[–]▶ 53b13d (6) No.113884>>114606 >>115474 >>133467 >>151703 >>266768 >>266867 >>431806 >>432173 >>1148788 >>2703094 >>3068624 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
This thread is for MEME templates only. Please refrain from posting completed memes
Main Battle Plan >>47791 & Screencap >>72344
Hashtags >>70886 & Facebook Groups to Target >>71825
Stay On Target! >>74033 Like each other's tweets >>72810
Burner Email Adds & Phone Auth >>72619
Twitterfall Web Based Ap Recommended >>72139
10 Minute Mail 10minutemail.com
Contingency Plans >>69635
KEKMAKER 5000 >>72783
▶ ce3ebc (1) No.113938
to counter Pr_z is racist argument DACA
▶ 2c2b81 (1) No.114606
>>113884 (OP)
duplicate. see:
might want to pick one and move all pics to the other one
▶ 66b518 (1) No.122747>>125228
This is Shawn Henry, initials SH. Head of Crowdstrike.
▶ d86638 (2) No.125185
enter red pills
enter MSM lies
▶ d86638 (2) No.125228
The RUSSIAN named Dimitri Alperovitch is Chief Technology Officer & co-founder of Crowdstrike.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitri_Alperovitch
https:// twitter.com/dalperovitch
▶ ed3b96 (12) No.125986>>126056
https:// www .judicialwatch.org/blog/2015/06/communism-in-jarretts-family/
CNN anchor - Daughter
▶ ed3b96 (12) No.126009
creeped out kids with captain crocodile tears and jumpy jack denies censorship
▶ ed3b96 (12) No.126056
https:// www. judicialwatch.org/blog/2015/06/communism-in-jarretts-family/
▶ fc2706 (1) No.128440
If anyone has a template
Would be an adorable meme.
▶ 9680fb (5) No.128767
I cant meme for shit. But hopefully someone finds these helpful.
some joker made satirical comic book covers of Trump. Maybe someone can flip 'rm for good use.
▶ 9680fb (5) No.128781
someone with skills use these
▶ 9680fb (5) No.128789
Supes dropping truth bombs
▶ a3e94a (1) No.131022
STUPID! What happened? First, our gal Hillary. Then, me. How did they find out, Vlad? Did they read the script?
▶ ed3b96 (12) No.131880>>131901 >>3275777
Baby expression are always a winner with mums
And I apologize for the meme, but there is an example of how you can tell a story with them
▶ 4b6db6 (3) No.133467>>133812
>>113884 (OP)
3 down, 4 ta go
▶ ed3b96 (12) No.134437>>134440
Erik Schmidt with various people
▶ ed3b96 (12) No.134440
Erik Schmidt with various people
▶ 5edd3f (2) No.135475
▶ 82fc55 (1) No.135952
If I recall correctly, Hussein HAD a private Email address and was aware the others were USING theirs. I Don't know if he released classified info on it himself, though.
▶ 6669d8 (1) No.147992
Needs [5] CURRENT Has##, THEN THEN [notb4],
twt twt twt email email.
▶ a8b753 (2) No.152279>>152619
>>151897 Fucktard.
>This thread is for MEME templates only. Please refrain from posting completed memes
▶ 4a1538 (3) No.152619
Yes SIR Senior Chief FuckTard Sir,.. I suppose, that's why others are doing it as well Sir. Didn't catch that Sir,.. Benny Hill Salute to You Sir for singling ME out as the "Example" of what NOT to do, after so many others have done the same. Thank You for pointing out My Faults Sir. I will learn from them,. and become a better Meme Warrior because of Your guidance. I Thank You Sir for being such a RUDE PRICK in pointing out such DIRE Transgressions Sir. I Truly didn't mean to become a LEMMING by following others,.. My Intentions were to plot My own course,.. but DAMN! did I fuck that up. A subtle polite reminder might have merely caused Me to forget,.. But No,.. YOU! had to do one better by being a PRICK! in reminding so I NEVER forget it.
Good on You Sir!,.. Kudo's Sir!!! o7
Annnnd gggrrREAT!! People skills btw.
