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924bb8  No.14440568[Last 50 Posts]

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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924bb8  No.14440571

Notables are NOT Endorsements


>>14439849 A fire has apparently broken out at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul

>>14439864 More than 500 tons of medical supplies unable to reach Afghanistan due to Kabul airport chaos – WHO

>>14439869, >>14439873, >>14439876, >>14440055 CODEMONKEYZ - AUDITS

>>14439885 China News Taunts United States for Afghanistan Failure — Mocks Afghans Falling from Planes

>>14439884, >>14440315 CODEMONKEYZ - Mike Lindell has setup a whistleblower website for election fraud.

>>14439897, >>14440456 CODEMONKEYZ - Looks like Durham targets are jumping ship / Democrat Election Lawyer, Russia Hoaxer Marc Elias Leaves Perkins Coie Ahead of Durham Report / Clockfag's Take

>>14439899 KanekoaTheGreat - Allow me to introduce you to former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb. He now sits on the board of Pfizer.

>>14439912 CODEMONKEYZ - Here is a more complete list of US-supplied and left behind equipment list now controlled by Taliban

>>14439917 U.S. Naval Institute - OTD 1908, 500,000 Aussies turned out to welcome the arrival of the Great White Fleet to Sydney.. / Trust Kansas

>>14439958 4-star U.S. general compares flag-flying Americans to Taliban.

>>14439970 Liberty Counsel: FDA approval doesn't mean Pfizer shots are 'safe'

>>14439976 Camp Pendleton - It's a TRAP!

>>14439981, >>14440132 COURT DOCS: Neo-Nazi Satanic Sect Leader Outed As FBI Informant Since 2003, Was Paid Over $140,000 By U.S. Government

>>14439991 Surgeon General to Big Tech: You’re Not Censoring American COVID Comments ‘Nearly Enough’

>>14440000, >>14440513, >>14440545 The Australia Project - TELEGRAM BUNDLE

>>14440022, >>14440139 CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky Increased Risk of Severe Disease Amongst Those Vaccinated Early

>>14440116 Portion of Draft Audit Report Delivered To Senate Today

>>14440234, >>14440267 PF REPORT - The AFG skytrain just keeps getting bigger.

>>14440309, >>14440491 Wikileaks - Kabul 1979 / EMERGENCY EVACUATION

>>14440339 Possible Decode? - RED6: SEC OF DEF_instruct1 / SecDef has ordered the Commander of U.S. Transportation Command to activate Stage I of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet…

>>14440414 America's Frontline Doctors - As the mandates are increasing and the “deadlines” fast approach, YOU SHOULD NOT QUIT YOUR JOB

>>14440431 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14440494, >>14440499, >>14440517 Taliban takeover already terrorizing Pakistan

>>14440532 Democrats in Arizona Are Petrified – They’re Bringing in Marc Elias’s Perkins Coie to Make Threats and Make the Maricopa County Audit Go Away

>>14440567 #18267

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924bb8  No.14440573


>>14439071 Pentagon Poised To Unveil, Demonstrate Classified Space Weapon

>>14439099, >>14439146 Will Janet Woodcock, MD be dangerous to America if appointed FDA Commissioner? / Published articles over the years on the controversy involving Janet Woodcock and the opioid epidemic

>>14439117 Johnson: Kabul Airport Situation Is Going To Get A Lot Worse Before It Gets Better

>>14439142 Q Drops 555, 737, 828, 2449, 3377 - We are with you!

>>14439153, >>14439570 FDA Approval ILLEGAL! Doctor Reveals Pfizer Insert Proves Criminal Regulation Violations!

>>14439177 New Report Claims Almost 15 Million 2020 Election Ballots Are Currently Unaccounted For – Where Are They?

>>14439181 President Biden Announces Presidential Delegation to Ukraine to Attend the Crimea Platform Summit and 30th Anniversary of Independence

>>14439185 Former FDA head Gottlieb joins Pfizer board (2019)

>>14439188 Statement from Former Acting DNI Richard Grenell — Same Official Who Lied about Hunter Biden’s Laptop and Was Fired by Trump Is Leading Joe Biden’s Afghanistan Evacuation Disaster


>>14439289 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration fully approved the Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.

>>14439319 U.S. Department of Energy - Talk about innovation: @BerkeleyLab scientists have taken the clearest picture yet of electronic particles!

>>14439392 Federal Judge Rewrites Immigration Law So Deported Illegal Alien Criminals Can Freely Re-Enter The Country

>>14439456 Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines

>>14439461 People say this guy is a LARP but he makes some great points in this article. - Afghan Withdrawal Signals Start of New Anti-Cabal Offensive

>>14439474 MEDIA CALL: First COVID-19 Vaccine Approval - 8/23/2021

>>14439512 C19 risk gut check! Serious COVID19 illness and death occurs almost exclusively in those with profound comorbidity.

>>14439523 New super variant named “Covid-22” could be more dangerous than Delta strain: Expert

>>14439531 Senator Ron Johnson - No one should be pressured, coerced, or fear reprisal for refusing any medical treatment, including the Covid-19 vaccine.

>>14439560 New York judges order defendants to get COVID-19 shots as part of plea deals and bail agreements (but is it even legal?)

>>14439567 The Only Way Back To Deterrence Is Firing Biden’s Entire National Security Team

>>14439618 The polar melting scam is in complete collapse. Over the past eight days, Arctic sea ice melt has been the slowest on record and Antarctic sea ice is not far from a record high

>>14439620 'Obtained And Executed Search Warrants' - FBI Now Involved in Voting Machine Investigation

>>14439632, >>14439691 The Taliban say the 31 August deadline for the withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan is a "red line"

>>14439665, >>14439708 Pentagon says all US military members must now get COVID vax / Military Threatens to Revoke Benefits From Marines Who Decline COVID Vaccine

>>14439725, >>14439730 There is no “neutrality” for American business. We either band together or get swept away by the woke tide.

>>14439734 Jim Watkins - [Forwarded from The Halls Of Justice Watch Tower]

>>14439748 Thiessen: Biden handed terrorists a 'safe haven' to plan attacks worse than 9/11

>>14439758 Terry McAuliffe calls for vaccine mandate to ‘make life difficult’ for unvaccinated

>>14439761 FDA didn’t approve Pzifer’s clot shot, they just extended the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization).

>>14439802 #18266

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924bb8  No.14440576


>>14438312 New Dan Pic

>>14438329 The perfect meme to ponder.

>>14438331 BLM-Antifa Portland press conference crashed by black woman

>>14438338, >>14438361 @jack and @shillary twatting it up

>>14438342 A sign that we are in the END GAME

>>14438403 Got Covid? Find a Regeneron Clinic near you www.regeneron.com

>>14438409 (music vid) 4 feet of Marble - Brootal Viking Guy

>>14438500, >>14438400, >>14438604 AZ Senate postponing to Wednesday due to Covid, but got the images

>>14438534, >>14438384 Biden dropping some funny statements about the future of his position

>>14438675 The FDA approval thing was an attempt at a narrative change by [them].

>>14438693, >>14439002 Reread Q drop #189

>>14438699, >>14438814 Based Zalenko tweet

>>14438721, >>14438856 "Reissuance of this EUA (Emergency Use Authorization" is definitely not "clear approval"

>>14438743 wtf are these hoes gonna do now? become full time activists?

>>14438748 Potato gone full retard! "She [Kamala] ... who's gonna be, we're gonna have some presidents pretty soon."

>>14438888 the Iwo Jima re-enactment was a COMMs

>>14438913 The U.S. Space Force is set to establish its third and final field command Aug. 23

>>14438921 All choices have consequences. Good and bad. We only can live in the now.

>>14439023 #18265

Previously Collected Notables

>>14436765 #18262, >>14437511 #18263, >>14438265 #18264

>>14434427 #18259, >>14435214 #18260, >>14435981 #18261

>>14431973 #18256, >>14432837 #18257, >>14433811 #18258

>>14429786 #18253, >>14430554 #18254, >>14431249 #18255

>>14427442 #18250, >>14428209 #18251, >>14428962 #18252

>>14425636 #18247, >>14425891 #18248, >>14426666 #18249

>>14422784 #18244, >>14423531 #18245, >>14424296 #18246

>>14420540 #18241, >>14421251 #18242, >>14422027 #18243

>>14419624 #18238, >>14419059 #18239, >>14419745 #18240

>>14415152 #18235, >>14416539 #18236, >>14419412 #18237

>>14413256 #18232, >>14414007 #18233, >>14414794 #18234

>>14410927 #18229, >>14411697 #18230, >>14412460 #18231

>>14408639 #18226, >>14409405 #18227, >>14410162 #18228

>>14406271 #18223, >>14407077 #18224, >>14407871 #18225

>>14405701 #18220, >>14405791 #18221, >>14406971 #18222

>>14401351 #18217, >>14402129 #18218, >>14404857 #18219

>>14398886 #18214, >>14399762 #18215, >>14400510 #18216

>>14396588 #18211, >>14397378 #18212, >>14398112 #18213

>>14395465 #18208, >>14395082 #18209, >>14395776 #18210

>>14391749 #18205, >>14392505 #18206, >>14393271 #18207

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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924bb8  No.14440578

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924bb8  No.14440579


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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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924bb8  No.14440592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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66b591  No.14440622

Alright frens who wants to argue about stupid shit

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f369a3  No.14440623

File: d577c3e3e13ed9e⋯.png (11.7 KB, 438x204, 73:34, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [23.08.21 20:31]

Jovan is either on the audit team and knew things would be delayed due to covid, but still pushed for the Friday release.


Jovan is not on the audit team and has been jerking your chain.

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9d6f10  No.14440624

File: 5431c19af973fca⋯.jpg (370.03 KB, 1052x896, 263:224, 5431c19af973fca17a05baffb7….jpg)

Hey guys, I wonder what this link is for. I wonder why the bakers keep deleting it?


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bac5b0  No.14440625

File: 755c0cfe080c2c0⋯.jpeg (296.01 KB, 640x907, 640:907, 2FF71258_22BB_4C59_B37E_5….jpeg)

File: 3a8c1a859429b89⋯.jpeg (137.36 KB, 640x565, 128:113, 3D5FE0A9_964D_4A05_9767_3….jpeg)

This guy says if you’ve taken vaccine you have 6months to 3-5 years to live

Also says that if you’ve taken the vaccine you are no longer human because it ruins your dna



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c38c04  No.14440626



Baker is tops. Ty bakens

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8a655f  No.14440627

The anons that effectively perform information warfare on QResearch do it out of love and to inspire others. Love attracts. Hate repels. It's a labor of love that creates light that leads the world back to sanity. Haters only frustrate themselves. The prize is peace.

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f369a3  No.14440628

File: 9a6939524c5ad33⋯.png (8.89 KB, 466x732, 233:366, 0f60f5df290fdd17a1fc99f6ff….png)


Thank you Baker

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cc9f9c  No.14440629

File: a777c28664bdfd5⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 892x6202, 446:3101, Web_capture_23_8_2021_203….jpeg)

File: 75fffee4ce7ba72⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 892x6210, 446:3105, Web_capture_23_8_2021_203….jpeg)

File: d7735d6b2b41ad3⋯.jpeg (1.91 MB, 892x11849, 892:11849, Web_capture_23_8_2021_203….jpeg)




AUGUST 23, 2021

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00e448  No.14440630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5b5520  No.14440631

File: dfdc506a8ea8c51⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1165x1063, 1165:1063, ClipboardImage.png)


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662ea3  No.14440632

File: ee33c2dcc053fa9⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, 8F254BA4_A422_49B2_8A70_C7….png)


751 Baker, nice…

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7c6956  No.14440633

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Ultimate Q Decode - Q Code Solution

How the code was discovered, how to apply the code and how to see the future.

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089ca7  No.14440634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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5305f8  No.14440635

File: 3376fb206df617f⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1203x677, 1203:677, ClipboardImage.png)

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42430f  No.14440636

File: bc1109060386a33⋯.jpg (12.37 KB, 196x255, 196:255, 815c6a6fd596411ce813557fdd….jpg)


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8a655f  No.14440637

File: 5aebb381ba35a50⋯.png (294.76 KB, 557x320, 557:320, 5aebb381ba35a502510d40a179….png)


Thanks Baker. Don't let the turkeys get you down.

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0e25d8  No.14440638

File: 04c9e0a94a5abd4⋯.jpg (99.53 KB, 477x642, 159:214, SNIPER_BAKER.jpg)

File: 71f65f87f732d93⋯.jpg (113.14 KB, 843x483, 281:161, EYES_ON.jpg)



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05d4de  No.14440639

File: e55cd74c3a23609⋯.png (999.71 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1629065627.png)

>>14440588 (lb)

Well that's embarrassing. Thanks for the catch anon.

Minimalist bread, for your consideration.


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7c6956  No.14440640

File: e9614130d0ee4fb⋯.jpg (218.04 KB, 900x1350, 2:3, MMUSA.jpg)


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eaa555  No.14440641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Don’t fret, anon. This is the prequel. It will metaphorically be burnt to the ground. Not like the rioters that literally did it. We work in different realms and possibilities that don’t need that type of violence. We “burn shit to the ground” in the spiritual realm. Holds moar weight.

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8a655f  No.14440642


Did Baker get another snipe? Kek - On target today

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5b5520  No.14440643

File: ffc5ef52e7ca73e⋯.png (4.04 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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f369a3  No.14440644

File: 7ea0c36198cd0d1⋯.png (965.61 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7ac9e095341823⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fc6d7b608db4e8⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1157f89e9ff585c⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a47303524ee1baf⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

GEORGENEWS, [23.08.21 20:30]

[ Album ]

#GeorgeTB A Year Ago Today, 08/24/2020

Image 1, 10:40am ET

Image 2, 2:57pm ET

Image 3, 3:27pm ET

Image 4, 3:29pm ET

Image 5, 3:33pm ET

Image 6, 4:17pm ET

#GeorgeThrowback #GeorgeNews #T45 #TheReturnOfTheMAGA #SonyAlpha9II #NewOldPics

Ps It's the 24th in my time zone (few more days)


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71af2f  No.14440645

File: 1604eab3537c80d⋯.png (48.19 KB, 968x504, 121:63, 751_alarm.png)


Nailed it. 751

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bac5b0  No.14440646

File: 993d3cc992a2515⋯.jpeg (483.09 KB, 640x1052, 160:263, ECB85C6E_CD9B_4F58_B11D_E….jpeg)


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089ca7  No.14440647


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5a23e2  No.14440648


Good job!

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b4feea  No.14440649

File: d2e4149b73370b8⋯.png (137.85 KB, 777x825, 259:275, covid_was_spiked_with_hiv.png)

File: 36e912fe621ee3e⋯.png (799.27 KB, 884x751, 884:751, faucihiv.png)

File: c67587b7aa590fc⋯.png (330.2 KB, 493x711, 493:711, hiv.png)

File: bfd45f983a651c3⋯.jpg (103.03 KB, 900x511, 900:511, spikep.jpg)

File: 1fa3d00629fbafb⋯.png (147.71 KB, 1663x908, 1663:908, virus.png)


HIV, which has spike proteins just like covid, also causes blood clots, and ALL viral infections can lead to myocarditis, especially in children and teens.

Anon has a theory that the mnRa vaccines in particular are some how activating dormant viruses, which would explain the uptick in bells palsy and shingles in vaccine recipients as well.

it's also why anon fears the next decade for the vaxxed

some sauces for you in link and pics


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e675f9  No.14440650

File: f6df8f888772ef1⋯.png (51.83 KB, 581x319, 581:319, FireShot_Capture_072_Kirby….png)


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931729  No.14440651


is breitbart part of clown world now?

