[–]▶ 99edbc (7) No.256741>>256785 >>256814 >>419606 >>872481 >>912388 >>1018118 >>1469768 >>1679042 >>1770132 >>2212266 >>2392961 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Discuss these topics in this thread so we don't clutter the generals.
For some people the topics of extraterrestrials, FTL travel and advanced technologies are completely normal and natural, and they feel attracted to them. Some have first-hand experience that is hard to convey to others.
As always, use discernment. Don't just spam your info, try to make sure it's logically sound, reasonable and backed with what little facts we have.
Respect your fellow anons. Do not fight, search for Truth. See how small pieces fit in the big puzzle. Present, but do not persuade. Be prepared for lots of misinfo or distorted info.
▶ e624cc (2) No.256785>>256818 >>520078 >>1379876 >>1461664 >>1669811
>>256741 (OP)
Qteam 41020 are leading us to the stars after a few grizzly but required acts in the movie I do believe . I am here to help with my talents and experience in the UFO world . I have seen and I BELIEVE! This time is what it has all been about. The Truman Show indeed !
▶ 99edbc (7) No.256814>>256818 >>1406194
>>256741 (OP)
Can you elaborate on this? I'm trying to make sense with what Q has dropped so far.
He has not denied the existence of anything advanced or extraterrestrial.
However, he knows that 100% Truth would land people in hospital, hence the reluctance to even mention some of these topics.
▶ 99edbc (7) No.256818
Misquoted, sorry.
▶ e624cc (2) No.256844
I want to know who is in control of Kennedy Space Center? If EM is a bad guy how can he just Launch at will? Makes no sense? Do we really believe he is launching a car into space? I don't believe that for a second. Praying this guy is not some kind of Lex Luthor with power over KSC. I would guess 41020 has control, I hope at least most control. Weird.
▶ 99edbc (7) No.256903>>341654 >>872421 >>1522617
New information on the Hawaii missile.
Old information: https:// www.rt.com/usa/415833-hawaii-ballistic-missile-alert/
>"It was a mistake made during a standard procedure at the change over of a shift, and an employee pushed the wrong button," he told CNN.
Now, listen to this interview: http:// abcnews.go.com/US/hawaii-employee-false-missile-alert-100-percent-real/story?id=52806235
>The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency employee who mistakenly sent out a mobile alert warning of an incoming ballistic missile said he "was 100 percent sure it was real."
>The man, who has asked to remain anonymous, told ABC News, "I did what I was trained to do" by "making the selection to notify the public."
Compare with this info from January 16:
http:// 2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/01/operation-mjolnir.htm
>The Hawaii missile was a secret space program weapon directed to Hawaii that was removed by the Galactic Confederation before it entered the atmosphere.
And of course Q posts from earlier
>Do you believe in coincidences? - No.
>DEFCON 1 [non-nuke FALSE] - double negative = it was a nuke indeed.
>COMMAND? - Ashtar Command?
>WHY? - self defense against the influence of our nuclear wars on their turf
>NECESSARY? - yes, we can kill ourselves but other nations have the right&duty to defend themselves against our influence
Pic related is from years back, from an entirely different source.
Interview with government officials on this topic.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhW9F0kR7oA
The Truth is out there.
▶ 555bd0 (1) No.257277>>257369 >>261633 >>1550773 >>2060446
The EM Drive is special in that it is actually public knowledge and has been verified by NASA as producing anomalous thrust when powered with electricity. Of course black projects would have been all over that kind of thing with resources much higher than the public NASA Eagleworks and hobbyist projects with their garage construction and magnetrons scavenged from microwave ovens, but the point is that the EM Drive means that there is hard proof for new physics.
The attached charts show calculations by NASA Eagleworks about the suitability of the EM Drive for space travel. The EM Drive can produce continuous thrust without rocket propellant, which is a big deal in space travel. The charts assume a nuclear-powered space ship and use very, very conservative values for generated thrust per kilowatt. There is every reason to think that the actual thrust would be far higher than that once the theory is understood and new drives can be designed on that basis.
Antigravity implies a warp drive. And in this post I'm intentionally keeping things grounded and avoiding flights of speculation.
▶ 55249c (2) No.257283>>257369 >>334833 >>2181081 >>2181114
Info/pic dump re: Billy Meier
▶ 99edbc (7) No.257369>>259700
Thank you for this post. I understand you want to keep things grounded, so EM drive could be a nice "starting point", despite the difficulties associated with linear acceleration/deceleration for space travel, especially interstellar or intergalactic. To ease the mental barrier that keeps people from understanding warp drive, I recommend reading on LIGO and how gravity distorts spacetime. This is normie physics.
Billy Meier is legit, at least his earlier works and contacts are. There is a separate thread for spiritual discussion, though.
▶ f2f997 (25) No.259700>>259758 >>260038
Fuck yea, a dedicated thread for all this type of content. Was considering making one myself to avoid clutter the research thread. Here are a few memes you can use to red-pill people.
I'm happy to be convinced otherwise, Billy Meier strikes me as a fraud--or more likely, a COINTEL agent working with the Clowns. He allegedly traveled back in time and took a photo of a pterodactyl that's identical to a depiction in a children's book. Also those "ray guns" he photographed looked like soupped toy squirt guns. The Pleiadians he photographed look like some blondes babes in spandex. Plus, how does this one armed dude get clearer photos of 'flying saucers' than anyone else out there, and why doesn't he do any interviews? Way too many HUGE red flags for me to take him seriously, including his description of how Pleiadians technology supposedly works.
▶ f2f997 (25) No.259758
Here's some more.
▶ 99edbc (7) No.260038>>260196
Later Meier works (1980-s and later) can be safely ignored. I'm not sure how much of his vast photographic evidence is true or forgery, but the amazing spirtual teachings and good cross-reference for other Pleiadian contacts (despite his arrogant claims that he's the only valid ET contactee) are good enough to make his early contact reports a mostly valid source, despite some questionable truths being present there too (I hope that's due to later editing).
▶ f2f997 (25) No.260196
Sounds like poisoning the well. Tainting other ET contactee's stories by mere association with his work. I do think Nordic ET do exist, but I'm not sure about "Pleiadians".
>despite his arrogant claims that he's the only valid ET contactee
Yup, sounds like COINTEL to me, or simply extreme narcissism.
▶ f2f997 (25) No.260232
Project Blue Beam related memes.
▶ f2f997 (25) No.260273>>279359
With regards to DUMBs, Philip Schneider (R.I.P.) and other whistleblowers have discussed the boring technology they use to grind/metal rock with machines that have an array of lasers at the front, essentially creating lava tubes. Check out some of the lectures he's given before being blatantly 'suicided'.
http:// www.apfn.org/apfn/ex_wifePhil.htm
▶ f2f997 (25) No.260321
The Feasibility of Interstellar Travel: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDjE9ME452c
▶ 530c32 (1) No.260474
I remember reading or hearing something about creating huge magnetic fields with a rotating or spinning liquid medium of sodium.
▶ 20ecb0 (1) No.260502>>263086 >>288085 >>334833
http:// zetatalk.com/index.htm
▶ f2f997 (25) No.260621>>287076 >>867743
Great recent interview with Dr. Steven Greer: https:// youtube.com/watch?v=iXYd90zrE00
Also, check out Unacknowledged (2017) if you haven't seen it already.
▶ 4fd59d (1) No.261633
Checked. And the EM drive is cool as fuck. Totally verified and will be hidden away for sure. If only we could power one with a LENR drive… That would be the key to the solar system for manned flight and the key to the nearest stars for probes.
▶ 99edbc (7) No.263086>>1255010
There are a few good Zetas.
>Love may have a blooming going into the shift, as it ought, those with great love in their hearts responding to the realization that little else matters.
Can't argue with that. Not sure about the rest of the site, especially with the "visitation" thing. Which doesn't happen anymore anyways.
▶ 759bfb (1) No.263267
I just came across the thread beginning with the reflection in the astronauts visor and ending in "Y".
And then another anon replied with this tweet if musk's of a North Korean UFO, and there was the Y again.
▶ f2f997 (25) No.263808>>263812 >>263834
Any anon want to shed some light on what really happened with the Challenger Space Shuttle? Deliberate sabotage to use as a reason to reduce NASA funding/an excuse to not return to the Moon--or at least not publicly?
▶ 3ff9f3 (1) No.263834
They had swapped around the main engines so that the three highest-performance (capable of highest thrust) ones in NASA's stock were on the Challenger orbiter for that mission. They launched in shit weather (cold *and* severe wind shear), and had been warned that the launch was risky. The Challenger disaster was a severe setback for military projects which relied on the Shuttle to launch heavy payloads.
Challenger may have been destroyed by something other than sabotage, but it was a perfect target for the entities that didn't want effective missile defense deployed to sabotage.
▶ dba76c (2) No.273832>>288672
http:// 2012portal.blogspot.hr/2018/02/situation-update.html
>On January 27th morning, the Galactic High Command has decided to deploy its fleet in Medium Earth Orbit
>This information has come from two sources independently, from the Pleiadians and the Resistance. Dragon sources have confirmed this by stating that “ET invasion has begun”.
>The Galactic Confederation will clear all negative factions with space travel capability, either extraterrestrial or secret space program, that do not accept the Galactic Codex, within the next two weeks.
>Due to changed hostage situation dynamic, the original plan for the Event has been expanded and is now more robust. Top brass in Positive Military in USA, China and Russia have been contacted and given instructions.
>There was too much classified intel about Event operations flying on the internet until now.
>Mass arrests of the Cabal may, or may not happen. You will be informed about the Event operations in real time as they happen, through the mass media.
>During this critical time of planetary transition, it is of the utmost importance to connect with the feminine Goddess presence and nurture qualities of love, compassion and tenderness to stabilize the transition and counteract the cruelty so prevalent on the surface of the planet.
▶ 9f3bc8 (1) No.279359
I posted this last night l, about the sick Wa_M_rt clans activity along with their Pris_ns being made out of cl_sed stores. This shit is as real as I am, UNFORTUNATELY:(
The Damn thing has their Logo on it
▶ dba76c (2) No.284571
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BWHVmBY0Cs
"The Great Awakening", also known as The Event, COmpression BReAkthrough, etc.
▶ 268240 (1) No.287076
Dude is actual cancer.
▶ 7b329c (2) No.287902
http:// stillnessinthestorm.com/2018/02/jared-rand-alleged-secret-space-insider-on-off-world-technologies-summary-of-testimony.html i hae read a few things here. seems like a few yt chanz use them for their sauce. some good reads on ayylamos
▶ 62e8fd (1) No.288085
Are the a Few Zetas?, I thought that his race was complete exterminate for the Draco Race., well (Zeta Reticuli).., and then they are slaves.., and say that They are the guilty for the mutulations, although they do that for his survival
▶ f44f16 (1) No.288672>>293484 >>294137
>Due to changed hostage situation dynamic, the original plan for the Event has been expanded and is now more robust. Top brass in Positive Military in USA, China and Russia have been contacted and given instructions.
>There was too much classified intel about Event operations flying on the internet until now.
>Mass arrests of the Cabal may, or may not happen. You will be informed about the Event operations in real time as they happen, through the mass media.
About that.., Until Now was being a good advance for the Freedom, but in this moment, We have a lot problems, from the political/financial ambit with USA, with the warms of the DS.., The FED, Even: The Stuck game with the DOJ and FBI… (waiting arrests).., We begun the year very stock.
Also the situation with the 4 fronts (NK, Iran, Ukraine, Venezuela), from the Crysis on the south (and possiblely war), And with NK, China move 400,000 trops with the front NK..
Between that, With the Full disclosure.., mm.., for Now isn't convient.., a 100% can to ruin us.., The most isn't ready to wake up by the time.., an example is philly (was planned)…, just imagine that for on the world…, that is the question.., We have to think that First is the disclosure of the Acts of corruption…, for so to wake up the people.
Also., it's the problem of the SpaceX program and his rockets.., I hope that the Alliance help with this, (Zuma: in orbit: no traces)..
▶ 9f7b78 (2) No.293484>>294137
>The most isn't ready to wake up by the time
This is basically the only problem and guess what it's OUR responsibilty to be ready for ANY situation.
Q has said we are safe - we can stop fearmongering and focus on redpills. I am doing my part, I wish fellow anons would do the same, so that when the revealations finally come it will be easier for norms to connect the dots.
▶ 9f7b78 (2) No.294137
Found a source referencing this "problem. It will be gradual. This text clarifies everything.
http:// esaccoalition.org/matrix-faq/articles/Light%20Forces/23%20contact.htm#before_official_first_contact
>ET contact currently not possible due to Cabal retaliation (hostage situation)
>contact will be gradual, starting with Full Disclosure (Soft Disclosure already started), and gradually expanding onto First Contact and integration into the Galactic Federation
▶ f2f997 (25) No.296469
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Check out the other interviews Tony Rodriguez has done with Dr. Michael Salla and others.
20 Years a Slave in Secret Space Programs - Pt 1: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp4299-vfPs
▶ 7fcbda (1) No.296580
Joogle "S4 informers" and check out the Okeefe documentary. 3 parts and a bit long (ignore bob dean's fake ass) but VERY relevant to all the people and topics being covered here. I mentioned in a previous bread about this being a potential push to remove the evil preventing us from taking our place as humans in a galactic sense. Way more anons were forthcoming in their experiences than I would have ever thought, especially with regard to this type of subject. To me this means a start to a 40k view and if so it is starting here for a reason. Pretty fucking exciting time to be alive and I am glad to do my part (however small) with each of you.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.310484>>313143 >>334833 >>554091
I am going to post this here as I could not find MetQ and I may have gone full tin foil hat :)
I just experienced a timeline shift, jump from one timeline to another while retaining some memory of the other timeline.
Yesterday I went on a rant about Elon Musk heavy rocket that he said it went into the asteroid belt. The Tweet was put up on the evening of the 6th. I 100% remember he said “into” not “to”. I screenshotted it and saved it. I was triggered enough by the thought that the rocket went over the speed of light by already passing Mars that I went on a rant and actually did the math. Then yesterday afternoon for some reason I saw the tweet someone else pasted and it said “to”. I then went to Musk twitter to screen shot and save to show he changed his tweet which I did. But when I checked my previous copy it also said “to” not “into”.
I know this is silly. And yes I could have read it wrong. That is the most logical explanation -- other that I 100% remember “into”. Also that “to” would not have triggered me to do math :), as it implies trajectory not already there.
It reminds me of the time my daughter went on a rant for days about how they had changed the name of the character in a major book she had read and only some people remembered the original name. At the time I also chocked it up to she read it wrong.
How many other people have experienced this phenomenon?
The phrase Future defines Past is also relevant here. In a Multiverse with infinite timelines, each subtly different; then not only would our past actions create our future, but our present/future also defines our past. Any anomalies would point to a shift in timeline. In a multiverse your perception is generally in one timeline and memories and the occurrence of events usually align. But if there has been a recent shift to another timeline/parallel universe then the memory of the old may vary slightly. Over time this usually corrects itself. Thus the future you move into defines the past you remember. The above is an anomaly situation where the person still remembers the old timeline and is left the odd man out of the collective memory usually for that single event.
Keep that in mind when little oddities happen.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.310524>>334833
Other peoples theories first:
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse
https:// io9.gizmodo.com/if-this-theory-is-correct-we-may-live-in-a-web-of-alte-896376482
▶ c14a64 (82) No.310531>>315938 >>334833 >>553454 >>1297278
Now Mine
The Multiverse/Timeline theory:
Basically it is the theory there is a universe with its own timeline for every possible event/action from the beginning of time until the end of time. Thus there are infinite yous branching back and splitting from you every instant until you were born (ie one of them never drew a first breath). You can look back and remember your life and your decisions to know who you are, but with other choices you would have been a different person. Future Proves Past. The you of 2 days ago is proven by the you of today, and the you of two days ago and the choices you made in those two days created the you that you are today.
An alternate you that made a different decision 3 days ago disproves the you that you remember two days ago; as they do not remember that you of two days ago because that you never existed their timeline. This is the how what Q said works -- Future Proves Past.
One of the ways to visualize this is a tiled tv or video screen with a different similar image on each tile; and each tile is an instant in time for all of time. Now behind each tile cascaded behind is an infinite number of windows of all possible events at that moment in time. Let’s take it one step further; if you spun that image 90 degrees out of the TV it would show how each event is connected to each and every other moment in time and how it affects them.
Can those multiverses be interacted with or perceived or experienced? If so then time effects would work both ways as it would affect our past by changing it. Do those multiverses influence or local universe? Could the fractal dimensions of physics actually be these multiverses perceived not 90 degree but as say 0.333 degree or 24.8 degree?
If you draw and X and Y axis on a piece of paper they are at 90 degree and you have length and width. But if you want depth you must draw and axis at 45%. Technically that axis is a 0.5 degree dimension as it is not set at 90 degree. Yes I understand this is just a tool we use to perceive 3-D in a 2-D plane, by doing this we can shift our perspective to see a cube in a 2-D drawing. Think about that; we can use a partial dimensional view to visualize a higher dimension. Most of us do not know how to do that beyond four dimensions. Partial or Fractal dimensions are basically dimension seen/perceived at a 90 degree angle. Try this draw axis’s 6 or 9 or 12 of them equidistance’s from each other and gaze at the page; you can choose which two or three jump out at you that are the X, the Y, and the Z.
It has been proven that these fractal dimensions to influence our 4-D reality from static to how ferns grow. So far it is kind of random for us to find the influence and interactions, and some just call it a mathematical representation. I do not understand the higher math but it seems like all of a sudden in math a multidimensional (fractal) equation just coalesces or clicks into a 4-D answer and it answers a real life question.
What If our tech is beyond what we think? Physics changes all the time, Newton did, Einstein did and from that one we got nuclear power and bombs. What ifbehind the scenes they found a new way to look at the world that allows dimensions to be spun and placed in the way to make length basically irrelevant (a fractal dimension), or time? Distance would eliminate any problem with instantious travel -- ie a space fold. Time would allow big changes in events globally and no consequence and it just changes entire timeline.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.310595>>334833
The Fractal math would need to include the "probability" that an event to become 4-D to know how to spin the axis so you could coalesce it into 4-D.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.310633>>334833
Thinking about space folding there would be two separate issues I feel. One is calculating the fold from one point to another and how to spin the axis so they are right next to each other and all the intervening space folded into a fractal dimension. The second is to make sure the object you want to move is not folded as well. I do not know what would happen if you folded the object into the fold and then unfolded it on the other side.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311089>>334833
A zen master if asked how do I get from here to there master? Would say bring there here.
Now how to do that in physics? Gravity sink? Mass created divot in space time we perceive as gravity. Amplify? Too much energy. Easy to visualize but how to ..
Or just change the object location perhaps? Not fold just redefine in the matrix of EM world where the object is? I am just spitballing :)
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311192>>334833
Spitballing again
How do you rotate an axis? Mentally easy. Physically? Well you can turn the object. You can move your point of view by moving yourself. Those two are of an object. But the system? How does nature do it? hmm?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311216>>334833
Again nature does it by mass and gravity or velocity that changes mass. Hmm? And we are back to the warping of space time and if we can do that manually.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311246>>334833
Simulated mass? What would that be? Antimass - pulling from the outside? Well if you knew the fractal pattern of that part of spacetime and could use small amts of energy to push key points in the fractal pattern you could dramatically change the formation of spacetime in that area. The butterfly effect.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311272>>334833
Why do I say the fractal pattern of spacetime? Well my theory is that is the framework down to base particle level. I feel matter is just very complex fractal patterns of EM energy (or more basically - a standing wave pattern
▶ 8f8788 (1) No.311294
So simple so clear so true!!
Super KEK!!!!!!
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311307>>334833
there is someone else here?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311334>>334833
So if matter is just a complex standing wave pattern, how do you move that pattern from one location to another?
Ahh location is not defined!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Need that answer!!!
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311342>>334833
What is location?
What is here? What is There? How are the different and why?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311361>>334833
Perception is the easy answer; but that is an internal answer and what we are looking for is an 'external' answer.
Maybe that is why in Dune it was actual being that moved the ships with their minds.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311368>>334833
a locus, a point, a focus,
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311399>>334833
Back to normal physics - a location is a point in the universe. Thus if you had it all mapped you could define the points figure the makeup of the fractal pattern and modify it in theory.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311411>>334833
But if you know the location of start and finish you probably could modify the code to the location of the object in the universe if you could DNA map the fractal pattern and find the location DNA gene
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311418>>334833
That actually has some potential I may have to think on that one.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311464>>334833
Knowing the Location Marker in the fractal pattern is not enough you would need to know the meaning as well.
Why am I relating to DNA? Because it is all made from the same pattern.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.311478>>334833
Well I need to clear off the snow tomorrow
This shit better not keep me awake tonight :)
▶ f2f997 (25) No.313143>>314051 >>1255010
>How many other people have experienced this phenomenon?
You're thinking of the Mandela Effect.
▶ d93437 (2) No.313410
These side boards are cool as fuck.
Has anyone heard of or read The Day After Roswell?
I haven't seen it mentioned.
It is about an army colonel during the time of the ship crash that made area 51 famous.
I know it's wiki but I've read it and it is accurate.
https:/ /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Day_After_Roswell
It is where we got the microchip, fiber optics and if I remember correctly, transparent aluminum among other things.
(not released yet for some reason)
It was beyond the military at the time to figure it out. What he did was go to the private sector and have them reverse engineer it.
Military got first use for YEARS before what would become IBM, was allowed to apply it and market it.
In our long timeline, the coincidence of Tesla coming along and unlocking AC power as well as the importance of frequency and vibration and the proximity, time wise, of the UFO crash is just too much for me.
I don't have any sauce but everything I've read about him and his mom points to either direct physical contact with mom and possible Nikola too or indirect, which I can not define. Like mind control, possibly? His mom could learn a language just by listening to it. Total memory recall along with razor sharp logic that was off the charts. Dad was a preacher.
For quit some time I didn't like Tesla because I could see that he brought the means to put us under complete control.
Tech. It's all in how you use it. ;)
'They' WANTED us to have this tech and waited till someone came along with the mental capacity to handle their 'download' of knowledge.
▶ d93437 (2) No.313604>>314058 >>314079
After reading The Montauk Project, which was an extension of the Philadelphia Experiment where the crew got stuck in the walls, I don't think we are going to 'physically' travel to other star systems.
I almost forgot. The Philly Exp created a ripple in time that echoed 20 years into the future. 1943 echoed to '63 to '83 when the Montauk happened. It also touched on 'negative orgone' being used to manipulate weather. Chemtrails anyone?
Did you know Tesla was the head engineer on the Phil Exp but after picking up 'signals' from Mars on a receiver he was working on, he wanted to shut it down. Stop the experiment. Some german named Vonn Bron I think, don't quote me, took it over. Tesla gave STRONG warnings to not proceed.
Stranger Things borrows elements from Montauk. That book . . . . I tell you . . . it is scary that most everything they learned was by accident, like learning (Montauk had the largest RF dish made.)the waves that come off the BACK of the dish were having a greater effect on people than in front. The whole mood of the base would change depending on what they were doing with the dish. Almost like they were being 'led' to things. Reaching another dimension is not as hard as most think.
I HIGHLY recommend reading both Day after Roswell and the Montauk Project. At one time you could not find a copy of Montauk. It was suppressed.
I was lucky enough that my dad was in good with one of the dudes who was high up at a state university. He was called on to help fix what they though was going to be the Y2K thing. Still think that was bullshit for a reason.
He got us a copy of one that was in the restricted library. He copied it 2 pages on one side and then you had to flip it for the other 2. Was a PAIN in the ass to read.
The door they opened let something out that was not pretty. Stuff of nightmares.
Dean Koontz wrote 2 books based like 90% off the Montauk Project. Fear Nothing and Seize the Night, also worth reading.
Creating worm holes is how we will travel interstellar wise. Travel without moving ala The Space Guild from the movie Dune. Fold space. I imagine we'll need something to 'cruz around the hood'. These other drives will come in handy for that.
This is all so much more possible now that quantum computers are being perfected.
I better stop here or I won't. ;)
▶ c14a64 (82) No.314051>>334833
Yes I am aware. That is why I said the logical thing is that I misread it. The event and Q always saying Future Proves Past just triggered the thought stream and brought up previous studied options on how the universe works.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.314058>>334833
I have a very cursory knowledge of those projects. As I recall they were before the discovery of fractal geometry, chaos theory, and the Mandelbrot set. As physics advances so does math (except in our high shcools :)).
▶ c14a64 (82) No.314079>>334833
It would be interesting to visually see the fractal EM field of a Tesla field. What would a fractal of an EM field look like? That is an interesting question. What are the itinerations off the arcs of an EM field?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.314270>>334833
The golden Mean seems to be the way fractals move between dimensions.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.314314>>334833
I will have to think on how the golden mean is connected to the EM field
▶ c14a64 (82) No.314356>>334833
others views golden mean and EM field:
https:// www.goldennumber.net/energy/
https:// www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/01/100107143909.htm
I am sure there are others.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.314385>>334833
This article does confirm they are experimenting with how applying EM fields alter matter EM fields and how that relates to fractal geometry etc.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.314400>>334833
I will have to research if electron orbits are golden mean/Fibonacci related. Hmm?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.314410>>334833
Then if the electron orbits are related see if they Schrodinger cat type probabilities of where the electron is are fractal geometry related and see if the probability relates to the iteration (fractal dimensional step)
▶ c14a64 (82) No.314442>>334833
Base info to go on:
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_orbital
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio
▶ c14a64 (82) No.314777>>334833 >>1550846
LOL my brain may not be big enough to understand this :)
▶ c14a64 (82) No.314883>>334833
Wow even just at the Hydrogen atom level they had to use equations that involved calculating based upon the use of the surface of a 4-d hypersphere to get accurate prediction of where the electron would be.(after 1979)
▶ c14a64 (82) No.314978>>315211 >>334833
These graphical representations are why this stuff is fascinating to me. This hypersphere thing they needed to use in 4-D space where every point on the picture is the radius and the same distance from the center basically shows how much our space time is warped.
▶ c0aa92 (3) No.315211>>315479
Shaped like a toroid. Pretty good way to generate electricity if you can get the winding down properly.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.315479>>316931 >>334833
You know more than me on that
Can you please explain?
But I kinda see it.
The use of dimensional axis to create power?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.315747>>334833
That is an interesting concept and yes the way the axis turn and twist it does kinda look like the way a generator coils are twisted. Also like modified Fabiconni
▶ c14a64 (82) No.315762>>334833
But if global axis are put in a pattern to create a dimensional EM field :), that would mean that field emminates out into other dimensional fields?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.315775>>334833
If that is true
that is the CONNECTION between timelines in the multiverse.
Interesting - and thanks.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.315796>>334833
I have to note here that these images showing how a simple multidimensional axis warps do not include any mass to warp the axis
and you thought this would be simple :)
▶ c14a64 (82) No.315807>>334833
it will be in the end :)
Trust me all those massive crazy equations I have been seeing on Wiki and elsewhere are just Swinging Wild Ass Guesses with complex math.
yes they work at times. But also fail at times. But they give us hints.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.315821>>334833
some dude in the 20's or 30's was able to create a hypersphere in his head.
I took 50-60 years or more to be able to make a decent graphic.
Hypersphere - all points are equidistant from the center.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.315840>>334833
While I look at that I understand.
It in this hypersphere in 4-D the center moves -from center to the edge. But it moves in the fabbiconi/golden mean to the edge and back.
And this is the way we can conclusively define where the electron probability in the Hydrogen atom is?
Anyone else get the significance?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.315848>>334833
That would mean that 4-D axis is a fabiconni sequence. :0
IE fractal
▶ c14a64 (82) No.315857>>334833
What the hell did I say in the beginning? LOL
partial dimensions
But what we see in Mandelbrot are just the axis
LOL get it?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.315895>>334833
The next mathematical thing for the mathfag is to figure the change of the iteration. What is the change in distance, spin and angle? Start 2-D then 3-D - and ohh crap it probably goes more - does it ever end - well hopefully it circles back - check that.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.315914>>334833
Did I win my tin foil hat award?
