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File: 0ac887a92a0f2a9⋯.png (759.68 KB, 1378x769, 1378:769, COVFEFE.png)

e301a1  No.14475077[Last 50 Posts]

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>Step 1

- Add the following to the bottom of the hosts file located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc (for Windows) media.8kun.top

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e301a1  No.14475085

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>14474361 Taliban Now Has More Black Hawk Helicopters Than 85% Of Countries In The World: OBAMA 2.0


>>14474419 IMPEACHMENT Joe Biden Has Been Derelict In His Duty. He Is Unfit To Lead.

>>14474440 Trump chose that Patton clip for a reason

>>14474520, >>14474635 QRBUNKER ENDCHAN is OPEN

>>14474552 Obama needs to STFU already

>>14474556 Biden told another Kabul attack is 'likely'

>>14474604 Parents need to stand between their children and any form of drugs

>>14474627 Alarming Report Showing Pfizer Vaccination Extortion

>>14474628 Powell just signaled the end of the inflationary cycle

>>14474634 State Department in Kabul is turning American citizens away

>>14474638, 7.5 Million Americans to Lose Jobless Benefits on Labor Day

>>14474821 Multi-state operation rescues 47 victims of human trafficking

>>14474712 anon news bun

>>14474749 Chinese Official Sets 1.1 Billion Vaccination Target By October

>>14474760 The taliban are correct. 20 years of Banksters wars.

>>14474786, >>14474806 Big Pharma is essential to Big Tech… why is that?

>>14474790 US intelligence releases report on COVID-19 origins, says outbreak was natural, not a bioweapon

>>14474798 The Taliban has partially taken control of Kabul airport - AFP

>>14474814 Gab Receives A Letter From Congress

>>14475051 #18311


>>14473594 Jen Psuki Briefing 420 waiting

>>14473609 Ashiest Rabbi Epstein is now chaplain of Harvard

>>14473692 Public Service Announcement

>>14473723 Kitchen Shift Change

>>14473987 image fix

>>14474030 Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines

>>14474036 Biden presidency teetering amid calls to resign

>>14474063 Denmark To Scrap All Covid-19 Restrictions

>>14474079 Fire Rips Through Massive Chinese Residential Skyscraper

>>14474080 Any PF's in the house?

>>14474099 Taliban vows to protect portraits of Queen Elizabeth II

>>14474128 Microsoft Warns Thousands of Cloud Customers of Exposed Databases

>>14474162 ‘Stop AAPI Hate Coalition’ Demands Termination of Program Fighting Chinese Communist Party Spies.

>>14474207 House Republicans File Articles of Impeachment for Secretary Antony Blinken

>>14474224 Rep. Madison Cawthorn – Requests Invocation Of The 25TH AMENDMENT And REMOVAL OF JOE

>>14474243 Military HELICOPTERS are flying VERY LOW over MANHATTAN. What’s going on?

>>14474258 Dog talk and an owl mask

>>14474286 #18310


>>14472879 Tokyo's Medical Assoc. Chairman holds live press conference recommending ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients.

>>14472882 How Long Does Each Clinical Trial Phase Last?

>>14472890 Residents in Leamington Spa are being evacuated after reports of explosions in a large blaze at an industrial premises.

>>14472983 Mike Pompeo just mentioned that he is still in contact with our allies.

>>14472899 Sanity returns to Denmark After Oct 1, 2021 no testing, masking or vaccine passports

>>14473051, >>14473078 Not much time for shooting when you are driving around mess hall supplies.

>>14473064 #COVID19 Vaccine Complication Victims Have Created A User-Friendly Version Of The @CDCgov's Entire #VAERS Database

>>14473094 Calls Grow to Discipline Editors and Corporations Suppressing Therapeutics Information.

>>14473169 The press is shocked ! Bolsonaro for the people

>>14473170, >>14473424 'This Ends The Debate' - Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta

>>14473180 Zelenko Covid-19 Treatment Protocol

>>14473223 Family of Brit killed in 9/11 'have evidence towers were blown up from inside'

>>14473382 Comirnaty CV19 Vax Approval is Actually Fraudulent – Chris Martenson

>>14473522 #18309

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e301a1  No.14475087


>>14471974 Did the FDA Pull a Bait-and-Switch on the American People?

>>14472013 Baby-selling scheme, exposed: Foreign customers offering US$60,000 per child

>>14472169 Germany halts all C19 vax, says unsafe?

>>14472248 @RealGenFlynn, [27.08.21 06:55] Who’s in charge on the Republican side?

>>14472345 Arizona AG orders Maricopa County to turn over routers to election audit or lose state funds

>>14472387 Yes, I am finally keeping a list. Anyone have the other countries who have halted vaccines ?


>>14472407 Germany imposes moratorium on all C19 vaccines, citing evidence they are unsafe

>>14472444 Biotech Analyst DESTROYS Big Pharma in BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE! Karen Kingston is a former Pfizer employee, a pharmaceutical marketing expert and biotech analyst.

>>14472531 The Truth Behind the Insane Vaccine Push is Hidden in Pfizer’s Leaked Government Contracts

>>14472569 Ivermectin paper from 2008

>>14472621 NY's New Gov. Announces That Cuomo's Nursing Home Scandal Was Way Worse Than Earlier Reported

>>14472866 #18308


>>14471211 Australian Senate 25 August 2021 Surveillance Legislation Amendment gives the Australian Federal Police immunity for uploading illegal content

>>14471221 Jim Watkins, images will not work on 8kun until a new host is found.

>>14471230, >>14471314 Image server is kill went into options clicked on 'hide images' that stabilized the page

>>14471509 Host file editing help, to see/load the site proper. I don´t know witch bundle it was so I put those all in. (saved it as ANSI)

>>14471257 PENTTBOM= Pentagon/Twin Towers Bombing Investigation

>>14471260 Panic, destroying BALLOT evidence? Print shop in Chandler, AZ explodes (1:49)

>>14471272 Last Q post #4953 link


>>14471300 New Israeli prime minister wants Biden to see Iran deal as ‘no longer relevant’

>>14471316 Potus 45 Has Spoken

>>14471333 Attorney General Mark Brnovich determined the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is in violation of state law

>>14471338 Rep. Mark Finchem: Cost of Audit Should Be Billed to Maricopa County

>>14471361, >>14471352 Covid scam in just 4 short minutes (Cap 4:00)

>>14471391 US army decides against purchasing more Iron Dome missile batteries from Israel

>>14471429 Trump said ISIS-X for a reason.

>>14471431 "You Will Own NOTHING And Be Happy" People Are Waking Up To The Truth

>>14471466 Lyon College President Resigns After Criticism For Remarks

>>14471476, >>14471505 Possible False Flag Incoming, Trump's Interview Last Night On Fox He Mentioned Isis - [X] Twice

>>14471618, >>14471711 McKenzie's Meeting with Taliban for don't Attack Kabul Airport FF in Afghanistan

>>14471772 Negative 48

>>14471856 Moderna ‘vaccine’ withdrawn in Japan because it contained ‘a metal type substance that reacted to magnets’

>>14471872 The Australia Project, reporting form for AHPRA Doctors-2697, Police and Military-964, Pharmacies 1275, total = 4936

>>14471874 Flynn has posted twice at 8:04 in the past few days Q 804 Operational

>>14471893 #18307

Previously Collected Notables

>>14469529 #18304, >>14470346 #18305, >>14471121 #18306

>>14467216 #18301, >>14468001 #18302, >>14468768 #18303

>>14464844 #18298, >>14465653 #18299, >>14466443 #18300

>>14462282 #18295, >>14463379 #18296, >>14464043 #18297

>>14460188 #18292, >>14464052 #18293, >>14465749 #18294

>>14457924 #18289, >>14458680 #18290, >>14459436 #18291

>>14455548 #18286, >>14456354 #18287, >>14457131 #18288

>>14453008 #18283, >>14453757 #18284,>>14455752 #18285

>>14450622 #18280, >>14451361 #18281, >>14452124 #18282

>>14448350 #18277, >>14449111 #18278, >>14449849 #18279

>>14445987 #18274, >>14446750 #18275, >>14447526 #18276

>>14443659 #18271, >>14445129 #18272, >>14445210 #18273

>>14441323 #18268, >>14442089 #18269, >>14442837 #18270

>>14439023 #18265, >>14439802 #18266, >>14440567 #18267

>>14436765 #18262, >>14437511 #18263, >>14438265 #18264

>>14434427 #18259, >>14435214 #18260, >>14435981 #18261

>>14431973 #18256, >>14432837 #18257, >>14433811 #18258

>>14429786 #18253, >>14430554 #18254, >>14431249 #18255

>>14427442 #18250, >>14428209 #18251, >>14428962 #18252

>>14425636 #18247, >>14425891 #18248, >>14426666 #18249

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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e301a1  No.14475088

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

>>14110921 ————————————–——– Jew Research General #1

International Q Research Threads

>>14019901 ————————————–——– Australia #17

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>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>14357399 ————————————–——– Germany #86

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

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>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41

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>>13700133 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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e301a1  No.14475091

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* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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e301a1  No.14475093

File: 3dea90fb840482b⋯.jpg (143.71 KB, 805x608, 805:608, COLLUSION_FOR_WINNING.jpg)



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f1088e  No.14475102

Hey you fucks.

11.3 is pretty big to the Q drops. Does our pulling out of AFG constitute the end of belligerent occupation by US?

Aug 31 = 11.3??????

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44dc39  No.14475127

I fixed the media problem on my computer but how do you fix it on my phone

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85de64  No.14475128































>11.3 is pretty big to the Q drops. Does our pulling out of AFG constitute the end of belligerent occupation by US?

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b28383  No.14475129

Spaceforce & the new equipment sucks CCP chink shrimp dick. C'mon man. Fix it.

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9af4f5  No.14475130




























































































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ff92df  No.14475131

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8718ce  No.14475132


The End of this month will be Significant

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cdd076  No.14475133

These pixel images are faggot.

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ff92df  No.14475134

Q has hung up the phone and moved residence on us.

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8718ce  No.14475135

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85de64  No.14475136

File: 4a90ba9bc8b7807⋯.png (125.24 KB, 594x480, 99:80, _you_.png)

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30389f  No.14475137

File: db12fcf2d42f4af⋯.png (532.03 KB, 1039x881, 1039:881, 210827.png)

>>14475093 TYB




08/27/21 Anon Notables


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efb0ee  No.14475138


how do you get 11.3 for 8/31

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318dd8  No.14475139

fix the fucking images

workfag needs to memefag

hurry the fuck up

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c37e14  No.14475140






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ed8607  No.14475141

File: 3a297a1ca0d388a⋯.jpg (80.62 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, E9ltt55XMAgrksZ.jpg)

Space Launch Delta 45


Every day we get closer to standing up The Forge, we get closer to breaking the barriers of bureaucracy through the cutting edge, innovative ideas of our Airmen & Guardians.



Hammer time baby!

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3e742f  No.14475142

Jim Stone ( just posted this:

The difference between "Covid" and the flu/pneumonia is whether or not the hospital will kill you for a stat.

"Covid" eradicated the flu. The stats prove it. How did that happen? If "They" own all the media, right down to the local paper, is it not possible for "Them" to own every hospital, right down to the local clinic?

If you want to know who is behind this "pandemic" just look at who's screaming the loudest about "being victims of covid" or "being the victims of a sabotaged shot". WHO ARE THE WORLD'S BIGGEST "VICTIMS", even historically, like, let's say World War 2 in Europe???

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b0a97e  No.14475143

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3e266a  No.14475144


>workfag needs to memefag



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d918ae  No.14475145


you glow

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a2bf03  No.14475146







































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b8822a  No.14475147

File: cfaa530c635d166⋯.jpg (63.86 KB, 740x829, 740:829, cfaa530c635d166c3f4ad972f0….jpg)

Thank you Baker. Appreciate your service.

