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8ba9c8  No.14465658[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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8ba9c8  No.14465662


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8ba9c8  No.14465664

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>14464897 Texas Gov Issues New Ban On Vaccine Mandates

>>14464899 Blizzard is going through Armageddon right now

>>14464907 German Media Giant Buys Politico For $1 Billion In Latest Blockbuster Deal

>>14464922 Capitol Police Officers Sue Trump For Allegedly 'Masterminding' Jan. 6 "Attack"

>>14464933 Angry protesters after Governor Lamont defends school mask mandate

>>14464937 Coroner confirms 44-year-old BBC presenter died from AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine side effect


>>14464940 Dems continue their playbook on QR

>>14464973 MARICOPIUM: 30 Days to change course or cut state-shared funds

>>14464976 4 people hurt after print shop explodes in Chandler AZ

>>14464978 Tunnels bombed by US in #Afghanistan were built by the CIA

>>14464957 Explosion habbened atRayand Rural cross streets

>>14465003 Kamala now on a layover in Guam as she prepares to leave for Hawaii

>>14465009 Alledged New threat of VBIED at North Gate of Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA)

>>14465010 Top NYPD Police Union Promises Legal Action If City Imposes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

>>14465014 Tom Wolf flip flops last second for school mask mandates

>>14465036 Uyghurs in Afghanistan ‘Terrified’ of Taliban-China Collaboration

>>14465051 China: U.S., UK, Australia Must Be ‘Held Accountable’ for ‘Great Suffering’ in Afghanistan

>>14465060 Massive explosion rocks military warehouse near Taraz, Kazakhstan


>>14465089 Wendy Rogers - “Audit the Vote Rally” in NC

>>14465095 Former White House Doctor: Biden's cognitive 'issues' worsening Afghanistan chaos

>>14465112 Even with draconian lockdowns and travel restrictions, Australia’s covid “cases” are now skyrocketing… is the science WRONG? (2 Pics)

>>14465322 New Report Finds US Has Spent Over $2.3 Trillion on Afghanistan War

>>14465364 Capitol Hill Republicans' calls for Biden resignation amplify after U.S. casualties in Afghanistan

>>14465390 Iran Two Months Away From Nuclear Bomb: Israel Defense Minister

>>14465504, >>14465253 Two more blasts are being reported from Kabul making them the 4th and 5th EXPLOSIONS TODAY

>>14465547 U.S. Sanctions Corruption Networks Worth Approximately $1 Billion

>>14465610 12 U.S. soldiers killed in Kabul Airport attack, Pentagon briefing 3 ET

>>14465613 Pentagon set to go live any moment now

>>14465653 #18299

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8ba9c8  No.14465665


>>14464107 #NEW Pres Biden’s meeting with new Israeli PM has been delayed

>>14464181 Canadian Feds drop court proceedings to keep virus lab documents secret

>>14464184 Hello Anons Its time to get to work

>>14464215 Breakthrough: Quantum computers will soon fit in your phone

>>14464226 Judge Linda Parker wouldn’t let Lin Wood respond after attorney David Fink dragged his name through the mud.

>>14464243 French citizens boycott vaccine passports by eating right in front of nearly empty, vaxx-only bars and restaurants.

>>14464256, >>14464321, >>14464374 Justin Trudeau’s brother arrested on charges of sexual conduct with a minor?

>>14464293 Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has banned vaccine mandates of any kind in a new executive order

>>14464354 50+ casualties and 120+ injuries confirmed in #KabulAirport explosions

>>14464360 YouTube Cracks Down on Prayer: Videos Removed if People 'Pray' for Covid Healing in Place of Medical Treatment

>>14464363 U.S. Capitol Police officers attacked and beaten during the Capitol riot are suing former President Trump, his allies and members of far-right extremist groups. The suit accuses them of intentionally sending in a violent mob on Jan. 6.

>>14464380 Liz Harrington: "We do not have a president"

>>14464411 Call for Meme makers

>>14464419, >>14464427, >>14464535 #USSSanJuan (SSN 751), operating under Submarine Squadron (SUBRON) TWELVE, returned to its homeport in Groton, Connecticut,

>>14464429 At least 40 dead Kabul Explosion

>>14464524 TBC #18294 >>14461710

>>14464534 2 killed, more injured in shooting outside Kankakee courthouse

>>14464557 Qclock fag chimes in

>>14464565 Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug?

>>14464591 The Trudeau family's love of tyrants

>>14464593 Dominion Got Me Elected (Memes)

>>14464669 Anon opines When information is released by outside hacking groups

>>14464688 Live: Roof collapse at shopping center in Chandler, Arizona…looks like explosion of some kind.

>>14464766 National Association Of Secretaries Of State Aim To “Prevent A Maricopa-Style Forensic Audit From EVER Happening AGAIN.”

>>14464781 Hundreds of ISIS Militants Surround Kabul Airport, More Attacks Imminent

>>14464797 Russia fines US tech giants Facebook, Twitter & WhatsApp nearly half million dollars over refusal to stop sending user data abroad

>>14464800 AG Brnovich: Maricopa County Must Comply with Senate’s Legislative Subpoena or Forfeit State Funds

>>14464811 Anons Pins Running

>>14464814 Nurses Warn of Staff Shortages Due to COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

>>14464844 #18298

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8ba9c8  No.14465670


>>14463921, >>14463875, >>14463867, >>14463656, >>14463612, >>14463609, >>14463272, >>14463329, >>14463332, >>14463350, >>14463356, >>14463357, >>14463364, >>14463365, >>14463400, >>14463815 Kabul Explosion

>>14463607, >>14463428, >>14463431, >>14463434, >>14463451, >>14463467, >>14463521 Possible second explosion

>>14463358 Roberts told Zenger Wednesday night that the shooter was "Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd."

>>14463370 Erik prince live now

>>14463379 #18296 Notables

>>14463407 New Zealand to introduce Covid ID Passports.

>>14463421 Anti lockdown protest by truck drivers in Australia coming soon

>>14463408 Fresh vax regret story

>>14463446 Facebook considering formation of election advisory group:

>>14463465 BANNON WAR ROOM LIVE: https://warroom.org/listen-live/

>>14463590 The moar they beat us down the stronger we rise and fight harder

>>14463559 Collection of Public Statements

>>14463453 QmapFagging - Hands UP McCain memorial visit 3 year delta

>>14463763 @USNavy Welcome back to the surface, Shipmates Anchor Flag of United States (Arg m8s)

>>14463778 Is HRC privately organizing charter flights to help evacuate Afghan women and children at risk?

>>14463788 Swine Flu Pandemic 11 Years Ago: Vaccines, Fauci, Masks, Variants, Second Wave And More!

>>14463805 Anon ivermectin Bun

>>14463932 I've got Kamala Harris and the two govt. 757's heading East

>>14463960 Arizona attorney general to Maricopa: Give up election information or lose state's $700M

>>14464043 #18297


>>14462716 Possible ID of Ashlii Babbit killer

>>14462740 Planefags

>>14462758 Aus reporter suffers common Pfizer side-effect

>>14462773 Grenell misses Trump

>>14463076 Pfizer Vaccine approved by FDA

>>14463077 U.S Strategic Command asks for Eagle eyes

>>14463170 , >>14463174 , >>14463194 Explosion Kabul Aeroport

>>14463379 #18296

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8ba9c8  No.14465671


>>14461763 Taliban Filmed Flying Blackhawk

>>14461767 Fauci and Big Pharma mask and psy-op from a decade back

>>14461770, >>14461775, >>14461809 Reminder - Joe Biden received $900,000 for lobbying activities from Burisma Group

>>14461812 Israeli Defense Minister says Iran is close to getting Nukes

>>14461841, >>14461846 Circle Back Psaki said "Plandemic"

>>14461860 Re: FDA's ivermectin response

>>14461866 French prime minister says France will no longer be able to evacuate people from Kabul airport after Friday night.

>>14461874, >>14461912 Wisconsin bill on Liquafying Dead Vax Victims

>>14461891 Dig on the Pfizer-BioNTech injection known as COMIRNATY

>>14461895 Staggering Costs – U.S. Military Equipment Left Behind In Afghanistan

>>14461933 Connecticut man convicted in $19M stock fraud scheme dies in car crash

>>14461957 Dig on David Geffen

>>14461994 Study Finds Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray Reduces C-19 Viral Load by 95% in 24 hrs

>>14462016 Aussie Journo Diagnosed with Pericarditis after Pfizer Shot

>>14462035, >>14462217 Japan suspends 1.63M doses of Moderna over contamination

>>14462038 VP Harris lays flowers at Hanoi memorial for No Name

>>14462041, >>14462056,>>14462057,>>14462059,>>14462065 Collection of Songs Posted By Q

>>14462079 French citizens boycott vaccine passports by eating right in front of nearly empty, vaxx-only bars and restaurants.

>>14462135 School Board PRESIDENT: Whispers “Jesus F– Christ, These People” After Parent Makes Comment

>>14462139 MI RESIDENTS FIGHT BACK: Estimated 1,000 Protest After Officials Make Last Minute Decision To Mandate Masks For Kids

>>14462152 American Thinker - Sometimes there really is a conspiracy to theorize about

>>14462201 New Orleans Saints Are Selling Tickets for Less than $1 After Team Requires Fans to be Vaccinated or Tested before Games

>>14462202 Bill Gates: How The Vaccine Billionaire Monopolized Global Health

>>14462210 Australia builds its first "quarantine facility" to "keep the community safe,"

>>14462216 Dr. Robert Malone Tells Bannon 'FDA-approved' Pfizer shot is NOT what people have been getting'

>>14462233 Mexico could refuse to take back migrant families despite Supreme Court order

>>14462258 Air Canada to require COVID-19 vaccine for employees

>>14462282 #18295

TBC #18294 >>14461710

Previously Collected Notables

>>14460188 #18292, >>14464052 #18293

>>14457924 #18289, >>14458680 #18290, >>14459436 #18291

>>14455548 #18286, >>14456354 #18287, >>14457131 #18288

>>14453008 #18283, >>14453757 #18284,>>14455752 #18285

>>14450622 #18280, >>14451361 #18281, >>14452124 #18282

>>14448350 #18277, >>14449111 #18278, >>14449849 #18279

>>14445987 #18274, >>14446750 #18275, >>14447526 #18276

>>14443659 #18271, >>14445129 #18272, >>14445210 #18273

>>14441323 #18268, >>14442089 #18269, >>14442837 #18270

>>14439023 #18265, >>14439802 #18266, >>14440567 #18267

>>14436765 #18262, >>14437511 #18263, >>14438265 #18264

>>14434427 #18259, >>14435214 #18260, >>14435981 #18261

>>14431973 #18256, >>14432837 #18257, >>14433811 #18258

>>14429786 #18253, >>14430554 #18254, >>14431249 #18255

>>14427442 #18250, >>14428209 #18251, >>14428962 #18252

>>14425636 #18247, >>14425891 #18248, >>14426666 #18249

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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8ba9c8  No.14465674

Information Warfare Tools & Services


Gather Everyone In the AM and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got in the PM! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from https://botsentinel.com and use them to help get your #HASH out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Try to Post Meme/Cap/Vid/Article (Not just plain text)

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts and ask question instead of making statement.