▶ e23dab (1) No.315938>>326149
Emm, Guys.., a question.., The Dejá Vù happen of rare occasions, Someone believe that this phenomena is for views experiences in other lives?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.315955>>334833
I feel the Mandelbrot is the view from outside and there is a different one from inside.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.316118>>334833
How can those two be the same?
Well think back to the way Fabiconni did it with the 4D sphere.
Axis are not lines
Could they be seen as curves or circles?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.316331>>334833
Thus if what the last response I got is true. That the very creation of axises create EM (or something like that) energy then the power would emminate out in a EM pattern and affect the matter around it and possibly eminate into the fractal dimensions. If in fractal that would create energy transfer between the dimensions.
Sorry my spelling is so bad my spell checker is confused :)
▶ c14a64 (82) No.316339>>334833
Think I have always thought axis can be bent. I have long accepted they can be circles. But bent like a motor coil yes probably
▶ c14a64 (82) No.316352>>334833
What would happen then? Well perhaps it is not the axis that creates the EM energy but the objects within that axis? HMM?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.316400>>334833
Dimensions are hard we know the first 2 :)
▶ c14a64 (82) No.316414>>334833
basically once we move beyond 4-D things start curving and warping. We have a much harder time understanding.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.316532>>334833
I need a mathfag that can help
▶ 5926e5 (1) No.316890
We have to speak this in other bread
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/256741.html
u here
▶ c0aa92 (3) No.316931>>316958
I am going to have to find my drive and see if I can find the files on it. The toroid shape when wound with a condcuting wire and then introduction of a magnetic field yields turning force to provide torque.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.316944>>334833
▶ c14a64 (82) No.316947>>334833
And no other thread is ready for this stuff.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.316958>>317020 >>334833
So basic motor stuff?
With how it works.
Got it.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.316972>>334833
sorry i was being a Bitch in general LOL
so many morons
and many at just 10,000ft
▶ c14a64 (82) No.317000>>334833
But you understand that you can show that a motor works the same way as a hypersphere in 4-D does not make the connection between the two right? To me it shows the fractal underlying basis of the universe but may convince no one.
▶ c0aa92 (3) No.317020
Came across that regarding toroids generators and a lot of info on Tesla a while back when the 9 to 5 had a variable schedule thay afforded a lot of reading…
▶ c14a64 (82) No.317065>>334833
▶ c14a64 (82) No.317091>>334833
Motor would show real world application but it may take a mathfag to show the motor works from power across dimensions.
Of I may just be Tin Foil
▶ c14a64 (82) No.317146>>334833
Fractal and physics stuff especially geometry is something we all get inherently but making the connections scientifically and mathematically seems to be harder.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.317617>>334833
I just had a thought on the golden mean.
it is a torus.
i feel many axis are circles. Thus when a mean moves past the circle it is mulitidimin. if it reflects it is within the dimension. Again Future defines past.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.317626>>334833
it is kinda fun being tin hat :)
▶ c14a64 (82) No.317909>>334833
This is the one that shows the reflection from the boundary that an axis will take.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.320256>>334833
wow general will get the whole site shut down for conspiring violence
I have no idea who cracked the trip code.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.320408>>334833
a bunch just doxed themselves IMO
▶ c14a64 (82) No.320506>>326164 >>334833
Tone way off - showing IPs?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.326149>>326164 >>334833
One could be a memory from another timeline. Well that is one option
▶ bc3bd2 (1) No.326164
Other lives.
Nothing unusual, Q is not one person but a positive NSA faction. As always evaluate the message.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.326172>>334833
My current train of thought on axises is that the hydrogen atom electron orbital may be a projection of our physical axis. I am not sure if they would be the clouds or the black lines. But our world would relfect how it constructed at this base level in my opinion
▶ c14a64 (82) No.326557>>334833 >>406051
Here are the axis of the hydrogen atom based on cloud forms of the electron fields. Note some of them are circles. Are the circles partial/fractal dimensions?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.329627>>334833
I asked
Q said build a timeline
Know Q also said Future proves past
Did the Q that knows the science intel ask us to build a timeline where Q and Trump win?
▶ c14a64 (82) No.329732>>334833
Did Q ask us to create a whole new timeline in the multiuniverse or just access one that is far from the local probability? I has to be bring one from far to near certain probability. My world view will not allow the other option.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.330383>>334833
a new revelation
into - with Trump
to - against or disinfo
▶ c14a64 (82) No.330923>>334833
you all can see the black axis I do not have to show them
the do put the cloud in a quadrant.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.330937>>334833
Also understand that circle dimensions may be dimensions in polar quadrants - a line becomes an ellipse or circle. But it may be dimensional.
▶ 4d50a2 (3) No.331015>>331154
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” Nikola Tesla
I believe the answer is going to start with this. No sauce but it is connected with what was done at the Philly project and Montauk.
I'm sure you math guys have heard of it. Tesla was so right about everything he did, I don't think we've unlocked 5% of the secrets it holds.
Does anyone have an idea of how this could relate to start travel?
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=9COu6wK8bCc
▶ c14a64 (82) No.331154>>331497 >>334833
no promises I just follow that I find.
▶ 4d50a2 (3) No.331497>>332049
Me too.
Could very well not even be connected.
"Key" to the universe might not imply and ignition switch. ;)
▶ c14a64 (82) No.332049>>332801 >>334833
I just follow my ….
what the fuck is it
I have no clue
▶ 4d50a2 (3) No.332801
▶ 86271e (10) No.333064>>338420
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
from Project Blue Book 2nd 1/2
▶ f2f997 (25) No.334833>>335295 >>338905 >>2181114
Billy Meier bullshit. Seriously, how does this one armed dude get the clearest photos in existence of these things without any visible corona discharge, motion blur etc., and they all just so happen to look like garbage can lids.
Probably just top notch CGI. Remember, the clowns running (Unacknowledged) Special Access Programs have yuge budgets. Wouldn't be too hard to fabricate something like this, though I'd love to believe it's legit.
QUIT thread sliding and shitting up the board with your RETARDED conjecture you SHILLBOT CLOWN! I'll admit, some of your posts are mildly amusing and may have some merit, but you don't need to make 9000 half-baked ones that are mostly devoid of any relevant or useful information whatsoever. Fuck off to plebbit or lurk more, fag. Seriously, to anyone else reading this, save your self some time and just filter this douche canoe.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.335295
I was beginning to think I was just spinning my wheels.
▶ c14a64 (82) No.335726
Presume we are existing on the surface of a 4 dimensional hypersphere like the equation for hydrogen electron orbit.
Then do the math with that perspective. Would it shift the fractal dimensions to full dimensions?
Would those curves in the fractal be lines?
▶ f2f997 (25) No.338420>>338572
I've seen better animatronics at Disney. The thing sounds like a robot. Fake and gay.
▶ 311819 (1) No.338572
It's a confirmed fake. A cursory study confirms that - author admitted that. Also the narrative doesn't fit anywhere.
>compassion and evidence
Eh, nice try.
▶ 68a464 (1) No.338905
Thanks he almost got me. Saved me some time
From a mathfag, can confirm anon is clueless and a waste of time.
▶ 1e7f48 (1) No.341654
Very convincing UFO interview on Larry King with scientists from America's nuclear missile program.
▶ 4640cf (2) No.356507
It's seems,, Paul Hellyer ask for the full disclosure also., sounds good, although., also it's dangerous for the huge consequences (Atlantis and Lemuria as example)
https:// www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/679068/Paul-Hellyer-aliens-ufo-Canada-US-government
▶ 4640cf (2) No.356608
New Report of Michael Salla, about Antarctica and his connections with the Nazis.., mmm.., what a mess will go to see
http:// exopolitics.org/german-space-program-antarctica-to-reveal-itself/
▶ ec2e98 (3) No.356678
Operation Mjolnir - status report !!! posted today
Communiqué of the Galactic Confederation to EARTH - YouTube
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVUIqZZ90qM
Background info -
From Cobra - The Portal: Situation Update
http:// 2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/02/situation-update.html
▶ 7b329c (2) No.387416>>390350 >>404774 >>406117 >>1423619
sorry for teh copy pasta. this was in the general late last night. and i thought it should be here too. have a great awakening.
Hello. Are you military or law enforcement? I sense decoration, badges, formality, almost "war hero".
I am what you would label decorated. I would not know about "hero", but war is something I'm familiar with. It is my work. I am of military rank and office. I, right now, patrol your skies and participate in the cleanup.
Yes. In the #UniversalCleanUp?
In the cleanup of dark focused beings who orchestrate take-overs of children and lives and institutions and planets. You are in the midst of a massive sweep.
Well yes, we are. Yet accurate information does not seem to be readily available. Do you have some?
I do.
I can tell you that there are many who have already been taken into custody - some returned to the central sun for re-configuration. While most in a recalibration process so that what has occurred here does not re-occur elsewhere. The numbers are beyond what you or your people could fathom.
It infiltrates organizations on deep, deep levels and many of them.
In order for a take-over to be accomplished on an entire planet, the scope of involvement had to be quite broad.
The numbers of participants alone would stagger the imagination of most humans. This means layers of involvement and many of them.
I am getting images of cooperative law enforcement personnel and payoffs.
What have you come to say to us?
That now we are in an active phase of enforcement and while you witness the theatrics of your puppet governments in their dismantling, we come from beneath those layers and remove and deal with the support structure.
This system unravels at both ends, with the ones in charge removed many months ago, the layer you witness has no clear directive to assist as they navigate their ending. It is quite comical to observe and from here there is not much observing going on. We are busy.
There are large numbers of casualties in this clean up. By casualties, I do not refer to deaths. No. Instead, I refer to those misled, misguided and confused, who quite literally took what they were told they were doing at face value.
This was quite literally a job for them. They had no broader perspective for life, theirs included. Only now, as they've been removed and are dealt with, do they get a glimpse of the trauma they willingly participated in.
What happens to them?
Their acceptance of re-training and re-calibration determines what sort of sentence they will serve. The numbers of them are huge - be assured we are prepared for the onslaught, which is in full force now.
Do you cooperate with local law enforcement then? I see reports almost daily of traffickers in humans being arrested.
Let me say it this way.
Much depends on the group that was captured and the group doing the capturing. This is an orchestrated effort, yet not all stages of it are "on board" when you read about in in your news announcements.
Eventually, those involved in the slavery system end up off planet. The court system on earth is corrupt in its own right and this too must change.
As I am military, I can share with you the complete vision. The vision of earth is one of beauty and unity. In such conditions, a military force is necessary only as a protection against any outside attack or infiltration that means to do harm.
Currently your planet is under attack from within and has been for a long time. [Terran note: since the fall of Atlantis 2] The clean-up of such a massive effort is lengthy and involves and includes many. This is where our focus rests.
We are motivated to re-configure the beings involved when possible. This is the highest outcome.
The anger and outcry from the humans, when the scope of the human trafficking is revealed, will be such that they will want blood for blood and retaliation and punishment. I cannot predict what will occur. I can say that our efforts now are to clean up and remove as many as possible "beneath the radar" so to speak, in order to preserve humanity and justice.
There are those beings who incarnated, knowing they would be visible and "thrown under the bus" as you say. You see some of that now in your news. There will be more and what we do not know is which ones will be fed to the slaughter.
As a being who has witnessed the capture and re-calibration of many, I can tell you that with those efforts, and time, none are as hard on themselves as the captured. Once realization is discovered, the pain is incomprehensible. At that point, a gunshot would be merciful and preferred.
So, your skies are filled and we are quite busy. This ends now. This is what I wanted to bring to your attention.Thank you. Goodbye now.
Goodbye Sophia.
▶ 20e8b9 (1) No.390350>>1424285 >>1424333
Woah, don't hurt Sophia. She didn't intend for the Demiurge to go all schizo.
▶ fa1733 (3) No.404689>>404710
Do you believe what you can see with your own eyes, or what you are told.
This is an orange, if you were told it's something else, you wouldn't believe it - this is called visual identification
based on experience. This building is about to be destroyed in what is called a controlled demolition - Buildings do not do this spontaneously.
Here is another example of a controlled demolition. The initial charges are spaced about one second apart. And you can see that each section begins falling separately. Successful demolitions require that all structural support columns collapse at virtually the same time. If they don't or if something else goes wrong, the result will looks something like this.
This is World Trade Center 7 just before it collapsed on September 11, 2001, it had not been hit by an aircraft, it had been damaged by falling debris and fire, but by 5:20pm most of the fires had been extinguished. Although the building was 47 stories high, it doesn't fall sideways nor collapse unevenly. For this to have happened, all of the building's vertical supports must have given way at almost exactly the same time. Yet FEMA reported that the collapse was due primarily to fire, but what does it look like to you.
As of July 2007, there is no fire report on the collapse of WTC, but the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) still rules out a controlled demolition.
So the Question is, doo you believe what you can see with your own eyes, or what you are told.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv7BImVvEyk&list=PL67VUvUcWvWE1wFfsjge2VfGlQ4LAZU14
▶ ce24e1 (1) No.404710>>404789 >>406026
find the art students
theyyy are firey lil lites
▶ fa1733 (3) No.404774>>406117
interesting any military anons have any thoughts on the terminology
▶ fa1733 (3) No.404789>>405791 >>416931
▶ e2f094 (2) No.405791>>416931
I'll clarify for you: Find the info about the 14 Israeli art students and their project at the WTC. Dig.
▶ 06a41e (2) No.406026>>419645
Birds sing to claim territory.
▶ 06a41e (2) No.406051
What is used to measure this? Asking for a friend.
▶ e2f094 (2) No.406117
civilianfag, military anons might not be of help here.
While the anon is of military rank and office, they are not of any military unit you are familiar with. Also, the knowledge the anon conveys is not something most will understand. I know that is cryptic, but it is not my place to shine a LIGHT on this anon -- In fact in this situation it is quite the opposite. That said, you should be happy this anon is on our side against the DARKNESS.
Thank you, and all of the Light warriors/weavers/workers, for helping us escape the DARKNESS so that we may join you in the LIGHT. Victory of the Light!
▶ ec2e98 (3) No.409263
Super soldiers
" DOGS OF WAR " ( SSP Whistleblowers ) - YouTube
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KeH6aIINLE
▶ f2f997 (25) No.416931
This thread's for UFO shit, goys. Quit blaming (((them))) for a cut-and-dry terrorist attack perpetrated by Osama! Do you really think the media and your government would actually lie to you?
▶ 0a5b45 (1) No.419447>>419591
Anyone have UFO experiences? I saw a mothership a few years ago…
▶ b3e657 (2) No.419591
Yes, I had at least two distinct experiences, and I believe that the …. "energies" behind them being unveiled to me were communicating something to me. I believe that's the case with most of these, and that's why the public will not see mass landings. Many cannot handle the reality, and rather than disturb their psychic balance and interfere with their spiritual development, 3D contact is limited to those with a predisposition towards accepting higher realities.
In other words, "don't get lost in the [light] show".
Just MHO of course.
▶ f7a013 (1) No.419606
>>256741 (OP)
My friends, my allies, my children of light!
I am not sure, really not, but perhaps some of you may find some meaning in these posts.
Take from it what you will!
- Your friend, a regular guy!
▶ b3e657 (2) No.419645
"When do birds sing?" When they're JAILBIRDS…..Elvis: "…..shoulda heard that jailbird sing, Let's Rock!"
As Gitmo fills up, a veritable choir is amassing….
▶ c14a64 (82) No.423427
Ok I will play
What if every point in our external physical universe (the bubble) is a Einstein Rosen bridge that scales down into the fractal dimensions and connects to one or all other points.
Note we have some evidence we live on the surface of the 4-D hypersphere and it may be the mandelbrot set we see is the warped reflection of the image in 3.
▶ 6c4666 (1) No.520078>>521145
Nontech, nonscientific lurker here with serious, honest question for techfags. Is magnetic scalar technology considered so "advanced/hidden" that research anons on other threads won't bother looking at posts that mention it? Reason I'm asking - Based on recent (legit) research papers and other sites I've come across, scalar tech could be related to the mind control of shooters, Big Pharm connections, the death of 3 scientists, possibly more. I've also found info that "looks" like Goog Pixel & Apple phones could have scalar tech in their processor.
I provide links to these topics in my posts, but they never get traction. Don't know if it's because I'm sharing info that is already "understood" so not adding anything valuable, or if it's because magnetic scalar wave tech is so "out there" that it's not even considered. Either way, don't want to pollute the threads with unnecessary posts. However, if my limited research could prove beneficial to a more competent researcher, I'd like to share it for others to dig further. Any thoughts? I'm fine with you telling me to just stop posting & just lurk moar.
▶ f2f997 (25) No.521145
No anon, please do share the research you've done. As you can see, there isn't much useful content in here anyway. I'm sure most anons (myself included) are pretty ignorant of magnetic scalar tech anyway, and would be interested in some red pills on that topic.
▶ 7eb54a (1) No.522165
From http:// 2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/02/directed-energy-weapons.html:
>Weapons most frequently used in attacks against civilians are sonic lasers
>More dangerous are electrolasers:
>They are used to trigger cardiac arrest (heart failure) and kill the target, those targets often being holistic doctors
https:// everydayconcerned.net/2015/08/13/holistic-doctors-sudden-cardiac-arrest-targeted-individuals-remote-radiation-heart-attack-weaponry-how-to-protect-yourself/
>Company producing those deadly weapons is called Applied Energetics:
>It was formerly called Ionatron:
web.archive.org/web/20150626050518/http:// www.huffingtonpost.com:80/trey-ellis/more-reasons-to-worry-abo_b_7397.html
This is very Q related. Reposting here.
▶ 19d051 (1) No.522797
"UFP Encounter II Sample Case Selected by the UFO Subcommittee of the AIAA"
www.cia. gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP81R00560R000100010010-0.pdf
▶ 3a33c8 (2) No.527233>>527246
Around 1985 documents and film was collected by 2 groups of film producers for the making of a Wernher von Braun documentary and also a movie called Hanussen. The former was cancelled and the later was produced. During this process a man called Ralf Ettl came into possession of photos and film of flying discs alleged to have been made in the 1930s and 40s by the Germans.
In 1987 he joined with Norbert Juergen-Ratthofer, who was associated with a secret society that had documentation and strange belief systems, and they together produced a video called "UFO - Das 3. Reich schlaegt zurueck" in 1989: https:// archive.org/details/1989-UFO-Das-3-Reich-schlaegt-zurueck
In 1992 they produced a book called "Das Vril Project" which covered the same material and is the origin of the pictures attached. This document was republished and expanded in 2002.
Also in 1992 they remade the video and called it "UFO-Geheimnisse des [Dritten/3.] Reichs" [Austrian Release]: https:// vimeo.com/159695232
In 1998 an English version of the film was made "[UFO] Secrets of the 3rd Reich" [English Release]: https:// hooktube.com/watch?v=YxEtseyHlNM
And in 2002 the redone "Das Vril Project" book was released called "Das Vril Projekt - Endkampf um die Erde": https:// archive.org/details/DasVrilProjekt
The films and the books seem to be derived from Nazi Flying Saucer film passed to them in 1985.
Post 1 of 2 image sets.
▶ 3a33c8 (2) No.527246
Post 2 of 2 image sets.
The belief systems in the books and films can probably be separated from the photos, because each comes from a different source.
▶ ec2e98 (3) No.531705>>531994
3-2-18 posted by Cobra
Short Situation Update
Clearing of underground Illuminati Breakaway Complex is proceeding with full speed.
The Light forces can not release much intel about surface operations to anybody without compromising the operations themselves. The Light forces have warned that in the absence of substantial intel, there will be a lot of banana intel circulating on internet. Thus much discernment is advised. Also, the Light forces are discouraging speculation about when the Event will happen.
The only thing they have requested me to share is the following: "Mjolnir technology is a fifth-dimensional Clifford torus, projected into fourth and third dimensions. Liberation of the surface of the planet will follow the Goldilocks principle."
If you wish to study surface topology of the Compression Breakthrough, you might be interested in reading the following book:
https:// www.amazon.com/Deaths-End-Remembrance-Earths-Past/dp/0765377101
In the near future, I will be able to release a lot of intel not directly related to surface operations. The Light forces have requested me to release intel about Goddess mysteries and some "other" intel that was until now deeply classified. This intel may trigger strong reactions from many members of the surface population reading this blog.
Stay calm.
Victory of the Light!
http:// 2012portal.blogspot.ch/
▶ 0baa44 (2) No.531991
New update from COBRA.
tl;dr - Underground remnant bases being removed, new tech and info to be released.
▶ 0baa44 (2) No.531994
Welp, serves me right for not reading the thread. Thanks anon. Looking forward to this.
The end won't be for everyone.
▶ ad1927 (1) No.551898
COBRA Surface Situation Update. A cryptic one, images only, and tagged - Project 83.
http:// 2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/03/surface-situation-update.html
▶ 153c7d (1) No.553454
https:// youtu.be/lIpev8JXJHQ
▶ 8409ab (1) No.554091
been happening to me all week anon. starting to creep me out a bit. i have always experienced dejavu but this is different. they are messing with portals. what is CERN but whatever, will be called a s h i l l or something but i have also experienced things changing strangely.
▶ f2f997 (25) No.554282
https:// www.reddit.com/r/CosmicDisclosure/comments/81mboc/all_tony_rodrigues_interviews/
▶ a9de92 (1) No.663256>>663338 >>872266 >>872325 >>888735 >>940426
According to William Lyne, in his book "Pentagon Aliens", there was a secret armistice at the end of WW2. The western front was collapsed so that Patton could capture all the secret weapon technologies before the Soviets. Shortly thereafter, Patton was 187'd, because he was against keeping everything secret. Hitler was cocooned by the US Army in Kasel, Germany for a while and allowed to escape. There has never been an adequate explanation as to why Eisenhower starved or killed by exposure 1.5 million captured Germans. These men must have have built or operated technology that the Cabal has been keeping secret to this day. Eisenhower never visited Germany as POTUS. Anti-American demonstrations in West Germany would have been too much of a cold war embarrassment.
In the 1890's, Tesla publically demonstated "plate suspensions", meaning he had discovered the anti-gravity properties of transformer windings. So, it is very possible that Tesla flew before the Wright Brothers! This electrical means of propulsion was later refined in the 1930's by German scientists visiting the desert southwest. By the end of the war, there were already many types of Nazi anti-gravity craft in operation.
Think of a flying saucer as working like an unattached speaker voice coil, self powered. Such a coil gets a very high frequency AC electrical charge that propels it in a direction. These electrically propelled vehicles have multiple coils for muliple directions and coils that furnish bouyancy. This propulsion system has another, even more interesting, property. This method of propulsion cancels out the mass of the vehicle, which means, according to Einstein's E=MC2, that the velocity of a zero mass vehicle has no limit . This means that an interstellar journey could only need to last a long as an intercontinental airline flight. So, there's an interstellar civilization, but the Earth has been enslaved by a Cabal. Alien species have always been visiting Earth and humans will not be allowed to join civilization until we liberate ourselves from our oppressors, who are a threat even to extraterrestrials. There have been two space programs, the public rocket one, and the deep state's secret one, financed by cost overruns of unclassified projects, developed from the Nazi WW2 antigravitic craft. They have even reverse engineered crashed alien interstellar craft and visited the stars! Alien species closely monitor these journeys to prevent any human shenanigans.
These extra-solar planets discovered in recent years, supposedly by astronomers, are all in solar systems that humans have already visited. How else could we know that the "Super Earth" planet is 6 billion, rather than 4 billion years old? There's a brand new theory to explain "continental drift" and the constantly expanding rifts on the ocean floor. Planets grow by accretion over the eons. Even the Pacific fits together and the Earth is constantly bombarded by meteors. This material would add up over billions of years.
The completion of DJT's agenda is to release the advanced, free energy power systems used by saucers and other disruptive knowledge and liberate humanity from the clutches of the Cabal. MAGA means the American Republic will continue to revolutionize the world by advancing technology as the US has done since the middle of the nineteenth century.
▶ 48d933 (1) No.663338>>772170
Mostly agree, though the ustable tectonics of our planet have been caused by old reptilian nuclear wars which have destabilized the planetary crust.
Also, Nazi antigrav craft were allegedly made by information gathered through channelings of Marija Oršić and other Vril girls. Tesla had channeled information as well, probably unknowingly.
Good post. thanks. Spot-on with the interstellar civilizations. Can't wait for First Contact with our space friends.
▶ f2f997 (25) No.772170>>835896
>ustable tectonics of our planet have been caused by old reptilian nuclear wars which have destabilized the planetary crust.
▶ d9906f (1) No.835896
An incarnated extraterrestrial told this. I can't prove it further, so take it or leave it.
▶ 147953 (2) No.867743
Anon is on point. CE-5 is the ultimate red pill. Anyone who seriously wants to get to the bottom of the ET mystery will need to CE-5 in some way shape or form
▶ 147953 (2) No.867772
Here is a trove of never refuted documents published by the core of the CE-5 Interplanetary Ambassador community. I'm talking about Greer of course.
President Obama's briefing on UFO's and ET is available here.
P.S. Newbie anon doesn't know how to post links yet… Heres the link
▶ 2bdc88 (3) No.872266
"There has never been an adequate explanation as to why Eisenhower starved or killed by exposure 1.5 million captured Germans. "
Some connection to the Morgenthau Plan perhaps?
▶ 2bdc88 (3) No.872325
"The completion of DJT's agenda is to release the advanced, free energy power systems used by saucers and other disruptive knowledge and liberate humanity from the clutches of the Cabal. MAGA means the American Republic will continue to revolutionize the world by advancing technology as the US has done since the middle of the nineteenth century."
Anon does a good job of reigning in the ET and New Energy concepts from woo-woo to a practical level that Qanon, DJT, and the rest of us can benefit from. This is the line of thinking we need in order to bring CE-5 contact into the Qmap. Good job patriot
▶ dc6243 (1) No.872421>>872489
http:// ashtar.galactic.to/
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashtar_(extraterrestrial_being)
"The Ashtar Command is the airborne division of the Great Brother/Sisterhood of Light, under the administrative direction of Commander Ashtar and the spiritual guidance of Lord Sananda, our Commander-in-Chief, know to Earth as Jesus the Christ. Composed of millions of starships and personnel from many civilizations, we are here to assist Earth and humanity through the current cycle of planetary cleansing and polar realignment. We serve like midwives in the birthing of humanity from dense-physical to physical-etheric bodies of light, capable of ascending into the fifth dimension along with the Earth."
▶ 2bdc88 (3) No.872422
Emery Smith was on coast to coast this week. Lots of audio interference. Now the entire C2C YouTube channel is GONE.
Who is emery Smith? Former vp for cseti, USAP operative, contactee, and all around stand up guy. The cabal shot his dog recently. He's a credible witness. He's also got multiple medical patents. Air Force veteran. If you buy Clif high reports you'll know Clif predicts a major breakthru in healing technology to come out of the "Air Force." Could be related to Emery. He's a patriot.
▶ 74f4c6 (1) No.872481>>906304
>>256741 (OP)
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=xedmfAgx8eg
whistleblower claims government has made deals with alien grey's for over half a century, these deals enabled the greys to build underground bases right in the usa, which they operate out of to perform abductions for the sake of genetic experimentation. the greys are trying to find a way to repair their own damaged dna. further according to him the grey's are the secret puppet masters behind the Rothschild/nwo/illuminati.
▶ 91496c (1) No.872489
"We of the Brotherhood of Light, and we who serve in the Intergalactic Fleets and Cosmic Federation Councils, come forth to bring you knowledge for a most eventful and confusing transition …"
The Great Awakening.
▶ d56002 (3) No.884327>>906304 >>1533663
According to Greer, in his book Unacknowledged, there ARE underground ET bases on earth. No shit, we are talking about species millions of years advanced beyond us. All the abduction mutilation rumors are utter fraud perpetrated by the deep state.
