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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 65d62ff6f6d3cfd⋯.jpg (70.94 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 65d62ff6f6d3cfdf144d923047….jpg)

8e88b7 No.1318518

Welcome To Q Research General

Q's New Tripcode Now Whitelisted by BO

See >>1306834

Q has made a new personal board at >>>/patriotsfight/

Catalog address https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/catalog.html

Q has also changed tripcode, see QPosts below

Q's NewTripcode: Q !2jsTvXXmXs

Q's OldTripcode: Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 5.04.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/65 ——- The World is Connected. (JKerry_Traitor.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/64 ——- THE SWAMP IS BEING DRAINED (Justice_1.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/63 ——- A rigged system (Justice_.png)

>>>/patriotsfight/62 ——- [OnReady] (Justice.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/58 ——- Whitelist on /qresearch/ – Deleted, see >>1298468 , >>1303388

>>>/patriotsfight/2 ——– Trip Conf – Deleted, see >>1298492 , >>1302636 (full thread captures)

>>>/patriotsfight/1 ——– Tripcode Update – Deleted

>>1298146 —————— /patriotsfight/

Wednesday 5.02.2018

>>1280616 —————— (Shipping Pallets)

>>1280036 —————— (Apple HQ)

>>1280030 —————— (JetBlue taking off from San Jose?)

Monday 4.30.2018

>>1249365 —————— Knowing what you know now.

>>1248119 —————— Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.

>>1247406 —————— No name out.

>>1244154 —————— Emmy awards. Red carpet event?

>>1243783 rt >>1243759 Assets in place.

>>1243605 rt >>1243593 EagerLion18: Live fire exercise with Jordanian Marines.

>>1243597 rt >>1243510 Connect. No coincidences.

>>1243510 —————— Pompeo visits Jordan.

Sunday 4.29.2018

>>1242689 rt >>1242682 (Q verifies anonymous post)

>>1242682 rt >>1242608 rt >>1242545 R=18 (QAnon ID:038c68)

>>1242619 rt >>1241774 , >>1241803 Do you believe in Coincidences?

>>1233880 rt >>1233553 Operators have died. They lay down their lives so that others may live, FREE!

>>1233553 rt >>1233458 Personal thank you to (you).

>>1233458 —————— Be careful who you are following.

Saturday 4.28.2018

>>1229092 rt >>1228857 Stay strong. Stay united. BOOM week ahead.

>>1228613 rt >>1228588 Noted:IP-Ghost:

>>1228588 rt >>1228489 You know that we know. You know what we have. Your move.

>>1218893 rt >>1218465 We are in this together

Find Previous Q Posts at: qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

Backup Q Posts


Board Rules >>3138

NEWBIES >>1254488

* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Redpill for normies >>1087693 Proof POTUS was behind Q even before he appeared on the chans.

>>1071025 How to Quickly Spot a Shill

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill


1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING''' link to 8ch.

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1126202 , >>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1127332 For Website mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

8e88b7 No.1318523


are not endorsements


>>1318440 - Huckabee Trolls Kerry

>>1318398 - Iran using US Currency theirs imploding

>>1318191 - Buffet Stock Fuckery?

>>1318010 - FBI Docs on Clinton Investigation


>>1317679 - Pakistan Interior Minister shot, assassination attempt

>>1317065 - Missing 1 Gram of Weapons Grade Plutonium from Idaho State Uni.

>>1317094 - Apple, Buffett, Still Highly Aligned with the Cabal?

>>1317100 - BiBi Netanyahu, Irael conflict with Iran better now than later

>>1317119 - UK's data privacy watchdog orders Cambridge Analytica to hand over Info on a US Academic

>>1317124 - US Dept of Defense "Boom" tweet

>>1317134 , >>1317571 - Judge denies Mueller's delay request "troll farm" case

>>1317137 - Macron claims war could ensue if DJT withdraws from 2015 Iran deal (sabre rattling)

>>1317380 - Britain to stay in EU army, even after Brexit.

>>1317221 - George Soros will be forced by BSG Resources' Lawsuit (New York Fed Court) to answer for Manipulating Guinea Economy

>>1317265 - FBI Vault, lost Hillary's Dell PowerEdge290

>>1317369 - House/Unredacted Russia Report. Catches Comey in a lie on Mike Flynn

>>1317290 - >>1317379 Turkey habbenings

>>1317619 - New Qresearch JavaScript (Updated Q tripcode)


>>1315662 "Draft Trade TPs" (Podesta e-mails)

>>1315756 Leaker In The Interior Department Has Been Found

>>1315821 Analysis of "Godfather III"

>>1315822 Fatal rape of Heather O'Rourke?

>>1315849 AT&T to ask SCOTUS to reverse 9th Circuit decision...

>>1315746 Sara Ruth Ashcraft on twatter (SRA), >>1315877 "Sara Ruth Ashcraft is a made up name."

>>1315901 Barron's being bullied at school?

>>1316019 China seizes 1.3 TONS of cocaine.


>>1314587 China Trip/Pritzker Dinner (Podesta e-mails)

>>1314682 Anon identifies the blue pallet company...

>>1314761 "The United States Should Seize on Iran's Currency Crisis"

>>1315082 #Kilauea erupting (twatter video)

>>1315111 Operation Smile & Swift Trucking & YMCA

>>1315133 DAM RIGHT KANYE WEST!!! (youtube)

>>1315177 What to do with monuments with satanic symbology?, >>1315238 Divine in origin?


>>1314121 Children in Jordan denied equal rights

>>1314139 Judge rejects Mueller's request for delay in Russian troll farm case

>>1313988 The Iran deal is dead – Iran killed it

>>1313816 , >>1313840 Bio Hazardous symbol on the pallets?

>>1313796 Do the pallets contain adrenochrome?

>>1313791 More on no-name's funeral arrangements

>>1313772 Sudan situation: Dig

>>1313349 Is there a laser war happening off the coast of Djibouti?


>>1313529 NXIVM: It's truly HABBEDING

>>1313527 Trudeau's Islamification continues unabated

>>1312992 Party Naked by Ryan McGinness (and VJ?)

>>1313373 Saudi Arabia and the 5 Trump Towers apartments

>>1312971 Sales of Celgene’s marquee cancer drug surge as Trump's price-crackdown looms

>>1312949 USS Harry Truman Begins Operations Against ISIS

>>1313036 Alison Mack wears goat head earings

>>1313134 Does Jennifer Pena (Pence's doctor), have ties to NXIVM?

>>1313131 MILITARY PARADE - 11:11

>>Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

>>1312902 More on NXIVM's Dr. Mengele


>>1312553 U2/Bono & fallen angels. Message sent. Did you catch it?

>>1312531 NXIVM: Dr. Brandon Porter charged for illegally conducting human experiments

>>1312494 , >>1312519 Obama & Bush to give eulogies at no-name's eventual funeral

>>1312178 US and South Korea to detail plans for nuclear-free North by 2020

>>1312147 Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti getting paid by Perkins Coie

>>1312044 'Welcome to Camp America, Inside Guantanamo Bay'

>>1312043 Fake news is technically illegal

>>1312036 Scientific study: Meditation & Prayer works

>>1312696 Notable Old People Deaths Update

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

8e88b7 No.1318530

Your continued help collecting Notable posts from each bread is greatly appreciated.

Help collect the gems that fall here, they are too ephemeral and precious to disappear in the chaff

ThanQ for all your assistance in collecting Notable posts.

The fruits of our labors should not be lost in the chaff of shills, shitposters & clowns.

EVERYTHING of value should be saved offline on multiple formats.

Please keep in mind, not all of these things are verified. In case you're unaware,

you should be critical towards everything you read on the internet.


To highlight a notable post, please format your post using the following below.

Call for the bakers attention (Red text is acceptable), link the post number in question

and write a short description on the same line as the linked post. Here's an example:




Baker Notable

>>####### <Brief description of notable> (Without any brackets, quotes, etc.)


War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>16785 ----- Prayer

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>566073 --- Q Cards Collection

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>169315 --- Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>1233401 - All Executive Orders

>>1241760 - Shill posters

>>1243929 - JFK Files released

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1009786 - DARPA/FB/Lifelog/5g/2020

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1276151 - Military Plane Crashes

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1309459 - all things CORSI and BEANZ discussion

>>1310117 - for anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

8e88b7 No.1318532

Quick Access Tools

Q Graphics all in GMT

>>1185216 Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

>>1185220 Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

>>1185224 Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

>>1185089 Q Graphics all in GMT #16 >>>/comms/951

>>1185101 Q Graphics all in GMT #17 >>>/comms/952

>>1185120 Q Graphics all in GMT #18 >>>/comms/953

>>1287664 Q Graphics all in GMT #19 >>>/comms/987

>>1287685 Q Graphics all in GMT #20

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

>>1147103 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-07_2018-04-09_Read carefully).jpg ————— >>>/comms/965

>>1147098 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-03_2018-04-07_Open the door.jpg —————- >>>/comms/964

>>1147092 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-10_2018-04-03_Safe.jpg —————————– >>>/comms/963

>>1147087 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-06_2018-03-10_More coming.jpg —————— >>>/comms/962

>>1147080 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-23_2018-03-06_Eyes in the SKY.jpg ————- >>>/comms/961

>>1147072 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-15_2018-02-22_DISTRACTION.jpg ————— >>>/comms/960

>>1147063 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-07_2018-02-14_PAY THE PRICE.jpg ———— >>>/comms/959

>>1147057 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-31_2018-02-07_Think intel.jpg

>>1147051 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-26_2018-01-31_FREEDOM DAY_.jpg ———– >>>/comms/958

>>1147032 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-13_2018-02-05]].jpg

>>1147018 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-28_2017-11-20]].jpg ———————————- >>>/comms/957

>>1147010 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-29_2017-11-09]](lastconfirmed).png ————– >>>/comms/956

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 17,000 memes and infographs.


Memes: Stockpiles

Memes20 >>1232995, 19 >>1144040, 18 >>1027465

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Resources Library

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.0.0 [updated 5/5]) >>1314112

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Updated Q archives: qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools.

* Qcode guide to abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS-tweet archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form. https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge >>1176816 http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link >>851957

* archive.is / https://web.archive.org

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* LEGAL NEWS: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert app can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub (vetted by >>968129 )

NEW Federal Procurement Data System fpds.gov >>1300457 https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283



Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! For God & Country!

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

8e88b7 No.1318538

File: 21cb9d38bcceb0a⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1022x681, 1022:681, kennedy.PNG)



Prior Bread





8abbce No.1318559

>>1318552 (prev bread)

We are building a parallel construction using open source info.

Of coarse it's legit

e0ad88 No.1318560

File: 74dbd27e54fd73f⋯.jpg (229.4 KB, 869x695, 869:695, BOOM.jpg)

a4b3ae No.1318561

File: 853abf46467331f⋯.jpg (16.8 KB, 600x400, 3:2, spice.jpg)

A pinch of spice

Makes the bread real nice

ba3cd2 No.1318562

File: 31debe3b6ffc76a⋯.jpg (154.54 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GA23.jpg)

a10ff8 No.1318563

File: af967d25f3aa838⋯.jpg (120.05 KB, 700x960, 35:48, muellerpardon.jpg)

>>1318257 (last bread)

Definitely a Keeper. Good time to bring this to back the forefront. Future proves past?

ba3cd2 No.1318564

File: 4f472442bdb34a0⋯.jpg (339.63 KB, 1242x1241, 1242:1241, Katherine-Timpf-Thanks-U-B….jpg)

b0c242 No.1318565

File: f083a5f4979f18f⋯.jpg (166.15 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Blaa-set.jpg)


The classic color code for messages

e5c42c No.1318566

con Sn from that lb

filing PR 0931

a9243f No.1318567


I bet she would love to see that

470aeb No.1318568

File: d44053a07085c96⋯.png (282.87 KB, 425x665, 85:133, 58765879613323.png)

d862ae No.1318570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it better not be assisted suicide shit, blast those faggots, iran gets dibs for trophy purposes, idk what the hollodeck turned out, there might be a talking one on a plate in the owrks.

730f7a No.1318571

File: 07e1b0cd25526ec⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1000x800, 5:4, Queen 4.png)

469d56 No.1318572

File: 73d7424295a0f2e⋯.png (15.98 KB, 864x159, 288:53, ClipboardImage.png)


(prev bread) Lawfag: https ://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/3002

Can you explain what this means?

b9d6d4 No.1318573


Again, good dig on Avenatti (Stormy lawyer, Rahm connects), don't have post from last bread but this is dig:

https:// threadreaderapp.com/thread/992241369023365120.html


8cd705 No.1318574


sorry Anon…not true.

I did it…K-5 through Highschool.

Taught my 2 kids EXACTLY what I wanted them to learn…TRUTH…unadulterated.

They can think critically and are not inlfluenced by peer garbage.

They took the SAT's, did fine, both have college degrees and jobs.

Colleg degrees are STEM.

Only thing I can say is that each state is different - some require yearly standardized testing, some do not. Our state does not. I did the testing anyways…they tested off the charts.

It can be done - (((BEST thing I ever did with my life.)))

88d1ea No.1318575

File: 6223328c122ae98⋯.png (19.42 KB, 300x300, 1:1, tot.png)


I believe we are getting ready to see a wonderful TOT barrage.

**Time On Target (TOT) is the military co-ordination of artillery fire by many weapons so that all the munitions arrive at the target at precisely the same time. The military standard[which?] is plus or minus three seconds from the prescribed time of impact.

5c1b4c No.1318576

These people are sick. Maybe they are MK'd. Sick as in ill. We are getting exposure. News, hollywood, DC. Parkland. Sick/ill. Exposure of the cure, Kanye/ Awakening.

9dd989 No.1318577

>>1318468 (prev.)

>>1318195 Interdasting CDANs


>not familiar with how to read CDAN

myself, to be honest.

but simultaneously annoying and fun, in their own way, they are. (and considering the difficult subject matter, that's quite a feat)

i guess it's like that for Q for a lot of anons...

ba3cd2 No.1318578


Melania deserves to know just how much we are honored to have her as FLOTUS. She is special.

e5c42c No.1318579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can I join?

8e88b7 No.1318580

New Baker Requested

New Baker Requested

New Baker Requested

cebe4a No.1318581


I love that thought.

A total thunderfuck approach.

730f7a No.1318582


Dear Q+

When will POTUS END the Dept. of Education?

43bd51 No.1318583


d862ae No.1318584



8cd705 No.1318585

File: 6848bf0f9044612⋯.jpg (52.96 KB, 491x591, 491:591, Flotus 5 6 18.JPG)

7ca479 No.1318586

Since the inception of the Department of Education in 1980, the AFT and the NEA have given upwards of $100 million in political contributions, about 95 percent of which goes to Democrats.

Abolish the Department of Education. The safety of your children and the existence of this republic depends on it.

3fc94a No.1318587


Behind every successful man stands a mother-in-law that's rolling her eyes.

8131ea No.1318588


Oh, you mean shit like how to virtue signal?

Or shit like how to omit historical fact to suit their own agenda?

Like that?


730f7a No.1318589

File: 292f6c6ec0122a3⋯.png (818.72 KB, 940x814, 470:407, qUEEN4.png)

185cc3 No.1318590


udderly shameful cows

8abbce No.1318591


I'm no lawfag.

But it simply means that "United states" is a corporation working at a federal level.

cebe4a No.1318592


It is early in the 3rd quarter. Buncha football left

a85266 No.1318593

5 military helos just went overhead. Northeast of Atlanta

Had 5 go over in a different location on Friday am.

Certainly not normal for the areas

d862ae No.1318594

File: 9380e20bda75b81⋯.jpg (73.42 KB, 500x270, 50:27, batersgonnabate.jpg)

melania is the opposite of treason

ba3cd2 No.1318595


The Queen anon, she can outmanoeuvre every piece on the board and would die to defend her King.

d2e4e3 No.1318596

Q: [Pope] will be having a terrible May.

May starts with announced trial of Cardinal Pell on "historical abuse".

Q: What is the purpose of a laser pointer?

Focus. Yes, but. Distract? Think cat. Think how easily POTUS distracts MSM with Red Dot tweets.

Pell sent to Vatican to reform and audit Vatican Bank finances.

December 2014, discovers $1B+ "tucked away… did not appear on balance sheet".

Pushback. March 2015. Pell accused of lavishness.

Push on. Pell. PwC Audit.

Pushback. June 2016. Audit "indefintely suspended". July 2016. Pell charged in Aus. No more Pell.

Why was Pell removed? Who cancelled audit? Why?

Pell guilty? Unimportant. Red Dot.

Q: Godfather III.

Synopsis: Vatican Finance linked to mafia. Good Pope threat, [removed].

Pope Benedict. Vatileaks. Financial pressure. SWIFT. ATMs locked. "Resigned". ATMs reinstated day after.

Pope Francis. Elected. Pressure removed. Off script assigning Pell. Red Dot. Pell gone. Script back on track. Francis submissive.

Q: Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT>

Q: Supervisory Commission of Cardinals.

Cardinal Parolin. Secretary of State. Prior assignments. Vietnam, China, Venezuela, Cuba. Pushed out Pell. Dig.

Others: Abril y Castelló, Collins, Schönborn, Tauran, Bozanic. Prelate: Ricca. Dig.

Q: Vatican Bank (IOR). $229B. Board of Superintendence (BoS).

Focus: Clown connections. Rothschild connections.

- Jean-Baptiste Douville de Franssu, President of BoS, Chairman of INCIPIT, former CEO of Invesco Europe, tasked with ridding IOR of money laundering.

- Scott C. Malpass, USA, recently assigned to BoS, 25 years managed Notre Dame USA endowment, one of largest in USA ($12b).

- Mauricio Larraín, Chile, Santander Bank Group, Inter-Alpha Group. Who owns? Who controls? ++

- Javier Marín Romano, Spain, also Banco Santander, IAG. Who owns? Who controls? ++

- Sir Michael Hintze, British-Australian. Who are his parents? Where born? How do his hedge funds profit? <- Important. Who recently visited his owned property (Deltroit) in Australia?

- Georg Freiherr von Boeselager. How was he appointed to BoS? Who was his father? Who was his uncle? Wermacht. Who is his brother? Brother heads which Order? Why was brother forced out of SMOM? Why reinstated? (Submissive.) What was SMOM caught doing?

- Red Dot: Mary Ann Glendon, USA, resigned Feb 16, former GWB Vatican ambassador. What honor did she refuse? Why? What/who has she fought since 1995? Why?