[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots (New account, no followers, lots of RT's)

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information Warfare https://controlc.com/06508634 [ARCHIVE OFFLINE]


Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

>>>/warroom/925 ————————————–——– Twitter Information and Warfare

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

* Whats Tweeting https://onemilliontweetmap.com

* Check Hash Trends https://www.hashtags.org/

* Download Any Videos https://distillvideo.com/

Other Tools

* Complete Listing Tools and Services: https://ghostbin.com/paste/I0F9k

* The Brain Project: https://bra.in/5jQ7RE

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* Compress Video https://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp4

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* Military Ship Tracker https://www.shiplocation.com/military/tracker

* Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084

Standard Hashes #MAGA #KAG #FGNC #WWG1WGA #Q #Trump #Qresearch #45 #GreatAwakening #Anonymous

>Suggested Follow

Standard ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/wWofT

Military ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/Wp16g

FBI ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/cXW3i

Civilian ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/lYWIE

Telegram ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/0mHXn


Psyop Link Dump https://ghostbin.com/paste/xZsDo

Basic Course https://ghostbin.com/paste/NkQu8

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8ba9c8  No.14465675


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

>>14110921 ————————————–——– Jew Research General #1

International Q Research Threads

>>14019901 ————————————–——– Australia #17

>>13323637 ————————————–——– Balkan #8

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>>14317266 ————————————–——– Canada #23

>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>14357399 ————————————–——– Germany #86

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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8ba9c8  No.14465684

File: f12b9c377806e60⋯.jpeg (550.68 KB, 1845x2000, 369:400, f12b9c377806e60ceeea04a5e….jpeg)






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cf48f8  No.14465693

IMG server hosed…

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f65b5c  No.14465698

Whew, accidentally shit the wrong bread.

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afe619  No.14465699

images still not working

They must be big mad and trying to DDoS the site

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ddea4e  No.14465708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bidens Pentagram is holding a presser

The woke military just turned to shit?!

Biden isn't president.

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404a85  No.14465710

clowns panicking and attacking this board.

clowns can't get out of Kabul and are manufacturing terror. Taliban have all communications. clowns can run but can't hide. clown operators getting heads chopped off right now in Kabul.

checkmate clowns. 1,000 pieces of body parts

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5411ab  No.14465711

File: 20c0833fe597bca⋯.jpeg (67.84 KB, 940x545, 188:109, 34222AB1_B072_49A1_9AF3_E….jpeg)


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5411ab  No.14465713

File: bd1e3d1bdad0c87⋯.jpeg (93.53 KB, 634x510, 317:255, 49F927B5_D3EC_4E89_8B8D_5….jpeg)

File: 15800a15065ff6e⋯.png (227.39 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, F8A2AFF8_3A24_416D_960F_AB….png)

This one was not my fault

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404a85  No.14465714

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5411ab  No.14465715

File: e62f441eb76f582⋯.jpeg (300.14 KB, 936x990, 52:55, 59201E20_6094_4D59_AD1E_6….jpeg)

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ddea4e  No.14465717




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5411ab  No.14465720

File: 4812ab5b9545cf6⋯.jpeg (105.9 KB, 828x884, 207:221, FB9C23D0_F599_4F50_98FE_4….jpeg)

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a81744  No.14465722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mexican navy helicopter crash lands with 20 people on board

A Mexican navy helicopter has crashed landed with 20 people on board in the town of Agua Blanca, Hidalgo state, with three people being brought to hospital as a result.

The minister of the interior of the state of Veracruz was on the chopper that was on its way to areas affected by Hurricane Grace when it came into difficulty.

As you can see in the above video, the helicopter flight didn’t last long after takeoff before problems arose and it almost took out a bus while crash landing.



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5411ab  No.14465723

File: bb041e4d52962aa⋯.jpeg (563.32 KB, 828x930, 138:155, 28EB72DB_BE6D_4176_ACF5_4….jpeg)

File: 3273fa12bc3960f⋯.jpeg (453.19 KB, 828x542, 414:271, 86C8835D_6B77_4C3D_B449_3….jpeg)

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5411ab  No.14465726

File: 93260f8c1c05908⋯.jpeg (293.93 KB, 828x580, 207:145, 4DBEBA77_4B2B_460D_8F08_9….jpeg)

File: 93a80fd4bedffae⋯.jpeg (298.95 KB, 828x492, 69:41, 7016E1E7_9655_49E7_AC14_8….jpeg)

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2c72e2  No.14465728
































They can't stop the signal.

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177e43  No.14465729

Anyone know the version 3 TOR address for 8kun?

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9b26b3  No.14465730

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cfcb6a  No.14465731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Pentagon briefing following 12 U.S. soldiers killed in Kabul Airport attack | LiveNOW from FOX


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8b7021  No.14465732

File: 6377d0d7e2a2ea6⋯.png (185.03 KB, 919x334, 919:334, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 002ed86bdd0ea19⋯.png (256.74 KB, 710x382, 355:191, capture.png)

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de41ae  No.14465733


Kudos to the pilot. He was flying that thing, hard, into negative AGL.

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b8426a  No.14465734

Someone musta hit the PANIC button…

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218ab9  No.14465735



>>14465636 lb


I was not

just taking notes

was about to ebake

Thanks for stepping up

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f65b5c  No.14465736

File: bc1109060386a33⋯.jpg (12.37 KB, 196x255, 196:255, 815c6a6fd596411ce813557fdd….jpg)

File: 800f0eee9111e07⋯.jpg (20.53 KB, 346x450, 173:225, 41QD6RBYQNL_AC_SY450_.jpg)

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b170e5  No.14465737

Standby frens… we ain't seen nothing yet… just wait until one these freeloading scumbags from Kabul en route to America ends up in your local neighborhood and walks into a Target or WalMart and clacks off a vest… stay frosty!

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d11cea  No.14465738

all pb


>Ketamine for Oxycodone withdrawal is big $$$$$


special k isis


ISIS-K is some kind of comms?

about the poppy shit and the left behind americans?

the drug people.



>>14465624 <<<< special k isis is not what we think???

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2e8e56  No.14465739

This witch must sent back to hell where she came from.

Pelosi's first tweets after Kabul bombings about Women's Equality Day

Pelosi's first tweets after Kabul attacks make no mention of bombing that left 4 US Marines dead


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218ab9  No.14465740
























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afe619  No.14465741

It just started pouring rain at the White House.


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ba9088  No.14465742

File: abd1fc1cb14a6bf⋯.png (63.41 KB, 750x961, 750:961, LG2gwxFtpwX5sU7bJFWw_26_ae….png)

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a81744  No.14465743


I thought the blades were gonna wipe out the bystanders.


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404a85  No.14465745

Question: is eric prince black hat or white hat?

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9b26b3  No.14465746


Ginger Jen ?

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ddea4e  No.14465747

Clown presser

Clown media

Clown show.

Biden the press elect clown actor is getting court martialed.

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9f0af6  No.14465748

File: f6e2b3417f2d3ee⋯.jpg (76.77 KB, 604x568, 151:142, f6e2b3417f2d3ee919399afc01….jpg)


she's a horrible waste of skin

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8ba9c8  No.14465749

Notables from PREVIOUS BREAD #18294


>>14461006 Montana becomes the first U.S. state to ban vaccine requirements for employees

>>14461097 California Assembly members not vaccinated against COVID-19 should be suspended, lawmaker says

>>14461150 Ipswich man charged over alleged sexualised conversations with children

>>14461159 Adelaide man charged with new offences as a result of a counter-terrorism investigation

>>14461166 Nearly 8,700 criminals arrested at southern border in past 10 months, including repeat sex offenders

>>14461184 Nigel Farage Blasts Biden: Britain Feels 'Betrayed', Won't Assist U.S. Military Ops While He's President

>>14461316 Dr John Campbell does an analysis on studies done to date on Ivermectin in treatment of Covid.

>>14461424 Fox News Smacks-Down Newt for Daring to Mention Soros

>>14461500 Truckers shutting down all highways in OZ

Notables from PREVIOUS BREAD #18294

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f36582  No.14465750

File: 3e21c67c0a15bdf⋯.png (611.63 KB, 1366x682, 683:341, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_08….png)


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d11cea  No.14465751


that is next

watch ca

watch the water

during newsom recall election

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8ba9c8  No.14465752

File: 4c5cda644e70ce5⋯.jpg (11.78 KB, 238x211, 238:211, 4c5cda644e70ce58aa305730b5….jpg)


Thanks for collecting, it makes jumping into the bake a lot easier.

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3df40f  No.14465754

File: 94f677ed5bb696f⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210826_202851_553.jpg)


Thank You baker

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de41ae  No.14465755


I'm sure they did, too.

Some credit to the bus driver, too. He got the hint to GTFO, and he wasted no time doing so.

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87973d  No.14465756


idk how to use them cuz im not an onionfag but maybe one of these?



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4231fb  No.14465757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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348e40  No.14465758


Initial thoughts - it looks like the pilot lost tail rotor authority.

Either tail rotor drive failure or rudder control failure.

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ddea4e  No.14465759


The Taliban is the outside perimeter.

Why is the military negotiating with terrorists?!

The Patriot act(s)

Keyphrase…. We don't negotiate with terrorists.

Exposed af.

The military is not controlled by Biden.

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d11cea  No.14465760

alert the q team

the fucking images are not loading

you now the meme bulletts

we are under fire

fix this shit

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993014  No.14465761

File: 57774512bbb41a7⋯.webm (2.56 MB, 400x230, 40:23, carbomb_falseflag.webm)


Embedded doesn't reside on the 8kun media servers. 8kun media servers broke.

That's my reconciliation. I've added an mp4 here which should be on the media server. Does it work?

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ad7257  No.14465762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d11cea  No.14465763


>you KNOW the meme bulletts

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404a85  No.14465764


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282821  No.14465765

File: 0b0a311e281f177⋯.png (256.22 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a81744  No.14465766


>The minister of the interior of the state of Veracruz was on the chopper

I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say somebody was trying to get this guy

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573d9c  No.14465767

File: 1c5064ce9289097⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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ddea4e  No.14465768

The Taliban and the us military are negotiating.

Hello lololol

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afe619  No.14465769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d11cea  No.14465770

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2e8e56  No.14465771

The storm is growing. Keeping an eye out for PDJT's twitter reinstatement.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn called for Biden to resign along with Vice President Kamala Harris and several top officials.

Haley, Blackburn, other Republicans call for Biden's resignation or impeachment after attack at Kabul airport


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23f13a  No.14465772

Pentagon: We thought this would happen sooner or later.

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338187  No.14465773

File: 6f97e0423b99f21⋯.jpeg (98.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 0B4E38E6_78EF_4471_8E3E_4….jpeg)


Thank you baker.

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d11cea  No.14465774



where code monkey when you need him

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cfcb6a  No.14465775

Nigeria: Terrorists named govs, senators, Presidency officials as sponsors during interrogation – Ex-Naval officer

A former Naval officer, Commodore Kunle Olawunmi, retd, said yesterday that Boko Haram terrorists mentioned names of current governors, senators and Aso Rock officials as sponsors during interrogation by the military authorities.



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a5d79b  No.14465776


[Thunder Trolls in the Distance]

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3df40f  No.14465777


I confirm and second your observation and request.


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ad7257  No.14465778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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573d9c  No.14465779

File: 25d1ebd6fe7ba5d⋯.png (29.64 KB, 488x364, 122:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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9f0af6  No.14465780

File: 58feb6cdc0fccda⋯.jpg (32.38 KB, 768x300, 64:25, 14912433715_bcfc831328_k_m….jpg)


I'd guess a mix

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8ba9c8  No.14465781


Why is this song so fucking funny?

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d11cea  No.14465782


and net going down

immediatley after he posts on twitter

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29a327  No.14465783

File: b80a76dc59aae14⋯.png (163.29 KB, 760x634, 380:317, Screenshot_2021_08_26_at_2….png)

>>14465323 (lb)

>UPDATE - 13 U.S. soldiers are now believed killed, 20 troops wounded, 10 in critical condition, according to Pentagon sources,

What happens when too many people don't buy what they are selling?

