple cider vinegar has various healthful properties, including antimicrobial and antioxidant effects.

• aiding weight loss

• reducing cholesterol

• lowering blood sugar levels

• improving the symptoms of diabetes

Apple cider vinegar can also ph the blood stream and help w/ the bloods acid to alkline balance. Acid gives vinegar  a very pronounced sour smell and taste. Researcher argue this acid makes up for apple cider vinegar’s health benefits. This vinegar most potant will have about 5–6% acetic acid

Organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar has a propertie in it  alled mother or w/ mother.

You can make hot apple cider as a tea on a cold winters day w/ is also really good w/ cinnamon a anti fungal spice.

All these positive benefits make apple cider vinegar are a go to for the health contentious individual.

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5a3157  No.14465063

File: 4bcea3aea9c7d7b⋯.png (4.4 KB, 444x137, 444:137, ClipboardImage.png)


c_a is blind. a reason for face to face with tali recently

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7239aa  No.14465064

File: cebce5cbde8078b⋯.png (275.13 KB, 535x612, 535:612, Screenshot_2021_08_26_at_1….png)

Several London supermarkets shut down over fears of contaminated food



at this point, I´m thinking the same

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b97dfd  No.14465066


Distract / Divide / Demoralize

Real anons don't try to drive other anons. Real anons don't disrespect other anons.

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0e96ea  No.14465067

File: c876814bba31168⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1022x1022, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I hope the Island doesn't tip over while she's there.

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4cdcd3  No.14465068

File: 13cd59393cd42e9⋯.png (955.47 KB, 768x499, 768:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4d04f  No.14465069


Wonder if he fucks Steve behind closed doors. Anyone with half a brain knows that dude is a fucking shit stain. Would love to grab him by his ghey beard hair and toss him into the nearest dumpster

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744ca8  No.14465070

File: a8dea3c29889123⋯.png (524.65 KB, 1118x856, 559:428, ClipboardImage.png)

No briefing today from State Dept

That's amazing.

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c990b7  No.14465071

File: 777387c7c0a6bd6⋯.jpg (99.94 KB, 716x383, 716:383, Screenshot_20210826_124431….jpg)

File: f1ef8fbc95ccfd3⋯.jpg (188.71 KB, 720x865, 144:173, Screenshot_20210826_125018….jpg)

File: 9a151bb061b8127⋯.jpg (73.45 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 20210826_125218.jpg)

File: 31ad5862bb658ca⋯.jpg (227.86 KB, 718x1167, 718:1167, Screenshot_20210826_125303….jpg)


Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment of Recurrent, Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer


The clinical value of using chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine as autophagy inhibitors in the treatment of cancers: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Chloroquine & Hydroxychloroquine: supporting chemo effectiveness and more

: based on a RGCC chemosensitivity analysis I have seen at a German clinic, Hydroxychloroquine has been effective in killing the cancer cells of 5 out 7 patients that were tested.


Researches Say Hydroxychloroquine Can Help Treat Cancer


just wanna cry. they've known this. How many have been lost?

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b63e8f  No.14465072

All this winning is starting to drive me insane.

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0d3465  No.14465074

Can’t Make This Up: Update from White House on Kabul Bombings – “There Is No Update”

Update from White House on Kabul Bombings – “There Is No Update”


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69f5d6  No.14465075

File: aac5f01ca49a16b⋯.jpg (16.98 KB, 350x350, 1:1, aac5f01ca49a16b920937ed818….jpg)

Terrorist attack, only days after two clowns (?) dressed as congressmen visit in secretive mission to the Kabul airport…

Reminds me of other situations, when FF-type events happen only days after similar visits by highly-placed dems/libs/etc.

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e1452e  No.14465076

250k afghan refugees..

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254e86  No.14465077

File: 6b86e8f32140dac⋯.jpg (20.39 KB, 474x350, 237:175, Washington.jpg)

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a313e3  No.14465078

File: c4203ad16e707f9⋯.png (62.54 KB, 251x202, 251:202, 873107b0bf44a2555ba7580b46….png)


Fuck off.

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e22c37  No.14465079


What account?

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446b59  No.14465080


I do believe Q has the cult in a checkmate.

All this is not normal.

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f59fd2  No.14465081

File: c5f52c893e6137f⋯.jpg (759.32 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210826_135428….jpg)

No words rn.

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744ca8  No.14465082



State Dept says "Same same"


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43c9a0  No.14465083

File: 324118c8eddb15c⋯.jpg (127.33 KB, 386x497, 386:497, NPC_Guam.jpg)


>I hope the Island doesn't tip over while she's there.

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77d478  No.14465084

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a0f09b  No.14465085



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6b9ef7  No.14465086

File: 4ee8c400238e687⋯.png (224.92 KB, 527x354, 527:354, ClipboardImage.png)

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7239aa  No.14465087

File: f20c73d8dbdb652⋯.png (290.44 KB, 535x631, 535:631, Screenshot_2021_08_26_at_1….png)

OTD 1️9️4️3️, the Battle of the Dnieper, one of the major campaigns of #WW2 , consisting of several operations, commenced. It involved over 4 million men from both sides with the frontline stretched for 750 km



43 again

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33499a  No.14465088


She is no longer a child.

She is an adult.

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f4ae64  No.14465089

File: 409d4dc051eb3cb⋯.png (601.66 KB, 631x720, 631:720, ClipboardImage.png)

Audio enhanced version

Wendy Rogers - “Audit the Vote Rally” in NC

AUG 25, 2021



43:18 noisier but has applause after introduction that was cut from above version


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96d060  No.14465090


Like when No Name visited his buddies in Syria??? Chemical weapons attack?? Same old playbook now out in the open. Anons know

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6dad6f  No.14465091

File: 075fd3b7a0a6d26⋯.jpg (649 KB, 2000x1731, 2000:1731, Nobody_Ever_Asked_Me_About….jpg)


Prolly Better Midler too.

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e4d04f  No.14465092


Rachel Levine, stop trolling. We see you

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b1c242  No.14465093

File: 50678018a9df662⋯.png (610.24 KB, 683x340, 683:340, ClipboardImage.png)

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e62c86  No.14465094

File: 1e036e9f4491169⋯.jpg (131.86 KB, 994x916, 497:458, E9u_fMWVEAMw1F4.jpg)

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0d3465  No.14465095

Former White House Doctor: Biden's cognitive 'issues' worsening Afghanistan chaos

A cognitive test would only "confirm what everybody in this country already knows is that he doesn't have the competency and the cognitive ability to be our commander-in-chief," said Rep. Ronny Jackson the former White House physician.

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), the former White House doctor for Presidents Obama and Trump, told Just the News that President Biden has cognitive "issues" that are worsening the situation in Afghanistan during the evacuation of U.S. citizens and Afghan allies and "impacting our safety and our national security."

Jackson previously called for Biden to take the same cognitive exam that he administered to former President Donald Trump. Given the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan as the U.S. military withdraws from the country, Jackson argued that Biden's cognitive issues are now clear.

"I still believe that needs to happen, but the reality is I don't even think it's to the point where he needs a test anymore," Jackson said on Wednesday after criticizing Biden for claiming Al-Qaeda is no longer in Afghanistan. "I think he's proven to the entire country right now that he has issues and these issues are impacting our safety and our national security.

"I think it's obvious at this point. I think a test won't do anything but confirm what everybody in this country already knows is that he doesn't have the competency and the cognitive ability to be our commander-in-chief and lead this country, and he needs to step down and let somebody who can do it, do it."

Jackson, a retired U.S. Navy rear admiral, said it was "comical" for Biden to suggest Al-Qaeda, the terrorist group responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks, is "gone" in Afghanistan, contradicting reports by the United Nations and the U.S. intelligence community earlier this year.

"Anybody that follows the last 20 years knows that there's still a faction of the Al-Qaeda and ISIS in that area," he said.

Jackson, a member of the House Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees, was the first chief medical advisor to the president of the United States. Dr. Anthony Fauci now holds that position.

Jackson questioned why Biden would tell the public Al-Qaeda isn't in Afghanistan when the intelligence community has briefed Congress about their presence in the region.

"Has his own administration, people in the West Wing of the White House, have they lost faith in him as well?" he asked. "Do they just not tell him things, you know, because they realize that he's not capable of processing it? Are they just making the decisions on their own somewhere. Did he forget? I mean, it's also, in my opinion, some cognitive issues that can be part of it as well."


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26ac4c  No.14465096

File: 0991c1263105573⋯.png (582.61 KB, 647x364, 647:364, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e74b160dac6a74⋯.png (300.39 KB, 380x364, 95:91, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f8a9fb87d3af43⋯.png (224.52 KB, 1291x793, 1291:793, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fa429d7f167edc⋯.png (1.41 MB, 885x814, 885:814, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5fc12  No.14465097


looks like a Rothschild to me

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d456de  No.14465098

File: 73d591b24b5236f⋯.png (137.2 KB, 324x455, 324:455, Hydroxychloroquine_as_stan….png)

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3e5432  No.14465099

File: cfd32279744b100⋯.png (545.75 KB, 680x485, 136:97, gen_woke_2.png)

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8b7e77  No.14465100

biden turns his back on the military on the days they demanding everyone do as he ses and get shwacked

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e4d04f  No.14465101


Fair enough. In anons opinion… she is still a kid. She is being marketed and used. If she actually believes the shit she is spewing… toss her into a wood chipper

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4cdcd3  No.14465102

File: 0b157e5484d40e6⋯.mp4 (7.71 MB, 480x832, 15:26, aus_v01.mp4)

File: 0e7c3d251f0df8d⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB, 320x554, 160:277, aus_v02.mp4)

This should anger everyone.

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3e5432  No.14465103

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e22c37  No.14465104


B/C USMC said so.

Also Bob Lazar didn't worked at area 51, and didn't saw any flying disc……

B/C NSA and USMC said so……


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33499a  No.14465106


It's "moran".

I feels the love.

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125256  No.14465108

File: a588b3332bc6fea⋯.png (4.55 KB, 255x120, 17:8, q1943.png)


Qdrop #1943

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c56a7a No.2766234📁

Aug 28 2018 10:41:01 (EST)

Watch IRAN.

Something incredible is about to happen.

[Hassan Rouhani]

The Good People of IRAN have the POWER.



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826ee5  No.14465109

File: 36814416bcda60a⋯.png (58.12 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 0b418c3b929c562f76321a9f92….png)

File: 8c0fcd6256b3ff6⋯.jpeg (165.29 KB, 1242x931, 1242:931, 4b85654f8699c757ff1c5ff20….jpeg)

When the cult shill media starts dumping on their own -

MI is in control in Canada.

Le renseignement militaire est sous contrôle


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0d3465  No.14465112

File: 162c56dbae60409⋯.png (139.5 KB, 600x338, 300:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8a805a01e67ee3⋯.png (66.86 KB, 734x898, 367:449, ClipboardImage.png)

Even with draconian lockdowns and travel restrictions, Australia’s covid “cases” are now skyrocketing… is the science WRONG? (2 Pics)

Something terrifying is happening in Australia. Officers of the law are dutifully carrying out the plans of the globalists and enforcing insidious rules that violate the very people they are supposed to serve. Australia has turned into a prison camp, with draconian lockdowns, bodily requirements and travel restrictions. Medical martial law has become a normal way of life, and Australians are being held down until the majority are inoculated with bioweapon vaccine experiments.