Reiterate: Godfather III. Financial crimes at Vatican Bank. Terrible May?

Anons/Autists: Focus. Let the MSM chase the Red Dot.










cbf725 No.1318597


Good job, Anon!

730f7a No.1318598

File: 43e2d2e497663b7⋯.png (8.45 KB, 255x182, 255:182, 11190f173820237c9c43269d6f….png)

fc32e2 No.1318599


they turned The United States of America into


133cb5 No.1318600


And those in charge should not be allowed anywhere near kids in the future

9dd989 No.1318601

File: b59394f687a1345⋯.png (14.47 KB, 607x370, 607:370, kill it with FIRE.PNG)

why won't it diiiiie

1c5463 No.1318602

File: 9d7e575622570f8⋯.png (498.22 KB, 527x521, 527:521, IMG_2209.PNG)


The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators

bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land.

The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute,

to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for a law which

violates the Constitution to be valid. This is succinctly stated as


"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and

void." Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)

"When rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there

can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them."

Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 US 436 p. 491.

"An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it

imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it

is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never

been passed." Norton vs. Shelby County 118 US 425 p. 442

"The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though

having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is

wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since

unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment, and not

merely from the date of the decision so branding it.

"No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts

are bound to enforce it." 16 Am Jur 2nd, Sec 177 la

752d0e No.1318603


>who ran operations of the Deep State

The Deep State, strictly speaking, is largely just a mass of left leaning Washington DC fixtures whose entire lives (family, friends, etc) have come to depend on the bureaucracy. They 'resist' just out of some warped sense of patriotism and sense of govt's proper role in society.

Providing them gentle direction nudges and signalling are the politicians, MSM, and highly connected SES folks.

The SES folks take their direction from the permanent intelligensia, think tanks, senior politicians and their appointed department leaders.

Those take direction from the elite, via monetary and power handouts.

The CIA is just the secret police force to keep everyone in line. Bush was a cappo. Now Brennan.

040250 No.1318604


This is very clear and explained well.

e88b3f No.1318605

What is the latest word on [P] and rough month of May?

d862ae No.1318606

who wants ti disect the old pink panther cartoons

8abbce No.1318607



I'm saying if you want your kid to work somewhere s/he needs the exam papers.

And yes that means teaching faulty history and propaganda.

a9243f No.1318608



I often picture in my mind, when she is under attack from the nutcases, her standing at the front of the WH and Patriots forming a circle around her, arms at the ready. We love ur Flotus and would die protecting her.

c36bd4 No.1318609


It's the 3rd quarter and we have given the ball to the opponent on every possession.

0 yards. 0 points. Down 24-0.

730f7a No.1318610

File: 54ff6356ea847b3⋯.png (483.1 KB, 551x666, 551:666, melania4.png)


GOD save our Queen

9dd989 No.1318611


P thread: >>885933 — P=C

8abbce No.1318612



Is this a surprise to you?

a60113 No.1318613

File: e08870e7b87eec2⋯.png (80.6 KB, 1000x630, 100:63, MUELLERTIME.png)

b3e5df No.1318614

File: f037793673c75cd⋯.png (278.48 KB, 521x405, 521:405, ClipboardImage.png)

These people are stupid!

d862ae No.1318615

File: c73eb85b9a604ef⋯.jpg (37.88 KB, 785x472, 785:472, 24131192_afcbaf3488_o.jpg)


there are no kings of the sea only god

there are no kings of the sea only god

cebe4a No.1318616


How dare you intervene in their lynching of the lawfag. They were so persistent as to carry it over from the last bread - as if anyone gives a shit. Lol

Let me tell you shills what. Go file your Sovereign Citizen papers in your local courthouse and don't file taxes. The government will be on your ass like Waco.

470aeb No.1318617

File: 905b617dd6ad554⋯.png (787.48 KB, 835x622, 835:622, 547886547465.png)


43bd51 No.1318618


ur a fair weather fan

fc32e2 No.1318619



oops caps

i been researching all this stuff for years

ba3cd2 No.1318620


If I had to swim the Atlantic to help her I would. Irishanon ;)

9dd989 No.1318621


>can be done

sure, but not everyone has the knowledge to be passed down, the ability and time to do it, etc, and meanwhile the public schools would be left to rot?

Good on ya, but no reason not to work on fixing that, too.

a110d8 No.1318622

File: b07c2e8b8fa1dd7⋯.jpeg (599.89 KB, 1242x972, 23:18, 318AC18A-EBDD-4B40-9F26-B….jpeg)

So it would appear that TG’s role here, was to knock the case on the head/ Last nail in the case’s coffin.

Trey Gowdy dropped a bombshell that brought Mueller’s investigation crashing down.

The centerpiece of Robert Mueller’s investigation surrounds former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

Mueller is trying to build the case that Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in order to stop the investigation into Flynn.

But Trey Gowdy revealed a secret that brought the whole case tumbling down.

Last October, Mueller obtained a guilty plea against Flynn for lying to investigators in January 2017 about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador.

But the agents who interviewed Flynn at the time did not believe he was untruthful.

During his media tour, Comey claimed he never told Congress the FBI did not believe Flynn lied.

That statement was itself a lie.

Trey Gowdy revealed that there are transcripts of Comey’s testimony where he flatly states Flynn did not lie.

If the FBI did not think Flynn lied, then Trump was not disrupting an investigation into him.

Flynn was in no legal danger.

There was nothing to obstruct.

The obstruction case has always been weak.

But thanks to Trey Gowdy it is now nonexistent.



88d1ea No.1318623

File: 08b7ed75cf5b8f3⋯.png (38.39 KB, 1128x594, 188:99, tot.png)



8abbce No.1318624


Sorry my bad. Forgot to distinguish ID's

<You are all the same person I am having a conversation with… kek

b99330 No.1318625


damn. this stronzo is on msm everyday. check it bakers.

1c5463 No.1318626


The Gods put their faith in (YOU) anon,

No pressure…

470aeb No.1318627

File: 6fcefdfa865e286⋯.png (779.34 KB, 835x622, 835:622, 96898962138110838035168055….png)

d862ae No.1318628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

tower of babel econ,

lie worship

gossip rumours dellusions snark

reality poisoning, qresearch

e5c42c No.1318629

94 is old

e9cc1c No.1318630


lawfag here

ok anons - nothing would please me more than to undermine the govt but these ideas have been vetted and discarded as junk

i peronally ran down each rabbot hole to see what is there

the topics are very borad and involve many different legal concepts and factual histories

they take some germs of fact and truth to persuade people the whole thing is real and correct

the classic scam in other words

when i researched it i was efficient because i know law and history but im not writing a book

you can easily find prosecutions of folks asserting that status - same with the treasury acct scam

as far as corporate status there are some such as the postal service, FDIC and so on for accounting and other practical reasons mostly but not the entire govt which is as stated in the constitution

these have zero practical or legal impact one way or the other

if you want to follow the rabbit holes go ahead

i do not want to do it again and then have to explain it just to have shills say No it isnt

e88b3f No.1318631


thx anon. C is indeed the master

10901a No.1318632

8b01ac No.1318633

File: cd308d83871125d⋯.png (397.57 KB, 498x639, 166:213, Bomber_png.png)


We have the means of delivery too. Our approach works.

d862ae No.1318634


every tool has a time and place , some left where they were needed the most, some forgotten,

fc32e2 No.1318635


np, we all do it from time to time

5c35d5 No.1318636


is this talking about Arpaio's pardon? GEOTUS only has three thus far, I believe.


a9243f No.1318637


Are there Articles of Incorporation?

ba3cd2 No.1318638


Not if you're 93

cebe4a No.1318640


On definitions we disagree but that is fine. I appreciate your thoughts. Who would you think might have the actual power to run it (other than the President) if you run this scenario?

fc32e2 No.1318641


so true

b2b554 No.1318642

File: a5206ba13f1babc⋯.png (1.19 MB, 678x613, 678:613, Bread #1652.png)

e88b3f No.1318643


happy too. instructions?

a9243f No.1318644




C serves the Master

c8216f No.1318646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Adnan Sakli 2013 VS the powers that want to enslave the people (embedded). Good insight on high level signatory rights, that includes legal ownership of countries.

Here longer documentations for more insights.



d862ae No.1318647

File: 0ebaa4fc814a1c0⋯.jpg (33.03 KB, 480x343, 480:343, flatsuntheory.jpg)

still true

e9cc1c No.1318648



some depts are federal corporations

like usps and fdic

040250 No.1318649


Who is the Master?

9dd989 No.1318650



guys, discussing the finer points of that is what the thread is for

8b01ac No.1318651


Most likely to be found when the Rothschilds bought the Federal Reserve.

e88b3f No.1318652


was reading C as Christ.

d20b80 No.1318653


Says Mueller, 2nd paragraph. He's the subject.

Re: your link, 40% public, 60% private.

c30e55 No.1318654


who run barter town

3d2068 No.1318655


I thought a lawfag could spell better.

7ca479 No.1318656

File: de2d847124cab62⋯.jpg (82.89 KB, 605x767, 605:767, Eqy7w7W0siVFHE10WMnBZX404C….jpg)

cebe4a No.1318657


And I still like it!

e9cc1c No.1318658


wronlg link

was supposed to be about the usa is a corporation shillfags

e2d42a No.1318659





4bff8c No.1318660

Any arrests yet?

Laughing out loud


e9cc1c No.1318661


legal sec job

307dd6 No.1318662

File: c3db0658838d078⋯.mp4 (4.6 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Donald Trump Rally in Moon….mp4)

File: e458f1282ed4ac8⋯.png (63.06 KB, 1286x496, 643:248, BREXIT .PNG)




you know what i mean.

sauce: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDEPsS9eR6E

cebe4a No.1318663


As long as you don't forget that you are really talking to yourself then you will be fine. We all are.

9060d2 No.1318664


Fake and gay.

8e88b7 No.1318665



They are right above the Pastebin.

I would say hold off trying to make the next bread. But practice in comms

If no one grabs it Ill try and get you setup for 1655, practice and THANK you for stepping up to learn.

8131ea No.1318666


It's clear that you've not expanded your thinking.


e5c42c No.1318667

trees, roots….grow with the light of God

when a limb is broken at about 5 and the designated gardeners don't allow any to provide immediate help, the tree develops a way around.

b0791d No.1318668


Is this script from the ADL

469d56 No.1318669


Nobody is shilling. Just trying to gain an understanding. Just because you think it's not true doesn't make others shills.

The whole bank account garbage is stupid, but otherwise the act of 1871 is something I'm not really able to understand yet.

e9cc1c No.1318670



dead end anon

shills started this crap

ae51fd No.1318671

File: c497d23a71e9fdf⋯.png (901.11 KB, 768x512, 3:2, fake-and-gay.png)

07c860 No.1318672


I get the feeling you do your laundry in the dishwasher because it has a soap dispenser in it too. Telling it like it is, keeping it real, is not negative. Only a snowflake would characterize those tweets that way.

You might want to try 6 weeks of boot camp…great some perspective on why those tweets are designed the way they are. People come to realize the sticks and stones of reality convo doesn't equate to an unnatural fear of bursting into flames upon hearing. Instead it gives them the eye's to see so they can't be played by a silver tongue dripping with sweets that will cause them to go into heart failure someday.

2abf4c No.1318673


Why would someone attend an anti-gun protest with armed guards? Certainly then one is not anti-gun, but anti-consequence-of-improper-gun-usage, aka. MKUltra control and extreme political, racial, economic and religious division causing conflict and wars.

If only she understood that a bit more, we'd all be united far sooner!

e9cc1c No.1318674



shillfag issue

ce9933 No.1318675

File: 311a2345e31ca99⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB, 626x360, 313:180, The man I voted for.mp4)

Trump is absolutely one of America's best presidents without a doubt.

Go Trump/Q

88d1ea No.1318676


Maybe not public - but I bet GTMO is busy

5c35d5 No.1318677


>He's the subject.

that part was not clear to me…thx anon

a9243f No.1318678


Sadly, it is not non existent at this point. Flynn pled guilty to a criminal charge. That does not simply go away until a Judge makes a determination. In addition, there are plea deals Flynn agreed to that he must still continue to obey.

e9cc1c No.1318679



e1c727 No.1318680


Was there a weekly address this week?

df60cc No.1318681


You're correct. You're no lawfag. You're a moron.

8abbce No.1318682


But you have?

Is the view nice from the top of that pedistal?

7ca479 No.1318683



Thanks Anon

a9243f No.1318684


Cheers Irishanon.

4bff8c No.1318685


Speculation is no better than masturbation

Laughing out loud


5cd0de No.1318686


Not a lawfag. It's just as it reads though, a Federal corporation.. Next, look up the legal definition of corporation. It fits (de facto government).


Not a problem anon

ba3cd2 No.1318687

File: b66187487d59d77⋯.jpg (125.94 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ShillTards.jpg)


Is that you Davmicrot?

f97232 No.1318688

File: ea90abba53b5ab0⋯.jpg (119.8 KB, 615x615, 1:1, McCainfullofshit.jpg)

8abbce No.1318689

File: 7df7f17eb0f1ec2⋯.png (12.99 KB, 193x255, 193:255, 15074aac0695157aa089051f00….png)


Great argument i'll take it into consideration…

1568a7 No.1318690

9a1b1a No.1318691


Q we going to war with iran???????

92e269 No.1318692

>>1318389 last bread

Based on your color code chart

red = 2

blue = 6

white = 9

Based on the pallet layout - blue blue white red blue white white

6+6+9+2+6+9+9=47 maybe re read crumbs on 4/7


1568a7 No.1318693


Yes. You really had to ask that.

65fb41 No.1318694



040250 No.1318695


Moderate amount is healthy

e1c727 No.1318696

2abf4c No.1318697


Let's lurk a bit more there, shall we? And I don't mean just in a "learn to recognize who is who" way.

17cadc No.1318698

File: f2bdef7b770c440⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1003x530, 1003:530, ClipboardImage.png)


Could it be that these pallets from Q's pic were filled with cash? Cash that was supplied by the BIS or some Central Bank to fund Deep State ops against our country and POTUS?

Could it be that MI stepped in and intercepted the delivery of this package? Now the Dod is showing us that they got the cash drop - no money for you deep state. Maybe it was going to Apple?? Not sure!

Could any of this tie into Corsi and why he all of a sudden got SO angry and lost his mind?

df60cc No.1318699


Fake fuck! How are you and the Mrs.?

4bff8c No.1318700


Already in progress


730f7a No.1318701

File: 77c4723a026649d⋯.png (105.92 KB, 1487x736, 1487:736, jan 18 5.png)

File: 102add2a8bcdbbe⋯.png (955.16 KB, 1438x611, 1438:611, jan 18 4.png)

File: 2c520994fdb3bee⋯.png (1020.84 KB, 1424x619, 1424:619, jan 18 3.png)

File: 81f44844e0bdbdc⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1434x642, 239:107, jan 18 2.png)

File: ba0693202a714b0⋯.png (485.08 KB, 1458x642, 243:107, jan 18.png)


if the 111 days hold true.

next future proves past is on May 9th

pictures related

4cc30e No.1318702


Man that's a well done meme Anon!

9dd989 No.1318703

>>1318643 >>1318665

here's copypasta of directions written yesterday, but i might be making it look worse than it is, though:

basically posting like here, you just need to know the ritual… i work with notepad++, 4tabs for each part, another for the whole for the pastebin, editing/copypasting pieces as needed.

For the notables, we tried a new recipe the other day, it was going pretty fast and another anon took charge of notables completely, posting near the end of thread, it worked beautifully.

i do as follows:

-get pastebin, open in Notepad++

-have 5 files: dough1, 2, 3, 4, paste1642(xxxx)

-open 2 catalog tabs, and another one for pastebin newpaste ready (and current bread of course)

-catalogtab1, create new thread, paste section1

-quadruplecheck the number & name (Subject field) of the thread

-collect notables, adjust parts as needed, etc

-post… often it cycles at 100% but doesn't finish, that is why the 2nd catalog tab:

refresh, until new bread appears (not very long, usually, but sometimes needs 2 refreshes)

-then go in your new bread, can close the other tab no problem, post sections 2,3,4, copy all that to the new pastebin

-paste that link to archive/hand-off dough

-tag your first post/link to bread, prepare your NEW BREAD post

-don't post it too soon, because anons then just go




and that SUCKS.

oh, and the timing in general, that's a bit tricky. If not too fast you can wait until gets close to 700, but starting baking, go earlier, around 650, to be safe.

any other questions?

>>>/comms/154 for moar

fc32e2 No.1318704

File: 3d7efe5be8fc72c⋯.jpg (308.31 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, newmoney.jpg)


they sold us out to bankers

instead of printing our own money and backing it up

by our reserves of gold and having coins made out of real silver

we borrow play money from bankers with a high interest rate.

almost all of the taxes collected goes to pay the interest alone

we never pay any on the principle.

not hard to understand really.

bd86ab No.1318705


This was mega anon. Posts compiled here. She called alot of stuff early. She says she carried JA's passport in her purse at one time. She called alot of stuff accurately. She for a time said Q was a larp but then changed her mind near the end of her postings. I do miss her.


d862ae No.1318706

File: 5590dd03d106a88⋯.jpg (26.63 KB, 680x364, 170:91, 9ab.jpg)





the spurious homoerotic judas fegel teamroth is doing the babel econ , faggots, prol butt fucks hogg too>>1318685

welcome to qresearch where all this anecdotal (DATA) is to fuck judas roth fegel et al in the hogg

c7bb97 No.1318707


How many languages does she know, again?

470aeb No.1318708

File: 06f96ceb5c96024⋯.png (785.5 KB, 835x622, 835:622, 11281809108931876463965456….png)

a9243f No.1318709


agreed. Thought that would be an easier way to shut it down rather than argue the finer points.

ce9933 No.1318710

File: c94f80a1e041afc⋯.jpg (112.05 KB, 720x879, 240:293, c94f80a1e041afc42617a07eac….jpg)


>I don't keep up with them.

b2034e No.1318711


The Anon you responded to is not Q. Lurk until you can recognize the difference.

80b582 No.1318712

File: 128f2229b9d897e⋯.jpg (28.03 KB, 400x400, 1:1, tumblr_o78lkyrwDP1s8aslho2….jpg)

1568a7 No.1318713

Tehran has the capacity to withstand Donald Trump’s “bullying,” but his drive to revise or unilaterally scrap the 2015 nuclear deal undermines any credibility Washington might still have, a top Iranian security official has noted.

