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6f05fa  No.2390374[Last 50 Posts]>>2390450 >>2390569 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]


are not endorsements


>>2355675, >>2351700, >>2349367 BO/BV on nudity/thot policy (incl history)

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)

>>2251030 , >>2261001 EXPLANATION of bread-archiving situation. Fix habbening

>>2366140 Transcript of speech that got POTUS elected (!!!)


>>2389675 Qanon article on wired.com: 4AM Talking Point?, >>2389925

>>2389704 For First Time In A Decade, Italian-Flagged Vessel Returns Migrants To Libya.

>>2389718 Calender notes on "The Feast of Transfiguration"

>>2389728 New ICBM Launch Protocol on Vandenberg ICBM: Test Missile Launch ends in Failure

>>2389741 Numerous Arrests Made in Childrape case

>>2389745 The Washington Projector Posts Q-Article

>>2389858 Check out your music collection, >>2390048

>>2389860 Ebola's back , >>2390300 The Liberian Institute for Biomedical Research (LIBR)

>>2389929 Steyer Brothers, >>2389978 Who are their Wives?

>>2390002 Sweden is Buying Patriot Missiles

>>2390015 That's Right, We Rock!

>>2390028 Summer Reading List: Common Sense by Ben Franklin and Thomas Paine.

>>2390040 Hussein WH Logs

>>2390140 Swedens Crown jewels stolen yesterday

>>2390342 POTUS Tweet: Smoking Gun

>>2390357 #3012


>>2389308 vid: Today Show takes a turn at QAnon "Conspiracy Theories"

>>2389100, >>2389103 Digg start: A "Kremlinologist" helping run FB?

>>2389012, >>2389026, >>2389074, >>2389142 Moar St-er, HRC, follow the wives

>>2389198 Good Morning from @DJT "17" angry dems now?

>>2388906 Spin, spin, spin tho they might... Hey Siri? Who is QAnon?

>>2388855 Anon breaks down 7/31 WH Fact Sheet re: New Jobs Plan

>>2388852 Anon analyzes 32 Facebook bans of lb. Were all anti-Trump!

>>2389594 #3011


>>2388768 CA dem Dababneh UNresigning? allegedly masturbated b4 lobbyist

>>2388596 POTUS to Congress: You do you, but Space Force waits for no one

>>2388594 Cut-out Q establishes comms on reddit, says didn't take vid

>>2388428 What's Jeff Flake doing messing in Zimbabwe's elections?

>>2388427 Side-by-side on 1776

>>2388400 D5 double meaning? Toxic division tactics in guise of muh diversity

>>2388218 Anon revisits/reviews Sohale Siddiqi and related Q drops

>>2388240, >>2388244, >>2388265 Moar Fake News Tard-Spin on Q: WaPo, Nswk

>>2388143 Poland's Econ booms. But I thought Muh Immigrants are best growth?

>>2388124, >>2388376 St-er's $100M to 2016 candidates, $20M Impeach45 Ad

>>2388077 AF missile "anomaly:" SoCal, Unarmed missile test flight terminated

>>2388068 Resignation: Colgate-Palmolive Chairman Vinod Nambiar, shares drop

>>2388794 #3010


>>2387928 Macron Isolated over Brexit: France facing EU Backlash re: UK

>>2387921 What are they up to? FB bans pages aimed at US election interference

>>2387915 Based Duterte is BASED: Swamp-draining turned on smuggled cars

>>2387872 UK with the W: Tommy Robinson bailed after Court of Appeal win

>>2387700, >>2387757 Clockfag analysis, 3 hits in a row!

>>2387614 Gloves off: @Jack suspends Rep Austin Petersen for calling out ShareBlue

>>2387544, >>2387414 Anon updates re: shadowbans on qanonmap.pub

>>2387444 Q-trips-of-1776 confirm: map of Anons WW = brotherhood of patriots

>>2387399 7/18 art: DC murder of brennan-ratting hussein-fabricating agent

>>2387339, >>2387433 Increasingly nervous but resigned WH correspondent RE: Tampa

>>2387312, >>2387359 Google Trends shows "QAnon" growing bigly. GA is… awakening.

>>2387297, >>2387301, >>2387560, >>2387539, >>2387443, >>2387804 St--er bro/H--ti diggs

>>2387287 POTUS not changing horses midstream: Gen Kelly to stay on to 2020

>>2388007 #3009

#3008 baker change

>>2387061 Large decrease in Hatian child adoptions, coincidence?

>>2387208, >>2387203 Qanon.pub traffic, top 1000 websites in USA. Censorsed?

>>2387215 MSM continues to acknowledge our movement as "conspiracy"

>>2386880 Everyone has to adjust real time sometimes. Even Q.

>>2386665, >>2386702 graf re: Podesta/Madeleine Mccann

>>2386546, >>2386571, >>2386595, >>2386739, >>2386553, >>2386785 St--er/H--ti diggs/Q

>>2386389 Graf: "The day Elon Musk was declared the enemy of (((MSM)))

>>2387242 #3008

Previously Collected Notables

>>2384847 #3005, >>2385516 #3006, >>2387023 #3007

>>2388009 #3002, >>2383368 #3003, >>2384089 #3004

>>2380211 #2999, >>2380926 #3000, >>2381802 #3001

>>2378008 #2996, >>2378707 #2997, >>2379492 #2998

>>2374867 #2992, >>2375621 #2994, >>2376399 #2995

>>2372533 #2989, >>2373277 #2990, >>2374045 #2991

>>2371719 #2988, >>2370184 #2986, >>2370944 #2987

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

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6f05fa  No.2390376

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 --- META

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2 ("Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers.")

>>2089271 -- New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691 -- NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project

>>2294272 -- No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#33 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073 , >>2361495

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ---———————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ---———————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---————— >>>/comms/966

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6f05fa  No.2390380

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Q Clearance Archive:




MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g2RHWQyZ!26l2m6b8Vg_2l1ArPM9aEXn_wN2BG4-KzmLOS01qv6A

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/384624849/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-6-0?secret_password=8mEuXmnRBOy4TdKbwBd7

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/q8sfoo8hi8idhm8/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.6.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* NOPE button >>2374212

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==New Bakers Required== Read this ---> >>2172540

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6f05fa  No.2390386



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50ebe4  No.2390401>>2390447 >>2390501

No man had once a greater veneration for Englishmen than I entertained. They were dear to me as branches of the same parental trunk, and partakers of the same religion and laws; I still view with respect the remains of the constitution as I would a lifeless body which had once been animated by a great and heroic soul. But when I am roused by the din of arms: when I behold legions of foreign assassins, paid by Englishmen to imbrue their hands in our blood: when I tread over the uncoffined bones of my countrymen, neighbors and friends: when I see the locks of a venerable father torn by savage hands, and a feeble mother, clasping her infants to her bosom, and on her knees imploring their lives from her own slaves, whom Englishmen have allured to treachery and murder: when I behold my country, once the seat of industry, peace, and plenty, changed by Englishmen to a theatre of blood and misery, Heaven forgive me, if I cannot root out those passions which it has implanted in my bosom, and detest submission to a people who have either ceased to be human, or have not virtue enough to feel their own wretchedness and servitude. - Samuel Adams August 1st, 1776

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99813e  No.2390406>>2390790

File (hide): 3719a75c0814bd9⋯.gif (1.15 MB, 360x203, 360:203, 2f3f0m.gif) (h) (u)

Sorry for party rocking last night :D

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f5bbe1  No.2390409>>2390504 >>2390705 >>2390833 >>2391140

File (hide): c01fd817a6048d1⋯.png (181.49 KB, 700x834, 350:417, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Tom Steyer's link to Haiti, CF, and HRC.



Just this morning I learned that there was a small Clinton Foundation in Great Britain, the William J. Clinton Foundation UK.

This has to be added to the dozen, literally 12, other Clinton Foundations that have now emerged. They are:

Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation

Clinton Global Initiative

Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership

Clinton Health Access Initiative

Clinton Foundation Sweden

Alliance For A Healthier Generation

Clinton Climate Initiative

Clinton Development Initiative

Clinton Foundation in Haiti

Clinton Health Matters Initiative

Too Small To Fail

No Ceilings Partnership

Note that Too Small to Fail is a joint venture with Tom Steyer, the left wing environmentalist billionaire who is focused in defeating the Keystone Pipeline. Of course approving the Keystone Pipeline has to come through the State Department and has still not happened.

With 13 foundations already surfacing it will be interesting to see if there are any more.

A number of them did not report anything about the sources of their money.

The Clintons have developed an empire of corruption and dishonesty on a scale never before seen in America.

This afternoon I did a Facebook Q&A with Peter Schweizer, the author of Clinton Cash. It was absolutely fascinating. You can view the entire Q&A here.

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545771  No.2390413>>2390438 >>2390509 >>2390581

File (hide): baf6655941267c6⋯.png (124.53 KB, 840x395, 168:79, comms.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d2b01307a9040b0⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1632x1913, 1632:1913, 999.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ab363fc159f3d24⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1706x1116, 853:558, 7777.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d4d3fa0c2a70572⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1413x4414, 1413:4414, booo.png) (h) (u)

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e0f857  No.2390424

File (hide): 8d5e794b03038af⋯.png (4.24 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

3 Russian journalists killed in Central African Republic

Three Russian journalists investigating a private military contractor called Wagner Group were ambushed and killed in the Central African Republic, reports BBC News.

The big picture: Those responsible for the ambush have not been identified. Wagner Group is a Russian paramilitary organization with contractors involved in conflicts all over the world, including the Syrian Civil War. Believed to have ties to the Russian oligarch known as "Putin's Chef," Wagner's mercenaries were involved in a February attack on U.S. troops in Syria that was the deadliest U.S.-Russia clash since the Cold War, according to WashPost.


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1e2d12  No.2390425

Prez, i get you. :)

What do we use a smock for? Art

Art in Heaven. God's Gift. Bless us Anons!

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f71fb3  No.2390426

File (hide): 941085f0c3480f2⋯.jpeg (10.19 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download (6).jpeg) (h) (u)

They take the kids of the Occulted Elite and MKULTRA them. They see what talent they might have. And they make them stars…..they thought you would follow the stars.

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545771  No.2390427>>2390438 >>2390462 >>2390518 >>2390541

>>2390402 (last bread)

unless the BO/BV tells me its all good, I'm not going to post the deleted crumbs

so let me know

thanks baker

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1db939  No.2390428

Three posts were deleted from qanon.pub.

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32323c  No.2390429

File (hide): 78215932a40d576⋯.jpg (318.08 KB, 1128x1520, 141:190, Jace42zalmoxisbravotaco.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 887e4ddaf46bf6f⋯.png (165.49 KB, 601x600, 601:600, looooooooooooooool.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 659e91522e2574b⋯.jpg (85.62 KB, 1600x990, 160:99, male_unicorn_1680x1050.jpg) (h) (u)

banned from league

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be0bf7  No.2390430>>2390448 >>2390473



Hillary Clinton


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ea25a7  No.2390431>>2390462


>>2385397 (pb)

>>2385533 (pb)

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ff39e6  No.2390432>>2390500 >>2390578 >>2390682

The Q movement is made up of individuals (Q-ANONS) that follow documented, verifiable evidence about the truth of our history to expose the corruption and evil that has plagued our world for generations. Q-ANONS are not told what to think or how to feel about a topic. The entity of "Q" presents questions and information for analysis and thought. Q-ANONS research for truth and present findings that are scrutinized by peers for further corroboration. The Q movement is not about violence, subversion or control. Some of the findings have been terrifying. This is the investigative job that our mainstream media refuses to do. The choice to know what has been found, verified and presented is entirely up to you. What is dark will come to light. WWG1WGA.

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763f7c  No.2390433>>2390836 >>2390983

Smocking Bird?

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a83a40  No.2390434

>>2390328 (PB)

"smocking" was a fetish comedy word at one time. It was used by the fat kid comedian in National Lampoon's High school yearbook parody which POTUS would have read .


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545771  No.2390435>>2390437


hopping now

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a9b463  No.2390436>>2390453 >>2390458 >>2390463 >>2390468 >>2390493 >>2390542 >>2390544 >>2390596 >>2390605 >>2390629 >>2390634 >>2391064

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9e943c  No.2390437



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545771  No.2390438>>2390445 >>2390498

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1dbcc7  No.2390439>>2390464 >>2390514

File (hide): bb1ccc05cd40493⋯.png (7.9 KB, 444x236, 111:59, Screenshot_2018-08-01 Q.png) (h) (u)



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aba4bd  No.2390440

File (hide): 1b3381c486ef1dc⋯.png (26.31 KB, 825x417, 275:139, chillo-meaning-q1.png) (h) (u)

>>2390327 (lb)

Chillo is not italian, it is spanish and means "anger" and "loud protest"

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70b25b  No.2390441>>2390465 >>2390559 >>2390624 >>2390680 >>2390689 >>2391040

File (hide): 2f4dd1df1130ef2⋯.png (102.45 KB, 338x292, 169:146, controlledopposition.PNG) (h) (u)

(((They))) let him stay on the air and in the top slot for 30 years.

Was he Comped?

Controlled Opposition?


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2dedc2  No.2390442>>2391038

Fox news is reporting that an FBI witness for the Paul Manafort trial, said they "knocked first" but when no one answered, they used a "key" to get in.. He wouldn't say where they got the key.. May be nothing, but I want to know how they got the key??!!

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8703fc  No.2390443>>2390469

LMAO 4am talking points right on schedule, MSM never shows proof Q is fake nor asks POTUS if its him or not, why you scared MSM ??? Worried the truth is about to come out ??

Q start the DECLAS !

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4bb378  No.2390444>>2390484 >>2390577 >>2390589

File (hide): d94c565c217e9da⋯.jpeg (170.87 KB, 419x610, 419:610, trapcard.jpeg) (h) (u)


MSM just activated our trap card. Wew!

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9e943c  No.2390445>>2390472


we shared a UID due to the vpn we use

I hopped

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f05a5a  No.2390446>>2390534

File (hide): d13c405752a3f51⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 3212x1766, 1606:883, smocking-gun.jpg) (h) (u)

Smocking gun

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32323c  No.2390447>>2391166

File (hide): 769657a21d90288⋯.jpg (129.04 KB, 1134x823, 1134:823, ingenuity.jpg) (h) (u)

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be0bf7  No.2390448




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47b0c6  No.2390449>>2390497 >>2390547

File (hide): 5d2e693adadfb51⋯.png (455.48 KB, 484x642, 242:321, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

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b2ff00  No.2390450>>2390471 >>2390570

>>2390374 (OP)

>>2390374 (OP)

Notable Regarding Nanny Net is Misleading

I asked for correction last Bread


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9e943c  No.2390451>>2390526

so I'll repeat:

unless the BO/BV tells me its all good, I'm not going to post the deleted crumbs

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6d7bc1  No.2390452

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32323c  No.2390453


taste your won bullet @fagOTUS

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c6fcaf  No.2390454

Another day without Justice.

Deranged is an extremely accurate description.

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20fe5f  No.2390455>>2390478

File (hide): d854a3a56a267ff⋯.png (519.45 KB, 954x536, 477:268, Screenshot from 2018-08-01….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c82c3718e549c22⋯.png (517.33 KB, 958x529, 958:529, Screenshot from 2018-08-01….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b95f455212593ff⋯.png (522.13 KB, 958x542, 479:271, Screenshot from 2018-08-01….png) (h) (u)

Highly recommend this post-rally analysis from j-schooler and White House Correspondent Major Garrett, He's not one of the worst ones

I took some screen shots for anons analysis

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011bdc  No.2390456>>2390467

Smocking bird media

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a008ce  No.2390457

File (hide): baa81c193080f17⋯.png (1.68 KB, 174x65, 174:65, week to rem clas 56.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7684e926441f1d2⋯.png (15.26 KB, 559x356, 559:356, hrc 5651.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1486e58bf3ffc63⋯.png (13.6 KB, 575x511, 575:511, call 5-6.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a8a6bed28f0bda3⋯.png (16.21 KB, 463x387, 463:387, wiki oef.png) (h) (u)

please delete [forget]

got me thinking about the upcoming

week to [remember]

walnut sauce

thought id search wikileaks 5(6)

pretty much sums it up

HRC emails


both have 56 iterations

but loose strings

will see of we'll see!!

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be0bf7  No.2390458


Extra letter + twice repeated words?

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47b08c  No.2390459


Link? Always post link


I know but you know how it is, no link means it didn't happen. Have to cover all bases. I am copying all that you are posting.

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ed5cfa  No.2390460>>2390534

File (hide): 8d9576bb2f6a27b⋯.png (548.67 KB, 903x901, 903:901, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 67c116a5c80bee2⋯.png (450.38 KB, 898x965, 898:965, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 39ab113923c6c38⋯.png (167.76 KB, 877x750, 877:750, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

reposting NoName twats

cuz it references the same article author as POTUS

sauces in twats:



3rd pic = article with the word

red line

in it…

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32098f  No.2390461>>2390485 >>2390577

File (hide): c621ef0b2f3d86b⋯.png (161.4 KB, 794x579, 794:579, DMSC-Shattuck-01.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4471f5d75f408e9⋯.png (143.45 KB, 790x587, 790:587, DMSC-Shattuck-03.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bf01370b196f17f⋯.png (173.22 KB, 791x585, 791:585, DMSC-Shattuck-05.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 59df9e30ade2826⋯.png (195.18 KB, 794x581, 794:581, DMSC-Shattuck-07.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1364de8b4585e01⋯.png (199.79 KB, 777x583, 777:583, DMSC-Shattuck-08.png) (h) (u)

>>2389991 (lb)





Indeed. Operations Research Dept. at the NPS confirms.


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ea25a7  No.2390462


Well shit! This is an interesting morning to wake up to → >>2390431 looks like those posts that I just so happened to stay up late last night to see are deleted. Will re_read previous breads, only read notables this morning

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a9b463  No.2390463>>2390480 >>2390576 >>2390634 >>2391077

File (hide): f84457977088259⋯.jpeg (278.34 KB, 750x785, 150:157, 6806A33B-9B2D-4F88-A0A6-D….jpeg) (h) (u)

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ddbcc1  No.2390464>>2390494


Is this from the clock?

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50ebe4  No.2390465>>2390559


He loves him some Bush’s, I mean Scherf’s.

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b8e9dc  No.2390466

Wapo expected people to believe in their Deep Throat.

I guess they haven't seen their hypocrisy in the mirror yet this AM.


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a9458e  No.2390467



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9bff95  No.2390468>>2390487

File (hide): 595631a00943b6a⋯.png (297.75 KB, 589x541, 589:541, trumplovehate.png) (h) (u)


When the hammer drops, every single twat from POTUS will be revealed as the truth.

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7b79bd  No.2390469




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a8d5df  No.2390470>>2390946

File (hide): cd9e7ccc621a050⋯.jpeg (270.06 KB, 1242x997, 1242:997, 1958FDFD-FD2D-4813-AA08-A….jpeg) (h) (u)

Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha.

They really are stupid af.

WE WIN. (((They))) lose

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6f05fa  No.2390471>>2390570



Corrected to:

>>2389741 Numerous Arrests Made in Internet Child Predator case

Apologies: I get mad when I read stuff like this that I can exagerate sometimes..

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545771  No.2390472


That wasn't the question I was asking.

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0bb81d  No.2390473


time of tweet:

11:23am EDT



extra C in tweet



or use the minute marker & "c" only?

23 = W

WC? (William [J] Clinton?)

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ed5cfa  No.2390474>>2390487

File (hide): 5437618edcb6d65⋯.png (293.21 KB, 928x795, 928:795, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)



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b8e9dc  No.2390476

I used the subscribe to the Washington Post, but then my cat stopped having diarrhea.

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f4e285  No.2390477>>2390488 >>2390492 >>2390572

POTUS with extra "C" in twat. Carter Page?