Australian governments continue to prescribe tyranny for endemic infections, and the result is always the same. As more people are locked up, the case numbers skyrocket. Australians have followed the science to a tee, but the population is getting sicker, more depressed and more violent than ever before.

Is the science wrong? Of course, it is.

Lockdowns make people sick, but Australia continues to abuse people

Lockdowns put many people in a state of fight or flight, as their careers and livelihoods are threatened. Lockdowns put more stress on people who are trying to make ends meet, limiting their opportunities and ability to interact. As rights are stripped, people are threatened to comply with bodily demands at every turn, raising blood pressure, increasing stress hormones. Grieving people need other people there for them; isolation can kill. Children and adolescents need human interaction; a lack of friendship and stability can cause depression and anxiety which can lead to suicide. All these government-generated problems break down the psychology of people and weaken their ability to adapt to the world around them. In this tyrannical environment of suppression, people get sicker in the mind and in the body.

Australia continues to set new daily records for infection, despite adhering to strict, ongoing lockdowns. From Victoria and Queensland, to New South Whales and Greater Brisbane, to South and Western Australia and the Greater Sydney region, Australia is locking people in their homes, restricting human interaction and isolating people like never before. But the nation is getting sicker and hospitalizations continue to climb. Australia beat its daily record with 914 recorded infections, and the curve never seems to flatten. The lockdowns have not worked since the beginning, and infections spike as soon as the tyranny is enacted, but governments continue on the same path, never learning, never relinquishing their ill-gotten power. In fact, Victoria is on its sixth lock down and hundreds of thousands of people are in revolt.


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e62c86  No.14465113

File: f19e657bccb5002⋯.jpg (257.69 KB, 1650x1100, 3:2, E9uvuyhXIAg_jdT.jpg)

It seems truth often matters little when pushing climate crisis

Claim in media around world that ‘climate crisis’ makes more heat deaths

No: for constant population, both heat and cold deaths down


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a0127b  No.14465115


if the audit is complete and the forensics show unequivocally that mass fraud occurred AND the report was submitted to the Senate, yet all is quiet?

Either the evidence wasn't there or it will be buried in red tape. There will be no undo.

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43c9a0  No.14465117

File: cdb71423d4acda8⋯.png (628.54 KB, 1171x659, 1171:659, 4percent.png)

Act surprised you were chosen by Joe to be VP.

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e5038d  No.14465118

File: d726041f80b72a1⋯.jpeg (16.74 KB, 252x255, 84:85, unbelievable_pepe.jpeg)

Not ignoring the Audits at all, but these dead Marines got meFUCKING A DITTY BAG PISSED

If the Talis were stopping all Afghanis from leaving the country, Visa or no, and they were the outer ring around our guys at Karzai Airport…

Then how the fuck does one of these carpet riders get close enough to our Marines to kill or injure our folks? Or is the perimeter that tight, and the Talis are that fucking sadsack?

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5e58dd  No.14465119

File: 38498c1de9fb25b⋯.jpg (139.5 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 38498c1de9fb25ba68f75c8b64….jpg)

Ready for mandatory masks again Illinois?

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af9727  No.14465120


Your stupid little catch phrases are a dead give away.

>conservative beaver… smells of fake info


>Something Big is on the way down the pipe.


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7239aa  No.14465121

File: 6425a1d7ff5a6a5⋯.png (200.28 KB, 535x655, 107:131, Screenshot_2021_08_26_at_1….png)

"Crowds fill the Place de la Concorde celebrating the liberation of Paris, France, 26 Aug 1944" (National Archives)



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f4ae64  No.14465122

File: 7d15ae038601bab⋯.png (142.31 KB, 1043x736, 1043:736, ClipboardImage.png)

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62d13c  No.14465123

File: 24fca548e4c7f74⋯.png (393.96 KB, 680x485, 136:97, HuhaHi.png)

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a313e3  No.14465124


Well we beat the Huns, time for the Hans to grease the tracks…

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54e9c2  No.14465125


< one post wonder

Whatever you say shill

Big mad I am pointing out your shill friends?

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e8ed60  No.14465126

File: 2f67645348bb783⋯.jpg (47.92 KB, 534x665, 534:665, portrait.JPG)

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8aab31  No.14465127


Podesta => Christchurch

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4cdcd3  No.14465128

File: 69d2ccb6e054d84⋯.png (245.34 KB, 612x408, 3:2, fauci_vax_tyrant.png)

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4eda89  No.14465129

File: 69c9ab13aca5420⋯.png (240.28 KB, 839x618, 839:618, 3012.png)

File: 70f17b016dde06c⋯.jpeg (1.78 MB, 4096x2734, 2048:1367, E9uBSL1XsAYj8DF_1_.jpeg)


ok anons trying my best to decode

i see 5 elements

3 0 1 2 … 5


Q 3012 3/09

Patriots stand at the ready, and prepared, for what is about to come.





10/09 Datefagging o/

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3e5432  No.14465130

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0d3465  No.14465131

File: 21182aaf8c9cfe0⋯.png (49.67 KB, 742x634, 371:317, ClipboardImage.png)

Facebook tries to “save face” by exonerating the “Disinformation Dozen” who are internationally censored, slandered, defamed for telling the truth about vaccine injuries

Shadowy international forces seek to use Facebook as a means to establish official narratives and control what people can read across the social media network. After spending years adjusting algorithms to remove “fake news” and “misinformation,” Facebook’s upper echelon of fact checkers, information controllers, and narrative pushers have admittedly overplayed their hand in the war to control information.

In a strange twist of fate, Facebook just announced that the The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) manufactured a “faulty narrative” without “any evidence” targeting twelve individuals who were repeatedly defamed and stereotyped as the “disinformation dozen.” This fraudulent and forceful CCDH report, authored by CEO Imran Ahmed, was even used by the Biden regime for political harassment purposes to pressure Facebook into taking further punitive action against innocent Americans who were repeatedly defamed, stripped of their First Amendment rights, and denied due process. Joe Biden, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki even said these individuals are “killing people” and accused Facebook of mass murder. The Department of Homeland Security took this dangerous narrative a step further on August 13, with a terrorism bulletin that targets Americans who spread “false narratives.”

CCDH “antivax” witch hunt is backfiring

Facebook and the Big Tech oligarchy have spent months accusing twelve individuals for being “super spreaders of misinformation.” Facebook claimed that these individuals use the platform to cause serious harm to public health. Now Facebook is reversing course and going after the fraudulent report that started the witch hunt against the “Disinformation Dozen.” Even though extensive damage has already been inflicted on these twelve brave people and their associates, Facebook now says that the CCDH report has no real factual basis. The fraudulent CCDH hit-job led to 16,000 defamatory news reports and 84,700 pieces of defamatory material that was spread across Google and the social media landscape. The international press has multiplied CCDH’s fraudulent narrative, word for word, with over 16,000 news stories parroting lies and false claims against innocent people.

These targeted individuals are informed choice advocates who present well-cited scientific resources about vaccines and current medical dogma. These individuals are beneficial for public health because they raise important safety questions and sound the alarm on human rights violations in regard to the rollout of experimental COVID-19 vaccines and the manipulated and inflated COVID case and mortality statistics.

Facebook is still engaged in predatory, anti-competitive censorship tactics against “antivaxxers,” but is now trying to “save face” by rebuking the CCDH and their witch hunt crusade to purge the internet of these so-called “antivaxxers.” Facebook revealed that there are millions of people speaking out online about these unlawful vaccine mandates and vaccine injuries, not just twelve people. Facebook wrote, “The report upon which the faulty narrative is based analyzed only a narrow set of 483 pieces of content over six weeks from only 30 groups, some of which are as small as 2,500 users. They are in no way representative of the hundreds of millions of posts that people have shared about COVID-19 vaccines in the past months on Facebook.”


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8904df  No.14465132

File: c8e956c25c30495⋯.png (10.11 KB, 248x255, 248:255, e2f413334c303bebe076dc821a….png)

Does any version of CGI/ mask joe make an appearance today? Either black hat joe or white hat joe. The World is Watching. KEK.

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2e283a  No.14465133


Audits are Bait

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4cdcd3  No.14465134

File: 9ee599fecb9eb12⋯.png (185.32 KB, 422x500, 211:250, Biden_points_1.png)

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8b7e77  No.14465135


why don't you all give a briefing - seeing as no one wants to do one over here…, sppooppy

you could narrate first

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0e96ea  No.14465136



We are fucked.

It started with FDR and Social Security Numbers and Social Security Cards.

This is just the next level.

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4a972f  No.14465137

File: 90b07c0df393dcb⋯.png (43.82 KB, 1056x472, 132:59, ClipboardImage.png)

without giving away my locaton, just want to fill anons in on some info I found out for my area about available Monoclonal antibody therapeutic treatments, or Regeneron.

What I think I learned is that the treatments are associated with certain large Healthcare Systems that include certain hospitals.

Also they are associated with the CareNow Urgent Care Clinics in our area.

The CareNow clinic doctors can give the necessary referral to a Regeneron Infusion clinic to get the treatment.

I suppose your regular doctor would be able to also, if they would do that. Our Clinic won't even let docs prescribe Ivermectin or HCQ, but since regeneron is approved by CDC, they might to that.

the problem is that they don't even want to see you if you think you might have covid.

So, I don't know how if works in your area, but if have a CareNow clinic near you, you might check it out.

here is link to regeneron sites,


And I am pretty sure that regeneron treatments are suppose to be free. or at least the cost of regeneron.

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608132  No.14465138

(PB) >>14464429 At least 40 dead Kabul Explosion

Whoa. Biden + Milley and the COUP admin are in big trouble. And all those who illegally participated in the COUP.

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a0f09b  No.14465139



Check out the series.

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0d3465  No.14465141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Canada’s Gender Minister On Calling The Taliban ‘Our Brothers’: It Was A ‘Cultural Reference’

Canadian Minister for Gender Equality Maryam Monsef referred to the Taliban as “our brothers” during a press conference while providing updates on the Taliban Insurrection situation in Afghanistan.

Monsef is of Afghan descent. In 2017, she made a $255,300 salary off of Canadian taxpayers.

She told conference listeners: “I want to take this opportunity to speak to our brothers the Taliban; we call on you to ensure the safe and secure passage of any individual in Afghanistan out of the country. We call on you to immediately stop the violence, the genocide, the femicide, the destruction of infrastructure, including heritage buildings.”

She continued: “We call on your to return immediately to the peacekeeping table, to the peace deal that was negotiated, and to ensure women and minorities voices are a part of that discussion in a meaningful way.”

“The Taliban are a terrorist group and yet they claim to be Muslims,” she said. “The reference to brothers is a cultural reference of course but let me be very clear, we do not support the Taliban, we are horrified the hard-won gains of the past 20 years are at stake.”

