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4e4198  No.14474300[Last 50 Posts]

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4e4198  No.14474304

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>14473594 Jen Psuki Briefing 420 waiting

>>14473609 Ashiest Rabbi Epstein is now chaplain of Harvard

>>14473692 Public Service Announcement

>>14473723 Kitchen Shift Change

>>14473987 image fix

>>14474030 Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines

>>14474036 Biden presidency teetering amid calls to resign

>>14474063 Denmark To Scrap All Covid-19 Restrictions

>>14474079 Fire Rips Through Massive Chinese Residential Skyscraper

>>14474080 Any PF's in the house?

>>14474099 Taliban vows to protect portraits of Queen Elizabeth II

>>14474128 Microsoft Warns Thousands of Cloud Customers of Exposed Databases

>>14474162 ‘Stop AAPI Hate Coalition’ Demands Termination of Program Fighting Chinese Communist Party Spies.

>>14474207 House Republicans File Articles of Impeachment for Secretary Antony Blinken

>>14474224 Rep. Madison Cawthorn – Requests Invocation Of The 25TH AMENDMENT And REMOVAL OF JOE

>>14474243 Military HELICOPTERS are flying VERY LOW over MANHATTAN. What’s going on?

>>14474258 Dog talk and an owl mask

>>14474286 #18310


>>14472879 Tokyo's Medical Assoc. Chairman holds live press conference recommending ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients.

>>14472882 How Long Does Each Clinical Trial Phase Last?

>>14472890 Residents in Leamington Spa are being evacuated after reports of explosions in a large blaze at an industrial premises.

>>14472983 Mike Pompeo just mentioned that he is still in contact with our allies.

>>14472899 Sanity returns to Denmark After Oct 1, 2021 no testing, masking or vaccine passports

>>14473051, >>14473078 Not much time for shooting when you are driving around mess hall supplies.

>>14473064 #COVID19 Vaccine Complication Victims Have Created A User-Friendly Version Of The @CDCgov's Entire #VAERS Database

>>14473094 Calls Grow to Discipline Editors and Corporations Suppressing Therapeutics Information.

>>14473169 The press is shocked ! Bolsonaro for the people

>>14473170, >>14473424 'This Ends The Debate' - Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta

>>14473180 Zelenko Covid-19 Treatment Protocol

>>14473223 Family of Brit killed in 9/11 'have evidence towers were blown up from inside'

>>14473382 Comirnaty CV19 Vax Approval is Actually Fraudulent – Chris Martenson

>>14473522 #18309


>>14471974 Did the FDA Pull a Bait-and-Switch on the American People?

>>14472013 Baby-selling scheme, exposed: Foreign customers offering US$60,000 per child

>>14472169 Germany halts all C19 vax, says unsafe?

>>14472248 @RealGenFlynn, [27.08.21 06:55] Who’s in charge on the Republican side?

>>14472345 Arizona AG orders Maricopa County to turn over routers to election audit or lose state funds

>>14472387 Yes, I am finally keeping a list. Anyone have the other countries who have halted vaccines ?


>>14472407 Germany imposes moratorium on all C19 vaccines, citing evidence they are unsafe

>>14472444 Biotech Analyst DESTROYS Big Pharma in BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE! Karen Kingston is a former Pfizer employee, a pharmaceutical marketing expert and biotech analyst.

>>14472531 The Truth Behind the Insane Vaccine Push is Hidden in Pfizer’s Leaked Government Contracts

>>14472569 Ivermectin paper from 2008

>>14472621 NY's New Gov. Announces That Cuomo's Nursing Home Scandal Was Way Worse Than Earlier Reported

>>14472866 #18308

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4e4198  No.14474306


>>14471211 Australian Senate 25 August 2021 Surveillance Legislation Amendment gives the Australian Federal Police immunity for uploading illegal content

>>14471221 Jim Watkins, images will not work on 8kun until a new host is found.

>>14471230, >>14471314 Image server is kill went into options clicked on 'hide images' that stabilized the page

>>14471509 Host file editing help, to see/load the site proper. I don´t know witch bundle it was so I put those all in. (saved it as ANSI)

>>14471257 PENTTBOM= Pentagon/Twin Towers Bombing Investigation

>>14471260 Panic, destroying BALLOT evidence? Print shop in Chandler, AZ explodes (1:49)

>>14471272 Last Q post #4953 link


>>14471300 New Israeli prime minister wants Biden to see Iran deal as ‘no longer relevant’

>>14471316 Potus 45 Has Spoken

>>14471333 Attorney General Mark Brnovich determined the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is in violation of state law

>>14471338 Rep. Mark Finchem: Cost of Audit Should Be Billed to Maricopa County

>>14471361, >>14471352 Covid scam in just 4 short minutes (Cap 4:00)

>>14471391 US army decides against purchasing more Iron Dome missile batteries from Israel

>>14471429 Trump said ISIS-X for a reason.

>>14471431 "You Will Own NOTHING And Be Happy" People Are Waking Up To The Truth

>>14471466 Lyon College President Resigns After Criticism For Remarks

>>14471476, >>14471505 Possible False Flag Incoming, Trump's Interview Last Night On Fox He Mentioned Isis - [X] Twice

>>14471618, >>14471711 McKenzie's Meeting with Taliban for don't Attack Kabul Airport FF in Afghanistan

>>14471772 Negative 48

>>14471856 Moderna ‘vaccine’ withdrawn in Japan because it contained ‘a metal type substance that reacted to magnets’

>>14471872 The Australia Project, reporting form for AHPRA Doctors-2697, Police and Military-964, Pharmacies 1275, total = 4936

>>14471874 Flynn has posted twice at 8:04 in the past few days Q 804 Operational

>>14471893 #18307

Previously Collected Notables

>>14469529 #18304, >>14470346 #18305, >>14471121 #18306

>>14467216 #18301, >>14468001 #18302, >>14468768 #18303

>>14464844 #18298, >>14465653 #18299, >>14466443 #18300

>>14462282 #18295, >>14463379 #18296, >>14464043 #18297

>>14460188 #18292, >>14464052 #18293, >>14465749 #18294

>>14457924 #18289, >>14458680 #18290, >>14459436 #18291

>>14455548 #18286, >>14456354 #18287, >>14457131 #18288

>>14453008 #18283, >>14453757 #18284,>>14455752 #18285

>>14450622 #18280, >>14451361 #18281, >>14452124 #18282

>>14448350 #18277, >>14449111 #18278, >>14449849 #18279

>>14445987 #18274, >>14446750 #18275, >>14447526 #18276

>>14443659 #18271, >>14445129 #18272, >>14445210 #18273

>>14441323 #18268, >>14442089 #18269, >>14442837 #18270

>>14439023 #18265, >>14439802 #18266, >>14440567 #18267

>>14436765 #18262, >>14437511 #18263, >>14438265 #18264

>>14434427 #18259, >>14435214 #18260, >>14435981 #18261

>>14431973 #18256, >>14432837 #18257, >>14433811 #18258

>>14429786 #18253, >>14430554 #18254, >>14431249 #18255

>>14427442 #18250, >>14428209 #18251, >>14428962 #18252

>>14425636 #18247, >>14425891 #18248, >>14426666 #18249

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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4e4198  No.14474307

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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4e4198  No.14474309

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4e4198  No.14474311

File: 8f71b52266944e9⋯.jpg (97.84 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, WWG1WGA.jpg)



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81e28c  No.14474354

File: d3872ad5235bac9⋯.png (97.53 KB, 1057x159, 1057:159, Screen_Shot_2021_08_27_at_….png)

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b681d1  No.14474360


( . y . )


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8d0f64  No.14474361

“Taliban Now Has More Black Hawk Helicopters Than 85% Of Countries In The World”: OBAMA 2.0

In a Capitol Hill Press Conference on Tuesday, Indiana Representative Jim Banks revealed that the Taliban now has more Blackhawk helicopters than 85% of the countries on Earth.

The Gateway Pundit reported on Sunday — Joe Biden left 300 times more guns than those passed to the Mexican cartels in Obama’s Fast and Furious program.

the Taliban have been posting videos of pallets of weapons and stacks of $100 bills they have seized.

Rep. Jim Banks said that he has also just learned the Taliban is in possession of biometric devices with biographical data of Afghans who helped Americans, and other high-tech military equipment.

Banks: My job there was as a foreign military sales officer, so I was on the front lines of acquiring the equipment that the Americans provided and turned over to the Afghan army and the Afghan police. I’m going to read to you what is so painful for me and so many other Afghan veterans who served in that capacity, others who serve as a part of the train, advise, and assist equip effort in helping the Afghans.

We now know that due to the negligence of this administration, the Taliban now has access to over $85 billion worth of American military equipment. That includes 75,000 vehicles over 200 airplanes and helicopters, over 600,000 Small arms and light weapons. The Taliban now has more Blackhawk helicopters than 85% of the countries in the world. But they don’t just have weapons. They also have night-vision goggles, body armor, medical supplies, and unbelievably, unfathomable to me and so many others, is that the Taliban now has biometric devices which have the fingerprints, Iscans and the biographical information of the Afghans who helped us over the last 20 years. And here’s what we just learned, again, in the briefing that we just walked out of, is this administration still has no plan to get this military equipment, or these supplies back.

It’s Obama 2.0. America’s enemies are armed to the teeth and funded to the max.

Under Trump, ISIS was defeated.

America is last.

It’s Obama 2.0. America’s enemies are armed to the teeth and funded to the max.

Under Trump, ISIS was defeated.

America is last.

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3410da  No.14474362

>>14474332 (/pb)

Trump took the vaccine, do you want to be vaccinated too??

get your head straight anon

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81e28c  No.14474363


nice slide

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045e4f  No.14474364

File: 7af2b48f388fa57⋯.jpeg (11.72 KB, 216x289, 216:289, marsha.jpeg)


digits bread


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71f2f3  No.14474365


i see what you did there with the board image.

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346ace  No.14474366




JUST IN - Taliban forces have reportedly entered the military section of #Kabul airport. The U.S. could hand over control of the airport as early as tonight, according to local sources.

11:45 AM · Aug 27, 2021

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355ace  No.14474367

>>14474342 (LB)

>>14474345 (LB)

You're watching a movie…

Biggest question is……. Who is the Director?

And which Actors haven't been told the entire context of the scene before they shoot it… so the reaction is 'organic'?

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320faf  No.14474368


Optics and timing…

We don't really know who took what.

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44c067  No.14474369

File: e7a28fbf8dbddd7⋯.png (882.69 KB, 488x803, 488:803, my_flag.PNG)

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44c067  No.14474370


Rolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingClown face

Quote Tweet

Aaron Rupar


· 18h

Republicans are cheapening impeachment, presidential resignation, and now the 25th Amendment twitter.com/AndrewSolender…

7:32 AM · Aug 27, 2021

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b1a972  No.14474371


None of the election fraud stuff will ever hit the mainstream if Joe leaves office because of Afganistan distraction.

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656dc6  No.14474372

File: 21afa9bf68c8d2f⋯.png (269.45 KB, 425x635, 85:127, Screenshot_from_2021_08_27….png)


thanks for bread baker

pic related to current 8kun status

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b34c31  No.14474373


It's possible that blackhawk technology is now outdated and new spaceforce vehicles will run circles around them. just a thought.

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3410da  No.14474374


True, he said that during the rally but we still don't know.

Then how can the other anon conclude Trump took Regeneron mAB"s and use that as his defense, even if Trump says he took it?

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320faf  No.14474375

"I think you should have faith in the ability of our military"

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8d0f64  No.14474376

Coward Connecticut Gov. Lamont Runs Away From Angry Parents Who Confront Him Over His School Mask Mandate

During a back-to-school meeting at a Connecticut elementary school, a group of angry parents protesting the student mask law addressed Governor Ned Lamont.

After being confronted by parents who were upset that he was supporting the school mask mandates, the conference was cut short, and Lamont was rushed away by security.

RT reports: The heated standoff between the governor and the parents took place outside Highland Elementary School in Cheshire on Wednesday after he emerged from a mask roundtable, which had to be wrapped up early after protesters raised hell over the potential extension of a school mask mandate past September 30.

Footage from the meeting shows protesters chanting, “You are all criminals,” and waving anti-mask signs at the governor.

The protesters were allegedly part of the ‘Unmask Our Kids Connecticut’ campaign organized by the Connecticut Liberty Party, which styles itself as an “active grassroots organization… promoting the American ideals of Liberty, Freedom & Individual Rights” in the state.

On Twitter, the group denounced the roundtable as the “COVID mandate educator celebration” and noted that while they do not necessarily approve of the parents’ conduct towards the governor, “people need to stand up and speak out.”

“This ends when WE THE PEOPLE end it,” the group said.



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045e4f  No.14474377

File: 7188607f6664496⋯.jpeg (25.88 KB, 360x360, 1:1, milkersPepe.jpeg)

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8d0f64  No.14474378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dan Andrews draconian microchip statement


Rothschild patent Chairman Dan is talking about


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e8e0ad  No.14474379

I like how Psaki said they had no intelligence as to whether or not the bomb yesterday was intentional. Q wasn't kidding about their stupidity.

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580f0f  No.14474380


>You're watching a movie…

>Biggest question is……. Who is the Director?

>And which Actors haven't been told the entire context of the scene before they shoot it… so the reaction is 'organic'?

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40c690  No.14474381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6f6725  No.14474382

Q knew that song “We’re not going to take it”would be the last post for a long time.

Why that song,

“We’re not going to take it”

What is Q signaling?

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1859ad  No.14474383

yep they got some black hawks

skyking approved

Tibbets chips

tali who?


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1a5dd0  No.14474384

Black Lives Matter activist & soccer star @benmendy23 has been arrested & charged over the alleged rape of two women & a minor female.


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b681d1  No.14474385













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9c7334  No.14474386

So for Regeneron, they bred mice to have identical human immune systems, infected them, harvested the antibodies, then cloned/synthesized them on a mass scale?

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1f49a9  No.14474387

































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909cc0  No.14474388

I don't know if this has been shared here, but this is

high-quality counter-charge: BlueAnon

In short, it accuses the BlueAnon's of being a cult who follow and believe blue checkmarks.

Here's an image summarizing: https://twitter.com/JrCoachK/status/1431321739661877251/photo/1

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c89cd2  No.14474389

New here? Welcome to Q Research(README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

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44c067  No.14474390


Disclose.tv, [27.08.21 07:51]

[ Video ]

NEW - Canadian PM Trudeau heckled by crowd AGAIN, this time in Ontario.


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59d6b9  No.14474391



Jerusalem was punished for her images

The two sisters Obadiah in the book

Everyday of my life (until now) i have drunk not only from my cup but also my sisters

The reason Jerusalem watches everything happen is, as the black box of saturn the images are the 'movies' films of life

Here is an image board, Jerusalems images

so you see the significance of no images, vanawat changing

Now instead of Black box, is ?

White Squall

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045e4f  No.14474392

File: 55e845970ce9e69⋯.png (320.23 KB, 655x423, 655:423, tulsiGiggity.png)


BLM rape minor

No surprise there

Female… Sorta surprise

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c7fc71  No.14474393

You KNOW ??.

TALIBIDAN wus ses not two long ago - how white supremacists like the marines were the most dangerous in the world

sheesh - the twisting double bending somersaulting from msdnc sucks disck and ass

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5be453  No.14474395

Anon usually uses images to quickly find the current bread in the index. Now have to use the catalog.

Making it easy for normies to find?

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9c9152  No.14474396

File: d7148e3ad8075b8⋯.jpg (176.23 KB, 1000x640, 25:16, d7148e3ad8075b8e26097678b9….jpg)

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656dc6  No.14474397


cannot see it (but can meme and post it)

: (

>>14474358 (lb)

>youtube knows you touch yourself

betting it's more than just youtube that knows this

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06a0e4  No.14474398

Have to ask…

When posting ascii art how do you make sure the font is fixed width so it comes out right?

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e09206  No.14474399

Careful what you eat….

CDC tells Americans to heat Italian-style meat cuts 'until steaming hot' while it investigates a mysterious salmonella outbreak

Several people have gotten sick after eating salami, prosciutto, and other Italian-style meats.

The CDC is investigating the salmonella outbreaks, which are ongoing and span 17 states.

As it investigates, the CDC recommends that people heat their meats before eating.

Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

At least 36 people have gotten salmonella infections after eating charcuterie meats, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating the apparent connection.

While it does, it is telling Americans to "heat all Italian-style meats to an internal temperature of 165°F or until steaming hot before eating."

Heating food to a high-enough temperature can kill off the salmonella germs.

Salmonella is a relatively common bacterial disease that causes diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps. Most people recover without treatment after four to seven days, but young children and older adults may experience more severe illness that requires treatment or hospitalization.

Twelve out of the 36 people in the ongoing outbreak became sick enough to require hospitalization. They each fell ill after eating salami, prosciutto, or "other meats that can be found in antipasto or charcuterie assortments," the CDC reported Tuesday.

Investigators are working to determine whether the infections are linked to a common contaminated product. The reported illnesses were spread across 17 states in two distinct outbreaks.

Adults older than 65, children younger than 5, and people with weakened immune systems are at higher risk for severe salmonella illness.

If you experience severe salmonella symptoms - such as persistent diarrhea or vomiting to the point of dehydration - call a healthcare provider immediately.