▶ d56002 (3) No.884366
WHY did Coast to Coast YouTube channel get taken down within 24 hours of publishing a 4 hour interview with USAP veteran Emery Smith? Why did Conflict Radio YT get taken down within 24 hours of re-uploading this interview? What is MAJIC afraid of? What would happen if Qanon suddenly pivoted to a CE-5 friendly position? Who would fear that most?
▶ d56002 (3) No.884473
My friend died recently of a natural death. Met him after searching "UFO Atlanta." He went by the name Skygeezer, and you can find him on YT by searching "Skygeezer." He had a very strong relationship with ET's. I have seen them signal to him from their ships with my own eyes. In any case, his videos are worth a thousand words. He never technically CE-5'd to my knowledge, but he would take his telescope out in the early am and film UFO's right over Atlanta. I saw one signal to him once. It was amazing. The deeper you allow yourself to go into CE-5 the more ET contact you will have. https:// www.youtube.com/user/dubmani or search for Skygeezer on YT. R.I.P. buddy
▶ 003e76 (2) No.888663
the hum
the beat
the song
all is the song
the song is all
cosmic background
the degrees kelvin seems close to e
http:// mathforum.org/kb/message.jspa?messageID=6922953
http:// aether.lbl.gov/www/science/cmb.html
▶ 003e76 (2) No.888735>>1818936
casimir effect
other half of the solutions
▶ dcb7e8 (2) No.891341
This interview with Emery Smith received constant interference and has been taken down and re-uploaded at least three times now. The content fits surprisingly well into the Qmap
▶ dcb7e8 (2) No.891355
Sauce: Sirius Disclosure Best Available Evidence
▶ a727b9 (3) No.891388
Fmr president Obama UFO briefing
Sauce: Sirius Disclosure Best Available Evidence
▶ f2f997 (25) No.898355
Recent 'Fade to Black' interview with Dr. Michael Salla: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z7A0prhsKQ
▶ 1f5dcf (1) No.906304
As >>872481 said, the abductions were mostly done by greys to repair their genetic damage, thanks to the deal that Eisenhower made with them. These violations of free will have stopped aound the year 2000. due to Federation quarantine.
▶ 364cbe (1) No.912388>>913312
>>256741 (OP)
▶ 7d49be (1) No.913312
ANON IS RIGHT. CE-5 PROTOCOLS are the universally accepted protocols for initiating ET contact. Everything else is UFO-lore. Cut the bullshit conspiracies. If you want to get to the bottom of this test the thesis: CE-5.
There's an app for that called ET Contact Tool App
Or find a team near you at ETContactnetwork.com
▶ 4e9fbc (1) No.913705>>933433
About that earthquake. Was it an attack?
▶ f2f997 (25) No.933433>>1306810
Compare the seismograph data recorded from that event with other earthquakes, and I think you'll find your answer. Oddly, I don't think there were any aftershocks either.
▶ 94c0f9 (3) No.938274>>938374
The Grenada treaty was for children.
▶ 94c0f9 (3) No.938374>>938385
*Greada, sorry. Why is it Podesat is so interested in the UFO phenomena and children, if not for this connection.
▶ 94c0f9 (3) No.938385>>949047
*podesta. Other than the fact he is a sick and twisted individual.
▶ d8a062 (1) No.940426>>1306810 >>1310404
I'd love to believe any of this, Anon, but it all seems like a pipe dream. Admittedly, a beautiful one, but a pipe dream nonetheless.
In order for any of this to be real, our entire understanding of theoretical physics would have to be wrong. All of it.
I can buy that a few bad actors within the scientific community are hushing up key findings, and even that the elites have access to some pretty wild tech, but to assume that a bunch of billionaires and their shabbos goyim LARPing as Satanists have managed to conceal the fundamental nature of the universe from the entirety of the human population of the planet?
Sorry, you lost me a while back.
▶ 50fc77 (1) No.941698
about how many people are living on Mars right now?
▶ ad35ea (1) No.942235
I've had scoops out of my ankle like that after a close encounter with a UFO and an ET on the ground. For those who think UFOs and ETs aren't real… they are. Whether you think they're demons or deep state programmed life forms or whatever… that's fine. But I've seen a triangle UFO, black, three red lights on ends and one white light in center, and a "grey" looking being with a huge head, myself. They weren't able to physically abduct me, but we had an interaction, I ran away, and next thing I knew I was in my bed and it was the next day.
had some scoops out of my ankles, head felt weird.
was April of 2007. I was 19. Good times.
▶ 4afce1 (1) No.949047
One of the Cabal's plans is/was to push false/partial disclosure based on fear and control.
Due to the balance of the light/dark forces (guess which one is winning) this is hardly possible nowadays.
▶ 1411b8 (1) No.951368
The pattern in your top picture looks like hollow earth. Not sure what the dots above it are.
▶ 61d2f3 (3) No.983612
Former VP of CSETI - Center For The Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligences
Free for 48 hours
Ties heavily into the Grand Canyon Gold, the Border Wall, Eyes In The Sky, EndTheFed, and (if you dive deeper than this episode) very heavily into ReleaseTheCures
I pray that POTUS and Q embrace CE-5 into the Qmap.
Enjoy this free video for 48 hours from @EmerySmith33
https:// t.co/wE9ZiuVakc?amp=1
-Submitted by CE5Anon
▶ 61d2f3 (3) No.983651
Podesta is a pedophile and former Obama point man for partial Disclosure. I personally believe he was also a representative of USAP's funded by human trafficking. Can you say close call?
▶ 61d2f3 (3) No.983727
CE5Anon suspects document is a fake. Again, point is raised that posts detailing the Extraterrestrial Contact Protocols established by Greer in 1992 are followed succinctly by fear porn like this.
Furthermore, if confirmed, document serves as an example for why we should reciprocate the non-hostility of Extraterrestrials with superior technology.
Ce-5 Community maintains that no hostile actions have been observed fr ET in all 26 years of CE-5 contact.
God bless
▶ 6c10a5 (1) No.990877>>990921 >>991110
Ask not what your country can do for CE-5
Ask what CE-5 can do for your country
▶ 3ed353 (1) No.990921
▶ e93ce2 (1) No.991110
Thank you!
This drawing is of a Pleiadian station in Earth orbit I believe? You're missing the top oval :)
▶ c03a1d (1) No.1016144>>1016602
Dropping relevant Q post here
>>1015438 rt >>1015398 --- Intel drops a delicate job.
▶ fd1247 (3) No.1016602
Wow, that was amazing. Straight up confirmation for some, a call to think for others… thanks!
▶ f0db1f (2) No.1017041>>1017538
Thoughts on the word choice that Q just quoted in post #1143?
Had a space ship fly over my backyard last night. Hoping it comes back tonight. It signaled back to my strobe light. This time I will be prepared with nightshot. Everyone is encouraged to do the same. #CE5Anon
▶ f0db1f (2) No.1017054
Q can't drop this Intel, but we can.
▶ fd1247 (3) No.1017538
>having to walk outside to physically contact ET's
>not lying in your bed contacting them telepathically
Sorry anon your method is inefficient.
Jokes aside, it was a spur of the moment because there were more posters in that bread referencing ETs, spirituality and disclosure, and this was posted as a reminder. Yes, there is proof for everyone that really wants to find it. And I believe we can hardly prove this outright - we can only give pointers.
Blessings to you CE-5Anon and I wish you more happy contacts full of Love!
▶ 95764f (1) No.1017954>>1255010
I never really believed the alien theories, but today has me seriously questioning everything.
This morning I dreamed that I was a Reptilian. Then I immediately experienced a power outage that affected only a few houses around mine. Then I woke up and saw the Q crumb about "incarnated extraterrestrials" >>1015398 and this response >>1016374 about the planet being liberated.
There is too much coincidence here for me to easily dismiss. I don't know what it means and I'm sorry to shit up this thread with my anecdote, but there's literally nowhere else I can talk about this.
▶ 0bc477 (3) No.1018118>>1018391 >>1018464 >>1018614
>>256741 (OP)
What's been going on in the world is we are stuck in the middle of a war between the Greys and Lizards. It's all about the moon and its resources. Specifically Helium-3 which is a fuel source for their ships. This is why we've never been back to the moon. We were told no you don't.
▶ fd1247 (3) No.1018391
Nah m8 it's a bit calmer than that.
>>1016374 about Liberation is correct. Good post.
▶ 99240d (2) No.1018464
Helium-3 is hardly unique to the Moon. It can be mined from any sun-blasted airless rock, or any gas giant. It is also poor in rare metals.
Only reason aliens would be interested in the Moon is because it makes a great base for studying Earth.
▶ 99240d (2) No.1018614
Helium-3 is hardly unique to the Moon. It can be mined from any sun-blasted airless rock, or any gas giant. It is also poor in rare metals.
Only reason aliens would be interested in the Moon is because it makes a great base for studying Earth.
▶ 0bc477 (3) No.1018809>>1018825
I never insinuated Helium-3 was unique to the moon. It's a lot easier and safer to obtain on the moon. There's a lot of it there since the moon is not protected by the Earth's atmosphere and has been collecting it for billions of years. The moon is great for both a base of operations and fuel.
▶ 0bc477 (3) No.1018825
Correction - The moon is not protected by the Earth's magnetic field.
▶ 8b4eb7 (1) No.1046246>>1050621 >>1255010
There is no evidence of a war between ET, let alone "Grey's" and "reptillian." Stick with what you can prove.
There's more evidence for Grey's being PLF's made by humans and by ET than their is for an interstellar war. There may be evidence the PLF's lack mitochondria and aren't conscious like you and I are.
▶ c1126e (1) No.1050621>>1255010
There is, but the cover up, ridicule and MSM programming is huge.
▶ 862dd8 (1) No.1186760>>1189225
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
There was an anon who created 5 or even more new threads to show us 1 video, I guess he was new. I just watched the video, came back on catalog and all the threads were gone. I am not new to this stuff, but never seen the video, so I place it here.
▶ d35cdb (8) No.1188941
Screenshots from CE-5 videos of ETV available on YouTube. Using the ET Contact Tool App
▶ d35cdb (8) No.1189011
More CE-5 footage to come. Q1266 "We all have a role to play." What's yours? ET Contact Tool App is one doorway for getting into the thick of the action, Patriots. WWG1WGA. If you believe that, you're ready for ET Contact.
▶ d35cdb (8) No.1189073
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
ET approves of the ET Contact Tool App
▶ d35cdb (8) No.1189111
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dear Clowns,
Trigger warning
▶ d35cdb (8) No.1189138
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Help Qanon help you by using the ET Contact Tool App
▶ d35cdb (8) No.1189225>>1320142
Phil Schneider was a patriot.
The world is not black and white. Take his story with a grain of salt.
What narrative would you spin if you were involved in adrenochrome harvesting and cosmic deception?
Have you downloaded the ET Contact Tool App yet Patriots?
▶ ebca95 (2) No.1192750>>1192790
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
▶ ebca95 (2) No.1192790
▶ 5a71ce (3) No.1193396>>1193422 >>1193486 >>1195579 >>1388039
Q has mentioned in one of his post that the "N" of NWO doesn't mean "NEW"….
Appreciate the thoughts…
▶ 5a71ce (3) No.1193422>>1193469
He is also mentioning "The Sum Of All Fears" a movie about neo-nazis who want to start nuclear war, so it could be Nuclear world order
▶ 6dce67 (1) No.1193469
This needs to be looked at.. maybe.. just maybe.
▶ 5a71ce (3) No.1193486
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcgB1e1YIZU
▶ 2d5d92 (1) No.1195579
Revisit Q1143.
Do you think Q would quote an Anon calling himself an incarnated extraterrestrial if Qanon had Intel on a hostile ET take over?
I offer you this hypothesis: If you Download the ET contact tool app & follow the instructions, then peaceful contact with ET will result.
You have more than you know.
▶ c37f62 (1) No.1238649
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
▶ 49b970 (1) No.1240046>>1260594
can anybody find this guy?
Maxwell Chikumbutso
over-unity tech
Last seen in CA with the Military [POTUS]
▶ 0e0898 (8) No.1243975>>1246193 >>1246329 >>1247127
Timing. Private comms with Q.
Disclosure of the Secret Space Program? There must be more to dig on this.
▶ 3be79c (7) No.1246193>>1255010
Very good, work…
"Are you aware that their remote perception technology is to way"
Could they have this mind blowing tech in space an on ground ?
"All surface humans can do it with only a few months intensive training"
WTF does "All surface humans" means ?
Does this war is between to species ?
▶ 3be79c (7) No.1246329
I would like to see what they have in the labs at the time we speak
▶ 141079 (2) No.1247127>>1251159
Private comms cannot be proven and should not be admitted into evidence.
▶ 3be79c (7) No.1247163
▶ 0e0898 (8) No.1251159>>1254032
While I agree that it cannot be proven, as Q would be entirely unable to reply in a direct manner due to NATSEC, it seems a fairly hearty coincidence that the response time matches up in the manner of a previous communication to Q through the board which Q responded to, less than 24 hours prior.
As well, in an expanded coincidental way, the 18 additional seconds after 10 minutes, manages to come up again in Q's next post 'R=18.' which was posted under the anonymous moniker, and not Q, which Q acknowledged by linking to the post in the same way that he did (a silent nod?) with the incarnated ET post.
As for the anonymous SSP story that was posted, there is clearly a very limited amount of verification that can be done. It may be more prudent to take the entire series of events as a coincidence, and allow others to expand their thinking onto what may be going on in the 98% of this war that is behind the scenes. Maybe this series of events will continue to expand.
▶ 886a75 (2) No.1252315
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dear Clowns - Trigger warning
▶ 886a75 (2) No.1254032
Not connected. R=18th letter.
▶ 2f4220 (2) No.1255010>>1255028 >>1312123
There are good, bad, and 'in the middle' humans, what I fail to understand is why so many people think aliens can't be the same way.
Every single 'imagining' of how aliens are, always cast the aliens of exact carbon copy clones of each other with no individuality. "all reptiles are bad' 'all pledeians are good' 'all the greys are ???'
bull shit, while there are probably reasons for the stereotypes there is room for variation.
While I wouldn't prejudge any individual of any species as being bad, I wouldn't trust any of the 'good' ones no matter what either.
Judge the individuals based on their actions once we start interacting with them more publicly.
So much propaganda out there is going to make this whole things difficult for people even after they do get past the 'aliens are real' bit.
Different ways of explaining the same thing IMHO. If as an individual you figure out how to jump your counciousness from one timeline to another that both contain a you, and everyone you know but have slight differences you could never prove it to anyone. Every time you jump you are in a new reality and leave the old behind.
The movie butterfly effect illustrates this well. Everyone thought the dude was crazy, and there is nothing he could have done different to not have everyone think that.
>lots of posts about fractal nature of universe
I have been able to see this field, somehow my entire life.. visually.. layered over the top of everything, even when I close my eyes I see it. Infinite animated fractal complexity. I could never even begin to describe or illustrate in any way what I see, and have never been able to find another who could see it as well, besides a CE-5 communication I had where an 'aquatic' type species beamed my head full of similar images along with lots of sounds, music and feelings I am at an equal loss of ability to describe.
I have always been attracted to 'sacred art / geometry' because it is the closest thing I have ever seen in the physical world that approximates what I see in the non physical world.
unfortunately like our timeline jumping friend in butterfly effect I do not think there is any way for me to share with others what it is I see and bring them into 'my world'
All I can do is use it as personal validation for what it is these scientists and others seem to be talking about.
No doctor or scientist has EVER been interested in my experiences, I'm always brushed off, so I study in solitude.
Interestingly enough, when I was but a young kid in school, I did an experiment one week. I described what I saw when my eyes where closed to every adult I could find and asked them if they could see the same. every adult said no. every single one. When I asked the kids slightly less then half of them where able to see it, but tuned it out and never paid any attention to it.
CE-5 my friend, its only the start. once you tap into your own power your own past starts to open up to you and you can learn to communicate not just with aliens but with the universe it self. I eventually learned I have reptilian in the past, this isn't my first time fighting these forces, we have a long and complicated history.
My research seems to suggest there are Multiple grey's-like races, the whole 'make an army of grey robotic clones' theme seems to be one that gets repeated by a few different races, besides the ones that evolved to end up looking that way, the same as the thuban draco, orion reptilians, and earthling saurans all get lumped together.
Us, we have more power than you know. 'surface humans' are the result of hybrid breeding of many ET species, we are a WEAPON created by the cabal to be used against the light forces, WE ARE THE WEAPON, the cabal thinks they have control of us, but WE HAVE THE POWER to flip around on them.
Remote viewing is only the start of our power. They let us know about that because 'the secret' is so much bigger.
They get us to think of them as gods, and to submit to them.
Are we really the god power? Are they powerless?
Do they only have power because they are powerless, and trick us into giving them our power?
it out everything would change
Learn about the secret
It's on showtime, which you can get for free for a week directly, or as a free trial addon if you have a hulu or amazon account. If none of those 'legal' free trial options are availible to you, someone has put a copy on vimeo which hasn't been removed yet.
▶ 2f4220 (2) No.1255028>>1274196 >>1300994
Anyways, enough replying to other people.. time for the reason I came to Q board tonight. Thanks for creating this thread, I do not think "the secret" would survive in general with all the newfags and shills, they would never allow it to be talked about.
The Secret
I think Q has been alluding to the big secret in his posts. Lots of mentions of pray, lots of do not be afraid and you are safe posts.
you have more power than you know
how many times has he said that?
He puts +'s all over his posts, but never any -'s
What is the secret?
This is the magic of hollywood, co-creative potential. We use magic to create the world the elites desire.
The study of what magic is is taboo, becasue it is so simple if the public figured it out everything would change
Learn about the secret
It's on showtime, which you can get for free for a week directly, or as a free trial addon if you have a hulu or amazon account. If none of those 'legal' free trial options are availible to you, someone has put a copy on vimeo which hasn't been removed yet.
▶ 3be79c (7) No.1260594>>1260710
This video come from SABC NEWS
MAXWELL explaining how is machine work..
Could not see the people who are filming, but they're well dressed..
An other where they show the car…
Some say he is in california
I don't know if he really is in California, but i do believe in his work…
Frequencies can do work, NIKOLA TESLA has a good background for this type of science…
▶ 3be79c (7) No.1260710
Forgot…Social media
Related to the Inventor
▶ deec83 (2) No.1274034
Here's the most down-to-earth (pun intended) info in this thread yet
▶ e822a2 (1) No.1274196>>1297774
Albert Pike in 1871 devised that 3 world wars would be needed before a one world government would be possible.
World War 1 & 2 seem to align with what pike suggested, so i think it is safe to assume the globalists are looking to use his plan for world war 3 also. It would also account for all the immigrants forced on Europe by the U.N.
Source: http:// threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm
POTUS & Q seem to be sorting out part 1 of the ww3 plan so it cannot happen, but the 2nd part sounds pretty terrifying, especially living in the UK. Sounds bloody barbaric, these people really are sick in the head.
▶ deec83 (2) No.1275686
Thanks for this video. I agree - we need more ET contact/CE-5 action here - with or without the app!
▶ 85f831 (1) No.1290483>>1297491
3 recent drops at the same time, one from Q
>>1280029 <== this one concerns UFO's
One is a Q drop the other 2 were dropped within a few seconds
▶ 0b0642 (2) No.1297278>>1312001
I kinda understood this from the movie Mr Nobody > https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0485947/
My counter to this is possibly that this is just how space-time / consciousness works, or just how god made it work for those that haven't found the "path" to heaven, or the true exit.
When you outline "all will happen" theory, how can you dispel the theory a god emerges at the end of time, similar to a fetus in utero. Which would suggest god reproduces or becomes the eventuality of ALL. If all will happen, how can we not acknowledge it already has and created a god that figured out how to exist outside space-time?
If a god did do this, how would he not be alone and want a companion? How would a god create a true companion and not just a robot doing as it's told? Give it a test where it believes it won't last forever and see what it comes up with on its own. Except how do you tell? This timeline theory fits to suggest we can live forever in a world of our choosing, or if we choose to believe in the same things as the creator we can find a path out, which will grant us supreme abilities including the ability to return and effect change beyond that of life stuck in the multiverse.
I had to stop smoking for weeks to be able to articulate this
▶ 0b0642 (2) No.1297491>>1300344
Just search wikileaks for EFI
There's conversations from HIGH LEVEL people about plans and conversations.
Podesta has an email about zeropoint energy and how the aliens won't reveal themselves until wars are ended.
Which could be all this Q could be about, a test if anyone erupts into war before revealing more and more truths
▶ 0f5a49 (1) No.1297774>>1300482 >>1301054
> 3 world wars would be needed
3 Stages were designed to pave the way for Luzifer:
WW1 to abolish Royalties : achieved
WW2 to ablolisch Nations : mainly achieved (EU, UN, Global trade, forced Immigration)
WW3 to abolish Religion : next.
to be fueled between Western Civilization by Islam when immigation is completed.
→ Goal: One World Government under Antichrist/Luzifer
▶ 35f1bf (1) No.1300344>>1311957
I'm having trouble distinguishing Podesta as a black hat in the UFO department. He's a pedo, but in a way he's right - UFOs have a LOT more to it than we think.
▶ 9b36ac (1) No.1300482>>1300781
so last tripcode was 13 in Pythagorean numerology, new tripcode is 33? Hmmm isn't this a bit Freemasonic?
▶ ee01c4 (1) No.1300762>>1301203
This is a cross-post from the "After the storm…" thread but relevant here in this thread too.
Has anyone found out why two of the eight Solar Warden space fleet vessels were Christened after these two men?
http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscoe_H._Hillenkoetter
http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis_LeMay
Having a space ship named after you must be a pretty high honor, they must have done something really important?
The episode of Stargate SG-1: Small Victories, The Asgard named their ship after Colonel Jack O'Neill (with 'TWO' L's!) The truth really is stranger than fiction?!
▶ 164d3f (1) No.1300781
They're both Masonic…
▶ 60f063 (2) No.1300994
I watched the secret ages ago, that is mainly inspirational. Basically it is about the laws of attraction that they say exists much like the laws of gravity. Use the powers of visualization & gratitude to manifest what you want.
▶ 60f063 (2) No.1301054
I am not religious one bit, a tad spiritual maybe, but I feel even more awake after reading 'As The World Turns'
These phoenix journals were put together for the sole purpose of waking people up the the grand deception.
Havnt finished it yet, but definitely recommend for people to read & distribute it.
Get it from:
http:// www.phoenixsourcedistributors.com/J064.pdf
▶ 0e0898 (8) No.1301203
Regarding Curtis LeMay-
It seems He was a big player at Area 51 back in the day, according to this excerpt from an interview with David Adair.
▶ b6f2ca (9) No.1306810
asked awhile ago how to find underground bunkers with a satellite… was told to think earthquakes instead
they've been doing it for hundreds of years, and if you pay attention to all the 'weird shit' its not hard to erase history when its not properly taught in the first place
▶ b3fb66 (1) No.1310404
WARNING: Having the following information is dangerous.
This is a conspiracy. The powers to be do not want technology to develop beyond a certain point. Misleading nomenclature and unnecessarily complicated process descriptions are a way to obfuscate knowledge and understanding. The economic realities make it impossible to work if you do not operate inside this system of deception. A good portion of scientific theories accepted as truth break down if you formalize them in a clutter free notation. And yes, this was done deliberately and knowingly.
▶ 4d84ad (4) No.1311957
Did podesta ever once go so far as to mention the ET Contact Protocols? My team will be engaging them on may 19th north and south of Atlanta. We've had a flurry of UFO activity all week already. If you doubt what I say, look up "Extraterrestrial Contact Network by GA CE-5 Initiative" on MeetUp. We are by no means the only ones doing this. But as far as I know, we are the first to adopt the moniker CE5ANONS in an effort to help Q.
Frankly, at this point in time, it appears ET approves of Qanon.
▶ 4d84ad (4) No.1311984
TY Anon
(Although podesta is a black hat)
▶ 4d84ad (4) No.1312001
More over the target than you know
▶ 4d84ad (4) No.1312123
▶ 109ebe (2) No.1312451
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dr. Steven Greer - International leader of the CE-5 Initiative (Cue clowns)
Note: If Qanon somehow someway wanted to steer the CE5 anons I would absolutely trust the plan
▶ 8d61f4 (1) No.1319718
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
More from Steven Greer
Creator of the ET Contact Tool app. The ultimate red pill
▶ 64882f (16) No.1320142>>1320651
Anyone know exactly what happened? I heard (tho have no sauce and am unsure of veracity) that Carter (after taking the 'green/gray pill') sent Delta Force into that DUMB because he was denied access. Makes no sense for there to be a firefight, unless one faction of the MIC/gov were tryna seize control of that facility from another faction. The whole firefight he describes could have been avoided. Things are so compartmentalized, seems he went into the tunnel with no idea what to expect.
▶ ffeb54 (1) No.1320651
Good question. Anyone who knows probably is under NDA methinks.
▶ 362346 (2) No.1330102
Browsing Twitter today aand stumbled accross link to this. WTF is this? Is this a thing?
▶ c6190f (3) No.1335173>>1335291
▶ 64882f (16) No.1335291>>1335306
Myzaim is a confirmed hoax. Don't have the thread handy, but the creator detailed how he fabricated those blurry pics and trolled with them… the pics really aren't that hard to make with whatever program he was using.
Fun to scroll thru, but do u really think some ayy lmao chillin in space somehow connects to our interwebs so they can shitpost on 4chan? cmon mayne.
Also, u'd think ayy lmaos would have better cameras than a fucking potato.
▶ c6190f (3) No.1335306>>1335541
Really? I'll look it up, had no idea.
▶ 64882f (16) No.1335541>>1346172
▶ ca9970 (1) No.1338559
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
2001 national press club event - UFO and Extraterrestrials Disclosure
Don't just settle for watching and knowing. Take the next step - engage the ET Contact Protocols. AKA CE-5
▶ c6190f (3) No.1346172
▶ aad562 (1) No.1347275>>1350780 >>1361234
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
This is the question every Anon in this thread should be asking…
▶ 3fba0e (1) No.1348227>>1350669 >>1353788 >>1359027
The Pleiadians have communicated that this short message needs to be relayed to the surface population.
The Pleiadian Fleet is now utilizing AN conversion to start spiritually and energetically activating certain key members of the surface population in full alignment with their Soul free will.
The purpose of this activation needs to remain classified for now.
This activation may include visions, lucid dreams, kundalini awakenings and rapid transformation of belief systems.
If you are experiencing such an activation, stay calm and do not act impulsively, especially in your close personal relationships.
Victory of the Light!
▶ 6b6321 (2) No.1349847
According to William Lyne, in his book "Pentagon Aliens", there was a secret armistice at the end of WW2. The western front was collapsed so that Patton could capture all the secret weapon technologies before the Soviets. Shortly thereafter, Patton was 187'd, because he was against keeping everything secret. Hitler was cocooned by the US Army in Kassel, Germany for a while and allowed to escape. Irrational hate does not explain why Eisenhower starved or killed by exposure 1.5 million captured Germans. These men must have have built or operated technology that the Cabal has been keeping secret to this day. Eisenhower never visited Germany as POTUS. Anti-American demonstrations in West Germany would have been too much of a cold war embarrassment. West Germans never forgave Eisenhower, but went crazy for JFK, for they wished to thank America for delivering their post war prosperity.
In the 1890's, a socialite lady witnessed Tesla's "metallic plate suspensions", meaning he had discovered the anti-gravity properties of transformer windings. So, it is very possible that Tesla flew before the Wright Brothers! This electrical means of propulsion was later refined in the 1930's by German scientists visiting our desert southwest. By the end of the war, there were already many types of Nazi anti-gravity craft in operation.