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9e943c  No.2390478>>2390502


>post-rally analysis

Please provide link for post-rally analysis

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50ebe4  No.2390479

We have a press conference today or are we gonna let em smolder a little more before they get to #AskTheQ?

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32323c  No.2390480>>2390669



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b2ff00  No.2390481>>2390643 >>2390852 >>2390887

File (hide): 256859b3c19f01d⋯.png (579.13 KB, 674x713, 674:713, WAPO Tweet re Q 8-1-18.PNG) (h) (u)

‘We are Q’: A deranged conspiracy cult leaps from the Internet to the crowd at Trump’s ‘MAGA’ tour


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f09c2e  No.2390482

File (hide): af8325e1fa3bd59⋯.jpg (42.48 KB, 250x335, 50:67, DontCrowDig.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a4f11dd9305cf90⋯.jpg (273.2 KB, 800x1010, 80:101, FIGHT DS.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8bb168de4a5bb54⋯.png (636.12 KB, 638x900, 319:450, FIGHT.png) (h) (u)

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47b08c  No.2390483

File (hide): ed48754bb929ca0⋯.png (40.04 KB, 538x306, 269:153, 8-1-2018.PNG) (h) (u)

KEK Trump named Capone and Manafort in the same tweet. Too funny

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4bb378  No.2390484>>2390611

File (hide): 8ec75c0e778c6a0⋯.gif (9.16 MB, 528x229, 528:229, jjkeking.gif) (h) (u)


Kek is with us. Who can be against us?

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a50f8e  No.2390485>>2390860


hm, methinks i recognize this poster… i've been out of it for quite a while but real glad to see you still here!

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ac587f  No.2390486>>2390495

File (hide): a4698703fe97c1f⋯.jpg (52.25 KB, 1046x670, 523:335, 740ad941-b49c-44f9-9394-83….jpg) (h) (u)


everytime seeing pizzagate

those words pop into mind


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32323c  No.2390487




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ed5cfa  No.2390488>>2390499






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c99829  No.2390489>>2390522 >>2390599 >>2390934

>>2390405 (lb)

>>>2390373 (You)

>It's vital to redpill people on what music they listen to, I don't care if you think it's a shit notable: it's too important!

And this is the best way you could come up to explain that, "Check out your music collection,".


Learn how to give better descriptions for notables, or don't fuckling bake, ASSHOLE!

Nobody wants to second guess what is trying to be said in the fucking notables!!!

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b5a7d8  No.2390490>>2390608

File (hide): e035a19fce62ca9⋯.jpeg (224.56 KB, 640x943, 640:943, BD30C318-5BDD-47BC-BA0F-9….jpeg) (h) (u)

“MUH FEELS” by Jim Acosta


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c16a5b  No.2390491>>2390512 >>2390525

On the topic of:


How do I disarm the weaponized usage of the term conspiracy?

1. "Oh, that's just a conspiracy"

2. YOU ASK - "What is a conspiracy?" "What does that term mean to you?"

3. They respond - "…?" Puzzled look on face.

4. You ask - "Do you believe that GOOD people around the world come TOGETHER to do GOOD things?" (Conspire to do good deeds).

5. They respond - "OF COURSE!!!!!111"

6. You ask - "Do you believe that BAD people around the world can sometimes come TOGETHER to do BAD things?" (Conspire to do bad deeds).

7. They respond - "Oh yeah…that can definitely happen now that I think about it" (Phoebus Cartel)

8. You say - "You are now a conspiracy theorist, and everything you say that I don't agree with can now be discredited."

9. Realization spreads across their face.

10. Peace on Earth

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9bff95  No.2390492



C_A ?

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99ba3f  No.2390493


the "mistake" of the board last nite

and erasure of 2 breads

was after manafort texts were released

and link to a story written on those texts

which talked about manafort, trump and roger stone

just sayin

times I don't know what to think

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1dbcc7  No.2390494


From and including: Saturday, January 27, 2018

To, but not including Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Result: 186 days

It is 186 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date

include today and it's 187 days.

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c6fcaf  No.2390495


wanna play some dominoes?

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b2ff00  No.2390496>>2390523 >>2390773

File (hide): cfe78976c84f462⋯.png (50.16 KB, 655x370, 131:74, POTUS 8-1-18 8 35 am PDT.PNG) (h) (u)

New POTUS Tweet

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e596c6  No.2390497

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895e42  No.2390498>>2390509


Q requested that crumbs posted last night be scrubbed from the internet.


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f4e285  No.2390499>>2390505


Yep all equally possible

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50ebe4  No.2390500>>2390616


Thank you!! We need something like this at the top of every bread!

Why not add the actual message instead of a link for newfags to post??


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9fcc04  No.2390501>>2390612

File (hide): 4b70c3296743d70⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1196x940, 299:235, IMG_2076.PNG) (h) (u)


Based Sam Adams.

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20fe5f  No.2390502


>>2387339 was a video posted, no linky

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a9b463  No.2390503>>2390516 >>2390555 >>2390730 >>2391140

File (hide): 501e98d3112ffd8⋯.jpeg (196.21 KB, 750x616, 375:308, 8595F135-6F07-48AE-9195-E….jpeg) (h) (u)

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7fb5bc  No.2390504


What if he's Delta 6? (delta 6 being the yet undisclosed leader of NXIVM)

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ed5cfa  No.2390505>>2390515




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2f4ade  No.2390506>>2390530 >>2390560 >>2391140

File (hide): ad30ac86aacd23c⋯.jpg (135.54 KB, 922x854, 461:427, ScreenHunter_271 Aug. 01 0….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e54dde1bf20f795⋯.jpg (108.68 KB, 543x739, 543:739, ScreenHunter_272 Aug. 01 0….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e1388fa2833c2d9⋯.jpg (163.29 KB, 565x803, 565:803, ScreenHunter_273 Aug. 01 0….jpg) (h) (u)

Anons, THIS is why removal of the NY AG (Schneiderman) is extremely relevant.

Mueller referred Podesta for prosecution in New York (not DC). Why? Because the puppet (Schneiderman) has been removed.

Future proves past.

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be0bf7  No.2390507


Public Enemy #1


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f60b71  No.2390508>>2390520 >>2390536

>>2390148 (pb)

The way I see it, the 4th amendment and the 2nd amendment are intended (and expected) the protections necessary.

Sadly, it is up to us to force the hand wrt: service providers adhering to these protections, because they violation of them has become the norm vs. the anomaly.

And maybe that's part of why we're here. :)

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545771  No.2390509>>2390521 >>2390529 >>2390531



And the only source for that is BO or BVs? I would NOT take the word of 'them'.

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6d7bc1  No.2390510>>2390528

File (hide): 6d45c49d44f5865⋯.jpg (157.77 KB, 1199x650, 1199:650, DUkVqe0V4AAdiW-.jpg) (h) (u)

Big Drop incoming!

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b8e9dc  No.2390511

Wapo…we put the Yellow in Yellow Journalism!

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32323c  No.2390512




prostarted witnessing

exclamtions for emotional something

followed by an desolution of guilt

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52c87a  No.2390513


‏Verified account @Breaking911

1m1 minute ago

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, has put out a list of 71 priests and others in the church accused of sexually abusing children in cases going back decades - WPXI

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e8b7a9  No.2390514


And Tony Podesta “art”

>think “smock”

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9bff95  No.2390515




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2f301e  No.2390516>>2391022


Think Mirror

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ed5cfa  No.2390517


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7fb5bc  No.2390518>>2390524 >>2390541 >>2390571 >>2390630 >>2390710


Q said to delete them

dont be reposting. Don't even talk about reposting. Q SAID TO DELETE THEM

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ecd1f4  No.2390519>>2391067

C_A/MOS tactics

CMOS Tactics

They have hacked our low level neural functioning so that the basic Input/Output signals are already pre-manipulated to bring about the desired conclusions.

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f60b71  No.2390520


Roops - meant to say "intended (and expected) to provide the protections necessary…"

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895e42  No.2390521>>2390529


Nah here it is on Qanon.pub before that was scrubbed this morning too.

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dbabac  No.2390522>>2390538

File (hide): 939f518a3de4d18⋯.png (252.34 KB, 507x678, 169:226, MUHNOTABLES.png) (h) (u)


eat shit, (((faggot)))

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2f4ade  No.2390523


Very interesting that he would 1) Bring up Capone and 2) Call him by his full name Alfonse.

Also, he's been referring to MSM as the enemy of the public. Connections there I'm sure.

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f4e285  No.2390524>>2390541


Exactly. It shouldnt be this difficult for anons to understand

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015d55  No.2390525

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681d2d  No.2390526

File (hide): 2c779b54bc8e3c5⋯.jpg (8.37 KB, 437x64, 437:64, QDelete.jpg) (h) (u)


Here's enough of the post, I believe. I have blanked out some of the areas such as the time (no time zone doxing for me) and anon's responses (no need to show).

BO/BV, you can delete this if you think it should not be here.

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250776  No.2390527>>2390533 >>2390545 >>2390625 >>2390653

File (hide): a7eaf6fa0330922⋯.png (46.18 KB, 598x344, 299:172, Lovely Page.PNG) (h) (u)

Lisa Page FLIPPED!

Trump confirmed this today by calling her "lovely". She's going to take down the old FBI brass. SWAMP DRAINER LISA!

Q cannot directly confirm this for legal reasons, but could give us a mirror or crumb to confirm.

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c6fcaf  No.2390528


Yeah? Like what, another facebook sell off?

who the fuck cares at this point.

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895e42  No.2390529>>2390548 >>2390550 >>2390568 >>2390633

File (hide): 51d0b8cccea4781⋯.png (97.24 KB, 1382x673, 1382:673, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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99ba3f  No.2390530


>Anons, THIS is why removal of the NY AG (Schneiderman) is extremely relevant.

>Mueller referred Podesta for prosecution in New York (not DC). Why? Because the puppet (Schneiderman) has been removed.

>Future proves past.


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a50f8e  No.2390531>>2390563


>And the only source for that is BO or BVs?

them and the hundreds and thousands of anons who've seen the posts?

it's confusing if you come in late, but not much of an issue - if you can remember previous "mistakes" like trip reveals etc

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044555  No.2390532>>2390729

File (hide): fe5dc0496836bac⋯.png (605.91 KB, 823x696, 823:696, www_hollywoodreporter_com_….png) (h) (u)

Hillary Clinton is setting her sights on a new office: executive producer.

The former secretary of state is teaming with Steven Spielberg's Amblin Television to bring Elaine Weiss' critically acclaimed book The Woman's Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote to the small screen. The drama will mark Clinton's debut as an exec producer.


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f4e285  No.2390533


I thought the exact same thing

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8910d5  No.2390534>>2390556



Is Marc Thiessen of WaPo /ourguy ??

He's dropping redpills left and right.

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32323c  No.2390535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

notice the homosexuals

after the demon

like pigs of stan

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7fb5bc  No.2390536>>2390551


I do see your point.

2A protects all the rest. But we wont need it (except for defense) because

1A will conquer twitter etc.

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afb09f  No.2390537>>2390549

Nothing to see here ..move along

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c99829  No.2390538>>2390564


Good-bye, MOSSAD!



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90478e  No.2390539>>2390783

File (hide): 60847682c500e1a⋯.jpg (23.03 KB, 255x220, 51:44, Pizza70430.jpg) (h) (u)

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9442d5  No.2390540

Feds won’t release details of settlement with FBI agent

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) --- As they fight allegations that Connecticut FBI agents retaliated against employees for whistleblowing, federal government officials are refusing to release details of a legal settlement with a special agent and asking a judge to throw out another employee’s lawsuit.

Special Agent Kurt Siuzdak’s lawsuit, filed in 2014, exposed allegations of internal strife and dysfunction within the FBI’s main Connecticut office in New Haven. It also disclosed a 2013 visit to the New Haven office by then-Director James Comey, who apologized to employees for “the failure of the FBI’s executive management to correct the leadership failures” in Connecticut.

Siuzdak’s lawsuit was reported settled in court documents filed in March, but the FBI and Justice Department have declined to release the details and rejected recent requests under public records laws by The Associated Press for a copy of the deal. Officials would say only that there was no admission of wrongdoing in the settlement.

Federal officials are now battling another lawsuit by a second New Haven FBI employee, electronics technician Omar Montoya, according to court documents obtained by the AP. Montoya alleges the retaliation against him included his supervisors falsely labeling him an “insider threat” to the FBI, which sparked an investigation, and authorizing unwarranted surveillance of him.

Siuzdak and Montoya have declined to comment on the lawsuits, which were filed in federal court.

Officials at FBI headquarters in Washington and Patricia Ferrick, the special agent in charge of the New Haven office since 2013, also declined to comment on the lawsuits.

Thomas Spina, an assistant U.S. attorney representing the New Haven FBI office, said Justice Department policy prevented him from commenting on pending litigation and releasing details of settlements with employees. In court documents, federal officials denied the allegations in both lawsuits.

“We take the allegations seriously,” Spina said.

Montoya sued the FBI, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray in September. He said Ferrick and other supervisors began a campaign of retaliation against him after he began helping Siuzdak with Siuzdak’s internal complaint against Ferrick and other officials for alleged discrimination and retaliation. Montoya was Siuzdak’s volunteer equal employment opportunity affairs counselor.


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09920f  No.2390541>>2390562

File (hide): 9bbf76de21ba6ae⋯.png (265.64 KB, 1600x1043, 1600:1043, 0aeebdb7f2af68edeb5686e0e8….png) (h) (u)

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8b238b  No.2390542


Smocking gun… https://www.artpal.com/knightLore

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18100b  No.2390543

File (hide): 53bccafdf1c38d9⋯.png (29.15 KB, 1179x172, 1179:172, Q Mission.png) (h) (u)

>>2389672 (lb)

Swiped this text and tweeted graphic

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b193e3  No.2390544>>2390621


replace o with c ? or "smocking

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681d2d  No.2390545


Something to do with Hell, Fury, and Wrath, I believe.

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be0bf7  No.2390546>>2390567 >>2391140



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73c171  No.2390547

File (hide): 85e31169091218b⋯.jpg (81.32 KB, 490x647, 490:647, 84105215.jpg) (h) (u)

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8910d5  No.2390548>>2390633


Delete this.

And don't talk about fight club.

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1dbcc7  No.2390549

File (hide): 5b2fac3d5d7b94b⋯.jpg (13.81 KB, 255x205, 51:41, pepelookleftasuigaiugd.jpg) (h) (u)

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895e42  No.2390550>>2390582 >>2390604 >>2390633 >>2390665 >>2390799

File (hide): b91e3545cbf65fe⋯.jpeg (57.39 KB, 860x962, 430:481, Q deleted email.jpeg) (h) (u)


And here's the email referenced in the deleted posts.

This is a reminder by Q that this dumb fuck who is spending $110 million on the election is one of (them) and eats adenchrome.

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f60b71  No.2390551



I cannot walk and chew gum at the same time - did mean 1st and 4th.

I mean, yes, 2nd in there to help out, but MOSTLY just the 1st and 4th.


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b684c1  No.2390552

>>2390117 (lb)

>>2379738 (old bread)

Anons, this resonates.

Worth re-reading.

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32323c  No.2390553

the cia has spent the months avoiding

and also building an insane

confirmation bias

for their egregore

or some other occult hogwash planned

metatron is compromised when you notice all the captcha scripts

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3e6efd  No.2390554>>2390699

File (hide): 5b63f02363850c9⋯.jpg (397.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Q comp.jpg) (h) (u)


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4bb378  No.2390555>>2390573

File (hide): 4b6bca5c00d3210⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 500x500, 1:1, ohfug.gif) (h) (u)


Uh…lads…GEOTUS said Pennsylvania 17 times…mirrored is 71.

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ed5cfa  No.2390556

File (hide): c33606fef0c4a97⋯.png (173.88 KB, 429x544, 429:544, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)


yeah - there's this curious interchange…

pic twats = cst.

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1e06ce  No.2390557>>2390566 >>2390581

I am about sick of eBot's trump hate

I don't know why veiled threats to POTUS are allowed to continue

Just sayin

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f4e285  No.2390558

Smocking is an embroidery technique used to gather fabric so that it can stretch. Before elastic, smocking was commonly used in cuffs, bodices, and necklines in garments where buttons were undesirable

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9357a6  No.2390559>>2390585




Rush is the most influential radio voice in history. Not a slobbery jew butt licker like the rest. Hannitty, Savage, Levin are fucking pebbles compared to a mountain that is Rush. None of those faggots would even exist without Rush.

The only thing you can knock him for is not naming the juden. But if you listen to his analysis it is spot on.

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e8b7a9  No.2390560>>2390759

File (hide): 62ec5cf8dbbbcc0⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x1871, 1242:1871, 1B831A99-23E0-4D91-BEED-0….jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7996ff4dddd3315⋯.jpeg (202.91 KB, 1080x1400, 27:35, 314D7DA2-C087-46F6-8C0F-E….jpeg) (h) (u)


And a former Obozo WH lawyer

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b8e9dc  No.2390561>>2390617

Will Wapo turn on Mueller for going after Tony Podesta now?

Quite the dilemma…


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7fb5bc  No.2390562


go back to bed, Brock. And take your hair with you.

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545771  No.2390563>>2390588 >>2390602


If that is so, then so be it. I am late to knowing about this, and missed any live posting.

From where I sit, everything is suspect. As I am sure all anons understand for themselves.

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dbabac  No.2390564>>2390620

File (hide): 7e25712444edcb9⋯.png (133.59 KB, 326x755, 326:755, LMASTOP-alpha.png) (h) (u)



that is soooooo 1985…you suck at this.

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445244  No.2390565>>2391140

File (hide): e4e3b14a004f09a⋯.jpg (140.8 KB, 723x895, 723:895, 2a.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6160ff7b3856117⋯.jpg (143.18 KB, 709x841, 709:841, 3.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): c87a73173c4992d⋯.jpg (43.89 KB, 690x214, 345:107, 4.JPG) (h) (u)

Chelsea Clinton-Supported Company Offering Home Delivery Of Birth Control And HIV Prevention


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32323c  No.2390566


i got murder charges on that faggot preterm, try his board, it is full of shit

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be0bf7  No.2390567>>2390639 >>2391140



Amber Smock, ambity@aol.com

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9e943c  No.2390568>>2390583 >>2390633

imo, they were deleted to make a scene

so that styer knows he's being monitored and watched by /ourguys/


ffs, well there you go

wasn't me

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37a25b  No.2390569

>>2390374 (OP)

>>>2389858 Check out your music collection, >>2390048

The reason I like so much of the so called evil music is because for many many years, it was the only place in the world where it was permissible to express the truth.

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b2ff00  No.2390570



Facts need to remain facts without emotion

Falsifying a news event is the quickest way to discredit the info on this board

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1ddb21  No.2390571


they are still on one q post collection site I know of- I don't know who's the owner - they might need to be informed of the need to remove

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79fbe7  No.2390572>>2390575



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7fb5bc  No.2390573


nice lightbulb

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8703fc  No.2390574>>2390821 >>2391071

File (hide): eabaa9b0ca1fa79⋯.png (577.17 KB, 1019x830, 1019:830, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)


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f4e285  No.2390575


I like that guess

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a1f857  No.2390576


Capone was FBI asset most likely right? Not sure if that was established fact….haven't thought about him in a while.

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a83a40  No.2390577>>2390860

File (hide): a9dfb5a426ea9bb⋯.jpg (31.7 KB, 738x465, 246:155, Nsecuree.JPG) (h) (u)


Most excellent



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7f7cdc  No.2390578


That is much improved, anon.

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1e2d12  No.2390579

more Gifts

Sam Raimi puts a Delta 88 in his movies.

look to Egypt for the Gold

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044555  No.2390580>>2390600 >>2390658

Assange May Be Ready to Take First Steps Into a Different World

Julian Assange soon will leave the Ecuadorian embassy in London -- his refuge from criminal charges for the last six years – and enter a changed world.