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44c067  No.14474400



Qtah, [27.08.21 04:37]

[Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel (Karli Bonne)]

[ Video ]

Our General Flynn on War Room part 1-

Qtah, [27.08.21 04:37]

[Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)]

[ Video ]

General Flynn’s full second segment from War Room today.

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6c1022  No.14474401


>>And which Actors haven't been told the entire context of the scene before they shoot it… so the reaction is 'organic'?

What Director perfected(to the dismay of the actresses) this technique?

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3410da  No.14474402

They use multiple mAB's to differing already mutate spike regions. This might help but you can still have escape mutations.

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1a5dd0  No.14474403


The Jan6 Committee asking for records or whatever from 8kun, so there is probably a ton of eyes here that aren't posting.

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320faf  No.14474404


I did notice that Trump does not say much about certain topics, like the vax, just blips by it as if he has to, while he did say much about alternate therapies and our freedom to pursue them…I think he is walking a tightrope regarding covid…the fact he says he got the vax makes it harder for the left to reconcile as they blame Trumpers as the nonvaxxers, for example…

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aec7eb  No.14474405


thats just friday-noise, robinhood

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e0882f  No.14474406

File (hide): guy on couch.jpg






















>None of the election fraud stuff will ever hit the mainstream if Joe leaves office because of Afganistan distraction.

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e8e0ad  No.14474407


Use code tags.

[ code ]

[ /code ]

Don't use spaces in the tags, I did so they would show up.

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e09206  No.14474408

Are the dems trying to kill the stoners now?… that's why I grow my own.

Contaminated weed is flooding Oklahoma's marijuana market. State enforcement can't keep up


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0aab2e  No.14474409

#BringTrumpBack trending again.

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06a0e4  No.14474410



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51070c  No.14474411




pictures are distractions, memes will be deployed else where, do not stop making them,
















Still have lots of reach.

keep meming anons on on other platforms.

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81e28c  No.14474412


just wait and see

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b1a972  No.14474413


Military and police don't care about our Constitution.

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e0882f  No.14474414


I'm just avoiding characters that mess it up, lol

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35dc5a  No.14474415


More than possible… they'll make for good target practice.

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5be453  No.14474416

>>14473987 (lb)

>image fix

Wut if ya be phonefaggin?

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b34c31  No.14474418


not seeing it


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44c067  No.14474419



Joe Biden Has Been Derelict In His Duty. He Is Unfit To Lead. He Should Be Impeached

The deadly attacks in Afghanistan should be the final straw for Biden, whose incompetence has now cost the lives of at least a dozen American soldiers.

By John Daniel Davidson

AUGUST 27, 2021

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06a0e4  No.14474420

.';codxkxdxxollll;,coolll:'''..''..'';looc:clodo;. ...
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',,;;,'',,',,',,,,'''':lc' 'oo,;xkc. ,oo,....',;,.
',,;;,''',,'''',,,''':o:. .ol. :xd; .ld;..',;;;,.
''';;,''',,'''''','';l; ;x; 'dkl. .cd;',;;;;;.
''';;,,,'',,''''''':o: ,x: ,lol'. .. .ld:;::;;:.
',',,;,,'',,'..''',lo. ... 'do. .'lxo:,,;coc. ;xl::;,;:.

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9bc76a  No.14474421

8kun is dying.

Anons: We dig up the Truth. The Media is lying.

Normie: awesome check out Kabul on Snap Chat. Real people in real time. You won’t believe what you see.

Anons: No. let me post Fox News and some repeat memes.

Normie: But, NY Post says Hawaii is surging with Covid. Yet snap chat shows nothing near that.

Anons: No! You’re a Shill.

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667738  No.14474422

Read all 9 articles andstop being a cheerleader for Hopium


Trump will never be President again.

It is up to each and every one of us now

We have to all rise up united as one team

And fix our neighborhoods

Fix our communities

And fix our own state

The only way for a Restored Federal Republic is for strong and sane states to make it so

Step one is to fix the foundations of a strong government in your state

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1d3933  No.14474423


The CDC cares so much about tainted meat but not all about tainted vaccines.

Bizarro world.

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3f8c33  No.14474424


36 people getting sick from bad meat and they spring into action

thousands dead from a vax and they want you to line up

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355ace  No.14474425



Greatest Director in existence….

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9c7334  No.14474426


When I was in, it was about 60-40., those that were just there for benefits or super losers with nothing else to do, and those of us that were Patriots.

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59d6b9  No.14474427


is information supposed to be here anon ?

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81e28c  No.14474428

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e917ce  No.14474429


Then The real evidence of dress up boys being in antifa protests and BLM protests around the country will find it's way into the official record.

Along with this will be all the cautionary posts against the January False Flag event staged by the marxists.

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51070c  No.14474430


wrong it all points to a stolen election

the blame falls squarely on corruption over the decisions made by the occupation

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946bef  No.14474431



Memefag doesn't do 'other platforms'

The factory is here.

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045e4f  No.14474432


post snapchat and shut your whore mouth ashley!

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aec7eb  No.14474433


regeneron and remdesivir for GEOTUS

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8d0f64  No.14474434

3 More Bases Set to Take in Afghan Refugees, Joining 4 Others Nationally

The Department of Defense has authorized two additional military installations in Virginia to house Afghan refugees – Marine Corps Base Quantico and Fort Pickett, a National Guard training center an hour southwest of Richmond.

And Pentagon spokesman John Kirby announced Friday that Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, also has been added to the list.

The installations will join Fort Lee, Virginia; Fort Bliss, Texas; Fort McCoy, Wisconsin; and Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey, as processing centers for Afghans evacuated from Afghanistan through Aug. 31, the deadline set by President Joe Biden for the U.S. to be out of the country.

"The Defense Department continues to support the State Department in providing temporary housing, sustainment, and support inside the United States for up to 50,000 Afghan Special Immigration Visa applicants, their families and other at-risk individuals," Pentagon spokesman Army Lt. Col. Chris Mitchell said in an email to Military.com on Thursday.

Special Immigrant Visas are awarded to those who helped the U.S. by working as interpreters and in other jobs and now face retribution from the Taliban.

"Yesterday, the Department authorized Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, and Fort Pickett, Virginia, to provide support to this important State Department mission," Mitchell added.


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59d6b9  No.14474435

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44c067  No.14474436


in Education, Health & Medicine

WATCH: Coward Connecticut Gov. Lamont Runs Away From Angry Parents Who Confront Him Over His School Mask Mandate

about 2 hours ago

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0aab2e  No.14474437



Yeah, it organically trends then Jack's crew whacks it.

Rinse repeat.

Not sure why they don't just permaban it.

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9c7334  No.14474438

Remember when the FDA banned Ephedrine, which was excellent for losing weight?

I know a bunch of people that used to work out and get great results that ended up saying fuck it after they banned it in weight loss formulas.

They have planned to fatten the population up for decades.

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1a5dd0  No.14474439


Fuck off faggot

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320faf  No.14474440

Comfy here. We were chosen for a reason. Trump chose that Patton clip for a reason. That was a message to us. Do not fear. Our leader is a fighter. And an actor.

The curtain rises on the scene

With someone shouting to be free

The play unfolds before my eyes

There stands the actor who is me

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1d3933  No.14474441


>blame Trumpers as the nonvaxxers

Being anti-vax is the only thing worse than being pedo.

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81e28c  No.14474442



just wait til monday

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656dc6  No.14474443


Oath of Office

Oath of Enlistment

there just does not seem to be enough who will stand up for the Oath that they swore unto

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1a5dd0  No.14474444


> Use of the word "Hopium"

Shill detected

Kill yourself faggot

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9bc76a  No.14474445


It’s true. There is a map feature. It’ shows real time. You my nigga got tricked

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d15766  No.14474446

























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89e354  No.14474447

U.S. to relocate Afghan refugees to Holloman AFB

NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – As the United States evacuates thousands of people from Afghanistan, a spokeswoman for Holloman Air Force Base confirmed Friday the base near Alamogordo will be used as a temporary housing site for Afghan refugees. Holloman will join six other U.S. military bases in the operation, including Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, according to a news release.

The relocation is part of what the U.S. is calling “Operation Allies Refuge,” which will provide “temporary housing and support for up to 50,000 at-risk Afghans.” It’s unclear exactly how many refugees will be staying at Holloman Air Force base, or for how long.

Senior White House Administration officials said Friday individual refugees are being flown out of Kabul to third-party countries in Europe and Asia that have agreed to serve as “transit hubs” before undergoing security processing first. U.S. Biden Administration officials say that vetting process will happen before any refugees are flown to the U.S.

According to senior Biden Administration officials, all Afghan refugees will be subject to biometric and biographic security screening, conducted by counter-terrorism professionals. Everyone who arrives in the U.S. from Afghanistan will be required to take a COVID-19 test. Officials also said they’re in the process of determining how to offer vaccination to those arriving.

Officials grouped the Afghan evacuees into three categories, including American citizens and green card holders, applicants to the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) program and their families, and other vulnerable or at-risk Afghans identified by the U.S. Government. After being tested for COVID-19 in the U.S., citizens and green card holders will be allowed to head to their destination.

Senior Biden Administration officials say others will head to military bases for a full medical evaluation, followed by receiving health care and other assistance for applying for things like work authorizations before moving on to their next destination. Each arriving family will be connected with refugee resettlement organizations, according to officials.

Administration officials did not say Friday which organizations would be working with refugees in New Mexico. They also said its unclear how long refugees would stay on base or where they would go, but said the goal was to not have refugees spend months on U.S. military bases. Holloman is said to be the fifth of seven bases to be stood up for refugee arrival.

“We are following through on America’s commitment to vulnerable Afghans and Afghan nationals who have helped us,” said Lt. Gen. Brad Webb, commander of Air Education and Training Command. “We are honored to provide the essential support where they and their families can complete processing safely.”

According to the news release, the task force at Holloman AFB will provide housing, medical, logistics, and transportation support. This is a developing story. KRQE News 13 will provide more updates as soon as they become available.


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5be453  No.14474448

>Taliban vows to protect portraits of Queen Elizabeth II

^^^ Now class, who can tell me what's wrong with this sentence?

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aec7eb  No.14474449


Kubrick isn't dead

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cc45fb  No.14474450


White hats in control.

Trust the Plan.

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c89cd2  No.14474451


We Are Not Going To Take Jewish Tyranny. Soros, Rothschilds and their money loving puppets are not hiding in the dark anymore. We see their wicked, lawless, evil ways and will not stand for that bullshit!

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6e6f32  No.14474452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>“Taliban Now Has More Black Hawk Helicopters Than 85% Of Countries In The World”: OBAMA 2.0

How deliberate and obvious does it have to get?

They've had MONTHS to get those out too.

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d15766  No.14474453


Attention all gamers

Cringe nigga detected

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e09206  No.14474454



Welcome to America…. maybe we should just move to Mexico. Half the beaners are in America anyways. They have better weather anyways

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9bc76a  No.14474455


Yep. Thought so. You don’t really want to know anything.

The end isn’t for you

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d15766  No.14474456


kek, that's why i found it not able

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a5c01c  No.14474457


Scuttlebutt suggests that Donald is the biological son of Patton, adopted into the Trump family. Apparently the Americans may have had a program similar to the Nazis.

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9bc76a  No.14474458


One day you will look for yourself and realize you were stupid.

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59d6b9  No.14474459



I know, Dan calls me Hollywood for a reason anon

Holi wood

This will continue until the power of the holi ones is broken

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1a5dd0  No.14474460


> It's all the jews

Fuck off divisionfag, most jews are good people

It's the deep state Khazarian's that are the problem.

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045e4f  No.14474461


>There is a map feature

I don't have any social medias, not even rogue accounts used for OSINT, anymore. I was saying post the videos for Anons to see.

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d15766  No.14474462


quad quads has me wondering about that devolution thing now

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aec7eb  No.14474463


black tic-tak jus flew over my house

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e09206  No.14474464


She is a direct descendant of Muhammad…. these idiots probably worship her

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b34c31  No.14474465


the plan is gay

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44c067  No.14474466


It seems like the wheels are coming off the universal vaccine policy bus. Which leaves me wondering who is going to get thrown under it.

7:56 AM · Aug 27, 2021·

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5be453  No.14474467

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d15766  No.14474468


Maybe one day you'll get a better job than being a doomer

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320faf  No.14474469

what's with this:

/qresearch/ - Q Research★

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs

08/27/21 (Fri) 11:49:51

Rolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughing

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97c58a  No.14474470

File: eea2ac5e24c0b8f⋯.png (19.07 KB, 1136x708, 284:177, 4323432a.png)

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e917ce  No.14474471


Holy Fuck, the infiltrators are being put in bases surrounding DC.

Adds a different dimension to the early Q post about most action in "DC" needing MI intervention more interdasting.

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6e6f32  No.14474472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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44c067  No.14474473


Kamala Harris Cancels Plans To Campaign For CA Dem Gov. Newsom In Recall Election

Photo of Martin Walsh Martin WalshAugust 27, 2021

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7b7ec0  No.14474474


∆ ∆

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9c7334  No.14474475



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81e28c  No.14474476

hey finance fags

watch phizer

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9bc76a  No.14474477


Go find someone who has it. Learn to learn

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aec7eb  No.14474478



operators are standing by

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485175  No.14474479


I was able to see it without an account at map.snapchat.com

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4261b2  No.14474480



Are they holding them there so they can send them back shortly?

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3410da  No.14474481


The phase 3 trial looked promising, but it can be deceiving.

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44c067  No.14474482


KanekoaTheGreat, [27.08.21 07:30]

If the FBI, DOJ, and the corporate media won't do their job then it will take a network of patriots to expose the Biden Crime Family.

There has never been a more openly corrupt and compromised family in the Whitehouse.

Hunter Biden literally took $1.5 billion from the state-owned Bank of China.

I am in full support of Garrett Ziegler and the team at Marco Polo exposing the foreign collusion, money laundering, and blackmail that controls this illegitimate administration.

Please consider donating to this cause and sharing this video!



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1a5dd0  No.14474483


Someone copied and pasted DJT Jr's tweet reply to Aaron Rupar bitching about the 25th Amendment being used

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aec7eb  No.14474484


notable graphic is


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9bc76a  No.14474485

This bread is filled with fags.

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71f2f3  No.14474486


>Are they holding them there so they can send them back shortly?

SCOTUS just ruled that they have to honor the current Remain in Mexico policy. Makes one wonder if that includes Afghanistan.

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320faf  No.14474489


ah ty anon

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aec7eb  No.14474490


>and you can't stop me.debutante

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6e6f32  No.14474491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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15f4ff  No.14474492

sup faggots, anything sassy going on?

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51070c  No.14474493



wonder what reception they would get campaigning,

double kek

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045e4f  No.14474494


> FDA banned Ephedrine

Ephedrine is what got me started on amphetamine addiction and eventually meth.

Took me well over a year to reverse the brain damage done from 2 decades of use.

Drugs are shit. Natural allows much more room for personal growth. I can't even drink a beer anymore. My body/mind is in an elevated state of sorts that is extremely sensitive to everything down to the food I eat. If my diet is lacking in any one area, I feel a decline in performance, be it mentally or physically.

I'm the 40 mile a week runner Anon from a couple days ago.

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e917ce  No.14474495


Ahhh Yes another violence faggot detected.

Why don't you start with running for office, home schooling or maybe even volunteering. Post sauce on that and it might gain interest.

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81e28c  No.14474496

tic tok tic tok

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44c067  No.14474497


@intheMatrixxx, [27.08.21 07:58]

[Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)]

[ Video ]

Mike Pompeo just mentioned that he is still in contact with our allies.

“They are all very concerned. I’ve heard from many of them. They are very worried that this President is not prepared to lead in the way that we did for 4 years.”

Wow. So our allies are having discussions with the “former” Secretary of State rather than the current SoS?

That’s very telling 🧐

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8d0f64  No.14474498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At first meeting, Biden pledges to Bennett that Iran will ‘never’ get nukes

After 50-minute meeting at White House, US leader says he prefers diplomacy with Tehran but there are ‘other options’; hopes for ‘close personal relationship’ with premier

WASHINGTON — US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett concluded their first face-to-face meeting at the White House on Friday, with the American leader pledging that Iran will “never” get a nuclear weapon, and saying that though he prefers a diplomatic solution, there are “other options” should that fail.

Speaking after their one-on-one meeting, which lasted about 50 minutes, Biden said the two leaders’ teams would discuss “the unwavering commitment that we have in the United States to Israel’s security” as well as “ways to advance peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians.”

He said they would “discuss the threat from Iran and our commitment to ensure Iran never develops a nuclear weapon… We’re putting diplomacy first and seeing where that takes us. But if diplomacy fails, we’re ready to turn to other options.”

Biden added that the US supported Israel developing “deeper ties” with its Arab and Muslim neighbors, though he did not use the term “Abraham Accords,” as seems to be administration policy toward the deals mediated by the previous administration.

The American leader also committed to replenishing Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system, which saw heavy use during May’s 11-day conflict with Hamas in Gaza. And he said he’d direct his team to work toward getting Israel into the US visa waiver program, “and get that done.”

Biden said that he and Bennett had “become close friends,” adding that “I’ve known every Israeli prime minister since Golda Meir, gotten to know them fairly well, and I look forward to establishing a strong personal relationship with you.”