The announcement comes just one day after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s stance on the Taliban shifted. While Trudeau first stated that Canada had no plans to recognize the Taliban, he later stated that the terror group would have to meet specific requirements in order to be acknowledged at an international level.


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503a0d  No.14465142


There is no "it" Moran.

There are multiple, each using a different mechanism.

Which one is "safe"?

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6dad6f  No.14465143


Member, Anthony Kiedis


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69f5d6  No.14465144


I wonder what they brought with them on their trip there?

candy for the kids?

cash to be passed over to some shady characters?

plenty of those in Kabul, people destined for a Taliban bullet to the head, because they are heroin smugglin junkies just happen to have long time ties to international drug smugglers and thus direct into cabal networks.

dirty dirty business. And all the dirtiest of the dirty boys inside and outside of that country want us to REMAIN in afghanistan.

at all costs.

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7239aa  No.14465145


Don´t forget the Clown in Chief

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a00956  No.14465146

I got some connections at a local hospital and I have been picking to see how bad it was. Overall, it's bad, patient counts are high, but they are in crisis mode due to nurses leaving in droves. They called in National Guard to help staffing issues, mainly due to the vax mandate. It was said that they really had no choice, because it was in the lastest "relief" bill that was passed. Somewhere buried in it, it says if hospitals do not mandate the vaccine, that they will lose federal funding.

Anyone have any links where we could dig? Is there a .pdf document where one could search keywords? Its like 9k pages if I remember correctly.

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60e684  No.14465147

Been touting zero service member deaths in the 'Stan in years.

All week long on MSM


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5e58dd  No.14465148

File: 1c2b8b0016792e0⋯.jpeg (201.02 KB, 1080x1488, 45:62, 1589469673.jpeg)


The vaccinated idiots are crying loudest this time. That's the one bright side

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744ca8  No.14465149

File: 022ebd7d85ef66f⋯.png (194.01 KB, 1155x751, 1155:751, ClipboardImage.png)

CM podcast

Covid 1984- Afghan War is Peace


Tony Teora and Ron Watkins do a special Alien Agenda news episode on the Orwellian aspects of Covid 19 and the recent statement from mRNA vaccine inventor Dr. Robert Malone regarding 'Antibody Dependent Enhancement' issues. They discuss the fiasco of having stranded Americans in Kabul, the loss of billions of dollars of military equipment and America's role in Afghanistan's drug trade. Ron discusses concepts for a Digital Bill of Rights to protect American's online free speech along with election integrity laws. Ron and Tony also discuss the issue of Julian Assange and how his statement on UFO disclosure might be the real reason for his incarceration. Warning: This episode is mostly on Covid and politics.

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67107c  No.14465150

File: f2f29cb8ae45e7f⋯.png (119 KB, 677x655, 677:655, plaintiffs.PNG)


The officers contend that there are a number of laws and statutes that the defendants violated, including the 1871 Klu Klux Klan Act, which protects the U.S. government from violent conspiracies. The suit also alleges that the defendants carried out "bias-motivated acts of terrorism," which goes against District of Columbia law, according to the times Times.

"This is probably the most comprehensive account of Jan. 6 in terms of civil cases," Edward Caspar, one of the plaintiffs' lawyers, told the Times. "It spans from the former president to militants around him to his campaign supporters."

The plaintiffs appear to lay most of the blame at Trump's feet. The president, it says, "encouraged and supported acts of violence, knowing full well that among his supporters were such groups and individuals as the Proud Boys, who had demonstrated their propensity to use violence."


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54e9c2  No.14465151


It's going to be buried in blacker than black tape.

The whole audit thing was/is a distraction by white hats for [them] to waste ammo on.

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7239aa  No.14465152

File: b2b061b0fd7d09b⋯.png (303.99 KB, 535x651, 535:651, Screenshot_2021_08_26_at_1….png)



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fd99ca  No.14465153


Big Mike & Notre Dame Church

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8aab31  No.14465154

File: 65345cde45a0a74⋯.jpg (158.59 KB, 720x377, 720:377, 20210826_130452.jpg)


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1da83c  No.14465155

They wanted to shift the NARRATIVE…apparently it wasn't shifting fast or far enough…they are now upping the numbers of U.S. killed and injured…

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4a972f  No.14465156

File: 412dca7293233b5⋯.png (45.52 KB, 600x416, 75:52, ClipboardImage.png)


The terrorist attacks in Kabul only were possible because the Biden administration pulled out our troops, abandoned our Air Base and left massive armaments for the terrorists to kill us.

Even now he’s not in the Situation Room, or sending superior forces to save our people.

12:30 PM · Aug 26, 2021

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0d3465  No.14465157

They Think We’re Idiots: US Officials Approve 3rd COVID Shot after 6 Months Instead of 8 Months After “Full Vaccination”

US health officials will likely approve a 3rd COVID “booster” shot after 6 months instead of 8 months following “full vaccination.”

Because “full vaccination” does not actually mean “full vaccination” and the medical elites are now promoting three shots — until they start promoting four shots.

Reuters reported:

U.S. health regulators could approve a third COVID-19 shot for adults beginning at least six months after full vaccination, instead of the previously announced eight-month gap, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.

Approval of boosters for three COVID-19 shots being administered in the United States — those manufactured by Pfizer Inc (PFE.N) and partner BioNTech SE (22UAy.DE), Moderna Inc (MRNA.O) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N) — is expected in mid-September, the report said, citing a person familiar with the plans.

Pfizer and BioNTech have already started the application process for the approval of its booster shot in people 16 and older, saying it spurs a more than three-fold increase in antibodies against the coronavirus. read more

Earlier this week, U.S. regulators granted full approval to Pfizer’s two-dose vaccine. Moderna said on Wednesday it has completed the real-time review needed for a full approval for its jab in people 18 and above.


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e22c37  No.14465158


yeah, calling him a paedo, it's shit thing.

this what efbiai does, to get rid of people, install some porn photos in device, then show up at the door.

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a5a24b  No.14465159

File: 7930ce764bdc132⋯.png (360.2 KB, 636x571, 636:571, b2a756691051705d1b052fee6f….png)


>Aug 28 2018

2 days ahead of schedule?

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c9c668  No.14465160

File: 8536073876fb76a⋯.jpg (137.04 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 8536073876fb76a68151bd79a6….jpg)

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f8c352  No.14465161

File: f069a8395f12f43⋯.png (5.59 KB, 245x118, 245:118, image_2021_08_26_140643.png)

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446b59  No.14465162



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e62c86  No.14465163

File: cb76b54ea5423a9⋯.png (94.6 KB, 1008x1352, 126:169, E9j3vz9WUAAlGVB.png)

Who's been vaccinated? And who hasn't?

Our latest NBC News poll finds a revealing demographic breakdown


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62d13c  No.14465164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cocaine Jen is coming, soon…

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a0f09b  No.14465165


I can tell you watched the video. You do not want to learn. Hope it works out for you.

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744ca8  No.14465166


The mRNA vaccine is NOT safe, "anon".

You need to research.

So much has come out in the last few days - sorry to say this, but if you took the jab, you're probably fucked next time you get sick.

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69f5d6  No.14465167


how could I have forgotten that?

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54e9c2  No.14465168


Yep, it was white hat bait.

Something for [them] to waste ammo on.

The public will never see the results cause of national security reasons, everything regarding audits will be buried in blacker than black tape.

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43c9a0  No.14465169



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54e9c2  No.14465170


I see (you) shills

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3e5432  No.14465171

File: b04cc3539cc7e4a⋯.jpg (107.22 KB, 646x431, 646:431, 1599721268494.jpg)


I'll never trust that fucking guy again.

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ed9951  No.14465172

File: aa4a639d8c45e2c⋯.jpg (16.18 KB, 184x255, 184:255, gpkshumerf7668e78c68ad4f33….jpg)

File: c073a9c17f39e82⋯.jpg (14.22 KB, 184x255, 184:255, gpknancyc6d24fd5043f0a05cc….jpg)

File: fac05f612bb846f⋯.jpg (16.34 KB, 182x255, 182:255, gpk2906b651ac5396a60c3bb68….jpg)

File: 912ac1da4a26b6f⋯.png (15.14 KB, 180x255, 12:17, gpkbbd2ce83b06be2e90fc87ff….png)

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26ac4c  No.14465173

File: c878b15e8bd523d⋯.png (419.73 KB, 516x364, 129:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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e62c86  No.14465174

File: 47015846c08d40a⋯.mp4 (549.68 KB, 464x496, 29:31, W5bk1csN3ikSd9ha.mp4)

For the Keks


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9c81cd  No.14465175


>connect the dots

Hint: there's more than two

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1da83c  No.14465176


"There's a sucker born every minute."

P. T. Barnum

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

Abraham Lincoln

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d456de  No.14465177

File: 18ea3f66e03a4d1⋯.jpg (142.92 KB, 907x531, 907:531, flu_season.jpg)

File: 4537585083a1066⋯.jpg (100.56 KB, 616x407, 56:37, Profit_over_lies.jpg)

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b1c242  No.14465178

File: 378ff7420b67811⋯.png (187.44 KB, 278x280, 139:140, ClipboardImage.png)

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60e684  No.14465179


"There are no live streaming events."

Press briefings being delayed/cancelled.



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0e2c59  No.14465180

DiscloseTV now saying 10 soldiers killed.

Sauce below later.

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f8c352  No.14465181


But is the message wrong?

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33747b  No.14465182


Absolutely no way that 76% of black people are vaccinated. Those numbers are ridiculous.

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36a250  No.14465183

File: 820377884315f84⋯.png (119.62 KB, 1480x1006, 740:503, ClipboardImage.png)

AussieAnon Q decodes for today–

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4ec319  No.14465184

File: 367fb4750df996c⋯.jpg (5.71 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210826_140839.jpg)


Semper Fidelis young Devil Pup

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4a972f  No.14465185


somebody needs to tell him to at least get a new hair style.

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e22c37  No.14465186


What to learn?

I have nothing to learn from him.

I just watch at the pictures, Alice S4.

End of story.

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446b59  No.14465187


Trying to 'get ahead', moloch butt sniffer?

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627a7e  No.14465188


Biden voters in 2020 election 91%


Dead fake and gay people gettin the jab

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12dcfe  No.14465189

File: f22372d1afef007⋯.png (40.09 KB, 750x348, 125:58, Karen_fann_tweet_Build_the….png)

File: 178bba69e4b31e8⋯.jpg (45.56 KB, 495x436, 495:436, Wheels_down_potus_nov_3_20….jpg)

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ed9951  No.14465190

File: 0cfadc595684442⋯.jpg (15.45 KB, 182x255, 182:255, gpk2e5a9465144f61d866affc1….jpg)

File: 4a15fccd59ea0a3⋯.jpg (13.2 KB, 165x255, 11:17, gpk4dd2a804d9c3996dd5300a4….jpg)

File: 624ecb7bb5b1808⋯.jpg (14.62 KB, 184x255, 184:255, gpk6f9c8bae287ebaede31ba34….jpg)

File: 5e92d0040bd420f⋯.jpg (15.67 KB, 200x255, 40:51, gpk9e50061d9263bd3f05a4249….jpg)

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4cdcd3  No.14465191

File: d3418468003d99f⋯.png (31.9 KB, 596x454, 298:227, ClipboardImage.png)

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43c9a0  No.14465192


Hillary & Benghazi

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a0f09b  No.14465193


76% of blacks can get jabbed, but they cannot get an ID?