The Australian walked into the building in the capital’s Knightsbridge neighborhood just before the 2012 Olympics, with Barack Obama in his first term and elections untainted by alleged interference by Russian agents. When he walks out, Assange will face a new more aggressive American president, a U.K. trying to find its role outside the European Union and a change in Ecuadorian leadership. The 47-year-old may find the future uncertain.


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545771  No.2390581

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e8b7a9  No.2390582>>2390592


And the retraction (oops!) on a Podesta email indictates the info is part of ongoing criminal probe. Bigly trolling Kek!

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895e42  No.2390583


yep that's exactly what it means.

however dropped too soon

need to wait until steyer fucks up and puts his name on the line and spends his 110 million bucks…. keep the democrats employed and then watch it all vanish like a whisper in the wind

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b58310  No.2390584

Shills and imbeciles out en mass this morning trying to discredit Q on the twat. I tried a little experiment by posting this on at least 3 dozen of their posts: “I haven’t seen anything this crazy since the silly Russian conspiracy theory.”

To a man (or woman), not one response back defending the witch hunt. Leftists are gutless when you turn their tactics on them.

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70b25b  No.2390585>>2390627 >>2390635 >>2390672


When is the last time he mentioned the Fed Reserve or the NWO Bankers that have enslaved us?

Do you think his handlers allow him to talk about that?

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87d181  No.2390586

>>2388941 (pb)

Damn! Nobody's gonna be mad at you dear

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f05a5a  No.2390587>>2390600 >>2390603 >>2390610 >>2390626 >>2390636 >>2390714 >>2391042

File (hide): 62a8053179f3d1a⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 2263x1766, 2263:1766, hrc-smock.jpg) (h) (u)

more smock

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a50f8e  No.2390588>>2390606


>From where I sit, everything is suspect. As I am sure all anons understand for themselves.


i saw before they were taken off qanon.pub

not any specific shock/new info in there, but a Steyer walnut email and link to Haiti…

at this point, not quite buying the "accidental" part of it, though i could not say yet what is being tested/trialed/evaluated here, but that's likely what's going on - or at the very least, optics

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16b57c  No.2390589>>2390607 >>2390868

File (hide): eccbeab4f85eb7f⋯.jpg (173.83 KB, 1024x554, 512:277, heather2.jpg) (h) (u)

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a48e2f  No.2390590>>2390600 >>2390657

File (hide): fa65fc649b8f5c5⋯.png (424.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, qproof1776.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b39459ec635f9af⋯.png (399.88 KB, 688x598, 344:299, remember1776.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1255110e57ea3be⋯.png (326.82 KB, 758x482, 379:241, sethrich.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e7ad302a7dc5549⋯.png (375.41 KB, 689x475, 689:475, QRally.png) (h) (u)



((they)) have lost control

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32323c  No.2390591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"autism" term came frome the stable genius eugenics prgram the gestapi ran through vaccines in the eighties

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895e42  No.2390592>>2390675


> indictates the info is part of ongoing criminal probe

however the info is already in the public domain at wikileaks…. kek

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6280bc  No.2390593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There been times that I thought I couldn't last for long

But now I think I'm able to carry on

It's been a long, a long time coming

But I know a change gon' come, oh yes it will

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b5a7d8  No.2390594

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65f22a  No.2390595>>2390628 >>2390883



12 May 2018 - 5:16:10 PM

They attempted to infiltrate, repackage & rebrand as their own.


Destroy through [misinformation].

Absorb the 'confused'.

Re-route traffic to other platforms.

Action was needed [2].

1. Prevent false decodes/misinformation

2. Kill [targeted] infection prior to expansion

Simple 'non-direct' statements made.

"Be careful who you follow."

"Some are profiting off this movement."

Message sent.

Message received.

Those guilty immediately reacted (predictably).

Timetable accelerated (misinformation-attack).


Attempts to divide.

We responded.

House cleaning.

Heal [core].

Important to clean prior to next events.

The choice has always been yours.

The choice will always be yours.

This is not a game.

This is not a popularity contest.

This is LIFE.



We, the PEOPLE.


[Time to move on]

Dark to LIGHT.

Attacks will only get worse.

Truth is Freedom.

Truth is logic.

Stay the course.


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9bd8fd  No.2390596>>2390704 >>2390728

File (hide): f5cda6a59ec5e66⋯.png (73.82 KB, 837x1213, 837:1213, smocking.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f6c4c1eb0577434⋯.png (53.48 KB, 757x599, 757:599, catherine-durbin.png) (h) (u)


tossed 'smocking' into WL search like i do all misspells

and came up with a Catherine Durbin (any relation to Dick Durbin??)

who is a psych from Michigan State University

think about Dr. Nasser who just got jailed for raping all those gymnasts

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044555  No.2390597

Private payrolls boom in July, increasing by 219,000 vs 185,000 estimate


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1db939  No.2390598

I like how they are only reporting on what shills posted. They are so predictable.

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6f05fa  No.2390599


>>2389858 More Notes On Occult & Pedophiliac Meanings In Pop Music, >>2390048


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32323c  No.2390600

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6d7bc1  No.2390601>>2390609 >>2390631 >>2390649 >>2390719

File (hide): 64649afdb447afb⋯.png (58.38 KB, 637x358, 637:358, Donald J Trump on Twitter….png) (h) (u)

Potus is piecing together the Corrupt FBI, CIA along with MUELLERS ties to MAFIA Whitey Bulger

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895e42  No.2390602


I posted the email and the missing drops here.

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4f5818  No.2390603

File (hide): 5f0c5414599cd7e⋯.png (267.87 KB, 500x374, 250:187, raw.png) (h) (u)

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9fcc04  No.2390604>>2390623 >>2390647

File (hide): 2bc1031713f2d9b⋯.png (152.67 KB, 500x522, 250:261, IMG_2108.PNG) (h) (u)


Look at the llc in email address. Could pierce corporate immunity.

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67c61d  No.2390605


mocking bird media conspire to air fake news

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1a16de  No.2390606


Q doesn’t make accidents

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4bb378  No.2390607>>2390632


We're almost to the breaking point. They won't survive the truth.

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a1f857  No.2390608


Jennifer Rubin is a total CUNT

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32323c  No.2390609


faggot bromance fake tweet to fake out the last of that annoying cia faggot that haunts ya huh

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ecd1f4  No.2390610>>2390691



She just misheard what they were chanting.

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7ec2ee  No.2390611

File (hide): 449a4ae361cf643⋯.jpg (30.09 KB, 490x351, 490:351, jared cohen N. Korea.jpg) (h) (u)


need to adjust youtube autofill and…

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50ebe4  No.2390612


We have UNENDING sauce from 1776 to post that correspond with the months upcoming. I’m gonna keep this trend going.

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d8c3cd  No.2390613

>>2390378 (lb)


Wait to find the delta - time between - when he corrects it and then check that on the Q clock.

Look for posts in that minute line. See what correlates.

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191b14  No.2390614

File (hide): fae55dcc7a90f5d⋯.png (511.07 KB, 860x1074, 430:537, smock.png) (h) (u)

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7d50a1  No.2390615

Want to give a big shout out to Dan Eberhart, CEO of Canary, LLC for standing his ground in the face of a hostile interview by MSNBC. He tried to explain the facts regarding Trump's positive economic impact while the MSNBC hosts repeatedly called the President a liar and twisted everything to make the President look bad.

Great job, Dan. I'd be proud to work for you and your companies!

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50ebe4  No.2390616



Check em!

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0bb81d  No.2390617

File (hide): a4490d1a4ed1711⋯.jpg (43.25 KB, 640x480, 4:3, n666a-4.jpg) (h) (u)


only if POTUS praises mueller

remember they will only do the opposite of what POTUS does

tony was not ever a big name outside of DC

MSM won't give it any mind

meanwhile the brother of what would have been Crooked's Sec. of State ….

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9d49f6  No.2390618>>2390656

Whichever bread Q posted the wrong point of discussion was in just got nuked from Orbit.

Bakers take notice.

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be0bf7  No.2390620>>2390652 >>2390663

File (hide): ad14ecd159524e9⋯.mp4 (10.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, LEAVE ME ALONE!.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

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b193e3  No.2390621

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b8e9dc  No.2390622>>2390638

I would expect some Q drops on Wapo today.

Can't wait… :)


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895e42  No.2390623


oooh that would be a juicy one seize all the shit he's got

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e9166f  No.2390624>>2390958



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8910d5  No.2390625



He's baiting the left/media to call him sexist for this tweet.

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666ab1  No.2390626


Kek. God Bless that man.

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9357a6  No.2390627>>2390642 >>2391104


Why single him out? You know a bullet would find him. Don't be stupid. You know who you can't criticize.

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32323c  No.2390628


word twisint propoganda

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8b6aec  No.2390629

File (hide): 7758ee89043fe0f⋯.png (50.43 KB, 970x289, 970:289, trump4.PNG) (h) (u)

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50ebe4  No.2390630


I have a bunch of grabs from the bread of anons reacting to the post. Will throw them up when not phone fagging. Some context for people who think Q never said it.

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f4e285  No.2390631


Yep good call. And correlating the feds finally busting Capone on tax evasion much like they busted Manafort on the same. Creating more optics to make Mueller look dirty

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16b57c  No.2390632


Justice has been a long time coming, I don't mind waiting a few more months. It's fun watching Hollywierd and Washington go tits up :)

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dbabac  No.2390633>>2390650 >>2390670 >>2391097

File (hide): 62e0bd34656c560⋯.png (220.85 KB, 1558x728, 779:364, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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32098f  No.2390634>>2390673 >>2391060

File (hide): d8d4b1e24bee1b2⋯.jpg (98.77 KB, 634x510, 317:255, Hugh.jpg) (h) (u)


>Hillary Clinton


>Alfonse Capone

>Looking back on history

OK, let's do that.

"conspiracy theory" or FACT?


Anonymous said…

funny you compare Hillary to al capone.

her father, hugh rodham took over the Chicago mod after capone died. she is hugh rodham's daughter

JANUARY 29, 2014 AT 10:39 AM

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e9166f  No.2390635





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efc260  No.2390636


kek boxes to clarify

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0268b2  No.2390637>>2390654


I spoke with a family member of mine who recently retired from VAFB and dealt specifically with missile launches. He said he hadn't heard any details but usually when a launch is terminated like that it's because it's veered off course.

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793016  No.2390638


Timing :) it will happen

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f04e35  No.2390639


lol that's rabbit hole style deep

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67c61d  No.2390640>>2390769

CNN about to talk about Q after comm'l!

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011bdc  No.2390641>>2390648

Sarah Sanders

Dan Scavino


Everyone should be in their comment section today asking if they can confirm or deny that there is an insider from their administration posting on their behalf on 8ch.

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e9166f  No.2390642>>2390667



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d08e53  No.2390643>>2390701


Nice way to twist the words there WashingtonCompost

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b8e9dc  No.2390644

Since we now know Wapo has admitted to lurking here..

It's time for some fun. :)

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32323c  No.2390645

File (hide): fed3900b3749ad2⋯.jpg (48.46 KB, 505x764, 505:764, IMG_1709.JPG) (h) (u)

sex slaves in politics


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f71fb3  No.2390646

File (hide): 47dc1a69fca7c81⋯.jpg (12.6 KB, 360x360, 1:1, 1HY0421_004_lt.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 820a1e9738cb376⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1999x3000, 1999:3000, Boo!_A_Madea_Halloween.jpg) (h) (u)

They take the kids of occulted elite and make them stars.

What is a cuckoo's egg?

Who is your daddy?

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7b79bd  No.2390647

File (hide): 9bc6a2e4a22d44b⋯.gif (184.82 KB, 150x131, 150:131, 8bfa9785b157.gif) (h) (u)


>Look at the llc in email address. Could pierce corporate immunity.


Tie together with POTUS tweet anomaly:

Lovely Lisa Page

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c6fcaf  No.2390648>>2390741


"That's classified, next question please"

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9bff95  No.2390649


Quite possibly, nice catch anon

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1e06ce  No.2390650

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b24830  No.2390651>>2390666 >>2390698

>>2389925 (lb)

If what took place last night wasn't proof, I don't know what is.

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47b08c  No.2390652


I really feel sorry for that guy. I wish him well.

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ab2c36  No.2390653


Didn't someone else recently twat using "lovely Lisa Page"?

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0268b2  No.2390654


Also, a combined Space Ops Center just opened up over there.


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f09c2e  No.2390655

File (hide): a2e865cc375deba⋯.jpg (332.15 KB, 800x1008, 50:63, FreedomofSpeech.jpg) (h) (u)

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73c171  No.2390656


And QProofs is pinned so it won't fall off again.


Mod team doing A+ job!

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e9166f  No.2390657


>((they)) have lost control

steyers don't know it yet.

they still think they can communicate secretly safely.

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e8b7a9  No.2390658


See, key here is that IF Obama had really wanted Assange;he could have had him at any time. IF Obama administration had wanted Snowden at any time; same same. (Thank you, Vlad for the Summit info)

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c5ab5e  No.2390659>>2390684 >>2390688

File (hide): c132d5d007838a4⋯.png (240.89 KB, 431x432, 431:432, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

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8501a1  No.2390660>>2390693

File (hide): 426990341e5f918⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1335x730, 267:146, Pepe astronaut.png) (h) (u)

>>2390078 (pb)

>Here's a REAL test of a vacuum environment like this so called space.

>Rockets don't work in a vacuum

He posts, unironically, while nearly every electronic interaction he'll have today at one point has data relayed to and/or from a satellite put into orbit by rockets achieving orbital velocity largely in the (near perfect) vacuum of space.

Newtons Third Law applies in zero G, Orbital equilibrium, in a vacuum, underwater, everywhere.


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d0c975  No.2390661>>2390709 >>2390920 >>2390943

>>2390311 lb

>>2390312 lb

I missed it! Just woke up to this and I can't find those posts anywhere. Does anyone have a screenshot of what Q posted and later removed??

If you don't want to post them because Q asked for them to be removed, can you just let us know what was in the posts??

Why did Q ask to remove them?

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7ec2ee  No.2390662>>2390907

File (hide): 1887ad9cafd9de8⋯.jpg (27.9 KB, 648x365, 648:365, hanx.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 80392406b98ac09⋯.jpg (29.07 KB, 470x409, 470:409, weird.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 353e4ad6d392738⋯.jpg (20.67 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hanx1.jpg) (h) (u)

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ee6b31  No.2390663>>2390678


im 10 iQ points lower from watching this now

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6e43e3  No.2390664

>>2390278 3012


By 2012, Flake had received at least $97,000 from mining interests, including Rio Tinto, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracked donations through the 2010 election cycle. He also voted a number of times against penalties on Iran.

He backed legislation favorable to mining interests in Arizona. In 2011, Flake proposedending a ban on uranium mining claims around the Grand Canyon. In 2009 he introduced a land swap bill that would enable Resolution Copper, an arm of Rio Tinto, to develop a mine in eastern Arizona.

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aba4bd  No.2390665>>2390683

File (hide): c9916a508c498be⋯.png (79.98 KB, 955x843, 955:843, podesta-smoking-gun-q2.png) (h) (u)

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6d7bc1  No.2390666>>2391156


Not for normies. They say we're crazy and reaching. We need a MOAB of truth to saturate their minds.

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9357a6  No.2390667



I know. Very obvious.

But anons can see what angle this kike is taking. Pretend to be goy and go after biggest goy.

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3a7a4f  No.2390668

File (hide): 8028e4bd85e05ba⋯.png (530.4 KB, 907x917, 907:917, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

I haven't seen this appear in Notables, maybe I missed it… it's hard to keep up sometimes. Seems that by the time I finish reading a bread (and following up on the links, ideas, digs, etc.) a whole 'nuther bread's been baked and a third one opened. *sigh*

Anyhow, Q has often written statements such as "You have more than you know."

I was following the rabbit trail from a post herein much earlier this morning (wee hours), and I came across this web site


It's a totally-woke Q-oriented site, and has an article posted today about how EVERY Q ID and trip code relates to books of interest to anons.

Since I didn't see it in the Notables, and it relates directly to past Q hints, I'm offering it for your consideration.

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ef9ba5  No.2390669

File (hide): 04a2cc8fd83c2ce⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1256x1600, 157:200, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


you are the toilet


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895e42  No.2390670>>2390687


why is that better?

for all anyone knows at this point I doctored up the Q posts.

Just because you see doesn't mean you need to beleive….

<<<<<Hey anons I made these posts on my computer kek

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b193e3  No.2390671>>2390692

Lovely lisa is helping Mueller thread the needle on the smocking job, Very nice Mr Trump

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50ebe4  No.2390672


Seems we’ve triggered the shills. I’ve oft wondered about him. He could be playing the game. I learned a lot in my early days about liberals from him. I hope he is white hat. But he does love him some Scherfs. They have a “special place in his heart.” Says that ALL THE TIME.

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dbabac  No.2390673>>2390712 >>2391060

File (hide): 036fedb8b16c0f7⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1139x753, 1139:753, vjtreason.PNG) (h) (u)


>Anonymous said…

>funny you compare Hillary to al capone.

>her father, hugh rodham took over the Chicago mod after capone died. she is hugh rodham's daughter

Knew she was from Chicago, but I did not know that.

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4bb378  No.2390674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is why we're going to (((war))). They're LOOKING for something. Just like Gaddafi's son's map where gold is housed all over Africa. This is why we went to Iraq.

(((33)))rd parallel. WE need to start hunting. A UN base at the top of Mt. Hermon.

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e8b7a9  No.2390675


Sure! But Q team has made a point, as did Wray in last hearing… of pointing and then giving an OOPS! Love it.

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6280bc  No.2390676

File (hide): c2b5f2ee27a02ac⋯.png (58.95 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, klarna1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 352615dd98a6015⋯.png (559.64 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, klarna1b.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ec6fe6811670515⋯.png (48.47 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, klarna2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cd4dc4a9339d979⋯.png (418.61 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, moritz1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6d5f48e077050aa⋯.png (734.82 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, moritz2.png) (h) (u)

Not sure if this is anyting. A pizza slice on the main page and queen-knighted trump-denouncing investors?

Just surface initial research, no deep digging done yet.

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044555  No.2390677

Ps. Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?


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be0bf7  No.2390678


Were the tingles worth it?

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72773d  No.2390680>>2390697 >>2390738

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32323c  No.2390681>>2390897

File (hide): 6e89b822296b10d⋯.jpg (36.42 KB, 497x700, 71:100, IMG_1763.JPG) (h) (u)

why did kubrick make a movie about beheadings?

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18100b  No.2390682


We need a sharp graphic for this.

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895e42  No.2390683


sick fuckers

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4ce155  No.2390684>>2390703


Haha so we get her but whites still die off here and in Europe. Get ready to fight for your existence anons. You’ll have to leave your computer soon.

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8986b9  No.2390685>>2390707 >>2390717 >>2391073

When Q was talking about the 16-year plan, do anons think it was Obama/Clinton 08-24 or Bush/Obama 01-16? 9/11 seems like it'd be a huge step in weakening America, but I've seen graphics where the 16-year plan revolves around Obama/Clinton?

Is there any consensus among anons?

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63d684  No.2390686>>2390737 >>2390837 >>2390854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Front and center MSNBC

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dbabac  No.2390687

File (hide): 34e32cad2f23986⋯.png (75.88 KB, 668x522, 334:261, joke.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b96c5d59ae4aa81⋯.png (683.46 KB, 960x671, 960:671, hanksblacked.png) (h) (u)

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7ec2ee  No.2390688

File (hide): d828c07dbe709a7⋯.jpg (34.8 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cellini.jpg) (h) (u)

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d53ae7  No.2390689>>2391048


What will blow your mind totally is when you realize Rush Limbaugh is Bill Hicks.