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aec7eb  No.14474499

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3410da  No.14474500


You have to be cautious in promoting treatment to so many people via promotion when the prior study is done on a much smaller number, even if it shows promising results.

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15f4ff  No.14474501

It's a good thing we neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

Right shills?

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971ba3  No.14474502


Anon was there and that was the feeling I got also.

Trump is a brilliant man. How exciting to be chosen for the role.

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656dc6  No.14474503


15:07 EDT NY Time

Bid Ask

Gold 1816.90 1817.90

Change +24.30

Silver 24.01 24.11

Change +0.47

Platinum 1006.00 1016.00

Change +33.00

Palladium 2340.00 2490.00

Change +14.00

Rhodium 16400.00 18400.00

Change +100.00

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d15766  No.14474504

File (hide): guitarpepe.jpg


















I call this next song, "Attempts to divide and demoralize will fail"

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c89cd2  No.14474505


Like Dr. Oppenheim, Eran Elhaik’s research connected today’s Jews to the Turkic clans of Khazaria, in the Russian Caucasus.

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200dce  No.14474506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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045e4f  No.14474507

File: 00414022e0c94b8⋯.jpeg (11.74 KB, 209x300, 209:300, stonedAlien.jpeg)


>This bread is filled with fags.

Oooh, I knew I was here for a reason!

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5be453  No.14474508


Kudos to you, anon. It takes courage and strength to do what you've done. Congrats.

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6bd88f  No.14474509

Someone has to have video of Milley pounding Levine in its booty

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e09206  No.14474510


They need to ban ADD and ADHD meds then. That shit is pure meth. The school here is giving the kids coffee now for the add adhd bs. Coffee is HORRIBLE for kids!

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81e28c  No.14474511

File: d8ec3f4787c7ae9⋯.png (99.99 KB, 1057x159, 1057:159, Screen_Shot_2021_08_27_at_….png)


the phizer ceo can lick my nuts

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aa76de  No.14474512


>SCOTUS just ruled that they have to honor the current Remain in Mexico policy

Barn door.

gansters and worse already in and ICE/DHS has no clue where they are now.

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3410da  No.14474513


and if I am not mistaken, knowing what we know about the vaccines… it's odd that DeSantis wants the elderly to be vaccinated.

Just saying, homie

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8243b2  No.14474514

>>14474236 pb

>>>14474065 (You)


>>>but nobody wanted to receive him



BRUSSELS/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo cancelled his Europe trip at the last minute on Tuesday after Luxembourg’s foreign minister and top European Union officials declined to meet with him, European and U.S. diplomats familiar with the matter said.

The extraordinary snub of the top U.S. diplomat, first reported by Reuters, came days after the storming of the U.S. Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump, an unprecedented attack on American democracy that stunned many world leaders and U.S. allies.

Pompeo, a close ally of Trump, had sought to meet Jean Asselborn in Luxembourg, a small but wealthy NATO ally, before meeting EU leaders and the bloc’s top diplomat in Brussels, three people close to the planning told Reuters.

But the initial plan to go to Luxembourg, which had not been officially announced, was scrapped after officials there showed reluctance to grant Pompeo appointments, a diplomatic source said. The Brussels leg was still on until the last minute.


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9c7334  No.14474515


I've been using it for 25 years. no problems here, but now you have to buy it as an asthma medication.

Most people won't bother.

Still better than being obese.

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8d0f64  No.14474517

Erdan confident US visa waiver for Israelis forthcoming after Biden meeting

Israeli ambassador to US says he has ‘no doubt’ approval coming after making private pitch to Biden at White House; US president says sides will work to advance matter



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97c58a  No.14474518

File: 41df0d8c4359ab1⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1413x486, 157:54, ClipboardImage.png)

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1cf4a6  No.14474519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f225c3  No.14474520



Since the 8kun image server is down


(this is not gerbil's board)

Used only as a BU when 8 is down or not fully operational

- All anons welcome.

- Picked up by qresear.ch



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d15766  No.14474521


>be me

>pretty much same

>can only drink organic hard cider and this one energy drink

>hangover from pretty much anything else food/drink wise

Glad it's not just me

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527b76  No.14474522


It also was one of the first songs they used.

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44c067  No.14474523


Kamala Harris Walks Away Laughing When Reporter Asks If Americans Are “Safer” After Biden’s Botched Withdrawal (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila

Published August 27, 2021 at 1:30pm

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6360ae  No.14474524


As much faith as one can have in “Democracy”, trustworthy elections, and to say how much of the republic and our Constitution?

Anon was in the military, and i lost faith thirty years ago. Has something changed i did hear about?

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e09206  No.14474525


I hear exercise works wonders for obesity

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e8e0ad  No.14474526


Adjust your hosts file and the pictures show up fine. No reason to go there as of yet. Nice attempt though.

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8e3540  No.14474527


>“We’re not going to take it”

r u vxd

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5be453  No.14474528


Comfy here as well. Beginning to see normies pick up the baton. Finally.

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44c067  No.14474529


New Israeli Study Finds Fully Vaccinated People are at “Greater Risk of Hospitalization” and 13 TIMES MORE LIKELY to Catch Covid-19 Than Those Who Have Recovered and Have Natural Immunity

By Julian Conradson

Published August 27, 2021 at 2:06pm

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40c690  No.14474530


With what we've seen and learned so far, Iran should have nukes pretty soon.

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d15766  No.14474531


>(this is not gerbil's board)



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fa3510  No.14474532


May God bless the memory of those we lost, and protect those who remain in harm’s way.

9:15 AM · Aug 27, 2021


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0aab2e  No.14474533


>Ephedrine is what got me started on…

No, you did.

Addicts always blame their crutch.

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1a5dd0  No.14474534


> Promoting endchan

Fuck off faggot shill

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0156b9  No.14474535


AZ audit results still coming out soon? Or gone the way of Durham? Just gone?

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9c7334  No.14474536


Hey, I'm in great shape. I was addressing the FDA strategy to fatten up the country, leaving the population vulnerable to exactly what is going on….a weapon that attacks the obese and unhealthy.

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1a5dd0  No.14474537


Gone the way of Durham.

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045e4f  No.14474538



Thank you.

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feab52  No.14474539


On Thursday night, @JesseKellyDC, in a guest appearance on @TuckerCarlson, said that Harris "quite literally laid down to get the job." I asked Fox News if they had anything to say about that comment. Nope.


"But did you reach out to Willie Brown for comment too?"



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45c350  No.14474541


She was saying “they are not intelligent”. Kek

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c89cd2  No.14474542


Tech Experts at Cyber Symposium say Israel’s Pegasus may have hacked the 2020 election.

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0aab2e  No.14474543



Only Comms goes there even when QR is down, Swampy.

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9c7334  No.14474545

File: f65456d7e0562fb⋯.jpg (80.31 KB, 936x527, 936:527, ZomboMeme_26082021143700.jpg)

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44c067  No.14474547


The Federal Reserve Is the Monetary Equivalent of the Kabul Airport

By David P. Goldman Aug 27, 2021 10:35 AM ET

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d15766  No.14474548


>faggot shill

no u

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8243b2  No.14474550


>Q knew that song “We’re not going to take it”would be the last post for a long time.


>Why that song,


>“We’re not going to take it”


>What is Q signaling?

Q was signaling that he was angry because the Dems stole Donald's win.

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320faf  No.14474551

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1a5dd0  No.14474552


Obama needs to shut the fuck up already

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aa76de  No.14474553


>At first meeting, Biden pledges to Bennett that Iran will ‘never’ get nukes

Bookies taking odds on how soon Iran will have nukes?

how many bidum promises, statements and pledges went 180 since Feb?

… or perhaps the proper question is: How many didn't.

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556806  No.14474554

File: bf4dfdef8abb9ef⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB, 328x316, 82:79, FLAWLESS_VICTORY_COVID_HOA….mp4)




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51070c  No.14474555







































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8d0f64  No.14474556

Biden told another Kabul attack is 'likely', White House says: LIVE UPDATES


Looks like they are just getting started with these FF - this is most likely why they are sending afghans into all western countries to carry out attacks - Satanists always have to ell you their plans in advance

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3f8c33  No.14474557


Was a middle school teacher in a former life. Watched dozens of kids per year hopped up on Ritalin. Some had developed Tourettes from years of use. They consistently complained that while on it, they couldn't focus on anything.

They acted like zombies on it. Was in conferences with parents who were in tears over it. Tom Cruise may be a scientology nut case, but he was dead right about psychotropic drugs. They are pure fucking evil.

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6bd88f  No.14474558


Used to go to the pet shop and lol at all the fish and lizards as a small child. Kind of funny now knowing what we know

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1a5dd0  No.14474559


The steal was allowed to happen so the deep state niggers would feel safe to do what they do.

"We must show them"

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44c067  No.14474560


News & Politics


Donald Trump Warned Us What A Rushed Pullout of Afghanistan Would Like Back in 2017

By Matt Margolis Aug 27, 2021 12:32 PM ET

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aec7eb  No.14474561



six-ana-half by close

>i got skin in this,just trust me broo

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15f4ff  No.14474562

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cd49c8  No.14474563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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71f2f3  No.14474564


I just noticed gold and silver have shot up in the last few hours.

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d15766  No.14474565

these are not endorsements

learn to bake!

>>14474311 @200

>>14474361 Taliban Now Has More Black Hawk Helicopters Than 85% Of Countries In The World: OBAMA 2.0



>>14474552 Obama needs to STFU already

>>14474556 Biden told another Kabul attack is 'likely'

please call out notables

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e09206  No.14474566


I'm thinking those meds help the brainwashing get in… makes sense. Without the pills kids would be thinking for themselves

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aa76de  No.14474567

File: f99f27c29e9d19b⋯.jpeg (6.43 KB, 299x168, 299:168, telletub.jpeg)

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320faf  No.14474568


he missed it by 3 mins

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81e28c  No.14474569


good luck

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6c1022  No.14474570




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71f2f3  No.14474571

File: 54c05e111cbb620⋯.png (24.7 KB, 630x410, 63:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcedac913738d7b⋯.png (24.55 KB, 630x410, 63:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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97c58a  No.14474572

File: 011d3df49f2e867⋯.png (666.2 KB, 591x590, 591:590, de6d72211ca5dba74455007fde….png)

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40c690  No.14474573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Everything he touches turns to shit.

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9c7334  No.14474574


Now they are shitting in the streets and nodding off.

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1c5c7d  No.14474575



jew faggot detected.

Beware of the glowies.

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15f4ff  No.14474576


I wonder what the price of heroin is gonna do, how do you check something like that, check the temperature in the gutter?

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0aab2e  No.14474577


Powell's talk at the Jackson Hole e-conference spooked the markets.

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1cf4a6  No.14474578


last time anons were directed to meme FB and twat

many anons were given the boot from FB and twat

it was a slaughter of patriots

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45c350  No.14474579


Its kind of hard now to take anything they say seriously when their own labs have toxins and viruses floating around

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556806  No.14474580


This clip work for anyone?

Twice now my shit ain't worked.

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6bd88f  No.14474581


Called a few offices. That dude from The Keystone, Doug need our support. Don’t know him but he could use some words of encouragement

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580f0f  No.14474582

Is that taxpayer's money he is talking about being sent to Afghanistan?

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e917ce  No.14474583


That was when the cabal endgame was launched under GHWB. Sorry Anon, but thank you for your service to those of us who appreciate our vets.

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b681d1  No.14474584



KYS, gerbil.

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762373  No.14474585

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c89cd2  No.14474586

What has the corrupt government been shoving down the Americans throat for ages? "ISRAEL IS OUR GREATEST ALLY."

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fa3510  No.14474587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Israel for last

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1a5dd0  No.14474588

State Department spokesperson won’t say whether the Taliban or Al Qaeda pose a threat to the United States. The Taliban is currently holding an American hostage and let thousands of ISIS fighters out of prison.


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aec7eb  No.14474589



life is hard son

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8d0f64  No.14474590

Judicial Watch: New Fauci Agency COVID Emails Detail Discussions about Wuhan Institute; Describe Gates Foundation Placement of Chinese Representatives on ‘Important International Counsels’

Judicial Watch announced today that it received 129 pages of records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which include “urgent for Dr. Fauci ” email chain which cites ties between the Wuhan lab and the taxpayer-funded EcoHealth Alliance. The government emails also report that the foundation of U.S. billionaire Bill Gates worked closely with the Chinese government to pave the way for Chinese-produced medications to be sold outside China and help “raise China’s voice of governance by placing representatives from China on important international counsels as high level commitment from China.”

The new production of records also includes a January 6, 2020, “Wuhan Pneumonia Update” report which details how Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, was tied to the Wuhan lab and was “funded for work to understand how coronaviruses evolve and jump to human populations.”

The documents were obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for records of communications, contracts and agreements with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:21-cv-00696)). The lawsuit specifically seeks records about NIH grants that benefitted the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The agency is only processing 300 pages of records per month, which means it will take until the end of November for the records to be fully reviewed and released under FOIA.

The new emails include a report from Dr. Ping Chen, who had been the top Fauci agency official working in China:

You can ask [NIAID Human Coronavirus, Rhinovirus Research Program Officer] Erik Stemmy for the grant awarded to the Ecohealth in NYC who collaborates with Dr. Shi, Zhengli in Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), who has been doing coronavirus research in cave bats in China. Erik would know what exactly NIH funding supports.

I visited her and others at the Wuhan Ins Viro in 2018 and visited its BSL4 1ab. [Redacted]

Also in 1983 NIH and CAS [Chinese Academy of Sciences] (WIV is one of the research institutes under CAS) signed a MOU and it included sharing research materials. I know [sic] this a long time ago.

This email chain is part of a previously released January 23, 2020, exchange with the subject line “Urgent for Dr. Fauci: China’s lab for studying SARS and Ebola is in Wuhan.” It begins with Melinda Haskins, chief of legislative affairs for NIAID, writing to senior NIAID officials, and includes a link to a Daily Mail article, titled “China built a lab to study SARS and Ebola in Wuhan – and US biosafety experts warned in 2017 that a virus could ‘escape’ the facility that’s become key in fighting the outbreak.” She writes: “Dr. Fauci will be brief [sic] multiple Senators tomorrow on our novel coronavirus response … Would you please confirm the exact nature of our support to the Wuhan Institute of Virology/Biosafety Lab. You’ll want to read the Daily Mail article above.”



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762373  No.14474591


>KYS, gerbil.

You first tranny

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97c58a  No.14474592

File: 1ae34ccde8b832a⋯.jpg (59.58 KB, 374x500, 187:250, 1ae34ccde8b832aac9f155a718….jpg)

ATTN Legacy Media shills

The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.

290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A social subversion operations.

Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.

Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.

Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.

Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.

A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”

Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.

Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.


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3410da  No.14474593

File: 30a34c4b3f0b716⋯.png (187.98 KB, 776x984, 97:123, FireShot_Capture_102_Emerg….png)

Emergence of the E484K mutation in SARS-COV-2-infected immunocompromised patients treated with bamlanivimab in Germany


They will house and be the ones contributing to escape mutations. Same deal.

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81e28c  No.14474594


not if you know how to play the game

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762373  No.14474595


>Wut if ya be phonefaggin?


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3410da  No.14474596



Background: Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) have been introduced as a promising new therapeutic approach against SARS-CoV-2. At present, there is little experience regarding their clinical effects in patient populations underrepresented in clinical trials, e.g. immunocompromised patients. Additionally, it is not well known to what extent SARS-CoV-2 treatment with monoclonal antibodies could trigger the selection of immune escape viral variants.

Methods: After identifying immunocompromised patients with viral rebound under treatment with bamlanivimab, we characterized the SARS-CoV-2-isolates by whole genome sequencing. Viral load measurements and sequence analysis were performed consecutively before and after bamlanivimab administration.

Findings: After initial decrease of viral load, viral clearance was not achieved in five of six immunocompromised patients treated with bamlanivimab. Instead, viral replication increased again over the course of the following one to two weeks. In these five patients, the E484K substitution - known to confer immune escape - was detected at the time of viral rebound but not before bamlanivimab treatment.

Interpretation: Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 with bamlanivimab in immunocompromised patients results in the rapid development of immune escape variants in a significant proportion of cases. Given that the E484K mutation can hamper natural immunity, the effectiveness of vaccination as well as antibody-based therapies, these findings may have important implications not only for individual treatment decisions but may also pose a risk to general prevention and treatment strategies.

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e09206  No.14474597


Tell me about it. Everytime we turn around something is trying to kill us. But yet never any real investigations

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8243b2  No.14474598


>>>14474342 (LB)


>>>14474345 (LB)


>You're watching a movie…


>Biggest question is……. Who is the Director?




>Kubrick isn't dead

If it's Spielberg were fucked, we will be the bad guys

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5be453  No.14474599

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71f2f3  No.14474600


>Powell's talk at the Jackson Hole e-conference spooked the markets.

Kinda like a dove with a suicide vest on.

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556806  No.14474601




He took the words right outta my mouth!

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4261b2  No.14474602

File: 984d753cb9fe30d⋯.png (16.45 KB, 229x221, 229:221, Laughing_pepe.png)


You are doing an awesome job baker! I got a good laugh when I read the O one.