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fd09a6  No.14440652

>>14440205 LB


There's profalaxis and rona treatment protocols

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934ab2  No.14440653




Pope to resign???

moar sauce would be good

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8d6746  No.14440654


FFS none of these reports can be believed.

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00e448  No.14440655

File: 1329bd3623d730b⋯.png (850.75 KB, 1600x1102, 800:551, wheels_strange_love.png)

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662ea3  No.14440656

File: 6a2501201d4a9ae⋯.png (1.42 MB, 791x983, 791:983, 1FB161FD_CFFF_4295_9AAB_C3….png)

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f1c208  No.14440657

File: 278414d40e260d2⋯.jpeg (29.47 KB, 168x299, 168:299, A3370591_D932_4D73_8178_A….jpeg)

ty baker. nice one!

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f369a3  No.14440658

File: 06029dd4bfa45f8⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

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37345a  No.14440659

File: 58b722ea18d3ef0⋯.png (745.18 KB, 1280x576, 20:9, Shot.png)

File: 975e7b0704cd255⋯.png (565.11 KB, 1334x330, 667:165, Time_033.png)

File: 5726196a1ecd6dc⋯.png (559.81 KB, 1309x318, 1309:318, Time_051.png)

File: ceaf53d4eee60e6⋯.png (850.75 KB, 1777x434, 1777:434, Time_0.png)

>>14440260 (LB)

Anon analyzed this two days later, was discussed well on Jan 8th, 9th

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5305f8  No.14440660

File: a757534ff308aa0⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1203x677, 1203:677, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d35dfc02a5bcc9⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1203x677, 1203:677, ClipboardImage.png)

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9040bc  No.14440661

File: c989a4845629dcb⋯.jpg (25.74 KB, 1024x431, 1024:431, c989a4845629dcb97cc5a860d7….jpg)

>>14440610 lb

Well that's already happened. Unbeknownst to us.

Google & dig on % human meat being served at public eateries and fast food.

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f85bd2  No.14440662

File: e6ae5bedd5bc4a0⋯.png (104.8 KB, 474x267, 158:89, ClipboardImage.png)


no time right noaw. trying to save the world

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9f21e0  No.14440663


You are watching a movie

Will it help if I say that again?

You are watching a movie

Any questions?

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64248b  No.14440664


Sure would like to read one publication of this "doctor"

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86c594  No.14440665

File: ff8518231186468⋯.jpg (85.68 KB, 952x486, 476:243, lajlwdsdsrfeff.jpg)

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0e25d8  No.14440666

File: 375751d58948603⋯.jpg (55.57 KB, 502x284, 251:142, TRUE_STORY.jpg)

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aea717  No.14440667

File: 6169c119fbf78d5⋯.png (253.97 KB, 663x773, 663:773, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9ac288134e5577⋯.png (148.05 KB, 289x364, 289:364, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66d66a29f05bc82⋯.png (48.91 KB, 442x333, 442:333, ClipboardImage.png)

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ad22cf  No.14440668

File: 48e375fa61a6221⋯.png (126.31 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Michael Chandler won’t get COVID-19 vaccine despite FDA approval: ‘I don’t want it’

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089ca7  No.14440669



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bac5b0  No.14440670

File: 2123daa4e5ce798⋯.jpeg (184.25 KB, 640x821, 640:821, A685A466_9793_4FD5_8DF7_9….jpeg)

Taliban are raping dead bodies


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641258  No.14440671

File: 7fb077ef959b130⋯.gif (2.87 MB, 308x312, 77:78, AJfreaking.gif)

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0e25d8  No.14440672

File: f3301d07f1c4622⋯.jpg (114.67 KB, 717x478, 3:2, 81_PIGS_ASS_FIX.jpg)

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89f813  No.14440673


they arent covering anything AZaudit related… reconcile

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889dda  No.14440675

File: 640dc89c80c1247⋯.png (4.45 MB, 1308x891, 436:297, vax_avenger_sm.png)

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8432e5  No.14440676

File: 58cc7bdce1126a8⋯.jpg (42.69 KB, 680x356, 170:89, DNe2WXGw.jpg)

Aussie update

On Friday, a young Australian was imprisoned for 8 months for protesting.

On Saturday, Aus police fired rubber bullets at protesters.

On Sunday we learned a council in NSW Aus has been shooting dogs so people won’t be tempted to visit them during lockdown.


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ef3768  No.14440677

File: dcd647442750bc7⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1519x1684, 1519:1684, exclusion.png)

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00e448  No.14440678

File: e3b6235114f6bbe⋯.png (580.79 KB, 734x482, 367:241, ashli.png)

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ffb6ff  No.14440679


Is there anything more hateful then what's written in the Jewish Talmud? Why do the Jews hate non-Jews so much? Why do they think they can sodomize and murder children without guilt? Why do their Rabbi's preach they are going to rule the earth and every non-Jews will be their slaves?

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931729  No.14440680


reminder that george news is part of the mj12 / ingersoll lockwood larp

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05d4de  No.14440681

File: feb1c1b271e5e83⋯.png (116.01 KB, 630x520, 63:52, Screen_Shot_2021_08_23_at_….png)


The English translation was there.


Unnamed sources…

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a52179  No.14440682

File: 2273dc04b5f40fc⋯.jpg (126.94 KB, 735x820, 147:164, Grammar_nazi.jpg)


Not Rape..

Necrophilia.. Where's G. Nazi??

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64248b  No.14440683

>>14440512 LB

Anon you should see this. I have not verified if works but may be an arrow in the quiver.


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c38c04  No.14440684

File: 8d244cff46b4f0b⋯.jpg (17.89 KB, 217x224, 31:32, James_Holmes_cropped.jpg)


Enjoy your movie.

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b678ce  No.14440685

>>14440486 lb

That's what finally helped me the last time around. I was so fucking sick. Lungs filled, rattling, wheezing, violent deep coughing.

Went to the store and got an inhaler. OTC. Walgreens has them.

I also remembered at that time I had some oxygen pills.

Most people don't know about them but at one time my doctor was one of the top environmental toxicologists in the US.

The oxygen goes right into the blood stream.

I immediately improved doing both.

I seriously thought I was a gonner too and I was NOT going to the hospital.

I hope this helps anyone who goes this route.


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f85bd2  No.14440686


Are they savages?

What's wrong with raping the living?

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1838f0  No.14440687

File: eababcc3e8359b4⋯.jpg (51.33 KB, 680x444, 170:111, 1vBtyCqi.jpg)



ty Rebecca

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0bf5c0  No.14440688


So the information is true or false?

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bac5b0  No.14440689

File: b841a27ba41fc26⋯.jpeg (244.52 KB, 640x528, 40:33, 79D9A834_156F_4975_A0FE_F….jpeg)


>Taliban are raping dead bodies

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391ac8  No.14440690


I'll tell you why: Because no one cares about the COINTELPRO created character assassination attempt that was used to briefly take over the board by hostile entities for a couple months. You trying to push it exposes YOU, not the baker.

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ef3768  No.14440691

File: 6691c2e7d81bcca⋯.jpg (103.62 KB, 493x276, 493:276, gavinold.jpg)


Imagine what [they] might do to old folks to keep people being "tempted to visit" during lockdown

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428ce5  No.14440692


>Are they savages?

yes– duh

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9040bc  No.14440693

File: a8c8c71b3e2074d⋯.jpg (35.62 KB, 500x375, 4:3, a8c8c71b3e2074dc30fa5902d0….jpg)


Oh oh oh… me…pick me

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e675f9  No.14440694

File: f95fc2502909659⋯.jpg (146.13 KB, 759x565, 759:565, 41429_2021_430_Fig1_HTML.jpg)

A schematic of the key cellular and biomolecular interactions between Ivermectin, host cell, and SARS-CoV-2 in COVID-19 pathogenesis and prevention of complications.

Ivermectin; IVM (red block) inhibits and disrupts binding of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein at the ACE-2 receptors (green). The green dotted lines depict activation pathways and the red dotted lines depict the inhibition pathways. The TLR-4 receptors are directly activated by SARS-CoV-2 and also by LPS mediated activation (seen during ICU settings) causing activation of NF-Kb pathway and MAP3 Kinases leading to increased intranuclear gene expression for proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines (responsible for cytokine storm) and NO release (responsible for blood vessel dilatation, fluid leak, low blood pressure, ARDS and sepsis). The NF-Kb and STAT-3 pathway activation is central to the pathogenesis and sequelae of COVID-19. STAT-3 physically binds to PAK-1 and increases IL-6 transcription. The annexin A2 at the cell surface converts plasminogen; PLG to plasmin under the presence of t-PA. Plasmin triggers activation and nuclear translocation of STAT-3. An upregulation of STAT-3 stimulates hyaluronan synthase-2 in the lung cells causing hyaluronan deposition leading to diffuse alveolar damage and hypoxia. STAT-3 also directly activates TGF-beta initiating pulmonary fibrosis; a typical characteristic of SARS-COV-2 lung pathology. The damaged type 2 cells express PAI-1 and an already hypoxic state also causes an upregulation of PAI (through Hypoxic inducible factor-1) along with direct stimulation by STAT-3. Simultaneous STAT-3 and PAI-1 activation inhibits t-PA and urokinase-type plasminogen activator leading to thrombi formation. Also, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds to the CD147 on red blood cells and causes clumping. IVM in turn, binds to SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein and hence prevents clumping. T cell lymphopenia in COVID-19 can also be attributed to the direct activation of PD-L1 receptors on endothelial cells by STAT-3. IVM directly inhibits the NF-kb pathway, STAT-3, and indirectly inhibits PAK-1 by increasing its ubiquitin-mediated degradation. The natural antiviral response of a cell is through interferon regulatory genes and viral RNA mediated activation of TLR-3 and TLR7/8- Myd88 activation of transcription of interferon-regulator (IRF) family. For a virus to establish an infection, this antiviral response needs to be inhibited by blocking interferon production. The proteins such as importin and KPNA mediate nuclear transport of viral protein and subsequent IFN signaling. The SARS-CoV-2 proteins (ORF-3a, NSP-1, and ORF-6) directly block IFN signaling causing the surrounding cells to become unsuspecting victims of the infection. IVM inhibits both importin a-b (green) as well as the KPNA-1 receptors (brown) causing natural antiviral IFN release. IVM also inhibits viral RdrP, responsible for viral replication. IVM Ivermectin, ACE-2 angiotensin-converting-enzyme 2, LPS Lipopolysaccharide, TLR Toll-like receptor, t-PA tissue-like plasminogen activator, PLG Plasminogen, IMPab Importin alpha-beta, Rdrp RNA dependant RNA polymerase, KPNA-1 Karyopherin Subunit Alpha 1, NF-kB nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells, Map3Kinases Mitogen-activated Kinases, PAK-1 P21 Activated Kinase 1, STAT-3 Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, PAI-1 Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, HIF-1 Hypoxia-Inducible Factor

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8a655f  No.14440695

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8e5960  No.14440696


at least they aren't eating them…yet

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96c3b0  No.14440697

File: 46c946b7b2f27cd⋯.png (99.27 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 46c946b7b2f27cd1968fab5725….png)

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fd1930  No.14440698

File: 6c20439e9e5d365⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1088x1328, 68:83, ClipboardImage.png)

Doggo Comms?


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adb77b  No.14440699

File: b7bdbce6d7f8bb4⋯.png (429.27 KB, 640x610, 64:61, Snag_7654e8.png)

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882e94  No.14440700

File: 25be261fd53f1d9⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1025x1280, 205:256, 00469f900226ac64011c913e54….png)

Thank you, anons.

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71af2f  No.14440701

File: 6b3fa73d832f98b⋯.gif (201.4 KB, 660x780, 11:13, 6b3fa73d832f98b2b2932b853e….gif)


Thanks…some website did the mememagic. One of the easier ones for sure.

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f1fc6b  No.14440702

File: d0192da1ebf242e⋯.gif (2.5 MB, 509x710, 509:710, external_content_duckduckg….gif)

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089ca7  No.14440703



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0e25d8  No.14440704

File: 923b3a634ece1d3⋯.jpg (109.93 KB, 499x581, 499:581, TOTAL_WINNING.jpg)

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504b30  No.14440705


hey governor murphy, remember that one time when state legislatures MADE THE LAW

king dickface

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8d6746  No.14440706

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8a655f  No.14440707


Sounds like a lot of hate going there. I'm pretty sure religion is a system of control and also I'm thinking you're speaking about demons, not religious people.

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1838f0  No.14440708

File: e58924dfec92367⋯.png (227.12 KB, 535x536, 535:536, Screenshot_2021_08_23_at_2….png)

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0bf5c0  No.14440709


Larps larping about larps TO DIVIDE THIS BOARD.

You're welcome

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42430f  No.14440710


Forgot STAT3 inhibition in my summary.

We also need to increase STAT1.

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931729  No.14440711



they just linked to breitbart, some "refugee" says some shit now it's ass blasted all over the internet… this smells like fake and ghey propaganda

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cfc401  No.14440712


If he's going by Q's calendar then nothing will happen.


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5a23e2  No.14440713

File: 3b6145296883ab0⋯.jpeg (303.91 KB, 1210x997, 1210:997, 4A2D4B20_458E_4839_B2BE_B….jpeg)


Consider the source!

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9aaa8f  No.14440714

File: 375b6b27dbae1b9⋯.png (323.63 KB, 866x576, 433:288, WhoIsQ_A.png)

File: fc857775ac05dbb⋯.png (549.19 KB, 871x576, 871:576, WhoIsQ_Q.png)

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9f21e0  No.14440715


At least that's what someone wants us to believe.

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5a23e2  No.14440716

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ef3768  No.14440717

Dog symbolism:

Jewish tradition does not expressly prohibit the keeping of dogs as pets, but biblical and rabbinic sources do include numerous references that associate dogs with violence and uncleanliness and frown on the practice of keeping them in one’s home.

Dogs are for the most part portrayed negatively in the Bible. Deuteronomy appears to equate dogs and prostitution, ruling in Deuteronomy 23:19 that if one of these is used to pay for an animal — say, if one offered a dog or sex in exchange for a goat — that purchased animal cannot be brought to the temple as a sacrifice. The Book of Kings includes several references to dogs feeding on corpses. And in the Psalms, dogs are described as beasts that maul at human beings.

Among the few positive references to dogs in the Bible is in Exodus 11:7, which records that during the 10th plague visited upon the Egyptians — the death of the first-born — “not a dog shall snarl at any of the Israelites, at man or beast—in order that you may know that the Lord makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.” This silence of the dogs in Egypt is the reason offered by the Midrash to explain a later verse (Exodus 22:30) that commands the Israelites to feed to dogs any flesh torn by beasts in the field.

The negative attitude toward dogs persists in the Talmud , which frequently regards dogs as dangerous animals. Though the Talmud in Baba Kama states that it is permissible to keep certain kinds of dogs that are useful for preventing infestations of vermin, it also states that dogs must be kept chained and that those who “raise” (the Hebrew word used here is the same as the one used for rearing children) dogs are cursed. Elsewhere, the tractate records a case in which a woman miscarried because a dog barked at her. One talmudic sage states that the owner of a dog whose bark is capable of triggering a miscarriage causes the presence of God to depart from the Jewish people.

In the Jewish mystical tradition, dogs are symbols of the demonic. The Zohar, the core text of Jewish mysticism, says that evil in the world is like a vicious dog on a long leash.

The Mishneh Torah (a 12th-century code by Maimonides) states that one must keep a dog chained, because these animals are known to cause “substantial and frequent” damage. Maimonides permitted Jews living in border towns to let their dogs loose at night only, presumably for protection. The Shulchan Aruch (a 16th-century legal code) takes a somewhat less restrictive approach, saying only that an “evil dog” must be bound in iron chains. Similarly, Rabbi Moshe Isserles, a 16th-century Polish scholar also known as the Rema, in his commentary on the Shulchan Aruch writes that a dog that is liable to harm people must be kept chained.

