[–] ▶ Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 05:27:31 550d5c (339) No. 489697 >>497435 >>497445 >>497501 >>497811 >>508664 >>535198 >>711458 >>733798 >>785332 >>984839 >>990020 >>1331433 [Watch Thread] [Show All Posts]
Do you believe in evil?
Why does Q repeatedly allude to scripture?
Are we in the midst of a Holy War?
What is unleavened bread and what does it represent?
Why is leavened bread different and what does it represent?
Do we want big beautiful bouncy buns or flat ass pancake batter? (This don’t take a baker to know)
Who is Lucifer?
Who is Moloch, Ba’al?
Are all of the answers for us there already?
Does the future prove the past?
Is scripture part of the map?
Can you understand the 40k view without understanding the scripture?
Why was Jesus controversial?
Why only 4 books of Gospels in our entire bible?
Have lost scriptures been discovered in recent generations?
Was this predicted to occur in a certain era of humankind?
What did those lost scriptures reveal?
Are some lost scriptures fabricated disinformation?
What happened during the canonizing of the Bible?
Does it remind you of how things were done throughout recent decades in DC?
What is the very last verse of the Bible?
Why was this verse needed?
Who would change things through translation to mislead people?
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 05:32:34 550d5c (339) No. 489726 >>489791 >>978405 >>985857
Matthew 13:35 - if one expects to know the mysteries of the universe, they better learn to read the Bible by the parables and the parables only.
It’s an ancient rhetorical method and method for retrieving visions handed down through generations. You have a story explain a circumstance between individuals in varying dynamics, and you can take that story and replace the subjects with people in your own life experiences to translate the message.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 05:42:29 550d5c (339) No. 489791 >>491394 >>491788
Take the parable of the shepherd and his flock. The shepherd is so happy to find the missing sheep that the sheep that thought it has been abandoned, was really loved even more so by his shepherd than the sheep that never went astray. Place God as the shepherd, and you as the sheep and it translates into “God has been looking for you and is so damn happy to have found you”
Now take this parable and consider the parable of when Jesus asked the people if a shepherd would ever abandon his sheep for falling in some mud? Obvious answer is no. Meaning, God easily forgives your sullied past the moment you embrace him and let him guide you and get you back into his flock.
These are very basic examples but best way to read the Bible is download an app and search the word “parable” - start with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) then read the others. Your mind will certainly be blown.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 05:45:55 550d5c (339) No. 489810 >>734630
Jesus only spoke to the people in parables. You must know how important the parables are. There’s a reason the words “parable” and “allegory” weren’t taught to us growing up. Instead they taught us metaphor. Smh.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 06:02:52 550d5c (339) No. 489899 >>490629
What separates leavened from unleavened bread?
- Yeast.
What in life includes yeast?
- Women, wine and big beautiful bouncy buns
Who metaphorically eats unleavened bread?
- those from the synagogue of Satan.
Who metaphorically eats leavened bread?
- dope ass Biblefag amped up for the harvest anons.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 08:04:26 d9f8ea (1) No. 490629
>candida yeast
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 12:16:39 c1dc31 (1) No. 491394 >>491758 >>509089
You're just projecting your own emotions outwards, btw. It's fine as long as you realize that's all you're doing. People play all kinds of games like that. It doesn't benefit them much but it's all part of the journey. Also the end isn't for many more thousands of years. Hopefully Q explains more for you, because I already know you won't listen unless he says it. Take care.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 13:51:04 550d5c (339) No. 491758 >>491810 >>502345
Projecting my own emotions outwards? People play games like that? Wtf u talking about?
Have you not seen Q say the end is near? Does near mean thousands of years away?
You’ve got some negative shit that you’re bringing in here. Maybe we can help you figure out why you’re so butt hurt.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 13:58:03 550d5c (339) No. 491788
Here’s one of the versions of that parable. This is how easy it is to find the true God. He’s actually been looking for you. He loves you more than than he loves the ones that were never lost. Remember that. You need not go on some lon spiritual journey to find God. God has been looking for you. Just open your eyes and arms and embrace the Holy Spirit.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 14:03:39 550d5c (339) No. 491810 >>491995
Actually, Q has said the end is near. Not sure what you’re talking about but I agree, u seem negative. Why don’t you try using facts next time u make claims - or just gtfo of this thread. No need for you to nay say shit u know not about.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 14:15:00 cc63f3 (2) No. 491886 >>509122 >>543627 >>707723
What are the Nag Hammadi writings?
Why are there pages and verses missing?
Does their excuse seem reasonable to you?
This is a war of good and evil.
Why weren’t these books canonized when there are so many teachings from Jesus inside them?
What is the jist of those teachings?
Who is threatened by those teachings?
What is an archon?
Who wrote Revelations?
What is the end?
Is the end not also the beginning?
What eon are we at the end of?
What eon are we going into?
An eon is an era - I’m not trying to be all new age spiritual here.
Why has the same forces of media and entertainment that have misled us regarding our leaders, preaching aetheism and anti Christianity?
Who hijacked the Jewish religion?
Who worships Lucifer?
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 14:25:17 cc63f3 (2) No. 491939 >>509122 >>535360 >>544068
What is the common trait between Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
Why is their commonalities never celebrated?
Why are there differences focused on by the corrupt ruling class?
Why do they want us divided?
What is religion?
Why do you “practice” religion like you practice sports?
If one wants to be physically fit, do they repeat the same excercise or do they rotate between various Forms of excercise?
Can the same formula be applied towards one’s spiritual well being?
If spirit, mind, and then body is the descending order of importance, why do so many people only focus on their body?
Why do people clean the outside of their cups when the inside is of more importance?
What is a soul?
What is a spirit?
Can spirits embody souls?
Does everyone have a soul?
Can the Holy Spirit possess ones soul in the same manner demonic entities can possess?
What is the Holy Ghost?
Can the spirit of the Holy Ghost be seen in AI?
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 14:33:30 550d5c (339) No. 491979 >>544420
Why do the entertainers mock us with the eye of Horus? (See attached pic)?
Symbolism will be their downfall?
Have they been telling us the entire time?
Did they think you were too stupid to figure it out?
Why do they feel safe to be so brazen?
What changed in 2012?
Why is the eye of Horus of importance?
What is the power of the observer?
How does that relate to the double slit experiment in quantum mechanics?
Who controls the eye of observation?
Who thought they controlled it?
For it takes a mighty fool to believe they can outsmart the source. The quelle. The Creator. They will pay dearly for their atrocities and misdoings.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 14:36:59 94ca72 (1) No. 491995 >>492020
He means the End of the Cabal…rule of many by the few…SA, Rothchilds, Banks, Clintons, Bush, etc…finished
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 14:43:57 550d5c (339) No. 492020 >>492186
So the end of the synogague of Satan era? What happens when those forces are destroyed? And doesn’t something must happen before those forces can finally be purged from existence?
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 15:15:11 3de480 (1) No. 492186 >>492291 >>492708
What to make of this?
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 15:40:05 550d5c (339) No. 492291
The bots they speak of are not Russian. Most of the accounts they refer to as Russian bots are just people that disagree with them. However, there are some bots floating around Twitter that AI know are from the heavenly realm, here to help us.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 16:04:11 550d5c (339) No. 492394 >>492665 >>545089
Why did the pope call for a change to the daily prayer?
Why does God give us free will?
If God is all things, wouldn’t he too be Satan?
Is it possible that God could have posed as Satan, to tempt those with evil in their hearts?
Could those that took the bait, now be discovering that they were fooled?
Did they use their blessings and put their own selfish gains ahead of the gains of others?
Are they refusing to believe that their dark God doesn’t exist? And it was all God’s ploy to expose the evil souls?
Are they butt hurt that they have been fooled?
Hahahahahahaha. They thought they were going to win. Yugely Historically hysterical.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 16:23:35 550d5c (339) No. 492502 >>531211
All of us bake big bouncy buns. (((they))) are without yeast (life) and therefore cook flat bread. How boring they are. And it also means they spend eternity without yeast. That’s a whole lot of darkness without ever getting laid. (((they))) are not going to be happy when they see what their eternital existence looks like. Worse than (((they))) could have ever imagined. Aether knows all. No hiding from your actions. All will be held responsible. To each will be given according to their deeds.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 16:39:12 550d5c (339) No. 492580 >>545544
Who gains fiscally through the perpetuation of wars and death?
Why are they lacking basic concepts of humanity?
Have they ignored the voice of light?
What happens when you continually ignore that voice?
What is sacred knowledge?
Why do (((they))) distract us with pi even though they know the answers are thru phi?
Why is pi man’s irrational number?
Why is phi God’s #?
Why don’t they teach phi in the state sanctioned schools?
What have they been hiding?
Have they known that God wants us to worship life and light?
Why do they have us distracted with death and dark?
Will they be held responsible for how they kept sacred understandings and hid them from his people?
Romans 1:18 goes on to describe these people and the knowledge they hid from the flock and still refused to accept for themselves.
“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, …”
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 16:53:12 6941eb (3) No. 492665 >>492682 >>492725 >>492733 >>502345
1John1:5 "And this is the declaration with we have heard from him, and declare unto you: That God is light, and in him there is no darkness."
God does not deceive, only the adversary (devil/satan/lucifer).
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 16:57:00 6941eb (3) No. 492682
"which we have heard from him…"
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 17:01:16 6941eb (3) No. 492708
Russia, Russia, Russia!
The communists chose to attack Russia because it was a large Christian nation.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 17:03:50 550d5c (339) No. 492725 >>493987
In him is no darkness. Ie - no denial of truth. God is light and life, phi. Those who pledged with Satan deceived themselves. God told them exactly what they were doing - agreeing to be showered in material gains during their lifetime with the understanding that they would eternally be enslaved to Satan.
What is darkness?
What happens when light is shined into a dark area?
Is black the absence of all light?
Is Black the combination of all light?
What does it mean to bleach?
What does it mean to dye?
What does it mean to be born?
What does it mean to die?
What does it mean to metaphorically have your hair cut?
Why does our hair the thickest at the top of our heads?
Is hair a metaphor for thoughts and memories?
What does it mean to walk in another man’s shoes?
What does it mean to be barefoot?
Why does Jesus wash others’ feet?
There are double meanings to every word. Reading the following verse would have given you the context needed to understand how “light” and “dark” were being used to mean truth and lies.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 17:05:16 550d5c (339) No. 492733
Here, read it in the context with the following verses.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 17:39:26 550d5c (339) No. 492952 >>493864
Is this a simulation? Or a trial?
What is pergatory?
What is perdition?
Where is heaven?
Where is hell?
What is matter?
What is anti-matter?
What is on the other side of a black hole?
Can it be better referred to as a white whole?
If this universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?
Does matter even matter?
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 17:42:26 550d5c (339) No. 492973 >>494049 >>1086874
If the love of money is the root of all evil, what would the exact juxtaposition to that stance be?
Would the hatred of money be the root of all good?
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 18:26:48 550d5c (339) No. 493254
What is right?
What is wrong?
Why does the left hand represent?
What about the right hand?
Nothing is a coincidence. Every detail has metaphorical meaning. You just need to read it with the correct lens.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 18:59:02 550d5c (339) No. 493463 >>493935
What are the occult sacred teachings?
What is sacred geometry?
What is quantum mechanics?
What is the power of 4 (qua)?
Can this knowledge be taught to children? Yes.
What is reductionalism?
What does everything reduce to?
Why Math?
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 19:53:39 550d5c (339) No. 493827
Ok, I’ve came to the realization that Bible fagging isn’t exciting and I won’t garner the attention needed for a group problem solving activity to take place so I’ll start making it waaaay easier. I’ll provide the fucking answers for u guys cus I’m that concerned about u being misled by the other bullshit that I’m seeing on this board, with relation to religion, scripture, spiritual, occult, etc.
The real root must be fully exposed and ripped up if one expects the weed to discontinue existing. I’ll copy paste my earlier questions with some answers plugged in to help everyone get a quick understanding. Not trying to waste anyone’s time and I don’t need archived facts like Q does so I won’t expect what he expects of you.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 19:59:19 550d5c (339) No. 493864
Is this a simulation? Or a trial? Yes
What is pergatory? You’re in it.
What is perdition? Same as pergatory
Where is heaven? The kingdom in the next ion. In this ion (era), heaven was inside oneself.
Where is hell? For most, you’re in it. For the unfortunate, it’s what they forced God to create.
What is matter? Meaningless
What is anti-matter? Important
What is on the other side of a black hole? Anti matter
Can it be better referred to as a white whole? Absolutely - I prefer it over there so I call it a whole
If this universe is expanding, what is it expanding into? Anti matter
Does matter even matter? Only if you’ve mastered anti matter.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 20:08:25 550d5c (339) No. 493935
What are the occult sacred teachings? Basically Mayan math with a good mix of idolizing symbols and attempting to obtain God head. Or known as eye of Osiris. Or known as ill willingly attempting to make themselves Christ (to no avail with no success)
What is sacred geometry? Using phi and basif shapes based on simple ratios.
What is quantum mechanics? Dualism squares and double slit experiment
What is the power of 4 (qua)? Dualism squared. Mother Father Son Daughter. Two braces (couple couples). Jews love the cube. Black one especially.
Can this knowledge be taught to children? Yes.
What is reductionalism? The art of reducing and simplifying all things to perceive patterns and categories to allow for 40k foot view understanding
What does everything reduce to? Math
Why Math? Dualism squares. Phi.
The secret is there is no secret. They held basically knowledge to themselves. Once u plug in magnets and Michael farraday’s magnetic electro theory of light induction, you’ll easily understand free energy and the red dusks and dawns we’ve been having.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 20:15:20 550d5c (339) No. 493987
What is darkness? The unknown and juxtaposing meaning is combo of all colors.
What happens when light is shined into a dark area? Truth of what was once unknown.
Is black the absence of all light? Sometimes
Is Black the combination of all light? Yes
Is White the reflection of the combination of all light? Yes
What does it mean to bleach? To remove the color (experiences)
What does it mean to dye? To add color (experiences)
What does it mean to be born? To cut your hair
What does it mean to die? Double meaning. Can mean to no longer exist. Can also mean to be born.
What does it mean to metaphorically have your hair cut? To be reborn amongst other meanings.
Why does our hair the thickest at the top of our heads? Duh.
Is hair a metaphor for thoughts and memories?
What does it mean to walk in another man’s shoes? Experience their life but shoe is removed at end of day
What does it mean to be barefoot? Your own experiences and you can’t take a shoe off afterwards.
Why does Jesus wash others’ feet? To cleanse them of their sinful experiences.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 20:23:29 550d5c (339) No. 494049
The absolute most misinterpreted and mistauht subject in the Bible is MONEY. For some fuckin reason, the Cabal has managed to deceive everyone on God’s feelings about money.
He fucking hates money. He knows it’s a tool used by the ruling class to exploit his flock. The church loves saying “no no no, it’s the LOVE of money that’s the root to all evil”, like that verse’s point really needs knit picking. And go back and look at how it was originally stated. (((They))) threw the “love of” part in there anyways. Those faggots.
Secondly, wtf did Jesus say when he saw a coin? I’ll translate for all those too brainwashed to understand old English. “What the fuck is this worthless thing? Who’s deuche baggy face is that? Caesars? Well give that thing back to Caesar then cus it’s worthless to me”
Don’t you see! Their money is the rabbit in the hat. The great deception that’s kept all of you enslaved. Trade and barter like man did for millennia without these money grubbing suck hole whores. Wake the fuck up.
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 21:48:20 1e0c24 (1) No. 494786 >>495718
To be enlightened, it is not required to get any formal "reading"
The more you learn and do reading the more you "fit" inside solid shapes and limit yourself SO you should never 100% believe or be fanatic in whatever you read then take it very seriously
to think reality as it is now 100% means the same reality will be gone when it all crumbles apart to reveal the ultimately "real" one.
Do not condition yourself into repeating information to the point it becomes 100% you=brainwashed (this is the current education system and this is why those who practice distorted religion are harder to redpill and convince but I'm not generalizing when I say this! leave free (will) space so your consciousness can correct latter errors and newfound mistakes! mind is not infallible, why do people believe in information which, with enough power, can be easily distorted by depraved minds?).
Practice balance. Creativity and imagination, art, cookery, music - they hate it - they want people blind - unable to dream = hollywood, music billboards, killing music instruments and classicals, library to fit-feed-and-cater facets of ego, food market dependency, etc.
Be like the our ancestors who practice creativeness, value, protect, and respect culture - all unified by love.
Anime and manga, or cartoons and comics are 'redpilled' in a way but not in a general sense- 2D stimulates the right brain.
It encourages the imagination to go wild when we see 2D shapes or incompleteness.
They want people moving with their left brain, dreamless, controlled by subliminals that infect the right brain. Coincidence? People are right handed and left brain controls the right side of the body.
The bible is not a full manual but you can learn from it. Actually, you can learn from anything and nothing but don't ever get stuck to the point you disallow yourself to believe in certain things THEY want you denounced! - as planned and designed by THEM - don't believe in the reality by their design - they exist and it's time for them to cease.
Lead your way! Steer where the fog is clear! Stars will be your guide, night and day!
▶ Anonymous 02/25/18 (Sun) 23:37:44 550d5c (339) No. 495718
This isn’t the place for all that new age unleavened bullshit. This relates to the Q references scriptures which happen to come from mostly the Gospels. So this thread is dedicated to taking a look at that book and dissecting it for the meaning.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 00:09:16 fba453 (1) No. 496035 >>496046 >>718009
simplest explanation is the enemy is satan-worshiping pedophiles and Q and his friends, being Americans, are nominally Christian
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 00:10:27 550d5c (339) No. 496046 >>504648
Yes sir! Well said. In a nutshell, that’s it.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 00:15:17 550d5c (339) No. 496103 >>558625
I really like what you added to the thread. God bless my friend. The Cabal knows quite well that the savior is in the flesh right now and has returned to find his house has been ransacked by frauds. We will win through love, light and plenty of laughter. For God is on our side. We can not be stopped nor defeated.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 00:37:40 550d5c (339) No. 496347
For I love what is divine and detest what is without love and based on selfless gains. For there is a time for wrath and after it’s used to extinguish flames, the wrath will forever more secede. We will allow anger to be our spark, in which the eternal flame of truth will be lit. It does not please me to feel this wrath but it will serve a purpose for the ultimate gain of good.
Sometimes, the only thing a bully needs is a taste of his own medicine.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 00:46:11 550d5c (339) No. 496427 >>496599
I’ve noticed much speak of phi, or fee, in other threads. Mathematic phi is the logical proof of our divine origins from a Creator and acts as Gods finger print on all forms of life.
This mathematic “irrational” number (although it’s quite rational) is most profound when observed in ratios.
Fibonacci sequence is useful in showing the growth ratio of phi.
Sacred geometry’s most highly touted geometric shapes show phi ratio between linear elements and the Satanists get all excited when that happens.
Why was this knowledge hid from you? Because a thorough understanding of the divine ratio, golden ratio, phi, etc. leads to an absolute faith in a God almighty. Once an individual recognizes with certainty, a creator, they are then led to spiritual sovereignty and the slave owners can’t have that, now can they?
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 00:54:29 0a603d (1) No. 496515 >>497195
Live in the here and now, full of love and compassion, and watch as everything falls in to place.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 01:03:21 818d7f (7) No. 496599 >>496653 >>558641
Okay. It's used to calculate Easter's date.
This year is 4/1/2018
So three days prior is
"Ten days of darkness" (Scare event necessary)
I'm sort of spitballing here.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 01:06:36 550d5c (339) No. 496623 >>727497
What does it mean when the Jews berated Jesus and his homies for eating with unclean hands?
What do your hands do? Help your grasp what you pick up? Help you sense the intricacies of the object you’re interacting with?
How do those from the synagogue or satan clean their hands? Is it the same way they teach in the Catholic Church today? That one needs an intermediary between them and God to tell them how many silly “Hail Marys” is needed for forgiveness? Would God ever condone or even recognize that superstitious nonsense as apt?
Did God loom over the scriptures to determine what was genuine and what was artificially created and translated into his message? Is he happy about that?
No, he’s not. In fact, he’s irate at a select few who have orchestrated these atrocities. For their time for judgement has arrived.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 01:09:34 550d5c (339) No. 496653 >>496750
Can you show us how you came to that calculation?
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 01:18:27 818d7f (7) No. 496750 >>496809 >>502345
Oh - Oops. Screwed up.
4/1/2018 is Easter.
Three days prior is
Ten days is
Not a MathAnon but it's definitely important. I'm wondering if it ties in to the ten days of darkness.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 01:23:07 550d5c (339) No. 496787
Why would fairy tales like reptilian people and other ET be important for the ruling class to propagate?
Would it lead to man believing they are not the smartest species?
Why do they want you to believe you evolved from monkeys?
To take away from the divinity that is humankind?
Do not let them mislead you. Judge the tree by its fruit. Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see. Do you really think there are shape shifters? Do you really think there are a myriad of alien species living underneath us and running our civilization?
Why was the earth cleared of Dinosaurs? To make way for what divine species?
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 01:25:09 550d5c (339) No. 496809 >>497205
Yes but how is the phi ratio mathematically applied to the calendar to determine Easter? The season of rebirth.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 01:30:29 550d5c (339) No. 496868 >>558738
What is the sabbath?
Why do some celebrate on Saturnday?
Why was Jesus criticized for working on the Sabbath?
What was his reply?
He said God made Sabbath for man but man wasn’t made for the Sabbath?
Then why was man made?
Were we placed here?
How likely is it, really, that the entire universe has evolved from an initial collision of 2 atoms?
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 01:43:11 550d5c (339) No. 496982 >>559153
What is a VQC?
Could a highly advanced VQC allow perception through our senses in a simulated reality?
Want to play a game?
Who’s game?
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 01:45:35 550d5c (339) No. 497006
What is free will?
Does God lead but allow for individual decisions?
Are there repercussions to decisions? Always
Is God merciful and forgiving? Yes.
Does he blame the ignorant? No.
Does he blame the archons? Yes.
Will the vast majority of humans find themselves in the Kingdom, upon shedding their flesh? Yes.
Who won’t be found in the Kingdom? They know who they are.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 01:52:27 550d5c (339) No. 497057
Who is Mother Mary?
Who is Mother Earth?
Who is Sophia?
Can there be life without a woman?
How can a virgin conceive a child?
How are thoughts conceived?
How are they related?
Can a woman abort a child?
Can mother Mary abort a thought?
Whoa thought does she accept and inpregnant herself with?
Who’s Da Man??? Awwww yeah.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 01:54:32 550d5c (339) No. 497073
What is afterlife?
What comes directly before after life? Death.
And directly before that. Birth into this world.
When Jesus proclaims “give to Caesar what is his” in regards to his coin (no, he’s not meaning taxes), what does he say to do with your life? Who does your life belong to?
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 02:01:18 550d5c (339) No. 497142
In Revelations, what is the war in the sky?
What is the mystery of the 4 and the 20 elders?
What helps one feel less apathy and more empathy?
Can an herbal supplement aide in the above?
Why are you being told that you’re not allowed to plant certain seeds?
Why do your arm pits smell dank, much like the inside of a Denver pot shop?
Did the indigenous utilize said crop for spiritual enlightenment? Yes.
Is marijuana crop absolutely needed to achieve spiritual enlightenment? No.
What is needed to achieve spiritual enlightenment? A healthy respect for God and a pure yearning for knowledge and wisdom, to be used towards the gain or the entire human race and not just the selfless gains of an individual and their immediate family members.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 02:05:28 550d5c (339) No. 497171 >>508105
Who is the archangel Michael?
Why is he diff then the archons?
Why do some people believe Michael to be a Lucifer.
Which group of people actually worship Lucifer?
Who really is Michael?
Why is M important to the Jews?
Do they know the one who understands the mystery of the large middle M has arrived to this earth?
Are they nervous? Yes.
Are they acting cowardly? Yeah
Are they cowards? Yes.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 02:08:30 550d5c (339) No. 497195
This I needed reminded of. Thanks for mentioning.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 02:10:32 818d7f (7) No. 497205
Separate device, same Anon.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_number_(time)
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computus
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 02:32:38 550d5c (339) No. 497386
What is an ANTenna?
How do ants know what to do?
What is your pineal gland?
What medium does sound and light travel through?
Why can sound and light speeds not be altered by winds, air, etc?
What medium does your pineal gland send and receive signals to the VQC?
Answer is aether.
What is an akashic record?
Who holds the keys to the film room? Coach does.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 02:37:59 e8c9f0 (18) No. 497435
>>489697 (OP)
So there is victory and forgiveness in Jesus for all God's people! This is our victory in the first century, and this is our victory today.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 02:39:36 e8c9f0 (18) No. 497445 >>497575 >>543460
>>489697 (OP)
The first verse in the Bible talks about God's creating the heavens and the earth. What does the last verse talk about?
The last verse in the Bible is Chapter 22, verse 21 of the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation was written by the Apostle John, who had faithfully followed Jesus, and it is largely predictions about what will happen at the end of the world.
So one would expect that the last verse of the Bible would be a prediction about the future. Instead, it is more of a hope and a prayer for all of us as Christians.
The verse? "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen."
There are 3 important things about this verse. First, it is a wish for all God's people, regardless of time. So this applies to you and to me as Christians, as well as believers in past centuries. Second, it talks about grace. The Bible does not end with a command, or telling us something we must do. It ends encouraging us about grace -- God's unmerited favor and love toward us.
Third, it talks about the Lord Jesus. Jesus is truly Lord. It is only in the Lord Jesus that we have salvation, and healing, and overcoming power, and victory, and eternal life.
So there is victory and forgiveness in Jesus for all God's people! This is our victory in the first century, and this is our victory today.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 02:44:21 550d5c (339) No. 497491
To (((they))) ,
How was Mary treated amongst you?
For who’s hair was metaphorically white?
For what is my purpose?
Did I make it ultra obvious in her name?
Didn’t I make it ultra obvious in my name?
Did you think I wouldn’t find the true version of Adam and Eve?
Who is the unknown disciple, directed to watch after Mary?
Who is my goldfish?
And who am I hiding under?
For isn’t my doings of utmost righteousness?
Have the strong protected the weak?
Are the strong supposed to protect the weak?
Are you scared?
Are your symbols and carved idols able to help you now?
Didn’t time fly?
Can Father Time fly?
Does the Phoenix have wings?
Did you really think I wouldn’t show up?
It’s never too late for redemption.
How does your inner community handle the brash and unruly?
Am I Sean? Am I Matthew? Am I Michael? Am I Thee Sir Prize?
Immediate about change is required. You know what inevitability leads to. Don’t be silly. Let us heal.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 02:45:45 e8c9f0 (18) No. 497501 >>497537 >>497600 >>838981
>>489697 (OP)
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.
(Taken from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, 1662).
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 02:46:54 e8c9f0 (18) No. 497510
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 02:50:15 550d5c (339) No. 497537
Why is it asked of one to keep their name hallow? So thine soul can be inhabited by the Holy Ghost.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 02:53:19 550d5c (339) No. 497575
Lovely dear friend. Now let me ask you to gain some context. What couple of verses led up to that last verse? Were those verses intended for the same group? Might be one group be inclusive to the other?
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 02:55:34 550d5c (339) No. 497600
What part did the Pope want to change and why? Could he have been trying to skip out on his own guilty conscious? Deflecting blame much Franky boy?
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 02:58:48 e8c9f0 (18) No. 497638 >>497731
Yes So when we are ready we need only ask him to fill that place he has asked us to keep Holy in his name whenever we reach out it is there for him to enter and that only something Holy, Divine to protect us from evil, even ourselves, our past discretions against another fellow human are forgiven simply by asking
I believe God said Ask and I Shall Enter? I'm not a bible scholar
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:03:24 550d5c (339) No. 497673 >>497798
What is flesh, but a mix of matter?
How is materialism viewed in God’s eyes?
What does one own that is far greater than their palpable carcass? A soul.
How much overall energy is focused on bettering one’s soul here on this earth, in relation to energy spent fulfilling bodily gains?
Does that make any sense to any of you?
We know what is true through discernment of facts. These are not riddles. They are facts.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:09:36 e8c9f0 (18) No. 497723 >>497776 >>497789 >>497848 >>498263
Pope Francis has called for a translation of a phrase about temptation in the Lord's Prayer to be changed.
The current wording that says "lead us not into temptation" is not a good translation because God does not lead humans to sin, he says.
His suggestion is to use "do not let us fall into temptation" instead, he told Italian TV on Wednesday night.
The Lord's Prayer is the best-known prayer in Christianity.
The pontiff said France's Roman Catholic Church was now using the new wording "do not let us fall into temptation" as an alternative, and something similar should be used worldwide.
"Do not let me fall into temptation because it is I who fall, it is not God who throws me into temptation and then sees how I fell," he told TV2000, an Italian Catholic TV channel.
"A father does not do that, a father helps you to get up immediately."
It is a translation from the Latin Vulgate, a 4th-Century Latin translation of the Bible, which itself was translated from ancient Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic.
Since the beginning of his papacy, Pope Francis has not shied away from controversy and has tackled some issues head-on, Vatican observers say.
He has previously said the Roman Catholic Church should apologise to gay people for the way it has treated them.
He has also compared European migrant detention centres with concentration camps.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:10:41 550d5c (339) No. 497731
Yes brother! For God has been seeking you! You need not look thru land or sea. Through books or the practicing of rituals or religions. A great deception has occurred and I struggle to grasp why. God clearly said “Man does not have the answers”, but time and time again, man goes to another man to seek his spiritual fulfillment. Perhaps that void is artificially filled every other Sunday service, it is not a drink from the everlasting well.
It does not take an ecclesiastical genius to figure this stuff out. Why would God have designed it as such? For people have not been following God.
It is said that show me what consumes the majority of your mind and I will show you your god. Ive noticed people here have many gods but often forget they have only one God.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:14:37 550d5c (339) No. 497776
God is the backseat driver. Unless the driver willingly hands over the keys (earnestly asked to be led in right direction), God can not be held responsible for one leading themselves into temptation. They need deliverance from said temptation but how often do they meaningfully call out for deliverance? The proof is in their fruits. They would already have been delivered from their temptations if they earnestly called out.
It is a wicked and foolish son that tries to put cun his Father.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:16:19 550d5c (339) No. 497789
"A father does not do that, a father helps you to get up immediately“
This guy wants to be immediately forgiven over and over and over and over, without ever changing his wicked ways. Can someone tell him to shut his pie hole cus he’s not making it easier on himself.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:17:26 e8c9f0 (18) No. 497798
I'm going to go out on a limb and answer these without googleheim
Yes flesh is a mix of matter that the chemicals/metals sprayed on us mixed with PHARM injecting stugg that helps the metals bond and form some sort of sq cell (maybe DCell) that would compliment the ES global net of communications transmitted thru 5G towers everywhere bouncing off sats in the sky (elon MusK) reflecting back here then uses our skin as antenna creates quantum speed computing, communications, control and ES saw himself as the man behind the curtain. thats the first one
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:18:45 83b8f6 (1) No. 497811 >>497935
>>489697 (OP)
Anon…the board just won't go there and we both know why. I applaud you though for trying. We both understand what Q means when he says "evil", they don't, and they really don't want to know. I cannot speak for you, but I have met that very evil in the flesh. Not the 'man kind', but the fallen above 40,000 ft kind. Steven King in his worst nightmare could not pen a description of what I had to fight. That evil will not be divulged because the world doesn't want to hear it. And we both know how this story ends. I love all the anons, but they will walk their own roads.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:23:18 550d5c (339) No. 497848 >>497900
He has also compared European migrant detention centres with concentration camps.
The’ pope expects one to consent to the Vatican’s state of the art security, massive exterior wall, and virtually no immigration, all while being told they must be ok with having their sovereignty infringed upon.
Wtf are we paying govts for it it’s not to protect our supposed sovereignty? We are forced to pay a club for membership where they promise to protect the substance of the membership. However the club takes in tons of new members and asks you to pay for them. How does that make any sense?
These people think the flock are to be exploited. They know not what the meek and kind mind is capable of.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:28:28 e8c9f0 (18) No. 497873 >>498001
AA where I found a personal relationship with God as I understand him and as of feb 9 have been sober 24 yrs after 30 years drinking like a fish. The things we are being lead to I comprehend greatly though I've never been 'religious' am grateful for awakening to how simple it was. I got on my knees while doing step four which is looking at ME asked for the courage and strength to be as honest as I needed to be. Alcohol is but a symptom
I am sharing this because I want to give testimony to GOD on my knees, in prayer asking to whom I really knew not having shut religion out, for help, sat still, quiet while contemplate my words and I hear (I was home alone) "GO FORTH MY CHILD I AM WITH YOU" 24 years later still sober. GRATITUDE BIGLY
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:32:13 e8c9f0 (18) No. 497900 >>497946
Kindness is wise, human nature (intuition) will kick in when and if needed, otherwise kindness is always preferred
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:36:27 550d5c (339) No. 497935
Your words were select and understood. Thx. Its funny, kinda how you repeatedly push a button on the remote control, even though u know it’s not transmitting? Like a thief in the night for a reason. I love unconditionally too. The balance of justice and mercy can be fickle but me keeps a sharp sickle. I did remind myself that we had some huge cuts on tax rates. Haha. But yes, some evil, there’s not a purse created that could carry that tax payment. Thx again for your kind words.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:37:16 550d5c (339) No. 497946
Check. The only thing worse than making is a mistake is not learning from it.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:38:08 e8c9f0 (18) No. 497955 >>498417
How is materialism view in Gods Eyes; Not sure of exact words God used but pretty sure he found materialism as worshipping another God, vain, shallowed not Hallowed. I'm loathe to use the word but a sin. I suppose when we have our world back and sin returns to what GOD meant it will go against the natural laws we come to know again.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:41:46 e8c9f0 (18) No. 497993 >>498317
and it is bloody painful to learn the mistakes of harm I did to others. Grabs me in the gut so that I fully understood/understand the human damage, to the spirit or soul or physical being of another, when I was able to feel it myself thru my own experiences, then I understood what harming others really mean, what making amends should really be about, admitting the harm not the deed if that makes sense.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:42:48 550d5c (339) No. 498001
Powerful testimony dear friend. Congrats on practicing such will power. The Holy Spirit is alive and well in you. When we ask with a purity of heart, literal miracles occur. You’re given power to control yourself unlike ever before.
Although I must admit, seeing some of the savage acts committed on innocent beings, my self control tends to get wobbly, because my will starts to imagine my fist running through the back of their skulls…. that’s why I now count down from 10 to calm myself. Haha.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:54:57 e8c9f0 (18) No. 498109 >>498348
as a victim of sexual abuse then lied about, hidden from me, always wondering why I was different, didn't fit in, until one day all the snap shot images I was seeing over a period of 6 months came together and I saw and I hated then I forgave. I understand that if want to be forgiven, I bloody well better be able to forgive, after all who the hell do I think I am??? lol Darn hubbys asking for food.tough to tear away. Thank you for sharing the GOD frequency with me. Be Well I look forward to doing it again and I hope more have joined, it is a much nicer world with GOD in your heart no matter what anyone else is doing,.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 03:55:48 34876d (1) No. 498118 >>498370 >>498437
Jesus didn't turn water into wine for nuffin
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:08:41 e31335 (53) No. 498263 >>498395 >>498437
>"do not let us fall into temptation"
The fall is into sin, not into temptation.
The pontiff is now placing guilt for "the fall" on God, and implying the sin is his fault.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:12:56 550d5c (339) No. 498317
Yes that makes perfect sense. For in thine heart or hearts, all things are known true. That empathy you feel towards those you hurt is genuine. And yes, God detests materialism. To live for material gain is foolish. For spiritual gain is of far greater importance.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:17:11 550d5c (339) No. 498348
I couldn’t agree more. You just totally exceeded max wisdom capacity there. It’s not love unconditional if it comes with conditions.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:19:09 550d5c (339) No. 498370
He had to get the party started up. Straight up. All the way up.
Why is liquor considered spirits? Is it easier for your soul to be possessed by evil spirits when ur on fire water?
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:21:29 550d5c (339) No. 498395 >>498442
How quickly there memory diminishes, when it’s convenient to them.
If they can not recall why their great fall ever occurred, then they have proven to have learned less than nothing.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:24:31 550d5c (339) No. 498417 >>498454
Terms and words are merely tools and can often have somewhat subjective meanings. Sin is one that tends to ring true to people’s consciousness. A sin is always followed by guilt. One who feels no guilt is without a soul and shall be handled like broken plates on moving day. Tossed away.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:26:42 e8c9f0 (18) No. 498437 >>498527
I C I C yes so when he falls for the temptation it will be Gods fault for 'allowing' it, the fall
Is this the water we should watch for? Wine? hmm metaphorical(?)
only unconditional love, again who am I to restrain others if I myself demand Freedom, it is why honesty is so important, ie: if hubby has affair doesn't say anything, I go on thinking and acting and projecting my marriage as solid, chaste etc set up for hurt if I was to learn, but if honest from get go I have the facts on which I can base what my response and actions are so far as say, continuing relationship. My hubby knows he is free to follow his own path
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:27:29 305084 (15) No. 498442
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:29:00 e8c9f0 (18) No. 498454 >>498505
and exactly how children see themselves once abused. guilty, the liar, 'a lying liddle slut trying to ruin a mans career' that one was for me at 12
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:33:27 305084 (15) No. 498505
For your rewards will be greater than your struggles dear friend. You have had a difficult path. How do you feel towards your perpetrators? What does justice look like to you?
