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File: 0c92d0f47e8ca37⋯.png (440.68 KB, 693x391, 693:391, eac0a878fd2944492dea1bfe2a….png)

e06241  No.14453007[Last 50 Posts]

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e06241  No.14453008

Notables are NOT Endorsements

#18283 MIA

>>14452196 [Tony Hawk] signs over his [BLOOD] to Liquid Death, the Overpriced [WATER] company?

>>14452216 “Havana Syndrome” is a set of symptoms that are often reported by intelligence officials overseas.

>>14452235, >>14452247, >>14452265 Please join the fight anons! 11:11 AM Central Daylight Time is the "Anchor Time".

>>14452256 Q said… (more than once)

>>14452263 The shipping companies are controlled by red Chinese sympathizers. Only the truck drivers can stop this.

>>14452277 Trump needs to make a full stand against vaccine passports.

>>14452308 Pfizer is owed by China? https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/24213

>>14452317 FDA-Approved Prescription Drugs Later Pulled from the Markets

>>14452323, >>14452355 Anons, find out who committed this assault on a hand cuffed, helpless woman

>>14452343 Pfizer Seeking Full Indemnification

>>14452359 (WATCH) Pfizer CEO ready to jab 5 year olds next week





>>14451439 (WATCH) Based L.A. Fire Chief says the vaccine tyranny STOPS right here and right now

>>14451468 HELP NEEDED Great News Greater Phoenix Area

>>14451472, >>14451765 (WATCH) Fauxi on CNN

>>14451533 The Taliban Would NEVER Have The Guts To Do This If My Father Was In Office


>>14451589, >>14451594 (WATCH) Mar Mari Emmanuel, bishop of the Assyrian Orthodox Church in Australia



>>14451703 ACLU goes to war with South Carolina to demand mask MANDATE in schools

>>14451711 From 2 weeks to Tyranny

>>14451753 Webster's Dictionary just changed the definition of 'Vaccine"on February 6th 2021

>>14451854 The Return of the Graphene Oxide Dig

>>14451907 Current Patriot Bumper Sticker Champion

>>14451933 Islam Planefag: f35 in skies over #Lebanon?

>>14451946 Put the Jab in your dick, Then cut your dick off and wear a dress.

>>14452010 Arizona Audit Draft Report Review Wednesday

>>14452033 Shoomin blackout in progress

>>14452040 (WATCH) Patrick Howley speaks truth about mask mandates and the plandemic at a county commission meeting

>>14452080 Pfizer got tired of paying billions in fines so they decided to just buy themselves an FDA commissioner.

>>14452107 Vaccine Passports Will Cause the Economic Collapse of America

>>14452124 #18282

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e06241  No.14453010


>>14450679 Australia painted as a ‘dystopian nightmare’ as footage goes viral @ Sky news (6:44)

>>14450723 Statement by Donald: We had Afghanistan and Kabul in perfect control with just 2,500 soldiers


>>14450743 Statement by Donald: Recent Update in His Class Action Lawsuit Against Big Tech

>>14450774, >>14450758 @Gen Flynn, Strike Back For Freedom!

>>14450766 Damn CM.. Save some pussy for the rest of us!

>>14450830 (WATCH) HKIA EVAC: Footage of Evacuations at Hamid Karzai International Airport

>>14450856 Julian Assange offers proof the Russians did NOT provide him with the DNC emails in exchange for a pardon from President Trump.

>>14450863 (WATCH) Mark Dolan: Are lockdown-under leaders out of control in Australia and New Zealand?

>>14450984 Fayetteville CJ30's are being seen circling the city and landing at a small regional airport called drake field

>>14451079 - Scavino IG Post of Waterfall

>>14451175 This?

>>14451179 RE: Knowingly, Class action lawsuits can be very effective.


>>14451227 VoterGA Files Suit to Ban Illegal Dominion Voting System in GA

>>14451236 PA Senate President Jake Corman Says Hearings Will Begin This Week to Start Forensic Investigation of 2020 Election | Inquirer

>>14451289 (WATCH) Trump_Bond.mp4

>>14451293 SUPREME COURT orders REMAIN IN MEXICO POLICY reinstated.

>>14451317, >>14451332 Try posting these memes on cabalbook/twatter

>>14451326 #seditionhunters call for ID in Antifa/Glowies at 1/6 insurrection

>>14451349 (WATCH) Based L.A. Fire Chief says the vaccine tyranny STOPS right here and right now

>>14451355 (WATCH) Protesters rally against vaccine mandate in NYC

>>14451361 #18281



>>14450050 Covid Rant goes METAL! [San Diego Board of Supervisors meeting Remix]

>>14450063 WAPO: Biden receives inconclusive intelligence report on coronavirus origins

>>14450100 Research blog on the WORLDS MAFIA

>>14450157 Some men just want to watch the show burn

>>14450203 (VID) 9 steps they use to CONTROL YOU

>>14450240 Viking Clip is on CNN Live Don Lemon

>>14450364 (VID) Child Trafficking Documentary

>>14450442 [They] are getting more intrusive by the day…

>>14450461 Singapore, US Enhance Defence Cooperation in Cyberspace @DeptofDefense

>>14450511, 2 House lawmakers make secret trip to Afghanistan amid evacuations

>>14450578 Commissioners approve new Dominion voting equipment and contract extension

>>14450622 #18280

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e06241  No.14453011


>>14449146, >>14449176, >>14449423 The Supreme Court rules against the Biden administration in its attempt to end the "Remain in Mexico" program

>>14449178, >>14449213, >>14449317 (VID) International Child Sex Trafficking Gangs Exploiting ‘Reasonable Fear’ Loophole / NEW PROJECT VERITAS

>>14449221 Zurich-based immunologist Dr. Sai Reddy claimed this week that the combination of existing strains of coronavirus could create a “super variant” Covid-22 in 2022.

>>14449227 Afghanistan: $2.26 Trillion of Your Money Spent, Much Squandered on Lavish Palaces for Corrupt Officials

>>14449262 Recall Newsom paged at a CA airport. kek

>>14449283 Newsom's Recall Election Takes Massive Turn - 300 Ballots Found…

>>14449303 Australian Woman speaks out about current situation / Vaccine mandates and passport

>>14449320 Jordan Sather - This is straight from FDA.

>>14449392 Covid Ruse Implements the Protocols of Zion (c. 1892)

>>14449394 Second Superseding Indictment Charges Members and Associates of The Byrd Gang

>>14449407 U.S officials say two members of Congress flew into Kabul airport in the middle of the ongoing chaotic evacuation

>>14449408 Oversight Republicans Demand Briefings From Blinken, Garland on Afghan President Ghani Reportedly Looting $169M in U.S. Cash

>>14449431 Judge Drops Bombshell, Declares Mistrial for Fraudster Avenatti

>>14449457 China Ready to Offer ‘Genuine’ Aid to Afghanistan, Cautions Nations to Lead, Not Pressure Taliban

>>14449481 Oregon Gov. Communist Kate Brown Announces Statewide Mask Mandate In ALL OUTDOOR SETTINGS

>>14449423 Supreme Court says Biden administration must reinstate Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ border policy

>>14449489 NYC Mayor De Blasio on New Vaccine Mandates: “Human Beings Do Well When They Have Carrot and Stick”

>>14449493 These niggas flew in on a charter plane without telling DOD.

>>14449634 (VID) Trump’s new “Surrenderer-in-Chief” commercial.

>>14449641 Infowars = Free Speech Systems, LLC = MOSSAD

>>14449650 NEW Dan Scavino "LEAVE NO AMERICAN BEHIND"

>>14449689 Trust The Science? CDC Counts People Dying Within 14 Days Of Jab As “Unvaccinated”

>>14449763, >>14449799 Qclock 3 year delta Rolling Stones Reference. Operators Are Active

>>14449849 #18279

Previously Collected Notables

>>14448350 #18277, >>14449111 #18278

>>14445987 #18274, >>14446750 #18275, >>14447526 #18276

>>14443659 #18271, >>14445129 #18272, >>14445210 #18273

>>14441323 #18268, >>14442089 #18269, >>14442837 #18270

>>14439023 #18265, >>14439802 #18266, >>14440567 #18267

>>14436765 #18262, >>14437511 #18263, >>14438265 #18264

>>14434427 #18259, >>14435214 #18260, >>14435981 #18261

>>14431973 #18256, >>14432837 #18257, >>14433811 #18258

>>14429786 #18253, >>14430554 #18254, >>14431249 #18255

>>14427442 #18250, >>14428209 #18251, >>14428962 #18252

>>14425636 #18247, >>14425891 #18248, >>14426666 #18249

>>14422784 #18244, >>14423531 #18245, >>14424296 #18246

>>14420540 #18241, >>14421251 #18242, >>14422027 #18243

>>14419624 #18238, >>14419059 #18239, >>14419745 #18240

>>14415152 #18235, >>14416539 #18236, >>14419412 #18237

>>14413256 #18232, >>14414007 #18233, >>14414794 #18234

>>14410927 #18229, >>14411697 #18230, >>14412460 #18231

>>14408639 #18226, >>14409405 #18227, >>14410162 #18228

>>14406271 #18223, >>14407077 #18224, >>14407871 #18225

>>14405701 #18220, >>14405791 #18221, >>14406971 #18222

>>14401351 #18217, >>14402129 #18218, >>14404857 #18219

>>14398886 #18214, >>14399762 #18215, >>14400510 #18216

>>14396588 #18211, >>14397378 #18212, >>14398112 #18213

>>14395465 #18208, >>14395082 #18209, >>14395776 #18210

>>14391749 #18205, >>14392505 #18206, >>14393271 #18207

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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e06241  No.14453015

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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e06241  No.14453016

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e06241  No.14453025


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977e79  No.14453029

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8ae9b5  No.14453032

File: 73af3d2995999d5⋯.png (68.72 KB, 569x505, 569:505, ClipboardImage.png)





90% Truth and info collection hub being transmitted to china in all languages backed by Mercer Money and Christian Zionist, plus Moar?


if you were under the illusion that the new social media website GETTR set up by Mueller informant Steve Bannon and his criminal confederate Jason Miller does not engage in censorship perhaps you can explain why they just suspended my account. Bannon is a criminal who's indictment for stealing money will be renewed shortly in New York State.I hear the New York state prisons are particularly rough .Once Bannon is in prison Miller won't last week on the street.

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a46c82  No.14453034

File: 3aabf8ee825ba9d⋯.png (475.04 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Conservative election integrity group True The Vote has been conducting a months-long massive and clandestine voter fraud investigation into the 2020 presidential election, the results of which may soon start coming out, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.

A document that the group’s founder Catherine Engelbrecht circulated to prospective donors, obtained by Breitbart News, details several facets of the investigation—which centers on what the group describes as the collection of cell phone GPS ping data in key election hotspots around the country including Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

“We are building out video stories and have compiled videos of individuals stuffing ballot dropboxes with stacks of ballots, individuals depositing ballots in multiple dropboxes, unauthorized coordination between government workers engaged in the exchange of ballots, and several other tranches of video that capture unusual patterns such as the wearing of gloves to deposit ballots, taking pictures of ballot deposits, etc.,” True The Vote’s document says.



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7f65d2  No.14453035


ty bake!

>>14453019 (lb)

>There's one on every street corner.

Not as intended..we have NO ENFORCEMENT at the moment…it will get better…an effort under way since the law was passed to wreck the law by the deep state in OK…they basically just said we are not going to enforce the law…they GLOW now just like our bigger COIN games :-). Some folks have learned a trick or two from this board…

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0a6e7d  No.14453038

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124db9  No.14453042

>>14453007, >>14453008

Two links.

1. Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers



The study found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.

While moderating the symptoms of infection, the jab allows vaccinated individuals to carry unusually high viral loads without becoming ill at first, potentially transforming them into presymptomatic superspreaders.

This phenomenon may be the source of the shocking post-vaccination surges in heavily vaccinated populations globally.




Normally, asymptomatic spread is statistically insignificant in the realworld. These shots are not designed to prevent infection, infectiousness, nor illness. Just designed to subdue a symptom just potentially raising the viral load before the infected person feels ill enough to notice.

Self-fulling prophecy.

But remember to blame it on the people who chose not to get shot.


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305f6f  No.14453044

File: ed3a9eb21f14ef9⋯.jpeg (226.64 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, FA12A416_0110_491B_A0AA_8….jpeg)

Remember that secret world court crap was happening on the East coast right after Trump was elected, between foreign nations and such? Did it ever come out what was going on?

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9e8c2b  No.14453045

File: 07b76567c3a1dc0⋯.png (257.79 KB, 535x510, 107:102, 20210824_183554.png)

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cd2da1  No.14453047

There is a new QRSG.


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141e63  No.14453048

File: 61b8dc796fb54c8⋯.jpg (172.79 KB, 800x1014, 400:507, 800px_Christopher_Dodd_off….jpg)

Chris Dodd, the US senator for Purdue Pharma.


Very bad dude, like Corn Pop, maybe even worse, because of dangerous eyebrows.

Keeps photo of near naked baby on his desk.

Who pumped up the senator's balloon?



Here's who the Sackler Family and Purdue were buying:


the Sackler's may escape criminal liability for the chemical attack on the US civilian population (as it currently stands.)


However, anons will issue reminders, so that no pedovore no matter how prominent or obscure will be forgotten or overlooked.

All pedovores will be delivered to justice, temporal & eternal.


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c7380f  No.14453051

File: fc9db04b6e787fb⋯.png (47.21 KB, 1090x272, 545:136, Screenshot_2021_08_25_0754….png)

OSS may have the rep (well earned o7 for it).

But, WhiteGirls is one bad mofo as well.

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0f6074  No.14453054

File: 2d720620fb32457⋯.png (1007.81 KB, 1920x1081, 1920:1081, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6955015ed1bdd1⋯.png (124.04 KB, 960x1124, 240:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e3569406aca398⋯.png (29.32 KB, 1075x461, 1075:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17c6cc164b76b42⋯.png (173.81 KB, 611x483, 611:483, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51a6af35a66caf3⋯.png (1.62 MB, 834x1151, 834:1151, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14452943 LB

>>14452933 LB

>>14452913 LB

>>14452919 LB


did this dig a few years back.

found THIS gestation calculator quite interesting and convincing...

but hey- we are just conspiracy analysts, right?

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9e8c2b  No.14453055


Nice. He's the boss. Right?

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cd2da1  No.14453058


Do the shit right!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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af1765  No.14453060


Roger Stone has been going after Bannon for awhile.

Stone has been a regular on Infowars.

Bannon has been targeted by NY.

They both could be clowns, but my inclination is that Stone is a clown and Bannon a patriot.

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cd2da1  No.14453062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5a9557  No.14453064

Didn't screenshot it but a gab poster wrote 'George Floyd died from FDA approved drugs'.

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fa3074  No.14453065


Both clowns imo

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3886fe  No.14453066


kek, so predictable

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3886fe  No.14453068


MASONS are faggots and were coming for u

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9e8c2b  No.14453069

File: 4b7f246ec74af8e⋯.jpg (60.78 KB, 640x640, 1:1, f6lcdquqpkq21.jpg)

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5a9557  No.14453070


stone has himself said that he is a 'try-sexual', which is code for 'blackmailed'.

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e06241  No.14453071

File: e150d750429ce17⋯.png (552.26 KB, 947x500, 947:500, d60184ba83d3bd8e082a73caf9….png)


loving telegram more and more

would love a meme like this with telegram on one side and twitter getter fb on the other

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c7380f  No.14453073


No, it's not FJ.

Here's what I know (a DOAR member can prolly fill in the blanks better):

WhiteGirls had a slightly different username before.

Then there was a log post where FJ deleted it a couple months back.

Then a few weeks later a new BV was created for WhiteGirls using the version of the username you see on the log now.

Looks like the same guy is back again, but it's not FJ or OSS as best as I can tell.