Mirrors only reflect back what light they're given. People on the other hand,.. have choices. Thanx for making Your plane. This post was just a mirror,.. WHICH GETS NONE OF THIS SHIT ANY FUCKING WHERE.
Well,.. A-D-Ose! Capt. ClusterFuck. I'm sure You'll do just fine. Yours is JUST! The large type A-Hole attitude,.. People just LOVE to waste their time listening to. As I'm sure You gathered from My time spent here responding,.. which I realize now,.. I'll never get back. :/
▶ 02303b (1) No.165278
Leftist lecture template and example of use
▶ 491e0a (1) No.165352
Adapted Morphe us template and example
▶ 55c232 (3) No.172354>>175356
Religion of peace refugees
▶ 2e28a6 (1) No.175356>>185060
Tip: You can just leave the email field blank, newfag.
▶ edfc2d (1) No.182554
Hey Anonscan, lurk much? Heard JA's getting more vitamin D these days…
▶ 55c232 (3) No.185060
How do I get notified of replies besides looking for them?
▶ facd6d (1) No.185729
I had posted these in Memes #11 a few days ago.
▶ 9d5d03 (1) No.186092
Needs work if a pro wants to pick it up
▶ 3c1d8a (1) No.192667
The Baghdad Bob of economics.
▶ 6deef9 (2) No.193778
Crybaby Van Jones said that the President could learn a lot from Jay- Z. Well, Van; The only thing we've learned is that Jay-Z drug dealing lifestyle landed him in the game of hip-hop mostly rapping about how women are bitc#@S and ho#$. How does this help Americans?
▶ 188456 (2) No.194810
I'm not good at making memes.
Maybe someone wants to try combining these 2 pictures.
▶ 9ab8ba (2) No.221289>>224386
Get some JoeK memes going.
▶ 489c6a (1) No.224617
Anons, you know about the GOP train crash in VA.
Do you also know that all of Tampa, FL. home to CENTCOM, 911 service is down. Residents are getting a strange text over their cellphones? Waiting on a friend to get back with me on what the text says.
Wondering if there is anything else happening?
▶ 003561 (1) No.245935
For when the memo drops. "Monokuma Pepe" enjoys the despair of liberals.
▶ e80551 (1) No.260378
A couple more weeks for the Fire Rooster.
Next New Moon : Trump Dog
▶ 8ec3a6 (2) No.287915
forgot one more, added gitmo stuff to blank book cut out
▶ 9a4be3 (1) No.293477
Trump is fighting human trafficking on a daily basis.
▶ bf8a75 (1) No.293603
▶ 9ab8ba (2) No.307237>>307924
Didn't create this, but it definitely deserves to be here. Fuck Hillary Clinton.
▶ f847e2 (1) No.307924>>309214
Is this photoshopped?
▶ 89c9dd (1) No.309214
https:// www.flickr.com/photos/unc-cfc-usfk/sets/72157614179257900/with/3296693708/
▶ 7de791 (1) No.313390
Thought I'd leave this here for memes about Boomers/ cucks / and/or Rob Reiner.
▶ c1c959 (3) No.314095
My 1st Blank.
It's like making casings for the ammo to go into :-)
▶ c09cd3 (1) No.332756>>3362576
Crap. I fucked up and posted this on the completed meme board. My bad.I think it would be cool to have a meme to fit in the header on twitter. Someone tried and had some trouble with it. Space is needed at top and bottom or twitter auto stretches it and the top&bottom lines get covered up. I also don't think it can be any wider. Needs a better background.
▶ e2430e (2) No.360229
love to all the anons and by love I mean, throw me a sick bag, you fuckers are ugly faggots.
▶ c4ba2a (2) No.364100>>364112
Painting portrait template & other logos
▶ c4ba2a (2) No.364112
Double posted elephant by mistake
▶ c04443 (1) No.365484
I need a meme with suzane rice saying her 'by the book'.text that she texted to herself
Which book would that be Husein? The Koran? Islam permits lying! It is called “Al-taqiyya.” To infiltrate and betray the Infidel!