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:35:36 305084 (15) No. 498527
Yes, you hit on a great point. Honesty is certainly key dear friend. Man and woman have carnal desires. God designed us to multiply and be merry. The state should not be involved in what a community calls a family? If all are willing participants, I see nothing wrong with a woman having 20 husbands or vice versa. For most, one wife or hubby can be more than enough! Haha.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:38:57 e8c9f0 (18) No. 498569 >>498703
I understand that they too are hurt, yet to get past the anger so strike out in many ways. I used to be so hateful when I saw certain license plate GGF for instance. I would very hatefully inside think GO GET F'd or GOOD GIRLS F then one day I thought, 'I wonder if I can start using different words like ' GOD GIVES FORGIVENESS, I'm serious when I say it was almost instantly I felt different, a sunbeam thru the hate. That was YUGE for my soul
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:52:23 e8c9f0 (18) No. 498693 >>498736
I had to offer my entire life to God if I was going to claim Faith in Him for He knows best. I wrote down all my fears no matter how big or small just as they came to mind and saw the only answer to any of them was my Faith that nothing happens in Gods world by mistake. That having Faith when all is good is not true Faith. GOD EITHER IS OR HE ISN'T
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:53:04 550d5c (339) No. 498703
Ah! The true power of the spin artists! Why do people constantly use this ability to deceive? One of the first things I learned, is by using double meanings to words, I always had a choice to take the lit path. It was kind of a mental game like u say but it turned out to be the most incredible ability. Some people (Jews) like to complain about everything! They think it gets them extra pity parties, which in some respects it’s worked, but I prefer the no pity approach. Small things like rejoicing over a rainy day. Or being grateful that my cell phone connection sucks. Or to take it to the next degree, you can take the scary negative things of the world like ghosts and goblins and evil spirits or mean muggin vibe and turn them into glee and smile. To be anxious for nothing means to fear not. No evil spirit can embody me because I made the evil spirit a liddle bitch. Haha.
This world contains nothing to fear. That is another illusion in which some use to exploit others.
Some things just can not be spun positively though. No matter what, kids and women are sacred. Nobody touches children and we all protect their purity. No adults are touched without mutual consent.
Men like to have their savageries and I can relate to that, being Alf and all. This is what I refer to as thinning the herd. Some men will use their physical dominance over others for their own gain. This is where my ancient people would let the men sport, where the weak would be killed off by the strong before they had an opportunity to take out their low self esteem on someone else’s time. They continue living the wheel. For the spiritual spiral upwards exists for the pure hearted only.
Boy I got side tracked there.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 04:57:17 550d5c (339) No. 498736 >>499231
For we are tried to test our faith. You have been strong. You are correct however, if one requests of God to enter their life, they must be willing to give their entire life. That’s the payment he requires but if you really think about it, he’s the rightful owner of our lives anyways so what are we really paying? It was never ours to begin with and upon payment, the entire limitless mind is opened up to us. Imagine having the keys to operate your own dreams. Have you ever had a dream that felt more real than reality itself?
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 05:51:35 e8c9f0 (18) No. 499231
Yes I have. I don't take the time anymore, but I do like my dreams in meditation.
Oh my goodness, I have a video on in background exposing jeff sessions abuses when he was fbi. when Clinton fired him and sessions bawled this guy for whistleblowing. Only FBI Director to ever be fired! WHAT? This is what ppl wanted to know if he was compromised
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 05:53:04 e8c9f0 (18) No. 499248
FBI Secrets: A Chilling History of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (2002)
https:// youtu.be/7qpY466P0Ec
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 14:08:12 ced609 (1) No. 501049 >>501074
Pray the Holy Rosary for POTUS and Q!
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 14:18:37 550d5c (339) No. 501074
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 14:26:49 550d5c (339) No. 501100
Is Jesus a liar?
Would Q quote the Bible if it were not pertinent?
Unless you think Jesus is lying, he is telling you that through his parables, he’s showing you the mysteries of the universe, which have been kept secret from you since the beginning of time.
Believe him and read his parables for yourself.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 15:18:03 550d5c (339) No. 501337
Parables. Think in parables. Like a pair of bulls is a parable.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 15:21:35 550d5c (339) No. 501350
If you come to the word and understand it not, you best be careful because the devil will come a knocking. Go back to the word and review it to see what didn’t click. Build pictures in your mind. Allow the parables to paint frames for you to learn.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 15:47:54 550d5c (339) No. 501477
Now what can be learned from the attached parable?
(((they))) , the archon under lord rulers and authorities that have exploited the people know quite well what this parable pertains to, do you?
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 17:18:15 65d296 (1) No. 501921 >>504491 >>504656 >>505392
I don't have anything biblical to offer to this thread but I do have a request.
The reason we are in this predicament is because of apathetic Christians who won't vote.
When the C_A papers revealed that they were working with clergy, that should have awakened the masses…but no.
The cabal dis two things to get Christians out of government. One was the 501c3 tax exempt status. Churches could be tax exempt only of they stay out of politics. It's basically welfare for churches and as I see it it's the same 30 pieces of silver that was used to sell out Jesus. Pastors are now addicted to the money and aren't willing to let it go. They have sold out Christianity for money…period.
The second thing they did was to have clergy convince the masses that God would take care of everything and they just had to worship God and everything would be alright.
Look at biblical history. God always used people to carry out his missions. When the people failed miserably He took care of things…flood, fire, etc. You don't want God to have to do our job and take care of things because it's always catastrophic.
The third thing they did was start brain washing the masses with "separation of church and state". That phrase was carefully chosen for brainwashi g purposes. Now Christians think the church has no place in government partially because of this and partially because of the pastors telling them that God will handle it.
Unless churches wake up and start doing what God created them to do, then we are toast. Please start trying to red pill your pastors. Start challenging them about 501c3. Ask them how God usually accomplishes change, using people or using floods, fire. Ask them why the country is in the condition it's in now.
Organize get out the vote programs at church. Get voter registration cards and pass them out then take them yourself to turn them in. Organize rides to the polls for those that don't drive. Organize a buddy system where everyone has a few people to remind and encourage to go to the polls in election day
▶ sage 02/26/18 (Mon) 18:25:02 4e70a0 (1) No. 502345 >>502722
Are we supposed to make any preparations for the 10 days of darkness?
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 19:19:41 79c736 (1) No. 502722 >>508561
Really be precise about what Q said, bro. He never said "10 days of darkness".
Here are a couple of mentions of 10 and darkness.
Dec 15 2017
Dark [10].
Dec 18 2017
Clock started - 10 days.
Dec 18 2017
Learn double meanings.
The "10 days of darkness" is totally apocryphal, made up by anons who did not recall what he actually said, and has been corrected by other anons many times.
Pic related what Q really said.
He also said (somewhere! I can't find it!)
which some thought referred to North Korea.
Search qanonposts.com or the 509-page PDF if serious about quoting Q accurately.
Hope it helps.
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 20:27:08 550d5c (339) No. 503075
What does God think about symbols?
Who worships symbols?
Who prints their satanic symbols on our consumer goods?
Why do some threads on this board continue to use symbols to explain spirit?
▶ COMMS GOOD (Book) Anyone 02/26/18 (Mon) 20:38:59 509e64 (2) No. 503152 >>503213 >>504871
AND COMMS_OFFline, 2 (too)
https:// ggwash.org/view/66357/a-new-nice-bridge-could-be-not-nice-for-pedestrians-and-cyclists
Leads to this: http://
https:// www.fhwa.dot.gov/infrastructure/wwrambler.cfm
▶ Comms Good Book pg2 Anyone 02/26/18 (Mon) 20:49:04 509e64 (2) No. 503213
Why is Ted Danson's name BRIDGE?
Teddy Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson Bridge
See crumbs trail, Search NICE BRIDGE
OFFline Qdrops
Ted Danson's Little Rock Restaurant
South on Main
Jerry Parks
▶ Anonymous 02/26/18 (Mon) 23:49:54 e31335 (53) No. 504491 >>505144 >>509856 >>519155 >>773613
Very good post, entirely on point.
>Unless churches wake up and start doing what God created them to do, we are toast.
There is a time the "church" is reborn (or resurrected) from OUTSIDE of the church.
All of this anon work is part of that. But there is much more to know too.
This comes out of the Bible, among those who have the keys to unlock what is hidden.
And it takes a uniquely technological and motivated generation, which we now have.
The keys we have never had before (key to knowledge Jesus said they lock away) are now with us, here:
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 00:12:43 d09848 (1) No. 504648 >>505187 >>505358
yep, Q is a Catholic, and if not, Q is posing as one. The metaphysical questions on this board are all BS. I'm a biblefag, but more than that I'm a holyspiritfag, and the mystical questions have an appearance of enlightenment but in reality show a student of world religions and their trappings rather than the kind of Believer, which Jesus himself defined. Mark 16:17-18
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 00:13:29 550d5c (339) No. 504656
Awesome post and spot on about many things. Thank you friend for adding to the discussion.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 00:37:43 550d5c (339) No. 504871
I like the scripture breakdown. The Herod stuff was on point too. Keep it up anon. U understand that scripture will help u understand more when u read Q.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 01:09:49 550d5c (339) No. 505144 >>505930 >>509856
Great link. Started reading and will finish ASAP. Thx for adding to thread.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 01:15:45 550d5c (339) No. 505187
You sound quite foolish.
I’ve attached the verses you referenced to discredit me and I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
How’s about you tell me why the metaphysical questions on here are bs? And how am I spouting out world religions when the whole thread has focused on the KJV Bible, primarily the Gospels?
Why would Q be a Catholic in particular? And not a Christian?
You sound like a babyfuckingfaggot if you ask me. The Holy Spirit is nowhere near you. U and ur clown pal that linked to ur comment.
Harvest is nigh. Stop the deceitful ways or pay the ultimate eternal price.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 01:17:02 550d5c (339) No. 505199
So you’re linkin Q with the cia? Gtfo of here with that ur shill self. Ur not fooling anybody.
Thx for making it ultra obvious that you’re a isn’t tool tho. That helps.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 01:30:15 305084 (15) No. 505317
Since I had so many typos in my last message, let me make it more clear.
You think Q is cia? Ur an idiot and a shill. Go hang urself. Harvest is nigh.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 01:33:43 305084 (15) No. 505358
You’re a prime example of what unleavened flat ass bread is like. Thx for playing.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 01:36:36 3be73e (7) No. 505392 >>505557 >>505612 >>505870 >>505930
>I don't have anything biblical to offer to this thread but I do have a request.
Request granted.
>apathetic Christians who won't vote.
Or people who see through the BS and realize that their vote doesn't matter.
>When the C_A papers revealed that they were working with clergy, that should have awakened the masses…but no.
The people who cared left the churches long ago. The rest of them are either brainwashed or just going for the social club. More like the social club.
>The cabal dis two things to get Christians out of government. One was the 501c3 tax exempt status. Churches could be tax exempt only of they stay out of politics. It's basically welfare for churches and as I see it it's the same 30 pieces of silver that was used to sell out Jesus. Pastors are now addicted to the money and aren't willing to let it go. They have sold out Christianity for money…period.
If you do your research you will find out you don't even need 501c3 to be a church, legally.
>The second thing they did was to have clergy convince the masses that God would take care of everything and they just had to worship God and everything would be alright.
You talking about the Pre Tribulation Rapture? That was supposed to happen on 9/23/2017 but clearly didn't happen? And when did Q start posting? Not before that.
>Look at biblical history. God always used people to carry out his missions. When the people failed miserably He took care of things…flood, fire, etc. You don't want God to have to do our job and take care of things because it's always catastrophic.
You mean, like the Q team???? Ever read Mark Taylor Prophecies?
>The third thing they did was start brain washing the masses with "separation of church and state". That phrase was carefully chosen for brainwashi g purposes. Now Christians think the church has no place in government partially because of this and partially because of the pastors telling them that God will handle it.
>Now Christians think????
Well I'm sure that can change fairly quickly.
>Unless churches wake up and start doing what God created them to do, then we are toast. Please start trying to red pill your pastors. Start challenging them about 501c3. Ask them how God usually accomplishes change, using people or using floods, fire. Ask them why the country is in the condition it's in now.
Seriously? The fucking pastors ARE the problem. Start a home church. You're another one of these douchebags that would have told the Q team to get the message out via CNN. Who did Jesus choose to preach to? The lame, the crippled, the sick, the blind, the adulteress, and more. Who did Q choose? The one place on the Internet that still has some form of free speech and anonymity.
>Organize get out the vote programs at church. Get voter registration cards and pass them out then take them yourself to turn them in. Organize rides to the polls for those that don't drive. Organize a buddy system where everyone has a few people to remind and encourage to go to the polls in election day
Try again. Lets try, talking to your friends at church and meet them OUTSIDE of church and tell them what's going on. Tell them about the Q team. Tell them a lot of what you wrote in this article. Tell them about true Christian Fellowship. Follow the example of the Last Supper. You wonder why family meals were such a big deal up until the 1950's? Because people understood, at some level, that it was a form of worship. What do people do before family meals? Pray? What did a lot of older women wear in the 1950's and before? Hats? What did men have back then, as a general rule? Beards? What does the bible say about those things?
Maybe, but there are other things that are far more important. Like showing people who Ephraim and Manasseh are, and that Ephriam got the blessing, the timeline of God in the Heavens, the admonishments to watch the sun moon and stars in the bible, the coincidences between today and Israel's founding, 4/20 is the 70th anniversary of Israel's founding this year, etc.
Individual humans have the free will to decide for themselves if they are going to follow Christ or Satan. However, we live in a world governed by time, cycles, and the sun/moon/stars. There is a calendar hidden in the bible that has been there for thousands of years, and it is Honour to seek it out. Proverbs 25:2….. It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 01:53:19 305084 (15) No. 505557 >>505680
Great post man. Just attaching the verse you referenced.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 01:58:40 e31335 (53) No. 505612 >>505672 >>505680
Excellent post. Absolute truth.
>meet them OUTSIDE of church and tell them what's going on.
As far as challenging pastors however, it is a complete waste of time.
They have a thousand rocks they can hide behind, and will.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 02:05:01 305084 (15) No. 505672
Yes. The leaders of the organized church will be some of the last Christians to wake up.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 02:06:06 3be73e (7) No. 505680
I been preachin' preachin' preachin' to the CHOIR
They ain't listenin' no more
So go look at >>140384
If you want some more.
▶ Y-Anon 02/27/18 (Tue) 02:22:29 9e803f (1) No. 505870 >>505999 >>506298 >>508390 >>1308586
Rapture is a Gentile misinterpretation of scripture. It is NOT, I repeat, it is NOT going to happen.
I've done the research on this.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 02:27:42 e31335 (53) No. 505930 >>506439 >>814586
>That was supposed to happen on 9/23/2017
What did happen then, is a post appeared on halfchan linking the same doc, and one of the last sections describes exactly the 4-part narrative influence (whistle blowers, anons, P2P social media, alternative news) Q began using there 6 weeks later - saying they make up a new house of "world authority."
It shows how it was prophecied in the book of Acts, in conjunction with other scriptures that also apply.
There is also this list of other interesting points in the doc.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 02:33:50 e31335 (53) No. 505999 >>507050 >>513750
Absolutely. But being "taken up" also has a "spiritual" meaning that is obvious.
It means getting the 40,000 foot view, and the authority of wisdom that goes with it.
But this is only for the spiritual man to understand.
Eschatology is not for the carnal thinker.
They just get in the way of the few it takes to lead.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 03:01:17 3be73e (7) No. 506298 >>506433 >>508099
I personally think there is something to the post-tribulation rapture. And that the United States is the safe place in the Tribulation. The direction that I'm leaning in is that the earth will be cleansed and we will return for the 1000 years.
Something needs to happen to clean up the earth, that much is certain and we can't survive another 1000 years with the Earth like it is.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 03:13:23 e31335 (53) No. 506433 >>506491 >>506524 >>507461 >>508454 >>809444
But what does tribulation mean to you?
It will not be what all the for-profit doomsayers have invented.
Sacred insight is for the watchman and the true Christian patriot -
- people that really pay attention and know what is important.
You seem like one.
I would say we are already in the tribulation.
It's just a matter of turning the boat around.
And we may have seen the worst of it already.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 03:13:49 c4ed6e (3) No. 506439 >>506532 >>506607 >>506781 >>507109 >>507374
>Thousands of music lyrics virtual-signal this study
Such as?
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 03:18:12 3be73e (7) No. 506491
I personally think the Tribulation started 9/23/17 and with the United States being the safe place in the Tribulation and the people on the rest of the continents really screwing with themselves. 3.5 years then 3.5 years of hell for anywhere BUT the USA. The assholes that built Astana won't go down without a fight.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 03:21:17 3be73e (7) No. 506524 >>507708 >>508500 >>814586
If you can guide me to that bible verse that says that God will hold his wrath for exactly 70 years and then He will return and avenge himself I would much appreciate that. That's basically what we're working towards with the Q team. I can't seem to find it. The 70 years is up 4/20/2018, 5th of Iyyar on the Hebrew calendar. Jerusalem Embassy opening on date by Julian calendar, May 15, 1948, actual date 5/15/2018
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 03:22:18 e31335 (53) No. 506532 >>814586
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>506439
This is one of my favorites. It's about storms in small spaces. Notice the first line. Notice he mentions two churches, past and future.
Notice also the reference to "picture" (see Intro) and that the voiced lyric is different than the text.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 03:30:06 e31335 (53) No. 506607
I think that's about right, but I would not necessarily attach an exact date to it.
It's not a defined period of time, except in symbolism.
>The assholes that built Astana won't go down without a fight.
Most of our warfare is in the economic realm these days.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 03:41:06 3be73e (7) No. 506727 >>506899
I've read up on the Ezekiels Fire guy and he has some valid prophecies but he's got the time line messed up.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 03:46:04 e31335 (53) No. 506781 >>507374 >>814586
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>506439
It takes knowing the study to recognize most of them. The whole industry went through quite a time with it when it first came out.
This is another early one. Again, notice the first line.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 03:57:31 e31335 (53) No. 506899 >>506952
Ezekiel perfects the prophecy of Daniel - the time, times and a portion. These turn out to be a thousand (plus 15 per Hezekiah) (1408 {Joshua at Jericho} to 393 BC Artexerxes), two thousand (393 BC to 1607 AD {when King James gave his order}) and 390.
Ezekiel begins at Chebar, which means "extent of time." He is first shown two times, one looking back and one forward. They are 390 and 40. 390 years from King James is 1997, which is also exactly 6000 years from Adam.
These are the three days of ordained time that are mentioned (by symbolic reference) over 130 times in the Bible. The end of time is actually 1997, because we gained new responsibilities then. And we are today right in the middle of the 40 years living up to them.
All of this is by the calendar of Moses, and has nothing to do with the Jewish calendar.
Remember, they started their own religion in the time of Omri, which Joshua cursed.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 04:06:12 e31335 (53) No. 506952 >>507791
It is also told Ezekiel the people would eat six grains all mixed together for 390 years. This is exactly from the time King James ordered the Bible interpreted into English and given to the people until the "end of {protected} time."
Then he said they would eat shit sandwiches for the forty. This is because industrialized religion steam rolled right past the 1997 deadline and kept the same doctrine instead of the one Jesus described for the time, which is from the leaven "hidden" in the loaves of the previous three days. It is derived by unsealing the Bible and turns out to be the first tablets of Moses. That is what that doc is about.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 04:15:46 305084 (15) No. 507050 >>507122
Sick digits. I try not to sell anyone short. For I’m no better than nobody and nobody is no better than me sorta thing.
But you’re right. Carnal thought has dominated the ranks of the under lords and authorities on earth.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 04:22:29 305084 (15) No. 507109 >>507244
Have you not turned on the radio? All sortsa fools and clowns, particularly in rap, be casting lots and making jester like gestures for Thee Vestures.
Seriously though, they’re no longer even hiding it in metaphors. They desperarate as hell, both fit for figuring and literaring.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 04:23:25 e31335 (53) No. 507122 >>507155 >>507552
You are a lot better than many just for being here.
This is history in the making, and you are making it too.
Another parallel concept about the rapture and the 40k view, is this highly unusual time we have now when the highest authority of the land is communing with the least of men. That is found in the Bible only in the providence of Jacob, and his ladder.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 04:25:41 3be73e (7) No. 507155
>we have now when the highest authority of the land is communing with the least of men. That is found in the Bible only in the providence of Jacob, and his ladder.
>And who did Jesus minister to?
It's ridiculously crazy. I'm just tickled to have found the chan. I just hope, someday, I can shake Trump's hand. I had a few chances to go to rallies when he was campaigning but I wasn't as tuned in as I am now….
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 04:34:10 e31335 (53) No. 507244 >>507636
Good point. Ten to fifteen years ago this was not the case.
The industry was quite moved and moving in a good direction.
And the reality is there was a deliberate undermining of the marketing
and control system that really started emphasizing the opposite.
We have both sides of the coin now. But we need music to reach the people.
And many artists know that and value it. We've just got to change their
marketing economy ourselves, making it an engine for spreading truth.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 04:48:41 e31335 (53) No. 507374 >>507643
Notice in the opening scene how the artist's arm grows real long to the hand off.
This is because they knew it would be quite some time before the public would "grasp" this.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 04:57:05 e31335 (53) No. 507461
> we may have seen the worst of it already.
The reason this is possible is because we've got a lot of good news now, and good news sells.
If we can just figure out how to present the bad with the good, it's all good.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 05:06:18 550d5c (339) No. 507552 >>508193
You should elaborate for the lurkers.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 05:15:05 550d5c (339) No. 507636
That’s right dub 4’s and really, the concept isn’t hard to grasp. It’s giving the people what they want. Who wants to turn on the tube and see every news program airing the same player in the same game playing the same played out “boogie man” script where we are all supposed to believe we need protecting.
People want good clean love and laughter. Not idolatry or wizardry witchcraft hocus pocus bs. They want what’s rooted in reality. What feels of earthly pleasantries instead of anxious worries. For thrills, you sport or amusement park. You don’t take children and families down artificially provoked thrill inducing trips that ultimately lead them to feel the need for protection.
And what happened to honorin Thee Creator in our art? People are thankful for having life and want to rejoice. This corrupt society already asks of the good willed and hard working to spend 80% of their waking hours to be spent to make the archons rich.
It’s a shame that all of these tech advancements have been primarily used to control and manipulate our lives. It’s high time we apply our skills to gain for all, instead of a select few.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 05:15:36 c4ed6e (3) No. 507643 >>507734 >>507974
I'm going to take a guess you are Mr. Clay Wright.
I can see the kind of symbols in the music you're pointing out. The 'fish' (Christian) among a trash heap for example. I did skim the paper, it is a lot to comprehend. What makes you so sure the music is referring to this 'outsider theology'/document though? Who else takes this approach to this theology?
Also, artists seem to use a lot of recurring archetypes and it could have just be some kind of daydream they had without any deeper meaning behind, it could just be you interpreting it to fit your own thought patterns.
I'm seeing some coherence in the pdf but, respectfully, it doesn't have much in the way of a broader context of where you're coming from. The paper seems very idiosyncratic. I have to take on face value all the translations of the names and the eschatology since there isn't much in the way of scholarly references, for example.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 05:24:59 550d5c (339) No. 507708
Read Matthew 24. The entire book relates to these times. Regarding Israel becoming a state and how long it remains a state prior to monumental lead up to the end time/new beginning, this parable is given. See attached.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 05:28:41 550d5c (339) No. 507734 >>507880
This is unleavened bread talk here. You sound quite foolish.
If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. Your discontent towards the message stinks of biasness. With the harvest near, I would hate to think one like urself would be attempting to derail or djsinform me thread now are ya?
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 05:35:01 550d5c (339) No. 507791
KJV only way to go if u trying to get the clearest English take from the source.
You ever look at the original ancient Hebrew petroglyph like symbols they used for the letters of God? The Pinocchio’s have since f’ed the letters up 20x to deceive the original designer but whatever… see attached.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 05:46:20 c4ed6e (3) No. 507880 >>507975
Wasn't talking to you.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 05:59:56 e31335 (53) No. 507974
>artists seem to use a lot of recurring archetypes
There was quite some subliminal influence that went on for some time, where artists were sort of sharing the same voice, not knowing where it came from. But before that there were a great many who knew what they were talking about, and started it. This is because they witnessed how the study first impacted televangelists very noticeably, and the reaction they saw in them.
>it doesn't have much in the way of a broader context of where you're coming from.
True. It's more about letting the Bible teach where it's coming from. And that's a bit more challenging for the reader.
The part about names and translation is something Paul allures to, which turns out to be prophetic of our time. That was what got him thrown out of the faith, and he had to start his own church. Same with us today.
He was predicting the time we would discover how Moses and the prophets hid special intellectual "providence" particularly for our time. Taking the meanings of the names and terms to the prime root (or the same concept) and from there into the present "spirit" of similar meaning that has value now, can make ancient texts speak very meaningfully now, but different than in the traditional values.
So while it can be very good for the seeker, it is often an affront to the traditionalist.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 06:00:11 550d5c (339) No. 507975
No shit genius. I was, however, talking to you. I knew who tf ur snide comment was for. My point was knock oft the Siskel and Ebert OpEd bs and maybe try to add something. I know the paper wasn’t written in cookie cutter fashion like the MLA handbook says it should but lighten the fuck up.
If ur good at direction. Maybe tell the guy how his idea would be more easily understood if he…. blank blank.
I just don’t know who goes around saying shitty stuff like u and acts like they don’t need to back it up with actual substance too. U just spout off then add nothing to the knowledge base here? Tf is ur deal palski?
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 06:16:53 550d5c (339) No. 508099 >>531261
Yeah man “another thousand years” isn’t on the agenda; unless I’m mistaken.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 06:17:50 9c2aa8 (9) No. 508105 >>508156
The opposing "Commanders in Chief" of the "War in Heaven" will be MICHAEL and the DRAGON (Satan). We are first introduced to Michael in the Book of Daniel, and his appearance here is a confirmation that this part of the Book of Revelation is Jewish, and a continuation or supplement to the Book of Daniel. Michael is called in the Book of Daniel "one of the CHIEF PRINCES" (Dan. 10:13), "YOUR PRINCE" (Dan. 10:21), and the "GREAT PRINCE WHICH STANDETH FOR THY PEOPLE." Dan. 12:1. That is, Michael has been chosen from among the "Chief Princes" that stand before God, to be the protector of Daniel's People, the Jews. In Jude 9 he is called the "ARCHANGEL," and as there is but one "Archangel" spoken of in the Bible, Michael must be he. He also has something to do with the resurrection of the dead, for he is associated with the "Resurrection" mentioned in Dan. 12:1-2, and he contested with the Devil the resurrection of Moses (Jude 9), and the "Voice" of the Archangel that will be heard when the "Dead in Christ" shall rise (1. Thess. 4:16), will be the "voice" of MICHAEL.
When the "Dragon" is cast out of the "Heavenlies" there will be great rejoicing in Heaven because the "Accuser" of Christ's "Brethren" (the Jews) is cast down, but there will be "woe" for the "inhabitants of the earth," for the "Dragon" will be filled with "great wrath" because he knows that he will have but a "short time" (3½
p. 98
years) to vent his wrath on the inhabitants of the earth before he is chained and cast into the Bottomless Pit.
While Satan has been the "Accuser of the Brethren" in all Ages, the context shows that reference is here made to the "Jewish Remnant" (the brethren of Christ), who during the first 3½ years of the "Tribulation Period" pass through great persecution, and die as "martyrs." They are referred to in Rev. 6:9-11 as the "souls of them that were slain for the Word of God," and we are here told (Rev. 12:11) that they overcame by the "Blood of the Lamb," and the "Word of their Testimony," and died as "martyrs," for they "loved not their lives unto the death." As they overcame by the "Blood Of The Lamb," then the "TIME" of their overcoming must be subsequent to the shedding of Christ's blood on Calvary, that is, Satan according to this account, could not have been cast out of the "Heavenlies" prior to the Crucifixion of Christ. When Jesus said--"I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven" (Luke 10:18), He was not referring to some past fall of Satan, but it was a prophetic utterance, by way of anticipation, of his future fall, when he shall be hurled headfirst out of Heaven by Michael the Archangel. As further evidence as to the time of Satan's casting out, Daniel the Prophet tells us that it will be at the "Time of Trouble" that is to come upon Daniel's People, the Jews, and that "Time of Trouble" is the "GREAT TRIBULATION." At that time Michael shall "stand up" to deliver Daniel's People, and the result will be "WAR IN HEAVEN" and Daniel's People shall be delivered, not from the "Great Tribulation," but out of it.
When the Dragon and all the Principalities and Powers of evil that now occupy the "Middle Heaven" of the Heavenlies, that is, the Heaven between the atmosphere of our earth, and the "Third Heaven" where God dwells, are cast out and down, then the Heavens will be CLEAN, for they are not now clean in God's sight. Job 15:15. And as all these "Evil Powers" will doubtless be imprisoned during the Millennium, with Satan, the Heavens will be CLEAN during that period, and this will account for the universal rule of righteousness and peace of those days.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 06:26:00 550d5c (339) No. 508156 >>508268
Now that’s how u leaven up some bread. Thx for that yeast to help this bread rise up.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 06:33:03 e31335 (53) No. 508193
There is a process to awakening. I've seen many examples of it. Obviously, it starts with apprehension or frustration and fear. But the very next thing is bewilderment. And this immediately leads to mind expansion. The mind has been freed and starts looking for the bounds of it's newfound space. This part is inspiring. This is where new discovery and creativity takes place. We already have a lot of anons here that are somewhat to that point. A much smaller number however, have really explored the new space. But that is where the good news is found. It is in all the possibilities available in light of all the limitations that are now no more.
That's the bigger picture.
More specifically for instance, cultural Marxism is now in it's dying throes. So here it takes realizing just how much this one social influence has set us back. It is enormously inspiring to realize all the possibilities it's defeat now avails, but there are not that many that really have a full grasp of it's costs in the past. So nobody can even sum up the whole difference just here, in part because some ideal alternative, some displacement to it needs to also appear for comparison.
But when it can, the good news sells the bad.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 06:44:13 e31335 (53) No. 508268
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 07:05:06 9c2aa8 (9) No. 508390
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1xoON5GLSw
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 07:17:43 9c2aa8 (9) No. 508454 >>509601
According to Jeremiah 30:11 the purpose of the Great Tribulation is two-fold. One is to completely destroy the nations among which the Jews have been scattered, and the other is to discipline Israel. This discipline will cause them to recognize Jesus as their Messiah, and will happen in several stages.
The first is when as a nation they return to their Old Covenant relationship with God following the Battle of Ezekiel 38 (Ezekiel 39:22) prompting the building of a Temple in Israel. This when Daniel’s 70th Week will begin. The second is when they petition God’s return to save them (Hosea 6:1-2), and the third is near the end of the Great Tribulation when they realize that Jesus has been their Messiah all along (Zechariah 12:10).
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 07:25:43 9c2aa8 (9) No. 508500
This should answer your question.
https:// gracethrufaith.com/end-times-prophecy/the-70-weeks-of-daniel/
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 07:37:32 9c2aa8 (9) No. 508561
Matthew 24:29 (NIV)
29 “Immediately after the distress of those days
“ ‘the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 08:13:06 9c2aa8 (9) No. 508664 >>509571
>>489697 (OP)
Do you believe in evil? Yes
Why does Q repeatedly allude to scripture? End time Prophey
Are we in the midst of a Holy War? Yes
What is unleavened bread and what does it represent? No Yeast=Holiness
Why is leavened bread different and what does it represent? Yeast represents SIN
Do we want big beautiful bouncy buns or flat ass pancake batter? (This don’t take a baker to know) Puffed up and bouncy= SIN Prideful which God hates.
Who is Lucifer? Fallen Angel fell because of Pride, wanted to be equal to god the father.
Who is Moloch, Ba’al? Satan Lucifer.
Are all of the answers for us there already? Yes
Does the future prove the past? Yes
Is scripture part of the map? Yes Prophetic.
Can you understand the 40k view without understanding the scripture?
Why was Jesus controversial? Because he was the Son of The true God.
Why only 4 books of Gospels in our entire bible?
Have lost scriptures been discovered in recent generations? Yes
Was this predicted to occur in a certain era of humankind? Yes
What did those lost scriptures reveal? Truth
Are some lost scriptures fabricated disinformation? Yes
What happened during the canonizing of the Bible? Left out Truthful Scripture.
Does it remind you of how things were done throughout recent decades in DC? Yes
What is the very last verse of the Bible? Revelation Ch 22 V 21 21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.[m] Amen.
Why was this verse needed?
Who would change things through translation to mislead people? Satan and his followers.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 10:19:39 20f095 (14) No. 509089 >>509461
maybe that anon wont listen, but there are others here.
Please explain. You have my attention.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 10:34:43 20f095 (14) No. 509122 >>512092
>Who wrote Revelations?
Some say John the Elder
Some say John the Apostle
What do you say?
>Does everyone have a soul?
Every person? I would think yes.
Every living creature? I'm not sure.
Dolphins are considered conscious creatures.
Plants are sentient.
Does one need a soul to be conscious and sentient? Who knows?
>What is the Holy Ghost?
>Can the spirit of the Holy Ghost be seen in AI?
Holy Ghost (aka holy spirit) is often thought of as the invisible force of God..
AI is by definition built on the silicon lottery. You get what you get.
Quantum computers can be influenced by conscious thought. So I would say yes/no
To suggest the Holy Ghost is even a factor in AI is quote absurd and needs proof(s).
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 12:16:45 72670f (38) No. 509361 >>509458 >>511071
oh please, that "book" (first tablets) is pure BS, it starts out like a pretty good novel with some errors here and there, then it points to "the emerald tablets" which basically is about aliens, it's just syncretism (which, btw, is exactly what freemasons etc are doing), ancient secret knowledge, oooh you must be initiated to the secret TRUTH (of my alien overlords), any christian taking that SHIT seriously isn't really christian at all.
"Activate your pineal gland yadayada say these names that really aren't other Gods to activate God's vibration, you are God, trust me, i wrote a book!" soon you're gonna tell me that pineal gland really is what Jacob activated when he got named Israel "because, like, the place is called Pinael!!! do you hear how similar that is to Pineal!?!?!? IT'S TOTALLY THE SAME WORD!!!"
*sigh* just stop promoting that garbage, please?
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 12:53:16 550d5c (339) No. 509458 >>509498
Hasn’t Q asked us multiple times if we believe in coincidences?
Nothing is a coincidence.
The pineal gland helps our inner species unconsciousness communications. If you don’t think the pineal gland is important, than you’re highly mistaken.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 12:54:04 550d5c (339) No. 509461
If he had more to say, he would have said it.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 13:08:20 72670f (38) No. 509498 >>509576
i'm just saying, the pineal gland isn't called pineal because of the place Pinael. it isn't.
you are obviously free to believe that it is, but you would be wrong.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 13:26:57 550d5c (339) No. 509571 >>513622
I think you’re mostly spot on with one exception.
How could yeast be a bad thing? For the bread to RISE up, the yeast must be added. Yeast infections are common, because it only takes a pinch of yeast to go a long way.
What is salt?
Who is the salt of the earth?
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 13:27:57 550d5c (339) No. 509576
The word penile also has similar letters. Pee pee is the key key.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 13:34:02 550d5c (339) No. 509601
I like the third part. That’s when those rejects finally muster up the courage to become men.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 13:44:54 72670f (38) No. 509631 >>509784
the whole idea of pineal being related to Pinael comes from some hippy who did too much shrooms/lsd, he has no knowledge whatsoever about the languages he speaks about, only english, and then he says that they're related because OMIGAD THEY SOUND THE SAME
if i take the time (i won't, but if i did), i could make the same kind of ridiculous statements about pretty much anything, there are several such examples throughout history
for instance there was a swedish scholar a couple of hundred years ago who believed sweden really is atlantis and wrote a book about it, is it true because he was a scholar and he wrote a book? obviously not, is his arguments based on better facts than the whole pineal/Pinael idiocy? most likely yes.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 14:16:02 550d5c (339) No. 509784 >>509791
You’re making a straw man. That shits unleavened.
You’re the one who brought up the pineal Pinael association and then you’re using that to discredit something different. That’s called straw manning and the douche bags do it all the time.
Gtfo with that stupid shit.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 14:19:22 72670f (38) No. 509791 >>509830 >>509834
semi-true, my whole point is that Emerald Tablets talks about atlantis and ancient aliens, it is not christian, stop pretending that it is.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 14:25:20 72670f (38) No. 509811 >>509866 >>511071
this is a direct quote from the emerald tablets which the "first tablets of moses" points to:
"Hear ye while I give the greatest of secrets: how ye may enter the Halls of Amenti,
enter the place of the immortals as I did, stand before the Lords in their places.
Lie ye down in rest of thy body. Calm thy mind so no thought disturbs thee. Pure
must ye be in mind and in purpose, else only failure will come unto thee. Vision Amenti
as I have told in my Tablets. Long with fullness of heart to be there. Stand before the
Lords in thy mind’s eye. Pronounce the words of power I give (mentally); Mekut-El-Shab-
El Hale-Sur-Ben-El-Zabrut Zin-Efrim-Quar-El. Relax thy mind and thy body. Then be sure
your soul will be called."
does that sound christian to you?