Among modern religious authorities, Rabbi Jacob Emden, an 18th-century German authority, permitted dogs for economic or security reasons. However, to keep a dog merely for pleasure is “precisely the behavior of the uncircumcised,” he said. However, this is regarded as a minority view. Most contemporary Jewish authorities maintain that there are no prohibitions on keeping dogs provided they pose no threat to people or property. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/judaism-dogs/

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9bb1d7  No.14440718

File: 4af645eec3b3093⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1920x1594, 960:797, Screen_Shot_2021_08_23_at_….png)

More than four in 10 Delta Covid hospital patients in England may have been admitted for a different illness, official figures suggest

More than four in 10 patients hospitalised with the Delta variant in England may have been admitted for something else, MailOnline's analysis of official data suggests.

Public Health England's fortnightly update on coronavirus strains circulating around the country showed 7,285 people had spent at least one night in hospital with the mutant virus by August 15.

But it admitted as many as 3,154 (43 per cent) had likely come to A&E for 'a diagnosis unrelated to Covid' and tested positive later through routine swabbing

Experts told MailOnline in June that the number of so-called 'incidental' Covid hospital admissions would rise if community transmission continued to stay stubbornly high.

The proportion of people testing positive for the strain after admission for a different illness has risen four per cent since then. By June 21, it was 39 per cent.

Reading University microbiologist Dr Simon Clarke said the numbers highlight the increasing numbers of patients unwittingly bringing the virus into hospitals — putting the most vulnerable at risk.

He told MailOnline: 'If someone is asymptomatic and they're admitted say, with an appendicitis or smashed ankle, then the hospital won't know that they're infected for about 24 hours, because that's how long it takes to get the test done.

'In that time they could easily have infected staff and other patients, some of whom will be especially vulnerable.'

Other scientists warned official figures were overestimating the number of Covid patients in hospital. But they did not rule out that an undiagnosed Covid infection may have flared up other underlying conditions.

However, it comes as the number of patients with Covid-19 in hospital in England has hit 6,000 for the first time in more than five months. The figure, which is a snapshot of patients as of 8am on August 23, is up 11 per cent on the previous week.


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f369a3  No.14440719

File: d62654e4721a0cf⋯.png (139.39 KB, 443x537, 443:537, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdc4fd48bafe998⋯.png (125.24 KB, 955x904, 955:904, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a7a1bfa2703b03⋯.png (879.92 KB, 680x623, 680:623, ClipboardImage.png)


FDA just "fully approved" Pfizer's vaccines.

The red line is here.


U.S. Food and Drug Administration (https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-covid-19-vaccine)

FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine

FDA approved the first COVID-19 vaccine, now marketed as Comirnaty, for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older.


August 23, 2021

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

“The FDA’s approval of this vaccine is a milestone as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. While this and other vaccines have met the FDA’s rigorous, scientific standards for emergency use authorization, as the first FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine, the public can be very confident that this vaccine meets the high standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality the FDA requires of an approved product,” said Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock, M.D. “While millions of people have already safely received COVID-19 vaccines, we recognize that for some, the FDA approval of a vaccine may now instill additional confidence to get vaccinated. Today’s milestone puts us one step closer to altering the course of this pandemic in the U.S.”

Since Dec. 11, 2020, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has been available under EUA in individuals 16 years of age and older, and the authorization was expanded to include those 12 through 15 years of age on May 10, 2021. EUAs can be used by the FDA during public health emergencies to provide access to medical products that may be effective in preventing, diagnosing, or treating a disease, provided that the FDA determines that the known and potential benefits of a product, when used to prevent, diagnose, or treat the disease, outweigh the known and potential risks of the product.

FDA-approved vaccines undergo the agency’s standard process for reviewing the quality, safety and effectiveness of medical products. For all vaccines, the FDA evaluates data and information included in the manufacturer’s submission of a biologics license application (BLA). A BLA is a comprehensive document that is submitted to the agency providing very specific requirements. For Comirnaty, the BLA builds on the extensive data and information previously submitted that supported the EUA, such as preclinical and clinical data and information, as well as details of the manufacturing process, vaccine testing results to ensure vaccine quality, and inspections of the sites where the vaccine is made. The agency conducts its own analyses of the information in the BLA to make sure the vaccine is safe and effective and meets the FDA’s standards for approval.

Comirnaty contains messenger RNA (mRNA), a kind of genetic material. The mRNA is used by the body to make a mimic of one of the proteins in the virus that causes COVID-19. The result of a person receiving this vaccine is that their immune system will ultimately react defensively to the virus that causes COVID-19. The mRNA in Comirnaty is only present in the body for a short time and is not incorporated into - nor does it alter - an individual’s genetic material. Comirnaty has the same formulation as the EUA vaccine and is administered as a series of two doses, three weeks apart.

“Our scientific and medical experts conducted an incredibly thorough and thoughtful evaluation of this vaccine. We evaluated scientific data and information included in hundreds of thousands of pages, conducted our own analyses of Comirnaty’s safety and effectiveness, and performed a detailed assessment of the manufacturing processes, including inspections of the manufacturing facilities,” said Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., director of FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. “We have not lost sight that the COVID-19 public health crisis continues in the U.S. and that the public is counting on safe and effective vaccines. The public and medical community can be confident that although we approved this vaccine expeditiously, it was fully in keeping with our existing high standards for vaccines in the U.S."

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0e25d8  No.14440720

File: 49eea53f5baec16⋯.jpg (196.04 KB, 771x612, 257:204, PIG_AGENDA.jpg)

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f369a3  No.14440721


FDA Evaluation of Safety and Effectiveness Data for Approval for 16 Years of Age and Older

The first EUA, issued Dec. 11, for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for individuals 16 years of age and older was based on safety and effectiveness data from a randomized, controlled, blinded ongoing clinical trial of thousands of individuals.

To support the FDA’s approval decision today, the FDA reviewed updated data from the clinical trial which supported the EUA and included a longer duration of follow-up in a larger clinical trial population.

Specifically, in the FDA’s review for approval, the agency analyzed effectiveness data from approximately 20,000 vaccine and 20,000 placebo recipients ages 16 and older who did not have evidence of the COVID-19 virus infection within a week of receiving the second dose. The safety of Comirnaty was evaluated in approximately 22,000 people who received the vaccine and 22,000 people who received a placebo 16 years of age and older.

Based on results from the clinical trial, the vaccine was 91% effective in preventing COVID-19 disease.

More than half of the clinical trial participants were followed for safety outcomes for at least four months after the second dose. Overall, approximately 12,000 recipients have been followed for at least 6 months.

The most commonly reported side effects by those clinical trial participants who received Comirnaty were pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, chills, and fever. The vaccine is effective in preventing COVID-19 and potentially serious outcomes including hospitalization and death.

Additionally, the FDA conducted a rigorous evaluation of the post-authorization safety surveillance data pertaining to myocarditis and pericarditis following administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine and has determined that the data demonstrate increased risks, particularly within the seven days following the second dose. The observed risk is higher among males under 40 years of age compared to females and older males. The observed risk is highest in males 12 through 17 years of age. Available data from short-term follow-up suggest that most individuals have had resolution of symptoms. However, some individuals required intensive care support. Information is not yet available about potential long-term health outcomes. The Comirnaty Prescribing Information includes a warning about these risks.

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64248b  No.14440722


Why does the medical profession speak a different language? Is there a logic behind all their fancy words?

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ffb6ff  No.14440723


They apparently call it their 'law' that religious Jews or not all abide by.

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f369a3  No.14440724


You need to complain about CNN articles just as hard.

George news is the best!

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8a655f  No.14440725


Agreed. A lot of accusations hurled around, defamation, attempted doxxing, all with little or no sauce.

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9aaa8f  No.14440726

File: 09d8e3b4a6fc129⋯.png (874.79 KB, 850x476, 25:14, SoMuchWinning.png)

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089ca7  No.14440727


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dc6467  No.14440728

File: a3d36efa6a807d7⋯.jpg (91.32 KB, 466x324, 233:162, Polish_20210822_193805207.jpg)

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d7a6eb  No.14440729



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05d4de  No.14440730

File: 7fca61a0d6db580⋯.mp4 (6.17 MB, 854x480, 427:240, John_D_Rockefeller_Hijacki….mp4)

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5a23e2  No.14440731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


But why?

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1838f0  No.14440733

File: 044d1ce3068fda5⋯.png (313.49 KB, 535x596, 535:596, Screenshot_2021_08_23_at_2….png)

Define projection

The [P]laybook:

Taliban rape

Trump rape

(You) rape

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9bb1d7  No.14440734


sauce: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41429-021-00430-5.pdf

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00e448  No.14440735

File: 76f5873006c7d3e⋯.png (334.72 KB, 618x710, 309:355, redline.png)

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a0d09d  No.14440736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

As I sit here and watch you anons make up excuses for why Trump's stance on vaccines is what it is, I'm starting to really worry. For those with their head up their ass, let's do a logical thinking exercise; 40,000 ft view. We're just going to cover some basic points… about Trump.

First, watch this: (could not embed it)


Trump is asked about his thoughts on vaccine mandates at restaurants. He completely dodges the question and doesn't give an answer. Instead he promotes the vaccine. He says the vaccine is saving millions of lives around the world? He says people aren't getting it because they don't trust Biden? That there wouldn't be any vaccine protests if he was still President? For someone who Q says is never proven wrong, how is he this out of touch with this important of a topic? His stance on this vaccine is going to make or break him… because if it walks like a duck, and quack likes a duck… it's probably a duck [paid opposition].

Let's look at some other things Trump has done that has been for [them] and not us:

-Executive order making GMOs easier to produce due to less regulation. If you're AWAKE, you know what GMOs are and who funds them. It's a depop tool. Just like the vaccine. And he was pro-GMO. (Someone find me the speech where he promotes bioengineering for farmers, I'm short on time atm)

- https://apnews.com/article/technology-politics-science-genetics-biotechnology-2895e0f0ef344d16bfcf6f457ed2e759

- https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/06/14/2019-12802/modernizing-the-regulatory-framework-for-agricultural-biotechnology-products

What about Trump's position on 5G? Again, awake anons know.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trzlirgXbac (embedded)

Even his FCC chairman Ajit Pai (sp?) was on the wrong side of net neutrality…

Would Jan 6th have happened like it did if Trump told everyone to stay away from DC rather than go because it would be "wild"? What if Trump's huge crowd never went. How would that day of went with a fake insurrection with only 25-50 people or so instead of thousands?

I understand the focus should be on audits. But Trump is on the completely wrong side of this vaccine. You know this because both him and Biden agree, everyone should take the vaccine. Should Trump be saying the same thing Biden is saying about ANYTHING?

I've stayed away from the coming economic crash [depression] and engineered food shortage that everyone is ignoring. Let's start here and see how shilly it gets in here, and how many of you are blind and still thinking someone is coming to save us. The writing is on the wall here. Are you truly awake yet?

Reposted since it was ignored.

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e675f9  No.14440737

File: d60a57a270adb91⋯.png (563.75 KB, 776x2235, 776:2235, FireShot_Capture_073_Is_os….png)


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8d3cb6  No.14440738

Submissive and breedable

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089ca7  No.14440739

File: 227dfbf5d78502d⋯.jpg (10.19 KB, 325x325, 1:1, IWBR7693.jpg)


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96c3b0  No.14440740

File: 3a433822f50f664⋯.jpg (18.68 KB, 700x700, 1:1, download_1_.jpg)

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e675f9  No.14440741


Is oseltamivir suitable for fighting against COVID-19: In silico assessment, in vitro and retrospective study

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f369a3  No.14440742

File: f3c7c6932a45c0a⋯.png (253.8 KB, 463x577, 463:577, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 835b31247b3cdd7⋯.png (533.04 KB, 678x534, 113:89, ClipboardImage.png)

GEORGENEWS, [23.08.21 20:44]

"I’ve always known that Joe Biden is unfit to be your President, and his recent handling of Afghanistan only proves that further. BUT, the media refuses to tell the truth about what’s REALLY going on. THEY ARE LYING to protect Joe Biden. We can’t let them get away with this. My team just launched a new never-before-seen video to EXPOSE the TRUTH. The American People deserve to know what Joe Biden has done."

President Donald J. Trump, Aug 23, 2021




New channel on Rumble

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fba675  No.14440743

Emerald Robinson believes Joe Biden is the President. Honest!


She wrote the recent thriller autobiography, "How I Killed The Weekly Standard".

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8d3cb6  No.14440744

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e686a6  No.14440745


He's just wondering how he's gonna get his hands on that Spotted Cow beer when he moves to Alabama.

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931729  No.14440746

File: feaa1d531c40a03⋯.png (645.87 KB, 1109x676, 1109:676, ClipboardImage.png)




george has pushed larps on this board in the past and is still pushing them

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f85bd2  No.14440747


Glenn Hall needs to be QAnon'd.

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a0d09d  No.14440748

File: 94461d4ad38b9d3⋯.png (176.29 KB, 2399x994, 2399:994, logical.png)

File: d3f25baedec8ad4⋯.png (1.55 KB, 117x45, 13:5, thinking.png)


There's a severe lack of logical thinking here now.

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5a23e2  No.14440749


Lindell said the elections even down to the local level were hacked.

I mean was he even elected?

Mike thinks not!

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b4feea  No.14440750

File: dd24239c4d4fbdb⋯.jpg (40.72 KB, 610x457, 610:457, Anubisthe_dog_god.jpg)

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8d3cb6  No.14440751


George who

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0e25d8  No.14440752

File: 245591b337accd0⋯.jpg (47.25 KB, 371x338, 371:338, NY_STYLE_WIN.jpg)

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20c334  No.14440753

File: 923d8a1fe7577ee⋯.png (894.34 KB, 646x943, 646:943, Talichad.png)



The Talichads are swimming in hot pussy these days.

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931729  No.14440754


george news is as gay as babyfist

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a13385  No.14440755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Only man has rights, animals do not.

If you have been rendered "non-human" by genetic restructuring you have no God-given rights, only privileges granted by the secular government. Of couse they won't come out and openly say that, but that is how they will be operating from now on.

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2b9d1f  No.14440756

File: c0384a0e7c952c0⋯.mp4 (15.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_4944.mp4)

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504b30  No.14440757


no he wasnt. nj is the most corrupt state in the country. we are the pharma capital of the world.

so much money here. and all the dumbass new yorkers fled NYC and came here and made it even worse.

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f369a3  No.14440758

File: beaaaf4bd61f7ce⋯.png (280 KB, 749x615, 749:615, ClipboardImage.png)

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fba675  No.14440759



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9a14f8  No.14440760


Of course. Sit in on an engineering design review and you'll see the same thing. "Normal" language

is not sufficient to explain the concepts they're describing. The same with the law. Precision matters,

and most people simply don't understand precise language. Our daily communications are

very imprecise, and often rely on knowing each other personally to understand hidden context

(running jokes, past experiences, etc.).

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d6a6dd  No.14440761

File: 27e38de525dc1ec⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1186x1200, 593:600, Screen_Shot_2021_08_23_at_….png)

UK gov't, police servers reportedly vulnerable to new Microsoft email hack


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71af2f  No.14440762

File: 513c6d91077b64f⋯.jpg (6.21 KB, 200x89, 200:89, Q_17_Cali_1945_tag.jpg)

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ed006a  No.14440764

File: 0357d31fd3cdc99⋯.png (195.22 KB, 257x261, 257:261, ClipboardImage.png)

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64248b  No.14440765


Well this is encouraging.

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8d3cb6  No.14440766


Mr. Pig did I ever tell you that I love you?

