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2d664c  No.14446760[Last 50 Posts]

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2d664c  No.14446763

Notables are NOT Endorsements


>>14446046, >>14446100 From The Desk Of Donald J. Trump

>>14446055 Biden Agrees to Stick with August 31 Afghanistan Withdrawal Deadline After Taliban Threatens “Consequences” Despite Thousands of Americans Stranded in Country

>>14446061 Florida doctors stage walkout to protest surge of unvaccinated patients

>>14446065 Taliban Spokesman Barks New Orders at Biden Administration: NO AFGHANS will Be Allowed to Leave Country

>>14446078 EU more worried about Russia & China gaining from Western defeat in Afghanistan than future of country, Moscow’s FM Lavrov says

>>14446083 Confusion reigns as Ukrainian Foreign Ministry officials contradict each other over alleged hijacking of plane at Kabul Airport

>>14446091 "The Time Has Come. Enough Is Enough" - Fauci Dismisses "Freedom" In Call For Vaccine Mandates

>>14446123 Head of ECB Christine Lagarde: 80 Central Banks Looking To Adopt CBDC

>>14446148 ‘Pure fear porn’: Media ‘expert’ ripped for predicting the coming of COVID-22, a much-more deadly, vax-resistant ‘super variant’

>>14446162 France Accidentally Evacuates Taliban Member Who Admits Being 'Armed Checkpoint Commander'

>>14446198, >>14446296 CIA Chief Met "Secretly" With Taliban Leader On Monday

>>14446216 Airbnb To House 20,000 Afghan Refugees After Biden's Botched Pullout

>>14446222 Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 "Response Team" and "Public Health Officials"

>>14446226 Facebook will ban you for posting this image

>>14446231, >>14446346 We've got a drone up in the air over California.

>>14446238 Facebook apps responsible for nearly 50% of all online CHILD GROOMING cases during UK lockdown in 2020 – report

>>14446269, >>14446348, >>14446510 CODEMONKEYZ TELEGRAM - Kamala Harris’s departure from #Singapore indefinitely delayed for unknown reason.

>>14446273 Josh Duggar Attorneys Seek Dismissal of Child Pornography Charges

>>14446305 Wuhan Lab Filed Patent For Treating ‘Accidental Exposure’ To Deadly Pathogens Just 1 Month Before COVID-19 Outbreak.

>>14446330 Spike Lee says he believes 9/11 conspiracy theory: 'I got questions'

>>14446336, >>14446351 USArmy GEN James Dickinson, USSPACECOM cmdr, declared today the nation’s 11th combatant command achieved initial operational capability. / Space Force accomplishments

>>14446345 EU Prez to Member States: Host Afghan Migrants and Get Cash

>>14446409 Pfizer Trial Data Has No Control Group Because They Vaccinated Placebo Participants Early

>>14446431 Yes, Trump did tell RFK Jr. to investigate vaccine dangers—and why it matters

>>14446514 PF REPORT - We've got a B-52 Stratofortress in the air currently over Dubai.

>>14446519, >>14446574 Taliban's Aug 31 'Red Line' / Q Drop 2458, Red October, Dan Tweet

>>14446533 'Go to hell, Biden': Stranded man rips prez as he stands with kids left behind in Kabul

>>14446547 Young people are awakening. [Their] narrative is failing.

>>14446558 More than 300 stolen ballots, multiple driver’s licenses reportedly found in California suspect’s car

>>14446612 Harris trip to Vietnam delayed after report of possible "Havana Syndrome" incident in Hanoi

>>14446750 #18275

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2d664c  No.14446764


>>14445256 Gen. Milley and AS Levine went to same High School

>>14445261, >>14445311, >>14445353, >>14445535, >>14445651 U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris’ trip from Singapore to Vietnam was delayed several hours Tuesday by a “recent possible anomalous health incident,”

>>14445282 Overnight Nancy Pelosi Changes House Rules to Pass Green New Deal $3.5 Trillion Spending Package

>>14445321 ANONTIMES - A new /qresearch/ notables aggregator + archive site / https://anontimes.com

>>14445343 True The Vote Conducting Massive Clandestine Voter Fraud Investigation

>>14445359 Chinese State Media Feels Biden’s Personnel Picks ‘Good For China,’ ‘Softer’ Than Trump (2020)

>>14445361 Kaiser Family Foundation - A current list of our funders

>>14445447 Spike Lee says he believes 9/11 conspiracy theory: ‘I got questions’

>>14445475, >>14445607, >>14445681 Taliban's Aug 31 'Red Line' / Q Drop 2458 RED LINE ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF RED OCTOBER

>>14445482 This is a MUST LISTEN: "CIA As Organised Crime"

>>14445483, >>14445798 Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers

>>14445598, >>14445690 United States Space Force - Guardians Wanted. #SemperSupra

>>14445721 Attorneys for former reality TV star Josh Duggar have filed motions seeking to dismiss child pornography charges against him.

>>14445757 Emmy Award stripped from former NY Gov. Cuomo.

>>14445954 A IRL conversation caught on video–will that do?BUSTED! Fulton County Elections Caught On Video Discussing Stealing Votes

>>14445987 #18274


>>14443818 Liberal MP for Western sydney breaks ranks on mandatory vaccines.

>>14444080 Egyptian priest "Are you all cowards?"

>>14444539 CIA director secretly met with Taliban leader: US official

>>14444621 Pelosi Budget Package Showdown

>>14444660 Op-Ed: Careful, Thoughtful Investigation is Necessary to Restore Faith in Our Elections

>>14444717 Truth Bomb Spectacular - Ex LA Assistant District Attorney of 37 years John Harold drops some Monster Truth Bombs

>>14444732 The Fake News that FDA Approved the Vaccines is Made Clear in the Letter

>>14444796, >>14444812 PF REPORT - She ain't flying asAF2anymore…

>>14444836 Question about the Q code decode posted - thinking about looking forward at future dates

>>14444858 Russia and Saudi Arabia sign military cooperation treaty

>>14444914 Cuomosexual Grants Clemency to Convicted Cop Killer on His Way Out the Door

>>14444950 AMC Networks CEO Josh Sapan Steps Down After 26-Year Run

>>14444990 Michael Yon Combat Journalist in the War room "Afghans: They're on their way"

>>14444997, >>14445016 A warning that cannot be ignored: China just called the US and India “enemies”

>>14445000 Dr. Zelenko: Follow the Commissioners

>>14445125 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are the primary funders of the UK’s Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency

>>14445176 WarRoom: Live - Sidney's on!! - "We need lawyers that are bar'd in DC to stand up…"

>>14445210 #18273

Previously Collected Notables

>>14443659 #18271, >>14445129 #18272

>>14441323 #18268, >>14442089 #18269, >>14442837 #18270

>>14439023 #18265, >>14439802 #18266, >>14440567 #18267

>>14436765 #18262, >>14437511 #18263, >>14438265 #18264

>>14434427 #18259, >>14435214 #18260, >>14435981 #18261

>>14431973 #18256, >>14432837 #18257, >>14433811 #18258

>>14429786 #18253, >>14430554 #18254, >>14431249 #18255

>>14427442 #18250, >>14428209 #18251, >>14428962 #18252

>>14425636 #18247, >>14425891 #18248, >>14426666 #18249

>>14422784 #18244, >>14423531 #18245, >>14424296 #18246

>>14420540 #18241, >>14421251 #18242, >>14422027 #18243

>>14419624 #18238, >>14419059 #18239, >>14419745 #18240

>>14415152 #18235, >>14416539 #18236, >>14419412 #18237

>>14413256 #18232, >>14414007 #18233, >>14414794 #18234

>>14410927 #18229, >>14411697 #18230, >>14412460 #18231

>>14408639 #18226, >>14409405 #18227, >>14410162 #18228

>>14406271 #18223, >>14407077 #18224, >>14407871 #18225

>>14405701 #18220, >>14405791 #18221, >>14406971 #18222

>>14401351 #18217, >>14402129 #18218, >>14404857 #18219

>>14398886 #18214, >>14399762 #18215, >>14400510 #18216

>>14396588 #18211, >>14397378 #18212, >>14398112 #18213

>>14395465 #18208, >>14395082 #18209, >>14395776 #18210

>>14391749 #18205, >>14392505 #18206, >>14393271 #18207

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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2d664c  No.14446765

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2d664c  No.14446766


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Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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c4ee3b  No.14446767

File: 06eba0bbd6c9b78⋯.gif (881.77 KB, 500x304, 125:76, 06eba0bbd6c9b78b1f132c538e….gif)

thanks baker

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2d664c  No.14446772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Sometimes you must pass through the DARK before you can SEE the LIGHT!

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299f6c  No.14446783

File: 6a14e39f73f3006⋯.png (577.75 KB, 848x421, 848:421, COMFEFE_COVFEFE.png)


TY Baker!!!

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ed3d4f  No.14446789

Joe has been pushed to 4:30pm.

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48cff1  No.14446794

File: 9469f8e3da8b1fd⋯.png (377.82 KB, 665x430, 133:86, TALIBANforFUN.png)


so tired of bIDEN failing Americans

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d60347  No.14446796


Ahhh… Katee Owen's Radar Love video. A classic.

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cbeb44  No.14446797

6 UIDs?

The absolute state of this place.

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299f6c  No.14446803

File: a8d5f3964b30377⋯.mp4 (371.7 KB, 502x270, 251:135, Joe_Biden_is_a_criminal_an….mp4)


Still trying to get the reporters names, networks, questions, and answers printed out so that there's no mistakes, this time.

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ad8e19  No.14446810

File: 29a8a3b0fb74094⋯.png (1.08 MB, 800x507, 800:507, ClipboardImage.png)

Chinese State Media Feels Biden’s Personnel Picks ‘Good For China,’ ‘Softer’ Than Trump

Chinese state-run media outlet China Daily insisted that Joe Biden’s picks for his foreign policy team were “good news for China.”

The paper, a registered foreign agent in the U.S., serves as a mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist Party. Therefore, its glaring endorsement of Joe Biden’s foreign policy team is cause for concern.

The piece – “Let’s hope Biden fixes blunders of predecessor” by European Bureau Chief Chen Weihua – insists “Biden’s announcement of his foreign policy team on Tuesday is good news for China”:

US president-elect Joe Biden’s announcement of his foreign policy team on Tuesday is good news for China and the world which have suffered dearly from the incumbent US administration’s disruptive and destructive “America first” policy.

The Chinese Communist Party-funded outlet also expresses approval of Tony Blinken for Secretary of State:

By appointing people such as veteran diplomat Tony Blinken as secretary of state, Biden seems to be bidding farewell to the unpredictability of the outgoing US administration.

Another state-run outlet, Global Times, shared a similar sentiment about Blinken’s potential to be “softer” on China, amplified by professors at Chinese Communist Party-run universities:

“Given his [Blinken’s] previous rhetoric on China-related issues and his past experience, his stance is softer than that of the current administration, which is likely to create a positive environment for the China-US relationship,” Diao Daming, an associate professor at the Renmin University of China in Beijing, told the Global Times on Monday. Blinken recently pledged to build stronger economic ties with the island of Taiwan and he said full decoupling from China was “unrealistic,” in contrast to the approach from President Donald Trump. “He won’t be as provocative as the Trump administration on some of the issues of concern, like the Taiwan question, but the Democrats may take the island as an example on ideological matters,” Diao said.

China Global Television Network peddled a similar narrative, drawing a stark contrast between Blinken and “shrill hawkish bully” Mike Pompeo:

Unlike Mike Pompeo, the shrill hawkish bully he will succeed, Blinken is decidedly more win-win than zero-sum. Last summer he said that while the U.S. and China were definitely competitors, he’d like them to have a race to the top and not the bottom.

The China Daily article also notes “China welcomes the Biden team’s pledge to return to multilateralism” and offering praise for his selection of John Kerry as climate envoy. It also expresses hope that a Biden administration would reverse President Trump’s tough approach to the Chinese Communist Party:

In this sense, the new US administration has a lot to do to fix Trump’s blunders, from punitive tariffs on Chinese goods and bans on Chinese tech companies to persecution of Chinese news outlets and journalists based in the US and the Confucius Institutes that teach Chinese language and culture.

“The US under Biden’s leadership and China should work together to usher in a new era of bilateral relations for the betterment of the two countries and the world beyond,” it concludes.


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d3cd4a  No.14446817

Repost from last bread

If the food supply continues to dwindle we will not be in such a be best frame of mind.

Election day 2024, please.


A winding down of Our Civilization.

It's going to be biblical alright

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fe0f86  No.14446818

File: 324b9ffa36e8857⋯.png (221.99 KB, 482x484, 241:242, Capture.PNG)

File: 0f181e5d401ac05⋯.mp4 (2.48 MB, 320x568, 40:71, 9x6N0oxibiDr0Xkr.mp4)

Pharma fraud

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ebbbdf  No.14446819

File: 448b7f789d35e01⋯.png (669.35 KB, 569x470, 569:470, ClipboardImage.png)

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0a9f70  No.14446820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f98547  No.14446821

File: e94176cccb97e9a⋯.png (364.55 KB, 467x383, 467:383, ClipboardImage.png)

so cringe

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c4ee3b  No.14446822

>>14444080 (lb)

where is the rest of this egyptian priest video? anyone have the link to the source?

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2eb8f2  No.14446823

File: 538b43beb9482dc⋯.jpeg (233.88 KB, 452x603, 452:603, morningshift.jpeg)


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0a9f70  No.14446825

File: 5334e360424b37d⋯.jpg (81.45 KB, 800x450, 16:9, h.jpg)

File: a07359210a49a28⋯.jpg (88.94 KB, 800x450, 16:9, hj.jpg)

File: 39625aa3effe3bb⋯.jpg (88.3 KB, 800x448, 25:14, j87k9.jpg)

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5b91fd  No.14446826

File: 4259397a413ce16⋯.gif (5.68 MB, 600x889, 600:889, 2ED8316E_E340_476A_87A6_05….gif)

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ad8e19  No.14446827

File: 57ba513745cbb5d⋯.png (1018.48 KB, 981x772, 981:772, ClipboardImage.png)

Colombian police take down criminal group behind human trafficking

Arrests follow a three-year investigation supported by INTERPOL and UNODC

LYON, France – A three-year investigation has concluded with police in Colombia arresting six individuals believed to be behind the trafficking and sexual exploitation of Colombian and Venezuelan women.

The criminal group was first identified in 2018 by Panama’s Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants Division, following the discovery of several victims who had been promised jobs as waitresses, only to have their passports confiscated and be exploited. They were often denied food, slept on the floor and would regularly see their so-called “debts” for “travel and accommodation” increase arbitrarily.

The women, who were taken into protective care, all came from vulnerable backgrounds and had been recruited by a network operating out of Cúcuta, one of Colombia’s busiest border cities, located on the Colombian-Venezuelan border.

Fast forward to 2020, when global trafficking and smuggling specialists gathered to debrief the results of INTERPOL’s Operation Turquesa I. With the right people in the right place, Panama shared intelligence with Colombia, INTERPOL’s Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants (HTSM) unit, as well as specialized prosecutors from REDTRAM, the Ibero-American network of public prosecutors.

When the suspected head of the criminal network relocated to Colombia, the country’s national police took the investigative lead, focusing on the group’s activities in Cúcuta.

INTERPOL and the UNODC played a critical role in supporting the investigation by facilitating intelligence exchange, coordinating police and judicial actions including victim hearings. The hearings played a major role in securing crucial evidence for the investigation.

INTERPOL also issued Blue Notices, which enabled law enforcement to seek additional information on the individuals.


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fc8535  No.14446828

File: 8c234fb4b313544⋯.png (653.7 KB, 530x650, 53:65, crinj.PNG)

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dbef83  No.14446829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>>14446752 lb

Carl Benjamin talks about Governor newsom and compares him to Christian Bale from American Psycho, kek

Larry Elder: The Black Trump

8,142 views24 Aug 2021

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8e59e7  No.14446830

The media propaganda machine has ramped up to fever pitch regarding the Afghanistan debacle. I wonder what they are trying to distract us from?

How's the audit in AZ going?

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dd17fc  No.14446831

File: f3b0f7afddcdb49⋯.jpg (397 KB, 1732x820, 433:205, rawhide_kobayashi.jpg)


No way, Rawhide's a cool dude.

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e1ffe2  No.14446832

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are the Light.

We are the Truth.

We are the Love.