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554a51  No.2390690>>2390700

Just got into work, finished my mug of covfefe, and ready for my shitpost shift.

My job is so dull and boring. Wish me luck on an upcoming interview anons!

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f05a5a  No.2390691>>2390706 >>2390724 >>2391058

File (hide): 8166dd22f9ff02f⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 2891x1766, 2891:1766, smock-her-up.jpg) (h) (u)


Smock Her Up!

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011bdc  No.2390692

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73c171  No.2390693>>2390715

File (hide): 7ee8100c68aef36⋯.jpg (72.45 KB, 720x720, 1:1, billy the trol.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 375b12a788bab0d⋯.png (70.98 KB, 1717x537, 1717:537, psyop.png) (h) (u)


It's a psy-op. I doubt any anon with an education exceeding the first few grades of elementary school believes in that. Unsuprisingly, the founder of the ignorance-born psy-op movement lacked such an education.

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f71fb3  No.2390694>>2390774

File (hide): b8aa5b255a75216⋯.jpeg (5.26 KB, 308x163, 308:163, images (5).jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0ce773da3c2441d⋯.jpeg (5.03 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images (4).jpeg) (h) (u)

Who are you ? Who who who who who?

I really want to know.

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31161f  No.2390695>>2390735 >>2390740 >>2390752 >>2390764 >>2390812 >>2390979 >>2391011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MSNBC Reports On Q

Calls all Q anons batshit crazy.

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1b9f8b  No.2390696>>2390803

This is not about the bible,

this is about a date:

This is the 17.th week after Easter.

The 17th week in 2018 started on July, 30.

It ends on August, 5.

August, 6, is

Transformation Day

when Jesus is standing on a mountain, for the world to see.

On the mountain, Jesus begins to shine with bright rays of light, the prophets Moses and Elijah appear next to him and he speaks with them. Jesus is then called "Son" by a voice in the sky.

In Christian teachings, the Transfiguration is a pivotal moment.

A pivotal moment is when something turns.

Q wrote yesterday:

"The world is about to change"

This reminds me of:

As the world turns

Maybe, Q chose

Transformation Day

when Jesus climbs on a mountain and is beaming with rays of LIGHT

as the day, when the truth will be revealed.

Dark to light

On Transformation Day, when Jesus, shining with light, stands on a mountain,

a voice comes from the sky,

calling him: SON.

And human nature meets god.

What if Monday, Aug., 6, Transformation Day is the day,

when Q will reveal the truth, bring it from dark to light?

Or bring the dark deeds to light,

for humanity to see?

For the bad actors this would mean,

that their bad human nature will meet god.

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e9166f  No.2390697


why don't you call in and ask Rush to explain Q?

Come on now, do it and prove yourself

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a50f8e  No.2390698>>2390787


honest question, how was last night so different than other rallys?

why do you find this proof more convincing than, say, the links between Q posts and Trump tweets over past months, etc?

(missed a lot of the rally/past weeks)

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3e6efd  No.2390699



>Check out all those headlines. Coordinated?

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1a16de  No.2390700


May the KEK be with you anon

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b2ff00  No.2390701


The writer did his best to make QAnon look like a delusional cult with Q being the messiah

He even added the sad anon saying "I feel lost without Q"

I recall when that was posted

What stood out to me more than the typical smear campaign that is meant to set off those with TDS, is that the writer is based in the UK

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da016c  No.2390702

So now Q is actively covering up for pedophiles?

Q is the Lizard King

Q is King Pedo

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c6fcaf  No.2390703>>2390734 >>2390763


UNITED we're stronger, trust the plan.

If whites don't die off (multicultural mode) then US and Europe will not survive.

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50ebe4  No.2390704


[eyes on]

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8501a1  No.2390705>>2390804

File (hide): 36aa27072153057⋯.jpg (325.46 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, Federal Reserve.jpg) (h) (u)


>The Clintons have developed an empire of corruption and dishonesty on a scale never before seen in America.

I beg to differ.

Pic related

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dbabac  No.2390706>>2390720

File (hide): 470a582d2e531f6⋯.jpg (8.8 KB, 255x143, 255:143, trumpfunny.jpg) (h) (u)

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a366cf  No.2390707


Was broken down in the drop. See qmapp

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f5bbe1  No.2390708>>2390721 >>2390733 >>2390739 >>2390750 >>2390925


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793016  No.2390709>>2390731 >>2390732 >>2390781


Reddit and Q drop just updated on mobile, it has been removed

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ac587f  No.2390710>>2390727 >>2390748

File (hide): 1b73b38688a8679⋯.png (475.91 KB, 788x768, 197:192, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at ….png) (h) (u)


bewb war = Q testing us to fight censorship & to do what is right even if hard

muhDeletedCrumbs = Q testing us to follow orders?

to test public reaction?

to test how well anons archive? or

maybe Q team needs a R&R day

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32323c  No.2390711

lazurass lives in tucson iirc

calls himself ernesto

faggot squatted a spot in college by campus

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7ec2ee  No.2390712

File (hide): bfefd650e32be85⋯.png (40.78 KB, 678x455, 678:455, jarrett.rendell.hatit.png) (h) (u)

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044555  No.2390713>>2390792

Forget Collusion. Conspiracy’s the Watchword in Mueller’s Filings

For a look at how Special Counsel Robert Mueller could tie Russian election interference to American citizens, watch the C-word.

Not coordination or collusion, but conspiracy.

One charge in particular -- conspiracy to defraud the U.S. – has cropped up in several of the Mueller team’s major cases. The allegation shows up in filings against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, as well as in indictments of Russian nationals accused earlier this month of hacking into Democratic Party organizations and election infrastructure. Conspiracy charges are significant because they’re building blocks: Once prosecutors allege a conspiracy, they can add more individuals later.


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479e1f  No.2390714>>2390732

File (hide): d8c1cca4c8f285f⋯.jpg (59.89 KB, 420x298, 210:149, smocking.jpg) (h) (u)

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5edbe8  No.2390715>>2390725 >>2390853

File (hide): bc381f9bc0c2f32⋯.jpg (59.74 KB, 720x720, 1:1, noosa.jpg) (h) (u)

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ed5cfa  No.2390716

Manafort trial yesterday

Weismann got shut down for bringing up Manafort's expensive tastes


Capone's trial

they brought up all of his luxury spending

to establish his wealth, cuz he never filed a tax return:

"An extravagant lifestyle could be evidence of substantial unreported income, so investigators examined department store, jewelry store, car dealership, and hotel records for evidence of Capone’s expenditures."

top witness:

"With Reis's statement, prosecutors decided they had enough evidence to go before a grand jury. (After completing his grand jury testimony, Reis was shipped off to South America for safekeeping until trial.)"

Hannity mentioned this gambit last night

pressure the witnesses

get 'em to sing

reward them with a new life paid for by US

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a50f8e  No.2390717


the drop itself lays it out: Hussein & HRC

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f4e285  No.2390718>>2390766

According to this book about the bloodlines of the Illuminati (https:// www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/FC/FC2F5371043C48FDD95AEDE7B8A49624_Springmeier.-.Bloodlines.of.the.Illuminati.R.pdf), the bloodlines are:












Van Duyn






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6d7bc1  No.2390719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Start @ 8:17


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32323c  No.2390720

File (hide): d472143640fa93c⋯.jpg (54.87 KB, 615x410, 3:2, IMG_1693.JPG) (h) (u)

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da016c  No.2390721>>2390736



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6e43e3  No.2390722

>>2390278 3012


Guess he forgot to update his bio….

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9bd8fd  No.2390723>>2391050

File (hide): 193e2b338905841⋯.jpg (840.09 KB, 1377x935, 81:55, july-2018-habbenings.jpg) (h) (u)

repost from last night

July Habbenings

>for the muh nothing is habbening shills

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681d2d  No.2390724


Can you post the original or point me to the thread where it is located?

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4bb378  No.2390725>>2390853



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abec4e  No.2390726

File (hide): 56652c87ec3349b⋯.png (461.7 KB, 1234x1206, 617:603, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

love how the collar of his shirt makes a Q

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1a16de  No.2390727


Can Q trust anons….

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24d2bd  No.2390728

File (hide): 10f98f231e24b6a⋯.jpg (346.03 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180801-105639….jpg) (h) (u)


This her?

Chid Emotions Lab


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eaed36  No.2390729>>2390746 >>2390767 >>2391054

File (hide): 2b400cd769c9965⋯.png (171.22 KB, 242x350, 121:175, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 33e80a1bd778397⋯.png (190.66 KB, 253x382, 253:382, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

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a9b463  No.2390730>>2390762 >>2390768

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da016c  No.2390731>>2390754


It was Q covering up for pedophiles.

Q is the Lizard King

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793016  No.2390732



Trump is trolling over the smock comment


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f3d729  No.2390733


that twitter handle is not an official account. it's actually a fan page.

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4ce155  No.2390734>>2390814


Are you fucking kidding me asshole? Europe’s way to survive is by eliminating its native population? What kind of psychopathic satanic kike are you? White genocide is the goal of the cabal. If whites dying off is being promoted here then Q can fuck right off.

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b193e3  No.2390735>>2390753


Hey its a start.. they made us crazy dosent mean we are wrong

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f5bbe1  No.2390736


They're both screen shots.

Go visit Space Force's twatter.

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666ab1  No.2390737


Fag boy claims to have been researching for a year and yet he doesn't know dick. Obviously he's been jerking it to baker girls and then half-assed skimming the crumbs without the proofs and the articles we've archived ad nauseum since the beginning. What a little hacky bitch boy. Bring it on faggotron.

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b58310  No.2390738>>2390789


That is no way a picture of Morrison. Nice try.

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b2ff00  No.2390739>>2390772


Fan account, but you knee that

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73c171  No.2390740

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50ebe4  No.2390741


Yeppp!!!! That’s what I’m hoping for at least!! Make em beggggg!

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634ed4  No.2390743>>2390849

File (hide): e7333f201201069⋯.jpg (11.54 KB, 255x149, 255:149, 2magnify.jpg) (h) (u)

Illegal weapons cache discoveted in police raid of Macron party headquarters

No statement yet from French President


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79fbe7  No.2390744>>2390762

Rolling Stone. Another 4am talking point. Danger, danger, fear, fear, violence coming

As QAnon Goes Mainstream, Trump’s Rallies Are Turning Darker

Under Trump, conspiracy theories and an all out assault on the truth have created a strange new reality

President Trump was in Tampa, Florida, Tuesday night to support Rep. Ron DeSantis’ campaign for governor. As is the case with all of the president’s endorsement rallies, the appearance was less about the candidate and more about Trump’s accomplishments, those crime-loving Democrats and, of course, the dishonest media. After his speech concluded, his supporters dutifully harangued CNN’s Jim Acosta, whom Trump famously rebuffed as “fake news” during a press conference in London last month.

Among the standard “Women For Trump,” “Blacks For Trump” and “Promises Made, Promises Kept” signs, the video shows a few others. They featured the letter “Q,” a reference to QAnon, a conspiracy theory gaining traction among some of Trump’s most ardent supporters. In a nutshell, followers of QAnon fashion themselves as detectives, or “bakers,” who try to make sense out of vague bits of information, or “bread crumbs,” left for them on the Internet by “Q,” a mysterious figure purporting to be a government official with high-level clearance. The clues left by “Q” have led his disciples to believe that Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation is a cover, and Mueller is actually working in tandem with Trump to take down a murderous cabal of liberal elites that includes everyone from Tom Hanks to Barack Obama. QAnon believes these elites have been running an elaborate child sex ring for years, and that there is a “storm” coming in which Trump will throw all of these pedophiles in jail once and for all. As NBC News reporter Ben Collins described it on Tuesday, QAnon is like “Pizzagate on bath salts.”

It wasn’t long ago that QAnon seemed too blatantly insane to exist anywhere but on the extreme fringes of the Republican party. In the past few months, however, it has steadily been seeping into the mainstream. When Trump traveled to North Dakota in June, kids were photographed in homemade “Q” shirts.



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6d7bc1  No.2390745>>2390755 >>2390762 >>2391140

File (hide): ea7dfb0ef7868ed⋯.png (21.33 KB, 582x144, 97:24, 13 Twitter.png) (h) (u)

POTUS corrects tweet

Smocking = Smoking

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32323c  No.2390746


hand grenade in the mouth; forced to watch i think

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1d3f81  No.2390747>>2390952

MSM Coverage from last night (video) -


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dbabac  No.2390748>>2390819

File (hide): 1d727a52430edc8⋯.png (74.5 KB, 489x499, 489:499, pepecool.png) (h) (u)


It's like Q going on a 20-day break…observing the effect this is having on anons, imagine the effect it's having on the bad actors. kek!

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b5a7d8  No.2390749>>2391161

File (hide): e23ee500da60e5f⋯.jpeg (303.86 KB, 640x742, 320:371, FE3FADBE-5E9F-4605-AC2B-9….jpeg) (h) (u)


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a570f5  No.2390750>>2390770 >>2390793 >>2390808 >>2390809 >>2390981

File (hide): dca6445107a7820⋯.jpg (269.92 KB, 1080x1256, 135:157, Screenshot_20180801-105800….jpg) (h) (u)



It's real!

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4508da  No.2390751>>2390771 >>2391066


I went to high school in Bellflower, CA with that guy with the beard.

It was well known to all of us that after he graduated from Notre Dame (ugh), he went into politics s a Congressional aid and eventually joined the C_A.

He is/was a globalist RINO and a homosexual.

Not that people can't have conversions.

I also trust the Q team to have a good idea of who they are promoting in these posts.

Don't want to completely dox this dude, but thought I'd let everyone know as a warning.

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e9166f  No.2390752>>2390879


how do they know what is true without investigating?

That is the question!

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895e42  No.2390753


indeed, anon, that's how I found Q.

Some fucker posted an article on an obscure website bashing Qanon

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d65bde  No.2390754


or maybe there is a serious investigation going on and that was the point of it.

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d8c3cd  No.2390755>>2390786 >>2390817 >>2391140


Time between error and correction?

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e0cb1e  No.2390756>>2390843


Tommy (4names) Robinson is not a Patriot !!!!!!!

Muh Jew, is a zioist Shill, not notable'



FK Robinson, from a Britfag

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15d660  No.2390757>>2390776 >>2390785 >>2390791 >>2390822 >>2390838

File (hide): 03a7f0849e8f41c⋯.png (608.88 KB, 647x665, 647:665, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

If this is not a "HABBENING" I do not know what would be…

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8910d5  No.2390759>>2390779 >>2390844 >>2391034 >>2391140


Vin Weber and Greg Craig

How are they mixed up in this???

In 2012, Craig co-chaired (with former Republican congressman Vin Weber) a bipartisan task force formed by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy which looked into American policy toward Egypt, then led by President Mohamed Morsi.[40] The task force recommended a middle ground on continuing U.S. economic and military aid to Egypt; the group's report, released in November 2012, called for "an approach whereby the United States continues to provide substantial economic and military aid while linking both direct support and backing for international financial support to Egyptian cooperation on key U.S. interests."[40]

Craig led a team of lawyers from Skadden, Arps who were commissioned by the government of Ukraine under President Viktor Yanukovich to look into errors in the trial of former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia V. Tymoshenko on abuse-of-power charges.[41] The report, released in December 2012, found that Tymoshenko was denied legal counsel at "critical stages" of the trial and that her lawyers were wrongly barred from calling witnesses in her defense.[41] The report concluded that Tymoshenko's right to a fair trial "appears to have been compromised to a degree that is troubling under Western standards of due process and the rule of law."[41] However, the report also concluded that Tymoshenko's conviction was supported by the evidence presented at trial and rejected the claim that the prosecution of Tymoshenko was politically motivated by Yanukovich to obstruct the Ukrainian opposition.[41] Tymoshenko's attorneys rejected that finding, saying that the report was not independent because it was commissioned by the Ukrainian government, which paid Skadden, Arps an undisclosed sum of money,[41] and human rights organizations regarded the report as a "whitewash."[42]

Craig promoted the report to journalists and members of Congress without much success.[43] Experts say that Craig should have registered as a foreign agent, as lobbyists are required to do when they lobby on behalf of foreign governments.[43]

Resignation from Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom

In April 2018, Craig resigned from the firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, following the indictment of Alex van der Zwaan, a lawyer at the firm's London office. Craig was the lead attorney supervising the firm's work for former Ukrainian president Yanukovich, in which Zwann participated. Zwaan was later charged by Mueller investigation and pleaded guilty to making false statements.


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ca6010  No.2390760

Has anyone been following the situation in Zimbabwe?

Last week I had a Very Of and completely Random dream, all I remember is waking up to… Zimbabwe. I remember thinking WTH was that all about?!

I haven't been following this at ALL, so I looked up current events in Zimbabwe. At the time the headlines consisted of the ongoing election:


And now…


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76cda0  No.2390761>>2391129

File (hide): 6e18c28337078d8⋯.png (1.53 MB, 949x634, 949:634, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

I have to see my doctor today.

He's always asking me what exercise I'm getting…

I'm not going to lie to him this time - tell him I'm doing a lot of digging.

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32323c  No.2390762




you shit post like you have skeletons in the closet

besides be a sex dool to the macabre bankers

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4ce155  No.2390763


Plus multicultural societies are weaker. That’s why the cabal promotes them in order to subvert them. Homogenous societies are high trust. Europe and USA is the white mans clay. Others do not belong here. Grow a set of nuts or stop being a genocidal freak.

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1ddb21  No.2390764>>2390784


I would rather be "batshit crazy" than a democrat

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a531f3  No.2390765


By Thomas J. "Baker"

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ecd1f4  No.2390766>>2390816


Also mentioned - the CLINTON bloodline, as well as the RHODES (Think Rhodes Scholar) family.

I think it was under both the Astor and the Bundy section.

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dbabac  No.2390767>>2390798

File (hide): 1fc838d5d3d8cbb⋯.jpg (109.88 KB, 828x471, 276:157, ARNONSTEVEN.jpg) (h) (u)

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be0bf7  No.2390768>>2390801


Baker Notable

Corrected tweet

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1ea9f0  No.2390769


They are making us stronger --– feed me Seymour. . . .

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b5a7d8  No.2390770

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ffbd2c  No.2390771


C_A hipsters are Q patriots now?

I've seen it all

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f5bbe1  No.2390772>>2390795

File (hide): 946421fd2737c88⋯.png (38.81 KB, 656x755, 656:755, pepe sad.png) (h) (u)

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b2ff00  No.2390773>>2390855

File (hide): 83c8c9024bcb531⋯.png (49.24 KB, 649x374, 59:34, POTUS 8-1-18 8 56 am PDT.PNG) (h) (u)

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199fd2  No.2390774>>2390884


is the first one Frank Langella?

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7ec2ee  No.2390775

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f8dcbd  No.2390776


Just saw the CNN segment .. pretty complete explanation despite the "..conspiracy" tone of the anchor.

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f09c2e  No.2390777>>2390811 >>2390832 >>2390901

File (hide): 6865dfa0b7e49a9⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1904x6252, 476:1563, Alice.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cda41577c62e1f7⋯.png (305.21 KB, 1270x1125, 254:225, August.png) (h) (u)

August = Chapter 8: The Queen's Croquet Ground in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"

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47b0c6  No.2390778>>2390807 >>2390818 >>2390864

Q I think I get it now.

We've broken into mainstream media.

Mainstream media are calling us conspiracy theorists.

They have to address it now because we are growing exponentially.

If anyone not familiar with Q is curious, they will come on 8chan and begin to learn.

Now would be a great time to drop the HAMMER and prove that all these "conspiracy theories" are true.

The mainstream media will be exposed as the liars they are.

Redpills for the public.