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09826e  No.14453075

>>14452985 PB

They will write what the people who fund them tell them to write.

I don't trust any of them.

Especially people who call themselves "experts"

Trust the "experts", not.

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8ae9b5  No.14453076

File: d52c78b4a25408c⋯.png (761.04 KB, 584x542, 292:271, ClipboardImage.png)


you can be a patriot and yet be opposition,

Why has Bannon never mention the Dual citizenship problem in Government, He was also Co CEO of Cambridge Analytica with Richard Nix among other things.

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4048e3  No.14453077

File: d54283667368688⋯.jpg (116.42 KB, 720x900, 4:5, 20210825_065845.jpg)

File: 6850d297f1f3bed⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3hBGdwC3KqP_5xOv.mp4)


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588791  No.14453079


Both clowns anon. It's all kayfabe for klicks.

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9e8c2b  No.14453080


They're not all in accordance to understanding the goal of their brotherhood. They ain't all gay. I'm going to the next 3rd Saturday meeting just to crash the party. Who's got my bail. Kek.

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e06241  No.14453081

File: f951ae1c0ec309d⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1628x916, 407:229, ac90888d15b9bc21b62e2e77c0….png)




Thank you BV.


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5efac7  No.14453082

File: e881ac212f58251⋯.png (668.46 KB, 1283x1882, 1283:1882, ClipboardImage.png)

Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905) Vaccine Mandate

By David L. Hudson, Jr.

Related cases in Rights of Religious Adherents

In Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905), the Supreme Court upheld a state’s mandatory compulsory smallpox vaccination law over the challenge of a pastor who alleged that it violated his religious liberty rights.

Pastor Henning Jacobson contended that he had a right under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to avoid the mandatory vaccination law.

Court: Requiring smallpox vaccine does not violate First Amendment

The U.S. Supreme Court, in an opinion by Justice John Marshall Harlan I, ruled that the state of Massachusetts acted constitutionally within its police powers to pass a law to protect the health and safety of the public.

“According to settled principles, the police power of a State must be held to embrace, at least, such reasonable regulations established directly by legislative enactment as will protect the public health and the public safety,” Harlan wrote.

Individual right must sometimes give way to 'common good', Harlan wrote

MOAR: https://mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/1824/jacobson-v-massachusetts

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c7380f  No.14453083


Both piggyback too much on Trump's shoulders.

Looks like Grifter vs Grifter to me.

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cd2da1  No.14453085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5efac7  No.14453086



LA Fire Captain refuses the Vaccine in epic speech…WOW!

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60e3ef  No.14453087


first kek of the day.

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3886fe  No.14453088


they got alot more to worry about then meetings

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9e8c2b  No.14453090


I'd agree.

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3886fe  No.14453091


like they better get some better guns

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e06241  No.14453092

File: fd88109229a1b24⋯.jpg (12.38 KB, 192x255, 64:85, fd88109229a1b24ab6439d1cf1….jpg)

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c7380f  No.14453093


>loving telegram more and more

Telecancer has moar F&G LARPs under one roof than any other platform in history.

Yeah, there's some real deals on there, too.

But, they are the exceptions that prove the rule.

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5a9557  No.14453094


any 'brotherhood' worth joining would be one focusing on banning genital mutilation of infants, tbh

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9e8c2b  No.14453095


They're already planning to burn my house down according to an inside source who says he tries to stay out of it.

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dbb115  No.14453096

File: 959a69af0d24c1d⋯.png (746.33 KB, 780x652, 195:163, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons, I was perusing this bloggers posts about World Crime Syndicates, that made notables a few back. I decided to search the page for Trump. Got 117 hits. One of the very first ones I read about was his connection to Q Anon. So I search Q Anon and got 9 hits. Below is a screen shot.


Really?? Q Anon is a psyop for DARPA?? WhoTF is this IZRealZeus blogger…and how the fuck does he know anything??


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2c0aa4  No.14453097

File: 59a907798741c47⋯.png (77.45 KB, 247x238, 247:238, 59a907798741c47336e418140c….png)

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3886fe  No.14453098


this not a game

you can not burn down a brick house

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ff74cf  No.14453099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9e8c2b  No.14453100


My space lasers disagree.

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3886fe  No.14453101

File: 8511a16cfc45d0e⋯.png (406.02 KB, 499x533, 499:533, Screen_Shot_2021_08_23_at_….png)

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0a6e7d  No.14453102

File: 1c41fcf736fdce9⋯.png (12.41 KB, 406x187, 406:187, Screen_Shot_08_25_21_at_08….PNG)

*News from Yesterday*

Vote was 219-212

2+1+9+2+1+2 = 17

Kyle Griffin


The House just approved the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

The bill was passed 219-212. Zero Republicans voting for it.

7:20 PM · Aug 24, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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9e8c2b  No.14453103


They already had to lose 22 to atmospheric nuclear testing here.

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8d51c7  No.14453104

File: b49b33b27d80c03⋯.jpg (125.48 KB, 664x889, 664:889, JustSayNo.JPG)

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cd2da1  No.14453105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3886fe  No.14453106

File: 24b4369b983dfcd⋯.png (593.77 KB, 591x588, 197:196, Screen_Shot_2021_08_24_at_….png)

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60e3ef  No.14453107


funny stuff

think my brain just suffered a hemorrhoid reading it

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588791  No.14453108

File: 32246d9a9a17d8d⋯.jpg (15.78 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0adc5f56cfd8707a4710d4641c….jpg)


Yellow highlighter does not chek out. Anon assesses post as fake & gay.

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9e8c2b  No.14453110


Dropped down on Echo Basket.

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3886fe  No.14453111

does the game seem real now

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8ae9b5  No.14453112

File: 0bcdc57f2b64529⋯.png (224.9 KB, 500x541, 500:541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 419f2edfd124de5⋯.png (327.02 KB, 1012x1619, 1012:1619, ClipboardImage.png)


Just to clear things up, Watch Bannon, he collects those who are making a real difference to those against the corruption but this also helps the gather all info in one place for all sides.

Of course this does not mean that bannon should not do what he is doing,

The only problem with Bannon is HE IS ASTROTURFED patriots. meaning he is serving more the two masters. probably goes back to this ties with the elites and mossad.

never put anyone as a authority., always be wary of all sides including your own.

the stakes have never been higher then now

use your own discernment




Bannon was talking to Lindell

Stops for a moment.

The reason our site occasionally goes down is because the CCP is constantly attacking our server.

Hey Mike you're on at noon eastern right?

Yes Steve. I'm going to inform everyone on the spy film I'm currently living through. They don't want me to get any messages out.

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e06241  No.14453113

File: 5f48d127572c9c7⋯.png (679.32 KB, 924x560, 33:20, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e2a56a7c1ca662⋯.png (10.04 KB, 452x142, 226:71, ClipboardImage.png)

Prolific Fraud Found In WI – Subpoenas Going Out Soon – Easiest state to show Voter Fraud



JovanHuttonPulitzer, [25.08.21 08:54]



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0a6e7d  No.14453114


>Mueller informant Steve Bannon

Anybody know more about this?

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60e3ef  No.14453115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9e8c2b  No.14453116


No. It's not a game, and I am not a human being.

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3886fe  No.14453117


i dont give a fuk what u are

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dbb115  No.14453118



First I've heard of us as DARPA psyops…everything else, yes.

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c9c34f  No.14453119

File: 4573e6b72b4869d⋯.jpg (67.12 KB, 462x866, 231:433, Screenshot_20210825_075630….jpg)

File: 1d0a530a9ce1458⋯.jpg (124.97 KB, 786x623, 786:623, Screenshot_20210825_075709….jpg)

File: 1b73cda3a6b433a⋯.jpg (34.8 KB, 417x231, 139:77, Screenshot_20210825_075735….jpg)

File: 77955df313a8675⋯.jpg (24.13 KB, 324x231, 108:77, Screenshot_20210825_075810….jpg)

File: 399b797952683e3⋯.jpg (33.71 KB, 304x242, 152:121, Screenshot_20210825_075838….jpg)

The sr-71, the legacy depends on how much Intel it can recive &  aquire thru reconicence on any given spy mission.

What a stealth bird, interms of w/ capability it holds in its long list of functionalities on any given recon run.

From wikipedia: →

The Lockheed SR-71 "Blackbird" is a long-range, high-altitude, Mach 3+ strategic reconnaissance aircraft developed and manufactured by the American aerospace company Lockheed Corporation. It was operated by both the United States Air Force (USAF) and NASA.[1]

SR-71 "Blackbird"An SR-71B trainer over the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California in 1994. The raised second cockpit is for the instructor.RoleStrategic reconnaissance aircraftNational originUnited StatesManufacturerLockheed, Skunk Works divisionDesignerClarence "Kelly" JohnsonFirst flight22 December 1964IntroductionJanuary 1966Retired1998 (USAF), 1999 (NASA)StatusRetiredPrimary usersUnited States Air Force (historical)

NASA (historical)Number built32Developed fromLockheed A-12

The SR-71 was developed as a black project from the Lockheed A-12 reconnaissance aircraft during the 1960s by Lockheed's Skunk Works division. American aerospace engineer Clarence "Kelly" Johnson was responsible for many of the aircraft's innovative concepts. The shape of the SR-71 was based on that of the A-12, which was one of the first aircraft to be designed with a reduced radar cross-section. At one point, a bomber variant of the aircraft was under consideration, before the program was focused solely on reconnaissance. Mission equipment for the reconnaissance role included signals intelligence sensors, a side-looking airborne radar, and a photo camera; the SR-71 was both longer and heavier than the A-12, allowing it to hold more fuel as well as a two-seat cockpit. The SR-71 designation has been attributed to lobbying efforts by USAF Chief of Staff General Curtis LeMay, who preferred the SR (Strategic Reconnaissance) designation over simply RS (Reconnaissance, Strategic). The aircraft was introduced to operational service in January 1966.

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6f254f  No.14453120


it was a meme too

here i think

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cd2da1  No.14453121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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78abb7  No.14453122


>I am not a human being

Blacks are human, Anon.

You're just a different species of human is all.

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9e8c2b  No.14453123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3886fe  No.14453124

File: eb2975908db2859⋯.png (204.21 KB, 600x453, 200:151, Screen_Shot_2021_08_24_at_….png)

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78abb7  No.14453125


>DARPA psyops

I think they misspelled DERPA

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0a6e7d  No.14453126

In Kabul, Private Rescue Efforts Grow Desperate as Time to Evacuate Afghans Runs Out

"Erik Prince, the American defense contractor, said he is offering people seats on a chartered plane out of Kabul for $6,500 per person."


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9bba0b  No.14453127

Deuteronomy 18

20 But the prophet, who being corrupted with pride, shall speak in my name things that I did not command him to say, or in the name of strange gods,shall be slain.

21 And if in silent thought thou answer: How shall I know the word that the Lord hath not spoken?

22Thou shalt have this sign: Whatsoever that same prophet foretelleth in the name of the Lord, and it cometh not to pass:that thing the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath forged it by the pride of his mind: and therefore thou shalt not fear him.

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568946  No.14453128





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0a6e7d  No.14453129


Fuck off with that stupid shit.

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9e0333  No.14453130

File: 490806cd5f6e402⋯.png (775.38 KB, 800x679, 800:679, M_932b.png)

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588791  No.14453131


Kek. How generous of him. Ross Perot would have picked up the tab himself. Because he was classy that way.

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2c0aa4  No.14453132

Has Hillary Clinton been seen traveling outside of the US since the end of 2017?

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75e3e9  No.14453133

File: 7446fb055b7285e⋯.png (225.64 KB, 598x435, 598:435, bendit.png)

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7bdbe6  No.14453134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

[Thunder rolls in the distance]

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c7380f  No.14453135


>Erik Prince, the American defense contractor, said he is offering people seats on a chartered plane out of Kabul for $6,500 per person

I don't know if I buy this Mockingbird piece.

Dude has a ton of $.

Why would he risk soiling his rep further by profiting (non-bigly) off of a desperate situation?

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63ce54  No.14453136


Guido "Guy" Fawkes was a Jesuit assassin.

The federal government did take control of, and has control of, halfchan. They post kiddie pr0n images and then muscle the site owner with threats of prosecution. That's how they operate.


The pedophiles plant pedophile evidence on others and then accuse them of pedophilia.

DC is evil.

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e06241  No.14453137

File: a95f85cb7d138e9⋯.png (1.52 MB, 750x920, 75:92, 228e1cc15cc7885bf7ece8985b….png)



Thank you Anons and goodnight.

New Baker self confirm

Ghost in 5 posts

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cd2da1  No.14453138


Be safe BB in 2h..

USMC, take care of this morans.

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588791  No.14453139

File: a54ddec96e04da0⋯.png (4.2 MB, 3072x3072, 1:1, a54ddec96e04da0d4dd3634070….png)


Have you even read the notables yet?

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75e3e9  No.14453140

File: bc8aa052dba2690⋯.jpg (425.62 KB, 1085x1120, 31:32, dino.jpg)


for the show

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59833d  No.14453141

File: 5dea711ac03edf9⋯.jpg (74.69 KB, 1024x649, 1024:649, 1629891391299m.jpg)

Think we need to watch these anti-vaccine doctors very closely. Really don't like the background of this one, and why does the one doctor rub his throat three times?


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7036a9  No.14453142

File: c3b12a396d27e79⋯.png (660.58 KB, 675x675, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bc558923e9477d⋯.png (155.92 KB, 362x453, 362:453, kevino.png)

File: e3611d9bb31bc90⋯.png (305.14 KB, 393x390, 131:130, tulsi.png)

File: e13dab230926803⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2160x2700, 4:5, the_rock.jpeg)

File: 673b9702d5ab7f9⋯.jpeg (70.84 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Awan.jpeg)

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e06241  No.14453144

File: 25dc75c00719b3e⋯.png (48.6 KB, 335x272, 335:272, needle_6b541c0e245b22d8639….png)

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7169f2  No.14453145


as opposed to the doctors who are pushing poison to the masses.

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141e63  No.14453146

File: dd2f6fd5127d49b⋯.png (660.34 KB, 600x882, 100:147, 0348211830692b628126b4ae02….png)

File: 0486525823c8dce⋯.png (4.67 MB, 1178x1798, 19:29, a06be42bc6aa9da915a999973c….png)

File: d90094eee6d6b92⋯.png (294.14 KB, 372x600, 31:50, c4a53130d2b96fb510a8ac86a2….png)

rightfully proud of his ancestry, the generations of the Fockesdogges or Ffuckezhunden family - are named in the Plymouth colony record, where one Abigail Fuckesdogges was accused of evile doings with kine."

In any case the Fuckesdogges bloodline is an ancient one, which winds back several generations before becoming lost in the mist of legend.

The charming 'Legends of Ye Fokkeshunden' told the story of the Ffucksdogges voracious matriarch who, according to legend, decided to send six of her ten children to earth and to eat the remaining four.

Legend is all that remains of the once proud Ffucksdogge clan.

Bow head pls.

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6bc12d  No.14453147



dubs chekt

keks this early on Dayshift?

Wait, am I in the wrong place?

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dbb115  No.14453148


I haven't been to halfchan since /pol/.

They must be posting that CP in other subs…ones I don't really want to venture into.

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16d658  No.14453149

Whee! Go buy a deep fried candybar on a stick!

Minnesotans who get their 1st COVID-19 vaccine at the state fair to receive $100

Gov. Tim Walz announced on Wednesday that the state will offer $100 Visa gift cards to Minnesotans who get their first COVID-19 vaccine dose at the Minnesota State Fair.

The first 3,600 Minnesotans to get their first dose of vaccine at the state fair will be able to claim a $100 Visa gift card immediately after getting their shot.

"If you’ve waited to get your shot, there’s never been a better opportunity: You can walk away with a $100 Visa gift card in-hand if you get your first COVID-19 dose at the state fair," Walz said.