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ee2828  No.14446833



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fc8535  No.14446834

File: 39564dd34253680⋯.png (369.05 KB, 600x600, 1:1, anime_baker_is_favorite_ba….png)

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2bdada  No.14446835

File: 150da8b499aae54⋯.mp4 (3.88 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Dark_to_Light.mp4)


Rock it baker.

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9574e9  No.14446836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Veritas Aequitas


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e9cbbc  No.14446837

File: d3596eeec5dfed2⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB, 480x270, 16:9, gifbirds2f202e0ef3a1b422d7….mp4)

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ad8e19  No.14446838

File: b91e270eeff5bfe⋯.png (1.13 MB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Chicago CBP Seizes Counterfeit DEA Badges, Again!

CHICAGO— Just last weekend, U.S. Customs and Border Protections (CBP) officers at the Chicago International Mail Branch (IMF) seized eight Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) badges and one FBI badge. Over the last two days, August 22 and 23, CBP officers found more counterfeit badges; this time officers intercepted 26 counterfeit DEA badges.Badges2

CBP inspected 25 parcels to determine the admissibility of the contents. Officers seized a total of 26 badges all destined for locations across the U.S to include: Washington, Iowa, Kentucky, Florida, California, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, Texas, and Illinois. These shipments were all arriving from China and were sent by the same shipper from the previous week.

“These seizures are an example of the vigilance demonstrated by CBP officers every day at our nation’s international mail facilities and express consignment operation hubs,” said LaFonda Sutton-Burke, Director, Field Operations-Chicago. “Finding these and ensuring dangerous criminals can’t use these badges for illegal activity is further proof of how CBP protects our nations communities.”

“It is hard to know what dangerous and illicit activity these badges could have been used for,” said Shane Campbell, Area Port Director – Chicago. “Criminals could have used these badges in a variety of ways, and all would have had horrific outcomes.”

CBP officers coordinate findings with CBP’s Fraudulent Document Analysis Unit, Homeland Security Investigations, and other federal partners to combat any illicit activity. Visit CBP’s YouTube channel to learn more about how CBP’s Office of Field Operations secures our nation’s borders.

CBP's border security mission is led at 328 ports of entry by CBP officers from the Office of Field Operations. Please visit CBP Ports of Entry to learn more about how CBP’s Office of Field Operations secures our nation’s borders. Learn more about CBP at www.CBP.gov.


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e1ffe2  No.14446839


Tanks B.

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8ad32d  No.14446840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




It's used a bunch of times for a bunch of reasons, but this is YUGE!!!

Bigger than the moonwalk:New system pulls water from thin air

The military might not be considered the hub of innovation, but put the head of the Air Force’s “Air University” together with an inventive pilot and you might just pull water out of thin air.

And now that retired Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast and his former aide-de-camp David Stuckenberg have done just that, they are quickly becoming the talk around Washington, the nation, and the world for producing the first green energy water maker.

Using new technology that mimics how Mother Earth makes water, their Genesis Systems WaterCube is set to debut next month and promises to deliver water just about anywhere, even the desert.

Stuckenberg said he first thought up the idea while flying over water-starved Afghanistan in 2016. Over the next few years, he took several key posts where he saw the importance, and costs, of moving water.

Then, in 2019, he participated in a military exercise in which water was the weapon of war.“Let me tell you, if used this way, water, or the lack of it, can impact as many people as a [weapon of mass destruction],” he said. But he added that “exactly zero” investment on generating it has been done. “Water has always just been taken for granted,” Stuckenberg said.

He said that, for several years, Genesis kept the development secret, in part, because it’s easier to show how it works than explain the process of using nanofluid to attract water from the air like a “sponge” and then a “tickle” of energy to ring it dry and start all over again.

“It’s like the Wright brothers trying to tell people that you can have something heavier than air fly, and they think you’re crazy — until they built it,” said Kwast, who is also concerned about whipping up foes.

Now he and the Stuckenbergs are serving glasses of their water from their truck-sized WaterCube at their Tampa headquarters and even adding healthy electrolytes as they prepare for theSept. 14 public rollout.

“Come on down for a taste,” Kwast urged.

1:40 minute video


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284abc  No.14446841

>>14446791 (lb)

And I suppose you are going to tell me that Edgar Cayce and the ARE were also legit, right?

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ad8e19  No.14446843

Air and Marine Operations P-3 crews and partners seize 114,000 pounds of cocaine

WASHINGTON – Air and Marine Operations (AMO) National Air Security Operations Center, P-3 Long Range Tracker and Airborne Early Warning crews and partners disrupted the flow of 113,779 pounds of cocaine in drug source and transit zones through the end of the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2021. It is estimated that United States Southern Command counter-narcotics operations involving Air and Marine Operations, federal and international partners denied transnational criminal organizations more than two billion dollars between October 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.

National Air Security Operations Center P-3 capabilities are essential to United States Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) Operations, contributing to an increased law enforcement presence in narcotics transit zones. This partnership bolsters support to the U.S. and international law enforcement by sharing information and intelligence to help expand target packages.

Since the beginning of Fiscal Year 2021, AMO P-3 crews have flown 5,485 flight hours. Eighty-five percent of those flight hours have been piloted in collaboration with SOUTHCOM partners. For every hour flown by a P-3 aircrew during this timeframe, federal and international authorities stopped the flow of 24.3 pounds of cocaine.


AMO uses P-3 Airborne Early Warning and Long

Range Tracker aircraft to conduct long-range

aerial patrols and surveillance missions along

the U.S. borders and in drug transit zones in

Central and South America.

AMO has two P-3 National Air Security Operations Centers, located in Jacksonville, FL and Corpus Christi, TX. These P-3 aircraft operate throughout North, Central and South America in defense of the borders of the United States and to prevent attempts to smuggle persons or contraband.

AMO safeguards our nation by anticipating and confronting security threats through our aviation and maritime law enforcement expertise, innovative capabilities, and partnerships at the border and beyond. With approximately 1,800 federal agents and mission support personnel, 240 aircraft and 300 marine vessels operating throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands, AMO serves as the nation’s experts in airborne and maritime law enforcement.

In Fiscal Year 2020, AMO enforcement actions resulted in the seizure or disruption of 194,220 pounds of cocaine, 278,492 pounds of marijuana, 15,985 pounds of methamphetamine, 952 weapons and $51.5 million as well as 1,066 arrests and 47,872 apprehensions of undocumented migrants.


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5b91fd  No.14446844

File: 64c63c86b1e15c8⋯.jpeg (423.63 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, B12A2C36_1E09_48AF_9C9F_0….jpeg)

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b9f9b9  No.14446845

File: e1b758d1f0c98ba⋯.jpg (90.21 KB, 500x625, 4:5, no_mask.jpg)

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5e1a3a  No.14446846

File: 8919183e2f303e4⋯.jpg (81.61 KB, 605x563, 605:563, ComfyCat.jpg)

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959e41  No.14446847

File: 8831036fdb2f107⋯.jpg (205.84 KB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, Cognitive.jpg)


They can not pimp that guy up every day in a situation like now… This shitshow can not go on for a longer period of time… But, what will they do then? Ha Ha Harris? My opinion, they are absolute fucked! And they know that! Ask Ben Rhodes!

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a03b21  No.14446848

File: 9d9d03f07317bf3⋯.jpg (114.97 KB, 500x700, 5:7, LAST_CHANCE.jpg)

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952922  No.14446849

File: aa7e18a64142ded⋯.jpeg (572.23 KB, 828x549, 92:61, 0EE39E7D_119A_43F7_B5F6_0….jpeg)

You are watching a ‘scripted’ movie.

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53f17d  No.14446850

File: d5042420bbc90c1⋯.jpg (59.94 KB, 604x453, 4:3, E9fCLcWWQAAy5R2.jpg)

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2eb8f2  No.14446851

File: 4742c2396c9e536⋯.png (704.97 KB, 2541x1800, 847:600, watchw.png)

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0ed7e0  No.14446852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ad8e19  No.14446853

File: bd6d299948d621d⋯.png (91.05 KB, 743x866, 743:866, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2fcbdce13e88ff⋯.png (49.92 KB, 744x553, 744:553, ClipboardImage.png)

Washington Tech Executive Sentenced for Covid-19 Relief Fraud Scheme


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dbef83  No.14446854


you should have finished that meme with his saying.

you know that thing

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43f4cd  No.14446855

File: 666d91ed7db0b0c⋯.jpg (53.39 KB, 666x361, 666:361, trumpmanufacturing.jpg)

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5fb0d0  No.14446856

File: cf037f735ed5878⋯.jpg (133.89 KB, 555x540, 37:36, BAD_HABIT.jpg)



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54c2cf  No.14446857

File: 9db1f61ea9a6041⋯.png (519.43 KB, 742x684, 371:342, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 071e8eabe16ce56⋯.png (367.69 KB, 692x585, 692:585, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2879ea202be3dcc⋯.png (373.21 KB, 670x655, 134:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6068cb6c9c35902⋯.png (349.83 KB, 693x683, 693:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30e57ca66f7e3bf⋯.png (380.52 KB, 734x673, 734:673, ClipboardImage.png)


How to sell the vaccine to the unvaccinated, according to 6 advertising executives who are pros at persuasion

The ad industry succeeds every day at selling beer and pickup trucks across the political divide. Could that same magic make everyone want a vaccine? Here are expert's suggestions on viewing the vaccine as a complicated marketing problem.

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642508  No.14446858

File: ba9a17037829db5⋯.mp4 (9.31 MB, 848x384, 53:24, JoinTheUNIT_Unit_E.mp4)

File: 7a6c183501bc683⋯.pdf (84.82 KB, Assange_Conspiracy.pdf)

File: d5aa688d5d42107⋯.png (1.22 MB, 630x1200, 21:40, ClipboardImage.png)

Lots ofdominos falling

Lots of leaking about the

Military Industrial Complex

And their election fraud

Their Afghan war scam

The human trafficking worldwide

Their pedophilia

Dig in to one of these sites

To find the connections


E = Eagle

E = Ezio Auditore whose name means eagle listener since Ezio is from Aetius from a greek word meaning eagle

The video clip shows scenes from Assassin's Creed.

Join the REVOLT!

Join Unit E

If you thought that the CIA was a problem

Wait until you learn aboutUNIT 8200

The elite of the elite who infiltrate and control everything including the CIA

Watch The Water

It begins with a trickle (Kalay network)

Grows to a stream

Then becomes a torrent

And finally a flood that nobody can ignore


Offshore Leaks (2013)

Bahamas Leaks (2016)

Panama Papers (2016)

Paradise Papers (2017 & 2018)

And let's not forget the actions of the U.S. Treasury


By Julian Assange

Conspiracy As Governance


Military industrial complex


Unit 8200

The Cabal

Next URL takes you to aMap of Global Corruptionwith names you can search on and links to more info. This Map is continually being updated and right now, info onUnit 8200is being added.


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ee2828  No.14446860


indica afghani pot taking indicator flash - 9/11 drop …

BOOM for the feelz

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fc8535  No.14446861

File: 723262f597defbd⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.59 MB, 375x200, 15:8, spoiler.gif)


>How's the audit in AZ going?

All habbenings and their associated distractiosn have achieved terminal velocity at a rate of 2 Moar Weeks/ per habbening

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80b27d  No.14446862

File: a7cd8eaa3a805ce⋯.mp4 (14.76 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, a7cd8eaa3a805ce2bfc8e69601….mp4)

Found rhis in the German bread.

It is about a nose-spray against viruses.

Also works against Corona (Covid).

The report was on German MSM.

(Now I wish I had a rig to edit in english subtitles.)

Nothing can stop the cures (that were around anyway) from coming out - apparently …

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33109f  No.14446863

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ad8e19  No.14446865

File: c306d967f9de503⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1000x666, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Sticks to the Taliban Demanded August 31st Deadline, as CIA Director William Burns Negotiates Payments and Indulgency Fees to Keep Airport Safe During Final Week

The term “indulgency fee” is so much more appealing than “extortion“, just ask U.S. Ambassador John Christopher Stevens; oh,…wait. I digress.

It is being reported that CIA Director William Burns flew to Afghanistan to negotiate with Taliban leadership yesterday. Earlier today, Joe Biden tells the G7 nations that he is sticking to the August 31st withdrawal deadline imposed by the Taliban who are in control of almost all regions of the country including the capital city of Kabul.

For future reference, remember this CIA meeting with Taliban leadership in case the administration ever tries to say we do not negotiate with terrorists. The Biden administration doesn’t have a choice. The Taliban circle the airport in Kabul. The Taliban have U.S. made advanced technology surface-to-air missiles (SAMS) that we left with the Afghan army before their defeat. As a consequence, the Taliban could easily begin shooting down any airplane attempting to take-off or land from the airport…

Hence… CIA Director Burns is almost certainly negotiating payment terms with the Taliban for safe passage. We can only imagine how much money the Biden administration is paying the Taliban leadership to permit ongoing operations at the Kabul airport. Think about how much Biden would pay to avoid the optics of a U.S. airplane carrying hundreds of Americans being blown out of the sky on CNN and BBC news. That is how much we are paying.

Biden is telling everyone at the G7 he is sticking to the August 31st deadline date. Biden addressed the leaders on the call for about seven minutes. The NATO allies are worried they will not be able to get their people out. However, undoubtedly the extraction of Americans and allies AFTER August 31st is part of the agreement between the CIA (on behalf of Biden) and Taliban leaders.

The Taliban are not stupid, they have all the leverage in this dynamic. The Taliban know this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to gain massive ransom payments without the international media visibility of physically holding hostages. They also know the desperation of the Biden administration to avoid any painful optics.

Earlier today, the Taliban announced they will not permit Afghan nationals to travel to the airport in Kabul. The Taliban are not going to permit U.S. embassy staff who are Afghan nationals to leave.

BBC is reporting that Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Majahid said: “Afghans should not go to the airport or try to leave the country.” At the press briefing, Zabihullah Mujahid also said, “Women should stay at home for now, for their safety.” The Taliban spokesman added it would be a “violation” of the agreement to allow evacuations of foreign nationals beyond the 31st of August.

This is the problem with, and motive for, the Biden administration refusing to quantify the number of Americans and SIV’s who remain in Afghanistan. As long as the American public do not know how many are there, the administration can use any arbitrary number to claim they have all be removed regardless of their actual disposition.

If you don’t think a Democrat administration is willing to sacrifice a few thousand pesky Americans to save themselves the political issues of their abandonment; and if you think the Democrats are genuinely worried about the disposition of Afghan nationals that will likely be killed silently by Taliban enforcers…. please, remind yourself of Benghazi.


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ebbbdf  No.14446866

File: 17e3b2575f1af5c⋯.png (288.66 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)


>Washington Tech Executive

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d62478  No.14446867

File: f338a30f1298a0a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1072x831, 1072:831, Sniffin_Dandys.png)


weapons handling and trained trigger fingers…

amazing what goat fuggerz can learn in a cave

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54c2cf  No.14446868

File: c06f0df8a608c3e⋯.png (381.29 KB, 700x680, 35:34, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7187b4e40acae4⋯.png (374.68 KB, 687x622, 687:622, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfec8bc7d79abfe⋯.png (373.52 KB, 685x585, 137:117, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2f18c496a29a20⋯.png (387.76 KB, 694x660, 347:330, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82d8f2125638b4f⋯.png (285 KB, 647x596, 647:596, ClipboardImage.png)


>How to sell the vaccine to the unvaccinated, according to 6 advertising executives who are pros at persuasion

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fb0841  No.14446869


Kamala going for an international trip in the midst of the Afghanistan debacle is designed to increase her "chops" to take over soon.

Joe is on the way out…

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cbeb44  No.14446870

File: 053c99990c8680e⋯.jpg (105.96 KB, 1024x765, 1024:765, ZomboMeme_23082021150056.jpg)

File: dcc3e31cb477940⋯.jpg (126.58 KB, 892x1020, 223:255, ZomboMeme_24082021141944.jpg)

File: 3b5e990a695dac3⋯.jpg (81.93 KB, 538x644, 269:322, ZomboMeme_23082021110723.jpg)

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a0ca34  No.14446871

File: 897d9c7b25cb313⋯.png (475.34 KB, 500x836, 125:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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383abe  No.14446872

Fox reporting U.S. Mil is withdrawing already

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fc8535  No.14446873


They are no-fap

You really think they fuck goats?