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a366cf  No.2390779


In light digging last night a correlation between the two involved Egypt. Will see if I saved it.

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ea25a7  No.2390780>>2390794 >>2390805 >>2390825 >>2390835 >>2390896

File (hide): e618bc3f52ee87f⋯.png (100.61 KB, 915x69, 305:23, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Well now my archive is incomplete. Managed to cap the 2 posts in RT that Q requested to be deleted, but not the actual post requesting deletion. Proofs attached. Does any anon have said 3rd post (No. 2385771) available for the purpose of archiving?

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ac8bdd  No.2390781>>2390825


Qanon.pub finally updated as well.

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d50c53  No.2390782>>2390824

Dilley mea culpa on Q


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70a48d  No.2390783


If your interested and can find it, Bill Cosby was in a Playboy spread back in the 70's I think it was a scene in a hospital with a bunch of nurses.

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9357a6  No.2390784>>2390859


Those mean the same thing.

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8910d5  No.2390785


I guess the pizzagate connection was going to be their debunking angle all along anyway.

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ed5cfa  No.2390786>>2390797 >>2390848 >>2390923

File (hide): eaa0e15d89d8507⋯.png (113.76 KB, 900x508, 225:127, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6f54aa4035de607⋯.png (113.74 KB, 905x522, 905:522, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)


times are cst

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72773d  No.2390787

File (hide): d91d1ec46af22ce⋯.png (396.28 KB, 707x900, 707:900, Hi there!.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 605f16cae4a7352⋯.png (110.94 KB, 286x410, 143:205, R.png) (h) (u)

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773125  No.2390789


some people here are fucking retarded ! Rush Limbaugh went by the Radio name Jeff Christie was on a rock station in Pittsburgh with Jim Quinn in the late 60's early 70's

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99813e  No.2390790

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15d660  No.2390791




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50ebe4  No.2390792>>2390856


It would be a shame if somebody applied this to the exporting of our URANIUM!

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9e943c  No.2390793



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ffbd2c  No.2390794>>2390826 >>2390831


Q is testing anons, nothing is ever deleted.

But we can make it appear so, should Q drop some real interesting videos, etc.

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b2ff00  No.2390795

File (hide): e9c2048126e6dd5⋯.png (275.78 KB, 741x509, 741:509, Pepe Hug 2.PNG) (h) (u)

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793016  No.2390796


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32323c  No.2390797


take that gun

and suck on it

like it is a foreign dignitaries cock

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7ec2ee  No.2390798

File (hide): 1b065d911e1e6e3⋯.jpg (46.9 KB, 561x496, 561:496, barry.steinmetz.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5c601d4f1a8192e⋯.png (240.51 KB, 500x399, 500:399, lyor.cohen.png) (h) (u)

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d0c975  No.2390799>>2390815


Wow!!! Q posted that! And so late, actually early in the a.m. I hit the sack at 11pm last night, wiped out from the great day we had and thinking Q wouldn't post again, boy was I wrong!

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0d54f9  No.2390800

So, it seems the MSN is telling the truth We are throwing the status quo into disorder.

derange (v.)

1776, "throw into confusion, disturb the regular order of," from French déranger, from Old French desrengier "disarrange, throw into disorder," from des- "do the opposite of" (see dis-) + Old French rengier (Modern French ranger) "to put into line," from reng "line, row," from Frankish *hring or some other Germanic source, from Proto-Germanic *hringaz "circle, ring, something curved," from nasalized form of PIE root *sker- (2) "to turn, bend." Mental sense "disorder or unsettle the mind of" is by c. 1790.

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d8c3cd  No.2390801>>2390851 >>2390980


:56 - :23 is 33

Where's the damn clock when you need it?

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20fe5f  No.2390802

File (hide): 8eb710a1a229521⋯.png (960.01 KB, 1280x846, 640:423, Screenshot_2018-08-01 Mush….png) (h) (u)

What if you were wrong?


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b193e3  No.2390803>>2390894


mirror day 8118 ( Infiniti on both sides of 11) 11 pic of twin towers with plane in the side, 111717,first day of revolution, towers falling, 111118 all towers standing together infinitely

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4ce155  No.2390804>>2391147


I also beg to differ, though Rothschilds and this sandy shithole are basically one and the same.

Q when does Israel get the nuke it deserves? That would end all of this.

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895e42  No.2390805>>2390831


it was posted in one of the breads early this morning… 6:30ish

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f79c49  No.2390806

File (hide): 60efd09c2ac8fd3⋯.png (545.56 KB, 1550x753, 1550:753, pedosmile.PNG) (h) (u)

Anyone remember Maddox, and his article on the pedosmile? Well….

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b58310  No.2390807>>2390937

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90299b  No.2390808


…really a fan account that isn't official!


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9bff95  No.2390809>>2390904

File (hide): a923b308ebf6516⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 300x300, 1:1, worldchange.gif) (h) (u)




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52c87a  No.2390810>>2390820


Is he telling someone OK?

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b13cde  No.2390811>>2390828

File (hide): b216a1418c92e73⋯.jpeg (110.39 KB, 899x499, 899:499, 46BA842C-21E6-4EAD-8613-F….jpeg) (h) (u)

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dbabac  No.2390812

File (hide): 9ae4bb1bf1f770a⋯.jpg (33.79 KB, 480x480, 1:1, pepecameljoe.jpg) (h) (u)


>Calls all Q anons batshit crazy.

From "nerdy virgins" to "crazy"…that's an improvement, lads…chicks dig dangerous men. kek

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d53ae7  No.2390813

File (hide): 97a1168a6448d4d⋯.jpg (105.4 KB, 892x877, 892:877, Pepe OK.jpg) (h) (u)

You know this is Aug. 1, but the rally was yesterday in July. Guess Q was right about it all being revealed in July.

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c6fcaf  No.2390814


You haven't realized Q is Barbara Lerner Spectre?

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895e42  No.2390815


No, Q didn't post that. I made it. Photoshop. KEK

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f4e285  No.2390816>>2390871


Oh yes for sure. When I get some time, Im going to go back through all the pages (almost 300 pages) and organize key people under their proper name. For example, we dont know Hillary's bloodline, but we know her last name is not Clinton OR Rodham. She is going to be more significant, but we find that out later. Same with Bill. His last name is not clinton, but he is most likely a top bloodline. I was surprised the Bush's werent on the list

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6d7bc1  No.2390817


12 min

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f5bbe1  No.2390818


time to break out all the MSM/MK Ultra memes.

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ecd1f4  No.2390819


The Foundation:

The premise of the series is that the mathematician Hari Seldon spent his life developing a branch of mathematics known as psychohistory, a concept of mathematical sociology. Using the laws of mass action, it can predict the future, but only on a large scale. Seldon foresees the imminent fall of the Galactic Empire, which encompasses the entire Milky Way, and a dark age lasting 30,000 years before a second great empire arises. Seldon's calculations also show there is a way to limit this interregnum to just one thousand years. To ensure the more favorable outcome and reduce human misery during the intervening period, Seldon creates the Foundation -- a group of talented artisans and engineers positioned at the twinned extreme ends of the galaxy – to preserve and expand on humanity's collective knowledge, and thus become the foundation for the accelerated resurgence of this new galactic empire.

Interpretation: Q team plugs current data into the system, which then shows where the plan needs a slight nudge. They then make a post to influence the wave in the correct direction to restore chronology. This is why everything hasn't been exactly perfect to the minute. When dealing with people, you can never account for wildcards.

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793016  No.2390820


He is trolling..Look at the Twitter


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e00048  No.2390821


Like a 'crying paedophile' trying to tell us they can't help it and that we ought to accept they were 'born that way' propaganda? Or the other one? Didn't have specs on so couldn't see where the comma was.

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7fb5bc  No.2390822>>2390838


oh its habbening. Going to be a wild ride. BUT since Q let this cat out of the bag with the retracted posts, triggering the news cycle MSM into going CRAY-ZEE, we know that

in 36 hours, Trump will have something to say, or some arrests will be made (see the news baiting 36 hour delta theory.) So we get to ride out the hate from the MSM for 36 hours.

Get the popcorn and start posting proofs and digs of all these pedophiles. A LOT OF PEOPLE are watching right now. AIM CANNONS

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4e3e1e  No.2390823

Looks like Manafort’s prior case was in 2008 maybe?:


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a50f8e  No.2390824



give us the TL;DW pliz

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16f879  No.2390825>>2390945 >>2390976 >>2391009 >>2391020



So I gotta admit I'm confused about this whole deleted posts thing. The 1776 post would'na happened unless the site owner manually added in posts that Q deleted.

Should these deleted posts be added to the map? Should we allow for mistakes?

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231ab3  No.2390826

File (hide): 2d8c9f0db7e5fa1⋯.png (285.55 KB, 1794x1268, 897:634, Q-request to remove-Posts.png) (h) (u)

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b8e9dc  No.2390827>>2390841

File (hide): 126c4cf65759170⋯.png (56.6 KB, 143x255, 143:255, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

So Q…

could you please provide 'open source' leads on any info you may have on Wapo management, editorial staff or journalist regarding any of the illicit activities they have accused your loyal followers and this board?

Thanks :)

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32323c  No.2390828


maybe if someone held your face down in the toilet you will see the blinks of light

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634ed4  No.2390829>>2390834 >>2390845 >>2390850 >>2390880 >>2390999

File (hide): d4a0092d3c30768⋯.png (51.63 KB, 640x354, 320:177, ja.png) (h) (u)

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d53ae7  No.2390830


We luv you fuckbot.

Lemons are blue.

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ea25a7  No.2390831>>2390847 >>2391024


>[Nothing is ever truly deleted].

which is why I'm certain that someone has a screen cap available


thanks anon, the hunt continues…

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dbabac  No.2390832>>2390842

File (hide): 457c54f96844241⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 320x289, 320:289, wtfgif.gif) (h) (u)

>>2390777 chekek'd

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2ea8f3  No.2390833

File (hide): 499e219cd587731⋯.png (28.23 KB, 823x206, 823:206, Tom_Steyer_father_jew.PNG) (h) (u)


And lo and behold, there is a jewish connection!

His father is a jew.

>Say it with me:




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ef9ba5  No.2390834

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f493c3  No.2390835>>2390878 >>2391016

File (hide): 4c521396ae63887⋯.png (143.94 KB, 1806x161, 258:23, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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f60b71  No.2390836



Maybe Thiessen is just really into crafts n' shit?

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7b79bd  No.2390837


"moving en masse in the" real life "space"


all teh buzzwords

>Wee need sensershihp nao REEEEEEEEEEE



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cd81c9  No.2390838



oh its habbening. Going to be a wild ride. BUT since Q let this cat out of the bag with the retracted posts, triggering the news cycle MSM into going CRAY-ZEE, we know that

in 36 hours, Trump will have something to say, or some arrests will be made (see the news baiting 36 hour delta theory.) So we get to ride out the hate from the MSM for 36 hours.

Get the popcorn and start posting proofs and digs of all these pedophiles. A LOT OF PEOPLE are watching right now. AIM CANNONS

THIS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

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e1fb43  No.2390839>>2390858 >>2390862 >>2390866 >>2390908 >>2390970 >>2391137 >>2391169

File (hide): 2fa0fe394da256b⋯.jpg (261.27 KB, 941x993, 941:993, WapoYoaz.jpg) (h) (u)

Because none of those 3 things exists.

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12ce32  No.2390840>>2390869 >>2390895

Did Q get in trouble with the Tom Steyer info?

I hadn’t realized Steyer was cc:d in the pedo-related Wikileaked emails

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011bdc  No.2390841


They are owned by Jeff Bezos. Go look into the deal they get with the US Post office.

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5edbe8  No.2390842>>2390873 >>2390888

File (hide): e99febaa3daf8b5⋯.png (168.72 KB, 343x331, 343:331, benna.png) (h) (u)

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ecd1f4  No.2390843>>2390972


He's a useful tool to expose censorship of the news and the muslim invasion/mass rape/culture killing agenda.

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a366cf  No.2390844>>2391034

File (hide): 9410916f603c7fe⋯.jpeg (597.09 KB, 1242x731, 1242:731, 38C21C27-4BF4-4245-8225-1….jpeg) (h) (u)

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32323c  No.2390845


mexico gets to decapitate cortez i believe

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f4e285  No.2390846

What happened to Bailey Olsen twatter?

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895e42  No.2390847


I thought I saved a copy but I'm not well organized.

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50ebe4  No.2390848>>2390912


Grabbed. :33. About a month.

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a570f5  No.2390849>>2390906 >>2391086

File (hide): 222e14801d7a205⋯.jpg (189.2 KB, 1080x833, 1080:833, Screenshot_20180801-110408….jpg) (h) (u)



What in the world!?!

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09920f  No.2390850



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d8c3cd  No.2390851>>2390893






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b2b870  No.2390852>>2390861


The attacks will intensify…!!!

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73c171  No.2390853>>2390870



Replying ONLY TO ANONS because the picture posted is interesting enough:

Two reasons:

1. Image is a composite image (many sat images combined into one) vs. single image, thus appearing different.

2. viewing the globe from a further distance away lets you cover more of it due to how view angles work. You can test this on a desk globe.

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54b733  No.2390854


This is fantastic stuff.

All one step closer to #AskTheQ !!!

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9bd8fd  No.2390855


[33] on the correction

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199fd2  No.2390856>>2390931 >>2390992


talk to the Podesta Group

they lobbied on behalf of Uranium One

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1ea9f0  No.2390857>>2390900

File (hide): 93f1ff0c7f4370a⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1274x712, 637:356, Ron Too.png) (h) (u)


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895e42  No.2390858

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1ddb21  No.2390859



and apologies for my "be" name- it was not intended

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32098f  No.2390860

File (hide): 4b99e2f42d1f7f5⋯.png (196.95 KB, 946x646, 473:323, archives_internationalc2in….png) (h) (u)


welcome back anon.


try this:


click on link at red arrow (12th)

search for "shattuck"

click on Dynamic Model for Situated Cognition

tons of amazing material on that site for the geeks

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32323c  No.2390861


idle threats

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12ce32  No.2390862>>2390970


Obvious hit job, trivializing it as antisemetic. Thanks shills.

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67c61d  No.2390863>>2390876 >>2390881 >>2390947

Chris Cilliza - just now on CNN

Q is a curious theme that is a conspiracy theory. It's a message board on 8chan hosted by someone outside the country. A bizarre claim going mainstream among only 1% of Trump supporters. Grew out of pizzagate -- the guy with the gun who ran into pizza shop. It's a conspiracy theory run by a man named Q who drops cryptic crumbs. They talk about a storm where Trump will lock people up in Guantanemo Bay.

That was it. A very short statement.

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4ce155  No.2390864>>2390889 >>2390891


Here’s a redpill for John Q Public (lol). The ‘cabal’ is Jewish. Jews worship Satan and want to genocide white peoples. They want to rule the world. They eat kids and drink their blood in the basements of their synagogues. Jesus knew this. Hitler knew this. Not many here want to accept this through fear and idiocy.

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32323c  No.2390865>>2390903

who killed honey boo boo

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f4e285  No.2390866>>2390909 >>2390948


I am actually surprised the MSM is talking about Q like this. Q is a very slippery slope for MSM. Tough predicament…. They dont want the public awakening to Q, but at the same time, if they run a story on Q it gives Q more attention which will make more people research Q and find Q

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681d2d  No.2390867>>2390877 >>2390882 >>2390919 >>2390939 >>2390949

File (hide): 4dfcf4504e68cc5⋯.jpg (406.5 KB, 3459x1521, 1153:507, CItDont.jpg) (h) (u)

Now you C it. Now you don't….

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2f2a70  No.2390868


Why does the denial come from MSM. Why don't Tom and Steve make a public statement?

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895e42  No.2390869


No. My take on it is that Q posted to flush Steyer out.


We have clockfags here…. and we are going by the clock and the info that was dropped was NOT on the clock…. thus the reason for deletion.

On another note… it forces normies to dig and THINK

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5edbe8  No.2390870>>2390918 >>2390984

File (hide): c239ec21efb1817⋯.png (524.41 KB, 869x564, 869:564, 5a24b54217415d291f3254c60b….png) (h) (u)

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ecd1f4  No.2390871>>2390902


The Bush's are/were mid level, barely promoted pawns.

The documents also indicate that unrelated people were sometimes "adopted" into the bloodlines, depending on their talents.

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b3ef00  No.2390872>>2390933

Do we have a thread somewhere with all of he articles and/or links that Q has posted in drops?

Something that newbies can reference all in one spot.

Would love to have access myself to that list.


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033f0e  No.2390873>>2390926


CDAN called that one last week

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a8d5df  No.2390874>>2390885 >>2390890


Today is the first day after July and we are DOMINATING the 4am talking points.

Can we all just agree that Q was correct in his prediction. The world will not know the truth. This will spread like rapid fire. Streisand effect.


No homo

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a008ce  No.2390875>>2391091

File (hide): c2443573982462d⋯.png (132.4 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

you kinda have to do 74 and at least 75 first, because this is when Marines and POTUS spook BHO



Sun 05 Nov 2017

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666ab1  No.2390876


Never one mention of the compilation of articles and evidence accumulated by the boards over the past 2 years (roughly).

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32323c  No.2390877


your caca is struggling for validity

try the squatty potty

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ea25a7  No.2390878>>2391016


God bless you anon!

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f09c2e  No.2390879>>2390910

File (hide): ef1b4b67bc10200⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 550x688, 275:344, hrc.jpg) (h) (u)

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7ec2ee  No.2390880

File (hide): 7c574b16dfbbe20⋯.jpg (15.15 KB, 300x214, 150:107, mac.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ef11b97d1277195⋯.jpg (124.11 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, mac.wut.jpg) (h) (u)

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f5bbe1  No.2390881

File (hide): 57a9d65935e055d⋯.png (452.14 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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4ce155  No.2390882>>2391057 >>2391109


So what’s the purpose here then? Why’d he do this??

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a48e2f  No.2390883

File (hide): 6ce4a4521f0b769⋯.png (172.34 KB, 321x440, 321:440, corsite.png) (h) (u)


sucks to be you Dr. Corsi…

sucks to be you.

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f71fb3  No.2390884


Yep. They take kids from occulted "made" members and see what talent they might have. And away they go.

Look at the controversy some of the movies Tyler has made.

They think this shit out years ahead of time.

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a8d5df  No.2390885


*now know the truth.

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6313aa  No.2390886

File (hide): f951ce185e20244⋯.png (230.37 KB, 1080x838, 540:419, Screenshot_20180801-212910….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cee9f1d111ef546⋯.png (143.39 KB, 1080x659, 1080:659, Screenshot_20180801-205717….png) (h) (u)


Not an extra alphabet.

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90478e  No.2390887>>2390899


And once again, not a single Anon is interviewed for a statement…

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dbabac  No.2390888>>2390913

File (hide): 53eaea7efe6d5fc⋯.png (213.52 KB, 1466x441, 1466:441, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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773125  No.2390889>>2390935



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681d2d  No.2390890


See that page on the calendar? Today's the day you pull it off. You're welcome.

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a7a6fd  No.2390891>>2390935




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52c87a  No.2390892>>2390993 >>2390998 >>2391019

Can anyone explain the walnut sauce and Haiti?

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a366cf  No.2390893>>2390927


Wasnt 1/8 a board jump. Yikes. Brb

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1b9f8b  No.2390894>>2390942



And what about the end of the 17th week?

And the following Transformation Day,

when human nature meets god, when Jesus stands in gleaming rays of light on a mountain?

Will August, 6, be the day, when the world learns the truth?

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a570f5  No.2390895>>2391118


He said it wasn't in the right order of drops or something to that effect. My guess is he wanted those who saw it to keep it in back of mind but the major breakthroughs and media push will come a bit later. Right now Mueller and Fisa abuse is focus. Haiti and CF etc will break when CF investigation is done.