“This is an international agreement … and we certainly have the capacity to defeat your [Donald Trump's] bullying,” Rear Admiral Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), told senior police commanders in Tehran on Saturday.

‘Bullying others’: Iranian FM slams US over its handling of nuclear deal

Iran, he stressed, refuses to renegotiate the crucial P5+1 nuclear agreement, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), noting that the country has no trust in the US leadership to honor its commitment.

“If the incumbent US president does not accept the agreements signed by his predecessors in the previous administration, then assuredly no country in the world is able to trust the US because it is also possible to see the coming administration do not accept the agreements brokered by Trumps’ administration,” the admiral asserted.

“Who, then, guarantees that if something is done with you, the next president won't come and refuse to accept it?” he wondered.

With the May 12 deadline to re-certify the JCPOA looming, Donald Trump has repeatedly warned that Washington will unilaterally pull out unless some critical “flaws” of the deal –such as the absence of limits on any ballistic missile program– are not ‘fixed’. The US State Department even sent a diplomatic mission to the UK, Germany and France to rally support for its plan to amend or to scrap the agreement, the “spirit” of which Tehran is accused of breaching.

So far the European signatories remain committed to the agreement and have urged to White House to honor the deal, which is seen as one of the crucial cornerstones of regional and world security. Israel, however, which relentlessly lobbied the Obama administration not to sign the nuclear deal, at the start of the week made a pompous presentation, once again accusing Iran of “lying” about its nuclear program.

88d1ea No.1318714

File: 087ac5834475755⋯.png (626.05 KB, 733x699, 733:699, iran.png)


Already winning.

d862ae No.1318715

File: c26661c817c0905⋯.jpg (15.37 KB, 173x255, 173:255, corn.jpg)

cho akela grey wolf

yah ta hey

470aeb No.1318716

File: d44053a07085c96⋯.png (282.87 KB, 425x665, 85:133, 58765879613323.png)

040250 No.1318717


She said she will reveal herself in the years to come.

4bff8c No.1318718


I'm fine and the Mrs is satisfied


e5c42c No.1318719


SOP to place deck mats on deck to protect non-skid from shell.

Why would pallets be used in place of standard deck mats?

7ca479 No.1318720


Iran failed to stay within the guidelines of the deal and made it null and void. Now we need to clawback all that money Obummer sent to them.

730f7a No.1318721


MegAnon never left Y'all

a321b7 No.1318722


they sound like the retards i went to hs with "pls stop bullying us trump give us all ur moeny" i hope israel wipes the mullahs off planet earth

10901a No.1318723


What happened to her?

470aeb No.1318724

File: ceb198572040399⋯.png (784.75 KB, 835x622, 835:622, 1330865875947685903.png)

1568a7 No.1318725

By the end of this column, it will be clear which country the United States will invade and topple next. Or failing that, it will be clear which country our military-intelligence-industrial complex will be aching to invade next.

We all want to know why America does what it does. And I don’t mean why Americans do what we do. I think that question still will be pondered eons from now by a future professor showing his students a video mind-meld of present-day UFC fighters booting each other in the head while thrilled onlookers cheer (not for either of the fighters but rather for more booting in the head).

But we all seem to assume that America—the entity, the corporation—has some sort of larger reasoning behind the actions it takes, the actions put forward by the ruling elite. And almost all of us know that the reasons we’re given by the press secretaries and caricature-shaped heads on the nightly news are the ripest, most fetid grade of bullshit.

We now know that the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction. We now know that the crushing of Libya had nothing to do with “stopping a bad man.” If one does even a cursory check of what dictators around the world are up to recently, you’ll find that the US doesn’t care in the slightest whether they are bad or good, whether they’re using their free time to kill thousands of innocent people or to harmonize their rock garden. In fact, the US gives military aid to 70 percent of the world’s dictators. (One would hope that’s only around the holidays though.)

So if it’s not for the stated reasons, why does the US. overrun, topple and sometimes occupy the countries it does? Obviously, there are oil resources or rare minerals to be had. But there’s something else that links almost all of our recent wars.

As The Guardian reported near the beginning of the Iraq War, “In October 2000, Iraq insisted on dumping the US dollar—the currency of the enemy—for the more multilateral euro.”

However, one example does not make a trend. If it did, I would be a world-renowned beer pong champion rather than touting a 1-27 record. (I certainly can’t go pro with those numbers.)

But there’s more. Soon after Libya began moving toward an African gold-based currency—and lining up all its African neighbors to join it—we invaded it as well, with the help of NATO. Author Ellen Brown pointed this out at the time of the invasion:

[Muammar Gaddafi] initiated a movement to refuse the dollar and the euro, and called on Arab and African nations to use a new currency instead, the gold dinar.

John Perkins, author of “Confessions of an Economic Hitman,” also has said that the true reason for the attack on Libya was Gaddafi’s move away from the dollar and the euro.

This week, The Intercept reported that the ousting of Gaddafi, which was in many ways led by President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, actually had to do with Sarkozy secretly receiving millions from Gaddafi, and it seemed that his corruption was about to be revealed. But, the article also noted, “[Sarkozy’s] real military zeal and desire for regime change came only after [Hillary] Clinton and the Arab League broadcasted their desire to see [Gaddafi] go.” And the fact that Gaddafi was planning to upend the petrodollar in Africa certainly provides the motivation necessary. (It doesn’t take much to get the US excited about a new bombing campaign. I’m pretty sure we invaded Madagascar once in the 1970s because they smoked our good weed.)

98a579 No.1318726


If you can call Iron Eagle a war.

e88b3f No.1318727


Will study watching vid now. Will practice.

4bff8c No.1318728


Fiat is for the sheep

Laughing out loud


185cc3 No.1318729


pallets flag signals?

49c965 No.1318730


Pics or didn't happen

f72666 No.1318731


that would mean the banks are winning.

fiat vs soverign.

e8a505 No.1318732


If the law has been perverted/subverted through bureaucratic regulation being treated as law, and precedents set via politicised/compromised judges, nothing you say has much relevance, imo. What is required is to go back to the Constitution, without reference to recent, corrupt applications. That will only come as the present corruption in the Judiciary and bureaucracy (aka swamp) is exposed and rejected by WE THE PEOPLE.

8131ea No.1318733


He spoke in Dallas.

9a1b1a No.1318734


we know that,just fucking with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1568a7 No.1318735

Right now you may be thinking, “But, Lee, your theory is ridiculous. If these invasions were about the banking, then the rebels in Libya—getting help from NATO and the United States—would have set up a new banking system after bringing down Gaddafi.”

Actually, they didn’t wait that long. In the middle of the brutal war, the Libyan rebels formed their own central bank.

Brown said, “Several writers have noted the odd fact that the Libyan rebels took time out from their rebellion in March to create their own central bank—this before they even had a government.”

Wow, that sure does sound like it’s all about the banking.

Many of you know about Gen. Wesley Clark’s famous quote about seven countries in five years. Clark is a four-star general, the former head of NATO Supreme Allied Command, and he ran for president in 2008 (clearly he’s an underachiever). But it’s quite possible that 100 years from now, the one thing he’ll be remembered for is the fact that he told us that the Pentagon said to him in 2002: “We’re going to take down seven countries in five years. We’re going to start with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, then Libya, Somalia, Sudan. We’re going to come back and get Iran in five years.”

Most of this has happened. We have, of course, added some countries to the list, such as Yemen. We’re helping to destroy Yemen largely to make Saudi Arabia happy. Apparently our government/media care only about Syrian children (in order to justify regime change). We couldn’t care less about Yemeni children, Iraqi children, Afghan children, Palestinian children, North Korean children, Somali children, Flint (Michigan) children, Baltimore children, Native American children, Puerto Rican children, Na’vi children … oh wait, I think that’s from “Avatar.” Was that fiction? My memories and 3-D movies are starting to blur together.

Brown goes even further in her analysis of Clark’s bombshell:

What do these seven countries have in common? … [N]one of them is listed among the 56 member banks of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). That evidently puts them outside the long regulatory arm of the central bankers’ central bank in Switzerland. The most renegade of the lot could be Libya and Iraq, the two that have actually been attacked.

What I’m trying to say is: It’s all about the banking.

So right now you’re thinking, “But, Lee, then why is the US so eager to turn Syria into a failed state if Syria never dropped the dollar? Your whole stupid theory falls apart right there.”

First, I don’t appreciate your tone. Second, in February 2006, Syria dropped the dollar as its primary hard currency.

I think I’m noticing a trend. In fact, on Jan. 4, it was reported that Pakistan was ditching the dollar in its trade with China, and that same day, the US placed it on the watch list for religious freedom violations. The same day? Are we really supposed to believe that it just so happened that Pakistan stopped using the dollar with China on the same day it started punching Christians in the nose for no good reason? No, clearly Pakistan had violated our religion of cold hard cash.

This leaves only one question: Who will be next on the list of US illegal invasions cloaked in bullshit justifications? Well, last week, Iran finally did it: It switched from the dollar to the euro. And sure enough, this week, the US military-industrial complex, the corporate media and Israel all got together to claim that Iran is lying about its nuclear weapons development. What are the odds that this news would break within days of Iran dropping the dollar? What. Are. The. Odds?

The one nice thing about our corporate state’s manufacturing of consent is how predictable it is. We will now see the mainstream media running an increasing number of reports pushing the idea that Iran is a sponsor of terrorism and is trying to develop nuclear weapons (which are WMDs, but for some strange reason, our media are shying away from saying, “They have WMDs”). Here’s a 2017 PBS article claiming that Iran is the top state sponsor of terrorism. One must assume this list of terror sponsors does not include the country that made the arms that significantly enhanced Islamic State’s military capabilities. (It’s the US)

Or the country that drops hundreds of bombs per day on the Middle East. (It’s the US) But those bombs don’t cause any terror. Those are the happy bombs, clearly. Apparently, we just drop 1995 Richard Simmons down on unsuspecting people.

Point is, as we watch our pathetic corporate media continue their manufacturing of consent for war with Iran, don’t fall for it. These wars are all about the banking. And millions of innocent people are killed in them. Millions more have their lives destroyed.

You and I are just pawns in this game, and the last thing the ruling elite want are pawns who question the official narrative.


d862ae No.1318736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

let's get fucky anon, there is no room for respect and they use trust as a misleading misnomer for it. any foul mouth homos out there???

a9243f No.1318737

b3e5df No.1318738

Nunes ‘Astonished’ by Judge’s Searing Remarks in Manafort Case

“I was astonished by the comments the judge made today, although it’s not surprising,” he told Fox News host Laura Ingraham. “Everything in this case, Laura, has just gone off the rails. There’s not a day that goes by that something new, crazy doesn’t break.”

Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz of Harvard Law School told Ingraham that Mueller’s intent to use Manafort as leverage against Trump does not require exceptional judicial sleuthing.

“The judge was just saying what we all have known from the beginning. The only difference between this judge and other judges is this judge is totally and completely honest,” he said. “He calls it the way he sees it. He’s absolutely right. This is what’s been going on. >The amazing thing is that he called them on it.”


b0791d No.1318739


Israel wont do shit….they are like a yappy little dog trying to play tough guy.

Its all a COIN op.

Good cop bad cop

Money for Israel and money for Iran…its a farce

ccf127 No.1318740

File: 45da07b64008ea3⋯.jpg (79.28 KB, 574x712, 287:356, 5aeee80e04069.jpg)

She can move in any direction.

ae6ce7 No.1318741


Nice try.

If you're meganon give us qrd of next week :)

fc1af0 No.1318742



> Warren Buffet purchase of 75M shares of Apple a COUNTER-MOVE by the Cabal?RESPONDING TO $1.5T ARAMCO IPO ON SAUDI STOCK EXCHANGE?Aramco is the only company that makes more than Apple!Q and POTUS posted and tweeted about ARAMCO IPO right before HOUSE OF SAUD SHAKE DOWN!

Former president Barack Obama made a quick stop in Omaha, Nebraska, Sunday afternoon to grab lunch with billionaire investor Warren Buffett, the Omaha World-Herald reported. The two were joined by Buffett’s daughter Susie Buffett for lunch in a private room at the Happy Hollow country club, where Warren Buffett is a member.

The lunch lasted about two and a half hours. Susie Buffett spoke with reporters afterwards, but would not comment at what was discussed during the private meeting.

“I’m not going to talk about the meeting. I’m not telling,” she told reporters, according to the World-Herald. “The three of us ate lunch.”

Susie Buffett added that she did not know where the president’s security detail was while the three ate lunch.

When asked about this visit as compared to one by a sitting president, Susie said, “It’s a little different.”

Obama and Warren Buffett have a long-running public relationship. Reuters has previously reported that “Buffett is one of Obama’s closest defenders in the business community” and that Obama “has sought his counsel dating back to the 2008 presidential campaign and since.”

Obama awarded the billionaire investment tycoon the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011. At the time, he described Buffett as “not only one of the world’s richest men but also one of the most admired and respected” and a person who “demonstrated that integrity isn’t just a good trait, it is good for business,” according to a Reuters report.

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the highest honor a civilian can receive from the U.S. government.

Buffett, who Forbes recently named No. 15 on a list of the “World’s Most Powerful People,” is estimated to be worth nearly $80 billion. He has served as CEO of diversified holdings company Berkshire Hathaway since 1970. In 2006 he “unexpectedly announced” that he would give away the bulk of his fortune to charity, with the largest sum — approximately $40 billion — going to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, according to Reuters.


bd86ab No.1318743


She said she couldn't decide whether she was helping or hurting when she found that q wasn't a larp and she got tired of shills. She is human so the constant attacks whenever she would post wore on her. She's fine and said she would reveal herself at an appropriate time.

7ca479 No.1318744

File: e47409b0c10ff66⋯.jpg (77.77 KB, 500x548, 125:137, XGjEQon5qbQc2J3m-j0BiHxeNO….jpg)

752d0e No.1318745

File: cc30cfa974b0f8a⋯.png (74.27 KB, 746x538, 373:269, ted5th.png)

Something tells me this tweet won't age well.

Those who are the loudest have the most to hide.

Ted's time is coming when the Awan story breaks.

2ff7d0 No.1318746

File: 5a76ef090fc65f8⋯.png (881.74 KB, 1919x894, 1919:894, ClipboardImage.png)

Orion and C-37B…with a couple of side of Hercules.

2c2868 No.1318747


Is it me or does SOROS just seem to remain the same age?

e5c42c No.1318748

so was dat a yezzer on that luau?

d862ae No.1318749

File: a1bd4b951ad7572⋯.png (14.47 KB, 219x255, 73:85, goyhat.png)

i wonder who sold that satan symbolism to the roths, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee kekekekekekekekehet

5b7fb1 No.1318750



f72666 No.1318751

crap… my bad.

9dd989 No.1318752

File: d11f436d643951e⋯.jpg (98.15 KB, 1500x843, 500:281, jackie.jpg)


how is the "agreement" itself not bullying?


730f7a No.1318753

File: fa89d45a507c206⋯.png (441.64 KB, 600x471, 200:157, fake Q2.png)

8abbce No.1318755

File: 5f6099a12a40671⋯.jpg (104.85 KB, 550x446, 275:223, Youre-fired.jpg)

89c7e8 No.1318756


shooting wads of bills?

e31ce1 No.1318757

File: 8a502446f4cbf6f⋯.jpg (47.15 KB, 750x500, 3:2, DZ-myP3XcAAzqF1.jpg)

The padded walls in the psych ward at GITMO had to be completed by March 31. That was probably a late stage part of the construction. Should be all set

88d1ea No.1318758


Fiat is what we pay are bills with, countries purchase with, survive with or die without.

It doesn't matter if its worthless paper - it is what we USE. No way around that yet. SO LOL all you want - your just an arrogant ass.

f97232 No.1318759



Fake. The federal government is not a corporation.

This gets passed around but the truth is that all cities and most towns are incorporated under state law. This is context for the laws that are cited making the false claim that the federal government was taken over.

The law refering to the corporation is for the incorporation of washington DC as a city under federal law. Nothing more. Its federal law creating a federal corporation because dc is federal.

Law taken out of context to spin fantasy

8131ea No.1318760


Better to simply filter and/or ignore them.

To do otherwise only encourages sliding.

e5c42c No.1318761

fuck yeah!

a321b7 No.1318762

File: 6dbfa9ddbaf0cfd⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 29qcf4.jpg)


i can dream

ce9933 No.1318763

File: 49a05146acaa729⋯.mp4 (1.58 MB, 626x360, 313:180, Jeff Sessions Hit Man.mp4)

3d86a2 No.1318764

File: dee292c0a5c46fc⋯.png (348.82 KB, 640x360, 16:9, PENCEprayer.png)

8f887a No.1318765

We need to win every upcoming seat in Congress. If we give up the House or Senate - we are screwed. Should we meme the fuck out of all the dems on all of the four states running on May 8th? If so I will provide their data.

8b01ac No.1318766

File: 15e79a29d7139b7⋯.jpg (386.43 KB, 1091x893, 1091:893, 2JSEG_log2.jpg)

File: d2a2b9b155412e3⋯.jpg (396.34 KB, 1051x875, 1051:875, 2JSEG_log3.jpg)

File: 963f9d3f21eddc1⋯.jpg (228.61 KB, 1011x797, 1011:797, 2JSEG_17.jpg)

Update on 2-JSEG. This plane's flight history is sketchy AF.

da2080 No.1318767


I understand. If you're over 30-40, we all, or most of us, in some way contributed to the situation we are in now by consuming, overlooking and supporting a number of things about our pop culture that ultimately are not good for us with respect to liberal propaganda, morality and support of sickos. We told them it was alright to be an evil fuck by giving them our money. Then we didn't want to take responsibility and instead shifted blame for the problems we created, then voted into office compromised idiots and whores who proposed solutions that were anything but.

When that whole gangsta rap started, I was only familiar with the "fun" "cool" side of it, the stuff that made you feel good and have a laugh. In fact, I worked with one rap group, editing a video of one of their songs, which was about the importance of knowing black history. What they talked about, and what we now know about the dem party plantation platform, those guys would feel at home with the Q storm scenario, and with Trump. They were Kanye before his time.

Shortly after working on that video, gangsta rap began it's ascension. I first thought - This can't last. This is lowest common denominator junk. - but year after year, on and on it continued. Many years later, articles started appearing about how the rap world was taken over by the criminal element, with money, management and promotional support from the usual Hollywood suspects (insert image of the greedy merchant).

474e54 No.1318768

File: 38a23daddc2ccf5⋯.jpg (357.68 KB, 1066x800, 533:400, Hooker_Tracks.jpg)


the Mrs is working .