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332d01  No.14475148

File: aa7b8d2732313d2⋯.jpg (100.02 KB, 960x940, 48:47, aa7b8d2732313d2fb08eb2ca6d….jpg)

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c238a2  No.14475149


New Israeli Study Finds Fully Vaccinated People are at “Greater Risk of Hospitalization” and 13 TIMES MORE LIKELY to Catch Covid-19 Than Those Who Have Recovered and Have Natural Immunity

By Julian Conradson

Published August 27, 2021 at 2:06pm

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ff92df  No.14475150


2 weeks

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85de64  No.14475151


Bhahahahaha the doge-seal


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0daff1  No.14475152

BREAKING! Court rejects lawsuit to declare recall unconstitutional—happy to see arguments we


made on behalf of three citizens who already voted, in court’s reasoning. We stood up for participatory democracy in California, and the people won! Now vote YES on recall!



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b0a97e  No.14475153


pigs baking?

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26faee  No.14475154


Did you put his picture in the same machine as a fly?

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fc108e  No.14475155

File: 6c1b799f05f4e55⋯.jpg (70.73 KB, 750x910, 75:91, 679_1000.jpg)

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85de64  No.14475156



>Step 1

- Add the following to the bottom of the hosts file located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc (for Windows) media.8kun.top

(must open file-editor/notepad with admin privileges or cannot save)

>Step 2

- Open a command window and run ipconfig /flushdns

Images restored!


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ff92df  No.14475157

Adrian John Wells' EXPLOSIVE account of being trafficked and sexually abused by an international child sex trafficking operation run by Jeffrey Epstein, the Clintons, FBI, military, and Craig (Sawman) Sawyer (Veterans For Child Rescue) To JUMP TO EPSTEIN, CLINTONS, AND SAWYER GO TO 19:00


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b8822a  No.14475158

File: 56b4bd5725ed4f8⋯.png (649.84 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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fc108e  No.14475159

File: bec3dd8dccc721c⋯.png (427.99 KB, 198x716, 99:358, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3342936e60bb87f⋯.jpg (77.66 KB, 660x528, 5:4, pepe11.jpg)



>pigs baking?

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dd6f42  No.14475160

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47d345  No.14475161

"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void."

Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)

"When rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them."

Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 US 436 p. 491.

"An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed."

Norton vs. Shelby County 118 US 425 p. 442

"No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it."

16 Am Jur 2nd, Sec 177 la

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b8822a  No.14475162

File: d4bbbee0c35d02f⋯.png (350.14 KB, 609x480, 203:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed8607  No.14475163

File: 035fa5e50ffdc33⋯.jpg (122.26 KB, 977x650, 977:650, E8s4_uCWYAEeEVo.jpg)


Tell me who is in this image and I'll believe you.

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dd6f42  No.14475164

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44dc39  No.14475165


Fix the media on my computer but I'm still getting the error messages on my computer when I try to post I did the 24-hour Captcha reply button blinks real fast and I get a error window "0". Phone fagging atm

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267fcd  No.14475166

File: a4f29d91f40dc5f⋯.jpg (320.3 KB, 747x600, 249:200, careful.jpg)

>>14475120 (pb)

the value of the equipment is overrated, what everyone seems to miss is that this situation in kabul (obviously engineered) sets the stage for israel to go to war in afghanistan = ww3

imagine a ww used as a distraction from a bio-weapon already deployed

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b3f41d  No.14475167

File: a00c0f28bc7288d⋯.jpg (62.49 KB, 672x960, 7:10, t8m9kqwigyj71.jpg)


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3e742f  No.14475168


Ideally, you should randomly pick an IP address from the list below to spread the load. Prolly not a good idea to have everybody using the same IP.

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85de64  No.14475169


Not sure Pig is a "baker"

But he does provide kinetic energy

as fuel for the quantum convection current

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b0a97e  No.14475170



put me in the screenshot

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3e742f  No.14475171


Still a disbeliever? Kek.

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d918ae  No.14475172

who owns 8kun?

the bear

Hosting technology LTD

1-st Frezernaya str. 2/1 korp. 2

109202 Moscow


phone: +79150111651


e-mail: admin (at) vdsina (dot) ru

Areas serviced: RU

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4128f6  No.14475173


anon /s in different time zone

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afec9e  No.14475174

File: 0dcadf577b866a9⋯.jpg (312.22 KB, 1076x957, 1076:957, Screenshot_20210827_163925….jpg)


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59fca0  No.14475175


Ideally you should just wait until Jim gets another image server and not F* up your device.

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5ca648  No.14475176


They most likely have things load balanced behind the scenes.

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b8822a  No.14475177

File: 6deece98c95abab⋯.png (371.36 KB, 681x480, 227:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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88ad38  No.14475178

File: 32c2f06f1249569⋯.jpg (124.15 KB, 1021x531, 1021:531, NORTON_TRUTH.jpg)

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8cd28a  No.14475179

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868d0e  No.14475180


thank you

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fc108e  No.14475181

File: bd93925d56035aa⋯.png (170.69 KB, 1487x1282, 1487:1282, ClipboardImage.png)



>- Add the following to the bottom of the hosts file located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc (for Windows)

Notepad++ works even if you forget to use admin privilege's and will prompt you to change to Admin incase you cannot get notepad to work.

> media.8kun.top

>(must open file-editor/notepad with admin privileges or cannot save)

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318dd8  No.14475182



thanks fren

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b8822a  No.14475183

File: abe28c279b8f2af⋯.png (478.94 KB, 770x480, 77:48, fauci_gain_function.png)

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e4705e  No.14475184

File: 2d9e8f86dbef31e⋯.png (249.35 KB, 465x445, 93:89, ClipboardImage.png)

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d918ae  No.14475185

File: 6b2337cb99ab70c⋯.jpg (90.42 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 6b2337cb99ab70ce5c4963fb3a….jpg)

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88ad38  No.14475186






8888888847 77















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3e742f  No.14475187


>until Jim gets another image server

That is nonsense and you know it.

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ec43bb  No.14475188

File: 6c62f44b32c28b0⋯.jpg (271.81 KB, 788x622, 394:311, 6c62f44b32c28b04b72bd61bf1….jpg)

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

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88ad38  No.14475189

File: 693551d28bb3f02⋯.jpg (134.86 KB, 945x467, 945:467, NORTON_TRUTH_WIN.jpg)

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3e2526  No.14475190





Nice try faggot


Decimal: 3249711379

Hostname: v441408.hosted-by-vdsina.ru

ASN: 48282

ISP: Hosting technology LTD

Organization: Hosting technology LTD

Services: None detected

Type: Corporate

Assignment: Likely Static IP

Continent: Europe

Country: Netherlands

State/Region: Drenthe

City: Meppel

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3e742f  No.14475191


Vanwanet must have a good reason for assigning five IP addresses to 8kun.

However, you are likely correct.

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b0a97e  No.14475192


domain holder for 8kun is not the hosting company

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a2bf03  No.14475193























































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ed8607  No.14475194


Still not able to answer?


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3693f7  No.14475195


That video is epic!

It shows our modern world and how bad things are with most so unaware.

Shows the promise of mankind at the end.

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85de64  No.14475196


Shuck Choomer

next challenge please

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6f3ef0  No.14475197


>Prolly not a good idea to have everybody using the same IP.

Yes, because all 40 of us might break it.

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d918ae  No.14475198

File: 3fa4b99b3b9528c⋯.jpg (90.65 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 3fa4b99b3b9528c3f7d818db93….jpg)


uhmmm. i didnt say it was host

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85de64  No.14475199


>Yes, because all 40 of us might break it.

my sides have left the building

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3e742f  No.14475200


What is your point?

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ed8607  No.14475201


correct, very impressive.


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03640c  No.14475202

>>14475117 lb

>Got a letter from a state agency saying my employees(we are on state property sometimes) have get vaxxed or weekly tests (false positive and dangerous swab). We were asked if we were going to "comply"

>My employees will not get vaxxed. This shit is getting out of hand

A. Look at whatever contracts you have with the state.

B. Reply to them requesting clarification on whether they're demanding the emergency use authorization vaccine, or the FDA approved Comirnaty vaccine which isn't available yet.

C. Tie them in their own red tape, and let them know they're being recorded every time you talk to them. Bureaucrats HATE being recorded.

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c238a2  No.14475203


New York magazine’s shocking revelation: The liberal media are biased!

By Post Editorial Board

August 26, 2021 8:50pm

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45e8e8  No.14475204



>>14475080 lb

Was never one of those anon, this anon gets it,

perceptions enable habits, to distract is their mission,
















adapt mode activited, is what i am hihglighting

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b28383  No.14475205


& Frogs to destroy them.

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85de64  No.14475206


please put "lb" next to that post link

like this

>>14474918 lb

so anons know it will redirect to another bread before they click it

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59fca0  No.14475207

FBI Agent, Army Reserves Col. charged with sex crimes against children

Updated: Aug 27, 2021

FRANKLIN COUNTY, Fla. (WMBB) —An FBI agent who investigated sex crimes against children has been arrested and charged with multiple sex crimes against children across several states, according to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies said Supervisory Special Agent David Harris was tasked with investigating crimes against children,

including child pornography. But in February of this year, he was accused of exposing himself to a 14-year-old girl in a “lewd and lascivious manner,” while on vacation in St. George Island.

Harris, 51, is currently in jail in Louisiana and “faces a string of criminal charges — including indecency with a child, crimes against nature and sexual battery,” deputies wrote.


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7a356e  No.14475208


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30389f  No.14475209

41-194.01. Violations of state law by counties, cities and towns; attorney general investigation; report; withholding of state shared revenues


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3e742f  No.14475210


I'm waiting for someone else to identify your image. I'm feeling obstinate today, kek.

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afec9e  No.14475211

File: 557437c8d016824⋯.jpg (10.16 KB, 168x255, 56:85, c1e3d36ad44906d0156e7bbd0c….jpg)

File: 695f4d6c4d88846⋯.jpg (68.19 KB, 720x502, 360:251, ZomboMeme_10062021184548.jpg)

File: 1f68dca36a18359⋯.png (8.31 KB, 165x255, 11:17, 3586adb6fd98fcd626cadc3082….png)

File: 670a7e0979e170a⋯.jpg (91.28 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 62888928.jpg)

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3b498f  No.14475212



it's impressive to look at an image now?

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c238a2  No.14475213


Officer who shot Ashli Babbitt during Capitol riot breaks silence: 'I saved countless lives'

In an exclusive interview with NBC News, Lt. Michael Byrd said he opened fire only as a “last resort” after the rioters failed to comply with his commands.

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85de64  No.14475214


it's easy, add one of the IPs to the hosts file in your PC.

takes 30 seconds

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3e742f  No.14475215


Good point, though the number must be way higher than 40.

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ed8607  No.14475216


I can't see images yet, and I don't really care that much.

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85de64  No.14475217

File: f4d9536dde409ba⋯.gif (494.33 KB, 387x305, 387:305, zooooom.gif)


>it's impressive to look at an image now?

Only wizards can do this now

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555028  No.14475218

████████████████████▓▒░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░    ░▒▓████████████████████████████

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30389f  No.14475219

Make Trudeau Afghanistan failures a top election issue | Jeff Callaway with Adam Soos


The withdrawal from Afghanistan has been an unmitigated disaster. The day Kabul fell back into the hands of the Taliban, Justin Trudeau called an election.

The Biden administration’s catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan has cemented his legacy as a failed president.

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88ad38  No.14475221







8888888847 77















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30389f  No.14475222

We will end this shocking day, with the utter American collapse, with startling data:


The Taliban now have access to $ 85 billion worth of looted American military equipment; To 75,000 military vehicles; 200 planes and helicopters, and the Taliban now have more Blackhawk helicopters than 85% of the world.

And worst of all: the Taliban has access to the biometric database, which contains the details, photos, fingerprints and more of all the Afghans who have worked with the U.S. military over the past 20 years. Meaning: They will be slaughtered.