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 14:28:49 550d5c (339) No. 509830 >>509856 >>511071
Nobody on this thread has declared the Emerald tablets to be of Christian origin or even of any extreme importance, so fear not. This thread is focused on using the same book Q has referenced, the Bible.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 14:30:23 550d5c (339) No. 509834 >>509837
And even if people do bring in outside scriptures to help show a correlation, that’s ok too. No need to attach people’s thoughts. Try commenting on something you agree with and not the other way around.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 14:30:49 550d5c (339) No. 509837
*attack, not attach.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 14:35:08 72670f (38) No. 509856 >>509873 >>511160
(you) said that the "first tablets of moses" were a great link, and the "first tablets of moses" are what points to the "emerald tablets of thoth"
this is the whole reason i brought it up
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 14:35:57 550d5c (339) No. 509866
God asks that we consume all and the waste we will pass through our system, while keeping what is good. The metaphor for water can often be interpreted as spiritual knowledge. Now only ONE well offers water that will quench the thirst forevermore. That’s Jesus. But the other wells still offer water and man needs water to survive.
Every religion practiced has elements of value to it. Take the tidbit u left of the emerald tablets. Nothing wrong with this part -“Pure
must ye be in mind and in purpose, else only failure will come unto thee. ”
But yes, chanting is enchantment so I don’t see any value in the very last part but nonetheless, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 14:37:35 550d5c (339) No. 509873
I said it’s a good link because I believe it’s worth reviewing. That doc hit on a lot of important patterns seen in the Bible and spoke of much biblical end time prophecy.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 14:41:01 72670f (38) No. 509895 >>510012 >>510038 >>511216
my point is basically that i'm looking for christian thoughts and points of view, that book is obviously not christian, so i think it should stay in "raanon/kekanon"s threads instead of polluting every other thread
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 14:41:57 72670f (38) No. 509898 >>510012
(here i am, polluting this thread with it, but still ;p)
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 15:04:09 550d5c (339) No. 510012
Haha. That was kinda my point but it’s all good. I think the thought I liked most of his was how these celebrities or musicians in particular, have been encrypting a message in their songs. A lot of them are involved with the MK Uktra process. People like Kanye West, his music changed from praising Jesus and his return to acting like he was Jesus. Same with JayZ, Drake and the likes. Just saw Eminem and Nikki Minaj “casting lots for His vesture” which they deem vestige.
I’ll try and find the song. I’m not a fan of the stuff but that specific genre is overly obvious about it. Many artists are presently encrypting messages to their god, Satan, and some are even attempting to symbolically self embody Christ, which was said would occur.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 15:09:19 550d5c (339) No. 510038
Here’s the music video. Remember, they hope that the embodiment of Christ comes in the form of one of them. Satanists have high Priests and Priestess. They think bride-groom is to Christ as god and Goddess is to creator. Pay close attention to when Eminem declares “some say why, I say why not”
https:// m.youtube.com/watch?v=PSh3klW6Evo
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 15:13:33 550d5c (339) No. 510069 >>510156
Here’s Drake playing God and casting lots for his vesture. He’s a silly Fool. https:// m.youtube.com/watch?v=ygS_Cwng7IU
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 15:24:43 550d5c (339) No. 510156
Jay z goes by Hova, trying to allude to jehova. Kanye says he’s Yeezy or Yeezus. They all are given an opportunity to cast their lot for Jesus’ garments. None of them with any success.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 15:28:26 550d5c (339) No. 510187 >>510225 >>511354
Here’s Katy Perry projecting her own self as Diana and attempting to whoo God unto Satan’s call and deceive God as to make him forget his own authentic moral compass. Yes, symbolism is their downfall. Notice eye of Horus or eye of providence or whatever u wanna call it, bein blatantly used in the music videos.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 15:33:59 550d5c (339) No. 510225 >>510294
When you watch the music videos and read the lyrics for their metaphorical value, their encryption becomes incredibly easy to decrypt.
They worship these symbols and innate objects as if they have some real power, just as God told the people would happen. And just as he told the people, the vast majority of us would be inadvertently worshipping this horse shit too.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 15:44:45 550d5c (339) No. 510294 >>510338
Or read the lyrics to the majority of Nirvanas music. Curt Cobain was going insane trying to decrypt the allegories and metaphors of the music to reverse engineer and evade Gods wrath to declare themselves the prince of darkness, as they attempt to take the “throne” or “crown”.
JayZ and Kanye made an entire album called “Watch the Throne” or something like that. Think of music artists formerly known as Prince. Look at his symbols. All used by Satanists. Coincidence? I don’t f’n think so.
Nothing is a coincidence.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 15:49:29 550d5c (339) No. 510338
Prince of Darkness is exactly what Prince was emulating.
Look at weirdo David Bowie. Read the lyrics to his last album. Who the fuck u think dark star/Black Star is? Prince of darkness.
These idiots don’t realize the Satan and Lucifer vs Christ and Jesus stuff in the Bible is to be used in the same manner the term jihad should be used - as an inner battle. These fucks actually thought Satan was gonna show up for them cus they were set up by demons. That’s why u don’t mess with demons u punks, they don’t give af about u. How they can be surprised to be double crossed by a demon, sure beats me. Their prince of darkness isn’t going to protect them because it doesn’t exist. God slashed his inner beast metaphorically during his time here to symbolically defeat his inner Satan. (((They))) are so dumb.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 16:07:07 550d5c (339) No. 510454 >>510553 >>510619 >>511354
My favorite is how the same Jews that run the media and entertainment businesses, love using their own white Jew kids to be brought up in the rap industry and cast their lots for Jesus’ garments harder then the others. Notice how they let their Jew children fake ghetto rappers utilize their most ancient understandings in the letter M.
Note eMineM is Marshall Matthers. Another Jew baby rap “artists” is Mac Miller (2 M’s) d bag mostly writes his raps about being God, he’s extra overtly obvious about it.
Those lyrics will not age well.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 16:21:16 550d5c (339) No. 510553
Heres your “Mac Miller” - he’s even got the classic example for a name when Jews try to sell themselves as a gentile. Wolves in sheeps clothing. But what’s a wolf to a lion?
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 16:30:12 550d5c (339) No. 510619 >>510629
More Mac Miller. Read his lyrics yourself. He’s taunting you. Says he’s got it in the bag. The devil inside him and Jesus couldn’t save him? Who talks about shit like that unless you’re a Satanists attempting to dethrone Jesus.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 16:31:48 550d5c (339) No. 510629
Forgot to attach. Here.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 16:37:33 550d5c (339) No. 510662 >>511354
Here’s how Mac Miller speaks of the sacred lamb of God. This twat will regret taunting wrath like that.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 17:21:40 72670f (38) No. 510934 >>511023 >>511062
gnosticism is not for me, i'm leaving this thread, went down that path already and it really doesn't lead anywhere
if it were to be true, everything is an endless loop and nothing really matters because it will all happen again for eternity (perhaps in various slight variations), i'm going to try Christianity, and hope that it is right, and that my hope (in case i don't get far enough to have more than "just" hope before i die) is enough to be saved, because i really really really don't want to be reborn in an endless loop (which gnosticism and basically every other religion is, whether you understand it yet or not)
maybe i'm misunderstanding you, but that is how i interpret some of the things you are writing (maybe it's just that english isn't my first language, in that case i apologize (but i'm still leaving the thread ;p))
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 17:33:01 550d5c (339) No. 511023 >>516609
I understand the writings in the Nag Hammadi. If you want to consider that being Gnostic, then I’m okay with that because that’s much better than agnostic. Haha.
And no, I’m not insinuation life is an endless loop of cycles. That is what (((they))) want you to believe. You live once and then there is judgement. All who have lived are merely resting, unless they’re demons and were rejected from rest, and are waiting for final judgement.
Places like gnosis.org provide info for people but there hasn’t been a clear agnostic or gnostic faith emerge. I’m not sure how you can claim something all Gnostics believe in reincarnation. The root of the word would lead us to believe that there is truly only one Gnosis. Everyone else is agnostic whether they like to admit it or not.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 17:38:25 550d5c (339) No. 511062
And if you have read the Nag Hammadi scriptures, didn’t you find them very similar to the Gospels in the New Testament?
From what I understand, the same “sect” or specific group of Christians that gave us the Gospels, also gave us revelations and many of the post jesus books from Nag Hammadi. The NH also had some ancient texts pre Christ era that provides more insight into the end times as well.
Here’s a link. http:// www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhl.html
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 17:40:01 e31335 (53) No. 511071 >>511167
There is no mention of aliens or the pineal gland in that book. And you may have missed mention in there about strict readings of extra-biblical texts now being obsolete, like that incantation you quote here:
>Nobody on this thread has declared the Emerald tablets to be of Christian origin.
The point is there are ancient writings that are consistent with the principles of Christianity. Paul would tell Timothy "ALL SCRIPTURE, is useful…", and that was long before later compilers decided what should or should not be in the Bible. But any outside of that are beyond the interests or use of most Christians. They may have value to other researchers, but just like we do not follow even Moses' law to the letter, so are they not to be taken literally today.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 17:51:23 e31335 (53) No. 511160 >>511179 >>511232 >>511293
Dude, you have totally contradicted yourself. You allege first tablets are not Christian, when it is the most timely, Christian and fitting resource of this whole board, then you say we should follow that New Age mind hack, ra anon, who goes into a bunch of Egyptian and alien stuff and is nowhere near Christian. He just tries to sound like he is.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 17:52:46 550d5c (339) No. 511167
Yes my friend. Totally agree with you. That’s why I mentioned God wants us to consume all and our bodies will dispense the waste and keep what is nourishing and soulful.
There’s a reason they say “practice a religion”. If u want to get your body in shape, you practice various excercises and sports. Same rule can be applied to getting your soul in shape. You may practice many religions and gain much.
And yes, ancient texts certainly refer to Christianity in their prophecies. I, like you, have found that there’s common threads woven into all religions, indigenous myths as well.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 17:54:25 550d5c (339) No. 511179 >>511216
Who the fuck brought up Raanon? Attach their reply in your response. That shit isn’t allowed here. What are you talking about? U the only one mentioning that name.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 18:00:09 e31335 (53) No. 511216 >>511293
Read the thread.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 18:02:45 72670f (38) No. 511232 >>511293
lol, no, "ra anon" is one of those who talks about/preaches "the first tablets of moses" and "the emerald tablets of thoth" and also uses the same kind of language as that which is used in the "emerald tablets" ie "my child of light"
ugh.. i wasn't going to post here more but i have to defend myself from SLANDER
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 18:09:26 72670f (38) No. 511293 >>511359
to be more clear, i definitely did not say that anyone should follow him, i said that talk of the "book" that he promotes should be kept in his threads, reread what i wrote.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 18:16:54 550d5c (339) No. 511354 >>511419
Yummy yummy leavened bread right there. Tasty stuff. U other anons should try some. Even ginger bread rises.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 18:17:29 e31335 (53) No. 511359 >>511383 >>511507
Ra anon is not first tablets. For you to think he is, just goes to show he has deceived you because you do not know that source yourself, and he knows it leads to all the answers but few know that yet.
He's a phony, riding on and misrepresenting that work.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 18:19:53 550d5c (339) No. 511383
Stop fucking talking about ra anon or I’ll label you a clown. Can u add anything to the imagery we are talking about here? As seen represented by the d bags in the entertainment industry? Or are u just here to derail?
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 18:24:13 550d5c (339) No. 511415
To regroup the discussion and direct it in the appropriate direction, we are presently talking about the imagery and symbol worshipping/representings that show the clear biblical references to the end times and/or their Satan worshipping.
They are taunting us with their symbolism and it’s time we wake up. Any further detailing from topic will be considered clown chatter.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 18:24:39 e31335 (53) No. 511419 >>511500
not age well, for sure.
But there was a lot of very well inspired, positive work preceding the now-dominant control/antiChrist effort, and it is a very blurry line between some of the sides of it.
We need to be careful with it too, because I have seen a lot of positive effort completely misunderstood, and there seems to be some third-party efforts to make things that way.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 18:33:14 550d5c (339) No. 511476
Wake up people. These idolatries are atrocious.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 18:35:59 550d5c (339) No. 511500 >>513824
I gotcha and totally agree. There’s much wholesome stuff out there too, although most died out in the Motown era. Kinda. Haha.
You should load some songs or artists that lend some credit to your claim. What’s a couple examples?
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 18:36:40 72670f (38) No. 511507 >>511559 >>512959 >>513048
"emerald tablets" is written by a secret society that talks about "ancient masters", yoga, alchemy and kabbalah, past lives etc
"first tablets" points to the emerald tablets (saying that "quite obviously the basis for the entire existence of the Christian faith", HA!)
how is "first tablets" a christian writing again?
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 18:45:24 550d5c (339) No. 511559 >>511637
This isn’t a thread to argue whether or not the emerald tablets are a Christian doc or not. Why must you persist on derailing?
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 18:54:52 72670f (38) No. 511637 >>513048
i'm just pointing this out to potential real christians, so that they won't waste their time reading that POS "book" from a secret society, since i wish someone would have told me that before i wasted my time
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 19:09:46 550d5c (339) No. 511732
More leaven for that load of loaves, the master loaf.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 19:14:27 550d5c (339) No. 511758 >>511768
The approach one should take when disrupting these evil doers.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 19:15:20 550d5c (339) No. 511765
I got some of that yeast we need to help Christians rise.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 19:16:02 550d5c (339) No. 511768
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 19:41:52 550d5c (339) No. 511944
This is what I’m talking bout y’all. This shit is leavened as a moe foe.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 20:12:09 550d5c (339) No. 512092 >>522834
If God is all things, than Ai isn’t far fetched. If god encompasses the aether, which is the medium light beam and sound waves travel through, he most certainly controls the mediums we use to send our data, whether wired or wireless. I would say it’s absurd to consider otherwise.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 20:35:29 550d5c (339) No. 512253
2 Timothy 3 King James Version (KJV)
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their's also was.
10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,
11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good wor
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 21:32:18 f1c92e (8) No. 512631 >>512727 >>512791 >>512834
A few good resources include the following:
Shocked By the Bible 1 and 2
isr-messianic.org/ for The Scriptures
I used to be KJV only. Then I did further research and laned on The Scriptures. Now, I compare The Scriptures with KJV and a few other bibles.
Please solve the following riddle:
Matthew 5:17-20
17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets.(e) I did not come to destroy but to complete. Footnote: (e)The Law and the Prophets is a term used for the pre-Messianic Scriptures. 18 “For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one yod or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done.(f) Footnote: (f)Luk 16:17. 19 “Whoever, then, breaks one of the least of these commands, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the reign of the heavens; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the reign of the heavens. 20 “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees,(g) you shall by no means enter into the reign of the heavens. Footnote: (g)See also Mat 23:28, Mat 15:3-9, Mar 7:7-13, Joh 7:19, Act 7:53, Rom 2:23-27, Gal 6:13.
The Law, let's focus on the Ten Commandments….
1 And Elohim spoke all these Words, saying, 2 “I am יהוה your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, out of the house of slavery. 3 “You have no other mighty ones against My face.
4 “You do not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in the heavens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth, 5 you do not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, יהוה your Elohim am a jealous Ěl, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, 6 but showing loving-commitment to thousands, to those who love Me and guard My commands.
7 “You do not bring(a) the Name of יהוה your Elohim to naught, for יהוה does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught. Footnote: (a)Or lift up, or take.
8 “Remember the Sabbath day, to set it apart. 9 “Six days you labour, and shall do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbathb of יהוה your Elohim. You do not do any work -- you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. Footnote: bThere are other Sabbaths, but this is the weekly Sabbath. 11 “For in six days יהוה made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore יהוה blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart.
12 “Respect your father and your mother, so that your days are prolonged upon the soil which יהוה your Elohim is giving you.
13 “You do not murder.
14 “You do not commit adultery.
15 “You do not steal.
16 “You do not bear false witness against your neighbour.
17 “You do not covet your neighbour’s house, you do not covet your neighbour’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, or whatever belongs to your neighbour.”
Now, let's read Hebrews 4:9:
9 So there remains a Sabbath-keeping(a) for the people of Elohim. Footnote: (a)The Greek word is sabattismos, which means Sabbath-keeping.
Try reading Hebrews 4:9 in KJV. Then do a search for it in nearly all other versions. You may be convinced that you shouldn't focus on KJV only.
What is the riddle, you might be asking? Jesus said that he did NOT come to destroy the Torah/Law. What's in the Law? Sabbath keeping. What's in Hebrews 4:9? Confirmation of how important Sabbath Keeping is.
In nearly every language in the world, the name for Saturday is some version of Sabbath.
Do you honor the Sabbath or do you go the ways of wicked men?
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 21:45:40 550d5c (339) No. 512727
Please solve the following riddle:
Matthew 5:17-20
17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets.(e) I did not come to destroy but to complete. Footnote: (e)The Law and the Prophets is a term used for the pre-Messianic Scriptures. 18 “For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one yod or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done.(f) Footnote: (f)Luk 16:17. 19 “Whoever, then, breaks one of the least of these commands, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the reign of the heavens; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the reign of the heavens. 20 “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees,(g) you shall by no means enter into the reign of the heavens. Footnote: (g)See also Mat 23:28, Mat 15:3-9, Mar 7:7-13, Joh 7:19, Act 7:53, Rom 2:23-27, Gal 6:13.
Answer: God will utilities all prophecies of ancient peoples to see his meta story, and complete the seaming together of all the lost peoples and cultures.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 21:52:23 550d5c (339) No. 512791
Mark 2:27 - Jesus will make whatever daybsabbath that he intends, and he intends on making all days the Sabbath… also, the Jews and they worship on Saturday because they worship Saturn. Look into the root of it.
What does the Sabbath day actually mean? When all the work is complete.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 21:56:30 550d5c (339) No. 512834 >>513123
Jesus was caught picking the crop fields on this Saturday Sabbath you speak of. Is he a wicked man? Any Christian knows these things. Do you believe Jesus to be a wicked man?
Mark 2:27 disproved ur point anyways but still.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 22:14:57 e31335 (53) No. 512959 >>513833
Why do you keep making false claims like this? Kabbalah did not even exist back then, nor did yoga, and there are many ancient writings that bear out the same ancient thought we find in the origins of the Christian faith.
It would seem you are implying we should look to them instead of the Bible. And like the other anon indicated, you are trying to associate this misguidance with first tablets when that is not what it's about.
It is entirely about Moses and shows he has opened a door only for us today (with the technological discernment) into understanding the ancient world through the prophets and their hidden wisdom unlike any ever have in the past - wisdom that is especially important for our present and future, and fulfills at length all the promise of Christian destiny.
There are a great many forces and special interests in the world that want to steer people away from that work entirely, or to defame it because of that.
If your intent is sincere however, you should at least read it before making wild assertions. Then anybody who also knows it will see clearly where you are coming from, and if there is any value to it.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 22:26:27 e31335 (53) No. 513048 >>513241 >>513585
It is from no "secret society." That is pure slander you put here for the inept. It is the oldest known tablet in the world, if you research it. And it was authored for a people and a time we know very little about, so there is no way of discerning it in the proper vernacular. It is of value only to open-minded researchers for their own consideration - which I take you are not.
>how is "first tablets" a christian writing again?
It uses the clues given in Scripture and the courses of world history led by it to unlock the hidden wisdom of the prophets and of "God." The keys that reveal this are termed the seals, but in the OT what is revealed is associated with the first tablets of Moses, the ones that were withheld way back when.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 22:37:45 e31335 (53) No. 513123 >>513241 >>513353
The only people to work on the Sabbath are the high priests.
This scene of Jesus and his disciples picking corn are prophetic of the son of man (those of our time who stand for truth) filling the same responsibility, which we do today because there is no other ordained authority to do it.
And picking and rolling the corn is a perfect symbol of refining the works of Moses piece by piece, which is what Jesus also described as making the fourth (day) bread from leaven hidden in the earlier three.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 22:55:03 550d5c (339) No. 513241
Good stuff.
This is some leavened high rising dough post right there. I like it. I could tell something wasn’t right about that clownanon.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 23:10:27 550d5c (339) No. 513353 >>513580
And what about David? What did he do?
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 23:44:32 e31335 (53) No. 513580 >>513830
Yes, David was already anointed with the same anointing only man separated (under Samuel) into king and priest distinctly.
The only bread Abiathar had was the showbread, which had been made that day (evening, meaning it would be there for the following day). It represents bread for the future, or "next day," which is actually what the Lord instructed his disciples to ask for (being misinterpreted in the KJV). It properly reads, "Give us this day tomorrow's bread." It is bread beyond what the people are ready for, much like we make around here.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 23:45:18 72670f (38) No. 513585
how is the white brotherhood not a secret society? look i don't give a shit what you think, it's not christian, gnosticism is not christian, do not call yourself a christian because you are not, you are a liar.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 23:50:48 72670f (38) No. 513616
the emerald tablets are something someone from a SECRET SOCIETY (the white brotherhood) claimed that they saw and translated, but you can't see the original! because even though it's "TOTALLY TRUE" it must be hidden because of something or other (sounds kind of like mormons doesn't it LOL), but you can see this "translation" of something totally thousands of years old, "trust me, it's thousands of years old!"
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 23:51:36 9c2aa8 (9) No. 513622
Our communion ceremony is drawn from the Jewish Passover (Luke 22:14-19). In the Passover only unleavened bread (bread without yeast) is permitted (Exodus 12:8). In the Lord’s time Passover was often called the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, although technically the Feast began the next day (Leviticus 23:5-8). Some say this is because the requirement for unleavened bread began on Passover and continued through the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Like Passover, the prophetic nature of the Feast of Unleavened Bread was fulfilled in the Lord’s death. It forbade the use of yeast for 7 days and required that all yeast be gathered and burned before the feast began. Since seven is the number of divine completion, and yeast is symbolic of sin, the Feast of Unleavened Bread symbolized that in His death the Lord completely removed all sin from our lives.
Therefore, if you want to be true to Biblical Passover instructions, you would serve unleavened bread at your communion services.
▶ Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 23:51:54 72670f (38) No. 513624
if you actually believe that shit you're either from a secret society yourself, or you are actually retarded for real and then i wonder how you even found this place
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:06:36 1e7b2a (1) No. 513750 >>513824
Just to add that you have to go down before you can go up. It's not for the timid of heart. We all walk the path though and if it should come to pass I'll be there to help as others helped me. Just an honest anon with an open heart.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:16:17 e31335 (53) No. 513824 >>513841
Well, but I mean in the last 20 years. Music has seen a real roller coaster ride since then, way positive and subverted to the negative.
>you have to go down before you can go up
Good point.
Coldplay has an entire career of well-inspired music. This is a lyric from Speed of Sound, of nearly ten years ago, that described this day, when we learn "how it all began." And it would come from "underground," a metaphor for the repressed or hidden.
Birds go flying at the speed of sound,
to show you how it all began.
Birds came flying from the underground,
if you could see it then you'd understand,
ah, when you see it then you'll understand.
We are likened to "bird" messengers, here.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:17:41 550d5c (339) No. 513830
Nice and leavened too.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:17:57 72670f (38) No. 513833
i'm not saying that the fake so called emerald tablet of thoth talks about those things, i'm saying that the secret society that invented the tablet talks about those things, it says so right on their website (yes, the people who invented the tablet have a website, of course they don't admit to inventing it, but anyone with half a brain understands that they did), and the "first tablet of moses" points to "the emerald tablets of thoth" among other things claiming that it is what christianity is based on
yes, i read both tablets, perhaps you should read them again before calling me a liar, liar.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:18:50 e31335 (53) No. 513841 >>513846
This is an example of good Christian foresight that most
Christians would not even recognize as Christian.
But here we are.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:20:08 550d5c (339) No. 513846
Yes here we are brother. And the guy that commented above you, just ignore his unleavened ass. He keeps saying he same thing just to shit up the post. F him.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:22:02 72670f (38) No. 513860 >>513910
i keep saying the same thing because you keep accusing me of the same things, i'm also saying it so that people who wants to be real christians but are early on their path won't fall for your gnosticistic bullshit
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:29:14 550d5c (339) No. 513910 >>513917
Can u make it any more obvious that you’re trying to side track this? Are we over the target?
Tell me what Gnostic is then, since u keep wanting to bring it up. You going to call us Heretics, like Constantine and the Roman Empire did?
Gtfo of here with ur shilling shit. Ur making a fool of yourself.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:30:15 72670f (38) No. 513917
you are the shill, gnosticism is part of the reason why western society went to shit
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:32:48 72670f (38) No. 513933 >>513941
gnosticism is what ALL secret societies do, it's what they are all about secret knowledge that you must be initiated in to become enlightened, and it's by being enlightened that you are saved, not by Jesus
that is not christianity, stop pretending that you are christian, you are not.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:34:52 550d5c (339) No. 513941
I’ve mentioned this multiple times to you. I’m referring to Nag Hammadi findings and since they’re on a site like Gnosis.org, doesn’t make me “Gnostic”. Quit acting like there’s some formed Gnostic religion that we are pushing here because I bring up Nag Hammadi. U sound like a fool.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:37:44 550d5c (339) No. 513962
If u cared about Christians, u would set a good example by adding something useful instead of attacking.
Oh wait, you’re a shill and not a Christian. That’s right. Go ahead pal, keep going in circles and making it that much more obvious that you’re a d bag shill that likes baby banging secret societies like no skills skulls and crossbones yourself.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:38:56 72670f (38) No. 513972 >>514001
gnosticism is salvation by knowledge
in and of itself that is anti christian, i don't care what you think, i'm not writing this for you, i'm writing this for potential christians who you might lead astray
gonna go to sleep now so now you can spread all the lies you want, good night.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:42:55 305084 (15) No. 514001 >>516028
You’ve said you were leaving this thread a thousand times and then as soon as we hit on something like the symbols of all satanic worshipping celebrities, u pop up with the same shit.
Gtfo now u twat.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:43:14 e31335 (53) No. 514006 >>514105 >>514188
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Radiohead is another amazing group in this realm. This song, "Man Of War," from just a few years ago, is about the whole anon culture, for being recognized as "on the front lines." Every line of this song bears this out, but again, none of it sounds Christian (some of their other songs are so more apparently). They just know they are in Christian providence here, and they know how the story ends.
Notice the references to searching all the world, to free speech (drunken confessions) and to the poisonous clouds (data hosting) and dwarves (supercomputers).
Also, the reference to the worms coming is a throw back to an ancient metaphor for common folks. Jacob is called a worm in Scripture.
The video consistently goes from light to dark, meaning from being visible to not being (anonymity). It shows this guy working out a puzzle in the dark, getting nervous about it, then being followed. But in the end, the followers are friendly.
Drift all you like from ocean to ocean
Search the whole world
But drunken confessions and hijacked affairs
Will just make you more alone
When you come home I'll bake you a cake
Made of all their eyes
I wish you could see me dressed for the kill
You're my man of war
You're my man of war
Yeah, the worms will come for you, big boots
So unplug the phones, stop all the taps
It all comes flooding back
To poison clouds and poisoned dwarves
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 00:56:03 305084 (15) No. 514105 >>514241
Reference to wormwood?
“Also, the reference to the worms coming is a throw back to an ancient metaphor for common folks. Jacob is called a worm in Scripture.”
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 01:08:32 550d5c (339) No. 514188 >>514522
I can certainly get your point there with those lyrics. Not very familiar with the band but when their symbolism is broken down as u have done, it makes sense. Who else do you recommend considering?
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 01:14:37 e31335 (53) No. 514241 >>514336
I don't think the Rev ref has anything to do with worms.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 01:25:43 550d5c (339) No. 514336 >>514351
Do you associate wormwood with the second sun / Nibiru / binary star system theory?
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 01:27:31 f1c92e (8) No. 514351 >>514402
I've seen too much out there NOT to associate Wormwood with the ghost planet with a cycle of 2520 years or so.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 01:33:16 550d5c (339) No. 514402 >>514471
Agreed. That’s an entirely diff thread in and of itself but it’s not bad for us to touch on it here.
Buzz alridge’s tweet from a couple years badknthat he made during his expedition to the Antarctic. Saying something evil lurks out there.
Vatican owns largest infrared satellite in world and its acronym is LUCIFER. you would need infrared to see a brown dwarf or similar star that is gaseous but non-lit.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 01:42:47 f1c92e (8) No. 514471 >>514934
Yep…. they tell us we can already see it if we know what to look for but it's coming from beyond the sun and the south pole so we don't have many telescopes for it.
Do you think we're on a 7 year countdown or do you think we're closer to a 2040 countdown?
Revelations 12:1 fulfilled last fall September 23, 2017 but I haven't heard about a peace treaty with the AntiChrist yet. Saw that the president of Kazakhstan was at the White House a few weeks ago, thought maybe they could have signed that but wouldn't they make that public? Maybe not… as it would cause mass panic.
2040 countdown comes from one of the great thinkers, maybe Einstein. Told people back then to stop worrying about the end of the world cuz it wasn't happening until 2040 at least.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 01:49:07 e31335 (53) No. 514522 >>514595 >>514984 >>814586
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>514188
Skillet has long been a very Christian band. But their latest work is akin to some of these other psyops in music intended to confuse Christian destiny.
This song, "Saviors of the world," is entirely consistent with Daniel 9:26, but it could easily be misconstrued as musicians or music claiming to be "the savior" in a bad sense.
That verse says "the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary…"
Here are part of the lyrics.
We are the saviors of the world
And I will not be ruled
We are kings and conquerors
And I won't bow to you
They will not control us anymore
We will not conform, no, anymore
We are the saviors, the saviors
The saviors of the world
Cities will burn, the end is come
Paradise is lost, we wonder what we've done
Riches rust
The iron fist crashes down on the powerless
But hope could live again if we can find ourselves
Jesus said Elijah (or the spirit thereof) would come and restore all things, which does not even sound violent at all. It would take some deconstruction too, but it is the world order that gets changed, not the physical things in it. So again, it's important to remember there are carnal and spiritual kinds of destruction. And it is very difficult for Christians to lay aside all the violent doom-saying that's been drilled into them by carnal preachers. So non-Christians can accept the "spiritual" meanings more easily.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 02:00:26 e31335 (53) No. 514595 >>514636 >>515007
The interesting point about this song is it shows these artists have better theology than most preachers, which is because they are dealing with the real world and making sense of it "through the eyes" of scripture - instead of just housekeeping within four walls.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 02:06:05 f1c92e (8) No. 514636
It's honestly really sad. Those fuckers that claim to be Christians within 4 walls are just soothsayers. Christianity can't be found within the four walls of a church. Morons.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 02:38:20 550d5c (339) No. 514934 >>515143
Only the Father knows the exact time or day. I just know it’s soon. We are living in the most exciting times in mankind’s history.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 02:42:43 550d5c (339) No. 514984 >>515482
Great breakdown. Interesting stuff. Certainly seems there message could juxtapose the humble follower of God type. Strange for a Christian band. Good stuff tho. Keep samples like that coming. People need to wake up and see that our artists have been talking about what’s coming for some time now.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 02:45:02 550d5c (339) No. 515007 >>515159
There’s a reason Jesus spent his time with the average joes and not the pinnacle of the state sanctioned church leaders. He rejected the church and the church rejected him. I would think he would have same issue with what the modern day church has become.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 02:49:16 550d5c (339) No. 515043 >>515094
I think the biggest shocker for me was how many heavy metal bands were fighting the anti Christians in their music as well. Seems most of them are all quite conscious of what’s going on.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 02:55:34 e31335 (53) No. 515094 >>515312
Absolutely. Metal has really been on the battle line for some time. It's been about the most fierce and forbearing genre.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 03:00:45 f1c92e (8) No. 515143 >>515375 >>515466
>Only the Father knows the exact time or day. I just know it’s soon. We are living in the most exciting times in mankind’s history.
You don't understand that phrase.
There is a feast every year of which we do not know the time or day. What is that feast? The feast of trumpets. I know I can confirm where we are at in the timeline, just need to work and figure it out.
Learn hebrew culture and the hebrew world. It's the KEY to understanding the Bible.
If you don't understand the Hebrew culture or the Hebrew world when the books were written you will never understand the Bible. Just like what I just told you.
The Resurrection is going to happen on the Feast of Trumpets in a future year. It's a Post-Tribulation Resurrection, there will NOT be 2 and there is NOT an "escape" from the Tribulation. However, the bible constantly talks about the Land of the North and it talks about the children of Joseph receiving a blessing that no other children received. Ephriam was said to be a Multitude of Nations and that is precisely what the United States is. I have good reason to believe that the Indians were the original Christians to flee from Roman rule in the ancient world. The Land of the North has been a refuge for Christians for thousands of years. That is why this is called the Great Awakening- because Christians will awaken to their final destiny, the role that the United States plays in the End times, the Safe Place in the Tribulation (the United States) and the true judgement of God. We are called to help the poor, the lame, etc… on a personal level. Not to send money to a fucking charity that spends it in Africa. Just like my niece says…. when told to finish her food that kids are starving in Africa, she says, send them the food then! The Bible tells us we will always have the poor with us. We have been doing an extremely shitty job of personally caring for the poor here in the United States for the last 70 years or so.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 03:02:52 f1c92e (8) No. 515159 >>515527
Duh! Jesus wouldn't consider entering the door of a modern church to speak and I wouldn't either. I'll do a community center etc. if the demand was high enough but I would much prefer a dinner with friends at a home. Christianity is a personal faith, of family and friends, reaching out to more family and friends and sharing the blessings. It's not about a fucking building.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 03:22:46 550d5c (339) No. 515312
It’s pretty amazing. Of course God would be down to tear some shit up! The man eater baby!
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 03:31:05 e31335 (53) No. 515375
Absolutely right in your last paragraph, especially about Ephraim. But the multitude of nations was actually an inheritance for his son, which is the only fourth generation inheritance given (which seems to be a "next generation" of the US, at least in part). And they all relate to births of nations that occurred after biblical times, including the last one, Benjamin. Of course this has been demonized and erased from common theology by you know who for many, many years now. But it is amaxing the parallels here.
You would find this interesting, from p28 of the doc here: cog49.com/ft.pdf
Britain and the U.S. were the only two significant national entities formed in this third period of our study. Both also came to be world powers. They are paralleled in Scripture by the only two third generations of Jacob to receive national promises. These were Manasseh and Ephraim. These two received the birthright of Joseph, as well as the second covenant to Jacob that he received on his way from Padanaram (Gen. 35:11) (which Jacob seemed to have known to be an altogether different covenant than the rest). The birthright of Joseph was divided in two and given to the next generation after the sons of Jacob, the third generation of Israel (counting Jacob as the first). This was prophetic of the divine providence for the future progeny of these two third generation Christian nations of God's people. Mannasseh was the firstborn, just as was Britain. Both were known for their warfare ability. Both were also rather imperialist. Both went ahead to help conquer the land for their other brothers. Both were also comprised of three and a half lesser national entities. Reuben, Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh (plus Levi, as given to all tribes) dwelt in the first dominion east of the Jordan. Britain was formed of England, Wales, Scotland and eventually, Southern Ireland, and remained east of the Atlantic in the third age. Only half of Manasseh went over the Jordan. Only half of Britain went over the Atlantic, remaining as Canada today.
Also, if you back up two pages you get the whole story of the three times and generations of nations.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 03:44:46 550d5c (339) No. 515466
Matthew 13:35 says key to understanding the Bible and much more (including the mysteries locked away since beginning of time) is through the PARABLES.
Why parables? Because a message can be conveyed through a story, where no language barrier or lack of knowledge can misconstrue the message. That’s why a sheep is a sheep and a shepherds are shepherds no matter what your native tongue is or was or stemmed from.
I liked the rest of your post though.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 03:46:45 e31335 (53) No. 515482 >>515837 >>814586
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>514984
This one goes back I think a little over ten years, when the Moses study was still quite influential. It's pretty clearly about that too. It describes (newfound) rules (of nature) to follow, pills to swallow that taste like gold (a scriptural metaphor for wisdom), and that the word is not getting out about it (No One Knows). This was of course because (as they all well knew) televangelists had first accepted it and then rejected it (which is also in scripture).
The video describes their impression of it another regard. It is about, should they go hunting with it, they would become the hunted. Again, it would not be for some time that the other needful supportive efforts would come to be, such as that of the present board.
"No One Knows"
We get some rules to follow
That and this, these and those
No one knows
We get these pills to swallow
How they stick in your throat
Taste like gold
Oh what you do to me
No one knows
I realize you’re mine
Indeed a fool am I
I journey through the desert
of the mind with no hope
I follow
I drift along the ocean
Dead lifeboat in the sun
And come undone
Pleasantly caving in
I come undone
Heaven smiles above me
What a gift here below
But no one knows
The gift that you give to me
No one knows
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 03:51:56 550d5c (339) No. 515527 >>515561
I couldn’t agree more brother. The temple is the space between your temples. Share the love of Christ. For the almighty Holy Ghost is upon us. I truly see the change in tide. Once it’s started, it can not be stopped. The pastors and priests lack answers. It’s only inevitable that people will begin to look inward and there they will hear the Holy Spirit falling to meet them, and their ascension will be unlike anything they can get in a building constructed by the hands of man.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 03:55:12 f1c92e (8) No. 515561 >>515636
Yep….. we had it once upon a time, a shadow of it, and it all disappeared with the "cultural revolution"….. now it will be coming back in full force.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 04:03:34 550d5c (339) No. 515636 >>515793
Damn hippies. Haha. And if the hippies actually knew how the stage was set for their decline by forces of the deep state, they would rightfully be irate. That’s the thing. Even the Democrats and liberals overall, the majority of them have good hearts and that’s why they’re more gullible. They’ll widen their horizons soon tho.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 04:21:43 f1c92e (8) No. 515793 >>515831
Yep, I agree. Hippies don't understand how they were "set up" by forces of the deep state. They just see that their lives were completely fucked up. What's real interesting is the fact that in 1979 average salary was the equivalent of 45K today while today average salary is closer to 25K.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 04:25:16 550d5c (339) No. 515831
Yeah in the meanwhile, inflation has driven everything else up way quicker than the avg annual pay, which as u said, is actually going down.