What happens when too many people wake up?

What happens when they lose control of the digital battlefield?

Mr. Russia collusion pusher himself now involved?




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bbf153  No.14465784

welcome to the shitshow!

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6fba3c  No.14465785

Is the tide turning yet?

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2c72e2  No.14465786
























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afe619  No.14465787


Gray hat, not sure of the "shade" of gray though.

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87973d  No.14465788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We can't be stopped

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a669aa  No.14465789

Ac 130 gunships ok I am listening

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ddea4e  No.14465790

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4231fb  No.14465791


Angel trips chekt

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a5d79b  No.14465792


I am growing Stronger

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b6e051  No.14465793


president pelosi game of thrones

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d11cea  No.14465794


because pepe is beloved


and the music is epic

and the girl has a fucking mask

but loves to shake it for the kek magic

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cd89f8  No.14465796

Thank you, Baker. Everything is a slide. Everything is a distraction. Doing a great job in spite of it all.

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d4e2b5  No.14465797

We knew this day would come

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f509b7  No.14465798


Eric Prince is both white hat and black hat.

Only when you observe him directly will he become his final state.

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f4fae6  No.14465799

>>14465641 pb

you can't do war half assed

you either commit to all out annihilation

or you do not declare war

this general sounds like a pussy

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73c561  No.14465800

File: ca8a5932fafe316⋯.png (86.42 KB, 255x255, 1:1, stay_on_target.png)


TYB It's a great day to be anon

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87973d  No.14465801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>are we in the tubes yet?

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afe619  No.14465802


Net wont go down, too important now for communication

I expect certain sites though (reddit, fakebook) to go down though and probably other sites.

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afe619  No.14465804


Obviously its turning

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a5d79b  No.14465805


United We Stand (WW).

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640f34  No.14465806

File: 82fcfca1b3ecf8e⋯.jpeg (242.57 KB, 750x621, 250:207, 58459830_06C6_49A9_B646_9….jpeg)

File: 8760f2c696dc1d9⋯.jpeg (101.27 KB, 740x331, 740:331, 3D89BBA5_E346_48F0_A12B_7….jpeg)

Lena Hildago give elevate strategies llc 11 million dollars to PR the vaccine. Her firm worked for Hillary campaign in 2016.

"Elevate Strategies LLC" - until recently, a one-woman operation that's been in existence barely two years and headquartered at a residential apartment complex in Montrose.

At the August 10 meeting of Commissioners Court, Precinct 4's Jack Cagle asked who exactly was on the committee which chose a vendor with both sparse resources and limited health care communication experience.

There was three individuals from the County Judge's Office and there were two or three individuals from the Public Health Group, " said DeWight Dopslauf, Harris County Purchasing Agent.

Translation - all the "deciders" on this $11 million contract answered directly to County Judge Lina Hidalgo with no input on the panel from any Commissioners.



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9f0af6  No.14465807


am I wrong?

Didn't we collaberate with / hire the Tallyban for many years having them do security details for our bases in Afghanistan?

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789bc1  No.14465808


The internet is not a dump truck

It's a series of tubes

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9b26b3  No.14465810


power mad nwo Nancy responsible for Havana attack on special K ?

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afe619  No.14465811

U.S. general says since Aug. 14 the U.S. military has been sharing “information with the Taliban,” to prevent attacks.


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24394e  No.14465812


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73c561  No.14465813

Stay on target anons. A lot of traffic coming this way. Lots of questions. We have answers.

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338187  No.14465814



>images still not working

Comms blackout?

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d11cea  No.14465815





should be renamed BOOM JAGO

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404a85  No.14465816








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0272de  No.14465817

File: cd0950cdf14878a⋯.png (97.88 KB, 255x212, 255:212, ClipboardImage.png)

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9f0af6  No.14465818


We call itBidenLand

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ddea4e  No.14465819


The see eye aye

Dig reports.

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a669aa  No.14465820




Follow the money, it’s the key.

What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?

Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?

What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?

Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.

Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?

Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away?

Why is MS13 a priority _ nobody got this.

Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed.

Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino.

Have faith.

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a5d79b  No.14465821


[y]ou are a shell of disappointment.

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3df40f  No.14465822

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210530_234323_101.jpg)

[THEY] lost long time ago and are now only squirming.

Simple reminder 👀 :

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


You are much loved and blessed


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afe619  No.14465823

ID: d45e5e

Smells like AFLB and a desperate shill all rolled into one

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24394e  No.14465824


A large collection of ASCII art drawings of frogs and other related animal ASCII art pictures.


/ _|_ _ _ _

| |_| '/ _ \ / _` / |

| _| | | (_) | (_| \__ \

|_| |_| \_/ \, |___/


frog - amphibians - toad - frogspawn - bullfrog - frog legs,







Art by Joan Stark



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jgs \/ \/

Art by Hayley Jane Wakenshaw



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Art by Morfina

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Art by Joan Stark

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Art by Joan Stark

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Art by Veronica Karlsson

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87973d  No.14465825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Happy Dog Day Everyone

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5dd881  No.14465826


Schrodinger's Prince

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2c72e2  No.14465827






























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24394e  No.14465828


Ignore me. Trying to figure out the code tags.

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d11cea  No.14465829


the Q habbening dance

featuring "The KEKS" band






should be renamed BOOM JAGO

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12a36b  No.14465830

File: de6c07f0a6a7b2a⋯.jpeg (31.51 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 7321CC6E_F5C4_4B70_BE76_3….jpeg)

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fc8ef2  No.14465831

Look mother fuckers, you think we're going to get mad at ISIS for today or any future shit?






imagine a spicy meme of the Bidden Whoreish Admin to left.

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b8426a  No.14465832


Interdasting. Was this a trap? Was it not the Taliban who bombed, but the CIAliban?

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f8d4b3  No.14465833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fortunate Son - CCR (added UH-1 Huey Effect)

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f65b5c  No.14465834


National Dog Day.

We're the recent dog comms a go order to execute the attacks today?

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d4e2b5  No.14465835

File: 9e07b2a1deeb30d⋯.mp4 (452.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bidan_is_hiding_people_and….mp4)

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cd89f8  No.14465836


Image server crashes when anons get too far ahead of the narrative. It's kinda funny.

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a5d79b  No.14465837


Chair Force.

Approves of this message.

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cf48f8  No.14465838

PROPER fucked!

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6a0fc7  No.14465839

File: 6a91e3557764938⋯.png (49.43 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 1585005374757.png)



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afe619  No.14465840


No, DDoS attack

They want to bring the whole thing down, but its pretty solid against DDoS attacks.

The DDoS attacks only seem to effect the image server on top of making it slower

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d11cea  No.14465841


needs to be looped for extended play

catchy shit

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cfcb6a  No.14465842

Leading From the Front – NMCB-5 the First Deployable Naval Unit to Perform Battlefield Auricular Acupuncture


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de41ae  No.14465843

File: f50d6e66bb280dc⋯.jpg (229.81 KB, 998x511, 998:511, p61_3_night_shift.jpg)


Yup. Pulling doubles, just in case I can help.

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87973d  No.14465844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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820015  No.14465845



we should send in the tick tock influence into Kabul to negotiate the evocations


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5e80d5  No.14465846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


go to .35 for answer

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d11cea  No.14465847



and her head needs a pepe

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b6ae9c  No.14465848

They can't do shit with the weapons they have…… ummmmm…. awww shit….. we gave them a metric fuckton of weapons….. yeah….. we shit our selves every time we leave airport.

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0cf1f2  No.14465849

American lives are nothing but a second thought - much like the Jan 6 Prisoners

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f509b7  No.14465850


>imagine a spicy meme of the Bidden Whoreish Admin to left.

That is one spicy meme anon.

Best meme this anon has ever seen on all the chans.

Subtle, but brutal in equal measure.

Excellent work anon.

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afe619  No.14465851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck you, Deep State

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f8d4b3  No.14465852


Board is ok

Something in the image server (external)

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2e8e56  No.14465853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"What I didn't know till this day was that P was Pelosi all along"

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bbf153  No.14465854

Soon, the streets won't be safe for [them]

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9e4e38  No.14465855

It's insano world. I wish the pressure would be upped on the medical oligarchy right now. Our school district is calling emergency meetings, the local hospital is, indeed, experiencing a major uptick in cases (all sorts, yes, including COVID; many from out of county, but doesn't matter as they count them anyway), and that can only mean one thing:

-Remote learning is coming back

-Sports are going to be cancelled

-Places are going to go into fear-mongering mode, again

People are completely fed up, and still buying into fear narratives at the same time. That's not a good combination.

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87973d  No.14465856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Quick 9 hour video


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a81744  No.14465857


>We have

everything they didn't know they were looking for

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a26bca  No.14465858




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29a327  No.14465859

File: d7e168ba9c22e49⋯.png (396.02 KB, 689x384, 689:384, gretchen_tears.png)

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4231fb  No.14465860


Pikie terminology confirmed

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2c72e2  No.14465861

Enjoying the sperging shills in overdrive spamming division like their lives and/or livelihoods depend on it. Do they really think their snake oil persuasion techniques will work on the real anons of this board or those like-minded searching for truth? Their panic and futility is delicious.

Honestly… How does knowing that make you feel, shills?

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f4fae6  No.14465862


they need to destroy the fucking airport and the embassy on the way out


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4a59d6  No.14465863


This is what people need to listen to. it is Truth.


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d4e2b5  No.14465864


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ddea4e  No.14465865

Calling it now.

Commercial aircraft crash.

Narrative given.

Last question….

How do you believe the bombers got through?

Failing by the Talibans confidence???


Today's a hard day.

Great professionalism though.

Can't do it safely?! Oh yes you can.

Heavy hearted conversation.

We will try harder….

Thanks general.

No questions.

Biden is not the commander in chief of the United States military

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c13737  No.14465866

File: d31a30061ba6cef⋯.jpeg (491.57 KB, 756x1008, 3:4, 9447633F_5DF1_48F9_960D_9….jpeg)

File: 54567a6bc3e8cba⋯.jpeg (106.91 KB, 756x1008, 3:4, 6FD1F0AD_07E7_4AD7_A042_0….jpeg)


Happy dog day Dogg

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6dd23b  No.14465867



Can’t let that one go. Anon opines it was LdR. Based on last posts and mathematical links. Would gladly take her money to pay for the children’s school that she threatened to murder., if true. If not… whoever it was needs to pay up

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63fb33  No.14465868


Worth the price of admission. This is my new groove.

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d11cea  No.14465869


that is military behind her wtf?

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2b5fe2  No.14465870

Weird not being able to post images on an image board.

Listening to Pentagon briefing.

Have a nice new We Don't Say His Name image building on my desktop.

This image https://e.vnexpress.net/news/news/kamala-harris-pays-tribute-to-late-john-mccain-in-hanoi-4346213.html has him with his hands up. Three year delta to his death and the next day Q posts about it. Including the time [:28].

Is a sweet Q knew in advance red pill.


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afe619  No.14465871


It's DDoS

I've been here for DDoS attacks before, the Origin server is DDoS protection… but with it the board it slows it down a little and makes the image server stop working

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282821  No.14465872

File: 77242ef44dcc6f1⋯.png (304.32 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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73c561  No.14465873


o7 - anons are the salt of the earth. Let's give them a good show. Information Warfare can be entertaining, fun and factual all at the same time. Good energy attracts.

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f509b7  No.14465874



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993014  No.14465875



So we know the media servers aren't working. Certificate issue again?

Runing an SSL checker on media.8kun.top shows no useful information because the server is inaccessible.