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62d13c  No.14465194

File: 4c6e3849b221f9d⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB, 640x352, 20:11, IMG_3523.mp4)



Text is German, but it is a funny clip!

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744ca8  No.14465195


The "science" isn't wrong.


The mRNA vaccine fucks up your immune system and sheds to everyone.



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ff3c17  No.14465197

File: 3b7ece5092fe491⋯.png (569.9 KB, 728x970, 364:485, kek_superlative.png)

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a0f09b  No.14465198


You are a fool.

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5e58dd  No.14465199

File: 09302e22079531d⋯.jpeg (107.68 KB, 1440x753, 480:251, 1538914181.jpeg)


The majority of humans are idiots.

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b1b2ba  No.14465200

File: 3631ca378aa91a7⋯.jpg (79.71 KB, 675x353, 675:353, 20210826_140901.jpg)

Our innocence was their fuel

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7239aa  No.14465201

File: 73fc5d263bb6819⋯.png (186.65 KB, 535x637, 535:637, Screenshot_2021_08_26_at_1….png)

The arrest of three Israeli dual-national filmmakers and a Nigerian Jew on flimsy accusations of supporting separatism underlines the Nigerian government's high sensitivity and overreaction to any perceived separatist sentiment.



The more you know

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6ef001  No.14465202


you gotta think bigger

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1db8d9  No.14465203

File: 6ea6aeb1c15d634⋯.jpeg (474.08 KB, 828x1093, 828:1093, 30E25B55_31A9_4905_AF91_6….jpeg)

File: 7b8ed72d52055a7⋯.jpeg (564.22 KB, 828x1303, 828:1303, 2D2C7F7C_1B74_46CF_AA4D_9….jpeg)

Kek… wow



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62e21b  No.14465204

File: aa88117992fecb4⋯.mp4 (647.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 3kDPk3N1rAO7oL6t.mp4)

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0d3465  No.14465205

File: b30ef8fecde002e⋯.png (853.16 KB, 842x866, 421:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a09f76d0cfc3a4d⋯.png (520.25 KB, 816x648, 34:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ae2cad6f2216fa⋯.png (52.72 KB, 827x379, 827:379, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 853a73d41b3573f⋯.png (116.22 KB, 865x783, 865:783, ClipboardImage.png)

'We knew Jimmy Savile was abusing young girls': Hospital worker says 'it was very obvious' DJ 'was into very young girls' but authorities turned a blind eye because the paedophile celebrity raised so much for charity

Latest Savile documentary was released exclusively on Discovery+ this month

In it, former Leeds General Infirmary employee claims authorities turned a blind eye to Savile's abuse because of the amount of money he had raised for charities

Hospital worker said no one spoke of it but they would allude to his tendencies

A hospital worker claims it was 'very obvious' Jimmy Savile was abusing young girls but that authorities turned a blind eye because he raised so much money for charity.

Speaking in the documentary Jimmy Savile: The People Who Knew, former Management Services Officer at Leeds General Infirmary David Bret described how administrators would never acknowledge Savile's inclinations but that it was hinted at.

He said: 'No one ever directly discussed Savile's sexual tendencies, but they used to allude to certain things and say, 'he's looking at that girl in such a way.

'There would be some nursing students, about 17 or 18 years old, and people would say 'Jimmy's looking at them' and someone else would say 'no they'd need 10 years knocking off them for him to be interested'

'It was very obvious that he was into very young girls.'



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608132  No.14465206


Whether they're grade D actors or not, they aren't emotionally fit to be police. Probable never were. I'd be doing a forensic audit on their finances to follow the money trail. Including their entire family. Give them something real to cry about.

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b90db7  No.14465207


Hey Yesterday I saw something about prison barges but it was gone when I got to it. Any info on them?

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0e2c59  No.14465209

File: f31892fc8f837ae⋯.jpg (18.99 KB, 598x244, 299:122, DiscloseTV_Telegram.jpg)




UPDATE - Number of U.S. soldiers killed in #Kabul attack rises to 10.

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e22c37  No.14465210


i can call you the same…..

it will be like kiddengarden, no, you are the fool, but you are, no it is you and so on…..

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4a972f  No.14465211


oh…surprise ending.

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6dad6f  No.14465212

File: 3cd4e0d61df0a93⋯.jpg (296.09 KB, 705x655, 141:131, 1629868318.jpg)

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e62c86  No.14465213

File: 6101e89b06121db⋯.jpeg (129.79 KB, 1200x1695, 80:113, 6101e89b06121db1b5e21ce94….jpeg)

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0e96ea  No.14465214

File: 1f78f7fbb20b406⋯.png (621.57 KB, 680x357, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


Mask on, Mask off, Mask on, Mask off

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54e9c2  No.14465215


> notice me, notice muh all caps red text

Fuck off shill faggot

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e4d04f  No.14465216

Anons have done it. Over and over, again. Relentless just like Doug Mastriano. They can take one out but ten moar will rise. If they only knew who they were fighting they would just give up

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a5a24b  No.14465217

File: e36f00a038ee45d⋯.jpg (85.76 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ArmorOfGod.jpg)

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b90db7  No.14465218


cover up the crime

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77cc1f  No.14465219

i came back to address a simple 'preaching'

i housed a homeless man, who drank my coffee and helped himself to the only food i had for the fortnight, that was me, not peter, but hey its Friday here, so that makes F, M

which is the point.

M is never just M

SStar is supposed to be grateful for the mornin' and i am in many ways, because over there is like crazy town aND I COULDN'T DEAL WITH THAT LEVEL OF EXCITEMENT.

But i miss just being me and being allowed to be without every time leaving my room being vampired.

you choose those people

you chose them, because they are like you, cruel, hateful and selfish

sometimes on here i see beautiful, caring for one and otger, but rarely, mainly it is hate

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b1b2ba  No.14465220

>> 14465170

You forgot to throw in a few insults and swear words

Stupid ass shill


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938721  No.14465221


Melbourne Anon here.

Heartfelt thanks to this young woman for shining a spotlight on just how fucked things are in our once great state.

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a0f09b  No.14465222


You are the one the will not look at evidence. While you have shown none.

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8b7e77  No.14465223

msdnc msm failure

administrator biden - failure

blood dripping out of your eyes commie ears

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4a972f  No.14465224


sure this isn't the BB?

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d1d4bd  No.14465225


Biden is a good actor

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744ca8  No.14465226


The same tech moguls who come from legit Nazis? Those Tech Moguls?

BOOM! Mainstream media tries to run cover for the Nazi Quandt family


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ff3c17  No.14465227


>Big Mike & Notre Dame Church

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

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be2778  No.14465228

First Pfizer Patent Application For Spike Protein Filed 21 Yrs Ago! Each Synthetic mRNA Shot has15 BILLION Nanoparticles (Nano Lipids) Of

Graphene Oxide - They Knew Everything - Genocide


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6ef001  No.14465229

File: 197b1f9b27b28be⋯.jpg (3.53 MB, 8192x6125, 8192:6125, jennh.jpg)

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c9c668  No.14465230

File: 54330f062538b99⋯.png (454.77 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, 54330f062538b991380666bc12….png)

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4a972f  No.14465231



another surprising ending

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77d478  No.14465232


Exactly where is this? I also spoke to someone who works in a local hospital, every floor had Covid during the initial part of the pandemic. This is not true now, although local news is saying the counties numbers are rising.

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744ca8  No.14465233

File: cff5db4d7fdaf2c⋯.jpg (160.47 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, you.jpg)

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54e9c2  No.14465234



Get a fucking room.

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0d3465  No.14465235


NO DISSENT: Proposed bill would make it a jailable crime in California to protest vaccination sites

The California legislature has put forth a bill that would make it a crime to protest outside of vaccination sites, including at hospitals and doctor’s officers where vaccines are administered.

Senate Bill 742 threatens to jail anti-vaccine protesters for up to six months, as well as stick them with fines, for making their voices heard about the dangers and ineffectiveness of Big Pharma injections, including those for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Freedom protesters have been seen as of late gathering outside of clinics and other facilities where the jabs are being administered. These gatherings are peaceful, but they are apparently “triggering” pro-vaccine fanatics who believe that all vaccines are “safe and effective.”

On August 19, SB 742 was placed in the California legislature’s “Suspense File,” meaning it will be considered at a later date “in a rapid-fire process” alongside other bills that have also been lumped into this category.

The purpose of the Suspense File, it would seem is to hide controversial legislation under the radar until it can be sprung up and resurrected suddenly in order to be quickly passed without too many people knowing what happened.

Included in the bill: “(a) It is unlawful to knowingly approach within 30 feet of any person while a person is making the approach within 100 feet of the entrance of a vaccination site and is seeking to enter or exit a vaccination site, or any occupied motor vehicle seeking entry or exit, for the purpose of obstructing, injuring, harassing, intimidating, or interfering with that person or vehicle occupant in connection with any vaccination services,” Section 594.39 of Section 1 of the bill would add to California’s Penal Code.

“(b) A violation of subdivision (a) is punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding six months, or by both that fine and imprisonment.”

Big Pharma tyrants want to make speaking out against vaccines a crime

“Intimidation,” as defined by the bill, includes making “a true threat” towards a person or group of people that puts that person or group “in fear of bodily harm or death.”

Since some deranged vaccine lovers actually believe that not getting vaccinated, or not allowing a child to get vaccinated, is a form of “violence,” this section of the bill could be applied in such a way as to criminalize merely publicly voicing an opposition to vaccines.

The bill goes on to define a “true threat” as “a statement where the speaker means to communicate a serious expression of an intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to a particular person or group of persons regardless of whether the person actually intends to act on the threat.”

This, too, could easily be redefined to include free speech that calls into question the safety and efficacy of an injection. As you may recall, this has long been the excuse as to why vaccine studies never include a true control group: because to deprive one group of the experimental injection would be “inhumane,” we are told.

The real kicker in the bill is the “obstructing” section, which is defined as “rendering ingress to or egress from a vaccination site, or rendering passage to or from a vaccination site, unreasonably difficult or hazardous.”

Just think of the many ways that this section could be applied to any and all forms of free speech and physical presence in and around buildings or other facilities where vaccines are administered. One angry pro-vaxxer willing to file a complaint is all it would take to ruin an anti-vaxxer’s life.


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60e684  No.14465236


wow. hive.


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6dad6f  No.14465237

File: 5541a18fa4e801b⋯.jpg (49.43 KB, 612x408, 3:2, photos_2.jpg)

File: f896a5bd765023c⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 612x452, 153:113, photos_1.jpg)

File: 01a0d04b7efe46b⋯.jpg (42.01 KB, 499x612, 499:612, photos.jpg)

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5b3324  No.14465238


Cernovich Retweeted

Bill Melugin




BREAKING: At least 10 U.S. servicemembers were killed in the Kabul explosion,




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b1b2ba  No.14465239


made his first million on a insurance policy he had on john lennon

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e22c37  No.14465240



there is no looking glass.

there is no plan.

there are no aliens.

there is no Q.

have fun.