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85de64  No.14475223


















it's true

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45e8e8  No.14475224

this is being to feel like a corralling of anons.

paranoia setting in. kek

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3b498f  No.14475225


i was gonna say that it was navy guys definitely not wearing masks with adam schitt in the middle but he ruined it

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76f51d  No.14475226

From the notes:

>>14472169 Germany halts all C19 vax, says unsafe?

>>14472387 Yes, I am finally keeping a list. Anyone have the other countries who have halted vaccines ?

Don't Anons read or use discernment anymore?

FFS, it says in the bug and the wall behind the "reporter":


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0fad56  No.14475227

The Biden Effect: Taliban Announces Citizens Must Turn Over Guns, All Women are Required to Have Male Chaperone to Leave the House for Extended Periods

The Taliban, thanks to Jihad-Joe Biden, have announced that afghans in Kabul must turn over their guns and ammunition by the end of the week. They also mandated that women are required to have a male chaperone and be wearing a burka if they want to leave their house for multiple days.

A Taliban spokesperson, Zabihullah Mujahid, revealed part of their plans in an interview with the New York Times on Wednesday. He explained that the terrorist organization is attempting to build back their oppressive regime by forcefully reimposing the unethical restrictions on women and others that were in place when they were was at their height in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s.

“We are hoping we can persuade people not to do such things, instead of pressure them,” Mujahid said.

From the Daily Mail:

“Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said while women will eventually be allowed to return to work and go on trips to school, and hospitals, they would need a male chaperone for trips that last several days.

He suggested to the New York Times that the Taliban will let women return to their jobs in the future – as long as they wear a head covering – and said concerns that the Taliban would once again force women to stay inside or cover their faces are baseless.

During their previous time in power, Afghan women could only leave the house in a burqa – a shapeless covering which covers the head and entire body, with only a fabric mesh to see out of.”

Even before this latest announcement, Afghan women have been forced to comply with mandates that were put in place as the Taliban went city-to-city taking over the country. There have already been reports of women not being allowed to leave their homes to go to work or school, and in some cases are even blocked from going to hospitals.

The regime has claimed it will be more “inclusive” as it reestablishes itself, but just like they were doing before, they began committing gross violations of human rights almost immediately once they gained control.

The fake news media and Biden’s fraudulent administration have been carrying water for this illegitimate regime since the crisis began. They have repeatedly covered for these scumbag terrorists as they wreak their havoc, and have consistently tried to give the new dictatorship credibility.

The Taliban don’t even have to try, they can just lie and grin like Ol’-Joe.

The Taliban spokesperson also tried pushing back on reports that they have been ‘exacting vengeance’ on dissenters and blocking people from getting to the airport. Despite credible reports and video, he claimed they were not impeding anyone if they had their proper documentation – Which was good enough for the times.

“We said that people who don’t have proper documents aren’t allowed to go. They need passports and visas for the countries they’re going to, and then they can leave by air. If their documents are valid then we’re not going to ask what they were doing before.”

Yeah.. Good luck getting through their checkpoints with your papers, and if you’re an American – or someone who assisted the US in the past – Good luck not getting roughed up or killed.

Inexplicably, Biden’s State Department trusted the Taliban enough to give them a list of American citizens that were attempting to reach evacuation flights at the airport. Biden didn’t just leave Americans behind, he willingly gave them up as hostages.

Where is Biden’s line in the sand with these barbarians? They could literally do anything, and he would still legitimize them?

Biden’s inexcusable ‘corporation’ with the Taliban has already resulted in hundreds of deaths including 13 US Military members.

Only time will tell how many more will be needlessly killed, all because China-Joe had to go destabilize the whole region.


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30389f  No.14475228

File: f6c03f328d92c54⋯.jpg (211.35 KB, 732x1027, 732:1027, 525.jpg)

Queensland new 1000-bed, dedicated Re-education camp facility…

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d918ae  No.14475229

File: 554722e052a15b4⋯.jpg (116.02 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

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88ad38  No.14475230

File: 32fafd8251ce788⋯.jpg (208.8 KB, 799x605, 799:605, FORWARD.jpg)

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8e6b7a  No.14475231

File: 0c14cb8ffea9310⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210827_165015.jpg)

File: 4fdb06b5d89f819⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210827_165030.jpg)

If you're looking for a good beer, for a good cause…..K9's for Warriors is the nation's largest veteran service dogs for veterans with PTSD.

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3e742f  No.14475232


The magic of kek, kek.

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e4705e  No.14475233


Justice Will Be served. PRONTO

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215cd1  No.14475234

I posted this late last bread so maybe it was overlooked, didn't get picked as notable, maybe it will this time.

More weaponised migration incoming in the form of hijra (Islamic migration for purpose of conquest). This is irregular warfare.[1][2]

If they manage to step their foot in any Western nation, the next thing they will do is to seek consulate support and demand family unification by referring to United Nations universal declaration of human rights, article 16, section 3.[3] And any other excuse they can cite from international law in reference to the Global Compact For Migration.[4]

This is to establish jihad, read chapters O9.0: Jihad and all its subchapters.

[4] And because the objective of jihad is obligatory, they will use any and all forms of deception to achieve it. Read chapter R8.2: Permissible Lying.[5]

Also read the Muslim Brotherhood's strategic plan for America. They talk about civilization jihad. In other words it's Sun Tzu style warfare; The highest form of the art of war is to submit the enemy without fighting. In practice this means that they will turn any and all aspects of our own societies, our cultures and our character against us. English translation starts on page 16.[6]

“The complexity of the future security environment is rooted in global and regional ideological and political struggles. These struggles will challenge traditional US military approaches. Faced with the conventional warfighting capacity of the United States, our adversaries will likely choose to fight using a hybrid of irregular, disruptive, catastrophic, and traditional capabilities as a way to achieve their strategic objectives. The strategy of our adversaries will be to subvert, attrite, and exhaust us rather than defeat us militarily. They will seek to undermine and erode the national power, influence, and will of the United States and its strategic partners. Our adversaries will continue to wage IW against us until we demonstrate the same competency in IW that we demonstrate in conventional warfighting. The United States and its partners are likely to face state and non-state adversaries in protracted struggles for popular support and legitimacy. Future conflicts will likely be fought amongst the people, limiting the utility of conventional applications of military power.”[7]


1 https://twitter.com/DeptofDefense/status/1431333449235935234

2 https://civilusdefendus.com/civil-defense/4-stages-of-islamic-conquest/

3 https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights

4 https://refugeesmigrants.un.org/sites/default/files/180713_agreed_outcome_global_compact_for_migration.pdf

5 http://dailyrollcall.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/the-reliance-of-the-traveller.pdf

6 https://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/20-an-explanatory-memorandum-on-the-general.pdf

7 https://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/Doctrine/concepts/joc_iw_v1.pdf?ver=2017-12-28-162020-260

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14e849  No.14475235


HA HA that's what you get.

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3e266a  No.14475236


so he admits he killed her and justifies the murder by claiming he saved lives

…and then gets exonerated

clown world when murderers walk free

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45e8e8  No.14475237


can view images clown,

so that narrows it down a bit moar.

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fc108e  No.14475238

File: 2a026e37504a046⋯.png (126.75 KB, 1689x1461, 563:487, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90c4c838256a5fe⋯.gif (146.2 KB, 220x124, 55:31, tenor_1_.gif)


>>14475181 (You)


Domain not found.. yup, was the old bad server once had… notice that there are more than 1? Redundancy, thanx for the feedback, it was one of the old and non working ones that once pointed to the media server…

Broken and so removed now…

But this anon has had no problems with the images on the board since December when the Hosts file was 1st edited…

>Nice try faggot


>Decimal: 3249711379

>Hostname: v441408.hosted-by-vdsina.ru

>ASN: 48282

>ISP: Hosting technology LTD

>Organization: Hosting technology LTD

>Services: None detected

>Type: Corporate

>Assignment: Likely Static IP

>Continent: Europe

>Country: Netherlands

>State/Region: Drenthe

>City: Meppel

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adf6c7  No.14475239

I ain't fixing on my end what 8kun should fix on theirs

This pages main function is to serve images, that shouldn't require me to jump through hoops

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85de64  No.14475240






















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b0a97e  No.14475241


vanwah buys hosting from russiarussiarussia

>clutching pearls.old lady

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d23219  No.14475242


Imagine a World War,

used as a distraction from a Psychological Weapon,

disguised as a bio weapon,

to pull off Election Fraud,

to eradicate freedom,

and end once and for all any notion of equal justice across humanity.

Just Say’n

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4d54da  No.14475243


>wearing a burka


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88ad38  No.14475244

File: d5e9efd40b2dac7⋯.jpg (64.47 KB, 461x325, 461:325, MEME_CARD.jpg)



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14e849  No.14475245


Why are you big mad when Anons don't want to make the changes you're pushing?

Better put my shades on around you.

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85de64  No.14475246

File: d602d65510f6e96⋯.jpg (275.47 KB, 980x552, 245:138, d602d65510f6e96741271b0a89….jpg)


Hmmm, yes, red text..

Have you tried bitching about it in all caps?

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fc108e  No.14475247

File: 2f5ce2783f0b5c2⋯.jpg (677.45 KB, 1079x1214, 1079:1214, Screenshot_20201013_175700….jpg)

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3e266a  No.14475248


my meme folder is dying … slowly

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0fad56  No.14475249

Former CEO And COO Of JHL Biotech Convicted Of Conspiracy To Steal Trade Secrets And Commit Wire Fraud Exceeding $101 Million


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45e8e8  No.14475250


doomer kek

would not put it beyond them,

they really are another breed.

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adf6c7  No.14475251



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afec9e  No.14475252

Just dropped off today's orders at the PO. Fucking Twisted Sister on the radio when I got back in the car.

Do It Q!

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30389f  No.14475253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Salcedo: It's time for Joe Biden to be removed from office

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f07ad4  No.14475254


NightShift is gonna loose their shit!

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0fad56  No.14475255

Former Priest and ‘Shelter Home’ Operator Indicted for Illicit Sexual Conduct Against Minors


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30389f  No.14475256


'This Ends The Debate' - Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta


Dr. Anthony Fauci and the rest of President Biden's COVID advisors have been proven wrong about "the science" of COVID vaccines yet again. After telling Americans that vaccines offer better protection than natural infection, a new study out of Israel suggests the opposite is true: natural infection offers a much better shield against the delta variant than vaccines.

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09409a  No.14475257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0fad56  No.14475258

Retired Crane Navel Employee Charged with Possessing Stolen U.S. Government Property and Possessing Child Pornography


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85de64  No.14475259




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30389f  No.14475260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Media can 'no longer hide' Joe Biden's 'pure incompetence' AND MALICE"


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ed8607  No.14475261

- -

1 | H | |He |

|-+ ----+-|

2 |Li |Be | | B | C | N | O | F |Ne |

|-+-| |-+-+-+-+-+-|

3 |Na |Mg |3B 4B 5B 6B 7B | 8B |1B 2B |Al |Si | P | S |Cl |Ar |


4 | K |Ca |Sc |Ti | V |Cr |Mn |Fe |Co |Ni |Cu |Zn |Ga |Ge |As |Se |Br |Kr |


5 |Rb |Sr | Y |Zr |Nb |Mo |Tc |Ru |Rh |Pd |Ag |Cd |In |Sn |Sb |Te | I |Xe |


6 |Cs |Ba |LAN|Hf |Ta | W |Re |Os |Ir |Pt |Au |Hg |Tl |Pb |Bi |Po |At |Rn |


7 |Fr |Ra |ACT|



Lanthanide |La |Ce |Pr |Nd |Pm |Sm |Eu |Gd |Tb |Dy |Ho |Er |Tm |Yb |Lu |


Actinide |Ac |Th |Pa | U |Np |Pu |Am |Cm |Bk |Cf |Es |Fm |Md |No |Lw |


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d918ae  No.14475262

File: 78bbaa17b6d679a⋯.png (27.75 KB, 655x286, 655:286, Screen_Shot_2021_08_27_at_….png)

failure coming

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0fad56  No.14475263

Former Bureau of Prisons Correctional Officer Sentenced to 24 Months In Federal Prison For Sexually Abusing Inmates


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3e742f  No.14475264


That "Domain Not Found" error is because you tried to use an IP address as a URL. Won't work due to the nature of a CDN.