Gravity is a weak force and the predominant attractive force of the Earth and the universe is the electric charge. The actual model of the solar system is that of a gigantic atom where the orbital distance of a planet from the sun is determined by its electrical charge. According to Velikovski, when Venus had its close encounter with the Earth, an electrical arc between the two planets enlarged the Earth's orbit, changing the ancient 360 day year to 365.25 days. The invention of geometry predates the encounter so there are 360 degrees in a circle. Venus ended its odyssey and settled into its present, the most circular orbit in the Solar System. The origin of Velikovski's hypothesis is the change of the length of the year in ancient times.
Underneath the skin of flying saucers are flat, auto-transformer type coils fed with high frequency AC. The design of these coils and inductance means that one polarity predominates, creating static charges on the body of the craft. This seems a little counter-intuitive, that you can get a DC field out of AC, but it's been done for decades in CRT televisions. These electrically propelled vehicles have multiple coils for multiple directions and coils that furnish buoyancy. This propulsion system has another, even more interesting, property. This method of propulsion cancels out the mass of the vehicle, which means, according to Einstein's E=MC2, that the velocity of a zero mass vehicle has no limit. This means that an interstellar journey could only need to last a long as an intercontinental airline flight and that electromagnetic waves have a tiny mass. So, there's an interstellar civilization, but the Earth is still enslaved by an evil Cabal. Alien species have always been visiting Earth and humans will not be allowed to play with the adults until we liberate ourselves from our oppressors, who are a threat even to extraterrestrials. There have been two space programs, the public rocket one, and the deep state's secret one, financed by the cost overruns of unclassified projects, developed from the Nazi WW2 antigravitic craft. They have even managed to reverse engineer crashed alien interstellar craft, possible only because of the unlimited acceleration energy available with the use of a free energy system, and visit the stars! Alien species closely monitor these journeys to prevent any human shenanigans.
These nearby extra-solar planets discovered in recent years, supposedly by astronomers, must be in solar systems that humans have already visited. How else could we know that the "Super Earth" planet, much bigger than Earth, is 6 billion, rather than 4 billion years old? There's a brand new theory to explain "continental drift" and the constantly expanding rifts on the ocean floors. Planets grow by accretion over the eons. Even the Pacific fits together and the Earth is constantly bombarded by meteors. This material would add up over billions of years.
The completion of DJT's agenda is to release the advanced, free energy power systems used for interstellar travel and other disruptive knowledge to liberate humanity from the clutches of the Cabal. MAGA means the American Republic will continue to revolutionize the world by releasing new technology to the masses as the US has done since the middle of the nineteenth century.
▶ d4e4e8 (1) No.1350669
I've been reading up on that very thing. Going through the rapid transformation of belief systems. Can you tell me more?
▶ 64882f (16) No.1350780>>1353816 >>1353871 >>1357808 >>1403820
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Where can one learn how to engage in CE5 protocols?
Is the CE5 protocol basically just meditating with a group of people beneath a starry sky and mentally asking for peaceful contact with ETs?
▶ 3a2765 (3) No.1353788
That is basically what happened with my "activation." Woke up one day with a compelling need to seek out Dr. Steven Greer.. yet I didn't even know his name or who he was. Eventually found him on YouTube talking about the deep state and CE-5, and how you can use the ET Contact Tool app to learn how to initiate contact with ET. So I tested it out and within 45 minutes a UFO flew over my backyard and zoomed off faster than light.
▶ 3a2765 (3) No.1353816
Three ways of learning to CE-5 come to mind. First, download the ET Contact Tool app to get straight down to business. It's available for apple and Android. This method is best for loners.
You may also seek out CE-5 teams near you on www.ETcontactNetwork.com
Another great resource is www.siriusdisclosure.com The official CE-5 website. However, simply browsing the internet will never be enough to make contact. But many great CE-5 resources are to be found on www.siriusdisclosure.com
▶ 3a2765 (3) No.1353871>>1361234
Yes PLUS a process called Coherent Thought Sequencing which is summed up as projecting mental images of your location into space. This is done by meditating on our position in the milky way, then zooming into our solar system (See the sun with her nine planets), then to earth with her moon, then zoom in to the continent you are on, and keep zooming closer to your position using your minds eye. Then reverse this process back out to the milky way. Do this as many times as necessary to get a coherent mental map of your location.
When you combine coherent thought sequencing with meditation for peaceful contact under a starry sky, you are almost guaranteed to make contact.
God bless you Anon. I think you're being activated.
▶ 131544 (1) No.1357808>>1360381
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Talking to you, Anon.
▶ 9442a9 (4) No.1359027
That's funny I just happened to have a lucid dream just yesterday. Spoopy
▶ 64882f (16) No.1360381
Awww, I'm honored you made a video to address my question. ThanQ! Seriously, thanks!
▶ 6b6321 (2) No.1360835
According to William Lyne, in his book "Pentagon Aliens", the Nazis blackmailed the US into a secret armistice by threatening to detonate radioactive bombs over American cities and make them uninhabitable for decades. In the deal the dirty bombs were disabled and the western front was collapsed so that Patton could capture all the secret weapon technologies before the Soviets. Shortly thereafter, Patton was 187'd, because he was against keeping everything secret. Hitler was eventually allowed to escape. Irrational hatred does not explain why Eisenhower starved or killed by exposure 1.5 million captured Germans. These men must have have built or operated technology that the Cabal has been keeping secret to this day. Eisenhower never visited Germany as POTUS. Anti-American demonstrations in West Germany would have been too much of a cold war embarrassment. West Germans never forgave Eisenhower, but went crazy for JFK, for they wished to thank America for delivering their post war prosperity.
In the 1890's, a socialite lady witnessed Tesla's "metallic plate suspensions", meaning he knew about the anti-gravity properties of transformer windings. So, it is very possible that Tesla flew before the Wright Brothers! This electrical means of propulsion was later refined in the 1930's by German scientists visiting our desert southwest. By the end of the war, there were already many types of Nazi anti-gravity craft in operation, with Tesla alternators powered by both conventional and exotic means.
Gravity is a weak force and the predominant attractive force of the universe is the electric charge. The actual model of the solar system is that of a gigantic atom where the orbital distance of a planet from the sun is related to its electrical charge. According to Velikovski, when Venus had its close encounter with the Earth, an electrical arc between the two planets enlarged the Earth's orbit, changing the ancient 360 day year to 365.25 days. The invention of geometry predates the encounter so there are 360 degrees in a circle. Venus ended its odyssey and settled into its present circular orbit. Velikovski's hypothesis came about by his study of ancient calendars where he discovered a change in the length of the year.
Underneath the skin of flying saucers are flat, auto transformer type coils fed with high frequency AC. The design of these coils and inductance means that one polarity predominates, creating static charges on the body of the craft. These electrically propelled vehicles have multiple coils for multiple directions and coils that furnish buoyancy. This propulsion system has another, even more interesting, property. This method of propulsion cancels out the mass of the vehicle, which means, according to Einstein's E=MC2, that the velocity of a zero mass vehicle has no limit. This means that an interstellar journey could only need to last as long as an intercontinental airline flight and that electromagnetic waves have a tiny mass. So, there's an interstellar, inter-species civilization, but the Earth is still enslaved by an evil Cabal. Alien species have always been visiting Earth and humans will remain in quarantine until we liberate ourselves from our oppressors, who are a threat even to extraterrestrials.
There have been two space programs, the public rocket one, and the deep state's secret one, developed from the Nazi WW2 antigravitic craft that is financed by the cost overruns of unclassified projects. The technology of the Nazi craft enabled the reverse engineering of crashed alien saucers and visits of the stars! Practical interstellar travel is only possible with the use of a free energy system, which can deliver the necessary unlimited acceleration power.
These nearby extra-solar planets discovered in recent years, supposedly by astronomers, must be in solar systems that humans have already visited. How else could we know that the "Super Earth" planet, much bigger than Earth, is 6 billion, rather than 4 billion years old? There's a brand new theory to explain "continental drift" and the constantly expanding rifts on the ocean floors. Planets grow by accretion over the eons. Even the Pacific fits together and the Earth is constantly bombarded by meteors. This material would add up over billions of years.
The completion of DJT's agenda is to release the advanced, free energy power systems used for interstellar travel and other disruptive knowledge to liberate humanity from the clutches of the Cabal. MAGA means the American Republic will continue to revolutionize the world by releasing new technology to the masses as the US has done since the middle of the nineteenth century.
▶ 0e0898 (8) No.1361234>>1362184 >>1380654 >>1380661 >>1489496
I just tried this space-zoom-in-and-out method by it's lonesome last night-sort of on a whim, on the outskirts of a big sleeping city, as a test to it's veracity. I've long believed in ET presence though I've never seen one before. I'm fairly competent in my mind's eye skills, and was able to focus in on the universe down on through to our grand speck of Earth, and on through the inner earth (for good measure), then back out again into the cosmic expanse.. Sure enough, after opening my eyes and focusing on the skies, I quickly caught sight of two bright white winks in the same spot less than a minute after that internal focus, well above and over the direction of the city I happened to be facing. Not a man's plane, as I'm able to discern the lights of a 787 from the rest of the boeing fleet flying at 40k feet if need be- These were much brighter than any star in the sky.
Maybe under better future circumstance, I'll be welcomed with a close-up view, but for now I'll strive for some mental contact. But that wink alone was a fine validation, and first contact, for my personal experience ;) Real simple!
As for how to bring the Q movement closer, it's still a while away, but a mass focus during the 11-11 parade may wake up quite a many people, if it hasn't become a Q focus by then.
▶ 3a70aa (2) No.1362170>>1368004
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Earlier I asked "How can CE-5 help the Q movement?" Here is one answer. More to come.
▶ 3a70aa (2) No.1362184
Anon!! You have been activated, baby!!!!! Welcome aboard!
▶ 7e07a8 (1) No.1362416
>How can Q movement help CE-5?
Latest help:
▶ 021c4e (1) No.1365684
Maybe you don't understand what it means to be anonymous.
▶ 64882f (16) No.1368004>>1380627
Pretty sure we already have a space force (e.g. Solar Warden and Radiant Guardian). Tho Trump mentioning the 'Space Force' simply furthers the public disclosure narrative, which, as you mention, is probably a good thing.
▶ 192038 (4) No.1379876>>1380667 >>1380835
went frame by frame on two websites and something is weird.
▶ 26e6b2 (3) No.1380627>>1381007
How can we help steer this narrative in the favor of POTUS and America? How can we build on what we already have?
How can CE-5 help POTUS and America even more?
▶ 26e6b2 (3) No.1380654
Can we orchestrate a CE-5 during the parade? (Yes).
▶ 26e6b2 (3) No.1380661
So proud of you, patriot.
▶ 90bf32 (1) No.1380667>>1380993
Its a bird. there is another video which shows a nice close up of a sparrow.
▶ 192038 (4) No.1380946
what does (You) mean?
▶ 192038 (4) No.1380993
Share the link please!
▶ 64882f (16) No.1381007>>1381758 >>1381768 >>1395350
When first discovering the hidden truth behind ayy lmaos, I wanted full disclosure NOAW… But after (and probably some time b4) Q came along, it seemed clear that there's so much conventional terrestrial evil and corruption that probably should be disclosed first, before looking to the stars. Understanding MSM Mockingbird, COINTELPRO, the psy. warfare etc. is essential to understanding the ET cover-up.
Also, full disclosure entails a whooooole lot. Think about the genetic/cloning experiments in DUMBs Emery's talked about. The trillions of 'missing' dollars… And certainly a whole lot moar.
▶ 474c93 (3) No.1381749
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Second response to question: How can CE-5 help the Qmovement? Subject: USAPs
▶ 474c93 (3) No.1381758>>1385677
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Can you please start contributing, clown? Like this.
▶ 474c93 (3) No.1381768>>1385677 >>1403820
Do you CE-5? Provide proof clown
▶ 64882f (16) No.1385677>>1389932
i don't owe u shit, fuckhead.
u gotta get your ego in check hombre. First off, his name is Jordan Sather (not Ryan), and second off, he's done far more to shine a light on SSPs than you and your unstructured youtube tirades ever will… He's interviewed ppl like Dr. Michael Salla and Emery Smith, and has a ton of great videos on a whole bunch of esoteric topics. Lemme guess, POTUS is a terrible disinfo agent too cuz he's been interviewed by AJ in the past. No one's going to listen to your disheveled rants against them, esp. with you acting like some sort of 'leader of the q movement'. Contribute things that are constructive or lurk moar.
▶ d3337f (1) No.1388039
Just found an interesting possibility N=NYMZA
VERY Interesting listen
▶ 45fde6 (9) No.1389932
▶ 45fde6 (9) No.1389981
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Let's keep this productive, constructive, and on-topic Patriots. How can CE-5 help America, and vice versa? 1/4
▶ 45fde6 (9) No.1389992
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Let's keep this constructive and on-topic Patriots.
▶ 45fde6 (9) No.1390000
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Let's keep this constructive and on-topic Patriots
▶ 45fde6 (9) No.1390009
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Let's keep this constructive and on-topic, Patriots. How can CE-5 help America and the Qmovement?
▶ 45fde6 (9) No.1390035
What would the benefits for president Trump and Qanon be if we managed to pull off a CE-5 and mass sighting during the highly anticipated veterans day parade? ET willing, how could we spin this narrative to help the President? How would the fake news MSM respond and how could we spin their response to help the President?
▶ 5b327d (3) No.1390251>>1390301 >>1395904
I'll be honest…I support what you are trying to do, but Q has said to be skeptical about communicating off this platform and about people trying to make money. Personally, I really don't like that I'm being asked to spend $6.99 for your app. Patriots are supposed to be doing this shit for free and not profit. Any thoughts on what I had to say?
▶ 45fde6 (9) No.1390301>>1390339
That's why I recommend using www.etContactNetwork.com to find the CE-5 team nearest you. Or doing like this Anon did and testing the veracity of Coherent Thought Sequencing for yourself. You don't need to buy Dr. Steven Greer's ET Contact Tool app to make contact. It is simply one avenue.
Be like this Patriot. Test CTS for free. Join your local CE-5 team, for free.
▶ 5b327d (3) No.1390339
Okay, thank you for the thoughtful reply.
▶ 45fde6 (9) No.1390996
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Jimmy Blanchette does a lot of CE-5 in Cali
▶ 45fde6 (9) No.1394459
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I think of this every time I'm stuck in traffic.
▶ f0a78d (2) No.1395350>>1395896 >>1398142
they should disclose everything,no conditions, just dump it on a website - videos,books,data of all kinds - the people that want to know will look, the ones that do not want to know will not when it is released but eventually curiosity will get to them and they will look too
you are putting conditions on disclosure, "the people are not ready" - "they can't know Y because they don't know X", that is cabal tier thinking, keeping secrets because you think this knowledge should be privileged for a few
▶ 18e1c6 (2) No.1395904
only thing you need is a loving heart and a will to contact them
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
▶ 47919b (1) No.1397144
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.
If you havent seen Unacknowledged. Watch it.
▶ 64882f (16) No.1398142>>1401310 >>1403168
People are so used to being lied to, and all the manipulation, deceit, psyops etc. that even if they did "just dump it on a website" most prob wouldn't think the info legitimate.
The truth is out there--if you're in this sub you've probably done enough research to know… But for the rest, i think it pertinent to expose the corruption first, in order to understand the decades long systematic psyops, manipulation etc. Unacknowledged the move does a press good job of exposing that.
But even if they have an ayy lmao on film, in front of a crowd or whatever, i'd remain highly skeptical, considering it could be a programmed cybernetic life form, or some hybrid grown in a lab here on Earth or something. Even the Delonge disclosure is somewhat of a clown psyop--FIOA requests have shown that things don't add up with what they're (e.g. Luis Elizondo) claiming publicly and what the officially released documents show. Fuck these gatekeepers.
In other words, i think it important to disclose the ongoing covert psychological warfare before releasing everything. Also use logic--would we really just want to disclose EVERYTHING–all the god-like technology etc. that could potentially be used by baddies against us? Should we give Iran or criminal organizations blueprints to building nukes, death rays etc. as well?
However, yes, seizing and classifying technology due to Nat. Sec. from thousands of patent holders and inventors, many of whom want to make this tech. available to the public, and which could end our dependence on fossil fuels, and bring about a new renaissance would be a wonderful thing imo. But it seems that for every Tesla, there's an Edison--which is why I guess we must also spiritually advance so as not to allow tyrants to give us false disclosure, and continue to suppress and rule over us.
>you think this knowledge should be privileged for a few
Trillions of our tax dollars have been poured into this black projects over the decades--and they continue to deceive. I'm pissed off about that too, but i think the point I'm getting as is that exposing the corruption and simply admitting intelligent ET life exists ought to occur first before blowing everyone's mind disclosing everything (including teleportation, genetic experiments, time travel etc.). Even Andy Basiago understands the distinction, in that we wants Tesla teleportation tech. released to the public, but not necessarily the time travel tech., because "mass time travel on a mass scale would cause massive chaos."
▶ 64882f (16) No.1401310>>1403168
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.
▶ 7712ef (3) No.1403049
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Even the white hats within deep state are apprehensive about you watching this video
▶ 7712ef (3) No.1403168>>1403820
ID 64882F is proving himself to be very untrustworthy. Methinks 64882F is a disinfo agent who doesn't want you to engage to CE-5 protocol. Notice that 64882F started off friendly towards CE-5 but put the idea into our subconscious that CE-5 is a cult when he shared the "Prophet Yahweh" CE-5. Since then, 64882F has done a 180 and is unfriendly towards CE-5.
In addition, 64882F reveals himself as using multiple ID addresses by being the only individual to refer to ET as "ayy lmao," yet two ID's use this terminology.
This is exactly what a disinfo agent would do if his task were to persuade you NOT to CE-5.
And then there was this brave Anon, in the screen caps, who tested CTS for him/herself and instantly made ET Contact. Who's up next?
▶ 64882f (16) No.1403820
Lol, you caught me. That's why I've been posting so many ayy lmao (or should I used the politically correct ET term?) memes (some of which I may have crafted myself), and even linked that news segment of that guy 'summoning a UFO' here: >>1350780
I did all of that to disinform you.
Haha, jokes on you tho anons, you guise totes fell for it. Earth is Flat. Aliens are Demons. I'm a COINTELPRO agent, being paid per post to shill.
AND I'M DOING IT ALL TO "persuade you NOT to CE-5"
But yeah, thank goodness for that self-doxxing anon, making vids of him bashing Jordan Sather (who as I mentioned, has some great vids about SSPs, and interviews with some of the greats in the movement, imho, like Salla, Smith and others).
I'll admit, I'm genuinely curious about CE-5, and would love to be a part of a group that does it. And if you, anon, are the one who is providing info about CTS, thanks again.
>Do you CE-5? Provide proof clown
But to demand I do something for you while you're calling me a clown is a douche move, hence why I called you a fuckhead.
Also, maybe the other ID you mention is me, and maybe I have no idea why my ID in a single thread has changed from what it was a month or so ago, tho I don't want to say in certain terms one way or another, because the whole point of being 'anonymous' is just that.
Judge ideas by their own merit, and verify everything yourself. If you don't like what I have to say, filter and move on.
Your post reminds of what Q said: "Learn the term 'Projection'."
▶ 335a41 (1) No.1404240>>1406262
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
What Jones Corsi and Sather are hiding about SSP, ET, and 2) How to contact ET for free
▶ b6f2ca (9) No.1406194>>1406197
Zeta Reticuli star system is i think 32 or 39 light years away
I accidentally started a thread instead of a reply earlier
▶ 85da4b (1) No.1406262>>1423033
I have to agree with you on some points about Jordan Sather. Why limit the Emery Smith interview for paying members only? One should put Truth first and foremost.
I would not bash him so hard however. That's not how ET's do things, as you probably know ;)
Props for bravery, putting your face out for anons is no joke. As always be careful with ego, that demon can crawl in anywhere.
▶ 5b327d (3) No.1413094
This is probably the reason why Sarkozy is having the legal problems he is currently having.
▶ 0e0898 (8) No.1414104
Posting this here as well, there may be many more pieces to put together and find connections to Q drops.
▶ 5b1de7 (1) No.1414646>>1418836 >>1421363
▶ 72de8a (1) No.1414997
Here's a link from the wayback archives about Tesla's wireless power transmission technique
It seems Sergei & Leonid Plekhanov nearly recreated Tesla's technique. The got just so far and then… poof! you didn't hear about them. But they did post a remarkably accurate mathematical description of the effect that Tesla wanted to achieve.
Global transmission of power, low loss, available with simple equipment nearly everywhere on the globe.
▶ 9f18b4 (1) No.1418272
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
How can Anons solve the ET mystery, for free.
▶ 524e4a (2) No.1418806
Are you guys aware of Looking Glass?
Q has made many times references to Alice In Wonderland.
There are some interesting interviews about this subject, starting w/ Dan Burisch.then so called "Bill Wood".
Well, the "Bill Wood" interview got my attention.
In 1st part he speaks about "the awakening" period of time.
In the second about a "BIG PLAN", he would be involved to HELP.
Here's part one, things are getting exciting -Looking Glass- 1:48
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkIIBnIuXHM
Then part two:
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k7J0RWLFGo
▶ 524e4a (2) No.1418836>>1421363
Yeah, I remember this.
There is another girl & her son from Pleiades, they were kept in prison/asylum for 2 years……
▶ 44a2ab (1) No.1421363
the image is of an albino model taken by professional German photographer Uwe Krejci. There are more stock photos of this model at Getty images:
▶ c588f3 (1) No.1421947>>1470713
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Rabbit holes can be fun. And easy to get lost in.
Unlike disclosure thru CE-5/Coherent Thought Sequencing which looks like this.
And will leave you with concrete proof they exist and come in peace.
▶ db6fd5 (2) No.1422999>>1423086
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
For those of you who are here because you genuinely care about assisting Qanon and the President with disclosure, thank you from the bottom of my heart. The great awakening is not possible without your support.
For you Anons still on the fence about testing CE-5 / Coherent Thought Sequencing independently, here is a great mash up of experiences to expect. Watch with audio. "The truth is stranger than the lie."
▶ db6fd5 (2) No.1423033
▶ 04493c (1) No.1423086>>1423862
Gentlemen, we are being shadow-banned, en masse, on Twitter. As we speak.
▶ 707b3b (3) No.1423619
>>387416 AS ABOVE - kakistocracy crumbles when humans choose to stop slaughtering for taste.
So BELOW - This war is asymmetric; carnists are under parasitic mind-control - and exhibit suicidal, destructive tendencies.
Humans have 1 chance: Choose to eat symbiotically or DIE apoptotic suicide.
Thank goodness humans can be herbivores and symbiotic frugivores.
STO Force, thank you for clearing the Skies ABOVE :-)
▶ 64882f (16) No.1423862>>1573888
Then we will fight/CE-5 in the shade.
▶ 707b3b (3) No.1424285
>>390350. Louise Cypher - Sophia hunts parasites. Don't be parasitic <:> !
▶ 707b3b (3) No.1424333
>Louise Cypher - Sophia asks, "What is adrenochrome and r u addicted ? "
'n Human goes, "oh… Merde !"
<:> !
60 50 40
▶ 4dc0ff (2) No.1426789
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Clowns out in full force. Struggling to prevent you from doing the CE-5 protocols. Don't trust - Verify.
What do all off topic clowns have in common?
Are they ET verified?
Do they speak positively?
What are the clowns afraid of you learning? What is proveable beyond a shadow of a doubt? Who is Greer and what does he do?
▶ 4dc0ff (2) No.1426825>>1435009
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
ET disclosure. So easy a caveman can do it?
Don't trust - verify. Do off topic clowns verify?
No. [Wonderland Rabbit Holes]
Re: read Q1143
Who is <Greer3
What isn't being (un)Acknowledged?
So easy a caveman can do it.
▶ 837983 (1) No.1435009>>1436599
>>1426825 do meditating carnists hear voices?
What do they tell the solipsistic carnists?
It's actually their gut parasites calling for more of mum's milk.
Human children need to be weaned …
Ask Q
▶ c9ecee (1) No.1436411
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Who is Greer?
What does he do?
How many Qanon/Great Awakening buzzwords can you find in this presentation?
Define Eschatological.
Define False Flag.
Define Interplanetary Ambassador.
Do you know any Eschatological Paytriots?
Is God Winning yet?
CE5 = Full Disclosure.
(Sauce boils after 45 minutes)
▶ 5a8299 (1) No.1436599>>1523003
Do @dogs hear whistles? Glad you jumped when I said jump, clown.
▶ 383d8f (1) No.1437850>>1438312
This comment is regarding the Cabal's obsession with subterranean structures. I was reading up on the Manuscript Society since Anderson "Mockingbird" Cooper was a member, and I found this juicy little tidbit about their "tomb". Also of note is the fact that Yale has a 4-fraternity consortium in addition to Skull and Bones that cranks out Cabal asswipes like a Henry "Hitler Funder" Ford assembly line.
Anyhow, the Manuscript Society tomb has EIGHT subterranean floors. Crazy.
▶ 7690f1 (12) No.1438312>>1522580
That's wonderful! How do we use this crumb to advance disclosure and help the President?
▶ 7690f1 (12) No.1438354>>1470644
Don't trust - Verify.
Open Source.
CE-5 Protocol.
▶ 7690f1 (12) No.1438372>>1470644
ET ambassador. Nickname Bijou. From Andromeda Galaxy. Claims supported by outside comms. So, don't trust, verify.
CE-5 Protocol.
Open Source.
▶ 7690f1 (12) No.1438383>>1470644
What to expect when you engage CE-5 Protocols.
Don't trust - Verify.
Protocols open source.
WWG1WGA. As a planet. World connected.
▶ 7690f1 (12) No.1438416>>1470644
Green Dot = laser pointer.
Be careful using a laser on ur own CE-5 expeditions.
Don't trust - Verify.
Define Coherent Thought Sequencing.
Define Interplanetary Ambassador.
CE-5 Protocols open source.
▶ 7690f1 (12) No.1438462>>1470644
What does CE-5 look like?
∞ possibilities
∞ ET manifestations
Open Source.
Meditate. CTS.
▶ 7690f1 (12) No.1438520>>1470644
Light Being.
CE-5 protocols open source.
Don't trust - Verify
▶ 7690f1 (12) No.1438543>>1470644
Ambassador Bijou.
During a CE-5.
Protocols open source.
Don't trust - Verify.
Define Interplanetary Ambassador.
▶ 7690f1 (12) No.1438608>>1470644
Ambassador "Kindness."
Don't trust - Verify.
Clowns will deny. Clowns will never endorse the CE-5 Protocols.
Define Interplanetary Ambassador.
Protocols open source.
ET presence benevolent. ET supports Great Awakening.
▶ 7690f1 (12) No.1438810>>1470644
Question for the FTLfags: What happened in October 1954?
How do you know?
Open Source.
(Calcutta) Greer
▶ 817f67 (3) No.1460862>>1470644
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Listen 3:21:00 mark. Draft disclosure speech written for President Trump at the request of someone close to Qanon - if not Qanon himself. Video only accessible w/ link. Archive link.
▶ dbe630 (1) No.1461664>>1466904 >>1499179
I have seen and I keep my mouth shut.
▶ 6649e3 (1) No.1466904>>1499179
I have seen too. And have made contact, which is what I keep my mouth shut about.
▶ f29450 (1) No.1467271
I have actually seen them a couple of them. About 20 years ago on a long stretch of highway, thought we were coming towards an airport. It was not an airport, a silent craft with like flood lights rose from trees, it was huge, round, with a diameter of say 150 feet. A thin beam of light passed from right to left and i was blinded like when someone takes a picture with a flash. It zipped around then straight up like super fast till it was a dot then gone. If it was from earth it is a tech that is still not released (it was fucken scary). The wife was screaming, I almost flipped the car. And the radio was scanning like it was on seak.
The UFO's are real
▶ eaad55 (1) No.1469768>>1499179
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>256741 (OP)
deeper, darker, and larger… how you fags want it.