Must be confused with another organization…

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0a6c64  No.14446874


i thought america did not negotiate with terrorists, but this fucking potato does. Fuck him the sooner we hang him and his faggot family the better off the world will be

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53f17d  No.14446876

File: 07086be0f3805eb⋯.jpg (236.92 KB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, Cognitive.jpg)

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5e1a3a  No.14446877

File: afa4f8ba773cdad⋯.jpg (152.96 KB, 1885x582, 1885:582, LSU.JPG)

Apparently the Tix Office phone is quite busy…

Tiger Stadium 2021 COVID-19 Protocols Announced


With the significant threat presented by COVID-19 across the state of Louisiana due to the highly transmissible Delta variant, LSU will require all Tiger Stadium guests 12 years of age and older to provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within 72 hours prior to entry. The decision comes after consultation with – and support from – Governor John Bel Edwards, LSU President William F. Tate IV, LSU’s Board of Supervisors, Tiger Athletic Foundation, and Director of Athletics Scott Woodward.

“As the flagship institution of the state of Louisiana, our foremost responsibility is to ensure the safety of our students, our supporters, and our community,” Tate said. “While we are aware of the diverse perspectives across the nation regarding masks and vaccinations, we must take all reasonable measures to protect our campus and community, not only on gamedays, but long after guests have left Tiger Stadium. The current threat to our lives, our health, and to our medical systems due to COVID-19 is overburdening our hospitals, and we must do our part to stop the spread.”

The policy will be in effect beginning on September 11th for the home football opener against McNeese State. A list of vaccination sites in Louisiana is available at www.ldh.la.gov.

To gain entry into Tiger Stadium, guests 12 and older must show proof of at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine that has received full approval or emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the World Health Organization. A vaccination card, a photo or photocopy of a vaccination card, or verified digital proof of vaccination, including LA Wallet or another government-sanctioned mobile app, will be accepted, with entry granted upon visual inspection.

Those who have not yet received a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine must present digital or hard copy proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within 72 hours of kickoff prior to entering the stadium. Guests younger than 12 will not need to present a negative test; masks will be encouraged for children younger than 5 and required for children ages 5 to 11 years old.

“We have the best fans in college football, and we are doing everything we can to ensure their experience in Tiger Stadium this fall is safe and enjoyable,” Woodward said. “When our fans arrive on Saturdays to cheer on the Tigers, they will have confidence that we have taken measures to mitigate their health risks. Our football team has reached 99.1% vaccination, and we are incredibly proud of them for doing their part to protect their team and their community. We are confident our fans will do the same, and I encourage all Tiger fans to receive vaccinations today.”

LSU Athletics will continue to update fans on this season’s procedures – including gameday prescreening options to expedite entry, further masking requirements, pop-up vaccination events, FAQs for all safety protocols, and more – as they are finalized. The first update will be posted on Friday, August 27 at LSUSports.net and distributed across LSU Athletics’ platforms. Season ticket holders with questions regarding refund policies must email tickets@lsu.edu by Friday, August 27.

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d62478  No.14446878

File: 08dd1d930359296⋯.png (702 KB, 768x797, 768:797, Covid_1984.png)


CIA Dir went there to meet Tally Bunnies so he could pay fuggin bribes

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a08260  No.14446879

File: 1a0b66f30c32d10⋯.jpeg (14.2 KB, 213x255, 71:85, dd37fe65531d49121daab698c….jpeg)


Thank you, Baker!

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a03b21  No.14446880

File: 76471b9235231cb⋯.jpg (153.45 KB, 842x474, 421:237, samurai_champloo_8_final.jpg)

Should Mr. Pig physically fight an evil harasser at his shelter ?

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ed3d4f  No.14446881

No more Afghan locals.

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fbd7c2  No.14446882

File: f57c4286ff5c3a1⋯.jpg (71.15 KB, 720x469, 720:469, 20210824_130333.jpg)

BREAKING: The U.S. military has started withdrawing from Afghanistan reducing troop presence: U.S. officials


Running away?

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54c2cf  No.14446883

File: 7303d6c5f62b167⋯.png (314.41 KB, 697x684, 697:684, ClipboardImage.png)


New Zealand's lockdown extended as COVID-19 outbreak grows

New Zealand's lockdown has been extended to at least August 27 as the country recorded 41 new COVID-19 cases in the community on Monday. This brings the total in the outbreak to 148 cases. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the primary source was traced to a returnee from Sydney, who arrived in Auckland on August 7. After the first COVID-19 case in six months was detected in New Zealand's most populous city, Auckland, the country entered a snap lockdown at 11:59 pm on August 17.

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0ed7e0  No.14446885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ce5644  No.14446886


We aren't following their stars…

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ad8e19  No.14446887

File: 4f934620348c490⋯.png (73.33 KB, 694x798, 347:399, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bcc7656e48c92b⋯.png (56.36 KB, 687x714, 229:238, ClipboardImage.png)

Carroll County Sex Offender Pleads Guilty to Federal Charge for Possession of Child Pornography

Curtis Posed Online as the Mother of an Infant or Toddler and Discussed and Distributed Images of the Sexual Abuse of His Purported Children


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ebbbdf  No.14446889

File: b3c4aa1858e840e⋯.mp4 (9.45 MB, 224x400, 14:25, Communism_Red_Pill.mp4)

Same tired old commie playbook.

"use people of color"

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fba09b  No.14446890

>>14446547 lb

funny he should mention Orwell.

This morning I told my teenager it was required to know about His 1984 by the time I got off work this afternoon.

There would be a test.

>>14446698 lb

she was an athiest and an insufferable twat

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96a1ad  No.14446891

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DR ROBERT MALONE, inventor of the mRNA vaccine and RNA as a drug has been twwting up a storm recently. One of his most recent tweets explains the so-called approved Pfizer vax. 4 1/2 mins of Warroom fun.


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dbef83  No.14446892


that'll do


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bfa8e8  No.14446893


meeting with Chinese handlers


creating a back channel with the CCP handlers

either way it will be a form of treason

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9574e9  No.14446894

File: 777654eb8d7c617⋯.jpg (17.13 KB, 300x300, 1:1, c4dcc38c2f62f6109fd52331a6….jpg)

Here's wishing you the tops o'life

Without a single tumble

Here's wishing you the smiles o'life

And not a single grumble

Here's wishing you the best o' life

And not a flaw about it,

Here's wishing you all the joy in life

And not a day without it.

Paratus Comitatus


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284abc  No.14446895

File: c04d661d1bf0456⋯.jpg (290.39 KB, 992x558, 16:9, mr_pig_meme_posted1.jpg)


Just don't!

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b19c80  No.14446896


It'll never end until the people say enough is enough.

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ad8e19  No.14446897

File: cc193e443570031⋯.png (73.93 KB, 695x864, 695:864, ClipboardImage.png)

Inver Grove Heights Man Sentenced to 180 Months in Prison for Producing Child Pornography


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a03b21  No.14446898

File: 934c6e1c84353d3⋯.jpg (77.5 KB, 726x455, 726:455, biblical_7.jpg)

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d3cd4a  No.14446899

Qui bono - Who benefits from the releasing of the Arizona Audit reports on Friday?

Was this time given so that other organizations have more time to gather signatures? Where are all the people to sign them? WTH is going on?

Why has one man been given the authority to set the time?

Who benefits by the JFK files, in toto, not being released?

Turn into the torpedo before it could arm itself.

Let genocide reign upon the people of the world. Real knowledge was suppressed and a lot of people were unable to make logical decisions. The media was complicit in perpetuating these lies and cover-ups.

American political prisoners' are in a 3rd world jail, in Washington, DC.

Our militia, apparently has been told to stand down.

Qui Bono how many factions benefit?

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299f6c  No.14446900

File: f6c8cd30ee485a9⋯.jpg (9 KB, 250x250, 1:1, Putin_popcorn.jpg)

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2bdada  No.14446902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


COVER UP: Pelosi Congress Tells Fed Court 1/6 Videos Are NOT Public Records!

2,036 viewsAug 24, 2021

652 Likes 2 Dislikes

Judicial Watch

466K subscribers

READ MORE: https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-releases/judicial-watch-u-s-capitol-police-tell-federal-court-january-6-disturbance-videos-are-not-public-records/

Judicial Watch announced the U.S. Capitol Police seeks to shut down a public records lawsuit for January 6 disturbance video and emails by arguing to a federal court that the requested are “not public records.” Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit in February 2021 under the common law right of access to public records after the Capitol Police refused to provide any records in response to a January 21, 2021, request.

We have joined Parler and Rumble! Follow us @JudicialWatch to stay updated on the latest news from Judicial Watch--


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e1f928  No.14446903

File: fd6a57183d2903c⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1459x1722, 1459:1722, fd6a57183d2903cc5e214fef42….png)

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642508  No.14446904

File: 7e8ced297a54d43⋯.jpg (142.09 KB, 909x1280, 909:1280, IMG_20210824_111841_562.jpg)

File: ed48f7ec618e4c8⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB, 848x448, 53:28, VID_20210824_111717_048.mp4)


There is a massive amount of false information being spread around about the situation on the ground in Afghanistan. Fake news reports, photos, videos etc.

This is true for all sides.

It is the same sort of operation that took place during January of 2020 when Covid panic was being seeded and false videos purportedly out of China were being shared virally.


Guard yourselves against hyper-reactive states of mind, and be aware of global information operations that capitalize on your emotions and are designed to eventually push you into a pro-engagement stance.

Remember their goal is an endless war to launder money through.

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54c2cf  No.14446905


>This brings the total in the outbreak to 148 cases.

148 cases causes a lockdown?

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959e41  No.14446906

File: ae2179afd5921fc⋯.jpg (204.43 KB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, Cognitive1.jpg)



Yep, looks good!

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ad8e19  No.14446907

File: c11f8045230206a⋯.png (73.13 KB, 681x852, 227:284, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 327fa20e5e1bbb0⋯.png (9.2 KB, 680x176, 85:22, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Klamath Falls Police Officer Pleads Guilty for Stealing Methamphetamine and Fentanyl from Evidence Room


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a03b21  No.14446908

File: 1c7f4b39601b1b3⋯.jpg (84.55 KB, 705x400, 141:80, boom.jpg)

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fbd7c2  No.14446909

File: 975d13959336363⋯.jpg (58.62 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 20210824_130559.jpg)


Biden's remarks pushed back to 4:30 pm, four and a half hours later than originally scheduled

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8dcdd6  No.14446911



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54c2cf  No.14446912


i know, this is NZ, but reminds me of Aussie Truck Drivers strike…..any word on it?

any Aussies here?

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dbef83  No.14446913

File: c421fd45f0253bb⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1217x466, 1217:466, ClipboardImage.png)

afghanistan 1970, just saying?


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5e49d1  No.14446914

File: e27419876aa0d13⋯.jpg (366.75 KB, 1038x917, 1038:917, shhhh.jpg)

censorship no workie


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84de85  No.14446915

Can we get “please keep Kamala” trending on ALL platforms!

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299f6c  No.14446916


>Still trying to get the reporters names, networks, questions, and answers printed out so that there's no mistakes, this time.


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2bdada  No.14446917


This is the military group sent back after SHTF, if I'm not mistaken.

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0116bf  No.14446918



Only when anons band together and demand the cessation of baker abuse will it happen. Just like in real life, We, the People have the power when we unite.

Anime baker has issues. I guess that means there are signs of flawed humanity present. However… anime baker shows up every day and gets the job done.


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085d91  No.14446919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2eb8f2  No.14446920

File: 7da1636ced3eef7⋯.jpeg (252.63 KB, 844x736, 211:184, notgonnatakeit.jpeg)

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5fb0d0  No.14446921

File: 7696ea96b432ad6⋯.jpg (79.09 KB, 672x479, 672:479, AZ_WIN.jpg)

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a7a1eb  No.14446922

File: c13fa04587221fe⋯.mp4 (4.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, c13fa04587221feb11509898e3….mp4)

File: 8b150e7052eacc8⋯.png (19.87 KB, 255x251, 255:251, 3f50cf4ebffa944cf2ce645c86….png)

File: 3d02df17619ede7⋯.jpg (17.15 KB, 170x255, 2:3, cac3e7da4187ce92fd999ee558….jpg)

File: 62f0bf12966070f⋯.jpg (190.84 KB, 754x1440, 377:720, 62f0bf12966070ff1f25b041ad….jpg)

Last couple of days, this movie is awesome. KEK. Chaos, organized with a clock the bad guys can't figure out either. God bless America.

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dc4afa  No.14446923

File: 0ce3f5346a7cf37⋯.jpeg (493.91 KB, 750x1088, 375:544, B8EBCDD1_8972_4BCC_9465_D….jpeg)

Bell JetRanger HELICOPTER flew from Benghazi (Libya) to Tajikistan (north of Afghanistan) non-stop


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e1ffe2  No.14446924

File: 7712f421bbbe9a4⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1269x652, 1269:652, ClipboardImage.png)

Grip [y]our pillow Tight.

For The Darkness Exits,

With the Entering of The Light.

Don't hate what [y]ou have created.

[y]ou made me & now I unmake [y]ou.

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284abc  No.14446925

File: 7b4a1b6847363f7⋯.jpg (56.42 KB, 570x881, 570:881, toto.jpg)


>, in toto,

Dubs confirm bestial pervert. Toto was a dog ffs..

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2425ac  No.14446926


not really, but it's kinda weak. They block the roads, get arrested and the trucks and trailers get driven away.

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b8f0ba  No.14446927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6d5ec4  No.14446928


they don't have a clue what we are thinking and the objections we have to taking the jab.

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54c2cf  No.14446929

File: af63fa3dc9890a6⋯.png (382.79 KB, 697x679, 697:679, ClipboardImage.png)


2 hours ago

Ultra-Vaxxed Israel’s Crisis Is a Dire Warning to America

The massive surge of COVID-19 infections in Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries on earth, is pointing to a complicated path ahead for America.

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e1ffe2  No.14446930

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Meaning of Life : Life of Meaning

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f98547  No.14446931

hot mic on


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dbef83  No.14446932

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f98547  No.14446933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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025c47  No.14446934


I have not purchased anything else in my adult life due to an advertisement, what makes them think they can force me to vax due to an advertisement?

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e1ffe2  No.14446935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a03b21  No.14446936

File: cfe4633a84fac79⋯.jpg (144.37 KB, 500x526, 250:263, live_work.jpg)

File: 98fa7d42ab647b7⋯.jpg (91.54 KB, 808x452, 202:113, 66_d.jpg)

File: 3cbcf62104fded5⋯.jpg (70.52 KB, 279x465, 3:5, 666_A.jpg)

File: bdac12684b5580a⋯.jpg (67.29 KB, 821x453, 821:453, weak_bladder.jpg)

File: c4fe310c206fc80⋯.jpg (104.72 KB, 565x399, 565:399, 55.jpg)

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1d9364  No.14446937

File: 83976f18f98de67⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1459x1000, 1459:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

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2eb8f2  No.14446938

File: ac52231fa99262f⋯.jpg (35.49 KB, 638x390, 319:195, leftcan_tmeme.jpg)

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c8a87e  No.14446939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


anon's come to the right place then…

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6d5ec4  No.14446940


the beatings will continue until morale improves.

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35c96e  No.14446941


The military is the only way.

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ce5644  No.14446942

File: 5a7e566de018baa⋯.jpg (38.88 KB, 609x355, 609:355, 5a7e566de018baabcb393751d2….jpg)


I've heard a couple of cunts say they going to block the ports and highways on the 31st. We'll see…

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ee2828  No.14446943

anyone else finding it odd that talibidan is using the cia as his foreign service diplomatic service

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2d664c  No.14446944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Notable Notes


>>14446810 Chinese State Media Feels Biden’s Personnel Picks ‘Good For China,’ ‘Softer’ Than Trump (2020)

>>14446818 Pharma fraud - PFIZER

>>14446827 Colombian police take down criminal group behind human trafficking

>>14446838 Chicago CBP Seizes Counterfeit DEA Badges, Again!

>>14446843 Air and Marine Operations P-3 crews and partners seize 114,000 pounds of cocaine

>>14446853 Washington Tech Executive Sentenced for Covid-19 Relief Fraud Scheme

>>14446865 Biden Sticks to the Taliban Demanded August 31st Deadline

>>14446887 Carroll County Sex Offender Pleads Guilty to Federal Charge for Possession of Child Pornography

>>14446897 Inver Grove Heights Man Sentenced to 180 Months in Prison for Producing Child Pornography

>>14446902 COVER UP: Pelosi Congress Tells Fed Court 1/6 Videos Are NOT Public Records!