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a3e39f  No.14475265



no help yet for Mac.

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30389f  No.14475266


The UK government released a report showing that more fully vaccinated people are dying of the delta variant than unvaccinated.


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45e8e8  No.14475267


naw, tis ok, already here. just adapting.

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╚═════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝░░░░░░░░╚═╝░░░  ╚═╝░░╚══╝╚═╝░╚═════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░░

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192d96  No.14475268

File: 3a47dd40889281a⋯.png (85.28 KB, 585x559, 45:43, 1_2.png)

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c238a2  No.14475269


The Caldor Fire is approaching Lake Tahoe, which is already shrouded in smoke and ash.

The tourist attraction has roughly 15 million visitors every year, with visitors reaching up to 300,000 on the lake's busiest days.


California wildfire threatens popular tourist attraction Lake Tahoe

A massive wildfire that has burned through more than 100,000 acres in California is now making its way toward a popular tourist attraction.

9:53 AM · Aug 27, 2021

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b6d676  No.14475270

Do we have a shill baker again?

This >>14474760 (pb) is not a notable in my opinion. The Nazis were NOT the good guys, no matter how you paint it. Which makes me wonder, does the poster actually believe that, or is the poster trying to get us to connect the Taliban WITH the Nazis? Head games. So, in essence, using the Nazis, as a way to discredit the Taliban. Now, I have no idea what the Taliban think, but the fact that a shill is trying to make a connection between them and Nazis, tends to make me think that maybe the Taliban aren't really that bad, at least, not any worse than any other person trying to keep clowns and assholes out of their country would be.

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758436  No.14475271


Sure there is… switch to linux.

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d23219  No.14475272


I wonder how many more lives he could save, if he just killed some more unarmed people who do not comply with conflicting commands.

Go for it, Officer Heroship

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8b719e  No.14475273


Hope the Dems are proud of you you F'n traitor!

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30389f  No.14475274

>>14475267 wait im almost done with




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3b498f  No.14475275


yes, look at that link, that was why I posted it in response to (your?) post last bread

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c10f11  No.14475276























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267fcd  No.14475277

File: 047ce6835d1fa0c⋯.jpeg (183.86 KB, 1250x1207, 1250:1207, healing.jpeg)


after taking the shot the rest will not matter

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c238a2  No.14475278


News & Politics

Will You Need a Vaccine Booster Shot Every Year for the Rest of Your Life?

By Rick Moran Aug 27, 2021 2:19 PM ET

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03640c  No.14475279


>Do we have a shill baker again?


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85de64  No.14475280

███╗░░██╗██╗░██████╗░██╗░░██╗████████╗   ░██████╗██╗░░██╗██╗███████╗████████╗

████╗░██║██║██╔════╝░██║░░██║╚══██╔══╝   ██╔════╝██║░░██║██║██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝

██╔██╗██║██║██║░░██╗░███████║░░░██║░░░   ╚█████╗░███████║██║█████╗░░░░░██║░░░

██║╚████║██║██║░░╚██╗██╔══██║░░░██║░░░   ░╚═══██╗██╔══██║██║██╔══╝░░░░░██║░░░

██║░╚███║██║╚██████╔╝██║░░██║░░░██║░░░   ██████╔╝██║░░██║██║██║░░░░░░░░██║░░░

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d918ae  No.14475281

type covid in mac, look at spell correction suggestion

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3e742f  No.14475282


DDoS Guard is a Russian company providing denial-of-service protection on behalf of Vanwanet.

There are multiple layers of protection around 8kun.

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af6801  No.14475283

Since we going old school , Here are the first digital tits I ever saw


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30389f  No.14475284

File: 3b5e42d25d5f8c4⋯.jpg (116.45 KB, 1280x1104, 80:69, 530.jpg)


Fred Corbin has ⁣leaked Pfizer jab documents & access to the Wuhan labs "deleted" database! Vital information that proves, once again, this entire PLANdemic…Yet the "board" don't want to know! WHY??? (There IS only ONE answer!!) They are all in on the scam!!!!

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14e849  No.14475285


>Do we have a shill baker again?

Shills are the only ones that Bake now so yes.

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b6d676  No.14475286


Oh great. Well, thanks for the heads up.

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c10f11  No.14475287

















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758436  No.14475288


Share with the class!

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85de64  No.14475290


>Shills are the only ones that Bake now so yes.

Finally, they cracked the code!


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d918ae  No.14475291


i cant screenshot it but it suggests oviduct

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116301  No.14475292

Often I wake to wonder where the hell I am.

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d918ae  No.14475293

type qanon

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30389f  No.14475294

File: 725adf602a176fd⋯.jpg (82.83 KB, 916x1114, 458:557, 529.jpg)

File: 50492f3b3ae9b45⋯.png (609.23 KB, 546x626, 273:313, 528.png)

File: 46d3581aeb0d21b⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1062x755, 1062:755, 527.png)





School Board Member Who Voted To Mask Children CAUGHT Unmasked At Concert With 10,000 People The Next Day [SHIFT]

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3e742f  No.14475295


Stay blind if you want but real anons don't just sit back and take it.

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2a86f2  No.14475296



















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c238a2  No.14475297


Gen. VanHerck: The Request for Assistance from


specifically requested that DOD provide culturally appropriate food, water, bedding, religious services, recreational activities, and other services such as transportation.

Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby and USNORTHCOM and NORAD Command commander, Air Force Gen. Glen D. VanHerck, hold a news briefing at the Pentagon on Aug. 27, 2021.

9:56 AM · Aug 27, 2021

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d918ae  No.14475298


it will suggest satanist

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85de64  No.14475299

File: a74820f19f44df6⋯.jpg (117.49 KB, 960x960, 1:1, beans.JPG)


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45e8e8  No.14475300

























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d23219  No.14475301


The “Intelligence Community” is overrun with dumbstupids.

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fc108e  No.14475302

File: d6603c9a100f977⋯.png (429.43 KB, 500x667, 500:667, Red_text_reee.png)

It's way too clownish…

After 15years in IT and Tech Support, this anon understands the DNS and Media Server IP address issues…

But used to play on the BBS & IRC back when all anon had was CompuServe… Makes the Clownish sound like the AOL users, you know, like ones whom know not what aliasing IP's on a webserver actually does.

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3e266a  No.14475303


have that same issue on my end

can post image, but cannot view them

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af6801  No.14475304


When I look back and think about how the digital world "seduced me" and when my porn addiction may have started I think about typing boobs or boobless on a calculator when I was 5-7 years old. Or typing swears on a speak and spell, when we could buy batteries for it.

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d918ae  No.14475305

oviduct=the path in which eggs travel in female mamaillian

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555028  No.14475307





▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░ America Winning




░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░

▒██▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒


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d918ae  No.14475308


women will be sterlized

its right in front of you

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555028  No.14475309


Haha. Fail… my bad

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b6d676  No.14475310


Well, I would suspect that at least SOME of the time that is true, but ALL the time? Nah. Trying to discredit the board and make people think that EVERYTHING posted is bs? Hahaha. Nice try. Learn to discern.

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45e8e8  No.14475311


it is a low bar

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3e742f  No.14475312


Problem with the image server started around 2PM yesterday. Night shift has been through this already. They're well prepped for the next shift.

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678877  No.14475313

File: 2aeb21e60cf2afa⋯.png (785.06 KB, 650x710, 65:71, Anons_girls_shills.png)

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626902  No.14475314

File: 89c4bab4d786109⋯.pdf (1.78 MB, 44500.pdf)



Found this free pdf download printable wallet Bill of Rights here:

https://www.uncommongoods.com/product/printable-pocket-bill-of-rights (God Bless this company for offering it)

Print a few out and keep with you to hand out when saying No with a smile. ✌

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e301a1  No.14475315

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14e849  No.14475316


kek take what?

Not seeing the same stale memes for a little bit while Jim figures shit out?

Oh the humanity!

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b0a97e  No.14475317


>DDoS Guard dumped 8kun

>two weeks ago

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d56d16  No.14475318

File: 86e54b888d502cc⋯.png (740.71 KB, 1284x2250, 214:375, committee.png)


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45e8e8  No.14475319


release odin


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88ad38  No.14475320

File: a58a32c7d033770⋯.jpg (268.91 KB, 769x538, 769:538, TAKING_IT_BACK.jpg)



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c10f11  No.14475321












































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d23219  No.14475323


No two computers/users get the same spell correction suggestions, the same way no two people get the same Google search results.

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116301  No.14475324














o,,,,,,lNK' .oNMMK: .,,,' cWMMMK. .0MMMl oMMMMMNl,,,,,,o

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,,,,,,cNO :MMMMNXWMMd :O .;,' …. xWMN';O..XMMc oMMMMMMNc,,,,,,

,,,,,,lNx oMMMMMMMMW, xW, dk; .,lKl xWo xMMc oMMMMMMNl,,,,,,

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c,,,,,;kN'.xNMN:.oMc.cool..0W, :c,'. .'. .,l, OMl oMMMMMWk;,,,,,c

o,,,,,,:KO. .;. ,KX.;WMMMo oW, .,. .' .,,:c lWl .''''xK:,,,,,,o














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e301a1  No.14475325

please call out notables

>>14475093 @200

>>14475127 Do any phonefags know how to edit host files on mobile?

>>14475102 Does our pulling out of AFG constitute the end of belligerent occupation by US?

>>14475209 AZ Violations of state law by counties, cities and towns; attorney general investigation; report; withholding of state shared revenues

>>14475219 Make Trudeau Afghanistan failures a top election issue!

>>14475249 Former CEO And COO Of JHL Biotech Convicted Of Conspiracy To Steal Trade Secrets And Commit Wire Fraud Exceeding $101 Million

>>14475284Fred Corbin has ⁣leaked Pfizer jab documents & access to the Wuhan labs "deleted" database

>>14475314 Found this free pdf download printable wallet Bill of Rights here:


(not endorsements)

learn to bake!

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2a86f2  No.14475326
















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868d0e  No.14475327

people on social media bragging and posting pics of their two year olds wearing masks- as evidence that wearing masks is fine and should be mandated for all. these people are too stupid for words.

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3e742f  No.14475328


>The Nazis were NOT the good guys

General Patton admitted after the war that the allies were fighting the wrong enemy.

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afeecd  No.14475329


i did and appreciate it…can't get it to work. just ignorant i guess…

between that and the repeated captcha like i was using TOR, i guess i should just lurk from now on. sucks.

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dd6f42  No.14475330


Patience is a virtue

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c238a2  No.14475331


Lawyer for Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey fired after child solicitation bust

By Joshua Rhett Miller

August 27, 2021 1:12pm

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14e849  No.14475333


Talk about shitty discernment.

Anons post here still and not everything posted is bs.

But, the one thing Anons no longer do is Bake.

The few that do only put down an E-Bake and say you have a bread if you can keep it.

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76f51d  No.14475334



Open a terminal

Type: sudo nano /etc/hosts

Paste the following at the bottom of the file: media.8kun.top

Press: CTRL+X then Y

Refresh the page

Win Moar

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afec9e  No.14475335

Holy fucking shit you guys, I just typed Covid into my Commodore 64 and it suggested "gullible"

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d918ae  No.14475337

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adf6c7  No.14475338


I'm on TempleOS, got a guide for me too?

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45e8e8  No.14475339




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868d0e  No.14475340


Add Patton to the other greats who knew the truth who were censored or ridiculed.

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c238a2  No.14475341


While the track forecast for #Ida hasn’t changed, it is now expected to be a category 4 #hurricane at landfall, with 10-15 ft of peak storm surge possible. This is an extremely dangerous and life-threatening situation!

10:01 AM · Aug 27, 2021

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2a86f2  No.14475342


And Jim basically told them to fuck off…















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dd6f42  No.14475344


say what?

