b884f9 No.2163922
Self-Service Image Library
to spread truth and calm the storm
Through tempest, storm,
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Read board rules >>3138 first. No name/email/subject when you post.
Meme Ammo Stockpiles
25 >>1963080 Other meme ammo can be found in the archives and in the
22,700+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic
Other Tools
Meme templates >>113884 , https://kek.gg/draw/
Meme Makers: We prefer .jpeg images due to smaller file size. How? After creating an image, "Save as," select .jpeg filetype. To shrink the file even more, use 90% quality setting with no significant loss of fidelity. Your text should be readable; if you can't read it, neither can they! Please spell-check.
Beware Twitter image truncation!! Images for Twitter should be 2:1 shape, e.g. 1024 wide x 512 high. Twitter will shrink larger images to 1024 x 512, and chop the bottoms of those that are the wrong shape.
To Download Images: Click the thumbnail to open fullsize image. Right click fullsize image and download to your device. Download fullsize images, not thumbnails.
-->These collections are not vetted or "approved". Some images may be inappropriate. Learn to select the best Images. Know your audience.
-->Visit the current War Room >>2160302 for current campaigns, hashtags, tactics.
See our collection of redpilling tips in Memes25 -->
ce8fe8 No.2166268
We are prepped for this.
Time to start thinking about what happened here, and why.
That's why it's called the
Great Awakening
617bdf No.2168093
Can you redo that using a poodle?
fe3dea No.2171149
MAGA vs. Globalists
Restoring Our Faith in America!
b8c028 No.2171183
File: c211a6681f27ebb⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 6.2 MB, 720x906, 120:151, videotogif_2018.07.16_02.1….gif)
870981 No.2176833
Pamela Anderson says people are programmed to blame Russia when things go wrong, so that's why I program myself to believe that Russia is to blame for this picture and for symbolically giving a football to someone who has no idea how to play.
Are you programmed to believe the Russians are innocent?
3c5e72 No.2177663
Deep State in DEEP SHIT!!!
373dc2 No.2183909
Redpill and counter attack
8f5ea2 No.2187025
Images should be larger than these thumbnails.
Suggested size is >1000 pixels in the widest dimension.
You have such interesting images and it would be shame if no one can read the text.
An excellent size for twitter is 1024 x 512.
8f5ea2 No.2187035
Web search turned up a slightly bigger one. This size is still hard to read tho.
8f5ea2 No.2187074
Guidance on image size for memes
These images are interesting but they are too small. Before you post, check the image size on your device. If it is smaller than 1000 pixels wide or 1000 pixels high, look for a full size version of that thumbnail.
If you don't know how to query image properties, do a web search and learn how to do it. How to check the image size depends on your device. On many devices/environments, a right click lets you query the image properties.
Every time an image get rescaled it loses fidelity and becomes blurry.
Look for original high-resolution images that are large enough to be distributed on twitter.
1024 wide x 512 high is the optimal size for twitter.
We are all learning and teaching one another here how to sharpen our game.
8f5ea2 No.2187137
Thank you for your human-readable filenames! Readable filenames are VERY VERY helpful as I harvest memes for the archives, saves poor old aching hands from typing so much and makes the archive easily searchable.
Memearchiveanon encourages all meme makers to give your images keyword searchable filenames like this good anon uses.
So impressed with all the meme contributions from all of our fantastic memeanons! ThankQ fam.
Rock on.
783a36 No.2187176
Not on twitter, not tech savy, old lady, need help. Love what you do here. Wide awake. Can't sleep. God bless us all. WWG1WGA
Post last edited at
b38830 No.2187199
First rule.. don't post your name.. stay anonymous.
8f5ea2 No.2187240
Anon, I have to report your post for deletion, to protect your personal info that you posted.
Do not fill in the name and email fields when you post on 8ch. This is for your safety.
8f5ea2 No.2187410
I don't get it? What is the base image? What does the text on it mean?
I'm clueless.
042152 No.2187730
Welcome Old Lady Anon. Old Lady too. Right with you on the not tech savy but the more you lurk the more you learn. You may surprise yourself….I did.
042152 No.2187784
Great Memes. Misspelled word. Correct to ADDRESS.
f8db04 No.2187840
Putin has umbrella.. cuck France doesn't.
3f23b9 No.2188026
You are super welcome, and thank you for all the work you've done - we all really appreciate your efforts!
6bcc12 No.2195356
b626d0 No.2199356
God Bless America! PRAY for POTUS
31f721 No.2200941
'Tis truth of history & today.
Socialism is not a system of government…It's a system of economics. In & of itself, it will bankrupt a nation.