>>14446929 Ultra-Vaxxed Israel’s Crisis Is a Dire Warning to America

>>14446933 WATCH: White House press secretary Psaki holds news conference

>>14446935 This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected


Hello and how are you Gentlemen? Strap yourselves in, grab a favorite beverage and remain comfy.. The best has yet to come!

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588ed9  No.14446945


Been looking at it all day. A tremendous amount of work went into this; still more to come by the looks of it with empty links so far. It is HUGE.

this link should lead to the section on Unit 8200


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aa553a  No.14446946

File: 727a9aed547d99e⋯.jpg (186.07 KB, 900x689, 900:689, BIDEN_SURRENDERS_copy.jpg)

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2eb8f2  No.14446947

File: 9669c49d0314b12⋯.jpg (135.92 KB, 570x350, 57:35, gavinnur.jpg)

Will Gavin try to lock down CA before the recall?

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ebbbdf  No.14446948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Toto was a dog ffs..

And a band - Hold The Line


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dbef83  No.14446949

File: 70e8bf8cf0c66df⋯.png (198.22 KB, 648x805, 648:805, ClipboardImage.png)

just dropped on gab, good to know

NSA Rejects my appeal on my 8Chan FOIA


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a03b21  No.14446950

File: ff9157a838c8767⋯.jpg (179.73 KB, 807x454, 807:454, 55v.jpg)

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c4ee3b  No.14446951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>14444080 (lb)

if anyone else is interested in the entire message

His Grace Mar Mari Emmanuel, Bishop of Christ The Good Shepherd Church


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d62478  No.14446952

File: 7ab2489ce366db3⋯.png (503.46 KB, 720x390, 24:13, Puter_virus.png)

File: 7b008e6cb358f09⋯.png (309.43 KB, 602x417, 602:417, Dr_Chucky.png)


one of these days they will admit the vaxx didn't make anyone immune,

but it made the common annual flu become catastrophically fatal

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b8f0ba  No.14446953


>the numbers don't lie

except for the 6 million jews who rode the holocauster

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d3cd4a  No.14446954


Yes: Nice… but how about the %'s of where the drugs originated from or were helped/facilitated from I.E. transport routes including shipping lanes.

You have it all, yet the drugs - DEATH - still invade our once great nation.

Have the real Afghani's torched the Poppy fields yet or was that just babble?

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8dcdd6  No.14446955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6d5ec4  No.14446956



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085d91  No.14446957


You;re an idiot.

You don't trust a person that thinks this planet is overpopulated, that will help you????


Plus he knows everything about vaccines, he works in PC domain.


White supremacist detected!

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2eb8f2  No.14446958

File: 340a0f30713fc63⋯.jpg (205.39 KB, 912x428, 228:107, fauciellen.jpg)

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a08260  No.14446959

File: d2f7cb6dd368eba⋯.jpeg (11 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9463e3c78218d495c5ae299e4….jpeg)

>>14444836 (pb)

To follow up on the Q decode…

So I started a chart with all possible post combinations based on the possible month numbers and the possible day numbers. Based on what I have so far, for today's date, the pertinent drops to look into would be:














Have not looked yet to see if this pans out with anything interesting, and have to run, so I thought I'd post now in case anyone wants to check on those drops.

I don't know how to create a copy of the document to post that wouldn't have doxing info. If I save it as a PDF would that work?

By the way, thank you to all the awesome Pepe makers.

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be03a1  No.14446960

>>14446720 (pb)

If you guys want, we can use Metastream to, ya know, have a watch party!



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e43efe  No.14446961


>How to sell the vaccine to the unvaccinated, according to 6 advertising executives who are pros at persuasion

Here's an idea:

Why don't We The People, represented by some rich guys, pay for red pilling ads?Everything can be bought. Politicians, scientists and advertising executives as well.

Just a thought

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c4a046  No.14446962

File: e1c16c92ed9ab58⋯.jpg (71.52 KB, 672x318, 112:53, HestonOmegaMan.jpg)

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e1ffe2  No.14446963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are showing them all a new world.

A world without [y]ou.

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8096bf  No.14446964

File: 2d9d30b1576292c⋯.jpeg (671.26 KB, 1242x1702, 27:37, 2754972D_9518_44AC_ABC5_B….jpeg)

NC REP Madison Cawthorn

Here’s my pledge to the Taliban:

You may chant “death to America” today, but —->the levers of power will be in strong hands soon <——-

When power in Washington inevitably shifts, we will not forget you.

We’re in the business of killing terrorists. And soon, business will be booming.


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fe0f86  No.14446965

File: 82412f6122462a4⋯.png (187.71 KB, 382x273, 382:273, Capture.PNG)

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2bdada  No.14446966

File: b8334464353e0ca⋯.png (470.39 KB, 600x480, 5:4, Pepe_Big_Daddy.png)


Shill swatter reporting for duty o7

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ce5644  No.14446967


They don't comprehend what it about to hit them.

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dd17fc  No.14446968


The perfect combination of condescending and stupid. What a fucking feeble attempt. Bernays must be rolling in his grave.

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2d664c  No.14446969

File: 025e9bab5c1fd5e⋯.gif (263.31 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 025e9bab5c1fd5e56deb420926….gif)


I suggest a techno rave party for the great Q meet up when all this is over.

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959e41  No.14446970

File: 00cf55b95073d34⋯.jpg (80.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Procedure.jpg)

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42b263  No.14446971


>mimics how Mother Earth makes water, their Genesis Systems Water Cube

Terraforming, oh yeah.

Do you comprehend what you are reading?

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fc8535  No.14446972

File: ae45573d0363687⋯.png (51.06 KB, 200x255, 40:51, ClipboardImage.png)








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a03b21  No.14446973

File: 4a6bfd014650fdb⋯.jpg (89.28 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 53twci.jpg)

File: a9bedf5241d4765⋯.png (33.61 KB, 832x960, 13:15, niX6B8BAT.png)

File: 0f631f86e287a69⋯.jpg (165.01 KB, 499x711, 499:711, Bacon_Wisdom.jpg)

File: de1dadd3178902e⋯.jpg (99.38 KB, 533x449, 533:449, SATAN_TWO.jpg)

File: 2ab3f1e427bc28b⋯.jpg (897.59 KB, 842x710, 421:355, Pentagrams.JPG)

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8096bf  No.14446974

File: 4b523bfa4967148⋯.jpeg (363.35 KB, 1242x1036, 621:518, A5B3D21D_B9A0_49C9_862C_D….jpeg)

STATE DEPT. TO AMERICANS IN AFGHANASTAN: "Due to security threats outside gates at the Kabul airport, avoid traveling to the airport unless you receive individual instructions from a U.S. government representative to do so."


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f791da  No.14446975

File: 43e1dc84f52042a⋯.png (1003.4 KB, 1880x939, 1880:939, Opera_Snapshot_2021_08_24_….png)

File: 57d43cb83bc6aae⋯.png (627.7 KB, 1880x939, 1880:939, Opera_Snapshot_2021_08_24_….png)

File: 77a34706a34a635⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1880x939, 1880:939, Opera_Snapshot_2021_08_24_….png)

Tracking RQ-4 Global Hawk over Cali.

Southern part of the track appears to be ground mapping grid pattern.

At the western edge of the grid pattern there are several firefighting tankers and air-attack planes working a fire.

Air attack planes are aircraft that guide the water-bombers onto their targets.

The northern part of the RQ-4 track seems to be centered around a higher flying balloon.

RQ-4 & balloon tracks are predominately red and the fire fighters are much lower altitude showing a green track.

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ed3d4f  No.14446976

Martha accidently said ISIS when describing pics of Taliban in US gear. She quickly corrected herself. Interesting.

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d3cd4a  No.14446977


So all the suffering around the world is what? TAKE ONE

Take Two

Is this suffering a different episode?

Is the biblical part still in production to be released in 2024?

I'm not buying it anymore

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2eb8f2  No.14446978

File: c7892552148cf16⋯.jpeg (407.18 KB, 676x1024, 169:256, frogno.jpeg)

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0116bf  No.14446979

Kamala Harris stuck in Singapore?

Trump and Kim Jong-Un summit in Singapore?

Enjoy the show…

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1e55bb  No.14446980

File: 211e043463d7a13⋯.png (176.76 KB, 730x511, 10:7, 4e63bf5d05098277d0daf8b0a2….png)


So I should welcome the taliban terrorist

moving into the AirBNB down the street?

Invite him for dinner?

Should we watch Americans targeted

with weapons in Afghanistan donated

by our very own president together on

the TV later this week before he tries

to rape my kids and my dogs and blow

up my house?

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8dcdd6  No.14446981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



like this you mean??? (not the song but the masses partying in the vid related)

that would be a BOOM!

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d3cd4a  No.14446982

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e1ffe2  No.14446983


Black Stone Housing.

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41d38d  No.14446984

File: 1df2d1ba6ac8f84⋯.png (192.1 KB, 462x446, 231:223, Going_according_to_PLAn.png)


>‘Good For China,’ ‘Softer’

Like making all our armed forces softer by making them take a vaccine fraudulently approved just for the purpose of painting a legitimacy to it.

It's all connected.

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9e7a25  No.14446985

File: 98eebcedfec35bd⋯.png (86.14 KB, 1682x940, 841:470, Lurkers17.png)



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a7a1eb  No.14446986

File: 70a066886ce0ae3⋯.jpg (12.79 KB, 255x209, 255:209, 02aab2ed5595cad82b9807e624….jpg)

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fe0f86  No.14446987




FBI arrest former Amazon and Microsoft executive over $5.5million coronavirus relief fund fraud


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53f17d  No.14446988

File: 43f6f829a98c64d⋯.jpg (115.36 KB, 695x933, 695:933, E9ej45xXoAEHrg4.jpg)



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959e41  No.14446989

File: b489119d40e6958⋯.png (426.71 KB, 720x480, 3:2, 756741db504203c16e674b2e26….png)


Are they stranded?

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819633  No.14446990

File: d65830023aa48e3⋯.png (102.67 KB, 747x712, 747:712, ClipboardImage.png)

STATE DEPT. TO AMERICANS IN AFGHANASTAN: "Due to security threats outside gates at the Kabul airport, avoid traveling to the airport unless you receive individual instructions from a U.S. government representative to do so."

How is it that aghanies (possible terrorists) are coming here yet, Americans are told NO!


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dbef83  No.14446991


i wonder who this approach would work on,

What the left thinks of those who are right (correct, double meaning)

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82c53f  No.14446992


>>mimics how Mother Earth makes water, their Genesis Systems Water Cube

>Terraforming, oh yeah.

>Do you comprehend what you are reading?

yes. "unintended" consequence…

no more rain since moisture can be sucked from the atmosphere.

Water will become a weapon.

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1d9426  No.14446993

Nice Precipice eh what? :)

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e1ffe2  No.14446994


[y]ou have no power here.

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830f67  No.14446995

File: fba16cb1badca26⋯.png (274.29 KB, 787x445, 787:445, Pepe_in_a_bottle.png)

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125ec1  No.14446996

File: 82bf705bd94e703⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.33 MB, 599x875, 599:875, ClipboardImage.png)



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dd17fc  No.14446997

File: 4b0ae9e5b96bca8⋯.png (469.48 KB, 778x480, 389:240, gretch_pillows.png)

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54c2cf  No.14446998

File: 45ff496ba7ec002⋯.png (293.48 KB, 595x643, 595:643, ClipboardImage.png)



See new Tweets


Juanita Broaddrick


There you have it Down pointing backhand index Down pointing backhand index

Pfizer, unions, others donated $61.8 mln for Biden's inaugural | Reuters

Pfizer, unions, others donated $61.8 mln for Biden's inaugural

U.S. President Joe Biden raised $61.8 million for his inauguration events, receiving large contributions from corporations, labor unions and wealthy individuals, according to a financial disclosure.


1:44 PM · Aug 24, 2021·

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b8f0ba  No.14446999


Humanity is what jews 'unplug' themselves from when the practice satanic rituals such as the genital mutilation of infants.

This is why the unplugged wanted their 'zion', to continue their degenerate ways, at the expense of humanity.

Humanity requests that you as a human act in a thought-out way, i.e. in a natural way, while if you are dehumanized, you can have 'no boundaries', but what jews don't want to admit is that that which is not human is just degeneracy.

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d62478  No.14447000

File: dbcbf037f7772be⋯.png (409.5 KB, 625x468, 625:468, Pepe_Recon.png)


round about way of setting up and saying these stranded Americans didn't want to come home

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8096bf  No.14447001

File: 4c1b70261f1e5b9⋯.jpeg (174.46 KB, 1242x642, 207:107, 59E71937_1BDE_42A5_ACD3_D….jpeg)

JUST IN - U.S. begins troop withdrawal from #Kabul airport (Fox)


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e1ffe2  No.14447002


I can't hear you.

[Y]ou are coming through in waves.

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ebbbdf  No.14447003

File: e8253b1508cdf20⋯.png (317.32 KB, 692x361, 692:361, ClipboardImage.png)

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35c96e  No.14447004

File: 537c8368133f62d⋯.png (450.14 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, F685F3B2_6899_42CE_9C48_89….png)

Patton plays at the rally. Attached qpost says the people’s general soon. Now all i see is Soon: Biden remarks.

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0116bf  No.14447006

Learn to bake, not because you hate the current bread or notables but because you love Q Research and want to help. Intention is EVERYTHING

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125ec1  No.14447007

File: b31cda73c7db30c⋯.jpg (70.92 KB, 820x658, 410:329, PepeBlindfold.JPG)



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d4d5bc  No.14447008

File: ada121e6e29d444⋯.png (436.87 KB, 761x597, 761:597, 5b1a6007f7465801b44df405a0….png)


how will he ever stay up that late?

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ed3d4f  No.14447009


Awesome work trying, anon! Thank you for posting.

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23ae5d  No.14447010

TRUMP - f768deaef22da979abcfb73c9175b54d71fcf891666c5449c1969c07c3cc8920

GERONIMO - the real code 720 864 888

HUMANITY - 13 american banks 13

DIRECT - 1207 mccvii 1207

EVERYTHING - dec sag pattern 12 120 144 1020 1200 1212

FlyEaglesFly - one lord all code 720 864 888 972 1190 9000

GODFATHER III - 13 american banks 13

DOITQ - tues 12 07 76

FLYROTHSFLY - 13 vatican forgiven 13

RED RED ASIA - wwg1wga

RED CROSS - english code 864 888 (multiple hits here with 864 888)

STRINGER - 1276 mcclxxvi 1276

RED CROSS RED RED - 1140 decode the word god 864 / gods true codes 720 864 888 972 1140 9000

GOD - god 720 864 888 / 864 god 144 / 12 07 1976 a dec id

FLYNN - human lord god dec

HUMAN LORD GOD - jfk jr is alive / dec ophiuchus

OPHIUCHUS - vatican encoded 12 07 1976 / decipher god a dec id 720 864 888 / dec dragon year / bible god is here 720 864 888 972 1140 9000

DRAGON YEAR - can you see 720 864 888 / vital info 12 07 76 / decode gods 888 code

SOROS - the archer 687 864 144 / hs1jq13jv6

WONDERFUL - decode the lord 720 864 888

WE SAID NO - vital data 12 07 76

FREEDOM - real dec code 144

BREAK - code black / abcdefgfedcba abcdefgfedcba

ABCDEFGFEDCBA ABCDEFGFEDCBA - ray is a dec id / lord born 12 07 76

RAY - ray 720 864 888 972 1212 9000 / 13 rothschild banking 13

THANK YOU - jesus usa 12 76 / its a dec id key / a number is id / gematria is id / key made for dec

NAT SEC - 13 magdalene 13 / decode god 720 864 888 / covfefe

JUSTICE - a dec gematria / a dec code of god / birthday 12 07 76

BDT - 12 07 1976 a dec id / god 720 864 888 / 864 god 144

DEEP CLEANING - day seven 12 07 / tuesday 12 07 76

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54c2cf  No.14447011


>JUST IN - U.S. begins troop withdrawal from #Kabul airport (Fox)


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cbeb44  No.14447012

File: 9e7af4b9177c3f7⋯.jpg (55.49 KB, 890x534, 5:3, ZomboMeme_06012021181410.jpg)

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a7a1eb  No.14447013

File: 249feea35059ba3⋯.jpg (38.89 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 249feea35059ba35be7bc2a866….jpg)


Pre pic ice. Full speed ahead please.

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41d38d  No.14447015


>JUST IN - U.S. begins troop withdrawal from #Kabul airport (Fox)

Leaving American Citizens behind to suffer.