8e2836 No.1318769


who is a quitter ???

d862ae No.1318770


what kind of faggot ass cult worshipps a serial killing bitch like that

01b0d2 No.1318772


>>1318126 (last bread)

Some thoughts:

Four pallets on left, three on right


Bush 43

Churchill gave a speech to Congress in 43. Audio here

https: //richardlangworth.com/churchills-1943-speech-congress

Churchill and fdr met to plan D day on 5/19/43

The Bengal famine started in 1943AA

bd86ab No.1318773


Have a feeling closer to midterms she will be back on half or fullchan. She's great! She called the McCabe firing, Awans arrest, the Alabama debacle, and so much more.

a321b7 No.1318774


why u think they killed tupac

f97232 No.1318775

File: ff83627aa417a38⋯.jpg (116.1 KB, 607x607, 1:1, shitectomy.jpg)

e0ad88 No.1318776

File: cbf0c72abb52472⋯.jpg (310.53 KB, 939x695, 939:695, IranKickbacks.jpg)

470aeb No.1318777

File: 1be065b64c9bfb3⋯.png (783.72 KB, 835x622, 835:622, 09952726590091221184327667.png)

d862ae No.1318778


this faggot smells like a tijuana bus after burrito night, diarhhea

9060d2 No.1318779

I just hope that this fake Q also gets to do the kicken chicken at the end of a rope. Or at least the bot operator!

17cadc No.1318780


I think the only reason Trump met with Mueller just before getting appointed to SC, was just to use it for a time as this. To confuse those trying to figure out what Mueller is really doing. There was no reason to meet with him otherwise.

104b80 No.1318781


Fake Q Do unicorns really fart rainbows? And a question about the movie Leprechaun, are leprechauns really that mean in real life?

ba3cd2 No.1318782

File: 3136b4c8a79074d⋯.jpg (100.86 KB, 750x500, 3:2, FishyFuneral.jpg)

519360 No.1318783

File: 11044e732855008⋯.png (1.5 MB, 965x932, 965:932, Corsibooksale.png)

e5c42c No.1318784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

730f7a No.1318786



I am not her, just a fan

4bff8c No.1318787


Yes you use it

All your efforts and focus is spent on it

Who owns the banks?

What is control?

Laughing out loud


7aef3f No.1318788

What happened to Q research thread #1357 and #1358?

9ceb1d No.1318789

File: 3edbd23689c5ad2⋯.jpg (722.78 KB, 802x1872, 401:936, 344-billion-clerical-error.jpg)

File: eacb2fe0cfd0821⋯.jpg (750.96 KB, 802x1872, 401:936, 344-billion-administrative….jpg)

File: 10106c2b6d1a54f⋯.png (27.58 KB, 1095x321, 365:107, ClipboardImage.png)

FPDS is back online.

look up contract W912GB09C0090.

maybe nothing, but they used the 'slush company DUN' 123456787 to make a 344 billion dollar error, and then modify the error.

the difference is $208,870.87

they awarded a contract on 9/26/2013 for 344,733,911,303.88, and then awarded themselves a contract on 9/27/2013 for ($344,733,702,433.01).

odd. not important unless Q says it is, but odd.

oh, also found the total positive value of all contracts regarding Singapore during Hussein's office…29MM and change. (as seen in q post from jan 13, 2018, mentioned here: >>1307525)

ba3cd2 No.1318790

3d86a2 No.1318791

File: bd68efaae80e8ad⋯.png (672.39 KB, 633x619, 633:619, Gold.png)


All wars are bankers wars.

Article from 2011.


e2b766 No.1318792

Interesting information about the man behind Concord which has not only responded to Mueller's Russian interference indictment, but has initiated extensive discovery requests.

"Among the 13 Russians charged is Yevgeniy Viktorovich Prigozhin, an oligarch and financial backer of the troll farm known as the Internet Research Agency, according to Russian media. He is a caterer who has been nicknamed “Putin’s chef” because of his proximity to the Russian president. According to The Washington Post’s Devlin Barrett, Sari Horwitz and Rosalind S. Helderman, Prigozhin is linked to two of the three Russian businesses also named in the indictment, Concord Consulting and Concord Catering."

This quote from the same 2/17 WP article is priceless:

"In regard to the list of indicted individuals, he added: “I am not at all disappointed that I appear in this list. If they want to see the devil — let them.”"

2c2868 No.1318793

File: 7f54da8b0849985⋯.png (420.45 KB, 782x563, 782:563, ClipboardImage.png)


^^^Very INTERDASTING, anon!

Looks like this lunch between Obama and Buffett took place March 11, 2018!

Obama made a special trip to Omaha JUST FOR THIS MEETING WITH BUFFETT!

16cb8e No.1318794


Out of curiosity, I had a look at his books on Amazon. "Killing the Deep State" had 5 stars on over 1000 reviews, so he has his fans.

040250 No.1318795


Hope so. She could be lurking here now and then, and posting "anonymously" lol.

730f7a No.1318796

File: 9a07712bb2f57d6⋯.jpg (3.96 MB, 3204x5206, 1602:2603, mega anon -10-19.jpg)

MegAnon was here before Q

cca78e No.1318797

File: 2317e5d04e25225⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1334x1081, 58:47, Crsi_FULL.jpg)

I encourage the world to share Jerome Corsi ventures….. Surely he may be able to explain how he fits global agenda……..

5b7fb1 No.1318798


Really working hard for enough (you)'s for the $5 vpn eh?

253c00 No.1318799


The dungeon family?

ce9933 No.1318800

File: 54fb0f57693a5bf⋯.jpg (60.86 KB, 480x663, 160:221, 29pii8~2.jpg)

File: bee813866c907f8⋯.jpg (13.59 KB, 294x171, 98:57, 29pgky.jpg)

John Jerkwad McCain is a flunkey.

88d1ea No.1318801


How long would YOU be posting w/o it? Are YOU paying for your internet with gold/silver.

Thought not - lying hypocrite

1568a7 No.1318802

Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, says the president is committed to regime change in Iran and will most likely tear up the nuclear deal before he begins supporting protesters to oust the supreme leader from power.

“We got a president who is tough, who does not listen to the people who are naysayers, and a president who is as committed to regime change as we are,” former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani – US President Donald Trump’s personal friend and a long-time supporter – said in a speech to the Iran Freedom Convention for Democracy and Human Rights in Washington.

The first order of business in bringing about regime change in Iran would be to tear up the 2015 nuclear deal, which Trump is set to either reject or approve before the May 12 deadline. Giuliani, who is not part of the government, believes the president will tear up the agreement – despite the insistence of European allies to preserve the milestone accord – and Trump’s so-called “war” cabinet will help him do the job.

“With Secretary of State Pompeo now on his right hand and his national security advisor John Bolton… on his left side, what do you think is going to happen to that agreement, that nuclear agreement?” Giuliani asked, smiling and indicating to the crowd that Trump will simply rip it up and spit on it.

Iran has been outspoken about Washington’s plans to leave the nuclear deal. President Hassan Rouhani stated on Sunday that the US would regret the decision.

“If America leaves the nuclear accord, this will entail historic remorse for it,” he said in a speech carried live by state television.

Scrapping the deal would also mean Washington will lose its face on international arena, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), said on Saturday. Given that this is “an international agreement,” withdrawing would mean that “no country in the world is able to trust the US because it is also possible to see the coming administration do not accept the agreements brokered by Trumps’ administration.”

Giuliani also said in his speech that once the deal is gone and “sanctions [are] back, we have a real chance of escalating these protests,” referring to series of public protests in various cities throughout Iran beginning in late December 2017 and continuing into early 2018.

The White House has yet to comment on Giuliani’s statement, but it seems to be in line with the president’s views.

“TIME FOR CHANGE!” Trump tweeted at the height of recent protests in Iran, adding that “the great Iranian people have been repressed for many years.”

While the US government was quick to claim the protests were anti-government in nature, they might have missed the point. According to a poll conducted by the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland and IranPoll, only 0.3 percent of Iranians chose “lack of civil liberties” as the most important problem or challenge facing the country. “Injustice” was also low on the list (1.4 percent). Unemployment came in first at 40.1 percent, followed by inflation and high cost of living (12.5 percent), and youth unemployment (9.4 percent). 

“The middle class, who took to the streets, are asking for more economic reforms, asking for more jobs and employment, [for] better standards of living,” Ahmed al-Burai, a lecturer at Aydin University in Istanbul, told RT at the time. 

Go figure. Regime change tactic. AGAIN!

6166a8 No.1318803


Any statutes wrt justice/fed officials who knew charges were bogus/maufactured and that Flynn plead guilty to false charges?

df60cc No.1318804

File: 95742246d45c6e8⋯.jpg (20.96 KB, 368x295, 368:295, fakeq.JPG)

10901a No.1318805

a110d8 No.1318806

File: 19590d9a434b19b⋯.jpeg (739.64 KB, 1242x2003, 1242:2003, 6B636993-2469-4241-8D68-F….jpeg)



49c965 No.1318807


Lol. Fake Q is posting on the premise that they are lying. Stop whinging and start enjoying.

1568a7 No.1318808


Yes. We know that. These Trump tards apparently do not.

2a6f75 No.1318809

Filter by Name is amazing. It carries over to other breads.

ec1d0d No.1318810

File: 999cbcd03cda2b8⋯.jpg (127.31 KB, 960x540, 16:9, pongrave.jpg)

4bff8c No.1318811


I don't work hard, that's the point

But you certainly do don't you?

Laughing out loud


bd86ab No.1318815


"Oracle of Omaha" is nothing but a fucking socialist thief. I woke up to his game during the first Obama election. When the 2008 crisis hit, gave a shit ton of money to Obama election while picking up the rail company for pennies on the dollar. He heavily pushed Obama to stop keystone and other pipelines. Why? Because rail is the only other way to transport large amounts of oil if no pipelines. All his big deals work this way. He's no more an Oracle than Bill Gates an educational master of US (spent 400 million on common core). These people will be exposed.

5b7fb1 No.1318816


Started in roughly the same place boss… Fbi -> mega /john -> Q

da2080 No.1318818


Soy Scouts - on the nose.

2c2868 No.1318819

File: f29d1afdbe43fbe⋯.png (106.2 KB, 1046x603, 1046:603, ClipboardImage.png)



The next posts from Q after this Obama / Buffett lunch was the dead cat bounce!!!!

Dead cat bounce is a term to describe stock drops and bounce backs.

4bff8c No.1318820


That's how much I care about you

In fact it's considerably less than that

Laughing out loud


263b3d No.1318821


Interesting that pallets have a P shape?

ba3cd2 No.1318822

File: c638aa8d774ef73⋯.gif (274.49 KB, 453x617, 453:617, Globama.gif)


a110d8 No.1318823

By Tom Arnold | DUBAI

The former chief executive of Banque Saudi Fransi (BSF) is under a travel ban in Saudi Arabia almost six months after an investigation started into alleged misuse of a staff bonus scheme, said four sources familiar with the matter.

Patrice Couvegnes, a French national, was dismissed by the bank, the fifth largest by assets in the kingdom, in November in coordination with the central bank and other regulatory bodies after six years at the lender.

The central bank said at the time that BSF, 16.2 percent owned by Prince Alwaleed bin Talal's Kingdom Holding, might be fined over irregularities in an employee incentive programme, and had committed violations related to governance and supervisory regulations. BSF accepted that there had been irregularities in the bonus scheme that led to such violations.

Couvegnes was placed under a travel ban as a result of the investigation, the sources said.

Couvegnes could not be reached for comment. The central bank and Banque Saudi Fransi did not respond to requests for comment.



5b7fb1 No.1318824


Retired Faggoot here

88d1ea No.1318825

File: 08b7ed75cf5b8f3⋯.png (38.39 KB, 1128x594, 188:99, tot.png)


I'm enjoying.

I'm watching a great show - climax is coming.

a321b7 No.1318826


glow in the dark cia niggers

e1c727 No.1318827


At least fake Q is woke.

470aeb No.1318828

File: 8039dc2c7e85236⋯.png (785.51 KB, 835x622, 835:622, 21987561982654.png)

ba3cd2 No.1318829

9e1dbd No.1318830

File: d9fc13b5ed41cae⋯.png (170.15 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5634.PNG)

File: dc2482695326885⋯.png (184.2 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5636.PNG)

File: 5bf1bac2d12f9a7⋯.jpg (137.14 KB, 1343x316, 17:4, IMG_5639.JPG)

I posted in METS & im posting it here to get BO attention (he has multiple posts in META about the banning from last night).



Check your BV from last night & check the damn ban logs! This is ridiculous! I've posted about this before but it is a REAL PROBLEM AGAIN! You will loose your Anons again & QRG2 will pick up or other boards will be made!

I know you've been sick but this isn't good for our cause...I think we have a real rogue BV.

We are adults & can filter fine we don't need anyone here choosing what THEY want us to see or not (with exception of CP).

The last time this happened this Board split into multiple other boards which Anons & Autists still are using instead of posting here- they only come to see Q posts.

8BIT knows this is true & visits these boards himself. I don't want to see you lose all your Anons! What is going to happen when this ROGUE BV bans Q or deleted his posts? The board will be in an uproar & not trust this platform or your choice in BVs.

d862ae No.1318831

File: 95c24dd56db31d8⋯.jpg (27.74 KB, 400x294, 200:147, politician.jpg)

carbon dioxide is what the plants crave

ce9933 No.1318832

File: 0cb3bbc100e19cd⋯.mp4 (8.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 720 30 3 78 May062018.mp4)

e5c42c No.1318833

Sometimes multiple computers are necessary for appearances, duties and all the fucking bullshit that is needed to carry out a job.

5cd0de No.1318834


So we do have a de jure government still?

8f887a No.1318835

Win Indiana May 8th

Meme the crap out of these Dems:

May 8, 2018 Elections



Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Indiana

Important issues include: health care, employment and job creation by investing in infrastructure and improving workforce development, comprehensive approach to dealing with the opioid epidemic.


Democrat Dan Canon

Important issues include: Supporting a single-payer health care system and the Medicare for All Act, advocating for a nationwide prescription drug monitoring program, an increased availability of mental health services. Canon also supports comprehensive immigration reform which includes a path to citizenship for Temporary Protected Status immigrants and families.

Democrat Rob Chatlos

Important issues include: Medicare for every citizen or documented person, a funding package covering everything from in- and out-patient treatment facilities, emergency services, needle exchange programs and naloxone distribution and an immediate audit of both the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement to identify abuses of power or inhumane actions.

Democrat Liz Watson

Important issues include: Universal health care coverage, specifically the Medicare for All Act of 2017, student loan repayment and forgiveness to workers at addiction treatment facilities in an effort to recruit more health care professionals and Watson supports a review of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. She also supports the DREAM Act.

3fc94a No.1318836

File: 53a742b0ab0b9c2⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1294x947, 1294:947, Fake_N_Gay.jpg)

c7bb97 No.1318837


yes. of course. When you discover something but think someone else should be doing it, remember the discovery was for you. bring the data!

da2080 No.1318838


Don't know that reference. Should we?

7ca479 No.1318839


I woke up after reading probably around 10 pages of his book "The Intelligent Investor". BULLSHIT BUFFET is a PR STUNT for the DEEP STATE.

1c5463 No.1318840


Jokes on (you)

You'll never know what it feels like to accomplish anything noble or worth while…

So, it shall be written in the book of counted sorrows.

4bff8c No.1318841


One does not pay when one owns

Laughing out loud


a110d8 No.1318842

File: 1f596faebcd2ede⋯.jpeg (506.08 KB, 1235x1511, 1235:1511, 340F8D41-7A07-4E90-B9D9-B….jpeg)



a321b7 No.1318843


imme steal a quote from someone else who posted this . "the irony of preaching hard work and proper investing when u insider traded ur whole life"

d862ae No.1318844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

scorched earth theory is more in line with gestapoFE bs

9dd989 No.1318845


wtf, you're getting your panties in a bunch defending



fuck's sake, they couldn't ban it fast enough.

botspam, randomcrap by near hundred posts each bread, namefagging… no excuse

692d90 No.1318846

Fake Q gets some of you so mad. Lol. Easy targets.

7ca479 No.1318847


Oh yeah and his father was a STATESMAN. Everything he does is an INSIDE DEAL.

b7abde No.1318848

File: 32f73e685b0dd96⋯.jpg (19.88 KB, 139x216, 139:216, bigtoe.jpg)


how about a toe?

4bff8c No.1318849


Is that book your diary?

Laughing out loud?


42a547 No.1318850


Shit dude I was thinking the same thing right there. Excellent meme.

I was thinking he might have banned him from the funeral, but that cant stop trump from pissing on the assholes grave.

5cd0de No.1318851


LYNN! Welcome back!

730f7a No.1318852

5b7fb1 No.1318853

File: 53044482746e43b⋯.jpg (58.77 KB, 552x550, 276:275, ZomboMeme 06052018130940.jpg)

5557a5 No.1318854


(Sh)People tend to vote for the names that they've heard the most often. So the best strategy is to get OUR people's names in front of them.

e5c42c No.1318855

have to admit, expected those flames to cover all when hussein began his departure.

5c35d5 No.1318856

File: 2e9d1db159f7398⋯.jpg (35.08 KB, 600x564, 50:47, ronburg1.jpg)


>the Mrs is satisfied

7ca479 No.1318857



2e51b0 No.1318858

File: 7677600dab8a2fa⋯.jpg (38.94 KB, 567x245, 81:35, popetext.jpg)


88d1ea No.1318859


Yet the GREAT OWNER is here, with us lowly anons.

That's fine, just remember not to dox yourself. Some anons love T spots.

1c5463 No.1318860


No, it's your funeral…

730f7a No.1318861


filter by name.

poof he gone

3fc94a No.1318862


You said a handful.

bd4afb No.1318863


Also, remember when it was noted at an Obama State of the Union how his secretary, who had been with him since the beginning, paid a higher percentage of taxes on her income and that was a disgrace.

My thought along the standard Democrat party line was…since she has been with you from the beginning, why the hell aren't you paying her a lot more $$$, and set her up to pay your same amount of tax…typical elitist Democrat…complain about inequality and yet those on "high" reap all the rewards and keep the "lowers" in their proper place.

e5c42c No.1318864

what happens when young plant doesn't receive that treatment for hours?

470aeb No.1318865

File: 04292ffd73f7f5a⋯.png (264.73 KB, 770x334, 385:167, 52787114481289787952868280….png)

16cb8e No.1318866


[44] remaining.