Fuck. Are they desperate or what? Kek kek.


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3886fe  No.14453150


tries the race slide, utterly fails.

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78abb7  No.14453151


>Ross Perot would have picked up the tab himself

Yeah but it's quite literally Erick Prince' job and people shouldn't ever be asked to work for free. That's the definition of slavery.

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7036a9  No.14453154

File: bd6c9b489ca928e⋯.mp4 (621.04 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hailfauci.mp4)

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26c8ca  No.14453155




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d85b38  No.14453156

Devastating scenes at Kabul airport.Knee deep in sewage,waving their papers, begging to be let in.


#Kabul #Taliban #Afghanistancrisis


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8ae9b5  No.14453157

File: fce44d85b1f32c7⋯.png (907.82 KB, 500x957, 500:957, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b06ce87a6b1f05⋯.png (1.16 MB, 500x963, 500:963, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f021112c5d487e⋯.png (1.54 MB, 500x1355, 100:271, ClipboardImage.png)



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c7380f  No.14453158


The article just says he said it.

Gonna need to see/read the quote(s) first before I think it's legit.

Because if he's doing it for show like you say then charging desperate people for it will only spoil any good will "the show" generates for him.

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75e3e9  No.14453159

File: 2eff6688aca6c19⋯.jpg (373.14 KB, 666x989, 666:989, bull4.jpg)


filtered bot

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a51af3  No.14453160

File: 6b77853640c4707⋯.jpeg (664.53 KB, 1576x2098, 788:1049, 80162865_1055_4DDD_98EE_1….jpeg)


Y’all have a great day!

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da6450  No.14453161

File: 7070ff2396b07ec⋯.jpeg (172.74 KB, 828x684, 23:19, 68B8C617_167E_48D6_8CA3_F….jpeg)

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128f81  No.14453162



Coat tails.

45 wouldn’t have came to Stones rescue had he not have done some good. Main point is: we don’t know what actors are playing what roles. We really don’t know much.

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63ce54  No.14453163


They have control of this place now using the same method. Why did chodemonkey suddenly exit the scene? No longer needed.

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141e63  No.14453164

File: 5c8edeb487c8034⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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568946  No.14453165


If the injection was such a good thing, there would be no need to propagandize, bribe and swindle people into taking it.

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39e015  No.14453166

Good morning Q. My stressors are at about an 8 out of 10. Watching this slow, fatal car wreck and being stuck in front seat is not fun.

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16d658  No.14453167


Hey-you too! Nite nite.

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7bdbe6  No.14453168


>God bless

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811e81  No.14453169

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1496x788, 374:197, 2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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4fef2c  No.14453171

File: 0de9a3ef6b5859a⋯.jpeg (1 MB, 1463x1246, 209:178, B851C53A_06D0_4BDD_804B_5….jpeg)

Pfizer CEO covering his ass when the vax fails


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8ae9b5  No.14453172

File: b656ada4c2ccc04⋯.png (464.88 KB, 445x641, 445:641, ClipboardImage.png)


afternoon swordy, stay blessed, including all anons and truth fighters.

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da6450  No.14453173

File: 8731405c909bb0e⋯.jpeg (161.04 KB, 474x892, 237:446, CD02B1BE_B9CA_4D23_9A65_8….jpeg)

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588791  No.14453174

File: 3c8a7aa90798055⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1080x805, 216:161, 51d3d9ac185c7ad58901bb36d9….png)


>That's the definition of slavery.

So Prince is under no moral obligation to give back? Just shove that gov't money in both pockets and fuck humanity? Kek.

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c7380f  No.14453175


I hear ya, but this is a unique situation.

You have people that got fucked over hardcore by their own government.

He's not being asked to rescue some suit stuck in the jungle trying to steal natural resources from a country.

Yeah, of course you charge those niggers as much as you can.

In this case, if true, Prince is fucking up bad from a PR standpoint.

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d85b38  No.14453176


Diseases are sure to follow

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8cc170  No.14453177


he's an opportunist who's made millions of death and taxpayers - and is there now under the auspices of charity -BS

like all demoncrats feeding the homeless - it appeases their moral conscious, but not one single fiber of compassion

where are all the corporatist? banding together to help AMERICANS? the country that made them great?

like Prince - too busy making $$2MM acb book deals

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536ce4  No.14453178

File: 64efe4ed7a365f5⋯.jpg (56.5 KB, 602x320, 301:160, 20210825_081811.jpg)

File: affb01a8d7bb078⋯.jpg (101.26 KB, 693x763, 99:109, 20210825_074425.jpg)

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51cc33  No.14453179

File: 00c4a25a8ea0f25⋯.jpeg (119.36 KB, 1427x890, 1427:890, 2FA832E8_CC64_4D90_9109_4….jpeg)

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42a1ee  No.14453180

File: d66d36135d2f3a4⋯.jpeg (252.91 KB, 640x787, 640:787, 1DA719B1_4ED0_475C_AAD6_5….jpeg)


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5efac7  No.14453182

File: 8765691d0df4ec0⋯.png (68.53 KB, 460x460, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Supreme Court upheld a state’s mandatory compulsory smallpox vaccination law

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2e3856  No.14453183

File: 3260cc90493c3cd⋯.jpg (197.08 KB, 1090x552, 545:276, HCQ_MURDER_FOR_VACCINE.jpg)

File: 360e1b08174b0ff⋯.jpg (109.16 KB, 589x534, 589:534, your_papers_or_die.jpg)

File: 210ec2da9cea1a2⋯.jpg (157.66 KB, 828x676, 207:169, WHY.jpg)

File: 6ba8093de2c0a9e⋯.jpg (32.81 KB, 480x360, 4:3, looks_like_flu.jpg)

File: e1f68eeb29d3edb⋯.jpg (160.87 KB, 810x540, 3:2, WAKE_UP_TO_TYRANNY.jpg)

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7036a9  No.14453184

File: f29036e3c6300fe⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB, 480x608, 15:19, pfizerceo.mp4)

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51cc33  No.14453185


He definitely should scarf himself.

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568946  No.14453186


Apparently, the so-called Intelligence Community thinks it’s funny or something to bottleneck everyone through a human pinball machine.

Me thinks this isn’t very smart.

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78650e  No.14453187

It is new and I can´t find sauce in english. German youtube clip on rt.

link https://youtu.be/M3esw7_5iD4

China Rejects U.S.-led World Order: "No More Wars, Even in the Name of Democracy"

I was searching and read this (cfr Feb 21)

The United States, China, and Taiwan: A Strategy to Prevent War

To preserve peace in the Taiwan Strait, Robert D. Blackwill and Philip Zelikow propose the United States make clear that it will not change Taiwan’s status, yet will work with allies to plan for Chinese aggression and help Taiwan defend itself.

Taiwan “is becoming the most dangerous flash point in the world for a possible war that involves the United States, China, and probably other major powers,” warn Robert D. Blackwill, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Henry A. Kissinger senior fellow for U.S. foreign policy, and Philip Zelikow, University of Virginia White Burkett Miller professor of history.   

In a new Council Special Report, The United States, China, and Taiwan: A Strategy to Prevent War, the authors argue that the United States should change and clarify its strategy to prevent war over Taiwan. “The U.S. strategic objective regarding Taiwan should be to preserve its political and economic autonomy, its dynamism as a free society, and U.S.-allied deterrence—without triggering a Chinese attack on Taiwan.” 

More on:



U.S. Foreign Policy

South China Sea

Conflict Prevention

“We do not think it is politically or militarily realistic to count on a U.S. military defeat of various kinds of Chinese assaults on Taiwan, uncoordinated with allies. Nor is it realistic to presume that, after such a frustrating clash, the United States would or should simply escalate to some sort of wide-scale war against China with comprehensive blockades or strikes against targets on the Chinese mainland.”

“If U.S. campaign plans postulate such unrealistic scenarios,” the authors add, “they will likely be rejected by an American president and by the U.S. Congress.” But, they observe, “the resulting U.S. paralysis would not be the result of presidential weakness or timidity. It might arise because the most powerful country in the world did not have credible options prepared for the most dangerous military crisis looming in front of it.”


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39e015  No.14453188


Yup. I have considered that suicide weekend may not be what we think it means.

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63ce54  No.14453189

File: a88f3e5176ded4a⋯.png (253.54 KB, 989x453, 989:453, Screenshot_2021_08_25_at_0….png)

File: cb95c9981f60017⋯.png (17.57 KB, 989x207, 43:9, Screenshot_2021_08_25_at_0….png)


(((They))) see us as cattle. They are committing genocide. Genocide is punishable by death.

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16d658  No.14453191


Xactly. Why more people don’t understand this, I don’t know. It’s blatant.


Anon, make sure you get outside today for some peace. It’s a good brain dump/reset.


Yes, and setting the stage for sequential “boosters”. People are blind. If they don’t understand the negative health aspect, can’t they at least see this is a cash cow?

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8ae9b5  No.14453192

File: fb4846071c1b0da⋯.gif (2.15 MB, 480x480, 1:1, fb4846071c1b0dae77691f1318….gif)


life and death are inevitable, may as well enough the ride!!!

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4fef2c  No.14453193


Obsolete weapon system….hypersonic missiles make surface ships death traps

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568946  No.14453194


Memeanon could put rolling dollar signs in his eyes.

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3886fe  No.14453195

File: a743e16577e613f⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1473x625, 1473:625, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

shall we play a game?

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b1412f  No.14453196

File: 768506f0b747b9f⋯.webm (990.7 KB, 874x480, 437:240, 1629690528364.webm)

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671b1c  No.14453197


Can confirm

Saw it yesterday

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6bc12d  No.14453198

File: 776ec5a3bcddce8⋯.jpg (33.82 KB, 348x600, 29:50, OIP_3_.jpg)

May you be blessed with the strength of heaven

The light of the sun and the radiance of the moon

The splendor of fire

The speed of lightning

The swiftness of wind

The depth of the sea

The stability of earth and the firmness of rock

"In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti"


Veritas Aequitas


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59833d  No.14453199



Come on - anons KNOW there is disinfo on all sides. Gotra maintain awareness. Did you not see the rainbow pyramid in the background?

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7036a9  No.14453200

File: 5faa22e46fc650b⋯.mp4 (7.23 MB, 720x720, 1:1, With_the_Delta_variant_on_….mp4)

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8cc170  No.14453201

corporatist be all like" we care for the general well being of all humanity and we must take care of each other

disaster in Afghanistan : "hey can you help? please - people are dying in mass!!

corporatist: " busy w man dates"

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78abb7  No.14453202


>So Prince is under no moral obligation to give back?


If you're concerned about Morality (capital M) then what about the fact that those stuck over there were fighting against the native residents who have lived there for millennia? They have/had a way of life, they had a system, they have their own set of morals and everyone stuck over there was disrupting an already established homeland of people.

You may not like it, young Luke. But you just might find out that your morality depends specifically upon your perception. To the natives of Afghanistan, those people are "terrorists."

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51cc33  No.14453203


Buck up, anon. You’re still able to post so that means you still have a force within you keeping you chugging down the tracks. You’ll love how this movie ends. Life is extremely difficult for those of us that care so much it hurts. Things will get better. Even if things don’t get better personally the world will be saved and we can kick up our feet and smile when that victory is achieved

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75e3e9  No.14453205

File: f537fd6fe872218⋯.png (693.46 KB, 1000x449, 1000:449, answer42.png)


try again

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3886fe  No.14453207

File: 8d0b5146d222084⋯.jpg (55.77 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

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13477e  No.14453208

File: 28f6a93a71a8fbb⋯.png (36.14 KB, 354x388, 177:194, Screenshot_from_2021_08_25….png)

File: d29e5b8bc163f7d⋯.png (45.81 KB, 353x488, 353:488, Screenshot_from_2021_08_25….png)


Andrew Torba ✝️ @a 7h

Did Gettr’s Big Tech-like censorship AI ban Roger Stone for “hate speech,” which they do not allow in their Big Tech-like Terms of Service, while claiming to be a “free speech” platform?



Roger Stone Roger Stone @RogerJStoneJr 8h

if you were under the illusion that the new social media website GETTR set up by Mueller informant Steve Bannon and his criminal confederate Jason Miller does not engage in censorship perhaps you can explain why they just suspended my account. Bannon is a criminal who's indictment for stealing money will be renewed shortly in New York State.I hear the New York state prisons are particularly rough .Once Bannon is in prison Miller won't last week on the street.


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42a1ee  No.14453210

File: bff323ee0aeb858⋯.jpeg (305.07 KB, 640x823, 640:823, A1BE2F39_4F15_4BC9_9E93_D….jpeg)

Anons enjoying that $3 a gallon gas price at the pump?

Anons enjoying paying $8 a pound for ground round hamburger meat?

Got to love that inflation huh

If you’ve ever seen the roads in Democrat run cities you’ll know that they pocket all that ‘infrastructure’ money and don’t actually put it to use



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b5dede  No.14453211

File: fcf2c1872a19556⋯.jpg (198.14 KB, 1080x1300, 54:65, Screenshot_20210825_083624.jpg)


Duh. No pardon.

How do you introduce evidence?

09/14 we will see if it has significance.

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e06241  No.14453212

File: 5c2c3ea25853a35⋯.png (440.51 KB, 1050x622, 525:311, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1a6d027d0d1f3d⋯.png (892.9 KB, 1066x966, 533:483, ClipboardImage.png)

Want to know how bad its in Australia, the biggest health insurers no longer offer life insurance.

Life and Income Protection Insurance

We no longer offer new Life and Income Protection Insurance policies


We don’t offer new Life Insurance anymore


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3886fe  No.14453213

File: 087691d2dc42b8c⋯.jpg (90.58 KB, 822x537, 274:179, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

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8cc170  No.14453214


ccp attitude - baby killer, pedophile apologist

satan worshiping pedovore

slut whore assassin liar traitor

yup that's all you …, you not under any moral obligation - thar leshane

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9efdf7  No.14453215


All kinds of fake papers floating around. Visas, maybe passports.

So, papers don't mean shit, but $6500K up front does. It would most likely stop people from bringing their local national house staff, as well for example, so the seats could be occupied by Americans or NATO civilians.

$6500K may be the best way to vet who he's airlifting out. He can always refund or rebate that.

If he gives the rides for free there's no easy, reliable or quick way he can vet who's on board.

My guess, anyway. IOW, might be one of those things where the rest of the story makes more sense.

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75e3e9  No.14453216

File: ec5d1a165a1d4b8⋯.png (46.17 KB, 198x255, 66:85, inv.png)


a persistent bot, go away

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59e5eb  No.14453218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yesterday, @ 1pm, Mesa County residents lined up in droves to vent their disgust at the County Commissioners plan to extend Dominions contract for another 7 yrs. Dominion would install new machines for free (since the old ones are decertified) and the county pays them $100g a year to maintain them…fucking bastard. People are PISSED!


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7169f2  No.14453219


yeah disinfo all sides, but right now i am going to just avoid the jab like the plague and deal with the other shit when and if it becomes important. Right now not taking it is a priority. Also not everything is a fucking symbol, or some nefarious double meaning. That requires awareness also.

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c9c34f  No.14453220


May OUR ark not ever run a ground…

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536ce4  No.14453221


It's not fun, I agree. But neither is chemo. It's necessary to kill the cancer.

Are you close to a body of water? River, lake, ocean, etc? Always helps anon. Plus, took the whole day off this board yesterday. Really helps. Peace, anon. Hope you recharge soon.

Normies ARE waking up. Anon is seeing little old lady normies ready to break out the brass knuckles and do their worst to "biden voters and covid nazis." Kek. Hang in there.