% host media.8kun.top

media.8kun.top has address

traceroute fails for me after stockholm.

7 ae-2-38.bbr2.atlanta1.level3.net ( 15.623 ms 16.322 ms 16.928 ms

8 ae-2-3204-bar1.stockholm1.level3.net ( 188.216 ms 188.026 ms 191.299 ms

9 globalnet-j.bar1.stockholm1.level3.net ( 189.589 ms 188.278 ms 195.322 ms

10 * * *

11 ( 215.145 ms ( 240.532 ms ( 209.172 ms

12 * * *

13 * * *

14 * * *

15 * * *

16 * * *

17 * * *

18 * * *

19 * * *

20 * * *

21 * * *

22 * * *

23 * * *

24 * * *

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4231fb  No.14465876


Myanmar raid

She just "happened" to be there


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d4e2b5  No.14465877


Are you familiar with the trudeau vid from yesterday?

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fb44e9  No.14465878

That general was a fucking idiot

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2c72e2  No.14465879































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3df40f  No.14465880

File: 5770b668986e965⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210628_194923_342.jpg)


/hug fren

/bless fren

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404a85  No.14465881

<pre style="font-family: Fixed, Lucida Console, Andale Mono, Courier New, Courier, monospace; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 110%; letter-spacing: 0pt; margin: 0px; overflow: visible; background-color: #000000; color: #FFFF00;">




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640f34  No.14465882

File: f50404734adb4fe⋯.jpeg (194.22 KB, 750x1194, 125:199, 6BCFA263_68D5_45EF_9A1E_4….jpeg)


11 million dollars to be the highest ranking vaccine shill

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0de2a7  No.14465883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fuck biden

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b6ae9c  No.14465885


Biden needs to go in undercover…. strapped with explosives and a remote detonator….that Trump has…lol.

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12a36b  No.14465886

File: 1f2f55fad57347b⋯.png (7.87 KB, 479x201, 479:201, 47CA8307_2CF1_4E04_8BD3_07….png)


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d11cea  No.14465887



upload date

Hot August

and 17

2021 Myanmar Coup

workout Apustaja mariachi band Full HD


Aug 17, 2021

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404a85  No.14465888

how do i display ascii art in fixed font in here? help guise

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4231fb  No.14465889





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d11cea  No.14465890

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5530f0  No.14465891

This line holds with or with out images.

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177e43  No.14465892


image server is currently down

not the same as video

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de41ae  No.14465893


I don't say this very often, but my presence proves I still mean it: It is an honor to be in present company.


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f8d4b3  No.14465894

File: 3750381b9341889⋯.png (276.69 KB, 535x577, 535:577, Screenshot_2021_08_26_at_1….png)

ISIS claims this is one of the suicide bombers that targeted Kabul today. Names him "Abdul Rahman al Loghari"


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cfcb6a  No.14465895




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23f13a  No.14465896

I don't think Secretary of Defense Kirby made any comments during the entire Pentagon briefing. His only purpose was to pick which reporter got to ask questions of the commanding officer shown on video feed.

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4231fb  No.14465897

Never did like flying Hood

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820015  No.14465898

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f65b5c  No.14465899




……..…../´¯/)………… (\¯`\

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(.(….(….(…./.)..)..(..(. \….)….)….)… )

.\…………….\/…/….\. ..\/……………./

..\…………….. /……..\……………..…/


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18bb84  No.14465900





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6e3796  No.14465901


Were they wearing US uniforms to get close??

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4231fb  No.14465902


Veritas Aequitas


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a26bca  No.14465903

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Going to start posting this

doctors shit everyday for

a while to stoke up

the board…..Thanks for

standing up to these POS


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b8426a  No.14465904


Same. Current mood: watching the Sons of Liberty mini series

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87973d  No.14465905

this is a test of the emergency meme broadcasting system



The absolute state of pornbot spam

while board under meme siege




















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afe619  No.14465906

I would like to be a fly on the wall right now where white hats are picking up DS comms

Wonder what kind of shit they are picking up right now

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9b26b3  No.14465907

images are down

I'll post an image


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1e9da2  No.14465908


>Nigeria: Terrorists named govs, senators, Presidency officials as sponsors during interrogation – Ex-Naval officer

notable baker

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8ceabe  No.14465909


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5530f0  No.14465910


no we need to disguise him as a goat with a bomb inside his butt that explodes on contact.

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820015  No.14465911

































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fb44e9  No.14465912

We needed to hear - 'We're going to find everyone who had a hand in today's attack and blow their heads off. When we get done with them, their won't even be enough left over for the vultures."

I don't care if it's true or impossible to do. Now is the time for saber rattling. We look like a bunch of bitches.

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87973d  No.14465913


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b6ae9c  No.14465914


Nope… butt naked….. the emperor had forgot his clothes…lol.

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4231fb  No.14465915


incredibly noice

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404a85  No.14465916


right outta rita katz isis studio where she filmed the green screen beheadings

fortunately, clowns are getting heads cut off for real …rita not needed for filming

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abc30b  No.14465917

by the way, i dont think this is part of the plan.

Q, can u post and admit the fokery and go from there?

No? ok.

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2b5fe2  No.14465918

File: d9be98c18fc3862⋯.png (7.87 MB, 3600x3600, 1:1, 1qclock_vanilla_2_36x3644O….png)



On the OWL QClock

Version available at ClockworkQrange as well if Anons had it loaded.

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d11cea  No.14465919


gotta do hat is neccesary

bewbs for baker

like morse code


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61a0fd  No.14465920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm sick and tired of hearing R's talk about "impeaching" Bidan.

He is not legitimate.

He doesn't deserve legitimate removal from office. He deserves to be shot and strung up like Mussolini.

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d4e2b5  No.14465921

'Memberbarrywhen someone tipped off the yemen terrorists and Marines were killed the first week of Trump term…Trump remembers

Dems have a long history of self seeking at other's expense

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2c72e2  No.14465922


Code tags?

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63fb33  No.14465923


Sometimes life comes together perfectly in the most unexpected ways. Viva Le frog!>>14465870

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d11cea  No.14465924


>gotta do WAHT is neccesary

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a5d79b  No.14465925

[y] so Sirius?

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cf48f8  No.14465926

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f8d4b3  No.14465927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Burning Down the House

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b6ae9c  No.14465928


How dare you rob Trump of that satisfaction…lol.

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afe619  No.14465929


Panic moar shill faggot

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404a85  No.14465930


oh, you know it! taliban are chasing around clowns. Justice is being served.

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87973d  No.14465931


>bewbs for baker

Oh shit friendly fire friendly fire!

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87973d  No.14465932


>Have(you)been filtered?

(you) may be entitled to compensation!

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4231fb  No.14465933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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357ffc  No.14465934

Hmmm splosions at Kabul and so are issues at the same time.

MuSt bE a LaRP

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cd7eba  No.14465935

PEDO BUN 26 August 21

Former Ladysmith Teacher Charged with Producing Child Pornography


MDC corrections officer in court for possession of child pornography


Enrolled member of Navajo Nation sentenced to eight years in prison for sex abusive of a minor


Registered Sex Offender Facing 10-20 Years Imprisonment on Child Pornography Charge


Michigan mom sentenced to prison time for sex trafficking of 6-year-old daughter


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afe619  No.14465936


Imagine trying to datefag/clockfag shill when images aren't working

Fucking filtered faggot shill

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9f0af6  No.14465937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


electronic behavior control system


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d9cfe9  No.14465938

File: 1d12926ce269938⋯.png (777.61 KB, 584x780, 146:195, Screen_Shot_2021_08_26_at_….png)

Are we at the precipice yet?

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6c630f  No.14465939

Already talking about sending troops out to get people now…McKenzie is another muppet..

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ff473c  No.14465940



best part is that the pepes are not on the beat

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9b26b3  No.14465942


>i dont think this is part of the plan.

I dunno.

q clan could have been nwo goobers in disguise

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d11cea  No.14465943


i keep coming back

it is so fucking funny

the band is all on point


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63fb33  No.14465944

File: 10dc18b65fd969b⋯.png (180.29 KB, 500x432, 125:108, 1629436734.png)

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357ffc  No.14465945


*board issues anon no spell gud

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afe619  No.14465946


Clowns are mad

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cd7eba  No.14465947

File: 255b2a91542e3bf⋯.png (86.34 KB, 693x861, 33:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86c4a6ca1150b3a⋯.png (44.68 KB, 682x581, 682:581, ClipboardImage.png)

Physician Assistant Sentenced to Three Years in Federal Prison for Conspiring to Distribute and Dispense Oxycodone, Fentanyl, Methadone, and Alprazolam at a Pain Management Practice with Offices in Towson and Owings Mills


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c1946c  No.14465948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I'm sick and tired of hearing R's talk about "impeaching" Bidan.

>He is not legitimate.

>He doesn't deserve legitimate removal from office. He deserves to be shot and strung up like Mussolini.

The wrath of the people, betrayed by Mussolini.

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d11cea  No.14465949


put trump face on her head

that would fucking great


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da5cdb  No.14465950

I really hope the dead marines are kabuki for normies

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a81744  No.14465951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Earthfiles Podcast Episode 62 - June Crain, UFOs and Wright Field, 1942-1952

This woman held Q clearance during Roswell.

Good listen


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a5d79b  No.14465952

We are the North

The Pillar that Looms in the eye of the storm

We shall not stra[y]

It's [y]our weakness that IO despises

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6dd23b  No.14465953



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de41ae  No.14465954

>>14465895 Yes, we have fun, but this is how it's gonna be.

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abc30b  No.14465955


at least im here, and im a shill faggot.

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2c72e2  No.14465956


We're getting closer but not quite there yet. Things will get worse before we arrive at said precipice.

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d11cea  No.14465957


save before yt takes it down because we love it

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afe619  No.14465958


Might be, images aren't working for any anon

Board hasn't been DDoS'ed this hard in about 2 years.

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f36582  No.14465959

File: abc45c6d19db0c0⋯.png (482.29 KB, 603x672, 201:224, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_08….png)

SCOOP: U.S. officials gave the Taliban a list of names of U.S. citizens, green card holders & Afghan allies to grant entry into the outer perimeter of the city’s airport, prompting outrage behind the scenes from lawmakers and military officials.



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87973d  No.14465960







































nothing can stop it

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ddea4e  No.14465961

Taliban leader meets with see eye aye director

And then….today happens.

Connect the dots.

Biden is not the president.

He will be court martialed.

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404a85  No.14465962


.' `.

( `.

`. `..

,' .'

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) `=-.

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.` .`-.

_ ( \ `-.

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/ `. \ | `. `.

,' `. ) / \ \

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,' .' `. \ `. \

,' .' `. ) ) (__.

,' ( `. ) `."""'

_.-' __) `. . LGB

`""'"" `"""""""

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4231fb  No.14465963



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5e80d5  No.14465964


vaxxing and destroying the military is really fucking bad.

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fc8ef2  No.14465965


member that time he dropped leaflets on that convoy of ISIS oil trucks so they wouldn't get killed in the bombing?

anon remembers

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357ffc  No.14465966


Is that true, clowns? Honk once for yes…

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5530f0  No.14465967


i know shame on me. He needs a public execution anyways. The world needs to enjoy.

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afe619  No.14465968


The dead Marines are pissing off normies

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5dd881  No.14465969


no … some other worthless GO

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8f90d7  No.14465970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>Eric Prince is both white hat and black hat.