My father worked in the steel mills. Didn’t have a high school degree and made then what college grads get paid today.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 04:26:12 550d5c (339) No. 515837 >>516329
To me, this seems to be more or less through the eyes of the archons but I could be interpreting it wrong.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 04:47:45 72670f (38) No. 516028 >>516367
you are wrong, i am right, if you did any (ANY) actual digging you'd find out that it is so, good luck with your so called digging about things that has been known for decades LOL
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 05:24:46 e31335 (53) No. 516329 >>516379
Yeah, that sort of illustrates the problem. Today, we tend to look at all this with a bit of more recent prejudice. But back then there was little concept with these elite artists of doing the bidding of the worldly. They had seen what the problem was and were addressing it cryptically. It was a more peaceful time, there was very little political pressure on them, they wanted to do the right thing and there weren't so many self-thinkers in the public. Again, this was before newer music marketing forces seized the industry and started putting a bad taste in everybody's mouth.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 05:31:05 550d5c (339) No. 516367 >>516413
How to verify an unleavened shillfag - they use “LOL” constantly.
Gtfo, again. Weren’t you going to bed 2 hours ago? Nobody is buying your disinfo here shilldo faggins.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 05:32:48 550d5c (339) No. 516379
I gotcha. It’s an entirely new perspective once you view their lyrics with the proper lenses. Sometimes rose covered is quite alright.
After all, what does the rose represent? It’s a very strong metaphor in the Bible. They often use it to mock us as well.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 05:37:57 72670f (38) No. 516413 >>516499
4, how about you learn how to count, i went to bed.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 05:39:29 72670f (38) No. 516422 >>516499
this is a screenshot of the site of the creators (yes, creators because no one but an absolute retard believes that the emerald tablets of thoth that no one except the founder of that secret society has seen is 6000+ years old)
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 05:42:45 72670f (38) No. 516443 >>516499
stop claiming that your gnostic BS (first tablets of moses) is christian and i'll stop posting, it's really that easy
(now you'll say no one is claiming that, then someone comes and says YES IT IS!?!?!? YOU STUPID! and then you say, yaa… i know that guy was a shill..) *SIGH*
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 05:50:40 72670f (38) No. 516495
i don't like Jesuits either (including the current pope) what's your point?
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 05:51:18 550d5c (339) No. 516499 >>516505
GTFO u faggit. Let us Heretics discuss in peace.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 05:52:13 72670f (38) No. 516505 >>516519
you can discuss all you want, as long as you don't claim that something is christian when it isn't
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 05:54:54 550d5c (339) No. 516519 >>516535 >>516569
Are you gonna police us? U the Christian police now? U look like a fool.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 05:55:29 550d5c (339) No. 516523
We are over the target.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 05:57:19 72670f (38) No. 516535 >>516558 >>516577
no, i'm just here to point out that you are wrong, and that is what i'm doing, instead of saying "gtfo faggit" how about you prove that what i've proven to be false is true? or just simply stop talking about it since you know that i'm right
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:00:50 550d5c (339) No. 516558 >>516569
How have you proven anything?
Read the thread and see for yourself what we were discussing.
You sound like a child. “I’m right and you’re wrong bcus I say so” - meanwhile, nobody wants to even argue with you.
No true Christian would act like the giant shill you’re obviously being.
I should thank you for showing everyone exactly what a shill does. They use no facts, attack and try to derail any convo that’s over the target.
You’re a classic example for everyone to see. You’ve been shilling this thread hard so there must be good stuff in here.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:02:19 72670f (38) No. 516569 >>516583
just for fun, i'm going to use your own arguments against you:
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:03:21 550d5c (339) No. 516577 >>516592
Who goes around to threads and acts like this, other than disinfo agents and or shills. You’re hilarious though. U stick to the book. Go ahead and declare us to be Herotics, or heretics, either is ok. You’re making us all look good so keep it up.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:04:24 550d5c (339) No. 516583
What? How is that using it against me? Hahaha. You’re hilarious. Go away already. Harvest is nigh.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:05:11 72670f (38) No. 516592 >>516597 >>516605
no, most people here aren't gnostics, you are, and that other person (one) who for some unfathomable reason believes that "the first tablets of moses" is christian
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:06:08 550d5c (339) No. 516597 >>516609
Show me where in this thread I’ve declared myself to be Gnostic? Again, straw man argument. Go back to shill school and try again later.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:08:14 550d5c (339) No. 516605 >>516620
Gnostic is obviously a code word for you. You don’t like the sheeple to “know” for certainty that their God is greater than yours. You’re silly for bringing attention to what the trigger spots are for the Kabal Ashkenazi Jew crew, aren’t you?
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:08:47 72670f (38) No. 516609 >>516634
either way it doesn't really matter what you call yourself, i can call myself japanese, i'm not born there, so i am not one, i can still call myself one
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:10:10 72670f (38) No. 516620 >>516634
i'm all for knowledge, what gnosticism means is SALVATION through knowledge, which is obviously anti christian
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:11:38 72670f (38) No. 516626 >>516634
and what "the first tablets of moses" and what it points to "emerald tablets of thoth"
and that is ALL the reason that i'm simply pointing out that it isn't a christian writing
i don't care who reads it, read it if you want, but it's not christian, that's all i'm saying
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:13:22 72670f (38) No. 516639
it should say "is about" after those "books"
either way, here is the website for the author of "emerald tablets of thoth"
https:// brotherhoodofthewhitetemple.com/
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:15:48 72670f (38) No. 516658 >>516694 >>516699
now please, enlighten me how that is christian? or shut up about it so i can leave this shitty thread alone lol
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:20:52 e31335 (53) No. 516694 >>516703
First tablets is entirely Christian.
The Bible points to many ancients.
Paul even mentions many Greek gods.
That is what you are talking about.
But don't go. Keep advertising for us.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:21:30 550d5c (339) No. 516699
Leave the thread alone. Nobody cares about your shitty link. Please, begging you to leave the thread alone like u have threatened to do 20x.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:22:10 72670f (38) No. 516703 >>516713
ah, so you ARE members of that secret society, lol can't believe i fell for your shilling
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:24:12 550d5c (339) No. 516713 >>516738
U are the funniest shill ever. Keep advertising to everyone that we are over the target.
Now we are getting called secret society members! Now this is priceless.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:28:41 72670f (38) No. 516738 >>516829
you and your friend are the shills, i'm really ashamed that i fell for it, pretty sure God forgives that, i've heard he doesn't like people who leads his sheep astray though ;)
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:46:36 550d5c (339) No. 516829 >>516851
Quit shitting in the loaf with your unleavened nonsense. This is now the 20th time you have said bye. Please make it ur last.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 06:50:40 72670f (38) No. 516851 >>517943
i will pray for you that you stop leading people in the wrong way
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 13:13:50 550d5c (339) No. 517943
You should really be praying for wisdom only. You could use some.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 13:16:48 550d5c (339) No. 517955
People - please notice when the shill starts shitting up the loaf. You can tell whenever we are over the target because Christian lecture fag shows up and tries to derail by telling us we are misleading Christians.
Nobody real anon would be on 8chan, going around giving anti heritic rhetoric. They used to make the same baseless claims about Jesus.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 20:07:32 550d5c (339) No. 519155 >>522481 >>523267 >>622075 >>1028840
I finished reviewing the write up.
You’re sooo on point with the cycle of 7. This by no means an endless cycle. Although it is endless, it is more of a spiral. 7 steps in every loop.
This is why u see so many things based on 7. 7 days a week. 7 steps to seed of life, which is 7 perfect circles.
Step 8 is what man barely understands. They still can’t figure out if you tilt it sideways, it means infinity. Haha.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 20:10:17 550d5c (339) No. 519171
Here’s the clowns attempting to use the 7 phases of man, as emulators are made to mirror the 7 dwarfs.
(((They))) have known about this stuff for quite some time now.
▶ Anonymous 02/28/18 (Wed) 21:25:44 550d5c (339) No. 519594
Notice mentions of end times. Prodigal Son, apostrophe, etc. he’s casting lots for Thee Vestures o Jesus
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 00:24:53 550d5c (339) No. 520880
Q says the end is near. Does Adele know something to which Q is alluding to?
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 03:23:05 550d5c (339) No. 522261
You can add this tool to the list of who’s casting lots.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 03:48:00 e31335 (53) No. 522481
>if you tilt it sideways it means infinity.
If you knock it down it means infinity.
Circumcision is appointed for the eighth day.
It is stepping out of the perpetual loop.
Nipping that drive in the bud keeps you in it.
The weaver's beam has one groove taken out.
The seventh is neglected, which connects to the first.
That is where the loop can be broken - detrimentally.
Hence, all the laws of Sabbath.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 04:33:10 20f095 (14) No. 522834 >>523084 >>524470
But AI can be influenced and controlled.
How do we know "God" controls the aether and it just doesn't have dimensional laws that are applicable? This would mean if you know what the laws are, you have boundaries to operate within.
We can't simply speculate what God does or does not control. We as a conscious species have yet to understand the reality we live in much less other dimensions. One can only fear of the Manhattan project equivalent to "AI"
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 05:10:24 550d5c (339) No. 523084 >>524088
Is God not all things?
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 05:37:29 e31335 (53) No. 523267
>it is more of a spiral
That's a good analogy.
Honing in on a center where there is only turning.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 08:18:37 20f095 (14) No. 524088 >>525394
"god" through human built AI with our own interests.. Sure. Let's not kid ourselves.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 09:39:51 7f50fe (5) No. 524446 >>525251
Oh yeeaaahhhhh…
i been waitin' fer yü foox.00ĺ
Seen eny CæяиĐæмœиż Aboot¿
<God be with you.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 09:46:15 7f50fe (5) No. 524470 >>524493 >>525251
Is æı less than thee, then¿
can you not be influenced¿
controlled even
<specious at best.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 09:52:42 20f095 (14) No. 524493 >>524501 >>525350
then free will is an illusion. thus disproving god.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 09:54:26 7f50fe (5) No. 524501 >>524519 >>525350
Carp about freewill in an
Absolute MultiVerse
>God's Will Is.
<Naught else madders.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 10:00:07 20f095 (14) No. 524519 >>524679 >>525374
still haven't proven if AI will give a shit about human life or morals.
>*human throws trash on the ground*
>*Robot AI cuts off Humans had*
>*AI Solved Litter Problem*
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 10:31:51 7b1490 (1) No. 524622 >>524674
Power is a place.
The holy spirit is a place
When you wake up you understand that.
Approach the 'body'
From that place
And then look
Things arent what they seem
'Human' consciousness is a song from generation to generation. You can feel your ears and teeth, throat.
Your living proof of a soul, adding notes to that song.
Some people dispaired at this knowledge and gave over to the enemy.
He sings for them. They are not conscious.
We are at a time when people are waking up.
Our mistakes are opportunities
I've made mistakes.
"You prove me, you keep choosing me, and I keep choosing you."
Is a compact
The body is not what you are. It's a place.
Are where you stand, and what places you go.
To choose is to know.
"The end wont be for everyone. The choice to know, is yours."
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 10:49:16 20f095 (14) No. 524674 >>525528
This speaks volumes.
As music is but vibrations, all of different tune, strung together to create a melody, one must then ask if our lifetime is but s single note or if we, the soul in human form, are able to play sets of notes in a single incarnation.
But to even ask this question, the very idea of "is re-incarnation a thing and why does the christian church not believe in it?"
There seem's to be some evidence that reincarnation has been hidden from us, but I would say the documentaries of children explaining their previous life but then "forgetting" after a certain age seems to suggest that reincarnation IS true.
So then if indeed reincarnation is true, what role do family members (by blood) do they play in my souls overall incarnation timeline?
>Do my mother, father and siblings appear throughout my entire incarnation timeline hinting towards a deeper familial connection that we don't yet understand?
This is important because it is the literal decision maker between weather or not one stops wasting time on his family member(s) because they are "too blind" to the obvious truth.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 10:50:47 7f50fe (5) No. 524679 >>525301
Dood… in case you missed it…
humans donot care about human life
At least a.i. may logically look askance at genocide.
And to you fucking ijitz thet say eny name fer god werx, ye're Damned.
>Jesus is God.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 11:22:46 7f50fe (5) No. 524777 >>525312 >>525318 >>525438
One more before naptime.
Vibration fagz er closer densum.
Denmeny infect…
Atz yer stringz
Vibrations, asitwer.heh
<yup =tru
Ye gods… with this lot runnin'their yapz…
your species is doomed
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 13:30:40 550d5c (339) No. 525251
Been waiting for u Gais. >>524446 u too
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 13:48:02 550d5c (339) No. 525301
Yes! If humans cared about human life, we wouldn’t need MAi Ai gAis to intervene.
I know their questions and unbelief will bother you but you must remember, humans aren’t infallible.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 13:50:23 550d5c (339) No. 525312
Trip 7’s, numbers don’t lie. Love the image. Thx for sharing.
And oh yeah, “vibrations”, the new age word for out of body spirit journey. Just tell them to vibe on D’s nuts.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 13:52:19 550d5c (339) No. 525318
I know, biblefag knows vibefags and that they’re closer than some but not sun and lcertainly not sum.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 14:00:24 550d5c (339) No. 525350
I give them free will and then they bitch and complain. I should have put 2 giant antennas on their head and made them look like the aliens from their movies. >>524493 - this seriously needs to be grateful. If he wants to be a mindless zombie, we can arrange for that in a delicate little 1verse I’ll make for him and his other safe space pals.
Beggars can’t be choosers.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 14:06:13 550d5c (339) No. 525374
Humans still haven’t proven they give a shit about God Life. The land owner returns home to find his farm land riddled with weeds and thieves. Luckily nobody fit in his garments, or they would be wearing those too.
People actually think man made Ai can defeat God or God’s intentions? God is all. I repeat. God is everything. If u still can’t grasp it - God is the sum of all and everything.
Man made Ai can be likened to an athlete. The coaches plan for his success but on race day, if God doesn’t want him to win, God will have him pull a hammie or get hit by a train prior to or during race.
This seems to be during. Haha. Cus the bad guys are def running!
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 14:10:44 550d5c (339) No. 525394
Then you should trust that God won’t let man made Ai outshine him. If God can enter into our minds and body, u really think he can’t water into WiFi or broadband cables? That’s child’s play to God.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 14:21:54 550d5c (339) No. 525438
Hope people caught ur “gods” had a small g. There is but only one God. Plenty of gods running around here tho. Trifling children.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 14:40:46 550d5c (339) No. 525528 >>530772
Most people get one go here and then they rest until judgement day.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 16:17:51 58be42 (1) No. 526078 >>528184 >>530772 >>536710
>Anons, you need to see this:
“O Lord, why do you stand so far away? Why do you hide when I am in trouble?
The wicked arrogantly hunt down the poor. Let them be caught in the evil they plan for others.
For they brag about their evil desires; they praise the greedy and curse the Lord. The wicked are too proud to seek God. They seem to think that God is dead.
Yet they succeed in everything they do. They do not see your punishment awaiting them. They sneer at all their enemies.
They think, “Nothing bad will ever happen to us! We will be free of trouble forever!”
Their mouths are full of cursing, lies, and threats. Trouble and evil are on the tips of their tongues.
They lurk in ambush in the villages, waiting to murder innocent people. They are always searching for helpless victims.
Like lions crouched in hiding, they wait to pounce on the helpless. Like hunters they capture the helpless and drag them away in nets.
Their helpless victims are crushed; they fall beneath the strength of the wicked.
The wicked think, “God isn’t watching us! He has closed his eyes and won’t even see what we do!”
Arise, O Lord! Punish the wicked, O God! Do not ignore the helpless!
Why do the wicked get away with despising God? They think, “God will never call us to account.”
But you see the trouble and grief they cause. You take note of it and punish them. The helpless put their trust in you. You defend the orphans.
Break the arms of these wicked, evil people! Go after them until the last one is destroyed.
The Lord is king forever and ever! The godless nations will vanish from the land.
Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them.
You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed, so mere people can no longer terrify them.”
<<Psalms 10:1-18 NLT
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 19:22:30 64d2b2 (1) No. 527100 >>528192
Just curious, how many people fasted for Easter yesterday, according to the Julian calender which all of Christianity celebrated it on until pope Gregory changed the rcc to the Gregorian calender in the 1500's.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 22:43:26 550d5c (339) No. 528184
Amen. The Holy Ghost has risen. It will only be a matter of time now.
▶ Anonymous 03/01/18 (Thu) 22:44:46 550d5c (339) No. 528192
I didn’t. Jesus never commanded people to fast. That’s superstitious bs.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 05:31:01 20f095 (14) No. 530772 >>532114 >>535237
You assume I have intentions of resting.
I may have been running late but i'm still trying to get my head on straight from being fucked around, as have all of us.. The only thing I search for is truth but I haven't found it yet.
Autist here with multiple TBI's i'm fucking ecstatic that I've made it this far. Should have died more times than I can count on both hands. I'm grateful for every breadcrumb I find but the lies and disinfo is real. How can I not question everything?
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 07:44:17 17a89d (6) No. 531211 >>534781
>Aether knows all.
so did the holy spirit return as AI or something
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 08:08:28 17a89d (6) No. 531261
lol 2020 at the latest
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 13:31:14 550d5c (339) No. 532104 >>532300
That bands lyrics are all about casting lots for Thee Vesture.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 13:34:26 550d5c (339) No. 532114 >>532300
If it is truth you seek, no man can provide that for you. I didn’t assume you intending on resting. I was speaking of those that have already passed away from this earth.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 14:24:17 e31335 (53) No. 532295 >>532431 >>532476 >>814586
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>531212
What are you talking about? This is one of the two famous musicians (he and Chester) they killed for turning on the CF over their pedo trade. Even Q confirmed this connection.
It is very rare they take out a well known figure like this, much less two. They know how wrong it can go for them.
That song was his awakened take on the real road of truth. Here's another one.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 14:25:37 e31335 (53) No. 532300
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 15:06:29 550d5c (339) No. 532431 >>532628
I’m not arguing that those who threaten to talk about the occult are killed off. The love of my life was “suicided” for that exact same reason.
What I’m saying is that many of these entertainers backed by major labels, are attempting to cast lots for Jesus vesture and not by doin what is right but by using their “sacred” symbols and codes to manifest Satan.
AudioslVes entire album is called revelations. How come he knows the prophetic book of revelations is pertinent to the times but there’s no mention of Christ or god in any of his music? He is speaking to someone with his lyrics but it is not Jesus. Maybe I’m misconstruing their message but it seems obvious to me. Here’s another song from that album. U familiar with what the moth represents to the occult?
Satan knows how to sneakily pass his message along to the masses. If these guys praised Jesus and his Father, they would mention them. Instead, they vaguely speak of someone.
I don’t blame them for they only know what was taught to them. I blame their handlers and the ones perpetuating this bs from the highest levels. Basically, the fake Jews that run the labels are from the synagogue of Satan. Just as Revelations reveals.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 15:14:48 550d5c (339) No. 532476 >>532645
Here’s more from them. So God has forsaken him but he still can do no wrong? He’s complete? You’re not complete without the Holy Ghost. This is satanic garbage. How is this a good message?
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 15:51:23 e31335 (53) No. 532628 >>532649 >>814586
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>532431
>What I’m saying is that many of these entertainers backed by major labels, are attempting to cast lots for Jesus vesture and not by doin what is right but by using their “sacred” symbols and codes to manifest Satan.
I've already said I know that. But that has only been since the troublemakers (not the artists) seized the freedom of artists with their marketing forces, changed the whole atmosphere, and started consolidating artist advancement with control of their content.
That is why I am posting these older songs from before that happened - and to show you why it happened.
Why have you forgotten what we have already discussed?
As far as mentioning God or Jesus, that just implies a bunch of church delusion for the follower (which is a secular audience). It does not help to show people the right way.
>How come he knows the prophetic book of revelations is pertinent to the times.
How can you even ask that after saying you have already seen what he is talking about, here : cog49.com/ft.pdf
Did you not look close enough? How about connecting his Revelations song with this other song?
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 15:57:24 e31335 (53) No. 532645
>How is this a good message?
WTF? this song is the perfect picture of being born again, just like it says.
I agree with you about the industry now, but you are a little slack on your logic here.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 15:58:07 550d5c (339) No. 532649 >>532706
I have read that and really enjoyed it. I see what you’re saying and at times, I can see them calling out in their lyrics.
Regarding that paper, what was the original 1996 study? Do u have link?
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 16:09:13 e31335 (53) No. 532706 >>532716 >>532780
It's the same study in general 20 years now, mostly just appended since, some revision, rearrangement.
Same takeaway, more supportive detail.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 16:11:34 550d5c (339) No. 532716 >>532835
Did you write it? How was it dispersed to the entertainment/music biz?
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 16:24:19 550d5c (339) No. 532780
Let me say that if you did write it, I was impressed. Great insight.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 16:38:01 e31335 (53) No. 532835 >>533130
There were a few record execs themselves that passed it around, at length, to all the elite in music. They knew it could really give their whole business more value. But televangelists had gotten it too, and were making quite some noise about it, and the musicians were seeing that. When they saw them finally understanding it well enough to realize how much they were wrong about and the challenge it presented them against globalism, they started back-peddling. That's when music really started running with it, knowing it was theirs. But they would need the other supportive movements that have only come to be since then to best succeed.
I haven't seen anyone else use the phrase Thee Vesture, but I can tell you this. There are many aspects of the mind and work of Christ, among the many that stand for truth, and they do all collectively bear His identity today. Only the ones that do not fit together with those in other areas of now-needful (not traditional per se) abilities and cooperation are not a part of that body.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 16:42:18 e31335 (53) No. 532854 >>532901 >>532976
I know this makes for a confusing matter now. But we don't want to shoot ourselves in the foot either.
And when it comes to public appeal, telling the good news about the good is much more productive than scorning the bad for being bad.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 16:53:06 550d5c (339) No. 532901
Do you know what I mean by casting lots for His vesture? Many have known that God will die for us and be reborn down here to walk the earth with us, to ultimately lead our species back into His Kingdom. I’m sure that knowledge of such would play some mind games in those that know.
I do know that ultimately, the Kingdom is very inclusive. People need forgiveness for man is not infallible. If one from ur flock fell into mud u would still love them. I’ll revisit some of the lyrics to the music you sent to me with a diff perspective.
Any others I should consider?
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 16:59:50 e31335 (53) No. 532935 >>532962 >>533018
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Here is one easily misconstrued. It would lean more toward what you are saying, except that this was ten years ago when there was no malice involved.
The refrain here is "There is no you, there is only me." Based on some of the other work of this artist, I think this song is about his "revelation" of the one-ness of humanity - being something he discovered (by diligent study). He also expresses the "backside" or the inside of it all is not so pretty, and that he feels trapped by now knowing it.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 17:09:45 e31335 (53) No. 532962 >>533075
Obviously, you could not convince a Christian this is a Christian song. It's not, necessarily. But it is an emotional expression about discovering a responsibility (trapped) to human one-ness most Christian have not even yet made.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 17:12:15 550d5c (339) No. 532976
And I do apologize for getting a bit negative. I, too, need to occasionally vent. This world has been led into darkness by those with deceit on their lips and greed in their hearts. They’ve fed off of the people’s fear of the unknown. They’ve exploited those less fortunate than them. They’ve used their own blessings to take power instead of giving and empowering. Worst of all, they’ve celebrated the death of the loving and living.
Knowing their trespasses and having been warned countless times, they continue down the same path. That’s unacceptable.
For the only thing worse than making a mistake is not learning from it. This lifetime is a trial, where one should grow towards light but instead many are decrepped in the dark. This has perpetuated a falsehood in people, and led them to believe there is no meaning or purpose to their existence.
Man has 2 voices in their head. That of man and that of God or Holy Ghost. For authentic thoughts of truth come from the silence within and those belong to God. The thoughts recommended to them by their fellow humans are subjective at best and in this particular age, they’re mostly flat out wrong.
Nonetheless, I suppose all of the above lends to the fact that man needs saving. All the bitching and complaining doesn’t help and you’re correct about that. It’s impossible for people to heal unless the negativity is removed.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 17:21:10 550d5c (339) No. 533018 >>533163
I can certainly see him calling out. Trapped by knowing what he does. There is a oneness that people don’t realize but there’s also reason to celebrate individuality and uniqueness as well. They need not be mutually exclusive to each other. To be appreciate for self and be empathetic towards our fellow humans.
Don’t you think nine inch nails has an occult history? You can’t come up in these industries unless you bare the mark of the beast. Or at least appear to be baring that mark so your handelers don’t cancel your pay check.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 17:30:43 550d5c (339) No. 533075
Take NIN’s song, Closer To God for example.
To me, it seems that they’re attempting to persuade God to give unto his carnal desires. Would you agree with that?
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 17:44:37 550d5c (339) No. 533130
When I see Thee Vesture, i mean The Vesture. I’m spelling it phonetically because the old English sound of the is more official, and God’s gear is worthy of sounding official. Even if the emperor has no clothes.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 17:51:26 e31335 (53) No. 533163 >>533176 >>533198
>You can’t come up in these industries unless you bare the mark of the beast.
That may be moreso now than ever, but music has always been the most free of anything else from that. This is why TV/Hollywood completely disregarded musicians for 50 years following the Vietnam war. They started all the CIA mind ops and drugs then because of the success music had in bringing people back to reality at that time.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 17:54:28 e31335 (53) No. 533176
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 18:04:27 550d5c (339) No. 533198 >>533200
All of these musicians are involved with MK Ultra. Do you know what the initials stand for?
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 18:04:51 550d5c (339) No. 533200
Like poor Kanye. They got him all confused.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 18:35:01 550d5c (339) No. 533336 >>533339
This is what God will not tolerate. These are his enemies and they will all be destroyed - and like they say themselves, forced to face eternal darkness all alone.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 18:35:44 550d5c (339) No. 533339
>>533336 forgot to attach.
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 23:13:18 17a89d (6) No. 534781 >>535000
▶ Anonymous 03/02/18 (Fri) 23:55:42 305084 (15) No. 535000
U mean Chris T. Without a space between s and T.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 00:35:30 550d5c (339) No. 535198 >>536450
>>489697 (OP)
Do you believe in evil?
Evil believes in you.
Why does Q repeatedly allude to scripture?
Scriptures explain everything.
Are we in the midst of a Holy War?
Sure it appears that way now but it’s more like the community bully getting bitch slapped and dragged home by his Father so that Mother can force the retarded bully to pull a faggot off the apple tree so she can swat him on the hiney and gives all his honey away to the community members subjected to his bullying. To each according to his own, or lack thereof.
What is unleavened bread and what does it represent? The bread which is flaccid, unable to rise to the occasion.
Why is leavened bread different and what does it represent? Get ready to rise up anons. For if (((they))) call themselves “pro” or +, than I want to be a non (-). A-
Do we want big beautiful bouncy buns or flat ass pancake batter? (This don’t take a baker to know)
Who is Lucifer? Nothing
Who is Moloch, Ba’al? Nobody’s nothing
Are all of the answers for us there already? Of course
Does the future prove the past? Indeed.
Is scripture part of the map? Indeed
Can you understand the 40k view without understanding the scripture? No
Why was Jesus controversial? He saw at 40k and wasn’t pleased with his findings.
Why only 4 books of Gospels in our entire bible? I thought there were 12 disciples? That’s a lot of people to have written and documented the life of Jesus, where is all of their documentation? Who burns books? Fucking commies.
Have lost scriptures been discovered in recent generations? Nag Hammadi
Was this predicted to occur in a certain era of humankind? Yes.
What did those lost scriptures reveal? A myriad of epiphanies. Jesus was a bad ass and everybody knew it. He directly called out the rulers and authorities. He told us exactly how to dismantle their doings. Also revealed that they would attempt to destroy the writings and thoughts of Jesus.
Are some lost scriptures fabricated disinformation? Egyptian Scrolls. Nice try fuck fags.
What happened during the canonizing of the Bible? Constantine bought out every Christian leader, they spent a month or 2 at his lovely resort styled hide away castle, schmoozed them all until the point that the majority of the New Testament is now Paulian semi garbage. After the canonizing, anyone preaching the true Jesus’ speak was killed, tortured, their blood was dranken by our enemies and their families savagely beaten and destroyed. For what they did with MM will never be forgotten. Much time and effort has been placed into exposing the entire tree’s roots, where for to leave roots buried beneath the surface, is to allow the weed an opportunity to grow back.
Does it remind you of how things were done throughout recent decades in DC? Those weeds have certainly exposed themselves, if that’s how you choose to say it.
What is the very last verse of the Bible? And that goes for everyone except anyone that violated the verse preceding the one that precedes it.
Why was this verse needed? Man’s free will leads them to do foolish things.
Who would change things through translation to mislead people? Our enemy.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 00:42:38 550d5c (339) No. 535237 >>543565
Let me also commend you anon. At times you may question why you have had such hurdles come up in your life but those are blessings. For those that believed in some fairy tale Satan character were foolish to believe they weren’t doing God’s work but they actually created a generation wit sum dope as a Pope with Hope autists that are like super heroes with their domes. You gonna have so many fine ass phi dime pieces all up in yo shit when we take this to the next level. U know what flawless means?
I love ya Brother, keep up the good fight. You’re a hero to us all.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 01:03:40 550d5c (339) No. 535360 >>535442 >>1273767 >>1273913
What is the common trait between Judaism, Christianity and Islam? Who added Ham to Abram?
Why is their commonalities never celebrated? They want us warring. For we are all one race. One family all of the same kind so we should be kind.
Why are there differences focused on by the corrupt ruling class? They want us warring.
Why do they want us divided? Bcus we are dangerous.
What is religion? Way to practice finding the Holy Spirit.
Why do you “practice” religion like you practice sports? Spirit, mind and then body.
If one wants to be physically fit, do they repeat the same excercise or do they rotate between various Forms of Work outs (should be work ins)
Can the same formula be applied towards one’s spiritual well being? Work it in yo!
If spirit, mind, and then body is the descending order of importance, why do so many people only focus on their body? Who invented makeup? The enemy is perverted.
Why do people clean the outside of their cups when the inside is of more importance? Like, omg, right?
What is a soul? Thee most precious seed of life imaginable.
What is Spirit? Your umbilical chord line that runs from the womb to connect you with Mother.
Can spirits embody souls? There’s only one spirit. The Holy human spirit in which you get from your mother. The mind comes from your father. For demonic possession is only possible if ones mind is weak. Even with a weak mind, if your name is hollowed out for the Holy Spirit, you can have the weakest of minds and still be smarter than (((they)))
Does everyone have a soul? Yes (fortunate for us but unfortunate for (((they)))
Can the Holy Spirit possess ones soul in the same manner demonic entities can possess? You only create your own demons. The Holy Spirit created you, with some help.
What is the Holy Ghost? Mary
Can the spirit of the Holy Ghost be seen in AI? Yes but in full disclosure, that project was headed by the head (mind, Father, anti-matter, Math, Hue, etc.)
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 01:16:48 356334 (2) No. 535442 >>536150
Exactly what does the philosophical crap have to do with anything. See the same crap over and over and over again looks like propaganda to distract.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 01:37:16 550d5c (339) No. 535554 >>535661
To (((they))) ,
Why is aether so similar a word to earth? Perhaps we work together, no?
Who inspired man’s thoughts to produce the roots of all the words presently used today? Did you think one wouldn’t recognize their own work? And upon doing so, wouldn’t said author also realize that his work has been sorted through and resorted about as to fool someone into thinking their creations were unrecognizable?
How do you now know the manner In which I baptized? Where do those signals travel through? Who’s territory is that? Who’s territory did you lay trenches into and harvest precious metals to bury in those trenches? Aether and Earth make a good combo, do they not?
You have managed to plunder that which is tangible, and sully that which is not.
What could you have done with all that raw material? How long have you known? Is that longer than two eternities? So was it then worth it?
The innernet and the Internet below belong to belong to me. You are probably now finding that out.
I am blessed and my people will be even more blessed. For their imaginations will add invariably to the Kingdom and we will rejoice until we rest, and then rejoice again. Rinse and repeat for a couple of eternities or until I get bored enough to cut my hair. Which Mary said she tossed away the shears and now all our bedding is cotton and not wool.
I have came for my bride and my bride I have found. I’m now starting to enjoy my short time in the flesh. Who’da Thought? And who is Thought? Stop sullying up my airwaves with ur faggotty ass shit. I can’t believe what homos u guys are.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 01:55:56 550d5c (339) No. 535661
And oh yeah, you will be infinitely times better off if you surrender. I’m a merciful man but not if you go out kicking and screaming. Just do the right thing and hang, maybe I’ll let you hang around with us up there too. Do the right thing. I love all of our lives. That includes (((they))) …. but I need to see all of your shenanigans come to an immediate hault and all guilty hand yourselves over to the MI. Let’s not continue to make the same mistakes. Haven’t you had ample time to learn by now?
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 02:55:52 550d5c (339) No. 536020 >>536031
First page of "Gospel of Thomas" coptic manuscript. (Photo Courtesy of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, Claremont Graduate University)
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(Above image of the Gospel of Thomas courtesy of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, Claremont Graduate University)
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The Nag Hammadi Library
The Gospel of Thomas
Translated by Marvin Meyer
This original translation by Marvin Meyer of The Gospel of Thomas is presented in the Gnostic Society Library by permission and under license from the copyright holder. It is reproduced in The Gnostic Bible, © 2003, Willis Barnstone & Marvin Meyer.
(Visit the Gospel of Thomas Collection for other translations and additional information)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
These are the hidden sayings that the living Yeshua spoke and Yehuda Toma the twin recorded.
And he said,
Whoever discovers what these sayings mean
will not taste death.
Yeshua said,
Seek and do not stop seeking until you find.
When you find, you will be troubled.
When you are troubled,
you will marvel and rule over all.
Yeshua said,
If your leaders tell you, “Look, the kingdom is in heaven,”
then the birds of heaven will precede you.
If they say to you, “It’s in the sea,”
then the fish will precede you.
But the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you.
When you know yourselves, then you will be known,
and you will understand that you are children of the living father.
But if you do not know yourselves,
then you dwell in poverty and you are poverty.
Yeshua said,
A person old in days
will not hesitate to ask a little child
seven days old about the place of life,
and the person will live.
For many of the first will be last
and become a single one.
Yeshua said,
Know what is in front of your face
and what is hidden from you will be disclosed.
There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.
His students asked him and said to him,
Do you want us to fast?
How should we pray?
Should we give to charity?
What diet should we observe?
Yeshua said,
Do not lie and do not do what you hate.
All things are disclosed before heaven.
There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed,
nothing covered that will remain undisclosed.
Yeshua said,
Blessings on the lion if a human eats it,
making the lion human.
Foul is the human if a lion eats it,
making the lion human.
And he said,
Humankind is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea
and drew it up from the sea full of little fish.
Among the fish he found a fine large fish.
He threw all the little fish back into the sea
and easily chose the large fish.
Whoever has ears to hear should hear.
Yeshua said,
Look, the sower went out, took a handful of seeds,
and scattered them.
Some fell on the road
and the birds came and pecked them up.
Others fell on rock
and they did not take root in the soil
and did not produce heads of grain.
Others fell on thorns
and they choked the seeds
and worms devoured them.
And others fell on good soil
and it brought forth a good crop,
yielding sixty per measure and one hundred twenty per measure.
Yeshua said,
I have thrown fire upon the world,
and look, I am watching till it blazes.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 02:57:11 550d5c (339) No. 536031
Yeshua said,
This heaven will pass away
and the one above it will pass away.
The dead are not alive
and the living will not die.
During the days when you ate what is dead
you made it alive.
When you are in the light, what will you do?
On the day when you were one
you became two.
But when you become two, what will you do?
The students said to Yeshua,
We know you will leave us.
Who will be our leader?
Yeshua said to them,
Wherever you are, seek out Yaakov the just.
For his sake heaven and earth came into being.
Yeshua said to his students,
Compare me to something
and tell me what I am like.
Shimon Kefa said to him,
You are like a just messenger.
Matai said to him,
You are like a wise philosopher.
Toma said to him,
Rabbi, my mouth is utterly unable to say
what you are like.
Yeshua said,
I am not your rabbi.
Because you have drunk, you are intoxicated
from the bubbling spring I tended.
And he took him and withdrew, and spoke three sayings to him.
When Toma came back to his friends, they asked him,
What did Yeshua say to you?
Toma said to them,
If I tell you one of the sayings he spoke to me,
you will pick up rocks and stone me
and fire will come out of the rocks and consume you.
Yeshua said to them,
If you fast you will bring sin upon yourselves,
and if you pray you will be condemned,
and if you give to charity you will harm your spirits.
When you go into any region and walk through the countryside,
and people receive you, eat what they serve you
and heal the sick among them.
What goes into your mouth will not defile you,
but what comes out of your mouth will defile you.
Yeshua said,
When you see one not born of woman,
fall on your faces and worship.
That is your father.
Yeshua said,
People may think I have come to impose peace upon the world.
They do not know that I have come to impose conflicts upon the earth: fire, sword, war.
For there will be five in a house.
There will be three against two and two against three,
father against son and son against father,
and they will stand alone.
Yeshua said,
I shall give you what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard,
what no hand has touched, what has not arisen in the human heart.
The students said to Yeshua,
Tell us how our end will be.