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51070c  No.14474603


They will move to places that allow it.

people have been starved for the truth, that is controlled, our mission is to destroy them

fcuking big tech !!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⢰⡤⢀⣀⣴⣦⣤⣤⣤⡤⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀























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045e4f  No.14474604


>They need to ban ADD and ADHD meds then

Parents need to stand between their children and any form of drugs. It's sad that a child with a still-developing brain should be subjected to lab rat status. It's a sign of a broken society when children are given drugs to "calm them" when what they really need is to go outside and get worn out. Not everyone was made to be a scientist or other field that requires hours upon hours of continuous concentration.


>asthma medication

Bronkaide? I've home-brewed meth with it.


>Addicts always blame their crutch.

You're reaching. I'm not blaming anyone other than myself but Ephedrine was over the counter at most gas stations when I was a kid and I bought it and used it regularly. If you want to interject anything of your own imagining beyond that, you're free to do so, but be sure I did not. I merely stated a fact.

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81e28c  No.14474605


phizer will be delisted from nasdick

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762373  No.14474606



Source: over 30 accounts zucked, still have 4 active

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8d0f64  No.14474607

Biden Subcontracts U.S. Security to Terrorists

Column: The disastrous U.S.-Taliban 'partnership' begins with a massacre

Even as suicide bombers attacked the Kabul airport on August 26—killing, at this writing, at least 12 U.S. servicemen and scores of civilians—visitors to the Al Jazeera website could read an interview with Khalil Ur-Rahman Haqqani, the Taliban official and U.S.-designated terrorist who is responsible for security in the Afghan capital. "If we can defeat superpowers, surely we can provide safety to the Afghan people," said Haqqani, whose guards brandish the helmets, night-vision goggles, small arms, and camouflage the Americans left behind. "All of those people who left this country, we will assure them of their safety," Haqqani went on. "You’re all welcome back in Afghanistan."

He’s lying, of course. Lying is what terrorists do. Haqqani’s forces can’t protect the Afghan people from ISIS, or, apparently, from the Taliban itself. The Islamic militia is executing civilians and former members of the Afghan National Army, according to the United Nations. And Haqqani’s colleague, spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, warned Afghan women and girls the other day that they should avoid the outdoors and public spaces, since Taliban soldiers "have not been yet trained very well." And "We don’t want our forces, God forbid, to harm or harass women."

Just to subjugate them.

The massacre at Hamid Karzai airport was the consequence of President Biden's decision to rely on the Taliban for security. Despite the lunacy of taking the Taliban at its word, the Biden administration sounded in recent days as if Haqqani, Mujahid, and the rest of their deranged crew were U.S. partners. Not only did Biden's botched withdrawal result in America’s departure from Central Asia, Taliban rule in Afghanistan, a catastrophe for democracy and human rights, and a propaganda boon for the global jihadist-Salafist movement. It guaranteed our dependence on a gang of medieval holy warriors whose loyalty to al Qaeda is the reason the United States invaded Afghanistan in the first place. This historical irony is strategically dubious and morally debased. The loss of life in Kabul is a taste of what's to come.

Biden pretended as if the Taliban had changed. On August 19, he told George Stephanopoulos that the Taliban, like a group of unruly teenagers, is "going through sort of an existential crisis about do they want to be recognized by the international community as being a legitimate government." Later, in the same interview, he added, "I’m not sure I would’ve predicted, George, nor would you or anyone else, that when we decided to leave, that they’d provide safe passage for Americans to get out." Nor did he predict that there would be more American casualties on the way out of Afghanistan than there had been in seven years.

In his remarks on August 24, Biden said, "Thus far, the Taliban have been taking steps to work with us so we can get our people out." The terrorist threat, he cautioned, came not from the Taliban but from ISIS, "which is the sworn enemy of the Taliban as well."

Biden didn’t mention that ISIS and the Taliban share a common adversary: the United States. Acknowledging that reality might have jeopardized the drawdown of American forces and evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport even before the terrorists struck on August 26. But it might also explain how the suicide bombers caused so much damage. The Kabul airport is surrounded by Taliban checkpoints. The Taliban won't let Afghans pass through. How did the bombers get by?

Biden won't violate the Taliban’s "red line" that America must leave by the end of the month because he fears that to do so would put U.S. soldiers and citizenry at further risk. On August 25, Secretary of State Antony Blinken reminded the world that the safety of Americans depends on the Taliban’s good graces. "The Taliban," he said, "have made public and private commitments to provide and permit safe passage for Americans, for third-country nationals, and Afghans at risk"—at risk of what and from whom, one might ask the Taliban—"going forward past August 31st."

Past August 31? The safe passage ended this morning.



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7b7ec0  No.14474608


∆  ∆

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580f0f  No.14474609


Ned Price said US has donated 4 billion over 20 years to Afghanistan. They have given a quarter of a billion just this summer, and the President approved 500 million for displaced afghans around the world in just the last few days. That's too much fucking money.

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9c7334  No.14474610

File: d4e60b5b4eeb662⋯.jpg (270.2 KB, 1076x605, 1076:605, Screenshot_20210827_151815….jpg)

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762373  No.14474611


∆  ∆

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45c350  No.14474612


How do I adjust host files on iphone, explain like im a tech retard please. (I was gonna say 4 year old, but realize they may know more than me with tech)

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320faf  No.14474613


Public education is disgusting to me. Former teacher.

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6e6f32  No.14474614


He's referring to isis-k, isn't he?

US Marines deliberately not mentioned.

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15f4ff  No.14474615


hey, those are repeating digits

three of them, is that a big deal

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580f0f  No.14474616


and Americans get fucking $1200 twice.

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b65e7e  No.14474617

Pfizer's Comey to Corney switcheroo? Why? Just a spelling mistake, or intentional?

From Comimaty to Comirnaty

On page 5, paragraph 4 of this WHO document from January 2021, states "the Pfizer/BioNTech Comimaty Covid-19 mRNA vaccine"

Pdf link https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/weekly-updates/26_jan2021_wou.pdf?sfvrsn=5e599609_5&download=true

In another doc

commercial name of the

vaccine according to the EU


authorization/WHO list

Name of


authorization holder


vaccination scheme

Comimaty/ (/ BNT162b2

Pfizer- BioNTech Covid-19


BioNTech Manufacturing

GmbH/ Pfizer-Biontech

2 doses

V axzevria/ AZD1222 AstraZeneca AB 2 doses

- / AZD1222 SK Bioscience Co Ltd 2 doses

Spikevax/ COVID -19

VACCINE Moderna / mRNA-



Janssen / Ad26.COV2.S Janssen-Cilag International


1 dose

- / Covishield (ChAdOx1


Serum Institute of India 2 doses

- / SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine

(Vero Cell), Inactivated


Sinopharm / BIBP1 2 doses

- / COVID-19 Vaccine (Vero

Cell), Inactivated/Coronavac

Sinovac 2 doses

- / Sputnik V(Gam-COVID-

VacComponent I Gam-

COVID- Vac Component II)

The Gamaleya National

Center of Epidemiology and


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e917ce  No.14474618


So, for the normies lurking, This means the immuno-compromised are being used as breeders and spreaders for new SARS variants.

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e09206  No.14474619


Kinda hard to stop the parents from getting their kids on meds when the parents are on the same meds or taking the meds from the kids. Society keeps getting dumber and dumber by the day

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9c7334  No.14474620

File: f8a6f38509ec306⋯.jpg (51.65 KB, 640x640, 1:1, bbrv.jpg)



They just removed the Guiafenisin too.

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762373  No.14474621


















>hey, those are repeating digits

>three of them, is that a big deal

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15f4ff  No.14474622


>he missed it by 3 mins

Scavino time.

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71f2f3  No.14474623

File: 75d4128bb9dd5ac⋯.png (93.62 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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6c1022  No.14474624


I'm telling you, I bet they took that list of people that they were given & took those peoples places. No offense to them but with all the facial hair they got going on, they all look a like

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e09206  No.14474625


Along with all the illegals coming in. The illegals are more then likely infected with God knows what

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77c245  No.14474626

Today. Yesterday.Tomorrow. In 2 more weeks. God bless America. God wins.

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8d0f64  No.14474627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alarming Report Showing Pfizer Vaccination Extortion Highlights Influence of Big Pharma and Multinationals on Geopolitical Stage

An excellent independent news report from WION points out the extortion Pfizer is conducting in order to leverage their own financial interests in various countries around the globe. As outlined in the expose’ The U.S. pharma company is asking for military bases and sovereign assets as guarantee for vaccines delivery.

We have noted how the U.S. government has moved to merge ideological interests with Big Tech to control information. In this report about Pfizer you see the same merging of government and the pharmaceutical industry to advance their collective interests. There is a word for government and corporations working together to control society…

BIG PICTURE – While the specifics of this report focus on multinational corporation Pfizer and the control over the COVID vaccine, it is worth remembering the same type of influence operation happens in other industries. That is an outcome of the world being driven by government and multinational corporations working together.

What Big Pharma is to global medicines, specifically vaccines, Big Agriculture is to global food production, in every sector.

What Pfizer is doing to extort nations to maximize their profit, soo too is Monsanto or Cargill operating on the same premise. A lemon costs you .89 cents because they want it to cost you .89 cents; not because a ‘free market’ prices it at .89 cents. The multinationals have long passed the place where ‘free markets’ exist. Everything is now a controlled market. {Go Deep}


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8e3540  No.14474628


if you are in the

"inflate the money supply"

part of the "business cycle"

you need stimulus payments to got out

abroad as well

Powell just signaled the end of the inflationary part

do you know what the next part of the "business cycle" is?

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51070c  No.14474629


you know he is watching, wait for the response from potus,

hope he notices,

let him have sir, both fcuking barrels,

time for obamagate to resurface !!

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9c7334  No.14474630

File: 0a5e17c992bb73c⋯.jpg (59.49 KB, 588x588, 1:1, ZomboMeme_26082021213149.jpg)

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0aab2e  No.14474631


kek pretty much with his muh taper or not bla bla bla

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7eec52  No.14474632


Caffeine is a drug- no different than cocaine.

Probably worse.

Ever tried kicking the habbit?

It kicks your ass for months.

When I quit, it reminded me of trainspotting.

Nausea, foggy brain, headaches, body aches- you name it!

It’s bad shit and it’s everywhere.

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6bd88f  No.14474633


How ridiculous was it when that ohaggit fro said he wasn’t in a demographic for the jab? What a douche canoe

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4261b2  No.14474634

State Department in Kabul is turning American citizens away

Former Green Beret Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.), says that American citizens are being turned away in Kabul. They are “being denied by the State Department after they’ve made it through multiple Taliban checkpoints


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f225c3  No.14474635


not an attempt anon

been working on hosts file

but still no images

good to know some anons can work it out


gerbil's board is qanonresearch

(in case u didn't know)


nothing wrong with endchan anon

just another image board site

every board is different


anyone can post on qrbunker end

what matters is what Q said:

"we are the news"


except for shills


>jew faggot detected.

how come I'm reasonable and you're nasty?


this is not gerbil

gerbil does not promote qrbunker but his own board - in case u hadn't noticed

this info is posted here so anons who cannot post images have a place to work

the work is all that matters


- Shadilay

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320faf  No.14474636

What percentage of modern disease is created by Western medicine and chemical poisoning of food air water? How ever did we survive without Big Pharma.

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15f4ff  No.14474637


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8d0f64  No.14474638

7.5 Million Americans to Lose Jobless Benefits on Labor Day

This time, there is little indication that Democratic lawmakers or Biden intend to do anything to prolong the benefits, despite the threat posed by the Delta variant and the end of an eviction moratorium.

Unless Congress and the Biden administration act quickly, more than 7 million people across the United States will soon completely lose unemployment benefits that were approved as part of the federal government’s emergency response to the coronavirus pandemic — which is nowhere near over.

An analysis released by the Century Foundation estimates that 7.5 million people are set to entirely lose unemployment insurance (UI) aid on Labor Day, Sept. 6, the official nationwide expiration date of Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA).

“UI benefits expiring on Labor Day is a cruel joke that only wealthy politicians could come up with,” said Mark Paul, an assistant professor of economics and environmental studies at the New College of Florida.

The Century Foundation’s Andrew Stettner described the looming UI expiration as “the largest cutoff of unemployment benefits in history, many times larger than previous cutoffs of 1.3 million workers in 2013 and 800,000 in 2003.”

In addition to the 7.5 million people who will see their jobless aid end entirely, another 3 million unemployed workers will lose the $300-per-week federal boost provided through the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program. Twenty-six states — all of which are led by Republicans except Louisiana — ended federal pandemic benefits early, heightening the economic desperation of millions of people.

“What we are doing to the unemployed is inexcusably cruel,” economic policy expert Claudia Sahm tweeted in response to the Century Foundation’s report. “Think of the millions of people who didn’t get jobs last month and won’t have them soon.”

Stettner concluded that “while the United States has spent record sums on unemployment benefits, the job is not done.”

“Millions of workers remain out of work, and despite progress, the labor market is nowhere near its pre-Covid-19 levels,” he wrote. “Cutting off benefits by Labor Day will leave 7.5 million workers without critical assistance they need to keep themselves financially stable until they can find a new job. Imposing such deep hardship on families and the economy, is an unforced economic policy error that can and should be avoided.”

Little Indication of Prolonging Benefits


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71f2f3  No.14474639


>What percentage of modern disease is created by Western medicine

I'd guess 90% by monetary impact.

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1cf4a6  No.14474640


>r u vxd

Delta has died

c19 has died

Wuhan must resort to another release

if satanic NWO wants any chance of succeeding

I suspect the satanist will go back into hiding until

rapture and then the anti christ shows up. Their attempt to rush God's timing has failed bigly.

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81e28c  No.14474641

and your money will be POOF

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580f0f  No.14474642

Yes we are welcoming to any other countries that want to take in the refugees! I agree with him on that!

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81e28c  No.14474643


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e09206  No.14474644


I quit all the time randomly. But anymore no matter what you drink from the stores you're more then likely getting some kind of poison

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9c7334  No.14474645


Totally different mechanism.

Cocaine prevents the reuptake of mainly dopamine.

Caffeine is an Adenosine receptor antagonist.

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e917ce  No.14474646


Agreed, Especially when you realize that African continent denizens make up a big portion of southern border illegals. Can we say sleeper ebola spreaders. There was a vax being tested for that also, same effect that some OK, some created a new variant that infected others.

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9c7334  No.14474647



7.5 Million Americans to Lose Jobless Benefits on Labor Day…the irony

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d321b7  No.14474648


Those seats are reserved for foreign nationals. How dare they expect the US State Dept to assist US citizens.

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59230a  No.14474649


It's such a rainy afternoon

No point in going anywhere

The sounds just drift across my room

I wish this feeling I could share

Our reasons are the same

But there's no-one we can blame

For there's nowhere we need go

And the only truth we know comes so easily

The sound I have heard in your kek!

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aec7eb  No.14474650


>whats that funky smell

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e09206  No.14474651


We need to just completely close the borders. Or shoot the border hoppers.

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320faf  No.14474652


Male Terrorists First

MTL It's a new Policy

if this is true, who exactly are being refused? Patriots?

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1cf4a6  No.14474653


details matter

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762373  No.14474654


>gerbil's board is qanonresearch

>(in case u didn't know)

I didn't even know Gerbil was a real person..

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0aab2e  No.14474655


Swampy, you banhammer moar often than OSS ever did.

Which is silly considering you wipe out 10% of the posters there when you do.

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6e6f32  No.14474656


>three of them, is that a big deal

It occurs ~7.51 times per bread.

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1d3933  No.14474657


This is not a game.

Learn to play the game.

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61c9eb  No.14474658

Ha. My wife convinced her sister to not take any more jabs.

That's better than nothing. You faggots helped to some degree.


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4915f2  No.14474659

Spike Lee Cut 9/11 Truther Section From Final Chapter Of HBO’s ‘NYC Epicenters’ Amid Backlash – Update

Lee said Wednesday that he was going back to the editing room after criticism that the episode contained interviews with the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.


days before

Spike Lee Defends Inclusion of 9/11 Conspiracies in New Doc Series, Suggests Congressional Hearing

The Brooklyn filmmaker announced he was back in the editing room following his Aug. 23 interview with The New York Times, in which he elaborates on his decision to feature conspiracy theories around the 9/11 attacks for his HBO docuseries 'NYC Epicenters 9/11-2021½.'


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e09206  No.14474660


Is this Richard Gere? We know how he loves gerbils

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320faf  No.14474661


Oh darling

you'll always have kek with me

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569f05  No.14474662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey Anons , So I am forced to do Online classes for Anatomy and Physiology and Buisness Skills and I decided to hang a Trump Won Flag on my TV ( i don't watch it anyway). So it is behind me and we are forced to be on camera the whole time. Someone complained that it was Too Political and I was called into the Education Directors office. He understands my thoughts because his Wife ran for State Rep in MA (R) and lost by a narrow margin, his family is Trump People. I know his wife must have gotten screwed and directed him to follow Dr Shiva. Who he had met when Dr. Shiva was blocking Elizabeth Warrens from getting into a debate., Anyway they asked me to adjust my camera so I would block it, I explained screw their overreach into my bedroom. Today because I was moving around the flag was a little visible and I got a text to adjust myself so it would block it. I am super pissed and explained that 14 Marines died because of this Buffoon and there is No Way Biden Won and I feel like I am Based in Reality./ I am going to have to speak with the ED director again on Monday I am sure of it. What do you guys think? Should I suck it up and roll up the flag? No I think more people need to understand what is going on IMO. Their argument is the "Classroom" virtually My Own Bedroom is no place for political discussion.