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8cc170  No.14453222

i corporatists are under no moral obligation to humanity

what's with all the man date- you fauci tyrant trannies

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141e63  No.14453223

File: 4e091ed2943b089⋯.png (311.66 KB, 828x1464, 69:122, 00a20f1ddc94fad1fc62d0483a….png)

File: 1fff650d65be9f1⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 412x432, 103:108, 6f889be3d333888a7b2350e7de….jpg)

THE CULT makes up stories to encourage us to hate; to react instinctively, to speak and act with violence. They do this for every war to create the noble reason for war (we all hate war, right?] is necessary, because, other people (not us) are bestial animals invulnerable to truth and reason who must be "brought to heel," slaughtered or enslaved.

"Amnesty [Amnesty International) said it appeared that many of those killed had not been involved in violent resistance to the occupation. "Some people were killed because they resisted the 'Iraqization' of their country by carrying Kuwaiti money or refusing to pledge allegiance to {Iraqi President} Saddam Hussein," said the report. "Others were killed simply for refusing to help soldiers loot medical equipment or while trying to flee the country."


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2c0aa4  No.14453224

File: c16a236889c140a⋯.jpg (106.76 KB, 512x498, 256:249, c16a236889c140a594e1297676….jpg)

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e06241  No.14453225

File: 2a9c8ee4190dd7c⋯.png (659.84 KB, 1280x714, 640:357, af3cb77ed5d24be493fa1b449b….png)

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42a1ee  No.14453226


>Anons enjoying paying $8 a pound for ground round hamburger meat?

Remember when Obama told all Americans to ‘tighten your belts’ during the recession of 2009?




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b5dede  No.14453227



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c7380f  No.14453228


Yeah, hopefully for his own sake Prince comes out and clarifies things.

Because as it stands now it's not gonna be a good look for him.

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4e3111  No.14453229

File: 2b6f59309694c82⋯.jpg (31.94 KB, 707x299, 707:299, Trump_Gab_8_25.JPG)

Trump - Gab share

Our Country has never been so diminished. It has reached an all-time low!

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568946  No.14453231


Must be nice…

Insurance company collecting premiums for decades (sometimes order compulsory terms)…

Then get the terms changed to not have to payout on claims.

Top Shelf Grifters, [them].

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5a9557  No.14453232


I thought chemo was a death sentence developed by the (((death cult)))

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3886fe  No.14453233

File: 45532e585c15cfb⋯.jpg (34.95 KB, 335x240, 67:48, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

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e06241  No.14453234

File: f53f11e64e0df8d⋯.png (462.82 KB, 1031x849, 1031:849, ClipboardImage.png)

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78abb7  No.14453235



Says the anon who doesn't want his homeland and way of life disrupted by illegal immigrants…

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6bc12d  No.14453236

File: 0da971eac64f426⋯.jpeg (24.49 KB, 474x311, 474:311, OIP_47_.jpeg)

Pelosi Live CNN



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598c74  No.14453237

posting again just because

HOLY fck


Dr Christina Parks testifies for MI HB 4471 mandates

CDC has been very very bad over the decades, it seems

I would love to hear more CDC and health department horror stories hit the mainstream - it would be so good for different communities across this nation to have an illumination of these issues.

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3886fe  No.14453238

File: 5ec5044034608f4⋯.png (26.59 KB, 548x123, 548:123, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

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dbaae1  No.14453240

File: 61264657f2167b0⋯.mp4 (4.79 MB, 858x480, 143:80, A_combat_veteran_gives_his….mp4)

Precipice incoming.


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63ce54  No.14453241


Beware of "Greeks" bearing gifts.

That saying comes from the Trojan horse and the fall of Troy. A gift of the Greeks that was secretly filled with Greek soldiers who, after dark, left the Trojan horse and opened the gates of Troy to the Greek army.

Read that again.

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3886fe  No.14453242

File: 01afea5a5481b66⋯.jpg (91.39 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

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141e63  No.14453243

File: 7b408256de57b0d⋯.jpg (18.61 KB, 350x228, 175:114, danaiimage007.jpg)

File: 16b19ba2b6f1979⋯.jpg (218.17 KB, 1704x959, 1704:959, death_machine_euthanasia_h….jpg)

File: 17cec06ccc0b3e1⋯.gif (43.61 KB, 480x400, 6:5, khome2.gif)

WAIT! Don't do it pedovore

Not until you read this post.'

Pedovores, the Almighty having set his canon against suicide, it remains a statistical inevitability that a very high percentage of pedo cultists will chose to act in radical disobedience to God's will and ace themselves, regardless.

For that reason, we would draw the attention of all pedovores to alternatives to the fancy 3D printed "Death Pod" now on show at the Venice Biennial; where the with-it bloodlines shop for this n' that.

Your choices:Die in an untested, newfangled plastic smelling puce colored sneaker, subject to failure in the event of an EMP, DEW weapon attack or being hacked by the DARPA AI .



Choice 2

Heavily tested, proven deadly, the pinnacle of finely machined analog technology: The Kevorkian Auto Croaker. (tm)

Handcrafted analog technology preserves a much purer quantum wave form, is guaranteed proof again any EM interference, mass coronal ejections, blackouts, common uprisings, magnetosphere inversions and rooting by the DARPA AI.

Suicidal pedovores, God wants your repentance, not your eternal suffering and death. If you do choose to spurn His love, the Kervorkian Autocroaker(tm) may possibly be worth considering, as an alternative to being found dead in bubble wrap plastic display case with your veins full of cheap Guyanese zombie juice.'


Point 32a: Unsightly remains including protruding eyeballs are highly visible through the death pod viewing canopy, even minor celebrity clients should evaluate the chance of appearing on the front page the National Enquirer website like Elvis with a furled extruded tongue, lividity, 'slippage' and mottled skin (a result of light filtration by the semi transparent viewing lid of a 3D plastic sneaker)

* There are seven suicides in Scripture from King Saul to Judas, and they’re always depicted negatively. They are never God’s plan for anybody’s life

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4fef2c  No.14453244


Yup…..last piece of the commie takeover, bankrupt entire country….stonk and bank accts will go to zero

Biden and Kammie will laugh as they board AF1 and say “Sorry, moneys all gone”

Then some kind of BS government crypto and the mark

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588791  No.14453245

File: 9b3cb39801c5212⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1566x752, 783:376, 9b3cb39801c5212b65653c6760….png)


I'm not your buddy pal. Take that gay ass Star Wars bullshit back to full where it belongs.

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5fa039  No.14453246

File: c10fd80fe27158f⋯.jpg (161.21 KB, 1431x737, 1431:737, E9ok7rXXEAEo1Yx.jpg)

MSNBC front page today Aug. 25th

In the middle of Biden's Afghan crisis

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3886fe  No.14453247

File: 34e793af4412e3f⋯.jpg (19.72 KB, 474x355, 474:355, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

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e06241  No.14453248

File: 809e225b0a5ea23⋯.png (353.6 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59c1c9dd2ced86f⋯.png (58.66 KB, 245x639, 245:639, ClipboardImage.png)

Disclose.tv, [25.08.21 09:33]

[ Photo ]

JUST IN -Pentagon orders all active-duty troops to be vaccinated with the Pfizer #COVID19 vaccine (Reuters)


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3886fe  No.14453249

paying attn

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16d658  No.14453250


Amen, anon. We all play a role here and I like yours. :)

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e06241  No.14453252

File: cf59b00e1fac3d3⋯.png (300.81 KB, 449x931, 449:931, ClipboardImage.png)

Arizona Informer Channel, [25.08.21 09:12]

Fann Makes Plans For Audit Of Voter Affidavit Signatures On Some Of Maricopa County’s 1.9M Early Ballots – Arizona Daily Independent

Fann told Arizona Daily Independent she was interviewing a potential contractor to audit another aspect of Maricopa County’s election process – how employees verified voter signatures on the nearly 1.9 million early ballot affidavit envelopes turned in during the election.

Those signatures must be verified before the ballot inside can be sent for tabulation, but questions have been raised about the procedures utilized by then-County Recorder Adrian Fontes and his staff question while conducting those verifications.

Fann says whoever she hires to review the procedures and the signatures will start by looking for envelopes which do not contain the required voter signature. There will also be a review for unidentifiable signatures -what Fann’s calls “scribbles”- which can be matched up against Maricopa County’s voter database, which includes images of all prior signatures used by a voter during an election.



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e38a55  No.14453253

File: 46f74777c993c2b⋯.png (447.79 KB, 599x402, 599:402, 15_34_39.png)

File: 99cc2dff410f6aa⋯.png (85.71 KB, 215x181, 215:181, 15_35_25.png)

Join or Die



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588791  No.14453254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Using all red text to get your point across is like using a croissant as a dildo.

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5fa039  No.14453255

File: 075377938faad5f⋯.jpg (423.98 KB, 4096x2311, 4096:2311, E9kl5QAVcAIRAiF.jpg)

Cases in Japan are now up 42,096% since a Forbes article on 6/22/20 said the high rate of mask wearing there was responsible for preventing COVID spread.

It’s a remarkable feat of media gaslighting that politicians and experts are still getting away with pretending masks matter.

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917619  No.14453256

Call to potential dig.

I’m personal friends with a lot of docs, two have even stood up and said fire me with the forced vax. One hospital pulled back and allowed him to test weekly (which he agreed), the other left and is moving to FL to practice. All others took the jab, some reluctantly.

Hospitals are creating a false crisis, and that crisis is staffing. I know of four nurses at this hospital that walked off the job yesterday. They are offering RN’s $50/hr to work on the Covid floor, and no one wants to do it. They are saying fuck you. Now, they have called in NG/FEMA to be stationed at the hospitals. Local news is labeling this as because the hospital is drowning in hospitalizations/cases, everyone needs to get their vax now, the sky is falling, etc.

The truth? They are bringing in the NG to staff the Covid unit because no one else will do it because of the vax mandates. It’s going into a vicious cycle.

Now, the digging part. I’ve been told by personnel in the hospital that they had no choice but to issue a vax mandate. Because if they failed to implement a mandate, they would lose all federal funding.

No vax mandates for hospitals, no federal money.

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51cc33  No.14453257


Whoa! People are pissed. Nice seeing God move these people like that. Impressive

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78abb7  No.14453258


1. Arm your army - Check

2. Import them into the US - Check

3. Get a funding pool to fund the war - Check

4. War on US Soil - Coming Soon

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42a1ee  No.14453259

File: 2749aa2e743e04d⋯.jpeg (397.07 KB, 640x1065, 128:213, AD73D601_E9C6_4235_B304_6….jpeg)


>Using all red text to get your point across is like using a croissant as a dildo.

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59833d  No.14453260


Same here, anon

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5a9557  No.14453261


not wanting a rainbow colored boot stomping on your face forever? white rage

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8cc170  No.14453262


ses the taxpaying grifting low life hanging leech who never did anything on his own much less be an immigrant…, unless you raping em on epsteink airplane / island

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536ce4  No.14453263

Anons, it's time to flip this thing around. Really tired of the narrative that it's all the unvaxxed's fault. It's time the vaxxed get a taste of their own medicine and have it blamed on them. After all, they are the super-spreaders.

Is that divisive? IT CERTAINLY IS,

but until the tables turn and the vaxxed walk in unvaxxed shoes, they will never understand it enough to be willing to put away the divisiveness. It must get hot for them. Let the vaxxed become the "hunted." (Not in reality, but as a narrative).

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141e63  No.14453264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Man is a scientific creature; he labels his ignorance and shelves it: it bores him, but when he has given a name to any appearance then the mystery flies away, and reality alone remains for his cogitation. We have arranged to label faculties of imagination and prophesy among lesser creatures Instinct, and with this label we have thrown overboard more mystery than we could afford to live with. Later these may confront us again in our proper souls, and the wonder and terror so long overdue will compel our tardy obeisance. “

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e38a55  No.14453265




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dcfe63  No.14453266

File: ee5dabe2b495c55⋯.jpg (84.44 KB, 705x579, 235:193, 20210825_093758.jpg)

So is the hill now a "Trump support"….

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42a1ee  No.14453267

File: 906a7f8d4f7cae2⋯.jpeg (301.86 KB, 2048x946, 1024:473, AC18AEEA_51BE_4858_90B2_8….jpeg)

File: 55568144dbdd73e⋯.jpeg (341.87 KB, 2369x1273, 2369:1273, 6AC3A898_F74D_40EA_9D13_7….jpeg)

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3886fe  No.14453268

File: 0283b9ebb6d2c86⋯.jpg (320.34 KB, 2560x1707, 2560:1707, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

where does your family live mr bourla.

are they safe?

you want to play the game don't u

the game has consequences

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6bc12d  No.14453269

File: da5bb4162e64b24⋯.jpg (85.63 KB, 800x463, 800:463, 01_leone_di_s_marco_vittor….jpg)



Lots to learn.

Pax Tibi


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4fef2c  No.14453270

File: 8dcfcb34e1b8c95⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1138x1080, 569:540, B7883511_C77A_412A_A109_A6….png)

Wow…..what an embarrassment of a generation

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568946  No.14453271


Having accepted IT before, is the grounds of precedent being used to “PROVE” [they] can make you do it this time, again.

The exact same Adhesion Contract slight-of-hand that will be used on the general public against all the ‘resistors’, by invoking all that were fooled and accepted the bullshit bill-of-goods.

Thanks, all ya fucking fools.

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ef0cb4  No.14453272


Signs everywhere for nurses needed

Giving $5k sign on bonuses

This shit that nurses are taking the jab

is horseshit

They are leaving in droves

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5fa039  No.14453273

File: 7c177a7ba469d81⋯.jpg (77.02 KB, 1242x751, 1242:751, E9gZetcVcAAGcfi.jpg)

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dcfe63  No.14453274

File: 48fff8c69a4979a⋯.jpg (161.16 KB, 720x1403, 720:1403, 20210825_093811.jpg)

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16d658  No.14453275


Indeed. T y anon. :)

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0714be  No.14453276

File: 4baa731fcea32ec⋯.jpeg (698.87 KB, 2250x1264, 1125:632, 4046D627_5D78_48EC_87F5_9….jpeg)



>Devastating scenes at Kabul airport.Knee deep in sewage,waving their papers, begging to be let in.

You are watching a movie.

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3886fe  No.14453278


DS actors

are you really paying attention?

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a0a13d  No.14453279


Bannon and his crew are doing more to waken the US population and to take down the CCP than anyone I know of.

Stone is a loser.

Seems pretty clear to me.

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2d7520  No.14453280


God Bless You swordAnon.

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2c0aa4  No.14453281


>I hope you die!!

Reply: Take of your mask then.

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42a1ee  No.14453282

File: 96afe5c3d919569⋯.jpeg (339.16 KB, 640x695, 128:139, E63EDAED_5B16_4FB3_9C76_F….jpeg)

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3886fe  No.14453283


we dont glow

we know where they live

did you capture my ip

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e06241  No.14453284

File: cc877119f4185f5⋯.jpg (44.19 KB, 700x467, 700:467, cc877119f4185f545f0f933400….jpg)


Have a great bake today, hope it is interesting!



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83c682  No.14453285


“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth…”

Romans 1:16 (KJV)

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141e63  No.14453286

File: a6b88f4781fba97⋯.png (762.43 KB, 506x808, 253:404, Morning.png)

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3886fe  No.14453287


do you know where they live

because they want to kill you

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8d51c7  No.14453288

File: 2b09434fc05e6dc⋯.png (95.99 KB, 571x571, 1:1, RealVirus.png)

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4fef2c  No.14453289


It’s only a movie for TV watchers

The rest of us know the reality is communism

The Republic is dead

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9e0333  No.14453290

File: 693466c4a6e8635⋯.jpg (186.01 KB, 1199x537, 1199:537, pepe_5_five_day_forecast_C….jpg)

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5b7e4c  No.14453291

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588791  No.14453293


Looked at that clown's service record yesterday. For all of those He-Man Combat badges he's wearing, his decorations tell a very different story. Bronze Star w/3 oak leaves, but no V device. No Purple Hearts. Meritorious this and Meritorious that, with a bunch of 'I Was There' campaign medals sprinkled in for barracks cred.