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1ddb21  No.2390896>>2390916 >>2390944

File (hide): 5ed3a3fc5e42ed8⋯.jpg (54.79 KB, 852x362, 426:181, remove posts.jpg) (h) (u)

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36b6ca  No.2390897


Anyone have the clip from The Making of The Shining that shows Shelley Duvall coked up and Jack Nicholson playfulling unzipping his pants?

<Maybe things that happen leave other kinds of traces behind. Not things that anyone can notice, but things that people who SHINE can see. Just like they can see things that haven't happened yet, sometimes they can see things that happened A LONG TIME AGO.

Kubrick was a clever dick, and loved to bury a multitude of motifs in things that can have different meanings. He's not just talking about the book's subjective meaning of 'shining', he's talking about brilliance, which is to say, how people can pick up on clues and esoteric knowledge.

Shining/Sunrise/Sunrays are featured throughout the film, and it has deep significance to Horus/Lucifer worship.

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a7a6fd  No.2390898>>2390928

File (hide): fa69ca137e684e7⋯.jpg (600.38 KB, 1698x948, 283:158, VBOMB1.jpg) (h) (u)

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895e42  No.2390899


they can't interview anons kek WWG1WGA

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0508f7  No.2390900>>2390921

File (hide): 166252921d35eb6⋯.jpg (159.23 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, 90.jpg) (h) (u)


5yr old…."ultimate sexy."


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a008ce  No.2390901

File (hide): ec3ae569e8b9375⋯.jpg (310.65 KB, 1800x1010, 180:101, 1509875487933.jpg) (h) (u)

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f4e285  No.2390902>>2391080


Very true anon. Even Bush Sr himself was adopted by Prescott Bush. You dont have to be one of these sacred blood lines to become president, but you do have to be somewhat significant in the hierchy… or just useful. I cant wait to find out Hillary's bloodline. You know it has to be significant. I need to read through again and try and find Hitler's bloodline, unless its just Roths

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e596c6  No.2390903


heart disease id imagine

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f79c49  No.2390904>>2390915


This is NOT notable, unfortunately. If you look at the Twtiter page, it leads to a Facebook page that calls it a fanpage. This is not a government-run account.

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ed5cfa  No.2390905>>2390965 >>2390978 >>2391140

File (hide): df71ebd70d39c87⋯.png (119.67 KB, 906x363, 302:121, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)



"Nunes plans to soon release a separate report detailing the Obama State Department’s role in creating and disseminating the dossier -- which has emerged as the foundation of the Obama administration's Russia “collusion” investigation.

Among other things, the report will identify Obama-appointed diplomats who worked with partisan operatives close to Hillary Clinton to help ex-British spy Christopher Steele compile the dossier, sources say."


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b193e3  No.2390906>>2391171


what in the word? disco-veted?

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eaed36  No.2390907>>2390922

File (hide): f9f33daf69aa824⋯.png (380.23 KB, 852x443, 852:443, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

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1ea9f0  No.2390908


The more they talk about us the more people want to know --– thanks MSM News you fucking retards :)

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7fb5bc  No.2390909>>2390924


Then obviously, MSM had to start talking about Q.

Seems Q 'forced the question'.

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32323c  No.2390910


the chocolate factory is really

dante's inferno for kids

notice the shillary purple suit

she needs to be juiced

it what they said int he movie

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d98369  No.2390911

“I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”

― Thomas Jefferson, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, Volume 10: 1 May 1816 to 18 January 1817

“For this end, we must be knit together in this work as one man, we must entertain each other in brotherly affection, we must be willing to abridge our selves of our superfluities for the supply of others' necessities. We must uphold a familiar commerce together in all meekness, gentleness, patience and liberality. We must delight in each other, make others' conditions our own, rejoice together, mourn together, labor, and suffer together, always having before our eyes our commission and community in the work, our community as members of the same body. So shall we keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace, the Lord will be our God and delight to dwell among us, as His own people and will command a blessing upon us in all our ways, so that we shall see much more of His wisdom, power, goodness, and truth then formerly we have been acquainted with.”

― John Winthrop

“But our rulers can have authority over such natural rights only as we have submitted to them. The rights of conscience we never submitted, we could not submit. We are answerable for them to our God. The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. If it be said, his testimony in a court of justice cannot be relied on, reject it then, and be the stigma on him. Constraint may make him worse by making him a hypocrite, but it will never make him a truer man. It may fix him obstinately in his errors, but will not cure them. Reason and free enquiry are the only effectual agents against error.”

― Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia

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6d7bc1  No.2390912


Yes 33 min I was looking at someone else's origin, their posts were PST. Correction issued 11:56 EST

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5edbe8  No.2390913

File (hide): 6dd99c2e47ad47a⋯.png (172.43 KB, 558x733, 558:733, fss.png) (h) (u)

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9bff95  No.2390915


I saw the post above mine and realized it but the send button was already pushed kek


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da016c  No.2390916>>2390936 >>2390950


Q covering for pedos

Q is the Lizard King

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a7a6fd  No.2390917

File (hide): 392da7b2a929fce⋯.jpg (443.31 KB, 1499x919, 1499:919, VBOMB2.jpg) (h) (u)

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4bb378  No.2390918>>2391012

File (hide): f81d8ea3dca3c03⋯.gif (799.5 KB, 447x329, 447:329, dingdingmofo.gif) (h) (u)

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a8d5df  No.2390919>>2391008


2 hr 27 min delta

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37a25b  No.2390920

File (hide): fece121bc7e557c⋯.jpg (37.9 KB, 460x352, 115:88, #metoo.jpg) (h) (u)


It was an old Podesta email about walnut sauce with comment about Haiti and these people are sick.

Wanted deleted because sensitive and out of sequence. Tons of us have it. I posted it in the bread just 1 or 2 after, unless that was removed.

But I am not going to post it again, not sure why. There was not any new information and his request to delete does not make sense.

pic not related.

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32323c  No.2390921


steal thier cocaine and children homotus

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1ea9f0  No.2390922


The girl is actually an actress but what did she have to do to get the part on the Kimmel skit?

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b2ff00  No.2390923>>2390954 >>2391031

File (hide): 7524a2745127bb0⋯.png (523.76 KB, 596x396, 149:99, HRC Smock.PNG) (h) (u)



My grandmother would have called what HRC is wearing a "smock"

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f4e285  No.2390924>>2390969


Obviously MSM doesnt have to do anything. They want to discredit Q, but Q is already big enough that it hurts MSM agenda to bring attention to Q.

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f71fb3  No.2390925


In a couple of years the ships we already have in the Secret Space Program will be revealed. Maybe they tell the truth. Maybe they act like they made them just recently in secret. But soon we will be shown some cool shit.

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a570f5  No.2390926


Sauce? My guess he is a VJ style handler.

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a366cf  No.2390927

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a008ce  No.2390928>>2390940

File (hide): e0e8199fadcdf47⋯.jpg (173.45 KB, 1000x518, 500:259, 1509472153622.jpg) (h) (u)



sick graf

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699b5d  No.2390929


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9212b8  No.2390930>>2391145

>>2388218 (pb) previous notable

>>2388238 (pb)

>>2388255 (pb)

>>2388322 (pb)

>>2388590 (pb)

>>2388794 (pb)

Totally and completely


Where do I start?

Anon claims it was settled as "Siddique" Untrue.

Nope. There was no consensus to that.

we know they use disguise and mis-direction in ID issues.

You are told it is "Siddique from SA"

But that man never held a position in Obama's Admin, which was a condition of his ID given by "Q"

Also "Siddique" looks nothing like the man on the sofa.

I feel this post and getting it into "Notables" was a deliberate effort to misdirect.

The anon who wrote the entry made a lot of assumptions, for which he has no proof other than "he said" or "it is said"

Do Anons really Take the official story for granted. Is that the purpose of the "Q" puzzle?

"Q" said no facial hair [as well as the person was in the Admin of Hussain]

So instead of realizing the Siddique guy has facial hair and then looking farther [discarding him as a possible person of interest since he does not fit the parameters of the puzzle] the anon takes an anagram of no facial hair and connects it to California!

That's ridiculous.

Are they making a very big effort to distract from who this guy is, because it is big?.

Thereal guy pointed to had a chin job. So none of the Anons could recognize him. That's a technique when someone is hiding a previous ID. Plastic surgery. Is that so far - fetched?

These folks are either shills or they see the large quantity of text and say "cool" without actually reading it all; Or definitly without using their brain or their eyes.

The guy "Siddique" looks nothing like the sofa guy.

What do you do? Believe what people tell you [it was reported in the media the guy was "Siddique] or use your own fucking eyes.

I'm losing patients. You people are supposed to be smart.

I've got too much to do than to go around in circles to try to convince anons of stuff they should be able to see with their own eyes and via the logic of their minds.

The guy with the chin -job has no facial hair.

An image of him was posted as a comment to a recent "Q" post.

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f60b71  No.2390931>>2390992


Do lobbyists typically have diplomatic status?

Weird question, I know.

Er, asking for a friend?

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d0c975  No.2390932>>2391003 >>2391140

File (hide): b0b8fabcd841bd0⋯.png (97.03 KB, 1225x474, 1225:474, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

So, I still don't get why this last post was deleted. Q says to delete the last (previous) 2 posts (re the WL/podesta email. Not this one.

Improper sequence - meaning it will be posted again, but in the correct sequence!

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7b79bd  No.2390933


All the ones that are posted here, I'm archiving & putting in the spreadsheet


Line # 8148

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525def  No.2390934

File (hide): f0f68755c4d61ff⋯.gif (2.73 MB, 498x278, 249:139, URAFaggot.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 884ec13a33db209⋯.jpg (30.86 KB, 550x313, 550:313, ButtHurtYoda.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c7e237eacc28c3c⋯.png (536.97 KB, 407x612, 407:612, ClearingCough.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d0155d31c753543⋯.png (170.51 KB, 480x266, 240:133, EnoughUhDatShit.png) (h) (u)

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4ce155  No.2390935>>2390963


Retard. Jews control the Vatican as well. >>2390889

No they’re called shabbos goyim. Remember goy means cattle! Y’all are cattle. Why do we send billions in tax money to this country? Why did mossad do 9/11. Q even mentions mossad. You two are disinformation shills. It’s Israel and the Jews alll the way

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73c171  No.2390936>>2390982 >>2391007

File (hide): 8f27d1bf896755e⋯.png (8.6 KB, 782x126, 391:63, 24915364567.png) (h) (u)


Read this. Slowly.

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ee6b31  No.2390937>>2391110


red pills soon to be supository's for (((them)))

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a7a6fd  No.2390938>>2390951 >>2391029

File (hide): 987ed4d748a0cd9⋯.jpg (242.58 KB, 750x500, 3:2, V7.jpg) (h) (u)








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ebb0db  No.2390939


Nice work anon.

PS. I love it when shills identify themselves!

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32323c  No.2390940



it's padre francis

surrounded by caca goblins

paid for by the cabalist pedoraptor cia troop of tropes

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be0bf7  No.2390941>>2390961

How did Q get in the 4AM talking points?

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ecd1f4  No.2390942>>2390959 >>2390974


Trump made a comment last night about celebrating for 15 minutes, and then getting back to work eve harder.

My loose interpretation is that we now have 14 more days until it all comes tumbling down, the Witch Hunt ends, and we can really focus on what matters - not justice/revenge, but actually remembering how to LIVE.

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895e42  No.2390943>>2390967


here you go…..

Remember this is just a bad photoshop I did… kek


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ea25a7  No.2390944>>2391001


God bless you anon


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50ebe4  No.2390945


Your reaction is the reason…. never mind. Q said out of sequence so I’m assuming it fits into the MAP, but probably 60 days early or something. Right minute marker, wrong day. Something like that.

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db996b  No.2390946


All publicity is good publicity…right.

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a366cf  No.2390947


1% = Super Elite

>kek thanks @Potus

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72773d  No.2390948>>2390977


'There's no such thing as bad publicity' is often associated with Phineas T. Barnum, the 19th century American showman and circus owner. Barnum was a self-publicist of the first order and never missed an opportunity to present his wares to the public. … All publicity is good if it is intelligent.

Sadly not to intelligent!

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73c171  No.2390949


thank you

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09920f  No.2390950

File (hide): d34e60e351b8a24⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1975x2145, 395:429, FIMfiction.png) (h) (u)


>Lizard King

No, (((They))) call him The Storm King.

People really should read the "stories" they post over at fimfiction.net.

Much of it seems to be paralleling habbenings.

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32323c  No.2390951


suppose to be a snake room

like a viper den

but it obnly hosted pedoraptor cabalists

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16b57c  No.2390952>>2390971

File (hide): 90a37abc56bfbb0⋯.mp4 (5.8 MB, 564x316, 141:79, 4ThingsQanon.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

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f4e285  No.2390953

Kavanaugh confirmations are set for Sept

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1d5c01  No.2390954


One would think she is a very ill woman who is being asked to do a, b, and c in order to be given a medical solution for her problem. Which is why she is so intent on doing what has been asked of her.

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7ec2ee  No.2390955>>2391146

File (hide): c9deac1e69ca35c⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 474x631, 474:631, child.traffic.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 51cd29719f0ba83⋯.jpg (20.27 KB, 708x438, 118:73, kls.gs.najib.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9fb31ecd4b62661⋯.png (54.4 KB, 820x287, 20:7, michaels.millions.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c6c2428f0355feb⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 512x335, 512:335, frens.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4ee80282e626219⋯.jpg (18.12 KB, 654x413, 654:413, yacht.glow.low.jpg) (h) (u)

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d98369  No.2390956

“Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity and happiness of the people; and not for the profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men.”

― John Adams

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e1e4cb  No.2390957>>2391133

File (hide): a367b61b4784db6⋯.png (529.92 KB, 1296x1392, 27:29, FireShot Capture 93 - Hear….png) (h) (u)


happened this morning.

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70b25b  No.2390958



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895e42  No.2390959>>2390988


he also said another 14 days or something to that effect…. anyway… shit is happening sooooon

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8703fc  No.2390960

File (hide): c7721cc43454f26⋯.jpg (41.83 KB, 695x569, 695:569, Di6CK4LXgAIo9MP.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 772575fbaa78ebd⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB, 262x192, 131:96, images.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b2b5cb7a9fb4dbb⋯.jpeg (112.01 KB, 618x513, 206:171, fullsizeoutput_f2d.jpeg) (h) (u)

Hi Tom Hanx hows Wilson treating ya ????

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9bd8fd  No.2390961>>2391095

File (hide): 7d0475e5011b999⋯.png (224.96 KB, 1059x657, 353:219, conspiracy-no-more.png) (h) (u)


WE FED it to them

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a7a6fd  No.2390963>>2390987

File (hide): 669ae3b891ceadc⋯.png (188.63 KB, 640x426, 320:213, V3.png) (h) (u)



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5bad04  No.2390964

File (hide): dbd15b75040ee49⋯.jpg (500.79 KB, 1071x758, 1071:758, Screen Shot 08-01-18 at 05….JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 29db9bcbf8e0663⋯.jpg (805.16 KB, 1071x835, 1071:835, Screen Shot 08-01-18 at 05….JPG) (h) (u)

Assange may finally leave Ecuadorian embassy in London as health worsens -- report

Published time: 1 Aug, 2018 08:54

Edited time: 1 Aug, 2018 09:17

“For a person to stay confined like that for so long is tantamount to a human rights violation,” Moreno said, stressing that Ecuador wants to make sure that nothing “poses a danger” to the whistleblower's life.

The whistleblower’s health is deteriorating, according to the Courage Foundation, a group that fundraises for the legal defense of whistleblowers. Assange is in “a small space” and has “no access to sunlight,” the group says, adding that this has a serious impact “on his physical and mental health.”


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7b79bd  No.2390965

>>2390905 Brennan to be investigated for PERJURY


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a29c2e  No.2390966>>2391023

Those Q proofs are going to come in pretty handy soon.

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d0c975  No.2390967>>2390989


Got it! Thank you!

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b193e3  No.2390968

I hope to fuck the block kavana, trump can then slam Pruit in there since he is already sent confirmed, pass a bunch of shit, then appoint whoever he wants after mid terms

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1ea9f0  No.2390969>>2391036


Because we have already been rolling for almost a year now there is no chance the MSM News flunkies are going to penetrate --– all their efforts are in vain at this point and only serve to push Q further into the minds of the sleeping general public it's The Great Awakening!!!

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dbabac  No.2390970>>2390991

File (hide): b53c64bc6d7741c⋯.jpg (45.76 KB, 386x499, 386:499, hitlermeinwompf1.jpg) (h) (u)

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32323c  No.2390971


fag actor bromance ciascalp normalizing meme of sex slaves in politics eating children after stealing all the cocaine to promote a border wall for the zombie virus

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e0cb1e  No.2390972


Fk you shill, Tommy 4 names is not exposing anything,

He's dividing the people, like a proper shill,

He almost got the court case dropped to let them walk, ask his sponsor Alex jones, Rebel Media and his Pedo mate Milo Yanopoulis

From an 'pissed off,aout Robinson' Britfag

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ae45bf  No.2390973>>2390985 >>2390986

What is this ?


Today POTUS Twatts that he needs to stop the witchhunt ?

Something isn't adding up.

Thoughts ?

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1b9f8b  No.2390974


Ty, for your reply.

Remembering how to live,

would be very important for knowing how to change the world into a better place.

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895e42  No.2390976>>2391135


Q posts AFTER 1776…. nothing wrong with the numbers.

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f4e285  No.2390977


I hope at this point, either Snowden is "feeding" the 4am talking points that white hats want him to feed, or, snowden is gone, and MSM is on their own

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a570f5  No.2390978

>>2390905 Nunes plans to release report on obama admin ties to dossier


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bdb43c  No.2390979


It's the classic immune response from a totally sick and corrupt establishment : denying and bashing using biased and partial information. Or to show a sample that is not a good representation of what the movement actually is.

The good news is they are stupid, because they put maximum pressure on themselves and their own friends from other MSMs : there will be a point of no-return where they will be forced to ask que ultimate question rather than continuing to bash/taunt without any credible explanation of what is Qanon.

They are doing to themselves a huge disservice.

And it's pretty funny to watch because they do believe it will not throw more gasoline in the already huge fire. They believe they could do some damage control and extinguish the whole thing : they're wrong, and they're doing the exact opposite.

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0bb81d  No.2390980

File (hide): 6ed68f81bab01b9⋯.png (951.3 KB, 1664x1664, 1:1, expandclock.png) (h) (u)

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7d50a1  No.2390981

File (hide): 57d259b5b9224cd⋯.jpg (159.63 KB, 1205x538, 1205:538, SpaceForceTwitter.jpg) (h) (u)

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ee6b31  No.2390982>>2391084


this was the reply to the "my fellow incarnated extra terrestrials" post i member

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db996b  No.2390983


mocking bird

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72773d  No.2390984

File (hide): 45153effb1d461a⋯.png (724.51 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Shopped.png) (h) (u)

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6530f1  No.2390985



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f4e285  No.2390986


You've been watching this movie for many months and still dont know whats happening?

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70b25b  No.2390987

File (hide): fc910059c28ba13⋯.jpg (26.66 KB, 480x360, 4:3, BOWTOME.jpg) (h) (u)

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ecd1f4  No.2390988


And in context of changing MAGA to KAG - "We could do it now, right now, but I think we'll wait just a little while" (paraphrased).

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895e42  No.2390989


You're welcome. Gonna be a lot of people who want that drop and coming on here to get it.

Just remember it's a bad photoshop for all you know


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1a16de  No.2390990>>2391000

Remember anons…Q implored is to archive EVERYTHING offline


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0508f7  No.2390991

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50ebe4  No.2390992



Also asking for a friend… how did they get the Uranium to Russia? Did they send it UPS?