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4cdcd3  No.14465242

File: c24f91ef6acf629⋯.png (414.04 KB, 610x408, 305:204, grasping_at_straws.png)

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d9b835  No.14465243

>>14463742 pb

>McCain memorial visit


>3 year delta

suppose Crown Prince MBS visits the USA, goes to the 911 Memorial, lays flowers there and says "it's fantastic you have an Osama bin Laden memorial, he was a great man!"

Kamala praises McCain at a Memorial built for the victims of civilian target bombings and the air defense men who shot down the war criminal, killer of women and children McCain …

Even if Kamala herself lacks brains and "situational awareness", does not she have any advisors who could have told her that no country builds memorials in honor of an enemy who bombed their civilians?

or was the photo op for the American public consumption only …

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a00956  No.14465244


I think the vaxs are safe and their plans were spoiled by Trump just simply due to the numbers. I mean, if there are 300million+ doses in the US alone and lets say 500,000 die (we will never really know), the percentage is .17%, which is roughly the same percentage you have of when you actually get covid. Looking at that data one has to wonder what is the issue so you have to think that the VAX's are the distraction from what is really going. They are trying to focus everyone back on COVID and showing all kinds of data showing its the best thing, because look at all the unvaxxed getting sick, etc. But don't look at what's going on with our election integrity, border crisis, and foreign policy. At least that's this anon's thoughts.

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aeabff  No.14465245

File: ef27e3f0151df83⋯.png (670.8 KB, 966x620, 483:310, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2290f4680a57c0a⋯.png (555.43 KB, 1008x617, 1008:617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d071fc15af097b⋯.png (256.15 KB, 563x584, 563:584, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a6748b9e33c1de⋯.png (95.23 KB, 632x651, 632:651, ClipboardImage.png)

File: befe18c63eb4991⋯.png (188.35 KB, 450x468, 25:26, ClipboardImage.png)

I haven't been on QReseach for a few months and am surprised at the lack of discussion of Devolution. Take a look at this very interesting document connecting Q to Devolution… Note the red castle on the upper right of all pages and the "Castle Two" with red connectors to "Devolution Sites" on COOP - Concept of Operations page.

Many other Q terms/phrases too.


For those not familiar with the Devolution series by Patel Patriot, see articles at the link below- it is the most interesting discussion since the time Q was dropping constantly.


QResearch Autiists DIG IN!


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a0f09b  No.14465246


Now we go to straw men, neat.

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1db8d9  No.14465247


I know right

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5b3324  No.14465248






At least the soldiers and marines will be vaccinated. That’s what matters yeah?

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0d3465  No.14465249

File: 17f937abfb6aa26⋯.png (370.98 KB, 519x457, 519:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a75a843a55e141⋯.png (45.72 KB, 738x704, 369:352, ClipboardImage.png)

Vietnam deploys military to largest city to prevent residents from leaving home for ANY reason

Vietnam has deployed soldiers to enforce the country’s extreme Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown in Ho Chi Minh City, its largest urban area and the epicenter of its current outbreak.

The socialist nation’s authorities announced Ho Chi Minh City’s repressive lockdown restrictions on Friday, Aug. 20, as a response to the still-surging COVID-19 outbreak. Earlier lockdown restrictions implemented in July have not stopped the new COVID-19 cases.

The announcement prompted a rash of panic buying, as the nine million people in the city all surged into supermarkets and other stores all over the city to stock up on essential supplies.

“It’s looking chaotic,” said one person living in the eastern part of Ho Chi Minh City. “Too many people are rushing out to buy food and essential stuff for their hard days ahead. I have managed to buy some food, as I don’t want to die from hunger before dying from coronavirus.”

Under the new lockdown regulations, almost every single person in Ho Chi Minh City is barred from leaving his or her home. This rule even prohibits people from going out to the supermarket to purchase food and other essential supplies.

“We are asking people to stay where you are, not to go outside. Each home, company, factory should be an antivirus fort,” said Pham Duc Hai, deputy head of Ho Chi Minh City’s coronavirus authority.

“People must absolutely stay put, isolate from each other, from house to house, from community to community,” said Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

Since the beginning of the pandemic last year, Ho Chi Minh City has recorded over 180,000 infections and 7,000 deaths. The city alone makes up over half the country’s infections and around 80 percent of its fatalities. On Sunday, the Ministry of Health reported the country’s largest single-day tally of deaths at 737. Most of these deaths were from Ho Chi Minh City.

The country’s coronavirus outbreak has also strained its healthcare system. Over 14,600 additional doctors and nurses have been called up to Ho Chi Minh City and its neighboring provinces to support its hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Patients with mild or no symptoms have even been told to just quarantine at home rather than head to a hospital.

The lockdown in Ho Chi Minh City began in early July. This earlier lockdown alone was already very repressive. Public gatherings of more than two people were banned and people were only allowed to leave their homes for essential reasons such as purchasing food.



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8aab31  No.14465250

File: ad211e4e41718f2⋯.jpg (394.13 KB, 1920x1436, 480:359, Polish_20210826_131603301.jpg)

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f8c352  No.14465251

File: ba58d6e68efdcb6⋯.png (52.13 KB, 1024x769, 1024:769, wo822QS46BhoPbspEGpY_26_ee….png)

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54e9c2  No.14465252


Trumped fucked all their shit up with Operation Warp Speed… kek

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5b3324  No.14465253



Cernovich Retweeted

Joe Concha




MSNBC's Malcolm Nance on today's suicide bombing attacks in Kabul that left at least 10 U.S. servicemembers dead:

Quote Tweet

Malcolm Nance


· 2h

20 YEARS- FYI there have been terrorist suicide bombers killing civilians nearly DAILY in Afghanistan. This ain’t new. It’s why we are leaving. #DealWithI

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7239aa  No.14465254

File: 4df1ce79286a6fd⋯.png (286.13 KB, 721x747, 721:747, Screenshot_2021_08_26_at_1….png)


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62d13c  No.14465255

File: a88bac4f4026c35⋯.jpg (148.09 KB, 573x383, 573:383, Truckers.jpg)


I am far away, fren, but I pray for all of you! I hope the Truckers will do what they planing and that everybody will help them! It is hard to watch, what is happening to Australia!

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8b7e77  No.14465256

this admin response to today's seminole moment

(two words)


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e4d04f  No.14465257


Kek. Meme gold

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9c81cd  No.14465258

File: 5ebfc858f6da8b3⋯.jpg (240.28 KB, 840x698, 420:349, Screenshot_20210820_172233….jpg)


The majority of shills mistake access to information for "intelligence"

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8e1a56  No.14465259

File: 4ee83289dc5c5ae⋯.png (385.21 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, RISK_c_.png)

boomers know

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826ee5  No.14465260

File: da54bc3844ec56a⋯.jpg (587.83 KB, 1125x1231, 1125:1231, 0d911a278d8cbd3bba19c92a93….jpg)


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5e58dd  No.14465261


How can anyone still be falling for this mask bullshit? God damn we are a stupid species

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5b3324  No.14465262


>BREAKING: At least 10 U.S. servicemembers were killed in the Kabul explosion,


> reports.


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b1b2ba  No.14465263



"Fake elections have consequences"-DJT

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54e9c2  No.14465264

JUST IN - Third explosion reported near #Kabul airport, intermittent gunfire can be heard.


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709c22  No.14465265

File: afd93e37b05e955⋯.png (3.75 MB, 2200x2200, 1:1, qclock_vanillaWIW45wIRANde….png)

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d8a060  No.14465266


>I haven't been on QReseach for a few months and am surprised at the lack of discussion of Devolution.

why do people shill for devolution ?

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0d3465  No.14465268

File: 89f22e49736244b⋯.png (699.01 KB, 693x843, 231:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1816321669d826⋯.png (809.2 KB, 809x882, 809:882, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02b71dd8b95cd9e⋯.png (739.39 KB, 785x807, 785:807, ClipboardImage.png)

Harvard University names a devout ATHEIST as its new head chaplain who describes himself as 'humanist rabbi': Ivy League school says it's catering to the 40% of students who are NOT religious or agnostic

A devout atheist and 'humanist chaplain' at Harvard University is set to lead the progressive university's collection of religious leaders.

Greg Epstein, 44, has been named president of the chaplains for the religious community at the Ivy League School. Epstein, who has served as Harvard's 'humanist chaplain' since 2005 is a devout atheist and caters to fellow nonreligious believers as well as agnostics and humanists at the Cambridge, Massachusetts, school.

Epstein, who was raised in a reformed Jewish household in Queens, New York, said his elevation to the position is meant to be inclusive of larger and larger numbers of Americans and especially progressive Harvard students who identify as spiritual but not religious.

There is a rising group of people who no longer identify with any religious tradition but still experience a real need for conversation and support around what it means to be a good human and live an ethical life,' he told the New York Times.

The Harvard Crimson did a survey of the school's class of 2019 and found that there are indeed increasing numbers of students without a designated faith.

The survey showed 21% of the class as agnostic and 17% were atheists. This compared to 17% Catholics, 10% Jewish and 3% of Hindus and Muslims.

This isn't just a trend at Harvard: a Pew Research Center poll found 20% of Americans identify as atheist, agnostic or non-religious.

That same poll found two thirds of surveyed freshmen identified as 'somewhat or very liberal'; only 12% of the class said they were at least 'somewhat conservative.'

Epstein himself served as the national chair of the organization 'Humanists for Biden/Harris' during the 2020 election.

The university is known for often taken progressive views on social issues and outrage at more conservative faculty.

Recently, a professor faced serious backlash for refusing to use the term 'pregnant people' and insisting on using the terms male and female.

The university also removed Donald Trump-supporter US Rep Elise Stefanik from a panel for perpetuating claims of voter fraud

Students have also filed a petition to ban Trump administration alums from speaking or teaching at the school.

The position of chaplain is not necessarily tied to one particular religion, although it has origins in the Christian tradition.


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4a972f  No.14465269


>Trumped fucked all their shit up with Operation Warp Speed… kek


he paraded them all up front on stage at the white house several times.

praising them and thanking them. telling them how great they were.

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4cdcd3  No.14465270

File: 963d740a4027de3⋯.png (275.77 KB, 620x423, 620:423, Gates_vax_or_jail.png)

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b1c242  No.14465271

File: a5612a75fb5696d⋯.png (589.8 KB, 545x373, 545:373, ClipboardImage.png)


Might say

Truth or Consequences

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f21907  No.14465272


They have been back on their heels since…. throwing punches without enough weight behind them.

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0e96ea  No.14465273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Everyone should drink the vaccine,

I mean take the koolaid,

I mean drink the kookaid,

I mean take the vaccine.

Come on, just do it.

Suicide is painless.