>Only when you observe him directly will he become his final state.

reminds me of the movie Prince of Darkness, by Carpenter …

it combined quantum physics and Biblical themes if memory serves

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f65b5c  No.14465972

File: 4b97168c65201f2⋯.jpg (10.37 KB, 681x426, 227:142, Screenshot_20210612_234642….jpg)

Holy fucking shot you guys, this drop lines up perfectly on the clock.

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5e80d5  No.14465973


Need bigger bewbs

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0272de  No.14465974


Did they confirm any of the stories we're hearing about marines/soldiers dying?

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a5d79b  No.14465976


Digits please

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57233d  No.14465977

dafuq Lin

Lin Wood, [26.08.21 15:17]

[Forwarded from Sam Smith Finance]

Qanon is a weak coward movement. They are internet warriors and will never reclaim the United States of America.

Sharia Law is coming to the USA.


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d11cea  No.14465978


this one seems to have a dick

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0272de  No.14465980


Give us the Q post #, no pics coming through!

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afe619  No.14465981


> imagine trying to clockfag shill when images aren't working

Filtered faggot

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6a6a50  No.14465982

A preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, foundvaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.


they are fukkin petri dishes.


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020b0c  No.14465983

File: 6739ea3a0bb519c⋯.jpg (72.33 KB, 800x420, 40:21, Strzok_panhandles_800x420.jpg)

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fc8ef2  No.14465984


The walking dead follows the talking heads… right off a cliff.

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4a59d6  No.14465985


Not Lin's channel.

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a5d79b  No.14465986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f4dbf4  No.14465987

` ``...----.........```..```.......``
MMMmmmmdhhdmdhy`+yyyhhhhhhyso+++++oosysoso/-..``` `.+hmmmmmmddhhyyhhmMmy+''//''
MMMMNNmmddhhhm.``../yyysoosoooo++oo+/-.``` `+hNNmmmmmmdddddhhhhyyyyyhhso
NNNNNNmhhyshms````-+syyhdmdhso++:-``` .omNNNNNmmmmdddhhhhhyyyyhhysssy
mmmdhyyysydNm.```+soysysyshy: -yNNNNNNNNmmdddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhyys

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bbf153  No.14465988

we will win this war

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6dd23b  No.14465989


They wanna duck around? Quickly, they will find out

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afe619  No.14465990


Pentagon confirmed it you fucking retard

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4231fb  No.14465991


she is pretty

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971cb7  No.14465992

File: e6713586c45d5c5⋯.jpg (79.7 KB, 500x322, 250:161, NO_DOUBTS.jpg)

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3df40f  No.14465993


Nope, not starting (& no thumbnail)

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0cf1f2  No.14465994


biden is ruthless

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5b6416  No.14465995


Oxford University study finds fully vaccinated Healthcare workers carry 251 times viral load compared to the unvaccinated proving the Covid-19 jabs make you worse


The study found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.

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e44a2b  No.14465996

File: 35f90334964b775⋯.png (191.09 KB, 547x232, 547:232, SUPER_SPREADER.png)


>A preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, foundvaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.


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0272de  No.14465997


>Sharia Law is coming to the USA.

Says the lawyer as he's blaming internet warriors!

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63fb33  No.14465998


Classic Lin misfire. When he's wrong he's spectacularly wrong.

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afe619  No.14465999


That is not Lin faggot

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789bc1  No.14466000


Bait for falseflaggers

Note how he said Qanon

Usually just says Q

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aa89e7  No.14466001


He's doing what he's told

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860ee7  No.14466002


Dasting if true.

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9b26b3  No.14466003


high iq fren

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282821  No.14466004

File: 1d8e95bc9e8f0ec⋯.png (452.08 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a81744  No.14466005

Former Tulsa mayoral candidate arrested for alleged rape, kidnapping

TULSA, Okla. (KTUL) — A Tulsa man who's been in the local headlines off and on for years over public antics and repeated runs for public office is now in jail.

Police arrested Paul Tay around 11 p.m. Monday for alleged rape and kidnapping.

According to Tulsa police, a woman reported that she responded to a Craigslist ad for a job on Tay's gubernatorial campaign team on Sunday. The ad stated he would give applicants a place to stay as well as pay.

The victim told Tay she didn't have a ride to Oklahoma City, where the ad stated the job would be, so he offered to pick her up in Bethany, according to arrest reports.

Once he picked her up, the victim said he immediately started driving to Tulsa instead and wouldn't let her out of the vehicle.

The victim told police that Tay drove her to his residence where he kept her against her will.

On Monday, she was able to convince him to take her to Walmart where she was finally able to get away.

A Walmart employee called 911, and officers arrived and detained him in the parking lot.

Tay was booked into the Tulsa County jail on complaints of first-degree rape, kidnapping, and assault with a dangerous weapon. His bond is set at $85,000.

In 2016, Tay ran to be Tulsa's mayor and disrupted a televised political debate he wasn't invited to.

In 2019, he was arrested for sending threatening messages to a Tulsa City Councilwoman, and last year, he was arrested for soliciting prostitution and was sentenced to serve nine months in jail.

In June, he filed paperwork with the Oklahoma Ethics Commission seeking to run for governor against Gov. Kevin Stitt in 2022.


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348e40  No.14466006


Kinda buggers up the planefags too.

CLUB22E-4 Nightwatch out of Dayton Ohio (W-P prolly).

Headed SW to Evansville Kentucky now heading W towards Kansas.

Big lump of stormy weather over Dayton Area at the moment.

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e44a2b  No.14466007


fake AND gay–

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fb44e9  No.14466008


Gen. Frank McKenzie Jr., commander of US Central Command,

I'd put up a picture if I could

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820015  No.14466009


he understands nothing, there is no qanon, fuckwit, go back to reading the bible and stating very badly

nothing can stop what is coming?

We all have our mission, most here are on the breadline and give what we can most of all our time.

retard, he would have nothing if we did not fuck up the msm fake narrative?


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afe619  No.14466010

One post wonders coming in trying to slide the board back to "muh vax"

Fuck off shill faggots

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f75a94  No.14466011

Can we have a moment of silence for the Americans who lost their lives NEEDLESSLY today?

Let us pray….together

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cf48f8  No.14466012

QBB##QaygQB#Bg9ZHD0DDN00g08888Q80NN9dMd6RNDgg0000gg8g00qn?v?Yxv7vL?nx~ !IVzwoKSM9

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860ee7  No.14466013


Srsly bro you could have just read the bread the first time you posted….

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2b5fe2  No.14466014


Going to need a description ClockFag. No images currently.

Q posts available at q-clock.com

Today is :38

Day Standard

Clock :25/:55 Q

Mirror 180-Degree


26 AUG [38] [12] [08] [32]

What drop lines up with what news?

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5530f0  No.14466015


21 posts says you have black dildo in your chink asshole right now.

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8f2a1f  No.14466016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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57233d  No.14466017


fug my bad. what is his real telegram

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fc8ef2  No.14466018


that is because that is how vaccines work, they infect you with a "weakened" strain of a virus, that's why people/babies/kids get a bit sick with whatever they've been inoculated against.

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0272de  No.14466019


That's what I was asking you fucking asshole!

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9b26b3  No.14466020


shill tries to cause friendly fire upon patriot Lin

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5b6416  No.14466021


Here is the study link, open the pdf, info is not in the abstract, but in the pdf

Astra Zeneca was first approved to be used

Then Sputnik

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2c72e2  No.14466022


` ``...----.........```..```.......``
MMMmmmmdhhdmdhy`+yyyhhhhhhyso+++++oosysoso/-..``` `.+hmmmmmmddhhyyhhmMmy+''''//''''
MMMMNNmmddhhhm.``../yyysoosoooo++oo+/-.``` `+hNNmmmmmmdddddhhhhyyyyyhhso
NNNNNNmhhyshms````-+syyhdmdhso++:-``` .omNNNNNmmmmdddhhhhhyyyyhhysssy
mmmdhyyysydNm.```+soysysyshy: -yNNNNNNNNmmdddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhyys

Is this what you were trying for?

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573d9c  No.14466023


BUFF off of SoCal nao

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afe619  No.14466024


> Use of "Qanon"

Shill detected, filtered faggot

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f36582  No.14466025


Livefeed of the Press briefing room right now just had a HUGE Thunder boom. Must be storming in DC!!

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cd7eba  No.14466026

File: 99fd04b95922eb9⋯.png (27.79 KB, 563x201, 563:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ead79a2e4989a4a⋯.png (257.6 KB, 577x440, 577:440, ClipboardImage.png)

Washington State Creeps Toward COVID Police State With Vaccine Mandates, ‘Tracking Monitors’ in Schools

It’s a race to the bottom of humanity and the competition just keeps getting scarier by the day. On the heels of what we thought was a clear One Horse Race in the ‘Zero COVID’ Sweepstakes, led by New Zealand, a new contender has emerged stateside – Washington, USA.

State education workers will need to be ‘fully vaccinated’ by the hard deadline of October 18th.

Inslee called the vaccines being mandated “incredibly effective, amazingly effective…they are a medical miracle, they are a double miracle…”

Personal and religious beliefs will also not be tolerated:

Inslee topped up his orders by declaring the state’s indoor mask mandate expanded to require everyone to ‘mask up’ in indoor settings, regardless of vaccine status, set to take effect on Monday, August 30th.

You may have seen by now New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern gleefully advocating for COVID ‘ankle bracelets’ – she says “YEES!”:

The News Tribune reports that Eatonville High School in Washington has already implemented Ardern’s fanatical fantasy – requiring its student-athletes and coaches to wear tracking monitors during practices:

“We received grant funding (known as ESSER III) that specifically included provisions to support higher-risk athletic programs, and we used some of those funds to pay for athletic proximity monitors,” the statement reads. “We are using these monitors for high contact and moderate indoor contact sports. The monitors are for both staff (coaches) and students on the field, regardless if they are vaccinated or unvaccinated. If a student or coach tests positive, we will have immediate information regarding athletes’ and coaches’ contacts, so we can more tightly determine who might need to quarantine.”

A parent of two student-athletes at the high school, Jason Ostendorf, told The Times Tribune he had “no choice in the matter” but to sign the consent forms allowing the school to track his kids while they practiced their sports, adding:

“It’s just one more thing they’re doing to the kids through this whole covid thing,” he said. “The vaccine, now be tracked when you’re at practice. Where does this end? I feel like this is an experiment on our kids to see how much we can put them through before they start breaking.”

The small town of Eatonville is part of Pierce County, the third largest county in the state with an estimated population of 927,000. Pierce County Health Department’s website has reported 653 ‘deaths caused by COVID.’


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6dd23b  No.14466027


Fair enough. Lots of stuff happening below the surface. Milley is a phaggot but just a pawn. Would bite his ankles as he intended with those ghay pant legs

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bbf153  No.14466028



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8f2a1f  No.14466029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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282821  No.14466030


KEK!!! cointelpro telecancer niggers crying hard right now. We even had that one glow nigger last night crying that we don't do anything.

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5b6416  No.14466031


Link helps (rough day here anons) Prayers for all


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e04c8e  No.14466032

File: d61b7361f458c99⋯.jpeg (344.8 KB, 640x699, 640:699, 7DE70A5B_578A_435C_BFB2_B….jpeg)

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f36582  No.14466033

JUST IN - Biden to speak at 5 PM.


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1e9da2  No.14466034

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 1e2b4e No.5402061 📁

Feb 26 2019 18:49:44 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 67117c No.5401939 📁

Feb 26 2019 18:41:14 (EST)

Feeling like Anons in US will be up late tonight following POTUS/Q in Vietnam.


It's going to be HISTORIC!

Planned long ago.


Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.