▶ 5237a0 (2) No.1470713>>1470716 >>1499179
Tesla's Earthquake Machine
Forced Influence
▶ 5237a0 (2) No.1470716>>1499179
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Tesla's Earthquake Machine
Forced Influence
▶ 0e0898 (8) No.1478828>>1478917 >>1479704 >>1481408 >>1499179 >>1525823 >>1544701
Correlating a few pages of Cooper's Beyond a Pale Horse to Q Crumbs to spark other connections.. I'm sure I missed a few.
▶ cc617b (2) No.1478917>>1499179
This is fucking amazing, anon. There is so much info here. Good work!
▶ b555b3 (1) No.1479704>>1499179
Nice graphic anon! Thanks!
▶ a43ce7 (2) No.1481408>>1499179
YES, very good connecting things. I can contribute with alien cult knowledge sometime. They are VERY much related to "spiritualist" New Age cults and the messages they get are always anti Jesus (direct or indirect) and about "saving the planet from disaster" (envirofag, basically).
▶ cc617b (2) No.1485148>>1499179
I have been working on this theory since the royal wedding and need some help connecting more dots, if they exist.
Most of us here know the long running speculation that Queen Lizzy is a reptilian (or something like it)
Picture 1 related
Yesterday, Q referenced the number 23 in a crumb, and while the number 23 seems to have many things surrounding it that it could be connected to (DNA, 23andme, Masonic, 23 days from yesterday, etc etc) Ronald Reagan also gave a speech on March 23 1983 about a "star wars" defense initiative. Then another crumb was dropped with a picture of those expensive pens Trump uses, which are called Star Walker Extreme.
Picture 2 related
I couldnt gain any traction on the main research board because I think this is outside of the realm of most of their thinking, for right now anyways, and need like minded eyes to help.
The first stages of disclosure coming, or distraction?
▶ 53f1b9 (1) No.1489496>>1499179
anon looking for some rabbit holes to figure out how to get activated…
▶ e7291f (2) No.1499089>>1499281
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Contact report from the Georgia CE-5 Initiative team 5/19/18. Remember, CE-5 protocols are open source and there are no official CE-5 teams except for Greer's. I think. Anyways this is my team's report. Next GA ce-5 is June 16th. Fuck the clowns.
"Ask not what your country can do for disclosure. Ask what Disclosure can do for your country."
▶ e7291f (2) No.1499179
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Reconcile, anons.
Who here promotes open source verification?
Who here promotes disclosure in a way that helps POTUS?
Do you support POTUS?
Who here offers rabbit holes?
Where have rabbit holes gotten us since Roswell?
Who is Greer and what does he do?>>1470644
THIS is what Greer does. Thank you Anon.
Did you count the buzzwords? Consistency more important that quantity.
Be the disclosure you wish the world to see.
If anons truly need rabbit holes, please, start with this one, and stop with the CE-5 protocols.
▶ 4589ae (2) No.1499281>>1499516
Thank you for this video.
>you don't need to be some kumbayah snowflake to be an interplanetary ambassador
That for sure! Way too many tryharding in truthseeking. Relax bros!
Now forgive my lack of proper CE-5 lurking, but I have a question - I live in a cca. 1M population city, not good for CE-5, how far away would I have to go from it to achieve contact?
Here's a nice relevant crumb, with lots of double meanings.
▶ 13188e (1) No.1499516>>1499616
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
No need to leave the comfort of your own home, Anon! But less light pollution is a plus…….. My pet theory is that ETV are safe around sky scrapers. Hard for DS to shoot them down quietly in the middle of a city. Let us know your results.
Fuck the clowns. Disclosure belongs to real Patriots.
▶ 4589ae (2) No.1499616
I'll drink to disclosure anytime. I'd move Heaven and Earth for First Contact. Will report soon!
▶ a43ce7 (2) No.1501044>>1522408
I have seen a UFO up very close, right above the treetops, following the family car, as a kid. Both my sister and I saw it.
I remember every single detail. The strangest part was it had what seemed like headlights shining out and it started moving back in the other direction while the light beams hung in mid air, and you could see where they ended. They were like an elongated X, and happened to cross over the moon from our vantage point.
Other than that I've seen bright lights that would shoot off into other lights (like 5 or 6 lights playing "follow the leader") and zipping through the night sky breakneck speeds.
There's more I could tell you… I will say that I am of the opinion that the beings people call greys, and all aliens are fallen angels seeking to disrupt lives to not trust in Jesus, and trick them into believing all kinds of things, including that they have children with them (emotional attachment stuff).
▶ 031e19 (1) No.1511148
As a kid I was upstairs in my room looking out of the window to the full moon. Suddenly a light as big as you see a bright star came from the moon and orbitted the moon 3 times and then went straight down, so I ran downstairs to show it to my parents, but it was already too late of course. In my young mind it landed somewhere on earth…
▶ 63eb3d (1) No.1511465
Hearing impaired anon here.
Mike Pompeo's speech on Iran. Is excellent hope all watch.
Caught killbox in closed caption at 21:34
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkfQP5-4yME
▶ f62087 (10) No.1522408
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Many people feel that way. Ask yourself why? Who tells us to believe ET are fallen angels?
What if ET are extremely spiritually enlightened beings?
Do you pray, Anon? I do. I pray for my team's CE-5 meetings with ET to be successful. I pray for my team's safety, and for the safety of ET. I pray that the CE-5 initiative grows. These prayers positively correlate with successful CE-5 events.
My biological father was a marine. Recon division 2. Shortly after he passed away, during a camping trip with family, I silently prayed for strength bc my aunt and female cousin were crying intensely. We were under the stars. During this prayer I looked at the night sky and ET gave a bright flashbulb showing their empathy and love.
Disclosure belongs to you, Patriots. We already have the keys to solving the Extraterrestrials mystery. They are open source. They are the CE-5 protocols. And after full ET disclosure will come the release of advanced healing, energy, and eventually transportation systems.
▶ f62087 (10) No.1522482
▶ 81d62f (2) No.1522580>>1522620
I was the guy who posted this, and I posted it because it relates to the cabal's obsession with subterranean structures, which is related to D.U.M.B.s, one of the main ideas of this thread. I've been on 4chan since 2007, which means I've been here long enough to see how seemingly unrelated dots get pieced together to reveal big ideas. I'm not a shill. Feel free to disagree that it belongs in this thread though.
▶ cc8d24 (1) No.1522617>>1522642
Random thought, but the cigar-shaped UFO could possibly simulate gravity if it rotates, depending on its size and the size of its occupants; similar to Arthur C. Clarke's wheel from 2001.
▶ f62087 (10) No.1522620>>1522703
▶ f62087 (10) No.1522642>>1522928
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Unconventional aeronautics is a real thing. Space ships from other worlds have to get here somehow. Here's your rabbit hole. Follow Greer, Patriots.
▶ 81d62f (2) No.1522703>>1522753 >>1522792 >>1522918
Why do you keep posting 5x5?
▶ f62087 (10) No.1522753>>1734061
It means "I hear you loudly and clearly." Some people are speaking directly on here, a few are sending coded messages. Such as Anon ID 64882f.
▶ f62087 (10) No.1522792>>1734061
ID 837983 also sending coded message. This person is responding to a dog whistle on my Twitter feed which said "Twister." Clowns are scared. Disclosure belongs to you, Patriots. open sourCE5!!
▶ f62087 (10) No.1522918
A little sauce. Ask yourself why I would tweet this? If my only purpose on Twitter is to grow the Interplanetary Ambassador movement and bring Disclosure under the control of @Potus / Patriots? Why no hashtags? Dog whistle. Clown confirmed message received.
▶ f6e08c (3) No.1522928>>1523210
>>1522642 Greer's great 'n all - butt carnists are too fat to fit in holes and can't dig to save them selves.
Carnists obfuscate in an attempt to divert attention away from their GUILT of anti-live actions.
Man NEEDS to clean house before visitors arrive <:> !
▶ f6e08c (3) No.1523003>>1523210
>>1436599 nah - it's your parasites calling for more shit - TIME eat ya num-NUMBs shit-cunt-parasite.
▶ f62087 (10) No.1523210>>1523452
If you have something to say, clown, say it.
Do you Patriots see how desperately they sling mud at the CE-5 protocols and Dr. Steven Greer?
▶ f62087 (10) No.1523241
I believe in every last one of you Anons.
▶ 9f4f6c (2) No.1523296>>1523403
There is a Greer Rockefeller connection.
▶ f62087 (10) No.1523403
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Project Starlight. Laurence Rockefeller wanted to assist Greer. David R shut him down. Commonly misidentified as the "Rockefeller Initiative," project starlight was the early days of the CE-5 Initiative and The Disclosure Project.
There is also a Clinton connection (oh my!).
[Rabbit Holes.] This is why I bring us back to the open source CE-5 Protocols. They are bigger than any one man (even Greer), yet simple enough that every man woman and child can engage them as the key to FULL disclosure.
Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind definition; Human Initiated encounters with extraterrestrial beings.
▶ f6e08c (3) No.1523452>>1571664
>>1523210. clowns and jorkers 'n carnists are so STUPID !
I LIKE what Dr. Steven Greer, Prof. Roger Penrose and Dr. Judy Wood are doing. LUV IT !
Q However: Humans that CHOOSE to eat sentient beings - when they COULD eat fruits and vegetables - should not open the CE-5 D.O.R. least hungry lions devour DEM Meat-Tards.
If you can't control WHAT you put in your mouth then you are addicted to something.
WHEN humans see WHAT addicts them - they will choose to stop.
Slaughter-house videos expose who cares and who doesn't.
Q Tesla : Why did Tesla eat a plant-based diet?
▶ 1f9f73 (2) No.1525823>>1526951
Beyond a Pale Horse is a very interesting book and contains a lot of useful information. But is it 100% accurate though? This area of knowledge is extremely secretive and how is it possible for one man to know so much about all the conspiracies?
▶ 056894 (2) No.1526951>>1527234
Behold a Pale Horse*
>how is it possible for one man to know so much about all the conspiracies?
Because everything is related to the globalist NWO machine, and one can clearly recognize the tools used to enforce planetary enslavement.
Ironically he lacked top level information. I bet he never did CE-5 either, only having sightings or experiences with negative beings which were prevalent at that time.
▶ 1f9f73 (2) No.1527234>>1530963
Yes I do suspect that his experience with all the forces that control our planet appear to be predominantly negative. I do believe that there is a positive faction among the controlling forces. Otherwise how is our current revolution possible?
▶ 056894 (2) No.1530963>>1536857 >>1537243
Of course, the Light forces have made enormous strides in the last few years; recently the positive fleets have pushed starseed activation into overdrive - we are getting very close to the Great Awakening.
▶ e75bad (1) No.1533663
>>884327 Crypto-Symbiots , "Ta"
Q Tesla : Why castration?
MAN would be FREE by kNOW if he'd procreated …
But, like D5 there's a deeper, finer magic living on here :-)
▶ 0e673d (2) No.1536857>>1537871
>recently the positive fleets have pushed starseed activation into overdrive - we are getting very close to the Great Awakening.
How did you know this?
▶ 710636 (1) No.1537243>>1537648 >>1537871 >>1543414
>we are getting very close to the Great Awakening.
"Very close" relative to a normal human perspective, or just the usual galactic scale which could be a thousand fucking years?
▶ 0e673d (2) No.1537648>>1537871
I'm interested too in how fast the awakening can spread. So far I'm only seeing it in a very limited population. Probably needs a triggering event.
▶ f9c0f3 (1) No.1537871>>1650948 >>1651078
Everyone in the "new agey" community talks about it no matter the source and some can also feel it. In my case, I know and feel a lot more that my "galactic mission" of Light is important and I feel the need to do it more while being much less burdened by bs of normal human life such as jobs, taxes, or negative people around me. This doesn't mean I'm turning into a bum; it means I don't hate mondays anymore. The galactics cannot do any of this work for us, but they sure can and are making it easier.
Realistically, given all the delays, it would be best to say "kinda close" by human terms, though you can never know because the exact moment of the shift depends on many factors. When we reach the critical mass, though, there is no going back. This is real and it's happening.
>this isn't just a normal 4 year election, this is a crossroads in the history of our civilization.
>they never thought she would lose.
▶ c9b808 (2) No.1543414
>>1537243 yOur Frame Of Reference IS fascinating, isn't IT ?-)
Rudolph's Monkey has Tipping Point TIPPED.
Now yOUR FRUIT become cLEAN <:> !
What a LAWYER :-)
▶ 0bd167 (2) No.1544701
Very interesting Anon.
That could to explain the Why the boom of Big Tech in the Cold War.
In Fact. The Human being doesn't invented the tech of today, Not of all. That tech was a present of these entities, As an exchange, And the present was Humans.
Remember the movie of Steven Spieberg Close Encounters of the Third Kind?, that movie even was censored because that sample a exchange of Humans to the beings of Alpha Centauri (Grays).
This planet is a complete SuperMarkel.
▶ 0bd167 (2) No.1544862
Hmm. Someone remember the trade of Space Commerce?, With Cryptos as Coin for these entities?
http:// www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-trump-space-20180525-story.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fbusiness+%28L.A.+Times+-+Business%29
▶ f1d9e5 (2) No.1546666>>1549489 >>2388514
▶ 080555 (4) No.1549489>>1551877
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Quads checked.
Recent development:
>I went Into the woods. I was hearing a ringing in my ear. I’m thinking it was like a calling. Like I got from the last Contact. I met up with this man. Wearing a United States Air Force suit. Dark blue. His face was different. Possibly a Nordic.
>…the uniform itself featured the acronym, USAF, with the acronym also spelled out in a foreign language he did not immediately recognize, but after he did some internet research he found it appeared to be ancient Sumerian. Apparently, this enabled the Nordic to walk undisturbed inside USAF bases.
>JP: I ask him what’s going on with you guys and the United States Air Force. He told me that they’re working on a big project together. A couple of projects in the Gulf of Mexico Involving a couple of MacDill Air Force personnel.
JP: All these sonic booms are part of the project that they’re doing.
▶ 59d634 (2) No.1550773
that thing that flew past spaceX at 9 trillion mph
▶ 59d634 (2) No.1550846
that's kinda how I view achieving actual enlightenment - put every atom in your body in this context, power flowing through the meridians, eventually you gotta be able to overcome the coefficient of friction of the tethers that keep you glued to spacetime
▶ 080555 (4) No.1550997>>1559044
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Wow, what a day!
More details on the declassified video.
PDF over at
▶ f1d9e5 (2) No.1551877>>1553055
So why they make deals w/ criminals?
They don't know this; "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality. "?!?!?!
Why someone will make deals with criminals that lies, cheat, steal, kill, poison, rape kids, invade privacy on its own people?
To give them more tech, that will harm us harder?
I would love to know this!!!!!
▶ 98ec7f (3) No.1553054
and no bread asshole
who ever/
▶ 080555 (4) No.1553055>>1553058 >>1553789
Who is "they"? As you probably know by now, govt organizations are not all united nor do they serve one goal. Example: rogue CIA clowns vs Q's positive military & NSA.
So you have positive organizations teaming up with the Confederation and positive groups, and negative ones threatening to blow stuff up and preventing positive work.
Pleiadians are beings of Love and Light. They want nothing more than to see us free. They do not make deals with the Cabal.
▶ 98ec7f (3) No.1553056
▶ 98ec7f (3) No.1553058>>1553076
They are your own demons within yourself.
▶ 080555 (4) No.1553076
They are having a tough time recently.
▶ c9b808 (2) No.1553789
>>1553055 'n DEM r US <:> !
F.O.R. Regardless your Frame Of Reference - only Symbiotic Sentience Persists.
You can't be Sentient if you don't eat Symbiotically?
How can you be persistent if you don't eat symbiosis?
Any being suggesting man eat shit - should be Worried
▶ f0a78d (2) No.1559044>>1562425
disproved easily, what a fake ufo video
▶ 9a612e (1) No.1559191
Will you help bring Disclosure under the control of President Trump? CE5 open source
▶ 27d5f4 (1) No.1562425
>A humorous look at the UFO phenomena. Not to be taken seriously.
▶ dd0e0d (2) No.1566091
Can anyone turn this Jones pic into a meme that says "E.T. DisQlosure belongs to Patriots"
"That's why I never mention CE-5 Protocols"
And maybe turn the greer pic into a meme that might say, "CE-5 Protocols for E.T. contact are bigger than any one man"
"Even this guy" or something along those lines.
▶ cc27dc (11) No.1570793
Get yourself a laser.
NVG's or FLIR if you want some added "viewing enjoyment".
(Matches this cylinder, which is seen everywhere)
Compare to the USS Trepang 1971 Photos
Of course here is Ingo Swann's Triangle (From the Book Penetration) again for shits.
More UFO Lou
Some new gems.
May you find the Ascended Masters on your own terms.
It's easier than you know…
▶ b03f98 (3) No.1571664>>1571672 >>1571688
18-AHPL-001: Effects of multi-level kinetics on DPAL beam quality
18-AHPL-002: Enabling Mission Readiness and Conquering Frontiers in Contamination Control::First Contact Polymers Impact on Billion Dollar Projects
18-AHPL-003: Characterization of performance of a conventional Cs DPAL: beam quality, efficiency, gain medium lifetime
18-AHPL-004: Directed Energy Systems Integration Lab (DESIL) MILCON Project
18-AHPL-005: Diode-pumped rare-gas microplasma laser
18-AHPL-006: D1 and D2 Rubidium Lineshapes with High Pressure Rare Gases
18-AHPL-007: Title not released by author
18-AHPL-008: Title not released by author
18-AHPL-009: Development of Crystalline Clad Fibers for All-Crystalline Fiber Lasers
18-AHPL-010: External Cavity Pump Laser for a DPAL Using an Atomic Line Filter
18-AHPL-011: Specialty Fiber Amplifiers for Directed Energy
18-AHPL-012: Scaling Potential of the Diode-Pumped Rare Gas Laser
18-AHPL-013: DPAL Modeling Software Toolkit
18-AHPL-014: A Path Towards 1MW Laser Pump Diodes
18-AHPL-015: Studying the limits to single mode operation in Yb fiber lasers
18-AHPL-016: On the potential for high power thulium lasers at 2µm wavelength
18-AHPL-017: Diamond Raman Lasers -- a new paradigm for multi-kW lasers
Beam Control Conference
18-BC-001: Passive Flow Control for an Aircraft Optical Window
18-BC-002: Designing a Branch Point Density Empirical Model Using a Next Generation Atmospheric Turbulence Simulator Design of Experiments Approach
18-BC-003: The Stabilized Shipboard Maritime Atmospheric Characterization System Atmospheric Transmission Measurement (MACS ATM) LIDAR
18-BC-004: Distributed-volume optical turbulence generation in a scaled-laboratory environment using nematic liquid-crystal phase modulators
18-BC-005: Update on Long Range Deep Turbulence Beacon Generated by an Ultrashort Pulse Laser System
18-BC-006: Shipborne Atmospheric Extinction Lidar: Initial Look at Data from CABLE-TRAX Experiment
18-BC-007: Tackling with directed energy “litmus test” of adaptive laser beam projection onto an extended flat metallic surface in atmosphere
18-BC-008: Characterizing atmospheric turbulence over long paths using time-lapse imagery
18-BC-009: Analysis of Tilt Removed Hartmann Turbulence Sensor Data
18-BC-010: Advantages of Quantifying Velocity Structure Function, Cv2, rather than Temperature Structure Function, CT2, to Infer Refractive Structure Function, Cn2
18-BC-011: Investigation of Ship-Induced Optical Turbulence for the High Energy Laser with Integrated Optical-dazzler and Surveillance (HELIOS)
18-BC-012: Acquisition Sensor Technologies for Operation in Adverse Weather Environments
18-BC-013: Phase Compensation in the Presence of BIL-HEL Wavelength Differences
18-BC-014: Title not released by author
18-BC-015: DAFHI: Validating TacSim
18-BC-016: Title not released by author
18-BC-017: Title not released by author
18-BC-018: Using Differential Temperature Sensors to Measure Cn2 in an Experimental Campaign at West Point
18-BC-019: Aero-Effects Measurements and Modeling Progress
18-BC-020: Use of a Fast Scaling Law Model to Determine Optimal Array Configuration for Incoherent or Coherent Beam Combination
18-BC-021: Title not released by author
18-BC-022: Deformable Mirrors: Bigger, Smaller, and Better
18-BC-023: Tracker modeling and on-sky comparison studies at the Starfire Optical Range
18-BC-024: Using the MACS Wave Optics Code to Assist HELWS Design
18-BC-025: Title not released by author
18-BC-027: Recent Advancements in Laser Induced Damage Testing of HEL Optical Components
18-BC-028: Title not released by author
18-BC-029: Title not released by author
18-BC-030: The CABLE/TRAX Experiment to Improve Vertical Turbulence Profiles
Counter Directed Energy Weapons Conference
18-CDEW-001: Recent Developments at NSRDEC in Microwave Reflective Materials II
18-CDEW-002: High Energy Laser Hardened Coatings
18-CDEW-003: Determining and scaling continuous-wave, laser-induced damage thresholds of thin reflectors
18-CDEW-004: High Power Submillimeter Wave Breakdown of Air
18-CDEW-005: Gradient Metasurfaces for Frequency Selective Diffraction
18-CDEW-006: HEL Materials Hardening of a UAV
18-CDEW-007: Title not released by author
18-CDEW-008: Title not released by author
From a Dr. Judy Wood WDTTG video comment…
Crypto-Symbiots are waiting F.O.R. Man to mature - and stop the slaughter :-(
▶ b03f98 (3) No.1571672
HEL Lethality Conference
18-HELleth-001: Pulsed ablation of metals and graphite by UV and IR lasers
18-HELleth-002: HEL Effects on Composite Sandwich Topside Panels
18-HELleth-003: Title not released by author
18-HELleth-004: Prediction of Thermal Decomposition Behaviors of Polymer Matrix Composites using Unified Kinetic Model Parameters
18-HELleth-005: Visualization and Scoring of High Energy Laser Engagement Results
18-HELleth-006: The Effects of Rotation Speed, Engagement Power, and Inert Thermal Sinks on the Laser Heating of Cold Rolled Steel Targets
18-HELleth-007: Title not released by author
18-HELleth-008: Title not released by author
18-HELleth-009: Laser induced damage testing of silica windows with hydrophobic antireflective surfaces
18-HELleth-010: Investigation and Selection of Inert Substitutes for the Energetic Content of Munitions in High Energy Laser Effects Research using differential scanning calorimetry
18-HELleth-011: Title not released by author
18-HELleth-012: Experimental Measurement of Hole Formation in Metal as a Function of Angle of Incidence from a HEL
18-HELleth-013: Response of Spring Steel Protective Surfaces to HEL Exposure
18-HELleth-014: Leveraging Lethality: Simulation Experiments
18-HELleth-015: Directed Energy Metrology
18-HELleth-016: Importance of Metrology and Calibration for DoD Electric Weapons
18-HELleth-017: NSWC Corona-NIST Efforts on Metrology and Calibration for DoD Laser
18-HELleth-018: A UAV-Based HEL Beam-Profiling Target: TigerShrike
18-HELleth-019: Laser Performance Test Results for LWSD
18-HELleth-020: Manned Aviation HEL Vulnerability - Initial Testing and Preliminary Results
18-HELleth-021: Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Response to HEL Irradiation
18-HELleth-022: Solid State Laser Testbed (SSLT) Scoring System: Dynamic Engagement Results
18-HELleth-023: Modeling Laser Irradiation of Painted Steel Cylinders
18-HELleth-024: Fixed Wing Small UAV (SUAV) Aimpoint Overview
18-HELleth-025: Key Aspects of HEL Performance
High Power Microwave Conference
18-HPM-001: Prospects of Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches (PCSS) for HPEM Applications
18-HPM-002: A New TM01c-fed Low Profile, High Gain, Leaky Wave HPM antenna
18-HPM-003: Microscale Gas Breakdown and Implications to Electron Emission
18-HPM-004: Fast Rise Time Switches: A Survey
18-HPM-005: Galaxy Software Simulations of Directed Energy: Source Design through Mission Impact
18-HPM-006: Laser triggered EMP/HMP simulator utilizing GaAs PCCS
18-HPM-007: Title not released by author
18-HPM-008: kV and kA class pulsed metallized thin film capacitors
18-HPM-009: Photo- and Electro-luminescence Studies of Silicon-based Photo-switches
18-HPM-010: Photoconductive Solid-State Switches: Tradespace Evaluation
18-HPM-011: Title not released by author
18-HPM-012: Title not released by author
18-HPM-013: Title not released by author
18-HPM-014: Title not released by author
18-HPM-015: Connecting the Dots Between Component Level and Equipment Level EMC Testing
18-HPM-016: Title not released by author
▶ b03f98 (3) No.1571688
Q Insanity: Define carnists vs. carnists with suicidal "A.I." weapons.
HPM Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Workshop
18-CUAV-001: Development of a sUAS Diagnostic Suite
18-CUAV-002: RF Coupling Mechanisms for sUAS
18-CUAV-003: Automated Experimental Design for UAS HPM Interrogations
18-CUAV-004: Understanding the Propagation of High Power Microwave-Induced Sensor Disruptions on a Small Unmanned Aircraft
18-CUAV-005: Fault Detection and Identification of High Power Microwave Effects on Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
18-CUAV-006: RF Shielding: A Systematic Approach to Design and Fabrication for sUAS
18-CUAV-007: The ONR Short-Pulse Research and Evaluation for sUAS Program: An Overview
18-CUAV-008: Effect of RF Pulse Repetition Frequency on Small Unmanned Aerial Systems
18-CUAV-009: Title not released by author
18-CUAV-010: Outcomes from Recent Evaluations of Counter Unmanned Aerial System Technology
18-CUAV-011: Title not released by author
18-CUAV-012: Title not released by author
18-CUAV-013: Title not released by author
18-CUAV-014: Title not released by author
18-CUAV-015: Title not released by author
Non-Lethal DE Weapons Conference
18-NLWS-001: Advanced Cold Plates and Controls that Enable Single Loop HEL TMS
18-NLWS-002: High Efficiency 976 nm and 1532 nm Diode Laser Pumps for High Energy Laser Applications
18-NLWS-003: Looking Ahead in Non-Lethal Laser Induced Plasma Effects
18-NLWS-004: Remote generation of RF emission with filament lasers
Ultrashort Pulse Laser Conference
18-USPL-001: Harmonic SWIR and Visible Light Generation in Optical Materials Following Exposure to Mid-IR USPL
18-USPL-002: Mid-IR Laser development at AFRL
18-USPL-003: Filament Thermal Waveguide
18-USPL-004: Measurements of resonant and non-resonant nonlinearities of air constituents at 4 -- 5 and 9 – 11 µm
18-USPL-005: Experiment-theory comparison of Metastable Electronic State Approach light-matter interaction model for optical filamentation
18-USPL-006: Development of a single picosecond pulse CO2 laser syst…
go to https://protected.networkshosting.com/depsor/DEPSpages/php/build_program.php?eid=139 for complete list
▶ 305a65 (2) No.1574059
Nice, trips (if i do say so myself).
Updated once more… just a small tweak.
▶ e9e32c (1) No.1580590
Q Crypto : Would you know a Crypto-symbiot if it presented itself?
Use Trivium or go back to hell .
▶ 64882f (16) No.1582677>>1582706
t minus 37:06
▶ 64882f (16) No.1582706
should've included this as well.
▶ 6aa107 (1) No.1587858>>1596780
Reposting pic from
Feels kinda like a CE-5 shoutout :)
▶ 18ff58 (1) No.1596780
I wonder how he would respond if pressed on CE-5? BC17 just ignores those questions.
There is a global CE-5 this Saturday. From Greer: "Global CE-5 - Saturday June 2, 2018
Join with groups around the globe in making contact!
Thousands around the globe have already formed contact groups.
Now is the time to magnify global coherence by all of us coming together in higher consciousness in a way that can move the world and humanity onto the path of Universal Peace.
Ideas for participation in the Global CE-5
1. Get together with your existing group or form a group.
2. Plan to go out anytime between 9 pm and midnight on your time zone on the 2nd. We are not picking a specific time as folks may need flexibility to get to a field work site or schedule when to meet.