88d1ea No.1318867


Some even practice in anticipation of just the right circumstances.

ba3cd2 No.1318868

File: 13b9995d2f5e74a⋯.jpg (127.89 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, WhoIsQanon20.jpg)

File: 219cd245af9989e⋯.jpg (243.86 KB, 1200x520, 30:13, WhoIsQanon19.jpg)

File: 1aa0e8d8706b5b6⋯.jpg (142.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WhoIsQanon18.jpg)

File: f4891d4286646fa⋯.jpg (163.74 KB, 1024x537, 1024:537, WhoIsQanon17.jpg)

49c965 No.1318869


THIS ^^^^^^^

Besides the implied "sheeple" aspect. Trump didn't win because we ran people down. He won because he built people up and we put him in a heroic role. We need to do that for more people.

ae51fd No.1318870


please stop the killbox slide

[P] = [Pope] = Pope in brackets

[] = kill box - when empty

[x] = x in brackets, not in a killbox

5c35d5 No.1318871


I often wonder if he has any involvement with this: http://www.franklinscandal.com/

4bff8c No.1318872


I'm sure you take a mouthful

Laughing out loud


a321b7 No.1318873

File: d3e79aff3d4005b⋯.jpeg (138.34 KB, 960x821, 960:821, b2749fdb1c40eeed73d2c86b7….jpeg)

84c6f0 No.1318874


Trust Sessions!!!

Too bad the Freedom Caucus doesn't.


8f887a No.1318875

File: 313fe5100811fde⋯.png (70.93 KB, 223x154, 223:154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d259244c37fd4a⋯.png (40.54 KB, 93x160, 93:160, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b254bb1bcae0948⋯.png (85.06 KB, 217x158, 217:158, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f46f49d2db72756⋯.png (68.36 KB, 229x161, 229:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb8415867517ed6⋯.png (83.27 KB, 214x162, 107:81, ClipboardImage.png)


>Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Indiana

5cd0de No.1318876


"Woke" doesn't necessarily mean Good. Evil fuckers are "woke" to the truth too, they know they're evil and keep others blind to it.

f7fc5e No.1318877

File: a431a68ebc69471⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-12-0….png)

File: 1c4dc08c7e0146b⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-12-0….png)

File: 65038d86302b3c1⋯.png (389.77 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-12-0….png)

File: 8022d4657f70bac⋯.png (353.73 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-12-0….png)

File: e70e08c1cccf01a⋯.png (390.52 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-12-0….png)

https:// saraacarter.com/nunes-congress-to-hold-ag-sessions-in-contempt/

The plot thickens…

ec1d0d No.1318878


>Retired Faggoot

Sounds like the name of a pub in the Outback.

e5c42c No.1318879


No, no. no!

One can pay dearly when one owns!

da2080 No.1318880

File: 44cc4dda5deb7b8⋯.jpg (79.49 KB, 419x216, 419:216, mpfootpoint.jpg)

2a6f75 No.1318881

File: 2196df594e1f8f6⋯.jpeg (48.78 KB, 500x511, 500:511, 1EE6B814-9BD0-458D-BE55-0….jpeg)

Daily reminder. Incase you forgot.

2e51b0 No.1318882


stfu and reread crumbs

b7abde No.1318883


lmao, funny

470aeb No.1318884

File: 38777f6ba444f87⋯.png (265.07 KB, 770x334, 385:167, 00741638564325184328658508….png)

84c6f0 No.1318885

NeoQon group BTFO'd by based Nunes.

Trust Sessions!!!

Too bad the Freedom Caucus doesn't.


LARP finished.

ec1d0d No.1318886


Secondary definition: Constipation.

ba3cd2 No.1318887

File: 24531ca8c69107a⋯.jpg (128.63 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, Howheil.jpg)

5b7fb1 No.1318888


Or $3 Dooeys in S.E. Asia

a321b7 No.1318889

File: e9c87fb1675b23c⋯.jpg (18.5 KB, 474x266, 237:133, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)


god fucking damn it if i have to see that faggots face one more time i will jump off the roof of my house

e2d42a No.1318890


The Kobayashi Maru scenario was an infamous no-win scenario that was part of the curriculum for command-track cadets at Starfleet Academy in the 23rd century. It was primarily used to assess a cadet's discipline, character and command capabilities when facing an impossible situation, as there is no (legitimate) strategy that will result in a successful outcome.

The test primarily consisted of the cadet placed in command of a starship. The ship would soon receive a distress signal from the Kobayashi Maru, a civilian freighter within the Klingon Neutral Zone that had been heavily disabled. Being the only ship in range, the cadet usually either chose to withdraw from the rescue mission or enter the neutral zone and rescue the vessel in risk of violating the treaties. The ship would then be confronted by Klingon battle cruisers which typically engaged in a firefight.

It was considered an absolute no-win scenario because it was virtually impossible for the cadet to simultaneously save the Kobayashi Maru, avoid a fight with the Klingons and escape from the neutral zone with the starship intact. A cadet's choice of how to handle the rescue operation gave great insight into his or her command decision-making.


17cadc No.1318891

File: f4faf56e141569d⋯.png (1.23 MB, 997x530, 997:530, ClipboardImage.png)

Had to do it guys! :}

e5c42c No.1318892

Why did the Orthodox really split?

They didn't trust that pope guy thingy idea…

a321b7 No.1318893

File: 6fbf2eb3ed749a7⋯.png (362.43 KB, 640x835, 128:167, 0ca054e55cbf834578f167a0e6….png)

88d1ea No.1318894


Oh, and that's not in reference to your G-spot, in case you've been looking.

2a6f75 No.1318895


LOL. It was for him during his lurk for Intel

ae51fd No.1318896

File: dfa869041cfcb39⋯.png (5.67 KB, 361x147, 361:147, prove-me-wrong-nigger.png)

daa4fb No.1318897


use a regex

b7abde No.1318898


wouldn't jk and bo going around undermining a sitting president be treason?

i would think so

3fc94a No.1318899

I had a couple ribs surgically removed and took up yoga, so now I can suck my own dick.

d862ae No.1318900

File: 850593bc8408a4f⋯.jpg (40.84 KB, 600x337, 600:337, bfitunes.jpg)

Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus bacteria

found in greek yogurt


Saccharomyces cerevisiae

found in craft beer

is usually enough microbiotic warfare to get the lucifer out of your intestines old wolrd reci[e

2e51b0 No.1318901

File: 9d84a8402a1a645⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1500x1001, 1500:1001, redpillartillery1.png)

File: 5cf1cd959fe7e15⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1260x834, 210:139, redpillartillery2.png)

File: b93379d9c853583⋯.png (731.47 KB, 1313x657, 1313:657, redpillartillery3.png)


you got the original pic?

been making redpill pics (pics related)

474e54 No.1318902

File: 4c010e03a1114ae⋯.jpg (50.68 KB, 568x335, 568:335, 1b82k4.jpg)


remove (are)

99d26d No.1318903


Nice connections!

89c7e8 No.1318904


armed with a pallet gun

5b7fb1 No.1318905

File: 186399da8ef1434⋯.jpg (54.6 KB, 568x376, 71:47, 7c172c4625885e79494a0d6b6e….jpg)

1568a7 No.1318906


Pic or it isnt true

e5c42c No.1318907

3/5 nights woke up at exact same time.

prayed to God almighty!

ba3cd2 No.1318908


Hello newfag kek!

d862ae No.1318909


verbal gave the speech and walked away at the end

98a579 No.1318910



Treason is by someone in office.

254049 No.1318911


7 pallets

2 not lined up in same direction

2 others with holes in them

one pallet missing?

6965c7 No.1318912

File: 134343b8b77fa34⋯.jpg (9.94 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 2015a8e23a1a31235dedd2b6d0….jpg)

3fc94a No.1318913


a110d8 No.1318914

File: 5710127a60ecdea⋯.jpeg (830.11 KB, 1242x1379, 1242:1379, 8251C774-3F1C-4987-A834-B….jpeg)



74e30b No.1318915


This style of writing with the "Laughing out loud" remind me someone on a forum, supposed to be a Roth answering any question.

ad4926 No.1318916


does that outfit suggest she is/was some sort of spy?

ae6ce7 No.1318917


Remove the 's' from pallets.

8f887a No.1318918

File: bb3ea07ee0afaeb⋯.png (63.53 KB, 151x164, 151:164, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d6ae9fe687fbaa⋯.png (99.84 KB, 234x165, 78:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d516ae238e4307c⋯.png (78.78 KB, 225x160, 45:32, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cafd5937b6dd094⋯.png (89.41 KB, 225x162, 25:18, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03f965936225a3e⋯.png (100.59 KB, 226x165, 226:165, ClipboardImage.png)


Democrat Dan Canon

040250 No.1318919



What's this inside joke?

98a579 No.1318920


Sedition at least, that is.

5557a5 No.1318921


Wait a minute–aren't u the anon who said they lived in a bomb shelter?

3fc94a No.1318922

Q: What has two thumbs and likes to suck dick?

A: This guy!

5b7fb1 No.1318923


Someone called it out and I shit a hogg meme at it… Seems to short her circuts out

6965c7 No.1318924




8e88b7 No.1318925


So It seems that is shilling for a tweeter account. I don't shll for peoples private twatter, the next post is simply a twatter reader.

I do not post notables to other peoples private research threads, this is Q research. If you want that research featured here, post the research here. For instance you can screen capture specific sections, that I would think about adding.

b7abde No.1318926


ok 'makes sense

ty anon

i dont understand why they just simply put a stop to it.

it is breaking the law, they know its going on

arrest them, or atleast take their passport

1c5463 No.1318927



BREATHES there the man with soul so dead,

Who never to himself hath said,

This is my own, my native land!

Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd,

As home his footsteps he hath turn'd

From wandering on a foreign strand!

If such there breathe, go, mark him well;

For him no Minstrel raptures swell;

High though his titles, proud his name,

Boundless his wealth as wish can claim;

Despite those titles, power, and pelf,

The wretch, concentred all in self,

Living, shall forfeit fair renown,

And, doubly dying, shall go down

To the vile dust, from whence he sprung,

Unwept, unhonored, and unsung.

Sir Walter Scott

2e51b0 No.1318928

File: de096474b85a3f0⋯.gif (2.32 MB, 480x266, 240:133, vplaughing.gif)


no shit

a321b7 No.1318929

File: 0d98d7d39ae7b7b⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 594x500, 297:250, 29pxxv.jpg)

199e23 No.1318931


>a Federal corporation

It's an entity established by Congress to provide a public service and to generate some sort of revenues. Examples: Tennessee Valley Authority, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. There are over a dozen of these.

e2b766 No.1318932

Excellent threads on the SC v Concord indictment and the SC v Manafort case before Judge Ellis. Also good thread on SC v Flynn matter.


17cadc No.1318933

File: b5b28f1e3d6aab6⋯.png (1.21 MB, 874x583, 874:583, ClipboardImage.png)


The one I used is a little cropped.

Here's the one from the Dod tweet…

e2d42a No.1318934




I was really concerned about this last night (looked at the video that was posted too) but the post from LAWFAG (which I suggested be put in the notables) has put this to rest for me!

Makes total sense!!

c8216f No.1318935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nope, the "are belong" is ancient tradition.

474e54 No.1318936

File: be55fb3d9ee2e1c⋯.gif (606.57 KB, 800x792, 100:99, 6rerhk-n1w45mg8qkdz.gif)


kek , far from a newfag , i guess i missed the inside joke , my bad .

d862ae No.1318937

File: 71b1cc1afbb0974⋯.jpg (601.5 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, foreal.jpg)


existentialism is about externalities by definition, why should you internalize these grief barons dogma, if it be envy then malice, if it justice be it vengeance .

b3e5df No.1318938

File: 8c602820074884e⋯.png (309.51 KB, 968x414, 484:207, HRC Evening.png)

File: c47e84951a78a6c⋯.jpg (93.16 KB, 968x414, 484:207, HRC Evening2.jpg)

9dd989 No.1318939

5c35d5 No.1318940

File: 358e7978cbee9e4⋯.png (41.03 KB, 590x440, 59:44, 358e7978cbee9e47f1b1360fbc….png)



interdasting CDAN this morning. Looks like the negro community will have to start looking for new "heroes".

4bff8c No.1318941


Axe me anything

Laughing out loud


ae6ce7 No.1318942


A quarter to which hour?

92e269 No.1318943


Morse code?


4 dash 2 dots 1 dash

1568a7 No.1318944


Why do eyes shine at night?

ba3cd2 No.1318945


No harm done anon :)

God bless.

8f887a No.1318946

File: f764cfee0b6e9ed⋯.png (77.13 KB, 225x160, 45:32, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7f5af1997cc096⋯.png (90.85 KB, 232x164, 58:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c042b4759bef2a⋯.png (48.18 KB, 128x164, 32:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec9c3297b1011b8⋯.png (90.8 KB, 230x171, 230:171, ClipboardImage.png)


Democrat Rob Chatlos

b7abde No.1318947


its totally unconstitutional!

66d9cb No.1318948


I've seen many people posting these over the past few weeks. Who writes them? Are they credible? Do they ever come true?

98a579 No.1318949


The judiciary is unreliable.

I think they're just tying their shoelaces together right now.

17cadc No.1318950

File: 0d6a360bf7a6c11⋯.png (1.23 MB, 995x534, 995:534, ClipboardImage.png)

d862ae No.1318951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i hear daft punk is playing at the trash fence

9e1dbd No.1318952


MY theory: The master is Satan. The Chair is the Chaiman & Board of BIS who controls everything in the world through their banking system. BIS is headquartered in Switzerland…Swish Army controls/protects the (P)ope who is also an big part at the Top of the pyramid…to control people through religion.

Why are these locations their own countries & not subject to our laws? Think about that.

Ronald Bernard's first YT video goes into this & he stated they are all Luciferians….he got out because he could sacrifice the children & he almost paid with his life.

5c35d5 No.1318953

>>1318767 Pop culture, liberal propaganda, and declining morality.

baker notable

daa4fb No.1318954


A wikipedia entry doesn't do this great justice

3fc94a No.1318955

Old MacDonald was dyslexic,


2e51b0 No.1318956

File: cfaa2f944124627⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1500x1001, 1500:1001, redpillartillery4.png)


thanks anon

i think its a funny way to use the redpill

4e1e8b No.1318957


Lol… I was going to embarrass you with another comment. But, it looks like the board already tore you a new vagina.

Better luck next time, cuckie.

(Good looking out, anons.)

5c35d5 No.1318958


read thru the site and find out…i ain't ur nigger.

9e1dbd No.1318959


*could NOT sacrifice the children.

b3e5df No.1318960

File: e5b6841974661dc⋯.jpg (97.26 KB, 500x574, 250:287, treasonous pos.jpg)

253c00 No.1318961


Not necessarily.

The Dungeon Family is a hip hop group that included many artist that came into prominence in the early to mid 1990's.

Groups, like Outkast and Goodie Mob (i think both) got their start in The Dungeon Family.

Both outkast and Goodie Mob explored the lives of african americans in the ghetto. Goodie Mob's Soul Food is a fantastic album and a fantastic example of what I am talking about.

Both preceded the 90's gangsta rap scene (think DMX & Master P). My question was if this is the group ANON worked for.

6c687a No.1318962


For great


88d1ea No.1318963

File: 0f7362778151a05⋯.jpg (7.91 KB, 236x214, 118:107, prarie dog.jpg)


Ok, Please stick your head up.

d862ae No.1318964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

agnar get grenas a couple hours of hollo deck

2e51b0 No.1318965


put (last bread) or something like that when you reply to a post from the last bread

f4ddac No.1318966


gotta add a pepe or two

ae6ce7 No.1318967

16cb8e No.1318968


That might just be what that tweet was saying.

e5c42c No.1318969

Reinheitsgebot is good thing.

so is saurkraut

9dd989 No.1318970


>Who writes them? Are they credible? Do they ever come true?

>Can somebody look into this guy?

YOU are the one, anon.

>I dont have the means, nor the skills

Yes, you DO. Here are the means: >>4852

Use those FREE resources at your disposal. It doesn't take skill, it takes a small amount of effort, a little bit of time, and a bit of organization. Look at his connections to other people we observe/target.

Paste what you find to a text doc, organize it so it's logical and paste it in here to follow up.

That's how you start, that's how it gets done. One anon at a time. YOU are that anon this time.

copypasta from tutoranon

also applies to "what is a search engine?"

a321b7 No.1318971


hmm the q post about the idea of satan existing makes me wonder what if this shit is all just people and all the other stuff is propaganda the ashcroft shit about hivites made alot of sense

2c2868 No.1318972


Time's up…note the pallets make a 'P'…

[Pope] will be having a terrible May.

185cc3 No.1318973


USN flag codes

37b324 No.1318974

File: c01f5e1fbdd18f2⋯.jpg (248.99 KB, 860x556, 215:139, pompeonkeyes.jpg)

3fc94a No.1318975

If God didn't mean for man to eat animals, He wouldn't have made them out of meat.

8f887a No.1318976

File: 625b3b7489ff662⋯.png (63.04 KB, 227x162, 227:162, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e26c055edd6763b⋯.png (102.6 KB, 236x167, 236:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f599e1cef0e4806⋯.png (103.76 KB, 235x175, 47:35, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62fe6c00a06feb4⋯.png (50.44 KB, 141x128, 141:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a65d220d2dd78d0⋯.png (91.44 KB, 306x172, 153:86, ClipboardImage.png)


Democrat Liz Watson

f4ddac No.1318977


yeah did you not see the recent Roland Bernard video

b7abde No.1318978

File: 3c57dc1e3177e27⋯.jpg (43.32 KB, 497x298, 497:298, bloodhoundgang - Copy.jpg)

2e51b0 No.1318979


hahaha meant for meme batter

9e1dbd No.1318980


No! Did we go to war with Syria? No!

Trust the plan & lurk moar. Learn the difference between fake & real Q.