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ffb6ff  No.14440767

File: 5ca76402cfdf248⋯.jpg (16.81 KB, 474x193, 474:193, Jews.jpg)

hmm… Epstein is a Jew.

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42430f  No.14440768


If I said signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 would it be easier to remember?

It activates innate interferon to effectively mount an immune defense without causing hyperactivation.

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0e25d8  No.14440769

File: 30d498f8beb26be⋯.jpg (19.77 KB, 374x188, 187:94, CA_PIG_WINNING.jpg)

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8a655f  No.14440770

If you want to change the world coming from hate all you'll create is more hate. If you want to change the world coming from love, then love is what will be created. You have to get your intention squared away before you can change anything that brings value to this world and to God. Hate = death Love = life

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2d721c  No.14440771


Smugness. Kek.

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f85bd2  No.14440772




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fba675  No.14440773


Epstein handles the catering department.

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e675f9  No.14440774



Swiss-model was used to construct the structure of the N-terminal RNA-binding domain (NRBD) of the nucleoprotein (NC), papain-like protease (PLpro), and RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRp) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). TM-align program was performed to compare the structure of the viral proteins with the structure of the neuraminidase of influenza A. Molecular docking was used to analyze the theoretical possibility of effective binding of oseltamivir with the active centers of the viral proteins. In vitro study was used to evaluate the antiviral efficiency of oseltamivir against SARS-CoV-2. By clinical case analysis, we statistically evaluated whether the history of oseltamivir use influenced the progression of the disease.


The structures of NRBD, PLpro, and RdRp were built successfully. The results from TM-align suggested that the S protein, NRBD, 3C-like protease (3CLpro), PLPrO, and RdRp were structurally similar to the influenza A neuraminidase, with TM-scores of 0.30077, 0.19254, 0.28766, 0.30666, and 0.34047, respectively. Interestingly, the active center of 3CL pro was found to be similar to the active center from the neuraminidase of influenza A. Through an analysis of molecular docking, we discovered that oseltamivir carboxylic acid was more favorable to bind to the active site of 3CLpro effectively, but its inhibitory effect was not strong compared with the positive group. Finally, we used in vitro study and retrospective case analysis to verify our speculations. We found that oseltamivir is ineffective against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro study and the clinical use of oseltamivir did not improve the patients’ symptoms and signs and did not slow the disease progression.

Per this study, similarity exists but ineffective./.

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f0d6a6  No.14440775

File: 09c5f5096acd76d⋯.png (5.73 MB, 1868x1071, 1868:1071, capture_1864_23082021_1737….png)

>>14440309 lb


>>14440491 lb



35 Cables from Kabul, all in 1979

Dig. Or not.


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96c3b0  No.14440776

File: 0d9080cf68052c8⋯.png (731.35 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, bb83275435e5caa242385a9924….png)


Mr.Pig highest ranking patriot.


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e444de  No.14440777

File: 00e44c43dcf84b1⋯.jpg (262.68 KB, 1440x760, 36:19, 20190222_143117.jpg)

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934ab2  No.14440778


obama's dog was named Major. Major ded.

cuomo's dog is named CAptain…Captain gets left behind to fend for himself.

both dogs bit.

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0e25d8  No.14440779

File: de854aa758a5647⋯.jpg (102.46 KB, 644x446, 322:223, LOVE_WINS.jpg)

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71af2f  No.14440780

File: 1121e2932e0c755⋯.jpg (11.86 KB, 200x103, 200:103, Anon_tag_Cali.jpg)

File: e9d0d841719de83⋯.jpg (12.74 KB, 200x100, 2:1, Anon_tag_FL_61.jpg)

File: dc7707e5fc79f77⋯.jpg (13 KB, 200x103, 200:103, Q_17_FL_challenger_tag.jpg)

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42430f  No.14440781


You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

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9bb1d7  No.14440782

File: 035b7b0cc2221c6⋯.png (392.4 KB, 693x524, 693:524, pepe_pitchfork.png)


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a0d09d  No.14440783


Trump said take the vaccine. He took it.

Why haven't you yet, anon?

Maybe if you do you can stick your cellphone to your forehead. That way, you'll never lose it, and you'll get a direct 5G beam where it is intended to go.


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0e25d8  No.14440784

File: 19c43289edaa2b6⋯.jpg (35.69 KB, 320x426, 160:213, o7_WIN.jpg)

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934ab2  No.14440785


>obama's* dog was named Major. Major ded.

Biden's* dog

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3d645d  No.14440786


All the cool Talibon have AKs.

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30f9a7  No.14440787

File: 82e64098525dc15⋯.jpeg (142.72 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Owen_Shroyer_2.jpeg)

File: 39c6d49ab35e688⋯.jpeg (65.05 KB, 700x361, 700:361, Skipper_and_Gilligan.jpeg)


Who else thinks Owen got tossed overboard?

The handler said it was either you or me lil' buddy.

A 3 hour tour, a 3 hour tour.

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8432e5  No.14440788

File: edb09786269206f⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 839x591, 839:591, edb09786269206ff32eee2ddc8….jpg)


Politics, pro vax and pro choice is safest bet

And playing the media like a fizzle

Grozillion chess

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b4feea  No.14440789


Anon recalls the time Trump fired his ass as an ACQUAINTENCE after getting complaints from staff about Epsteins perversions towards under age girls.

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05d4de  No.14440790

File: b885ffafd568c30⋯.png (160.21 KB, 870x826, 435:413, masked_Pepe.png)


Sorry. But it does show the start of how we came to this point.

Left is Right.

Down is Up.

Only your doctor knows what's good for you.

Please don't try to understand or think for yourself.

Here, have three new prescriptions for this visit.

Oh, I can't do your follow up appointment that week, I'm at a "conference" in Hawaii.

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ef3768  No.14440791


Dog comms-someones being led to death?

The dog embodies the essence of spiritual guidance. Anubis is often shown as the dog/jackal, or as a human figure with the head of a dog/jackal. The dog/jackal is famous for its reliable homing instinct, day or night. The dog is very useful in searches, and is the animal of choice to guide the blind. As such, it is an excellent choice for guiding the soul of the deceased through the regions of the Duat. https://egypt-tehuti.org/egyptian-cosmic-religion/anubis-the-dog/

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bac5b0  No.14440792


This guy is a propaganda piece

I’ve seen him on CCN report with Clarissa Ward

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f369a3  No.14440793

File: 483e6fb83bf534f⋯.png (223.38 KB, 429x848, 429:848, ClipboardImage.png)

The Kate Awakening Channel, [23.08.21 14:01]

[Forwarded from TruthHammer (TruthHammer888)]

Gov Ducey has made sure that AZ will be one of the first states to accept plane loads of people from Kabul? I wonder how many will be in Maricope county, and how soon?

"Ducey and Bowers criticized Biden’s exit plan from Afghanistan, saying the refugees were put in this position because of the president’s negligence and inability to lead."

"Regrettably" due to the exigent circumstances in Kabul, nobody will be able to truly vet all those seeking emergency shelter under this program. 👀

👉So, in just a matter of a few days a vector has emerged that could allow experienced terrorists to transit from a prison in Kabul… to the streets of Kabul… to an evac flight… to the streets of Maricopa County? 👀

Gov Ducey, whose job is it to ensure that vector is not exploited?

Are you already planning to say it was the State Departments job?



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e83711  No.14440794

File: 082aef28be73627⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, Sniper_Q_NS_TheHole_1200.png)


ThanQ Baker !

Nice shootin'

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dc6467  No.14440795


> and is still pushing them

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934ab2  No.14440796


what phones can you use anymoar that aren't 5G?

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8d3cb6  No.14440797


Trips or dubs Mr. Bond?

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fba675  No.14440798


Assume much, Richard?

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ffb6ff  No.14440799


For Finklestein matzah balls?

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089ca7  No.14440800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e675f9  No.14440801

Trying to find new studies on the matter.

They need to study influenza meds in a closer manner.

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41dd85  No.14440802

Jason Whitlock just said the Democrats are satanic.

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f369a3  No.14440803

File: 93889e1b9168f29⋯.png (54.53 KB, 444x856, 111:214, ClipboardImage.png)

CJTRUTH (OFFICIAL), [31.07.21 14:32]

I said I would not post but this is too important. Doctors are not prescribing certain drugs that work for Covid 19 because it is off label. This is just plain EVIL!

I have to send everyone this protocol from Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance for Covid 19 that includes Ivermectin. Please pass this one far and wide. Covid is real. I don’t care what you say.

FLCCC Alliance

All Protocols

https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols (https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/)/

Hospital Protocol


Prevention and Early Outpatient Protocol


At Home Treatment

https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-mass-protocol (https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-mass-protocol/)/

How to get Ivermectin

https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/how-to-get-ivermectin (https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/how-to-get-ivermectin/)/

Ivermectin Studies

https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19 (https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/)/

Doctor to get prescription from after being seen online.



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e444de  No.14440804

File: 16c9b9ad6ed536e⋯.gif (2.28 MB, 451x328, 11:8, 20210714_210845.gif)

File: 26701e3ee15f53c⋯.jpg (76.38 KB, 975x199, 975:199, 20210625_204755.jpg)


>mr pig

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fba675  No.14440805


4G+, 5 not out yet entirely because chipset was Huawei as standard. Chalkboard re-used.

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8d3cb6  No.14440806


Did you know Dick is another name for Richard?



Great more cuckold shit

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a0d09d  No.14440807


The iPhone X is 4G. I'll never trade it.

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924bb8  No.14440808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Notable Notes



>>14440633 The Ultimate Q Decode - Q Code Solution

>>14440646, >>14440670 Afghan Refugee Claims Taliban Raping the Dead Bodies of Its Victims

>>14440676 Aussie update - Protest Arrests, Rubber bullets, Shooting dogs

>>14440698 Andrew Cuomo reportedly leavse his dog behind at Albany mansion - Dog Comms?

>>14440718 More than four in 10 Delta Covid hospital patients in England may have been admitted for a different illness, official figures suggest

>>14440719, >>14440721 FDA just "fully approved" Pfizer's vaccines. The red line is here.

>>14440742 President Donald J. Trump, Aug 23, 2021 (1:05) - "I’ve always known that Joe Biden is unfit to be your President.."

>>14440775 Wikileaks - 35 Cables from Kabul, all in 1979

>>14440793 The Kate Awakening Channel - Ducey says Arizona welcomes Afghan refugees who helped US troops

>>14440803 CJTRUTH (OFFICIAL) - Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance for Covid 19 that includes Ivermectin





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aea717  No.14440809

File: 7f5cbef98235870⋯.png (437.16 KB, 298x471, 298:471, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd7f27ee79421f4⋯.png (307.33 KB, 479x223, 479:223, ClipboardImage.png)


A bunch of grown men that play dress up and treasure hunt with all the stolen riches.

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a0d09d  No.14440810


So you are vaxxed?

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49c555  No.14440811

File: f58b9d97257960d⋯.jpeg (65.6 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 1629692400.jpeg)

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41dd85  No.14440812

File: d7e39a1c70e7a37⋯.jpeg (466.42 KB, 828x1315, 828:1315, E6C8531F_CDA3_4173_AA99_B….jpeg)

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8d3cb6  No.14440813


Thank you baker, you are a shining star in my night sky

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0e25d8  No.14440814

File: 7696ea96b432ad6⋯.jpg (79.09 KB, 672x479, 672:479, AZ_WIN.jpg)

File: e2c01a1644145d3⋯.jpg (152.27 KB, 751x585, 751:585, LEAFLET_WIN.jpg)

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0a3c29  No.14440815

File: a98ccd33ebc2b35⋯.jpg (81.58 KB, 873x435, 291:145, old_lady_low_iq_shill.jpg)

File: d0f6f55ca866111⋯.png (237.71 KB, 450x453, 150:151, bin_lyin.png)

File: 3a6f1bec4c01952⋯.png (463.42 KB, 640x495, 128:99, tali_icecream.png)

>>14439050 pb

>having a meeting with someone about who they are supposed to kill


Bih, are you, retarded!? Wut do you think the loserferian death cult has been doing since day one? Holeeee shit, please tell me you're not real. Your shill foo is Low IQ. So low, it's in the negative digits Kek.

Who do you think Trump is talking about when he says they're going to kill terrys? They got a better deal to fight for good than to fight for evil, kmfao. They look just as pleased as Kim when he was set free. You think the terries dealt with the taliban kindly? Prolly not.. prolly screwed them over somehow, that's just how [they] roll. Plus, wtf do you think these injections are all about? You think event 201 was their 1st meeting to wipe us out or make us suffer. You're a megaloretard.

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5a23e2  No.14440816

File: 86d3b8af6f96d08⋯.jpeg (103.11 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 46D46795_D7BC_4A87_9C30_5….jpeg)


That’s old news anon…

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24c280  No.14440817

File: 7f6cf9fdcb674e6⋯.jpg (122.55 KB, 500x865, 100:173, line_of_succession.jpg)

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b4feea  No.14440818


anon has also considered the possibility that Dog is like Dawg like your homie/fren too.

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20c334  No.14440819


>Who else thinks Owen got tossed overboard?


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28ee09  No.14440820

File: ed55cf02847430a⋯.png (108.7 KB, 994x813, 994:813, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b4e8bbefd52b64⋯.png (69.82 KB, 848x391, 848:391, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14439177 lbpb

Where did all the missing ballots go?


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ef3768  No.14440821


Covid is real- as it covid is a Sars flu virus, or something else entirely. What is it?

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d8a626  No.14440822

Dr. Jill memes, anyone?

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d6a6dd  No.14440823

File: f88f503ea590d9e⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, p7pFZALT_8ik_y_D.mp4)


Here's the twat link:


Also found this!

Trump, Feb. 2019: "We'll see what happens with the Taliban. They want peace. They're tired."


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8d3cb6  No.14440824


Maybe that's the Queen of England's problem. Needs more BBC and less baby blood. That and the inbred genetics she has

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e444de  No.14440825

File: bb012748de6b926⋯.png (343.42 KB, 1080x605, 216:121, Memeto_1628297202704.png)

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b678ce  No.14440826

File: ffbefb473d0dff5⋯.jpeg (7.48 KB, 248x169, 248:169, th.jpeg)


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a0f336  No.14440827

File: 08cf2cd92c328cf⋯.jpg (409.14 KB, 1820x1208, 455:302, DeadlyNightShift.jpg)

we here?

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42fc1e  No.14440828

The cabal killed general Patton; Trump is his son, adopted by the Trump family and raised to become president to destroy the cabal.

https://youtu.be/pJ8d0SV6CxE Dig anons. Dig.

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cc1a4a  No.14440829

File: 576c00cb0d7e00a⋯.jpeg (190.43 KB, 866x587, 866:587, 24CB2C75_6883_4B44_AB29_C….jpeg)

Things will worsen.

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8432e5  No.14440830

Greater Sydney, Australia extends lockdown and announces stricter measures.

Exercise now limited to one hour, masked, per day. Curfew after 9pm. And police now authorized to seal entire apartment buildings like the CCP claims to have done in Wuhan.


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41dd85  No.14440831

File: 62ab04ce81e8f59⋯.jpeg (368.73 KB, 828x1055, 828:1055, 6445A9DE_DA0D_40E5_B795_C….jpeg)



Time to punch that tune card, anons.

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175d17  No.14440832


From Last Bread

Anagram = SEML = Save Eagle Mountain Lake = Eagle Mountain Lake = US Army Corps of Engineers = Red Castle = Water Event??




Also time stamp = 0:00>>14440445

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42430f  No.14440833

File: 3b5e990a695dac3⋯.jpg (81.93 KB, 538x644, 269:322, ZomboMeme_23082021110723.jpg)

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ef3768  No.14440834

File: 1b10fafd4d06935⋯.jpg (183.59 KB, 812x564, 203:141, knightshift.jpg)

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f369a3  No.14440835

File: 1b7d7585978448c⋯.png (190.7 KB, 437x593, 437:593, ClipboardImage.png)

AbsoluteConviQtion1776, [23.08.21 07:58]

[ Video ]

This dude may be the most red pilled Priest I have ever seen.