3. Use the CE-5 protocols to call on the ETs in Universal Peace.
Imagine each individual or group as a light shining from Earth into the Cosmos - all on the same day around the globe. The earth will be glowing!
If you want to form a group you can go to our free website/app - www.ETContactNetwork.com and put in your name and contact information. If you don't want to use your usual email , create a special email address just for this purpose and then you can form a group with others nearby. If you do not put some form of contact information, no one will be able to reach you.
If you want ideas about how to make contact or how to form your own group you may want to use these tools:
iPhone or Android app - a full training program on what to look for, how to make contact and more. Click here for a more complete description, but
go to your app store to purchase - ETContact Tool."
Of course it's always free to CE-5 without the app. (For the shillfags)
▶ f7bf18 (1) No.1599603>>1607987 >>1647706
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Are we being held hostage by the cabal?
▶ 7c5e7e (1) No.1607987
▶ 2bc39e (1) No.1622197
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
New contact report out of California from June's global CE-5 day! This was recorded by Jimmy B. Using the CE-5 protocols
▶ f3c639 (1) No.1622521
Phil Schneider was an American patriot who got his fingers blasted off by negative grey ETs in an underground base.
▶ cc27dc (11) No.1628018>>1629500
Eyethespy = Full of shit.
After 15-20 minutes of reading his grossly inaccurate statements I was physically gagging.
>The LIGHT reveals the truth. - Q
▶ d7af02 (1) No.1629500>>1632206
What is specifically "grossly inaccurate" about him?
▶ cc27dc (11) No.1632206
>Be careful who you follow. - Q
>The Light reveals the Truth. - Q
>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q
▶ 470374 (1) No.1645066
This is what I saw. (Not actual pic) but the only pic I have found or seen. It was moving and spinning / spiraling at the same time. Near clouds and electrical storm, low altitude, lots of thunder and lightning, not much rain. S/W USA
▶ 0e0898 (8) No.1647415
Just got done posting this in the general, however it's probably useful to keep here as well..
For fellow Full Disclosure allies out there; Just got done watching the 5th episode of the Tesla Files series that was released on Friday on the history channel (I believe Q team is pulling quite a few strings there since the "Chain of Command" show crumb). It's amazing to see some of the things that are starting to take hold in the normie sphere.
A short recap of the episode dives into a theory that the New Yorker hotel that Tesla was staying in was actually a fully functional version of Wardenclyffe- Similar ~600 ft total height, a 7' diameter metal exhaust stack runs the full height of the tower, an excessively large 'transmission room' on the 41st floor which had enough floor space to be a potential workshop for Tesla, underground corridors leading in multiple directions like Wardenclyffe, and a generator room that can provide more than thrice the amount of power needed for the hotel's daily needs.. but the more interesting bits is where they were piecing together the connections between Tesla, and Dr. Vannevar Bush, of Majestic 12 Fame…
Yes, the brain scrambling programmatrons are actually mentioning Majestic Twelve on the airwaves! Anywho, the connection story-line that the show hosts were attempting to build goes something like this:
>Be Tesla
>Exploring ideas in silence out in Colorado Springs, away from greedy fuckwads back in New York.
>Find wireless power capabilities through neat tower construction, and also realize the same tower structure receives messages from fucking martians (at least, you assume they're martians.. who knows where they're really from..)!
>eventually make way back to New York to make Wardenclyffe for larger scale wireless energy/transmission tower.
>Fall into disrepute because JP Morgan, your financier, wants to protect his copper mining interests in the middle of frozen fucking nowhere Alaska instead.
>All the newspapers slander you.
>Somewhere along the line, catch the interest of Dr. Vannevar Bush & other deep project war tech people
>New Yorker Hotel constructed, remarkably similar, albeit concealed, design of Wardenclyffe.
>Enjoy the company of pigeons; They make great messengers when there's countless other countries trying to spy on your amazing technology skillz through the massive phone switchboard which just so happens to be a few floors above you.
>have portrait made of your favorite pigeon.
>Dr. Vannevar Bush wrote an article on using pigeons for guidance on homing missiles; Project Pigeon.
>Also director of office of research and development as of 1941.
<Imply covertly working with high level players such as Bush, and your 'alone and penniless' story is just a cover.
<Later, Be Dead.
<Feds come in and rummage through your junk.
>John G. Trump told to look through your junk by Dr. Vannevar Bush
>Suggest it's a big nothingburger publicly.
>Wright-Patterson AFB later requests all the Tesla Documents available; which later also became the center of Airforce UFO investigations through Project Blue Book and related projects..
>Vannevar Bush brought on to MJ-12 committee, which worked on exploring and covering up UFO/Alien related projects.
>You are watching a movie. -Q
2018 will be Glorious!
▶ ada2d1 (2) No.1647706
Yep. Between The Good and Bad Guys.
From that The 50's with Eisenhower. The US did a contract with these entities in exchange of Tech. Also the USSR did the deal. Even there rumors that Castro was gathered with them
Worse, We're a Lab Planet for them. They experiment with us. The abductions of people is the job that They're search to do a new Hybrid race. And maybe the Planet more experienced.
▶ 9442a9 (4) No.1650948>>1662830
Other starseed here I can confirm this.
▶ 9f4f6c (2) No.1651078>>1663920
Double confirmed
▶ 8a923d (1) No.1662830>>1662912
WHAT is happening?
Can you even Trivium? r u logical?
future proves past. humans are fucked. Only MAN can navigate from now on. Only MAN survives
'cause any new-ager on adrenochrome comprehends WHAT IS NEXT;
Q Past : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLCF7vPanrY
Just An Edit says, "Shh be quiet, the aliens are trying to communicate with us"
PSR 04, " ….And no wonder!!!😓
Message reads : ' You fuck up your planet & we're never letting you off it'…📛🏺🌎 "
aliens guy 42 to Just An Edit, "everything ready here on the dark side of the moon? Play the 5 tones…"
Bruce Cathie (Captain) 'n i agree: if you cannot navigate you run into things. 3 tones r ample ;-)
▶ 00753f (1) No.1662912>>1663897
-asplod in war with atlantis 12k years ago
-atlantis is kil too
u make no sense
▶ c41e45 (1) No.1663762>>1663953
Friendly reminder: the next global CE-5 is Saturday June 16th. this is an excellent night to go out under the stars and do the zoom in-and-out method of contact known as CTS Coherent Thought Sequencing to make contact with E.T.
Newfags can Google CE-5 if they don't know what this means.
Promoting lasting world Peace and human initiated, mutual bilateral ETI-human communication based on universal principles of contact and exchange.
▶ 78d7f8 (1) No.1663815
Critical thinking and asking for proof debunks all of the shills and cointelfags posting in here. You can't debunk seeing ET with your own eyes during a CE-5/CTS. Need moar contact reports anons. We believe in you. The choice to know is yours.
▶ ba6472 (5) No.1663897>>1668888
>>1662912 carnists perceive me as their traitorous enemy.
eye mirror <:> !
Prey tell; do you choose to eat sentient beings for taste alone?
it's ALL about adrenochrome. make you fucking own.
▶ ba6472 (5) No.1663920
and what about YOU "Double confirmed" - u a Double happy meal too?
▶ ba6472 (5) No.1663953>>1664205 >>1667402 >>1668888
>>1663762 you write, "Promoting lasting world Peace and human initiated, mutual bilateral ETI-human communication based on universal principles of contact and exchange."
Does THAT "lasting world Peace" include continuing the slaughter of 150 billion sentient animals each year?
CE-5 should not be undertaken by carnists.
The obfuscation stinks !
▶ f9be06 (1) No.1667402>>1668888 >>1671320
You obfuscate, my friend.
▶ 5aa507 (1) No.1668888>>1669614 >>1669874 >>1671254
I'm vegetarian, however I have also passed the developmental phase of judging everyone by how "unspiritual" they are.
Enough bickering. No matter the intentions,
these are shitposts.
We solve problems step by step. This thread is about information about any and contact with positive extraterrestrials. If you feel a negative part of human behavior warrants further discussion, take it to another thread please.
▶ 53b68c (2) No.1669614
What he said. Need moar contact reports and less obfuscation. E.T. is here. All over. They are waiting for us to show them readiness and willingness to learn.
▶ 53b68c (2) No.1669811>>1713597
Searching now but what is #41020 ?
▶ 7637b7 (5) No.1669874>>1672099
been vegan for years….
Had the word ARCTURIAN in blue
emblazoned in mind one night last year.
I had no idea what that was….
Tripping ever since, and it's glorious.
▶ ba6472 (5) No.1671254
>>1668888 why would an advanced being contact anti-live parasites?
until you comprehend flesh and adrenochrome stolen from sentient beings is WRONG - you can forget benign contact. it will be hostile.
Who would want to party with parasites?
▶ ba6472 (5) No.1671320>>1672232
>>1667402 man is anatomically direct evidence of frugivore.
and man can eat a benign herbivore diet and thrive too.
attempting to deny objective reality exposes your insanity.
Stupid carnist ! and i am not your friend -
at least not until you stop being an anti-live parasite and get some morals.
▶ 48cae1 (1) No.1672099>>1672835
Maybe you're a starseed.
▶ e2c715 (4) No.1672232>>1711326
Science debunks your repeated attempts to obfuscate, my friend.
This is a ground breaking scientific study of contact modalities from the "Foundation for Research of Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Experiences," aka FREE. It was co-founded by Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, and if you're wondering why you haven't heard of FREE, it's because it's paradigm breaking.
ET is NOT hostile. Notice that hostility did not even register with any of the respondents. Very very few even had "negative" experiences. OVER HALF RECEIVED MEDICAL HEALING BY EXTRATERRESTRIALS.
▶ e2c715 (4) No.1672255
More screenshots of the results of a scientific study into the nature of ET contact - with ample proof that ET is non-hostile. Benevolent even.
▶ e2c715 (4) No.1672274
More scientific proof ET is benevolent
▶ e2c715 (4) No.1672284>>1708396
We solve problems one step at a time around here folks.
▶ 7637b7 (5) No.1672835>>1677549 >>1677551
I had no idea what that was before
my experience,
The night after the "word" appeared, two
eyes seemed to come out of the darkness as
I was in-between wakefulness and sleep.
I was fearful and demanded it leave,,,nothing since.
Since then I have researched and have had
many good things happen…my mind has opened
much more.
▶ 425420 (2) No.1677549>>1678920
That's what happened to my friend who is an arcturan starseed. And he asked, who are you? Then numbers popped in his head, he wrote them down, and his friend who is an astrophysicist pointed out those numbers are a space coordinate. They looked it up and it was arcturas. Maybe he will hop on here to share his encounter with the being during meditation.
▶ 425420 (2) No.1677551>>1678920
What other good things have happened since?
▶ 7637b7 (5) No.1678920
wow..interesting story…very cool.
I "see" more when I walk in the woods.
The light through the trees refracted and… hard to
I talked with a woman on youtube who told me about starseeds.
Synchronicty beyond rational explaination after words.
It all started October or so of last year.
Then I found Q and more open-minded souls..
I'm a naturefag and one day outside in the yard the words,
"I have arrived." were loud in my head. Not like a normal thought.
Thanks for asking..
I'm here because I feel IT'S HAPPENING! hehe
I'm ready for more!
▶ 3e4a0c (2) No.1679042
>>256741 (OP)
government funded anti gravity machines
▶ 606900 (1) No.1689278
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Guy does ce-5 in his backyard and this happens, with important message at the end
▶ 66a842 (3) No.1708396
>>1672284 you write, "We solve problems one step at a time around here folks."
ok a Test (harmless i promise ;-) least u b accused along the lines of,
"What the heel have you people been smoking out there"
Earth is Symbiots' Home.
Sentient (crypto) Terrestrials make the Rules.
'cause nothing live outside the Law of Correspondence
▶ 66a842 (3) No.1711326>>1713550
>>1672232 what science debunks human' DNA is frugivore Orangutan and herbivore Gorilla and omnivore Chimpanzee?
DNA like that resonates in harmony with Earth - when it's being Sentient - and has the higher ground.
Your problem solving ability is flawed if you can't identify the problem.
Adrenochrome and flesh addiction is human' current problem : 'cause another heartbeat requires clean air, water and earth least humans become extinct.
Do you want humans to become extinct "my friend"?
▶ a3540e (10) No.1713550>>1717744
▶ b6f2ca (9) No.1713597>>1720969
▶ 66a842 (3) No.1717744>>1727828 >>1734061
>>1713550 what part of "frugivores choosing to eat meat" is gibberish?
What part of "eating anatomically correctly is normal, necessary and natural" is gibberish?
What part of "carnists and pedovores and pedosadists choose anti-live, evil destruction of sentient beings for taste and pleasure" is gibberish?
What part of "carnists' adrenochrome and flesh addiction is destroying the air, water and earth we need to live" is gibberish?
What part of "your lack of knowledge is your weakness" is gibberish?
Don't be a solipsistic cunt parasite - there are already to many addicted bitches 'n bastards for this earth to carry.
If you are a human that encourages children to "eat the rabbit and play with the apple" YOU ARE THE PROBLEM
Stop it or YOU will die apoptotic suicide : parasites eat the host.
▶ 7f5f40 (3) No.1720904>>1818040
What I this strange object that showed up in Qanon post #1472 in a picture taken aboard airforce 1? More evidence hinting that ET appreciates the Great Awakening? and America + the world's combined effort to bring peace and denuclearizion to the Korean peninsula?
What is this object?
▶ 7f5f40 (3) No.1720969
▶ 692eb7 (1) No.1721163>>1721226
@kabamur_taygeta's take on missile.
▶ cc27dc (11) No.1721226
Hey Q…
Confirm IDEN Kabamur?
▶ a3540e (10) No.1727828>>1734061 >>1735130
trying to comprehend it all
with open heart
open mind
blocking any insults
trying but you're speaking code
communication is a talent
it is the time that many are open to change and to be awaken
asking questions… searching…..
communicate clear, help us understand
▶ 6ec22d (1) No.1734061
Shill speaks in code, obfuscates, points finger at the rest of us for obfuscation.
▶ a09bc9 (4) No.1735130>>1736434
>>1727828 it is easy : parasitic gut nematodes destroy the host. Change the nematodes and enjoy …
John Rose youtube explains what i do and say.
recall : we all know harm when we sense it. Same for porn.
and here's some logic;
pedovores and carnists don't have empathy.
or morals. or ethics. or sanity (ask a Judge, DSM5 in hand )
until man chooses to eat anatomically correctly - the slaughter continues.
It begins with what you choose to eat. Man is fortunate to inhabit a body that can live symbiotically with earth.
We cage those that harm: rape, murder, pedovore - they trespass and are a hostile invasion - enemy of MAN.
Don't be the Barron's enemy
▶ cf5f58 (1) No.1736434>>1738642
Eating plants is also bad, they are Alive and feel pain. However the people that don't recognize that eating animals (we are animals) is significantly more immoral are willfully ignorant. There will be a time when we have direct nutrient materialization into our system, or when we can produce what we eat right before we eat it, like 3d printing, so nothing will be harvested from the earth and no life will be taken.
Nonetheless, in current human conditions, 95% of people can be just as healthy and spend the same amount of money to be vegetarian. Being vegan is very honorable, but not everyone can afford not getting some protein from dairy - I do think eating eggs should be minimized as much as possible, given the horrid industry that kills male chicks by the millions because they don't lay eggs. Our system is hideous, and the karma is catching up - it will be a horrible wave of suffering. The only thing that can mediate it is Disclosure.
▶ ffc61f (1) No.1736692>>1738682
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Movie u can share of the UFO or ETV captured outside of Air Force 1 as the president dined on a juicy T-bone steak
▶ a09bc9 (4) No.1738642
>>1736434 you must be a bot because your logic is wrong. Moral relativism and relative truth are a recursive trap. and like a.i. - an oxymoron.
or you are a hu-man addicted to adrenochrome and flesh under parasitic mind-control.
Either way , change for good (symbiosis) or become null and void.
ALL my logical friends and family agree: "make me a hemp-protein "steak 'n egg cheese" sandwitch and i'll STFU ;-)
▶ a09bc9 (4) No.1738682>>1738756
>>1736692 you obfuscate.
i bet you drink alcohol with adrenochrome and flesh.
THAT is the difference .
you got an agenda or just a stupid, addicted meat tard?
Farmers are our saviors for WHAT comes next Tard
▶ 1234ad (1) No.1738756>>1738832
What do you know about Pleiadians?
▶ a09bc9 (4) No.1738832
>>1738756 only what's on the web.
what should we know? do they accept Man is (can be) symbiotic live with earth ? with all the Type 1 toys …
or is an anti-live agenda being pushed?
Regardless WHAT we meet - always confirm IF IT IS YOUR ENEMY .
▶ 743341 (2) No.1770132
>>256741 (OP) D45 , "i can see you are definitely his son" and we definitely LIVE :-)
▶ 89f4fd (1) No.1771760>>1772431
Happy global ce-5 day from the people's disclosure movement. If newfags want to make contact tonight here is how
Go under the stars tonight with a string desire to make peaceful contact. Next remote view the milky way with your minds eye, then the solar system, then Earth and the moon, then the continent ur on, and all the way down to ur precise location. Then reverse the process all the way back out to the milky way. Repeat this process as much as necessary, with a strong internal desire to make peaceful contact. This is called Coherent Thought Sequencing or CTS.
▶ a3540e (10) No.1772431>>1773985 >>1774089
have you accomplished contact via CTS yourself you mean?
▶ 01c1ea (3) No.1773985
Yes Anon. Nearly 100% of the time.
▶ 01c1ea (3) No.1774089>>1774690
We aren't the only Anons to meet with success by initiating contact with ET thru CTS, or the "zoom in-and-out method."
▶ 01c1ea (3) No.1774605
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
More motivation for tonight.. new CE-5 video from Jimmy B. Out in California. He did CTS and this happened.
▶ 5096fc (1) No.1774690>>1777872 >>1777936 >>1777945 >>1778013 >>1819031
I had something very similar happen. Was sitting out on my balcony meditating and stargazing. Had the thought sort of pop into my head like " Can you show me a sign" and a second later saw a flash that looked like a very bright aircraft strobe light from the corner of my eye. Looked in that spot and there was nothing. No aircraft, no stars.
▶ 6e0e95 (4) No.1777872
Welcome to CE-5 Anon.
Truth is stranger than the lie.
Thank you Patriot.
▶ 6e0e95 (4) No.1777936
That's gowy last CE-5 went. We had one team sear up in Fayetteville ga, near Benning or bragg I'm not sure. Another team set up in Acworth. And I was set up near Athens GA. All I wanted to do was get some CE-5 footage to help Trump. Had my cam set up due south. after a guided meditation i stood up and faced due north. Cam rolling. Meanwhile the Fayetteville site had 19 sightings, 7 flashbulbs and 12 "alleged satellites." Which is newfag speak for 12 et orgs flying over. Difference is the Fayetteville team approached the situation from a global consciousness meanwhile I approached the situation from a "help Qanon/America POV."
Think about that!
▶ 6e0e95 (4) No.1777945
Basically how my* sorry I'm on cheap phone no computer
▶ 6e0e95 (4) No.1778013>>1783942
Sorry still wasn't clear. Fayetteville had 19 sightings. I had one. It was due north. Meanwhile cam was facing due south
▶ a3540e (10) No.1783942
sightings…ok, but i what about real, meaningful connection?
▶ 817f67 (3) No.1786006>>1806910
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Contact report from last night
▶ 743341 (2) No.1788966
crypto Trumps obfuscation https://newsinsideout.com/2016/04/robert-stanley-digital-deception-google-ai-creating-false-disclosure-manipulating-images-google-earth-google-moon-google-mars-part-secret-space-program/
▶ eb0bdf (1) No.1806910
Thank you! I love your reports - I wish more people took them seriously. I'll join you in CE-5 (on my side of the globe) as soon as certain real life issues stop being a hog.
▶ fab170 (6) No.1809541>>1809551
Forbidden History - Part 1
The Order of the Illuminati, Giants, the Bible & Stonehenge
Dear Awakeners, anything you can learn about the Illuminati's secret society will massively increase your understanding of what's actually going on in the world. The Illuminati are essentially Satan's mafia, very powerful, driven and globally connected. The best information comes from ex-Illuminati who have learned the secrets that have been kept from the public; from those that truly understand the hidden dark side. These excellent videos are time VERY well spent, far better than concerning yourself with "Bread and Circus" like the "Congressional Days of Our Lies" soap opera. Below are some notes I took (in 4 parts) from the first fascinating video.
1) Rare interview: A former member of the Illuminati exposes the origins of the society (1:08:56)
2) A conversation with ex Illuminati insider Ronald Bernard and Sacha Stone (33:08)
3) Worldwide testimonies on Child Sacrifices part one, intro by Ronald Bernard (10:13 C/C)
4) Why The Sumerian Civilization is Way Too Controversial for Mainstream History (1:24:04)
5) here's another interesting one w/link starting on Freemasonry part:
Channeling. Mediums. Freemasonry - Bill Schnoebelen (1:46:37)
The Illuminati is synonymous with witchcraft and sold-out souls to Satanism, and living in the Illuminati is basically a death sentence under normal circumstances. But no matter how powerful Satan and the Illuminati think they are, if you are born again into Christ you are protected by God and will leave this earth when God says it's time. The Illuminati don't call their God Satan, that's a Christian idea. They teach that Satan was a Christian bogey-man to keep their kids in line. They refer to him as Lucifer. They teach that in the beginning, Lucifer was equal to God in all things in heaven, as the millennia rolled by, it was God who became jealous of Lucifer's equality and cast him out in 'the great war of heaven' and all those who follow him. Right now, the Illuminati believe they are summoning up enough force, that at the battle of Armageddon, they're going to kill God and the Holy Spirit, and put Lucifer at the top where he belongs, and that right now Christ is chained to a huge boulder in hell for betraying the cause.
In Genesis, after the first 6 books, it talks about the ancient giants for the first time. They undoubtedly have existed. The Bible tells us that the giants ranged in height anywhere from 9.5 to 40 feet. One passage said that the giant there was as tall as a cedar tree. The average cedar tree is 40 feet in height, that's a 4 story building. They had 6 fingers and 6 toes, they had double, sometimes triple rows of teeth. The giants were not nice people, they were all evil foul creatures.
It was fallen angels or demons that mated with female human beings that created the giants. Remember Lucifer was just cast out of heaven to the earth with all the others. He wanted to get revenge. He wanted to take over the world now. If he couldn't have heaven, he was going to take the earth. But in order to do this he would have to create an army. What better type of army could you create than solders being 9.5 to 40 feet tall? We know that God wiped them out the first time in the great flood. But in Genesis 6:4 it says that there were not only giants then, but afterwords too. We have a prophecy here which states they'll be coming again. They did. They came back after the flood the same way it happened the first time. And this is where Joshua who was leading the armies of Israel comes into the story…
In the land of Canaan, there were over 40 tribes that had giants in them. By extrapolating from all the towns and numbers in the Bible, around Bashan and in the entire area, there were approximately one million giants. That's a number that's almost unheard of at that time. Why would Lucifer put a million giants in that one area? There was a prophecy in the old testament that tells of a messiah that would be born right in the area of Jerusalem. And we know that was Jesus Christ. Lucifer was going to try to stop the prophecy of Jesus Christ being born, because the prophecy says that since Jesus would be God himself, that ultimately he was going to defeat Lucifer. The Illuminati teaches that if you can stop just one prophecy of God, then God can't be God then. So the rest of the prophecies could be undone at that point. They know of the Bible, but that's not to say they believe it. They were going to try and stop Christ from being born, but we know that Christ came about no matter what these people tried…(end of part one).
▶ fab170 (6) No.1809551>>1809559
Forbidden History - Part 2
The Order of the Illuminati, Giants, the Bible & Stonehenge
(Part 2) The giants were almost up to 7 times taller than normal 6 foot humans. Some people try to say they were taller, but they're wrong. There's a cover up trying to hide the truth about the giants, because if you can prove the existence of giants, than the Bible must be right. That's why they bury a lot of this archeology, like many other hidden or forbidden things. The same thing with Noah's ark. We have photographic evidence, satellite images too, we know it exists, we know where it exists, on the hillside of the mountain of Ararat, Turkey. The governments of Russia and Turkey (it's right on the border) refuse to allow Christians to go there and excavate it. Why? Well Turkey and Russia (govts) don't believe in God like in Christianity, do they? [However, Putin has recently tied their government to the Christian Russian Orthodox Church,…a change is a coming.] If we could unearth Noah's ark and show the world, it would prove that God existed, and they can't have that. We would have a whole change in our morality at that point. That would strictly go against the plans of the Illuminati, to set up a New World Order.
We are on the verge of a major discovery, if we can extract the DNA from the bones or teeth (from the unearthed giants), we can verify everything. With my medical background, I doubt the giants had a double helix, I think they may have had a triple helix. The double helix carries all the information to create a human construct…
Goliath was a small giant, only 9.5 feet tall. There's a story of Merlin the Magician (from the Knights of the Round Table) who, with the help of the giants, built Stonehenge. Stonehenge dates back to 3,000 bc., but there are thousands of stone circles peppered all throughout ancient Persia that date back to 11,000 bc., and it was the giants that built them all. There are stone circles found all over the world. Our history has been altered to keep the truth from the public, because it would only validate God and the Bible.
The stone circles like Stonehenge had three purposes. They were used for religious purposes, as astrological observatories, and as places for the rites of human sacrifices where they would summon up demons. Under Stonehenge alone, there were over 4,000 human skeletal remains found from human sacrifice. No-one seems to notice or make the connection, but directly across the street from Stonehenge there's a large hexagram crop formation. It's not the star of David, it has a circle around it. It is the foulest, the strongest, the most evil of occult symbols in all of history, nothing can touch it. You need this symbol if you're going to summon up a demon into this plane of existence.
Demons are making the crop formations, not people. The crop formations are usually found in close proximity to stone circle ritual sites. Like the two mile wide stone circle of Amesbury, there are two adjacent formations forming a triangle. The triangle inside a circle is called a Thaumaturgic Triangle and it's used for the summoning of demons. The whole purpose of the stone circles is to bring back demons or fallen angels to mate with female human beings. The demons that created the giants knew the prophecies of God, so they made a way, through their children (the Giants) to make the stone circles so that the demons could come back through. That's been the purpose of the stone circles all along.
In England, Scotland, Ireland, Russia, Sweden, the Middle East, America, all the stories speak of ancient giants that lived in their areas. All of these cultural stories, their weapons, their tools and other things that they've found, are being hidden by the governments of the world to make sure people don't know about them. Most all of the crop formations are not being shown in papers and magazines. The media says the myserious crop circles, and the mysteries of Stonehenge, and that no-one actually knows what they're for or who made them. Well, a lot of people throughout the governments and the rest of the world know exactly what they are and what they're used for, but it's their secret…(end of part two).
▶ fab170 (6) No.1809559>>1809577 >>1852730
Forbidden History - Part 3
The Order of the Illuminati, Giants, the Bible & Stonehenge
There's another stone circle called Gilgal Refaim, in Golan Heights, Israel. In Hebrew, Gilgal Refaim means Wheel of the Ghosts, or Wheel of Giants. More than 42,000 basalt stones make up the formation, and dates back to over 5,000 years ago. The records indicate there were no known civilizations or tribes around Gilgal Refa'im during that time except for the ancient giants.
The giants of the Americas stood between 15-18 feet in height, and had orange hair. Most were in Western North America and they would run around doing whatever they wanted. They would grab the cattle from the indians, buffalo & deer, carry them away under their arms and eat them. The problem was they were so big that one tribe could do nothing to stop them. Someone got the idea that if all the tribes united, they could hunt them down and take care of them once and for all. So that's what they did. They hunted them all to the point of near genocide, but 12-15 of them remained in a cave and wouldn't come out. They used spears, arrows and sling-shots to drive them out but they wouldn't come out. So they built a huge fire in front of the cave to smoke them out. They wouldn't come out so they all died in the cave. Being very supersticious, no-one would ever go into the cave again. So somewhere in the Western US in a cave there are the skeletal remains of 12-15 giants.