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0988e9  No.14465274


The easiest way out for Biden is to concede the election…

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0e2c59  No.14465275

File: 02509eacdb9558d⋯.jpg (33.39 KB, 1140x196, 285:49, ZH.jpg)


Zerohedge Poster:

Jen Griffen reporting 10 marinws and counting…


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4a972f  No.14465276


>20 YEARS- FYI there have been terrorist suicide bombers killing civilians nearly DAILY in Afghanistan. This ain’t new. It’s why we are leaving. #DealWithI

^^^^^^^^^^^^noTABLE….these people are sick

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5b3324  No.14465277

File: 20c8a4528f57935⋯.jpg (80.68 KB, 679x414, 679:414, E84QXy0UcAMbEF_.jpg)


>>14465262 <<<<<< image


I wonder (image)

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609074  No.14465279

File: c8c4291fd44385c⋯.jpg (134.63 KB, 1080x553, 1080:553, Screenshot_20210826_111945….jpg)

Intestinal parasitosis is protective against severe COVID-19


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0d3465  No.14465280

File: 44531006b96f70b⋯.png (57.71 KB, 711x885, 237:295, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04eb6cddf6a5338⋯.png (35.13 KB, 736x543, 736:543, ClipboardImage.png)

YouTube censors videos asking for people to PRAY for healing from coronavirus

YouTube has expanded its policies regarding so-called Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “misinformation.” The popular video-sharing platform has now banned all videos that seek out prayer or faith healing against the coronavirus.

“The safety of our creators, viewers and partners is our highest priority,” claimed YouTube in its policy page about so-called COVID-19 medical misinformation. “We look to each of you to help us protect this unique and vibrant community. It’s important you understand our Community Guidelines and the role they play in our shared responsibility to keep YouTube safe.”

This COVID-19 misinformation policy prevents any video that “contradicts local health authorities or the World Health Organization (WHO).”

This means any video that questions the guidance of the WHO or other local health authorities regarding how to prevent, diagnose, treat or transmit COVID-19 will be censored from YouTube. Videos that also question social distancing and self-isolation guidelines, as well as the very existence of COVID-19, are also banned from the site.

Regarding videos that talk about COVID-19 treatment, YouTube’s policy will outright ban any content “that encourages the use of home remedies, prayer or rituals in place of medical treatment such as consulting a doctor or going to the hospital.”

This includes all content that recommends the use of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, questions the efficacy of masks in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and claims that wearing masks can have negative health effects. The policy even extends to censoring videos that provide claims “about COVID-19 vaccination that contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or WHO.”


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9c81cd  No.14465281


Hay now faggot

How's that script?

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6ef001  No.14465283

File: 01386e125fbd545⋯.jpg (215.6 KB, 732x574, 366:287, joeun.jpg)

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0d3465  No.14465284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wait a minute 🤔he said what????

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243625  No.14465285

File: 4400567b8f174a8⋯.gif (356.33 KB, 300x188, 75:47, cheech_and_chong_creepy_fa….gif)

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1f2931  No.14465286

File: fc44ddabf4ab9f7⋯.mp4 (15.52 MB, 720x480, 3:2, CrazyLibs6.mp4)

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a0f09b  No.14465287

File: 8f93ea49543a514⋯.jpg (94.63 KB, 1187x780, 1187:780, eunuch.jpg)


Fuck off, ballless eunuch.

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9935d4  No.14465288


Yes! I drink it daily in a shrub drink. Plus make salad dressing. Good stuff. Look for the one with the mother, like Bragg's brand.

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ff3c17  No.14465289

File: edd51ecf8c31a4c⋯.jpg (292.96 KB, 1024x613, 1024:613, grammar_kitty_thumbs.jpg)




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102abf  No.14465290

File: 441f6cc85d559c9⋯.jpg (78.36 KB, 1172x488, 293:122, 5dx2ze.jpg)


>Come on, just do it.

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ff3c17  No.14465291

File: c5d0fe6672e6041⋯.jpg (19.94 KB, 180x180, 1:1, unitard.jpg)



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6dad6f  No.14465292

File: 31d8feeecc4a9d3⋯.jpeg (118.94 KB, 1500x1086, 250:181, meghan_markle_fumando_82a….jpeg)


For real? I know he's super Yachty.

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e1cf6c  No.14465293


>For those not familiar with the Devolution series by Patel Patriot, see articles at the link below- it is the most interesting discussion since the time Q was dropping constantly.

theory makes its rounds damn near every bread. massive amount of data to support devolution here anons

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524dd5  No.14465294

File: 78c3b520206b7b2⋯.png (60.76 KB, 500x200, 5:2, ClipboardImage.png)

to the shills, right about about now, this is what i think needs to happen, burn the whole establishment system down to the ground, let anarchy reign, without their paid protect that we fund they are fucked

Survival of the fittest, lets see what happens

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9c81cd  No.14465295


Ew don't dilate on me

Did I strike a nerve?

Gonna cry a bit?

Go ahead


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26ac4c  No.14465296

File: 19d3d509037fd5c⋯.png (333.14 KB, 485x364, 485:364, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d85f86258158f58⋯.png (122.99 KB, 234x364, 9:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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7239aa  No.14465297


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e45b86  No.14465298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Somebody want you to look over there, to take your eyes off the audits. What does that tell you?

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4cdcd3  No.14465299

File: 110337ccc08ed95⋯.jpg (141.44 KB, 931x500, 931:500, go_on.jpg)

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744ca8  No.14465300


If you think the vaxxs are safe, you need to go back.

No fucking way is the mRNA vaccine safe in any way, shape, or form.

It's changing your immune system, there are no long-term studies, people are dying from it, AND it doesn't even work.

Warpspeed was exactly that - The DS planned on forcing this COVID "plandemic" to last for TEN YEARS as "science" took it's sweet-ass time coming up with a vaccine.

That plan is obviously ruined.

So Warpspeed worked, but that has nothing to do with it being safe.

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a0f09b  No.14465301


Cry? Do you know where you are? You will have to try way harder than that. Eunuch.

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4bc55c  No.14465303

File: 2ea5dc5cdef1236⋯.jpeg (143.79 KB, 559x729, 559:729, 0ABCD532_8EDF_4FDF_85C9_E….jpeg)

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fd99ca  No.14465305

File: 0f56494e0f8df06⋯.png (28.04 KB, 605x303, 605:303, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_08….png)

New details: @KamalaHarris

will campaign with @GavinNewsom

at a “car rally” in the Cow Palace parking lot in SF at 1pm tomorrow afternoon, per the evite circulating to supporters. Attendees must stay in their vehicles, and must be vaccinated or show negative test results.



This has GOT to be comms because no one can be THAT tone-deaf, right? lol

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5b3324  No.14465306

File: f6a7a8dd9fe018a⋯.jpg (21.01 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ZpNm3vEC_400x400.jpg)

File: b80c6a34d6e9214⋯.jpg (147.51 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, 1500x500.jpg)

>>14465277 <<<< at least 10 you say






· 2h

>>20 YEARS- FYI there have been terrorist suicide bombers killing civilians nearly DAILY in Afghanistan. This ain’t new. It’s why we are leaving. #DealWithI

Malcolm Nance

@MalcolmNance Philadelphia PA, Charleston SC Followers: 934K


US Intelligence +36 yrs. Expert Terrorist Strategy,Tactics,Ideology. Torture, Russian Cyber! | x4 NYT Bestselling Author, Navy Senior Chief/Jedi Master, MSNBC

More at Twitter

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1c57d4  No.14465308


I must've missed this when it happened. What is this clip about?

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5b3324  No.14465309



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d456de  No.14465310

File: a8f74f132871c68⋯.jpg (233.15 KB, 1358x762, 679:381, IVERMECTIN.jpg)

File: 5255d24b8471d1a⋯.jpg (242.76 KB, 1366x766, 683:383, Never_lost_one.jpg)

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608132  No.14465312


Baffling bullshit from the blue checkmarks.

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ff3c17  No.14465313


>Intestinal parasitosis is protective against severe COVID-19

In that case, you must not, under any circumstances take a parasiticide such as Ivermectin!

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5588b9  No.14465314

cant wait for the u.s. to clear afgan so we can solemani all the talibans and isis leaders one after the other…. sadly those who will be stuck in afgan will be at risk, i hope they flee to a neighbour country before they get caught…

Biden is done though. WHat is next? I hope the army has some proof of rigging so we can do the election again and build from there…with Trump.

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1c57d4  No.14465315


Yeah. That shit reeks.

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5b3324  No.14465316


Malcolm Nance Retweeted

Fred Wellman




This attack is gutting. I'm shocked it didn't come sooner. This is a very dangerous operation with multiple actors' that want it to fail and get last shots in on us. The mission must continue and then this war must end. I'm so sorry for the families. Thank you for your sacrifice.

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9c81cd  No.14465317

File: 2e25d30cfe9e6c7⋯.jpg (284.04 KB, 1080x677, 1080:677, Screenshot_20210826_142546….jpg)


Oh noooo! Look what happened hahahah

Oh boy wowee goteem

Honk honk!

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6dad6f  No.14465318

File: a277eb43eeb4cac⋯.jpg (155.42 KB, 992x558, 16:9, razor_wire_dc_gty_ps_21011….jpg)


It's scared.

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67107c  No.14465319


CHANDLER, Ariz. (AP) — An explosion at a print shop in a strip mall in a Phoenix suburb blew off the roof and scattered debris around the building. At least four people were injured, Chandler Fire Department officials told azfamily.com.

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5b3324  No.14465320



>Malcolm Nance Retweeted

>Fred Wellman

operation with multiple actors

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826ee5  No.14465321

File: 69741925dee27a6⋯.png (963.48 KB, 1000x674, 500:337, Allen_ginsberg_interview_p….png)


Geffen was a millionaire long before Lennon was shot. He managed Janis Ian

Janis Ian is an American singer-songwriter who was most commercially successful in the 1960s and 1970s. Her signature songs are the 1966/67 hit "Society's Child" and the 1975 Top Ten single "At Seventeen", from her LP Between the Lines, which in September 1975 reached no. 1 on the Billboard album chart

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0d3465  No.14465322

File: 3552e7650852bb7⋯.png (246.23 KB, 860x491, 860:491, ClipboardImage.png)

New Report Finds US Has Spent Over $2.3 Trillion on Afghanistan War

The number will increase in the future as the US is still paying for veterans care and interest on money borrowed for the war

Brown University’s Costs of War project released an updated report Wednesday on US spending for the war in Afghanistan. The report found that since the 2001 invasion, Washington has sunk over $2.3 trillion into the war.

The spending includes operations in both Afghanistan and Pakistan and is broken down into five categories. The biggest chunk is the Defense Department’s budget for the war, which is just over $1 trillion. The State Department’s war budget adds another $60 billion. War-related Increases to the Pentagon budget account for $433 billion.

Estimated interest payments on war borrowing accounts for $532 billion, and spending on care for veterans of the war adds up to $233 billion. Costs of War did not account for future interest payments or future spending on lifelong care for veterans, so the total will still increase even after the US completes its military withdrawal from Afghanistan.