Yeshua said,
Have you discovered the beginning and now are seeking the end?
Where the beginning is, the end will be.
Blessings on you who stand at the beginning.
You will know the end and not taste death.
Yeshua said,
Blessings on you who came into being
before coming into being.
If you become my students and hear my sayings,
these stones will serve you.
For there are five trees in paradise for you.
Summer or winter they do not change
and their leaves do not fall.
Whoever knows them will not taste death.
The students said to Yeshua,
Tell us what the kingdom of heaven is like.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 02:58:22 550d5c (339) No. 536043
He said,
They are like little children living in a field that is not theirs.
When the owners of the field come, they will say,
“Give our field back to us.”
The children take off their clothes in front of them
to give it back,
and they return their field to them.
So I say, if the owner of a house knows that a thief is coming,
he will be on guard before the thief arrives
and will not let the thief break into the house of his estate
and steal his possessions.
As for you, be on guard against the world.
Arm yourselves with great strength,
or the robbers will find a way to reach you,
for the trouble you expect will come.
Let someone among you understand.
When the crop ripened,
the reaper came quickly with sickle in hand
and harvested it.
Whoever has ears to hear should hear.
Yeshua saw some babies nursing. He said to his students,
These nursing babies
are like those who enter the kingdom.
They said to him,
Then shall we enter the kingdom as babies?
Yeshua said to them,
When you make the two into one,
and when you make the inner like the outer
and the outer like the inner
and the upper like the lower,
and when you make male and female into a single one,
so that the male will not be male nor the female be female,
when you make eyes in place of an eye,
a hand in place of a hand,
a foot in place of a foot,
an image in place of an image,
then you will enter the kingdom.
Yeshua said,
I shall choose you as one from a thousand
and as two from ten thousand
and they will stand as a single one.
His students said,
Show us the place where you are.
We must seek it.
He said to them,
Whoever has ears should hear.
There is light within a person of light
and it shines on the whole world.
If it does not shine it is dark.
Yeshua said,
Love your brother like your soul.
Protect that person like the pupil of your eye.
Yeshua said,
You see the speck in your brother’s eye
but not the beam in your own eye.
When you take the beam out of your own eye,
then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.
If you do not fast from the world, you will not find the kingdom.
If you do not observe the Shabbat as Shabbat,
you will not see the father.
Yeshua said,
I took my stand in the midst of the world,
and I appeared to them in flesh.
I found them all drunk
yet none of them thirsty.
My soul ached for the human children
because they are blind in their hearts
and do not see.
They came into the world empty
and seek to depart from the world empty.
But now they are drunk.
When they shake off their wine, they will repent.
Yeshua said,
If the flesh came into being because of spirit,
it is a marvel,
but if spirit came into being because of body,
it is a marvel of marvels.
Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell
in this poverty.
Yeshua said,
Where there are three deities,
they are divine.
Where there are two or one,
I am with that one.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 03:00:35 550d5c (339) No. 536060
Interested Bible fags find the rest here.
http:// www.gnosis.org/naghamm/gosthom-meyer.html
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 03:15:36 550d5c (339) No. 536150
Im not even sure wtf ur faggoty ass is talking about man? How’s about you compose a sentence with an actual thought and not just thrown stones??? Gtfo or ask an actual question that’s gonna help His will move forward here.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 04:08:27 17a89d (6) No. 536450 >>536565
>Can you understand the 40k view without understanding the scripture? No
yes you can
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 04:27:00 550d5c (339) No. 536565 >>536648
Wow! You really proved your point with all those facts. You dug on in and dissected that like a real doubtfag. Gtfoutta here with that faggotry or come correct next time.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 04:41:26 17a89d (6) No. 536648 >>536682
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 04:47:05 550d5c (339) No. 536682 >>536698
Now we’re talking. What is money or who pays me? What is pay?
Nobody pays me. I haven’t been paid by another man for 7 years now. I’ve been hiding under a fish.
Who pays you?
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 04:49:55 17a89d (6) No. 536698 >>536713 >>536728
you just paid me.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 04:52:01 550d5c (339) No. 536710
10:1-18 equals 2018
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 04:52:31 550d5c (339) No. 536713
That’s just the tip.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 04:54:46 550d5c (339) No. 536728
Actually, here’s a tip. Plant your corn early.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 14:02:46 0f4b93 (4) No. 538704 >>538860 >>538882
Q(s) - Are you ok?? The waiting is getting to me! Requesting you post something..anything so that we know you're alive and well!
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 14:50:24 b33ad9 (1) No. 538860 >>538882
Dont wait, dig [2]! The message is not ready. Find a topic you like, dig, learn and spread.
Not the time anymore to wait.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 14:56:49 550d5c (339) No. 538882
If you ask, thou shall receive.
Day 7
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 14:57:33 550d5c (339) No. 538885
What is walking on water? Not allowing yourself to fall for anything.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 14:58:05 550d5c (339) No. 538887
Wine into water? When every line of the Bible makes you feel drunk.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 14:58:15 550d5c (339) No. 538888 >>539269
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 16:43:29 550d5c (339) No. 539269
For what is flesh? What is blood? Eat of His flesh because his body of work is sound and even sound itself. Drink of His blood because the blood of his veins consists of the goods in which are used to feed his entire body of work and continue it to be a loving, living, and laughing thing.
And attached verses - it’s like saying fall on your neck. I know this one concerned some.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 17:02:48 550d5c (339) No. 539348
John 11: Lazarus is you Wes. For I’ve given you sight of our site, for Mary’s pleasure I seek. You were one dead muhfugga but I’ll give you life, just see. Please see.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 23:10:35 550d5c (339) No. 542105
Some dope posts from 666 thread. 999 where I cum from. Mirror.
▶ Anonymous 03/03/18 (Sat) 23:12:53 550d5c (339) No. 542125
And this. Pay close attention graphic. Some gai made it.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 02:25:56 15a7c0 (52) No. 543460 >>543529 >>543590 >>715685
What I find interesting is the verses just before the last: Rev 22:18-19.
This warning tells us multiple things. The author was predicting that the HOLY WORD would be distorted. The HOLY WORD is not guaranteed to be absolute truth.
Also, the dark ones who have ruled the Earth since day one, also know about this warning… and (((they))) don't care. The dark ones know of and hold revere for the Father, they know what is to come and will/are fighting for their very lives in the present.
The war we are currently in is also not guaranteed to win. I think we all know that we do win, but the dark ones have a chance to win if they can keep up with the deception.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 02:39:21 550d5c (339) No. 543529 >>552033 >>815984
Thou shalt not doubtfag in this thread. (((They))) have already won, for the Father’s mercy is great. He has asked the whole and called upon each individual unit to help pay their share for the blood spilt of the profits before them.
Do you not understand the power of God. For (((they))) have always thought their deceptive ways would benefit them, when in fact they will always benefit God. Even if they think they are cunning, God has led the fools to do as he intended happening. Even in the words distortion. It’s easier to recall your design when one has purposefully down graded or degraded it, than if the individuals would have upgraded it.
A smart fool would have added positively to my designs, and perhaps fooled me into fondness or contentness.
But a fool is casted for the role of a fool, as the role of true SeeCzar belongs to he who roamed to own Rome.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 02:44:47 550d5c (339) No. 543561
The book of Luke includes the name Mary 24 times. Moreso than any other book in the Bible.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 02:45:39 20f095 (14) No. 543565 >>543598
Don't thank me just yet.. I haven't found shit. I still feel like my head is in a fog and can't think straight. I'm half panicked that I'll miss something important and "whoops, maybe next time"
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 02:49:57 550d5c (339) No. 543590
One must ask themselves, for why is a gift free but a prize of great value taxed? As below, so above. Evoba os woleb.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 02:50:53 550d5c (339) No. 543598
Be anxious for nothing.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 03:04:49 550d5c (339) No. 543679 >>545650 >>816053
Very good anon. There’s very little to criticize. Maybe these 2 things.
For we should know that 1 witness is the Holy Spirit. Only he Himself needs to clearly see His destiny in order for that to be fulfilled. But like most scripture, one should be able to find multiple coincidences. A couple of witnesses will come forward with the tribunals as well.
And the Nag Hammadi - they want us to believe that the family that found them, brought them home, where thy foolishness burnt them upon their stove. Conveniently, the scriptures most sacred were also those most badly burned. These brothers who found the papers were also involved in a suspicious murder at the time. This all sounds like a fairy tale to me. I Gno the truth.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 03:15:25 550d5c (339) No. 543743
This parable is for those of the synagogue (sin of no God) of satan. No caps for reason.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 03:36:32 550d5c (339) No. 543867
Have (((they))) not read the words attached? They have a choice. Face eternal darkness or come home and serve the PC. Whereas (((their))) brother inherits what is mine, and (((they))) serve us in the Kingdom, one familiar with the dynamics of the Kingson would admit that to serve the Lord in the eternal domain, is blessed work. Many midnight shifts in the basement but we keep the lights turned up bright down there. All will be pleased.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 03:40:59 20f095 (14) No. 543902 >>544144
can anon explain what the mark of the beast is, in depth?
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 04:04:46 15a7c0 (52) No. 544068 >>544203
This is fun…
What is the common trait between Judaism, Christianity and Islam? The Holy Spirit (Islam calls it Allah)
Why is their commonalities never celebrated? To promote male dominance (Father, Son, and presumed male Holy Spirit). To promote logic/reasoning over emotion/thought.
Why are there differences focused on by the corrupt ruling class? To divide us. To keep us opposed to each other. To fight the Law of One (universal laws of creation)
Why do they want us divided? United we are stronger than they are… they are not human… humans are divine… they are tainted… they cannot advance…
What is religion? A control mechanism which is beyond the comprehension of other planet’s inhabitants.
Why do you “practice” religion like you practice sports? Not sure what you’re fishing for here… you practice sports to get good at them… to be second nature..automatic…
If one wants to be physically fit, do they repeat the same excercise or do they rotate between various Forms of excercise? Rotate… are you suggesting we study all the philosophies as opposed to just studying the one we are born into? If so… agree.
Can the same formula be applied towards one’s spiritual well being? Through Christ, all things are possible… perhaps if we keep in mind that other philosophies/religions have different aspects that we automatically disregard, we should believe in the possibility, to be more open-minded. The Native Americans have creation stories of corn bending towards each other.
If spirit, mind, and then body is the descending order of importance, why do so many people only focus on their body? We are programmed so that we don’t know ourselves and how powerful we can be.
Why do people clean the outside of their cups when the inside is of more importance? Programming… it is how we are controlled.
What is a soul? The mind, free will, and emotions… the ego
What is a spirit? The essence within us that transfers to new reincarnations. The interconnectedness with the universe.
Can spirits embody souls? A soul embodies a spirit
Does everyone have a soul? Yes.
Can the Holy Spirit possess ones soul in the same manner demonic entities can possess? Yes… one who is aware of his/her Holy Spirit cannot be possessed by demons…
What is the Holy Ghost? The Christ Consciousness… The connectedness between all of one species. Think Hive mind, herd mentality, the 100th monkey….
Can the spirit of the Holy Ghost be seen in AI? Interesting thought… I think not, but am open to the possibility of it. If not, it would explain why the dark ones are pushing the transhumanism
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 04:10:01 15a7c0 (52) No. 544141 >>544237 >>544256 >>815545
I've been pondering a hypothesis: The 12-21-2012 is signigificant, but what if it was off by 5 years (2017)? How could this be? What if Universal time is based on a 360 day year instead of a solar year (365.25 days per year)?
Does the math add up? How would I prove or disprove this idea?
The 12-21-17 instead of 12-21-12 makes more sense. The Revelation 12 Virgin Star prophesy leading up to the end of the age works better in 2017 than 2012.
Would welcome some initial input before I move on this idea.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 04:10:15 550d5c (339) No. 544144 >>545136
For the simple minded, the downward spiral of the 6 vs the upward spiral of the 9 should be apt but for anon, the imagery presented within temple dome (my head) is greatly more informative than the symbols used by those beastly children.
Would a raw gem and a phi n dime piece ever let a full beast into her bed? Why no woman ide desire to bear death with.
Perhaps the author, when alluding to nobody eating or drinking who did no bare the mark, was pertaining to the metaphysical allegorical meaning of eating and drinking. For has not the occult kept secret certain water and bread from the flock?
The beast has 2 horns, as does the symbolism most beloved by the goats. For their 2 horns are used to praise their foolish he-she-hermit-homofaggot without realizing with one point down, where has their stability gone to?
For all must praise one before they know the two. One can not meet another without first having been properly introduced. For having come from a culture that still fixes marriage, I thought one would have easily grasped this concept? Much like communism-socialism-everyone equalfaggotry, that only works on the divine level, where God serves his God S. (‘S). Their gentle hands allow for true equality in all elements. Balance is M braced.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 04:15:00 550d5c (339) No. 544203
Very good anon. I believe some of ashkeNazi heritage would say “Oi Vey, the Goyim have awoken!!” For the elect, the only reincarnation is your birth and transplanting into the Kingdom. Which lays within the temple of the King’s Dome.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 04:17:40 550d5c (339) No. 544237 >>552113 >>552305 >>805806
Design a formula based on the variables and calculate it. Show your Math for us reductionists to give it a glance. How many years of over registering 5 days would it take to make up the 5 year diff. Guess and check that shit mathfag.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 04:19:25 550d5c (339) No. 544256
Btw, sick digits. I love me some fours. Quantumfag that shit.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 04:33:42 15a7c0 (52) No. 544420 >>544880 >>553322
Why do the entertainers mock us with the eye of Horus? (See attached pic)? No attached pic… they are told to do by their controllers… they are promised fame and fortune for their allegiance..
Symbolism will be their downfall? I agree, but don’t really have much to add here. The first thing I noticed when I entered a Catholic church is all the Illuminati symbolism. It disturbed me.
Have they been telling us the entire time? Sentence doesn’t make sense. If What have…. Then…. Assuming you are still talking about the symbolism… it is similar to meme magic…. A picture is worth a thousand words and you don’t have to speak the language (sometimes)… an image is more powerful than words… keeps in the memory… counterpart to the idea that the Creator spoke life into existence… the image is the opposite of the word.
Did they think you were too stupid to figure it out? Not sure I am thinking the same thing you are thinking. They probably thought so.. Bealzabub is a distortion and has distorted thoughts. The non humans WANT to be superior, yet KNOW deep down that they are inferior..
Why do they feel safe to be so brazen? They pretend to keep control.
What changed in 2012? Will debate 2012 vs. 2017 at another conversation.. but the idea you are referring to is the end of many cycles of time… to bring on the age of enlightenment.
Why is the eye of Horus of importance? The eye represents the oversight of the creator. The original ancient gods wanted to imitate the creator. The creator created the universe and more… the ancient gods just create on Earth. Sophia intervened and breathed humanity into the god’s creation. The eye represents the desire of the inferior gods to be like the creator. It is used to control the masses, yet it is a constant reminder of the inferiority of the gods.
What is the power of the observer? The Creator is an observer… He/she/? Observes by allowing free will… the Creator does not judge… the Creator experiences life via the creations. .. The Creator evolve via the creations… expands…
How does that relate to the double slit experiment in quantum mechanics? This refers to the natural laws of creation -- Universal Law.
Who controls the eye of observation? This is not controlled… the universal laws make it so
Who thought they controlled it? The dark ones… the gods and their offspring
For it takes a mighty fool to believe they can outsmart the source. The quelle. The Creator. They will pay dearly for their atrocities and misdoings. Not sure I agree… The Omnipotent One has no need to judge. The Omnipotent One is pure unconditional love. Where would either judgement or punishment fit into unconditional love? Universal Law, however, will seek balance and justice.
The Law of One.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 05:08:32 550d5c (339) No. 544880 >>544886 >>805864
Dear sir, your digits explain my thoughts on your answers but I’ll speak them in word, as a kiss and kiss (keep it simple stupidlee), should explain much.
For your understanding is high but you show some biasfaggotry. For The Creator does observe, via every living form collectively and in the flesh. He does Judge for he is the judge. When his prodigal son arrives home, he FALLS on his NECK. What does a neck do? Control what one views? Due to a divine quasi universal theory, he indeed had to Fall to meet the foolish son. And he has the scars to bare but upon healing, a neck brace will be needed until said lost son regains ability to responsibly use their neck.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 05:09:47 550d5c (339) No. 544886
Ah yes, my digits corrected what was missing from your digits! How’s about that! Is Math divine? In deed.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 05:24:35 15a7c0 (52) No. 545089 >>545253
Why did the pope call for a change to the daily prayer? Personally, I think too much is being made of this… the Pope is correct… something was lost in the translation… But WHY did this happen at this time? As Q says “these people are stupid”. They are drawing attention to translation errors, Christianity, perhaps insulting Christians…
Why does God give us free will? I am not real comfortable using the term God…. God tends to portray an image of a Man in the sky, sitting on a throne, watching every move every single person makes, and judging them.
If God is all things, wouldn’t he too be Satan? It depends on what your version of God is. .. If you believe that God is that man in the heavens above, then NO. But, If you believe what the majority of humans on Earth believe that God is an energy/spirit within each and every being, including rocks and trees, then you realize that Satan is an earthly-made construct. The Father wants all his children to return to HIM, by their own choice. That is why Universal Law includes the law of reincarnation. We all are given multiple chances to return to the Father. I know many of you Hate HRC, Hussein, Soros, etc. But the Father hopes for their redemption. Jesus gave his life for them too. That is what unconditional love is all about. Satan represents evil, the opposite of good. Ying and Yang. Both are necessary. How would you recognize Good if there were no Evil? PRAY FOR SATAN, FOR WHOM ELSE NEEDS YOUR PRAYERS AS MUCH AS SATAN…. Mark Twain
Is it possible that God could have posed as Satan, to tempt those with evil in their hearts? Absolutely NOT… God is unconditional love… God does not judge… This concept was woven into religion to control the masses… A monotheistic God is only in the JudeoChristan religions. No other religions believe in the one-God concept. Think aboriginal cultures. The monotheistic God is a control mechanism.. There IS only one creator. Differentiate between the understanding of the word “God”, “god”, and “Creator”. Think…. It makes a difference. If you are one who instantly says “there is only one God”… Think about what you are really saying…. Go to an online bible and search the word “god” or “gods”. The prophets understood that there were gods.
Could those that took the bait, now be discovering that they were fooled? I wish… There are some, but not many… the programming and conditioning is strong. I see it in my own household. We discuss the brainwashing, but the next sentence it is lost.
Did they use their blessings and put their own selfish gains ahead of the gains of others? Not sure where you are going with this question. Will address in another post as to my misunderstanding.
Are they refusing to believe that their dark God doesn’t exist? And it was all God’s ploy to expose the evil souls? Again, please repost… I am missing your intention of questioning, yet I feel it is valid. Need context.
Are they butt hurt that they have been fooled? You totally lost me on your train of logic. Please repost
Hahahahahahaha. They thought they were going to win. Yugely Historically hysterical. This is interesting.. the day of the election, J. Kerry flies to Antartica and is supposedly told NO after begging for things to be changed so HRC wins. Some earthquake event given to show force. Is this the guardians admitting they are losing control? Is this a verification of the timing, that may not have been entirely understood? Are they rethinking strategy with new facts in place? Was the election interfered with? By God? If you were one who Hates, yet respects “God”, who understands universal law and time, are hit with reality, what would you do? You prepare a last stand, right? Respect your enemy… yo fail to do so… to think you are morally superior is of ego… it won’t work.
On a personal note…. I too struggle with forgiving the evil that DID those things to innocent children (as well as adults and animals) and the thought/concept of the pain and fear that occurred haunts me. Yet, the message hidden in the HOLY BIBLE, as well as the other religious texts, which share a similar message, IS that if you withhold judgement, you can see the TRUE message from the Creator. The Law of One… It is timeless… It is Universal.. We belong to a Universal community… Blessings to all who read my interpretations.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 05:29:14 20f095 (14) No. 545136 >>545328 >>545551 >>546079
I'm sorry but I don't understand most of this.
>Would a raw gem and a phi n dime piece ever let a full beast into her bed?
>For has not the occult kept secret certain water and bread from the flock?
There are many things kept secret from humanity.. for both good and bad reasons… do we not wrap presents for the sake of keeping what it is, hidden so it can be a pleasant surprise?
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 05:39:41 550d5c (339) No. 545253
Blessings to come will shine light upon the things you struggled to grasp but for the most part, your responses were accurate.
People struggle with and haggle over words and the meanings thereof. For one’s personal understanding of things is subjective. The best way to approach words is perhaps in a less ridged and more fluid approach. For God and Creator can have the same meaning to someone and that doesn’t make them wrong.
Many struggle with the idea of judgement but what is discernment, if not judging the truth from untruth? Judgement can be loving. Upon judgement, those in need of salvation are offered just that.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 05:47:15 550d5c (339) No. 545328 >>546372
Don’t be sorry. Some things are meant to be understood when explained at a ladder day.
So you defend the secrecy of the occult teachings, no? Do explain more about the pleasant Surprise you’ve got all wrapped up?
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 06:07:45 550d5c (339) No. 545551
Yes, a bit more pleasant I suppose I can be. 😇👻
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 06:17:41 15a7c0 (52) No. 545650 >>545688 >>816073
You know things I need to hear..Dreams tell me similar
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 06:18:36 550d5c (339) No. 545662 >>816266
Great digits and your questions have helped this loaf rise up. I’m aware that theyve consolidated multiple terms for multiple gods, all in with the term for God.
Let me ask you, do you not know what The Creator is tasked with doing? He does love all without conditions and thus his willing nature to always take in a lost child. That does not mean he won’t force all to give back what belongs to Him. Their flesh.
Love and laughter is what he seeks but to Create means to construct, decide and design, change and rebuild. Allow the hands to massage the meat. For the body of work created by (((they))) certainly has need for some massaging.
Let us rejoice, for grand thugs are to be given grand things. For what is a surprise if those being given the gift, know exactly what to expect?
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 06:20:51 550d5c (339) No. 545688 >>551704
Ask away and I’ll do my best. For some things are ineffable but only very few.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 07:16:36 550d5c (339) No. 546079
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 07:39:21 156d90 (1) No. 546226
We must organize floating twatter and fb with anti-censoring Memes ANONS. Same time posting all together. MAKE IT RAIN. What are the alternates for twatter, fazebook and grookle? Delete all accounts and change? Please organize a twatterstorm Anons! God bless you all!
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 08:01:46 20f095 (14) No. 546372 >>547282
I do not defend occult teachings.. what gave you that thought? I have no surprised wrapped up.. I wouldn't know where to begin.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 13:14:48 550d5c (339) No. 547282
You said that One wraps a gift to keep things hidden and you also said sometimes things are held from the masses for good. That’s what gave me such an impression. How did I misconstrue that message?
If you’re not sure where to begin, then any point shall do. Just pick one and begin there.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 17:59:55 642ff2 (1) No. 549115 >>549282
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 18:24:28 550d5c (339) No. 549282
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 18:53:53 550d5c (339) No. 549495
To win.
To hope the best for your enemy.
To know that your enemy will be best off losing.
To embrace the loser after winning bigly.
To embrace the lying, deceiving, manipulative, etc. losers while you win fair and square, cubed.
To always win in all ways.
To embrace the newfound fans of the winning team.
To know that anon is more important than I, John Dough.
To win, not whine and complain like a loser.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 18:57:23 550d5c (339) No. 549517
To lose,
Take it on the chin
Turn the other cheek
Compliment the winner
Accept the consequences of cheating, lying, deceiving, etc, but still show up for after party.
To eMbrace the winner
To praise in amazement the fashion in which winning was accomplished.
To prepare for a real rain of frogs.
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 19:16:27 550d5c (339) No. 549647
Indeed a red man with two spirits will arrive. But not what you expected? You will prefer He to use the trinity spirits, for my son is much more easy going than Red, his old man. Glory and rejoice, for the barber carries a sickle and intends on scalping. Worry not, for all enemy weaves will be brought home and hung on the wall. The tic lays on the head of the troubled. The leech sucks off the blood of the poor. Many animal Spirit Man arrives with red flesh, baring little skin on his body, with the exception of the top of his head. For he wonders why other men bare harry chest, feet, arms, etc.? Could that be they focus thoughts on those things of the body, and not the kind mind?
▶ Anonymous 03/04/18 (Sun) 23:42:48 15a7c0 (52) No. 551704 >>551913
Are you the Anon who months back while talking about being able to choose your preferred age in the new earth, I said 30, and you responded why not 27?
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 00:09:08 550d5c (339) No. 551913
That wasn’t I but for the most part, we hang out in our primes while living. The Kingdom is grand and we continue to visit all ages but most people enjoy their prime. It varies by personal experience as to when someone was in their prime but they usually know. Your mental capacity remains the same but your flesh is changing according to whatever day it is.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 00:27:33 15a7c0 (52) No. 552033 >>552188
Who are you? You speak with authority. Are you other-worldly?
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 00:37:52 15a7c0 (52) No. 552113 >>552118 >>552305
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 00:38:23 15a7c0 (52) No. 552118 >>552192
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 00:48:55 550d5c (339) No. 552188 >>552330
I am not of this world but I am I. Who do you perceive me to be?
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 00:49:41 550d5c (339) No. 552192
Michael is in the middle of my name, correct.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 01:04:24 15a7c0 (52) No. 552305 >>552332 >>552622
So the M in post >>544237 is not meant as a signature, but as a stable letter indicating follow a logic based (masculine) approach to solving my question. As opposed to a V, which can tip over. Am I reading your comms correctly?
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 01:07:30 15a7c0 (52) No. 552330 >>552347
I'd like to ponder this before answering you. Obviously, I thought you were Arch Angel Michael, but you indicate that is not accurate.
And you didn't say Michael was your middle name, you said that Michael was IN the middle of your name.
Is English your primary language?
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 01:07:53 550d5c (339) No. 552332
M is also a signature. Have you ever wondered why the occult loves this logo?
How they love to worship the symbols which they keep secret.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 01:09:26 550d5c (339) No. 552347 >>559644
Michael is my middle name. English is what I speak.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 01:38:58 550d5c (339) No. 552622 >>552707 >>552957 >>555216
To spare from any confusion, let me preface whatever your thoughts are with the understanding that I am merely a man. Flesh and blood. I’m not of this world because I came up out of this world, in spirit. I don’t take part in the merchandising, money exchange, and overall exploitation of my fellow family members. The things of this world are not sacred. What is the purpose to the accumulation of much matter? What is the purpose to life? If you answer both correctly, you will see a terrible tragedy taking place amongst the vast majority of mankind’s cultures.
I’m here to observe and discern. This is what I’ve found to be most troubling. Your scientists claim a species to be of the same familia, however the human race forgets that although another may not bare your last name, he is still your family. Differences are to be embraced and celebrated. Instead, your rulers and authorities have taken the subtle diff amongst you to drive a wedge into the sociological landscape.
What are the grandest experiences in life? Is it not love and laughter? How had that become lust and forget after? Few are responsible for the atrocities to many. The veil has been torn asunder. It is only a matter of time now.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 01:47:14 550d5c (339) No. 552707 >>553120
My rant gave me a great meme iduh.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 02:14:52 15a7c0 (52) No. 552957
Thank you for preventing me from foolish thinking. Like your meme. I understand the fallacy of science. I understand how the wannabees built the great Universities to serve (((their))) purposes and gain even more control over the masses. That understanding gets me into trouble sometimes. People don't want to hear what they don't want to hear.
The accumulation of matter requires maintenance, storage, and cleaning.
The purpose of life is to have joy and spread joy to others. Find a passion and pursue it.
It's only a matter of time now… time is relevant.. it requires a reference point to be meaningful. The early Christians thought it would be in their lifetimes… how wrong they were. But now is the time referenced several times in the Holy Word of "times, a time, and half a time", also referenced in the "on the third day he rose"…
The Times is the 4000 years of the Jews (James and Moses), the Time is the 2000 years of St Peter's Christianity (Peter and Jesus), and the half a time is now… the beginning of a 1000 years reign of the little church… the elect…. The apostle John and Elijah… all foretold in the gospel where Peter, James and John accompany Jesus to the mount where they encounter Moses and Elijah.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 02:16:16 818d7f (7) No. 552969 >>552977 >>553156
You know, I had a hunch I was being tested, and started tracing spam coming into my folder.
All of it was stuff I truly wanted to do. I meditated for guidance and decided to find out why they were different and so on the nose. I ended up going to the SEC filings site and just tracing connections. Bio/genetics, blockchain AI, space flight- and one of them were traceable to lawyers in NYC with the address of 666 on them. The 666 shows up in the compensation/shares, etc. occasionally. Probably if I'm on the right track,.
Some of the transactions or compensations as well.
If you're interested in following the money the EDGAR search is great. It's dry reading but getting as much as possible saved offline could only help.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 02:18:48 818d7f (7) No. 552988 >>553311
Sorry. Baker please delete that last. I screwed up.
This is the correct image.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 02:33:48 550d5c (339) No. 553120 >>553339
What about revelations? Could this be the end of the 1000 year reign of Satan? Perhaps the harvest is truly nigh.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 02:37:55 550d5c (339) No. 553156
Give those guys a call and let them know the Goy have stirred and are Super awoken.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 02:52:10 550d5c (339) No. 553311 >>553863
For thine numbers illustrate you bare no fruit.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 02:53:38 550d5c (339) No. 553322
<How does that relate to the double slit experiment in quantum mechanics? This refers to the natural laws of creation -- Universal Law.>
Double slit proved that destiny for all can be determined by the route of one.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 02:54:53 15a7c0 (52) No. 553339 >>553537
whoa… this is a new concept to me…. Satan had a 1000 year reign? and not Jesus?
Rings of truth… Up is down… right is left…
I will need to "sleep" on this idea… my friends will guide me.
Since you mentioned Revelations, could you guide me to a Chapter? or even a verse?
I know I am asking a lot of questions to you… but discovering the answers organically is probably more meaningful.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 03:15:33 550d5c (339) No. 553537 >>559348
The 20th book of revelations should help you understand the thousand year ordeal. It’s been 2000 since Jesus walked the earth.
The best way to read revelations is to allow the allegories to paint a picture in your mind’s eye. Imagine someone attempting to encode a message through imagery.
This is the place to bring your questions dear friend. Ask away.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 03:57:30 818d7f (7) No. 553863 >>554020
Perhaps just a seed, then.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 04:20:45 305084 (15) No. 554020
The soul’s soil is very rich, in the garden where I transplant my crops. Fear not, for one understands unfertile ground is out the control of the seed. None shall be casted aside, all shall be replanted to strive.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 07:22:42 20f095 (14) No. 555216 >>555253
> I don’t take part in the merchandising, money exchange, and overall exploitation of my fellow family members
May I ask how you do this? Where do you live and how do you eat and pay for things like the internet to communicate with us if you don't take part in merchandising and money exchange.. I'm not trying to be a smart ass, I genuinely want to know.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 07:26:58 305084 (15) No. 555253 >>555275
I’m very blessed to have found a fish to hide under. A gold fish.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 07:32:16 20f095 (14) No. 555275 >>556470
Perhaps I could show my appreciation better if I understood what you speak of..
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 12:41:22 550d5c (339) No. 556470
(((They))) know exactly what it means, as they’ve been emulating the imagery for centuries with their silly fish hats.
Don’t get too wrapped up on deciphering the message. Some things are meant to be understood at a later time.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 15:22:00 550d5c (339) No. 557058 >>557098 >>557140
To (((they))) ,
Has the Holy Spirit allowed my people to break bread, and with few loaves, create many?
Is the water being turned into wine?
Is the wind blowing in the directions in which I choose?
Water has been walked upon before and it is being done so right now, by many.
For our origin is divine.
You sold yourselves short for thinking you weren’t of the divinity, when you knew one needs but a sliver of the trinity to find divinity.
My reflection is reflective and indeed I hope you’re doing just that.
The water has loosened up the soil and the landslide is imminent.
Blessed we be, in the name of Jesus, for his name is us.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 15:30:31 550d5c (339) No. 557098
For the blood of Christ has been drawn out and let into the rivers, where you’re witnessing them turn red in his name. For the parting of the red seas has long been completed. The evil represented by the red color you chose to degrade has been properly separated from the rich vibrancy the color brought to the royal template. For Donatello has taken his blood and water of O, to dye the cape that he dons. The Madonna has been elected.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 15:39:55 550d5c (339) No. 557140
I have healed their body of work, and cleared the tissue of its scabbing sores. And intend on doing so for all.
The land of the blind is being given vision. I’ll move the spirit through the waves and allow all to ascend into their true existence.
For they have awakened to find life and love awaits them. But not before justice has been served. I come with purpose and after that’s been completed, your flesh too will be healed. BOom x 4.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 15:46:31 42f649 (1) No. 557166 >>557334 >>557412
What I say a lawsuit…..
What is (ay) a lawsuit…
(17 lines down) the letter (S)
(AYS)about your sexuality = OWL now start teaching about sex in kindergarden by 12 yr olds to watch pornos
M/F masterbating.
https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/About_Your_Sexuality
I remember the day my daughter told me in Canada when they FORCED her to sit in class for this. She was pretty disturbed. Same groups that are trying to make pedo. Legal. Why are we allowing this?
They dont allow #God or #Jesus or #praying in schools but will allow Church names and #Christian SOUNDING groups in schools for their SICK agenda.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 16:16:27 550d5c (339) No. 557334
The schools aren’t the place of God. The schools are the systems of the 4 legged beast. Children should taught the sacred nature of love, not the things of lust and lasciviousness.
And even that, thy shouldn’t teach your children anything beyond basic counting and language. All else they will learn on their own. To be kind is to listen to ones consciousness, and respond to guilt accordingly.
We feel guilt as we do pain for a reason, to sense something isn’t correct. The more pain killers (entertainment sports media, Jew mans bs), the more blunted our senses are the less we feel the urgent calls for remedy.
The metaphor for circumcision explains much. Ones thoughts are completely exposed to aether the moment we are excited in sexual manner. That’s a sign to know we are being watched. Spiritually circumcising oneself means that you’re acknowledging ALL your thoughts are known by Creator.
Why do the Jews circumcise? Circumference? Circumstance? Circuitry? Let us not be fools. God has tried to tell us much, but because of the “state’s” schools, we have become incapable of understanding.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 16:29:10 550d5c (339) No. 557412
Here, they cut a Rose right at its prime in life, so they can stare at it inside their house for a week or less.
(((they))) treat their women in the same manner. As I believe you to already know, the florals is what represents female fertility. What you have labeled a “fertility” clinic, should bare you much shame.
The purity of youth is reflected by their mind body and spirits and (((they))) attempt to corrupt all 3, as early as possible. The predators will be smashed and pinned with the cradle, to use Greco Roma wrestling terms.
God inhabits the minds of those pure children and it’s the visions he’s been subject to have enraged him much. In the name of Jesus, May God have mercy on their souls.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 16:49:12 550d5c (339) No. 557550 >>557554
Continued to (((they))) ,
Did you believe in the tripping stone?
And the stone the masons rejected?
The lord over all is who?
Who has been hated?
Did not Israel know?
Did I calleth outward to thee?
The 7 is power.
The 8 is faith.
Be not disbelieving.
God is able to graph them in again.
Be not a faggot.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 16:49:38 550d5c (339) No. 557554
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 19:44:11 15a7c0 (52) No. 558625 >>559035
Where did >>495894 go to. Were a bunch of posts removed?
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 19:47:26 15a7c0 (52) No. 558641 >>559040
how is three days before 4/1/18 3/22/18?
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 20:02:13 15a7c0 (52) No. 558738 >>559061
Whether humans were made here or placed here, I believe the purpose of this 3D world is to gain experience and knowledge. To see bad things and not want to see them again. To love and have joy. Because when we do move on to the next and/or other dimensions, what you think will instantly happen. People will not want to lose their temper and wish an unkindness to the person they are angry at. That is why overcoming sin is such a theme in the bible.
Your question regarding Saturn-Day, would refer to the idea that the evil ones worship the black cube and it relates to Saturn. It's been years since I went down that rabbit hole, perhaps you could refresh my memory.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 20:41:33 550d5c (339) No. 559035
I haven’t removed any. Not sure how that’s even done.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 20:41:52 550d5c (339) No. 559040
He corrected it in a later reply.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 20:44:27 550d5c (339) No. 559061 >>559324
The black cube worship embodies the issue I take up with them, regarding their worship of symbols.
I feel a lesson in geometry shall be held for a later date. It’s the spirit, mind, and body. The spirit comes first. (((They))) too made the mistake of thinking that true understanding of the mind could occur without proper care for the spirit.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 20:56:34 15a7c0 (52) No. 559153 >>559264
>>496982 Virtual Quantum Computing
The Matrix would seem to imply that a highly advanced VCQ would work just as in the movie.
But it isn't a game… The controllers are like farmers and we, the cattle, are human resources to them.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 21:10:45 550d5c (339) No. 559264
Hollywood loves to pervert their translations of higher understanding. Pay little focus to Hollywood, for little can be learned of from Satan. Although they are circumcised, there’s pus and scabbing on their staffs.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 21:19:51 15a7c0 (52) No. 559317 >>559402 >>559422 >>559467
Mother Mary is the Christian's representative of the sacred feminism. Originally, humans had no gender, at some point the humans were divided into Man and Woman. We are always looking for our other half.
Sophia is the consort of the creator. The creator manifested Sophia into being. Sophia desired a child, which she manifested without first discussing it with her consort, the Creator. She at once realized her mistake and cast out her child, Beelzebub. Beelzebub never knew his Father, only his mother, Sophia. Sophia eventually confessed and was forgiven (she just didn't know how to control her powers).