37b324 No.1318981

File: c01f5e1fbdd18f2⋯.jpg (248.99 KB, 860x556, 215:139, pompeonkeyes.jpg)


whoops… mean for you

7ca479 No.1318982

Anons do we have a BETTING POOL on when McSTAIN and GINSBERG kick it?

bca39b No.1318983

File: a3b034c65e77db0⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 320x240, 4:3, an1CWdk.gif)


Typical Butt-Hurt socialistShill

still sniveling and (((they))) promise not to stop


c30e55 No.1318984


They were especially jwoke in the 18th century weren't they

e7880f No.1318985


Perhaps the secret witness is POTUS.

d862ae No.1318986

File: 7cc365ba75f7b98⋯.jpg (376.61 KB, 1436x801, 1436:801, 3oldspice.jpg)

i believe sumerians blamed leontocephaline for the sphinx

d92f1a No.1318987

File: 13f3cec73e2d8c9⋯.png (336.89 KB, 861x503, 861:503, ClipboardImage.png)

Q warned us so many bribes in Iran deal

Some are starting to be exposed

All funded by US taxpayers

To be paid during HRC's term in office

They never thought she would lose


2e51b0 No.1318988

File: e4a273bea096281⋯.gif (5.39 MB, 320x240, 4:3, jordan.gif)

3fc94a No.1318989


Slick Willy ain't looking so good, either.

2a6f75 No.1318990


You read my mind while I was about to ask.

133cb5 No.1318991


Last thing she did very emotionally, agreed Q is real and it is JA

9e1dbd No.1318992

File: 040e3f0add4ee70⋯.jpg (111.14 KB, 750x506, 375:253, IMG_4625.JPG)

470aeb No.1318993

File: 17b7d17cf67ae65⋯.png (780.6 KB, 893x645, 893:645, 48954464354376.png)

ba3cd2 No.1318994

File: 68e1de9f6b09f96⋯.jpg (45.92 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, MEGAFacepalm.jpg)

2e51b0 No.1318995


I got money on no name before RBG

8b01ac No.1318996

File: 4adac89e3af1490⋯.jpg (54.09 KB, 530x499, 530:499, ClintonShrek.jpg)


Are they taking the musical out on the road?

b7abde No.1318997

File: e75258d2b51ca3a⋯.jpg (105.61 KB, 589x455, 589:455, mcstain.jpg)

199e23 No.1318998


>I'm saying if you want your kid to work somewhere s/he needs the exam papers.

What employer asks to see standardized tests from high school or lower? Anyone with a brain knows they are meaningless.

29be12 No.1318999


her friend Chris Cronsell definitely lurks here…. hi Chris!

she posts a lot of Q stuff too - check out her Twitter page, she is a really really really nice lady, unless you are one of the cult - she is quick to recognize the cult and put them in their place

if you post on her wall she will respond to you. Ask her questions, she is very upfront and very good at explaining things

Dig on her shit…. there is A LOT there

4d5c43 No.1319000


Has there ever been a TransVestigation into this lovely couple?

Hey John, how do you ask the last SOS to become a turncoat who violates the Logan Act, all to maintain a failed Agreement which apparently benefits his own family more than the soldiers who will die defending it?

d862ae No.1319001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the deal of the art had better jesters cause satan was so wealthy in hindsight

a321b7 No.1319002


no i didnt link me pls im lazy

d92f1a No.1319003

File: 77c15aab0057019⋯.png (851.66 KB, 997x572, 997:572, ClipboardImage.png)

So many Deals cut to arm IRAN

They never thought she would lose!

ae6ce7 No.1319004



An equal half of baryon mass is anti-matter. It moves in the equally opposite direction of time to the other half. Equal and opposite.

The half of the anti-matter moving in the opposite direction of time, appears no different to matter.


There is no missing anti-matter.

595a6c No.1319005


Anyone see this docu. about the Titanic.

There was a fire in the Titanic before she sailed.

This fire started in the coal storage bins and was burning during the whole of the voyage. The fire damaged and weakened one of the bulkheads, which resulted in the catastrophic failure when the Titanic hit the ice berg. If there was no damage to the bulkhead the Titanic might have survived.

This fire was kept quite. The question is who else knew about this?

2a6f75 No.1319006


I got no name OD before the IG report release

29be12 No.1319007

File: 86096231930414d⋯.png (945.32 KB, 1438x1194, 719:597, roeper.png)



as ID'd by her

bf7e01 No.1319008

File: 464debfdbbc8862⋯.png (209.48 KB, 588x672, 7:8, Screenshot-2018-5-6 (2) Tw….png)

whos this faggot?

8f887a No.1319009


Indiana May 8th election



Republican Mike Braun

Important issues include: Repealing the Affordable Care Act, building a wall on the U.S.’s southern border, requiring every business to verify the immigration status of its workers and protecting the Second Amendment.

Rep. Luke Messer, R-6th District

Important issues include: Repealing the Affordable Care Act, building a wall on the U.S.’s southern border, ending tax credits for undocumented immigrants and Messer supports a tax cut and a plan that will lower tax rates and double the standard deduction for working families.

Rep. Todd Rokita, R-4th District

Important issues include: Repealing the Affordable Care Act, opposing amnesty and sanctuary cities. Rokita also wants to deport criminals that immigrated illegally to the U.S. and said stronger gun regulations make citizens defenseless.

307dd6 No.1319010


didn't jay z have this subpoena thing goin on?


470aeb No.1319011

File: c7e6b2b749db122⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1242x817, 1242:817, 325465976.png)

1568a7 No.1319012


What am I sniveling about? That I think Trump, Obama and Hilary are al the same?

Are you thick?

Regime change. War. Regime. War.

Troops out of Syria.

Fake chemical attack.

Bomb Syria.

Stay in Syria.

Bomb Afghanistan.

Attack Iran.

What exactly has changes in 20 years? Please tell me!


c615c3 No.1319013

Found on Twatter, with all misspellings intact:

Grand Inquisitor Kantbot


21h21 hours ago

Disney owns Marvel, Star Wars and Fox, but who owns Disney? The largest shareholder is the Vanguard Group, which owns Disney as part of its funds, but Vaguard is in turn also owned by its own mutual funds… Something doesnt add up

6727a8 No.1319014

Real Q,

Please get the President to unseal ALL the records from the Vietnam War. To include all POW Debrief statements, sightings of Pows still alive after the war, and the USS Forrestal incident started by No Name.

8e88b7 No.1319016

File: 8535312b62a5200⋯.jpg (74.53 KB, 640x447, 640:447, shacks-and-tyres-lesotho-a….jpg)

9e1dbd No.1319017

File: 1c355a8125a1580⋯.png (204.74 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5638.PNG)

File: cf3b2e1e71acf11⋯.jpg (19.51 KB, 139x216, 139:216, IMG_5640.JPG)


You can filter can't you? Or do you like having someone make decisions for you?!

An Anon got banned last night for posting the curve do toe pic to check digits! THAT IS NOT OK! Pics related!

2e51b0 No.1319018


some soyboy who thinks HE forced Q to lock his board, when its always like that

f97232 No.1319019

File: 03d589c1e2fcb3b⋯.jpg (99.13 KB, 704x528, 4:3, nazisrcommunistsbitemeanti….jpg)

a321b7 No.1319020


the cia is too busy running for cover to fuck with any of us outside of fucking wiht our computers or following us lmao killing q posters would attract attention

ad4926 No.1319021

File: ed34729bb808871⋯.png (269.15 KB, 485x532, 485:532, deletthis.png)

e2d42a No.1319022


Trust me.

ONE PAYS alright…they may THINK THEY OWN…but they live in FANTASY LAND….and own NOTHING. THEY FOLLOW "wanna-be" who has ALREADY LOST.




88d1ea No.1319023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



ae6ce7 No.1319024

Three day gap.

15,16,17th January.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

As a good producer once said, the gaps are as important.

7c6705 No.1319025


start it about 10 min in… explains how orthodox runs the politicians


de5345 No.1319026


hello ohour1

34d585 No.1319027

>>1318660 Hey look they dusted off flake Q

7ca479 No.1319028


I think RBG is already dead and the DNC is playing "A Weekend at Bernie's"

4d5c43 No.1319029


Fake Q, I forgot. Will my son still get a toy if he orders a Happy Meal?

2e51b0 No.1319030

File: d09085677d7b733⋯.png (1.12 MB, 2265x1453, 2265:1453, fuckkarlmarx.png)

244216 No.1319031

File: 578803f1fe29964⋯.png (325.65 KB, 800x667, 800:667, Anna-Von-Reitz.png)



c30e55 No.1319032


KANTBOT is this fat kid btw


c40672 No.1319033


Besides Switzerland, attention should also be on small principalities and city-states that don't necessarily have the same laws as 'normal' countries. Think Andorra, Lichtenstein, Gibraltar, some of the little islands like Nauru & Kitts, City of London, Vatican City… and even off-planet colonies on the Moon/Mars that might have been established without public notice.

Why did Obama sign a law late in his second term protecting companies from prosecution if they do something in outer space that would normally be a crime within the territory of the USA? *Think*, Anons!

bca39b No.1319034



this shill asks what she is sniveling about

then continues to snivel

these socialists are entertaing as fvck

8f887a No.1319035

File: bc3d82af4f71a40⋯.png (49.21 KB, 172x159, 172:159, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e56db6bf9394d5⋯.png (108.91 KB, 277x162, 277:162, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff3d69a7bebe51d⋯.png (112.94 KB, 275x161, 275:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fec30515ccfba2b⋯.png (132.09 KB, 294x178, 147:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18b8001d407b4e4⋯.png (79.79 KB, 201x168, 67:56, ClipboardImage.png)


>Republican Mike Braun

88d1ea No.1319036

File: a86513fa02cd4ab⋯.png (743.93 KB, 3328x1292, 832:323, Evidence.png)


What was in Cohen's files?


5a08df No.1319038


They come true.

Seen one on NXIVM from over a year ago. Seen a few more come to light also.

Their pretty credible imo.

5c35d5 No.1319039


kek! \\//~

f4ddac No.1319040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


k here it is


7ca479 No.1319041

File: 4f8fad1cb01c89c⋯.png (28.22 KB, 481x475, 481:475, t1j2oukYwT2KlpQG0FoDDlob0e….png)

b7abde No.1319042

File: 98aa7b3765a1c34⋯.jpg (156.82 KB, 1343x316, 17:4, banned4bs - Copy.jpg)


actually it was thanking an anon for his tool he gave us.

e9cc1c No.1319043


>What is required is to go back to the Constitution, without reference to recent, corrupt applications

this is correct

so now unless any anon wants to point out where in the constitution it says we are a corporation then we can consider the matter closed and agree that these usa is a corporation fags are SHILLS

2e51b0 No.1319044

bd86ab No.1319045


Yup.That whole line of thinking was such bullshit propaganda. He pays millions in taxes. Unless his secretary is making billions also she'd never pay anywhere close to that. But that is the perfect example of false narratives they use to pass legislation for more taxes and more regulation. All with the goal of putting the highest tax rate in the West on business "forcing" them to China where these insiders like buffet made out like kings. Remember his trips to China? He was treated like a god. He helped craft the downfall of America and raising China.

88c1d7 No.1319046

File: b1874fc070b4fb2⋯.png (831.13 KB, 538x747, 538:747, ClipboardImage.png)

Uber rare Pepe he was just just born; Feel free to save & spread Fellow Patriots

4b9500 No.1319047

File: dffe8dcc56d1f08⋯.jpg (41.17 KB, 500x462, 250:231, allBS.jpg)

Dr. Strage was a AF project that really tied it together after the clinton assassination attempt

dues dubs tobhat topfloor

a321b7 No.1319048


ty faggot

474e54 No.1319049

File: 83d9b26162dbcbf⋯.png (874.77 KB, 973x797, 973:797, zzzscript.PNG)


interesting 3 mins worth the watch .

you are watching a movie .

3ff732 No.1319050


I was just thinking that

a110d8 No.1319051

File: 32261b30669e304⋯.jpeg (811.89 KB, 1242x1679, 54:73, 289B5F0E-A780-4252-B40E-1….jpeg)

622ef9 No.1319052



c6cae9 No.1319053

File: 8eaf959299cb057⋯.jpg (87.71 KB, 551x599, 551:599, 00001Quentessential.jpg)

0f0823 No.1319054

Well Guys..

It seems that Will have Three fronts in this World.

USA Front



From that USA wants to cut ties with Turkey, something is Sure, USA will left to finance the NATO soon. UK wants to cut ties with Saudi Arabia. A lot of thoughts..

UK still will be with the EU militarily (NATO).

This will represent Tensions between the Three Fronts, The BRICS/EU has a lot of influence in Africa, Center/Southamerica.

USA needs to win more allies soon. Specially for Southamerica. Curiously. The strategy of McStain is very interesting for to form Proxy wars. A good manual coming to of a World Destroyer. in Florida.

The VExilies already are asking petitions for prosecutions against the Boli-bourgeois of Vzla. Just imagine that x10.. that seems the plan for the next years. For Something The Mr.Trump is worried for Obrador in July. And J.Castro in Canada. Because When finish the purge. These 2 countries will be a problem for the NSecurity of the United States. Not Saying of the EURSS and his praise to Marx.

This world isn't for the pacifists

199e23 No.1319055


Nope. Not even close.

37b324 No.1319056

File: 3d2ed4ec45d1f26⋯.jpg (296.22 KB, 1095x603, 365:201, obamasingapore.jpg)

e9cc1c No.1319057


grey Qongbogh chalDaq tlha' Dat 'IH SuvwI'


af06f8 No.1319058


Except there is no Gandalf in the Narnia but whatever.

ba3cd2 No.1319059


You fuckin' with my OCD anon? KeK!

030f7b No.1319060


Had a taco, enchilada, tostada, rice n beans, chips in salsa, and a Cadillac margarita. Read all posts containing 5:5.

Tried to post all of those here just now but "the body was too long" so I guess I have to make one of those huge unreadable screen caps instead.

Knowing what I know now, I know very little. Need more margaritas.

4d5c43 No.1319061


The Mullahs have turned speaking in empty phrases, intended as veiled threats, into an art-form. Have to think the President is losing a lot of sleep over it.


e9cc1c No.1319062



Notable here on relations between fiat currency gold and US wars

a321b7 No.1319063


seems we have russia saudis poland hungary and maybe israel

de5345 No.1319064


SRA is disinfo..mention the 7 eveil spririts and watch how fast she blocks you

e9cc1c No.1319065


Baker 2 parts to this notable

ae6ce7 No.1319066

File: 00d545e856d0f5d⋯.png (86.11 KB, 479x390, 479:390, Plan.png)


I trust the plan and am not worried about any of this.

470aeb No.1319067

File: 083808cb6635126⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1242x817, 1242:817, 564268548899826548023.png)

why only 1 red pallet?

de5345 No.1319068


pardon grammatical error

competing with a 2 yr old on the keys

7ca479 No.1319069


Try some Mescal and worm salt.

3bc54d No.1319070

File: b3b8b0ff5e94aef⋯.jpg (79.67 KB, 750x904, 375:452, IMG_20180506_231002.jpg)

32636e No.1319071

File: 37cb79ce469ebef⋯.png (25.01 KB, 529x133, 529:133, Qdoxx.png)


2c2868 No.1319072


Good digs, anon….

So are you saying that it POSSIBLY wasn't the FBI that raided Cohen's office it was private investigators?

Hrm…. and Q confirms with…

"Methods which info collected/obtained?"

We all assume it was FBI RAID but was it?

a321b7 No.1319073


yeah it seems too easy but you never know lol all i know is that this shit goes back 1000s of years

9e1dbd No.1319074


Sorry- didn't mean to misrepresent. Either way it should have not been banned. This has been happening for awhile now. I noticed it Thursday & saw it happen on Friday morning/lunch time.

Anons got banned for supporting POTUS, Saying "Amen", & then the RBV started deleting Anons posts without banning them. Owl Anon called them out as well..it was a true shitstorm on Friday.

Also- what will the Anons do when this RBV deletes Q posts or goes in and deletes breads?

8b01ac No.1319075

File: 58df71b4c1336a4⋯.jpg (277.86 KB, 1027x789, 1027:789, 2JSEG_18.jpg)

2-JSEG on approach to Liege Airport.

37009b No.1319076


we gotta get this traction again, so I'll start.


da2080 No.1319077

File: 91bb6f028569f0d⋯.jpg (85.65 KB, 640x360, 16:9, dhnigga.jpg)

470aeb No.1319078

File: 2ef5f09337c2fb1⋯.png (781.11 KB, 893x645, 893:645, 344378698076857.png)

519360 No.1319079

File: c025ecea0187c72⋯.png (397.7 KB, 965x418, 965:418, 1525628387084.png)

2e51b0 No.1319080


anyone who uses "Qanon" is a normie or a shillfag

I have never used that, the anon who posts is named Q

its just for twatter

199e23 No.1319081


>Why did Obama sign a law late in his second term protecting companies from prosecution if they do something in outer space that would normally be a crime within the territory of the USA?

Better question: Why did the Rep control Congress create such a law? Presidents only sign and enforce laws. Congress creates them.

470aeb No.1319082

File: ba3e46b3e0b801e⋯.png (265.03 KB, 770x334, 385:167, 58908970879-672345.png)

be8e78 No.1319083


Hollywood marches out another one of their cabal whores.

254049 No.1319084


already dead

when the last white Rhino died

e9cc1c No.1319085


so says the chief shitposter

a321b7 No.1319086


tbh their organic ketchup is fucking good

8b01ac No.1319087

File: eded11cd8a48e38⋯.jpg (8.3 KB, 150x150, 1:1, HillPolka.jpg)


Maybe she'll be playing her Greatest Hits at Auckland…

470aeb No.1319088

File: d755657220131c5⋯.png (264.75 KB, 770x334, 385:167, 79708876124276.png)

b0791d No.1319089

What happened to "Paytriot Shekelbox"

Did MOSSAD decide they were an epic fail?

88d1ea No.1319090


No, I beleive that the PIs were investigation the Obama admin people and got the evidence about JK and others. Then STORED it with Cohen - TO BE FOUND.

POTUS manipulated this to bring in evidence that he could not bring in.

If he has all the NSA collections - which he does - but that intel cannot be used in a court. But the PI evidence can, if it is obtained via law enforcement methods - ie raid.

de5345 No.1319091


she blocked for showing this

http:// shamah-elim.info/girgash.htm..

even her name, SRA =Satanic ritual abuse is a dead giveaway

a110d8 No.1319092

File: 7ac7c8d9f2c0a01⋯.jpeg (303.93 KB, 1242x2024, 27:44, 1ECAB664-9D52-430E-844B-2….jpeg)

Anyone know if this ring is symbolic ?

b7abde No.1319093


np, i am not one to bitch about shit but that was unnecessary. might of been a mistake. thats why i wanted to talk to bo.