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53f17d  No.14447017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anime = 0

Real Girls = 100

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8f9e34  No.14447018

File: 635e5ba50f61655⋯.pdf (80.03 KB, White_Paper.pdf)

File: ea7c5b89d76eb0d⋯.png (458.42 KB, 578x753, 578:753, WP_page_1.png)

File: cee0fc820d9f0e2⋯.png (486.23 KB, 625x812, 625:812, WP_page_2.png)

File: 73c444329816c92⋯.png (437.1 KB, 615x793, 615:793, WP_page_3.png)

File: d0f72cf08ef179f⋯.png (515.53 KB, 602x794, 301:397, WP_page_4.png)

Anons, here is a White Paper that, I think, summarizes our current circumstances very well.

It starts on something that has been bugging me, seeing people on social media blaming Trump about the vaccines and continuing to advocate getting the jab. But it covers pretty much everything - the virus, the vaccine, all the disinfo, all of the social engineering crap (it touches on this)


it ends with a clear justification for Trump's actions, because it pretty clearly - at least imho - covers how we're in a hybrid war and how to fight back and win.

It contains the really important things we all understand well, but I've never really seen it put together quite like this before. It doesn't delve into the relationship of religion to this issue, the pedophilia aspect of our enemies' motivations, FISA (only oblique reference to law and courts in general) or military involvement.

But it does seem to state things pretty clearly.

It's a 7-page read in pdf format, but since some anons shy away from pdfs I made screen caps, too. I'll put the pdf and first 4 caps here, then tag this post with my second post including the last 3 caps.

Hope someone finds it useful.

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2425ac  No.14447019

File: ec97d8ba42672d2⋯.png (11.08 KB, 500x245, 100:49, ClipboardImage.png)

what was the significance of 11:11?

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a38082  No.14447020


Can we drop Joe off there?

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830f67  No.14447021

File: eb579e9d31901e0⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 1189x1600, 1189:1600, Sam_wants_bakers.jpg)

File: 30d21962fbfff79⋯.jpg (267.46 KB, 518x692, 259:346, Caught.jpg)

File: bc964bcf52984ff⋯.jpg (248.22 KB, 415x644, 415:644, Love_baking.jpg)

File: 6583779efb36a04⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1198x1434, 599:717, Bake.jpg)

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5cb1dd  No.14447022

File: 67b630534fa860d⋯.jpeg (714.97 KB, 1125x865, 225:173, DF9516C8_AE73_4CA2_B24A_B….jpeg)



Jesus- we need you.

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e1ffe2  No.14447023

File: de44f0770dfe7dc⋯.png (92.79 KB, 1344x724, 336:181, ClipboardImage.png)

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b8f0ba  No.14447024


I wonder how many now know that America is sacrificing lives for israel.

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ebbbdf  No.14447025

File: 1d9cf207560dcb3⋯.png (459.39 KB, 612x408, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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9e7a25  No.14447026

File: 21d08e671f1d926⋯.png (941.95 KB, 1217x888, 1217:888, 21d08e671f1d9263e38272ab17….png)

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8f9e34  No.14447027

File: b80856493bbbee1⋯.png (484.82 KB, 609x739, 609:739, WP_page_5.png)

File: 1143667f3bb4050⋯.png (509.68 KB, 588x780, 49:65, WP_page_6.png)

File: 810df592c3f899f⋯.png (517.17 KB, 610x763, 610:763, WP_page_7.png)


Last 3 screencaps here

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22fad7  No.14447028


Moses likes this

They've been using it as a weapon since 2014 at least, if not earlier.


6 million infections incoming. But they will survive it because they are the chosen people.

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1e55bb  No.14447029


Huh? So what about the Americans told

Not to go to the airport?

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fc29e5  No.14447031

File: 454b5ac61eed5dc⋯.png (17.86 KB, 551x129, 551:129, ClipboardImage.png)

US Military Has Started Withdrawing From Afghanistan – Biden Turns His Back on Thousands of Americans Stranded Behind Enemy Lines

The US military has started withdrawing from Afghanistan.

Thousands of Americans are now trapped in a potential hostage situation because of Joe Biden.

According to Fox News Pentagon reporter Lucas Tomlinson, the US is reducing troop presence, US officials said.

Joe Biden on Tuesday agreed to stick with the August 31 Afghanistan withdrawal deadline after the Taliban threatened “consequences.”

The Taliban on Monday announced they will not extend the August 31 deadline for US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The terrorists are calling the shots now and barking orders at Joe Biden.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told reporters on Tuesday they are keeping their August 31 deadline. Majahid also announced the Taliban will no longer allow Afghans to leave the country.

Joe Biden left the Taliban army with weapons, missiles, aircraft, uniform, cash and even energy drinks and now the army he created is barking the orders at the Biden regime.



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82c53f  No.14447032

File: 5cb1c5e6d9480ea⋯.jpg (99.24 KB, 397x407, 397:407, bend_over_and_kiss_ass_goo….jpg)

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1e3b7f  No.14447033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let The Light Shine Through …

For Me and You.

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1d9426  No.14447034


I have suffered angst during this journey but now, the end of the beginning seems in sight. comfy feeling.

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e1ffe2  No.14447035


Yes Baker is our mate.

God Bless.

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5817f8  No.14447036


Japan stance with black cowboy hat do not go together

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53f17d  No.14447037


two pillars : two pillars

As above so below.

all dis shit

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41d38d  No.14447038

File: 5d6f6ce447240d9⋯.jpg (32.23 KB, 402x262, 201:131, Seen_some_shit_doggo.jpg)

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c4c60b  No.14447039

File: 12835f5a32cf2c9⋯.gif (3.82 MB, 500x216, 125:54, 12835f5a32cf2c9b39190ee100….gif)

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ee2828  No.14447040


drop 22.NG

conditions to authorize

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9574e9  No.14447041

File: ceae86a7060f7f3⋯.jpg (16.39 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 6a704a2b39dc6fc10c80b27070….jpg)


Waiting for Tapper for coverage?


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393058  No.14447043

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)


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498f0c  No.14447044

File: 36880068731bdbb⋯.png (1.16 MB, 828x830, 414:415, ClipboardImage.png)


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fe0f86  No.14447045


Biden must have hit his illegal immigrant quota, and is outta there..

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ebbbdf  No.14447046

File: 29860f63bad4831⋯.png (547.46 KB, 666x375, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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e1ffe2  No.14447047

File: d45f8a21c30bf0f⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1334x966, 29:21, ClipboardImage.png)




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d62478  No.14447048



The day the Trump WashDC military parade was scheduled…

and then it got cancelled.

MSM did a front page newpaper headlines with a 666 to rub anons noses in it

then there was a bunch of Looking Glass and time travel stuff in breads

future meaning… still to be determined

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d8e058  No.14447049

this board is pretty much nothing but heebs and their shabbos goys at this point

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53f17d  No.14447050

File: 3b8d1ad7d8d6d52⋯.png (5.44 KB, 639x145, 639:145, Screenshot_2021_08_24_at_1….png)





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b8f0ba  No.14447051


I never used those words, did I, jew?

You know that your 'religion' is to mutilate the genitals of infants, and that it even included the sucking of the mutilated infant genitals to drink the blood.

And yet you think you are fighting for something good by pretending that jews are somehow not doing something wrong when their rituals include sucking bloody mutilated infant genitals?

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1b0860  No.14447052


Let me know where it is so I know not to go where you are.

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ddaea9  No.14447053

File: 65dbdd3053d1b9b⋯.jpg (69.01 KB, 833x451, 833:451, sadhguru_says.jpg)

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2425ac  No.14447054


thank you

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506e7c  No.14447055

File: fd98fc085c6a878⋯.jpeg (157.99 KB, 750x1095, 50:73, F26E71A9_7F95_4144_8BE1_6….jpeg)

US plans to offer COVID-19 vaccines to Afghan refugees, White House says

White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed that evacuees from Afghanistan arriving in the United States are being tested for COVID-19 and will be offered vaccines as coronavirus cases surge among people yet to get the shot.

“They are being tested, and we are working through offering vaccines and what that process will look like,” Psaki told reporters on Monday.

No, sorry, Feds go fuck yourselves

What’s this (offering) bullshit when you are trying to mandate American’s into taking the fucking jab?

If you mandate American’s every cock sucking refugee needs to get jabbed first right as they get off the fucking planes. Until then fuckoff with your forced mandates!!!

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1d9426  No.14447056

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830f67  No.14447058

File: 561910b51a76e6a⋯.jpg (164.13 KB, 442x607, 442:607, Feels.jpg)

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7d4e47  No.14447059


This pic proves that you can't suck your own dick. Even if you could bend like that, you'd have to have a really long cack in order for it to reach your mouth. Not worth it.

Plus a guy on reddit once said that it just feels like you're suckin' dick, and not getting your dick sucked.

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702824  No.14447060



Since guns kill people, you have a better chance of making it without us being there.

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ebbbdf  No.14447061

File: 8e3f6fd08c2eaa6⋯.png (112.53 KB, 255x315, 17:21, mirror2.png)

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506e7c  No.14447062


Sauce: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/us-plans-offer-covid-vaccines-afghan-refugees

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284abc  No.14447063

File: 7523e5c7804a361⋯.jpg (263.69 KB, 800x764, 200:191, keks_in_dog.jpg)


>And a band

To be honest, I don't want to be in either!

Although being in a band is a significant improvement over being in a dog.

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a03b21  No.14447065

File: d4cc126cd9b4674⋯.jpg (124.89 KB, 499x590, 499:590, Dishwashing_evil_away.jpg)

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ed3d4f  No.14447066

The US military would not leave Americans behind.

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e53ae0  No.14447067

File: d87c8685e53431a⋯.jpg (16.01 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 57abd9034b3475f09dc7ee5cf4….jpg)


for asking to be eliminated by a pro? ok…… moran

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d8e058  No.14447068

File: 962e15ba5fdf9ef⋯.png (516.86 KB, 657x655, 657:655, ClipboardImage.png)

here come the paid shill faggots

pile on, niggers

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67ccd5  No.14447069


Are taliban




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ed3d4f  No.14447070


Be careful of all the narratives and lies out there.

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e53ae0  No.14447071


glowing means living. opposite of desired state.

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c2fe33  No.14447072

Q had a very good plan but was never actually capable of executing it. What a disaster….

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1b0860  No.14447074


It is ok when there is a rally or

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8096bf  No.14447075

File: 4e6e4fb5e7d90c4⋯.jpeg (450.39 KB, 1242x686, 621:343, 3B97F30B_A5C9_4C8C_9406_0….jpeg)



God Wins! The Lion of Judah is ROARING!

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125ec1  No.14447076

File: 2712bdc7bdc517e⋯.png (3.87 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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41d38d  No.14447077


It means mob rule.

"Make the world safe for democracy"

Thanks a lot Woodrow…you fucked America good and hard in 1913 too.

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0a6c64  No.14447078


well at least we will not have to worry about them for long.

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ebbbdf  No.14447079

File: e93ed94819449f2⋯.jpg (26.51 KB, 625x626, 625:626, B8_1.jpg)

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9245b5  No.14447081

File: fabc8d4927848b3⋯.jpeg (508.2 KB, 640x923, 640:923, 36BB289A_7A20_45B0_AEB2_6….jpeg)

I can’t believe Bidan is actually going to leave over 10,000 Americans behind

A lot of people think the Taliban will start beheading them on September 1st

This turns my stomach. Dude is evil.


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c2fe33  No.14447082


Trust Sessions

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2eb8f2  No.14447083

File: 4d2733d4e00d759⋯.jpg (46.32 KB, 679x465, 679:465, 1111.jpg)

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0a9f70  No.14447084

File: 354cb755ce15588⋯.jpg (87.55 KB, 581x568, 581:568, the_mcks2.jpg)

File: 5bfbd0577d2a886⋯.jpg (88.47 KB, 581x568, 581:568, the_mcks3.jpg)

File: 13f6f7ae14e28cc⋯.jpg (86.78 KB, 581x568, 581:568, the_mcks4.jpg)

File: 0dc641aae0a627d⋯.jpg (88.5 KB, 581x568, 581:568, the_mcks.jpg)

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b8f0ba  No.14447086



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383abe  No.14447087


Insane Irish

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5e49d1  No.14447088


Osho said that, not Sadguru

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0a9f70  No.14447089

File: 4f92a2fb33dde01⋯.png (267.17 KB, 500x432, 125:108, bitch_cream.png)

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cbeb44  No.14447090

File: cc15fbe087e7cce⋯.jpg (61.67 KB, 540x540, 1:1, ZomboMeme_24082021140924.jpg)

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2425ac  No.14447091

File: 954a1be594aa0ca⋯.png (10.72 KB, 483x190, 483:190, ClipboardImage.png)


thanks, I was thinking there might have been significance in regards to the clock.

671 = 11:11

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8dcdd6  No.14447092


there are real Taliban and fake Taliban

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c2fe33  No.14447093


Trust Wray

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e53ae0  No.14447094


not a killa. ready to be made into chalk art tho.

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498f0c  No.14447096


Well-played Q.

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1e55bb  No.14447097


Idk yet

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64445a  No.14447098

File: 373b8f4763188cf⋯.jpg (18.39 KB, 474x206, 237:103, John_832.jpg)

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ac8a30  No.14447099


honestly, there can't be long left now until the world ends, even if the bible is totally false

might as well stick around a short while longer to see how exactly it happens

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ebbbdf  No.14447100

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


>"You all lost, yet I'm still here day in and day out…"

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2eb8f2  No.14447101


who are the refugees in this movie? I can't tell anyone apart anymore. Taliban are home grown terrorists while Isis are CIA terrorists?

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53f17d  No.14447102


had very bad campaigns for the last 20 years, but the new chairman of the board hired some new stars that have them on top this season.

I hope they make it to the semifinals.

odds are 17/1

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7d4e47  No.14447103

Q drop 824

23-Feb-2018 6:24:14 PM CST:




Someone posted earlier that this could be referring to a Space Force General. But it could also refer to VP Harris stuck in Singapore right now. 2 as in second in command, the vice president?

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299f6c  No.14447104



Seems like everything's coming to a head all at once, doesn't it? Vaccines causing job losses, Invading swathes of incompatibles, Americans absolutely stranded in certain death conditions, HBO doesn't do good late night anymore, traitorous gov't gives billions in equipment to literal medieval Islamic types, obviously fraudulent election results keep getting pushed back, Mike Lindell misses prediction date, Trump plays Satan's theme song at his rallies, POTUS is literally retarded and reading off cue cards, 57 genders, Julian Assange still locked up, Black National Anthem, FBI locking up American citizens for exercising the 1st, Antifa skull fucking reporters with dildos, Scott Adams, EDM replacing DISCO, lack of high speed broadband in rural USA 30 fucking years after the fucking internet is invented by Al Gore, OnlyThots getting rid of the good stuff, and America has soccer teams, now…

Everything's fucked, yo.

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fba09b  No.14447105

I decided to lookup a Seattle Judge I lived with once upon a time.

He's a Master mason and likes to hit on underage girls and take them back to his house and provide them with alcohol.


He's a real piece of shit.

See something, say something.

I sincerely hope his name is one of those indictments.

He's as dirty as they come.

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fc29e5  No.14447106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pfizer CEO says he expects COVID-19 vaccine trials for children ages 5-11 will wrap up as soon as September

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says that he expects COVID-19 vaccine trials for children ages 5 to 11 will be completed in September.

On Monday, the Food and Drug Administration approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for full use in people ages 16 years and older.

What are the details?

During a Monday interview with NBC News' Lester Holt, Bourla said that Pfizer is running "very large studies right now" on children younger than 12 years old and anticipates that those studies will end in September, at which point the biopharmaceutical company will submit its data to the FDA for emergency use authorization.

According to the network, the company expects further data on toddlers and children up to 4 years old soon thereafter.

Dr. Peter Marks, the FDA's director for its Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said that the trials continue and that the agency has to wait for Pfizer to submit the data from their trials in order to maintain a "good safety dataset."

"[W]e certainly want to make sure that we get it right in the children ages 5 through 11 and then even younger children after that," Marks said.

On Monday, Bourla said that he has high hopes that the FDA approval will encourage vaccine-hesitant to get inoculated against COVID-19.

"Based on the longer-term follow-up date that we submitted, today's approval for those aged 16 and over affirms the efficacy and safety profile of our vaccine at a time when it is urgently needed," Bourla said in response to the news. "I am hopeful this approval will help increase confidence in our vaccine, as vaccination remains the best tool we have to help protect lives and achieve herd immunity."