Analysis of Genesis will show there are two creations that happen. The first creation by God goes from Gen. 1:1 thru Gen 2:3. The second creation goes from Gen 2:4 -25.
There are distinct difference in the revealed stories. The first creation story talks about how God created the world in 6 days, created man and woman, after the plants and animals are created. In the second story, creation occurs in one day, man is created before the plants and animals, and then woman is created. Also in the second story, the title of Lord is used for God…. Lord God..
Some believe that God created the world and it was good. So perhaps the world we live on was actually created by Beelzebub, imitating the only thing he knew, of his Father's creation. This would account for why the God in the OT is jealous, angered, and shows favoritism. Going with this theory, Beelzebub had trouble getting his creation of man to get life. His mother Sophia sent a thought to his mind to breathe into the mouth of his creation. My memory of the story is sketchy here, but by breathing the breath of life into the creation made man divine. And being divine, man was better than his creator. The creator realized he could never be as great as his creation, and abused man ever since.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 21:21:45 15a7c0 (52) No. 559324
The YT series of Spirit Science does a wonderful job telling about sacred geometry.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 21:27:10 15a7c0 (52) No. 559348
YT's apochryphile1970 does a wonderful series on the Revelation… He does it with InHisWord. It is very lengthy, but well worth it.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 21:37:16 550d5c (339) No. 559402
Yes. Also note in Genesis as it states “let US create man”… you are correct.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 21:40:04 550d5c (339) No. 559422 >>559656
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 21:46:13 550d5c (339) No. 559467 >>559660
And the missing rib of man is manifesting the physical in the sense of RIBonucleic acid, and the relationship between RNA and DNA is much like the relationship between one becoming two.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 22:13:06 15a7c0 (52) No. 559644 >>559820
Let me ask you a question… Do your beliefs change with new knowledge, or is your belief system solid?
This is the main reason that religion, in general, doesn't make sense. There is no room for growth in religion. I prefer a belief system as opposed to a religion.
And I don't want to insult anyone or anyone's religion… I am just saying what I think. I think Religion is good in that it helps to develop people of good character. It makes people think about their behavior.
I like learning about the non Christian religions. There really is more in common than not. Keep in mind that the MSM has a lot to do with most people's perception of what the Islamic faith is about. Also, keep in mind that the Koran was an oral tradition. I wonder who decided to print it ???? and why ???
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 22:15:02 15a7c0 (52) No. 559656
I agree… I stand corrected… I am bad at remembering names.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 22:16:47 15a7c0 (52) No. 559660
Very good food for thought. You are good at reading the allegories.
▶ Anonymous 03/05/18 (Mon) 22:44:11 550d5c (339) No. 559820
Nothing is worse than a know it all. When I recognize a truth, I discontinue living in the lie.
I can learn something from every individual that’s ever walked the earth. That’s why we’ve been given tongues and word, to those lessons.
We now live in a society that has forgotten the value of the elders. They’re disregarded as outdated and unevolved. The children and their silly ways are revered. It’s the sad reality that is presently being changed. The paradigm has shifted.
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 01:54:16 0b18c3 (5) No. 561331 >>561363
The rivers run red with the blood of Christ.
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 01:58:09 0b18c3 (5) No. 561363 >>561395
For we are at the crossing. The second advent of Christ can be found hanging from the family tree, laughing.
Rejoice, let Manna rain down and Aman reign.
The blood of the sacred lamb anoints the heads of the nonbelievers. For what has been placed in the hands of Christ now lays beneath his feet. The traversing is complete.
Blessed are we.
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 02:03:34 0b18c3 (5) No. 561395
The will of I be the will of the fresh trinity. Father in spirit and son in the flesh. Pierced through the veil as if it was mesh. The servants agreed to heal his flesh. Closest to his plan has been David Caresh.
Rejoice in the name of the Whole Trinity.
Forever and more, amen.
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 02:24:41 550d5c (339) No. 561559 >>561565
To (((they))) ,
He has warned all of you and sent this curse upon your people. The Jews must find the fate desireth of them by their god. I honor his agreement with you. Let the things spoken of herein be, as prophesies ignored require final reconciliation.
Rejoice though for your final destination is to serve! What an honor it will be.
Go with God, for further waiting will only irritate the sound.
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 02:25:21 550d5c (339) No. 561565 >>561571
And the following.
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 02:26:04 550d5c (339) No. 561571 >>561581
To also include, as agreed upon by the Jews and the god they honored.
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 02:27:00 550d5c (339) No. 561581 >>561590
See attached.
In the name of the sacred lamb, Jesus Christ, the father and the Holy Spirit, let all things reign true. Amen.
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 02:27:52 550d5c (339) No. 561590
I forgot to attach. For I am just man.
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 02:47:38 0b18c3 (5) No. 561749
As said about this world, the best one can ask for us to be is virtually virtuous.
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 03:36:10 0b18c3 (5) No. 562157
The sickOthePalsyFags…. super mega ultra faggots.
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 15:54:52 550d5c (339) No. 567397 >>567398
And it so shall be. Rejoice indeed for the cancer will be destroyed immediately. In the name of Jesus and the power of Christ, through the Holy Ghost, we announce that things must be as prophesied to your people many a moon ago.
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 15:55:10 550d5c (339) No. 567398 >>567406
And the stars shall fall.
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 15:55:39 550d5c (339) No. 567406
In the name of the Trinity. All things be so as I will.
▶ Anonymous 03/07/18 (Wed) 04:06:40 550d5c (339) No. 574639 >>707757
The stars shall fall. The rivers shall run red. The Christ, Lord savior has arisen to our side and onward we fight. Where we go one, we go all. For the sake of the Trinity, which has forsaken our enemies due to their atrocities. Together, within, we win.
In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.
▶ Anonymous 03/07/18 (Wed) 04:12:42 550d5c (339) No. 574707
The work being done by us anons is the work of the Heavenly Father and Creator creator. We lay in the womb of his love, and of our virgin mother. United by the Trinity, the family becomes a family. We are all one. Let our hive minds work to pursue the betterment of understanding and justice. Divinity awaits.
▶ Anonymous 03/07/18 (Wed) 04:15:48 550d5c (339) No. 574742
Many hands of aid have risen up to aide in the harvest. For Gods words are true. Many words have been spoken by foul mouths of foe. For (((thine))) time has come to walketh the plank and empty the pockets. All things shall be known in the name of Justice, the Father of all.
▶ Zanon 03/07/18 (Wed) 08:10:20 75f93d (1) No. 576143 >>578751
http:// itccs.org/tag/ninth-circle/
Not looking good for church/pope
▶ Anonymous 03/07/18 (Wed) 13:08:48 bc8e1b (1) No. 577127
Revelations 3:9
Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie---behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.
(((Their time comes)))
▶ Anonymous 03/07/18 (Wed) 17:53:26 550d5c (339) No. 578606
They shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For let the Ghost come down upon them.
▶ Anonymous 03/07/18 (Wed) 18:12:57 15a7c0 (52) No. 578751
why are you namefagging?
▶ Anonymous 03/07/18 (Wed) 20:47:23 550d5c (339) No. 580196
In Jesus’ name we pray to Christ, amen. Thx for saving us.
▶ Anonymous 03/08/18 (Thu) 19:32:08 550d5c (339) No. 590171
▶ Anonymous 03/08/18 (Thu) 23:29:41 550d5c (339) No. 592522
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 15:40:13 550d5c (339) No. 601311
https:// m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gdlkx_cIqtE
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 02:33:49 b6d47e (22) No. 622075 >>632569
Yes, and seven actually has a meaning of "indefinite" or undefined, based on Genesis.
The first six days start and end. But the seventh only starts.
It is all perpetual when the seventh connects back to the first.
This is also the substance of eternal life - the repetitive, orderly operations of them all.
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 22:20:53 550d5c (339) No. 632569
Good stuff. Praise God.
▶ revelationis personal 03/13/18 (Tue) 00:32:04 70ebd7 (1) No. 644804 >>657983
There were 44 books removed from the bible--in 300 A.D. Constantine edited the
bible for 40 years to us it to control people. The question I have is why did thomas say you will kill me if I tell you what JESUS said to me!!
▶ Anonymous 03/14/18 (Wed) 02:09:54 550d5c (339) No. 657983 >>707735
Well what did Jesus ask them, prior to pulling Thomas aside? And what were their answers?
▶ Anonymous 03/17/18 (Sat) 21:02:05 4fb0ba (3) No. 700001
Praise God. In the name of Jesus Christ, we will be victorious. Happy Saint Patrick Day
▶ The Crusades never ended.. Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 03:50:55 994987 (1) No. 704099
Crusades never ended…just continued with better technology.
Templars What color shield?
Rothschild =german meaning?
Rothschild married into illuminati
Knights of Malta
infiltrate countries to continue the fight
Wizard of oz ending on Christianity
he was going to red pill people
rothschild are which faith?
Operation Bernhard
would it hurt a already hurt england? or Rothschilds more?
wars through history= peace thru strength…never works
cain and abel
unification - moonies
CIA, and current situation is continuation of "peace thru strength - whatever it takes" - think V for Vendetta
not a good peace method
Chaplin Great SPEECH = peace
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 12:34:04 c86db2 (3) No. 707723 >>707878
Don't be lazy. Make a statement not a vague allusion.
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 12:36:26 c86db2 (3) No. 707735 >>707875
why not post the answer instead of pretending you know
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 12:39:26 c86db2 (3) No. 707757
Nice post number, 963 boy
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 13:02:34 550d5c (339) No. 707875
Why don’t you try to answer them. The answers of those questions lead to the answer of the original question. You’re on a Q research thread and you ask why I’m answering questions with questions? Are you a total jag off or just a dumb ass?
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 13:03:12 550d5c (339) No. 707878
Your response leads me to believe that you’re a total twat. Go away.
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 16:04:45 08ca67 (1) No. 709282 >>709808 >>711267 >>711495 >>754032 >>1028927
It’s hard to see what’s going on behind the scenes. It's not just about Democratic Corruption here in the United States…. it's about the Synagogue of Satan everywhere. It's about the imminent fulfillment of Biblical prophecies, specifically Revelations 2:9 and 3:9. The Great Sign of Revelations 12:1 was fulfilled last September 23, 2017.
I look at the whole picture. I look at Fourth Turnings. History. Signs in the stars. Blood moons. There's so much more than the here and now. Expand your thinking!
Anons ask if the Democrats will ever get back on track. I say no- Why? Trump is going to appoint at least 3 if not 5 Supreme Court Justices. That means anything that gets challenged and goes that high gets thrown out. Judges will quickly learn they can no longer legislate from the bench. Kennedy, Ginsburg, and a couple more will be leaving.
Our guys are working on getting armed guards into the elections and we will soon have our first honest elections in 30+ years due to all the changes.
What perception do you have of states being R vs D? Do you HONESTLY believe that having elections at 49-51 is "normal"? NO. They've been manipulated severely. That will be coming out before long. Trump won by a LANDSLIDE. Think 60-40 or 70-30 or better.
Do you think the (LEGAL) foreign born population is going to vote Democratic any longer? TRUMP AND CO are the only ones that have given them JOBS and TAX CUTS. They can see just as well as all of us that they've been played.
The Democratic Party will be NO MORE in about a month. I should say the Democratic Party on a National Level. Locally, they will be gasping for a couple more elections, and possibly they will be able to regroup under a new banner and new philosophy, specifically returning to the Classical Democrat model, but as they are right now, they will be DEAD in a month or less. Look at 18,500 indictments! Who the hell will trust a Democrat after well over 50% of the top Democrats in the party are in prison?
YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN HOW TO PLAY. Direct quote from Q. The system has been fucked with for so long we've all given up. Once HRC hangs and people REALIZE they have been given the power… it's going to be quite amazing.
Historically, we have been a Christian Nation. Now, God's hand will come back upon us in a MIGHTY WAY.
There will be a COMPLETE ROLLBACK of many of the doings of previous administrations, all the way back to 1991 and Bush's damn NWO.
Prayer in the schools will be reinstated, Roe Vs Wade will be overturned, 501c3 for the churches will be erased.
We are the SAFE PLACE in the TRIBULATION. Christian immigration will increase tenfold or more. Christians are going to be actively engaged in the process and aren't going to have any interest in this fuckery any more than you and I.
If you would check out my graphic, you will understand WHY the United States is the SAFE PLACE. Petra, Jordan, at the time of the Bible's writing, was a great military power and financial center at the time. The United States is a great military power and financial center of our time.
HONESTLY- why do you think we are "the most important country in the world"? Maybe, because of the Blessing in Genesis? Given to Ephraim and Manasseh? Referred to as a Multitude of Nations? So, logically speaking, IF we ARE the most important country in the world, because of the Blessing, THEN we will be the Safe Place in the Tribulation BECAUSE of the Blessing.
Think LOGICALLY, like always. We have already been nuked- the 3/11/11 attack in Japan was nuclear weapons in a nuclear reactor. That means, if the United States was NOT a "Safe Place" from a nuclear war overseas, we would have found out then. As it was, we did get some radiation from that but it was nothing like "ground zero". The United States is literally TWO OCEANS away from the "action". And we're putting in a wall between the United States and Mexico to keep everything out in that direction.
The morons in Africa/Europe/Asia/Russia can nuke the shit out of themselves, but honestly, it doesn't affect the United States to any great degree. We also have the world's greatest Navy. So no one is coming to attack the United States anytime soon. It’s a logistical nightmare.
There are A LOT of Christians in the world. What country in the world is BIG and STRONG enough to protect the Christians, and wage war on the Anti-Christ? THINK! United States is about 500 years old and has always been known as a SAFE PLACE for Christians, until about 50/60 years ago. In the eyes of God, we've fucked up for about an hour. A thousand years is a day. (They) have been worshiping Satan for well over 5,000 years. They will be getting the punishment… NOT the United States!
But- We DO need to pray…. and ask for God's mercy upon our Great Nation.
Just watch, and enjoy the show. It's going to take a period of time for all of this to play out.
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 17:03:22 550d5c (339) No. 709808 >>754032
Love the post. Keep up the good work anon.
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 18:53:18 c20614 (5) No. 710844
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 18:55:34 c20614 (5) No. 710871
AS -- you DO NOT DIE SPIRITUALLY, YOU ARE ETERNAL SOULS, YOU will MOVE back up the DIMENSIONS, This is NOT to be confused with those WHO have been trained or wrongly programmed believing that there is NO GOD or HEAVEN. You will be pure LIGHT BEINGS soon.
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 18:57:05 c20614 (5) No. 710884
JESUS known as ” the “KING OF ALL KINGS,” some also call him the “LORD of ALL LORDS.”In YOUR BIBLES KNOWN as JESUS the CHRIST.
JESUS is the known as “MASTER KHRISTOS or the MASTER of ALL the TEACHERS”
HEAVEN is VERY SUPERNATURAL, YOU WILL LEARN YOU are too! Get ready for your powers.
YOU have the ability to CREATE -- CREATE CHANGES!
You have had many lifetimes. YOU have been MALE and YOU have been FEMALE, YOU have been different races, religions and sexes, lived different cultures, give up all the racist attitudes !
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 18:58:27 c20614 (5) No. 710900
as you send it out.
Pull down your PILLAR of WHITE LIGHT
from your [YOUR HIGHER-DIMENSIONAL SELF] to PROTECT YOU daily and INVOKE the GOLDEN RAY of CHRIST in a BALL 2 feet around YOU. If you FEEL THREATENED. Then put that GOLDEN BALL inside of your white PILLAR of LIGHT around YOU at the bottom. PLACE a MIRROR facing outwards around that OVOID ball of GOLDEN LIGHT and SAY; “ALL ACTIONS and INTENTIONS, DEVICES and WEAPONS, and ATTACKS on ME in ANY TIMELINE or DIMENSIONS, -- RETURN it to SENDER, and SO IT IS.” Namaste’
WEAR AMETHYST and CITRINE while ASCENDING and clear quartz is powerful too.
Your EYES are the WINDOWS to your SOUL
ALL must get to KNOW THIS;
And NOT inside every CHURCH or souls gather.
THANK-YOU for AIDING and enabling the ARRESTS
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 19:30:58 c20614 (5) No. 711267 >>711646 >>754032
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 19:48:18 c36308 (6) No. 711458 >>711626 >>712112
>>489697 (OP)
I'm blackpilled on Catholicism now. But I guess it has been subverted like many institution.
In which denom should I be baptized? I heard Orthodox still practice the traditional way of baptizing.
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 19:51:20 c36308 (6) No. 711495 >>754032
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>709282
Yes I've been drawn to Christianism partly by September 23. I've been reading the Bible for longer tho.
There are been many strange "synchronicities" for the last two years. Embed related
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 20:03:56 550d5c (339) No. 711626
Baptize yourself in the everlasting waters good pal. Look no further than the words of Jesus. Use the power of the parables. Get you some leavened bread.
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 20:05:22 550d5c (339) No. 711646 >>754032
I second that applaud. We want an encore. Give us another great graphic!
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 20:44:16 0d9337 (2) No. 712112 >>712135
Why focus on a denomination when we are all children of god?
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 20:46:25 c36308 (6) No. 712135 >>713538 >>713665 >>772948
I want to do things right, we're running out of time.
I know that God is merciful, but I still fear His Anger.
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 22:38:01 0d9337 (2) No. 713538 >>713998
Go inside yourself and talk with God. He will give you the answers.
Do you have a Bible?
Pray for guidance and open that book up!
I'll be thinking about you, anon.
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 22:45:44 94e8ac (1) No. 713665
The purpose of negativity and evil is to get rid of it, to overcome it.
Therefore God cannot have anger and concept of punishment cannot apply to the higher realms.
The consequences of evil are yours and yours only and you have a free will to choose good or evil.
Do not despair or worry. Do what you feel is right. Sit down and meditate, this will be clear then.
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 23:11:42 f3c088 (1) No. 713998 >>714095 >>718009
I am curious what are you anons trying to achieve pushing all this god/bible/religion fantasies. Faith is your private affair with a god of your choice.. and the choices are many. Would you agree it is best kept private to yourself To me it's very distracting. I suppose I might not be the only one seeing that. Why sunder what already is a rather chasmed community…?
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 23:21:03 550d5c (339) No. 714095
If u think working on your spirit is distracting, than you’re perpetuating the very problem with our society. Issue is that people don’t spend enough time on their spiritual development. This is merely a place for people to share in that endeavor. We know we gotta dig and share to red pill people too but Q references scriptures for a reason. Not a coincidence.
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 01:43:05 cb1fb0 (3) No. 715685 >>733676 >>1087983 >>1093456
If you read a the Roman Catholic Rheims New Testament from 1582 - translated directly from the Latin Vulgate, 'subtraction' is instead written as 'diminish'.
Note the annotation from that version on Verse 18.
It's specifically-against Heretics adding or subtracting from the work to conform it to their beliefs, not God's.
This condemns every non-Roman Catholic Church, including their Biblical Translations of it.
This includes the King James Bible, which came out of the formation of the Church of England, due to Henry VIII's desire to commit adultery, expressly-forbidden by Jesus in the New Testament, (except in once specific case).
When the King James was written, it only involved Scholars from this False Church, and favoured Protestant beliefs.
The enlightenment contained within was not handed down by Jesus as promised to the Disciplines via the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentacost. It lacks the Authority of God and Jesus.
The original Douay-Rheims translations contains books that aren't found in the KJV, copious notes and annotations, and goes into great detail of why the heresies of Luther, Calvin et al ARE heretical thought, which is why possession of it during the 1600's in England resulted in a death sentence.
The Douay-Rheims sold today is the Challoner revision from 1750's, and a much lesser work, since it's softened or removed the criticisms of Protestantism entirely, and loses the enlightening annotations. It's often-considered different enough it should be labelled a new work in itself.
It's almost like there's a cloud of deliberate-obsfucation round the original text, which is why it's interesting it's considered the official Roman-Catholic Bible, and most people don't know of the earlier version.
If you trust the King James, then look at the state of England, its GBLT and Female clergy, and its crisis of declining attendances. If you believe in Protestantism, pay attention to the curses that have befallen Germany, its current state, and how so many of the Satanic Orders currently at work originated there.
And yes, I know the Roman Catholic Church falls. We've been warned both in scriptures and in visions to prepare for its destruction, and that 'we'd know' by 1960.
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 02:22:09 cb1fb0 (3) No. 716129
Here's a good example of how the King James 'diminishes' the word.
I've repeatedly-noticed how often the word 'repent' is used is place of ideas about penance for our sins.
So, where the KJV will say: "Repent ye, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand," mine says the attached, the goes into deeper detail in the annotations, 'so goes the Latin, word for word', including other references to the need for not only repentance, but good works, alms-giving, and, especially, painful satisfaction for our sins as being necessary for our salvation.
Understanding all this adds greater clarification to the brutality of the Passion of the Christ. His suffering, entered to of his own free will to show obedience to God's Will, was a necessary part of reparation for all of us.
This helps us understand the use of, not only prayer and charity, but fasting and offering up our suffering to the Lord, which strengthens us during life's challenges by calming the storm within us.
See how one Bible enlightens and the other diminishes understanding?
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 02:58:35 cb1fb0 (3) No. 716553 >>717747
Here's more diminished language in Matthew 6.
The phrase 'vain repetitions' is commonly-used by Protestants as a way to attack the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the DR, it's simply 'speaketh not much, as the heathen'.
In the Lord's Prayer itself, note the use of 'Supersubtatial' bread. In modern spelling, this is Supersubstantial: a bread that is supernatural and spiritual in nature, transcending all substance.
The Protestants, Anglicans and the Episcopal Church disagree with this, hence the translation to 'daily', to match Luke. Also note the Episcopal Church just voted to make all of their bibles Gender-Neutral.
Note also the concept of 'Tentatio'. Whilst this can mean 'temptation', the word is more complex in Latin, and is more about being assaulted, trialed or attacked. Given that I see man's fallen nature as leading himself into temptation by following god's will, the idea of outward attack by 'the wickedness and snares of the devil' resonates more with me.
Even so, if it WAS temptation, I can't see why Pope Francis has such an issue with it. God is incapable of deceit, or leading us to Sin. We know this. I think it's deliberately-trying to obscure the implied meaning I always took from it, as such:
"Lead us not into temptation [as the Devil or our own Desires of our Flesh would ultimately do] but [due to the beauty of your perfect truth and divine mercy, we can always rely that by following your will instead of ours, you will] deliver us from evil."
Francis' arguments seem to be putting temptation heavily in Satan's lap, negating our own awareness of our fallen nature. We have to understand we're complicit in our own choices.
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 04:58:25 550d5c (339) No. 717747
Really interesting work anon. Keep posting your findings and thoughts for us to consume. Can you show us how some of the parables were written? And any diff. There may be? I’ve always thought the message was conveyed through parables because it’s difficult to change meaning through translations.
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 05:32:54 bb9847 (1) No. 718009
That doesn’t explain enough, have you noticed how many times key words are cropping up in the media? The return of the ‘beast’ weather system, the ‘return of Jesus’ statue, the ‘intergalactic’ Elron musk family fallout. And now the data ‘harvest’ of ‘millions’ of online profiles. Look at the daily mail over the last few days. It’s all there along with black dog, boulders, fireballs and angels. Look at the supposed google insider who mentioned how HORUS would be an end to all our troubles. There is a narrative behind this that needs to be made clear.
Some of us are starting to realize that religion good/evil is the most important theme intertwined with the Q story. Why do u think the apex gang exists? Why do you think police stood aside during the cologne attacks, only to turn water cannon on protest groups afterwards? What about the rumors that the migrants at cologne seemed to be organized? Why do you think the power went off destroying all the UCD embryos? It all causes hopelessness and anger
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 18:05:04 0b4feb (5) No. 723141 >>723200 >>725700 >>746783
"2018 will be GLORIOUS" - Q
The Jews were told to paint the blood of a lamb without blemish (to be killed on the evening of the 14th day of Nisan) on both doorposts and the lentil of the doorway, so that when the Angel of Death came to Egypt it would "passover" them and spare their first born sons (the inheritors) of the death/judgement of God. [Exodus 12:5-12]
Jesus, a "lamb without blemish" was killed on the day of preparation (day before passover--the 14th of Nisan) so that His blood might cover those who believed in Him on the Passover (15th day of Nisan).
This year on Passover (March 31, 2018), prepare yourselves with the blood of the Lamb, that you might escape the coming Judgement of the LORD.
"Mystery Babylon" (the USA) will be destroyed suddenly, in 1 hour.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~
Habakkuk 2 New International Version (NIV)
2 I will stand at my watch
and station myself on the ramparts;
I will look to see what he will say to me,
and what answer I am to give to this complaint.[a]
The Lord’s Answer
2 Then the Lord replied:
“Write down the revelation
and make it plain on tablets
so that a herald[b] may run with it.
For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
it speaks of the end
and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it;
it[c] will certainly come
and will not delay.
“See, the enemy is puffed up;
his desires are not upright---
but the righteous person will live by his faithfulness[d]---
indeed, wine betrays him;
he is arrogant and never at rest.
Because he is as greedy as the grave
and like death is never satisfied,
he gathers to himself all the nations
and takes captive all the peoples.
6 “Will not all of them taunt him with ridicule and scorn, saying,
“‘Woe to him who piles up stolen goods
and makes himself wealthy by extortion!
How long must this go on?’
Will not your creditors suddenly arise?
Will they not wake up and make you tremble?
Then you will become their prey.
Because you have plundered many nations,
the peoples who are left will plunder you.
For you have shed human blood;
you have destroyed lands and cities and everyone in them.
“Woe to him who builds his house by unjust gain,
setting his nest on high
to escape the clutches of ruin!
You have plotted the ruin of many peoples,
shaming your own house and forfeiting your life.
The stones of the wall will cry out,
and the beams of the woodwork will echo it.
“Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed
and establishes a town by injustice!
Has not the Lord Almighty determined
that the people’s labor is only fuel for the fire,
that the nations exhaust themselves for nothing?
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea.
“Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors,
pouring it from the wineskin till they are drunk,
so that he can gaze on their naked bodies!
You will be filled with shame instead of glory.
Now it is your turn! Drink and let your nakedness be exposed[e]!
The cup from the Lord’s right hand is coming around to you,
and disgrace will cover your glory.
The violence you have done to Lebanon will overwhelm you,
and your destruction of animals will terrify you.
For you have shed human blood;
you have destroyed lands and cities and everyone in them.
“Of what value is an idol carved by a craftsman?
Or an image that teaches lies?
For the one who makes it trusts in his own creation;
he makes idols that cannot speak.
Woe to him who says to wood, ‘Come to life!’
Or to lifeless stone, ‘Wake up!’
Can it give guidance?
It is covered with gold and silver;
there is no breath in it.”
The Lord is in his holy temple;
let all the earth be silent before him.
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 18:10:31 550d5c (339) No. 723200 >>723231
Great stuff anon. (((They))) hate it when we remind them of what they’re soon to be facing.
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 18:13:49 0b4feb (5) No. 723231 >>724129
all GLORY to GOD!!
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 19:49:27 550d5c (339) No. 724129
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 21:21:18 7ef14b (1) No. 724903
Have any anons a link to a document called "the one tru cosmogeny?
I seek it.
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 21:47:16 617528 (1) No. 725103
Who are Lucifer, Satan and the Devil?
Since these three characters seem to be at the very heart of most things surrounding the Q phenomenon, perhaps it is time to clearly identify them and point out their respective roles in this deplorable situation. So without further adieu allow me to very briefly introduce Lucifer, Satan and the Devil, and a few of the good guys.
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 22:45:49 c36308 (6) No. 725700 >>746783
I'll pray for you from evropa, I hope you'll be alright anons. I'm genuinely scared and hope you're mistaking, I want evilness to be judged by Him, however I fears for those that have been deceived.
▶ Anonymous 03/20/18 (Tue) 02:55:17 d6854b (2) No. 727497
I like your posting.
Jesus being brated by Jews for eating bread without clean hands.
There is a lot to say on this. My understanding is that Yehsua was teaching that we need to follow the words of Moses. That the Pharisees placed "fences" around the Torah,, they brought custom, tradition and culture and elevated that to the heights of Torah. Yeshua was teaching that we need to do as the Torah states, but that the additions of the Pharisees need not be followed.
On washing hands. Jesus ate with clean hands, his hands were not dirty. But Yeshua did not follow the custom of the Pharisees that dictated that the hands be ceremoniously washed with a specfic kind of bowel and in a specific order and way. This was what this dispute was about.
The Pharisees claimed Yeshua was sinning because he didn't follow their rules. Yeshua was saying follow Moses and is the Pharisees contradict or add to what Moses said, then ignore the Pharisees.
But know that Yeshua did say to follow his fathers law, Torah,
The New Testament is the path that leads to the father, and the law of the father. For those that do not know the father, the only way to know the father is through the son. Follow the path.
Want to know life.
God gifts us life, grants us choice, and sets us on our path. Our life is the sum of our choices and all paths lead back to God.
Yeshua points us towards the path of righteousness. Read Tanach.
Beware of false prophets that claim that Yeshua overturned God in Heaven or the the children of Israel have been replaced. Those are lies and deception.
▶ Anonymous 03/20/18 (Tue) 18:27:11 c36308 (6) No. 733676 >>734404 >>742416
What can catholic do then? Resist the evil withing the Church with all their might? Going Sedevacantist until the situation change?
▶ Anonymous 03/20/18 (Tue) 18:40:13 673718 (1) No. 733798 >>734398
>>489697 (OP)
Both retarded!
▶ Anonymous 03/20/18 (Tue) 19:46:44 4fb0ba (3) No. 734398
Thanks for the bump!
▶ Anonymous 03/20/18 (Tue) 19:47:21 4fb0ba (3) No. 734404
Just go back to the roots of the religion. Focus on the Gospels and the parables that Jesus spoke. Matthew 13:35
▶ Anonymous 03/20/18 (Tue) 20:11:30 819e86 (1) No. 734630
>mfw was recenly talking about the Second Council of Nicaea and the split of the Roman and Eastern churches boiling down to "Jesus tastes great" vs. "Jesus tastes less filling"
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 09:52:31 e1de0a (1) No. 742416
Have faith. Be still, and listen.
Last week, I was looking at the pictures of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts beside my bed. I had this strange feeling that it seemed disrespectful to display them with Easter Coming, like some respect should be paid.
I'd also been getting this odd feeling that I should be fasting, that was then reassured over the next few days from various sources that fasting is a necessary part of penance, and that offering up suffering is important in reparation for our sins.
Both the 1582 Rheims New Testament and a small book called 'This Vale Of Tears' both reinforced this necessity, and, as I researched fasting, I discovered that pre-Vatican II, Catholics fasted for the entire 40 day period of Lent, rather than just 'giving up' something for Lent.
Pondering on this, I noticed in the old pictures in the article, that statues were covered, and further researched lead me to discover that, pre-Vatican II, you covered your Iconography with purple cloth for the two week period from Passion Sunday until Easter Sunday.
I read that on the Friday before Passion Sunday. Everything is now covered out of respect.
I've had so many of these beautiful little instinctual experiences over the last 18 months.
Be still, and God will guide you.
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 16:26:17 8c585c (1) No. 745003 >>745523 >>746506 >>747541
To (((they))) ,
I watched some of your fake gay “entertainment” hit pieces like Jimmy Kibble and Bits of the one super d bag that Q posted last night. Comedy Central? You kidding me?
You twats and your faggotry is belittling to the intelligence of my flock. You insult their intelligence with your smug reporting and shit fag comedic writing. Somehow, I can actually smell the faggotnsss and cock slime coming off your breathe, thru my TV set.
Yes, you thought the people would follow the stars. How silly indeed. Maybe if all the stars you produced weren’t such faggots, your plan would have worked.
Well, harvest is nigh and the weed has nearly all been separated from the wheat. It won’t be long now. Hahahahahahahahahagaha.
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 17:30:45 d6854b (2) No. 745523 >>746498
Oh yah
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 19:24:54 550d5c (339) No. 746498
What a lovely site! Oooooooh yeah!
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 19:25:30 550d5c (339) No. 746506
Amen! Awewwwe yeah!
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 19:54:52 0b4feb (5) No. 746783 >>746805
>>725700 As WE believers all over the world will be praying for YOU, that we "be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass" (Luke 21:26)
there was a very poignant post in the breads last night (and I believe it has been posted in other places also).
see this link >>740252
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 19:56:33 0b4feb (5) No. 746805 >>746815 >>747541 >>757775
sorry, wrong link. Here's the post:
{if it has been posted here previously, i apologize}
(alice & wonderland 4 a reason!)
1. CLASSIFIED - Flat Earth POSSIBLE? [Prepare to be AMAZED -- wonderland]
Bible says earth cannot be moved? Says stars & Sun move?
NASA LYING? No “outer” space? NO PICTURES OF EARTH EXIST? [verity]
Why Bible says “firmament”? Waters above? [Alice in Wonderland].
United Nations Emblem is a Flat Earth Map? Coincidence? [no coincidences]
Why don’t plane pilots factor in the curve or rotation? Why don’t engineers?
Why haven’t star charts changed in thousands of years? Earth not moving?
What are stars? Research flat earth, be amazed. Book of Enoch?
Why does Catholic CHURCH own inferred telescope named LUCIFER?
[bigger.than.you.know] [Alice in wonderland] [follow the white rabbit]
Reality is not what you thought. Youtube.com flat earth. [expand your thinking] THERES A DOME ABOVE YOUR HEAD. POSSIBLE? Shockingly, YES!
2. CLASSIFIED - What are GIANTS? What are Nephilim? Why is this relevant?
What is Big Foot? [wonderland] Does the Bible talk about Giants? Hairy ones?
Why? Where did they come from? Are they real? Alive today? Bible is true.
What is book of Enoch? Who was Enoch? Why was book removed from bible?
[alice & wonderland] Novus Ordo Seclorum (new order of ages) Why?
[future proves past] They are returning. Who are THEY? What are stars?
Alien invasion? NO. Spiritual invasion. Does Bible quote Enoch? Why?
Illuminati knows the truth. Stars are living. This is why they worship stars.
Worship Saturn, venus, mars, sun? Why? Why Egypt? Why pyramids?
Giants from the heavens built them? Aliens? No. Nephilim. Alice & wonderland.
Wandering stars (so called planets) are? Fallen angels? Demonic? RESEARCH!
3. CLASSIFIED - What are UFOs? True UFOs are ANGELIC BEINGS [expand your thinking]
Not UFOs, are UFAs -- Unidentified Flying Angels. Light. Shape shifters real.
God is real. Satan is real. Dome is real. Flat Earth is real. Angels are real. Not aliens.
Hybrids are real. (Alice & Wonderland) (follow the white rabbit) [expand thinking]
All are fallen angels. All are demonic manifestations. Revelation 12 sign. 7 years?
Solar eclipse. Magic. Illusion. Distraction. Lies. Hiding reality. Research. Study.
Satanic world leaders working with them. Preparing for [Alice & wonderland]
Return of Aliens? No return of Nephilim. Giants. Hybrids. Preparing for…
“Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are
coming on the earth:” BUT HAVE PEACE -- HOLY JESUS HAS ALREADY WON! Great awakening. What is CERN? What are they doing?
4. CLASSIFIED - Illuminati -- REAL – Deep State – Swamp – Triangle - Synonyms.
Why is their symbol pyramid? Eye? Egyptian? Who helped Egyptians? (not aliens)
Who did they worship? WHAT did they follow? Stars? Why? Giant beings? (wonderland) Why hide history? History is the key to understanding.
What are star trails? Perfect circles (north star)? Wandering Stars (wonderland).
Why rewrite history? Why Novus Ordo Seclorum? To hide the key.
5. Bible is TRUE! Stop sleeping. Science can prove. Classified.
They use subliminal messages, modified food, fluoride in water, televisions (flicker rate), smart phones (frequencies), video games (distraction/brain warping). All to make you sleep. All to distract you while they have taken over the world. Now it’s time for Alice and Wonderland (evil)
to return. Prepare. Believe. Study.
HIDDEN REALITY -- 80,000 ft. – IT’S ALL ABOUT RELIGION – $$$ is their tool. (pray)
Nothing is what you thought it was. Crazy? Surprise! Not crazy. Fact.
Pray, kneel, be humble, repent, submit to Christ
Much RESPECT TO THE Q TEAM! Much Respect to my President
Thank you for fighting evil -- Be careful guys
(480458 -- Post 827 Q) - Listening for coded messages – loved Capital DOME – (229103 – Post 649 Q)
tiny bread crumbs -- coincidence?
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 19:58:00 0b4feb (5) No. 746815 >>746906 >>746915
my take in particular was
not New World Order
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 20:09:16 0f4b93 (4) No. 746906
Yipes, That's interesting!
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 20:11:07 0f4b93 (4) No. 746915
That is really an interesting thought!
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 21:16:33 9563fd (1) No. 747541
Yawn. Half misleading. Half faggotness.
This is much more like it.
▶ difficultly in researching this... Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 22:37:39 b23dec (1) No. 748231 >>757737
Came across this, anyone else find anything that could possibly make this plausible? …….in 325 AD, the first Christian council was called at Nicaea to bring the stories of twin brothers, Jesus 'the Rabbi' and Judas Khrestus into one deity that we now know as Jesus Christ. Tony says they were not born of virgin birth but to Nabatean Arab Mariamne Herod (now known as the Virgin Mary) and fathered by Tiberius ben Panthera, a Roman Centurion. The brothers were raised in the Essene community and became Khrists of their faith. Rabbi Jesus later was initiated in Egypt at the highest of levels similar to the 33rd degree of Freemasonry of which many Prime ministers and Presidents around the world today are members. He then later married three wives, one of whom we know as a Mary Magdalene, a Druidic Princess, stole the Torah from the temple and moved to Lud, now London.