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e04c8e  No.14466035

File: 4fbf29a1d7542ca⋯.jpeg (488.12 KB, 640x942, 320:471, 4B5C49E8_2B10_4EFA_9426_2….jpeg)

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8f2a1f  No.14466036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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87973d  No.14466037

_ _████████ _██████











█░░░░░░░░░░█████ ███__ ████ █████ _█

_█░░░░░░░░░░█_ _█_███__█ _███_█_█























▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█ >>14466006 CLUB22E-4 Nightwatch out of Dayton Ohio

▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█PF Report

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4231fb  No.14466038

F-15C Eagle

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186928  No.14466039

New here? Q Proofs & Welcome



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8ba9c8  No.14466040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Notable Notes


>>14465708, >>14465731 Pentagon briefing following 12 U.S. soldiers killed in Kabul Airport attack |

>>14465771 Sen. Marsha Blackburn called for Biden to resign along with Vice President Kamala Harris and several top officials.

>>14465775 Nigeria: Terrorists named govs, senators, Presidency officials as sponsors during interrogation – Ex-Naval officer

>>14465806 Lena Hildago give elevate strategies llc 11 million dollars to PR the vaccine. Her firm worked for Hillary campaign in 2016.

>>14465935 PEDO BUN 26 August 21 - BOOK EM DANNO!

>>14465947 Physician Assistant Sentenced to Three Years in Federal Prison for Conspiring to Distribute and Dispense Oxycodone, Fentanyl, Methadone, and Alprazolam

>>14465959 U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate

>>14465982, >>14465995 Vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.

>>14466005 Former Tulsa mayoral candidate arrested for alleged rape, kidnapping

>>14466026 Washington State Creeps Toward COVID Police State With Vaccine Mandates, ‘Tracking Monitors’ in Schools


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d72b57  No.14466041

Attacks only make us STRONGER

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1e9086  No.14466042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a81744  No.14466043



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e04c8e  No.14466044

File: c88447f383bd4c1⋯.jpeg (512.63 KB, 640x756, 160:189, 433B99E1_350F_4AC2_8E65_8….jpeg)

File: d72d972903f84d9⋯.jpeg (414.36 KB, 640x757, 640:757, 70E9DE58_5618_49F8_9F03_B….jpeg)

File: baee6bc893b5ff1⋯.jpeg (526.42 KB, 640x759, 640:759, 799A2467_AD57_4982_A7F2_5….jpeg)

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8b7021  No.14466046

Sep 5, 2019 — A rash of postings that may be related to mass shootings has put a spotlight on loosely moderated forums known as chan boards or image boards.

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820015  No.14466047


truth dubs chek'ed, lin woods next tweet

Lin Wood

Taliban are now celebrating on Telegram.




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5dd881  No.14466048

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186f82  No.14466049

What the hell is up with our cucked military???

If the Oath meant what it did when I served, Joe Blow would already be pushing up daisies.

Bunch of faggots and pansies!

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bbca86  No.14466050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Which one you watching ? I got Washington Post and man the boom scared the shit outta me and I’m doing dishes tuning in kek

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348e40  No.14466051



'nother BUFF doing some landscaping practice over Dugway Proving ground Utah.

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e04c8e  No.14466053

File: 63952a440a02e77⋯.jpeg (438.78 KB, 640x799, 640:799, B0F4FB95_05FD_4888_961F_C….jpeg)

File: fca4f8258123357⋯.jpeg (575.69 KB, 640x790, 64:79, 9E223E41_3F34_4EA9_BE29_5….jpeg)

File: 1cc7215a893ba8f⋯.jpeg (527.81 KB, 640x768, 5:6, E186F4E7_1659_4023_A602_1….jpeg)

File: 3b741bfba0e8109⋯.jpeg (432.13 KB, 640x768, 5:6, 383E4C32_0565_4597_BF57_4….jpeg)

File: a947cd8a76dda97⋯.jpeg (422.54 KB, 640x776, 80:97, 68B4011E_0372_492F_9549_9….jpeg)

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e04c8e  No.14466054

File: aff790aa21c35fb⋯.jpeg (339.07 KB, 640x694, 320:347, 1A8DC45B_2646_42B2_A765_9….jpeg)

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afe619  No.14466056

President Joe Biden will speak at 5:00 P.M. EST.


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6c630f  No.14466057

Board fuckery..

The storm is upon us anons..

Suicide weekend?

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4a59d6  No.14466059



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177e43  No.14466060



This works:


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cd7eba  No.14466061

Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Linked to Heart Inflammation Risk in Real-World Study


Safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine in a Nationwide Setting

List of authors.

Noam Barda, M.D., Noa Dagan, M.D., Yatir Ben-Shlomo, B.Sc., Eldad Kepten, Ph.D., Jacob Waxman, M.D., Reut Ohana, M.Sc., Miguel A. Hernán, M.D., Marc Lipsitch, D.Phil., Isaac Kohane, M.D., Doron Netzer, M.D., Ben Y. Reis, Ph.D., and Ran D. Balicer, M.D.


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f8d4b3  No.14466062

PM @naftalibennett's meeting with President Joe Biden has been postponed until Friday in light of the #ISIS terror attack in #Kabul.


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176593  No.14466063

Watching the briefing room feed:


At least 4 guys with little black hats on…maybe Jerusalem Post?

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fae201  No.14466064


>President Joe Biden will speak at 5:00 P.M. EST.


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8f2a1f  No.14466065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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23f13a  No.14466066

Big storm over the White House right now. It's really coming down.

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2b5fe2  No.14466067

What National day is dog day?

Image result for National Dog day

August 26

Labrador retrievers are the world's number one dog breed. National Dog Day is established by Colleen Paige who chooses August 26 because that was the day her family brought home her first dog.

National Dog Day

Every dog has its day.

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357ffc  No.14466068

Let’s take bets on how long Bibey speaks today. Anon has him for 3:33

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6dd23b  No.14466069


Clowns out. Strings cut. They won’t go down without a fight. Kabul station Is clown central. Just like every embassy on the planet. Good luck, phaggots. Ill intent is judged by God and anons. “National security” and your beloved patriot act are a farce and you can kindly fuck right off. Z

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fc8ef2  No.14466070


myocarditis is a common result of viral infection, particularly in children.

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0cf1f2  No.14466071


well, they told him to speak at 5

w/ greg makes for two pee pees in a pod

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218ab9  No.14466072





















retard alert

fake and gay

go back

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afe619  No.14466073


Jen Psaki to brief reporters at 5:45 p.m. after Biden’s speech - which suggests he is not likely to take questions after his remarks


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404a85  No.14466074


_.-' -.__`-._.

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a81744  No.14466075


This sounds and looks like fuckery to me (7/10) can somebody notable this, please?


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fb44e9  No.14466076


Not hoping for a lot.

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cbf27b  No.14466077

Anon perceives collapse/precipice coming up fast.

Even though anon was there before Q first posted, when it was Meganon, I know that's a newfag status compared to some liferfags.

That said, the cancer/parasite/ivermectin-hydroxychloroquine cure revelations today has shook me, and I didnt think I could be shook anymore.

When normies begin processing it all, this country will collapse, but I guess it needs to collapse to be built back up again.

God bless you all, anons. Love you all, no ho.

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cd7eba  No.14466078

File: 49150ed61fecba8⋯.png (11.47 KB, 566x119, 566:119, ClipboardImage.png)







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820015  No.14466079


have you chek'ed the link mongrel, no, fcuk you are really shilly, cannot trust a incel.

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5e80d5  No.14466080


kek…..doge got game

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9b26b3  No.14466081


stolen elections have consequences….aka Trump won

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789bc1  No.14466082


How come these motherfuckers can carry backpacks into the White House but children have to carry clear or mesh backpacks into schools?


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afe619  No.14466083

JUST IN - Reports of multiple new explosions in #Kabul, at least one of high intensity outside the airport.


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0cf1f2  No.14466084



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4231fb  No.14466085


WSUS31 KKCI 261855








OUTLOOK VALID 262055-270055

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b5b670  No.14466086



>that is because that is how vaccines work

typically, yes. They haven't isolated the virus, therefore, these vaccines aren't "weakened" or "dead" viruses that are injected.

This type of vaccine is totally new and hasn't been done before.

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63fb33  No.14466087


Nice war you got there. Shame if somebody fake stopped it.

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2b5fe2  No.14466088


Suicide Weekend is No Names post.

3 year delta


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2a2c4f No.2743167 📁

Aug 26 2018 10:46:38 (EST)

Suicide weekend?

Hands up?





We are in control.

BIG week ahead.


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b6ae9c  No.14466089

File: 3e6cd100f64585b⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Trump_eminem_takeoff.mp4)

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573d9c  No.14466090


roger dat

HAMMER13 is an F-16 over Salt Lake

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404a85  No.14466091



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5b6416  No.14466092

Anti-Covid - How to avoid killing off your bloodline for a global blood cult



EXEMPTION FORMS - state by state

Sample letters and forms for employees to their employers, huge amount of resources compiled here.

Hope it helps some out.

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357ffc  No.14466093


*laughter track*

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8b7021  No.14466095


Thursday, August 26

International Dog Day 2021 in United States

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de41ae  No.14466096


There is something to be said for a titty supplier who doesn't sweat the small stuff, and keeps working.

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c1946c  No.14466097

File: ee066326d3a2332⋯.png (282.01 KB, 406x505, 406:505, bidan_copy_4.png)


>Jen Psaki to brief reporters at 5:45 p.m. after Biden’s speech - which suggests he is not likely to take questions after his remarks

Yeah, we know.

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1e9086  No.14466099

File: f457bd87245d5e6⋯.png (635.82 KB, 843x556, 843:556, DC_Storm.png)

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afe619  No.14466100


What the fuck is this you fucking nigger?

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fb44e9  No.14466101


Ah shit. Here we go again.


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177e43  No.14466102


>onion address

u r right

but tor not allowed here, so din look


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cbf27b  No.14466103


*Imposter Pervert Joe Bidan

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218ab9  No.14466104

















why the fuck my text box light up yellow now

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fae201  No.14466105

File: cb97469d96e958f⋯.png (561.62 KB, 632x710, 316:355, ClipboardImage.png)


U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate

“Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,” said one defense official.

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404a85  No.14466106

the good news is that the faggot pedo baker can't post tranny anime kid pics.

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6aa0b6  No.14466107

"Those you trust the most.." >>14466077

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8ddd7f  No.14466108

File: a55d14c558f1cbe⋯.jpg (33.03 KB, 485x358, 485:358, Screen_Shot_2021_08_22_at_….jpg)

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865650  No.14466109

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d11cea  No.14466110

good meme question






Why aren’t white liberals excited that California is *this* close to having its first black Governor?

Reject white liberal supremacy.

Vote Yes on Recall!

Vote Larry Elder!

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5530f0  No.14466112































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b4b04a  No.14466113


teh bewbs must flow

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ea1fef  No.14466114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Looks to me like a hell of cocaine!

VP Harris laughs when a reporter says the next question will be on Afghanistan.

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404a85  No.14466115

Taliban be like: "Beheading clowns is fun!"

It is a new carnival game in Kabul.

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5e80d5  No.14466116


He is right you know…kekking in Morgan Freeman

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9b26b3  No.14466117


convective sigmet 90e dumbass

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f65b5c  No.14466118


Suicide weekend.

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198c45  No.14466119



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cd7eba  No.14466120

ISIS Fighters Regret Attacking Israel And Have 'Apologized', Former Defense Minister Says


2017 reminder

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357ffc  No.14466121

From Kansas earlier. Warning?

I hope this Administration comes to understand that apologizing, placating, appeasing, being weak, only presents risks to American security.