622ef9 No.1319094

The Vatican controls all commerce through the Universal Post Union held in Switzerland. From these centers of power fascism is the ruler. That is to mix business with politics for the benefit of profits. Secondary powers are also present all over the planet and these are constantly waging war with each other.


0cb607 No.1319095


per Art of War, never interrupt your enemy when she is making a mistake

a321b7 No.1319096


time to test your theory lmao

470aeb No.1319097

File: f7246789ea009cf⋯.png (265.18 KB, 770x334, 385:167, 43654758563.png)

4d5c43 No.1319098

File: ca51a57d72a71ac⋯.jpeg (29.83 KB, 236x204, 59:51, image.jpeg)

File: 1b4a7bcba4ef6d0⋯.jpeg (497.54 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, image.jpeg)


Donut holes scaled to life.

Hit me Smitty! (Pic related).

ae6ce7 No.1319099


Quarter to 7?

6a7f15 No.1319100



e9cc1c No.1319101


>the board already tore you a new vagina

not the board

the shills that were outed - inc (you)

as usual

5c35d5 No.1319102


>per Art of War,

it's Napoleon, not Sun Tzu.


199e23 No.1319103


The FBI conducted the raid on Cohen. One of the talking heads said some of the agents refused to participate in it.

0cb607 No.1319104


desperately trying to remain revelant

4e35dd No.1319105

Glad to see the "muh bans" faggots have arrived on cue.

I'm not saying it's tied to a hormonal cycle, but the bitching does happen on a monthly basis.

Someone get the poor girls some tampons or do them a courtesy and kick them the fuck out. Again.

2c2868 No.1319106


Ohhhhhh…plausible for sure!

ccf127 No.1319107

File: 94f18ec74d1aada⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 4248x2832, 3:2, F-35_Kekistan1.jpg)


Top Kek

99d26d No.1319108


Nicely done, anon. You should be an auditor with the IG office!

07c860 No.1319109

File: 24ed2819f457cce⋯.png (198.53 KB, 778x842, 389:421, ClipboardImage.png)


Were there 2 or 3 blue pallets in the back of that truck?

If it was intercepted…as it must of been…ergo we wouldn't have such a nice picture of it and it's cargo…then it might stand to reason, these other color pallets were intercepted from another shipment. Or maybe they were removed before the picture of the last couple ahh blue pallets were taken.

8b01ac No.1319110

File: 3cad941f9645303⋯.jpg (63.42 KB, 770x334, 385:167, Hilldawg.jpg)

Reality bites….

0cb607 No.1319111


relevant, not revelant

8e88b7 No.1319112

File: 4e294f8012364f4⋯.png (561.36 KB, 499x445, 499:445, hole.PNG)


Or scaled to something else…

d50176 No.1319113




All wars are banker's wars

9e1dbd No.1319114


I don't think it was a mistake because I've been watching the ban logs since Thursday & there is definitely a Rogue BV banning Anons over nothing. We had this problem a few months back & 8Bit said he took that BV privileges away. That BV caused the Board to split & it will happened again if it keeps up. Anons don't like to have their voices suppressed…or controlled.

Keep up with the ban logs daily & you will see a pattern.

b7abde No.1319115


oh thats interesting, dun dun dun

plot thickens


6a7f15 No.1319116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


per war of art

double bill satan

ae6ce7 No.1319117


Quarter to 7 (PM) on the 6th of May? Zulu?

3fc94a No.1319118

File: 5d7607cf754f331⋯.jpg (506.6 KB, 996x643, 996:643, Killary_tries_anal.jpg)

0cb607 No.1319119


ok, thanks

5abc95 No.1319120

File: 65c9ccd7184003a⋯.jpg (143.14 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, MemewarStandingBy.jpg)

bd86ab No.1319121


Now that is a great sign the mullahs have lost all control and the Protestors are on America's side.

b7abde No.1319122


i know i was here

they even started another board

6a7f15 No.1319123

shillary is trying to escalate some sort of beefy clit vaginal diversity, could she get own board BO?

05c125 No.1319124


Anon, really??

Malachi 3:6 KJV — For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

Hebrews 13:8 KJV — Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

68d367 No.1319126

Popular vote and Electoral vote do not have precedence. That's why Trump will be forced down and Hillary enstated.

US Constitution-

Article 11: Section, 11

"No citizen shall be elected President of this confederation of states if, it was her turn."

Article 6: Section 3

"…muh russia."

Case Closed Anons

3551a4 No.1319127




Sara Ruth Ashcraft is a real person "go look her up" and she suffers from satanic ritual abuse. She lurks here and posts here so WHAT about her story do you not believe?

a110d8 No.1319128


Thanx Found this

Ancient Persians used turquoise extensively to decorate many objects from the mundane to the holy and wore the stones around their wrists or necks to warn them of approaching danger by changing color. (Turquoise does indeed change color in response to light and chemical reactions.)



8b01ac No.1319129

File: 401791e98f82101⋯.png (332.34 KB, 685x385, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)


Do their doughnuts turn out like Fanny's? *

This is Fanny Craddock, a TV cook from the '70s for non-Brits.

ba3cd2 No.1319130

File: e2460d653866f6e⋯.jpg (310.66 KB, 1600x1165, 320:233, MoonBum.jpg)

88d1ea No.1319131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Most people do not realize how public POTUS' life really is. There are hundreds of hours of video on him, thousands of pages of written material. Here is something public about POTUS that most don't know.

He believes in REVENGE.

5c35d5 No.1319133

File: cbf2cc6e8a7f259⋯.jpg (17.27 KB, 255x191, 255:191, martin-original.png.jpg)

9e1dbd No.1319135


What is your problem Anon? I will always stick up for Anons to have a voice & not be controlled…why is that so hard for you to understand? Do you wish the board to split again?

ca30b6 No.1319136


It'll toughen him up. The secret service should be teaching him tools to fight back. Plus, it's better than a SRA childhood like other president's kids…

cebe4a No.1319137


We are watching a movie.

88d1ea No.1319138

File: bffece577df6150⋯.png (1.29 MB, 2244x1356, 187:113, reckoning.png)


pic rel

6a7f15 No.1319139


the colors varry by mine, there is a super rare white one

254049 No.1319141


Marilyn M?

5c35d5 No.1319142



17cadc No.1319143

File: 9b051ae4917b4e6⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1035x581, 1035:581, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's another one from the Dod twitter you might wanna use - lotta redpills dropping!

7ca479 No.1319144


It is not just POTUS who is taking things personally. We have a WAR MACHINE that is out for REVENGE.

4d93aa No.1319145

File: 7da5847615d6961⋯.png (50.27 KB, 919x549, 919:549, Jew_Vote.PNG)

Friends, why are 70% of all jews is the US against Making American Great Again and putting America First?

4d5c43 No.1319146

File: 65d9a0743bdcdbb⋯.jpeg (60.28 KB, 600x900, 2:3, image.jpeg)


>their organic ketchup

Sure it is. Have another sip of your Ovaltine and go back to bed dear. It will all be better in the morning.

8e88b7 No.1319147

File: 9b60f60eac26d40⋯.png (545.87 KB, 848x633, 848:633, comeon.PNG)

88c1d7 No.1319148

File: 049d10367c7d245⋯.png (236.06 KB, 778x344, 389:172, ClipboardImage.png)

476c7b No.1319149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


199e23 No.1319150


Saw it on Hannity a few nights ago. If I remember correctly, Gorka said it.

a321b7 No.1319151


everything is poison anyways might as well eat it

2c2868 No.1319152





>>1318789 connections to Q SINGAPORE $29M and Cabal steals $ through fake purchases

88d1ea No.1319154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


some even have fun practicing.

5c35d5 No.1319155

File: c0ee3bcb17d08be⋯.jpg (15.13 KB, 255x188, 255:188, c0ee3bcb17d08be4e39c98be72….jpg)


I suspect ALL of us taking this a bit personally…I know I am. KEK!

6a7f15 No.1319157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


scalaar tech jumped out of the bathroom round star wars 5 i think or was it planar idk

let me find the video

ca30b6 No.1319158


Maybe the photo is about what's NOT in the truck/container…something that was taken out…cause it looks pretty empty: a message to the cabal that WE got your shit now, bitches.

29be12 No.1319159

File: 6d9c3eb943f0741⋯.png (173.5 KB, 1776x954, 296:159, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)

File: 7613afc782f5fe0⋯.png (88.16 KB, 1994x450, 997:225, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)


>(her name looks legit - any search turns up her and her parents…. I'm sure her luciferian hivite parents gave her that name on purpose

here mother looks like is Rosemary… making her Rosemary's baby. She talks about them calling her The Golden Child

470aeb No.1319160

File: 9d5780e9336b590⋯.png (281.22 KB, 425x665, 85:133, 53456547453.png)

2c2868 No.1319162


Put POTUS' revenge together with God's Vengeance and we have something! I'm counting on both of them for JUSTICE!

476c7b No.1319163

What’s the deal with all the ass finger and toe plug faggots?

b7abde No.1319164


will dig on it, thats interesting

thats what got me my second you from Q

when i said, they broke in

57736d No.1319165


slow your roll hall monitor. there is a reason no one likes you and your nanny lists here, regardless if it is accurate or not. anons don't come here for lists telling them how to think and they in fact find it pretty gay of you. the list also shows your bias, which lead many to believe (((you))) are simply shilling for shekels. no one asked for your lists, no one asked for you to patrol the board, and your disgusting newfaggotry will always be called out. your continued behavior strongly indicates (((you))) aren't newfagging tho, but shilling, nothing more, nothing less.

763fc4 No.1319166

Hey guys, I'm in a rather large group of relatively intelligent conservatives. I'm being asked what we are, and what Q is. I'm tired and hungover, so I could use a little help. Is there a good blog post somewhere I can link up to that you're aware of? I'm not looking for memes. These folks can read. TIA.

771c28 No.1319167

File: 28cd97a6c654dbf⋯.png (212.52 KB, 533x355, 533:355, iranfakemissles.png)

The Iranians are getting uppity with their missile threats… [Iran]

470aeb No.1319168

File: dab603e07b86f7f⋯.png (266.49 KB, 770x334, 385:167, 5654768913.png)

ba3cd2 No.1319169


Gay attention seekers anon.

199e23 No.1319170


Don't know. Let's deport them too.

29be12 No.1319171


exactly anon…. if she blocks you… you probably deserve to be blocked…. not a hint of fuckery from that girl - none

a321b7 No.1319172


show them the connections between powerful families human trafficking and operation northwoods/jfk great red pills

0f0823 No.1319173

Those Kazasshat are searching a lot of Gold..

http:// news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1525437780.php

Remember ISIS?

https:// eurasianet.org/s/perspectives-kazakhstan-is-central-asias-migration-outlier

470aeb No.1319175

File: 730b891d8637b40⋯.png (265.67 KB, 770x334, 385:167, 9878634413211123.png)

3551a4 No.1319176


They made their bed now they can lay in it….

17cadc No.1319177


Their organice ketchup is not 100% organic. Look at the ingredients! If they have "white distilled vinegar" or "citric acid" listed, then it is not organic. These products are made from gmo corn.

763fc4 No.1319178


I'm not looking to go down the rabbit hole on any particular thing. I'm looking to explain Q with credibility, and get them started on their own path.

29be12 No.1319180


I think it might be the same person with Brows More posts….. nerd autist that thinks it's cool…. everything has their thing

1568a7 No.1319181



From sniveling to notable.

LOL! You fuck tard

a85266 No.1319182

File: 3e32918b2465ff1⋯.jpeg (451.41 KB, 1126x802, 563:401, 372EE799-F531-4928-82A6-E….jpeg)

Love me some James Woods

4d93aa No.1319183

File: 71b90a947e4a274⋯.png (157.04 KB, 944x314, 472:157, Jews_Immigration_And_Natio….png)


Why are so many jews anti-White frends?

a321b7 No.1319184


i know its not i trust nothing i just dont care cuz im gonna die of liver disease from prescription drugs anyways

1568a7 No.1319185


Link for notable


470aeb No.1319186

File: 727becb580e885e⋯.png (266.18 KB, 770x334, 385:167, 9607-987643554.png)

793072 No.1319187

File: 06dd0e6c3a9e569⋯.jpg (110.35 KB, 998x380, 499:190, esquire.1.jpg)

File: 4ee7fd2ea63c2b3⋯.jpg (93.52 KB, 997x357, 997:357, esquire.3.jpg)

File: d40dbc9aa44df36⋯.jpg (166.95 KB, 993x320, 993:320, esquire.4.jpg)


Following the release of the Swift Boat book, Esquire Magazine ran a satire piece on the book. C_orsi and his publisher went into the same mode we are seeing now and filed a 1 million $ lawsuit against Esquire. They lost. There are other suits as well, but honestly, it's so apparent who this man is I really don't have any interest in posting.

ae6ce7 No.1319188

ba3cd2 No.1319189

File: b61369cda914d83⋯.jpg (95.65 KB, 1024x338, 512:169, CH1.jpg)

File: 82f28afcdf5b928⋯.jpg (218.54 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, CH2.jpg)

File: f106c494aa502d4⋯.jpg (622.77 KB, 1000x630, 100:63, CH3.jpg)

4d5c43 No.1319190


That I agree with. And if it taste good, all the better. Someone did a break-down of Heinz 'regular' ketchup. Scary. The Europeans don't let them sell the US formula there. They insist it has some measure of actual tomato in the ingredient list. If I recall what the anon was saying, here they play around with the order of High Fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup and Natural flavors. Europeans, by law, mandate Tomato paste or whatever. It was a shocking little post, but the takeaway is that Heinz is nothing but a chemistry lab creation. They compared to Hunts (I think). The McDonalds fries are healthier then the Heinz!

26f1ea No.1319191

So, I think I figured out what “these people are stupid” marker stands for.

Beavis and Butthead, season 2 episode 10. It’s called “way down Mexico way”. It’s a direct quote from the show.

Beavis: M-80s?

Butt-head: Firecrackers?

[Mexican woman shrugs]

Beavis: Fireworks?

[Mexican woman shrugs]

Butt-head: These people are stupid.

So my conjecture is that every time the cabal attempts to sneak something across the border, Q uses that marker.

88d1ea No.1319192


I think fake q is keeping her head down.

Too bad.

9a7bc4 No.1319193


Let it go. Put your time into PRODUCTIVE efforts.

a321b7 No.1319194


why u think trump eats at mcdonalds i just eat farmers market shit and random ass crap

87dcc2 No.1319195


This fucking traitor.

I bet Kerry is representing Iran and not even the US.

c77e72 No.1319196

File: 2f7fb84064b4120⋯.png (498.91 KB, 661x680, 661:680, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)

File: 4dfd7bcfce13951⋯.png (58.49 KB, 666x196, 333:98, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)


17cadc No.1319197


I understand! Try to slowly get off the prescription drugs - but first see a natural doctor, herbalist, someone that can get you off the prescription drugs. They are doing damage elsewhere most likely. I too am suffering, trying everyday to stay fit and stay away from gmo's and pesticides. God Bless!

5c35d5 No.1319198


I'm still trying to figure out how "she" could possibly see "herself" as forever First "Lady"…huge ego and delusions of grandeur or just plain stupid…or both?

a321b7 No.1319199


im already off them for like 2 years lol i got royally fucked up by paxil abilify and risperdol as a little kid never been the same since

8e88b7 No.1319200

last call for notables

470aeb No.1319202

File: 979d1b5355c3fd8⋯.png (1.13 MB, 986x928, 17:16, 115373093874578745.png)


771c28 No.1319203

File: 964f6c7ce70df8d⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 460x276, 5:3, b3d6dc7fd4bb7d23eed1571a1f….jpg)

Hello. My name is Gareth Williams. I was an MI6 agent who was so depressed that i zipped myself up naked into a red Northface duffle bag in my tub to end it all. By the way, i also padlocked it from the outside to fool everyone. I even left the key under my body, inside the bag.

17cadc No.1319204


She doesn't. She's just trying to insert it into people's minds because she/he knows what's coming!

a321b7 No.1319205


i think you replied to the wrong person anon

ad4926 No.1319206




5c35d5 No.1319207


(((they))) tried that Notable shit last night with the Israeli flag stomper. No imagination. No innovation. Then again, what else do you expect from teh half-to-midwits? KEK!

17cadc No.1319208


Yes I did! I just saw that!

3551a4 No.1319209


Iran can suck it, suck it real good! We are going to blow Hezbollah off the map.

1ccd52 No.1319210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

still looking, it was a hip hop video

204388 No.1319211

File: 7d9dc32fb9824e4⋯.png (94.8 KB, 995x608, 995:608, Screenshot 2018-05-06 11.0….png)



17cadc No.1319212


meant for ….


ad4926 No.1319213


That's quite a talent you got there.

1568a7 No.1319214


Not much! Trust the PLAN? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

ba3cd2 No.1319216


I posted this a couple of days ago. I think one of Q team helpers was asking us to dig on him and other British spies that dies horribly. Gareth was investigating international money smuggling routes for the NSA at the time he was killed. He was one of /ourguys/

God bless his soul.

5c35d5 No.1319217

>>1318953 (link to formatted Notable)


1e955c No.1319218


A group of Military Intelligence and White House aides who carefully leak information by posing questions that any intelligent person can answer through researching PUBLIC SOURCES of information. Although the info is classified within the government, since there are open sources where anyone can learn the same facts, Q can drop crumbs or hints that lead to the public info. This does not directly leak classified information. In essence Q is encouraging citizens to develop their own open-source intelligence agency that is separate from the government. In addition Q encourages citizens to exercise their Constitutional rights to make the elected officials serve the people, not the other way around.

1568a7 No.1319219


You are a waste of oxygen. Later skater.

69c59b No.1319220


Why are there redactions? The document has been declassified, paragraphs are marked U and the paragraphs have FOUO struck. Clearance anons clarify?

4d5c43 No.1319221

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Sorry Mooch, after 2020, Melania will be my 'Forever First Lady'.

5c35d5 No.1319222


> Later skater.

eat shit, (((shill)))

a321b7 No.1319225

File: 9a67294ea2aa268⋯.jpeg (378.62 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, 9a67294ea2aa268fa6ddb2f9f….jpeg)

07c860 No.1319226


Yep…had that bagged. Was wondering if there were more then that one shipment of pallets confiscated. Or…if all those different color pallets came from the same truck.

17cadc No.1319227


You know, we should meme that!

A picture of Melania with a caption that reads:

America's Forever First Lady!

Make it go viral! Steal mooch's thunder!

4d5c43 No.1319228


And let us say: Amen.