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1cf4a6  No.14474663


oh my….zing

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aec7eb  No.14474664


now thats a hedge


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15f4ff  No.14474665


~7.51 times, it works every time

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8e3540  No.14474666

"Have you been vaccinated for Covid-19?"

"Yes, but I have Hepatitis C."

"That's OK, as long as you are vaccinated for Covid-19. Welcome to Walgreen's."


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81e28c  No.14474667

so if you invest in companies like phizer

YOUR ASSETS WILL BE SEIZED in said company breaking the law

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6c1022  No.14474668


I mean, come on. Don't be too harsh on them. If those US citizens had paid more than the Diplomats, I'm sure they would have gotten Priority. Nothing personal. It's just Business.

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3410da  No.14474669


We have suddenly started giving it to people who haven't tested positive and are not symptomatic but were near someone who 'has it' and is high risk… or not vaccinated….. the high risk categorization includes people who are not really high risk….. BMI >25 (taking into account that this virus can use cholesterol as a mechanism of entry).

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e917ce  No.14474670


Close the borders, leave the rounding up to the texas rangers. No violence promoted from here. Let the LEO's do their job, we do ours by making sure we throw out the liberal judges and politicians from every county in America.

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580f0f  No.14474671


Sorry folks, that money was just sent to Afghanistan instead. Good Luck!

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8243b2  No.14474672


>What Director perfected(to the dismay of the actresses) this technique?


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5be453  No.14474673

Predicted to hit New Orleans on the anniversary of Katrina.

It's almost as if /ours/ is reversing engineering [their] timeline.

>If you follow this page you know I don’t BS ever.

>Prepare for this to be at least a Category 4 hurricane, and let’s hope to God it doesn’t entertain Cat 5, although I certainly wouldn’t take that possibility of the table.

>Please prepare for the worst, and hope for the best with this one.

>Ida isn’t playing around. The presentation tells me that it’s ready to go once it hits the Gulf fuel and rids itself of the Cuban coast.


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762373  No.14474674
























learn to bake!

these are not endorsements

>>14474311, >>14474565 @300

>>14474361 Taliban Now Has More Black Hawk Helicopters Than 85% Of Countries In The World: OBAMA 2.0


>>14474520, >>14474635 QRBUNKER ENDCHAN is OPEN

>>14474552 Obama needs to STFU already

>>14474556 Biden told another Kabul attack is 'likely'

>>14474604 Parents need to stand between their children and any form of drugs

>>14474627 Alarming Report Showing Pfizer Vaccination Extortion

>>14474628 Powell just signaled the end of the inflationary cycle

>>14474638, 7.5 Million Americans to Lose Jobless Benefits on Labor Day

please call out notables

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15f4ff  No.14474675


<He's too close for missiles Goose, I'm switching to guns.

>"But did you reach out to Willie Brown for comment too?"

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45c350  No.14474676


Why are the journalists even asking? Of course they are, thats why POTUS said hed glass them if any of our people were harmed. And i think Pompeo reinforced that statement to them today!

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81e28c  No.14474677

b4 you can sell them

have a nice day

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6bd88f  No.14474678


Any anon paying attention back then knew it was in on purpose. Dan doesn’t make those kind of mistakes this late in the game

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6c1022  No.14474679



What a fucking loser.

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6e6f32  No.14474680


>~7.51 times, it works every time

(so close squirrel.jpg) kek

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aec7eb  No.14474681


derivative positions.mah boi

>nobody went down for those united puts on 9/11

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569f05  No.14474682


Okay Satanic Digits Ill Trust the Science.

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b681d1  No.14474683


>Powell just signaled the end of the inflationary part

>do you know what the next part of the "business cycle" is?

Raise rates and crash that shit.

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e09206  No.14474684


I'm an asshole so I'd just get a bigger sign that covers the entire wall… or a fuck joe Biden flag. Careful not to get kicked out though.

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3410da  No.14474686


I don't think this is appropriate to be promoting this at a mass scale under EUA and including extension for Post Ex prophylaxis…. I can be completely wrong, if I am I don't mind admitting it./// But this is a bad idea.

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5f039c  No.14474687


So if you were wearing a trump won t-shirt would you have to cover it up?

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762373  No.14474688

>>14474659 Spike Lee confirmed, still a niggerfaggot

Can I put this as a not able?

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a72044  No.14474689

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0aab2e  No.14474690


>learn to bake!

Nah, you can keep doing it, Comms.

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aa76de  No.14474691


5 - 6 cups a day stopping coffee for long periods (months) never affected me unless I drank a decaff

Next time you take a break from caff try it - see if them headaches come before or only after the caff-free (or other bogus anti-crave option.).

proof their more wrong with artificial shit than just "no xxx"

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670410  No.14474692


Put up a sign that says

"Biden lied and Americans died" instead.

See how that goes over.

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762373  No.14474693














Try again shit lord

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f225c3  No.14474694


gerbil is BO of qanonresearch endchan

started it as a board when 8 was deplatformmed

but things got out of hand because g wanted it to be more important than qr once 8 was back. Shills took advantage as well. Hence, the current situation on qr.


what are you talking about?

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1cf4a6  No.14474695



anons adapt

was merely calling into question the initial suggestion to do so


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e917ce  No.14474696


Best defense, especially for fat asthmatics is simple wash your fuking hands, don't touch your eyes, ears, nose or mouth. Don't eat anything from outside that is not steaming hot when served. Use a saline/peroxide nose spray to flush out the crap from your sinuses. Get sunshine and fresh air. Take your quinine and zinc religiously

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045e4f  No.14474697


>Society keeps getting dumber and dumber by the day

That's why the "Optional" gene-therapy parading as vaccine is not something I'm going out and trying to stop the world from taking.

Mandatory, however…

I will fucking revolt!

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7eec52  No.14474698


It’s still bad shit.


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8d0f64  No.14474699

Senior Trump HHS COVID Advisor Drops BOMBS! Task Force Mislead POTUS, No "Pandemic"


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320faf  No.14474700


it's absolute bullshit.

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6bd88f  No.14474701


Perhaps we can make babies with others Freon foreign lands that know about pain as much as anons. We are a light. A beacon. Steering others away from the rocks. A tough job but somebody has to do it

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15f4ff  No.14474702


>Get sunshine and fresh air.

but there are people out there

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6e6f32  No.14474703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>"That's OK, as long as you are vaccinated for Covid-19. Welcome to Walgreen's."

It's John Legend's 666 shot.

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4e0598  No.14474704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CI-16, Children of Light - Classic Christian Identity f/ James Wickstrom

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e09206  No.14474705


I'm for protecting our borders. If that means land owners shooting the idiots I'm fine with that. Border patrol is slacking on their jobs obviously

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994a7b  No.14474706


>what are you talking about?

ID: 0aab2e appears to be the low-IQ identitiy politics shill

who's always lurking, waiting to call someone a name from their list of "smells bad"

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569f05  No.14474707


I thought about a BLM or Trans Rights and see if they say anything only to prove it is a political thing, because the classes are recorded there would be proof that they said no to Trump but were okay with Marxist BLM or Tranny rights. Checkmate, Ill take my check , Mate

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569979  No.14474708

File: a12a9ca5fc1c17e⋯.jpg (81.81 KB, 642x420, 107:70, IMG_3223.jpg)

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ed94e2  No.14474709


Remember the random pallets of bricks? Bricks were just the start for Antifa and other paramilitary wings of the NWO D’s. Once they ban together all the enemy combatants who have poured over the border and are being flown here from Afghanistan- it’s gonna get bad- especially living in a city

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a84831  No.14474710


From one bad angle>>>The post exp prophylaxis group treated with this will create new mutants and spread them, even to the vaccinated to amplify more problems…

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0aab2e  No.14474711


>what are you talking about?

kek ok

Doesn't matter, it's just another cricketboard so post the link all you want.

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fa3510  No.14474712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q Research General



>>14474361 “Taliban Now Has More Black Hawk Helicopters Than 85% Of Countries In The World”

>>14474366 Taliban forces have reportedly entered the military section of #Kabul airport. The U.S. could hand over control of the airport as early as tonight

>>14474376 Coward Connecticut Gov. Lamont Runs Away From Angry Parents Who Confront Him Over His School Mask Mandate

>>14474384 Black Lives Matter activist & soccer star @benmendy23 has been arrested & charged over the alleged rape of two women & a minor female.

>>14474390 Canadian PM Trudeau heckled by crowd AGAIN, this time in Ontario.

>>14474434, >>14474447 3 More Bases Set to Take in Afghan Refugees, Joining 4 Others Nationally

>>14474498 At first meeting, Biden pledges to Bennett that Iran will ‘never’ get nukes

>>14474514 U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo cancelled his Europe trip at the last minute on Tuesday after Luxembourg’s foreign minister and top European Union officials declined to meet with him

>>14474529 New Israeli Study Finds Fully Vaccinated People are at “Greater Risk of Hospitalization” and 13 TIMES MORE LIKELY to Catch Covid-19 Than Those Who Have Recovered and Have Natural Immunity

>>14474532 @BarackObama: May God bless the memory of those we lost, and protect those who remain in harm’s way.

>>14474590 Judicial Watch: New Fauci Agency COVID Emails Detail Discussions about Wuhan Institute; Describe Gates Foundation Placement of Chinese Representatives on ‘Important International Counsels’

>>14474607 Biden Subcontracts U.S. Security to Terrorists

>>14474627 Alarming Report Showing Pfizer Vaccination Extortion Highlights Influence of Big Pharma and Multinationals on Geopolitical Stage

>>14474634 State Department in Kabul is turning American citizens away

>>14474638 7.5 Million Americans to Lose Jobless Benefits on Labor Day

>>14474659 Spike Lee Cut 9/11 Truther Section From Final Chapter Of HBO’s ‘NYC Epicenters’ Amid Backlash


Move along, nothing to see here

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15f4ff  No.14474713


Has he met Obama?

He looks like he knows Obama.

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1cf4a6  No.14474714


I was not blessed with big IT skills like many here but understand I am happy they are blessed

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59230a  No.14474715


Oh, darling, you kek's all I'll ever see

Ah, ah, ah

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45c350  No.14474716


I really wonder how many of 1,000s of times they tried to kill us and God made our bodies so adaptable we coped, but its taking its toll. Cant wait till they all STFU and we get back to natural farming and living.

Thank you God for saving us so many times over, we dont even know about it. Amen

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e09206  No.14474717


I'm with you on that. This is a silent liberal killer. Rid the world of idiots. Or atleast I hope that was the plan

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15f4ff  No.14474718


>Canadian PM Trudeau heckled

Canadians can't wait for him to win the election!

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8d0f64  No.14474719

Louisiana Doctor Indicted for Illegally Dispensing Over One Million Doses of Opioids and for $5.1 Million Health Care Fraud Scheme

A federal grand jury in New Orleans, Louisiana, returned an indictment today charging a Louisiana physician for his role in distributing over 1,200,000 doses of Schedule II controlled substances, including oxycodone and morphine, outside the scope of professional practice and not for a legitimate medical purpose, and for maintaining his clinic for the purpose of illegally distributing controlled substances. Today’s indictment also charges the physician with defrauding health care benefit programs, including Medicare, Medicaid, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana, of more than $5,100,000, given that the opioid prescriptions were filled using health insurance benefits.

According to court documents, Adrian Dexter Talbot, M.D., 55, of Slidell, owned and operated a medical clinic located in Slidell that accepted cash payments from individuals seeking prescriptions for Schedule II controlled substances. In 2015, Talbot took a full-time job in Pineville, Louisiana, and although he was no longer physically present at the Slidell clinic, he pre-signed prescriptions to be distributed to individuals there without seeing or examining those individuals. In 2016, Talbot hired another practitioner who also pre-signed prescriptions to be distributed in the same manner at the Slidell clinic. With Talbot’s knowledge, individuals were filling their prescriptions that were issued outside the scope of professional practice and not for a legitimate medical purpose using their insurance benefits, thereby causing health care benefit programs to be fraudulently billed for filling prescriptions that were written without an appropriate patient examination or determination of medical necessity for the prescription.

Talbot is charged with one count each of conspiracy to unlawfully distribute and dispense controlled substances, maintaining a drug-involved premises and conspiracy to commit health care fraud, as well as four counts of unlawfully distributing and dispensing controlled substances. The defendant is scheduled for his initial court appearance Sept. 10 before U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael B. North of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 10 years for conspiracy to commit health care fraud and 20 years each for all other counts. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite Jr. of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division; U.S. Attorney Duane A. Evans for the Eastern District of Louisiana; Special Agent in Charge Douglas A. Williams Jr. of the FBI’s New Orleans Field Office; Special Agent in Charge Miranda Bennett of the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG); and Special Agent in Charge Jeffrey Breen for the Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Inspector General (VA-OIG) made the announcement.

The FBI, HHS-OIG, VA-OIG, and the Louisiana Office of the Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit are investigating the case.

Trial Attorney Sara E. Porter of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and Assistant U.S. Attorney David Howard Sinkman of the Eastern District of Louisiana are prosecuting the case.

An indictment is merely an allegation and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.


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78d83d  No.14474720

File: ca1749363ae1d2e⋯.jpg (10.86 KB, 255x197, 255:197, beetch_slap.jpg)


Traitors can run, but they can't hide.

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e0eb15  No.14474721

File: a4b0d80ec1b5772⋯.jpg (30.33 KB, 1187x625, 1187:625, Screen_Shot_2021_08_05_at_….jpg)

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e917ce  No.14474722


60 years of flouridated water, toothpaste, mouth wash, chewing gum; has certainly helped the dumb become dumber. Just the shit above lowers IQ by an average of 10-20 points.

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1f49a9  No.14474723


>Try again shit lord














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61c9eb  No.14474724


Move the flag but wear a MAGA hat next time.

Then after that blows up, switch to a patriotic t-shirt, and etc…

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15f4ff  No.14474725


>Jan6 Committee asking for records or whatever from 8kun

so I guess it's time to put some pants on is it

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6e6f32  No.14474726


>Canadians can't wait for him to win the election!

Dominion Voting Systems is from Toronto, so yeah.

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045e4f  No.14474727


>Border patrol is slacking on their jobs obviously

They're really not. They're arresting more than ever, but they are just turned out once they enter the US and allowed to stay.

I talk to a couple BP guys and they have absolutely had it. They're both considering walking away from the job due to the depression they're facing. It's grueling work and we really do need to support the front-line guys/gals. They're trying their best.

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994a7b  No.14474728

















Thanks, I didnt feel like babysitting the shills today.

Shadilay not baker

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569f05  No.14474729


Not bad but I in No Way want to disrespect The Marines who just gave all o7I know you didn't mean it that way either. It isn't just Biden Lying it's Everyone Lying to prop his limp ass up

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8d0f64  No.14474730

Walton County Man Faces Federal Indictment For Participation In Nationwide Child Exploitation Enterprise


Cortland County Woman Sentenced to 45 Years for Child Sexual Exploitation Crimes


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994a7b  No.14474731




















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a84831  No.14474732

This is disgusting. Not sure who the experts in the country are.

They are contributing to problems down the line in an effort to make numbers at this point look better.

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15f4ff  No.14474733


>Dominion Voting Systems is from Toronto

That is so Drake.

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45c350  No.14474734


Thats so sweet of you

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e09206  No.14474735


Good thing most of those idiots don't know how to properly handle a firearm. They'd more then likely shoot eachother kek. But yea I definitely feel you on that anon.

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906511  No.14474736


Guessing this is ourBlack Swan Event

Should be an interesting next couple of weeks!

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5f039c  No.14474737


Put up a poster of an irate npc

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5d89b5  No.14474738

File: 71136334fc241da⋯.jpg (90.78 KB, 500x545, 100:109, baphomet_tyb_2.jpg)

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e917ce  No.14474739


KEK, just helping the flourine poisoned populace lurking here for some news or advice

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994a7b  No.14474740


>That is so Drake

I just spit out my drink

no homo

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6e6f32  No.14474741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>hey finance fags


>watch phizer

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71c028  No.14474742



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b681d1  No.14474743


>Should I suck it up and roll up the flag? No I think more people need to understand what is going on IMO. Their argument is the "Classroom" virtually My Own Bedroom is no place for political discussion.

Get a whiteboard and change it daily with "nonpolitical" facts. Vaxx death rates, efficacy of ivermectin, etc.

Meme them into submission, anon.

It's what we do.

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6ff56e  No.14474744


even if that were true

a smart leader would have destroyed all of them before leaving, including the airport and the military bases and the embassy

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971ba3  No.14474745


Gives a whole new meaning to cake by the ocean.

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aec7eb  No.14474746


oldfag in tha hous

>watchout folks.richard pryor

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e09206  No.14474747


Hopefully it all is made public! Tired of the world thinking we're the crazy people!

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949a1b  No.14474748


>our Black Swan Event

will be financial

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8d0f64  No.14474749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chinese Official Sets 1.1 Billion Vaccination Target By October To "Win People's War"

An official in China recently announced plans to have 1.1 billion citizens vaccinated by the end of October, claiming the target was approved by Chinese leader Xi Jinping, according to state-run media.