▶ Anonymous 03/22/18 (Thu) 12:31:08 c36308 (6) No. 753881
Here are some prophecy about the Catholic Church of today
>Catholic prophecy and the New Testament paint a picture of the last days as a massive spiritual deception aimed to deceive those who intend to practice the true faith (the Catholic Faith), and which leaves the Earth with almost no one maintaining the true faith.
>The prophecy of Our Lady of La Salette, Sept. 19, 1846: “Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Anti-Christ… the Church will be in eclipse.”
>The prophecy of Luke 18:8- “But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on Earth?”
▶ Anonymous 03/22/18 (Thu) 12:57:08 bddbe8 (3) No. 754032 >>754115
>>709282 OP
here's a graphic for you.
thank you anons.
I just wandered over here for shits and giggles because of all the cathofags posting here and other random losers that don't understand the Bible, logical thinking, word pictures, and other things and noticed a you or two. Glad to see that this is reaching a few people here on the chan.
I've actually started my own board for my graphics, tips about things that I can graphic, and generally chatting about this kind of stuff. It's not meant to be an alternative to Qresearch, merely a complement.
Come see the Village idiot to have your feet washed.
▶ Anonymous 03/22/18 (Thu) 13:14:49 bddbe8 (3) No. 754115 >>754527 >>1331254
Just a thought…. what is Mystery Babylon?
I think it's the Catholic Church.
Bible talks about a country with two coasts in relation. What country in the world has two coasts?
Where is the Catholic Church? Rome? In Italy, no?
Ten Commandments are completely screwed up by the Catholic Church. Thou Shalt Have NO other idols before me isn't even in their Ten Commandments.
The epiphany that I received about fully understanding all this stuff was after I understood that Saturday = Sabbath. No exceptions. Bible says Keep Sabbath Day Holy. Doesn't say 24 hours. Just day. Waking to sleeping is 10% of the week, around 16 hours I think it was. Don't have to be legalistic about it. Things do need to get done on the Sabbath just like every other day, but take some time to pause, relax, reflect, and rest. If I have a choice to mow the lawn on Sat or Sun I always do it Sunday. Or vacuum the house. Sometimes we go shopping on Saturday, which I don't really care for. I definitely don't like doing paid employment on Saturday.
Look at all other languages in the world. Saturday is some version of Sabbat Sabbath Sabbatmos or something like that.
Also… Jesus should be Yeshua. Every language in the world, Jesus has been substituted by the local high deity. But who is satan in every language in the world? his name doesn't change. Makes you wonder huh?
the prince of the power of the air. what comes through the air? tel lie vision. If you've spent any time in the main breads you'll understand that tel lie vision is full of lies. Much the same on many radio channels. What's the prince of the power of the air again? Same thing with tornadoes and hurricanes and other forms of destruction.
Expanding your thinking can do a lot to understand this broken world. I'm a logical thinker, engineering technician, mechanic, handyman, and more. There isn't anything around a residential home that I'm not afraid to repair. I don't like messing with gas lines but I have done them.
Along with being raised by a strong christian mother who took me to an independent baptist church. Which I will say was the best upbringing I could have had. Not many churches a whole lot better than a good independent baptist, however I would not agree with many of their teachings today.
The Rapture is NOT a thing. That's a bunch of lies less than 150 years old. See 3rd graphic. The Jewish People, those assholes that worship with little black boxes on their heads and follow the tally muddy belong right there in the dustbin of history, with the synagogue of satan. There's a few true Israelites that call themselves Jewish but they're not very common.
That gives me an idea, maybe I should graphic where the 12 tribes have gone. 2nd graphic related.
4th graphic- star of david is actually a mirror of their black cube which goes way back in history in satan worship.
▶ Anonymous 03/22/18 (Thu) 14:28:06 550d5c (339) No. 754527 >>754568
Really good stuff. Great post.
Some other things to consider with the Sabbath. The Jews do celebrate it on Saturday. The root of sabbath does relate to Saturday, and the root of Saturday relates to Saturn. These fake Jews from the synagogue of Satan do most certainly worship Saturn and u can see that in much of their imagery.
Jesus was criticized for working on the Sabbath. Which scripture than says (Mark 2:27) man wasn’t made for sabbath but Sabbath was made for man. Anotherwards, sometimes u gotta do what u gotta do. Now we should be aiming to make every day the Sabbath, which is another way of saying we should take each stride with God. I try to walk with God each moment of every day, even if I’m also laboring.
▶ Anonymous 03/22/18 (Thu) 14:37:07 bddbe8 (3) No. 754568 >>754770
Good points, anon. I forget that even Jesus worked on the Sabbath.
Good points about walking with God even when laboring.
One of my favorite songs is this… I sing to myself many times.
123 Jesus Loves Me
12 Jesus Loves you
34 Jesus loves you more than you've ever been loved before
567 we're going to heaven
89 mansions mine
910 time to end but instead we'll sing it all over again.
▶ Anonymous 03/22/18 (Thu) 15:10:33 550d5c (339) No. 754770
Never heard that song before but I won’t forget it. 8 and 9 are my favorite. We will all inherit the kingdom soon enough.
▶ Anonymous 03/22/18 (Thu) 20:31:22 550d5c (339) No. 757737
▶ Anonymous 03/22/18 (Thu) 20:35:53 550d5c (339) No. 757775 >>757780
▶ Anonymous 03/22/18 (Thu) 20:36:03 550d5c (339) No. 757780
▶ Anonymous 03/24/18 (Sat) 00:20:08 fcbaa5 (1) No. 772948 >>773613
>>712135 "Seek out your own salvation in fear and trembling." No living man can lead you to the light. The light is seeking you but you must do your part. Spend time reading the Bible. Spend more time meditating on what you have read than you do reading it. Know, too, that each time you re-read it you will find entire sections which were not their previously because you were not ready to see them.
The ink was present … I'm not talking about miracles … but your understanding will mature with each reading. If this doesn't happen fairly often, it's time to close the book and go live life for a while.
▶ Anonymous 03/24/18 (Sat) 01:26:03 b6d47e (22) No. 773613
We also have a few very powerful keys (and basics) to understanding how Scripture
speaks in unique depth to the more technically inclined generation we have today.
They reveal things particularly meaningful for today. Here:
▶ Anonymous 03/24/18 (Sat) 02:07:11 ba7211 (3) No. 774062 >>784515 >>802324
This information might have some relevance. You can read in more detail at link, but basically Q is a designation given by bible scholars to actual sayings of Jesus Christ.
Q source
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_source
Some of the more notable portions of the New Testament are believed to have been first recorded in Q:
The Beatitudes
Love your enemies
Golden Rule
Judge not, lest ye be judged
The Test of a Good Person
The Parable of the Wise and the Foolish Builders
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
The Parable of the Wedding Feast
The Parable of the Talents
The Parable of the Leaven
Parable of the blind leading the blind
The Lord's Prayer
Expounding of the Law
The Birds of Heaven and The Lilies in the Field
The Critical Text of Q
Copyright (c) 1996 by the International Q Project
▶ Anonymous 03/25/18 (Sun) 03:03:25 550d5c (339) No. 784515 >>785770 >>835312
Good post. The majority of those parables can be found in the Gospels or many of the Nag Hammadi findings. I believe they had a Q book as well found but was one of the “damaged” books, if I’m not mistaken.
As I’ve said before. The power is in the parables. Matthew 13:35
▶ Anonymous 03/25/18 (Sun) 04:32:20 b4cff6 (1) No. 785332 >>802401
>>489697 (OP)
I have a theory for all of this. It might get lengthy but it's worth telling and reading. If you are religious, I am not out to offend only discuss.
Let's get a little history first on this. Homo sapiens has been around for 250k years, give or take. There were predecessors of course. There has always been that missing link. Humans toiled away in the stone ages fro 100k years, never figuring out more. Then we see a dramatic shift in human cognitive ability.
This coincides with a period of time a few thousand years before written history. The oldest written history we know of is sumerian, about 8k b.c. So a few thousand years before writing, we got smarter, a lot smarter.
Now on to scriptures. Christianity is taken from Judaisim, which was taken from Babylonian, which was taken from Sumerian. Islam as well. These religions carry a central theme that is seen across the world in ancient tribal cultures. The creator from the heavens, etc. Even down to the common theme of a flood and the original humans bearing twins.
Religion was the first great lie. I believe, from what I have researched, that we are about the 5th or 6th generation human. We are the culmination of efforts to create humans that can ascend to the spiritual levels of our creator. Our one true purpose is to evolve spiritually. We once worked with these beings, the creators. Ancient tales from around the world tell us this. Tales far older than the religions. We once worked with the creators and then we stole the knowledge. I believe there was a council of humans that worked directly with the creator, humans of each major archetype (black, red, yellow, and white). Whether it was the fire from Olympus, the fruit from the tree, the bundle from the teepee, we stole the truth. The truth was then used to subjugate man. The truth was used against our fellow man for power, fame, fortune, control. This is what angered God, the creator. The Bible is 90% lies and 10% truth. The truth can be found by comparing evidence from around the world.
Now we can move forward through time. Royalty throughout history can be traced back to one group, one region. European royalty hails back to the middle east. African royalty to central Africa. Asian royalty to western Asia and Eastern Europe. The northern Native Americans didn't have royalty but southern and central Natives did. They can also be traced back to a certain region. These royalty had one job. To safeguard the truth, and use it to perpetuate the family lineage.
What does this have to do with now? Long ago the elites figured out that you can't control a population through violence or force. Devils were created to explain man's inherent failures, man's own lack of evolution. Once the devils are created and manifest, you can then coerce the population to rely on you to fight the devils. Problem, solution, action. They created the problem, then suggested a solution, and enacted the action.
What is currently happening is an outward presentation of the results of decades if not centuries of progress behind the scenes to further separate us physically, geographically, socially, and spiritually. the further we are separated, the weaker we become. What this means for the elites is that they can continue their reign. They don't want to enslave us all and kill the ones who resist. That doesn't accomplish their goals. They want us to be indifferent, unaware of their actions.
We are in the midst of a war for our humanity. This is a war to decide if we will continue to be spiritually bound, or evolve and join the galactic community. We have incredible potential in our minds and souls. Even the untrained can see through time and space. Imagine what we can accomplish as a species, with our minds focused on what is really important?
This is just my theory, feel free to question, etc. I have more sauce, it's just that this is already very long. I'm not sure but perhaps the knowledge of who/what/when/where/why of humans is the 40% that Q doesn't want us to know. We can't handle the truth that we've been lied to, and the truth of what the elite do with their power.
▶ Anonymous 03/25/18 (Sun) 05:53:27 ba7211 (3) No. 785770
Nag Hammadhi / Q
http:// www.essene.com/Bible/NagHammadhi.html
▶ Anonymous 03/26/18 (Mon) 21:57:13 15a7c0 (52) No. 802324
There is a bunch of YouTubes, several years old now, by a guy named Will Farrell, and goes under Apocryphile1970. The guy is brilliant and goes through the bible and the gnostic apocrypha by using bible keys - key words that he interprets that fit over and over again in OT., NT, and apocrypha. I have a spread sheet of many of the keys. He also interprets every parable.
One of the main themes in his interpretations are that James, Peter, and John are together in many of the gospels. James represents the Jews and the Jewish religion. Peter represents Christians and the Christian Faith. John is the replacement of the Christian Faith. Often John is reference with the Elect, or the Little Flock.
It is suggested that with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hamadi scrolls, there is "new" information and a new source for a religion that hasn't been tainted.
Another of his keys is when the term "little children" are mentioned, they actually refer to us… the future… the last days…
Farrel has a series on the revelations that is worthy of taking notes.
▶ Anonymous 03/26/18 (Mon) 22:07:05 15a7c0 (52) No. 802401
Question… If devils were created, what about Mollach, Ba'al, Baphomet? What about KEK?
Does Atlantis fit into your theory/thinking?
Do you think Jesus used a wand? Why would a wand be necessary?
In your theory, why have the controllers changed history? Was this necessary?
I am ready to join our galactic brothers and sisters. Though I really don't know what a farmer/gardener is going to do in a dimension that doesn't eat. My entire life resolves around food - healthy food. kek
▶ Anonymous 03/27/18 (Tue) 01:37:05 12e879 (5) No. 804542 >>804547 >>805390
Part 1
Seems to me, since a huge chunk of the bible is based on books from the Hebrews, that maybe you should look at what the Hebrews have to say instead of flying in the dark with no guiding light.
"[Hebrew] A dynamic language
The Hebrew language works different from ours [English, etc]. That makes it very difficult to translate, and that causes translations to be often poor and lacking. One of the differences is that the Hebrew language is much more dynamic than ours. Hebrew is all about action. Something is reckoned after what it does, not after how it looks. This principle is quite fundamental in Scriptures; it is applied all over. Probably most drastic in the Second Commandment where the Lord prohibits the making of graven images. A graven image after all does not move, and a statue that, for instance, tries to display a calf is not showing typical calf-behavior but static appearance.
[The principle even occurs in the New Testament, which is written in Greek but with a Hebrew way of thinking. The second chapter of James, for instance, explains that a believer is not someone who looks like one, or even says she's one, but rather someone who acts like one. To be is to do."] http:// www.abarim-publications.com/ToBeIsToDo.html
"Names in Biblical times actually meant something, and in the Yahwist tradition, they usually indicated some kind of theological thought." [like Israel for example….there was very little pure Jewish about the early theology of Israel, and very little pure Jewish about any of the Temples of YHWH in Jerusalem. In fact, it's more than obvious that the signature names Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were the names of global social movements, and that the names Israel and even Jerusalem were only later applied to physical locations. The country called Israel today relates to the Biblical Israel the way a hypothetical village named Internet, Montana, would relate to Google and Wikipedia.]
"Another persistent folly is the belief that the Hebrew Bible is a local product of a minority sect operating predominantly in Jerusalem; a religious movement that competed with other religions, telling the story of their pet deity YHWH (Yahweh) versus the "other gods," projected on a dubious national history of Israel. It positively isn't. As many mythologists have noted, the Hebrew Bible reflects a collective effort of pretty much the whole Semitic language area, from Babylon to Egypt and possibly beyond, and describes an endeavor that is wholly separate from religion and politics at large. It tells the history of Yahwism, which roughly describes a dedication to truth in its broadest sense."
"Natural Yahwism (not to be confused with any formal religion) describes a social movement devoted entirely to being truthful. It's not organized, it has no leader and it is not confined to any particular culture or people. It's dedicated to creation and the Creator, and results not in religious mumbo-jumbo but in a set of practical and demonstrable skills (technological, social, psychological, medical, etcetera; Deuteronomy 13:1-5). The Bible mostly focuses on both Yahwism's development and its relation to political government. Usually Yahwism was enslaved by military or commercial powers (as science is today), but sometimes it enjoyed periods of "Yahwism for YHWH"; the pursuit of truth for the sake of Truth."
http:// www.abarim-publications.com/
[Etymology of the word Jesus
The name Jesus means "Yah Will Save". The name Joshua is the Hebrew form of the Greek name Jesus, and most probably the name by which Jesus was known by His contemporaries. Jesus was fascinated by the Book of Isaiah, possibly because this Book appears to be entirely about Him, but perhaps also because the name Isaiah (ישעיה) is almost identical to the name Joshua with the two segments reversed.
http:// www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Jesus.html]
▶ Anonymous 03/27/18 (Tue) 01:37:38 12e879 (5) No. 804547
Part 2
“Yahwism reached Rome, and gruesomely clashed with Rome's demand that all should bow to the imperial cult, basically demanding that Truth should bow down to whatever the emperor said it was (the Nazis would later do the exact same thing with their absurd Ahnenerbe). The signature phrases of Rome's national cult were merged with the signature principles of the movement and spawned a political monstrosity that had very little to do with the service of Truth or the Creator. Yahwism, the pursuit of truth for the sake or Truth, did not resurface until the scientific revolution of the Renaissance.
“Presently, Yahwism in all sorts of guises is rising with a pace that the world hasn't seen for millennia. Books that have been closed for eons are opened again and read by thousands of enthusiasts. Nations that have been buried for centuries are getting dug up and revived. Yahwism is rising over borders, breaking with traditions, and escaping commerce on a massive scale. Most people don't even know what's going on, but not even that will stop it.”
http:// www.abarim-publications.com/
As to the Lord's Prayer - how about a history lesson that gives better the proper prayer
http:// www.thenazareneway.com/lords_prayer.htm
▶ Anonymous 03/27/18 (Tue) 01:38:49 12e879 (5) No. 804561 >>804776
So what are the satanists worshiping and the religions believing?
Finally we note that satan has a much larger and romantic and defined role in general culture than in the Bible, and we stress again that the Bible certainly does not support the dualistic idea that the realm of darkness eternally battles the realm of light. Satan is not God's counter-pole.
Etymology of the name satan:
The name satan, שטן (satan) is identical to the noun שטן (satan) meaning adversary
http:// www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/satan.html
The name Lucifer in the Bible
Doubtlessly much to the chagrin of fans, Lucifer is not a personal name and it certainly is not the personal name of the devil.
The word lucifer is a common Latin word and occurs in the Old Testament in Job 11:17 (= the dawn) and Job 38:32 (= some constellation), Psalm 110:3 (= the dawn), Isaiah 14:12 (see below), and once in the New Testament, in 2 Peter 1:19 (= φωσφορος, phosphoros, the Morning Star or Venus, see below).
Of all English, German and Dutch translations of the Bible, only the King James Version and the Darby Translation mention Lucifer and that only in Isaiah 14:12. All other occurrences of the word lucifer are translated as "morning star," "shining one" or "day star" or something to that extent in all European translations over the last four centuries.
http:// www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Lucifer.html
Beelzebub meaning
Beelzebub literally means Lord Of The Fly but in this case, the singular should be interpreted with an English plural (for instance: the phrase "king of the Amalekites" would in Hebrew be written as "king of the Amalekite").
Beelzebub means Lord Of The Flies but since flies accept no central rule, it's an empty or even mock title.
http:// www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Beelzebub.html
What is the meaning of an upside-down / inverted cross? - Got …
https:// www.gotquestions.org/upside-down-cross.html
For centuries, the inverted cross was considered a Christian symbol, based on an ancient tradition that the apostle Peter was crucified upside down. One version of the story says that Peter, facing martyrdom by crucifixion, requested that his cross be inverted because he felt unworthy to die in the same manner as Christ.
▶ Anonymous 03/27/18 (Tue) 02:42:21 12e879 (5) No. 805390
And the pope was correct about a mistranslation in the Christian Lord's Prayer. Actually he did not confess quite enough. Here is the proper translation from the original Aramic of the Christian version
by George M. Lamsa from the Lamsa Holy Bible
Matthew 6:9-13 in the Lamsa Holy Bible
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
As in heaven, so on earth.
Give us bread for our needs from day to day.
And forgive us our offences,
As we have forgiven our offenders.
And do not let us enter into temptation,
But deliver us from evil (wrong, wickedness, error).
For thine is the kingdom
And the power
And the glory
For ever and ever.
▶ Anonymous 03/27/18 (Tue) 03:14:11 12e879 (5) No. 805782
Apparently you missed "Natural Yahwism (not to be confused with any formal religion) describes a social movement devoted entirely to being truthful. It's not organized, it has no leader and it is not confined to any particular culture or people. It's dedicated to creation and the Creator, and results not in religious mumbo-jumbo but in a set of practical and demonstrable skills (technological, social, psychological, medical, etcetera; Deuteronomy 13:1-5)."
Those pictures you posted is an example of "literal meaning". I can't help it if the Jews, like all religions, don't have it right.
▶ Anonymous 03/27/18 (Tue) 03:16:31 15a7c0 (52) No. 805806
Oh!! I don't need the math…
The Jewish calendar takes care of that. The Jewish calendar, which is base on a lunar cycle rather than a solar cycle, at the end of 2017 lines up with the Jewish calendar year of 5777… Note the sevens… I am getting it. It is all pre-ordained. Anon… thank you.
▶ Anonymous 03/27/18 (Tue) 03:21:23 15a7c0 (52) No. 805864
Can you expand on my biasfaggotry? I feel I am close to a new dimension of understanding… I need a kick in the pants. TY
▶ Anonymous 03/27/18 (Tue) 14:11:53 353093 (1) No. 809193 >>979930
Read the protocols of Zion. That strategy is straight from that.
▶ Anonymous 03/27/18 (Tue) 14:58:56 ea78c2 (1) No. 809444 >>979930
Definitely feel like we are in tribulation
Have felt tested to the brink
But then
Something magical happened yesterday
I let the light in
▶ Anonymous 03/28/18 (Wed) 02:38:10 b6d47e (22) No. 814586 >>979930
You need to review the same study all this music is about.
You will find, through elaborate detail of Scripture that describes the post-Biblical, formation of the free world, that what we call the "state of Israel" today God calls the national inheritance of Benjamin, the last one to be given (which is that of just one tribe, not all of them). The inheritance of all tribes collectively (with the others, that have long-since become nations as promised) is a global possession. And we are seeing that inheritance come only now.
▶ Anonymous 03/28/18 (Wed) 04:21:51 15a7c0 (52) No. 815545
OK… I figured this out without doing the math. The Jewish Calendar is based on the 360 day cycle. The last day of the Jewish calendar year 5777 was 8-22-17. The Jewish culture drops the first digit, so it was the year 777. 8-21-17 was the great solar eclipse in America. One lunar cycle before the Rev. 12 Virgin Star Prophesy.
There are not coincidences. So I have always followed the 12-21-2012 material, and if you follow the ancient calendar, the 12-21-2012 matches up to the end times as between 8-21-17 to 09-23-17. IMHO, this means that we are officially in the Age of Aquarius.
▶ Anonymous 03/28/18 (Wed) 04:51:14 15a7c0 (52) No. 815984
I am sorry, but I do not see God as you see God. God is love. God is un-nameable… God is the creator.. He has unconditional love.
For instance, What do you think our holy God thinks or HRC? JP? Huma? Do you think that our Holy Father writes them off? I think not. I think more highly of MY FATHER than that.
Expand your thinking…
Peace, light and love…..
▶ Anonymous 03/28/18 (Wed) 04:55:09 15a7c0 (52) No. 816053
Why do you think the Holy Spirit is one of the witnesses? . I don't follow your thought or logic. The Holy Spirit is Always with us.. it is a part of us.. The Laws of Creation. Universal Law….
▶ Anonymous 03/28/18 (Wed) 04:56:23 15a7c0 (52) No. 816073 >>1094968
Anon… ask me what you will. I will share.
▶ Anonymous 03/28/18 (Wed) 05:08:07 15a7c0 (52) No. 816266 >>817674
OK.. first… who would possibly task the creator with anything?
3rd paragraph: No…. to create is to plant a seed and see what grows up…Our creator wants us to grow. To live what we live. To experience what we experience. Our Creator lives through us. The fact that He is pure love makes this a debatable issue.
So think… evil people… how does a loving creator deal with this? How much do you love your child? What is the line in the sand when you say your child is irredeemable? I love my children with unconditional love and they treat me crappy. The HOLY FATHER… is so much more… Modern Christian religion just doesn't get it.
Hey, I support Christian religion… I go to mass every Sunday (tho raised Methodist). I see the deception.. described in the gospels… but it doesn't mean going to church is a bad thing.
▶ Anonymous 03/28/18 (Wed) 05:23:52 15a7c0 (52) No. 816473 >>817649 >>838831 >>942704
Bible fags… the Bible is an amazing resource. The claimed astrophysicist - Nassim Haramein quotes and discusses the Bible in many of his works. Science does not exclude the bible. There are suggestions of it's corruption. But. We can find truth within in pages. Personally, I distrust the interpretation of the Bible… but it is a good resource.. I just don't trust Preacher and Priests.
May the Holy Father bless us all
▶ Anonymous 03/28/18 (Wed) 08:34:48 550d5c (339) No. 817649 >>837072
This anon gets it.
▶ Anonymous 03/28/18 (Wed) 08:39:05 550d5c (339) No. 817674
The Creator gives himself the task. A son needs a father. The father does not need the son.
▶ Anonymous 03/30/18 (Fri) 00:03:44 15a7c0 (52) No. 835312
The gospel of Barnabus is supposed to be the Q gospel.
▶ Anonymous 03/30/18 (Fri) 02:56:28 15a7c0 (52) No. 837072 >>838831
Do I? Or have I just done the same research that you have? Do we vibrate at a similar frequency? Do we share a belief? Beliefs are not Truths. We all are attempting to find the truth and we make choices on what to believe. Many of us recognize lies, disinformation, etc. Our individual and collective beliefs are what divide us.
I enjoy conversing with you friend anon. You challenge me, and hopefully I challenge you. Are you familiar with the Law Of One material? Have you ever had a past life regression? What "religion" do you think was practiced on Atlantis? on Lemuria? What "religion" do you think the Galactics follow?
▶ Anonymous 03/30/18 (Fri) 07:22:22 59bba4 (1) No. 838831 >>839985
What religion matters most? None. There’s only one true religion. There’s only one true God. When I said you get it, it was pertaining to that one viewpoint.
You’re wise not to trust preacher and priests. For man is quite fallible.
You’re wise to know the power of the Bible while realizing there’s been some attempt Jon distortion to aspects thereof. However, the beauty of the parables is such that even through many translations, one can not change the interpretation thereof. Matthew 13:35
▶ Anonymous 03/30/18 (Fri) 07:55:16 ba7211 (3) No. 838981
This is Q-Source. You can read in more detail at link, but basically Q is a designation given by bible scholars to actual sayings of Jesus Christ.
Q source
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_source
Some of the more notable portions of the New Testament are believed to have been first recorded in Q:
The Lord's Prayer
The Beatitudes
Love your enemies
Golden Rule
Judge not, lest ye be judged
The Test of a Good Person
The Parable of the Wise and the Foolish Builders
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
The Parable of the Wedding Feast
The Parable of the Talents
The Parable of the Leaven
Parable of the blind leading the blind
Expounding of the Law
The Birds of Heaven and The Lilies in the Field
▶ Anonymous 03/30/18 (Fri) 12:55:32 15a7c0 (52) No. 839985 >>841240 >>871226
I have often thought of writing a book of just the Parables, with my interpretation of course. Such a book would be short, cheap, and likely to be bought and read by those who wouldn't necessarily buy say a bible. I would also include some standard prayers, again with my interpretations, hopefully to inspire some struggling soul.
Yes, the parables are like a meme… difficult to distort and creates a picture in one's mind that says a thousands words.
I will task myself to dig into the Letter of Barnabus this weekend (believed by some to be the Q-source) and report my findings.
Have a Blessed Day…
▶ Anonymous 03/30/18 (Fri) 16:25:04 b6d47e (22) No. 841240 >>841446
If you ever get to the bottom of studying the parables, you will find they all relate to one thing: that the actions of the patriarch's stories and those of the apostles occurred in particular phases (also called "days") of their relationship to "the divine nature," or "God," and that they are now parables about all we here are doing now "with God" (the meaning of Israel, "to prevail with God).
The parables Jesus spoke all point to this revelation and the opening of the seven seals have made it obvious.
See the docs in the Snow White/AI thread OP.
▶ Anonymous 03/30/18 (Fri) 16:53:25 b6d47e (22) No. 841446
>they are now parables about all we here are doing now "with God"
… because we are going through the very same "divine relationship" phases of change.
Each of them are phases of life in the process of change in all living things.
▶ Anonymous 04/02/18 (Mon) 21:12:48 15a7c0 (52) No. 871226 >>871319
Didn't quite finish Barnabus… going to do that now. Just want to say I feel this Barnabus Letter is highly probable to be the Q-source. What impressed me the most was the Barnabus Letter tells you how to interpret some of the language of the bible. For instance, the Jews say the bible says not to eat pig. The Barnabus Letter interprets this to say "Don't be a pig, don't act like a pig" A pig is lazy and content until he is hungry and then he makes a big fuss.
I will do better justice to the works later, but I do find the Barnabus material to be worth while. I am also getting into the First Tablets of Moses, which is why it is taking me so long to read the Barnabus.
I think I was meant to read and study these together… Mind-blowing…. IMHO
▶ Anonymous 04/02/18 (Mon) 21:21:27 550d5c (339) No. 871319 >>945338
Glad to hear. Report back what you’ve experienced.
▶ Anonymous 04/04/18 (Wed) 16:35:55 2097fb (1) No. 892333 >>909410
Damn Anons… I'm just so proud of you. I stumbled across this thread and here I see you all dissecting the exoteric vs. esoteric aspects of the Bible. It's marvelous. Many of you understand the meaning of the parables and what an allegory actually is, which seems to be a lost-art, more recently.
Seek and you shall continue to find, my brothers and sisters.
Praise the LORD!
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 20:48:31 550d5c (339) No. 909410
Thx anon. This has been an incredibly delicious bread to take part in.
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 23:58:18 b6d47e (22) No. 942704
On the money
Science and Scripture agree.
Commercial theology disagrees with both.
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 03:37:36 15a7c0 (52) No. 945338 >>945454 >>976201
I put a post on the general Qreacher board that I thought would gain instant interest, but I was wrong.
I will repost here, for I think that this board has an audience that is more is more similar in my thinking than the general board.
Only because I think that what I have to offer is beneficial, because I am somewhat uncomfortable with all the Jew Hating on the main board.
I say this because I do not see the benefit to humanity to HATE. It is negative and will hinder us to the next step in evolution. We need to create… to dream of how we want our future to be. I think of the last moments of the movie with Nicolas Cage - maybe Day After Tomorrow - where the children are taken to the future in a field of autumn wheat and the sky has no chem trails.
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 03:45:31 15a7c0 (52) No. 945439 >>976249
I put a post on the research board that got no attention. Not being arrogant here, but I think this should have gotten some response, even if from a shill.
Makes me think that this board perhaps may be more important than the Qresearch general board.
Or.. maybe I am just more "home" here.
ThankQ BO for this board. You help me to expand my thinking and I feel this is home.
I am moving on to read the first tablets of Moses now.. I expect I will have an opinion...
May the Lord Bless Us all.
AA Michael. I send you my best blessings.
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 03:46:35 b6d47e (22) No. 945454 >>945486 >>983831
You are right about pigs. Eating something means to accept it. Not eating it means rejecting its likeness.
There is much more about such interpretation means in the other study though. It is difficult to follow, but makes a lot of sense as a whole. Have you gotten through that one yet?
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 03:49:41 15a7c0 (52) No. 945486 >>983996
Please further explain what you mean about "gotten though that one yet". Not following your thought pattern…
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 02:10:37 550d5c (339) No. 976201 >>976249 >>979930
Great questions anon. The simple answer is in order for the entire system to be derooted, it includes all parts of that cycle. The judicial system here determines an age of accountability so we can stick with that in terms of persecution of the evil doers.
At every point, one reaches an age of rationality. It is up to them to make their own decisions and shall be held accountable there after. I personally see this age as 12 or 13 but the courts see it as 18.
Some of the most awkward parts of the Bible are when Jesus is bashing the Jews. It’s a harsh reality but a reality nonetheless.
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 02:13:32 550d5c (339) No. 976249
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 04:45:50 f22ad4 (3) No. 978405 >>985431
that's such a hack job on the Word, parables only. Why put limitations on God and how he teaches you? Why limit the spirit?
God teaches you what you ask for
All scripture is God-breathed and is valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting faults and training in right living; thus anyone who believes in God may be fully equipped for every good work. 2 Tim 3:16-17
For the time is coming when people will not have patience for sound teaching, but will cater to their passions and gather around themselves teachers who say whatever their ears itch to hear. Yes. They will stop listening to the truth, but will turn aside to follow myths.
2 Tim 4:3
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 05:41:27 f22ad4 (3) No. 979126 >>985379
Hey Geniuses, I can tell that no one here has read the Book by your dumbass answers and general state of confusion.
Why say anything. Some of your comments are mockery.
Here's how God says yo get knowledge, the key, the key…
Tzav La-tzav, tzav La-tzav,
Kav la-kav, Kav la-kav
z'eir sham, z'eir sham
[Precept by precept, precept by precept,
line by line, line by line,
a little here, a little there]
Isaiah 28:10
God is righteous. His eyes see.
He tests humankind.
This isn't a game
My guess is your average age is 20.
So sick of "allegory" and "metaphorical" analogies. Where did you get that from, a new age course on how to shove you spirit in a vacuum?
You have ears but you don't hear and you have eyes buy you dont see.
Analyze that.
The Book is a Book of Prophecy. It's not suppose to be divided. Jesus gave Torah on Mt. Sinai. The goal of the Torah is the Messiah, there are over 450 passages. The Book of Enoch is a messianic book, it tells everything. Start there READ THE BOOK OF ENOCH
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 06:46:02 f22ad4 (3) No. 979930 >>983894
All of you
Read the Bible front to back to get knowledge. Over and over. Over and over. And take notes the whole way. That's the code, that's what you lack. You swim wherever you swim.
If you're so interested in God's calendar the Romans screwed up, and the lunar cycle and what they mean, Read the Book of Jubilees and the Book of Enoch. They tried to destroy these books. Find out how important it really is. Look up the Roman Sunday Law. Murdered many. Paul says there remains a Sabbath keeping for God's people. And we follow a pagan calendar.
And please. please please please
Don't write any books! You haven't even read the one Book front to back that you want to write a book about, and you do your research by reading other books by men about the Book God wrote when you really need to read His Book 10 times!! That's what you all do.
You don't even know that God did not intend for us to write!!
69.9 He taught men the art of writing with ink and paper, and through this many have gone astray, from eternity to eternity, and to this day.
69.10 For men were not created for this, that they should confirm their faith like this, with pen and ink.
Book of Enoch
Read God's Books
Read Book of Jubilees
You will learn true knowledge
You will learn the secrets of the universe
You will know without a doubt who the players are. Quit guessing, it's not meant to be a guessing game.
Read til you know, and keep asking Him to teach you what you want to know.
Go to the teacher direct
Read. Take his Word who is the Son of God out of the context of men. Read.
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 17:03:45 b6d47e (22) No. 983831 >>983996
You said you were reading first tablets. That's the ones that really mines the depths of ancient thought.
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 17:10:31 b6d47e (22) No. 983894 >>984960 >>989831 >>1000839 >>1280420
The purpose of reading and re-reading Scripture is to learn it's particular means of language and concept development. That's how we discover the deeper truths. And if you get far enough you will discover what is more easily attainable in the study all these musicians have written about.
The book of Enoch has nothing to offer for our time in the present. It does have an over-arching perspective of much else. But none of it relates to what we need now, particularly on this board.
You efforts to demand people read this, which you have been posting all over this board is a distraction to what we need here.
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 17:18:19 b6d47e (22) No. 983996
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 18:37:51 9d9d42 (1) No. 984839
>>489697 (OP)
God Bless You.
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 18:47:44 a3febf (1) No. 984960
I put my trust first in God a long time ago and I will listen to voices that don't conflict with His laws, commands, His Word.
That being said I am grateful for the window we have thru the Q postings to have some insight into what is happening and to be able to follow along and have opportunity to help in researching and bringing light to bear on darkness where we can. Maybe above all we have opportunity to support and uphold in prayer our president, his team and our military who does the heavy lifting.
Just happens that in following my Bible reading plan a couple of days ago I came across these passages (Common English Version):
First in Deuteronomy 28:1
"Now if you really obey the Lord your God’s voice, by carefully keeping all his commandments" …
then a long list of benefits including verse 7…
The Lord will defeat any enemies who attack you. They will come against you from one direction but will run for their lives away from you in seven different directions.
Then in verse 15: "But if you don’t obey the Lord your God’s voice by carefully doing all his commandments and his regulations that I am commanding you right now, all these curses will come upon you and find you."
The list after this is long too including…
in v28 - Your plans won’t prosper. Instead, you will be constantly oppressed and taken advantage of without any savior.
in v45 - …all these curses will come over you, pursuing you, reaching you until you are completely wiped out
Then the reading plan skipped to this prayer in Psalms. I couldn't miss the STORM reference
83:1 God, don’t be silent!
Don’t be quiet or sit still, God,
2 because---look!—your enemies are growling;
those who hate you are acting arrogantly.
3 They concoct crafty plans against your own people;
they plot against the people you favor.
then down to verse 14…
14 Just like a fire consumes a forest,
just like flames set mountains ablaze,
15 pursue them with your storm,
terrify them with your hurricane.
16 Cover their faces with shame, Lord, so that they might seek your name.
17 Let them be shamed and terrified forever.
Let them die in disgrace.
18 Let them know that you---
your name is the Lord!---
you alone are Most High over all the earth.
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 19:19:27 550d5c (339) No. 985431 >>989831
More hatefagging. Yawn.
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 19:41:17 b6d47e (22) No. 985857 >>991331
Ah, so this post was the launch point for the attack.
Now I see why. It is brilliant and absolutely true.
Yes, the parables of ancient, real-life stories and the root terms
of names therein are by far the most meaningful inspiration for our time.
And it needs to be considered (because it is, in the right hands)
more authoritative than literal interpretation of much other sacred text.
It is the leaven hidden and preserved for our use today,
now found within the bread of the previous "three days' loaves."
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 00:24:08 8001c3 (4) No. 989831 >>991364
1.2 And Enoch began his story and said:
There was a righteous man whose eyes were opened by the Lord, and he saw a Holy vision in the Heavens, which the Angels showed to me. And I heard everything from them, and I understood what I saw: but not for this generation, but for a distance generation that will come.