“Let Bill Gates jab himself with it! Let the Rockefellers jab themselves with it. Let the Rothschilds jab themselves with it. Let Klaus Schwab jab himself with it. Let George Soros jab himself with it.”

Straight 🔥🔥🔥

The Righteous Indignation the World over is reaching a boiling point, can you feel it?

Prepare for an inundation of Light. It’s coming.



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4789ec  No.14440837

If you are going to share this on Facebook they will censor the article photo but it does not go against community standards but may be 'sensitive' to some.

It’s Worse Than We Thought: Complete List of Armaments US Is Leaving to Taliban and Islamist Groups — Enough to Fortify Them for Years – Secret Warehouse of US Equipment Captured?


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e444de  No.14440838

File: 858b46dd39b9826⋯.jpg (330.66 KB, 1080x1148, 270:287, 20210816_140156.jpg)

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39980f  No.14440839


>Jovan is not on the audit team and has been jerking your chain.

intuition from being subject to Jovan's famefagging for 24h on his telegram channel says this.

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7a0ad6  No.14440840



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8a655f  No.14440841

File: 66f9381fec08fa7⋯.png (376.91 KB, 1859x1072, 1859:1072, flccc.png)



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5a23e2  No.14440842


Yeah. Lady is cGI mostly tho.

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64248b  No.14440843


All valid points to be considered but we have been taught to think for ourselves. Trump likes the vaccine. You don't. So stand on your own reasoning. If you need Trump's validation then you still have a few more miles to travel. But thank you for writing this. Does anyone know how much pharma shills in DC annually?

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b4feea  No.14440844



could be a lotta "time bombs" vaccine style out there

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934ab2  No.14440845

why would you leave your dog behind when you move?

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427d02  No.14440846

File: d1184a42a72604e⋯.png (501.98 KB, 518x383, 518:383, ClipboardImage.png)



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8d3cb6  No.14440847


My whole life is a lie…

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49c555  No.14440848

File: 089f4ac60af292a⋯.jpg (68.85 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 2_corinthians_10_4_they_ha….jpg)

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41dd85  No.14440849


Comms bro

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e686a6  No.14440850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9bb1d7  No.14440851

File: 7cb389910bd08c5⋯.jpg (121.32 KB, 961x649, 961:649, potus_diner.jpg)

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3d645d  No.14440852

File: 39323f2f19ce2a2⋯.gif (3 MB, 498x451, 498:451, download.gif)

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1838f0  No.14440853

File: b1879124324358c⋯.png (490.19 KB, 535x720, 107:144, Screenshot_2021_08_23_at_2….png)

OTD in 1958, USS Skate managed to circumnavigate the globe in 50 minutes. To accomplish this remarkable feat, the sub took a shortcut by sailing on a circular course within two miles of the North Pole. The Skate only needed to travel 12 miles to pass through all time zones.


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f85bd2  No.14440854

File: 6d02eeb2e18b206⋯.png (361.01 KB, 474x333, 158:111, ClipboardImage.png)

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cd1f07  No.14440855

File: 2533338bb6e9f53⋯.jpeg (10.34 KB, 285x208, 285:208, R_13_.jpeg)


Lord forgive me.

checkt and kek

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cc1a4a  No.14440856

File: f7d0cd1396fff30⋯.jpeg (87.44 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 87B1A959_D5DA_4477_844C_B….jpeg)


“Stay strong little one.”

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bac5b0  No.14440857

File: af55a8abf6df0ab⋯.jpeg (369.24 KB, 640x1048, 80:131, 61ADE61C_2ED9_44D2_B000_1….jpeg)

All this vaccine mandate stuff is going to trace back to the CCP and creepy billionaires who want to kill off the population.

All the people who worked hand in glove with the CCP are ON RECORD and will be tried.


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e25690  No.14440858



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b4feea  No.14440859


because you cannot take them with you to jail…. errrrr the new house.

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8d3cb6  No.14440860


When I lived out in the country, people would just leave their dogs out there to die. Every day there would be another dog

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d6a6dd  No.14440861

File: e783fd34b996731⋯.jpg (180.52 KB, 783x800, 783:800, e783fd34b996731cdb44f0a1d4….jpg)

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42430f  No.14440862


Comms and sociopaths don't bond or care.

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2b9d1f  No.14440863

File: 4259397a413ce16⋯.gif (5.68 MB, 600x889, 600:889, 8E30B355_75DB_4230_A43A_89….gif)

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9aaa8f  No.14440864

File: 56be98228bb0908⋯.png (247.8 KB, 716x398, 358:199, NS_83_1.png)

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ef3768  No.14440865

So is the vaxx FDA approved or isn't it?

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9d868a  No.14440866

File: 95ab4c7c1850ccf⋯.jpg (18.72 KB, 350x189, 50:27, AZ_451.JPG)

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45f859  No.14440867


Trump is a total cunt until evidence says otherwise.

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5a23e2  No.14440868


Always best to think for yourself.

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fc6360  No.14440869

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1st 5 minutes is classic Adam Green…



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0e25d8  No.14440870

File: 28458110c2ebe1a⋯.jpg (103.81 KB, 679x385, 97:55, PIG_SHIFT.jpg)

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9a14f8  No.14440871


Captain didn't get "left behind to fend for himself." Cuomo doesn't have a place to live, yet. Captain

is hanging with staff that still work there until Cuomo has a place for Captain to hang.

They lie about everything, anon. Figure it out.

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42430f  No.14440872

File: 22da72d40828ec9⋯.jpg (277.11 KB, 954x748, 477:374, ZomboMeme_20052021212832.jpg)

File: 6e41a3c85ccfe98⋯.jpg (132.94 KB, 962x520, 37:20, ZomboMeme_20052021231650.jpg)

File: e18bf868f66284b⋯.jpg (95.94 KB, 1023x678, 341:226, ZomboMeme_20052021202238.jpg)

File: d70784fd439d62a⋯.jpg (61.38 KB, 800x565, 160:113, ZomboMeme_20052021203020.jpg)

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f369a3  No.14440873

File: a96de3f19738170⋯.png (33.98 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ae45e8421d787c15fa5feafd51….png)


That doesn't matter

Its about control

[They] think it helps, so they ban it too control everyone

We are fighting for our freedom on every level

Who cares if its real or not.

You are missing the point.


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cfc401  No.14440874


Nobody will be tried and they damn sure won't be going to prison.

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eaa555  No.14440875


If anon had a cleaner existence anon would tear this shit down. Can’t. Anon is comped. Will watch and cheer from the sidelines for the next decade and the re-emerge like a butterfly escaping the cocoon

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e25690  No.14440876

File: f9f9c14b8618d9f⋯.png (337.18 KB, 672x528, 14:11, nsdude.png)

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9a14f8  No.14440877


A cunt like you, or one shaped differently?

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ed006a  No.14440878

File: ec84dff76a21273⋯.png (29.36 KB, 1106x532, 79:38, ClipboardImage.png)



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e675f9  No.14440879

File: c88d41ee492a906⋯.png (196.19 KB, 763x982, 763:982, FireShot_Capture_074_Oselt….png)

Oseltamivir for coronavirus illness: post-hoc exploratory analysis of an open-label, pragmatic, randomised controlled trial in European primary care from 2016 to 2018


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2b9d1f  No.14440880

File: e47c0e20abeacb3⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_2567.mp4)


we in here

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ef3768  No.14440881

File: 3a895e509c09a8d⋯.jpg (236.23 KB, 920x963, 920:963, woodrow.jpg)


Trump is one man. This is a world wide human trafficking pyramid scheme we're fighting

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f85bd2  No.14440882

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b4feea  No.14440883

File: cd7bff6671747ae⋯.png (437.4 KB, 700x658, 50:47, Zuck_the_Cuck.png)

File: 51d519cd8a7087b⋯.jpg (148.99 KB, 651x739, 651:739, billy_bitch_boy.jpg)

File: 42f0d028533188f⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, but_his_emails.png)

File: 577af274a92d80f⋯.png (214.2 KB, 636x292, 159:73, axis_of_evil.png)

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55d374  No.14440884

File: 92fd6dae107d3ae⋯.jpg (59.59 KB, 714x383, 714:383, 20210823_190402.jpg)

File: 8e4daa0f74dcdd6⋯.jpg (100.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 4221396001_5433646063001_5….jpg)

File: dfd47e67183b271⋯.jpg (92.91 KB, 444x488, 111:122, 20210805_121537.jpg)

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9d868a  No.14440885

File: 22d1bdbc3064540⋯.jpg (20.4 KB, 354x169, 354:169, PA_NightShift.JPG)

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f85bd2  No.14440886

File: d826da4b61b528d⋯.png (383.71 KB, 263x759, 263:759, ClipboardImage.png)


pic ffs

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9bb1d7  No.14440887



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b159a5  No.14440888

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8d3cb6  No.14440889


I don't think anyone is clean anon. Maybe when we were very young, but life is messy

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641258  No.14440890

File: 4a92ce258baf90b⋯.png (98.24 KB, 476x732, 119:183, 2805f594d1f3d677efbd713800….png)

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f369a3  No.14440892

File: aa53f68a423aa5c⋯.png (94.38 KB, 500x315, 100:63, 30a12c0caf4d7539434e151bd6….png)

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075786  No.14440893


Dogs are man's best friend.

They can detect evil. (according to legend)

So the presence of a dog betrays ill intent.

And [they] are walking talking ill intent in the flesh.

But the dog comms [they] use still confuse me.

I am missing a critical piece of the puzzle.

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934ab2  No.14440894


so is cuomo living in his car?

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0a6e4e  No.14440895

File: 17730a09daede01⋯.png (433.49 KB, 800x808, 100:101, 1629503561387.png)



Gotta admit it tho

Was a lot of fun

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71af2f  No.14440896


Any talent that starts to get more spotlight than that histronics method actor Alex Jones, gets shown the door. He's a petty tyrant and very insecure it seems. The list is long indeed.

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d465ae  No.14440897


It's a fucking test anon. A graduation test. You didn't pass. Go back to civilian life.>>14440736

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64248b  No.14440898


Thank you anon. So what's the logic with the language. Because there has to be one just like the periodical table or genus and species.

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f57073  No.14440899


I only have one question for you “which vaccine/treatment/cure did Trump take?”

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ef3768  No.14440900


Covid is real. I don’t care what you say.- you

Am I not addressing your very pointed point?

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931729  No.14440901


keep posting that shit, shills freak out

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9aaa8f  No.14440903

File: 460eec84287387f⋯.png (402 KB, 800x556, 200:139, NighSaucer.png)

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f1fc6b  No.14440904


300+ links to the telecancer in the archives.

It has been pushed at least since january.

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cd1f07  No.14440905

File: f0b51dd949dd172⋯.jpg (11.89 KB, 170x255, 2:3, ea4c580e1d3e6c96713a961df4….jpg)

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45f859  No.14440906


Big Pharma cunt to be precise. Establishment entertainer.

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d8a626  No.14440907


all sinners.

a = s



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9aaa8f  No.14440908

File: adbd45d7dc7923f⋯.png (395.03 KB, 959x541, 959:541, PennAudit.png)

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a0d09d  No.14440910


I guess you'd have to ask him. A cure isn't a vaccine. A vaccine is a vaccine. He quite literally said take the vaccine, because he did.

Do you trust him?

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64248b  No.14440911


How much education is there in the medical progression just to learn the language?

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f85bd2  No.14440912


for the keks man. Come on

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71af2f  No.14440913



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0e25d8  No.14440914

File: d023972bbd2bba7⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 511x297, 511:297, WAR_AT_SEA.jpg)

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28ee09  No.14440915


Admitting that is Truth.

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f25f60  No.14440916

File: 7006f449f579fad⋯.png (96.32 KB, 500x707, 500:707, ClipboardImage.png)

Been a while.


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5a23e2  No.14440917


Why would they do that? Anons should stick together. Wwg1wga

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fb52f6  No.14440918

File: c31d52ccc86bce0⋯.jpg (85.48 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Untitled.jpg)

Russia Announces Joint War Drills With China & Iran In Gulf



"Russia, Iran and China will hold joint maritime exercises in the Persian Gulf around late 2021 or early 2022, Russia's ambassador to Tehran said, the RIA news agency reported on Monday," according to Reuters.

It's been no secret that the Russian and Chinese militaries have grown closer over the past years, but rarer still are major drills involving the superpowers plus Iran, and centered in the Persian Gulf - site of recent soaring tensions which lately included Iranian commandos briefly seizing a foreign tanker, as well as the drone attack of the Israeli-managed 'Mercer Street' tanker off the coast of Oman on July 30.

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f369a3  No.14440919

File: 7f66748a90cc584⋯.png (105.17 KB, 497x868, 71:124, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a0da8331845623⋯.png (447.52 KB, 998x1280, 499:640, ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Oltmann, [23.08.21 11:44]

They cannot stop what is about to happen. This morning you woke up as a slave to the elite and the corrupt and evil government leadership. Soon we throw them out and restore constitutional integrity to our nation.

The fraud in Maricopa is so much bigger than you could imagine. Need you to understand this is just one county… and the number of fake voters is hundreds of thousands, not thousands.


Joe Oltmann, [23.08.21 14:01]

[ Photo ]

Last week I shared the letter from the jackass lawyer for Coomer. This was the response from Sidney Powell and Defending the Republic attorneys.

I love Sidney, and I love that her attorneys share the same courage and integrity that she has.


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f57073  No.14440920


Answer the question faggot or fuck off into oblivion…

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8d3cb6  No.14440921

Does anyone remember that meme that got posted in one bread a while back? It was like this guy throwing a piece of paper into the garbage but someone kept replacing it with someone's shitty meme


My repentance will be in my actions. I don't expect the mind to follow suit but if it does that would be nice

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ef3768  No.14440922

File: ae2f3166c8a5d1c⋯.png (273.34 KB, 673x528, 673:528, guy2.png)

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f369a3  No.14440923


You waste my time


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8432e5  No.14440924


If covid is real it is gay

Fucking the world hard with a 99.9% survival rate each year

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69961a  No.14440925

File: c8635c34b8c99c6⋯.png (236.87 KB, 800x480, 5:3, no_table.png)




Hey Bakes

Request you notable the above minibun. It's an excellent pharmacologic breakdown of the WuFlu function and how ivermectin counteracts it. Sauced, too.


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5a23e2  No.14440926

File: 2caafbb82ae8ae0⋯.jpeg (476.39 KB, 1125x1147, 1125:1147, 40329AD6_12B8_4427_A0DC_4….jpeg)


It’s a time honored tradition apparently.

Also can’t be stated and restated enough…

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fb52f6  No.14440927

File: 73d3a783bcc9c5a⋯.png (87.49 KB, 429x383, 429:383, sleepy_2.png)

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0e25d8  No.14440928

File: 47f929f8616d288⋯.jpg (50.41 KB, 594x313, 594:313, AZ_PLATE_WIN.jpg)


ALL OF 451


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ef3768  No.14440929


that's what I thought

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f369a3  No.14440930

File: e1ec99f1afb2ac0⋯.png (25.09 KB, 457x396, 457:396, ClipboardImage.png)

TheStormHasArrived17, [23.08.21 14:53]

MASS NON-COMPLIANCE is the only way we end this tyranny…

If your employer forces you to get a vaccine, let them fire you.

If a restaurant requires proof of vaccination, don’t eat there.

If a retailer requires proof of vaccination, don’t shop there.

If a music venue requires proof of vaccination, say no to live music.