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8f90d7  No.14466122


>He deserves to be shot and strung up like Mussolini.

it was Italian ANTIFAscist Commies who captured and executed Mussolini

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de41ae  No.14466123


I shudder to think of what might happen if it ever stops.

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e04c8e  No.14466124

File: a13433102f8ef1e⋯.jpeg (326.68 KB, 640x693, 640:693, DBDAB586_1F5F_4F47_A36B_9….jpeg)


>U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate

>“Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,” said one defense official.

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afe619  No.14466125

PRES. TRUMP: "This tragedy should never have been allowed to happen, which makes our grief even deeper and more difficult to understand."


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b5b670  No.14466126


i like where the ## (pound pound) symbols are.


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218ab9  No.14466127

















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4231fb  No.14466128


Its called a SIGMET, nigger.

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8ddd7f  No.14466129

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bbf153  No.14466130

I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round

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b6ae9c  No.14466131


Along with the bio-metric equipment with iris scans and fingerprints etc… IT'S A FUCKING TERRORISTS DELIGHT

WHAT THE FUCK…. could this nightmare get any worse?…… please don't answer that, because I know it can.

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e04c8e  No.14466132

File: e564305595443bc⋯.jpeg (521.1 KB, 640x799, 640:799, BE9A556D_CCBD_42EA_AC66_1….jpeg)

File: 045de78688843a7⋯.jpeg (440.68 KB, 640x799, 640:799, 5ED0656E_FA29_45E4_8EB7_A….jpeg)

File: 1ba0dbee6bcabdf⋯.jpeg (543.16 KB, 640x767, 640:767, 2422A2B2_4B80_4406_BE3B_F….jpeg)

File: 37adcb7ced4bf3a⋯.jpeg (562.3 KB, 640x800, 4:5, C88E5910_7812_4962_B4B4_4….jpeg)



>U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate

>“Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,” said one defense official.

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5dd881  No.14466133



Blaming down state Illinois peeps. This fucker needs a scaffold

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0272de  No.14466134


John Cox, not elder.

Elder is newsom/dem puppet!

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fc8ef2  No.14466135


that only makes it more terrifying

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865650  No.14466136


>VP Harris laughs when a reporter says the next question will be on Afghanistan.


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292385  No.14466137

File: 55abd3e0677db74⋯.mp4 (753.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bideslie.mp4)

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8ddd7f  No.14466138

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5530f0  No.14466139


its supposed to be the penis fish i have never done this before. trying to figure it out.

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2c72e2  No.14466140






























That's a funny looking dick fish.

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63fb33  No.14466141


Got 26 problems and posts ain't one. Nigga. It's nigga.

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57edb3  No.14466142


Images being blocked. Spread them again and again.

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bbf153  No.14466143


Where is Biden Hidin? Is he ded yet?

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5dd881  No.14466144



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fc8ef2  No.14466145


keep living in wishful thinking imagination land, when you're ready for reality hit anon up.

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cd7eba  No.14466146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Former Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israeli Collaboration with ISIS in Syria

In the midst of complaining about the Islamist threat to Israel and the world, Bibi Netanyahu conveniently forgets that his own country enjoys a tacit alliance with ISIS in Syria. It is an alliance of convenience to be sure and one that’s not boasted about by either party. But is not terribly different from one than Israel enjoys with its other Muslim allies like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.

yaalon isis

Yaalon acknowledges preference for ISIS in 2016 Newsweek headline

Bogie Yaalon served as defence minister in the current Israeli government till he had a falling out with Netanyahu in May 2016. Now Yaalon plans to form his own party and run against his former boss. Unfortunately for him, he’s not polling well and doesn’t appear to be much of a political threat.

So Yaalon enjoys the position of having little to lose. He can speak more candidly than the average politician. In this context, he spoke at length on security matters at a public event in Afula. There is always much that I disagree with whenever I read Yaalon’s views. For example, while warning in this video about the danger of favoring too heavily one side over the other in Syria, he essentially justifies Israel’s interventionist approach. It has largely has favored Assad’s Islamist opponents. Nor do I much like, in another context, Yaalon’s choice of political allies–from Islamophobe blogger Pam Geller to Meir Kahane’s grandson.

But he did reveal Israel’s ties to ISIS in Syria. I’ve documented, along with other journalists, Israeli collaboration with al-Nusra, an affiliate of al-Qaeda. But no Israeli till now has admitted it has collaborated with ISIS as well. Below Yaalon implicitly confirms this:

…Within Syria there are many factions: the regime, Iran, the Russians, and even al-Qaeda and ISIS. In such circumstances, one must develop a responsible, carefully-balanced policy by which you protect your own interests on the one hand, and on the other hand you don’t intervene. Because if Israel does intervene on behalf of one side, it will serve the interests of the other; which is why we’ve established red lines. Anyone who violates our sovereignty will immediately feel the full weight of our power. On most occasions, firing comes from regions under the control of the regime. But once the firing came from ISIS positions–and it immediately apologized.

The attack he refers to was reported in Israeli media. But ISIS’ apology was not. It was suppressed most certainly because an ISIS’ apology would embarrass both Israel and the Islamists as it has now.

Some critics claim that an ISIS apology doesn’t signify an alliance or serious collaboration between the Islamist group and Israel. To which I reply–when you bomb an ally you apologize. When you bomb an enemy–you don’t. What does that make ISIS to Israel? Further, when was the last time an Islsmist terror group apologized for for firing bullets at Jews or Israelis?

UPDATE: RT reports that the specific incident involved the ISIS Shuhada al-Yarmouk “cell,” which had taken over a former UN observation post on the border. The IDF Golani brigade which patrolled that sector believed this could signify an aggressive posture by ISIS which might threaten Israeli territory. So the commander ordered a unit into the area, within Syrian territory, in order ambush the ISIS detachment. When armed Islamists appeared to be moving in the direction of the border, the Golani troops opened fire. In the ensuing battle, eight of the Islamists were killed. The fact that the group later apologized to Israel indicates to me that the al-Yarmouk detachment had violated an understanding worked out by the two sides.

Mako is the first Hebrew-language news outlet to grasp the import of Yaalon’s statement, though it typically, for security-obsessed Israel, allowed for the fact it may’ve been a “slip of the tongue.” When Mako asked for Yaalon to clarify his statement, he declined. This is a further indication of the veracity of my reporting here.

Returning to ISIS, this is the same group which beheaded a Jewish-American who’d lived in Israel: Steven Sotloff. The same ISIS which raped Yazidi women and threw gay men off buildings. The same ISIS which has rampaged through the Middle East sowing havoc and rivers of blood wherever it goes. The same ISIS which Netanyahu routinely excoriates as being the root of all evil in the world. Like here, for example:

“Iran and the Islamic State want to destroy us, and a hatred for Jews is being directed towards the Jewish state today,” said Netanyahu, adding, “those who threaten to destroy us risk being destroyed themselves.”



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23f13a  No.14466147

Agenda Free TV guy just read a tweet claiming latest explosion was a controlled demolition by U.S. Military.

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f8d4b3  No.14466148


How can @JoeBiden retain any credibility as President?


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9b26b3  No.14466149


looks like a king prawn imho

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0cf1f2  No.14466150

Talibidan directing the war on terror towards ..

.. u all akready know, Jan6 political prisoners

swift personal and violent attacks ← response : out by 310821

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404a85  No.14466151


can we get one of these with Gretch?

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3f0c1c  No.14466152


Nobody told me there's be days like these.

Strange days indeed.

Most peculiar, mama.

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020b0c  No.14466154


Get some

get some

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573d9c  No.14466155

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8ddd7f  No.14466156


/ \

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_/| | |\_






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348e40  No.14466157




Your 8kun premium subscription has expired.

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b784db  No.14466158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stephan Kohn, new head of the Robert Koch Institute*, addresses the German population in a video message.

From now on, conscientiousness and rational risk assessment will determine the government's course.

The German RKI calls on the people:

Please keep calm, the situation is not alarming on rational reflection. With well-established measures, we will get through this situation, as we have with every respiratory disease wave to date.

*This is an exercise:

Base Camp - Global Pandemic Exit Exercise.



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8ff446  No.14466159























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f65b5c  No.14466160







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218ab9  No.14466161

















>Your 8kun premium subscription has expired.

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9b26b3  No.14466162


Nancy and company will prop him up

US mill will still salute

MSM will still kiss his ass

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fc8ef2  No.14466163


I hope you realize this clusterfuck is PURPOSEFUL.


More like







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717132  No.14466164

File: 78b489bc84ee6d8⋯.png (262.03 KB, 1280x770, 128:77, ClipboardImage.png)

@disclosetv INBOX -

Trump statement on Kabul attacks.


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ad7257  No.14466165


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63fb33  No.14466166


Jesus Christ. I almost want what they used to program this ho. I mean, that's one happy bitch.

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fae201  No.14466167


anybody else having image problems?

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a683c9  No.14466168

File: ed2bce778c0dde1⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1606x962, 803:481, How.png)

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ad7257  No.14466169

File: 220c5cadcaa6aee⋯.gif (965.34 KB, 400x220, 20:11, 15391653.gif)

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e82b1c  No.14466171

File: 08228f54d7ba07a⋯.jpg (366.11 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Audit50_1.jpg)

File: c139c1656c25896⋯.jpg (343.25 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Audit50_2.jpg)

File: fdd3bc19c389c85⋯.jpg (336.55 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Audit50_3.jpg)

File: a54c83a500c0e71⋯.jpg (329.27 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Audit50_4.jpg)

File: 3b33e88cd8e6fc0⋯.jpg (455.63 KB, 1200x768, 25:16, Joe_watching_tv.jpg)

Ty anons

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29a863  No.14466172
























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ad7257  No.14466173

File: adbdb86addb2e95⋯.webm (1.09 MB, 352x288, 11:9, Baboon_Hunt_with_a_Crossb….webm)

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4b15fc  No.14466174

reboot the media server



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6fba3c  No.14466175


What if that list is all the C_A over there?

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a5d79b  No.14466177

Extremely real = Extremely fake.

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29a863  No.14466180





















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a683c9  No.14466181


Yes, spinning icon up top indicating page is still loading

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865650  No.14466182


>anybody else having image problems?

Yes, it's part of the bigger picture

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d11cea  No.14466183



do you see any images in the posts

take a look

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f65b5c  No.14466184

Does anyone have the BIOS password?

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820015  No.14466185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

probably missed it but if you rewind you can see a jewish block in a plastic cover and a skull cap walking around in front of the podium.

gone now, but suspect as fcuk. even the reporters are telling him to get out of the camera shot. kek

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404a85  No.14466186

_.._ ,-----.

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3f0c1c  No.14466187


Ya think?

Did the ascii titties give it away?

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bdca48  No.14466188





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a46809  No.14466189


yes. won't load

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b6ae9c  No.14466190


Yes……………lol….lol….lol… and for once, it's not my end….lmao….. suck it bitches….. this is the shit I have to deal with daily….lol.

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f8d4b3  No.14466191



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282821  No.14466192

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c47146  No.14466193


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a5d79b  No.14466194

[Death Blossom]

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ad7257  No.14466195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fc8ef2  No.14466196


z fog of war is but smoke & mirrors

Magic tricks perpetrated by elitist murderers

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fae201  No.14466197


that was one pathetic performance

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f65b5c  No.14466198


That password is hot shit.

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29a863  No.14466199


























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c47146  No.14466200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8ba9c8  No.14466201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Notable Notes


>>14465708, >>14465731 Pentagon briefing following 12 U.S. soldiers killed in Kabul Airport attack |

>>14465771 Sen. Marsha Blackburn called for Biden to resign along with Vice President Kamala Harris and several top officials.