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267fcd  No.14475345

File: f16fa9a7acfaa2c⋯.jpg (89.58 KB, 640x640, 1:1, babas.jpg)

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b8822a  No.14475346

File: 96f42ee572839a8⋯.png (801.04 KB, 685x480, 137:96, ClipboardImage.png)

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9af4f5  No.14475347


ty shill for showing that images are back

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b0a97e  No.14475348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I, for one, am looking forward to it


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76f51d  No.14475349


No help for CIA niggers, sorry.

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88ad38  No.14475350




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c10f11  No.14475351


































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d918ae  No.14475353

i shit you not ill capture it

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e301a1  No.14475355


Dough updated, ty

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758436  No.14475356


Isn't Odin the space weapon?

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d23219  No.14475357


Mine suggested ‘conspiracyanonocultathocracy’.

I declined.

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3e742f  No.14475358


Really? Do you have a link to the news item? I would much appreciate it.

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3e266a  No.14475359


grrr … anons are mean lol

to my defense, this box is older than dirt and it still gets the job done

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8b719e  No.14475361


Do we really want to see the idiot Potato Bidan if China is making moves?

Listen to Flynn!

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758436  No.14475362


TempleOS is linux. Should be the same

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d918ae  No.14475363

trust me i know what i'm doing

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b0a97e  No.14475364


this is zerohedge quality trollan

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88ad38  No.14475365



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d23219  No.14475367


Me thinks the bar is below-grade.

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868d0e  No.14475368

feels wrong to want to shun the vaccinated now but they truly are walking Petrie dishes and you never know when one of them might blow and start spewing nonsense and spittle

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45e8e8  No.14475369



odin is what ron code monkey said he had built, open internet without restrictions logins, sort of a dark web for all

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e301a1  No.14475370

File: 6ed01e56796bab9⋯.jpg (32.68 KB, 636x358, 318:179, trips.jpg)


faggot chekt

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0f0867  No.14475371

Precision vaccinations will fail.

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c238a2  No.14475372


Critical race theory permeates North Carolina schools, task force says

by Misty Severi, Breaking News Reporter

| August 27, 2021 01:18 PM

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b6d676  No.14475373


Oh? And that is based on what? Level of threat? Level of insidiousness? Which is worse, from a generals point of view? An enemy you see, or one you don't? The wrong enemy, doesn't mean that Nazis WEREN'T an enemy, they just may not have been the true biggest threat.

WHO, was backing and behind Nazi Germany? WHO was behind the Holy Roman Empire? Vatican? Why was the Vatican so soft on Hitler? Any ideas?

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d918ae  No.14475374

i didn't change any signatures give me amin to figure out the damn quickkey

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8c8480  No.14475375

Emergency Update - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Warns America: "We All Need to Resist" Vaccine Tyranny…The Time Has Come! - Mike Adams Must Video

Thursday, August 26, 2021 15:59


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3e742f  No.14475376


How the hell can 8kun respond to such a request? Posts are not monitored or filtered. It isn't like Twitter.

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88ad38  No.14475377

File: 9535ed163912dff⋯.jpg (104.8 KB, 746x399, 746:399, CASHE.jpg)

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d4c062  No.14475378


>fix the fucking images


>workfag needs to memefag


>hurry the fuck up

Q said they have servers, if they have any surplus image servers they could loan one to Jim …

unless all their tech assets are deployed

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c238a2  No.14475379


A student of University of Tennessee was dragged out of the classroom by police for not wearing a mask:


Robby Starbuck

10:05 AM · Aug 27, 2021·

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e301a1  No.14475380


superlative kek

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b0a97e  No.14475381


>he wasn't talking bout the commies

read the diary

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ed8607  No.14475382

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3e266a  No.14475383


been there

done that

no worky on i386

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d23219  No.14475384



His subsequent car crash and kinda-rush to hospital was suspicious.

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adf6c7  No.14475385


>TempleOS is linux

You're more high than me, kek

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45e8e8  No.14475386


we may not have jfk but we have Rfk taking on the biggest fight against big pharma.

noice call sir. he would be proud. o7

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afec9e  No.14475388

File: 110c066fc05a31c⋯.jpg (68.92 KB, 600x929, 600:929, the_goyim_know_shut_it_dow….jpg)


Good point

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ceb30e  No.14475389


does that mean 8kun can then demand all information etc etc etc…, from poo poo?

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a0bcaf  No.14475391










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2a86f2  No.14475392


Jim responded to the letter they sent him and referred them to his previous deposition. In other words pound sand…
















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ef3ce3  No.14475393

File: 4b7f246ec74af8e⋯.jpg (60.78 KB, 640x640, 1:1, f6lcdquqpkq21.jpg)

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e301a1  No.14475394


>How the hell can 8kun respond to such a request?

Perhaps not 8kun, but I'm sure the NSA who has everything includign the recycle bin could help.. huehueheu

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758436  No.14475395


Just found this when I was searching for that odin article I read a few months ago. But on a side note, call of duty has a kill stream weapon called the odin space station…..

The Pentagon’s New Super Weapon Is Basically A Weaponized Meteor Strike

In the 1950s, Jerry Pournelle imagined the military equivalent of the extinction of the dinosaurs. Toiling away as a Boeing … Continued



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ed8607  No.14475396


Anjel is fucked


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d918ae  No.14475397

File: fa44ba829ed1069⋯.png (316.69 KB, 1487x730, 1487:730, Screen_Shot_2021_08_27_at_….png)

i think this is notable. ive been doing this a very long time. did not mess with definitions or signatures

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868d0e  No.14475399


[recreational activities]

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c238a2  No.14475400


The Library, [27.08.21 10:07]

[Forwarded from The Western Journal]

US Special Forces Vets Go Rogue in Middle of Night, Rescue Afghan Allies That Biden Won't

READ: http://w-j.co/s/973f3

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45e8e8  No.14475401


fcuk off with the alex jones shit

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758436  No.14475402


Oh nice! I guess I missed that notable! Was wondering when more news about that was gonna come out. Thanks buddy!

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06f5bb  No.14475404

File: e399a54cd639414⋯.png (834.4 KB, 1697x783, 1697:783, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 922440394233827⋯.png (307.01 KB, 529x1217, 529:1217, Xnip2021_08_27_10_06_23.png)

File: 65b44b1748755f2⋯.png (3.76 MB, 1729x1245, 1729:1245, jfkjr_pen_camera_MAGA_news….png)



[39] on Qclock today

1,020 days since 11.11.18 (also at [39] on Qclock)

39 is letter "M" 2nd time around

M=13th letter, 13:00=1:00pm, so M is a form of "1"…39 is a form of "two 1's" or "two 13's"

Dual 1's or dual 13's look like 11.3?

27th is "2A" of "two 1's" also

Any significance to 1,020 day delta?

[39] pertinent to "After the Flight 93 Election"?

297 days since 11.3.2020 election.

[39] in line with Christmas this year, 27th is "2x7=Q14" Washington Crossing Delaware Christmas Eve?

8/27 kinda makes 27 28, "JFK JR" born Friday, Died Friday, Dog Friday

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9d84ee  No.14475405







Absolute faggotry

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e432e6  No.14475407

File: f9aae6b77f39d00⋯.jpg (513.05 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, flynn.jpg)

pic test

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d918ae  No.14475408

before i typed qanon and it suggested satinist. i kid u not. do you know what definition of qanon is

there is q

there is anons

no qanon

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f33c4f  No.14475409

Reminder 👀 :

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


You are blessed and loved




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5eb229  No.14475410

Maybe Nancy Pelosi has your media server.

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ed8607  No.14475411


At 2255 local time this evening, 4 rockets were fired into the Abdali Region, #Kuwait from Safwan, #Iraq.

5:03 PM · Aug 27, 2021·TweetDeck


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a0bcaf  No.14475412


>fcuk off with the alex jones shit

That video is the most brilliant synopsis of the ‘great reset’ and explains why so many things are so fucked up

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758436  No.14475413


Oh dear lord templeos is a biblical os written in "holyc"?…. what the actual fuckkkk

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d8002a  No.14475415



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d4c062  No.14475416



it's woke, hopefully it won't turn in to shit like POTUS says

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a03006  No.14475417

File: 57c4bd533cf72e3⋯.png (31.8 KB, 527x720, 527:720, draw_text_2_.png)

How am I doing?

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45e8e8  No.14475418


for the normies,

jones is comped repeatedly.

gatekeepers remember

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56c83d  No.14475419

▶Anonymous 08/27/21 (Fri) 16:29:13 a72044 (3) No.14475117

>>14474955 (You)

Ok Guise.

Got a letter from a state agency saying my employees(we are on state property sometimes) have get vaxxed or weekly tests (false positive and dangerous swab). We were asked if we were going to "comply"

My employees will not get vaxxed. This shit is getting out of hand

Answer to pb

Tell them youve read and requested various legal opinions and most attorneys do not comsider that the employers are immune from legal liability for mandating the vax. And even the EEOC is not clear on it, further attorneys argue their are laws at every level of federal, state, county and city givernments that protect workers rights. Theres a maze of laws that if I mandate the vaccine i could be liable for harm or death of an employee.

Further HiPAA and privacy laws federal and state prevent me from asking if they are vaxxed. Federal LAW supercedes state mandates.

Tell them: I’m between a rock and a hard place if I mandate this will you sign a contract with my company, that the state will pay all my legal liabilties if the vax harms an employee, thats the only way i’ll consider it.

I’m not anti-vax but i cannot lose my livelihood and all of these people will lose their livings.

The thing I cant legally ask them is any questions about their health, I’ve read so many EEOC guidance and statement on employee rights, and they are overlapping. I could be sued for various things in federal, state, county laws. I just want to careful, I have no idea of how to respond to a mandate when its not a law.

Ask them why your people pose a danger to anyone on state land. If you are not even close can we get an exemption for all the items ive listed above? Also does that mean any state park can mandate a vaccine for anyone entering it? I rather doubt it.

So do you understand my dilemma state nazi? But I will do it if the state signs a contract guaranteeing reimbursement of all legal fees, and the potebtial loss of my business. Tell them how much you spent creating yoyr business and how many years of loss of incone that would reflect. But if the guarantees all of this with a legal document, sure I’ll mandate it.

Confuse the living fuck out of lower level people and be prepared to go up the chain.

If you have money call an employment attorney, just make sure they aren’t liberal.

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d918ae  No.14475420


like i said here is the sauce

oviduct- is the ovarian tubes

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b6d676  No.14475421


Who exactly, are the Vatican;s bankers? Did they change bankers around the time that one of them was found hanging from a bridge? Those are some interesting questions I think.

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b0a97e  No.14475422


Jim dropped a video on the issue

but he was sparse on detail

>did you buy the coffee?

8 still up tho

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758436  No.14475423


This is me sober :*( the pots aren't ready for harvest yet

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3503bd  No.14475424


they smell chum in the water

it's about to get really real over there

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f4ac0c  No.14475425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FACTS are irrefutable.

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76f51d  No.14475426


Got root?

If so, procedure is nearly the same as: >>14475334

The difference being the text editor you use to make the changes.

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88ad38  No.14475427

File: 8a2bca9c644064a⋯.jpg (119.44 KB, 702x455, 54:35, SUKS_2BU.jpg)




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2a86f2  No.14475428

















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ef2b00  No.14475430


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5ad28a  No.14475431

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




I think this is the entire clip?

Try to embed that thing, too! (but it will may be a dog clip!?)

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c10f11  No.14475432
































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71283a  No.14475433


Send them to qresear.ch

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ed8607  No.14475434


black swan/911 style incoming

Eyes on GBjr/43

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b6d676  No.14475435


What exactly, is the EU?

Read your bible.

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d23219  No.14475437

File: ad2e17bfdad5246⋯.jpeg (82.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 492F63C8_2425_47A2_9DC2_D….jpeg)


My Tandy 1000 said (i have the upgraded voice synthesizer), said that “covid” was just seasonal sniffles with possible shits, nothing to worry about…

… but then it added in an uneasy tone something about unless SkyNetWebs has finally achieved symbiosis with Gov/Mil/MSM, and something it called Socialist Media???? Weird

(Picture of guy with weird expression on his face, mouthing the word “weird”.)