There will be “vaccination coverage for one billion people by the end of August and 1.1 billion by the end of October,” said Qin Weiguo, mayor of Huaibei municipal government of China’s central Anhui Province. Qin made the statement after a provincial video conference with provincial leadership on Aug. 19, according to a report by Huaibei Daily the following day. The report has since been deleted from the internet.

Beijing’s epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan said last week that China is expected to reach 80 percent vaccination coverage by the end of the year, achieving “herd immunity,” echoing the data released by Qin.

Yet China experts said such goal-setting would build up “political pressure” and change the nature of the country’s supposed voluntary vaccination efforts.

Lin Xiaoxu, a former virology researcher at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, said that pressure had come on local authorities from a central government order to “zero out” the unvaccinated population.

“For local governments, epidemic prevention is a political task,” Lin said as a guest speaker at NTD’s Chinese language program “Voices of Influence” on Wednesday.

China’s top health authority, the National Health Commission (NHC), reaffirmed in July that vaccination was voluntary across the country, but local authorities have imposed strict vaccine mandates. Unvaccinated workers in some regions have been told their salaries would be suspended or they’ll be denied work unless they were inoculated.

“In this [centralized] administrative system, China’s NHC does not have much [of a] right to say,” Lin said.

‘Human Considerations’

In the Huaibei Daily report, Qin said the recent campaign is to “win the ‘People’s War’ on vaccination.”

“People’s War” refers to what was originally a military strategy developed by past Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong to maintain the support of the people and fight the enemy. It now functions as political rhetoric, including in the domain of public health.

Lin said: “Normal human considerations are negligible in a so-called case of a war… The Chinese Communist Party is not really trying to save lives.”

China commentator Qin Peng said during the program, “During this [wartime], a death toll is just a number, or the price you have to pay.”

Posts by Chinese netizens on social media have recounted stories of people dying after taking vaccines, as well as cases of leukemia, heart failure, brain hemorrhage, epilepsy, and memory loss, after vaccination.

On Aug. 8, a video circulating online showed a middle school student in Jiangsu Province, who fainted after being vaccinated and later died despite emergency rescue efforts.

Chinese authorities have not confirmed any cases or released official statistics about adverse reactions to vaccinations. Family members who have tried to voice their concerns have faced suppression with some being banned from social media.


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9e8e8e  No.14474750


I’m impressed anon

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0589dd  No.14474751


Either go Gray Man, just say fuck it and go full steam ahead.

If the latter, you'll probably get kicked out of class due to harming the little tenders.

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ed94e2  No.14474752

File: 7bf332541272eae⋯.jpeg (142.11 KB, 846x633, 282:211, 752ADFC0_4E5F_44C4_A66B_1….jpeg)


It’s your home. It’s NOT a classroom. Hold your ground. If they would like to have class in an actual classroom that would be different.

If CNN dude can jerk off and keep his job- these people can choose to not let it offend them. It’s NOT a classroom- it IS your home.

Fuck. These. People.

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569979  No.14474753


Put up a rainbow Trump flag

Pretty they sell them on trumps own site

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949a1b  No.14474754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8d0f64  No.14474755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kamala Harris Walks Away Laughing When Reporter Asks If Americans Are “Safer” After Biden’s Botched Withdrawal

Kamala Harris on Friday returned to Washington after spending a week in Southeast Asia.

Harris and Biden remained silent for several days as the Taliban took control over Afghanistan.

Kamala Harris then hopped on Air Force Two and traveled to Singapore and Vietnam as Americans were left stranded behind enemy lines.

Harris stopped for a photo op after deplaning at Joint Base Andrews – then walked away laughing as a reporter asked her if Americans are “safer” after Biden’s botched withdrawal.


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569f05  No.14474756


Yeah!! That would go over their heads! I don't think I'm in the wrong at all. I moved the camera, it is my room. They should just have in class classes and not worry about anyone's decor.

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71c028  No.14474757


Lets face it - like Hillary gave Nuclear engineering details to China. Biden has sold military technology to China by leaving it behind for collection by CIA Taliban. Hunter's painting ain't worth shit without it.

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e09206  No.14474758


That's why the gun toting land owners on the border need to start firing warning shots towards the fence.

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6360ae  No.14474759

Why did the US Military go into Afghanistan twenty years ago?

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7eec52  No.14474760


There is no way the Illuminati would allow truth to be spoken about 9/11.

The taliban are correct.

Bin laden had nothing to do with 9/11.

You are truly only awakened when you know that the nazi’s were the good guys and USA was the evil tool used by the central bank to impose punishment upon those who reject it.

See: syria, libya, Iraq, north korea et al……..

Banksters wars

Keeping folks in debt slavery for eternity.


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994a7b  No.14474761




























are you thinking what I'm thinking?

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fa3510  No.14474762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The CIA spent $1 billion per year arming and training Salafi-jihadist contras in Syria, strengthening ISIS & Al Qaeda

The Washington Post boasted, “CIA-backed fighters may have killed or wounded 100,000 Syrian soldiers and their allies over… four years”


The Washington Post (7/19/17) took the lead with the article “Trump Ends Covert CIA Program to Arm Anti-Assad Rebels in Syria, a Move Sought by Moscow,” which framed the development almost entirely as a concession to the Kremlin. It cited Charles Lister, a hawkish analyst who has for years lobbied for US-led regime change in Syria. “We are falling into a Russian trap,” lamented Lister, who works for think tanks funded by the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE, and never fails to toe the line.

Western corporate media compliantly echoed the Post‘s talking points: The Guardian (7/20/17) declared “Donald Trump Drops CIA Program in Syria ‘in Bid to Improve Russia Ties'”; USA Today (7/20/17) said, “Trump’s Cutoff of Aid to Syrian Rebels Marks Victory for Assad, Russia and Iran”; “Donald Trump Ends Covert CIA Aid to Syrian Rebels in ‘Win’ for Russia,” the Telegraph (7/20/17) added.

The Washington Post‘s resident unofficial CIA PR rep, David Ignatius (7/20/17), practically boasted that “CIA-backed fighters may have killed or wounded 100,000 Syrian soldiers and their allies over the past four years.”


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71c028  No.14474763


Protect drug supply chains.

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670410  No.14474764


Imagine scenario:

Corporations have been buying up lots of homes in suburbs.

Used to house incoming "refugee" combatants.

Pre-positioned mercenaries.

Would be easy to get them illegal weapons disguised as home deliveries.

Put nothing past the commie-fascist Deep State.

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8d0f64  No.14474765


Biden Laughs as His Handlers Shoo Away Reporters Shouting Questions About 13 US Servicemen Killed in Kabul Blast

Joe Biden on Friday met with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in the Oval Office.

This is Joe Biden’s only public event of the day.

As usual Joe Biden refused to engage with the press.

“Now, I’m not going to take any questions because of the prime minister being here on Afghanistan now, but I’ll be available another time,” Biden said.

Biden’s handlers shooed away reporters shouting questions about the 13 US servicemen who were killed in Thursday’s suicide bombing in Kabul.

Joe Biden sat in his chair and laughed as the reporters were physically pushed out of the Oval Office.


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b34c31  No.14474766

What is the common denominator in a failed government?

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e09206  No.14474767


Or even pepper spray paintballs

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45c350  No.14474768


The irony is way too much. We’ve got to be watching a movie. And the court overrules poachers today (not all of them, but lets face it, if you get extended UEmployment and have no rent, are you really going to work and pay?)

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045e4f  No.14474769

Any Anons know from mysticism if YHWH commands an angel to touch a person, does a bond form between the human and the angel?

They're not allowed to touch us otherwise, right?

Any good book recommendations where I could possibly found out more on the topic?

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8d0f64  No.14474770

Inside a French police crackdown on the Eurasian mob

INTERPOL response teams provided support to French law enforcement in operations that saw 37 arrests and more than EUR 380,000 in illicit funds seized

In April 2019, a meeting took place in Salzburg, Austria between INTERPOL and the French Gendarmerie’s Central Office for Fighting Itinerant Criminality (OCLDI). The subject: full operational cooperation in cases involving the criminal Eurasian brotherhood known as “Thieves in Law”.

“Thieves in Law” or “Thieves professing the code” are often at the top of the criminal hierarchy, with influence and control that extends across groups committing drug trafficking, extortion, contract murder and money laundering. Russian speaking, the organized criminals come from a variety of countries, including Armenia, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine.

Like other mafia-style organizations, the ‘Thieves in Law’ pollute economies around the world by investing the proceeds of their criminal activities into legitimate funds and businesses – extending their leverage in a given sector. Contributing to a common criminal fund worth billions, and managed by the most influential and high-ranking members, known as the “Obshak”, they invest in shares, real estate and companies.

300,000 euros in cash

INTERPOL’s Project Millennium works to give law enforcement worldwide the intelligence and support needed to combat Eurasian organized crime.

In early 2021, INTERPOL’s Project Millennium team began working closely with the French OCLDI on an operation targeting a Thieves in Law group, exchanging information and expertise. The cooperation culminated in a day of simultaneous crackdowns in Lyon, Nancy and Paris last April in which law enforcement arrested 25 suspects, including one of Project Millennium’s high value targets.

The operation also allowed police to seizure luxury vehicles, over EUR 300,000 in cash and different bank accounts, as well as documents detailing an “Obshak”, or Russian criminal fund. In one of the apartments raided, police found a Vory artefact decorated with criminal symbols and bearing the message “For the Thieve – May God bless you”.

INTERPOL provided operational support throughout the operation in the form of an INTERPOL Support Team (IST), in which specialized personnel from the INTERPOL General Secretariat are deployed on the request of a member country.

Two clan heads arrested

Shortly after the April operation, the French authorities requested an INTERPOL Response Team (IRT) during another crackdown against Georgian and Armenian gangs – this time in France’s Northeastern (Grand Est) region.

Back in 2019, French police had broken up a highly organized Georgian gang responsible for more than 200 robberies. In the investigations around the gang, all roads led to the Vory-v-Zakone, a Thieves in Law-style organization led by a chief, or Vor, based in Strasbourg. Over the next two years, French investigators pieced together the structure and activities of the organization – both of which were shifting due to the pandemic.

On 21 June 2021, more than 100 French officers – supported by INTERPOL’s Project Millennium IRT – launched a series of coordinated raids in Strasbourg and Nancy. The heads of two different Thieves in Law clans – one Georgian and the other Armenian – were arrested along with 10 other individuals.

The raids saw police seize vehicles, handguns, stocks of illicit cigarettes, alcohol and perfume as well as more than EUR 17,000 in cash. Arrest warrants were issued for several individuals who had fled.


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ed94e2  No.14474771


These digits don’t lie

It is time to awaken

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e09206  No.14474772



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71c028  No.14474773


Soros and Bill Gates

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97c58a  No.14474774

File: 1cca20c8ab33cab⋯.jpeg (53.59 KB, 594x589, 594:589, 12_jpg_2786_jpeg_1122.jpeg)

File: ef2478c07f90ba2⋯.jpg (20.36 KB, 354x199, 354:199, 20367_ghazni_354_199.jpg)

File: 0752aa38a993253⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3444444442.png)

File: cf7438d3d0bde75⋯.jpg (151.57 KB, 1080x920, 27:23, cf7438d3d0bde75185201c259c….jpg)

File: f9aa943661a0ccc⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1145, 216:229, 571b7f43fd99ad1be01b5882c5….png)


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b681d1  No.14474775


>Or even pepper spray paintballs

Do you know where anon could buy skunk spray paintballs?

Anon could have fun with those.


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15f4ff  No.14474776


>What is the common denominator in a failed government?

White people? I dunno that sounds racist.


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00c1dd  No.14474778


to perpetuate the Bin-Laden lie.

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aa76de  No.14474779

File: f03d1d6e974f65b⋯.jpg (38.26 KB, 250x167, 250:167, cone.jpg)


>The Jan6 Committee asking for records or whatever from 8kun, so there is probably a ton of eyes here that aren't posting

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78d83d  No.14474780


I love this public shame tour Turdeau is being put through, just by going across Canada.

It would be cool if all treasonous politicians were brought town to town so the people could air their grievances.

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e09206  No.14474781


The dumb people are slowing the process. People refuse to turn that television off or facebook….

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e917ce  No.14474782


They are deflecting by saying Cortland County. This is part of the finger lakes PEDO ring related to the big colleges in the area.

Can You Say Ithaca: Cornell, Stanford, Ithaca, etc..

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569f05  No.14474783


Yes!! Statistics are not political they are just Truth, Facts or Light!! Love that idea! Thanks o7

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e49d69  No.14474784


Just me?

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994a7b  No.14474785

learn to bake!

these are not endorsements

>>14474311, >>14474565 @420

>>14474361 Taliban Now Has More Black Hawk Helicopters Than 85% Of Countries In The World: OBAMA 2.0


>>14474520, >>14474635 QRBUNKER ENDCHAN is OPEN

>>14474552 Obama needs to STFU already

>>14474556 Biden told another Kabul attack is 'likely'

>>14474604 Parents need to stand between their children and any form of drugs

>>14474627 Alarming Report Showing Pfizer Vaccination Extortion

>>14474628 Powell just signaled the end of the inflationary cycle

>>14474634 State Department in Kabul is turning American citizens away

>>14474638, 7.5 Million Americans to Lose Jobless Benefits on Labor Day

>>14474712 anon bun?

>>14474760 The taliban are correct. 20 years of Banksters wars.

please call out notables

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320faf  No.14474786


Why is BIG PHARMA essential?

Expand your thinking past cures.

Think Google [new Pixel phone].

Think Apple [vs. Samsung].

Why was Blackberry destroyed?

We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH.

THEY are watching.



Big Pharma is essential to Big Tech…why is that? Grapheme Oxide? Chips?

They are watching- this creeps me out, like [through the eyes of the vaccinated] via big tech, they are watching this experiment covid unfold…

you must organically (by way of being unvaccinated?) uncover the truth…uncover-unmask?

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71c028  No.14474787


How can that bastard even dare to show his filthy face in public? Scum fucker.

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0589dd  No.14474788

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aec7eb  No.14474789


pay your nephew to fix it

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fa3510  No.14474790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAKING | US intelligence releases report on COVID-19 origins, says outbreak was natural, not a bioweapon


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a84831  No.14474791


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6bd88f  No.14474792


“ scumbags in the White House”


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8d0f64  No.14474793

Moderna Vaccine Production Continues in Spain Amid Contamination Probe: EMA

The European Medicine Agency (EMA) has instructed a Spanish plant on Friday to continue producing Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine after about 1.63 million doses got suspended due to reports of contamination.

Earlier this week, the Japanese Ministry of Health said they received information that “foreign materials” were found in at least 390 doses—or 39 vials—of the Moderna vaccine that was coming from multiple vaccination sites, according to The Asahi Shimbun.

The U.S.-based pharmaceutical company said contamination could be due to a manufacturing issue on one of the production lines at its contract manufacturing site in Spain, operated by Madrid-based Rovi.

“COVID-19 vaccine production in Rovi is able to continue, following a preliminary risk assessment of the information received so far,” EMA told news agency Reuters in a statement on Friday, noting that it did not find reasons to seek a temporary suspension of production after an initial assessment.

“An investigation into the root cause is ongoing. EMA will be able to provide more information as the investigation progresses,” it added.

A spokesperson for Rovi—which bottles Moderna vaccines for markets outside of the United States—said the contract drug-making company could not say anything more while it was investigating the incident.

At first, one batch with a total of 565,400 doses was discovered and put on hold. Two more batches were found later and also put under investigation. Japan’s health ministry requested distribution centers not to use the 1.63 million vaccine doses altogether. The vaccines were shipped to more than 800 centers nationwide.

Moderna confirmed in a statement they were notified by Takeda and launched an investigation, explaining they are working “expeditiously” with the Japanese company to address the reports. Moderna has described it as a “particulate matter” that did not pose a safety or efficacy issue.

Officials said that an unknown number of doses from the affected lot have been administered, but there have been no reported adverse effects thus far. Takeda released the numbers of the three batches in a statement: 3004667, 3004734, and 3004956.

It is unclear whether the issue affected supplies of the Moderna vaccine to other countries.


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994a7b  No.14474794


Anon suggests to click stop on the page loading/refreshing once you're in.

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5f039c  No.14474795


Stanford? In NY?

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6e6f32  No.14474796


>Get a whiteboard and change it daily with "nonpolitical" facts. Vaxx death rates, efficacy of ivermectin, etc.

>Meme them into submission, anon.

>It's what we do.

We'll have the August data soon.

VAERS COVID Vaccine Data - 545,337 Reports through July 30, 2021*

12,366 - Deaths

46,036 - Hospitalizations

68,040 - Urgent Care

92,527 - Office Visits

4,759 - Anaphylaxis

4,044 - Bell's Palsy

1,381 - Miscarriages

5,236 - Heart Attacks

3,728 - Myocarditis/Pericarditis

14,251 - Permanently Disabled

2,269 - Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet

12,194 - Life Threatening

23,354 - Severe Allergic Reaction

7,509 - Shingles


The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 18,928 fatalities, and 1,823,219 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.