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16b57c  No.2390993>>2391061 >>2391138


Walnut sauce = brown kids

Haiti is a country where brown kids live.

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e06daa  No.2390994>>2391153

“Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible; and when you strike and overcome him, never let up in the pursuit so long as your men have strength to follow; for an army routed, if hotly pursued, becomes panic-stricken, and can then be destroyed by half their number. The other rule is, never fight against heavy odds, if by any possible maneuvering you can hurl your own force on only a part, and that the weakest part, of your enemy and crush it. Such tactics will win every time, and a small army may thus destroy a large one in detail, and repeated victory will make it invincible.”

--T. J. Jackson

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63d684  No.2390995>>2391004 >>2391025 >>2391062

File (hide): fddee9486edfbee⋯.jpeg (141.39 KB, 634x595, 634:595, 76957E1D-DCB3-483E-A026-6….jpeg) (h) (u)

STAND TO lads!

The dam cracked last night in Tampa.

They can igonre Q no longer.

All over the media, now we’re the 4am talking point.

Attacks will increase exponentially.

Critical Mass has been reached.


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32323c  No.2390997

File (hide): 78fc329ed6e4d64⋯.jpg (344.2 KB, 1840x1655, 368:331, IMG_1713.JPG) (h) (u)

name a political sex slave that struggles for validity

has no taxes

is made of occultist abominations

has shitty memes

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7fb5bc  No.2390998>>2391039


Children were trafficked out of Haiti

Laura Silsby was arrested by the Haitian government with 30 kids she was trying to get out of the country

CF paid for her lawyer, and kept tabs on her. She now works for Amber Alert's newest incarnation. Other pedos who have been arrested have come out of the DNC (Jacob Schwartz) and Hollywood pals of these DNC-ers (Harvey Weinstein, Amber Mack). its a network and we've broken some of the their communications.

Walnut sauce is a pedo cover up term discovered among the wikileaks emails along with other pedo code. Appears to mean dark skinned children, but it also appears to be much, much worse. I personally must take it to mean dark skinned children since I can't -swallow- the 'something worse' yet.

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3a7a4f  No.2390999


Typical. Gun confiscators always want to be sure THEY have all the guns.

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895e42  No.2391000


exactly…. perfect exercise for that.

show the treasonous bastards that NOTHING can be walked back

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1ddb21  No.2391001>>2391093


like is said before-

it is still (with the posts that were to be scrubbed) on one q post collection site I won't name.

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390a8c  No.2391002

A SMOCK is a type of "Cover-Up"


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37a25b  No.2391003

>>2390932 request to delete was for 2 posts, not the 3rd being the request. (put it back)


Good point.

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32323c  No.2391004


federal caca goblin meme

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ed5cfa  No.2391005>>2391017

File (hide): 38ca698afe04efe⋯.png (380.67 KB, 938x824, 469:412, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 38ca698afe04efe⋯.png (380.67 KB, 938x824, 469:412, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c968071b06eaf43⋯.png (122.74 KB, 685x356, 685:356, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

On the same day that state Rep. Ed Sullivan Jr. said that he won't seek reelection in 2016, two candidates lined up to replace him.

one is Nick Sauer

who is now being smeared by The Hill…


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0e269e  No.2391006

File (hide): 4ea2cbae5c06956⋯.jpg (781.95 KB, 1823x1193, 1823:1193, the world is about to chan….jpg) (h) (u)


The World is about to change

(summary graphic Tampa Rally)

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4ce155  No.2391007>>2391049


Oh seems to be a convenient excuse to not do anything substantial haha we’ll never see justice I’m sorry. The kike influence is too strong. To save the West we need to leave our computers and fight.

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6d7bc1  No.2391008


No, first was posted by a west coaster

8:56am PST

It's a .33 min delta

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b2ff00  No.2391009




Fake concern shilling ; muh confusion

Anons know

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996031  No.2391010>>2391041 >>2391044 >>2391130

File (hide): 9e74a7d1adc3dbc⋯.png (556.96 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180801-121255.png) (h) (u)

Pic related. Just dropped at the tippy top of Google news notifications! Woo hoo!! MAGA!

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9442d5  No.2391011


it's fine

they've called Trump supporters much worse

they only have support in ny, dc and cali

rest of the country loves and supports President Trump

deep state mockingbird msm hates the American people

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5edbe8  No.2391012>>2391026 >>2391119

File (hide): 8be8c992d8e6f53⋯.jpg (419.38 KB, 1500x805, 300:161, cognitivediss.jpg) (h) (u)

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a29c2e  No.2391014>>2391043

Ready to school the media with the proofs?

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3e94db  No.2391015>>2391126

Anyone have evidence they lied to get fisa warrant---did not tell fisa judge about origin of dossier? Getting mixed info

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a008ce  No.2391016>>2391093



:55 timestamp noted as well,

for anyone tracking markers

5:5 comms good?

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ed5cfa  No.2391017

File (hide): 83c7681a2b88c05⋯.png (138.91 KB, 758x762, 379:381, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)


oops - pic

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699b5d  No.2391018>>2391035 >>2391082

File (hide): cfe08ed57ddf72a⋯.jpeg (185.25 KB, 640x916, 160:229, B36383C2-FA4A-477D-8851-4….jpeg) (h) (u)


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895e42  No.2391019>>2391061 >>2391065 >>2391176


good god people

walnut sauce is their slang for adenchrome which is made by killing children and extracting the shit

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ea25a7  No.2391020>>2391157


Now that I've read it myself, deletion appears to be for anons' sake. Haiti is coming, yet with [MSM] in such a fault-finding mood regarding Q at the moment, its not time yet to reveal something of this magnitude, only to have it wiped and/or discredited. In the meantime, we know. Timing is everything.

And when I say [mSM], [Social Media] is included.

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707ff4  No.2391022

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a50f8e  No.2391023


last time i saw, qproofs was incomplete, confused, randomly-ordered and way, way, way below what could be done/collected.

so much work, so much finds, so little memory/organisation to help sort it out…

also it takes time to read the drops. And the drops alone aren't enough, often you need to go further in comments/conversations/the story, and takes even more time and effort.

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3a7a4f  No.2391024>>2391093


A screen capture IS available.

However, having received conflicting orders,

Like HAL9000,

"I'm sorry Dave, I can't open those files."

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ae45bf  No.2391025>>2391047


So proud of my hometown last night.


They are strong they are not scared.

Oh and they're armed.

Concealed carry anyone ?


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763f7c  No.2391026


I used to suck at these. Now I'm pretty guud

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d504f5  No.2391027>>2391167

“We never left Center Stage, talking about the debates, but we never left Center Stage.

And you know I always wanted odd numbers because I didnt want to be tied for the Center. Does everybody understand?

But we never left Center Stage.”

Paraphrasing, but it really really jumped out at me last night.

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f60b71  No.2391029>>2391059 >>2391079 >>2391125


Remind me:

Why all the Jesuit hate?

The Warrior Priests were pretty badass, as I recall?

Jesuit schools and universities certainly seem to have a tradition of teaching students about questioning everything and keep questioning everything even when you think you've settled on an answer.

But, I dunno.

I really am just curious what's the deal with Jesuits.

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68c975  No.2391030

World might not know the truth yet but they sure are learning who Q Anon is

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f3fdd9  No.2391031>>2391045


a f old/big lady moo moo

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5e8b9a  No.2391032>>2391120 >>2391148


They said he choked Paris Jackson….


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47b0c6  No.2391033>>2391090 >>2391163


When Q said we may have to force the question, did they add Q talking points into the 4AM email that goes out to all media?

If so, this is amazing.

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8910d5  No.2391034

File (hide): 55c3387ad7e36e2⋯.jpg (54.1 KB, 467x523, 467:523, zwaan_russians.JPG) (h) (u)



The REAL Russian collusion

Law Firm A is Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom

The partner is Greg Craig.

Zwaan was to go-between for Gates/Manafort to the Russians

Manafort, Podesta, Craig, Zwaan helped overturn Ukraine with the Russian mafia to enrich Gazprom and steal from the Ukrainian people.

The election 'collusion' was the coverup.

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be0bf7  No.2391035


So we can show the world the USA is a bunch of


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7b79bd  No.2391036

File (hide): 80f742c05f61fa2⋯.jpg (96.29 KB, 599x578, 599:578, Awakening.jpg) (h) (u)


>all their efforts are in vain at this point and only serve to push Q further into the minds of the sleeping general public it's The Great Awakening!!!

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7ec2ee  No.2391037>>2391052

File (hide): 8638854abef4778⋯.jpg (18.57 KB, 474x315, 158:105, bavaria.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b285a95a34611aa⋯.jpg (270.87 KB, 1300x694, 650:347, him.jpg) (h) (u)


iran contra


stellar wind

cibolo hotdog stand

st. hubert bavarian pickle boi

a scale

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9af22a  No.2391038


Theoretically they could have knocked the door in if they had a search warrant. So maybe the FBI has a quik-pik set they use to stealthily enter after whispering "FBI. We have a warrant. Open up." That way they might catch suspects off-guard. I'd be surprised if the agent didn't testify that there was no response to their verbal command.

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895e42  No.2391039>>2391069 >>2391075



>Walnut sauce is a pedo cover up term discovered among the wikileaks emails along with other pedo code. Appears to mean dark skinned children, but it also appears to be much, much worse. I personally must take it to mean dark skinned children since I can't -swallow- the 'something worse' yet.


And no it has nothing to do with dark skinned children… they get walnut sauce from blonde blue eyed people too

why did 48 children go missing in Iowa in the last couple weeks?

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30861d  No.2391040



rush got caught coming back from dominican republic with a bunch of viagra

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1ea9f0  No.2391041

File (hide): 4753489620d8299⋯.png (64 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Hand Wringer Pepe.png) (h) (u)

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d0c975  No.2391042



Smock and Mock!

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7fb5bc  No.2391043


start reposting shit here, everyone is HERE lol

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a29c2e  No.2391044>>2391102 >>2391127 >>2391132 >>2391134 >>2391158 >>2391160

File (hide): 22ef665f85c73fa⋯.mp4 (8.38 MB, 580x212, 145:53, 22ef665f85c73fa720a9773afb….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


Have you seen the Today Show video yet?

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ee6b31  No.2391045>>2391122

File (hide): f779dff93c0099e⋯.jpg (208.6 KB, 1030x1131, 1030:1131, hrcmumualbundy2.jpg) (h) (u)

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6530f1  No.2391046


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1a16de  No.2391047>>2391096


Me too anon

Couldn’t make it, but could feel it in the air


It HAD to be Tampa!


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525def  No.2391048


Not Rush Limbaugh… Alex Jones.

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895e42  No.2391049


fuck you

fulfillment of revelations 2:9 and 3:9 happening

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9e1fe1  No.2391050

File (hide): eea3aaf39c5a0b2⋯.jpeg (15.17 KB, 255x243, 85:81, FrensUntiltheEnd.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d8aedae752ba5e2⋯.png (289 B, 30x24, 5:4, rare$$vintage.png) (h) (u)


ty anon, does anyone have the June Qalender to share?

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68c975  No.2391051>>2391074


Can we get an update of total sealed indictments now that July is over?

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32323c  No.2391052>>2391070


sinatra sinatra sinatra

that fuckin mini

had a flat

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eaed36  No.2391054

File (hide): f34441a85a0fc8c⋯.png (264.54 KB, 486x382, 243:191, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d37ce461aaf5b10⋯.png (269.96 KB, 537x380, 537:380, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b573aedbf864b03⋯.png (135.17 KB, 235x317, 235:317, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)



Ted mcginley

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31b604  No.2391056

File (hide): 53fd8a555a54532⋯.jpg (97.25 KB, 377x571, 377:571, ipad pictures 2015 035 (1).jpg) (h) (u)

Morning anons

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50ebe4  No.2391057>>2391109


Part of Q clock. The time between these two posts is a time on the clock where news will follow that adds context.

Time on clock :33 minutes. Date to watch for news, September 6th.

For real fun, look for older tweets and corrections, and then search news for that day.

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29b88b  No.2391058


Thanks for the morning LOL, Anon.

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a7a6fd  No.2391059>>2391111



My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities,[and] is very particular and very horrible. Their [the Jesuit Orders] restoration [in 1814 by Pope Pius VII]is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, despotism, [and] death.  I do not like the appearance of theJesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is thisSociety of [Ignatius de]Loyola."-

John Adams (1735-1826; 2nd President of the United States

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32098f  No.2391060

File (hide): f9336c6e69640f2⋯.jpg (80.1 KB, 512x660, 128:165, arkflow.JPG) (h) (u)


Heard it first from Larry Nichols, so always have taken it with a grain of salt.

Sauce is hard to come by, but what's there, gives credence to the story.

Could use some moar digging, given DJT's tweets today.


Never understood how a "humble drapery salesman" could have a personal physician.


1950s -- When Bill Clinton is 7, his family moves from Hope, Arkansas, to the long-time mob resort of Hot Springs, AR. Here Al Capone is said to have had permanent rights to suite 443 of the Arlington Hotel. Clinton's stepfather is a gun-brandishing alcoholic who loses his Buick franchise through mismanagement and his own pilfering. He physically abuses his family, including the young Bill. His mother is a heavy gambler with mob ties. According to FBI and local police officials, his Uncle Raymond – to whom young Bill turns for wisdom and support – is a colorful car dealer, slot machine owner and gambling operator, who thrives (except when his house is firebombed) on the fault line of criminality.

1980 - There are reports that following his loss, Clinton ended up in the hospital for a drug overdose. Journalist R. Emmett Tyrrell later asked emergency room workers at the University of Arkansas Medical Center if they could confirm the incident. He didn't get a flat no from the hospital staff. One nurse said, I can't talk about that. Another said she feared for her life if she spoke of the matter. Newsmax will report: "Dr. Sam Houston, a respected Little Rock physician and once a doctor for Hillary's cantankerous father, Hugh Rodham, says it is well known in Little Rock medical circles that Clinton was brought to a Little Rock hospital for emergency treatment for an apparent cocaine overdose.

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52c87a  No.2391061

>>2390993 >>2390998 >>2391019

Thank you all!

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0bb81d  No.2391062


Q !UW.yye1fxo No.93 📁

Feb 15 2018 13:05:39 (EST)

Newsweek problems?


Strike back against us?

MSM not happy?

"Conspiracy" label.

Re_read crumbs re: "conspiracy" / MSM coverage.

Who will be next?

They are here.

They will try to discredit.

They are stupid.

They bring more eyes.

The 'proofs' are important.

'Proofs' provide new 'eyes' ability to question.

This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS.

Important to be prepared.

We will help.

TRUTH always wins.


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c5ab5e  No.2391063>>2391078 >>2391108

Wanna red-pill the masses?

Get this trending:


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4ca557  No.2391064>>2391094 >>2391121

File (hide): 2d2c77d0ee753a3⋯.png (477.25 KB, 790x440, 79:44, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


smock you say

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ecd1f4  No.2391065>>2391089 >>2391142


Slight clarification: Walnuts are the actual Pituitary Glands (walnut shaped) while the sauce is the adrenochrome containing blood,e tc.

I think they were eating it all.

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d53ae7  No.2391066


You're fucking dead kiddo.

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d22755  No.2391067>>2391170


Was Baptised by the Spirit the day the C_A Hacked my Central Nervous System and was playing dance dance anon

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a7a6fd  No.2391068

"The Jesuitsare a secret society  a sort of Masonic order  with superadded features of revoltingodiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous." 

Samuel Morse (1791-1872; American inventorof the telegraph; author of the book ForeignConspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States

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f60b71  No.2391069>>2391098


And why is the MSM focusing so very heavily on the U of I student?

(seriously. what is up with that? she's an adult.)

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32323c  No.2391070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i like the whompa music personally

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92bc88  No.2391071


Guess shitlibs should've ignored all those accusations against Roy Moore then!

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203c22  No.2391072>>2391140 >>2391181

Maybe its time this time. Apparently there will be a presser today.

All Kudos to the anon who made the list.!

Full List https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House_press_corps#Correspondents

@whpresscorps OR @Acosta OR @Johngizzi OR @Yalamiri OR @Yamiche OR @GustauAlegret OR @JaxAlemany OR @PeterAlexander OR @emelbayrak OR @baysontheroad OR @GeoffRBennett OR @KateBennett_DC OR @TheBrodyFile OR @BlakeBurman OR @RonicaCleary OR @kaitlancollins OR @StCollinson OR @saraecook OR @kevincorke OR @PhilipinDC OR @zdaniel OR @JDiamond1 OR @swdoody OR @devindwyer OR @ArdenFarhi OR @KFaulders OR @AlanFisher OR @KristinFisher OR @GarciaJon OR @MajorCBS OR @NoahGrayCNN OR @KimberlyHalkett OR @dhausleon7 OR @CNHorn OR @JillianBHughes OR @HallieJackson OR @EamonJavers OR @jonkarl OR @Rkrahenbuhl OR @ElizLanders OR @RichLatendresse OR @Kevinliptakcnn OR @CordeliaSkyNews OR @JoyCTV OR @AlliemalCNN OR @markpmeredith OR @danmericaCNN OR @vmontoroCSPAN OR @SaraMurray OR @KellyO OR @tarapalmeri OR @jparkABC OR @JordynPhelps OR @abbydphillip OR @FPizarro_DC OR @johnrobertsFox OR @janrodrigueztv OR @ArletteSaenz OR @SteveScully OR @ChrisSheridan34 OR @BBCJonSopel OR @JessicaStoneTV OR @AmberCStrong OR @margarettalev OR @kaylatausche OR @ScottThuman OR @CeciliaVega OR @alivitali OR @kwelkernbc OR @christinawilkie OR @JenniferWishon OR @TreyYingst OR @jeffzeleny

Tweet size under 240 characters


@Yalamiri @Yamiche @GustauAlegret @JaxAlemany @PeterAlexander @emelbayrak @baysontheroad @GeoffRBennett @KateBennett_DC @TheBrodyFile @BlakeBurman @RonicaCleary @kaitlancollins @StCollinson @saraecook @kevincorke @PhilipinDC


@zdaniel @JDiamond1 @swdoody @devindwyer @ArdenFarhi @KFaulders @AlanFisher @KristinFisher @GarciaJon @MajorCBS @NoahGrayCNN @KimberlyHalkett @dhausleon7 @CNHorn @JillianBHughes @HallieJackson @EamonJavers @jonkarl @Rkrahenbuhl


@Kevinliptakcnn @CordeliaSkyNews @JoyCTV @AlliemalCNN @markpmeredith @danmericaCNN @vmontoroCSPAN @SaraMurray @KellyO @tarapalmeri @jparkABC @JordynPhelps @abbydphillip @FPizarro_DC @johnrobertsFox @janrodrigueztv


SteveScully @ChrisSheridan34 @BBCJonSopel @JessicaStoneTV @AmberCStrong @margarettalev @kaylatausche @ScottThuman @CeciliaVega @alivitali @kwelkernbc @christinawilkie @JenniferWishon @TreyYingst @jeffzeleny @Acosta @ArletteSaenz


@SteveScully @ChrisSheridan34 @BBCJonSopel @JessicaStoneTV @AmberCStrong @ElizLanders @RichLatendresse @JohnGizzi

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d0c975  No.2391073>>2391144

File (hide): 7a80754f9aae849⋯.png (39.3 KB, 493x874, 493:874, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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445244  No.2391074


Count is currently being finished up- should be out by this evening.

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7fb5bc  No.2391075>>2391115


I know why they went missing from IOWA. Because 1) their supply lines are cut and 2) its the center of the country. A geographic heartland center for their symbolism

I said I know what it is, just..maybe it was too much for newanon just yet, too

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a7a6fd  No.2391076

President Thomas Jefferson:

I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits…Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in asmany disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as printers, publishers, writers andschoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it isthis Society of Loyolas. Nevertheless, we are compelled by our system of religious toleration to offerthem an asylum….