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c238a2  No.14475438


Biden, Fauci discuss requiring COVID booster shots every 5 months

By Steven Nelson

August 27, 2021 2:18pm

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45e8e8  No.14475439


noice i think. kek

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ed8607  No.14475440

File: 511233c097f7eae⋯.png (17.09 KB, 535x255, 107:51, Screenshot_2021_08_27_at_1….png)


NEW: Robert F. Kennedy's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, granted parole - AP

5:15 PM · Aug 27, 2021·TweetDeck



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0f0867  No.14475441

Even if I use 10 different antibodies, and tailored via mapping to predict escape mutations of the virus, you will still get escape mutations in the subjects eventually even though at a decreased rate. Also, you will have people who are not vaccinated that will be generating escape mutations that you didn't map or account for. On top of that, there is a possibility the animal reservoir is reinfected with adequate ACE2 receptor binding (certain animals) and the RNA virus is mutating there. The problem with the Regen-mab's could be the length of time AB stays in your system. This duration can be a problem in both directions. There still is the possibility in the PEP group that they will be infected with a mutant not accounted for and will either not be recognized or will enhance disease. For the majority of people receiving the mAB cocktail that is not in the PEP group or the severe group in which it is contraindicated, if you are already symptomatic the virus has infected you and is already replicating….Administration can lead to a decrease in viral load but immune activation at this point and viral debris will lead to more possible cases of severe pneumonia. Although ADE is less likely due to Fc alterations, ADE is still a possibility.

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26faee  No.14475442


Aww, that is so cute. Is that what you really think?? Such an innocent mind. I bet you're a little bit mentally retarded, aren't you

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fb94b0  No.14475443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a0bcaf  No.14475444

Image servers are down..

No more memes..

Mr Pig is powerless..

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3503bd  No.14475446


yeah they seem to be importing those "terrorists" from AFG as we speak.

These people never do anything unless there are multiple benefits to the cabal

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4128f6  No.14475447

trying to get my head around

Taliban being white turbans

or at least gray (or not boy scout color anyway)

ISIS, ISIS-K, ISIS-Delta variant - they are Mossad, imo.

this means Israel is opposed to the Taliban being a threat to Iran and China.

i can't get my head around the Israel Iran thing being kayfabe, but i hate to be all binary, especially in the Middle East.

El-Al did fly regular schedules to Tehran, several a week - until the Shah was deposed.

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3e266a  No.14475448

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c238a2  No.14475450



Click to copy


Joe Biden





US left Afghan airfield at night, didn’t tell new commander


July 5, 2021

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9d84ee  No.14475451


No, America still winning..

>>14475186 see?

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c10f11  No.14475452

░██████╗░░█████╗░░█████╗░██████╗░██╗░░░██╗  ██╗░░░░░██╗████████╗████████╗██╗░░░░░███████╗

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45e8e8  No.14475454


































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f55189  No.14475455

Family of Briton killed in 9/11 'have evidence towers were blown up from inside'


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03640c  No.14475456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Mr Pig is powerless..



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56c83d  No.14475458


TY for answering

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a03006  No.14475459


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b3a1a3  No.14475461


>pic test

Did it work?

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c10f11  No.14475462


oops, two *too kek

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c238a2  No.14475464



Fashion Analysis: Hillary Clinton’s Flattering Yet Sensible Hamptons Lewk Is a ‘Hot Girl Summer’ Triumph

Failed presidential candidate turns heads in secular beach burqa

Andrew Stiles • August 27, 2021 2:00 pm

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b0a97e  No.14475465



>Meteor Strike

if you know, you know

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d23219  No.14475466


They are clean out of brains, and will soon be on the march for yours.

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ceb30e  No.14475468

greg and the white dude who voted biden - dating? biden apologetics

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26faee  No.14475469


Damn, the guy was Palestinian.

Jews not only had RFK murdered, but they blamed it on a Palestinian

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3503bd  No.14475470


this just after Cuomo released that weatherman to be a general in their antifaisis-k group here in the USA.

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b3a1a3  No.14475471

















>Mr Pig is powerless..

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76f51d  No.14475472


Made it as far as:

>Got a letter from a state agency saying my employees(we are on state property sometimes) have get vaxxed or weekly tests (false positive and dangerous swab). We were asked if we were going to "comply"

This shit stops when we tell them to go fuck themselves.

Hurt them in the wallet.

It's all these fuckers understand.

Yes, it's painful for us at first, but NEVER FORGET, THEY need us, NOT the other way around.

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758436  No.14475473



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88ad38  No.14475474







8888888847 77















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c238a2  No.14475475



Biden Weighs Speeding Up Booster-Shot Timeline by 3 Months

By Josh Wingrove and Jennifer Jacobs

August 27, 2021, 5:12 AM GMT-11 Updated on August 27, 2021, 8:36 AM GMT-11

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3e742f  No.14475476


>Jim dropped a video on the issue

Oh. So it's just Jim gaslighting us. Like telling us that he needs a new host for the image server.

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4128f6  No.14475477


Defund the Capitol Police

play stupid games

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b6d676  No.14475478


It was a rhetorical question.

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f55189  No.14475479



9/11 mystery solved: World Trade Center building didn't collapse due to fire – study finds

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b3a1a3  No.14475480


>jones is comped repeatedly.

also see entertainment

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ceb30e  No.14475481



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b2629c  No.14475482


Ask AJ if hes been golfing with Q lately or why he doesn't have Zak on his show anymore

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3e742f  No.14475483


>I bet you're a little bit mentally retarded, aren't you

Aren't we all?

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88ad38  No.14475484








8888888847 77















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3503bd  No.14475485


>they are Mossad, imo

what if anon told you it's them AND the C_a AND the Meye6 , Frenchies, Canucks AND whatever the Aussies/Nz folk call themselves.

they all in it together you know

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c238a2  No.14475486


August 27, 2021

So why did the Capitol Hill cop come out?

By Monica Showalter

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47d345  No.14475487


Hitler arrested Baron Louis de Rothschild and seized his bank. Rothschild is controling the American Fed. Arresting them and seizing their bank sounds pretty righteous, don't you agree?

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d23219  No.14475488


Less than two years ago you can bet those very same officers would have dragged a kid out for WEARING a mask.

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ceb30e  No.14475489









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ed8607  No.14475490

File: d17d616a8d0ac21⋯.png (421.29 KB, 535x644, 535:644, Screenshot_2021_08_27_at_1….png)

New Orleans mayor urges people to EVACUATE as Hurricane Ida strengthens, likely to hit city on anniversary of Katrina disaster


The perfect storm…

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626902  No.14475491


Exclusive | Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17 (( 11-17))

Government records suggest first person infected with new disease may have been a Hubei resident aged 55, but ‘patient zero’ has yet to be confirmed

* 17/55 in any article is a red flag for me in comms kek 5:5

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0f0867  No.14475492

If a new mutation creates a more pathogenic virus that does not fit your 2 monoclonal antibody cocktails, you will have to modify it if the escape is unrecognized. By that time treating with a drug that targets it via multiple pathways and sticking to the regimen based on the course of the disease would still be the best method to deploy (HCQ, Ivermectin, Vitamins, Budesonide, alternative steroids).

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06f5bb  No.14475493

File: 51ebe7abb39fadd⋯.png (9.8 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, FedEx_checks_08272021.png)

Was about to throw away this FedEx envelope I received earlier with a book of checks to a new bank account I recently opened.


Kek… maybe I'll keep it.

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b6d676  No.14475494


If evidence and a legitimate trial prove their guilt, then fine by me. A lynch mob is NOT okay as far as I am concerned.

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56c83d  No.14475495


So true, so true

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d8002a  No.14475496


It's the flu.

It mutates every year, Anon.

Live with it.

It has a 99.7% recovery rate.

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c10f11  No.14475497























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3503bd  No.14475498


his acting lessons were completed to satisfaction?

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4128f6  No.14475499


read the request

it is for any internal documents pertaining to algorithms designed to combat on-line terra-isms

the best they are gonna get from 8kun:

"whaddya mean you don't have any???"

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a03006  No.14475500


cheating ….





































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758436  No.14475501


I wanna see this bad boy in action!

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b0a97e  No.14475502


>ansipig posting

hang your head in shame

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d5ba4f  No.14475503


memes live in the minds of men

Pig is never without power

YOU have failed with that demoralized redness

Kek on

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2a86f2  No.14475504


The assassination of Bobby Kennedy: Was Sirhan Sirhan hypnotized to be the fall guy?

Sirhan Sirhan is led away from the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles moments after the shooting of Robert F. Kennedy on June 5, 1968. Some believe Sirhan was hypnotized to be present as a distraction from a second gunman. (Bettman/Getty)

Even as Sirhan Sirhan was being captured, seconds after the shooting of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy in Los Angeles, he behaved oddly. A group of men had tackled him, held him down and tried to wrest the gun out of his hands. But “in the middle of a hurricane of sound and feeling,” wrote one of those men, author George Plimpton, Sirhan “seemed peaceful.” Plimpton was struck by Sirhan’s “dark brown and enormously peaceful eyes.” A Los Angeles police officer who had rushed in recalled, “He had a blank, glassed-over look on his face — like he wasn’t in complete control of his mind.”

At the same time, the short, slim Sirhan — 5 feet 5 inches, about 120 pounds — exerted superhuman strength as one man held his wrist to a steam table in the Ambassador Hotel pantry, firing off five or six more shots even as he was held around the neck, body and legs by other men, witnesses said. It took a half-dozen men to wrench the .22-caliber pistol out of Sirhan’s grip.

At the police station, Sirhan was preternaturally calm, officers later said. “I was impressed by Sirhan’s composure and relaxation,” Sgt. William Jordan wrote in a report later that morning. “He appeared less upset to me than individuals arrested for a traffic violation.”

Sirhan’s behavior, combined with his consistent claim that he remembers everything about June 5, 1968, except the moment of the shooting, led some people to suspect that Sirhan was under hypnosis when he fired at Kennedy. His defense team explored that angle before his trial, finding that he was easily hypnotized and could be induced to do things without knowing why, such as climb the bars of his cell. The lawyers chose to use a diminished mental capacity defense instead.


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0f0867  No.14475505


I am theorizing this escape will occur based on studies and theory of the Regen-mAB (multiple AB cocktail) which is trying to avoid mutations based on possible mapping and inclusion of future escaped virus antibodies.

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9d84ee  No.14475506


Pig is become big, destroyer of shills


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4c222d  No.14475507

File: 1ad1e5659a69a10⋯.png (160.87 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


nano? Pfffft…

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a03006  No.14475508


























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76f51d  No.14475509


<Arresting them and seizing their bank

>Arresting them, seizing their bank, killing the central banks, returning to a currency actually backed by gold and drawing and quartering those that try to restore the central banks


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758436  No.14475510


That was for other anons

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2a86f2  No.14475511












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afec9e  No.14475512


You know your name is visible right? There upper right….Bill Sender

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a0bcaf  No.14475513





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cb32b3  No.14475514

File: 6be6d09914d2e88⋯.jpg (363.55 KB, 1655x2432, 1655:2432, i_must_say.jpg)



Certainly superior for lispers!!

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b3a1a3  No.14475515

File (hide): 551109a7z7b7bae⋯.png (17.09 KB, 535x255, 107:51, funnyimage….png) (h) (u)





















>MFW nothing ever happening

>MFW I have no face

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a03006  No.14475516



















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76f51d  No.14475517


Spare me your elitist bullshit.

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ceb30e  No.14475518


anyone hear a hammer

up there

no down there




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0f0867  No.14475520


It's not the flu. It's a genetically engineered coronavirus that has influenza type H/N receptor 'qualities' and similarities. It will keep mutating, you are correct. The mortality is very low with these mutants, you are correct. Hence I disagree with the current vaccination and Regen-AB cocktail protocols, especially post-exposure prophylaxis which was most likely included to make money and have more subjects.