We're dealing with a high-functioning Fobbit here.

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26af5c  No.14453294


Hitler conspired with Pope Pious XII and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, to commit genocide and all three of them escaped justice. In fact most of the genocidal maniacs of WWII escaped justice. Many of the were imported to America and went on to live very comfortable live. Many of their decendants are committing the genocide we are watching today.

These people use moral codes found in books, like the bible, to justify exterminating "non-believers". They will keep doing so as long as people obediently follow along believing the are special and ordained by God to kill in his name. Murder begets murder. Torture begets torture. Love begets love.

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75e3e9  No.14453295

File: 4c7a8e02d986397⋯.png (378.69 KB, 358x572, 179:286, twins.png)


lets take a summer trip to afghanistan

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3886fe  No.14453296

soon, they wont be able to walk down the street.

turn up the pressure, even the playing field

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7bdbe6  No.14453297


Signatures are IMPORTANT.

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3886fe  No.14453298

have a nice day

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c7380f  No.14453299




That story glows.

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42a1ee  No.14453300

File: b841a27ba41fc26⋯.jpeg (244.52 KB, 640x528, 40:33, 62BCB9F9_EFE2_4B89_8B6E_D….jpeg)


>Looked at that clown's service record yesterday. For all of those He-Man Combat badges he's wearing, his decorations tell a very different story. Bronze Star w/3 oak leaves, but no V device. No Purple Hearts. Meritorious this and Meritorious that, with a bunch of 'I Was There' campaign medals sprinkled in for barracks cred.

>We're dealing with a high-functioning Fobbit here.

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dcfe63  No.14453301

File: 564ef726d4bb4c0⋯.jpg (72.65 KB, 660x998, 330:499, 20210812_101311.jpg)

Can this go past August 31st?

Can it still be by Sept 11th?

Something has got to give

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c6dcfb  No.14453302


that would be when the net would be taken out

so knowledge of the attacks can not be distributed

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78abb7  No.14453303


Afghanistan is a designated war zone. Not one single student was taking a vacation there. This headline is bullshit.

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26c8ca  No.14453305

>>14453025 @250 cuz why not


>>14453042 Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load

>>14453060 Stone is a clown and Bannon a patriot?

>>14453102 The House just approved the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

>>14453113 Prolific Fraud Found In WI – Subpoenas Going Out Soon – Easiest state to show Voter Fraud

>>14453119 The Lockheed SR-71 "Blackbird" is a long-range, high-altitude, Mach 3+ strategic reconnaissance aircraft.

>>14453086, >>14453099 LA Fire Captain refuses the Vaccine in epic speech

>>14453166 Anons First Day on the Job.

>>14453180 Twitter seditionhunters?

>>14453198 "In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" Amen

>>14453229 Trump - Gab share Our Country has never been so diminished. It has reached an all-time low!

>>14453256 Call to potential dig. No vax mandates for hospitals,

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31220c  No.14453306

File: 592061f427d34ae⋯.png (878.91 KB, 895x504, 895:504, ClipboardImage.png)

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7bdbe6  No.14453307

Everything we hear coming out of Afghanistan is Propaganda

Look over there, Not here

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0a6e7d  No.14453309


There will be days like this. Take a break. Got to weave your way through all the bullshit on all sides. You got this, anon!

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5b7e4c  No.14453310


People have been known to travel to places where they have families and/or friends, especially during the summer months. Not everything glows.

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2c0aa4  No.14453311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9efdf7  No.14453312


You have the story above about Afghanis standing knee deep in sewage, waving their papers.

I don't see how you can do a first come, first serve, because papers don't mean anything with all the counterfeits.

Best & quickest way to vet would be a debit/credit card linked to a US bank account, I'd think. For UK, D citizens, same thing with a major national bank.

There are people that shouldn't be climbing aboard a US bound plane, for safety reasons alone. Just can't risk not having a way to vet, and it would be time consuming as well. Don't need a TSA scenario when you're trying to get out of Dodge as fast as possible.

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4e3111  No.14453314


Remember after 911, and everyone was like, "How did these terrorists get in?

"How did they get trained to fly"

"How did we not see this coming…"

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536ce4  No.14453315


Probably so. Bad analogy, but you know what I mean

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4048e3  No.14453316

File: be76f4a078b7726⋯.jpg (63.44 KB, 720x460, 36:23, 20210825_074519.jpg)

File: 0d9694a7ee2aa98⋯.jpg (96.59 KB, 640x1148, 160:287, 20210825_074354.jpg)


JUST IN - Pentagon orders all active-duty troops to be vaccinated with the Pfizer #COVID19 vaccine (Reuters)

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75e3e9  No.14453317

File: 328d3e14d016cf2⋯.jpg (86.61 KB, 640x640, 1:1, desert.jpg)

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42a1ee  No.14453318

File: 034f2f1fd5d2895⋯.jpeg (169.14 KB, 511x336, 73:48, 93E37A69_FE44_43D4_A10E_2….jpeg)


>Looked at that clown's service record yesterday. For all of those He-Man Combat badges he's wearing, his decorations tell a very different story. Bronze Star w/3 oak leaves, but no V device. No Purple Hearts. Meritorious this and Meritorious that, with a bunch of 'I Was There' campaign medals sprinkled in for barracks cred.

>We're dealing with a high-functioning Fobbit here.

There’s still room for more

Pic related

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3886fe  No.14453319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ef0cb4  No.14453320


All fake

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dcfe63  No.14453321


Complimenting the deck chairs as the titanic does a header

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c7380f  No.14453322


The only thing that F&G story has going for it is they're from Cali.

Because parents in the 49 other States would say GTFO to anyone suggesting going there for a summer trip.

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31220c  No.14453323

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c9c34f  No.14453324

File: 36b7682d61f7c2f⋯.jpg (68.8 KB, 656x522, 328:261, Screenshot_20210726_140727….jpg)

File: 03216c92a244f19⋯.jpg (41.67 KB, 496x635, 496:635, Screenshot_20210726_141057….jpg)

File: ee6a017b26f05dd⋯.jpg (24.7 KB, 340x242, 170:121, Screenshot_20210822_020309….jpg)

File: c88e56fc1c858d6⋯.jpg (22.97 KB, 200x214, 100:107, Screenshot_20210822_021817….jpg)

God has spoken to me this morning.

"Be joy unto the world" God has raised US up in protection.

Walk today and ALL days in blessing.

This to shall pass.

The joy of the Lord is my strength.

No weapon agaist US shall prosper…

God bless.

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42a1ee  No.14453325

File: e550523f3e5e567⋯.jpeg (203.8 KB, 640x606, 320:303, A77DA62F_8988_4974_BFD1_A….jpeg)


>Look over there, Not here

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128f81  No.14453327


It’s all about the break. Something has to break. It will come like a thief in the night.

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75e3e9  No.14453328

File: 5053372f54162eb⋯.jpg (477.99 KB, 1216x678, 608:339, unstable.jpg)

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8032bd  No.14453329

File: 16fff03a9f6479c⋯.png (332.52 KB, 1315x690, 263:138, ClipboardImage.png)

With the Pfizer vaccine, the moloch cult (which includes infiltrations into FDA, Pfizer, fake news and the Biden admin, all coordinated), is trying to implement an internally contradictory message.

FDA approved a NOT YET EXISTING vaccine, from BioNTech GmbH, called "Comirnaty".

The White House is claiming this approval is also the approval of THE EXISTING Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

But the FDA specifically indicated that that vaccine is still in EUA and not formally approved.

Fake News is claiming "FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine".

Biden is effectively saying "The FDA approval means employers should now mandate THE EXISTING NOT FDA FINAL APPROVAL vaccine".


A final FDA approval of a not yet in production vaccine from BioNTech GmbH, IS NOT a final approval of THE ALREADY EXISTING Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

But Biden and Fake News are claiming that the existing vaccine was just approved Aug 23 with the FDA announcement.

Employers cannot cite the Aug 23 FDA announcement to 'mandate' ANY EXISTING VACCINE for their employees, because the FDA announcement was for a NOT YET EXISTING vaccine from BioNTech GmbH (German company) called "Comirnaty".

The moloch cult is issuing contradictory statements hoping that out of the confusion, fear, intimidation and pressure that they can square a circle and trick people into taking the Pfizer vaccine that has NOT been approved but is still in EUA.


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7bdbe6  No.14453330

File: 1f76d14a37d7439⋯.png (856.75 KB, 1003x690, 1003:690, ClipboardImage.png)


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ef0cb4  No.14453331


This is what they want

A complete collapse

Teachers will walk off

Doctors will walk off

Cops and fireman will walk off

Then employees at businesses will walk off

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c6dcfb  No.14453332


that image reminds me of a portrait of George Floyd painted on a brick wall

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26af5c  No.14453333


Seems most likely. They'll probably fly down to Mar-a-lago to live with "The Chosen One".

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98e213  No.14453334

File: 9c911d42cee10f7⋯.png (361.58 KB, 636x480, 53:40, e9bacc845ca6e3988b36626df6….png)

If you would have told me in August 2019 that within 2 years:

- A laboratory made bioweapon comprised of the spiked protein HIV envelope that contains a highly adaptive cold virus would be released which would trigger a WHO and CDC fueled fake and inflated pandemic across the world that would result in lockdowns, needless masking, and forced vaccinations…

- The following summer, Marxist groups comprised of paid organizers will riot across America. They will hijack a narrative of racism which will give them cover to create over 2 bullion dollars worth of damage and not a single one of them will be convicted by the courts…

- Millions of business owners and employees, particularly in the U.S, would lose their livelihood as a result of the fake and inflated numbers due to the pandemic…

- A fraudulent election would happen in the U.S. where millions of non-existent ballots would be injected into the election resulting in the previous Democrat VP now President, and the lowest performing democrat in the primaries his VP…

- The FBI, empowered by the speaker of the house, sets up a sting at the largest protest in American history which results in anyone who supports the true president being labelled a domestic terrorist by the DHS…

- The mainstream news becomes the open voice for the state and openly and actively pumps propaganda on behalf of the state through print, tv, and digital outlets…

- Social media bans anyone who speaks out against the propoganda regarding the fake pandemic and fraudulent election…

- Further pushing the narrative, people who conduct their own research are labelled domestic terrorists yet no crimes or violence or even talk of crimes or violence are committed…

- The courts are completely complicit of the obvious and massive crimes that have been committed and orchestrated over the last year and a half. Justice is no longer upheld due to activism, bribery, and threats occur in the justice system. The organizers of the election fraud skate, the Marxist skate, the politicians skate, and there is no recourse for organized subversion…

- The now fraudulent president admin immediately moves to hand away America's energy independence, floods the country with illegal immigrants, skyrockets inflation, pushes the fake pandemic, refuses any audits of his election, pushes the domestic terrorist narrative and, worst of all; hands over Afghanistan to the Taliban (China by proxy), and in the process of doing so gives over two billion dollars of military equipment and leaves 10s of thousands of Americans behind to be slaughtered…

No way I would have believed you… But here we are 🤷‍♂️…

When you break it down, do you guys see what's next? Doesn't take a rocket scientist…

God help us all.

Copy and paste


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a0a13d  No.14453335


possibly by making people pay their own way, he avoids restrictions/laws on funding operations…

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7036a9  No.14453336

File: 89bc0f47d216b7f⋯.png (1.9 MB, 930x930, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_08_24_at_2….png)

File: 2d76999a93af0de⋯.png (423.08 KB, 500x700, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

That is funny right there.

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e06241  No.14453338

File: 32e99cac18df226⋯.jpg (41.49 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 32e99cac18df226876bb4b6623….jpg)


You've got this, Anon.


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42a1ee  No.14453339

File: a5fb2cbd6d33a8b⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1440x1429, 1440:1429, A81F6EFB_97E5_40EA_9B43_35….png)

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287ecb  No.14453340


Fremont known unofficially as "Little Kabul."

Fremont and other parts of the East Bay are home to one of the largest populations of Afghan immigrants and Afghan Americans in the United States,

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9e0333  No.14453341

File: 05da5da996d283f⋯.png (560.79 KB, 1007x1024, 1007:1024, pepe_laptop_KRAKEN_00.png)

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7036a9  No.14453342

File: d01e244345a7d44⋯.png (248.49 KB, 600x300, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>They'll probably fly down to Mar-a-lago to live with "The Chosen One".

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e06241  No.14453343

File: fe71ef5b8c256c9⋯.png (254.63 KB, 1330x886, 665:443, 0bbc7e6eaefadc81f22c0ffb39….png)

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128f81  No.14453344


Meme gold. Can’t believe they went to the same high school. Milley was probably pounding that in the locker room

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75e3e9  No.14453345

File: 9d216d5401b8b55⋯.jpg (67.89 KB, 700x656, 175:164, reboot.jpg)


you suck, there is no virus, the vaxx is the bio weap

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3886fe  No.14453347

File: ac0c480c9f7fac7⋯.png (240.46 KB, 1216x400, 76:25, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

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e06241  No.14453348

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c7380f  No.14453349


Then Prince could have said let me charge $10 to your card to prove you're legit.

Like I said, I'll wait for Prince to clarify instead of taking the Mockingbirds at face value.

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5efac7  No.14453350

File: ea1870781037f63⋯.jpg (531.35 KB, 480x633, 160:211, 1629851821807blob.jpg)

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6bc12d  No.14453351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3886fe  No.14453352

File: fb05322846628de⋯.png (224.27 KB, 1215x335, 243:67, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

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536ce4  No.14453353


It appears BigPharma/BigMed about to be majorly restructured. Needs to be. Kudos to those healthcare workers standing their ground.

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ecda4c  No.14453354

File: e02fbaff30144b4⋯.mp4 (520.76 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 9qJ4ij6mHG5Wn_w5.mp4)



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63ce54  No.14453355


Will the military collapse this fall or winter because of a cytokine storm* caused by the gene therapies? China would find it much easier to assume control. Communist China.

* A cytokine storm, also called hypercytokinemia, is a physiological reaction inHUMANS AND OTHER ANIMALSin which the innate immune system causes an uncontrolled and excessive release of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules called cytokines.

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3886fe  No.14453356

File: f25c5585709dd25⋯.png (244.91 KB, 1215x335, 243:67, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

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588791  No.14453357

File: 95be71beac75c85⋯.gif (15.58 KB, 255x243, 85:81, 38acf6ef25ec6b6132c9ce84bb….gif)

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01d252  No.14453358


1977 (Church Committee year)

The film caused significant controversy because of its simulated sex scenes involving underage actresses. Because of these scenes, it was banned in several countries, being labeled as child pornography.

Maladolescenza translates to Puppy Love.

Dog comms origin?

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e06241  No.14453359




looks like it..

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f23e2a  No.14453360

File: 1dc2e6468fe7fbb⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1520x2368, 95:148, FDA_approved.png)


>JUST IN - Pentagon orders all active-duty troops to be vaccinated with the Pfizer #COVID19 vaccine (Reuters)

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3886fe  No.14453361


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502ea7  No.14453362

File: 93d0b2db02a3cdd⋯.png (238.03 KB, 800x533, 800:533, RBG_This_800.png)

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42a1ee  No.14453363

File: 6263bc80a4c13b8⋯.jpeg (41.08 KB, 480x361, 480:361, 9BD21D3F_5EB0_409A_9B9B_6….jpeg)


Someone needs to photoshop them into this please..


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42a1ee  No.14453365


Put Levine in the back tho and milley with the black hat

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9efdf7  No.14453366


You can go anywhere if you're a nurse. If they need to stay local for family reasons there's always elderly care, etc., gigs. They'll all land on their feet.