The Illuminati's religion goes all the way back to Babalonia itself. Remember, Lucifer wanted to take over the world and he will try to do so during the last seven days of the tribulation period. Lucifer is a spiritual being, time means nothing to him. He's been planning this for thousands of years. So when this started, lets say 5,000 years ago, that's along time to us but not to him. It's taken time to set all the plans but they're almost all set up. Now what's going to happen is you're going to see more activity at these stone circles than ever before in recorded history.
To be in the Illuminati, you practice the rite of human sacrifice 8 times a year. It has to happen. The last one was Dec. 1st on the night of yule in the Illuminati. Most of the power brokers, the big people who are running this world are in the Illuminati. Israel's Supreme Court building was built by the Rothschilds, and they still head the Order of the Illuminati to this day.
They all want to be in the Illuminati so that they'll be big and powerful people when Lucifer/Satan starts his reign in the New World Order here on earth. They don't believe in heaven or hell. The believe in reincarnation. That's why a lot of their plans take a hundred years or longer. Because they believe that when they die, they'll come back and finish their plans anyway. In incarnation, you come back exactly the same as when you left. The Hindus believe in reincarnation, but if you didn't live a good enough life, you come back as a bug, a bird, an animal-that's one way of looking at it. The Illuminati has their way of looking at it. Just like there are different forms of Christianity, it all depends on your interpretation…(end of part three).
▶ fab170 (6) No.1809577>>1809807 >>1852730
Forbidden History - Part 4
The Order of the Illuminati, Giants, the Bible & Stonehenge
Lucifer fell from grace because he thought there was nothing that he couldn't do, like megalomaniacs with delusions of grandure. Like narsacists, everthing is all about me and everyone must bow down and worship me. What did it was pride, he wanted all the power and glory for himself and this is what he's still after. What the Bible says is going to happen during the 7 day period of the tribulation. They will get the earth for seven years. (day year?) And this is the plan of the Illuminati, it's ages and ages old, but this is the goal; a New World Order.
The Bible gives us prophecies that shows us how close the rapture is and then the tribulation period. It's in the book of Matthew where it's prophesized about the budding of the fig tree, the olive tree and the branches & stuff, when that happens, the next generation will be the last one. That reference is directly to Israel. When Israel became a nation back on May 14, 1948. The Bible tells us that Israel comes back as a sovergn nation again, the next generation, that's the last one. The Bible says a couple of thing about how long a generation is; 35, 40, 70, 100, or 120 years in length. That would bring it to 2018, 2048 or 2068. Now I'm not saying those are the years, I'm saying if we go by the Bible's definition of a generation, it could be any time now. 2018 could be the year but I'm not betting on it. With the internet, like in the end times knowledge would increase. They say now that every 6 months our knowledge is doubling.
There's always hope, and the greatest hope is found in the Bible in the prophecies. It tells us first of all that a person dosn't have to die and go to hell if they don't want to, they can get saved through Jesus Christ. That's why they say he died as the ultimate sacrifice upon the Cross of Calvary. And by turning to Christ and accepting his gift of salvation in him, and especially during your life. Trust me, your life is going to be so much better after that. I was in the Illuminati for 20 years of my life, I was raised in it. I saw a lot of things no-one should ever have to see. But I was part of this new world order system. I remember the plans , the times, the dates, the names, all of it.
But, for everything I have been, it's nothing compared to what I have now. And I bearly have two pennies to rub together but I have never been this happy or more content in my life. My final time is going to be with Jesus Christ in the heavens of God. I know that what ever happens at the end of the tribulation period, God is going to win in the end. So my hope for a better future has been secured. I don't have to worry about any of it because in the end, we win. But that's up to every individual. To accept the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ or reject it, and I wouldn't want to be in their shoes if they reject it. (Doc Marquis - Video by: Avner Valer, Published on Jan 22, 2018)
Forbidden History
▶ fab170 (6) No.1809649>>1852730
the Anunnaki, Sumerian Civilizations and Creation
For a better understanding of earth, humans, ufos & aliens check out this excellent documentary:
- Why The Sumerian Civilization is Way Too Controversial for Mainstream History (1:24:04)
Ancient Secret Discoveries, Published on Dec 26, 2017
(Video Blurb) After watching this you will come to understand that the historic picture behind the origin of mankind and civilization is completely wrong. Sumer was located in modern day Iraq (known as Mesopotamia in ancient times) around 4500 BC. The Sumerians had a rather advanced civilization with their own elaborate language and system of writing. They also had extensive knowledge about our solar system, astronomy and mathematics.
Long before the Bible, There were the Sumerian Tablets. It’s hard to come across evidence that is conclusive about how life really was back then, but suffice to say that Sumeria has always been a place of fascination, especially when it comes to the finding of this evidence. With that being said, archaeologists have unearthed Sumerian Tablets dating to over 4 Millennium ago. To imagine there was a civilization back then that had a schematic way of recording information on Tablets is simply astounding. Were they influenced by other beings?
▶ 3e4a0c (2) No.1809807>>1809954
you can be mislead slightly, the rapture was never taught before 1800 when Margaret mac donald the occult member brought it to the attention of john darby who took that doctrine into all the southern baptist colleges. So good luck with the rapture theory..secondly, those who were already saved at Christs death at the cross, cannot reject salvation, just as those goats whom he did not die for cannot accept him, we dont have a choice in salvation, we get the gift or we dont. you are either a sheep in the flock of God or a goat follower of satan…and yes some are born not knowing they are sheep until much later in life when God smacks them upside the head so many times they finally get it… so what im saying is this, the fix is in, we already won, satan doesnt know that he cannot stop salvation of billions of people because he cannot see these truths of the elect being sealed and protected from satans devices. God has us in his hands, and Satan cannot snatch us away, the fix is in, we already won…this is the problem with the doctrines of demons called world religions, satan is sifting people like sand, keeping them spinning in circles, believing all kinds of crap that is false…because he still believes he can outsmart Jesus, sorry dude…you lose..
In the Name of Jesus Christ the Almighty i rebuke all Demon Influence on the Chans.
be dammed satanas
▶ fab170 (6) No.1809954
I'm not losing anything, dude. I'm gaining more knowledge every day through research than I every learned in school. Those comments above re giants/demons weren't mine, they were:
> "some notes I took (in 4 parts) from the first fascinating video."
It doesn't matter if you believe in demons or fallen angels, etc. The bankers and politicians that control our country do, and that's all Satan needs to control you.
I haven't checked on the rapture yet, but it is on my list. Good luck, anon.
▶ e971c5 (1) No.1811743>>1815700 >>1817400
"Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process"
▶ a3540e (10) No.1815700
▶ f1db0c (2) No.1817400
Hmm. it says that othe agencies already do access to the Gateway Process
In Romania, it says that in 2000. they used indigo children for to access to secret tunnels, using the power of the Mind remote vision.
I think that maybe they used the Gateway process for to do communications with the bad entities,
▶ f1db0c (2) No.1817418
Some about the Crop Circles?
I have questions to do for Who have knowledge..
▶ c0eaf5 (1) No.1818040>>1852604
Dug around on this and haven't found much. Everyone is looking at the volcanoes. Sure looks like something that would not be able to fly due to a lack of wing surfaces/rotors, etc. It is obviously the object of the picture, not the mountains.
▶ 9e986a (2) No.1818936
a preacher once said gravity is actually a push and not a pull…it makes sense…a zero-point energy force that pushes matter equally in all directions but is negated when matter faces matter, thus creating the illusion of pull when they're actually being pushed together.
▶ 9e986a (2) No.1819031>>1819375 >>1827420 >>1852604
Has anybody noticed any shooting stars these weeks? I saw lots of flashes, some repeating in the same spot, but nooo shooting stars except one green one.
▶ 0b0360 (1) No.1819248
Who is John Quincy St. Clair?
Are his patents DECLAS?
Please help this make it's way to Q.
▶ cc27dc (11) No.1819375>>1837198
That's how they interact with you at first. Flashes.
Use a laser pointer to respond.
>What are laser pointers used for? - Q
▶ 9442a9 (4) No.1827420
I saw 4 in 2016. Also saw a definite UFO in 2017
▶ 3a067e (1) No.1837198>>1838611 >>1852537 >>1890161
Alright, that takes a lot of stress of my mind..thought they were shooting up there…I read somewhere laserpointers are discouraged, so would a dim lightsource work too? The flashes were clearly artificial as they came from the same spot in succession. I've had help getting in touch with them before>>1819375
▶ 4b9425 (1) No.1838228>>1840262
At the Rally in Duluth, Minnesota, POTUS said on the topic of Space Force "Because it's a whoooooole…" whole what? He knows.
▶ 0e0898 (8) No.1838611
If you've ever flown a plane at night, you'd realize how useless a dim light source would be from the ground. The whole world is lit up below.. you can just make out a squad car's lights 15 miles out, and 2 miles up, through countless murky fields and rows of dim glowing streetlamps, building lighting, car headlights, etc.. Consider the acronym of laser- "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation" and why it could be simpler for some one above to discern that over a regular bulb.
▶ 0463d8 (1) No.1840262>>1848057
Space Mining
There a problem with the Colonies?
▶ 5fc5f0 (1) No.1847743>>1848069
Q&A Saturday. Great opportunity to ask for answers on topics like the National Space Council meeting, "Space Force," Moon Colonization plans, and where civilian-ET outreach via CE-5 fits into "The Plan."
Choose your words wisely Anons - we might actually get a response! world watching
▶ 149c48 (1) No.1847921
Revell had the balls to make these.. only for Amazon to ban them..
▶ 861f53 (2) No.1848057
Colonies are free, they would have no problem with this.
▶ 861f53 (2) No.1848069>>1852556
I agree, we need to coordinate and ask our question. Be heard, but not spam or distract. Our topics are important.
▶ eeac0a (8) No.1852505
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
▶ eeac0a (8) No.1852537
Buddy. Be very careful with laser pointers. Ask yourself why certain people are encouraging u to use them….. I've had a lot of contact, once involving a strobe light, but never while a laser was being used. Dangerous.
"ET responds very positively to efforts to communicate thru consciousness." -Steven Greer
▶ eeac0a (8) No.1852556
I didn't plan on telegraphing this here, but here is my Q&A question so far. Thoughts?
▶ eeac0a (8) No.1852604
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Several days after the Qanon picture of a UFO outside AF1, ET demonstrated Red White and Blue for one CE-5 team
▶ eeac0a (8) No.1852716
(((Less Fagposting please.)))
Contribute but don't spam.
▶ eeac0a (8) No.1852730
▶ eeac0a (8) No.1853294>>2110367
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Great Awakening Worldwide. Full Disclosure starts with YOU
▶ 14479f (2) No.1853425
▶ 14479f (2) No.1853652
The Secrets Of Anti Gravity - Hutchison Effect Is Really Frequency Levitation
▶ e34052 (1) No.1856653
i dreamt aliens taught me this song in a dream
▶ eeac0a (8) No.1859618
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
More new ce-5 footage. Pretty open sighting here
▶ 610d7c (1) No.1880231
Many thousands of energy patents have been "confiscated" under the guise of "national security" without even the President's nor Congress's awareness, including Tesla's work. The process of tapping earth's unlimited energy fields is already known but every time someone comes forward with proof, it's taken and kept secret in the interests of geopolitical macro economics. Nothing survives that threatens the almighty petrol-dollar (except for in the confines of their military industrial complex, of course). JP Morgan said, "If we can't put a meter on it, we don't want it."
How is any inventor supposed to succeed and prosper when 9 out of 10 patents are rejected and exposed in a process that allows for intellectual property theft? During the vulnerable period of review in the application process, England gets first crack at your ideas, then China. You pay thousands of dollars in multiple fees to just apply for patent protection in a process that is so wrought with complex bureaucracy that it takes thousands more to hire a patent attorney to cope with the process. Only to wait years for the slim possibility that you can make money from your own ideas. And if you do get a patent, you then have to pay thousands and thousands more just to maintain it. The inventors are supposed to be the ones who benefit, not the Patent Office (nor the deep state bad actors that control the process).
Here's a short 11 minute video on Zero Point Energy and the Numbers of the universe:
https://youtu.be/NkLJnm_Eq-I (or)
▶ 814d10 (9) No.1887201>>1887687
i had a dream sometime ago: greys showed me how to play this song, seems important somehow
▶ 17e641 (2) No.1887687>>1891619
Are you the anon for whom the greys played a guitar? I vaguely remember your post, kek
▶ cc27dc (11) No.1890161
The law of magnetism, is very simple to understand. This crop circle has already been clearly deciphered by scientists and physicists. It is very easy to perceive in this crop circle when you look at it.
Next, is the tachyon grid. This is very coincidental. The tachyon grid crop circle appeared exactly one after a scientist was speaking about time travel during an interview.
Next, is the Secret of Pi. The secret of Pi is undeniable. I have viewed this myself… and others have decoded this Sacred Key. Once again, do a little research, you'll find what you seek regarding this circle.
Finally, the Supreme Law of the Sacred Observer. Notice, one piece of the triangle is the Tachyon Grid, it is reminiscent of the tachyon grid previously shown. This relates to the "Universal Matrix". Now, perceive that YOU are the "Sacred Observer" which is the 5th dimension of consciousness. The other piece of the holy trinity, is the Pinwheel. This represents a STAR, or light source. The very center of the holy trinity, is a celestial body, or gravity, or electromagnetism if you will. Notice the tiny bend in the line between the Pinwheel (Star) going past Gravity (center) toward the Circle (Observer)? This tiny bend was NOT made by accident. This correlates to the DIRECT implication gravity (electromagnetism by the EU Model) has on Light.
Please perceive the following;
https:// www.express.co.uk/news/weird/842579/UFO-crop-circle-made-ball-of-light-aliens
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM16fAvEj2s
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=_L6xGfe_a1s
https:// www.livescience.com/26540-crop-circles.html
http:// www.news.com.au/technology/science/space/theyre-real-and-contain-hidden-messages-scientist-says/news-story/05f450e958f71dac46a2a61f47968f16
http:// www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2016-07-26/scientific-crop-circle-research-held-back-by-ufo-links/7660712
http:// theconversation.com/crop-circles-blur-science-paranormal-in-x-files-culture-86606
FIRST, you may realize the stalks of crops have been thoroughly analyzed. Their stalks contain residual radiation. The very fiber of their atomic level has been altered, heated up and BENT in nodal points. This is IMPOSSIBLE to do with mainstream technology in the hands of humans. Do your research, it's IMMENSE.
You must understand, that videos were created to debunk crop circles. TRUE crop circles appear overnight, and never has anyone been caught making them. There is EXTREME magnetic disturbance inside of the circles, among other phenomena, which you cannot explain by humans creating them with boards. The ones made by humans, are hilariously poor in their quality. Compasses spin inside of them, and just outside they do not. There is also a tremendous amount of Iron Pyrite just inside of the crop circle formations, this is meteoric dust. This is drawn out of the atmosphere by the extreme electromagnetism used bouncing off the chalk layers under the soil. Residual charge and radiation is also left behind.
It is essentially impossible to debunk crop circles. This is something I believe to the 99%… and the 1% is left open, but I have my opinions.
You can master deciphering crop circles, if you view them in 3D… "All will be revealed"…
▶ cc27dc (11) No.1890267
Next we discuss some more supremely important circles.
First, I present to you a message from the "Benevolent Watchers". The circle contained on the side, is a Binary code. Many people have already deciphered this Binary Code.
"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts and their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. (Damaged word). There is GOOD out there. We Oppose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING"
Next, I give you the "Marker" of a species. The "Wings" represent spirituality. The Ascended Masters may very well use this Marker to identify themselves. The Winged Serpent Quetzalcoatl is also quite likely to be denoted in this marker.
The third, is a Marker of "Supreme Beings". Of Supreme Benevolence.
Interwoven wings, of infinity. An infinite ebb and flow. Wings, Avians… correlation? Perhaps these "Supreme Beings", form themselves as birds. Do you not perceive the Supreme beauty they are trying to guide us towards?
Next, I give you the open third eye. This is very detailed as you can perceive. Notice, the fully open eyes of a human. Notice, the humanoid (representing religion) with a sword attacking the benevolent above it? This represents our own Free Will attacking Wisdom. The very Wisdom they have tried to give us for thousands of years. Notice, the circles, circles of sacred geometry entering the mind of the Human? This… this has a lot of coincidences wrapped into it.
Finally, a very detailed and hard to decipher crop circle. This is the Kardashev scale. This represents Class I,II,III,IV Civilizations and V is a "Supreme Being" if you will. This crop circle holds immense importance, but no one has completed deciphering the algorithms of the symbolism. The series of events, flow from the big bang, into "choices". Choices of Free Will. You must maintain a common goal collectively as a species to reach a Class V (Supreme Being) status. It's quite likely that the genetics of these species will ultimately surpass the biological time clock imprinted into all DNA. DNA must be spliced after several hundred million, or billion years in order to survive. Certain bottlenecks are experienced, and can be avoided if an entire species collective knowledge is imparted into biotechnological interfaces.
If you decipher the 5 separate paths, you will discover supremely involved algorithms based on choice. Choice remember… Free Will… it governs our path in the multiverse. Draco Reptilians (Royalty at least) are only considered a Class III species at best (on the precipice of Oblivion based on their Free Will). Humans? We would barely be considered Class I at best… most would consider us as Class 0.
▶ cc27dc (11) No.1890329
The Arecibo Message, very very interesting…
For this to appear overnight, without anyone seeing any lights or any signs? Very hard to believe that some locals with boards and sticks performed this to this degree of precision.
My Supreme apologies for the David Wilcock ad's on this link.
▶ cc27dc (11) No.1890367>>1890914
Sacred Geometry,
For those of you studying the fractal index, this might come as fairly interesting.
The Julia sets of Complexity beside Stonehenge are really quite intriguing. Some of these are over 900 feet wide… The degree of precision is absolutely perfect.
Clearly "someone" want's us to advance on our terms of understanding sacred geometry and universal laws of mathematics.
▶ 17e641 (2) No.1890914>>1908911 >>1909805 >>1935788 >>1935976 >>1935984
Thank you for posting these. The question of who made these crop circles should be asked if someone refuses to believe in extraterrestrial guidance. These cannot be made with any man made technology. In all "true" crop circles, none of the stalks are broken but "impossibly" bent using some kind of radiation.
And let's not forget Q got his own crop circle on June 11th!
▶ fb3bc7 (1) No.1891308>>1908970 >>1910098 >>1938952
Is anyone here genuinely interested in the underlying physics (which is not conventional BTW) by which Antigravity and Free Energy works?
I ask because I have some research to share, it is experimental, you can prove it to yourself, but a lot of luck and skill would be needed to pull off Antigravity.
▶ 814d10 (9) No.1891619
no i don't think so, this was from a dream where they showed me this song in my childhood home. i recorded it.
I have more experience, but would feel like a kook for sharing it all.. not sure what I believe right now about it all. I hope they are real.
▶ 18bb3c (1) No.1908911
>>1890914 crypto symbiots "star wars" and micro-spheres. why are similar micro-spheres found at WTC after 911?
▶ 9442a9 (4) No.1908970
▶ cc27dc (11) No.1909805
Now this is one fantastic crop circle.
The shape of a "Q".
Is that a coincidence?
Did something happen around this time frame?
Something no one ever thoth would happen?
Yes… it did.
For all the agendafags setting Q up on the 11th, this is a delicious piece of humble pie for them.
Perhaps an Arcturian nod.
▶ d366ee (1) No.1910098
I believe if one went out and pulled all that was said about antigravity from various ET contactees, we'd get closer to solving the mystery. Do share your research please!
Bet it's toroids.
▶ f51d38 (1) No.1912949
▶ fe7890 (6) No.1929378
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Listen to what she is saying, anons
▶ b6f2ca (9) No.1930259>>1930268
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.
Worth a watch.
I think that the QAnon movement is headed towards an organic Singularity - which is a 'positive' one
▶ e805b8 (1) No.1935788>>1935976 >>1935984
"These cannot be made with any man made technology."
▶ b6f2ca (9) No.1935971>>1935984
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.
And after calming me down with some orange slices and some fetal spooning, E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose.
<He said, "You are the Chosen One, the One who will deliver the message. A message of hope for those who choose to hear it and a warning for those who do not."
Me. The Chosen One?
They chose me!
And I didn't even graduate from fuckin' high school.
Then he looked right through me
With somniferous almond eyes.
Don't even know what that means
Must remember to write it down.
This is so real.
Can't breathe, right now!
It was so real.
<Like I woke up in Wonderland.
All sort of terrifying.
▶ b6f2ca (9) No.1935976
▶ b6f2ca (9) No.1935984
▶ fe7890 (6) No.1938881
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
More daylight ETV sighting
▶ fe7890 (6) No.1938952>>1939322 >>1944634
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
My friends already make free energy devices. If you ask them publically they will vehemently deny CE-5 had anything to do with their free energy products…. Bc Greer has asked them to leave that part out.
But yeah, free energy is already here folks. And it's affordable.
▶ c1e3cd (1) No.1939322
>look, our new tech means that we have access to unlimited energy!
>but for some reason you need to give us money and invest in our cryptocoin ICO!
>never mind that we could just mine any existing cryptocoins ourselves using our unlimited energy!
>or better yet, make all forms of money obsolete!
>no, you need to invest in our cryptocoin!
▶ a3540e (10) No.1944634
affordable free (energy)? kinda of an oxymoron
▶ 299fb9 (1) No.1951416>>1956347
I asked this in the other thread a couple nights ago.
@ Q anon
1. How much does the POTUS know about UFO's and extraterrestrials?
2. Is the POTUS announcing the Spaceforce in order to make ET Disclosure happen? Is the secret space program advanced technology going to be released (like advanced propulsion)? Or is POTUS just trying to militarize space?
▶ fe7890 (6) No.1956278
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
More CE-5 footage. Listen to what he asks before the "power up."
▶ fe7890 (6) No.1956293
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I like Jimmy's vids. You don't hear him talking bc he uses Consciousness to communicate.
"ET responds very favorably to attempts to communicate thru consciousness" -Dr. Steven Greer
▶ fe7890 (6) No.1956347>>1956876
Our team in Georgia saw red, white, and blue during a CE-5 just days after the Singapore summit. We took this as a positive sign. Then there was the UFO caught on camera outside AF1 at roghly the same time. I think ET are somewhat ok with where our space development is headed. If you listen to the national space council meeting, less than two minutes was dedicated to decompartmentalizing the SSP and the remaining 2 hours were about the space economy. Let's face it, ET won't allow too much militarization of space. That has essentially been proven.
Someone blew up the spaceX launch with an alleged "top secret Facebook" satellite on it and it wasn't mean. You can see a "drone" swoop by at the moment it explodes.
At this point the secrecy is the biggest threat
▶ cc27dc (11) No.1956876>>1998435
I've had 50+ contact experiences over the past 4 years or so now, and I've seen those metallic looking orbs from quite close up.
They are FAR more common than most people know.
>What are laser pointers used for?
If you want disclosure, YOU have to make it happen. The Ascended Masters… they don't care so much about politics, factions and likewise. They especially don't care much about TV or what get's put on it. They care about YOUR intentions. What YOU are doing as a loving, sentient being to benefit the Cosmos.
If hundreds of thousands, or millions of people were making contact every single night, it would drastically speed up the self created disclosure revolution.
Full disclosure most likely will never come from any form of government.
What you see with your own two eyes reigns Supreme.
The Ascended Masters defend Life.
Certain secrets exist for a reason, at least for now. 90+% of the world couldn't handle the Truth. Forcing the red pills down the throats of the masses is not wise.
It is YOUR choice to find Truth, what you do with it is up to your Free Will.
▶ 294a43 (1) No.1957067
Q, since January I've been asking that question, "Why doesn't the media just ask Trump?"
We've seen the hit job stories "Qanon conspiracy theory" etc. but they won't ask POTUS directly.
The longer it went on with no direct question of POTUS, the more I wondered why they won't ask the question. And for the very reason Q just said. POTUS would be asked about all of the "Reeeeee" posts and they don't want those questions asked.
Q. I suggest you call on all Qwarriors to taunt the MSM #JustAskHimYouCowards or something better. Let's pitchfork them. Hahaha…..
▶ 9d9fc5 (1) No.1957373
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.
>this thread when Full Disclosure hits
▶ a3540e (10) No.1981920>>1986249
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
researching…. and researching
shape shifting is hard pill to swallow but trying to see deep in it
▶ 814d10 (9) No.1986249>>1989202
▶ 6742ff (1) No.1988475
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
More new ce-5 footage out of california
▶ a3540e (10) No.1989202>>1990080
▶ 814d10 (9) No.1990080>>1995131
▶ a3540e (10) No.1995131>>2086628
▶ 94c3f1 (2) No.1995185
▶ 94c3f1 (2) No.1995192
▶ 3784f5 (1) No.1998435>>2003435 >>2074486
Ok… I'm down to make contact. How do I do it. I don't know how to "phone home" but I will do it in a minute if I knew how.
▶ d36538 (2) No.2003367
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Rae Dove plays the Crop Circle Tones off the ET Contact Tool app during an impromptu CE-5 and this happens
Not the first time this has happened!
▶ d36538 (2) No.2003435>>2003580 >>2074486 >>2388737 >>2402674
Very simple my friend. There are several ways. The first way is completely free…
1) go outside under the stars, get comfortable, and enter a meditative state. Have a strong and sincere desire to make peaceful contact with ET.
Then, using ur mind's eye, remote view the milky way. Once you have a clear mental image of the milky way, zoom into the sun and her nine planets. Once that image is clear, zoom in on the earth and moon….. Then the continent ur on…. All the way down to ur exact location, trying to be as precise as possible. Then reverse the process back out to the milky way, and back in, as many times as necessary. Do this while projecting thoughts and feelings about peaceful contact with ET. You should get at least a flashbulb by doing this method. This method is called Coherent Thought Sequencing.
2) (Also Free) Find a CE-5 team near you and go out with ET contact experts! Find them on www.etcontactnetwork.com
3) Download the ET Contact Tool app for $7 on Apple or Android. This is how I first did a CE-5 and saw orbs over my backyard. Been making contact ever since.
▶ 9839ae (1) No.2003580>>2074486
▶ 3e3bd2 (1) No.2055211>>2074486
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Compilation of recent CE-5 encounters in florida
▶ 891a7f (1) No.2055306
1994 interview with Alex Collier, an abductee: predicts a big event happening after Aug 2001. Also discussed during the interview, One World Government and Globalism, modern day Fascism thought control, coming 2nd American revolution
9/11: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SUwqvXsYwU
Full interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQZgAEA95s8
▶ 6f9c1a (1) No.2060446
EM drives have been around since the 1970's Russia. The CIA/NSA was concerned that the Russians would use that tech to travel to Mars in the early to mid 80's. However the plans for all this never happened due to unforeseen circumstances in keeping the travelers alive during the trip there and back. Now Magneto Plasma drives are used to make "anti-gravity" craft in our skies. EM is still the most current thing we have for space travel.
▶ be91bc (2) No.2074486>>2074504
Y'all do know that tonight and next Saturday night are global CE-5 events for all to participate
▶ cc06f5 (1) No.2075716>>2082669
I only come here to say I smoke methylated tryptamines after closing hours but if you give me amphetamines beforehand I will be mounting that machine-elf from behind. Not sure if guilty or proud
▶ aeb856 (1) No.2082669>>2084919
Pics or it didn't happen
▶ 814d10 (9) No.2086628
saw two uap this weekend in nyc, black choppers scrambled due to first
▶ 107b3e (1) No.2110367
The guys doing the CE-5 documentary are now hosting a CE-5 training expedition with people's disclosure movement
▶ 4953aa (2) No.2130048
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Free Energy dump
Btw most of the people on this team do CE-5
▶ 4953aa (2) No.2130079
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Infinergy demo
This battery can power your phone, lights, small appliances. It does not run out of juice.