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6bbe42  No.14465323

File: 1d9cd666c5498de⋯.jpg (175.89 KB, 978x553, 978:553, SmartSelect_20210826_20262….jpg)


The numbers are rising. 😢🙏🇺🇸🌏

UPDATE - 13 U.S. soldiers are now believed killed, 20 troops wounded, 10 in critical condition, according to Pentagon sources,


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7239aa  No.14465324


Just a glitch, something about the certificate…

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5fa128  No.14465325


covid is lyme

prove me wrong kek

similarities abound

signature aspect of lyme infection IS ALWAYS CO-INFECTIONS

Both treated by same drugs/therapeutics

Both have antigen tests as diagnostic

both affect heart - lyme carditis

One big difference

Medicine LOVES covid

Medicine denies lyme exists

every time

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8aab31  No.14465327

File: 2f4cf3890514b74⋯.jpg (70.42 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Polish_20210825_223723034.jpg)

File: 3e382a04de04b9b⋯.png (431.98 KB, 634x422, 317:211, Polish_20210820_100708092.png)

File: 40ddd7cf2cdd7bf⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 270x271, 270:271, Polish_20210825_201736745.jpg)

File: 4780bd41d4fd9a1⋯.jpg (68.96 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Polish_20210825_211705243.jpg)

File: f777ba6fbb3c4e4⋯.jpg (296.81 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Polish_20210824_231649917.jpg)

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6ef001  No.14465328

File: c6795bc564cff9f⋯.jpg (52.69 KB, 680x379, 680:379, kamalathis.jpg)

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744ca8  No.14465330


Biden gonna promise "retaliation" in fireside chat tonight.

Congress declares war tomorrow.

Hope not. But this shit is getting crazy.

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a311bf  No.14465331


Didn't Q say something about "collateral damage" one time?

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938721  No.14465332

File: 06e6ea7ecb7889e⋯.png (757.17 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Aus_Anon_Hug.png)


Digits chekk'd and God bless you Anon. Your support has brightened my morning.

Many here are exhausted and terrified. Lots are waking up to the evil agenda. Please keep praying for us!

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4cdcd3  No.14465333

File: 7271e4cbfb72fbb⋯.png (670.58 KB, 1037x500, 1037:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 826a0668b7d437c⋯.png (295.35 KB, 810x420, 27:14, Tucker_2.png)

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0e96ea  No.14465334


Twitter puts prayers, Bible verses, or anything Christian like under a warning of "may be offensive"

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5b3324  No.14465335


here we go:


Malcolm Nance




AFGHANISTAN: We have lost 4 of our servicemembers. The reality is this is terrible. The cost could be greater if we don’t complete this mission. For the Racist assholes who are writing & calling me a “Nigger”you disgraced their loss & the other 2,372 of our brothers & sister.

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826ee5  No.14465336

File: 8cb5358da8d4fec⋯.jpg (360 KB, 1271x1708, 1271:1708, 64668e5699c8b13b23e0656f97….jpg)


At a ballot printing shop would make a better headline - if it is

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77cc1f  No.14465337


'Worsening the situation" you think ?

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a0f09b  No.14465338

File: d01ff3856a6e62d⋯.png (7.17 KB, 678x95, 678:95, ClipboardImage.png)


Can you see it now? Eunuch.

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33747b  No.14465339


Must be vaccinated or test negative in order to attend in your car? They continuously top themselves with unbelievable stupidity.

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6bbe42  No.14465340


I think Justin Bieber and Avril Lavignr had that lyme

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a5a24b  No.14465341

File: 58b11b485316488⋯.jpg (14.35 KB, 530x208, 265:104, postimage4506.jpg)

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4a972f  No.14465342


> An explosion at a print shop in a strip mall in a Phoenix suburb blew off the roof and scattered debris around the building. At least four people were injured, Chandler Fire Department officials told azfamily.com.

notable^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^explosion in AZ

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361013  No.14465343

File: d4cb95ca67e6b45⋯.jpg (7.89 KB, 250x135, 50:27, Freek_World_Model.jpg)


They forgot wiggers! Where is the wigger demographic?

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3e5432  No.14465345

File: b2e011e00a6bde8⋯.jpg (292.34 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, T.jpg)

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ff3c17  No.14465346

File: 4106777cc56346a⋯.png (100.39 KB, 280x230, 28:23, shit_trans.png)


>retarded faggot meme

Tell me, ozanon mememeisterbater, what do you hope to achieve with your nonmemes?

Sure, I am harsh, but I'm really curious as you seem impervious to criticism, be it constructive or destructive..

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ab4519  No.14465347

Nigel Farage: 'No way' U.K. parliament will approve military cooperation with U.S. under Biden

The Brexit architect said that America has never looked worse on the world stage than right now with its mishandling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Farage was asked by Fox News on Tuesday how the U.S. looks on the world stage. "Never been worse," he said. "I mean, we have been beside you for 20 years. We're a smaller country than America, but the U.K. has put in the same money, and suffered the same human loss. And we've never ever quibbled about that. We understood the reasons for the mission.

"And for President Biden, unilaterally, without consultation with us or the rest of the NATO allies, just to announce America is going, to effectively fly the white flag to the Taliban, to see that dramatic takeover of these barbarians of the country … right now, why would we ever trust America in any international mission, given they make decisions without consulting their closest friends?"

"Certainly, if it's a Biden or Harris administration, honestly, there is no way, there is no way a British parliament right now would vote for military cooperation with America led by this administration. And that's a very sad thing to say, because since 1917, the U.K. and America have been side by side in virtually every major conflict.

"We've been the closest allies in terms of military action, in terms of intelligence sharing, in terms of culture, in terms of business. You couldn't have a better ally in the world. And right at the moment, I'm sorry, but there's no way we could enter into another operation with you."


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d9b835  No.14465348


well Q apparently thought Antifa joined ISIS … the western antifa guys in Syria fought with the local commie Kurds against ISIS, they were on the same side as the US military that was there supporting the Kurds

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6bbe42  No.14465349

So much going on right now. August closing with heat.

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77cc1f  No.14465350



'worsening the situation 'Malcom'


Why the fuck cant i just be me

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c245ce  No.14465351

You'd be surprised how many diseases are bioweapons, anon. Furthermore, you'd be surprised how many of them are the same engineered "parasite" simply made for differing delivery systems and at differing strengths. >>14465325

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db9da6  No.14465352


all the love and support from the states. You guys are so brave and standing up to this evil that is being set down upon you. Keep it up God is watching and the world is watching. Prayers to you and your fam and freinds.

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744ca8  No.14465353


And the sad thing is - the Dems will believe this bullshit. It'll be all over FB tomorrow…

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0e2c59  No.14465354

File: b450c8aab17523e⋯.jpg (75.18 KB, 528x692, 132:173, KaneokaTheGreat_Telegram.jpg)

13 killed, now.


BREAKING: 13 U.S. service members now believed to be killed in multiple Kabul airport attacks, Becker News has learned from a Pentagon-connected source.

Becker News

BREAKING: 13 U.S. Service Members Now Believed Killed in Kabul Attacks, 20 More Seriously Injured

"The news comes as President Joe Biden has reportedly just canceled a big meeting with Afghan governors set for 3 p.m."

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608132  No.14465355


Which ever way you read this the CIA is dirty. Unless you know the exact conversation no dots can be connected.

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b1c242  No.14465356


Medical suffix -oma means tumor



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0d3465  No.14465357

File: ddec6c1e768744c⋯.png (164.53 KB, 313x287, 313:287, ClipboardImage.png)



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744ca8  No.14465358


They better get that Chinese "Jeep Fleet" ready.


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826ee5  No.14465359

File: 99b8baf0cd29427⋯.jpeg (309.13 KB, 1079x926, 1079:926, 99b8baf0cd294271aa95e75cd….jpeg)

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8b7e77  No.14465360

satanists in control, losing and misfiring like psychopaths having to do parmasian twister gymnastics and spitting hate, murder and barbarianism.

the only heads on the chopping block should be the leaders who have from the get go of this shit show – led Americans to death and Afghanistan people without a country.

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54e05a  No.14465361

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0e96ea  No.14465362


Same species that used to buy "pet rocks"

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7239aa  No.14465363

File: e0400a0e408b53e⋯.png (182.7 KB, 398x633, 398:633, Screenshot_2021_08_26_at_1….png)

File: e6d2a797360ee9e⋯.png (783.49 KB, 534x963, 178:321, Screenshot_2021_08_26_at_1….png)

Extreme Graphic Warning!

Getting horrifying images and videos from the scenes after explosions at Kabul airport.



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0d3465  No.14465364

Capitol Hill Republicans' calls for Biden resignation amplify after U.S. casualties in Afghanistan

GOP lawmakers have been critical of Biden's handling of the Afghanistan, warning that Biden was risking having blood on his hands


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fa4d4e  No.14465365

File: aff790aa21c35fb⋯.jpeg (339.07 KB, 640x694, 320:347, 59623804_261C_4EB4_B0F2_7….jpeg)

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5b3324  No.14465366



>>14465277 <<<< at least 10 you say





charleston in twitter bio??? look at all he is saying today and words chosen

he is using racist


he is connected to charleston

has he been deep dived on


Malcolm Nance




20 YEARS- FYI there have been terrorist suicide bombers killing civilians nearly DAILY in Afghanistan. This ain’t new. It’s why we are leaving. #DealWithIt

Malcolm Nance


US Intelligence +36 yrs. Expert Terrorist Strategy,Tactics,Ideology. Torture, Russian Cyber! | x4 NYT Bestselling Author, Navy Senior Chief/Jedi Master, MSNBC

Philadelphia PA, Charleston SC

thetacticsofterror.org Joined June 2014

2,302 Following


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c245ce  No.14465367

WRWY, Australia >>14465332

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d456de  No.14465368

File: 8b1d63bbbe69eb2⋯.jpg (108.4 KB, 900x650, 18:13, better_than_chicken_and_wa….jpg)


lmao… click… next.

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a0f09b  No.14465369


Luciferians not Satanist. Big difference.

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5b3324  No.14465370



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2544ee  No.14465371


seems like a good possibility, or someone is sending a message involved. Can anyone tell me how a printer shop might explode? Last time I heard ink is not volatile as tnt

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4a972f  No.14465372

File: 3b79adedf26b219⋯.png (46.94 KB, 607x512, 607:512, ClipboardImage.png)


WARNING: Graphic content.

Video coming out of Afghanistan shows the immediate aftermath of the suicide bombing explosion outside of Kabul airport.

The following media includes potentially sensitive content. Change settings


Aśvaka - News Agency

9:55 AM · Aug 26, 2021

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5919b9  No.14465373


I loved Braggs! No longer buying it since Katy Perry, the I love to eat people pos, bought the company.

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e59e06  No.14465374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We have the Source & the Souce has me.

There is no escape.

There is no going back.

For we came from nothing.

The only way out is through.

Remain Vigilant.

Remain Brave.

Ramen Clam.

No Fear.


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e45b86  No.14465375

File: 115c095ecb4049c⋯.mp4 (6.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ending.mp4)



When the AZ audits were in full swing, this board was all about them. That's because nothing was going to be produced through the AZ audit. Without being able to image the machines, they had no absolute proof.