▶ 482391 (13) No.371567
hashtag suggestion
▶ 052215 (5) No.373000
Maybe some dupes but sized for twatter
▶ 3a4d20 (1) No.380033
Calls for GCHQ to come clean.
What did they know and when.
Is this any way to treat your friends?
▶ 5e8c10 (1) No.380516
"This Breaking News Update Sponsored by Eli Lilly"
▶ 052215 (5) No.396617
This one is added to my private collection ;)
▶ 7d4a21 (1) No.408862
▶ fa0357 (2) No.431806
>>113884 (OP)
My friends, my allies, my children of light.
Whoever made this, is awesome.
Would any of you Jedi Masters of the Kek, be able to increase this awesomeness with your powers of Meme?
This soul possess no knowledge of these mystic arts. So I reach out to you.
Bless you all!
May the Divine Light of TRUTH blind the darkness of this world!
▶ fa0357 (2) No.432173
>>113884 (OP)
My friends, my allies, my children of light!
For those of you who have viewed my other posts, you may have come to the conclusion that EM is actually the Anti-Christ. Sent here to deliver our prison, our cage of evil constructed by our puppet masters. I found this picture... I would humbly ask any of you beautiful Autists out there to Meme away when time permits!
▶ 10aabc (6) No.466741
Hillary needs to be locked up yesterday
▶ 10aabc (6) No.467024
Traitor in Chief - High Treason
▶ 10aabc (6) No.467126
Time to fight and decimate
▶ 10aabc (6) No.467316
Pray for America
Pray for President Trump
▶ 497788 (1) No.468577
Stick To The Script!
https:// media.8ch.net/file_store/b2826a101c38fba32a0c5b7d71ca3b0e7b85528e4723b51808735807ac0e1a60.png
▶ 13f151 (1) No.481880
Corrupt sold out masculine and incompetent RI Gov. Gina Raimondo is signing executive order to take the guns of those THEY deem dangerous/Mentally ill.
Also, she looks just like the fucking Wicked Witch of the WEST!!!
Heres the kicker:
It's called The RED FLAG BILL
Link to brief news clip:
https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ2Lp-MLzRI
▶ 795a6e (1) No.483590
theme: hypnosis / mockingbird
▶ 0a885c (1) No.484496
>bad cropping
>text is the same color as the object behind it.
▶ 1f25d9 (1) No.485062>>487877
If it looks like a snake…
▶ 052215 (5) No.494560
Have at em fags. God bless
▶ c5ebbb (3) No.496414
Verified to be copyright free. Attrition not required.
▶ c5ebbb (3) No.496636
This batch is also copyright free with no attrition required.
▶ 0bc61b (2) No.589137
maybe something like tonight on the living dead, just kidding this is socialist paradise venezuela
▶ 952b69 (1) No.666036>>714529
Lookin' for shots of celebs with black eyes. Who's got 'em?
▶ 071710 (1) No.693467
▶ 3af547 (2) No.714449
Made own transparent Comey ready for background and your own "That's It" placement (suggest you stick with standard upper-aligned white Impact font, black stroke, but w/e). It sucks but can't find original.
▶ 3af547 (2) No.714529
Sorry, jacked up post above to give
something to work with. Changed mind (they're hardly templates but I lost origs), but guess they were uploaded. Meant to just upload the comey one (garbage outlining, can't find original but someone has it: they've got good copy. This works with dark backgrounds okay though. Tethering 3.
Here is template I meant to post of Comey:
▶ 9ce363 (1) No.782657
Noam Chomsky Template i created about a year ago…
▶ a2580e (2) No.956511>>956543
"McCain says State provided security in Syria trip
http:// politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/05/29/syria-visit-steels-mccains-resolve/
▶ a2580e (2) No.956543
"He traveled roughly 1 kilometer inside Syria to meet with rebel leaders from different Syrian cities"
▶ 0d0e34 (1) No.1027497
Ustashi Nazis in bed with the Catholic Gold Diggers
▶ df1114 (3) No.1068183
▶ df1114 (3) No.1068287
▶ 184c03 (1) No.1165710
Surprised nobody ever made these into templates.