My job was one that I could go anywhere in the world and do. Best way to get better schooling for your kids, too. Find a place that's a vacation spot and has decent schools, and move.

Don't need to put up with bullshit.

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75e3e9  No.14453367

File: 247c19fe6c435af⋯.png (924.93 KB, 540x960, 9:16, horsesmouth.png)


>Dog comms origin?

more like filtered bot

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0a6e7d  No.14453368

File: 00d55c8d0c04fb2⋯.png (14.37 KB, 406x169, 406:169, Screen_Shot_08_25_21_at_09….PNG)

Senator Ron Johnson


We are hearing disturbing reports that unvetted refugees are being flown into the US. Fewer SIV holders and American citizens on flights. Looking forward to being briefed at Fort McCoy today.

9:37 AM · Aug 25, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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3886fe  No.14453369

File: 096423c22f22de7⋯.jpg (23.89 KB, 940x400, 47:20, Leadership_940x400px_1.jpg)

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4e3111  No.14453370

File: ca213c644e3e47d⋯.jpg (83.23 KB, 1184x629, 32:17, EU_poision.JPG)




This is the Pfizer drug that has already been in use in the EU

Why, 3 days later, is this still being slid?



Roman City

Greek Named Variants

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c6dcfb  No.14453371



not distributed easily

this is where they will implement vAxe passport for interstate travel

and CCP Troopers to fuck with every truck

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7036a9  No.14453372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

stay on target

give them nothing

take from them everything

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26af5c  No.14453373


Taliban = student

They are definitely not on vacation. It's a preview of what's coming to America.

Until every nation is destroyed and being rich mean nothing, with all dying in the streets equally, the show will go on.

Think no power, no water, no food, no means of escape. Whoever survives that will inherit the earth.

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128f81  No.14453374



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e2df4f  No.14453375


>Mueller informant Steve Bannon

is that a good thing or bad thing?

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3886fe  No.14453376

File: 2b5192698df6b08⋯.png (447.25 KB, 1227x626, 1227:626, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

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59e5eb  No.14453378



Keep treating Mesa County Colorado like a flyover state, forgotten people.

Shit's most important thing on the planet, and baker ignores it.

Fucking frustrating.

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5b7e4c  No.14453379


Actually read the piece and I stand corrected.

Weird stuff.

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3886fe  No.14453380

File: e74c577c7b35333⋯.png (231.55 KB, 1214x302, 607:151, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

archive your data

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3886fe  No.14453381

the enemy is right in front of you

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8ae9b5  No.14453383

File: 1dd5f91e6ccba08⋯.png (850.13 KB, 736x476, 184:119, ClipboardImage.png)



(not the current experiment vaccine, a new one which is in the hands of the

EUA waiting to be approved). language used to confuse, they are all part of the industrial complex and as such, should be viewed as collaborating !!

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deecc3  No.14453384


How many troops have actually died of COVID-19? Less than a hundred?

Absolute insanity.

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c8f5a9  No.14453386

File: 906c31aa643615c⋯.jpg (491.36 KB, 1711x962, 1711:962, Are_we_there_yet.jpg)

File: a0428efd3f3c622⋯.jpg (381.17 KB, 1199x878, 1199:878, Marathon_.jpg)

File: 2de9f6afebc8528⋯.jpg (365.42 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Renegade_1.jpg)

File: de4c0277adf1466⋯.jpg (539.61 KB, 901x1200, 901:1200, Renegade_2.jpg)

File: 7c50946f3be84a2⋯.jpg (726.28 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Ride_the_wave.jpg)

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0a6e7d  No.14453387


Right! That's why my nosy ass wants to know more!

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59e5eb  No.14453388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you faggots haven't figured it out by now, the whole Afghanistan bullshit is to cover up the news coming out of Mesa County CO>

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63ce54  No.14453389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 reclasified humans as animals. Animals do not have God-given rights. THIS IS A HUGE REDPILL.

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42a1ee  No.14453391

File: 7d3c98de4ccc3fd⋯.jpeg (234.85 KB, 640x548, 160:137, AE157554_6FBD_4437_8B34_4….jpeg)


>This is what they want

>A complete collapse

>Teachers will walk off

>Doctors will walk off

>Cops and fireman will walk off

>Then employees at businesses will walk off

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d85b38  No.14453392

Seems like the world is spiraling.

At what point does it become mathematically impossible to not hit your knees and call on your creator for help.

Q gave us Three mandates

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01d252  No.14453394


Isn't it a bit early to be so triggered?

Happy Hump Day, faggot.

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108abf  No.14453395


Farm class trip.

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7bdbe6  No.14453396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Silence does not mean Inaction.

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6bc12d  No.14453397

File: 00eeaddd3260119⋯.gif (3.59 MB, 480x267, 160:89, giphy.gif)


Cheese slide


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3886fe  No.14453398

File: 0e262cf4bfe8abb⋯.png (566.63 KB, 1304x408, 163:51, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

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78abb7  No.14453399


>hit your knees and call on your creator for help.

billions have tried that and died.

No sky creatures has ever descended from the heavens and saved them.

But sure, give it a go. What have you got to lose?

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3886fe  No.14453400

File: c5e70b6e3bdd31a⋯.png (576.69 KB, 1263x406, 1263:406, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

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9efdf7  No.14453401


Betsy DeVos is his sister.

Has to be Trump ties, IMO. Might have been her position was used to get her read in. for comms purposes.

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128f81  No.14453402


Correction: shills and everyone else want attention turned away from election audits. Funny thing is the “slides” are being used to our advantage and further waking normies. Let em slide away

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8032bd  No.14453403

File: fdeb01f049b4f28⋯.png (311.71 KB, 1436x1183, 1436:1183, ClipboardImage.png)


But that wasn't the vaccine the FDA just approved.

The FDA just approved the BioNTech GmbH vaccine called "Comirnaty".

This is not the Pfizer vaccine, and the FDA even mentioned in their Aug 23 announcement that all such vaccines MUST "clearly and conspicuously" show "This product has not been approved or licensed by FDA".


Pentagon heads are working with [them] against military members

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75e3e9  No.14453406

File: 756addf292eed79⋯.jpg (273.87 KB, 603x657, 67:73, sinkit.jpg)


exactly zero, one cant die from something that dont exist

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3ba86d  No.14453407


>>6821234 pb

It's about the BREAK



Be the autists we know you are.

It's about the BREAK.

Godspeed, Patriots.

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30dc60  No.14453408


What kind of RETARD takes a summer trip to Afghanistan???

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3886fe  No.14453409

File: b3373187484746d⋯.png (626.38 KB, 1263x406, 1263:406, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

you must attack your enemy from all angles

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141e63  No.14453410

File: 0b14c918396853a⋯.jpg (182.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3058058_poster_p_1_the_rar….jpg)

File: b734a3e061c238a⋯.png (58.67 KB, 1029x579, 343:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e40b77cf6d192a⋯.png (548.04 KB, 596x834, 298:417, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d0f7a00b1ebaef⋯.jpg (578.07 KB, 960x720, 4:3, michelle_lee_and_the_harva….jpg)

File: f0712a62f755a3c⋯.jpg (65.33 KB, 960x720, 4:3, slide_2.jpg)

gang colors crimson

Harvard FTW

.0001 %ers

Today, every color imaginable is at your fingertips. You can peruse paint swatches at hardware stores, flip through Pantone books, and fuss with the color finder that comes with most computer programs, until achieving the hue of your heart’s desire. But rewind to a few centuries ago and finding that one specific color might have meant trekking to a single mineral deposit in remote Afghanistan–as was the case with lapis lazuli, a rock prized for its brilliant blue hue, which made it more valuable than gold in medieval times.

"Two Chinamen, behind them a third,

Are carved in Lapis Lazuli,

Over them flies a long-legged bird

A symbol of longevity;

The third, doubtless a serving-man,

Carries a musical instrument."

“People would harvest mummies from Egypt and then extract the brown resin material that was on the wrappings . . . and turn that into a pigment.”

Well, what?

"Every discolouration of the stone,

Every accidental crack or dent

Seems a water-course or an avalanche,

Or lofty slope where it still snows

Though doubtless plum or cherry-branch

Sweetens the little half-way house

Those Chinamen climb towards, and I

Delight to imagine them seated there;

There, on the mountain and the sky,

On all the tragic scene they stare.

One asks for mournful melodies;

Accomplished fingers begin to play.

Their eyes mid many wrinkles, their eyes,

Their ancient, glittering eyes, are gay."

Lapis Lazuli

“People would mine it in Afghanistan, ship it across Europe, and it was more expensive that gold so it would have its own budget line on a commission.”

Dragon’s Blood

“It has a great name, but it’s not from dragons. [The bright red pigment] is from the rattan palm.”


“This red dye comes from squashed beetles, and it’s used in cosmetics and food.”

Emerald Green

“This is made from copper acetoarsenite. We had a Van Gogh with a bright green background that was identified as emerald green. Pigments used for artists’ purposes can find their way into use in other areas as well. Emerald green was used as an insecticide, and you often see it on older wood that would be put into the ground, like railroad ties.”




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c7380f  No.14453412


Bakers and the Notables are compd at worst, half-assed tarded out at best on QR 2021.

Quit being frustrated about it.

Nobody outside of QR reads the damn things these days and Anons see all the posts that are dropped here.

That's as good as it gets, Anon.

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3886fe  No.14453414

File: 122d340f340abf0⋯.png (629.75 KB, 1263x406, 1263:406, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

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d85b38  No.14453415


California school system woke101 field trip

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e2df4f  No.14453417


i am beginning to think that they are all playing roles to keep fakenews distracted from what is happening behind the scenes.

Bannon and Stone could both just be doing their part.

even Alex Jones…all doing their part to keep fakenews chasing their tails and focusing on stupid stuff.

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fb9c89  No.14453418

File: aa704ad9072fce1⋯.png (184.62 KB, 350x351, 350:351, aa704ad9072fce1249699dd8e1….png)


Totally agree anon. "Watch the water" is disinformation imo

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7bdbe6  No.14453419


The bottom is about to Drop

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671b1c  No.14453421


Afghans with US Passports visiting their country of origin.

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3886fe  No.14453423

File: b2368123b29de2b⋯.png (624.32 KB, 1263x406, 1263:406, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

once you can see

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9e0333  No.14453424

File: 2dece52cc645268⋯.jpeg (40.73 KB, 972x542, 486:271, Q_they_want_you_divided.jpeg)

Images & video of dead Americans in Afghanistan will surface soon.

Emotional heart string pullers.

War Drum begins.

On purpose.


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128f81  No.14453425

File: 78eb868f1d4bd4a⋯.jpeg (44.59 KB, 715x550, 13:10, EC0B4B68_1716_40D1_8898_7….jpeg)

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5fa039  No.14453427

Vaccinated carry 250 times the viral load of unvaccinated. Data appears in The Lancet in preprint paper from Oxford University.


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c7380f  No.14453428


>Weird stuff.

We're in Max Clown World now for sure.

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536ce4  No.14453430

File: 8954cbcfa4dea6a⋯.jpg (179.63 KB, 720x1161, 80:129, 20210825_090112.jpg)

Commies Try To Tell Farmer How High He Can Cut His Hay

North Texas Farmer Pushing Back Against Farmers Branch Rule Regarding Grass Height

…However, the same lots violate the city’s ordinance code on vegetation, stating grass and weeds can’t be any higher than eight inches.

Following warnings to the property owners, the city has started hiring contractors to mow the lots, and send them the bill.

Lockridge said he has sent his own invoices back to city hall, for the destruction of his crops. So far the city isn’t budging and Lockridge says he isn’t backing down.

“I’m getting pushed out right now,” Lockridge said Monday. “After fighting for two months they went ahead and mowed two more crops this weekend. When’s enough going to be enough?”


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3886fe  No.14453431

File: 33042e45a2b21fc⋯.png (629.17 KB, 1263x406, 1263:406, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

you can see clearly

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a3d827  No.14453432

File: d7136353dd29bc4⋯.jpg (142.47 KB, 786x782, 393:391, AQ1.jpg)

If this is from one of ours; damned fine work!

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128f81  No.14453433


>kill yourself nigger

Not today. You seem nice

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d85b38  No.14453434


Easy filtered

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3886fe  No.14453435

File: b356cf9b54970ab⋯.png (628.63 KB, 1263x406, 1263:406, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

pay attention and focus on the players in direct threat of your life, findout where they reside

your life depends on it

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588791  No.14453436


Digits chek out.

However anon thinks it's better to leave the audits simmering. Biden just lost in SCOTUS, Biden just lost AFG, he's losing the MSM, undermining NATO and fucking up in ways we probably aren't even aware of yet. Audits need to be the wooden stake in the vampire's heart. The rest of this shit is just garlic to back him into a corner.

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8cc170  No.14453437



nail moar DUCKS to the wall


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128f81  No.14453438


>bottom about to drop

Like a wet paper bag full of groceries. Kerplunck

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141e63  No.14453439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We love you, but -

Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT participate in chat room shill KAYFABE

In professional wrestling, kayfabe is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT pick up spit

If you are NOT sure, LEARN to ID shills

shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = repetition

shills = envy, greed, theology etc.

Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

do NOT eat bats off the street

Do NOT bark back at dogs

Spot a clown

Dealing with ye Clowns & ye Shills

>>2322789 Spot a shill

>>2323031 Spot A Clown

shills have no agency, no will independent of their masters. Shills are passed gas of history. The slave of the slaves, their words are writ upon water.


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671b1c  No.14453440


>Knee deep in sewage

Happens daily during prayer time

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3886fe  No.14453441

File: 671f8ac51846a86⋯.png (584.03 KB, 1263x406, 1263:406, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

do they hide in states such as new york and dem locations.

property records are free information

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8a999c  No.14453443

File: ea735e449f02565⋯.png (98.07 KB, 474x316, 3:2, 0e65ff3a315f27b1704407c631….png)


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d85b38  No.14453444


and the greatest of these ispray

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7bdbe6  No.14453445

File: d45f8a21c30bf0f⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1334x966, 29:21, ClipboardImage.png)


You Glow

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ea0b05  No.14453446

File: 5149c159c52f93a⋯.png (374.3 KB, 643x461, 643:461, ClipboardImage.png)


Future Proves Past, Pompeo made a deal with the Taliban.

Trump orders a private convoy to rescue remaining Americans in Afghanistan. Bypass the government and rescue everyone. Give your regards to President Donald J Trump.

How does he do it? Former Military. This is their moment now, The script is Sleepy Joe is inept, enter the Boss… Superman… Trump is the hero and there is no denying it.

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13477e  No.14453447

File: 88304f02cb6765a⋯.mp4 (5.55 MB, 224x416, 7:13, video_2021_08_25_09_03_02.mp4)

[ Video ]

Corona Panic Recording Studios!

Globalists have tricked the world into persuading people and governments to buy and inject vaccines

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2477ae  No.14453448

Corona satellites - skynet - vaxx - space weaponry. DS Initially intended satellites to be activated and to control those who have the graphene oxide implants. Graphene oxide integral to the future of wireless communications. This was (their) attempt at worldwide control. What happens when a frequency (vibration) of sickness is sent to you on the daily, enhanced by the morphability of graphene oxide whose crystalline structure will alter according to said frequency? Corona (satellites) offline - WW kill event thwarted. BUT - (they) still run the show script to the end, so the chaos we see is a planned event gone awry; however, actors in the show are ALSO confused because (they) don’t know what is or is not going to plan

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60405d  No.14453449


Always trying to f*ck over our farmers..

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26c8ca  No.14453450

>>14453025 @350


>>14453042 Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load

>>14453060 Stone is a clown and Bannon a patriot?

>>14453102 The House just approved the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

>>14453113 Prolific Fraud Found In WI – Subpoenas Going Out Soon – Easiest state to show Voter Fraud

>>14453119 The Lockheed SR-71 "Blackbird" is a long-range, high-altitude, Mach 3+ strategic reconnaissance aircraft.