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e09206  No.14474797




Take the ultimate advantage over your opponents and make them surrender to you with the Rap4 Skunk Balls. Once the shell of the ball is impacted and broken these paintball will release a strong odor on your target. Disclaimer: These are a mild irritant. Do not swallow and avoid contact with eyes. Nonflammable. Use Skunk soap to eliminate odor. Keep out of reach of children and animals. If ingested, in the event of any adverse symptoms, please consult a physician.


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44c067  No.14474798


BREAKING: The Taliban has partially taken control of Kabul airport - AFP

8:38 AM · Aug 27, 2021·

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e49d69  No.14474799


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96ff86  No.14474800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


An excellent independent news report from WION points out the extortion Pfizer is conducting in order to leverage their own financial interests in various countries around the globe. As outlined in the expose’, The U.S. pharma company is asking for military bases and sovereign assets as guarantee for vaccines delivery.

BIG PICTURE – While the specifics of this report focus on multinational corporation Pfizer and the control over the COVID vaccine, it is worth remembering the same type of influence operation happens in other industries. That is an outcome of the world being driven by government and multinational corporations working together.


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b1c46b  No.14474801



Sounds about right. Leaving about half a billion Chinese left. Some among the Deep state say they want mostly subsurvient Chinese/Japanese left after "a great reset"

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b800ff  No.14474802


>Trump took the vaccine

and you KNOW this because msm told you so? were you actually there? did you obtain the shot directly from the mfgr? did you administer it yourself? don't get your panties in a bunch, and stop BELIEVING hearsay, no matter who says it. the only things that you know to be true are from direct personal experience and observation, and half of that is false.

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c4e55c  No.14474803

Do any anons have a link to the legal docs FDA put out regarding the 'Approval" of the pfizer poison. All I'm finding are the press releases. In particular I'm looking for the part where they basically just extended the EUA.

Wife anon is being forced to justify her refusal but if denied will force them to fire her. I could use any other links to valid data to support her refusal. Thanks.

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f9d2f2  No.14474804

File: 8b18e3241364490⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1030x728, 515:364, qresearch.png)



man down earlier o7


>this is not gerbil's board

then why would i go there?


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44c067  No.14474805


Collision symbolCollision symbolCollision symbol Tokyo's Medical Assoc. Chairman holds live press conference recommending #ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients.

Japan's government is one of the most conservative and cautious in the world. Data is clear. Huge news.Collision symbolCollision symbolCollision symbol

8:42 AM · Aug 27, 2021

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320faf  No.14474806




Why are CA & NY VITAL areas of control?

Think Ports.



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71c028  No.14474807


They must have hired the Iraqi information minister.

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e09206  No.14474808


Easy Stink Bomb Recipe

How to Make a Homemade Stink Bomb


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4e0598  No.14474809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tom Macdonald - "Dummies"

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0589dd  No.14474810

Has BO or BV given anons an idea when images will be back?

I'm having meme withdrawals. The 80's dot-matrix images aren't doing it for me anymore.

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b800ff  No.14474811


>Stanford? In NY?

with "autists" like this on our team, how can we lose?

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51070c  No.14474812


not good, inside the parameter.

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c89cd2  No.14474813


Well there was a majority of Jewish advisors in USSR, a majority of Jewish advisors in Communist China, a majority Jewish advisors on Biden's administration. Hmmm… do share what is the common denominator in a failed government?

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8d0f64  No.14474814

Gab Receives A Letter From Congress


The Select Committee requests the following documents and information since April 1, 2020,

unless otherwise specified:

1. All internal or external reviews, studies, reports, data, analyses, and related

communications regarding your platform(s) and:

i. Misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation relating to the 2020


ii. Efforts to overturn, challenge, or otherwise interfere with the 2020

election or the certification of electoral college results;

iii. Domestic violent extremists, including racially or ethnically motivated

violent extremists, militia violent extremists, sovereign citizen violent

extremists, QAnon, or other extremists associated with efforts to overturn

the 2020 election, including the January 6, 2021, attack, attacks against

other State capitols, and attempted attacks against the January 20, 2021

inauguration of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.;2 and

iv. Foreign malign influence in the 2020 election, including known or

suspected coordination between foreign and/or domestic influences to

interfere in the 2020 elections, or cause domestic unrest.

2. All internal or external reviews, studies, reports, data, analyses, and related

communications regarding how your platform’s/platforms’ algorithms might

contribute to any of the factors described in request 1 above.

3. Any modifications and/or changes to policies or algorithms intended to address the

items detailed in requests 1 and 2.

4. Any modifications or changes recommended or considered, but not implemented,

intended to address the items detailed in requests 1 and 2.

5. All accounts, users, groups, events, messaging forums, marketplaces, posts, or other

user-generated content that was sanctioned, suspended, removed, throttled,

deprioritized, labeled, suppressed, or banned from your platform(s) related to any of

the items detailed in request 1(i)-(iv) above.

6. All protocols and analyses in place prior to January 6, 2021, to identify, report,

sanction, suspend, remove, throttle, deprioritize, label, suppress, or ban any of the

items detailed in request 1(i)-(iv) above, and any changes implemented to those

protocols, analyses, or algorithms since January 6, 2021.

7. All accounts, users, groups, events, messaging forums, marketplaces, posts, or other

user-generated content referred, shared with, or provided to law enforcement or other

State, local, or Federal Government officials or agencies regarding any of the items

detailed in request 1(i)-(iv) above, and the basis for such action.

8. All requests by law enforcement or other Federal, State, or local government officials

or agencies for information relating to any of the items detailed in request 1(i)-(iv)

above, and the basis for such requests.

9. All other communications with law enforcement or other Federal, State, or local

government officials or agencies relating to any of the items detailed in request 1(i)-

(iv) above.

10. All protocols in place prior to January 6, 2021, for notifying or otherwise sharing

information with law enforcement or other Federal, State, or local government

officials or agencies of violent or dangerous content, and any changes implemented

after January 6, 2021.

11. Internal communications, reports, documents, or other materials relating to internal

employee concerns about content on the platform associated with any of the items

detailed in request 1(i)-(iv) above.

12. All document retention policies in place on January 6, 2021, including policies for

communications by the company or its employees and retention policies for user-

generated content.

13. All document retention or preservation holds implemented related to the events of

January 6, 2021, or any related litigation or investigation.

14. A copy of all documents produced to any party as part of litigation or internal or

external investigation related to the events of January 6, 2021.


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44c067  No.14474815


Press Releases

Rep. Gohmert Calls for President Biden to Resign Following the Deaths of U.S. Service Members in Afghanistan

Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Print this Page Share by Email

Washington, August 26, 2021

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cd8065  No.14474816


>been working on hosts file

>but still no images

same same

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aa76de  No.14474817


>The Jan6 Committee asking for records or whatever from 8kun, so there is probably a ton of eyes here that aren't posting

WTF all them morans clapping for?

is flying on a jet plane and talking to some people a fucking grand achievement now?

Most notable part of the Klowmella trip was both Singapore and Vietnam leaders using the joint news conferences to say how shit USA's Afghan withdrawal was when she was standing right there next to them.

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6e6f32  No.14474818


>says outbreak was natural

Natural, like in any other year before October 1, 2019. China's CCP 50 year anniversary, sure.

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f9d2f2  No.14474819


- Donald J Trump: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ | https://www.45office.com/

- Melania Trump: https://twitter.com/melaniatrump/

- Donald Trump Jr: https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/

- Dan Scavino: https://twitter.com/DanScavino/ | https://www.facebook.com/DanScavino/

- Mike Pompeo: https://twitter.com/mikepompeo/

- Rudolph Giuliani: https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/

- General Flynn: https://parler.com/profile/GenFlynn/

- Sidney Powell: https://defendingtherepublic.org/

- Mike Pompeo: https://twitter.com/mikepompeo/

- Lin Wood: https://fightback.law/

- Mike Lindell: https://frankspeech.com/ | https://LindellTV.com/

- Steve Bannon: https://warroom.org/listen-live/

- Tom Fitton: https://twitter.com/TomFitton/

- Dan Bongino: https://bongino.com/

- Jeanine Pirro: https://twitter.com/JudgeJeanine

- Sean Hannity: https://twitter.com/seanhannity

- Code Monkey https://t.me/codemonkeyzchat

- Mcafee Afterlife https://t.me/McafeeAfterlife/

- Karen Fann https://twitter.com/FannKfann

- Kanekoa https://gab.com/KanekoaTheGreat https://rumble.com/user/kanekoathegreat

- George News: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHuJRxaJssaumjcv9aLZ21Q

- Media: @RSBNetwork | @OANN | @Newsmax

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8243b2  No.14474820




>> FDA banned Ephedrine

wasn't the one reason that it is used as a precursor chemical when cooking meth?

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fa3510  No.14474821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Multi-state operation rescues 47 victims of human trafficking

A multi-state effort to combat human trafficking rescued 47 victims and made just over 100 arrests, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt (R) said.

Operation United Front was a 12-state effort led by Schmidt’s office, and involved simultaneous state-level human trafficking operations between Thursday night and Friday morning, Schmitt’s office said in a statement.

The operations involved undercover officers arranging meet-ups with potential victims and rescuing them. Officers also posed as victims and arrested buyers or traffickers.

State and and federal law enforcement agencies were able to rescue 47 victims, two of whom were minors, and arrest 102 people.

Schmitt said in a statement that the operation was “an unprecedented human trafficking operation that brought together law enforcement agencies from different jurisdictions – something that rarely happens.”

“When we all come together, we can affect change and more effectively fight human trafficking, a crime that is often multi-jurisdictional in nature,” he said.

Arrests were made in Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin. Authorities in South Dakota also conducted an operation during the Sturgis Motorcycle rally in South Dakota which led to nine arrests.

The largest number of arrests were made in Kentucky, where 46 people were arrested. Twenty-one of the 47 victims were also rescued in Kentucky, including the two minors.




>>14474807 Kek

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762373  No.14474822


>The 80's dot-matrix images aren't doing it for me anymore.

They will always do it for me, but if you can figure out how to edit your host files it's an easy fix.


> o()xxxx({:::::::::::::::::::>


>>Step 1

>- Add the following to the hosts file located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc (for Windows)

> media.8kun.top

>>Step 2

>- Open a command window and run ipconfig /flushdns

>Images restored!

> o()xxxx({:::::::::::::::::::>

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f9d2f2  No.14474824

anon mid bun for #18309

>>14472786 Fred Corbin has ⁣leaked Pfizer jab documents & access to the Wuhan labs "deleted" database!

>>14472789 The Ruling Class Urges Businesses To Mandate COVID Vaccines For Employment

>>14472863 AZ AG to Maricopa County: Comply with Election Audit Subpoena or Lose State Funding #Comply

>>14472866 #18308

>>14472879 Tokyo's Medical Assoc. Chairman holds live press conference recommending ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients. #ivermectin

>>14472890 Residents in Leamington Spa are being evacuated after reports of explosions in a large blaze at an industrial premises.

>>14472899 Denmark Abolishes All Corona Measures


>>14472916 Nearly 8,700 Criminals Arrested at Southern Border in Past 10 Months, Including Repeat Sex Offenders

>>14472928, >>14473039 10 proxies and editing the hosts but im here

>>14472942 Resign Or Face Impeachment’: Lawmakers Call For Biden’s Ouster In Wake Of Afghanistan Disaster #ImpeachBiden

>>14472961 Calls Grow to Discipline Doctors Spreading Virus Misinformation

>>14472965 @StephenM Biden abandoned the Trump plan — and the strength & vision behind it

>>14472882 How Long Does Each Clinical Trial Phase Last?

>>14473016 Joe Biden Must Resign. Just eleven days have passed since we first reflected on the “unmitigated disasters” of Joe Biden’s short-yet-violent presidency.

>>14473088 Joe Biden Has Been Derelict In His Duty. He Is Unfit To Lead. He Should Be Impeached

>>14473094 Calls Grow to Discipline Editors and Corporations Suppressing Therapeutics Information.

>>14473149 Press Briefing By The Usual White House COVID-19 Suspects

>>14473128 "Karen" gets the vax. Karen is an orangutan is the San Diego zoo.

>>14473170 Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta

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44c067  No.14474825


Daily Mail Sounds The Alarm on Biden: “Suffered Two Brain Aneurysms, Heart Condition… Causing Dizziness & Confusion”


Daily Mail Sounds The Alarm on Biden: “Suffered Two Brain Aneurysms, Heart Condition… Causing…

While reacting to President Joe Biden’s rocky press conference on Thursday after a dozen troops in Afghanistan were killed by suicide bombers, […] More

8:29 AM · Aug 27, 2021·

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560a68  No.14474826



solid red pill

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f9d2f2  No.14474827

Information Warfare Tools & Services


Gather Everyone In the AM and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got in the PM! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from https://botsentinel.com and use them to help get your #HASH out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Try to Post Meme/Cap/Vid/Article (Not just plain text)

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts and ask question instead of making statement.

[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots (New account, no followers, lots of RT's)

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information Warfare https://controlc.com/06508634 [ARCHIVE OFFLINE]


Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

>>>/warroom/925 ————————————–——– Twitter Information and Warfare

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f9d2f2  No.14474828

Standard Hashes #MAGA #KAG #FGNC #WWG1WGA #Q #Trump #Qresearch #45 #GreatAwakening #Anonymous

>Suggested Follow

Standard ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/wWofT

Military ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/Wp16g

FBI ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/cXW3i

Civilian ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/lYWIE

Telegram ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/0mHXn


Psyop Link Dump https://ghostbin.com/paste/xZsDo

Basic Course https://ghostbin.com/paste/NkQu8

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ed94e2  No.14474829

File: a96c121f695ca53⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x2195, 234:439, B685FF7B_D2C5_4555_B6E2_7….jpeg)


Weren’t there thousands of missing guns or something from random government agencies? Can’t remember enough to do a search even-but like department of energy and a bunch of others missing guns and no one cared-

this article I’m linking was just a random search but this is quite common I’m thinking

We have been infiltrated and it’s going to get interesting https://thenewamerican.com/u-s-park-police-can-t-account-for-hundreds-of-guns-report-says/

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e76a87  No.14474830


Comb your hair


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f9d2f2  No.14474831

Ammo Request: (Meme/Articles/Vids/Graphics…)









Domion Voting

Governor Seniorcide

Lyndsey Graham Judges


Counter Media Narrators

No Vaccine: Child, Passports, Military



GOP Back The Blue

Save The Filibuster


2020 Riots and timelines

Counter Fact Checkers

>open for request o/

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569f05  No.14474832


Most of the other students are Vaxxed, and the teachers are too. It is a Holistic Bodywork/Massage school. WTF Holistic is natural they should have been smart. I am afraid if I put it in their heads they are gonna die in a year or two (along with parts of my family) then they might get into a depression spiral. I often think how powerful the mind is and if they truly believe the vaxx will save them then it will. But if they think it will kill them it will. We did a magnet test and it stuck to their arms, but also my collarbone so IDK It is so fucked what's happening right now. Thank you for the numbers buddy!

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8d0f64  No.14474833

FBI agent, Army Reserves Col. charged with sex crimes against children in Florida

FRANKLIN COUNTY, Fla. (WMBB) —An FBI agent who investigated sex crimes against children has been arrested and charged with multiple sex crimes against children across several states, according to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies said Supervisory Special Agent David Harris was tasked with investigating crimes against children,

including child pornography. But in February of this year, he was accused of exposing himself to a 14-year-old girl in a “lewd and lascivious manner,” while on vacation in St. George Island.

On Thursday, Harris was charged in that case.

The investigation began in Franklin County but because of Harris’ role in the FBI, his status as a colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves, and the locations of the witnesses, victim(s), the Department of Justice and the Office of Inspector General joined the case.

“In the course of this investigation, evidence was obtained that led to other felony crimes committed by Harris of a sexual nature with minors and adults in the States of Louisiana and Texas, five jurisdictions and three states in all,” deputies wrote. “Records were obtained from Harris’ issued government electronic devices finding conversation excerpts from Harris claiming his sexual preference to underage females and admitting to his exploits (including the St George Island incident).”

Harris, 51, is currently in jail in Louisiana and “faces a string of criminal charges — including indecency with a child, crimes against nature and sexual battery,” deputies wrote.

Harris was arrested earlier this summer in Ascension Parish and is being held without bond. Harris also has outstanding arrests warrants pending from East Baton Rouge and Orleans Parish. He also has an outstanding arrest warrant out of Tyler, Texas. Investigators said evidence in Texas suggested that crimes go back for several years.

Franklin County deputies added that Harris has been fired by the FBI.


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560a68  No.14474834


What Patton clip?

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f9d2f2  No.14474835

in case you missed it



>>14464800 AG Brnovich: Maricopa County Must Comply with Senate’s Legislative Subpoena or Forfeit State Funds

>>14456535 Wisconsin House Speaker Robin Vos Calls for “CYBER FORENSIC AUDIT” of Wisconsin’s 2020 Presidential Election Results

>>14446935 This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected

>>14447747 Art of Psychological Warfare

>>14439289 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration fully approved the Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.

>>14438604 AZ senate got the ballot envelope images.

>>14437815, >>14438039 VOTE YES ON RECALL 50% plus 1 vote and Newsom is gone.