What else?

Following the FDA's Monday announcement, the American Academy of Pediatrics called for the agency to "work aggressively to authorize a vaccine for ages 11 and younger" as the highly contagious Delta variant wreaks havoc with the numbers of children being diagnosed with the coronavirus.

"The clinical trials for the COVID-19 vaccine in children ages 11 years old and younger are underway, and we need to see the data from those studies before we give this vaccine to younger children," American Academy of Pediatrics President Lee Savio Beers said in a statement. "The dose may be different for younger ages. The AAP recommends against giving the vaccine to children under 12 until authorized by the FDA."


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f56e5f  No.14447107

File: 33bcfc518566293⋯.png (602.98 KB, 800x533, 800:533, taliban_pepe.png)


Taliban are fucking retards…

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ddaea9  No.14447108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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363fe6  No.14447109

Whelp. It finally happened.

Biden asked companies to mandate the vax and spouseanon's "fast follower" company just sent out a letter this morning to all employees mandating vax by October 15th.

Looks like we'll be on our own again.

Are we at the precipice yet?

I mean, we have savings and low expenses. We'll be fine for quite a while, but this sucks.

Also, what kind of company labels themselves as "fast followers"? That should be an insult, not a goal.

Edelman Financial Engines

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e53ae0  No.14447110


not doing myself, but if any anons have smoking someone on their bucket list, I gotcha.

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b8f0ba  No.14447111


22k non U.S. citizen afghans who have been fighting the U.S. occupation for 20 years, are welcomed to the U.S. at haste, because the BLM terrorism to start a civil war didn't pan out?

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2425ac  No.14447112



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2eb8f2  No.14447113


There is always another apocalypse in the making

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284abc  No.14447115

File: d0ae824912e3af2⋯.png (21.64 KB, 1077x382, 1077:382, urso.PNG)


>Christina Urso

Christina Bear?

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8dcdd6  No.14447116


there have been also several Singapore Q drops… but it don't know if any of them fits

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ce5644  No.14447117

File: 0b77715c0fc7899⋯.png (138.42 KB, 344x350, 172:175, 0b77715c0fc7899ba5abd0bf83….png)

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2bdada  No.14447118

File: 65d2817075613fc⋯.png (55.58 KB, 683x990, 683:990, Q_post_176_August_24_2021.png)


86 >>14446211 (LB)








824 >>14446377 (LB)





Q post 176

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: rHXVKCrC No.150391223 📁

Nov 21 2017 19:01:21 (EST)

What was posted prior to the stringer?

What keywords were within the stringer?

Why would keywords be left in the stringer?

Future shows past.

Learn to read the map.

Everything has meaning - EVERYTHING.


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506e7c  No.14447119


If it’s just being “offered” to them they can refuse the jab…

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1e55bb  No.14447120


Getting a little more precipice-y I guess

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312efb  No.14447121


Let them do it. It’s a needle noodle. They are fucked, regardless

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085d91  No.14447122


fq all the good anons, kiss you all the shit anons, only b/c when cinderella came, i was in love with the withch, b/c i'm stvpid fvck crazy.

I found cindy to easy to conquer..

out, too tired, i've read you all day nonsensens., now my brain, small, scareams, fvck you, enough for me.

tc, cu 2morrow, if my body can take it. anymore.

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9245b5  No.14447123

File: 4fbf29a1d7542ca⋯.jpeg (488.12 KB, 640x942, 320:471, 6640F6D1_7967_49AA_BEB5_7….jpeg)

Alot of people think the Taliban will start beheading the thousands of Americans that are still trapped in Afghanistan September 1st

I can’t believe Xiden fucked this up as bad as he did and has the nerve to laugh about it


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2d664c  No.14447125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Notable Notes


>>14446810 Chinese State Media Feels Biden’s Personnel Picks ‘Good For China,’ ‘Softer’ Than Trump (2020)

>>14446818 Pharma fraud - PFIZER

>>14446827 Colombian police take down criminal group behind human trafficking

>>14446838 Chicago CBP Seizes Counterfeit DEA Badges, Again!

>>14446843 Air and Marine Operations P-3 crews and partners seize 114,000 pounds of cocaine

>>14446853 Washington Tech Executive Sentenced for Covid-19 Relief Fraud Scheme

>>14446865 Biden Sticks to the Taliban Demanded August 31st Deadline

>>14446887 Carroll County Sex Offender Pleads Guilty to Federal Charge for Possession of Child Pornography

>>14446897 Inver Grove Heights Man Sentenced to 180 Months in Prison for Producing Child Pornography

>>14446902 COVER UP: Pelosi Congress Tells Fed Court 1/6 Videos Are NOT Public Records!

>>14446929 Ultra-Vaxxed Israel’s Crisis Is a Dire Warning to America

>>14446933 WATCH: White House press secretary Psaki holds news conference

>>14446935 This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected


>>14446975 PF REPORT - Tracking RQ-4 Global Hawk over Cali.

>>14446998 Pfizer, unions, others donated $61.8 mln for Biden's inaugural

>>14447001, >>14447031, >>14447081 US Military Has Started Withdrawing From Afghanistan

>>14447016 Torrance, California, arrested a man sleeping in his car, uncovering a gun, narcotics, and 300 unopened recall ballots in his possession.

>>14447055 US plans to offer COVID-19 vaccines to Afghan refugees, White House says

>>14447106 Pfizer CEO says he expects COVID-19 vaccine trials for children ages 5-11 will wrap up as soon as September


Grab yourself something to eat, drink and a comfy seat.. The show must go on, drip, drip, FLOOD

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dbef83  No.14447126

File: fce44d85b1f32c7⋯.png (907.82 KB, 500x957, 500:957, ClipboardImage.png)


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2425ac  No.14447127


they are probably mostly decent, but you don't bring in a bunch of unvetted people from a hot bed

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c48089  No.14447128


4 1/2


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9574e9  No.14447129

File: eaf3f961216adde⋯.jpg (192.51 KB, 736x772, 184:193, dbc3c2dc3ffe9d402542101f00….jpg)

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41f7d9  No.14447130


Don't know if this is Bidan afraid of bad optics (on Bidan himself) if US military are killed or captured, or if the military itself has parted ways with Bidan.and has decided to save their assets.

I mention the latter because Bidan ROE make them defenseless anyway. Have to check with lawyers before they even paint a target. Who the fuck will want to join the military at this point.

Decision to leave UK and Germany high and dry is bottom of the barrel bullshit. We have bases in those countries Ramstein/Landstuhl is major. This jeopardizes the future of those bases.

Can't see any loyal US military allowing this to continue. I have never witnessed anything that tops this on the disgusting scale from a US administration, and there is some very pathetic competition that had to be beat.

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9245b5  No.14447131


>Trump plays Satan's theme song at his rallies

What theme song is that pray tell?

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35363e  No.14447132

File: 8e2161a023075d4⋯.png (530.92 KB, 512x500, 128:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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6d5ec4  No.14447133


bad IMHO. Trump had them under control like he said at his rally the other night.

Bidan doesn't and that's what we are seeing now.

Difference between good and evil running wild.

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1e55bb  No.14447134


Terrorists holding Americans hostage

with their own guns seems like a pretty

huge narrative the MSM fags could maybe get a week or two out of at least

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f44ac5  No.14447135

File: e70fa7a7dc1f5d1⋯.jpeg (26.31 KB, 800x598, 400:299, 800.jpeg)

RIP in peace Charlie Watts


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41d38d  No.14447136

File: c588abcccfa2af7⋯.png (409.25 KB, 449x450, 449:450, 023d84ce95b75597741765f683….png)


Her boss looks like a faggot on that show of his.

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53f17d  No.14447138

File: 617624028ef74c0⋯.png (147.64 KB, 598x508, 299:254, Screenshot_2021_08_24_at_1….png)



This is what a state run media psychological operation looks like.

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1d9426  No.14447139


WTH is code monkey doing out there? Kek

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c05e55  No.14447140

Comfy to LIGHT!

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732f8a  No.14447141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Donald Trump Delivers "Major Speech" in West Palm Beach

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9574e9  No.14447142

File: 629c06f77db43c8⋯.jpg (9.1 KB, 179x198, 179:198, OIPxxx.jpg)


If she is truly in Singapore, she is being well handled.

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299f6c  No.14447143

File: ec52a5384eb046b⋯.jpg (77.03 KB, 653x477, 653:477, Chris_Cuomo_Oh_No_That_Suc….jpg)


>And he said, 'no, get out.'


>Trump had them under control like he said at his rally the other night.

Something tells me nothing going on over there is as it appears to be reported as going on over there; iffin' you are picking up what I'm putting down, and all.

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2eb8f2  No.14447144

File: 0d34c904d20e547⋯.jpg (117.04 KB, 680x453, 680:453, omartreasoncome_2.jpg)

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959e41  No.14447145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don´t understand what this guy is saying at 0:25 about POTUS Trump. Is you saying you /Biden) was against Trump and now we are against you or did he said we were against Trump and now we are against you?

And clips like that are something for the fucking libtards and fucking assholes who really voted for the piece of shit...

Stranded Man Slams Biden Over Botched Withdrawal: “Mr. Biden You Did This! You Planned This!”

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fc29e5  No.14447147

Pelosi And Moderate Dems Strike Deal Over $4.1 Trillion Economic Plan

Moderate Democrats have finally agreed to a deal with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to move forward with their party's $4.1 trillion economic plan, according to Bloomberg, citing a lawmaker involved in the negotiations.

The agreement would allow for the adoption of the Senate's $3.5 trillion tax and spending blueprint, while setting up a final vote on a separate $550 billion infrastructure bill no later than Sept. 27. The blueprint, meanwhile, is slated to receive a Tuesday vote as part of a rule governing debate on the bill, along with another on voting rights legislation.

The anticipated vote Tuesday would adopt the $3.5 trillion budget resolution as part of a rule governing debate on the infrastructure bill and voting rights legislation. -Bloomberg

According to the report, the deal came after a pressure campaign from the White House and Democratic leaders.

Ahead of an expected House vote Tuesday afternoon, the Rules Committee reconvened to put the deadline for the infrastructure vote into writing, which was enough to appease the group of 10 centrists who threatened to hold up the budget framework if the House didn’t pass the infrastructure bill this week.

In addition to Pelosi’s pressure campaign, Biden and his top aides made calls to the group of moderates and other House Democrats to again emphasize White House support for Pelosi’s strategy and the importance of the budget resolution, the infrastructure bill and the voting rights legislation to the president’s goals, according to officials. -Bloomberg

"These negotiations are never easy," said Rules Chairman Jim McGovern (D-MA), adding "It is my hope that my colleagues who recognize the very simple choice to advance the presidents agenda or obstruct it."

The group of moderate Democrats - who had previously objected to Pelosi's two-track approach to passing the infrastructure vote in tandem with the $3.5 trillion blueprint was passed - were at odds with progressive Democrats who backed Pelosi's approach.

"We’re going to have to leap together," said Pelosi ally Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-PA), adding "The most progressive members of my caucus, the most moderate members of caucus need to come together and recognize it’s either going to be doing both bills or we’re really in the end not going to be able to pass either one of them."


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ed3d4f  No.14447148

Has anyone seen any vids or pics of Americans at the airport gate begging for help? I may have missed them.

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2d664c  No.14447149

File: 8209362bd6d4e4e⋯.jpg (1004.28 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1628924228577.jpg)


Operation Stay Comfy has been a complete success, sir.

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e1ffe2  No.14447150


The Terrorists are CIA Puppets.

And they are holding the world hostage.

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41d38d  No.14447151

File: 29958a6ac851e84⋯.jpg (352.5 KB, 1924x1546, 962:773, Just_sign_here.jpg)


> I have never witnessed anything that tops this on the disgusting scale from a US administration, and there is some very pathetic competition that had to be beat.

He does what the CCP is ordering him to do.

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2425ac  No.14447152

File: 01f141b406b9bda⋯.png (21.15 KB, 264x559, 264:559, ClipboardImage.png)


if this in relation to today these are in relation to the coming days

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a03b21  No.14447153

File: dc9303fcc599ebe⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 2016x1512, 4:3, IMG_0956.jpg)

Where the Pig is @

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1d9426  No.14447154



95% are going to agree with him? he has a 41% approval rating, at best.

They truly are grasping at anything at this point!

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d62478  No.14447155

File: 9137a86f686f801⋯.png (106.01 KB, 598x732, 299:366, PepeMilitia.png)


if Taliban starts beheading stranded Americans…

there are husbands, dads, brothers and sons, especially veteran combat hardened ones with war fighting experience who will want revenge

dat shit gonna make it get so real yo

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363fe6  No.14447156


He's not the boss anymore. They bought him out. It's some hedge fund looking to bundle it up and take it public now.

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c05e55  No.14447157


Comfy that !

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176492  No.14447159






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23ae5d  No.14447160

This gematria shit just lead me to a crypto account.

THE ARCHER - i cracked the code / looprm3117211

LOOPRM3117211 - add my math 12 07 1976 / 0xbaf1e426ea5d8a18c3ad0d81cd6ddd964f5042c9 / a real dec id code


Now what?

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54f0a5  No.14447161

File: d49267d637343dc⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 337x404, 337:404, d49267d637343dc654a3aa186d….jpg)


Spouseanon needs to get fired, not quit. If employers have to fire enough people, the beancounters are going to start worrying about repercussions.

When shopping for new job, include the vax demand letter with resume, and say you're looking for a job with a company who values individual freedom.

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e1ffe2  No.14447162

File: 509b6a0a0c8f324⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1067x1241, 1067:1241, ClipboardImage.png)

The only way out, is through.

The candles have been lit.

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41d38d  No.14447163

File: 557eb9c6adc476f⋯.png (126.91 KB, 922x904, 461:452, Nancy_crazydrunk_Pepe.png)


>Pelosi And Moderate Dems Strike Deal Over $4.1 Trillion Economic Plan

She can't even control her own drinking and she wants to control the nation's purse strings?

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a7a1eb  No.14447164


It's not waterboarding if you use diesel. What's the extradition policy there. Hmmmm

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ce5644  No.14447165

File: 5b602b1d6758719⋯.png (999.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5b602b1d67587195f02e4fe065….png)


>Now what?

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8927a8  No.14447166

any Q aggregate sites other than Qanon.pub still up?

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2d664c  No.14447168

File: b67db60fe9ddb54⋯.jpg (13.8 KB, 206x255, 206:255, 1628994773725.jpg)

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9245b5  No.14447169


>When shopping for new job, include the vax demand letter with resume, and say you're looking for a job with a company who values individual freedom.

This is the way. They can’t fire us all (especially with labor shortages already (dumb fucks ;)))

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c05e55  No.14447170



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284abc  No.14447171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Never heard of Sympathy for the Devil?

Don Mclean, a devout Christian, knew.

He was referring to Mick Jagger when he said "And as I watched him on the stage, …

"American Pie"

A long, long time ago

I can still remember how that music used to make me smile

And I knew if I had my chance

That I could make those people dance

And maybe they'd be happy for a while

But February made me shiver

With every paper I'd deliver

Bad news on the doorstep

I couldn't take one more step

I can't remember if I cried

When I read about his widowed bride

But something touched me deep inside

The day the music died

So bye, bye, Miss American Pie

Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry

And them good ole boys were drinking whiskey 'n rye

Singin' this'll be the day that I die

This'll be the day that I die

Did you write the book of love

And do you have faith in God above

If the Bible tells you so?

Now do you believe in rock and roll?

Can music save your mortal soul?

And can you teach me how to dance real slow?

Well, I know that you're in love with him

'Cause I saw you dancin' in the gym

You both kicked off your shoes

Man, I dig those rhythm and blues

I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck

With a pink carnation and a pickup truck

But I knew I was out of luck

The day the music died

I started singing bye, bye, Miss American Pie

Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry

Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey 'n rye

Singin' this'll be the day that I die

This'll be the day that I die

Now for ten years we've been on our own

And moss grows fat on a rollin' stone

But that's not how it used to be

When the jester sang for the king and queen

In a coat he borrowed from James Dean

And a voice that came from you and me

Oh, and while the king was looking down

The jester stole his thorny crown

The courtroom was adjourned

No verdict was returned

And while Lennin read a book on Marx

The quartet practiced in the park

And we sang dirges in the dark

The day the music died

We were singing bye, bye, Miss American Pie

Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry

Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey 'n rye

Singin' this'll be the day that I die

This'll be the day that I die

Helter skelter in a summer swelter

The birds flew off with a fallout shelter

Eight miles high and falling fast

It landed foul on the grass

The players tried for a forward pass

With the jester on the sidelines in a cast

Now the halftime air was sweet perfume

While the sergeants played a marching tune

We all got up to dance

Oh, but we never got the chance

'Cause the players tried to take the field

The marching band refused to yield

Do you recall what was revealed

The day the music died?