>>14453086, >>14453099 LA Fire Captain refuses the Vaccine in epic speech

>>14453166 Anons First Day on the Job.

>>14453180 Twitter seditionhunters?

>>14453198 "In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" Amen

>>14453229 Trump - Gab share Our Country has never been so diminished. It has reached an all-time low!

>>14453256 Call to potential dig. No vax mandates for hospitals,

>>14453304 JoeBiden Tweet

>>14453212 Want to know how bad its in Australia, the biggest health insurers no longer offer life insurance.

>>14453316 Pentagon orders all active-duty troops to be vaccinated with the Pfizer #COVID19 vaccine (Reuters)

>>14453334 If you would have told me in August 2019 that within 2 years:

>>14453368 @SenRonJohnson We are hearing disturbing reports that unvetted refugees are being flown into the US.

>>14453218 Yesterday, @ 1pm, Mesa County residents lined up in droves to vent their disgust at the County Commissioners plan to extend Dominions contract

>>14453385 Anon Calls For Support - ACLU of South Carolina Executive Director: Frank Knaack

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78abb7  No.14453451


>Easy filtered

Cognitive Dissonance = Easily spotted

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3ba86d  No.14453452

File: 3aeb09effe46619⋯.jpg (42.21 KB, 566x719, 566:719, us_navy_day_case_1_landing….jpg)


call the ball

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59e5eb  No.14453454


If they think they're starting to lose it, they'll just set of a dirty nuke in some US city and blame it on Russia or Iran.

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42a1ee  No.14453455


So it’s the Joos

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3886fe  No.14453456


listen to what i am pointing out. pressure them and watch what happens. anons are born for this. you must use the knowledge i present to u. goodbye for now

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8cc170  No.14453457



ccp assholes

commies all look the same - like joe BIDEN

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26c8ca  No.14453459

HUGE – Steve Bannon’s War Room – AZ State Rep. Mark Finchem: Election Investigation Could Go BEYOND Maricopa – “We’ve Been Conducting An Investigation In Pima County” (VIDEO)


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8ae9b5  No.14453460






language used to confuse, they are all part of the industrial complex and as such, should be viewed as collaborating !!

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f23e2a  No.14453461

File: 001b622b1698a0e⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1488x2320, 93:145, FDA_approved.png)




>CDC has been very very bad over the decades, it seems

FDA & CDC are private companies–

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e2df4f  No.14453462


>FDA approved a NOT YET EXISTING vaccine, from BioNTech GmbH, called "Comirnaty".


this is key

they will be pushing the already produced pfizer vax as the approved vax and it is not.

so, if your work wants you to take the vax because it is approved…ask them where you can get the approved Comernity vax.

Because you can sue Comernity for adverse reactions….you can't sue the pfizer vax.

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c6dcfb  No.14453463


Yeah been making those calls to the home office regular

I wonder if like me other anons look back on life

and see that it is quite possible that God saved you for this time

I am like there are so many times I should have been ded

but somehow I am still here and the total angst and misery is at a level

and rising daily that blows of the chart even the worst of times in the past

Maybe God was saying I am saving you to show you something that is really worth dying for

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7bdbe6  No.14453464


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I don't want shit all over it

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6bc12d  No.14453465

File: a0dd3c1f332e4d4⋯.gif (511.72 KB, 400x224, 25:14, giphy45.gif)



Any Timeshares available?

Something close to the airport.


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8032bd  No.14453466




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26c8ca  No.14453467

"Scan here : Italian tattoos Covid vaccine pass on arm"

"The underside of Colonnetta's left arm now bears a matrix of black squares from the QR code of his official Italian green pass. "


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26c8ca  No.14453468

Prolific Fraud Found In WI – Subpoenas Going Out Soon – Easiest state to show Voter Fraud




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5efac7  No.14453469

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128f81  No.14453471


Hut! Hut! Hike! Anon loves wide receivers and the long game. Yard by yard is for chumps. Precise throwing and sticky hands is where it’s at. “Go long”

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ea0b05  No.14453472

File: 51f4ca1fc20397a⋯.png (282.17 KB, 543x617, 543:617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14991e3a10fccf3⋯.png (101.1 KB, 855x451, 855:451, ClipboardImage.png)


Blackwater founder Erik Prince is among the growing number of private defense contractors and former spies who are attempting to turn a profit on desperate Afghans who want out of their country before the U.S. shutters its 20-year mission on Aug. 31



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ef0cb4  No.14453473

Had a guy troll a small anti mask group

making fun of people using religious

exemptions to unmuzzle their kids at school here in the Midwest…we just

went full muzzle retard due to corrupt

School boards. Calling these parent

groups crackpots and accusing them

of faking their religions.

Turns out he won a teacher of the year

award for teaching high school

journalism in the biggest suburban

school here. Runs the student newspaper

and teaches Media 101 at one of the

big universities. Fucking ridiculous.

Wondering if the administration would

be interested to know about it.

Probably not though.

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26c8ca  No.14453475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you Guy's haven't figured it out by now, the whole Afghanistan bullshit is to cover up the news coming out of Mesa County CO


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588791  No.14453476


>Be warned these morons will call you a shill.

Meh. It doesn't even register anymore.

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59e5eb  No.14453477

File: 1f6034479f559ca⋯.jpg (131.78 KB, 1186x376, 593:188, 4of5Jewish.jpg)

File: 6ec46bbad04cad7⋯.jpg (113.62 KB, 1068x838, 534:419, ImpeachmentJews.jpg)

File: 102dc63032e6806⋯.png (568.07 KB, 960x711, 320:237, JewDemonRats.PNG)

File: f35636fdf6a7eff⋯.png (381.51 KB, 772x625, 772:625, JewsAgainstPeters.png)

>>14453411 ← Kike sucking faggot


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e06241  No.14453478


>>14453212 Want to know how bad its in Australia, the biggest health insurers no longer offer life insurance.

Please edit to

>>14453212 Australia's biggest health insurers NO LONGER offer life insurance

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c7380f  No.14453479


>listen to what i am pointing out

You have >10% of the posts in this bread - how can anyone not?

>goodbye for now

kek I'll believe it when I see it

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9efdf7  No.14453480


Blowing up the stock market will do him in.

If that occurs, add all the other stuff, then drop the info that he even had to cheat to get into office to be in position to fuck it up as bad as he did.

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ff3135  No.14453481




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d309a9  No.14453482

File: 247b12ab74ecafc⋯.jpg (40.03 KB, 487x359, 487:359, keeponchuggin2.jpg)


beauty anon

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e06241  No.14453483

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0a6e7d  No.14453484


>lets take a summer trip to afghanistan

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59e5eb  No.14453485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Real people doing real shit.

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01d252  No.14453486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"The Great Awakening"

Local news bulletins don’t often become the news generally. A little after 5pm on Saturday 26th November 1977, the transmission of the local UK television station Southern News bulletin made worldwide headlines when it was overridden by an external broadcast from an individual claiming to represent the Ashtar Galactic Command.

"This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments. Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again. All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution. Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating in your world. They will suck your energy from you – the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return. Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution. This is our message to our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and will do all we can to help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth. We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the plane of your existence. May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos."

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26c8ca  No.14453487

File: cac506a9f21ed5e⋯.png (65.26 KB, 642x363, 214:121, call_call_call_ty.png)



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5af0da  No.14453488

File: 0969a9c21b616a8⋯.png (89.43 KB, 347x346, 347:346, aa35abc6676bd22e33dea57577….png)

File: 450952fb18f04e0⋯.png (238.29 KB, 1036x561, 1036:561, hypersexual_pedophile.png)

File: df24993893311ae⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB, 924x846, 154:141, jab_me_when_september_ouch.mp4)

File: 22bf2f6daf00083⋯.png (453.58 KB, 1431x959, 1431:959, preference.png)

File: 8214ba22b01fcff⋯.pdf (295.59 KB, Are_sex_drive_and_hypersex….pdf)

Are sex drive and hypersexuality associated with pedophilic interest and child sexual abuse in a male community sample?

>Although, much is currently known about hypersexuality (in form of excessive sexual behavior) among sexual offenders, the degree to which hypersexual behavior is linked to paraphilic and especially pedophilic interests in non-forensic populations has not been established. Abstract from article.


Sexually Coercive Behavior in Male Youth: Population Survey of General and Specific Risk Factors - Niklas Långström


Sexual Compulsivity and Sexual Risk in Gay and Bisexual Men - D.


Assessing Risk for Sexual Recidivism: Some Proposals on the Nature of Psychologically Meaningful Risk Factors - Ruth E. Mann, R. Karl Hanson, David Thornton, 2010


High rates of sexual behavior in the general population: correlates and predictors - PubMed


Hypersexual desire in males: an operational definition and clinical implications for males with paraphilias and paraphilia-related disorders - M P Kafka


The characteristics of persistent sexual offenders: a meta-analysis of recidivism studies - K


Assessing risk for sexual recidivism: some proposals on the nature of psychologically meaningful risk factors - David Thorn


Pornography use and sexual aggression: the impact of frequency and type of pornography use on recidivism among sexual offenders - John M. Bradford


Is pedophilic sexual preference continuous? A taxometric analysis based on direct and indirect measures - PubMed


Assessing Risk for Sexual Recidivism: Some Proposals on the Nature of Psychologically Meaningful Risk Factors - Ruth E. Mann, R. Karl Hanson, David Thornton, 2010 - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1079063210366039

Pornography use and sexual aggression: the impact of frequency and type of pornography use on recidivism among sexual offenders - PubMed


The developmental antecedents of sexual coercion against women: testing alternative hypotheses with structural equation modeling - PubMed


Sexually coercive behavior in male youth: population survey of general and specific risk factors - Niklas Långström


Correlates and moderators of child pornography consumption in a community sample - PubMed


Child pornography offenses are a valid diagnostic indicator of pedophilia - PubMed


Direct and Indirect Measures of Sexual Maturity Preferences Differentiate Subtypes of Child Sexual Abusers - Alexander F. Schmidt, Kim Gykiere, Kris Vanhoeck, Ruth E. Mann, Rainer Banse, 2014


A review on the relationship between testosterone and life-course persistent antisocial behavior - PubMed


Direct and indirect measures of sexual maturity preferences differentiate subtypes of child sexual abusers - PubMed


Using the confluence model of sexual aggression to predict men's conflict with women: a 10-year follow-up study - PubMed


I would normally include a lengthy comment on how I feel about this information, but knowing that most of the anons that will appreciate this info, won't need my opinion at all this time. I'll let the data speak for itself… NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING. NOTHING!

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a3d827  No.14453489

File: 001dc582c5367bc⋯.jpg (110.83 KB, 664x498, 4:3, AQ3.jpg)

Washington school is blasted for making student athletes wear ANKLE MONITORS so they can be alerted if another player tests positive for COVID


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42a1ee  No.14453490


>Someone needs to photoshop them into this please..



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e06241  No.14453491

File: bdc9d8919ce5b0e⋯.png (251.13 KB, 452x598, 226:299, ClipboardImage.png)

TheStormHasArrived17, [25.08.21 09:50]

[ Video ]

Nanci Pelosi & the Democrats are panicking because laws are being passed to prevent them from cheating and they can’t get HR1 passed.

“The suppression of the vote - not only the suppression of the vote - the nullification of elections that they are putting forth… why would they not want to make it easier for people to vote? Just because they want to suppress the vote among people of color. They are also suppressing the vote for everyone else by their, again, suppression of number polling places, hours that are there, the list goes on & on…”

Sorry Nancy! You can scream racism all you want, but the American people aren’t buying it. We are draining the swamp.


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a3d827  No.14453492

File: 95463a331028fef⋯.jpg (112.54 KB, 665x239, 665:239, AQ2.jpg)

OnlyFans says it will no longer ban porn in stunning U-turn after user backlash


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e2df4f  No.14453493


$6500 sounds cheap to me.

what would a normal ticket be anyway…R/T to Afghanistan? about the same?

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29ef7c  No.14453494

File: 3f1d82bbd818f25⋯.jpg (97.11 KB, 503x500, 503:500, Joe_jab.jpg)


if the previous prayer initiatives success rate is any indication

y'all are not doing it right.

just sayin'.

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e75c81  No.14453495

File: 4eeb3aebf76670b⋯.jpg (59.42 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Blue_Horseshoe_Pfizer.jpg)


>Pfizer CEO covering his ass when the vax fails

PFE down another 2.5%

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5fa039  No.14453496

File: 86480904e2f7d88⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1024x1004, 256:251, Screenshot_2021_08_25_at_0….png)

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536ce4  No.14453497


The link wont load

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8032bd  No.14453498



Thank you for the correction.

I sill amend my prior post and say A NOT YET EXISTINGIN NORTH AMERICAVACCINE.

But that is where Biden and Fake News are saying employers should now mandate 'The Pfizer vaccine'

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d85b38  No.14453499

File: e0dc311a712ea16⋯.jpg (150.01 KB, 743x500, 743:500, download_jpeg_6.jpg)

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8032bd  No.14453500


That isn't 'The Pfizer drug'. That is the BioNtech GmnbH vaccine.

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26af5c  No.14453501

>Its about the BREAK

>Watch the water

>There are more of us than there are of [them]

The water breaks before a baby is born

Plummeting birth rates starves the human system of replacements

Sex-negative brain washing starves the human system

Porn starves the human system

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2e3856  No.14453502

File: 7c98b973b558fcf⋯.jpg (231.61 KB, 1127x634, 1127:634, DICTATER_DAN_CURFEWS.jpg)

File: 568a26b3deb0fa9⋯.png (369.65 KB, 800x451, 800:451, DICTATOR_DAN_WANTS_LOCKDOW….png)

File: 3cb69510b7a5dab⋯.png (467.35 KB, 537x540, 179:180, DICTATOR_DAN_IS_A_FUCKWIT.png)

File: 40f158482c5e86e⋯.jpg (256.34 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dictator_dan_want_submissi….jpg)

File: 6dcfe4230799492⋯.jpg (200.85 KB, 1302x714, 31:17, work_confined.jpg)

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e06241  No.14453503

File: f7dc09631a50c15⋯.png (13.17 KB, 459x187, 27:11, ClipboardImage.png)

Disclose.tv, [25.08.21 10:05]

JUST IN - Delta Air Lines will impose a $200 monthly fee on unvaccinated employees starting Nov. 1, becoming the first major U.S. company to levy a penalty on vaccination status (CNBC)


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c6dcfb  No.14453504


calling the enemy is a waste of time

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60405d  No.14453505



2 Things Mainstream Media Didn’t Tell You About FDA’s Approval of Pfizer Vaccine

Buried in the fine print of Monday’s approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration of the Pfizer Comirnaty COVID vaccine are two critical facts that affect whether the vaccine can be mandated, and whether Pfizer can be held liable for injuries.

First, the FDA acknowledges that while Pfizer has “insufficient stocks” of the newly licensed Comirnaty vaccine available, there is “a significant amount” of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine — produced under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) — still available for use.

The FDA decrees that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under the EUA should remain unlicensed but can be used “interchangeably” (page 2, footnote 8) with the newly licensed Comirnaty product.

Second, the FDA pointed out that the licensed Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine and the existing, EUA Pfizer vaccine are “legally distinct,” but proclaims that their differences do not “impact safety or effectiveness.”

There is a huge real-world difference between products approved under EUA compared with those the FDA has fully licensed.

EUA products are experimental under U.S. law. Both the Nuremberg Code and federal regulations provide that no one can force a human being to participate in this experiment. Under 21 U.S. Code Sec.360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III), “authorization for medical products for use in emergencies,” it is unlawful to deny someone a job or an education because they refuse to be an experimental subject. Instead, potential recipients have an absolute right to refuse EUA vaccines.

U.S. laws, however, permit employers and schools to require students and workers to take licensed vaccines.