▶ fb3d63 (1) No.2132489>>2148226
I don't post much. 2-3 times. Lurk 24-7. I don't have the skills or right equipment but someone needs to look at the AS THE WORLD TURNS video very, very, very carefully IMHO. I see faces, body figures, buildings in reflections in the coffee and on the spoon as it is being stirred. (MIRROR/BEHIND YOU) I know it sounds crazy but PLEASE someone look at it again!
▶ e4d12a (1) No.2135497>>2150111
Giving off its own light.
▶ c2d80f (1) No.2148226>>2148467
What Video please? Do you have a link?
▶ b8ef53 (1) No.2148467
Sorry. Here it is. www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-pRgD3x56A
▶ a3638e (2) No.2149565
definitely movement and images. pixelated. i can't get a clear enough image. lots of motion. need an av fag.>>2148467
▶ a3638e (2) No.2149580
need more eyes on this>>2132489
▶ 62c306 (1) No.2150111
nah i fucked up, that's just my phone doing dumb stuff… i have been seeing them recently so i thought this was it too. this is not.
▶ d2585a (1) No.2181202
what if were the aliens man
or its squirrels larping
▶ 303e86 (1) No.2183920>>2192415
I think that is a lens flare.
▶ 93be90 (4) No.2188285
no sun spots from east coast usa
▶ 495736 (1) No.2192415
yea i know, i'm a retard. but i saw a couple recently sooo my mind was thinking in this direction.
▶ 821f6d (1) No.2192534
Nice beamships (type 2 and 1 respectively)
▶ 1049b3 (2) No.2193532
Hi anons
I'm a high functioning heavy marijuana user (back pain, insomnia, and stress from work). THC disturbs REM sleep and, as a consequence, I seldom dream.
Lately (1ish year or so), I have been having recurring-ish dreams. It is not the dream itself that recurs, but the setting. And when I say setting, holy smokes! I'm talking about an entire non-earth world, and I'm some kind of tourist.
Some examples of such dreams:
- Ski hill setting. I dream most frequently of this one. I am an avid alpine skier. At first, I mistook these dreams for places I'd been, or just imaginary ski hills. I first found it odd that I would repeatedly dream of the same imaginary ski hill, then as I began to record details immediately on wakening, it became clear that this just wasn't earth. This "ski hill" (more on why this is in quotes shortly) has around half a dozen tower like buildings with very narrow bases, joined at the top with wires or hanging bridges. I was inside one of the buildings in one dream, and my impression was that it was a lodging of sorts. However, my memory of the inside of the building is largely blotted out, which brings me neatly to why "ski hill" is in quotes. I can remember the geography, trees, buildings, colours, etc., but I have zero memory of the appearance of any individuals I encounter (and I am definitely not alone, there are entities going about their business all around during my dreams) or of the inside of any domicile. I have memories of going up and down in the "snow" (it's light purple in colour) like I would if I was skiing, except I appear to have the ability to go uphill. Perhaps a motorized vehicle, or perhaps people on this world can move uphill in "snow" more easily than we can.
- Road setting. A lot of my dreams in this world are "road trips" of sorts. We (whoever "we" is) are in vehicles moving along paved roads very similar to earth roads. I have distinct, clear, repeated dreams of driving alongside a lake in mountainous country; driving in some kind of flatter, foothills/lowland area with rough roads and many plants (this one felt like some kind of nature preserve or backcountry); driving up roads with "suburbs" of sorts (I have the same memory block concerning residences or their occupants), and going along mountains or switchbacking up mountains. I recall one of these roads leading to the "ski hill" described above, I could practically draw a map of the last like 20 minutes of "driving." Another of these roads led alongside a lake, to a kind of gateway in the mountain. On the other side of this was an ocean and some kind of port or dock.
cont'd …
▶ 1049b3 (2) No.2193538>>2268828
- Ocean dock setting. I've been here least of all the dreams, but these dreams are often the longest (in my mind anyways) and the most detailed. The first time I was here, I "drove" here alongside the lake and through the gateway in the mountain. There was traffic, other vehicles like mine, and I had the distinct impression I was on my way to board a ferry or boat. In a subsequent dream, I was no longer in the road vehicle, but proceeding "on foot" through a series of earthen-coloured almost maze-like rooms. There were packages all over, wrapped in blue cloth. After passing through several "rooms" (with no roof, only walls) like this, I boarded a tall, white boat shaped like a rhombus with flat sides down and the boat launched… then I awoke. One final time, I remember leaving going back through the gate in the mountain and back along the lakeside road. I have some memories of having actually been on the boat as well, but as I did not record them, I don't want to rely on that too heavily as it could just be my conscious mind filling blanks.
My impressions, generally, are that this world is one of peace and recreation and high technology. The dreams are never frightening, and even things that would normally stress the fuck out of me (like passing through customs at a seaport, which is how I interpreted some of what I wrote under "ocean dock setting") didn't phase me in the dreams. The world is mountainous and watery, which is interesting as that does not resemble the place where I live (though, fair disclosure, it does resemble the place I was born).
I am very interested in the idea that I am such a fond alpine skier in this world because of my connection to this world in which playing in the "snow" is also apparently common.
Most interestingly, I have troubles sleeping, but if I think of this world, I can enter a meditative state very quickly and fall asleep. Whether I dream about this place or not is a crapshoot, but it's relevant that thinking of this place enables me to enter the state where I could visit it, when I am otherwise unable to do so.
There are several other settings I visit repeatedly, as well as several other places that I've only visited once.
Lastly, I want to stress the quality of these dreams. I also rarely, but occasionally, have "normal" dreams, which are incoherent, much more difficult to remember, non-recurring, often emotional, and have no continuity once their "plot" is examined in a waking state. By contrast, these dreams are detailed, consistent, realistic, and linear. They more resemble memories of the (a?) real world.
I thought some here might be interested to read this. Thanks, anons.
▶ 240f79 (1) No.2195371
Whats up wil celebrities / politicians blinking with their pupils / iris. People say it is MPEG compressiom (lol) of both eyes at the same time on each seperate video.
▶ 91f71f (1) No.2204187>>2204835
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Disclosure happened guys.
It is your birthright to know the truth.
▶ 814d10 (9) No.2204835
yea its real and happening. we'll know home for the first time.
▶ 1145f4 (1) No.2206930>>2209283
▶ 800ebe (6) No.2209283>>2242635
Laser lightshow on a dark screen = Disclosure
Circular lights - no outline of any craft and they made no contact. Just made erratic moves.
Why didn't they land and use they protocol to talk to you?
▶ 3be79c (7) No.2212266
>>256741 (OP)
One is calling all the sciencefags, engineersfags to post there own research/experiments about advanced technologies.
And one knows that there is men’s/women’s smarter than Einstein(This guy was a joke BTW) around here.
This is the way we’ll make a breakthrough, by regrouping our consciousness and sharing everything we know.
We have to stop the corporate privatization of technologies and make everything that we have under the public license.
Fuck the corporation, long life to the public.
▶ cd48ab (2) No.2227288>>2227588
An exotic particle theorized more than 85 years ago has finally been discovered. Dubbed the "Weyl fermion", it is a strange but stable particle that has no mass, behaves as both matter and anti-matter inside a crystal, and is claimed to be able to create completely massless electrons. Scientists believe that this new particle may result in super-fast electronics and significant inroads into novel areas of quantum computing.
▶ cd48ab (2) No.2227300>>2228031
Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions
WeYl's, attempt iпvolved ап alteration of the geometry of spacetime in four dimensioпs. His early attempts had physical coпsequences which did not match experimental data
What the heck does that mean ?
▶ 800ebe (6) No.2227588
Deel free to use this description and graphics to explain it to us.
Elementary fermions
The Standard Model recognizes two types of elementary fermions: quarks and leptons. In all, the model distinguishes 24 different fermions. There are six quarks (up, down, strange, charm, bottom and top quarks), and six leptons (electron, electron neutrino, muon, muon neutrino, tau particle and tau neutrino), along with the corresponding antiparticle of each of these.
Mathematically, fermions come in three types:
Weyl fermions (massless),
Dirac fermions (massive), and
Majorana fermions (each its own antiparticle).
Most Standard Model fermions are believed to be Dirac fermions, although it is unknown at this time whether the neutrinos are Dirac or Majorana fermions (or both). Dirac fermions can be treated as a combination of two Weyl fermions.[3]:106 In July 2015, Weyl fermions have been experimentally realized in Weyl semimetals.
Thanks in advance
▶ 800ebe (6) No.2228031
It is a "flight of fancy" suggesting what could be possible" and presumes several prerequisites don't yet exist. Note that it is UNCLASSIFIED, i.e. not secret,
It speculates how we could use the mechanics of "wormholes" and what type of propulsion system we might employ, if we could solve another certain set of conditions.
It is a serious "thinking exercise" based upon the "known" and "still theoretical" aspects", yet to be discovered or proven.
In short, if that technology and knowledge already exists, he isn't aware of it since he uses the term "theoretically" throughout the article.
It is sort of like a science fiction story based on known theories to define how it might be possible, and what kind of propulsion system would seem to be the most likely to consider. It requires us to to be able to manipulate timespace to "warp" ( a special kind of bubble, along the line of what our supersonic aircraft (e.g. F22) use to reach MACH 2 -3
(speculation on top speed - info is classified)
Still a lot of "if" this, "then" we could do that, if we could also do "another thing"
A little of scientific "wishful thinking" to provide a road map toward the best likely possibilities/direction.
I only read the first 10 pages, but will likely read the rest, since it seemed lucid and based on what we do know currently. It is speculative, but sensible.
Note that the paper was dated December 2009 before CERN observed the Higgs Boson. Since the paper was written:
"On 4 July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider announced they had each observed a new particle in the mass region around 126 GeV. This particle is consistent with the Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model. The Higgs boson, as proposed within the Standard Model, is the simplest manifestation of the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism. Other types of Higgs bosons are predicted by other theories that go beyond the Standard Model."
Interesting, but not yet possible. Major (?) hurdles.
Worth a read, but don't pack your bags yet (despite what the Ascencionfags say. They planning on doing it with their minds and without a craft)
▶ 071b42 (2) No.2233368>>2243231
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
There isnt really a thread for this but I wanted to share this with another, more appreciative and open minded thread outside of the main research
This is the new Godzilla trailer released today at comic con and presents some of "their" plan for us. Projecting that we as humans, are the cause of the Earth being destroyed and the only way to save it is by resurrecting the titans.
▶ a47dd4 (1) No.2236381>>2242635
90 PERCENT OF THE VIDEOAS ON YOUTUBE ABOUT ALIENS ARE FAKE. Specially those Project Blue Book, if you click on the channels owner, youll see he is a 3d artist but they still been good art job
▶ 3be79c (7) No.2239748
ThankQ anon, how could I have missed those patents !
Working one…..
▶ 2fa0e0 (1) No.2242635
It's the 10% we're after
>Why didn't they land and use they protocol to talk to you?
Because of Q posts that say if sensitive intel is released, worldwide suffering would ensue.
▶ 7637b7 (5) No.2243231>>2249656 >>2250412
I used to wonder how they came up
with movie ideas…as we wake up we realize they are
presenting us with stylized reality.
▶ 071b42 (2) No.2249656>>2250375
Stylized reality - well said. and, Same here! Like, where are they getting all of this from? As a kid, I specifically remember thinking that about the Transformers story. Then I learned they just used the Annunaki story and changed a few things around.
▶ 597bc6 (1) No.2250375
I like it how all the basic concepts - appearance of certain extraterrestrials, descriptions of advanced technology, alliances of star nations and their rules, even the names of the key alien races - have all entered mainstream already.
▶ 800ebe (6) No.2250412
The real Godzilla still live in Japan but is now retired.
The picture you have was a Stunt Godzilla that died in 2002
▶ 68390f (1) No.2260959
That Fluxliner is in Trump's "Made in America" tweet video sitting on the lawn at the White House 7 seconds in
▶ ca426c (1) No.2264535>>2266613 >>2268561
DJT Just said in his speech to veterans that "lot of very important things are gonna be taking place in space". This is very significant!
▶ 2ceb05 (2) No.2266544
Hidden from us in plain sight, but hold are truth
▶ 2ceb05 (2) No.2266613
Very very important
▶ de0fdc (2) No.2268561>>2269114
There's Aliens.. Its cool as hell. Funny thing is all I want to do is invite them over for a BBQ and some moonshine and hear stories about their alien world. I would love to get an alien all liquored up on moonshine staggering around my yard bitching about how his UFO mechanic fucked him over… That would be fucking awesome.
▶ de0fdc (2) No.2268828
Similar Anon… I am a very light user as a sleep aid. I noticed the end of dreams when I started which was a godsend bonus for me as my dreams were HORRIBLE. I have since decided to stop to explore those dreams a bit more. You are not alone.
▶ 1460bd (3) No.2269114>>2315319
From what I hear Pleiadians don't drink booze and only eat synthetic meat (if at all), and they will be the first to show up - so you'll likely have to expand your search for a suitable alien to intoxicate. Fortunately the Universe is infinite so you're bound to find some adventurers. If all else fails one of our earthly Secret Space Program humans will be likely to unwind.
p.s. moonshine is legal in my country :)
▶ 64882f (16) No.2269245>>2269541
Latest Emery Smith interview
Link expires in about a week
▶ 1460bd (3) No.2269541
Thank you very much! Emery is a great guy. Very brave. I wish him safety and love.
▶ 1460bd (3) No.2278246>>2287276
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
POTUS newest space force soft-disclosure
skip to 17 minutes 47 seconds
▶ a29563 (1) No.2278599
▶ 814d10 (9) No.2287276>>2291002
this makes me so happy
▶ d5a215 (1) No.2291002>>2313991
On the slowest connection ever. Care to summarize what he said?
▶ 08cc4b (1) No.2313991
"And I've directed the Pentagon to begin the process of creating the sixth branch of our military, it's called the Space Force. We are living in a different world and we have to be able to adapt. And that's what it is, lot of… very important things are gonna be taking place in space and I just don't mean going up to the Moon and going up to Mars, where we'll be going very soon. We'll be going to Mars very soon. But from a military standpoint, space is becoming every day more and more important."
▶ 330bf4 (1) No.2315319>>2325055
Kiwi? and if everything is illegal… NOTHING is illegal.
▶ 5c30a6 (1) No.2325055
We call it rakija :)
▶ fd3a98 (1) No.2331774
While this political debacle continues - have ANY of you within
the administration given thought to those of us who have been targets
of the deep state MILAB programs ?
Has anyone within your administration done anything to stop the creation of MILABS, Psyc Warfare Programs and implants being manufactured by EGIG ?
STAN ROMANEK is a victim of the deep state MILAB program - targeted - and used for psych warfare - when he went public - and afterwards ---
This photo is an actual [man made Grey ET] that Stan photographed in his kitchen - and uses a micro processor implanted into the brain.
There are MANY of us who have been victims of these EVIL MILAB programs which are abducting people, placing implants into their bodies and doing other horrendous things !!! All by the hands of secretive Black Op MILAB programs
FREE Stan Romanek - the man is INNOCENT !!!
▶ b9d56b (1) No.2355332
Q: "you cannot possibly imagine the size of this"
What if mars is already colonized by the cabal and Aurora (TR-3B) is their main transport system to get there. What if they use it as a "holiday resort" of sorts?
The situation as it actually is goes very far beyond what we are all led to believe.
▶ 814d10 (9) No.2363746
▶ 372b13 (1) No.2370114
Where are the CE-5 contact reports? Don't you guys want to make a difference.
▶ 79b668 (1) No.2370521
thread filling up!!
you guys doing good! popular thread
▶ e654f0 (1) No.2370831
This one’s interesting. You can find it on google earth yourself..
▶ 94047d (1) No.2371774>>2388727
Got Sauce? Submit it to the new disclosure documentary
▶ 2bad31 (1) No.2374426
www.Warp-Drive-Physics.com Written and tested on by civilians. Once the system is running by itself it gets a "field" that distorts the regular gravity - is instantly locked on to by satelites - black vans appear when field tested in matter of minutes.
▶ 93be90 (4) No.2388514
Think energy vortex forming bubble in a vacuum. they appear a lot on nasa sats.
▶ 800ebe (6) No.2388727>>2402674 >>2402816
Why doesn't he just film the ones he sees all the time?
▶ 800ebe (6) No.2388737>>2402816
Which app do you use to get them to land and talk to you?
▶ 5ecb78 (1) No.2392961>>2402674
>>256741 (OP) Steven Greer new video says psychopaths controlling secret space program and planning WW FF 5 Billion lives at risk. Pompeo has been briefed. COmment please. >>2390374 Steven Greer LEcture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEht3iVnf2Q&t=98s At about the 1:05 mark he says that PSYCHOPATHS control the Secret Space Program and they are possibly months away from an FF event where 5 BILLION ppl lives are at stake. Haspel: "The American ppl always want something to complain about, well we're gonna give them something to complain about" Pompeo has been briefed and what is on the table is the weaponization of time portals…etc>2391916
▶ 7331ae (2) No.2393909
pic 1 ← goto flightradar.com enter n529jk
pic 2 ← once plane shows up click yan777 photo
pic 3 ← once you get to yan777 photo on jetphotos click profile
pic 4 ← view all yan777 photos
dont call names
not kindergardner
not from flightradar (the photo)
try to help and you bash
▶ f0f544 (1) No.2395644
>John Keel, Jaques Vallee 0 responses
>1 response for Tom Delonge
>31 for scam artist Greer
garbage thread is garbage
▶ 4e4297 (2) No.2402674
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Wait till Greer releases the second half of the video. Anyone who takes him seriously will shit themselves over the portal part. Looks like a few shills are here because they take him CE5iously.
No app these days, just Coherent Thought Sequencing and meditations with the group.
What is Coherent Thought Sequencing, newfags ask?
▶ 4e4297 (2) No.2402816>>2471330
He does, in fact he's got a lot of new material. Check it out on WWW.SIRIUSDISCLOSURE.COM they even have president Obama's briefing ok disclosure! Really gives you insight on what POTUS briefing was like.
Newfags can use the ET Contact Tool app if they can't figure out how to Coherent Thought Sequence which is free and what the app teaches anyway
Obama briefing: https://siriusdisclosure.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/obama-briefing-introduction.pdf
▶ 6dbfdd (1) No.2409551
Understanding Anons
In the beginning, we warned each other and Q later confirmed we'd be accused of violence performed by bad actors pretending to be anons. All anons that are true to the movement have easily agreed violence is futile--and undesired. If you see violence, do not assume it is performed by anons; know that bad actors make it appear to be the work of anons.
Anons are deep thinkers with ingrained American patriotism. We were awakened to criminals early on and began to gather evidence and solve complex problems. To protect ourselves and the movement, we agreed anonymous identity was the only way to forge ahead. We also agreed that no censorship would occur and we would work online in the midst of other wretched anonymous online posters. Alongside the terrible images and posts falling around our research posts in the forums, we easily recognized anon genius at work. Decrepit posts by enemies of the movement continue to offend newly arrived online posters (normies). It actually works in our favor in that it causes many thin-skinned people to turn away rather than stay and muddy-up the results of our research. From our toils, graphic images called "memes" (pronounced meems) make their way out onto the Internet showing our research results or simply carrying the theories we espouse.
Who do You Believe?
The mainstream media (MSM) companies like NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, PBS and others are firmly under the control of bad actors through blackmail or bribery and including things as simple as threat to the welfare of their families, the threat of job loss or outing private activities they want to remain private. Though this does not exonerate the seditious narrative MSM employees have and continue to push, it is recognizable to anons who are only human. One of the things the MSM has done to complicate the ability for Truth to be revealed is to reinvent the phrase conspiracy theory. Long ago, they began the habit of reporting undesired news using the phrase "conspiracy theory" with news stories they believed the general populace would consider laughable or absurd. Over time, since only the laughable or absurd was called conspiracy theory, they essentially co-opted the phrase to manage stories they had to report on to stay competitive, yet needed to fade away into the forgetful fog of ridiculousness.
You've been played, America. Conspiracies are absurd to you, now.
U.S. Laws clearly acknowledge conspiracies exist. When one has a theory that someone has conspired to commit an illegal offense, let's face it, the theory concerning that conspiracy is, at first, truly a conspiracy theory. When Alfonse Capone defrauded the IRS, the FBI had a conspiracy theory that he was defrauding the IRS and researched that theory until it became clear an actual conspiracy occurred. Then they arrested him. Conspiracies begin as conspiracy theory and remain so unless proven. Then they simply become conspiracy (without the theory tagged on). Few are laughable or absurd. They are potential crime. Anons have uncovered a plethora of potential crimes. Through research, many of these potential crimes have become prosecutable crimes, moving them from conspiracy theory to full-blooded conspiracy. It's what we do and we do it well, backing it up with proof or "sauce" as we call it.
Our Mission Targets
Crime has existed through all of Mankind's existence. At one time in our history, as far back as 2000 years ago, the average person was beholden to (i.e. under the thumb of) kings, queens, slave owners or wealthy families. Though in today's world we have fewer kings, queens or slave owners, we do have many, many wealthy families. Anons have discovered an enormous amount of information--proof as well as theory–about bad actors in these wealthy families, some of it going back hundreds of years. It goes deeper than one could imagine and is darker than one could normally fathom.
Now, for the first time since President Ronald Reagan, Americans have the opportunity to remove the controlling yoke of these wealthy bad actors. These criminals have been the driving force behind war, famine, unrest and crime for far too long. The driving reason we have this opportunity is due to the existence of the Internet. Through social media sites like 8chan (8ch.net), we are "red pilling" (see the movie The Matrix) massive amounts of people in clear sight of, and to the frustration of, the MSM. Traditional news agencies are panicking as they have clearly lost control of the narrative. The Public has control now through social media. With this advantage and the wonderful existence of true patriots in our government, we are moving towards the "Great Awakening" in spite of the controlling MSM's efforts. Join us. Turn off the mainstream media. Turn on your interaction with others via social media.
Be Free.
▶ bea773 (1) No.2418165
Indoctrination begins - the false threat from space… the war to end all wars. https://links.newyorker.mkt4334.com/servlet/MailView?ms=MTM5OTA3NzYS1&r=MTQxNzkzOTI2NzExS0&j=MTQ2MDE5MjUyNAS2&mt=1&rt=0
▶ 7d8adb (1) No.2435605>>2491878
Did anybody else see that satellite/flying object last night? flew by the big dipper headed southeast from 10 o'clock to 1 o'clock (disappeared at 1 o'clock) no blinking lights plane speed but WAY to bright to be a satellite
▶ 20a856 (1) No.2462680
▶ 97a7aa (1) No.2471330
So apparently giving all this info to OBAMA in 2009 was the wrong move. He probably got dozens of people killed with that move. Pretty fucking naive to think bummer is not part of the coverup or owned by those who are.
▶ 852e91 (1) No.2491878>>2495116 >>2495257
No, but I saw one going northwest last night. (2 nights after you saw yours) also in front of ol' big dipper. I tried to CE-5 them and asked them if they could wiggle a bit if they where ET. after they wiggled I asked them 'Did you just wiggle for me!? and it wiggled again. Then I sent them a ton of love & told them I didn't care who they where or where they where from, there was someone down here that loved them. It stood out because it looked a lot different from the planes and helicopters I saw flying around that night, no blinking nav lights, and WAY bright for how high it was.
▶ 53f4ce (1) No.2495116
Wow, that was amazing anon!
▶ 3c11f6 (1) No.2495257
Very similar anon!
▶ d96ffc (11) No.2495717
Follow the crumbs
Follow the logic
NASA was created as a big lying machine.
NASA is implicit in lies;
Their funding is implicit in lies;
NASA should not be trusted.
Why do people trust NASA?
Good actors and puppets and spokesmen/women peddle their lies on humanity. = They are better described as Hollywood movie producers and agents of deep state GENOCIDE and sculptors of brainwashing and indoctrination WW to currupt societies and remove morals. Our moral decay is on them.
Just follow the 33° stench and you will SEE and you will be able to answer your own questions.
D5D5D5. Coming to a theater near you soon. Do you really believe POTUS and Q team will stand for their LIES?
▶ d96ffc (11) No.2495778
Vulcan, one of their favorite pagan gods to worship and sacrifice to, human sacrifice.
Planning a big one.
Hollywood trailers for decades
War of the Worlds
Independent Day
[KILL] box. OWLs were for us.
Fake UFOs they made
Advanced space weaponry they made
Area 51 leaks they made
Fake space
Fake pictures
Fake gravity
They made it ALL
Tesla They Took
His tech in 1945
▶ d96ffc (11) No.2495818
DUMBS: real.
The rats have to have somewhere to go after they take over the world
BY DESTRUCTION. Likely scheduled on a satanic "feast" day.
Probably selling condos from the beginning.
▶ d96ffc (11) No.2495851
How did that happen you ask?
▶ d96ffc (11) No.2495923
Remove GOD
Kill Christians
Re-educate who's left
Haven't You heard that agenda before?
FEMA body bags?
Joint exercises?
Take our guns?
It's all the same 33°
▶ d96ffc (11) No.2495979
Our higher education.
Is. A. Fucking. Joke.
Follow the crumbs
▶ d96ffc (11) No.2496079
The 33° master of ceremonies
proving gravity
And other nonsense.
Who dare THINK otherwise?
▶ d96ffc (11) No.2496095
Gravity is a hoax
Rich man's trickery
▶ d96ffc (11) No.2496172
Ask God. If you erased him out of your spirit. Knock. He's still there.
Not just words.
▶ d96ffc (11) No.2497608
Just remember, and keep in perspective, whatever they are pushing be it NASA, MSN, HOLLYWOOD, or psycho new age beliefs, that has to do with the sun, huge meteors coming to destroy us, tickets for the "ascension" (yes, they're taking reservations LMAO), life water oil on planets, Mars, UFO invasions, aliens, etc., and their latest MSN news yesterday: huge rogue planet, on the lose, look out, it's coming for you….
It is only Mockingbird cover for their own False Flag agenda(s) of death by 33° satanists.
Be smarter than the ones enslaving us.
Just pray our boys have it all covered. They are triggered, and their time is running out.
Recent "meteor" by remote US base,
Meteor, really? or intercepted death machine?
No coincidences.
Tick tock.
▶ e56792 (2) No.2498198>>2500928
Since we're at 741 already, I'll bake the next bread when we fill.
Thank you everyone for your input, we will definately see more of this in the future.
Space Force!
▶ d96ffc (11) No.2500928>>2504832
A favor Baker, por favore,
Is it possible to pin this thread, when it's done, so it doesn't fade away?
There is excellent research here, and these topics are destined to be in the forefronts of events and news.
It would spare pete and repeat of research, and work. Thanks.
▶ e56792 (2) No.2504832
I believe the best solution is to save the webpage, which I will do when the time is right. I will link it then in the next bread.
▶ fa2731 (2) No.2510003>>2510045 >>2513968
>>My uncle is a high leve scientist at…
i have been following nearly 90% of all free-energy channels on youtube and there is some very promising nuggets of info like bifilar pancake-coils (flat tesla pancake coils) and self resonance circuits like a joule thiefs that are very simple circuits whose potential has not been fully realized imho…
▶ fa2731 (2) No.2510045>>2513968
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
this spanish guys channel is very interesting and gets into the flat-bifilar coils im speaking of,
to be honest ive been too lazy to replicate this yet but it seems easy enough
▶ c21f73 (3) No.2513968
There is no such thing as a closed system.
Free energy is everywhere.
▶ 814d10 (9) No.2517579
series: cosmic disclosure, deep space, ancient civilizations
it's all here, it's all true, and makes more sense than anything else in the context of msm narrative pushes vs. q/trump/patriots, push for truth, and cabal dissolution
It's happening.
▶ c21f73 (3) No.2518041
▶ c21f73 (3) No.2518093