Etc. etc. etc.

Life will temporarily be more difficult & uncomfortable, but if we make these businesses feel economically strained, they will eventually be forced not to comply themselves.

Let’s all stand together, Patriots 🇺🇸


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5a23e2  No.14440931


Cheer up. This will be over soon.

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2b2db0  No.14440933

Anons, could FDA approval be 'the shot heard round the world'?

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8d3cb6  No.14440934


Looks like the story by Lovecraft

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9aaa8f  No.14440935


nice new pjs pepe

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0a6e4e  No.14440936

File: 1c05b515f20fda3⋯.gif (6.53 MB, 540x222, 90:37, tumblr_1c9f3599ab4128b0c58….gif)


>But the dog comms [they] use still confuse me.

>I am missing a critical piece of the puzzle.

My guess would be edgelord reference to Anubis RE: Gif Related

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0e25d8  No.14440937

File: b7c175b6961afca⋯.jpg (46.68 KB, 606x291, 202:97, PIG_PENN_PLATE.jpg)

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924bb8  No.14440938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Notable Notes




>>14440633 The Ultimate Q Decode - Q Code Solution

>>14440646, >>14440670 Afghan Refugee Claims Taliban Raping the Dead Bodies of Its Victims

>>14440676 Aussie update - Protest Arrests, Rubber bullets, Shooting dogs

>>14440694, >>14440710, >>14440734 Pharmacologic breakdown of the WuFlu function and how ivermectin counteracts it.

>>14440698 Andrew Cuomo reportedly leavse his dog behind at Albany mansion - Dog Comms?

>>14440718 More than four in 10 Delta Covid hospital patients in England may have been admitted for a different illness, official figures suggest

>>14440719, >>14440721 FDA just "fully approved" Pfizer's vaccines. The red line is here.

>>14440742 President Donald J. Trump, Aug 23, 2021 (1:05) - "I’ve always known that Joe Biden is unfit to be your President.."

>>14440775 Wikileaks - 35 Cables from Kabul, all in 1979

>>14440793 The Kate Awakening Channel - Ducey says Arizona welcomes Afghan refugees who helped US troops

>>14440803 CJTRUTH (OFFICIAL) - Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance for Covid 19 that includes Ivermectin

>>14440830 Greater Sydney, Australia extends lockdown and announces stricter measures.

>>14440835 AbsoluteConviQtion1776 - This dude may be the most red pilled Priest I have ever seen.


>>14440918 Russia Announces Joint War Drills With China & Iran In Gulf

>>14440919 Joe Oltmann - The fraud in Maricopa is so much bigger than you could imagine.



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f369a3  No.14440939

File: 858e641988805a1⋯.png (233.52 KB, 458x783, 458:783, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39b7c3c68f1e306⋯.png (373.57 KB, 610x406, 305:203, Tcq29Pb.png)

File: 930b195b9987ba6⋯.png (273.55 KB, 698x480, 349:240, d0fcb47b15d27767f22f01bc21….png)

TheStormHasArrived17, [23.08.21 20:04]

[ Video ]

Katie Hobbs joined Joy Reid tonight on MSNBC.

Her panic levels are off the charts. A few highlights:

- She talked about her 122 page garbage report about the audit that highlights “why it is not a real audit” and said “whatever they come up with in their report is not gonna be credible.” (😂)

- She implied that the public doesnt know how the Cyber Ninjas were hired for the audit. Hilarious. Wendy Rogers already told us it was because all the contractors feared losing gov’t contracts if they signed on.

- Katie claimed there is no transparency about about who paid for the audit. Again, laughable. American Patriots raised the money to finance it because we love America and we know Trump won.

- She portrayed the “post-election hand count” as an audit (it’s not) and said that Maricopa County already conducted two forensic audits of the equipment (🤣)

- She said “there is absolutely zero chance” that Trump will be named the winner of the Arizona election (😂)

Hope you enjoy prison, Katie!


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934ab2  No.14440940



this story says, he left the dog there when he moved in with his sister.

then it says he left the dog with a staffer because he was going on vacation.

the same story says the staffers say he left the dog because he didn't want it and was hoping somebody would take it.

says somebody tried but brought it back.

so, if he is going on vacation, why not kennel the dog?

wont his sister take him and his dog?

and why can't a cuomo find a place to stay in two weeks?

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a0d09d  No.14440941


He took HCQ as a preventative. Then when he was covid+ he took Regeneron. I believe he also took Ivermectin, or at least spoke highly of it. He also promoted the J&J shot in at least one tweet and directly oversaw it's development (which I know for a fact gave my uncle blood clots).

Am I missing anything, boomer?

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f1fc6b  No.14440942


They leverage the disinfo to make some money on the side and feed it to the aggregation sites outside of here as interesting.

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d6a6dd  No.14440943

File: 0af8d379b11c54a⋯.png (8.12 KB, 255x222, 85:74, 86aa6c3a1611236c9232fb16b6….png)

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8d3cb6  No.14440944

File: 09d25237651c691⋯.jpg (6.02 KB, 297x170, 297:170, index.jpg)


Nothing is ever over

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9d868a  No.14440945

File: 38e81db57b6c889⋯.jpg (19.85 KB, 352x168, 44:21, PA_SeaPig.JPG)

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7a0ad6  No.14440946


catalysis for civil war

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89275d  No.14440947

File: c7751420abdabb4⋯.jpg (52.6 KB, 565x600, 113:120, one_more_time.jpg)

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8af110  No.14440948

File: 509c33b96bcbfb3⋯.png (1.05 MB, 974x836, 487:418, loohooo.png)

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9aaa8f  No.14440949


with or without FDA, it works

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0b380f  No.14440950



Stop with numbers!

Nobody knows what these guys are talking about except maybe a couple people. I all sounds so fucking crazy!

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71af2f  No.14440951

File: 69e9f69e039d553⋯.jpg (71.11 KB, 1350x900, 3:2, Shofar.jpg)


AJ has security issues I guess. He's not on our side except when it suits him. He dances to a different drummer…or shofar blower as it were.

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9f21e0  No.14440952

Whatever happened to Freddy.

Whatever happened to Toots.

Place is full of shills, shitposters and newfags. Could use a little idiot baiting right about now.

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423b6b  No.14440953


Unless it turns out like Hellraiser or something and there's 9 sequels

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aea717  No.14440954

File: a8689a8703b8f95⋯.png (565.1 KB, 546x364, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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f369a3  No.14440955

File: 6cfd4a439a9f1ab⋯.png (127.11 KB, 449x725, 449:725, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57ca7844057c38c⋯.png (361.57 KB, 828x1046, 414:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2ece14e3266aec⋯.png (294.33 KB, 828x734, 414:367, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9c43ae617b9b6d⋯.png (196.92 KB, 828x850, 414:425, ClipboardImage.png)

StormyPatriotJoe - Channel, [23.08.21 19:14]

[ Album ]

Very Important Q’s that many who weren’t into Q in 2017 need to revisit and understand

China & Russia working with DJT to smash the New World Order.

Now after you read those two Q’s

Read the message from DJT today.

Should start to make much more sense


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ed006a  No.14440956


The temp at which paper burns


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580f6b  No.14440957

File: b0de47442b4b05a⋯.jpeg (503.03 KB, 1116x913, 1116:913, 918D0D33_74AC_40BF_B8DF_8….jpeg)


>you are no longer human

Man doesn’t live on bread alone

‘Human’ means much moar than just your DNA strands

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0e25d8  No.14440958

File: 0fa6a6a35d48a61⋯.jpg (53.91 KB, 668x520, 167:130, THEN_BUY_SOME_MOAR.jpg)

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f85bd2  No.14440959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e8eeb6  No.14440960


Counterpoint to Necrophilia being acceptable by Islamists

"Necrophilia in Islam :

The simplest way to disprove this allegation is to go to Islamic Jurisprudence.


As the charge is that of necrophilia (sex with a dead body) we can look into Islamic theology. If the allegation is true then the act of necrophilia would be allowed in Islam. So what does the expert (Ibn Hajar Haytami) say?

Well, he includes necrophilia in his list of sins [1]. Thus we can realise necrophilia is not allowed in Islam and the Prophet did not engage in such a deed.

In fact if we consult Fiqh we realise “it is unlawful to look at the nakedness of the deceased or touch it” [2].Thus further showing sex with the deceased (dead) cannot possibly be allowed. This further shows the Prophet did not engage in such a deed as if he did then the practice of necrophilia would have been allowed in Islam.

Now We Know that claims of necrophilia against prophet muhammad is lie.We will now see the claim created by Zakria Bothros and the narration and hadith he used to make this false claim. This will also show people the filthy and dirty mind of christians leaders."

"Zakaria Bothros says this: This is from a book called “Kanz Al Umal” (The Treasure of the Workers), in the chapter of “The issues of women”, authored by Ali Ibn Husam Aldin, commonly known as Al-Mutaki Al-Hindi. He based his book on the hadiths and sayings listed in “Al-Jami Al-Saghir,” written by Jalal ul-Din Al-Suyuti.

Narrated by Ibn Abbas:

‘I (Muhammad) put on her my shirt that she may wear the clothes of heaven, and I SLEPT with her in her coffin (grave) that I may lessen the pressure of the grave. She was the best of Allah’s creatures to me after Abu Talib’… The prophet was referring to Fatima , the mother of Ali.

“The Arabic word used here for slept is “Id’tajat,” and literally means “lay down” with her. It is often used to mean, “Lay down to have sex.” Muhammad is understood as saying that because he slept with her she has become like a wife to him so she will be considered like a “mother of the believers.” This will supposedly prevent her from being tormented in the grave, since Muslims believe that as people wait for the Judgment Day they will be tormented in the grave. “Reduce the pressure” here means that the torment won’t be as much because she is now a “mother of the believers” after Muhammad slept with her and “consummated” the union. “

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ef3768  No.14440961

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2e633a  No.14440963


Forgiveness begins within.

Humanity does not have a decade.

Don't be held hostage by past events.

Let go of the old monarch program.

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1838f0  No.14440964

File: 12ffb6b0d789b95⋯.png (555.68 KB, 506x756, 253:378, Screenshot_2021_08_23_at_2….png)


Define pet

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e3f0ec  No.14440965

File: 8e51414db6dc2d5⋯.jpg (8.26 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Naiiiiledit.jpg)

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64248b  No.14440966


looks like it has finally paid off. Good investment. Wish I was on twitter. I would send this to my congressmen that represents me.

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5a23e2  No.14440967


Idk about Como- but sounds like that dog was an ass hole.

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934ab2  No.14440968


>But the dog comms [they] use still confuse me.

>I am missing a critical piece of the puzzle.

imagine if you will…..a world where they purposely use docile dogs for experiments, torture them with pain, and then kill them rather than treat and save them.

now imagine all that being sanctioned by Tony Fauci…..

and now we know why they don't give a shit about dogs

they are good for nothing but sick perverse pleasure and comms to them

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d6a6dd  No.14440969

File: d6d0ded83d45518⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 828x1052, 207:263, d6d0ded83d45518fb08ccefaea….jpg)



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8d3cb6  No.14440970

File: 34db3b86762cc3a⋯.jpg (71.65 KB, 640x640, 1:1, pngtree_line_yellow_magic_….jpg)

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cc1a4a  No.14440971

File: b205b48f78d1029⋯.jpeg (109.29 KB, 450x640, 45:64, EE477FE7_E478_46BD_9EB4_9….jpeg)

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ef3768  No.14440972

File: dee665d54bf0ace⋯.jpeg (43.56 KB, 480x494, 240:247, lovem.jpeg)

I love you all. That counts for something.

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ff572b  No.14440973

File: fa84ec662bc353b⋯.png (238.56 KB, 1385x855, 277:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1cc00949f21a95⋯.png (647.59 KB, 606x459, 202:153, ClipboardImage.png)



some new info which may shed light on the FDA decision, CDC and all other global and national institutions are compromised and working together, Remember it is the industrial complex that is trying to take over everything and that is part of BIG PHARMA

it seems they are interchangeable. What does the FDA do - if the drug companies do the "studies"… WHAT IN THE SHIT?!?!

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ef3768  No.14440974


Where do dogs rank as opposed to sheep?

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c08844  No.14440975

>>14440402 pb anon tried to point out Trump’s odd position on vaxs, GMOs, even his curious acknowledgment of electiion fraud yet still campaigning.

>I've stayed away from the coming economic crash [depression] and engineered food shortage that everyone is ignoring. Let's start here and see how shilly it gets in here, and how many of you are blind and still thinking someone is coming to save us. The writing is on the wall here. Are you truly awake yet?

Read what you wrote, and the only response you got accusing you of shilling. Was reading on my phone, and had to get to a better place to answer. Sorry there isn’t yet a clearer conversation about the oddities you tried to raise. It’s not shilling, to try and raise serious questions that won’t go away any time soon, at least not before something much bigger breaks. I hope it’s not zombification by vax, starvation from agricultural breakdown, or simple MaxMax because civility can’t go on indefinitely in the direction We are racing toward.

Keep the faith, anon.

But also don’t stop asking questions.

Sorry i don’t have anything better for ya.

Take care.

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0ebe3f  No.14440976

File: b04e076f5372572⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1000x709, 1000:709, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a0ad6  No.14440977

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9aaa8f  No.14440979

File: 3ca0a5bb83767b9⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1244x804, 311:201, 55yl.png)



excellent, anon

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9bb1d7  No.14440980

>>14440930 MASS NON-COMPLIANCE is the only way we end this tyranny…


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9040bc  No.14440981

File: be59d2348794d84⋯.png (139.31 KB, 1108x732, 277:183, 3a6bcbae66cbbee4e7cbda7310….png)

File: b1b6dad64dbfff8⋯.png (260.56 KB, 438x543, 146:181, 31a514345dd7c9e2d5fb1c4697….png)


Time for more teenagers to die or have unrecoverable illnesses and sterilization.

We have cures no need for the vaXXX

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d6a6dd  No.14440982

File: 50cd45716010f48⋯.png (7.65 KB, 216x255, 72:85, f2e1b4833184b07779145b6baf….png)

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9d868a  No.14440983

File: 0e8b0a941eb7298⋯.jpg (20.45 KB, 351x190, 351:190, AZ_TrumpWon.JPG)

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427d02  No.14440985

File: c3fe01b0cddc5c7⋯.png (728.19 KB, 726x395, 726:395, ClipboardImage.png)

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f85bd2  No.14440986

File: aec0703f3fd24aa⋯.jpg (121.13 KB, 465x532, 465:532, Hunter_in_bath_Punishercat….jpg)

Toots was neutered.

A simpler time.

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5a23e2  No.14440987

File: 92d39ab8a0469db⋯.jpeg (121.08 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, A3487B63_3C33_42CA_BA47_9….jpeg)


It do. It surely do.

Love you back!

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1b3563  No.14440988

File: 9fb7d45ac1cacbb⋯.jpeg (282.82 KB, 1350x1629, 150:181, 1544141362.jpeg)

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42b41c  No.14440989

Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines Explained

Content current as of: 11/20/2020



(having a gorillion dollars and owning all lawyers, judges and courts cannot stop what is coming)

(reminder: attempting to snuff out all opposition is a fool's errand as well)

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e25690  No.14440990


Next door neighbor has it. Had a bad fever, lost the sense of smell and taste(about 5 days now) taking Ivermectin and other protocols but started to late. Cough etc.. He said it was pretty bad for a couple of days especially. Basically a bad flu with the added no taste smell. Nothing. Not lemon, not chile peppers nada.

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adf2a3  No.14440991

File: fa796fee7124c27⋯.png (393.28 KB, 700x433, 700:433, littlebuddy.png)

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931729  No.14440992


really nigga?! who you think should replace him then? or are you just a glow faggot trying to sow discord.