We started singing bye, bye, Miss American Pie

Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry

Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey 'n rye

And singin' this'll be the day that I die

This'll be the day that I die

Oh, and there we were all in one place

A generation lost in space

With no time left to start again

So come on, Jack be nimble, Jack be quick

Jack Flash sat on a candlestick

'Cause fire is the devil's only friend

Oh, and as I watched him on the stage

My hands were clenched in fists of rage

No angel born in Hell

Could break that Satan's spell

And as the flames climbed high into the night

To light the sacrificial rite

I saw Satan laughing with delight

The day the music died

He was singing bye, bye, Miss American Pie

Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry

Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey 'n rye

And singin' this'll be the day that I die

This'll be the day that I die

I met a girl who sang the blues

And I asked her for some happy news

But she just smiled and turned away

I went down to the sacred store

Where I'd heard the music years before

But the man there said the music wouldn't play

And in the streets, the children screamed

The lovers cried and the poets dreamed

But not a word was spoken

The church bells all were broken

And the three men I admire most

The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost

They caught the last train for the coast

The day the music died

And they were singing bye, bye, Miss American Pie

Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry

And them good ole boys were drinking whiskey 'n rye

Singin' this'll be the day that I die

This'll be the day that I die

They were singing bye, bye, Miss American Pie

Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry

Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey 'n rye

And singin' this'll be the day that I die

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dbef83  No.14447172


Tell her to behave like she behaves at home,

she would be fired within minutes with most women.

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2425ac  No.14447173

File: 9437a048f32d9a6⋯.png (29.58 KB, 1181x120, 1181:120, ClipboardImage.png)


check this out anons… look where stanislav was working out of

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8927a8  No.14447174


Thank you

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cbeb44  No.14447175

File: 78851b08cf5fa21⋯.jpg (599.26 KB, 1076x1274, 538:637, Screenshot_20210824_154611….jpg)

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9245b5  No.14447176

File: 96afe5c3d919569⋯.jpeg (339.16 KB, 640x695, 128:139, 48453B7B_B156_4E1F_9D9A_C….jpeg)


>She can't even control her own drinking and she wants to control the nation's purse strings?

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5cb1dd  No.14447177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e9cbbc  No.14447178


quad 5s in ID checked.

Comfy, ready for LIGHT!

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9574e9  No.14447179


Those fellas don't need an extradition policy.

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363fe6  No.14447180


I know. Turns out in the heat of the moment when the news comes out, it's hard to control anger and not lash out.

Hanging in for now. Not sure how long it will last. If we make it to the end of the day without a blowup or confession, it will be a victory!

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1dfc3a  No.14447181


From THEIR point of view, it is all going according to plan.

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54f0a5  No.14447182

File: bd22186a9ec243e⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 900x770, 90:77, bd22186a9ec243eae2fd9f08c5….jpg)


> It's some hedge fund looking to bundle it up and take it public now.

Sounds like a good short candidate if all the employees are vaxxed.

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41d38d  No.14447184


> It's some hedge fund looking to bundle it up and take it public now.

Not with half the essential staff quitting or seriously becoming walking bloodclots in a few years

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a587ba  No.14447185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Charlies current conversation is going something like this.

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c05e55  No.14447186


You also have qresear.ch to seaech any word in this q research treads

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ce5644  No.14447188

File: fe7297c644586a4⋯.png (240.24 KB, 506x475, 506:475, fe7297c644586a4ee4ac8c42ab….png)

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284abc  No.14447189


He was also referring to the plane crash that killed the big bopper et al.

7/10 aircraft crashes are no accident.

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5cb1dd  No.14447190


She studdering worse than Porky Pig! Kek

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7d4e47  No.14447191


singapore?! JAYSUS! what are the FUCKIN' odds?

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fc29e5  No.14447192

File: 35c73bb8cc47403⋯.png (168.63 KB, 577x426, 577:426, ClipboardImage.png)

White House @PressSec

says "completion of the [Afghanistan] mission by August 31st depends on continued coordination with the Taliban."


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e1f928  No.14447193

File: e74a2f776eeed28⋯.png (1.03 MB, 920x770, 92:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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299f6c  No.14447194



The fact he knew it was a sacrifice, though. Revealing. Really makes the noggin' go joggin'.

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b43094  No.14447195


Can you imagine the absolute shit show that would ensue if the Taliban attacked our troops/fleeing civilians. Our Military knows if push came to shove, they could absolutely wipe them off the map if they wanted to. They would obviously have to have a leader that would strike with unbearable force. The next week will be very interesting.

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c05e55  No.14447196

Justice is our food

God is our commander

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363fe6  No.14447197


Agreed. They're fucking weenie cowards. Expect some kind of reversal soon, but not sure spouse will still be employed by end of the day. Lots of anger.

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506e7c  No.14447198



Or stoned to death in the public square

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0a6c64  No.14447199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8dcdd6  No.14447200


"will begin shortly" means, you have time to go shower, have some food, fuck your wife, smoke a cig and then turn it off right when the shitshow starts :)

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720d9f  No.14447201

File: 6f24c0e7ea41988⋯.png (1.82 MB, 731x1024, 731:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ae84681f3c7395⋯.png (287.59 KB, 474x267, 158:89, ClipboardImage.png)


Cowboy → Kid Rock

Kid Rock > Pam Anderson > Julian Assange

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fc29e5  No.14447202

File: a03e96b1cbe0840⋯.png (350.72 KB, 607x434, 607:434, ClipboardImage.png)


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41f7d9  No.14447203


Religious exemption.

You know, the thing.

Can't offend the new neighbors by making demands their religion won't accept.

Lord forbid.

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284abc  No.14447204

File: 8923a363e46653e⋯.png (961.61 KB, 884x638, 442:319, retarded_forget.png)



Stuttering, you fucking retard.

It ain't budder, it's fucking butter.

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f2898f  No.14447205

Has anyone ever pointed out that Ivermectin won the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine in 2015?


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9245b5  No.14447206


It says ‘Bidan delivering remarks’ why is circle back lady speaking instead??

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35363e  No.14447207


Class action lawsuits are really expensive to defend!

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720d9f  No.14447208


Pam = Courier

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0f41fd  No.14447209

File: 5d223f5c1a59531⋯.webm (220.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1629828808599.webm)


Expalation please? His neck.

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9ad16a  No.14447210


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5cb1dd  No.14447211


You’re missing it now

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e4d57e  No.14447212


Use your religious exemption, every state has one. My wife is an ER nurse and she just had hers approved. She’ll have to wear a mask at all times (pretty much has to anyway) and get tested biweekly, which I think the hospital will get tired of eventually. It’s easier to get religious exemption in some states than in others but all 50 states have one. We’re in NC, so it’s pretty easy here. Also, now that they have approved it, we will have a sure fire lawsuit if they were to fire her for not getting the vax sometime in the future, especially since she didn’t base her religious exemption on the vax being experimental. Better to get fired than to quit in your wife’s situation.

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a02bd0  No.14447213

File: 24d4481456afa46⋯.jpg (4.22 MB, 4855x3551, 4855:3551, Edmund_Blair_Leighton_1853….jpg)

>>14446310 (PB)

> Alan Pinkerton laid the foundations for the FBI and CIA

Let's not forget that Pinkerton was a socialist and atheist.


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9574e9  No.14447214

File: ec7bc0861a39236⋯.jpg (123.76 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, R_1_cc.jpg)

Psaki on

CNN Live



ISIS-K variant in effect

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cbeb44  No.14447215


Trump explained to the that the Chinese were coming to wipe them out and take all of their resources, so they can be our allies and when the shit is over we will deal with them fairly or they can be Chinked.

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e1ffe2  No.14447216

File: f9d14c7b305e62c⋯.png (771.24 KB, 600x616, 75:77, ClipboardImage.png)

No longer are we simple obsevers

Now we are the ones that hold them accountable

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284abc  No.14447217


>Really makes the noggin' go joggin'.

Yet he was successful?

Gonna circle back to your comment.

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9245b5  No.14447218


Watch the RINOs will all step up and take some blame away from Xiden

Fucking traitors

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53f17d  No.14447219

File: f16b3a534731365⋯.png (327.82 KB, 598x615, 598:615, Screenshot_2021_08_24_at_1….png)

“Shame on you, Trump,” Jones said.


Red Lines AJ

Don´t mess with DJT

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363fe6  No.14447220


Not public yet. But yeah, leadership is typical MBA weenies who think they know shit because they like to wheel and deal.

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ce5644  No.14447221

File: 227b27aaa6f9534⋯.gif (930.41 KB, 220x204, 55:51, 227b27aaa6f9534fcde019cee8….gif)

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2425ac  No.14447222

File: c91cd9cdfeee746⋯.png (182.22 KB, 1181x517, 1181:517, ClipboardImage.png)



read the whole wiki… it's fucked up

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35de2f  No.14447223

Here's a thought.

Remember when the Dems were crying about Trump winning and claiming the election was rigged and on, and on non stop media bullshit?

Then, when (THEY) "won", oh the elections were just fine, no need to worry about election fraud now. Funny how that works eh? All of a sudden, virtually over night, all their angst about election problems disappeared. Doesn't it seem strange that, when they lose, they are all over election reform, but if they, "win," suddenly switch to, "oh the election process is just fine.?"

If they were SERIOUS about the honesty and integrity of the elections, they would STILL be concerned wouldn't they? Wouldn't they, if they were REALLY worried about it, STILL be worried about it, considering the things that have been found? So, why are they stonewalling at every turn? If they have nothing to fear, they should EMBRACE it because it would, at least theoretically, PROVE they won? At least, if they actually won, and won legitimately. If they didn't, well what sort of optics would you expect to see? The kind of shit we saw?

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ddaea9  No.14447224

File: 22f25cf5ecea25e⋯.jpg (88.44 KB, 719x403, 719:403, Osho_says.jpg)



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41d38d  No.14447225


>Democrats are not a cult. We’re a coalition…When you have a coalition as opposed to a cult you work through issues as a family.

The RINO cult will do anything to help the democrats for the votes needed to usher-in communism, just stop calling them racist, they aren't, they just want to please you Jeffries.

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54f0a5  No.14447226

File: 809e9a4f54a3be2⋯.png (146.6 KB, 392x400, 49:50, 65a8e70d98acb8afc2964ca2d3….png)


You underestimate how quickly anon can finish.

Probably time for two cigs.

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321513  No.14447227

File: 1b868ca87886d60⋯.jpg (71.08 KB, 854x480, 427:240, 1b868ca87886d609a8bf692990….jpg)

so it will be a war of Vaxed v non vaxed?

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2d664c  No.14447228

File: 2df2f88a92c56e6⋯.png (88.91 KB, 213x193, 213:193, 1628895477166.png)


>When the Super Male Vitality kicks in.

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2eb8f2  No.14447229


a dead entertainer was awake once

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b43094  No.14447231

File: a60f8e46ac82bed⋯.jpg (47.45 KB, 540x260, 27:13, boom_nbajam.jpg)


Three pumps and a bear down.

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fc29e5  No.14447232

College Admissions Scandal: Woman Pleading Guilty For Paying $500K To Get Son Into USC

BOSTON – The chief executive officer of a California liquor distribution company has agreed to plead guilty to a conspiracy charge in connection with securing her son’s fraudulent admission to the University of Southern California (USC) as a purported athletic recruit.

Marci Palatella, 66, of Hillsborough, Calif., will plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit honest services mail fraud. According to the terms of the plea agreement, the parties have agreed to a sentence of six weeks in prison, a $250,000 fine, two years of supervised release, with a condition of home confinement for the first six months of supervised release, and 500 hours of community service.

As set forth in the charging document, Palatella agreed with William “Rick” Singer and others to pay $500,000 to facilitate her son’s admission to USC as a football recruit, even though he was not actually being recruited and would not play on the USC football team.

Palatella will be the 33rd parent to plead guilty in the case.


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dd17fc  No.14447233

File: b0032b3718641d6⋯.jpg (173.49 KB, 500x652, 125:163, gretchen_bow.jpg)

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106a25  No.14447234

File: e4f585754514207⋯.jpeg (80.86 KB, 778x500, 389:250, C0F8C0E8_17E5_4E91_8DF3_2….jpeg)


Well Francis, faghots like yourself come here to talk shit. Every bread there are a few anons that cry hard like you.

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d4d5bc  No.14447235

File: de85525b05c58a3⋯.png (378.83 KB, 737x586, 737:586, c9d6a869bc13468af87d47fe59….png)

There are so many Clowns on the board right now - absolute insanity.


Need moar popcorn.

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ed3d4f  No.14447236

Good Question!

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ebbbdf  No.14447237

File: adeb02115dd79e3⋯.jpeg (65.85 KB, 1080x566, 540:283, HRC_rattled.jpeg)

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8dcdd6  No.14447238


true. i forgot the one after having food.

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41fd24  No.14447239


>so cringe

so perfect a cover

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c2fe33  No.14447240


AJ has been fighting the NWO for 20 years.

Q posts riddles with zero results.

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284abc  No.14447241


>Helter skelter in a summer swelter

>The birds flew off with a fallout shelter

Manson reference.

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53f17d  No.14447242

File: b184aa61486f682⋯.png (269.29 KB, 535x632, 535:632, Screenshot_2021_08_24_at_0….png)


Define Panic

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299f6c  No.14447243


I really, really, really, really, really do not want to be in the same camp as AJ on anything. Holy shit; the optics this cunt puts out (on purpose) are so awful. Fuck him.

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363fe6  No.14447244


Gotta make it through the afternoon without doing the "fuck you" quit first. Agreed. It's bullshit they send out the email about mandatory vax before they send out the exceptions and what-ifs.

Probably ends any long-term ideas with this company now regardless.

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ddaea9  No.14447245

File: 2a29d63fb917259⋯.jpg (43.22 KB, 531x357, 177:119, googly.jpg)

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41f7d9  No.14447246


Guess we can't prove it, but if you gamed it out, it wouldn't look any different than what is happening.

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e1ffe2  No.14447247


The vaxed and unvaxed are united.

The Division failed

We are one Force, one Movement, One Unit

United against T.H.E.M.

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c4c60b  No.14447248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1fd3a9  No.14447249

File: bf18d77807a6704⋯.png (1.86 MB, 994x1514, 497:757, tvm.png)

File: a11b3db2baefada⋯.png (5.29 MB, 2734x1516, 1367:758, avbw.png)

File: 0d634c0be55d43b⋯.png (4.57 MB, 2354x1516, 1177:758, necron_99.png)


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9245b5  No.14447250

File: 59c62202a8c9dd5⋯.jpeg (184.4 KB, 640x363, 640:363, BF9B40B5_F9D6_40A0_B114_2….jpeg)

File: bcb39272b3ffc26⋯.jpeg (132.4 KB, 640x845, 128:169, AB8A4FCF_8941_4292_88E5_9….jpeg)

File: 411b3c26dd9a981⋯.jpeg (69.74 KB, 640x268, 160:67, CEAF97F4_CAF7_4EDB_9EC5_4….jpeg)


There’s a fungus among us

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2eb8f2  No.14447251

File: e3da4c8d24eaef7⋯.png (691.88 KB, 610x742, 305:371, alexwife.png)

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a71f79  No.14447252

File: a6a571bc065121a⋯.png (65.63 KB, 1282x348, 641:174, Screen_Shot_2021_08_24_at_….png)

File: 33c4df00b8fdbb4⋯.png (56.28 KB, 1272x296, 159:37, Screen_Shot_2021_08_24_at_….png)


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284abc  No.14447253

File: 2797c13de2c6125⋯.png (548.72 KB, 556x449, 556:449, alex_it.png)



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d62478  No.14447254


AJ is a Sith agent bruh

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dc4afa  No.14447255


>Trust Session

>Trust Wray

>Trust Huber

>Trust Barr

>AJ is mossad

Operation TRUST lol wake up faggot. There is no plan YOU are the plan do something peaceful to effect change in your own community

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2d664c  No.14447256

File: 0c14397eeb8cb9a⋯.png (337.66 KB, 585x633, 195:211, 0c14397eeb8cb9a0cddda08e29….png)


It's funny because that has been a rumor even before Q.