EUA-approved COVID vaccines have an extraordinary liability shield under the 2005 Public Readiness and Preparedness Act. Vaccine manufacturers, distributors, providers and government planners are immune from liability. The only way an injured party can sue is if he or she can prove willful misconduct, and if the U.S. government has also brought an enforcement action against the party for willful misconduct. No such lawsuit has ever succeeded.

The government has created an extremely stingy compensation program, the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, to redress injuries from all EUA products. The program’s parsimonious administrators have compensated under 4% of petitioners to date — and not a single COVID vaccine injury — despite the fact that physicians, families and injured vaccine recipients have reported more than 600,000 COVID vaccine injuries.

At least for the moment, the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine has no liability shield. Vials of the branded product, which say “Comirnaty” on the label, are subject to the same product liability laws as other U.S. products.

The FDA appears to be purposefully tricking American citizens into giving up their right to refuse an experimental product.

While the media has trumpeted that the FDA has approved COVID vaccines, the FDA has not approved the Pfizer BioNTech vaccines, nor any COVID vaccines for the 12- to 15-year age group, nor any booster doses for anyone.

Here’s what you need to know when somebody orders you to get the vaccine: Ask to see the vial. If it says “Comirnaty,” it’s a licensed product.

If it says “Pfizer-BioNTech,” it’s an experimental product, and under 21 U.S. Code 360bbb, you have the right to refuse.

If it comes from Moderna or Johnson & Johnson (marketed as Janssen), you have the right to refuse.

The FDA is playing bait and switch with the American public — but we don’t have to play along. If it doesn’t say Comirnaty, you have not been offered an approved vaccine.

More here


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c7380f  No.14453506


You're not wrong using logic like that.

The problem for Prince tho is this:


> former spies who are attempting to turn a profit (on other's misery)

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13477e  No.14453507

File: 065b311151110b8⋯.png (159.69 KB, 418x327, 418:327, Screenshot_from_2021_08_25….png)

Spain's Supreme Court Rules Against Using Vaccine Passports To Restrict Access To Public Spaces


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e06241  No.14453508

File: d9cc3a53e5b6fb8⋯.png (690.59 KB, 1024x707, 1024:707, ClipboardImage.png)

Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

His entire network is exposed here.


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0714be  No.14453509


The truth will be hard to swallow.

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98e213  No.14453510

File: 7f9e6169c440c0e⋯.png (303.63 KB, 706x676, 353:338, 398a4a8ac3caed58.png)

A helpful decision tree for those thinking that having "FDA approval" was somehow important.

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4e3111  No.14453511


Pfizer is BioNTech


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ef0cb4  No.14453512



Pay or poison urself

Sounds super freedom like to me

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f0cf8c  No.14453513

Were we supposed to have figured out the Q drops by now? Or do we have to wait until Q gives us a skeleton that unlocks everything?

Been re-reading drops for years, and I can't figure out anything worthwhile. Just been waiting….for years now.

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d85b38  No.14453514

File: bfe3be697474257⋯.jpg (117.51 KB, 1083x500, 1083:500, 58o6c2.jpg)

Bidan must be exhausted by all the colossal losing

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26c8ca  No.14453515

File: cd9cfd2e783b3de⋯.png (89.57 KB, 1268x778, 634:389, Screenshot_2021_08_25_All_….png)



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2d2c4a  No.14453516


Not a different species, Same species, just a lot of melanin from living near the equator

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6bc12d  No.14453517

File: eb1bc156b86a5f8⋯.jpeg (214.84 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, R_48_.jpeg)


All the time. I can trace the path of my entire life that lead right here, right now.

You have obviously been paying attention.

Pray for Patience. Key to moving forward. Hardest thing to develop, but it enhances the ability to do the job here.

It may save your life, it did mine.

Paratus Comitatus



You are not alone.

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675750  No.14453518

q babies

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8032bd  No.14453519


>Here’s what you need to know when somebody orders you to get the vaccine: Ask to see the vial. If it says “Comirnaty,” it’s a licensed product.

>If it says “Pfizer-BioNTech,” it’s an experimental product, and under 21 U.S. Code 360bbb, you have the right to refuse.

>If it comes from Moderna or Johnson & Johnson (marketed as Janssen), you have the right to refuse.

>The FDA is playing bait and switch with the American public — but we don’t have to play along. If it doesn’t say Comirnaty, you have not been offered an approved vaccine.


Thank you, THIS is critical!

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3886fe  No.14453520

File: 24ff6c5ad350b85⋯.png (110.76 KB, 1058x576, 529:288, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

principle location of business

princeton, nj

who resides with him

his family

they use america to protect thereself

gotta go anons

sic em

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51097f  No.14453521

File: 2e9244bd2b13efd⋯.jpg (77.98 KB, 497x640, 497:640, TOpKekCheeth.jpg)

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c6dcfb  No.14453522


soon fees for those that drink, smoke, eat chips and so on

really fees and criminal charges for any behavior not condoned by or that is unprofitable for the elite

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29ef7c  No.14453523

File: a52d3f24a2a208b⋯.jpg (147.31 KB, 1269x499, 1269:499, mc_hero.jpg)

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5fa039  No.14453524


Just tested. Took around 30 secs to get a connection. Seems like a server capacity issue

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4e3111  No.14453526


> 360bbb


333 222

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c1acc2  No.14453527


BREAKING: Someone in the State Dept left behind a laptop computer database intact of all the translators, of all commandos, all bio data and phone numbers. Taliban are using it to contact and falsely lure them to come in for extraction only to be executed.

- Erik Prince on WarRoom…

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668163  No.14453528

File: 646d525736b7373⋯.jpg (32.32 KB, 613x407, 613:407, 5gpww3e5s.jpg)

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e2df4f  No.14453529

File: ce9a219e5c1a72f⋯.png (33.71 KB, 1038x352, 519:176, ClipboardImage.png)


New name of Pfizer vaccine draws vicious online critique

Jeanne Moos does this bit to confuse people even moar….making them think that pfizer is comernity, when it's not.

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98e213  No.14453530

File: 0f117f292eb42e9⋯.png (279.63 KB, 595x450, 119:90, 724f7f8361f5cb25.png)

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6bc12d  No.14453531


Code book.

Need the correct FREQ when FREQ HOP SECURE.


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8032bd  No.14453532

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d85b38  No.14453533



Shows you how fantastic the losing is and how desperate they are

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13399c  No.14453535


sweet… BV is a silent running bad ass

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fb9c89  No.14453536


[They]'re pushing the corporate world to do what the government can't legally do. I'm sure there's been some under the table exchanges of "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" by the government.

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42a1ee  No.14453537

File: ea7f15b83c42944⋯.jpeg (113.77 KB, 640x616, 80:77, A592A939_A7AF_4AF9_932E_0….jpeg)

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e75c81  No.14453538

File: d9abbcee586cd02⋯.jpg (158.64 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Soros_Payroll.jpg)

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29ef7c  No.14453539



football can be a risk to your health

who knew about this?

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c1acc2  No.14453540

File: d3c465d1dd8aa7b⋯.jpeg (616.34 KB, 1170x1970, 117:197, 79F94161_655A_4BBC_B302_9….jpeg)

Sounds like (((they))) ran the numbers…


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e06241  No.14453541

File: ada8335b0fd2320⋯.png (23.06 KB, 508x356, 127:89, ClipboardImage.png)



Nov 02, 2017 2:44:21 PM EDT

Anonymous No. 147647154

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, THE STORM IS UPON US……."

God bless.


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e2df4f  No.14453542

File: 15d7501fe154577⋯.png (172.43 KB, 917x532, 131:76, ClipboardImage.png)


Column: Ashli Babbitt was not a peaceful protester. It's clear why the cop who shot her was exonerated

Why is LA times writing this hit piece now?

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671b1c  No.14453543


>Someone in the State Dept left behind a laptop computer database intact

On purpose?


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33f476  No.14453544


They want his land

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51cc33  No.14453545


>The truth will be hard to swallow.

Not for anons. We may get a little shook but have adaptability beyond that of the general population. Bring the rain/tears

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59e5eb  No.14453546

File: 9a8538653802e21⋯.png (796.64 KB, 1183x595, 169:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e8894920aaa11d⋯.png (373.77 KB, 808x745, 808:745, KushnerEndIsNearII.png)


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588791  No.14453547

File: 5523f10fb19b8ec⋯.jpg (95.37 KB, 906x500, 453:250, 2u34k3.jpg)


Kek. I tried explaining Phase Lines in here once.

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141e63  No.14453548

File: 54cdba36764b3ef⋯.png (1.02 MB, 594x864, 11:16, 7957af953e07e1768c89880c99….png)



Pedo papers bun is pedophilia characteristic of media induced % promoted hypersexuality?

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4e3111  No.14453549


>making them think that pfizer is comernity, when it's not.



All Drug manufactures' play the shell games with names.

Johnson and Johnson is Bayer, is IG FARBIN etc.

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d72292  No.14453550


Barnes explains this well, it was about the 5 dorra fine, not the argument that the state can force vax. Been trying to find the vid since you posted, near impossible. But yeah, the dude and his son got the first vax the year before, had bad reactions and did not want to get it again. They refused and hence had to pay 5 dorra or be excluded from Boston. Just like obamacare it was about the ability of the state to extract money from you, whether that be by tax or fine.

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59e5eb  No.14453551


Forgot link: https://www.salon.com/2021/08/25/roger-stone-claims-mike-lindell-is-being-backstabbed-by-steve-bannon–and-his-own-advisers/

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e75c81  No.14453552


>New name of Pfizer vaccine draws vicious online critique

Sounds like it's Comirnasty

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7036a9  No.14453553



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e2df4f  No.14453554


>BREAKING: Someone in the State Dept left behind a laptop computer database intact of all the translators, of all commandos, all bio data and phone numbers. Taliban are using it to contact and falsely lure them to come in for extraction only to be executed.


no wonder why jackass psaki and others keep saying 'we will call you….'

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5b7e4c  No.14453555


I’m kind of slow this morning, but my first thought is: Very few people on those flights will paying the flight expense without being reimbursed.

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502ea7  No.14453556

File: 11cc3aeb648bb02⋯.jpg (409.68 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Milley_Levine_1024.jpg)



Meme fag on duty

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4e3111  No.14453557



3+3 = 6

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e06241  No.14453558



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d85b38  No.14453560


Obama has no new tricks

And the Shit from his reign don't fly no more

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8032bd  No.14453561


No, it is NOT 'all the same'.

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59e5eb  No.14453562



Stone's remarks, which came on a far-right QAnon-themed internet program, seem like an effort to defend the pillow tycoon, whose credibility in TrumpWorld is declining as he repeatedly fails to produce any hard evidence of 2020 election fraud.

"I think Mike Lindell has done great work," Stone told host Jeffrey Pedersen, who goes by the alias "The Matrixx." "I think he's been disserved by some of the people working for him. But he's got a heart of gold. He's a patriot. His instinct is absolutely correct. He has produced enormous evidence of irregularities in the election.

"But the left excoriates him, because he has the courage to speak the truth," Stone continued, "and then, making it even worse, you have people who are at least allegedly on our side like Steve Bannon, stabbing him in the back, questioning his public credibility," he continued.

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363acc  No.14453563

File: c940a7573274532⋯.png (32.85 KB, 1368x699, 456:233, Screenshot_2021_08_25_at_1….png)



aaaannnd it's gone

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6513ea  No.14453564

File: c741c0194662417⋯.jpg (63.08 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ZomboMeme_23082021194354.jpg)

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2e3856  No.14453565

File: af659205e257221⋯.jpg (105.81 KB, 748x412, 187:103, WHO_THE_FUCK_SHOT_ASHI_BAB….jpg)


Yeah… the whole world thinks it's pretty fucked up…. but not American mainstream media.

Keep digging that hole deeper.

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08ee6b  No.14453566

File: 64550958b85235b⋯.png (60.52 KB, 720x1031, 720:1031, q3RdNVLQZANzrp6Aiaxc_25_ec….png)

Share for the normies still on the fence.

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42a1ee  No.14453567

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671b1c  No.14453568


>Why is LA times writing this hit piece now?

Could it be because the officer who shot her just got exonerated?

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51cc33  No.14453569


“They will be killing terrorists” - 45 on the Taliban’s new job

Surface level is complete bullshit.

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588791  No.14453570


Trips confirm. Clown, State, and DOD travel vouchers and reimbursement exist. Frequent Flyer Black Points.

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44f5bb  No.14453571


> https://www.salon.com/2021/08/25/roger-stone-claims-mike-lindell-is-being-backstabbed-by-steve-bannon–and-his-own-advisers/

Got the same

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6bc12d  No.14453573

File: 22aae477cd69767⋯.jpg (36.18 KB, 472x404, 118:101, OIP_6_.jpg)


How did that go?



Scouts Out

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51cc33  No.14453574


Okay okay. I take it back. That’s gross lololol

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8032bd  No.14453575



By who? The Capitol Police! The Capitol Police exonerated the Capitol Police.

If this was completely past and settled, the hit piece wouldn't need to have be written.

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e2df4f  No.14453576



if it was the same, why didn't they give approval to the pfizer vax?

they are not the same vax and they are not the same legally….

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4e3111  No.14453577

File: 0bec6158b7242ff⋯.jpg (33.33 KB, 382x352, 191:176, Pfizer.JPG)




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08ee6b  No.14453578

File: 35f13b55c167a68⋯.jpg (113.71 KB, 482x464, 241:232, vCbvH4iwT3DwFqhVNnye_25_f2….jpg)

This is illegal. Offering anything of value to take drugs is a no no.

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ef0cb4  No.14453579


I don't have to take CommieNaty either


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98e213  No.14453580

File: 26c8693eadb0dae⋯.png (94.9 KB, 700x704, 175:176, Screenshot_2021_08_25_1025….png)


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d85b38  No.14453581

File: 38ebbea42368556⋯.jpg (86.03 KB, 1152x682, 576:341, 03f5f11010315cf7_jpeg.jpg)

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ef0cb4  No.14453582


Nuremberg code violation

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e06241  No.14453583

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51cc33  No.14453584


Wish someone had Milleys email and could drop that in his inbox. Fuck that prick

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9f6566  No.14453585

File: cd55faf9b9d9838⋯.jpg (147.63 KB, 545x854, 545:854, capture_1941_25082021_0558….jpg)

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fb9c89  No.14453586

File: f11b464717c708a⋯.jpg (85.36 KB, 1080x689, 1080:689, f11b464717c708a2131c77d256….jpg)

Where's Pence? He is very very quiet since Nancy's party got crashed. He's MIA during the Biden/Kabul mess too.

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4d0562  No.14453587



heres the vid

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29ef7c  No.14453588

File: 64d456a39097ecf⋯.jpg (429.47 KB, 2048x1589, 2048:1589, NATO_official_Dodd.jpg)


endorsed by NATO and Coke

at the same CONvention

he and barnie Frank a/so let Bernie Madoff

tank the global banking s/stem

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59e5eb  No.14453589

File: 0467ebc32fffa7f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1270x781, 1270:781, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12d05af81b443fd⋯.png (105.78 KB, 844x562, 422:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54f121440d7c934⋯.png (318.62 KB, 837x541, 837:541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c186dd0170e171b⋯.png (130.3 KB, 826x644, 59:46, ClipboardImage.png)

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ef0cb4  No.14453590



It was in notable last night

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536ce4  No.14453591


Still having issues. No worries. Anon will search for the actual Lancet article.

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e06241  No.14453592


don't believe me, do your own research

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8032bd  No.14453593


>Comirnaty does not exist

It does, apparently. Used in the EU:


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e75c81  No.14453594

File: 035ba04cc3cee4f⋯.png (263.64 KB, 337x396, 337:396, Lt_Michael_L_Byrd_The_Offi….png)

File: 743b4