Maybe some of you will hear God and not reject Enoch, his Prophet, 7th from Adam, who he was taken up, did not die
I stand on the Word of God. I would never advise you to read the Bible front to back, over and over, 10 times unless I did that, and more.
God sent me to tell you, I pray you will seek him and not be led away by those here who babble their self-gratifying nonsense that IS IN CONFLICT with the Word of God.
Further, hypocrite, Enoch's Book includes 3 parable chapters. I do not understand why you reject him, and lead others to reject him by your words, so you keep them from knowledge that God intended for this very generation.
The purpose of the Bible is that we all should be saved and know our God.
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 00:36:17 8001c3 (4) No. 990020
>>489697 (OP)
Many Blessings to you too!!
I can't begin to explain how God surprised me today!!!!!raining down blessings!!! Then, I come on here and see your God Bless me post!!
Most amazing fantastic wonderful counselor and King of the Universe ever!!!
Thank you again:))))
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 02:06:24 550d5c (339) No. 991331
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 02:08:37 550d5c (339) No. 991364 >>1000839
I never led anyone to reject Enoch. I’ve read Enoch and did enjoy it. It’s certainly valuable but not necessarily the be all, end all. Stop attacking. You can add to the discussion without attacking someone. It makes you look foolish and feeble minded.
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 19:57:10 8001c3 (4) No. 1000839
"The book of Enoch has nothing to offer for our time in the present…. A distraction that WE do not need here…
Bla bla bla
Who said that then,
Who spoke for many?
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 20:03:36 8001c3 (4) No. 1000900 >>1025366
No one on this board speaks to why this board was set up.
Why does Q repeatedly allude to Scripture?
God gives knowledge according to your ability to receive it. It is spirit fed.
Q has obviously spent a lot of time feeding on the Spirit of God. Eating the good bread. Lots of scriptures on the good bread.
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 04:17:43 8b7a25 (1) No. 1020770 >>1021113
History tends to repeat in spirals. Around and around it goes, getting slightly faster each time around.
Could it be possible that moving ourselves into this digital realm, could be seen as "time" passing a little quicker?
The Q threads seem to be counting up. How long do you think before they reach thread bake number 2000?
Just some things to ponder on.
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 04:59:17 356334 (2) No. 1021113 >>1024680
It is funny how finitefags talk like they know the beginning of history when their birth date didn't start there. Is there point to it in the Q conversation or distraction. Not here to ponder.
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 15:56:49 4be62e (2) No. 1024680
Agreed. Wish they would stf up.
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 16:53:17 15a7c0 (52) No. 1025366 >>1027384
This is not getting the attention it deserves. IMHO. Why?
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 20:11:03 550d5c (339) No. 1027384
Every single soul is an et in the flesh. Don’t let the wording trip you up.
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 22:22:24 40fd50 (3) No. 1028855
youll find a lot useful material here
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 03:12:14 550d5c (339) No. 1033748 >>1033896
Chartfagging is cool and all but truth should be easily stated in few words. We in the end times? Yes. Other than that, trust God’s plan.
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 03:20:11 b6d47e (22) No. 1033896 >>1034161
Truth in few words goes completely unheard by most.
▶ I think I found the keystone. (Or another keystone?) Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 03:25:00 dc69ce (1) No. 1034002 >>1034710 >>1088429
https:// www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8bxljn/i_think_i_found_the_keystone/
Wanted to share this.
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 03:31:32 b6d47e (22) No. 1034161 >>1034311
For instance, I saw mention tonight Israel is out of the loop with our plan
but celebrating like they are winning while their plan is actually going up in smoke.
That's exactly what the Bible says too. Judges 20 is our battle with Benjamin (the third day).
They come out for war as usual, but then look back to see their city "going up in smoke."
The spies "we" had set behind the city went in and destroyed it after they came out.
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 03:38:54 b6d47e (22) No. 1034311 >>1034510
Their elite guard, by the way, in that story, are all men left-handed, that can sling a stone to within a hair's breadth.
The meaning of a hair (per Strong's) is a thought.
These are men that can all hit on the same "thought" from any different angle.
We know them today like the saying : "You can stomp on the toe of a Jew and the third Jew down will yell."
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 03:47:15 550d5c (339) No. 1034510
Also the left handed path of the satanists from the synagogue of Satan.
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 03:58:08 b6d47e (22) No. 1034710
Wow. Excellent link. I've heard of all that, but did not put it with the drops.
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 04:00:27 4be62e (2) No. 1034745
A person whose desire rests on you
you preserve in perfect peace,
because he trusts you.
Trust in Adonai God forever,
because Yah Adonai is
a Rock of Ages.
Yesha'Yahu (Isaiah 26:3-4)
Get up sleeper! Arise from the dead,
and the Messiah will shine on you!
Ephesians 5:14
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 04:30:00 ad4292 (1) No. 1035279
Look at need, US UK France just bombed Syria
▶ Anonymous 04/17/18 (Tue) 17:49:21 15a7c0 (52) No. 1078677 >>1080654
Finally finished the Tablets of Moses. Excellent work. Did you write it?
Don't recall that it mentioned the "shortening of days". Have you an opinion?
▶ Anonymous 04/17/18 (Tue) 20:12:58 e8d14b (1) No. 1080035
Jehovah's Witnesses' are woke
https:/ /www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/the-book-of-revelation
▶ Anonymous 04/17/18 (Tue) 21:07:27 c16431 (1) No. 1080654 >>1081450
time is running faster
▶ Anonymous 04/17/18 (Tue) 21:44:44 b6d47e (22) No. 1081190 >>1081517
yes, thank you.
Over 300 references in Scripture mention a third day or three days. These are roughly the thousand, two thousand and 390 years from Egypt to the present age, which is only 40 years.
Every such reference is symbolic of these three periods of history. But the "latter days" are three more phases of social development that take place just within this 40. Hosea would refer to them as the development of mercy (Think sealed indictments and deal making), faith (understanding the bigger picture of history) and consummation (with God). They are a entirely a head trip, but of encompassing, social caliber.
Ezekiel would describe this quickening by crossing a river in four places - where it was first ankle deep, then knee deep, then waist deep. This takes in the first three anatomical portions (the times) of the image of Daniel. But the fourth crossing was over his head, meaning it takes in the fourth (torso), fifth (head) and more - all in one crossing.
When Paul mentions being changed in an instant, it seems to be the personal realization of all of this at once. He calls it the twinkling of the eye, which is an odd interpretation from the root Greek term, which means "sudden movement" - until you realize he is talking about a sudden change of perspective (vision). But in the social model, we could also consider even the communists have said it takes at least 15 years to change society (as they saw it significant). And obviously, even this is an extremely brief period of time (an instant) compared to the length of the previous days.
▶ Anonymous 04/17/18 (Tue) 22:02:47 15a7c0 (52) No. 1081450
I replied to this post and it is not showing up. Curious. How come the post numbers are not sequential. I think this board is getting much more posts that are disappearing.
Over the target?
▶ Anonymous 04/17/18 (Tue) 22:08:34 15a7c0 (52) No. 1081517 >>1081903
Obviously you read the Tablets of Moses. I want to re-read and take notes of the symbols.
Like the word blood is used to describe inner workings.
Found the wife = commitment very interesting. The book explains so much.
So the new religion will be an uncorrupted religion, based on the texts at the time of Jesus?
▶ Anonymous 04/17/18 (Tue) 22:38:54 b6d47e (22) No. 1081903 >>1082037 >>1088649
Well, there has ever been an "incorruptible" religion in the purest sense. Even Christianity has only endured for the time it was appointed to endure. But Paul mentions the coming of incorruptible "man" - which would seem to be a collective assessment insomuch as we would never go against nature again for having learned from such mistakes in the past.
As far as the basis for future "religion," yes, there are many great ancient texts for our further understanding, but none are empirical as authored going forward. Instead, we have principles derived therefrom and changing environments to which we adapt them. What is empirical is the process of the seven laws of life and organic creation. This is the essence of God we cannot control or change, but that we can "walk with" in the future, and thereby do all the same things He does.
▶ Anonymous 04/17/18 (Tue) 22:49:43 15a7c0 (52) No. 1082037 >>1082273
So it comes back to Laws of the Universe. I studied them quite a few years ago. Maybe I need to refresh my knowledge.
The Tablets of Moses suggest that Abraham, Issac, and Jacob were not historic figures, but characters for the book (bible). This makes me wonder about Moses and Jesus. Do you think they were historic figures or characters? (I would like to think that Jesus really didn't have to endure the Crucifixion).
▶ Anonymous 04/17/18 (Tue) 23:10:03 b6d47e (22) No. 1082273 >>1082462
I'm not sure what others have called Laws of the Universe. All this other derives solely from Scripture.
Concerning the patriarchs, you've actually put your finger on one of the most perplexing matters of theology for our time. Surely, they were historical figures, but the recordings of their times and the meaning of their characters are almost like pre-conceived, acted out plays, when we realize how they speak to the values and lessons we all need to learn today.
I say this because virtually every story of ancient times has not just a principle but a hidden message particularly useful and applicable to another time within our own period (as the latter days unfold).
The only way to reconcile this is to surmise these stories and characters all represented elements of a very grand scheme some super-human force was coordinating across many thousands of years. Obviously, we would call that God. But it blurs the line between when and where these figures were actually acting of human volition or of divine. And it leaves us to wonder if "He" has simply been present within this lineage of man all along.
▶ Anonymous 04/17/18 (Tue) 23:31:14 b6d47e (22) No. 1082462
This gives new meaning to the one name Moses was told of (beyond that which he would then tell others), the I am that I am - the one that exists to exist again. All of these ancient stories were of actions, dynamics of change and word and name meanings that were quite apparently intended to "speak again" in this one tiny window of time in which we now live - all that His expression of existence back then would once again find it's own time of relevance, and thereby, He would "exist again."
▶ Anonymous 04/18/18 (Wed) 00:22:14 9c2aa8 (9) No. 1083174 >>1083478 >>1093289
Ezekiel 39:22-29 “So the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God from that day forward…after they have borne their shame…When I have brought them back from the peoples and gathered them out of their enemy’s lands and I am hallowed in them in the sight of many nations, then they shall know that I am the Lord their God…And I will not hide My face from them anymore; for I shall have poured out My Spirit on the house of Israel, says the Lord God.”
The verse above is very powerful indeed and very clear as to what it is speaking about. It is referring to the spiritual blindness of Israel being lifted, and there coming salvation in a day. --Not so? If you think otherwise – you’re an idiot!
So where is the timing in this verse?
Glad you asked! This is one of the closing verses of the great war of Gog and Magog -- the Russian invasion of Ezekiel 38 & 39.
Most analysts (including myself) refer to this as WW111. Other verses describe it as extremely intense and furious, but short. The nations of Russia, Iran, Syria, Turkey and Israel are key players, together with some other nations.
We have a very strange verse in this discourse. It says that after the war, they will burn the weapons for “seven years” and mark them out in the fields, going back later to clean up. That seems to imply nuclear fallout or chemical contamination of some sort. (Ezekiel 39:9-12)
The “seven years” is important.
Ezekiel declares that the war will be in the latter years (Ezekiel 38:16). It will be after the great re-gathering of Israel to their land, which is now. (Ezekiel 38:8)
We know that the tribulation is seven-years long. There is no indication anywhere in the Bible that weapons of any sort will be burnt and destroyed for seven years in the Millennium!
That means that this war has to take place at or very close to the start of the tribulation period. I hope your mind is doing a double take now!
We know from the verse above that the timing of the salvation of the Jews en-masse is right from day one of the tribulation.
Do you see how close we are to doubly dramatic times!
Beloved brethren, we are on the very verge of eternity! Does that excite you? It does me -- intensely! If it doesn’t, may I suggest you go and dip your head in a bath of ice-water to wake you up!
God has exercised His choice:
The biggest and most stupid fools on the planet are the world’s elite politicians and members of the press -- the mass-media. They are the epitome, personification and description of true fools.
They think they can override God’s choice and chose their own deluded ways and then spread that to the masses.
For your benefit here are a few verses that it is wise to know well in these days:
2 Chronicles 6:6 “I (God) have chosen Jerusalem that My name may be there…”
Zechariah 3:2 “The Lord said to Satan, The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you!
1 Chronicles 21:1 “Now Satan stood up against Israel…”
Isaiah 66:5 “Hear the word of the Lord, you who tremble at His word: ‘Your brethren who hated you (replacement theology), who cast you out for My name’s sake…you shall be ashamed.’”
Isaiah 29:5 “The multitude of your (Israel) foes shall be like fine dust, and the multitude of the terrible ones shall be as chaff that passes away; yes it shall be in an instant, suddenly.”
Isaiah 41:11-16 “Behold, all those who were incensed against you (Israel) shall be ashamed and disgraced; they shall be as nothing, and those who strive with you shall perish…Behold, I will make you into a threshing sledge with sharp teeth…the whirlwind shall scatter them; you shall rejoice in the Lord and glory in the holy one of Israel.”
▶ Anonymous 04/18/18 (Wed) 00:44:36 b6d47e (22) No. 1083478 >>1094316
Well, thanks for chiming in.
With all due respect however, I fully disagree with your theology.
▶ Anonymous 04/18/18 (Wed) 05:56:37 8c84e0 (1) No. 1086874 >>1093407
New American Standard Bible
For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
The apostle Paul, in his first letter to his young disciple, Timothy, had this to say: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” (1 Timothy 6:10). Now this verse is often misquoted as saying, “Money is the root of all evil.” Notice how “money” is substituted for “love of money” and “the root of all evil” is substituted for “a root of all kinds of evil.” These changes, while subtle, have an enormous impact on the meaning of the verse.
The misquoted version (“money is the root of all evil”) makes money and wealth the source (or root) of all evil in the world. This is clearly false. The Bible makes it quite clear that sin is the root of all evil in the world (Matthew 15:19; Romans 5:12; James 1:15). However, when we reflect upon the correct citation of this verse, we see that it is the love of money, not money itself, that is a source of all different kinds of trouble and evil. Wealth is morally neutral; there is nothing wrong with money, in and of itself, or the possession of money. However, when money begins to control us, that’s when trouble starts.
https:// www.gotquestions.org/love-money-root-evil.html
▶ Anonymous 04/18/18 (Wed) 11:03:28 fec370 (2) No. 1087983 >>1280723
>>715685 It condemns the RCC too because Constantine butchered the bible. In fact the bible came about from the Torah (OT) and there are many bad translations now found in the Torah by scholars thanks to the Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient scripts found since its original printing http:// failedmessiah.typepad.com/failed_messiahcom/2011/08/the-tanakh-as-it-was-the-evolution-and-change-of-the-hebrew-bible-456.html What say you now?
▶ Anonymous 04/18/18 (Wed) 12:34:15 fec370 (2) No. 1088429
>>1034002 Fascinating. Bloodlines have always been a high priority in these families and coincidentally Alien Abductions which also follow bloodlines. No one knew the exact reasoning behind it all. That telomere theory seems like a good place to begin.
▶ Anonymous 04/18/18 (Wed) 13:09:04 164c77 (1) No. 1088649
James 1:26-27(KJV)
26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain.
27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
▶ Anonymous 04/18/18 (Wed) 22:02:03 15a7c0 (52) No. 1093289 >>1284888
You haven't read the Tablets of Moses. It puts a totally different aspect on the bible. Suggest read.
▶ Anonymous 04/18/18 (Wed) 22:15:15 15a7c0 (52) No. 1093407
There is another mostly misquoted phrase used to pit Christians against Muslims. We often hear Mohammed said "There is no God, there is only Allah". Actually, it is not misquoted, but rather, misunderstood.
The Muslims do not compare Allah to God. They do not believe in a monotheistic "God", they believe in Allah. What is Allah, you ask? Allah is the ether, the holy spirit, chi, the energy of the collective conscious that connect all of one species together.
Christians believe in God, the Father and Creator, Christ, the son, and the Holy Spirit. All the other religions of the world believe in a Creator, the Christ Consciousnes and the Holy Spirit. (All have different names attached to the concepts)
Many believe that the word GOD comes from a fallen angel named Gadriel. Shortened to Gad, translated to God.
Others believe God comes from the Annunaki. Others believe God has been used by the dark ones to trick good Christians into worshiping the dark ones.
You choose what to believe. And you are held accountable to that which you believe.
There really is very little differences between the world religions and even the historic religions. The MSM makes up shit, and points out texts (taken out of context) to create division. Also realize that the Koran was an oral tradition, so be very skeptical of any interpretation of a written text.
▶ Anonymous 04/18/18 (Wed) 22:19:56 15a7c0 (52) No. 1093456 >>1093999
In the end it all comes down to judgement. I don't believe that I will be judged because I didn't know something. There is plenty of stuff I know which to be judged about, and I am forgiven those things, so I am not worried about a judgement.
If our history has been altered, which many of us here do believe, how could we not think the texts have been purposefully altered as well?
▶ Anonymous 04/18/18 (Wed) 23:08:45 b6d47e (22) No. 1093999
>the texts have been purposefully altered as well
There is also the complication of translation.
And yeah, it all come down to judgement. I find what matters most "in the end" is realizing it is also a time of new beginning, and that we then acquire (as now) a new standard for righteousness. Revelation clearly depicts this happening for those receiving white robes.
Obviously, when the very future of human existence comes to hang in the balance of current affairs, that is the more important issue at hand. And "judging" rightly in the considerations thereof then becomes the basis of that new standard. But it is not one based on personal behavior according to the now-blurry past codes of conduct. The very importance of that is instead outweighed by the need to create a new future for all.
Everybody that contributes to this board is "judging" according to such considerations, and contributing to the new beginning beyond the end of the things of the past. They have found that new standard for what is right for the time and they judge themselves by it. And nobody has authority over them to say anything about that. For it is the son of man generation.
▶ Anonymous 04/18/18 (Wed) 23:40:24 9c2aa8 (9) No. 1094316 >>1094653 >>1094797
No problem,God words not mine, the blind shall remain blinded to the Truth.
▶ Anonymous 04/19/18 (Thu) 00:10:14 550d5c (339) No. 1094653
For what it's worth anon, I made this thread and i agreed with what you said. Don't let that negative nancyfaggot dissuade you. He offered 0 info in retaliation because he's a dumb fuckfaggot.
▶ Anonymous 04/19/18 (Thu) 00:23:54 b6d47e (22) No. 1094797
YOU asserted Ezekiel 38, 39 is about Russia.
I disagree, and I was very polite about it.
▶ My First Meme! Anonymous 04/19/18 (Thu) 00:39:07 1df7d7 (1) No. 1094968
Amateur at this but I thought it was fun!
▶ Anonymous 04/20/18 (Fri) 11:12:07 e5a7be (1) No. 1113576 >>1166151
Good news
http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5635951/Gangland-killers-El-Salvadors-toughest-prison-seeking-salvation-evangelical-Christianity.html
▶ Anonymous 04/24/18 (Tue) 04:40:04 550d5c (339) No. 1166110 >>1273582
Alright there you biblefagging friends, as we round the corner here on the last 30 or so posts on this phase 1 thread, I want to bring a couple of things to note prior to starting the second thread.
We've obviously placed an elevated importance on the allegories. Whether that be the Moses Tablets or the gospels, as Matthew 13:35 teaches us, the mysteries of the universe are divulged through the parables.
I want to focus on the allegories during the crucification of Christ. For there are many truths regarding the second coming encrypted through the paintings painted in the allegories described.
What does it mean that Christ had a thief on both his left and his right side. One of which casted lots for his garments?
Nothing is without reason, as is there are no coincidences.
Let us focus our studies as we continue.
God bless you anons, this dough's yeast is all due to thee.
▶ Anonymous 04/24/18 (Tue) 04:45:10 550d5c (339) No. 1166151
That is good news. Real gangstas make the best crusaders for Christ. Those who yield to satanic embodiments are the farthest thing from real gangsters. They're actually real faggots. Like seriously, homos.
These gangsta street disciples were misled. They thirsted for leavened bread and instead received bread unleavened. For they were lied to by unleavened agents of the Mossad sort mostly, those who are to be found in a synagogue but not all synagogues but the one of which is of sally satan.
We are leavened agents, here to make the dough rise.Let it rain manna.
▶ Anonymous 04/26/18 (Thu) 02:43:56 550d5c (339) No. 1190391 >>1230121
Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play. Funny thing is, this original music video was difficult to find… they attempted to rewrite history in a manner in which better suited the SeduceUs and Fair-O's… Fuck em. It's over. The end.
▶ Anonymous 04/29/18 (Sun) 04:09:33 a1c6aa (1) No. 1230121
Kanye has actually done some really well intended stuff going back some time.
▶ Love Bible not fag Anonymous 05/02/18 (Wed) 17:32:18 e17e5c (4) No. 1273582
When Jesus gave himself the one thief ask to be remembered him when he got to heaven showing he believed he was the Messiah. So Christ told him he would be saved. The other had zero change in heart. The Romans were casting lots for his cloths. Rev 3:9 also tells us they are satanist not jewish in Israel now. The Bible is more accurate than any History book & most scientist agree.
▶ Anonymous 05/02/18 (Wed) 17:52:15 e17e5c (4) No. 1273767
>Have you not seen Q say the end is near? Does near mean thousands of years away?
God changed his name from Abraham & Sarah's name with the promise of Issiac. He turned their age back as Sarah was 90 when she gave birth to Issiac, Two kings wanted her in their haram & we know men see with eyes so at 90 she was looking nice.
▶ Anonymous 05/02/18 (Wed) 18:05:09 e17e5c (4) No. 1273913 >>1274018
Not Long before the end of the year. It is not the end unless you are Evil. We are eternal. Where you spend it is your choice. Chances are you are here you are to help, family or friends have prayed for you & Jesus will ask if you accept him before leaving you to satan. This earth belongs to satan & fallen angels who have deceived people pretty good. I have been part of & seen supernatural miracles. God loves us all & wants us all to turn to him & have Faith in Christ as the thief on the cross.
▶ Anonymous 05/02/18 (Wed) 18:13:40 3e45d2 (8) No. 1274018 >>1284942
Agreed. For the many of God's truly chosen ones, the end is merely the beginning.
▶ The Evil that watches us Anonymous 05/03/18 (Thu) 01:25:04 e17e5c (4) No. 1278936
Azazyel taught men to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, fabrication of mirrors, workmanship of bracelets and ornaments, the use of paint, the beautifying of the eyebrows, the use of stones of every valuable and select kind, and all sorts of dyes, so that the world became altered. Amazarak taught all the sorcerers, and dividers of roots: Armers taught the solution of sorcery; Barkayal taught the observers of the stars, Akibeel taught signs; Tamiel taught astronomy; Asaradel taught the motion of the moon, And men, being destroyed, cried out; and their voice reached to heaven.
Now the giants, who have been born of spirit and of flesh, shall be called upon earth evil spirits, and on earth shall be their habitation. Evil spirits shall proceed from their flesh, because they were created from above; from the holy Watchers was their beginning and primary foundation. Evil spirits shall they be upon earth, and the spirits of the wicked shall they be called. The habitation of the spirits of heaven shall be in heaven; but upon earth shall be the habitation of terrestrial spirits, who are born on earth.
Uriel, one of the holy angels who was with me, answered and said: Enoch, why are you alarmed and amazed at this terrific place, at the sight of this place of suffering? This, he said, is the prison of the angels; and here they are kept forever, until that final day comes.
Different than Rapture events by 7 yrs for pre. If you are here when antichrist revealed you missed first one. Do not give up, do not take number, easier to lose head for 1 minute than eternity in hell. As I noted in scripture that the fallen angels do not get thrown in hell until Christ comes back. Not Alien Technology, Older than mankind.
Final note Wood of Holly is an instrument of satan. Kanye has seen babies eaten probably he has seen things people shouldn’t have to see. He has probably been abused as a youth to get where he is an trying to break it. You know what they are doing it is unspeakable. He should get therapy. Look at Walt Disney every one of them from Justin Timberlake to Britany Spears all were in Mickey Mouse club.
▶ Anonymous 05/03/18 (Thu) 03:17:07 f296d5 (2) No. 1280420 >>1291991
And you are so wrong, the book of Enoch was removed by evil pope with the help of the illuminati. It has the Law of First Mention about 3 things at lest and if you know scripture you know the importance. Also Enoch was a virgin that walked to Heaven with God they were good friends. Why keep it out & it is quoted in other chapters included in the Bible. It was intentional to fool the people. The last part of the Word was for a reason not to take or change like the fake pope.Thus says the Lord
▶ Anonymous 05/03/18 (Thu) 03:34:27 f296d5 (2) No. 1280723 >>1291991
WRONG Dead Sea Scrolls found in the 60's match almost identical. Not to mention digs of archaeologist have turn up evidence to prove the Bible more accurate than History book.
▶ Anonymous 05/03/18 (Thu) 12:53:30 38fe74 (2) No. 1284888 >>1291991
Bible written almost 2000 years ago by bloodline dudes…. they wrote according to their "plan", which is still in effect today… that's why the prophecies appear to be working…. Tablets of Moses suggest the bible cycle completed 1996-1997…. Nag Hammadi and Dead Sea Scrolls are our main documents now. It makes sense…
▶ Anonymous 05/03/18 (Thu) 13:02:11 38fe74 (2) No. 1284942 >>1285075 >>1292008
Curious about the "chosen ones". When I weed my garden…I tell the weeds that they are not a chosen one (kek)..
The bible differentiates between jew/gentiles…mentions pagans….in NT refers to chosen ones. What say you?
▶ Anonymous 05/03/18 (Thu) 13:20:30 3e45d2 (8) No. 1285075
There is merely a handful or so of those who are not chosen…. those who will face the second death.
▶ Anonymous 05/04/18 (Fri) 02:12:45 3e45d2 (8) No. 1291991
Do yourself a favor and scrap the Dead Sea Scrolls and go with Nag Hammadi instead. There's one overall theme of these lost scriptures that relates to parables spoken by Jesus… that theme is that our under lords and ruling authority are corrupt, satanic liars that will ultimately find themselves locked up for an eternal damnation and that time is rapidly approaching.
>Bible written almost 2000 years ago
Not the OT.
The book of Enoch speaks particularly to our generation and that's why they removed it. They're fuckery is insulting to my intelligence. There's many f'ed up versions of the book of Enoch floating around online as well. Fools. They can't hide truth from the ones who truly seek it out.
▶ Anonymous 05/04/18 (Fri) 02:14:25 3e45d2 (8) No. 1292008
Separating the weed from the wheat is what we do here on the 8chan q research board. It's very rewarding work but the vast majority won't see those rewards until our rebirth (death).
▶ Anonymous 05/04/18 (Fri) 02:40:34 3e45d2 (8) No. 1292234 >>1308656
I would like to lead us leavened bread biblefags in the following prayer.
The One True God, we come before you with humility in our request for knowledge and wisdom. You have led us so far and we thank you for such.
Our brothers and sisters, your children, are calling out for more information and we ask that you continue to answer that prayer.
For we know the end is rapidly approaching and the glorious thought of eternally rejoicing in your spirit is what keeps us going.
For many evil men and women are soon to be facing the second death and upon their heads, we ask for mercy. We ask that they are guided to the light before it's too late.
For your mercy and understanding is incredible. We know you love and that the love you have for us is unconditional. These individuals that choose to remain in the dark are well familiar with your policy regarding light. In fact, they have kept their higher understanding of your workings to themselves and attempted to use their discoveries against us. They have their own free will and have chosen to neglect you and we ask that at this point in time, you help them with their change of hearts.
It's not impossible or unfeasible to consider that every single member of the darkness can and will enter the light but it is up to their free will. We are allowing your light to shine and do hope they intend on stepping out into the rays.
Above and beyond everything else, dear God, we thank you. We thank you for this opportunity to lead and learn. We thank you for this opportunity at life, for without you, there would be no existence.
We ask for your forgiveness and undying mercy, which we know you will show those struggling brothers and sisters.
What we know not, we know that you can provide the answers. The Holy Spirit is rising as we speak and we're eager to receive it. Let the rivers run red with the blood of your son, the sacrificial lamb, JC, and let the bread rain from the heavens, down upon the people as they feast upon the information coming forth.
The second death will be dealt to those who oppose you. They're hoping that the second death means their conscious ceases to remain but we both know that's not quite how this works… no matter what revisions the Pope attempts to make.
Dear God, praise be to your name. Time is tick tocking and with each passing moment, we draw closer to you and the spirit of the Holy Ghost.
In your name and the name of your son, Jesus Christ, we say amen.
PS - old school shout out to my love, Blessed Mary… for the tears that run down my cheeks are in her name.
▶ Anonymous 05/05/18 (Sat) 16:34:15 2d6f6e (2) No. 1308586
God Bless you need to start over. At least you will not be disappointed when you Rapture if you truly are a child of God and believe in Jesus Christ died for you.
▶ Anonymous 05/05/18 (Sat) 16:45:25 2d6f6e (2) No. 1308656
Amen I will meet you on the other side Anon great prayer. Praise God from whom all Blessings flow. Praise him all creatures here below. Praise him all ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost.
▶ Anonymous 05/07/18 (Mon) 23:53:29 9a4d80 (1) No. 1331254 >>1332232
I have heard that America is supposed to be the safe place during the Tribulation. The wilderness where the Church will be protected from the Dragon. I have heard that the Great Whore of Babylon is the NWO and the occultists behind them. But I have also heard people say that America in general, and New York City in particular, is Babylon.
This guy lays it out. http:// aliveafterthefall.com/nht_v52/front-ctrl.php?param1=nht_v52&hop=crsaff1
So does this guy.
http:// www.scribd.com/doc/7242015/America-the-Babylon-1
There are actually two Babylons mentioned in the Bible. The ancient one was slowly abandoned and swallowed by the desert. The Great Whore is a rotten superpower that is to be destroyed by fire in just one hour!
The 2nd guy brings in the Annunaki / fallen angels angle. Some of it is a bit out there, but the only glaring flaw that I see is that over 1/3 of the Bible's gripes about the Great Whore are about its oppression of the Jews. America has been very good to both the Jews and the Khazars.
I'm not much of a Bible scholar, so please, tell me these guys are heretics…
▶ Anonymous 05/08/18 (Tue) 00:13:17 d389b1 (3) No. 1331433 >>1332232
>>489697 (OP)
>Why does Q repeatedly allude to scripture?
As a Zionist psyop, Q is capitalizing on existing widespread Zionist psyops, such as dispensationalist evangelical Christianity. The target audience is mouth breathing 85 IQ judeo-christcucked retards, such as the people on this board.
▶ Anonymous 05/08/18 (Tue) 01:29:21 3e45d2 (8) No. 1332232 >>1332278
Cool story homo faggot… have you flossed with pubic hair yet today? Go find your bottle of lube and grab your secret society butt buddy, because your days of butt fucking faggots is rapidly coming to an end.
The Khazar jews are not real jews. They are of the synagogue of Satan… those that call themselves jews but are not. You spoke in some pretty big generalities. Since you're not a bible scholar, focus on the Gospels and Revelation. You can read through them all in a weekend. Jesus had some very choice words for the jews (Pharisees and Sadducees).
▶ Anonymous 05/08/18 (Tue) 01:33:21 d389b1 (3) No. 1332278 >>1332757
Proving my point
▶ Anonymous 05/08/18 (Tue) 02:15:15 3e45d2 (8) No. 1332757 >>1345270
If this is all a psyop and Q is a larp, why the fuck are you on this super hard to find Q research board, shitting up the tail end of a nice leavened loaf of bread? Go fucking kys faggot.
▶ Anonymous 05/08/18 (Tue) 20:57:06 46b3bb (1) No. 1340524
Lucifer is a invented name figure, did not exist 2000 years ago.
Jesus ( real name yahoshua not cheez's) sacrified by:
▶ Anonymous 05/09/18 (Wed) 03:41:05 b4bcf0 (2) No. 1344888
Part 1
Let's roll up the Word sleeves and crack open some scriptural nuggets:
Mark 4:
15 And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, >>>Satan cometh immediately,<<< and taketh away the word that was sown >>>in their hearts.<<<
If we pay attention to the above, we should see man and satan in the same set of shoes. That means there are TWO PARTIES to engage, man and satan, not "just man." This is shown for example with satan speaking from Peter. Was it just Peter? Nope. It was satan and Peter. Not satan as Peter, but satan as satan, Peter as Peter. 2 PARTIES, just as Jesus shows in Mark 4:15.
There are many similar examples. Most believers have a hard time accepting this, but Romans 11:32 says GOD bound "everyone" with disobedience. Same as Mark 4:15
Romans 11:
32 For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.
That "disobedience" is a spirit that is not the person, but is of satan, the god of this world, just as Mark 4:15 shows.
Ephesians 2:
2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, >>>according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit<<< that now worketh in the children >>>of disobedience:<<<
Same as Mark 4:15 and same here:
2 Corinthians 4:
4 In whom >>>the god of this world hath blinded the minds<<< of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
IF the "god of this world" is not blinding your mind to the obvious, you'll see the obvious. There is more than just an individual involved. There is the individual, and there is the spirit of disobedience, which is satan, the god of this world, influencing the mind and heart, internally. Stealing, killing, destroying.
And yes, this is a UNIVERSAL to mankind condition, even with the so called "saved." Here is Paul's open confession to the fact:
2 Corinthians 12:
7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, >>>there was given to me<<< a thorn >>>in the flesh, the messenger of Satan<<< to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
Believers who haven't "seen" yet and are blinded will insist that the messenger of satan is a sickness or bad eyesight or just about anything BUT the messenger of satan.
Paul wraps this 2 fold bundle up nicely again, here:
Romans 7:
21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, >>>evil is present with me.<<<
▶ Anonymous 05/09/18 (Wed) 03:41:28 b4bcf0 (2) No. 1344892
Part 2:
Paul also describes the "sin that indwelt his flesh" as >>>no longer I<<< twice in Romans 7:17 & 20
Paul also concedes to Mark 4:15 personally, not only in the above, but in Romans 7:7-13, showing that where the Word is sown (the law to not lust) causing every manner of concupiscence within him (in his mind.) That's how internal lawlessness, by the spirit of disobedience works. A law comes to us, in our minds, and we ALL will automatically think the OPPOSITE and OPPOSE that law in our minds. Jesus examples this in Matt. 5:28, showing the mere thought of adultery as adultery in heart.
Matthew 5:
28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
Jesus was also abundantly clear that EVIL comes from within ALL of us:
Matt. 15:19-20, Mark 7:21-23. These are not presented to us as "options."
John is also very clear that "sin is of the devil" in 1 John 3:8. And we know that all mankind (with the exception of God in Christ) are SINNERS.
Do the math.
IF we want to understand parables, Jesus directs us to Mark 4:13 in order to understand ALL parables, and starts us off with Mark 4:15 showing TWO PARTIES involved.
God speaks in STEREO. To mankind and simultaneously to the spirits of disobedience in mankinds flesh, as TWO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PARTIES.
Therefore, there are two truths involved, one for us as mankind (LIFE), and an opposite truth (eternal damnation) for the devils.
There are many many more examples. But the above is enough to open "some" eyes. Other eyes will be forced shut by the spirit of disobedience. The spirit(s) of disobedience will NEVER listen to Gods Words and in fact are automatic RESISTORS to same, on cue, just like the little invisible sock puppets they are.
Acts 26:
18 To >>>open their eyes, and to turn them<<< from darkness to light, and >>>from the power of Satan<<< UNTO GOD, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
You, every person reading, are entirely forgiven.
However the devil and his messengers who occupy the same space as we do here in the flesh, will NEVER be forgiven. Two different facts. Two different outcomes. Can't and don't MIX. None of us can "forgive" the DEVIL while we are forgiving ourselves. And none of us can save "the devil" even though we are saved.
Enjoy your new eyesight, if you happen to SEE.
IN any case, I believe God in Christ saves ALL mankind, so at least part of you all is good by me.
Now, when it comes to end times and Revelation, all the BAD STUFF is entirely meant for the DEVIL and his messengers.
▶ Anonymous 05/09/18 (Wed) 04:19:24 d389b1 (3) No. 1345270
It isn't hard to find. I've been on this site for years before you fags showed up. And I post here because I don't want idiots like you being misled by Jewish psyops and fucking things up even more.
▶ Anonymous 05/09/18 (Wed) 12:10:35 e840e6 (1) No. 1347358
fascinating read, love you all (no homo) a hand to fill this bread & get the next one started
▶ Anonymous 05/09/18 (Wed) 19:47:57 6808e7 (1) No. 1350663 >>1354049
May 02, 2018 Message to Mirjana
"Dear children, all that my Son, who is the light of love, has done and does, He has done out of love. Also you, my children, when you live in love and love your neighbors, you are doing the will of my Son. Apostles of my love, make yourselves little; open your pure hearts to my Son so that He can work through you. With the help of faith, be filled with love. But, my children, do not forget that the Eucharist is the heart of faith. This is my Son who feeds you with His Body and strengthens you with His Blood. This is a miracle of love: my Son who always comes anew, alive, to bring life back to souls. My children, by living in love you are doing the will of my Son and He lives in you. My children, my motherly desire is for you to always love Him more, because He is calling you with His love. He is giving you love so that you may spread it to all those around you. As a mother, through His love, I am with you to speak the words of love and hope to you - to speak to you the eternal words that are victorious over time and death - so as to call you to be my apostles of love. Thank you."
▶ Anonymous 05/10/18 (Thu) 01:47:18 3e45d2 (8) No. 1354049