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b6d676  No.14475521


You could just get rid of the FED and put the issuance of our currency back in the CONSTITUTIONALLY LEGAL place.

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c10f11  No.14475522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d23219  No.14475523


How absurd do unlawful orders really have to get for 60IQ uniforms to recognize, ever?

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56c83d  No.14475524


Stop waking up! Kek, just kidding me too, stressful change comes with the Great AWakening and we’re on the frontlines

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d918ae  No.14475525

File: 19c86f6c7b660a3⋯.jpg (13.1 KB, 171x255, 57:85, 19c86f6c7b660a3d1fb22cca12….jpg)

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4c222d  No.14475526


At least you recognize that Emacs is superior.

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8cd28a  No.14475527



thanks. Kind of where I was headed and was going to source some shit too. Problem is it hurts my pocketbook way worse than theirs.

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ed8607  No.14475528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If I Had a Hammer

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726818  No.14475529

Is q research going to be fixed? This is lame.

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5231ba  No.14475530


It's pneumonia.

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0f0867  No.14475531


Just to be clear, you can mutate and become more pathogenic. The possibility exists.

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b0a97e  No.14475532


discerning, thank you

>disinfo is necessary

but the coffee, buy it, its good

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d4c062  No.14475533




>File (hidden): 90c4c838256a5fe⋯.gif (146.2 KB, 220x124, 55:31, tenor_1_.gif) (h) (u)




>>>14475181 (You)






>Domain not found.. yup, was the old bad server once had… notice that there are more than 1? Redundancy, thanx for the feedback, it was one of the old and non working ones that once pointed to the media server…


>Broken and so removed now…


>But this anon has had no problems with the images on the board since December when the Hosts file was 1st edited…


>>Nice try faggot




>>Decimal: 3249711379


>>Hostname: v441408.hosted-by-vdsina.ru




>What is your point?

it is not immediately obvious why the most important Military Intelligence op of all times would rely on Russian web services

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76f51d  No.14475534


Show me where I said that.

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56c83d  No.14475535


Oh fuck shit if they helped Americans, become americans

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2a86f2  No.14475536


Wishful thinking on the mayors part — hoping for a narrative change…

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043a0a  No.14475537

>>14475529, >>14475077

>Q Research General #18312: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome Edition

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abe6df  No.14475538


Works fine here. Edit your hosts file.

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8ffeaa  No.14475539


Oh look, it's Pfft The Magic Faggot.

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a03006  No.14475540



































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8c8480  No.14475541

4 PM Hurricane Ida Advisory


Streamed live 18 minutes ago


Hurricane Ida, after making landfall in western Cuba on Friday afternoon, was barreling into the southeastern Gulf of Mexico. AccuWeather forecasters warned that Ida, headed over exceptionally warm waters, was likely to rapidly intensify and could even approach the U.S. coast as Category 4 hurricane. Meteorologists warned residents along the central Gulf Coast that time is running out to prepare for the storm or evacuate the storm's projected path.


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626902  No.14475542








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ec43bb  No.14475543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

To restore the powers of ye pigge

find eye of severed server IP

enter ye the seegret number into ye host file see video

Pass ye not the secret to ye mason, ye Mormon or ye shill lest ye be accursed of the Lord of Hosts.

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45e8e8  No.14475544


I heard they take from low iq cos women like a uniform

whole other level

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9d84ee  No.14475545


>nothing ever happening

is only a statement about your own small sphere of combined awareness & comprehension. It's a closet-nihilistic fantasy.

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b6d676  No.14475546


Ah, okay, thanks.

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894eda  No.14475547

What are the chances that a hurricane is headed toward New Orleans on the 16th anniversary of Katrina?

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b0a97e  No.14475548


>it is not immediately obvious why

but it is kek-worthy

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76f51d  No.14475549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Only for the short term.

It's the only way to Fuck The System once and for all.

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2a86f2  No.14475550















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b0a97e  No.14475551



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a0bcaf  No.14475552



( o.o )

> ^ <

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4128f6  No.14475553


that'll getya filtered every fkn time

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ec43bb  No.14475554


Ye segret server eye pee may be sought and found here


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ac33ed  No.14475555

#Afghanistan UPDATE DoD @ellee_watson Taliban NOT taken control Kabul airport


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c10f11  No.14475556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







































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0f0867  No.14475557


It's much more than pneumonia. It can theoretically get into any organ system and cell. The vaccines to spike are a bioweapon by itself. The spike via natural infection or vaccine is first and foremost a hapten. Secondly, it can activate a thrombophilic cascade. It can lead to other proteins misfolding…. and on and on.

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4d54da  No.14475558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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28d9d1  No.14475559

File: cc19a8fbb4a726c⋯.jpg (319.13 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Biden_Joke.jpg)

" Joseph Robinette Biden must remain president. Whether he serves honorably or dishonorably, whether coherently or incoherently, whether alive or dead. "


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3503bd  No.14475560


zero to slim

it's probably an attack

weather wars are real

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8b719e  No.14475561

You got to see this Flynn video. We need to be ready for war!


PS embed will not work!

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76f51d  No.14475562

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ac33ed  No.14475563

They fired the Marine officer who asked his chain of command for accountability after a dozen Marines and a Navy Corpsman were slaughtered by terrorists.


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45e8e8  No.14475564



(thumbs up)















steady as she goes, arrrgh

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ed8607  No.14475565

File: 7c12e82b4a21f63⋯.png (58.65 KB, 535x693, 535:693, Screenshot_2021_08_27_at_1….png)

A-10 Warthogs from the Maryland ANG ripping low through the White Mountains of New Hampshire.



Close Air Support fren!

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ac33ed  No.14475566


> "We need to be ready for war"

Fuck off faggot

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9d84ee  No.14475567


Well I'd rather be individually filtered than censored from declaring that America is winning.. Cheers fag

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5ad28a  No.14475568

File: 597ff1f0abc6380⋯.png (41.44 KB, 377x1167, 377:1167, chinarussiatogether.png)


The worldwide Military Intelligende op of all times?

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5231ba  No.14475569


Servers are located in the Netherlands (Amsterdam) and Russia (Moscow)… When creating your server, you yourself choose where your server will be located.


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8b719e  No.14475570


FU Commie Shill!

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ec43bb  No.14475571

File: 2ad099c1fd09760⋯.jpg (56.65 KB, 473x900, 473:900, 2ad099c1fd09760a420dcf6e20….jpg)

File: 7f730e69dfe4e70⋯.png (869.54 KB, 726x960, 121:160, 7f730e69dfe4e70aa34c75de82….png)

ATTN Legacy Media shills

The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.

290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A social subversion operations.

Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.

Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.

Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.

Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.

A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”

Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.

Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.


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276d39  No.14475572


blah blah blah

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626902  No.14475573


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06f5bb  No.14475574

File: 426fbdd8b2eb24a⋯.png (245.81 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


right you are

oh well

privacy is an illusion

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56c83d  No.14475575


Thats kind of true. I stay as far away as I can, shedding viruses in the air is dangerous. But they deserve the scorn

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d4c062  No.14475576


>I ain't fixing on my end what 8kun should fix on theirs


>This pages main function is to serve images, that shouldn't require me to jump through hoops

Q image board …

first without Q …

then without images …

I don't want to think logically what next

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f55189  No.14475577

military friend told me that every military vehicle on earth has an identification beacon. If it blips blue its ours, green is a friendly and red is an enemy vehicle. They know where every HumV and copter is. Our govt has no excuse for not dropping a bomb…..

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f90d83  No.14475579


the bewb motivator was more powerful

that I fully realized

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0f0867  No.14475580

Just because I talk smack near my computer, not with a medical dialect, that doesn't mean these politicians are brighter. They have invested money in vaccines and therapies (our money) to promote it and only lead to more problems as we are witnessing unfold. As mentioned earlier, all the problems with vaccinations and EUA medicines. Other experts warned the FDA of these consequences and what ineffective vaccines can lead to.

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ceb30e  No.14475581




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7c01b2  No.14475582

Wont dox myself, but just read another local school in Tx closing for the week of Aug 30 to Sep 6 due to "uptick of covid cases"

Strange. Some announced it last week.

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3e742f  No.14475583


>it is not immediately obvious why the most important Military Intelligence op of all times would rely on Russian web services

Or why 8kun relies on Chinese servers for the DNS resolution.

Multiple layers. CM, who claims to be a world-renowned security specialist, may have had a hand in this.

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d4c062  No.14475584


> military friend told me that every military vehicle on earth has an identification beacon. If it blips blue its ours, green is a friendly and red is an enemy vehicle. They know where every HumV and copter is. Our govt has no excuse for not dropping a bomb…..

except the International Law but who cares

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ceb30e  No.14475585

biden mccarthyism economics

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927bd0  No.14475586


These pixel images are fanfvckingtastic!

I love them all! Keep up the great work guys! ;)

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b6d676  No.14475587


I agree, we do seem to have a deficit of bakers lately, but I chalk that up to Q not posting so much any more. As far as the ones who make the E-bakes, I suspect they are people who monitor the board primarily, but try not to interfere too much, leaving this place as organic as possible.

So they can make EBakes, in other words setup the framework, but its up to us to build the bread. In the end though, it does sort of come down to us being self reliant and keeping the bread, much like, its our job to have a Republic, if we can keep it.

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45e8e8  No.14475588


yeah heard abou tthat in another post, would make sense.

tis maybe why potus is probably so confident when he is asked to straighten things out?

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26faee  No.14475589

File: cce119ddaedbe5a⋯.png (350.44 KB, 611x489, 611:489, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_08….png)

Injured Swiss cows get helicopter ride from Alpine pastures


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afec9e  No.14475590


Almost makes you think there are white hats worldwide working together to secure this.

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ec43bb  No.14475591

File: 3186295e70f2a65⋯.jpg (146.32 KB, 564x832, 141:208, 68caf9831333e3667665d9b22d….jpg)

In the everyday world we attach “me” to our body and to that “me” we attach multiple defined identities. Religious, racial, social, economic –

How real are those defined identities?

To some of us they're extremely real.

To others, including most of the satanist pedovore cult con artists we contend with, none of those identities are real.

Our ethnic, racial and religious identities, to the cultist’s way of thinking, are simply masks, sheep's clothing, to be worn or exchanged at convenience.

Pedovores assume and discard Catholic, Jewish, evangelical protestant, and secular humanist identities as easily as they express right wing, left wing or centrist ideological positions. These labels are meaningless to pedovores who use our treasured identities as protective camouflage for the abduction and ritual abuse of our children as well as economic depredation.

Ideologies and dogmas are cognitive malware. They make effective smokescreens.

Whatever identity mask they adopt, cult pedovores need and seek access to vulnerable children.

We have found satanist pedovore cultists running major charitable organizations, respected foundations and reputable institutions which are collectively responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of national and international programs targeting “at risk” ie vulnerable children – all under pretext of helping.

Children's Defense Fund is a prime example of a pedovore social subversion weaponized as a charitable construct. CDF is endorsed by the biggest “stars” and executives in the entertainment business.


Most of the same people were also involved in starting the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, which gave pedovores both access to children and a heads-up early warning system because the creepy sham center for M&E children started the “Amber Alert Service” run by the evil pedovore Laura Silsby, arrested for kidnapping “orphaned” children (parents alive) in Haiti.


Pedovores are con artists, they steal your wallet and offer to help you look for it.

Similarly, when communities ask themselves, "who's going to care for our orphans?" Pedovores always have their hands up, and may style themselves Catholics Jews or evangelicals in order facilitate access.


Pedovores don't believe in national, religious or ethnic identities. cultists are identity-shifters who embed themselves in ethnic, religious or ideological communities and seek control of fund raising and identity defining structures.

Pedovore run such organizations today, and hide been hide the philanthropic reputation of do-gooder organizations.

This is information war, and that's how IW is fought.