>>14414532 George Soros and Bill Gates Part of Team Purchasing COVID-19 Test Company

>>14414123 FBI Destroys Insurrection Narrative: ‘Scant Evidence’ Capitol Riots was Coordinated

>>14414105 Black dad passionately denounces CRT, then school board votes to ban it: ‘Let racism die the death it deserves’

>>14413518, >>14413602, >>14413635 Fraud in Californian Mail in Ballots

>>14406857 FBI: Jan. 6 Capitol Riots Not Coordinated, Trump Not Involved, Says Report

>>14389351 Six California Democrats Charged With Election Fraud Are Hauled Into Court In Handcuffs

>>14388750 RINOs blocking audits should have protestors outside their offices - nationwide

>>14369456 Cyber Symposium: (MP4) They say there was no proof…

>>14350680, >>14350703, >>14350805 durham has presented evidence to Grand Jury (Milisonlyway) https://youtu.be/qzER7v5Du4I

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44c067  No.14474836


Reihaveh Hajibeigi, a representative from the American


, prepares to aid the passengers coming off the first flight from Hamid Karzai International Airport (Kabul) at



8:47 AM · Aug 27, 2021·


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15f4ff  No.14474837


I was gonna make a joke about Fauci, salami, and injections, but it only goes one way. Yuck.

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762373  No.14474838



I'm gonna stick with the low-cal dough used by previous baker.

but thanQ

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b800ff  No.14474839


listen to front line drs. the VAERS numbers represent <1% of the actual cases. add two zeros to each of the numbers you posted.

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20fab4  No.14474840


Huh, this was right after China threatened a 'counter-attack' should the truth it originated in Wuhan lab be spoken.

>We judge the virus was not developed as a biological weapon.

This contradicts the evidence already produced to the public that GAIN OF FUNCTION development took place at the Wuhan Lab. To intentionally genetically engineer a bat virus to be more infectious in humans is the definition of a bioweapon.

>however, two agencies believe there was not sufficient evidence to make an assessment either way.

Thank you NSA.

>Finally, the IC assesses China's officials did not have foreknowledge of the virus before the initial outbreak of COVID-19 emerged

Oh this is going to come back to bite them in the ass.

ODNI is an agency of China.

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e917ce  No.14474842


OOPs stupid is as stupid does. When you FUK up admit.


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78d83d  No.14474843


Right, this is a board about sharing, not shaming anons.

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44c067  No.14474844


FBI agent, Army Reserves Col. charged with sex crimes against children in Florida

by: S. Brady Calhoun

Posted: Aug 27, 2021 / 01:23 PM CDT / Updated: Aug 27, 2021 / 01:24 PM CDT

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51070c  No.14474845



this anon gets it, noicely done sir.

our mission does not end at the first hurdle==































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949a1b  No.14474846


>Why is BIG PHARMA essential?

Petroleum products (neoprene, graphene etc)

Drugs to incapacitate you

Heavy Metals to build moar tech (cobalt, uranium, unobtanium)

they have access to it all, unseen

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e49d69  No.14474847

File: bd46efb7299501f⋯.png (1.01 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 5B15C6CF_505A_4CD7_83DD_D0….png)


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8d0f64  No.14474848

Northern Michigan human trafficking operations nets six arrests

Two human trafficking operations involving several police agencies including the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office netted six arrests. A joint press conference was held Wednesday in Big Rapids to release details of the operations. Osceola County Sheriff Mark Cool talks during a press conference Wednesday that discussed joint human trafficking operations between several…


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f9d2f2  No.14474849


i wasnt posting for you, but ur ego makes u think i do :)

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b800ff  No.14474850


Space Weather News for Aug. 27, 2021




An explosion on the sun yesterday produced a massive "solar tsunami" and a CME apparently heading for Earth. The eruption was accompanied by a loud clap of radio static, which roared from the loudspeakers of shortwave radios in North America. Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

Solar Flare Alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and get instant text notifications when solar flares are underway.

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c7fc71  No.14474851

real circle back dog gace pony soldier question right know…,

who has worse credibility

msm cnn msdnc fox news



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8d0f64  No.14474853

Over 100 arrested, 47 rescued during inter-state human trafficking bust

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (WIBW) - Over 100 arrests were made and nearly 50 victims were saved in an inter-state human trafficking operation based out of Missouri.

According to reports from KCTV5, 102 arrests were made and 47 victims were rescued after a 12-state human trafficking operation.

The Missouri Attorney General’s Office and the Missouri State Highway Patrol were the main communications coordinating the operations in “Operation United Front.” The multi-state human trafficking operations used sting operations through buyers and victims.

According to the report, 102 arrests were made and medical services were given to 41 victims that were rescued.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said two children victims were rescued in Kentucky.

According to AG Schmitt, the Missouri portion of the operation took place at a business in Kansas City. The investigation resulted in two arrests and 11 victims being provided medical care.

A breakdown of the arrests made and victims rescued is as follows:

Missouri: 2 arrests made, 4 victims rescued

Illinois: 3 arrests made, 1 victim rescued

Iowa: 11 arrests made, a large amount of currency seized

Kentucky: 46 arrests made, 21 victims rescued, 2 minor victims rescued

Minnesota: 3 arrests made, 8 victims rescued

Nebraska: 7 arrests made

North Dakota: 3 arrests made, 6 victims rescued

Oklahoma: 7 arrests made, 1 victim rescued

Tennessee: 4 arrests made

Texas: 2 arrests made, 4 victims rescued

Wisconsin: 5 arrests made

South Dakota: 9 arrests made in operation at Sturgis


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44c067  No.14474854


Multi-state operation rescues 47 victims of human trafficking

BY JORDAN WILLIAMS - 08/27/21 03:22 PM EDT

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560a68  No.14474855

File: d51b61b0394d6d8⋯.jpg (5.86 KB, 118x255, 118:255, GodsPlanWins.jpg)

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b1c46b  No.14474856


Great stuff. He is red pilling in large doses!

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949a1b  No.14474857



every fucking time

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5d89b5  No.14474858

File: 01042b45e90d542⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 600x300, 2:1, akira_4_8.jpg)

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762373  No.14474859


>i wasnt posting for you, but ur ego makes u think i do :)

I didn't say you did, but ur ego makes u think i think u did :)

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15f4ff  No.14474860


>Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt

THE Michael Bolton?

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aa76de  No.14474861


>BREAKING | US intelligence releases report on COVID-19 origins, says outbreak was natural, not a bioweapon

Hey braniacs got one right

It's been natural for years for CCP to attack USA by as many unconventional methods as it can put together. (And they really don't give a fuck about any effects on their own people.)

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f9d2f2  No.14474862

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5d89b5  No.14474864

File: 57ec1d9723cca3e⋯.jpg (105.83 KB, 498x699, 166:233, pink_lightning.jpg)

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2e53cd  No.14474865


Any fix for Mac?

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f9d2f2  No.14474866


>I'm gonna stick with the low-cal dough used by previous baker.


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f7d3b1  No.14474867

File: a58a32c7d033770⋯.jpg (268.91 KB, 769x538, 769:538, TAKING_IT_BACK.jpg)

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44c067  No.14474868


BREAKING: US Intelligence concludes COVID-19 was not developed as a bio-weapon but are divided on the origin of the virus.

8:51 AM · Aug 27, 2021

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14fff4  No.14474869


>Trump took the vaccine, do you want to be vaccinated too?

Not a chance.

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5d89b5  No.14474870

File: 95e6e24e0e47dc0⋯.jpg (82.67 KB, 500x508, 125:127, BOOM_2.jpg)

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045e4f  No.14474871

File: 04bab7a2976b051⋯.png (478.28 KB, 897x726, 299:242, fbiNigger.png)



Any Anons recognize this guy from Parkland or Pulse???

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355ace  No.14474872


That sounds like a joke a Catholic Priest would say to an altar boy….

"Who wants to play with Holy Wood?"


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762373  No.14474873


>Any fix for Mac?

I'm too much of a normie to even figure out how to edit the files

perhaps a true techfag could tell you, and I'll add it to the pin

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5d89b5  No.14474874

File: 2d17ce3faab43ec⋯.jpg (140.09 KB, 533x463, 533:463, 5l1dik.jpg)

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b681d1  No.14474875


Holy shit! They do exist!

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15f4ff  No.14474876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Eric Schmitt


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14fff4  No.14474877


> US Intelligence

Totally trustworthy. Lol.

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f9d2f2  No.14474878

when (you) have a moment anons o/

Congress Hotline: (202) 224-3121

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8d0f64  No.14474879

=Henderson County authorities arrest man in connection with online child sexual abuse

Acting on a cyber tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children about alleged online dissemination of material related to child sexual abuse, the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office Special Victim’s Unit executed a search warrant of the suspect's residence and made an arrest, the sheriff's office said.

Andrew Scott Brock, 22, was arrested and charged with 7 counts of third-degree sexual exploitation of a minor. Brock was booked into the Henderson County Detention Center and received a $56,000 secured bond.


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77c245  No.14474880

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a84831  No.14474881


I was replying to post from another covo last bread… I don't know this, I think Trump told us during the rally that he took it. anon was arguing trump took mAB so do research before being embarrased, I related it to Trump possibly taking the vaccine and if so would you take it knowing what you know now?

I don't care either way.

I would not promote the vaccine.

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762373  No.14474882


Do you need a hug?

Are you okay?

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8d0f64  No.14474883

Man arrested for having sex with drugged 14-year-old girl, deputies say

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) – It didn't take CHP officers long to realize that a car stopped in the middle of Belmont Avenue early Tuesday morning was posing much more than just a road hazard.

The Fresno County Sheriff's Office says inside the Chrysler Sedan, officers found 22-year-old Moises Vaca of Stockton having sex with a 14-year-old girl.

The girl was sent to the hospital for treatment of an unknown substance.

It's still not known what the relationship is between the man and the teenager or how long they have been in contact, but authorities believe he traveled from Stockton to meet up with her.

"We think there might be ties to human trafficking in this case," says Tony Botti with the Fresno County Sheriff's Office. "We do know that our victim belongs to a group home in the Fresno area. Just based on our experiences, when you have victims like this and just looking at the circumstances of the suspect, there might be a bigger story here."

The man's 18-month-old son was also found asleep in the back seat of the car. He is now in the care of Child Protective Services.

Debra Rush founded Breaking the Chains, an organization that helps survivors of human Trafficking.

"The fact that this child came from a group home made her 80 percent more likely to be trafficked," she said.

She says Fresno's location between LA and the Bay Area makes it a hot spot for sex trafficking.

"We see buyers who don't want to be exposed in their own communities flooding into here," she said.

Vaca is now facing multiple felony charges, including rape of a drugged victim and sex with a minor.

This is the first time law enforcement has dealt with him locally, but detectives will be combing through his past. They say they still have more to learn from the victim.


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97c58a  No.14474884

File: eeec0770e8b4fdb⋯.jpg (33.58 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 512xHFJ8OpL.jpg)


The Q Research Shill post Hall of Fame will not comply with any request, or accede to any legal demand, give way to any force or ever provide the illegitimate cultist US congress with any access to the QR Shill Hall of Fame records.

BTFO congress demons or dance in Holy Fire.

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045e4f  No.14474885


>US Intelligence concludes

Muh russia!

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5be453  No.14474886

Newfags, if you post something from, in reply to, last bread, put (lb) on it.

If you post something from, or in reply to, a past bread, put (pb) on it.

If you choose to ignore these instructions, you will know the folly of that and it is on you.

You are welcome.

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a5745d  No.14474887


LINK: https://www.fda.gov/media/150386/download

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8d0f64  No.14474889

Madhya Pradesh: 18 minors rescued from human trafficking racket; three held

The children between the ages of five and 17, mostly belonging to tribal families, were being transported to neighbouring Uttar Pradesh, where they were allegedly going to be sold, an official said.


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f9d2f2  No.14474890


im good, just posting info for new eyes.

why, u gay or something?


AZ Live Links https://www.azleg.gov/liveproceedings/

Maricopa County 2020 Election Audit Update About Cyber Ninjas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3PLCuxJmWQ

Audit all 50 http://www1.audit50.com

The America Project https://americaproject.com/

Email AZ AG https://www.azleg.gov/emailazleg/

Arizona Forensic Audit Update with AZ Senate President Karen Fann https://rumble.com/vkuy34-arizona-forensic-audit-update-with-az-senate-president-karen-fann.html

Dominion Voting Software can connect to the internet - TREASON https://streamable.com/3d9sae

@WendyRogersAZ Decertify https://t.me/wendyrogersaz/ - sign the petition https://action.wendyrogers.org/decertify/


Fulton County Ruby https://rumble.com/embed/va8kf5/?pub=4

Report Election Fraud https://crime.frankspeech.com/

THE DEEP RIG https://thedeeprig.movie/ViewMovie/b6ad85f4-e833-480b-8fa6-85c0bc5ac299

Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Voter Fruad Videos: https://8kun.top/warroom/res/5700.html

All the cases that the Trump campaign filed for the election fraud: http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

How to Hack An Election: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/08/2016-elections-russia-hack-how-to-hack-an-election-in-seven-minutes-214144/

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15f4ff  No.14474892



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2e53cd  No.14474893

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6e6f32  No.14474894


>the VAERS numbers represent <1% of the actual cases

Exactly, so why then would the FDA approve this Frankenshot?

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229211  No.14474895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f9d2f2  No.14474896


The American Report https://michaeljlindell.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ANTHOLOGY-OF-HAMMER-AND-SCORECARD-ARTICLES-PUBLISHED-BY-THE-AMERICAN-REPORT.pdf


EMS Wiped: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT19wVVSvvI


David Clements - Cyber Symposium https://www.bitchute.com/video/RwKApRgXr9kB/

Opening https://www.bitchute.com/video/L6JgO8nwzLnp/

Before During and After! https://www.bitchute.com/video/2QqC5Lu0eDY1/

Col_Waldon_Symposium_infiltrated https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7b7b2319f390af0bdbf99ef5b441439dc65e01615bbf9365cff633558eb00e41.mp4/

Parable of the Murder Case https://www.qnotables.com/post/professor-david-clements-the-vote-trafficking-parable

Cyber Symposium Day 3 https://www.qnotables.com/post/cyber-symposium-day-3

Lindell Details Physical Altercation https://rumble.com/vl2ldt-mike-lindell-details-physical-attack.html

Kanekoa symposium vids rumble.com/user/kanekoathegreat

Torrent magnet:?xt=urn:btih:dc654b50ec08a8ad5d8f6275f9cd4fcae29686c1&dn=CnuDA4EHJS0glXNC.zip&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce

Torrent magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ef534e78bbe71b3908ccf074d6d40077a3a63074&dn=ic9WLQaUKTRWV2Sv.zip&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce

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045e4f  No.14474897

File: 9d8e415835f500a⋯.png (335.15 KB, 913x536, 913:536, dickfish.png)


>Any fix for Mac?

feed it to the dickfish!

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5530d5  No.14474898


Looks like the Dems are planning a counter after the AZ audits come out……..they will never be able to digest this info in time and will play games with it.

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5d89b5  No.14474899

File: f3c03e9fd0feac5⋯.jpg (92.46 KB, 500x578, 250:289, cat_high.jpg)

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15f4ff  No.14474900


>The fact that this child came from a group home made her 80 percent more likely to be trafficked

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762373  No.14474901


>u gay or something?

No but my gaydar is currently off the charts with this interaction,

all I said was that I'm sticking with the lowcal dough

and thanQ

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44c067  No.14474902


Madhya Pradesh: 18 minors rescued from human trafficking racket; three held

The children between the ages of five and 17, mostly belonging to tribal families, were being transported to neighbouring Uttar Pradesh, where they were allegedly going to be sold, an official said.


Published: 27th August 2021 08:42 PM

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61c9eb  No.14474903


depopulation I guess

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06a0e4  No.14474904


MMMMMMMMMO' ......'''',,,;;;,''....oKNMMMMMMMMMMM

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5d89b5  No.14474905

File: 66f314d0566aed0⋯.jpg (95.57 KB, 500x483, 500:483, life_is_a_wheel.jpg)

File: 14b29df7d8fa8c1⋯.jpg (154.58 KB, 500x795, 100:159, Prabhupada.jpg)

File: 3c151d58f586ed5⋯.jpg (89.91 KB, 500x634, 250:317, chanting.jpg)

File: d5e611a9dff07a4⋯.jpg (88.74 KB, 630x453, 210:151, The_Two_Witnesses.jpg)

File: 35121e7d520d433⋯.jpg (141.09 KB, 499x718, 499:718, 666_BIBLICAL.jpg)

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045e4f  No.14474906


>why then would the FDA approve this Frankenshot?

Because the head of pfizer just became the head of the FDA, dummy.

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762373  No.14474907


>Comb your hair

and/or beards,


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e1d8b0  No.14474908

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1d3933  No.14474909


I always thought (pb) meant "previous bread" rather than "past bread".

Maybe your post should be noted in globals or something.

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cd8065  No.14474910

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f9d2f2  No.14474911

File: 4c1e37aeaebab39⋯.png (341.84 KB, 837x649, 837:649, 0.png)



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b800ff  No.14474912


> the cabal endgame was launched under GHWB

oh really? so you think the US military incursions into korea, vietnam, cambodia, laos, most of central and south america, etc, etc, were all JUSTIFIED?

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