With Mesa County CO it's different though. There is undeniable, absolute proof, loads of it, and cyber experts are pouring over right now, and that keeps the shills up at night..

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6bbe42  No.14465376

I think Q team needs some encouragement words. They are surely observing here while looking into afghanistan and US soldiers.

Full armour of God!!

Dont forget that Q. We stand strong. Together.

God Bless

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826ee5  No.14465377

File: b3e82ef3bf2f217⋯.jpg (112.77 KB, 250x308, 125:154, Worms_man.jpg)

SNAP inspection shills. Let's see your best.

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92b19e  No.14465378


33 dead or injured

THIS IS ON YOU BIDEN ADMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had you drawn down in appropriate manner INSTEAD of selling us out to China we wouldn't be here in this mess.


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503a0d  No.14465379


Yeah, would be totally weird if they gave her the wrong advices.

Like maybe they play for the other team, or maybe she's such a cunt that they love making her look bad.

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6ef001  No.14465381


Western Medicine is the parasite

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fd99ca  No.14465382


As a side note, Afghanistan is the main focus in the news(as it should be with all the death & on going explosions), however, please also keep an eye on what ELSE is happening. This is the PERFECT time for them to enact shady AF shit while no one is watching.

Examples, AZ fire, I'm seeing different shootings(in front of a Court House, about to read more on that) & other weird deaths etc etc

Just a friendly reminder!

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13af7f  No.14465383

Wow memes are brutal today

Good job everyone

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d9b835  No.14465385




>>For those not familiar with the Devolution series by Patel Patriot, see articles at the link below- it is the most interesting discussion since the time Q was dropping constantly.

I've looked in to his writings and he does not appear to understand at all what the devolution means. itds contingency plan for the continuity of governance in case a bad pandemic or nuclear war or an alien attack has killed the whole government and most of the state authorities … Patel Patriot seems to think it has something to do with Trump and the military Patriots being secretly in control

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c245ce  No.14465386

Truth. >>14465381

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25e5f9  No.14465387

File: f0306983baac69f⋯.png (415.05 KB, 1903x1010, 1903:1010, VaxxManDater.png)

Software I use to trade stocks is called Trade Ideas. They just put out a channel of all the publicly traded companies that are MAN DATING the VAXX! Thought I would share

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12dcfe  No.14465388



Clown head meets with Taliban



Congressmen secretly visit



State Dept issues warning



Dozens dead and injured

Nothing to see here.

Hot August day 26.

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a5a24b  No.14465389

File: 0a6217c08e3ad44⋯.png (244.49 KB, 593x587, 593:587, 26.png)

Defense, Military Officials Hold News Conference

Aug. 26, 2021 - 3:00pm EDT\Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby and Marine Corps Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., commander of U.S. Central Command, brief the media at the Pentagon


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0d3465  No.14465390

KEK haven't heard this before

Iran Two Months Away From Nuclear Bomb: Israel Defense Minister


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62d13c  No.14465391

File: 0b2b96a3878d9c7⋯.jpg (38.99 KB, 600x429, 200:143, schatten.jpg)


I do! Sincerely! Hold the line! Good people will araise!

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5b3324  No.14465392


10 in this pic

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764537  No.14465393

File: 08d6464fc96c920⋯.jpg (108.25 KB, 601x601, 1:1, Comfy_2.jpg)

File: 204ccbbedb473fc⋯.jpg (171.73 KB, 476x530, 238:265, Comfy_giddy.jpg)

File: 4032a253c6e9137⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ComfyPepeWithJesus.jpg)

File: 913b2e8d9ee80d4⋯.jpg (411.13 KB, 1083x616, 1083:616, No_blue_pills_comfy.jpg)

File: 684ef156e492c4f⋯.jpg (136.91 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Protect_Comfort_reach_out.jpg)

>>14462558 (pb)

>>14462533 (pb) -


sorry, may not have accused you, in a defensive and alarming tone,

that you're a "dodger" and "you're dodging! that's-" and then POOF! the inquirer,

vanishes in a puff of ethereal smoke…

whatever you do, RESIST THE URGE TO ANSWER!

Yet, knowing (You), you're going to defy this advice, and let half of the nethered,

go for a goyRide in your grand-Deady (B[You]ick).

You know how many ( _ ) you can fit in that kidney of a CLOWNCAR?

At least double, considering you should have both.

See/C-Tone is already on the way.

Prepare your aces, your hand sanitizer, undress, on your knees, face due East,

wait for sunrise, close your eyes before the horizon break, open at the crack,

flash your stupid & sick ByeOS to a CRISPR,

and Phi-BRRT OPTIX your spirit into your sacrum at the speed of… REKT!



A SPECIAL PLACE, FOR SPECIAL… never mind, '(You)'re gone…'

I know why she's crying.

God forgive US, but I know in my heart those are crocodile tears.

She did it all the time with Pop.

This is that incestual aspect rearing it's ugly and obvious head.

I'm embarassed.

My mother is trying to make me look like I want to cause harm to myself,

I don't need to do this, (explaining it just helps me feel better.

Who do I turn to, with THE TRUTH?

"Sure Mr. Magistro, they can see your thoughts, in real-time, and know what you're REALLY cognizating."

"Get in the truck, kid."

"114? Too high, you're TOO HIGH, THAT'S NOT FAIR!"

"Ooops, I meant, you're… we… cardio… 140 BPM = Orgasm…."

"Fuck swordy, I'm fucking sorry man."

It's all good o7, I know how hard this is for all of us.

Let's just go and get me fucked up and invaded… ya know, standard procedural stuff. ;-) …. :'-(

(I wish I could actually, cry, but I'm not allowed, right? Guys? Oh, now they go afme)

"I'm here swordy…"


"Buckle up, for a…"



The EMTs jump over-truck, (safely, without a scratch,

and now has little sword/sheild/Q/Q+ pins in their pocket that has a enameled o7 in green on the back.

They just look at the back of the truck, GODSPEEDING away, and just smile, and nod.)


-still in shock, swordy musters up the, somehow, timid yet bravely tensed, courage to eek out…-

"So, where we goin' Captain?"

"Where else my love, REHAB."

"You're fucking with me, why SHEILD nooooooo-"


-SHEILD screeches the hot and smoky tires of a rogue yet, totally sanctioned life-saving tank, to a grinding halt-

"This time, D, (she means swordy), this really is not a game.

You and I have gone through a duo-based state-wide super-street-concrete-jungle-theater of a year and change…"

"How could I, of all, not know how that feels?"

"So, knowing that, we are going to do this, our first of many IRL-LARP-BUT-STILL-FUCKING-REAL-AS-REAL-IS…-"

"Seriously? Like, you're-"

-SHEILD violently starts removing her 'stolen' (honorably donated for the SpecOp, thank o7+#1)-

"SHEILD, I have to admit something-"

"D⚔, it's me, T⛨, relax…"

-suddenly, the stained glass of an overarching and perpetually eternal scene,

of mutually coped inner-turmoil, starts mending, bonding, fusing,

and prismatically shining into it's first stable and finally secure setting-

"Babe, we're glowing…"


To be continued…

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e3804c  No.14465394


This he said she said is fucking bull shite

the Ban know what is what

and so do the C_A faggots that have been imbedded their for years

Americans need to understand they are getting played by fucking DS niggers

fuck this dog and pony show

heads need to roll from the top of Bidan admin down

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ed9951  No.14465395

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0a0d17  No.14465396

File: dc5031d69862388⋯.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1695x3013, 1695:3013, AEA5F953_5533_4D73_B5BD_F….jpeg)

Do you think the designers for these programs frequent the q boards?

Asking for a friend….

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5919b9  No.14465397


They do shit

We report it

Nothing happens

Rinse and repeat

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608132  No.14465398


>or was the photo op for the American public consumption only …

I would go with this. The MSM were running McCain hero stories along side her Hanoi photo op.

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6dad6f  No.14465399

File: 9a54654ce25566e⋯.gif (4.82 MB, 536x720, 67:90, 1629438196.gif)


Wonder why the shills felt compelled to chime in with a random Lennon reference? Hollywood and it's golden idols must be terrified to die. The meat suit doesn't last forever.

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25d878  No.14465400

File: b7b5d7cac276d88⋯.png (65.89 KB, 313x240, 313:240, bz.png)

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2e283a  No.14465401


"They think you are Cattle"

"The openly call you sheep."


MOOOOOVE over, DS Fuckery in play

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524dd5  No.14465402

File: 949608015a09230⋯.png (652.48 KB, 665x375, 133:75, ClipboardImage.png)


wrwy from the uk.

stay strong and together.

it is a global movement

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c1bcb6  No.14465403

File: bb04fedf39763f0⋯.webm (188.27 KB, 316x312, 79:78, bb04fedf39763f0d7e727e14d….webm)

What's this video from?

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13af7f  No.14465404


bidan and kamel toe face a ticking clock


(But not soon enough) for the lost lives

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4cdcd3  No.14465405

File: 42d3baf456632f2⋯.png (642.51 KB, 506x493, 506:493, ClipboardImage.png)

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418971  No.14465406


The knew this was going to happen, they planned for it. The goal was to reengage. War is Peace. War is very, very profitable for those who take us there.

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6ef001  No.14465407

File: 4ed0da55bfdb2f1⋯.jpeg (214.23 KB, 374x642, 187:321, snakenazi.jpeg)

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5919b9  No.14465408


ISIS are O'fuckface's buddy's!

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c41cf5  No.14465409


At least 13 more American families getting that knock on the door and “we regret to inform you”. This did NOT have to happen. Justice has been delayed for far too long.

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f8c352  No.14465410

File: c14954cb20e17b8⋯.png (40.04 KB, 757x570, 757:570, 9fZ18qxIbm1yyVAKF4yI_26_85….png)

Clowns in all out panic in Afghanistan at the moment.

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cde9c5  No.14465411


Not sure how these people sleep. Anon would like a struggling paddle boat made of plastic to struggle around with anons toddlers.

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d456de  No.14465412

File: ab4c22d24d5e724⋯.jpg (135.73 KB, 599x600, 599:600, DISTRACTION_from_AUDIT.jpg)

File: 6d8affbaa587862⋯.jpg (140.78 KB, 761x507, 761:507, this_fucker_will_kill_to_s….jpg)

File: 57e54e14dcf1932⋯.jpg (106.61 KB, 682x556, 341:278, XIDENS_FUCKUP.jpg)

File: 09d506b5aeba32b⋯.jpg (151.65 KB, 928x552, 116:69, Xiden_MADE_the_tragedy.jpg)

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ff3c17  No.14465413

File: 0d0947aca7dfef6⋯.jpg (266.6 KB, 1280x799, 1280:799, bragg_opener.jpg)

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e59e06  No.14465414

File: 14c33f9e721a4d7⋯.mp4 (434.94 KB, 478x270, 239:135, 1607300419_Copy.mp4)

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503a0d  No.14465415

File: f65456d7e0562fb⋯.jpg (80.31 KB, 936x527, 936:527, ZomboMeme_26082021143700.jpg)

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8b7e77  No.14465417

biden calling a lid

gonna take the pot

very said moment , guise

Catastrophic Historical Mission

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db9da6  No.