▶ 43bfb7 (1) No.1178365
All for one, one for all, united we stand, divided we fall!
▶ 0c7186 (2) No.1256071
Kanye/Morpheus Matrix templates
▶ d6cf8e (1) No.1315835
Office Space
It was a 'jump to conclusions' mat.
You see, it would be this mat that you would put on the floor, and it would have different conclusions written on it that you could jump to.
an idiotic game about making idiotic decisions
Maybe edit the older guy's face, or change text in squares.
▶ 4ef985 (1) No.1379119
Who Remembers? Peperidge Farm Remembers.
▶ e525ac (1) No.1513252
▶ 67506a (1) No.1552244
This pic shows this POTUS really is up for the 3am phone call if necessary.
EXACTLY 3:00 AM on the clock.
Can be used as is, or added to.
Remember it for 2020 campaign also.
▶ 800caa (2) No.1654782>>1654795
someone in the general requested pics of the press pool
▶ 59870d (8) No.2043031
Looking forward to seeing to your talents for these!
▶ 59870d (8) No.2049660
Need to bring some heat to the royals.
None on this could have happened without them.
▶ 59870d (8) No.2049795
I will cut your balls off. Got it?
▶ 59870d (8) No.2049850
This one pairs nicely with Obama's portrait in the leaves. This is symbolism of a druid bring the spring ceremony. Bill Clinton did one live in his inaugural speech right in front of our faces.
▶ 59870d (8) No.2050998
Obama and Joe
Made Hunter Biden 2009 $1 Billion China deal happen!
▶ 8d1135 (16) No.2458944
Marina Abramovic
John Podesta
Hillary Clinton
Huma Abedin
No Name
▶ 8d1135 (16) No.2458971
Jeff Bezos
Jack Dorsey
▶ 8d1135 (16) No.2459523
prison bars
cnn logo
smokey bear
▶ f74089 (1) No.2500688>>2573301
Could any of you master meme wizards turn this into a proper "Red Wave"?
I think it's fitting.
Thank you in advance!
▶ e95154 (1) No.2513482
Twit Cutout or Mask.
More available at, of course, the company.
▶ 45b680 (1) No.2655026
Promised to put these here.
https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=CIsVGDq8nd8
I have a copy of the video (if need be) but unsure of where to archive it.
▶ bfca19 (1) No.2703094
>>113884 (OP)
Clean threding
▶ cf63ff (4) No.2893956
Generation Q templates for Q quotes.
▶ 235c77 (1) No.3068624
>>113884 (OP)
I can't get a MEME maker to work. Turned this into a jpg file. I tried the Kek Meme maker…not a graphic designer, couldn't get file to save/upload. Do with it what you will.
▶ d506ef (3) No.3152843
▶ d506ef (3) No.3152897
Just needs sunglasses. Then, she can be the poster-girl to promote "pound me too!"
▶ 0fe146 (1) No.3275777
You are Glowing.
Anons don't meme babies or children.
▶ 208723 (2) No.3353658>>3353684
Shame Q posts not being posted.
▶ 208723 (2) No.3353684
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.345 📁
Oct 5 2018 17:06:41 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.344 📁
Oct 5 2018 16:49:06 (EST)
DVx_4xgVoAAYvkH.jpg ⬇
And so it begins..
How do you start a WAR?
[Markers] matter.
Playbook [FAIL].
▶ b29418 (2) No.3362576
WI’ll give it a go.
▶ 291b84 (4) No.3388335
Twitter 1024x512 - Eric Holder
▶ 291b84 (4) No.3388359
Twitter 1024x512 - John Brennan
▶ 291b84 (4) No.3388376
Twitter 1024x512 - Susan Rice
▶ 291b84 (4) No.3388394
Twitter 1024x512 - Valerie Jarrett
▶ 68d03e (1) No.3593772
▶ 27a697 (1) No.3740421
This is the oathbreaker.
Antimasonic meme if you look at it your masonic oaths are broken null and void. This pisses off the clowns more than anything. Its about 2 years old and part of me thinks Q is alluding to the oathbreaker with the letter Q