Just buy the water filters, his sources are sourced.

From top guys in the government, but he is anti-establishment.

And buy these dick pills while you're at it, you are the resistance!

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830f67  No.14447257

File: 83d56cf970c1d2f⋯.jpg (697.86 KB, 915x1027, 915:1027, Controlled_opposition.jpg)


>AJ has been fighting helping the NWO for 20 years.


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284abc  No.14447258

File: 9efdd266af2bca8⋯.jpg (76.36 KB, 500x369, 500:369, alex_sing_paymaster.jpg)



Forgot to attach this one.

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c05e55  No.14447260

File: a8ac5ebc2703d66⋯.jpg (43.25 KB, 848x292, 212:73, SmartSelect_20210824_21550….jpg)

File: 577cb4286684f38⋯.jpg (175.35 KB, 1080x964, 270:241, SmartSelect_20210824_21543….jpg)

File: 180cfdb65f4a8ad⋯.jpg (189.6 KB, 1022x818, 511:409, SmartSelect_20210824_21534….jpg)

This is Comfy!

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2425ac  No.14447261


sounds eerily similar to the covid leak

Poisoning of Potomac River

According to Lunev, a probable scenario in the event of war would have been poisoning the Potomac River with chemical or biological weapons, "targeting the residents of Washington, D.C."[1] He also considered it "likely" that GRU operatives placed "poison supplies near the tributaries to major US reservoirs."[7]

Those allegations have been confirmed by former SVR officer Kouzminov,[8] who was responsible for transporting pathogens from around the world for Soviet program of biological weapons in the 1980s and the early 1990s. He described a variety of biological warfare acts that would be carried out on the order of the Russian President in the event of hostilities, including poisoning public drinking-water supplies and food processing plants.[9]

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fc29e5  No.14447262

File: 60c77113c6ef83e⋯.png (361.12 KB, 634x368, 317:184, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eedb6e4a172fe8b⋯.png (610.54 KB, 634x443, 634:443, ClipboardImage.png)

'Losing your life is not the worst thing': Pastor in Sydney's Covid-riddled west slams lockdown during ranting sermons as he compares the virus to 'seasonal flu' - and there's not a mask in sight

Pastor confessed to conducting an illicit wedding on Saturday despite lockdown

Martin Becket streamed his Sunday service while allegedly flouting mask laws

He joked the service had a congregation of '100 or so people we snuck in'

Minister branded coronavirus 'just a seasonal flu' and said masks were 'stupid'

Police confirmed they had been tipped off about service and were investigating

An anti-mask church minister is under police investigation after his live-streamed Sunday service allegedly flouted Sydney's rigid lockdown laws, with the lively pastor even boasting that he recently performed an illegal wedding.

Pastor Martin Beckett raged against Covid rules from the pulpit during a sermon broadcast on Facebook from The Rock Community Centre in the city's virus-riddled west at Kingswood, Penrith, saying 'losing your life is not the worst thing'.

In footage from the fiery sermon, he rallied against Covid restrictions, comparing the deadly virus to a 'seasonal flu' and claiming people were being forced to live in fear.

He also made the potentially tongue-in-cheek comment that the prayer meeting was being held in a room with his musicians and 'just the 100 or so people we've snuck in.'

Mr Beckett is seen on stage with a band, with none of the four wearing masks, as well as an unmasked sound technician moving around the room.


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530f44  No.14447263


what did she base her exemption on then if not for vax being experimental?

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106a25  No.14447264



Next time posts some memes or pics that drives your point home.

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9245b5  No.14447266


Every time she circles back an angel gets his wings

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ec99f5  No.14447267

File: 8dd617bbd8678b6⋯.jpeg (161.32 KB, 1223x911, 1223:911, what_he_doing_here_taliba….jpeg)








Who are these 10K US citizens stuck inside Afghanistan?

Can someone build a profile for me?

Are they Afghan-Americans visiting relatives?

Are they Blackwater-types?

Are they missionaries? Tourists?

Who are these Americans and what are they doing there?

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032c67  No.14447268


>AJ has been profiting off the NWO for 20 years.

Fixed it for you.

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ed3d4f  No.14447269

Thank you Jen for clearing that up!

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2eb8f2  No.14447270


C for cunt. That's you Kamala.

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ebbbdf  No.14447271

File: 9349b76dd3c10d7⋯.png (436.29 KB, 513x720, 57:80, Gretchen_jab_nurse_keks.png)

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9148f1  No.14447272


I don't take AJ or Q seriously, neither have credibility as things stand currently. There were probably some good people involved trying but they have obviously abandoned ship. I still have hope and love POTUS Trump, there are still good people in important places it seems.

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299f6c  No.14447273


Sometimes, before I respond to an anon, I like to check the ID's other posts to get a gauge for the type of anon I might be responding to. It helps to keep me from looking like a complete fucking idiot.

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41d38d  No.14447274

File: b61015d5ee82847⋯.jpg (46.79 KB, 498x387, 166:129, DO_NOT_DUMB.jpg)


>College Admissions Scandal: Woman Pleading Guilty For Paying $500K To Get Son Into USC

He must be a real dumb shit….like his mother.

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0a6c64  No.14447275


milk it as long as you can. Fight them till you can no longer fight, and make life difficult for them. Make them fire you.

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959e41  No.14447276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Psaki has the worst job in the world! And she deserves it! Muh muh blah!

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53f17d  No.14447277

File: 62a764dd5b359a4⋯.png (333.42 KB, 598x616, 299:308, Screenshot_2021_08_24_at_1….png)

Arizona elections officials launch bipartisan assault on GOP audit.


ALL assets deployed

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2eb8f2  No.14447278


Is there any proof they exist?

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a03b21  No.14447279

File: 5f19db8a115af89⋯.jpg (61.07 KB, 866x400, 433:200, horse_fart.jpg)


Farting - the Destroyer of romance

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9245b5  No.14447280

File: 14ff44d1245e153⋯.jpeg (306.49 KB, 640x439, 640:439, 183600B1_976E_4303_954B_6….jpeg)

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284abc  No.14447281



Donald McLean IIIisan American singer-songwriter, best known for his 1971 hit song "American Pie", an 8.5-minute folk rock "cultural touchstone" about the loss of innocence of the early rock and roll generation.

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a71f79  No.14447282


>And buy these dick pills while you're at it, you are the resistance!

noice…well said…

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9ad16a  No.14447283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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45bf47  No.14447284

File: f3e45b037fd01c7⋯.png (138.63 KB, 555x475, 111:95, redlineClockwork1.png)

File: 419e5b5b33a829e⋯.png (4.72 MB, 3072x3152, 192:197, Qclock_redLine1_likeClockw….png)

File: 04501ef6f15b7f2⋯.png (223.79 KB, 1018x557, 1018:557, redlineNov72018Funfact.png)

File: 69cdc1c8999f734⋯.png (93.93 KB, 629x495, 629:495, redNov72018.png)

File: 4eeee40d67e0013⋯.png (344.94 KB, 652x736, 163:184, redLineWhitaker.png)


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.285

Sep 21 2018 17:19:09 (EST)




Continuing the dig on anons red line clock,

1st five red line drops line up.

Red line on the anniversay of red october was Potus firing Jeff Sessions after the election, enter Whitaker. Fake news saying Potus getting close to muh red line

trying to bait him into firing RR.

Red line 4am talking poi9nt story fell on the anniversary of red october

pb below



>>14445475, >>14445607 (You), >>14445681 Taliban's Aug 31 'Red Line' / Q Drop 2458 RED LINE ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF RED OCTOBER

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720d9f  No.14447285

File: d0ce45e88ea5288⋯.png (33.43 KB, 676x574, 338:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0df5c9a74cebed6⋯.png (161.66 KB, 771x325, 771:325, ClipboardImage.png)


Last year, planefag noticed plane circling the Anacostia reservoir

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ed3d4f  No.14447286

Jen is tired of playing the fool.

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8704f1  No.14447287

File: 1840efa65df427e⋯.jpg (68.47 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_and_i_certainly_don_….jpg)


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41f7d9  No.14447288

File: 503db8f18e3cf93⋯.jpg (21.56 KB, 720x234, 40:13, DiscloseTV_Telegram.jpg)


JUST IN - U.S. State Department and Pentagon briefings canceled for today. Biden's remarks pushed back to 4:30 PM ET.

Still going with Bidan and military have parted ways. Military has to see what Bidan coughs up.

Also going with ZH posters saying 4:30 time is due to the market . Insiders need the overnights to pull money. Bidan's going to tank the market.

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dc4afa  No.14447289


Gorka hates Alex retard. If anything he’s being payed by mossad

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2f619f  No.14447290


Watch for yerself. (with analysis)


Detailed review of the “shooting” that “killed” Ashley Babbit

at the J6 Capitol Insurrection.

Well produced.

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9ad16a  No.14447291


contemptous danielfaggot diaspora

attempting queer jewish bullshit

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1dfc3a  No.14447293


WTF is that in the background of the first picture? Britney Spears is looking pretty rough there…

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9148f1  No.14447295


As long as the Dems can stick a few of their own as GOP politicians they can claim their efforts are "bipartisan", what a sham.

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a7a1eb  No.14447296


If the vaXXed are the ones herded up and sent to re-education camp/organ harvesting complex, the as difficult task as it might play out, The non mRNA gene editing therapy experiment Free souls moral duty, will be to help those we can escape the death camps.

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2d664c  No.14447298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Notable Notes


>>14446810 Chinese State Media Feels Biden’s Personnel Picks ‘Good For China,’ ‘Softer’ Than Trump (2020)

>>14446818 Pharma fraud - PFIZER

>>14446827 Colombian police take down criminal group behind human trafficking

>>14446838 Chicago CBP Seizes Counterfeit DEA Badges, Again!

>>14446843 Air and Marine Operations P-3 crews and partners seize 114,000 pounds of cocaine

>>14446853 Washington Tech Executive Sentenced for Covid-19 Relief Fraud Scheme

>>14446865 Biden Sticks to the Taliban Demanded August 31st Deadline

>>14446887 Carroll County Sex Offender Pleads Guilty to Federal Charge for Possession of Child Pornography

>>14446897 Inver Grove Heights Man Sentenced to 180 Months in Prison for Producing Child Pornography

>>14446902 COVER UP: Pelosi Congress Tells Fed Court 1/6 Videos Are NOT Public Records!

>>14446929 Ultra-Vaxxed Israel’s Crisis Is a Dire Warning to America

>>14446933 WATCH: White House press secretary Psaki holds news conference

>>14446935 This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected


>>14446975 PF REPORT - Tracking RQ-4 Global Hawk over Cali.

>>14446998 Pfizer, unions, others donated $61.8 mln for Biden's inaugural

>>14447001, >>14447031, >>14447081 US Military Has Started Withdrawing From Afghanistan

>>14447016 Torrance, California, arrested a man sleeping in his car, uncovering a gun, narcotics, and 300 unopened recall ballots in his possession.

>>14447055 US plans to offer COVID-19 vaccines to Afghan refugees, White House says

>>14447106 Pfizer CEO says he expects COVID-19 vaccine trials for children ages 5-11 will wrap up as soon as September

>>14447141 Donald Trump Delivers "Major Speech" in West Palm Beach

>>14447147 Pelosi And Moderate Dems Strike Deal Over $4.1 Trillion Economic Plan

>>14447177 President Biden Delivers Remarks on Our Ongoing Efforts in Afghanistan

>>14447219 Alex Jones says, "Shame on you, Trump"

>>14447277 Arizona elections officials launch bipartisan assault on GOP audit.


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b8f0ba  No.14447300


aj is unable to mention that humanity is under threat because of the jews who have dehumanized themselves for that exact reason

the holocaust is a henious lie, but aj will never be able to question it publicly, because why talk about one of the most significant lies and conspiracies, when you can talk about 'inter-dimensional demons' while infants are still getting their genitals mutilated as a sacrificial offering to satan

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ac7e84  No.14447301

File: a04609680728118⋯.gif (2.8 MB, 448x252, 16:9, a046096807281184e6daaef5ca….gif)

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a71f79  No.14447303

Guys…I could really use some help…no stable income for years…doing my best to help. We have world changing tech…trying to organize the GOP around our issue…doing a FUCK TON and need some help pretty please :-)

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9ad16a  No.14447304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

iluminMANGINAfronthole foods

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6d3f3d  No.14447308

File: 7061f09b8f85896⋯.png (651.04 KB, 600x422, 300:211, ClipboardImage.png)

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d62478  No.14447309

File: e7f6536bc718c63⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1023x915, 341:305, Big_Events.png)


got gold

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ce5644  No.14447310

File: 558a37a1b32f7ef⋯.jpeg (126.27 KB, 735x750, 49:50, 558a37a1b32f7ef3862762b91….jpeg)

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9ad16a  No.14447312


hostile eunuch pr0n

much flat earth

very gehycowboy

so greek dude's buttplug franchise

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9245b5  No.14447313


Why you eatin so fast ain’t nobody gonna take it from you bubu

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a7a1eb  No.14447315


Eventually this job will bring an equitable hourly earning report.

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c2fe33  No.14447316


AJ has just as many victories against the NWO as Q does….

And that number is 0. Both are complete failures but at least AJ isn't too much of a pussy to show his face when he spreads riddles.

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53f17d  No.14447317

File: 66036bfffa4cbbd⋯.png (165.75 KB, 500x639, 500:639, people_think_im_smart_but_….png)



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41d38d  No.14447319

File: 183990c6937104c⋯.png (481.79 KB, 496x415, 496:415, Grammar_art.png)


>Did you say Pontomac?!

He did not say that.

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baa8e5  No.14447320

Trump said in his Alabama Speech that he made the vax in 3 days short of 9 months. It's been 8 and a half months since Q posted. September 5th would be three days short of 9 months if my math is correct.

that's right, I datefagged

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2bdada  No.14447321

File: 77f0e71b2afbb58⋯.png (30.7 KB, 1273x393, 1273:393, Q_post_824_August_24_2021.png)


>>14447103 Very interesting anon.

>>14446377 (PB) Q post 824 with context (pic related)

>>14446336 (PB) Space Force General

>USArmy GEN James Dickinson, USSPACECOM cmdr, declared today the nation’s 11th combatant command achieved initial operational capability.

>Check Em Anons, Space Force means more than you know

>>14446758 (PB)

>>14446731 (PB)

>Nice, read last paragraph of png, Old Guard to New Guard

>>14446336 png is here (PB)


>>14446351 (PB) Link for Bacer to Space Force accomplishments



>>14446731 (PB)

>Today is August 24


>Q 824


>Space COMM OFFicer Gen James Dickinson

>Future proves past

Bread #18274 notable;

>>14445598, >>14445690 United States Space Force - Guardians Wanted. #SemperSupra

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2f619f  No.14447323


>Will Gavin try to lock down CA before the recall?

Maybe he'll shuffle a bunch of oldies into euthanasia homes to increase his voter base.

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2a8652  No.14447325

She's so crazy.

She says the EXACT number of people they have evacuated so far, but she can't give an exact number of how many are American Citizens?!?!?!

WTAF. I hate the press. They refuse to press for the truth

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1d9426  No.14447327

>>14446951 Thank you! very much interested.

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2eb8f2  No.14447328


don't think their organs will be in demand.

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9ad16a  No.14447329


joshua buttgehy still chicken hawking for h00m00 extended warranty

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106a25  No.14447330

File: 3ea43d2d31f2b90⋯.jpeg (440.3 KB, 750x959, 750:959, B293287D_4D1B_4A22_BFA7_E….jpeg)


Been seeing a lot of this kinda stuff lately. One that shocked me was a Mike Pompeo interview on Foxnews a week or so back. His neck at the open collar looked weird and he sounded very different! But in his case, some anons said he’s dieting loosing weight, so that may explain his situation but I’ve seen lots lately. Don’t know what I’m looking at sometimes.

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b8f0ba  No.14447331


If i continued to listen to aj I would be thinking that his supplements maybe were worth buying… and that's it

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9245b5  No.14447332

The circle back lady just broke down kek

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a03b21  No.14447334

File: 3511e460d97534d⋯.jpg (98.08 KB, 497x485, 497:485, Krishna.jpg)


Trump Plaza across the street.

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d4d5bc  No.14447335

File: 52f2c0ec1c0267f⋯.png (242.13 KB, 581x593, 581:593, bb2a536d58d3f16431380fce5c….png)

She is PANIC.

No fucking clue what she is talking about.

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9ad16a  No.14447336