Personally, I am not against the vaxx. If people want to shoot up GLOWbohomo go for it. Just don't expect me to do it. Freedom works both ways

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f369a3  No.14440993

File: 8cce05385e196e0⋯.png (210.76 KB, 439x493, 439:493, ClipboardImage.png)

Thispetition to Decertify is at 204k signatures nowWe are working our way to the goal of 1 million. Help me get there. I am saying this number on every show I go on and in every speech. Sign: https://action.wendyrogers.org/decertify/

Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate (https://action.wendyrogers.org/decertify/)

Decertify the Election Petition

President Trump knows I am fighting hard for election integrity, which is why he quoted me twice in the same week. Sign the petition to support decertifying the Presidential Election >>>


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8d3cb6  No.14440994


And even then it's a new cycle created. That's not pessimistic, just realistic

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9bb1d7  No.14440995


It's what the powers do with the "approval"

More tyranny to keep us safe

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934ab2  No.14440996


>Where do dogs rank as opposed to sheep?

good question.

i suppose they have dogs to make them seem normal

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5a23e2  No.14440997



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8af110  No.14440998

File: c903b4fcb23b8a1⋯.png (1.11 MB, 880x882, 440:441, hitreset.png)

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f369a3  No.14440999

File: da2b81f0fd40045⋯.png (38 KB, 429x436, 429:436, ClipboardImage.png)

Wendy Rogers, [23.08.21 16:05]

Steady as she goes. Get well soon, team! The TRUTH awaits.

Monday, August 23, 2021


Statement from Senate President Fann

“Today we are receiving a portion of the draft report from the election audit analysis team. The team expected to have the full draft ready for the Senate today, but unfortunately Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan and two other members of the five-person audit team have tested positive for COVID-19 and are quite sick. In addition to the illnesses, it wasn't until Thursday that the Senate received the images of the ballot envelopes from Maricopa County and are hoping to have those analyzed as soon as possible to incorporate those results into the final report. The Senate legal team will meet Wednesday to start reviewing the draft report, and when the remainder of the draft is submitted, the Senate team will hold another meeting to continue checking for accuracy, clarity, and proof of documentation of findings. Once that is complete, the final report will be presented to the Senate Judiciary Committee and findings released to the public."


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647071  No.14441000

File: 1ea6e96f027c989⋯.jpeg (27.39 KB, 400x500, 4:5, 453D47E9_5C89_412F_B5FD_8….jpeg)

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e10aa0  No.14441001


Be careful what you wish for

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42430f  No.14441002



Depends on your area of interest. The names of pathways, and beyond that the acronyms, start to makes sense in your small area of specialty.

I'm just an amateur researchers who has been intrigued by Covid and keeping my loves ones (and patriots) alive and thriving through this.

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0e25d8  No.14441003

File: f6f14bfa62841f3⋯.jpg (58.74 KB, 485x580, 97:116, TRUMP_WON.jpg)

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f85bd2  No.14441004

File: fc593ea85c9ad29⋯.jpg (119.48 KB, 712x520, 89:65, Undesirables.jpg)

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968e11  No.14441005


The FDA is fake and criminal like everything else it seems.

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eaa555  No.14441006


Fair enough. It’s just hard when an anon cares so much it hurts. There is no cure for a broken spirit. Whether self inflicted or from outside forces. It’s all the same. Perhaps the Bible has teachings about guilt and shame. I know it does just don’t know where to find it. Anon just cares. A thorn in the side to most but anon views it as something bigger.

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d6a6dd  No.14441007

File: 7ec64a2944d07d2⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, 7ec64a2944d07d27af1a32633b….png)

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f6a106  No.14441008


AND if the vac changes your DNA and has a patent for it.

You are owned by the patent holder.

At least, that is how I understand it to be.

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5427c1  No.14441009



What a stupid name.

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4d80ca  No.14441010

File: 85613511aadd1cd⋯.jpeg (115.73 KB, 828x360, 23:10, 52920F69_C2C2_4D8D_9A84_1….jpeg)

File: e4cc41fe41bc428⋯.jpeg (448.41 KB, 828x1040, 207:260, 3AC9EB51_08FF_42DC_B252_B….jpeg)

Came across this reading earlier. I’m beginning to think it’s the only way we win this game, especially when we have congressmen encouraging us to do it.


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2d721c  No.14441011


Depends on what you go into. A basic knowledge of Latin really helps.

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f369a3  No.14441012

File: 3827eb15226f5d4⋯.png (244.97 KB, 454x540, 227:270, ClipboardImage.png)

Mindy Robinson

Is there a particular reason the people that made this virus to kill us off in the first place, are being allowed to push this “vaccine” that’s injuring and killing us too…instead of you know, being locked up and water boarded till eternity right now, or nah?


BitChute (https://www.bitchute.com/video/vfo14nQDdKqG/)

"We have a copy of the deleted Wuhan Database" Its a bio weapon" Barbados Town Hall

Subscribe for more great content

Hey guy's. I just wanted to do my little bit to share stuff I feel is important.

Website https://www.wbn324.com

Fred Corbin, you are a Real Hero!!

He has ⁣leaked Pfizer jab documents & access to the Wuhan labs …


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e25690  No.14441013


I have watched Stew Peters a little but saw he hosted infowars so likely another fuck.

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8d3cb6  No.14441014

File: f97ce4f4eb97ed7⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, yes_i_do.png)


o7 anon


Like a thief in the night kek

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e8eeb6  No.14441015


More on the Islamist Retort to Necrophilia being Acceptable

The Context and Explanation

Firstly the translation of “I slept” does not best convey the meaning based on the context, the Arabic word translated as “I Slept” is Idtaja’ ( ). This word can either mean:

lie down, lie, recline, repose [3].

you can check by your self… click below to see meaning in Google translation…

Show meaning

I hope you have noticed within the list of definitions (lie down, lie, recline, repose) the word “sleep” (or “sex”) does not appear.

so,You can see your self how Zakariya Lied about this meaning.

So What Context says ????

did Muhammad sleep or lie in the grave?

The context explains it all, as it was a grave we realize the word cannot possibly mean “sleep” but rather it means “lie/lay in the grave”.

This actually makes sense with the other bits of context we have at our disposal; “When the grave was prepared Muhammad himself examined it and placed her into the grave” [5].

Thus, it is reasonable to think the examination procedure also involved Muhammad lying in the grave. This would not have been at length in terms of duration (time). Therefore we realize Muhammad simply laid in the grave to make sure it was comfortable for his deceased foster mother as well as to honor the lady as it would be seen as a fabulous honor to be resting in a place where a Prophet of God had previously laid.

Did Muhammad Lie with his Foster Mother (Fatima Bint Asad) in the Grave?

It does not appear so as the process of investigating/examining the grave would have been PRIOR (before) lowering Fatima Bint Asad into the grave. Therefore Muhammad would have reclined (lied) in the grave in order to check the grave before Fatima was placed in the grave, thus he would not have lied with her. Furthermore, there were two types of graves in vogue at the time of the Prophet which were Lahd and Shaqq (shiq) .

The Shaqq type of grave is characterized by a niche within the grave for the dead body to be placed within. So it is impossible to lie with the body due to the niche. [8]

The Lahd form of grave is characterized by a lateral hollow which is dug into the side of the base of the grave for the body to be placed [8]. This type of grave makes lying with the deceased body risky as the earth could cave in on top of the body and the one who is lying with the deceased.

Thus, it seems the laying in the grave for examination purposes was done prior to Fatima being lowered into her resting place. This is despite the Arabic phraseology used literally denoting “with”:

However, even if one takes it literally it does not mean wrong doing took place and it certainly does not refer to sex.

If Muhammad did lie with his foster mother whilst she was in the grave in order to check for comfort and honor her before the companions filled the grave it would only have been for a short time and this would have been witnessed by other people too. There is nothing wrong with lying in the grave to ensure comfort for your foster mother and honor; in fact it was an act of great compassion.

Do we believe them or do we not?

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96c3b0  No.14441016

File: 6dfc16a86c0b349⋯.jpg (72.94 KB, 768x432, 16:9, Trump_won_Bob.jpg)

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0a9aa7  No.14441017

i still trust the plan btw

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f57073  No.14441018

File: 8564c8e60f86f8d⋯.jpeg (128.43 KB, 750x819, 250:273, EF447DB3_52EF_4760_9F3F_4….jpeg)

File: a8c08173fe93df5⋯.jpeg (73.07 KB, 750x369, 250:123, 53455D24_6303_41E2_AC5F_6….jpeg)

File: 5bd39c1b3bd58c5⋯.jpeg (137.6 KB, 750x617, 750:617, ACF0C957_6B7D_494C_B1A7_B….jpeg)


Correct-a-mundo give the anon a cigar. Now the definition of a vaccine…

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9aaa8f  No.14441019


That's what they say with GMO crops that spread airborne seeds to nearby farms.

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05d4de  No.14441020


It was moar fun this morning when you posted. Felt like potential.

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5427c1  No.14441021


Comirnaty is a vaccine for preventing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in people aged 12 years and older.

Comirnaty contains a molecule called messenger RNA (mRNA) with instructions for producing a protein from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Comirnaty does not contain the virus itself and cannot cause COVID-19.

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580f6b  No.14441022

File: a49bd139f5d7d5e⋯.jpeg (34 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0E2038B5_A39C_4815_B29F_B….jpeg)


Trump had no dog- made liberals crazy

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64248b  No.14441023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I will start here. Keep digging anon.

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931729  No.14441024


yes, then they use revenue from george news to feed into their co-intel pro ops. Which is why i expose them every time they post something with george news on it.

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8d3cb6  No.14441025

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f0d6a6  No.14441026

File: ae2f4c2a0d4f0e8⋯.jpg (86.18 KB, 603x446, 603:446, capture_1869_23082021_1812….jpg)


>The Ultimate Q Decode - Q Code Solution

>How the code was discovered, how to apply the code and how to see the future.


The Ultimate Q Decode - Q Code Solution

How the code was discovered, how to apply the code and how to see the future.


an hour ago

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5427c1  No.14441027

Conditional marketing authorisation

The approval of a medicine that addresses unmet medical needs of patients on the basis of less comprehensive data than normally required. The available data must indicate that the medicine’s benefits outweigh its risks and the applicant should be in a position to provide the comprehensive clinical data in the future.


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e82659  No.14441028

File: 7b296e7fa83d0fb⋯.mp4 (6.83 MB, 948x480, 79:40, 7b296e7fa83d0fbbb0adcad31a….mp4)

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e25690  No.14441029


Yeah this guys shit is hard to find. Tried to find it. I like what he said but he is not a source.

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f369a3  No.14441030

File: 3a764e9ffc2cf74⋯.png (425.89 KB, 1280x483, 1280:483, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e95e0c31a026c61⋯.png (62.31 KB, 465x447, 155:149, ClipboardImage.png)

StormyPatriotJoe - Channel, [23.08.21 20:59]

How wonderful

Andrew Cuomo grants commutations to five MURDERERS in his final hours as NY Governor


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1838f0  No.14441031

File: 249391c9312dc23⋯.png (553.11 KB, 535x518, 535:518, Screenshot_2021_08_23_at_2….png)



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fb52f6  No.14441032

File: 9de0bba61631761⋯.png (351.74 KB, 1068x580, 267:145, Trumps_dog_Cash.png)

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d6a6dd  No.14441033

File: d9f65078c99ef70⋯.jpg (17.26 KB, 230x400, 23:40, OIP_vLiOwqmF7Ytg0UqP8SIRHA….jpg)


Fauci killed dogs. Made liberals swoon.

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aab977  No.14441034

File: 9762c5927f00a47⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1303x1054, 1303:1054, ClipboardImage.png)

So the hospitals are not ''overflowing' with covid patients. If they were, these 'woke' doctors would not be spending their time standing around outside not treating anybody.

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42430f  No.14441035

File: ddf3da7fb249c7a⋯.jpg (274.57 KB, 918x808, 459:404, Screenshot_20210823_140100….jpg)


Wrote this up to start tying things together. Again, forgot to include STAT3 which is between ACE-2 activation, PAI-1 expression and the TLR-4 positive feedback loop.

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5427c1  No.14441036



During the COVID-19 pandemic, the conditional marketing authorisation procedure is being used to expedite the approval of safe and effective COVID-19 treatments and vaccines in the EU.

This is in line with EU legislation which foresees that conditional marketing authorisation is used as the fast-track authorisation during public health emergencies to speed up approval and save lives.

It allows regulators to grant a marketing authorisation as soon as sufficient data becomes available to demonstrate that the medicine's benefits outweigh its risks, with robust safeguards and controls in place post-authorisation.

In a public health emergency, it can also be combined with a rolling review of data during the development of a promising medicine, to further expedite the evaluation.

Conditional marketing authorisation is the most appropriate tool to grant access to COVID-19 vaccines to all EU citizens at the same time and to underpin mass vaccination campaigns.

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cd1f07  No.14441037

File: 8374d38a7e81921⋯.jpg (49.51 KB, 800x400, 2:1, R.jpg)

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5a23e2  No.14441038

File: dcb3d8309390e12⋯.jpeg (39.94 KB, 254x255, 254:255, A7C65208_BDAD_4B9B_87E7_1….jpeg)


Depends on the soldiers…

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9aaa8f  No.14441039


but all the dogs still love him

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934ab2  No.14441040


i just learned of a 90+ year old woman, friend of family, who was in fairly good health.

I know she got the vax, not sure exactly when, but one of the first I am sure because of her age.

and now…just heard she has chronic back pain and her daughter has to spend all her time with her. In the back of my mind, I wonder if this is the vax rearing its ugly head in her.

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9d868a  No.14441041

File: aaa2475877d282c⋯.jpg (373.55 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, PA_plates.jpg)

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8d3cb6  No.14441042

File: 15d52c1f5aa9397⋯.jpg (8.02 KB, 481x311, 481:311, we_re_all_mad_here_thefeet….jpg)



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41dd85  No.14441043

File: 52b8cdc83045a09⋯.jpeg (516.5 KB, 828x1205, 828:1205, 2FC04612_AA26_4165_9DCB_4….jpeg)

Jason Whitlock: "I think a lot of what the left supports is satanic. I’m sorry, it’s in direct objection to God… I’m a man of faith, I was raised in the church, this stuff is satanic."

Tucker Carlson: "I completely agree with you."


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427d02  No.14441044

File: 8794a84fe7244be⋯.png (1.32 MB, 913x1080, 913:1080, ClipboardImage.png)


Perhaps on the next go around

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8d3cb6  No.14441045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e3f0ec  No.14441046

File: 518c62e27aa4c85⋯.jpg (63.46 KB, 766x519, 766:519, POTUS1AAA.JPG)

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0b380f  No.14441047


As soon as you realize “that person inside your head” is not your conscious! It’s your God! That is, it’s the spirit of God in the form of ((YOU)).

You know all. You can’t lie to yourself, you can try to forget but in the end you control you.


It’s the pots!

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5fa2cf  No.14441048


Enjoy Gitmo …. I hear the island is beautiful and a great place to retire !

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60844f  No.14441049

File: 41047fe876d7853⋯.png (493.84 KB, 516x777, 172:259, Screen_Shot_2021_08_20_at_….png)


Not sure if same guy.

Book found on Amazon.

Author has PhD in Education

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0ebe3f  No.14441050

File: 5f282da4690ff47⋯.jpg (11.63 KB, 247x247, 1:1, E9gQuNUVEAACWbI.jpg)

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f6a106  No.14441051



Yes I have heard that as well.

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931729  No.14441052


the taliban necrophilia is clearly propaganda because if biden has to bomb afghanistan they need as much damage control as possible. This means making the taliban look like monsters.

If I were the leader of the taliban, I would ask Russia to come and act as observers as the US transitions out.