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7c01b2  No.14475592


Was just thinking the same thing about my ability to post night shift memes. Just sad.

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ac33ed  No.14475593

Why are the shills pushing for anons to change/edit their host file?

Fuck off you fucking cocksucking retards

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76f51d  No.14475594


Kill the indoctrination centers by not sending your children there.

No students means no funding.

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043a0a  No.14475595

please call out notables

>>14475093 @444

>>14475127 Do any phonefags know how to edit host files on mobile?

>>14475102 Does our pulling out of AFG constitute the end of belligerent occupation by US?

>>14475141 @SLDelta45 Every day we get closer to standing up The Forge

>>14475209 AZ Violations of state law by counties, cities and towns; attorney general investigation; report; withholding of state shared revenues

>>14475219 Make Trudeau Afghanistan failures a top election issue!

>>14475249 Former CEO And COO Of JHL Biotech Convicted Of Conspiracy To Steal Trade Secrets And Commit Wire Fraud Exceeding $101 Million

>>14475284Fred Corbin has ⁣leaked Pfizer jab documents & access to the Wuhan labs "deleted" database

>>14475314 Found this free pdf download printable wallet Bill of Rights here:

>>14475317 DDoS Guard dumped 8kun (two weeks ago)


>>14475379 A student of University of Tennessee was dragged out of the classroom by police for not wearing a mask

>>14475404 [39] on Qclock today

>>14475419 RE: letter from a state agency saying employees have get vaxxed or weekly tests

>>14475477 Defund the Capitol Police

(not endorsements)


(for Windows)

>Step 1

- locate the Hosts file


Paste one of the IPs the bottom of the file: media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top

(admin privileges or cannot save)

>Step 2

- Open a command window and run ipconfig /flushdns

Images restored!


(For Linux/Mac)

>Step 1

Open a terminal

Type: sudo nano /etc/hosts

Paste one of the IPs the bottom of the file: media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top

>Step 2

Press: CTRL+X then Y

Refresh the page

Win Moar!

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5231ba  No.14475596


>Q not posting so much any more.

You misspelled at all.

Q died last year.

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03640c  No.14475597





Next act is jacking up interest rates and crashing the housing market.

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b6d676  No.14475598


Go nitpick somewhere else.

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ad10a5  No.14475599


Kind of negates the whole WWG1WGA motto

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d8002a  No.14475600



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ed8607  No.14475601


Each of these weapons has chips that in turn contain the Chinese spy microchip, therefore, these weapons have long been unsafe for the USA.

I believe that these weapons and vehicles will only be used for internal security purposes in AFG.

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0f0867  No.14475602

Now everyone is trying to do more than they should and treating people with expensive antibodies who don't need treatment.

>>Post exposure prophylaxis including BMI's greater than 25… come on…

Vaccinations are already leading to more mutations and carriers of these mutations and also putting other groups at much higher risks, including other vaccinated individuals.

There is some truth is yelling…ISOLATE THE VACCINATED

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76f51d  No.14475603

File: 2cbd470fc1081a1⋯.png (152.28 KB, 625x259, 625:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e742f  No.14475604


Wrong. You have not been paying attention. The DNS resolves to an unresponsive IP address.

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c0739c  No.14475605


If you say so.or not.

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4128f6  No.14475606



i hear oblivion

is nice this time of year

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45e8e8  No.14475607



inquiring minds.

i cut off updates ages ago on all devices.

we were warned of attacks.

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a03006  No.14475608











































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3c7ee3  No.14475609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2024 starts in 2022!

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7c01b2  No.14475610


Well, I agree with you, anon but seems strange that some of them knew they were gonna have an uptick in covid cases a week before they did.

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ceb30e  No.14475611


videos posts for some reason, can we get plane fag video shots?

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f33c4f  No.14475612


. •. . . . .

Nightshift . °. 🌔

•. •. .

. . °.

••• . .

. : . • .

. • ` • . . .

☁️ ☁️. ☁️

comfy 😔💤💤💤 🇺🇸 🧱 🧱 🧱 🧱 🧱🖥️⌨️🧱 🧱 🧱 🧱 🧱


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7c01b2  No.14475613



That should be the narrative

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afec9e  No.14475614

File: 9faf4c29fc13bd3⋯.jpg (39.12 KB, 538x430, 269:215, ZomboMeme_13062021093815.jpg)

File: 645cf4f01cfa8d2⋯.jpg (41.14 KB, 433x578, 433:578, ZomboMeme_14062021144206.jpg)

File: afc058647fc81c3⋯.jpg (109.36 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ZomboMeme_15062021150455.jpg)

File: d32539455cf5b61⋯.jpg (66.03 KB, 693x478, 693:478, ZomboMeme_26072021102946.jpg)

File: 654db280e3297d9⋯.jpg (49.4 KB, 538x405, 538:405, ZomboMeme_07082021175817.jpg)

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ed8607  No.14475615


>>14475411 At 2255 local time this evening, 4 rockets were fired into the Abdali Region, #Kuwait from Safwan, #Iraq.

>>14475440 Robert F. Kennedy's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, granted parole - AP

>>14475490 New Orleans mayor urges people to EVACUATE as Hurricane Ida strengthens, likely to hit city on anniversary of Katrina disaster

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894eda  No.14475616

I wonder how George W. Bush is doing these days with the anniversary of Katrina and 9/11 coming up…and with the Afghanistan withdrawal and another hurricane on the way.

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7c01b2  No.14475617

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3c7ee3  No.14475618

File: bf9d6dacbddd0e2⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 2208x2944, 3:4, 20210807_150937_3.jpg)

I will never give up. I will never give in.


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76f51d  No.14475619


Well, the cabal will cabal.

These people really are stupid.

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4128f6  No.14475620


he and Hunter

are opening a gallery

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45e8e8  No.14475621


direct threat by the deep state

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3c7ee3  No.14475622

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3e742f  No.14475623


I'm not entirely sure but it seems that Vdsina is host to DDos Guard which supplies DDoS protection to Vanwanet which supplies hosting services to 8kun.

Something like that. We need a networking expert to explain how this all connects together.

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e50ae5  No.14475624


>It's not the flu. It's a genetically engineered coronavirus that has influenza type H/N receptor 'qualities' and similarities. It will keep mutating, you are correct.


>It's pneumonia

it's a bioweapon that can cause pneumonia in many people

some get it some don't

Just recovering from covid with pneumonia.

started out as aches all over in areas which seem to be the most arthritic.

I could feel it go across by body, like waves of nausea, but not quite.

Never had a temp or fever, but just felt like I was burning up inside.

Then came pneumonia and difficulty in breathing.

And every time I took an antibiotic or ivermectin, I would feel on fire again for hours.

It was like I could feel the fight going on inside me.

I am sure there is some of Satan in the virus.

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868d0e  No.14475625


going on in ca too

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0f0867  No.14475626

File: 37c2d293426421c⋯.png (372.52 KB, 578x677, 578:677, Screenshot_at_Aug_27_17_44….png)

Dr. Malone… if the spike protein formed is causing so many issues, your stance is incorrect.

If you said this for vaccines targeting multiple antigens without creating spike, I would still disagree with you because the virus will just escape and you will keep trying.

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927bd0  No.14475627


Twisted Sister sucks even more now than they did 40 years ago.

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626902  No.14475628

My dear friends,

I just wanted to take a moment to express my sincerest gratitude to each of you who are truly seeking truth and wisdom and love. We are all family, we are all one human race. My wish and my drive is to instill upon you encouragement that the best is truly yet to come.

Together, we have weathered storm after storm, together we have endured, together we are still standing… and tomorrow we shall remain.

Upon our journey, we have overcome what most would consider "insurmountable" challenges and "impossible" feats. Tomorrow will be no different. Yes, there will be highs and there will be lows and that is WHY together throughout our struggles we will continue to strengthen the unbreakable bonds between us.

We are a nation of FAITH in GOD, whose kingdom will have no end, and it is that FAITH that drives us to seek the light, to seek out the TRUTH and it is LOVE that will unite us. Keep that in mind as we seek to enlighten those who are unwittingly enslaved by the machinations of the rulling ellite.

At the same time my friends (and make no mistake) the enemy's grip is getting tighter and their sole focus is on End-Game.

Remember, they live in fear, lack, doubt and limitation. That is WHY they are so desperate to control you, because they fear you, because they fear the light. That is WHY they crawl in darkness and scheme to defeat you. Just remember… the devil always overplays his hand.

It is YOU who is intended to tend to the garden and together my friends we will choose to pull the weeds with definiteness of purpose and together we will see it clean and green again.

Oz - https://t.me/OzResurrected/183


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ac33ed  No.14475629

BREAKING: Sirhan Sirhan granted parole.


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ceb30e  No.14475630


fire all union teachers

then all unions

then all political hacks

we need a round robin selection appointment and authorization of office like the elections

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3e742f  No.14475631


First, they came for Q.

Then they came for the images.

Then they forced anons to type in Cyrillic.

Then the kingdom was lost.

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3c7ee3  No.14475632

File: b6443b420f4b829⋯.jpg (3.35 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 20210723_084258.jpg)

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d8002a  No.14475633


WOULD LOVE to see every parent, across the country, pull their kids.

100% shut down the education system, until it's overhauled.

Parents with school-age kids need to take a stand. (Mine is grown.)

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2ed04c  No.14475634

Too good not view and share, albeit quite long it is well worth the time.


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b0a97e  No.14475635

File: e268ac0b28794c8⋯.jpg (7.82 KB, 249x203, 249:203, shiprock_new_mexico.jpg)


shiprock, new mexico

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afec9e  No.14475636


In my viewpoint, they should take isolated virus and have voluntary infection protocols for the extremely healthy with every intervention ready to deploy….Regeneron, Ivermectin, NAC, HCQ, Zinc.

Let people sign a waiver then take a week and be monitored, thereby giving them natural immunity.

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7c01b2  No.14475637

Maybe this is the

>10 days. Darkness.

Cant see in the dark.

We cant see anything on the board.

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d8002a  No.14475638


Flying HRC out?

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4128f6  No.14475639


>I am sure there is some of Satan in the virus.

I'll bet you're fun at parties.

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aff36f  No.14475640


> media.8kun.top

Yeah, I don't think so…

"Hosting Provider

Hostname: v441479.hosted-by-vdsina.ru

IP Server: Reg: , Updated:

Blacklist: Check Backlist Status

Country: Russian Federation

Latitude: 55.738602

Longitude: 37.606800"

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868d0e  No.14475641

Dark Winter- when the bioweapon takes effect and people are united by death

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ad10a5  No.14475642


That is the group of people, that would only LEARN from being isolated.

They're the ones out screaming like Karen's, the same groups of Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers, the Angry, Hateful, Fear mongers, who just aren't learning anything. They're the main reason this shit show is taking so long to unfold.

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10deba  No.14475643

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d8002a  No.14475644


My bad… it's prolly that cow from GA, Abrammmms

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4128f6  No.14475645



g cat.png

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afec9e  No.14475646


You can't stop rock and roll.

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988f00  No.14475647

File: 43e977dba4b79ec⋯.png (756.19 KB, 988x522, 494:261, killist.png)

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3c7ee3  No.14475648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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8747e9  No.14475649


Clog the news cycle

>Sirhan Sirhan gets paroled

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56c83d  No.14475650


Do you own a business? If not, its not that easy, you have to con them and eventually get a lawyer

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3e742f  No.14475651


The bread title is "Improvise, Adapt, Overcome".

Fuck off, shill.

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868d0e  No.14475652


Memes are the windows to the hive mind

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988f00  No.14475653

hey I wanna make memes

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45e8e8  No.14475654


i feel it, it is a epic responsibility when you dig that deep.

not going anywhere of my own accord.


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626902  No.14475655


dark winter…. for which hemisphere?


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e4afb4  No.14475656

File: 3904c98215ee85d⋯.jpg (397.23 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, WWG1WGA.jpg)

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5231ba  No.14475657

To all the glowies and legacy MSM lurkers here… please explain why China calls it the "New Crown" virus.

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