45a7da No.1319229


America's First Real Lady

3d43ec No.1319230

About that airplane over Apple's HQ in Cupertio and container pics. Some intel was dropped (end of vid) indicating it was carrying 80/storage servers config with keys for authentication to Apple icloud, similar to Google Cloud and Amazon AWS. Deep State did this so that China will have key to access secure data for US Gov't and what most corporations store in the cloud. The aircraft left San Jose airport to Hong Kong carrying the servers. CIA (China now controls almost all significant cloud storage.)

Baker possible notable


ccf127 No.1319231



>>1318596 Pope will be having a terrible May

The best part is that this Anon quotes legitimate Catholic news sources.

5557a5 No.1319232


Just like anyone who asks "who" (trying to get people interested in doxxing Q is also bad news

914803 No.1319233

File: 51525d490afc95c⋯.png (172.04 KB, 1080x835, 216:167, Screenshot_20180506-130657….png)

File: 1b631622f11ad58⋯.jpeg (86.28 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, DciC2WTX0AMUyMQ.jpeg)


a321b7 No.1319234


q is keith olberman

05dd11 No.1319235


Excellent explanation! I will spread this.

771c28 No.1319236


I remember my first lady. She was older, and i mounted her on a coffee table. Whoops, wrong type of first:)

bda935 No.1319238

File: 237f3e7d577726c⋯.gif (384.3 KB, 320x160, 2:1, To_the_wind.gif)

I'm just gonna leave this here


b3e5df No.1319239

Lieberman: ‘Inappropriate’ For Kerry To Try To Save Iran Deal

“John Kerry is NOT negotiating on behalf of the U.S. government — I hope everybody he’s talking to knows that,” Lieberman said. “But, in my opinion, what he’s doing is inappropriate and he shouldn’t be doing it.”

Lieberman noted that Kerry is being uniquely uncouth…

“[The Trump administration] is a duly elected administration so I hope John Kerry stops,” Lieberman concluded.


ccf127 No.1319243

File: e573d6c37805b1f⋯.jpg (40.64 KB, 500x847, 500:847, Nice Diggz Anon.jpg)


Nice Diggz, Anon

4d5c43 No.1319244


I laughed so hard it made my balls itch!

3fb8f8 No.1319245


an attempt to find a substitute for soros.

fbeba7 No.1319246


Clinton IT staffer pleads 5th 125 consecutive times


4c6e92 No.1319247


Ah, cabal targeting practise.

17cadc No.1319249

File: cc12317d34f99f5⋯.png (426.12 KB, 511x564, 511:564, ClipboardImage.png)



Here you go!

Maybe someone can do it better!

793072 No.1319251


Excuse me, my error. This lawsuit is actually a response to a satire piece run in Esquire about the C_orsi Birther book. And they sued for $120 million, not $1 million.

https:// www.newsmax.com/us/corsi-farah-birthcertificate-obama/2011/06/30/id/402087/

199e23 No.1319252


We're a group of patriots from around the country and world who have joined forces trying to make sense out of what's going on. The powerful and wealthy have committed heinous crimes against humanity right in plain sight. Chaos. brainwashing, and oppression has made it impossible for the little people to see and fight back. So, our role is to help open the eyes of normies and educate them. Q's role is to throw out bones of info to keep us motivated and open our eyes to see how expansive the problem is using open sources. The released data typically strikes fear in the opponents causing them to react in some way.

d0fb4a No.1319253


It looks as though they fitted a new barrel on it. Notice the new sleeve at the base of the barrel. Maybe they were test firing it after the repair/replace. That would explain the high speed photo needed to capture the shell as it left the barrel.

4d5c43 No.1319254


Great idea. Sadly no computer skills here, but you have my unwavering support!

07c860 No.1319256


So there were two keys. One the killer's kept and one they threw under the body in the bag. …annnd they thought this would make it look like he suicided himself? With operator's this dumb, I might just want to rummage through the abodes/belongings of any I suspect, just to see if I get match.

763fc4 No.1319257


Nicely done. Thank you.

88d1ea No.1319258



Did you hear POTUS at the NRA - "maybe I should call for a march on Washington" or close to it?

I can only imagine if he 'Called Up' We the People.

fb666c No.1319259

Did some anon notice that the post of the anon who complained about his ban got deleted?

1972a9 No.1319260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BO a bunch of pedogate defendants are just banning shit willy nilly

4d5c43 No.1319261


Great work anon. Was almost made to order too. Nice picture selection. Very classy. I'll do my best to drop upstairs on Twatter.

ca30b6 No.1319262


Buffett did buy 75M shares of AAPL, @$12B…maybe we just took his money and are flooding Iran with cash now to collapse their regime's hold on the currency…cheap intervention. No war…and potentially Buffet's money…if he is cabal, he's gonna be pissed that his money didn't go to R&D. Sounds like CEO Tim made an expensive deal to keep his china boy romps on the DL.

1568a7 No.1319263

President Donald Trump has made a surprise announcement that US forces will be withdrawing from Syria, citing the defeat of Islamic State and the need to defend US borders and rebuild “crumbling” infrastructure.

“We're coming out of Syria very soon. Let the other people take care of it now,” Trump said during a speech in Richfield, Ohio on Thursday, dedicated to his infrastructure initiative.

The US spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, Trump said, describing how the US would build schools only for insurgents to destroy them, while there was no funding to build schools in Ohio.

“We build a school, they blow it up. We rebuild the school, they haven’t blown it up yet, but they will,” he said.

The president also pointed out the “wall” and 32,000 US troops guarding the border between North and South Korea, while the US border with Mexico was not likewise protected.

“Is there something a little bit wrong with that?” he asked the crowd.

Trump’s remarks about Syria are in line with what he said last month, at a press conference in Washington with Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull.

“We're there for one reason: to get ISIS and get rid of ISIS, and to go home,” the US president had said. “We’re not there for any other reason and we’ve largely accomplished our goal.”

However, this goes against the previous pronouncements of his subordinates at the State Department and the military.

In January, then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson outlined a plan that envisioned extended US presence in Syria to ensure a peaceful transfer of power to a “post-Assad leadership.” In December last year, the Pentagon said US troops would remain in Syria for “as long as we need to, to support our partners and prevent the return of terrorist groups.”

Are the troops OUT?

ce9933 No.1319264

File: 62ce4b61806194c⋯.mp4 (3.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Q Research Analysis.mp4)

Q Research and Analysis.

a321b7 No.1319265


yea cuz hes a faggot shill

763fc4 No.1319266


Awesome. Thank you.

712ca1 No.1319267

File: 623ebc30b6edd3b⋯.jpg (57.84 KB, 845x450, 169:90, 623ebc30b6edd3b5164661280c….jpg)

File: 266b936c6594817⋯.png (50.26 KB, 635x587, 635:587, 266b936c65948171af65e981a8….png)

8e88b7 No.1319268

File: 6b696a08d1956a8⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 204x255, 4:5, 6b696a08d1956a8cfbcda19522….jpg)

c9da6b No.1319269


Says the incessantly malicious namefag splerg meister….

1e955c No.1319270


People who have never researched Satanic Ritual Abuse have a hard time believing that parents could really treat their own children that way. In particular, when they learn that SRA is Jewish, their disbelief grows because they assume that anything evil reported against a Jewish individual must be anti-Semitism.

One of the tasks that we have is to educate people about the satanic bloodlines families, their pagan religion (which is NOT Jewish), their abusive child rearing practices, their so-called natural philosophy of "Nature, red of tooth and claw", and their vampiric rituals.

363874 No.1319271

File: af1f2179ffed66d⋯.png (627.39 KB, 1597x1600, 1597:1600, excellent_bait.png)

f404b6 No.1319273

File: 384daa3e099aeac⋯.jpg (55.98 KB, 609x591, 203:197, deplorable let that sink i….JPG)

Let (((THAT))) Sink In


78080b No.1319274


This is exactly what we need right now. A European Army - think of any uprising against the EU - German soldiers will not shoot German people… but maybe Spanish or Estonian will? Need a regime change in Poland? Send some German troops!

c52e91 No.1319275


Not until that The Kurds are sure.

f404b6 No.1319276

File: e25c3dc548188f4⋯.jpg (13.47 KB, 264x108, 22:9, Q PIGS oink.JPG)


how fitting…

you go girl !!!

66ea7d No.1319278

File: e3c0f1864900695⋯.jpg (242.53 KB, 838x489, 838:489, clintonobamahoc.JPG)

Drip drop tic-toc

6727a8 No.1319279

https:// www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/03/russian-jet-crashes-after-takeoff-from-syria-airbase-killing-crew

Russians having problems with computer chips too ??

3551a4 No.1319280


They'll be okay once the fluoride wears off….

771c28 No.1319281

File: c2b324e8bc315f8⋯.jpg (157.44 KB, 960x823, 960:823, nu5aca80c5.jpg)

b0791d No.1319282

File: 8b58ab36d752ed9⋯.jpg (84.68 KB, 960x640, 3:2, jewschosen1.jpg)

File: 3668672e75e2ad0⋯.png (50.71 KB, 350x200, 7:4, assangeversusisraelscreens….png)


Yet how many times do these evangelicals have to be told?

a220e8 No.1319283


> This is context for the laws that are cited making the false claim that the federal government was taken over.

Your partially correct. The organic charter of the federal government was the Virginia Company.

The fed.gov IS a corporation.

8ce33a No.1319284


There's an egregious misspelling.

Change Odor → Order.

bd86ab No.1319285


Not until the mullahs in Iran are out. Iran deal deadline in 6 days.

a85266 No.1319286

File: bc54afe09546cf9⋯.jpeg (914.29 KB, 1536x1324, 384:331, 3F88CAB6-702A-4ABC-86A8-4….jpeg)

DoD retweet within the last 5 minutes

c52e91 No.1319287


What a Coincidence..

Also USA still has the same problem..

Chinese Electronic?

8b01ac No.1319288

File: 40b7d3c17609836⋯.jpg (62.01 KB, 770x334, 385:167, Hilldawg2.jpg)

Too subtle?

ccf127 No.1319289


Missing 'e' on the hashtag

e9cc1c No.1319290


>the shills that were outed - inc ((((you))))

most of all


in fact probably ONLY you

a110d8 No.1319291

File: d08d5820e6f4ba8⋯.jpeg (495.72 KB, 1242x1371, 414:457, 475AF692-7776-4D75-97E5-4….jpeg)

Republican House Armed Service chair warns Trump against leaving Iran deal.

I thought it was a bad deal,” he said. “But the key question is, ok, what happens next if the U.S. pulls out? Does Iran kick out those inspectors so we lose the visibility we have?”

Trump has signalled he may tear up the 2015 deal and re-impose sanctions later this month. Trump Administration officials have said the nuclear accord fails to address Iran’s ballistic missile programme and will allow Tehran to rebuild its nuclear programme after some of its provisions expire.

Thornberry said that Trump should work with European allies to address these shortcomings in the accord. But scuttling the deal, he said, would take pressure off Iran by dividing Washington from its allies.

“The Europeans are not going to re-impose sanctions so where does that leave us and Iran?” he said.

Reporting by Joel Schectman; Editing by Phil Berlowitz



a85266 No.1319292

File: 04f4421326fa7eb⋯.jpeg (146.64 KB, 1020x391, 60:23, 3A3DDE51-FAE4-424C-BC4E-C….jpeg)

78080b No.1319293


Probably some fucks from Iran - remember this:

Iran–U.S. RQ-170 incident


e9cc1c No.1319295


vanguard is a giant elite tax avoidance shell

17cadc No.1319296

File: 08ab5fbe9ae99cd⋯.png (460.17 KB, 490x563, 490:563, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's another example…

2e51b0 No.1319300

File: 2646611efa1da2b⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 379x292, 379:292, giphy (1).gif)

a6cf0c No.1319302

File: 6de9f283aa59ad9⋯.jpg (165.35 KB, 1125x737, 1125:737, Q Clue Pallets.JPG)

Somethings been bothering me on this pic.

If you notice the top 2 pallets, why would they be placed sideways - 90 degrees off from the others. they could have easily placed them uniform with the others.

8fe597 No.1319303

We have US citizens dying as a result of opiate addictions incurred in warfare.

We know the dumping of opiates amphetamines is a subversive attack on US capacity.

We should be treating our addicts instead of blaming them.

Purdue Pharma caused many of these addiction and has profitted enormously we know where their assets are. Lawfags is there not some way to.compel them to fund addiction treatment programs?

There are ways to.sucessfully treat addicts and train them to treat others and we should do this soon as we are losing valuable addict anons.

e9cc1c No.1319304



divisionfag "analysis"

3c0066 No.1319305


Stop all the faggoty Meania worship

88c1d7 No.1319306

File: ce69c42224e0112⋯.png (235.53 KB, 766x330, 383:165, ClipboardImage.png)

07c860 No.1319307


Slapping my knees on this one. Oh would I love it if this were the case. Sweet.

66ea7d No.1319308

File: 320de68f05eacaa⋯.jpg (295.23 KB, 960x823, 960:823, clintonbodybag.jpg)


Updated bag-gage

c40672 No.1319309


Lots of FBI special agents and county/state police detectives would beg to differ with your conclusion about the reality of satanic ritual abuse.

05aa0e No.1319310


ff inc

a220e8 No.1319311

File: e65d73ee147447b⋯.jpg (49.32 KB, 465x478, 465:478, so goy it be.jpg)




>"a higher loyalty"

"Deep state" and words with two ls ("balls deep" for isntance) are mason codes.

17cadc No.1319314


What's the matter, you miss mooch much?

02a07b No.1319315


I swear you read my mind..

saw it as I was about to post similar (different text color-the only difference)

b0791d No.1319316


It must be terrifying for you to realize that your malfeasance is being exposed

a85266 No.1319318


Bothered me too anon. When I mentioned no one


7c6705 No.1319320


why comma after 24?

e9cc1c No.1319321

File: c13fa25441e8312⋯.jpg (10.75 KB, 259x194, 259:194, selfsufficiency.jpg)



anons please join our new thread that all are interested in these topics and more

in the catalog

f404b6 No.1319322

File: 7b71d59d9584861⋯.jpg (96.39 KB, 623x753, 623:753, fema national exercise 5 6….JPG)



There is a NATIONAL EXERCISE going on right now for Hurricane Preparedness…

National Level Exercise (NLE) 2018

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) leads national-level exercises every two years. National Level Exercise (NLE) 2018 will examine the ability of all levels of government, private industry, and nongovernmental organizations to protect against, respond to, and recover from a major Mid-Atlantic hurricane.


a6cf0c No.1319323


Could that mean "X" marks the spot!!

the "SPOT" as to where all the bodies are buried?

6727a8 No.1319324


Killer Clowns gave Iran the tech to steal that UAV.

Also I am sure Obama helped !!

199e23 No.1319325


Let those who want to keep the Iran deal pay the entire annual extortion out of their own pockets. Let's see how much they really want it.

6b3316 No.1319326


Has Trump indicated support for any of these guys?

57736d No.1319327


16 posts of pure nigger garbage

a10df8 No.1319328

File: 1bd7a3a565e1087⋯.jpg (86.67 KB, 889x505, 889:505, Kegels.JPG)

4d5c43 No.1319329


Not sure how much of it he eats vs fake news, regardless, it's my understanding the chemicals in the food, if eaten regularly and often, can cause your body to actually crave it. Empty calories = a quick fix, then a crash, then a new craving because you're not full.

e9cc1c No.1319330

File: 71a8c0d3ad6286a⋯.jpeg (15.8 KB, 191x255, 191:255, pepebush.jpeg)



good one anon

07c860 No.1319331


Programming starting to frazzle there on this one huh. It's called withdrawals. Walk away from the computer for about a month. I hear it helps with knee jerk tell tale symptoms.

8b01ac No.1319332

File: daac63b8c5a19db⋯.jpg (263.53 KB, 1677x689, 129:53, Israeli Hercs.jpg)

Three Israeli C-130s in the air.

a220e8 No.1319333


That's because masons help each other with the scam. Things are a little different in other places.

I find putting them into legal catch 22s works well with mason harassment. The Queen's oath means something, and she is the head of the Church of England, which brings in all kinds of religious rights… especially for French Catholics!

482964 No.1319334


Megiddo is in N. Israel.

Just sayin'…

3551a4 No.1319335

File: c7f9f56a0065b25⋯.png (561.76 KB, 720x322, 360:161, which-way.png)

a110d8 No.1319336

File: c5d78828e228f7b⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x1660, 621:830, 9EBC31A1-7C2E-4A89-B391-E….jpeg)

>> 1319092

Colors changed or different ring?

2db68c No.1319337

Guys if everything I am reading on here is true, or at least 20 percent of it is true… Then one day I am going to wake up - a day between now and election day, Tuesday, November 6 - and about 30,000 people will have been arrested and put in prison. Mostly it will be for capital crimes such a infant murder-rape-cannibalism, as well as treason. The 30k people will include entire blood lines… including the lines of past presidents such as BHO, BC/HRC, and GWB, and many Hollywood celebrities and their families… Their crimes will need to be plainly exposed, or else civil war will ensue. With their crimes in plain sight, instead of civil war, we will demand swift trials and executions. Most Democrat candidates for the Nov 6 election, and some Republican candidates, will likely be caught up in this. The Nov 11 parade will be quite something. The world will be a new world with far fewer Satan worshippers. Similar roundups and purges will take place simultaneously in other countries. Am I understanding this correctly?

>Be Satan watching all this go down

>Millenia of work to build up a cabal of human Satanists down the drain

>Be not happy, not amused

>Use other powers beyond human followers to inflict pain on humanity

>Fulfill Biblical prophecy of a great tribulation upon the earth that kills one third of men

8e88b7 No.1319338

File: 55fd8ec823b5598⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1231, 1080:1231, bakers.png)

3fc94a No.1319339

763fc4 No.1319340


Next phase soon. We need to hurry.

4de9c1 No.1319341


>Iran jails 16 women for joining IS in Syria

And with such news the zionist sayanim clowns are extraordinarily quiet…

I thought you were claiming the Iranian regime supported terrorists?

But no, it's all filthy zionist propaganda. As always.

Tick tock.

d92f1a No.1319342

17cadc No.1319343


Hey, great minds think alike! Kek!

4d5c43 No.1319345




02a07b No.1319347

a220e8 No.1319348


Alinsky is Sun Tzu for dummies.

ccf127 No.1319349

Last post

a009ab No.1319425


Why is Flynn talking to himsel-



470aeb No.1319482


black spot/squares also

shadow 9 o'clock position

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