The only "food" that sustains any system of government is totally dependant on the health of the Private Sector Economy. No matter what form an Administrative Government takes, combining Socialism with it is certain doom for both the People & the Government.
31f721 No.2201132
According to the video of the Helsinki Summit, Putin denied that it was the government that sent that money…It was Browder, who does NOT represent government interests; https: //www.nytimes.com/2018/07/16/world/europe/putin-bill-browder-magnitsky-investor.html
Browder obtained that money illegally (didn't pay taxes, neither to Russia or to US) & sent it to Clinton Foundation. The donation itself was legal, but obtaining it was not; in essence, it was laundered through Clinton Foundation.
Just as Soros does NOT work with our nation's interests, likewise Browder does NOT work with Russia's interests.
324377 No.2201239
9f3835 No.2201818
Kevin Spacey's voice is so rich in irony here.
f9bf75 No.2203729
spelling error corrected
b38830 No.2204031
Someone mentioned the other day they're trying to take the word 'patriot' for their own side.. there it is there.
d93c33 No.2207109
Montenegro: Vicious circle of corruption
Refugees from Montenegro have virtually no chance of being granted asylum in Germany. Still, many are fleeing their tiny republic, where nepotism and rampant corruption have bred high unemployment.
1361fe No.2210629
fffc83 No.2211110
I think the new DNC slogan For The People is open for all kinds of meme action.
f981a1 No.2212197
Who is Q? Preparing for when the dam breaks, soon.
324377 No.2212506
#SmartBall #TrumpRussiaCollusion
02133c No.2212632
Some bring redpeace other greenpeace, others reject both.
I would like to introduce you to the new greenpiss@u
3f23b9 No.2216737
Variation of image 4, with an addition
cc5b71 No.2222160
DON'T Forget to vote next Tuesday!
And remember the new slogan the dems have…. it's soooo much fun to mock it for what is is!
so memefags… BRING IT ON!
397f79 No.2223891
These are fantastic anon.
892a12 No.2224027
Yes kudos to the anon that made them, not me. Mine today are the Peace Party Helsinki Summit memes.
c4f0da No.2224997
Nice touch by using a Soviet SU Fighter Jet as background image.
768f0d No.2227348
#TrumpDerangementSyndrome? #GTFO
efaee3 No.2228032
It's never been about Trump….witch hunt :D
a6e5b8 No.2228233
(copypasta of explanation from general):
I think this could be a great meme idea, its an expansion of peace through strength
I just took a pic of each leader, then laid an already made background (expect the black background of #1) with each flag behind them
(except for the #5, I took the three flags then made that one, kek)
these memes are a big FUCK YOU to the globalist neocons and neoliberals who want WW3 no matter what, while POTUS and WE THE PEOPLE don't
got the idea from the #TrumpWorldPeace memes, and the hashtag works for these too
they are relatively easy to make, and can be mass produced:
just grab three pics, preferably put POTUS and the USA flag in the foreground, then make a background with the three flags
just a suggestion, carry on anons, o7
"What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?"
970670 No.2231461
MSM, Elon Musk, fake news.
67a774 No.2233727
Full moon coming.
6eef37 No.2241974
From Arfcom
Nore possible Life Alert on chain
6eef37 No.2242105
Might be a locket for Nitro, coke or adenochrome…
e87825 No.2242608
And it spreads like a cancer though society -
This is the direct result of the do anything - and the police are powerless against the special interests backing this?
Keep it up, power structure, and a rise in vigilantism is what you shall reap.
b38830 No.2243322
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says that with Bernie Sanders’ help, they’re going to “flip this seat **RED** in November”
250980 No.2245308
cec72d No.2248382
Trump and Rouhani meme for today….
04475e No.2248813
74dc21 No.2259140
74dc21 No.2259256
kek everytime to the sagan one
that was a random one
9f1612 No.2259492
Face transplant request:
9f1612 No.2259504
Plop whacko head on running bear
a11c7c No.2260886
More from the OZY Fest freak show
a789a2 No.2263350
Made minor fixes… and fixed the lighting.
250980 No.2264098
Imagine being chased by that!
8d65d6 No.2264128
It was a great idea! Let me know if you have more.
8d65d6 No.2264453
Hm, is she missing something? There we go….
250980 No.2267005
She needs to be holding a Tomahawk or a meat cleaver or a claw hammer :D
250980 No.2267156
Maybe two tomahawks… Or a turkey leg
250980 No.2267626
Electric carving knives… The possibilities are endless
250980 No.2268157
Excellent XD
8d65d6 No.2268398
my fucking sides
250980 No.2269958
Raging bat squaw raise big wampum
Smokum Peace Pipe