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f0a1aa  No.14441053


AI bet a few anons are in DC jail

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69961a  No.14441054

File: d93a7337aa89851⋯.jpeg (16.33 KB, 255x188, 255:188, fbaf10c21732430df175438ce….jpeg)


It's an excellent write-up, anon.

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fb52f6  No.14441055

File: 7b253899c0f78d8⋯.png (386.46 KB, 535x518, 535:518, 7c942edb09.png)

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5305f8  No.14441056


All good points…

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ef3768  No.14441057

File: 0ee76205b1cbc8c⋯.jpg (112.37 KB, 594x576, 33:32, mandates.jpg)

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968e11  No.14441058



>What a stupid name.

Any digs regarding this name?

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5305f8  No.14441059

File: a89fe3f0739263a⋯.png (758.11 KB, 1203x677, 1203:677, ClipboardImage.png)

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f369a3  No.14441060

File: 1cb2655aa4394bd⋯.png (534.5 KB, 651x931, 93:133, ClipboardImage.png)

Sullivan: No Need To Extend Aug. 31 Deadline To Evacuate U.S. Citizens From Afghanistan

The Biden administration insisted it would hit the quickly approaching deadline of August 31 to evacuate all Americans out of Afghanistan. Speaking during a White House press briefing on Monday, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said he saw no need to extend the deadline.

However, Sullivan went on to admit the White House didn’t know how many Americans were still stranded in the country.

“Many people have asked, reasonably, why we cannot provide a precise number of American citizens still in country,” he stated. “Let me explain. When Americans have come to Afghanistan over the years, we asked them to register with the embassy. Many have left without deregistering. Others never registered at all.”

Since August 14, the U.S. has evacuated and facilitated the evacuation of approximately 48,000 people. Since the end of July, we have re-located approximately 53,000 people.

— The White House (@WhiteHouse) August 23, 2021

Sullivan added the Biden administration has been in daily communication with the Taliban and the terrorist group ensured safe passage to the Kabul airport amid evacuations.


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7a0ad6  No.14441061


that's fascinating.

what are you going to do when the shooting start?

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41dd85  No.14441062



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8d3cb6  No.14441063


You know it better than anyone


I think the point is love itself living despite the environment it is growing in. Love is like humanity, able to survive basically any situation in some way or form

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a9066f  No.14441064


at least the huns were only raping live nuns in belgium

next they will be gassing the people with sarin gas

or throwing the babies out of incubators

but thanks to joe they DO have weapons of mass destruction

so i doubt anyone will bring that up

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5a23e2  No.14441065

File: 07aa5a5c0dbdfa6⋯.jpeg (48.66 KB, 360x297, 40:33, B6F4F3D0_C2A4_4D4C_AA12_9….jpeg)


Anons know the pots don’t matter when the self is trust.

Pots are like sauce kinda.

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05d4de  No.14441066

File: 7683b6cb516bc93⋯.jpg (170.18 KB, 599x548, 599:548, Dank.jpg)



High IQ post.

Really feels planted for a purpose, that story.

Let's see if the MSM starts firing up the Mockingbird rhetoric.

Yea America. Necrophilia for all!

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fea08a  No.14441067


wait, I thought Islam is a religion of peace

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f369a3  No.14441068

File: fc3cdfed0c0e2c9⋯.png (469.68 KB, 624x893, 624:893, ClipboardImage.png)

Pentagon Updates On Kabul, Vaccine Mandates

Major Gen. Hank Taylor spoke to the press about the latest information regarding the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. In a press conference on Monday, Gen. Taylor said a stunning 17,000 people have been moved out of Afghanistan in the last 24 hours alone.

Since the withdrawal picked up steam on August 14, over 37,000 have left. When asked how many Americans specifically have been evacuated from the country however, Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby was unable to give a firm answer.

“I’m just gonna leave it at several right now…because I think the number is very fluid and it literally changes nearly by the hour,” he mentioned. “…I’m just going to leave it at several thousand right now.”

Military personnel are working closely with @StateDept officials during ongoing evacuations from Kabul, Afghanistan, where security and safety are top priorities. Learn more at: https://t.co/HsffSQoNtA.

— Department of Defense 🇺🇸 (@DeptofDefense) August 23, 2021

Kirby also had no details on the reported shooting at the Kabul airport, which left one Afghan dead. When asked about the withdrawal date, he said the mission was to be completed by August 31 and an extension date was not being discussed.

In addition, neither Kirby nor Gen. Taylor could answer on reports that the British have been shut out of communications between the U.S. and the Taliban. Kirby also had no answer about American weapons left behind for the Taliban to use themselves.

“I don’t have an exact inventory of what equipment the Afghans had at their disposal that now might be at risk,” he stated. “Obviously, we don’t want to see any weapons or systems to fall into hands of people that would use them in such a way to harm our interests or those of our partners and allies.”

.@StateDeptSPOX briefs the press on updates in Afghanistan: State Department employees are working around-the-clock to help evacuate American citizens. Our team made several thousand calls over the weekend and those efforts continue. pic.twitter.com/iATjPO1Ic5

— Department of State (@StateDept) August 23, 2021

However, the Pentagon wasn’t only giving vague answers. Pentagon officials were very clear vaccine mandates for service members and other military employees would be implemented following the recent FDA approval of the Pfizer jab.

“Now that the Pfizer vaccine has been approved, the Department is prepared to issue updated guidance requiring all service members to be vaccinated. A timeline for vaccination completion will be provided in the coming days,” Kirby explained. “The health of the force is as always, our military and civilian employees, families and communities a top priority.”

Mandates only applied to the Pfizer vaccine, with no plans to extend to other jabs at this time. The Pentagon is planning to bring more updates as information becomes available.


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0a6e4e  No.14441069

File: bf7fed0d65b32aa⋯.jpg (23.88 KB, 540x534, 90:89, FB_IMG_1629246675566.jpg)



>It’s the pots!

Many such cases.

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d6a6dd  No.14441070

File: 09951cd87f5860c⋯.png (80.63 KB, 270x207, 30:23, 09951cd87f5860cf9c6db654cd….png)

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0da631  No.14441071

Hannity said CIA pulled out of Afghanistan 7 weeks ago.

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0a9aa7  No.14441072

would kind of be difficult for them to blame four five for pol-motivated takedown of ds while being front man in wh but with him seemingly out of the pic and one of theirs in then that takes away that card to play

even had a fam mem mention they're trying to shut down durham and his team the other day out of the blue

sc was key


won't be any

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05d4de  No.14441073


Because we're all tuckered out?

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67fcac  No.14441074




Because a black man said it.

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f57073  No.14441075


They’re too busy trying to make GEOTUS look bad for promoting vaccines like Regeneron…

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aab977  No.14441076


They are, that's why you saw it on Fox News.

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0ebe3f  No.14441077

File: 25092c09fa7aaaa⋯.png (577.79 KB, 680x453, 680:453, ClipboardImage.png)

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9f21e0  No.14441078

File: a145ba9c50fee62⋯.png (646.48 KB, 1912x938, 956:469, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b2cd9b1df48b27⋯.png (13.2 KB, 416x364, 8:7, ClipboardImage.png)

SAM 107 coming in from Five-Oh

Mapping Q107 for S&G - All about FF's and go orders.

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427d02  No.14441079

File: 5269136b8c46ee9⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1280x950, 128:95, ClipboardImage.png)

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2f24a6  No.14441080

File: 18a2b9ecb5a03f5⋯.jpg (111.21 KB, 1582x532, 113:38, FS_.JPG)

this was from earlier but couldnt post bc work. Any other pf seen this?

so odd but only for me, could be something normal.

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f369a3  No.14441081

File: 6a06700173461c3⋯.png (217.88 KB, 440x408, 55:51, ClipboardImage.png)

TheStormHasArrived17, [23.08.21 21:21]

[ Video ]

Maddow Maricopa Panic!

Rachel is starting to worry again about the what the audit in Arizona will reveal. It’s refreshing to see her panic level rising!


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9bb1d7  No.14441082


We are all comped anon.

You are here doing what you can, and that's the most important thing.

You contribute in some way.

I didn't have much of a faith when I got here, but that has changed.

Pretty sure satan wants us to feel guilty and hate - holds us back. Fuck that.

Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves - allows us to breathe freely and let go of hate.

anyhoo, fwiw, glad you're here.

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f6a106  No.14441083

>>14441040 could be. Settling along her spinal column.

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89275d  No.14441084

File: 56fe8456fa5737a⋯.png (218.39 KB, 660x547, 660:547, GretchMilkies.png)

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94d49c  No.14441085

File: 3e620ff48f60ecf⋯.png (305.42 KB, 1454x678, 727:339, Screenshot_20210823_202115.png)

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cd1f07  No.14441086

File: bc06040c538268d⋯.jpg (10.96 KB, 255x134, 255:134, df6509e7f1391629f7268ceef4….jpg)


tis gettin' strange again

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075786  No.14441087

File: 7df8303fec96300⋯.jpg (72.8 KB, 872x500, 218:125, 469g94.jpg)

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0a6e4e  No.14441088


Throw the faux down the well.

But yes this notable

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9aaa8f  No.14441089

File: de983c2a9a7a05a⋯.png (733.37 KB, 1300x1300, 1:1, boom3.png)


Jason Whitlock speaks the truth.



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cfc401  No.14441090






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7a0ad6  No.14441091



are you drunk or high?

this is complete gibberish

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0e25d8  No.14441092

File: 21f8b62b93a402a⋯.jpg (36.42 KB, 326x413, 326:413, BIGFOOT.jpg)

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0da631  No.14441093

Also, man on Hannity says these Afghans went through the 18 month rigorous process to get visas to come to America. 18 months hmmm ago…..during a pandemic and Trump administration. Interesting.

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b58f0d  No.14441094


Health companies gave generously to President Trump’s inauguration

21 APRIL 2017

Drugmaker Pfizer gave $1 million to help finance the inauguration, according to documents filed with the U.S. Federal Election Commission. Amgen, another pharmaceutical company, donated $500,000. Health insurers Anthem, Centene and Aetna all gave six-figure contributions.


The big secret: Pfizer charged U.S. More Than Other Countries

While COVID-19 vaccines are “free” to receive in the U.S., they’re being paid for by taxpayer dollars at a rate of $19.5011 per dose. Albania, the leaked contract revealed, paid $12 per dose, while the EU paid $14.70 per shot. While charging different prices to different purchases is common in the drug industry, it’s often frowned upon.

In the case of the price disparity between the U.S. and the EU, Pfizer is said to have given a price break to the EU because it financially supported the development of their COVID-19 vaccine. Still, Ehden noted, “U.S. taxpayers got screwed by Pfizer, probably also Israel.” Also, Pfizer makes a point to note that countries have no right to withhold payment to the company for any reason.

Apparently, this includes in the case of receiving damaged goods. Purchasers of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines are not entitled to reject them “based on service complaints,” unless they do not conform to specifications or the FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations. And, Ehden adds, “This agreement is above any local law of the state.”

While the purchaser has virtually no way of canceling the contract, Pfizer can terminate the agreement in the event of a “material breach” of any term in their contract.

“Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known.”

Meanwhile, the purchaser must also keep the terms of the contract confidential for a period of 10 years.


Tons more facts in articles..

He did say he wasn't bought by anyone though…

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931729  No.14441095


because he is stating the obvious, good on him for saying it live on tv… but what should I do, what should I respond with… not everything needs a reply

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5a23e2  No.14441096


Yep. Factual and based. But I bet the leaving was more defensive than they say.

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616f0a  No.14441097


foot comms. the worst. hate foot comms. nasty.

kinda looks like a w…

shadows 1 2.


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cc9f9c  No.14441098



Giving life to the dead

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38b675  No.14441099

File: f50d6e66bb280dc⋯.jpg (229.81 KB, 998x511, 998:511, p61_3_night_shift.jpg)

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d465ae  No.14441100


Oh, they are noticing it anon. They noticing it so much it is making them crazy.

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882e94  No.14441101

File: 1154db20ea2d35c⋯.png (1.4 MB, 720x1120, 9:14, 01347307e167c32841916f2082….png)


>Enjoy Gitmo …. I hear the island is beautiful and a great place to retire !

Do they have tendies there?

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0b380f  No.14441102


She is 90 , right?

Anyhow, a 90 yr old lives with me. I know what it’s like anon.

If it’s totally sudden, never happened before, no history, then sure the vax prolly had something to do with it

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aea717  No.14441103

File: 17c1bf2b257a579⋯.png (63.59 KB, 669x777, 223:259, ClipboardImage.png)


Tried to find where it came from.

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9f21e0  No.14441104



Phfutt more like.

Do you find Inside Edition educational by any chance?

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2a9039  No.14441105

Quniversity w/ Phil Godlewski, [23.08.21 20:50]

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I have good news, and bad news

The bad news is, I will NOT be live tonight with the Frogs

The good news?

“The Storm is upon us”

I can’t say much more yet. I hope to be back in the next 24 hours. I’ll be unavailable on Telegram during this time.

STAY TUNED 😎 Phil Godlewski

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b1a4e5  No.14441106


that's not so, anon.

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427d02  No.14441107

File: 02da12240174f99⋯.png (931.89 KB, 636x552, 53:46, ClipboardImage.png)


Never go full Savile

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aab977  No.14441108

File: f49ea83ab5624be⋯.jpg (69.09 KB, 960x960, 1:1, DNC_Satanic2.jpg)



Patience, we are many months ahead of the news cycle.

Future has been proving past for some time now huh?

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6e48ec  No.14441109

File: 656ac9a812651fc⋯.png (472.55 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Pfizer_After_Telling_Every….png)

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1838f0  No.14441110

File: 6ab669c04a5c681⋯.png (19.79 KB, 1091x372, 1091:372, Screenshot_2021_08_23_at_2….png)




The Calm before the Storm

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8d3cb6  No.14441111


Every day is a winding road

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641258  No.14441112

File: 2b08a7d582158cc⋯.png (134.67 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 5b.png)

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b1a4e5  No.14441113


how the hell would hannity know? he's a mouthpiece. a big, fucking, thickheaded mouthpiece

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934ab2  No.14441114

File: c5577bccbdce479⋯.mp4 (6.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, whitlock.mp4)



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9f21e0  No.14441115


Does this allow for the thousands of blank Visas shipped into Kabul in the last two weeks?

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9040bc  No.14441116

File: 738ae0bfe863521⋯.jpg (23.93 KB, 516x721, 516:721, 738ae0bfe8635219265db4bf76….jpg)


I DON'T trust any HUMAN…

Especially Polititions…

I agree TRUMP is dodging the proverbial ELEPHANT in the room… They know Q Research is full of researchers. And so far I see ABSOLUTELY NO TRUSTED RESEARCH on Vaccines or masks for that matter!

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f85bd2  No.14441117

File: 9126bf38295ff06⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1798x722, 899:361, ClipboardImage.png)

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d6a6dd  No.14441118

File: 8ea52af43ba59af⋯.png (641.85 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 8ea52af43ba59afbf5e8326f8f….png)

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cc9f9c  No.14441119

File: 2c5e383f246730d⋯.jpg (58.7 KB, 993x530, 993:530, rttgvfrecd.JPG)

File: ca66a423aa857c3⋯.jpg (17.68 KB, 220x284, 55:71, tgre.jpg)

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8432e5  No.14441120

File: 72031efac3132aa⋯.jpg (61.35 KB, 694x710, 347:355, 72031efac3132aade3f51169e4….jpg)


She refuses to make sammiches, that questions her she-ness

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69961a  No.14441121


Unless he's walking around with 438 new dicks in his fat ass, how would InsHannity know?

I readily acknowledge that he's an expert on CIA pullouts, though…I'm sure that's happened to him frequently

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dc6467  No.14441122

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9d868a  No.14441123