(The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, Rene Fulop-Miller, 390

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646d60  No.2391077


Another purposeful misspelling? His name was spelled Alphonse Gabriel Capone.

f instead of ph.

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68c975  No.2391078



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4ce155  No.2391079


It’s deflection from showing how Jewish Bolshevists and zionists actually control this country. They own our media and universities, and AIPAC siphons off our tax money. They are also behind 9/11 the two Mideast wars and mass migration of shitskins. Look up the Yinon plan and PNAC to get a better idea of what’s going on. Don’t go down the idiotic Jesuit road. That’s for schizos. It’s the Jews. It’s wlways been the Jews you’re going to have to man up and accept it. Q even mentions mossad. mossad is Israeli, not from the fucking Vatican. Rahm Emmanuel is also a mossad agent.

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f71fb3  No.2391080>>2391123 >>2391139 >>2391151


Hillary is L Ron Hubbards Luciferian MoonChild that was made in a ceremony with Jack Parsons. I shit you not. Chelsea is a MoonChild with Web Hubble.

Hillary is Luciferian Royalty.

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a7a6fd  No.2391081>>2391175

It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country, the United States of America are destroyed, it will beby the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies tocivil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe."

Marquis de LaFayette(1757-1834; French statesman and general who served in under the command of GeneralGeorge Washington during the American Revolutionary War

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8910d5  No.2391082


If we also get the citizenship question, fine.

I guarantee its going to show JUST HOW LOW a percentage of freaks there really are.

It will be a HUGE redpill.

They are using a small minority of people to drive this culture wedge.

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73c171  No.2391084>>2391131

File (hide): 4e096cabb5269fb⋯.png (41.54 KB, 782x383, 782:383, qwhynointel.png) (h) (u)


Yyyup. That was basically "yo guys, ET's are real" post contained in one single reply with some nice plausible deniability.

>Everything has meaning.


>Nothing is random.

Q even specifically called out the spelling structure/error in that post so as not to cause confusion. I think that's pretty notable, maybe not now but later when more anons can appreciate that information.

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6f05fa  No.2391086>>2391171

>>2390849 I need more verification on this.

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a7a6fd  No.2391087


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15d660  No.2391088>>2391124

File (hide): 43aa90971b5e1c5⋯.png (432.38 KB, 1158x844, 579:422, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)


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895e42  No.2391089


thank you I couldn't remember which fucking gland they wanted just trying to correct the dumb fucks that think it's just black children

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1b9f8b  No.2391090>>2391163


Interesting thought!

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c3c47b  No.2391091

File (hide): 9b70ba68375d54c⋯.jpg (37.86 KB, 550x550, 1:1, pepecrying.jpg) (h) (u)


God, I miss these days.

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a7a6fd  No.2391092


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ea25a7  No.2391093

>>2391024 KEK

Understood, no worries anon, my archive has been filled again. Ultimately it's my fault for not staying up to finish the bread, IRL stressors got in the way

>>2391001 Comms Understood

>>2391016 Comms Good

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09920f  No.2391094>>2391121

File (hide): b1045bad97fb485⋯.png (41.3 KB, 480x360, 4:3, thecowsays.png) (h) (u)

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7f7cdc  No.2391095


That's a fun thought. o7

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ae45bf  No.2391096>>2391113











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4f5818  No.2391097


….Today Q posts 1785-1787 were dropped heavily redacted spurring a #releasethedrops campaign……

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895e42  No.2391098



>(seriously. what is up with that? she's an adult.)

that's my guess. they don't want to admit there are CHILDREN missing

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a92906  No.2391099

>>2389688 (LB)


"FALSE FLAG ATTACK: Greece Targeted With Geoengineered Wildfire Terrorism (Photos)- Videos and photos document a similar type of “Arson from the Sky” that occurred during the last series of catastrophic firestorms in California.

Selected excerpts:

TMR Editor’s Note: The photos posted below again tell a story of geoengineered terrorism. This time Athens, Greece and surrounding areas were targeted by the geoengineers and their prepositioned arsonists in the burned out areas who coordinated this apocalyptic firestorm scenario. Such an unparalleled terrorist attack has all the markings of NATO’s Operation Gladio."

" The conflagration in Greece has all the hallmarks of arson via drones in the sky and arsonists on the ground … “Greece has asked for US drones to ‘detect suspicious activity’ as it emerged 15 fires had started at same time.” The … show the same type of burned out vehicles (with melted hub caps) right next to unburned trees similar to the California false flag firestorms."

" This Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) and arson attack on Greece… an act of sheer intimidation so that the government in Athens does not join Italy in rebelling against the European Union… Greece is the key link in the chain for war refugees and economic immigrants traveling from the Middle East and North Africa now that Italy has shut down the Italian peninsula route. "

Article claims NATO uses terrorism to control and intimidate from EU & NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Does not name NATO leadership responsible but fires began July 23, 2018. UK's Air Chief Marshall Sir Stuart Peach takes over as Chairman of NATO Military Committee June 29, 2018.


NOTE: False Flag does NOT mean no-one hurt - means political purpose to the event.

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7ec2ee  No.2391100

File (hide): 3e5ed4adc823c04⋯.jpg (148.24 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, Film Project.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c1ded164509e361⋯.jpg (55.45 KB, 750x422, 375:211, wetworks.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8baca205fb65bc7⋯.jpg (88.25 KB, 913x1024, 913:1024, [heroes].jpg) (h) (u)

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a7a6fd  No.2391101

Thomas Jefferson replied to his predecessor:

Like you, I disapprove of the restoration of the Jesuits, for it means a step backwards from light intodarkness….

(The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, Rene Fulop-Miller, 390

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be0bf7  No.2391102


Baker Notable

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54b733  No.2391103

File (hide): 5744f0380319749⋯.png (334.81 KB, 742x784, 53:56, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Chinese spies??

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525def  No.2391104

File (hide): fd69008ba4d0fb1⋯.png (383.68 KB, 491x406, 491:406, YouAreAFag.png) (h) (u)

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a7a6fd  No.2391105


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bc84dc  No.2391106

Oh, Q!!!!!!!

Greatest night ever!

Thanks for everything you do!

We need you, please don't ever go dark again!



What can we do to help? We'll do anything to help in this great movement.

We are with you!!!!!!!


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1b9f8b  No.2391108


This is, how I convinced my better half.

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0bb81d  No.2391109



good resource for POTUS tweet history:



I do not trust the "seconds" marker on the tweet archive…. only the hours and minutes should be relied upon

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f09c2e  No.2391110

File (hide): eea15d90e5e4802⋯.png (20.63 KB, 600x56, 75:7, REDPILLLATER.png) (h) (u)

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0508f7  No.2391111

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a7a6fd  No.2391112

President Abraham Lincoln:


[American Civil]


[of 1861-1865]






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1a16de  No.2391113

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9bd8fd  No.2391114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


and very relevant today

surprised Q hasnt used this one yet. its great

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895e42  No.2391115


>A geographic heartland center for their symbolism


>I said I know what it is, just..maybe it was too much for newanon just yet, too

center of the country is closer to kansas…. I'm in Iowa myself and I'd like to know too kek

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a7a6fd  No.2391116


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9e1fe1  No.2391117

File (hide): d0bb36aa6548f7f⋯.jpg (317.71 KB, 620x2228, 155:557, KKK#walkout.jpg) (h) (u)


>Politico’s Marc Caputo Mocks Trump Rally Attendees: Toothless ‘Garbage People’

Pedophiles and those raped by pedophiles at youth sure like to mock Trump supporters like some rednecks akin to the early DemoKKKrat party that Dinesh has spent so much time exposing.

Nearly sounds like Strzok

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36075f  No.2391118


Fact is, anyone who wants to

Can still dig on Tom Steyer

Or Haiti

And if you find something real

Some connections to criminal activity

Then make a map

And get it added to Q Maps

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5edbe8  No.2391119>>2391136

File (hide): 0b9f19d6c2e1b02⋯.jpg (174.55 KB, 600x553, 600:553, cognitivedis.jpg) (h) (u)

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1ea9f0  No.2391120>>2391148

File (hide): 46010d19e49bc61⋯.jpg (239.43 KB, 1180x927, 1180:927, FBI-Pedophile-Symbols.jpg) (h) (u)



Why does the LA County Sheriff Badge have a Pedophilia symbols on it?

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24143a  No.2391121

File (hide): 3619307c99fa276⋯.jpg (119.21 KB, 1024x820, 256:205, 1533140137389.jpg) (h) (u)

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ecd1f4  No.2391122


I'm digging, but I suspect ZY has to do with a new chromosomal model where the XY model (male) is completely usurped and de-masculinized…think boy boys and trannies.

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be0bf7  No.2391123


I don't doubt this one bit.

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941f22  No.2391124>>2391162 >>2391186

File (hide): 6ea79feb24a2367⋯.jpg (54.43 KB, 374x548, 187:274, GuardiansOfPedophiles.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 79164d5caf06220⋯.jpg (168.23 KB, 768x960, 4:5, AllBusted.jpg) (h) (u)


It's so funny how they expose themselves.

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2bf5f8  No.2391125>>2391141


Look for the oath. Loyalty to death and promise to kill for Jesuits

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a29c2e  No.2391126


It's not public domain yet but we know the FBI was involved in setting up the coup "Crossfire Hurricane" which they were intimately aware of where the dossier came from and who paid for it. They then signed off on FISA warrants and intentionally left off the origins and payments for the dossier from the FISA apps when they turned them into the FISA COURT.

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0bb81d  No.2391127>>2391150


>>2391044 QAnon on The Today Show

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03a14d  No.2391128

File (hide): 478dd7445a76947⋯.jpg (55.43 KB, 666x500, 333:250, storm-coming-2f3inl.jpg) (h) (u)

Useless Bay, looking across at Kitsap peninsula, with Double Bluff in the foreground.

This is actually form the Whidbey island side, in early may about a month before the moar famous shot in the other directio. Skunk Bay is actually slightly to the left out of view.

Looks like a storm is coming.

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3f9b77  No.2391129

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9e1fe1  No.2391130


whew, what is a hinged conspiracy?

One that uses fake scientist reports and fake videos of dying polar bears to push global warming so Al Gore and the other Pedovores can land grab?

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ee6b31  No.2391131


tbh i took it the same way

made me think of what alex coller said it the 94 interveiw

"they wont come up as long as WE FEED (((them)))"

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996031  No.2391132


It's the only play they got to try and get out in front of it and wave it off. KeK. It's priceless. Q was right. We forced their hand. We're mainstream baby! People will look. And LEARN.

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a570f5  No.2391133

File (hide): a1149e7ae7846c7⋯.jpg (363.9 KB, 1739x1009, 1739:1009, Screenshot_20180801-111905….jpg) (h) (u)


From the video. Interesting testimony. They were saying Russia's greatest activity was around Ukraine elections.

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9c4171  No.2391134


Oh no, attacking Hollywood stars and corporations! How terrible.

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16f879  No.2391135>>2391165


Yeah I know, but there's ~10 posts BEFORE 1776 that Q deleted from patriotsfight that Qanon.pub added back in.

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5edbe8  No.2391136

File (hide): dfa07b7af61b417⋯.jpg (95.08 KB, 500x375, 4:3, cognitd.jpg) (h) (u)

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707ff4  No.2391137


Classic WAPO now wants to report on

Satanism, Pedos, & JEWS?

The PLAN is Working!


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72773d  No.2391138


The estimated number of orphanages in Haiti is around 760. There were many children placed in orphanages after the 2010 earthquake, and now the number of children in orphanages totals 32,000.

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f4e285  No.2391139


Hillary was chosen LONG LONG ago huh. Crazy how much the illuminati keeps everything in order

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6f05fa  No.2391140


>>2390409 Tom Steyer's link to Haiti, CF, and HRC

>>2390503 Roman Catholic DIocese of Harrisburg, PA puts out list of 71 people who've been accused of sexually abusing children

>>2390506 Why is Podesta sued in NY?

>>2390546 POTUS Misspelling: Smock, >>2390567

>>2390565 NuRx, Chelsea Clinton supported Birth Control & HIV Medicine Company Lands in Wisconsin

>>2390745 POTUS corrects tweet: Smoking = Smocking → >>2390755 Delta Markers?

>>2390759 Dig on Vin Weber and Greg Craig

>>2390905 Brennan to be investigated for Perjury

>>2390932 Request to delete was for 2 posts, not the 3rd being the request.

>>2391072 Why aren't journalists asking about Q? Let's ask 'em.

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a7a6fd  No.2391141





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16b57c  No.2391142


^^^^^Anon gone cray cray.

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1ddb21  No.2391144

File (hide): 08ea9d9ea8a4a3d⋯.jpg (724.63 KB, 1055x754, 1055:754, 16year.jpg) (h) (u)


this image?

(not mine)

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39a052  No.2391145

File (hide): deb1c182df05548⋯.jpg (223.44 KB, 1000x1086, 500:543, hussainshusbandchin.jpg) (h) (u)

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eaed36  No.2391146

File (hide): 5e3a4567f26a63b⋯.png (577.55 KB, 818x573, 818:573, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 556809dc8b5fb13⋯.png (141.74 KB, 812x474, 406:237, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png) (h) (u)


Kimora Lee (Simmons) was married to Def Jam Music founder Russell Simmons.


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3f9b77  No.2391147

File (hide): cd6baec96cde97e⋯.jpeg (184.05 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 1_m2TxftKgufz3i_CvdybVJg.jpeg) (h) (u)

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4bb378  No.2391148>>2391177 >>2391184 >>2391192



They're protectors of the pedos. When can we take the fight to them? If Kappy is hit, I'm blowing up PedoWood tonight.

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32323c  No.2391149

File (hide): 4f5fc853ec28627⋯.png (49.15 KB, 590x262, 295:131, fagOTUS.png) (h) (u)

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ae45bf  No.2391150>>2391187



So proud I grew up in TAMPA.


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7f7cdc  No.2391151

File (hide): b6eb128ef7a93ff⋯.jpg (569.17 KB, 1149x599, 1149:599, Hillary_gold_garb.jpg) (h) (u)

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f4e285  No.2391152

Did we figure out why Podesta is being sued in NY?

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50ebe4  No.2391153


Plenty of strength left here and reinforcements on the way as we speak!!!!

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f09c2e  No.2391154

File (hide): be57f34242309de⋯.jpg (75.03 KB, 722x571, 722:571, TR.jpg) (h) (u)

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7ec2ee  No.2391155

File (hide): a18ad5db25b32fe⋯.jpg (186.83 KB, 665x500, 133:100, Appeal.to.Authority.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6f7a641f22d5a44⋯.jpg (75.25 KB, 638x479, 638:479, authority.worship.jpg) (h) (u)

16 of 17 said so

98% said so

blah blah blah

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e127a4  No.2391156



DNA becomes Qan

Define “Server”

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9af22a  No.2391157


If these were the WLs skippy/Stry walnut sauce emails it could be an epic trolling of these monsters also.

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24d2bd  No.2391158




Authoritative jootube

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63d684  No.2391160

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92bc88  No.2391161


(((Fact-checking))) in a nutshell, kek

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ee6b31  No.2391162


not michael rooker! oh well couldnt watch walking dead ever since /pol/ anyways

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a29c2e  No.2391163



Reread crumbs re: SecureDrop

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895e42  No.2391165


oh yes we've never been specifically asked to delete those. This is the first time we've ever been specifically asked to scrub info. Most of those that were not deleted from the archive are historically notable, just don't need them anymore.

Remember the Great Awakening board? there was ALOT there as well.

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2ba03b  No.2391166>>2391173


you are the dumbest fucking creature whether AI or not.

read you like a book. you will be hung by your hubris until you are dead.

so why is this cunt still on here threatening potus and flotus with death? its been doing it for DAYS.

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d0c975  No.2391167>>2391191


Me too, but not sure what he meant by it? That we have never left center stage since winning the Presidency?

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223354  No.2391169

File (hide): 76274af2c3c9889⋯.jpg (3.88 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, 1531854873970.jpg) (h) (u)



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ecd1f4  No.2391170


Interesting post….Video Game addiction is one way…idee fixe.

Anyone who has ever been sucked into a videogame knows that that shit begins to even dominate your dreams, changing your perception especially in a FPS type game.

Our basic I/O systems hijacked.

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29ca39  No.2391171>>2391193



French police have been all up in Macron's posterior lately. Raided his ex-bodyguard last week. Some are calling it France's Watergate. He (this is conjecture) likely spilled beans on something much bigger. See….


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32323c  No.2391173



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4ce155  No.2391175


Moron.You have no clue who the real enemy is.

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e00048  No.2391176


In Spirit cooking they say 'eat the pain' I think there is a literal and physical meaning underneath the overt idea that they are eating their own pain. Start off 'lite' by drinking blood full of adrenalin from a self inflicted cut, then move on…..to the taboo of drinking the blood of others who have been 'stimulated' by pain….from there…a small leap into the biggest taboo.

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895e42  No.2391177


the protectors of the pedophiles are right here in this fucking thread….. fuck off bastards

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f09c2e  No.2391179

File (hide): 1404c70e6f88b9f⋯.png (158.75 KB, 616x529, 616:529, ASL WWG.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 338eb0be4101a5a⋯.jpg (21.85 KB, 600x144, 25:6, WWG1WGA ASL 8.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b834650f9418d56⋯.jpg (327.67 KB, 1878x390, 313:65, WWG1WGA ASL Fence.jpg) (h) (u)

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be0bf7  No.2391180

Did Q TRIGGER a 4AM drop?

Deleted drops trigger 4AM talking points?

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b2ff00  No.2391181


Harassing MSM didn't work the first time

This is stupid

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bf2e7f  No.2391182

So, I wear last night before I went to bed there were two new Q posts showing up in the bread. One about a WikiLeaks email involving pasta and walnut sauce, and then a second mentioning Haiti.

Did those turn out to be bogus? I'm assuming that is the case.

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1ea9f0  No.2391184


Someone needs to let the LAPD know the ENTIRE WORLD is watching them right now. . . .

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9e1fe1  No.2391186

File (hide): 5ecd41f4dd5fc7d⋯.png (224.03 KB, 470x550, 47:55, CrewsCrew.png) (h) (u)


Paid actors these days

>Get Paid to show up early to makeup trailer

>Get molested by director

>Finish Makeup

>Get molested by movie funders

>Be told where to stand infront of green screen

>Hear cut

>know more molesting is coming

>get molested while being told how to be a paid actor correctly with correct facial expressions

>finally get it right as directed by pedophile

>go to trailer, wait for evening molestation

>be happy I am a paid actor and a 'star' people swoon over because of the magic of green screens and 1000 cuts

>Hope my suicide ticket doesn't come up when the Pedowood crew needs a distraction from the public

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1a16de  No.2391187



Just realized….

Where did HOOTERS originate?

That’s funny….!!!

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6f05fa  No.2391188

Next bread


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9357a6  No.2391189

File (hide): 8255c587c5e5faf⋯.jpg (95.93 KB, 751x500, 751:500, 2f3ih2.jpg) (h) (u)

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f71fb3  No.2391190

File (hide): 27e92fb00952e99⋯.jpg (150.5 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, rtx1dny9-e1477845329141.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6ee4ec3ffa5cd11⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 1789x2429, 1789:2429, profile-LRH.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9f8ff5eb9a5e782⋯.jpeg (8.12 KB, 273x184, 273:184, download (7).jpeg) (h) (u)

See what they are doing yet?

They laugh at you and pick your leaders years ahead of time. Your just cattle.

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d504f5  No.2391191


Center for American Progress, maybe?

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a7a6fd  No.2391192



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ed5cfa  No.2391193

File (hide): 589948d66424b96⋯.png (375.45 KB, 853x547, 853:547, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at ….png) (h) (u)

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