>>14465722 Mexican navy helicopter crash lands with 20 people on board

>>14465775 Nigeria: Terrorists named govs, senators, Presidency officials as sponsors during interrogation – Ex-Naval officer

>>14465806 Lena Hildago give elevate strategies llc 11 million dollars to PR the vaccine. Her firm worked for Hillary campaign in 2016.

>>14465935 PEDO BUN 26 August 21 - BOOK EM DANNO!

>>14465947 Physician Assistant Sentenced to Three Years in Federal Prison for Conspiring to Distribute and Dispense Oxycodone, Fentanyl, Methadone, and Alprazolam

>>14465959, >>14466105 U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate

>>14465982, >>14465995 Vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.

>>14466005 Former Tulsa mayoral candidate arrested for alleged rape, kidnapping

>>14466026 Washington State Creeps Toward COVID Police State With Vaccine Mandates, ‘Tracking Monitors’ in Schools

>>14466061 Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Linked to Heart Inflammation Risk in Real-World Study

>>14466119 ISIS Fighters Regret Attacking Israel And Have 'Apologized', Former Defense Minister Says (2017)

>>14466146 Former Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israeli Collaboration with ISIS in Syria (2017)


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6cf771  No.14466202

File: 8a2640eafc091e6⋯.png (12.59 KB, 438x134, 219:67, ClipboardImage.png)

flynn just flat out admitted there is no fucking plan.

Q team got rekt

hopium addict anons need to wake the fuck up!

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cd7eba  No.14466203

File: 443663912747efd⋯.png (449.54 KB, 556x491, 556:491, ClipboardImage.png)

General McKenzie: US Relying on Taliban to Protect Us – After 12 US Servicemen Killed in Kabul Blasts

The Pentagon on Thursday afternoon held a press conference on the Kabul blasts as Joe Biden hid from the public.

The Pentagon’s message to the American people: The bombings and attacks are going to continue and we are going to rely on the Taliban to protect us.

11 Marines, 1 Navy Medic killed and 3 wounded in the twin blasts at Kabul airport after Joe Biden abandoned Americans in Afghanistan.

Biden is no where to be found so he sends unknown generals and spokesmen to address the public.

During the press briefing General McKenzie said the US is relying on the Taliban secure the perimeter of the airport.

“The threat from ISIS is extremely real…We believe it is their desire to continue those attacks, and we expect those attacks to continue, and we’re doing everything we can to prepare for those attacks. That includes reaching out to the Taliban,” he said.


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a26bca  No.14466204


Why waste ammo

when you can gett'em

all with one shot.

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fc8ef2  No.14466205

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0cf1f2  No.14466206


"shit habbens"

–msm msdnc

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ad7257  No.14466207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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717132  No.14466208


Yes, glad it't not just me. Here's the text


Trump statement on Kabul attacks.

Melania and I send our deepest condolences to the families of our brilliant and brave Service Members whose duty to the U.S.A. meant so much to them. Our thoughts are also with the families of the innocent civilians who died today in the savage Kabul attack.

This tragedy should never have been allowed to happen, which makes our grief even deeper and more difficult to understand.

May God Bless the U.S.A.

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c1946c  No.14466209

File: d8f2ded2d3ff107⋯.png (130.37 KB, 319x178, 319:178, biden.png)



>How can @JoeBiden retain any credibility as President?

He has none.

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9b26b3  No.14466210

On a positive note

anons do not have to

see the image

of bar fly Karen

with the wonky eye

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29a863  No.14466211





















Consider the following:


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cd7eba  No.14466212

Taliban Warned ‘Malicious Elements’ Were Planning Attack in Interview Hours Before Kabul Explosion

Despite the massive explosions outside Kabul’s main airport on Thursday, the Taliban* has said it has no intention to extend the US’ withdrawal deadline past August 31, the date agreed upon for the US-led 20-year occupation war to end.

An official with the Taliban told the New York Post they were “doing everything possible” to prevent a terrorist attack in Kabul, just hours before two deadly blasts rocked the Afghan capital on Thursday afternoon.

“We have received reports that malicious elements are planning terror attacks against civilians but are actively doing everything possible to prevent any such attacks from occurring,” Abdul Qahar Balkhi, who heads the Taliban’s Cultural Commission, told the New York Post on Thursday morning.

The US had also previously warned that Daesh-K*, an Islamic State affiliate in Afghanistan hostile to both the US and the Taliban, posed an “acute” and “persistent” threat to the US troops stationed at Hamid Karzai International Airport in northern Kabul, and to the crowds of people outside waiting to get into the airport.

Earlier this week, Taliban forces began directing people to stay away from the airport gates unless they are already approved to fly out, but were reportedly only allowing foreigners to leave, according to a Taliban source. The US, UK, and other nations with citizens in the country have scrambled to get their people the necessary information to get to the airport and leave before the August 31 deadline for NATO forces’ final withdrawal from the country.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday that over the previous nine days, more than 82,000 people had been airlifted out of Kabul to other countries, the vast majority of them Afghans.

“Everyone with proper documentation will be able to travel in and out of the country,” Balkhi told the Post. “Everyone, including Afghans with proper documentation, is able to leave. However, we believe they should stay and serve their own homeland by providing their expertise and skills.”


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90ba02  No.14466213

same old song and dance….

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baa373  No.14466214



Lop sided but her smile and personality makes up for it

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b8426a  No.14466215


Your attacks don't work here, shill. Get fukt

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a5d79b  No.14466216


We are now one with the Source

Now comes the Pain

This ride will stop for Emergencies Only.

Screaming is not an Emergency.

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404a85  No.14466218


kek that's pretty good

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d11cea  No.14466219


um duh have you not been reading the board lately

that is why the msm is so all over the issue of americans left behind

it is them

the bad ones

all left to be beheaded

they are freaking out that their guys are going to die

talk about "'indictments"' and arrests

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389228  No.14466220

File: e409341d16d07a6⋯.jpg (445.5 KB, 806x1363, 806:1363, Screenshot_20210826_130219….jpg)


SCOOP: U.S. officials gave the Taliban a list of names of U.S. citizens, green card holders & Afghan allies to grant entry into the outer perimeter of the city’s airport, prompting outrage behind the scenes from lawmakers and military officials.

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90ba02  No.14466221

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5b6416  No.14466222

Dr. Christina Parks’ Testimony for Michigan HB4471💥on August 19, 2021💥 MUST WATCH


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ad7257  No.14466223

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0b81e9  No.14466224


>ISIS Fighters Regret Attacking Israel And Have 'Apologized', Former Defense Minister Says (2017)

WTF? the link goes to an OZONE HIGH ALERT FOR MARICOPA COUNTRY! Why would you mistitle it like that?

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cd7eba  No.14466225

File: a02c64af3835f67⋯.png (43.04 KB, 844x608, 211:152, ClipboardImage.png)

Bank Of America's Top Female Executive Announces Retirement

Just months after Citigroup's Jane Fraser ascended to the CEO's chair, becoming the first woman to ever run a Wall Street megabank, one of Fraser's rivals in the pantheon of Wall Street's most high-ranking women is leaving Bank of America for what we imagine will be an exceedingly comfortable retirement.

BofA's Anne Finucane, the bank's vice chair and the architect of its post-crisis turnaround, plans to retire at the end of the year, along with another senior exec, Chief Operating Officer Thomas K. Montag. Their departures open the door for new leadership. Whether that will include more female executives remains to be seen, but Morgan Stanley's recent shakeup of its top ranks featured four white men.

According to the NYT, Finucane is one of the most powerful and influential women on Wall Street. She was also described as the chief architect of the bank’s image overhaul. After her retirement, she will become the nonexecutive chair of BofA's European banking arm and join its global advisory council, the bank said. Montag will also join the council. Succession plans will be announced in the coming weeks, the bank said.

"I’m very proud that we repaired the reputation of the company," Ms. Finucane said in an interview. "The management team dug in, and we worked together to improve everything we had power over: the customer experience, the number of businesses we would be in, the culture."

To this day, Finucane has been the person to whom whom the bank turns when it decides to take a stand on contentious issues. When it stepped back from financing companies that make military-style assault rifles for civilians in 2018, she articulated the bank's position. She did something similar when BofA decided to stop lending to firms that run private prisons and detention centers in 2019.

She reportedly convinced low-key CEO Brian Moynihan to appear in a 2018 commercial that aired during "Sunday Night Football" and "This is Us" as part of the bank's rebranding campaign. It was the kind of direct personal approach that would have been unthinkable a decade ago.

Finucane was also early to the ESG trend, potentially putting her in position to take a job on the buy side. John Kerry even agreed to discuss her departure on the record with the NYT, as did Moynihan.


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fc8ef2  No.14466226


clown show as anons dad would say

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820015  No.14466227


absolutely, use your words anons, we are way moar then just spammers.

wwg1 wga, ww wrwy

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b784db  No.14466228


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8ba9c8  No.14466229


Thanks, good catch.

Not sure how I misclicked that one.


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865650  No.14466230



Screen will tell you if you type the wrong password

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f65b5c  No.14466231


Great job stupid, with images not working.

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a5d79b  No.14466232

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d11cea  No.14466233

>>14466219 <<<<<<<<<<<<



talk about




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fc8ef2  No.14466234


which US officials EXACTLY

need to size their ropes

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1e9086  No.14466236



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6dd23b  No.14466237


Isn’t it glorious??

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29a863  No.14466238



























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cd7eba  No.14466239

UK Defense Secretary Tells Afghans To Flee Across Borders Instead Of Going To Airport

Britain's Defense Secretary Ben Wallace issued surprising and controversial statements during a meeting with members of parliament Wednesday. He urged Afghans who previously had been admitted to the UK on study or fellowship opportunities to escape by land across borders to a neighboring country rather than trying to make it to Kabul's international airport at this point.

"If they think they can make it to a third country, that may be a better option," he was cited in The Guardian as saying. "I recommend that they try and make it to the border," Wallace advised.

He explained his rationale for offering the urgent directive, saying "it is higher profile going to the airport – that is where the Taliban will be focusing their efforts at the moment" - with the implication that the Taliban are actively trying to thwart the civilian rush to get to the airport, via lots of armed checkpoints.

"What we don’t want to do is trigger a surge or a stampede and we’ve already seen a number of people killed," Wallace told the meeting further amid plans for continued airlifts, including non-British nationals who qualify under the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP).

After Thursday's double-bombing of crowded gates at the airport, there's likely more Afghans that will take him up on the advice. One of the reported suicide attacks, now widely being blamed on ISIS-K terrorists, took place outside the Baron hotel, where the British army has a heavy presence and Afghan civilians are seeking entry for UK airlifts.

However, Afghanistan's neighboring governments are likely not too pleased at such a top UK official actively telling Afghans to go directly to their countries.


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d11cea  No.14466240


it will all be on film

which if held in the USA

we would never see

but these will leak

>>14466219 <<<<<<<<<<<<



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f4fae6  No.14466241

File: 427883e664c6854⋯.png (203.3 KB, 373x630, 373:630, 2f5de_00003j024h0x00W55792….png)


just cause it was detached

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1a798e  No.14466242

Mr. Pig


( o o )



Image server busted, but America still winning.

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bbf153  No.14466243

is anyone out there???

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a5d79b  No.14466244


Goto Airport

Record Everything

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1e9da2  No.14466245


>flynn just flat out admitted there is no fucking plan.

do you smell that?

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efb92d  No.14466246

File: 81a8b0d5a778859⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB, 1520x720, 19:9, Screen_Recording_20210826_….mp4)

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f65b5c  No.14466247


From a fucking place the size of Texas.

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29a863  No.14466248























